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Index of CAPTAIN’S LOG #18-#54

0 (Numbers) After Action, FC Briefing #2: CL39SF

550 Words on Making your Battle Group Article Better, Input After Action, FC Hydran Attack: CL40
Guide: CL48 After Action, FC Klingon Attack: CL33
After Action, FC Reference Rulebook: CL39, CL39SF
A After Action, FC Reinforcements Attack: CL46, CL47
A Call to Arms: See Call to Arms, A After Action, FC Reinforcements Attack: CL47
A-6 Attack Shuttle, Developmental History of: CL30 After Action, FC Tactics Manual: CL49
ACTA: See Call to Arms, A After Action, FC Tholian Attack: CL35
ADB Employment Application (humor): CL42 After Action, FC War and Peace: CL42
ADB Games You’ll Never See: CL45 After Action, Federation Master Starship Book: CL50
Admiral’s Game, Update: CL31, CL36 After Action, Gorn Master Starship Book: CL54
Advanced Ground Combat: CL31 After Action, Kindle For the Glory of the Empire: CL51
Advanced Operations: See F&E Advanced Operations. After Action, GURPS 4th Edition: CL31
After Action After Action, GURPS Federation: CL43
After Action, A Call to Arms: Star Fleet 1.2: CL50 After Action, Klingon B10 Fleet Box: CL23
After Action, A Call to Arms: Star Fleet 1.2 Deluxe: CL50 After Action, Klingon Master Starship Book: CL51
After Action, Away Team Log: CL49 After Action, Magnificent Seven: CL47
After Action, Captain’s Log #17: CL18 After Action, PD20M Federation: CL42
After Action, Captain’s Log #18: CL19 After Action, PD20M Klingons: CL40
After Action, Captain’s Log #19: CL20 After Action, PD20M Romulans: CL45
After Action, Captain’s Log #20: CL21 After Action, SFB Advanced Missions 99: CL19
After Action, Captain’s Log #21: CL22 After Action, SFB Advanced Missions, 2013 edition: CL46
After Action, Captain’s Log #22: CL23 After Action, SFB Basic Set 99: CL19
After Action, Captain’s Log #23: CL24 After Action, SFB Cadet Training Handbook: CL18
After Action, Captain’s Log #24: CL25 After Action, SFB Module A+: CL26
After Action, Captain’s Log #25: CL26 After Action, SFB Module C1: See Ask Kommodore Ketrick:
After Action, Captain’s Log #26: CL27 CL19
After Action, Captain’s Log #27: CL29 After Action, SFB Module C3, Andro Threat file: CL43
After Action, Captain’s Log #28: CL29 After Action, SFB Module C3A: CL43
After Action, Captain’s Log #29: CL30 After Action, SFB Module C4: CL18
After Action, Captain’s Log #30: CL31 After Action, SFB Module C4: See Ask Kommodore Ketrick:
After Action, Captain’s Log #31: CL32 CL18
After Action, Captain’s Log #32: CL33 After Action, SFB Module C5 Magellanics: CL34
After Action, Captain’s Log #33: CL34 After Action, SFB Module C6: CL48
After Action, Captain’s Log #34: CL35 After Action, SFB Module E1: CL20
After Action, Captain’s Log #35: CL36 After Action, SFB Module E3: CL23, CL43
After Action, Captain’s Log #36: CL37 After Action, SFB Module F1: CL31
After Action, Captain’s Log #37: CL38 After Action, SFB Module F2: CL32
After Action, Captain’s Log #38: CL39, CL39SF, Designer’s After Action, SFB Module G1: CL18
Notes CL38SF After Action, SFB Module G3: CL39, CL39SF
After Action, Captain’s Log #39: CL40SF, Designer’s Notes After Action, SFB Module G3A: CL40SF
CL39SF After Action, SFB Module J2: CL25
After Action, Captain’s Log #40: CL41, Designer’s Notes After Action, SFB Module K: See Ask Kommodore Ketrick,
After Action, Captain’s Log #41: CL42SF, Designer’s Notes After Action, SFB Module Omega 2: CL21
CL41SF After Action, SFB Module Omega 3: CL21
After Action, Captain’s Log #42: CL423F, Designer’s Notes After Action, SFB Module Omega 4: CL24
CL42SF After Action, SFB Module Omega 5: CL38
After Action, Captain’s Log #43: Designer’s Notes CL43SF After Action, SFB Module P6: CL18
After Action, Captain’s Log #44: CL44SF After Action, SFB Module R10: CL27
After Action, Captain’s Log #45: CL45SF After Action, SFB Module R11: CL36
After Action, Captain’s Log #46: CL46SF After Action, SFB Module R6: CL18
After Action, Captain’s Log #47: CL47SF After Action, SFB Module R6: See Ask Kommodore Ketrick:
After Action, Captain’s Log #48: CL49, CL49SF CL18, CL19
After Action, Captain’s Log #49: CL50 After Action, SFB Module R7: CL20
After Action, Captain’s Log #54: CL54 After Action, SFB Module R8: CL30
After Action, Communique: CL54 After Action, SFB Module R9: CL30
After Action, F&E 2000: CL21 After Action, SFB Module T-2000: CL20
After Action, F&E 2010: CL41 After Action, SFB Module T2012: CL45
After Action, F&E Advanced Operations: CL26 After Action, SFB Module TR: CL23
After Action, F&E Combined Operations: CL27 After Action, SFB Module W: CL24
After Action, F&E Fighter Operations: CL29 After Action, SFB Module X1: CL22
After Action, F&E Fighter Operations 2016: CL51 After Action, SFB Module X1: See Ask Kommodore Ketrick,
After Action, F&E Planetary Operations: CL30 CL19
After Action, F&E ReinForcements: CL29 After Action, SFB Module X1R: CL38
After Action, FC Battleships Attack: CL36 After Action, SFB Module Y1 (update article): CL22
After Action, FC Boosters 34-36: CL45 After Action, SFB Module Y2: CL39, CL39SF

Updated 7 October 2020, Copyright © 2005-2020, ADB, Inc. — Page 1

Index of CAPTAIN’S LOG #18-#54
After Action, SFB Module Y3: CL42SF Ask A Question, Fighters: CL27, CL32, CL33, CL35, CL36,
After Action, SFB Omega Master Rulebook: CL35 CL39, CL41, CL45, CL49, CL52
After Action, SFB Special Countersheet #1: CL26 Ask a Question, Fire Control: CL51
After Action, SFU Campaign Designer’s Handbook: CL18 Ask A Question, Ground Combat: CL49
After Action, Shapeways: CL54 Ask A Question, Gunboats: CL33, CL38, CL41, CL42, CL43,
After Action, Star Fleet Battle Force: CL23 CL51
After Action, Star Fleet Marines Assault: CL45 Ask A Question, Inactive Augmentation Module: CL41
After Action, Star Fleet Marines Last Stand: CL47 Ask A Question, Intelligence and Concealment: CL25, CL37
After Action, Starmada Battleships: CL47 Ask A Question, Internal Bays: CL31
After Action, Starmada Nova: CL45, CL46, CL47 Ask a Question, Jindarian Bombers: CL51
After Action, Starmada Romulan Armada: CL41 Ask A Question, Juggernaut: CL40
After Action, Starmada: CL40 Ask A Question: Klingon Mutiny: CL51
After Action, Starship Aldo: CL43 Ask A Question, Landing: CL42
After Action, Stellar Shadow Journal #1: CL22 Ask A Question, Legendary Officers: CL34
After Action, ZZZ
Ask A Question, Maneuver or Movement: CL22, CL46, CL47
Alien World Survival: CL43
Ask A Question, Marines: CL24, CL30, CL35, CL36, CL39,
Along Came a Spider, Triangulum Primer: CL47
Alpha Centauri, Planetary Survey: CL39
Ask a Question, Mind Monster: CL52
Alunda, Wild, Monster Special Rules: CL52
Ask A Question, Minefields, Mines, T-bombs: CL22, CL25,
Alunda Host, Tactical Primer: CL43
CL31, CL32, CL34, CL38, CL51, CL52
Amarillo Design Bureau, Inc.; introducing the New publisher:
Ask A Question, Miscellaneous: CL30, CL36, CL40, CL41,
CL43, CL45, CL47, CL52
Amoeba, making your own: CL36
Ask A Question, Module C1: CL19
An Introduction to F&E: CL50
Ask A Question, Module C4: CL18
Analyzing Ashes, a Ymatrian Primer: CL34
Ask A Question, Module K: CL19
Arcturia, Planetary Survey: CL38
Ask A Question, Module R6: CL18, CL19
Article, How Captain’s Log Gets Done: CL25
Ask A Question, Module X1: CL19
Article, Infinite Avenues to Infinite Markets: CL34
Ask a Question, MRS Shuttle: CL52
Article: Be an Alpha Gamer!: CL29
Ask A Question, Omega: CL23, CL46, CL47, CL48, CL51
Artists: List of those used: Every issue.
Ask A Question, Passive Fire Control: CL20
Ask A Question Ask A Question, Patrol Battles: CL36
Ask A Question, A Compilation of Ketrick, Growler, and Ask A Question, Peacekeeping: CL39
Vanaxilth Ask A Question, Phaser Capacitors: CL51
Ask A Question, A bit of everything: CL30, CL36, CL40, CL41 Ask A Question, Plasma Torpedoes: CL32, CL33, CL39, CL43,
Ask A Question, Advanced Missions 99: CL19 CL45, CL47, CL50, CL51
Ask A Question, Andromedan Bissection Beam: CL44 Ask A Question, Repair: CL25, CL29, CL31
Ask A Question, Andromedan Power Modules: CL24 Ask A Question, Repairing Your Fighter: CL20
Ask A Question, Andromedans: CL23, CL31, CL35, CL48, Ask A Question, Rules: CL18
CL51, CL52 Ask A Question, Same Hex Combat: CL21
Ask A Question, Anti-Drones on Fighters: CL20 Ask A Question, Scatter-Packs: CL32, CL50, CL52
Ask A Question, Bases: CL26, CL31, CL42, CL47, CL49 Ask A Question, Scouts: CL45
Ask A Question, Basic Set 99: CL19 Ask A Question, Seeking Weapons: CL26
Ask A Question, Blinding Your Light: CL20 Ask A Question, Seltorian Weapons: CL20
Ask A Question, Boarding Parties: see Marines Ask A Question, Servicing Special Mission Shuttles: CL21
Ask A Question, Bombers: CL33 Ask A Question, Shields: CL20, CL22, CL26, CL27, CL29,
Ask A Question, Booms and Saucers: CL51 CL32
Ask A Question, Calling Doctor Fixit: CL20 Ask A Question, Ships: CL27
Ask A Question, Campaign Designer’s Handbook: CL18 Ask A Question, Shuttlecraft: CL22, CL24, CL25, CL41, CL43,
Ask A Question, Carrier Operations: CL50 CL45, CL48
Ask A Question, Cloaks: CL44, CL50 Ask A Question, Simulation Guides: CL23
Ask A Question, Cloud of Mystery: CL39 Ask A Question, Space Dragons: CL31
Ask A Question, Combat: CL22 Ask A Question, Speed Change Rules: CL21, CL22, CL23,
Ask A Question, Comets: CL50 CL24, CL26, CL30, CL31
Ask A Question, Command Ratings: CL31 Ask A Question, Tactical Intelligence: CL26: CL35, CL51,
Ask A Question, Commander’s Options: CL26, CL44 CL52
Ask a Question, Crew Casualties: CL51 Ask A Question, Tactical Maneuvers: CL22
Ask A Question, Death Bolts: CL49 Ask A Question, Terrain: CL22, CL37
Ask A Question, Docking: CL40, CL45 Ask A Question, Tholians: CL39SF, CL51
Ask A Question, Does That New Thing Work: CL41 Ask A Question, Tournament: CL31
Ask a Question, Drogues: CL51 Ask A Question, Tractors: CL22, CL25, CL26, CL30, CL31,
Ask A Question, Drones: CL22, CL24, CL27, CL32, CL33, CL34, CL35, CL36, CL41, CL42, CL43, CL48, CL50,
CL34, CL35, CL40, CL42, CL44, CL45, CL47 CL52
Ask A Question, Electronic Warfare: CL22, CL23, CL32, CL35, Ask A Question, Tugs and Pods: CL34, CL50
CL38 Ask A Question, Ubitron Interface Modules: CL50
Ask A Question, Energy Allocation: CL22, CL46 Ask A Question, Weapons Status: CL50
Ask A Question, ESG: CL20, CL31, CL37, CL38, CL46 Ask A Question, Weapons: CL38
Ask A Question, Expeditionary Campaign: CL39 Ask A Question, Web: CL20, CL24, CL29, CL37, CL46, CL49

