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Name: ___________________________________________ Score: ___________

General Directions: Read and understand the specific instruction for each part of the test, and choose the best
answer for each item. Write the letter on the space provided before each number.

I. A. Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer from the given choices. Write your answer on the space
provided before each number.
_________1. Which is not a part of a business letter?
A. Indenting B. Signature C. Inside Address D. Salutation
_________2. How many times will your name appear on a business letter?
A. 2. B. 3 C. 4 D. 1
_________3.Which part of a business letter comes after the body?
A. Salutation B. Closing C. Signature D. Heading
________ 4. What do you call the name and address you are writing for?
A. Inside Address B. Heading C. Signature D. Body
________ 5. Which part of a business letter uses a colon?
A. Heading B. Inside Address C. Signature D. Salutation
________ 6. Singapore was originally known as?
A. Temasek B. Johor Lama C. It had no name D. Palembang
________ 7. The name Singapore was attributed to this 14th century Sumatran prince. What was his name?
A. Hayam Wuruk B. Srivijaya C. Iskanda Shah D. Sang Nila Utama
________ 8. Singapore became prominent about 1390 when this prince broke off allegeiance to the Majapahit and was
granted asylum in Temasek. He murdered his chieftain host, and made himself the island's new ruler. Who was he?
A. Adityawarman B. Temagi C. Radan Wijaya D. Iskanda Shah
________ 9. He was the European who credited with the founding of modern Singapore in 1819.
A. Sir Francis Light B. Sir Stamford Raffles C. William Farquhar D. John Crawford
________10. Which territory in Singapore was incorporated with Malacca and Penang?
A. Federated Malay States B. Malayan Union C. Malaya D. The Straits Settlements
________ 11. Tells audience where the subject is his/her/its surroundings.
A. Extreme Long Shot B. Medium shot C. Head and Shoulder shot D. Full Shot
________ 12. Frame a person from head to toe or completely frame an object.
A. Close-up B. Full shot C. Long shot D. Medium shot
________ 13. Crops subject between knees and waist.
A. Wide shot B. Medium shot C. Long shot D. Close-up
________ 14. Details about subject’s face without getting too close.
A. Three quarter shot B. Long shot C. Medium Clos- up D. Wide shot
_________ 15. Only shows part of face/object.
A. Long shot B. Medium shot C. Wide shot D. Extreme Close-up
_________ 16. Which of these is a communication skill?
A. Talking clearly B. Chewing gum C. looking bored D. sleeping
_________.17. Which of these is not a communication skill?
A. Running B. texting C. chatting to people D. talking clearly
_________ 18. What body language shows you are listening?
A. Turning away from the speaker C. looking out of the window
B. Nodding and making eye contact D. sleeping
_________ 19. Someone is telling you about an accident they’ve had. How would you react?
A. Look pleased B. look behind you C. look concerned D. don’t mind it
_________ 20. Which of these is not a communication skill?
A. Laughing B. swimming C. asking questions D. looking bored
B. True or False: Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false.
________ 21. A figure of speech is known as an idiom.
________ 22. An example of alliteration is:
"Silently, softly the swans swam on the lake."
________ 23. Imagery is the term given to a comparison beginning with "like" or "as".
________ 24. Personification is the name given to the term which describes giving non-living entities the qualities of a
living thing.
________ 25. "The fog crept on little cat feet" is an example of a metaphor.
________ 26. Alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words.
________ 27. Another example of a simile is:
"The boys dove on the ball like angry dogs snarling for a bone."
________ 28. The curious cat crept towards the mouse hole.
The repetition of the "c" sounds is a simile.
________ 29. "The fog crept on little cat feet" can also be an example of personification.
________ 30. "The cat's as fast as a jet on a runway" is an example of a metaphor.

II. A. Change the direct speech into reported speech. Use 'she said' at the beginning of each answer. It's the
same day, so you don't need to change the time expressions.
31) "He works in a bank." She said that he worked in a bank. (bonus)
32) "I'm coming!" _________________________________________________
33) "I'd never been there before." ________________________________________________
34) "Lucy will come later." _________________________________________________
35) "I can help you tomorrow." _________________________________________________

B. In each of the groups of words below, one word may be misspelled or no words
may be misspelled. If a word is misspelled, write it correctly to the right of each group. If none
of the words in the group is misspelled, write "none."
36. fuzzes, laundrys, sufficient __________________
37. turkeys, trophies, arrival, armies __________________
38. acrage, analysis, dosage __________________
39. acompaniment, played, interviewed __________________
40. privilege, excelling, eighth __________________
41. adolescence, contemporary, ninty __________________
42. athletic, conscious, mathematics __________________
43. performence, fiery, recede __________________
44. leisure, familiar, professor __________________
45. undoubtly, experience, succeed __________________

III. READING COMPREHENSION. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

The Boat Parade

The boats are floating along the lakeshore. It is the summer boat parade.

There are motor boats, rowboats and sailboats.

Jessica’s favorite is the yellow motor boat with the flag. The rowboat decorated with flowers is Lisa’s favorite. Tony
likes the purple sailboat.

The boats float by one at a time. The people on the boats waive at the crowds. The crowds cheer the boats.

The boat parade is so much fun to watch. It is the best part of the summer.

______ 46. Where is the boats floating?

A. beside the lakeshore C. along the lakeshore
B. under the lakeshore D. inside the lakeshore
______ 47. What kind of boats are there?
A. motor boats only C. motor boats, rowboats and sailboats
B. motorcycle boat D. rowboats only
______ 48.What is Lisa’s favorite boat?
A. yellow motor boat C. purple sailboats
B. rowboat decorated with flowers D. red boat
______ 49. What is the best part of summer?
A. the boat parade C. the boat float
B. the rowboat D. the red boat
______ 50. Where the people on the boats waive?
A. at the crowd B. at lakeshore C. at the animals D. at the boats

Commit your actions to the LORD, and your plans will succeed.
Proverbs 16:3

Prepared by:


Grade 7 – English Teacher

Checked by:

Janette N. Ballares, Ed D
Principal - I

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