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Index of CAPTAIN’S LOG #18-#54
Ask A Question, When Does a Cadet become a Captain: CL41 Ask Admiral Vanaxilth
Ask A Question, Wild Weasels: CL22, CL31, CL32, CL37, Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Andromedans: CL48, CL51, CL52,
CL47, CL49, CL50 CL53
Ask A Question, X-Ships, CL52 Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Bases: CL47, CL49
Ask A Question, X-Tech: CL36, CL4 Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Boarding Parties: see Marines
Ask Admiral Growler Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Booms and Saucers: CL51
Ask Admiral Growler, A bit of everything: CL30, CL36, CL40, Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, BPV: CL53
CL41 Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Cloaks: CL44, CL50, CL53
Ask Admiral Growler, Andromedan Power Modules: CL24 Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Comets: CL50
Ask Admiral Growler, Andromedans: CL23, CL31, CL35 Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Crew Casualties: CL51
Ask Admiral Growler, Bases: CL26, CL31, CL42 Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Death Bolts: CL49
Ask Admiral Growler, Boarding Parties: see Marines Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Docking: CL45, CL52
Ask Admiral Growler, Bombers: CL33 Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Drogues: CL51
Ask Admiral Growler, Carriers: CL34 Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Drones: CL44, CL45, CL47, CL53
Ask Admiral Growler, Combat: CL22 Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, ECM Plasma: CL54
Ask Admiral Growler, Command Ratings: CL31 Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Electronic Warfare: CL53
Ask Admiral Growler, Commanders Options: CL26 Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Energy: CL46
Ask Admiral Growler, Damage and Repair: CL25, CL29, CL31 Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Escorts: CL54
Ask Admiral Growler, Docking: CL40, CL45, CL52 Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, ESGs: CL46
Ask Admiral Growler, Drones: CL22, CL24, CL27, CL32, CL33, Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Fast Patrol Ships: CL51
CL34, CL35, CL40, CL42 Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Fighters: CL45, CL49, CL52, CL54
Ask Admiral Growler, Electronic Warfare: CL22, CL23, CL32, Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Fire Control: CL51
CL35, CL38 Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Ground Combat: CL49
Ask Admiral Growler, Energy Allocation: CL22 Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, High Energy Turns: CL54
Ask Admiral Growler, ESGs: CL31, CL37, CL38 Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Jindarian Bombers: CL51
Ask Admiral Growler, Fighters: CL27, CL32, CL33, CL35, Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Klingon Mutiny: CL51
CL36, CL39, CL41 Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Maneuver or Movement: CL46, CL47
Ask Admiral Growler, Gunboats: CL33, CL38, CL41, CL42, Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Marines: CL52, CL53
CL43 Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Mind Monster: CL52
Ask Admiral Growler, Intelligence and Concealment: CL25, Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Mines: CL51, CL52, CL53
CL37 Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Miscellaneous: CL45, CL47, CL52
Ask Admiral Growler, Internal Bays: CL31 Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, MRS Shuttle: CL52
Ask Admiral Growler, Juggernaut: CL40 Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Omega: CL46, CL47, CL48, CL51
Ask Admiral Growler, Landing: CL42 Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Patrol Scenario Rules: CL54
Ask Admiral Growler, Legendary Officers: CL34 Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Phaser Capacitors: CL51
Ask Admiral Growler, Maneuver: CL22 Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Plasma: CL45, CL47
Ask Admiral Growler, Marines: CL24, CL30, CL35, CL36, CL39 Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Plasma Torpedoes: CL51
Ask Admiral Growler, Minefields, Mines, T-bombs: CL22, Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Scatter-packs: CL50, CL52
CL25, CL31, CL32, CL34, CL38 Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Scouts: CL45, CL54
Ask Admiral Growler, Omega: CL23 Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Shuttles: CL45, CL48
Ask Admiral Growler, Patrol Battles: CL36 Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Tactical Intelligence: CL51, CL52
Ask Admiral Growler, Plasma Torpedoes: CL32, CL33, CL39, Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Tholian Web: CL46, CL49
CL43 Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Tholians: CL51
Ask Admiral Growler, Scatter-Packs: CL32 Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Tractor Beams: CL48, CL50, CL52,
Ask Admiral Growler, Seeking Weapons: CL26 CL54
Ask Admiral Growler, Shield Boundaries: CL27, CL29, CL32 Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Tugs and Pods: CL50
Ask Admiral Growler, Shield ReinForcement: CL29 Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Ubitron Interface Modules: CL50
Ask Admiral Growler, Shield Repairs: CL26 Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Weapons Status: CL50
Ask Admiral Growler, Shield Split: CL22 Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Webs: See Tholian Web
Ask Admiral Growler, Ships: CL27 Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, Wild Weasels: CL47, CL49, CL50,
Ask Admiral Growler, Shuttlecraft: CL22, CL24, CL25, CL43 CL53
Ask Admiral Growler, Simulation Guides: CL23 Ask Admiral Vanaxilth, X-Ships: CL52
Ask Admiral Growler, Space Dragons: CL31 Ask Kommodore Ketrick
Ask Admiral Growler, Speed Changes: CL22, CL23, CL24, Ask Kommodore Ketrick, Advanced Missions 99: CL19
CL26, CL30, CL31 Ask Kommodore Ketrick, Andromedan Bissection Beam: CL44
Ask Admiral Growler, Tactical Intelligence: CL26: CL35 Ask Kommodore Ketrick, Anti-Drones on Fighters: CL20
Ask Admiral Growler, Tactical Maneuvers: CL22 Ask Kommodore Ketrick, Basic Set 99: CL19
Ask Admiral Growler, Terrain: CL22, CL37 Ask Kommodore Ketrick, Blinding Your Light: CL20
Ask Admiral Growler, Tholians: CL39SF Ask Kommodore Ketrick, Calling Doctor Fixit: CL20
Ask Admiral Growler, Tournament: CL31 Ask Kommodore Ketrick, Campaign Designer’s Handbook:
Ask Admiral Growler, Tractors: CL22, CL25, CL26, CL30, CL18
CL31, CL34, CL35, CL36, CL41, CL42, CL43 Ask Kommodore Ketrick, Carrier Operations: CL50
Ask Admiral Growler, Tugs: CL34 Ask Kommodore Ketrick, Cloud of Mystery: CL39
Ask Admiral Growler, Weapons: CL38 Ask Kommodore Ketrick, Come into My Web Mr Andro: CL20
Ask Admiral Growler, Webs: CL24, CL29, CL37 Ask Kommodore Ketrick, Commander’s Options: CL44
Ask Admiral Growler, Wild Weasels: CL22, CL31, CL32, CL37 Ask Kommodore Ketrick, Does That New Thing Work: CL41
Ask Admiral Growler, X-Tech: CL36, CL42 Ask Kommodore Ketrick, Expeditionary Campaign: CL39

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Index of CAPTAIN’S LOG #18-#54
Ask Kommodore Ketrick, General, CL43 Battle Group 800, Network Disruption: CL32
Ask Kommodore Ketrick, Inactive Augmentation Module: CL41 Battle Group 800: CL25
Ask Kommodore Ketrick, Let’s Grab a Shuttle and Leave: Battle Group 900, Circle the Echelon: CL26
CL41 Battle Group Report, active playing groups listed on website:
Ask Kommodore Ketrick, Let’s Talk About Rules: CL18 CL48-CL54
Ask Kommodore Ketrick, Module C1: CL19 Battle Group SG80: CL31
Ask Kommodore Ketrick, Module C4: CL18 Battle Group SH231 Convoy Gunboats: CL30
Ask Kommodore Ketrick, Module K: CL19 Battle Group U4.0: CL27
Battle Group, ZZZ
Ask Kommodore Ketrick, Module R6: CL18, CL19
Battle Groups, New SFB Rule: CL31
Ask Kommodore Ketrick, Module X1: CL19
Battle Tugs in Federation Commander: CL44
Ask Kommodore Ketrick, Passive Fire Control: CL20
Battle with Tribbles, The, Fiction: CL48
Ask Kommodore Ketrick, Peacekeeping: CL39
BattleForce: See Star Fleet Battle Force for card game, Battle
Ask Kommodore Ketrick, Plasma Torpedoes: CL50
Group for SFB scenario generator.
Ask Kommodore Ketrick, Repairing Your Fighter: CL20
Battleship Tactics, Federation Commander: CL36
Ask Kommodore Ketrick, Same Hex Combat: CL21
Battleships for Star Fleet Battle Force: CL36, CL37
Ask Kommodore Ketrick, Seltorian Weapons: CL20
Battlestations Star Fleet (brief announcements): CL40-49
Ask Kommodore Ketrick, Servicing Special Mission Shuttles:
Be an Alpha Gamer!: CL29
Biggest News in SFU History (Mongoose Joint Venture): CL43
Ask Kommodore Ketrick, Shielding Yourself from Blame: CL20
Bolosco, Tactical Primer: CL35
Ask Kommodore Ketrick, Speed Change Rules: CL21
Borak Update: CL45
Ask Kommodore Ketrick, The ESG Question: CL20
Borak, Prime Directive: CL44
Ask Kommodore Ketrick, Web and the ESG: CL20
Borak, Star Fleet Battle Force: CL44
Ask Kommodore Ketrick, Web Through the Years: CL20
Borders of Madness: See Federation Commander, Borders of
Ask Kommodore Ketrick, When Does a Cadet become a
Captain: CL41
Branthodon Primer: CL39
Ask Kommodore Ketrick: See also Ask Admiral Growler, Ask
Brief History of the Andromedan War by Gary Carney, Fiction:
Admiral Vanaxilth
Ask Major Kumerian: CL45
Bringing the Heat, a Probr Primer: CL34
Ask Uncle Ardak, FC: CL39
Ask Uncle Ardak, SFB: CL18, CL22, CL30 Brothers of the Anarchist
Asteroid Zero-Four computer game: CL39, CL43 Brothers of the Anarchist, Andromedan vs. Everybody: CL31
Awards: See Star Fleet Awards Brothers of the Anarchist, Carnivon vs. Federation: CL49
Brothers of the Anarchist, Carnivon vs. Hydran: CL49
B Brothers of the Anarchist, Carnivon vs. Klingon: CL49
Background Questions: All issues from CL38 Brothers of the Anarchist, Carnivon vs. Kzinti: CL49
Background, Andromedans: CL49 Brothers of the Anarchist, Carnivon vs. Lyran: CL49
Background, Carnivons: CL48 Brothers of the Anarchist, Carnivon vs. Vudar: CL49
Background, Gorns: CL44 Brothers of the Anarchist, Everybody vs. Andromedan: CL31
Background, Klingon Eastern Marches: CL49 Brothers of the Anarchist, Federation vs. Carnivon: CL49
Background, Kzintis: CL45 Brothers of the Anarchist, Federation vs. Hydran: CL51
Background: see Datafile for various articles Brothers of the Anarchist, Federation vs. Gorn: CL37
Baduvai Tactical Primer, Regretful Necessity, CL49 Brothers of the Anarchist, Federation vs. ISC: CL42
Banshees, Monster Special Rules: CL41 Brothers of the Anarchist, Federation vs. Klingon: CL23
Battle Frigates, Class History, CL31 Brothers of the Anarchist, Federation vs. Kzinti: CL36
Battle Group 1000, Assault on the Holdfast: CL29 Brothers of the Anarchist, Federation vs. Lyran: CL38
Battle Group 1000, Convoy Escort: CL33 Brothers of the Anarchist, Federation vs. Paravian: CL50
Battle Group 500, Rebel Reduction: CL34 Brothers of the Anarchist, Federation vs. Seltorian: CL44
Battle Group 550, Continuous Operations, CL43, CL43SF Brothers of the Anarchist, Federation vs. Tholian: CL33
Battle Group 550, Dangerous Ground: CL46 Brothers of the Anarchist, Federation vs. Vudar: CL45
Battle Group 550, Divided Forces: CL39, CL39SF Brothers of the Anarchist, Gorn vs. Hydran: CL51
Battle Group 550, Dilithium Crystal Asteroid: CL 54 Brothers of the Anarchist, Gorn vs. ISC: CL47
Battle Group 550, Encounter: CL42, CL42SF Brothers of the Anarchist, Gorn vs. Klingon: CL52
Battle Group 550, Extra-Galactic Intruder: CL40, CL40SF Brothers of the Anarchist, Gorn vs. Kzinti: CL41
Battle Group 550, Falling Bases: CL52 Brothers of the Anarchist, Gorn vs. Lyran: CL30
Battle Group 550, Fighting Convoy: CL50 Brothers of the Anarchist, Gorn vs. Paravian: CL50
Battle Group 550, Freighter Recovery: CL49 Brothers of the Anarchist, Gorn vs. Romulan: CL20
Battle Group 550, General Action: CL41, CL41SF Brothers of the Anarchist, Gorn vs. Tholian: CL46
Battle Group 550, Here There Be Monsters: CL47 Brothers of the Anarchist, Gorn vs. Vudar: CL52
Battle Group 550, Mobile Bases: CL51 Brothers of the Anarchist, Hydran vs. Carnivon: CL49
Battle Group 550, Opposed Planetary Landing: CL44, CL44SF Brothers of the Anarchist, Hydran vs. Federation: CL51
Battle Group 550, Pickup: CL45 Brothers of the Anarchist, Hydran vs. Gorn: CL51
Battle Group 550, Rescue at Farak III: CL48 Brothers of the Anarchist, Hydran vs. ISC: CL48
Battle Group 550, Space Hockey: CL53 Brothers of the Anarchist, Hydran vs. Klingon, CL19
Battle Group 550, Special Delivery: CL50 Brothers of the Anarchist, Hydran vs. Kzinti: CL51
Battle Group 550, Stop the Juggernaut: CL38, CL38SF Brothers of the Anarchist, Hydran vs. Lyran: CL29
Battle Group 550: CL22 Brothers of the Anarchist, Hydran vs. Romulan: CL51
Battle Group 600: CL19, CL20, CL21, CL24 Brothers of the Anarchist, Hydran vs. Vudar: CL43
Battle Group 700: CL23

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Index of CAPTAIN’S LOG #18-#54
Brothers of the Anarchist, ISC vs. Federation: CL42 Brothers of the Anarchist, Tholian vs. Klingon: CL33
Brothers of the Anarchist, ISC vs. Gorn: CL47 Brothers of the Anarchist, Tholian vs. Kzinti: CL46
Brothers of the Anarchist, ISC vs. Hydran: CL48 Brothers of the Anarchist, Tholian vs..Lyran: CL54
Brothers of the Anarchist, ISC vs. Klingon: CL48 Brothers of the Anarchist, Tholian vs. Paravian: CL50
Brothers of the Anarchist, ISC vs. Kzinti: CL48 Brothers of the Anarchist, Tholian vs. Romulan: CL33
Brothers of the Anarchist, ISC vs. Lyran: CL24 Brothers of the Anarchist, Tholian vs. Seltorian: CL26, CL54
Brothers of the Anarchist, ISC vs. Paravian: CL50 Brothers of the Anarchist, Tholian vs. Vudar: CL53
Brothers of the Anarchist, ISC vs. Romulan: CL47 Brothers of the Anarchist, Vudar vs. Carnivon: CL49
Brothers of the Anarchist, ISC vs. Tholian: CL48 Brothers of the Anarchist, Vudar vs. Federation: CL45
Brothers of the Anarchist, Klingon vs. Carnivon: CL49 Brothers of the Anarchist, Vudar vs. Gorn: CL52
Brothers of the Anarchist, Klingon vs. Federation: CL23 Brothers of the Anarchist, Vudar vs. Hydran: CL43
Brothers of the Anarchist, Klingon vs. Gorn: CL52 Brothers of the Anarchist, Vudar vs. Klingon: CL45
Brothers of the Anarchist, Klingon vs. Hydran: CL19 Brothers of the Anarchist, Vudar vs. LDR: CL45
Brothers of the Anarchist, Klingon vs. ISC: CL48 Brothers of the Anarchist, Vudar vs. Lyran: CL45
Brothers of the Anarchist, Klingon vs. Kzinti: CL22 Brothers of the Anarchist, Vudar vs. Seltorian: CL45
Brothers of the Anarchist, ZZZ END
Brothers of the Anarchist, Klingon vs. Lyran: CL32
Build a Store Group: CL43
Brothers of the Anarchist, Klingon vs. Paravian: CL50
Brothers of the Anarchist, Klingon vs. Seltorian: CL44
Brothers of the Anarchist, Klingon vs. Tholian: CL33 C
Brothers of the Anarchist, Klingon vs. Vudar: CL45 Call to Arms Ship Roster Card: (General) Class-Four heavy
Brothers of the Anarchist, Kzinti vs. Carnivon: CL49 armed freighter: CL51
Brothers of the Anarchist, Kzinti vs. Gorn: CL41 Call to Arms Ship Roster Card: (General) Class-One small
Brothers of the Anarchist, Kzinti vs. Hydrans: CL51 armed freighter: CL51
Brothers of the Anarchist, Kzinti vs. ISC: CL48 Call to Arms Ship Roster Card: (General) Class-One small
Brothers of the Anarchist, Kzinti vs. Klingon: CL22 auxiliary cruiser: CL51
Brothers of the Anarchist, Kzinti vs. Lyran: CL21 Call to Arms Ship Roster Card: (General) Class-Three jumbo
Brothers of the Anarchist, Kzinti vs. Paravian: CL50 armed freighter: CL51
Brothers of the Anarchist, Kzinti vs. Romulan: CL39 Call to Arms Ship Roster Card: (General) Class-Two large
Brothers of the Anarchist, Kzinti vs. Tholian: CL46 armed freighter: CL51
Brothers of the Anarchist, LDR vs. Vudar: CL45 Call to Arms Ship Roster Card: Federation Battleship: CL46
Brothers of the Anarchist, Lyran vs. Carnivon: CL49 Call to Arms Ship Roster Card: Federation Battleship (Mars):
Brothers of the Anarchist, Lyran vs. Gorn: CL30 CL52, CL53
Brothers of the Anarchist, Lyran vs. ISC: CL24 Call to Arms Ship Roster Card: Federation Heavy Command
Brothers of the Anarchist, Lyran vs. Klingon: CL32 Cruiser: CL46
Brothers of the Anarchist, Lyran vs. Kzinti: CL21 Call to Arms Ship Roster Card: Klingon B10 Battleship: CL53
Brothers of the Anarchist, Lyran vs. Paravian: CL50 Call to Arms Ship Roster Card: Klingon B10T Emergency
Brothers of the Anarchist, Lyran vs. Romulan: CL40 Battleship: CL54
Brothers of the Anarchist, Lyran vs. Seltorian: CL44 Call to Arms Ship Roster Card: Klingon B8 Dreadnought
Brothers of the Anarchist, Lyran vs. Vudar: CL45 Call to Arms Ship Roster Card: Klingon D5 War Cruiser: CL50
Brothers of the Anarchist, Magellanics: CL34 Call to Arms Ship Roster Card: Klingon D6B Heavy Cruiser:
Brothers of the Anarchist, Orion vs. Everybody: CL25 CL50
Brothers of the Anarchist, Orion vs. Paravian: CL50 Call to Arms Ship Roster Card: Klingon D7B Battlecruiser:
Brothers of the Anarchist, Paravian vs. Federation: CL50 CL50
Brothers of the Anarchist, Paravian vs. Gorn: CL50 Call to Arms Ship Roster Card: Klingon E5 Battle Escort: CL46
Brothers of the Anarchist, Paravian vs. ISC: CL50 Call to Arms Ship Roster Card: Klingon F5B Frigate: CL50
Brothers of the Anarchist, Paravian vs. Klingon: CL50 Call to Arms Ship Roster Card: Klingon F5W War Destroyer:
Brothers of the Anarchist, Paravian vs. Kzinti: CL50 CL46
Brothers of the Anarchist, Paravian vs. Lyran: CL50 Call to Arms Ship Roster Card: Klingon SD7: CL52
Brothers of the Anarchist, Paravian vs. Orion: CL50 Call to Arms Ship Roster Card: WYN Auxiliary Cruiser: CL52
Brothers of the Anarchist, Paravian vs. Romulan: CL50 Call to Arms Ship Roster Card: WYN Frigate (Kzinti): CL52
Brothers of the Anarchist, Paravian vs. Tholian: CL50 Call to Arms Ship Roster Card: WYN War Destroyer: CL52
Brothers of the Anarchist, Romulan vs. Federation: CL27 Call to Arms Star Fleet
Brothers of the Anarchist, Romulan vs. Gorn: CL20 Call to Arms Star Fleet, A New Hand on the Helm: CL48
Brothers of the Anarchist, Romulan vs. Hydran: CL51 Call to Arms Star Fleet, A Renewed Call to Arms: CL48
Brothers of the Anarchist, Romulan vs. ISC: CL47 Call to Arms Star Fleet, ACTASF 1.2 Introduction: CL50
Brothers of the Anarchist, Romulan vs. Kzinti: CL39 Call to Arms Star Fleet, ACTASF 1.2 overview: CL49
Brothers of the Anarchist, Romulan vs. Lyran: CL40 Call to Arms Star Fleet, ACTASF Book 2 Preview: CL53
Brothers of the Anarchist, Romulan vs. Paravian: CL50 Call to Arms Star Fleet, Armed Freighters: CL51
Brothers of the Anarchist, Romulan vs. Tholian: CL33 Call to Arms Star Fleet, Auxiliary Cruisers: CL51
Brothers of the Anarchist, Seltorian vs. Federation: CL44 Call to Arms Star Fleet, Call Out Notes: CL44-CL51, CL53,
Brothers of the Anarchist, Seltorian vs. Klingon: CL44 CL54
Brothers of the Anarchist, Seltorian vs. Lyran: CL44 Call to Arms Star Fleet, CL43
Brothers of the Anarchist, Seltorian vs. Vudar: CL45 Call to Arms Star Fleet, Combat Escorts: CL46
Brothers of the Anarchist, Tholian vs. Federation: CL33 Call to Arms Star Fleet, Designing Scenarios: CL46
Brothers of the Anarchist, Tholian vs. Gorn: CL46 Call to Arms Star Fleet, First of Its Kind scenario, CL46
Brothers of the Anarchist, Tholian vs. Hydran: CL53 Call to Arms Star Fleet, How to Play: CL47
Brothers of the Anarchist, Tholian vs. ISC: CL48 Call to Arms Star Fleet, Introduction: CL44

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Index of CAPTAIN’S LOG #18-#54
Call to Arms Star Fleet, Juggernaut: CL49 Command the Future, Master Starship Book: CL33, CL50,
Call to Arms Star Fleet, Klingon Variants: CL50 CL51, CL52
Call to Arms Star Fleet, Looking forward to Book 2: CL51 Command the Future, Prime Directive: CL52
Call to Arms Star Fleet, Moray Eel of Space: CL50 Command the Future, Rumors of Wars: CL50, CL51, CL52
Call to Arms Star Fleet, New Ships: CL46, CL47 Command the Future, Selection of New SFB Products: CL33,
Call to Arms Star Fleet, Planet Killer: CL48 CL35
Call to Arms Star Fleet, Proposals Board: CL51 Command the Future, SFB Module C6 Lost Empires: CL46
Call to Arms Star Fleet, Scenario, Power Struggle!: CL54 Command the Future, Star Fleet Universe Encyclopedia: CL33
Call to Arms Star Fleet, Scenario, The Race Is On!: CL51 Command the Future, Starline: CL52, CL53
Call to Arms Star Fleet, Scouts: CL45 Command the Future, The Train Wreck, CL30
Call to Arms Star Fleet, Status Report: CL54 Commo Officer Reports: CL42 to date.
Call to Arms Star Fleet, Tactics 101, Special Actions: CL45 Communications Center: CL18-CL27, CL29-53. See Star Fleet
Call to Arms Star Fleet, Tactics 101, Terrain: CL46 Communications Center
Call to Arms Star Fleet, Tactics: CL44 Communique, Federation Commander: CL36 to date
Call to Arms Star Fleet, Tactics, On the Back Foot: CL52 Computer Games: CL39
Call to Arms Star Fleet, Tactics: See also Call-Out Notes Conquest Notes, Tactics for Galactic Conquest: CL44-date
Call to Arms Star Fleet, WYN Star Cluster: CL52 Convention
Call to Arms, A: Fiction about Day One, CL44 Conventions, 1995: CL18
Call-Out Notes, Call to Arms Tactics: CL44 to date Conventions, 1996: CL18, CL19
Campaign Rules Update: CL36; See also Update Conventions, 1997: CL18, CL19
Campaign, Survivor, T11: CL26 Conventions, 1998: CL19, CL20
Can You Give me an Example?: See “Example” Conventions, 1999: CL19, CL20
Capital Defenses: CL41 Conventions, 2000: CL20, CL21, CL22
Capitalization, Input Guide: CL36 Conventions, 2001: CL22, CL23, CL24, CL25
Capitalization Guide Updates: CL52 Conventions, 2002: CL24, CL25
Captain’s Log: Supplemental File: CL38 to date Conventions, 2004: CL30, CL31
Carnivon cards for Star Fleet Battle Force: CL50 Conventions, 2005: CL32, CL33
Carnivons in Federation Commander, Rules, Background, Conventions, 2006: CL33,CL34, CL35
Ships: CL48 Conventions, 2007: CL35, CL36, CL37
Carnivons, Lost Empires, History: CL48 Conventions, 2008: CL37, CL38, CL39
Carrier Group (Battle Group): CL27 Conventions, 2009: CL39, CL40
Carrier Group Campaign, Update: CL34, CL36 Conventions, 2010: CL41, CL42
Casual Cargo, New SFB Rule: CL33 Conventions, GenCon Indy: CL33
Circle Trigon, Planetary Survey: CL48 Core Worlds: CL19
CL28: the reason so many things are “except CL28” is that it Crossfire, Cole vs. Burnside: CL31
was the Stellar Shadows issue and had a unique CS1 Enemy Mine: CL26
format, eliminating many standard articles. Customized Civilian Ships, by Jean Sexton: CL53
Class History D
Class History, Federation and Klingon Battle Frigates, CL31 Database: Pirates and Prey: CL35
Class History, Federation Destroyers Part IV: CL28
Class History, Federation Fast Raiders, Part 2, CL43
Datafile, A Pirate’s Life For Me: CL37
Class History, Federation Fast Raiders: CL27
Datafile, After the General War: CL35
Class History, Federation Heavy Cruisers: CL52
Datafile, Alpha Centauri: CL39
Class History, Federation Survey Cruisers: CL41
Datafile, Andromedans and the Lack of Innovation, CL43
Class History, Gorn Carriers: CL30
Datafile, Big Al Credenza: CL44
Class History, History of the WYN Navy: CL37
Datafile, Black Nebula, CL41
Class History, Hydran Dreadnoughts: CL36
Datafile, Bridge between Galaxies: CL35
Class History, Hydran Pegasus: CL25
Datafile, Capital Defenses: CL41
Class History, Klingon C7 Heavy Battlecruisers: CL22
Datafile, Castes of the Worb Technocracy: CL46
Class History, Klingon E5 and E7: CL35
Datafile, Crew Roster, Federation Frigate, CL43
Class History, Kzinti Strike Carriers: CL26
Datafile, Cyndarians (ancient empire): CL45
Class History, Lyran Cruisers: CL38
Datafile, Deck Plans, Federation Express: CL29
Class History, Romulan Heavy Hawks: CL24
Datafile, Deck Plans, Federation Frigate: CL27
Class History, Seltorian Tribunal: CL45
Datafile, Deck Plans, Federation Police Cutter: CL47
Class History, Tholian Destroyers: CL33
Datafile, Deck Plans, Klingon G1 Gunboat: CL27
Coffee mugs, to be done in future (not): CL33
Datafile, Deck Plans, Romulan Skyhawk, CL31
Combat Potential Shock in the Late General War, F&E: CL38
Datafile, Deck Plans, Tholian PC and DD: CL33
Combined Operations: CL25
Datafile, Economy in Gunboats: CL33
Combined Operations: See F&E Combined Operations
Datafile, Empire Security Service: CL33
Command at Origins 2006 (FC Tournament): CL34
Datafile, Enter Screaming, The Paravians Come to SFB: CL18
Command at Origins 2007 (FC Tournament): CL40
Datafile, F101 Voodoo, the Lost Federation Heavy Fighter:
Command at Origins 2009 (FC Tournament): CL41
Command at Origins 2011 (FC Tournament): CL44
Datafile, Federation Intelligence Agencies, CL34
Command the Future, All issues from CL18 to date (except
Datafile, Fighters of Cygnus: CL29
CL28 which was a Stellar Shadows issue)
Datafile, Fralli Heavy Cruiser: CL48
Command the Future, Call to Arms: Star Fleet -2: CL51, CL52
Datafile, Frequency (fiction): CL38
Command the Future, Federation Admiral: CL51, CL52

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Index of CAPTAIN’S LOG #18-#54
Datafile, Frigate Squadron Organization: CL18 Datafile, Tholia, The First Years: CL35
Datafile, Games of the Throne: CL38 Datafile, Tholian Biology: CL33
Datafile, Gorn Background: CL44 Datafile, Tholian Military Ranks: CL32
Datafile, Great Chlorophon Captains, CL43 Datafile, Tholians of Draco: CL39
Datafile, Gunboat Crew Manifest: CL30 Datafile, Warp Before Smarba: CL37
Datafile, Heavy Plasma Superiority Fighters: CL38 Datafile, Western Worlds: CL41
Datafile, ZZZ
Datafile, History of the Kzinti Patriarchs: CL24
Day of the Dragon, fiction, CL50
Datafile, History of the WYN Navy: CL37
Day One: The Untold Story, History/Fiction: CL48
Datafile, Honor Scrolls for Star Fleet Commendations: CL20
Dealing with Drones, Federation Commander Tactics: CL47
Datafile, How a Drone Rack Works: CL18
Death Probe, Monster Special Rules: CL37
Datafile, Hydran Military Decorations: CL27
Deck Plans, Federation Express: CL29
Datafile, Hydran Ships in LDR service, see, The Squadron
Deck Plans, Federation Frigate: CL27
That Never Was, CL41
Deck Plans, Federation Police Cutter: CL47
Datafile, Hydran Weapons and Medals: CL18
Deck Plans, Free Trader: CL23
Datafile, I’ll Show You My Medals, CL41
Deck Plans, G1 Gunboat, Command the future: CL27
Datafile, Intelligence Report on the Blue Fleet: CL25
Deck Plans, Klingon G1 Gunboat: CL27, CL30
Datafile, Intergalactic Trunk Line (Andromedan), CL49
Deck Plans, Romulan SkyHawk, CL31
Datafile, ISC and the Myth of the Organians, Why?: CL34
Deck Plans, Romulan Snipe: CL36
Datafile, ISC in the Early Years, The: CL35
Deck Plans, Tholian PC and DD: CL33
Datafile, Just What is a (Planetary Defense) Brigade, Deck Plans, ZZZ

Anyway?: CL29 Dedication, Gary Plana: CL49

Datafile, Klingon Imperial Line (Emperors): CL40 Designing Scenarios for A Call to Arms Star Fleet: CL46
Datafile, Klingon Justice: CL26 Destroyers, Tholian, Class History: CL33
Datafile, Klingon Marines Get Tanks!: CL27 Developmental History, A-6 Attack Shuttle: CL30
Datafile, Klingon Phaser Fire Controls: CL26 Developmental History, Federation Bombers, CL31
Datafile, Kzinti Hegemony, The: CL45 Developmental History, Federation Fighters without Gatlings,
Datafile, Language in the Star Fleet Universe: CL48 CL39
Datafile, LDR Diplomacy: CL45 Developmental History, Federation Planetary Defenses: CL22
Datafile, LDR Navy: CL44 Developmental History, Heavy Superiority Fighters, Part I,
Datafile, Less than Perfect Union, CL47 F101 Voodoo, the Lost Federation Heavy Fighter:
Datafile, Lost Empires, Carnivons: CL48 CL35
Datafile, Lyran County Symbols: CL25 Developmental History, Heavy Superiority Fighters, Part II,
Datafile, Lyran Cruisers, The: CL38 Klingon and Lyran: CL36
Datafile, Member Races of the United Federation of Planets: Developmental History, Heavy Superiority Fighters, Part III,
CL25 Romulan and Gorn: CL39
Datafile, Merchant Operations in the Star Fleet Universe: CL48 Developmental History, Heavy Superiority Fighters, Part IV,
Datafile, Milky Way Galaxy, The: CL27 ISC-Tholian-Hydran: CL39
Datafile, Myths of the Organians: CL38 Developmental History, Heavy Superiority Fighters, Part V:
Datafile, Omega Sector Friends and Enemies: CL29 CL40
Datafile, Omega: Lost Futures by Bruce Graw: CL36 Developmental History, Heavy Superiority Fighters, Part VI,
Datafile, Operational Profile of the Federation Express Simulator Races, CL41
Company, CL34 Developmental History, Hydran Fighters: CL21
Datafile, Organization of the Orion Fleet: CL45 Developmental History, Klingon Fighters: CL25
Datafile, Pirates of the M81 Galaxy, CL41 Developmental History, Standard Small Freighter: CL23
Datafile, Place on the Edge, A, Vudar in SFB: CL18 Dirty Little Secrets of Mail Order: CL20
Datafile, Primer on Lyran Politics, CL19 Distinguished Driving Cross: CL47
Datafile, Pursuit in the Star Fleet Universe: CL34 Division Control Ships: CL25
Datafile, Q-Ships, Design and Operation: CL42 Duracell Factor, Tactics: CL36
Datafile, Rank Comparison Chart: CL18 E
Datafile, Red Dagger Squadron: CL45 E23 PDF download; in Commo Officer Report: CL42 to date.
Datafile, Romulan Awards and Honors: CL21
Early Years
Datafile, Romulan Early Bases and Early Bombers: CL38
Early Years Scenarios, Using Y2 Ships in Y1 scenarios: CL39
Datafile, Romulan Imperial Line: CL29
Early Years, After Action and Rules Update: CL21
Datafile, Romulan Military Ranks, CL19
Early Years, An Internal Affair: CL21
Datafile, Second Federation-Kzinti War: CL24
Early Years, Bases: CL22
Datafile, Ship Names Update: CL35, CL51
Early Years, SL196 The White Wolf: CL22
Datafile, Sideshow at Cygnus: CL24
Early Years, SL204 Grab and Run: CL23
Datafile, South Polar Vulcans: CL50
Early Years, SL216 Unexpected Surprise: CL25
Datafile, Squadron That Never Was, The, Hydran Ships in LDR
Early Years, SL248 Differing Romulans: CL33
Service: CL41
Early Years, SSD, Cygnan Early Destroyer: CL24
Datafile, Star Fleet Marines Phaser-IIA: CL41
Early Years, SSD, Cygnan Early Heavy Cruiser: CL24
Datafile, Star Fleet Medals: CL23
Early Years, SSD, Federation Early Frigate: CL18
Datafile, Star Fleet Organization: CL42
Early Years, SSD, Gorn Improved Warp-Refitted Battleship:
Datafile, Star Fleet Terms: CL48
Datafile, Ten Things the Klingons Won’t Tell You: CL48
Early Years, SSD, Gorn Improved Warp-Refitted Cruiser: CL21
Datafile, Ten Things the Romulans Won’t Tell You: CL48
Datafile, Texmex: Planet of the Cows, CL43

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Index of CAPTAIN’S LOG #18-#54
Early Years, SSD, Gorn Improved Warp-Refitted Destroyer: F&E 2000 Edition, List of Changes: CL21
CL21 F&E 2010 Edition: CL40, CL43
Early Years, SSD, Klingon C4 Early Dreadnought: CL18 F&E Advanced Operations Released: CL26
Early Years, SSD, Klingon E4 Early Frigate: CL18 F&E Advanced Operations, After Action Report: CL26
Early Years, SSD, Kzinti Warp-Refitted Tug: CL21 F&E Advanced Operations, Preview: CL21, CL22, CL25
Early Years, SSD, Lyran YCL: CL22 F&E Advanced Operations, Q&A: CL26
Early Years, SSD, Lyran YDD: CL22 F&E Assault on the Holdfast Map: CL18
Early Years, SSD, Orion Early Raider Destroyer: CL18 F&E Balance Factors: CL18
Early Years, Update CL22, CL39 F&E Combat Trials: CL18
Echelon Rules for F&E: CL42 F&E Combined Operations Released: CL26
Editorial F&E Combined Operations, After Action: CL27
Editorial (This refers to the brief comment on the company on F&E Combined Operations, Preview: CL25
page 1 of each issue, upper-left corner). F&E Compendium: CL41
Editorial, And Now for Something Completely Different: CL28 F&E Computer-Controlled Ships: CL40
Editorial, Bold New Path, A: CL24 F&E Cyberboard: CL47, CL48, CL49
Editorial, Choice of Monsters, A: CL20 F&E Defanging Carriers: CL39
Editorial, Die Cut the Virus!: CL54 F&E Design, What’s Wrong with the Gorns?: CL22
Editorial, Different Start, A: CL30 F&E Do You Want to Playtest?: CL26
Editorial, Elected Authority, The: CL21 F&E Enhanced Small Scale Combat, 323: CL37
Editorial, Expanding Horizons: CL31 F&E Errata for Expansions: CL21
Editorial, First, Take a Deep Breath: CL36 F&E Errata for Marine Assault: CL22, CL24
Editorial, Flash Forward: CL41 F&E Errata for Special Operations: CL22
Editorial, Funny Thing Happened, A: CL45 F&E Errata, Hydran Squadron Leader: CL24
Editorial, Golden Issue, The: CL50 F&E Errata, Kzinti Order of Battle: CL24
Editorial, Horizons’s Edge: CL47 F&E Escort Costs Unchanged: CL50
Editorial, Interesting Times: CL37, CL43 F&E Federation Early War: CL26
Editorial, It Was a Different Time: CL39SF F&E Fighter Operations, After Action: CL29
Editorial, Learning Experience, A: CL44 F&E Fighter Operations, Announced: CL27
Editorial, Looking Ahead: CL27 F&E Future Products, CL30 to date
Editorial, A Lot to Chew, A, CL49 F&E Immediate War: CL53
Editorial, Making New Friends: CL34 F&E Introduction: CL50
Editorial, New Battles: CL19 F&E ISC Rules update: CL32
Editorial, New Directions: CL22 F&E ISC War Release: CL44
Editorial, New Horizons: CL46 F&E ISC War Scheduled: CL29, CL34, CL39, CL40, CL43
Editorial, New Worlds to Conquer: CL23 F&E Large Scale Map: CL30, CL31, CL32, CL33, CL34
Editorial, One or Two of Three: CL29 F&E Map C, Carnivons: CL48SF
Editorial, Perpetual Revolution: CL25 F&E Map P, Paravians: CL48
Editorial, Road Continues, The: CL52 F&E Middle Years Scenario Rules: CL52
Editorial, Roadblock Overcome: CL53 F&E Multiple Projects: CL35
Editorial, Second Half-Century, The: CL51 F&E New Counter Sheets for Basic Game: CL29
Editorial, Solid Base, A: CL26 F&E New Ships: See F&E Ship Information Table
Editorial, Some New Ideas: CL35 F&E News: All issues but CL28
Editorial, Spring of Our Discontent, The: CL39 F&E on e23: CL43
Editorial, Turning Point, A: CL39 F&E Order of Battle, Units Added in Expansions: CL24
Editorial, Undiscovered Country: CL42 F&E Origins 2003 Wish List: CL27
Editorial, Year to Remember, A: CL48 F&E Origins 2006 Report: CL34
Editorial, We’re Back!: CL18 F&E Origins 2007 Report: CL36
Employment Application (humor): CL42 F&E Paravian SIT: CL48
Encounter at Taratok, scenarios for FC and SFB: CL48 F&E Paravians: CL48
Energy Monster, Monster Special Rules: CL39 F&E Planetary Operations Announced: CL29
Enter Screaming, The Paravians Come to SFB: CL18 F&E Playtest Rule
Enterprize Challenge Grant, CL31 F&E Playtest Rule, Admirals (Early Draft, Rule Published in
Escape from the Core, a Primer for Maghadim: CL50 Advanced Operations): CL18
Example F&E Playtest Rule, Advanced Auxiliary Repair Ships: CL33
Example, Black Hole Movement including Tractors: CL20 F&E Playtest Rule, Advanced Convoy Rules: CL33
Example, Boarding Party Combat: CL21 F&E Playtest Rule, Advanced Deficit Spending (Published in
Example, Defense Satellites: CL27 Planetary Operations): CL27
Example, Direct-Fire Gunboats vs. Eel: CL42 F&E Playtest Rule, Advanced Prime Team Missions
Example, Energy Balance Due to Damage: CL31 (Published in Planetary Operations): CL27
Example, Labs in Combat: CL38 F&E Playtest Rule, Auxiliaries and Bases: CL30
Example, Power Grid: CL35 F&E Playtest Rule, Auxiliaries, CL43
Example, Rebel Reduction: CL29 F&E Playtest Rule, Base Stations (Published in Combined
Example, Speed Changes: CL22 Operations): CL22
Example, Using PF Variants in a Campaign Setting: CL25 F&E Playtest Rule, Battle Groups (Rejected Draft, Final Rule
published in Advanced Operations), CL19
F F&E Playtest Rule, Carnivons: CL51

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Index of CAPTAIN’S LOG #18-#54
F&E Playtest Rule, Cloaked Decoys (Published in Planetary F&E Playtest Rule, Sector Bases: CL23
Operations): CL26 F&E Playtest Rule, Seltorians: CL45
F&E Playtest Rule, Collapsed Races: CL29 F&E Playtest Rule, Shuttle Flocks: CL33 (Joke)
F&E Playtest Rule, Colonial Development (Published in F&E Playtest Rule, Simplified Orion Pirates (Published in
Planetary Operations): CL23 Planetary Operations): CL27
F&E Playtest Rule, Colonial Improvement (Published in F&E Playtest Rule, Skiffs: CL33
Planetary Operations): CL27 F&E Playtest Rule, SSJ, Bomber Barges: CL28
F&E Playtest Rule, Commercial Convoys (Published in F&E Playtest Rule, SSJ, Federation Engine Refit: CL28
Advanced Operations), CL19 F&E Playtest Rule, SSJ, GunFighter Frigate: CL28
F&E Playtest Rule, Conversion During Repair (Published in F&E Playtest Rule, SSJ, Lyran Emergency Ships: CL28
Planetary Operations): CL21 F&E Playtest Rule, SSJ, Paravians: CL28
F&E Playtest Rule, Corps of Engineers: CL30 F&E Playtest Rule, SSJ, Peacetime Readiness: CL28
F&E Playtest Rule, Depot Level Repair (Published in Planetary F&E Playtest Rule, SSJ, Special Ship Rules: CL28
Operations): CL20 F&E Playtest Rule, SSJ, Trivideo Ship: CL28
F&E Playtest Rule, Diplomacy: CL30 F&E Playtest Rule, Starbase Combat Repair (Published in
F&E Playtest Rule, Downgraded Substitutions (Published in Planetary Operations): CL21
Planetary Operations): CL24 F&E Playtest Rule, Survey Ships: CL31
F&E Playtest Rule, Drone Raids (Published in Planetary F&E Playtest Rule, Tactical Reserves: CL29, CL42SF
Operations): CL26 F&E Playtest Rule, Testbed X-Ships: CL51
F&E Playtest Rule, Echelons: CL42 F&E Playtest Rule, Tholian Pinwheels (Published in Planetary
F&E Playtest Rule, Federation Express: CL29 Operations): CL29
F&E Playtest Rule, Federation Hospital Ships: CL22 F&E Playtest Rule, Trade with WYN Cluster, CL19
F&E Playtest Rule, Federation Lawyers: CL21 F&E Playtest Rule, Transferring Provinces (Published in
F&E Playtest Rule, Fighter Storage Modules (Published in Planetary Operations): CL21
Fighter Operations): CL26 F&E Playtest Rule, Vudar: CL47
F&E Playtest Rule, Flexible Command Points: CL51 F&E Playtest Rule, Withering Fire: CL29
F&E Playtest Rule, Flexible Tug Assignments: CL33 F&E Project Update: CL35, CL36
F&E Playtest Rule, Forward Defense Units (Published in F&E Proposal
Planetary Operations): CL29 F&E Proposal, Absolute Corruption: CL48
F&E Playtest Rule, Heavy Police Cutters: CL51 F&E Proposal, Admirable Admirals: CL54
F&E Playtest Rule, Heavy War Cruisers: CL30 F&E Proposal, Advanced Leaders: CL39
F&E Playtest Rule, Heel Nipper: CL51 F&E Proposal, Appearing for the Defense: CL26
F&E Playtest Rule, Hospital Ships: CL30 F&E Proposal, Augmentation for Bases: CL46
F&E Playtest Rule, Ion Pulse Generators: CL47 F&E Proposal, Barracks Modules: CL33
F&E Playtest Rule, Ion Storm Generators: CL47 F&E Proposal, Bases, De-Construction: CL40
F&E Playtest Rule, ISC Rapid Base System: CL22, CL42SF F&E Proposal, Basically Easier to Build Bases: CL54
F&E Playtest Rule, ISC: CL13, CL25, CL42 F&E Proposal, Battle Forces, Multiple: CL40
F&E Playtest Rule, Jindarians: CL23 F&E Proposal, Battleship Production: CL47
F&E Playtest Rule, Klingon Diplomatic Ships: CL22 F&E Proposal, Behind the Base: CL47
F&E Playtest Rule, LDR: CL46 F&E Proposal, BIR Die Roll Changes: CL51
F&E Playtest Rule, Legendary Commodore: CL21 F&E Proposal, Border Patrol: CL46
F&E Playtest Rule, Map Modifications: CL27 F&E Proposal, Borrowing Free Fighters: CL27
F&E Playtest Rule, Marine Major General (Published in F&E Proposal, Building Some Buzz: CL48
Planetary Operations): CL29 F&E Proposal, Can an Escort Carrier Be an Escort?: CL49
F&E Playtest Rule, MegaFighters (Published in Planetary F&E Proposal, Cancelling Federation CVAs: CL51
Operations): CL29 F&E Proposal, Captured Ship Conversion Cost: CL52
F&E Playtest Rule, Military ISC: CL18 F&E Proposal, Capturing Bases: CL27, CL45
F&E Playtest Rule, Minefields: CL38 F&E Proposal, Capturing Ships Changes: CL51
F&E Playtest Rule, Neutral Planet Defenses: CL27 F&E Proposal, Carrier Dominance: CL40
F&E Playtest Rule, New Carriers from Module J2 (Published in F&E Proposal, Chaos of War: CL49
Fighter Operations): CL24 F&E Proposal, Close Fighter Combat: CL27
F&E Playtest Rule, Off-Map Raids, CL19 F&E Proposal, Color of Money: CL48
F&E Playtest Rule, Operational Bases: CL23 F&E Proposal, Common Frame Parts: CL39
F&E Playtest Rule, Paravians: CL28 F&E Proposal, Computer-Controlled Ships: CL32
F&E Playtest Rule, PF Storage Depots: CL51 F&E Proposal, Cost of a Frigate: CL26
F&E Playtest Rule, Planetary Repair Dock (Published in F&E Proposal, Crew Quality for Fighters and PFs: CL51
Planetary Operations): CL27 F&E Proposal, Deathriders: CL51
F&E Playtest Rule, Police Ships: CL30 F&E Proposal, Defensive Maulers: CL32
F&E Playtest Rule, Pork Barrel Politics: CL29 F&E Proposal, Directed Attacks on Reserves: CL29
F&E Playtest Rule, Production Overrides (Published in F&E Proposal, Endless War of Attrition: CL54
Planetary Operations): CL21 F&E Proposal, Federation Mercenary Gunboats: CL27
F&E Playtest Rule, Rescue Tugs (Published in Planetary F&E Proposal, Fewer Guns, Cheaper Hydrans: CL39
Operations): CL21 F&E Proposal, Fi-Cons, Expanded: CL39
F&E Playtest Rule, Resistance Movements (Published in F&E Proposal, Fighters as Escorts: CL51
Planetary Operations): CL21 F&E Proposal, Fleet Headquarters: CL39
F&E Playtest Rule, Romulan FarHawks: CL30 F&E Proposal, Focused Attacks on Carriers: CL29
F&E Playtest Rule, Rules from SSJ1: CL28 F&E Proposal, Get These Ships Out of Here: CL48

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Index of CAPTAIN’S LOG #18-#54
F&E Proposal, Hellbore Bonus: CL39 F&E Q&A, Deployment Zones: CL39
F&E Proposal, In Pursuit of Better Pursuit: CL48 F&E Q&A, Depot Level Repair: CL37
F&E Proposal, Klingon Mutiny: CL46 F&E Q&A, Devastation: CL34
F&E Proposal, Lend Lease: CL39, CL44 F&E Q&A, Diplomatic Ships: CL38, CL40, CL43
F&E Proposal, Limits on Retrograde: CL51 F&E Q&A, Doctrine: CL40
F&E Proposal, Long-Range Bombardment: CL27 F&E Q&A, Economics: CL40, CL41, CL47
F&E Proposal, Long-Term Upgrades: CL40 F&E Q&A, Electronic Warfare: CL23
F&E Proposal, Lost Ships Getting Home: CL46 F&E Q&A, Enhanced Small Scale Combat: CL39
F&E Proposal, More Penal Missions: CL33 F&E Q&A, Extended Supply: CL52
F&E Proposal, MRS Shuttles: CL39 F&E Q&A, Fast Patrol Ships: CL21
F&E Proposal, New Rules: CL31, CL49 F&E Q&A, Fleet Deployment Zones: CL39
F&E Proposal, New Ships: CL26 F&E Q&A, Forming Battle Forces: CL23, CL47
F&E Proposal, New Strategic Movement Limits: CL27 F&E Q&A, Four Powers War: CL18, CL34, CL35
F&E Proposal, Non Slipway Production: CL39 F&E Q&A, From the Desk of Steve Cole: CL38
F&E Proposal, Odd-Numbered Damage: CL39 F&E Q&A, General Questions: CL19, CL20, CL22, CL25,
F&E Proposal, Orion LRs for Everybody: CL27 CL32, CL34, CL36, CL36, CL38, CL43
F&E Proposal, Other Proposals: CL33, CL52 F&E Q&A, General Questions: CL33, CL39
F&E Proposal, Penal Sacrifice Mission: CL27 F&E Q&A, Going to War: CL47
F&E Proposal, Piracy Patrol: CL45 F&E Q&A, Heavy Fighters: CL53
F&E Proposal, Planet of Mind-Controlling Plants: CL39 F&E Q&A, Heavy War Destroyers: CL36
F&E Proposal, Planetary Defenses: CL26 F&E Q&A, Homeless Ships: CL23
F&E Proposal, Production Out-Placement: CL39 F&E Q&A, Inactive Fleets: CL23
F&E Proposal, Provincial Guards: CL40 F&E Q&A, incremental Reaction: CL29
F&E Proposal, Pursuit, Bloodier: CL40 F&E Q&A, Kestrel Supply: CL44
F&E Proposal, Q-ships: CL49, CL54 F&E Q&A, Limited War: CL39, CL40
F&E Proposal, Radical Rules Changes: CL26 F&E Q&A, Lyrans: CL38
F&E Proposal, Reserve Markers, Extras: CL39 F&E Q&A, Marines and Prime Teams: CL23, CL45
F&E Proposal, Romulan K Modules: CL39 F&E Q&A, Miscellaneous Questions: CL45, CL49, CL53
F&E Proposal, Several Quick Proposals: CL49 F&E Q&A, Mobile Bases: CL29, CL35, CL36
F&E Proposal, Ships of the Dhadow War: CL54 F&E Q&A, Money Talks: CL46
F&E Proposal, Spare Fighters on Carriers: CL47 F&E Q&A, Money: CL23, CL36, CL53
F&E Proposal, Special Advanced Raids: CL49 F&E Q&A, Monitors: CL23, CL26
F&E Proposal, Splendid Stingers: CL32 F&E Q&A, Movement: CL21, CL35, CL41, CL44, CL47, CL52
F&E Proposal, Taking of a Planet: CL47 F&E Q&A, Neutral Zone, Neutral Planets: CL34, CL45, CL48
F&E Proposal, Tweaking the Rules: CL26 F&E Q&A, Operational Bases: CL44
F&E Proposal, What We Did in F&E 2010: CL41 F&E Q&A, Overloaded Seltorian Tugs: CL52
F&E Proposal, When Is a Conversion an Easy Conversion: F&E Q&A, Partial Grids: CL38, CL39
CL49 F&E Q&A, Planetary Defense Units: CL23, CL35
F&E Proposal, When Is an FCR Not an FCR?: CL43 F&E Q&A, Plus and Minus Points: CL37
F&E Proposal, Zone of Command Cruiser: CL29 F&E Q&A, Police: CL49
F&E Proposal, Zone of Control Ship: CL32 F&E Q&A, Price of Pursuit: CL25
F&E Q&A F&E Q&A, Prime Teams: CL49
F&E Q&A, Admirals: CL33 F&E Q&A, Production and Conversion: CL23, CL35, CL36,
F&E Q&A, Advanced Operations: CL26 CL39, CL40, CL43, CL46, CL48, CL51, CL53, CL54
F&E Q&A, Advanced Retreat: CL53 F&E Q&A, Production within Limits: CL26
F&E Q&A, As the War Turns: CL41 F&E Q&A, Pursuit Battle Forces: CL52
F&E Q&A, Background: CL24 F&E Q&A, Raids: CL33, CL43
F&E Q&A, BattleForce: CL40, CL53 F&E Q&A, Reaction: CL49, CL53
F&E Q&A, Battle Force Formation: CL52 F&E Q&A, Repairs: CL23, CL39
F&E Q&A, Blockade Running: CL47 F&E Q&A, Reserves: CL23, CL26
F&E Q&A, Capital Assault: CL34, CL48, CL49, CL50 F&E Q&A, Residual Defense Units: CL34, CL44
F&E Q&A, Captured Ships: CL37, CL53 F&E Q&A, Retreat: CL21, CL26, CL35, CL38
F&E Q&A, Capturing the Capital: CL37 F&E Q&A, Romulan Off-Map: CL38
F&E Q&A, Carriers and Escorts: CL26, CL33, CL36, CL44 F&E Q&A, Sale of Ships to the WYN Cluster: CL37
F&E Q&A, CEDS Conversions: CL25 F&E Q&A, Salvage: CL39
F&E Q&A, Combat: CL26, CL36, CL39, CL41, CL42, CL43, F&E Q&A, Scenarios of the East: CL34
CL46, CL47, CL51, CL53, CL54 F&E Q&A, Scenarios: CL23, CL36, CL49, CL51, CL54
F&E Q&A, Command Points: CL37 F&E Q&A, Setup, CL43
F&E Q&A, Command: CL42, CL44 F&E Q&A, Ships: CL33
F&E Q&A, Command Units: CL52 F&E Q&A, Slow Unit Retreats: CL34, CL51
F&E Q&A, Construction: CL44, CL50, CL53 F&E Q&A, Small Scale Combat: CL42
F&E Q&A, Controlling the Geography: CL51 F&E Q&A, Special Cases: CL51
F&E Q&A, Conversions: CL21, CL41, CL46, CL47, CL48, F&E Q&A, Special Questions: CL46
CL49, CL50 F&E Q&A, Special Ships: CL23
F&E Q&A, Cost of War: CL44 F&E Q&A, Specific Rules: CL33
F&E Q&A, Crucible of Combat: CL44 F&E Q&A, Stasis Field Generators: CL44, CL49
F&E Q&A, Dawn of the Fighters: CL25 F&E Q&A, Strategic Movement Update: CL25

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Index of CAPTAIN’S LOG #18-#54
F&E Q&A, Supply: CL54 F&E Rulings, Gift from the Klingons: CL37
F&E Q&A, Supply Lines: CL24, CL35, CL36, CL38, CL42 F&E Rulings, Half a Pin Factor: CL37
F&E Q&A, Survey: CL35, CL43 F&E Rulings, HDW Modules Cannot Be Shared: CL46
F&E Q&A, Test that Rule in Combat: CL34 F&E Rulings, Here Come the Gorns: CL29
F&E Q&A, Tholians: CL35, CL47, CL49 F&E Rulings, Hydran X-Tech: CL37
F&E Q&A, Translation (Abbreviation List): all issues from CL38 F&E Rulings, Hydrans Activating Feds, 801.141: CL40
F&E Q&A, Troop Ships: CL50 F&E Rulings, In the Zone: CL29
F&E Q&A, Tugs and Pods: CL24, CL26, CL39, CL43, CL45, F&E Rulings, Infiltration: CL48
CL47, CL50 F&E Rulings, ISC PF Deployment, 713.0: CL40
F&E Q&A, Turn One Questions: CL26 F&E Rulings, Klingon D7D Cost: CL33
F&E Q&A, Unreleased Fleets: CL38 F&E Rulings, Klingon Deployment 601.2: CL39
F&E Q&A, Updates to New Carriers in CL24: CL25 F&E Rulings, Kzinti FFK: CL26
F&E Q&A, VHP Pods: CL44 F&E Rulings, Luckiest Federation Player: CL37
F&E Q&A, War and Politics: CL44 F&E Rulings, Maulers: CL53
F&E Q&A, Warbook: CL33 F&E Rulings, Maulers in Pursuit, 307.4: CL40
F&E Q&A, Wars and Limited Wars: CL39, CL40 F&E Rulings, Minor Rulings: CL34
F&E Q&A, Web: CL47 F&E Rulings, Minor Shipyards in Multi-Hex Capitals: CL48
F&E Q&A, What Does it all Mean?: CL47 F&E Rulings, Modular DNs: CL32
F&E Q&A, What Goes with What?: CL48 F&E Rulings, Neutral Zones: CL44
F&E Q&A, When Does a Battle Start? CL50 F&E Rulings, Obsolete Ships, Further Production: CL35
F&E Q&A, When Is a Ship Not a Ship?: CL54 F&E Rulings, Orion Lease Payments 533.22: CL39
F&E Q&A, Who Owns What?: CL43 F&E Rulings, Overbuilding NVH: CL35
F&E Reinforcements, After Action: CL29 F&E Rulings, Overloaded Tugs: CL26
F&E Reinforcements, Announced: CL27 F&E Rulings, Partial Grid Replacements: CL32
F&E Rule 530 (Warbook Project): CL36 F&E Rulings, Partial Supply Grids: CL37
F&E Rules and Rulings, Multiple: CL38, CL39, CL40, CL41, F&E Rulings, Paying for the National Debt: CL32
CL42, CL43, CL64; See also F&E, Q&A and F&E F&E Rulings, Pegasus: CL39
Rulings F&E Rulings, Penal PF Sacrifice: CL32
F&E Rules on PDF: CL42 F&E Rulings, Pinwheels: CL44
F&E Rules: Added Shipyard Functions: CL54 F&E Rulings, Planet Ownership: CL39
F&E Rules: Attacking Tholian Web: CL52 F&E Rulings, Planetary Repair Docks: CL35
F&E Rules: Balance Factors: CL54 F&E Rulings, Raiding a Colony: CL32
F&E Rules: Convoy Logistical Support: CL52 F&E Rulings, Raids and Supply: CL27
F&E Rules: Romulan Rapid Deployment F&E Rulings, Raids from Off-Map: CL34
F&E Rules: Special Raids: CL53 F&E Rulings, Raids on Fixed Locations: CL26
F&E Rulings F&E Rulings, Reaction by Crippled Carrier Fighters: CL48
F&E Rulings, A Few Glitches: CL27 F&E Rulings, Reluctant Gorns: CL37
F&E Rulings, All issues except CL28 F&E Rulings, Repeated Devastation: CL32
F&E Rulings, Allied Major Generals 321.0: CL39 F&E Rulings, Reserve Auxiliary Movement: CL32
F&E Rulings, Attacking Tholian Web Battle Hexes, CL52 F&E Rulings, Reserve Movement: CL37
F&E Rulings, Back to Basics: CL29 F&E Rulings, Reserve Sequencing: CL32
F&E Rulings, Base Must Be Undamaged to Be Upgraded: F&E Rulings, Residual Defense Factor: CL26
CL46 F&E Rulings, Retreat (Mixed Fleet of Fast and Regular Ships):
F&E Rulings, Base Upgrades: CL33 CL35
F&E Rulings, Battleship Fighters: CL37 F&E Rulings, Return of the Lord Marshal: CL37
F&E Rulings, Building a Pod?: CL33 F&E Rulings, Reverting to the Single Life: CL29
F&E Rulings, Captured Ship Conversions Count against F&E Rulings, Romulan Engineer: CL39
Capacity: CL46 F&E Rulings, SAF: CL20
F&E Rulings, Captured Ships: CL37, CL53 F&E Rulings, Salvage 439.16: CL39
F&E Rulings, Combat: CL26 F&E Rulings, Salvage Out of Supply: CL37
F&E Rulings, Convoy Setting up Colony Is Not a Supply Point: F&E Rulings, Saving the Mobile Base: CL37
CL46 F&E Rulings, Scenario Rule 657.69: CL35
F&E Rulings, Costs of Things: CL37 F&E Rulings, Scuttled Bases: CL52
F&E Rulings, CVD, Just What Is It?: CL33 F&E Rulings, Scuttled Ships: CL53
F&E Rulings, Devastating Planets: CL34 F&E Rulings, Shipyard, Building New, Location, 511.31: CL40
F&E Rulings, Diplomatic Teams: CL37 F&E Rulings, Shipyard, Police Ships Do Not Extend Supply,
F&E Rulings, Diplomats Released, 540.11: CL40 531.12: CL40
F&E Rulings, Dumbest Rule Ever: CL37 F&E Rulings, Shipyard: CL26, CL39
F&E Rulings, Escorts: CL53 F&E Rulings, Shipyards, Tug Building, 450.14: CL40
F&E Rulings, Excluding the Flag: CL37 F&E Rulings, Single-Ship Carriers: CL29
F&E Rulings, Expeditionary Bases: CL32 F&E Rulings, Special Commando Squads: CL37
F&E Rulings, Federation F111: CL26 F&E Rulings, Starbase Production: CL26
F&E Rulings, Federation PFT Analogues 527.21: CL39 F&E Rulings, Starbase: CL46
F&E Rulings, Fighting Retreat: CL26 F&E Rulings, Substitutions: CL26
F&E Rulings, Fleet Release Areas: CL37 F&E Rulings, Summary Judgement: CL29
F&E Rulings, General: CL42, CL43 F&E Rulings, Swarms: CL23
F&E Rulings, Ghost Escorts: CL46 F&E Rulings, The Ultimate Raid: CL29

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F&E Rulings, Tholian PFs: CL32 F&E, A New Hand on the Helm: CL38
F&E Rulings, Trade with WYN: CL48 F&E, An Introduction to: CL50
F&E Rulings, Two-Starbase Issue: CL30 F&E, Base Update Costs: CL38
F&E Rulings, Upgrading Carrier Tugs: CL32 F&E, Combat Potential Shock in the Late General War: CL38
F&E Rulings, Value of Supply: CL27 F&E, Notes on 2010 Edition: CL43
F&E Rulings, Whole New Kind of War: CL33 F&E: BPV vs. Compot: CL43
F&E Rulings: CL22, CL31, CL32, CL40 F101 Voodoo, the Lost Federation Heavy Fighter: CL35
F&E Scenario F6 Battle Frigates, Class History, CL31
F&E Scenario 1104 The Red Wyn Express: CL22 FaceBook: all issues from CL41
F&E Scenario 603U Hurricane Updated, Sector A: CL41 Farewell, Isis: CL50
F&E Scenario 603U Hurricane Updated, Sector B, C: CL41SF Farewell, Ken, We Hardly Knew Ye’: CL33
F&E Scenario 603U Hurricane Updated, Sector D, E, F: CL42 FC Rules on PDF: CL42
F&E Scenario 659, Klingon Eastern March: CL44 FC Ship Card: See Federation Commander, Ship Card
F&E Scenario 671 Operation Ill Wind: CL25 FC, see Federation Commander
F&E Scenario 672 The Tornado (Klingons invade Feds on FCOL: See Federation Commander Online
Turn #1): CL26 Federation Bombers, Developmental History, CL31
F&E Scenario 673 Cloudburst (Stellar Shadows): CL28 Federation Commander
F&E Scenario 674 Long-Distance War: CL33 Federation Commander on e23: CL43
F&E Scenario 685 Tholian Harrassment: CL24 Federation Commander Online: CL35 to date
F&E Scenario 689 Hydran Liberation: CL18 Federation Commander Tactics, Drones, Attack and Defense:
F&E Scenario 697 Second Fed-Klingon War, CL19 CL45
F&E Scenario 698 The War That Almost Was: CL21 Federation Commander Tactics, Drones, Dealing With: CL47
F&E Scenario 699 The North-South War: CL23 Federation Commander Tactics, Gorn Anchor: CL38
F&E Scenario 6AA: Altered Alliances, the Four Powers War: Federation Commander Tactics, Primary Plasma Tactics:
CL38 CL38
F&E Scenario 6AF: Deathwind (Fralli Campaign): CL37 Federation Commander Weapon Cards: CL43
F&E Scenario 6AH: Alpine Hail: CL54 Federation Commander, 3H, Turrets: CL51
F&E Scenario 6ES: Eye of the Storm: CL53 Federation Commander, 5F3, Ground Combat: CL52
F&E Scenario 6EW: The Eagle Spreads its Wings: CL36 Federation Commander, 5L9, Ground Bases: CL43
F&E Scenario 6FP Fifth Power: CL37 Federation Commander, 5Q9, Suicide Fighters: CL51
F&E Scenario 6FS Firestorm: CL35 Federation Commander, 5W, Gunboats: CL54
F&E Scenario 6HW The Howling Wind: CL51 Federation Commander, 5X9, Penal Ships: CL43
F&E Scenario 6LH Uneasy Lies the Head: CL52 Federation Commander, 7SA, Simulator Empires: CL40
F&E Scenario 6RCW Raging Cross Winds, the Romulan Civil Federation Commander, 7SB, Frax: CL40
War: CL50, CL50SF Federation Commander, Academy: CL35
F&E Scenario 6RW Roaring Winds: CL49 Federation Commander, Announced: CL29
F&E Scenario 6WA Winds Aloft: CL48 Federation Commander, Ask Uncle Ardak: CL39
F&E Scenario 6WC Wall Cloud: _______?? Federation Commander, Basic Battleship Tactics: CL36
F&E Scenario Ideas: CL26 Federation Commander, Basic Tactics For: CL32
F&E Schedule: CL18-CL27, CL29-CL36. Federation Commander, Battle Groups, Dilithium Crystal
F&E Ship Information Table Asteroid, CL54
F&E Ship Information Table for Paravians: CL48 Federation Commander, Battle Groups, Falling Bases: CL52
F&E Ship Information Table for Ships in Previous Issues: CL26 Federation Commander, Battle Groups, Fighting Convoys:
F&E Ship Information Table for Ships in that issue: All issues CL50
starting with CL27 Federation Commander, Battle Groups, Here There Be
F&E Ship Information Table for Vudar: CL32 Monsters: CL47
F&E Ship Information Tables On Line: CL29 Federation Commander, Battle Groups, Hostile Terrain: CL46
F&E Standardized Base Costs: CL50 Federation Commander, Battle Groups, Mobile Bases: CL51
F&E Strategic Operations: CL33, CL34 Federation Commander, Battle Groups, Monsters: CL47
F&E Tactical Notes: All issues except CL28 Federation Commander, Battle Groups, Rescue at Farak III:
F&E Tactics, A Hard Job Gets Harder: CL21 CL48
F&E Tactics, Be Direct Sometimes: CL38 Federation Commander, Battle Groups, Sector Control: CL45
F&E Tactics, Carrier Groups At Bay: CL39 Federation Commander, Battle Groups, Space Hockey: CL53
F&E Tactics, Green Menace, The: CL37 Federation Commander, Battle Groups, Vital Rescue: CL49
F&E Tactics, Maximizing Carriers: CL37 Federation Commander, Battle Tugs: CL44
F&E Tactics, To Defend the Patriarchy: CL22 Federation Commander, Battleship Starcastle: CL37
F&E Tactics, Truth about PFs: CL34 Federation Commander, Battleships Attack: CL35
F&E Tactics, We Might Just Survive: CL21 Federation Commander, Borak: CL51
F&E Tactless Notes: CL38SF, CL39SF, CL40SF, CL41SF, Federation Commander, Borders of Madness, Fighters: CL37
CL42SF, CL43SF, CL44SF, CL54SF Federation Commander, Borders of Madness, Klingon Firing
F&E Variable Hydran Entry: CL26 Arcs: CL38
F&E Vudar: CL32 Federation Commander, Borders of Madness, Stasis Fields:
F&E Warbook, Good News and Bad News: CL33 CL40
F&E Warbook, New Rule 530: CL36 Federation Commander, Borders of Madness: CL32
F&E Warbook: CL30, CL31 Federation Commander, Borders of Madness: Scouts: CL35
F&E Why: CL39-CL50, CL52-CL54 Federation Commander, Borders of Madness: Tholian
F&E, 2010 Edition: CL39, CL41, CL42 Pinwheels: CL42

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Index of CAPTAIN’S LOG #18-#54
Federation Commander, Cloak Rule Playtest Revisions: CL49 Federation Commander, Scenario, 8C__ Race Against Time:
Federation Commander, Combining with Star Fleet Marines: CL36
CL52 Federation Commander, Scenario, 8C__ Return of the Hood:
Federation Commander, Command Notes (Tactics): all issues CL35
from CL36 Federation Commander, Scenario, 8C__ Starhunt: CL33
Federation Commander, Command the Future: CL31, CL33-54 Federation Commander, Scenario, 8C__ Treasure Ship: CL36
Federation Commander, Communique: CL33-CL54 Federation Commander, Scenario, 8C10 Blood Feud: CL37
Federation Commander, Dealing with Drones, Tactics: CL47 Federation Commander, Scenario, 8C11 Long Lance: CL37
Federation Commander, Distant Kingdoms: CL35 Federation Commander, Scenario, 8C12 Sacred: CL37
Federation Commander, Early Years Weapons: CL39SF Federation Commander, Scenario, 8C13 The Bigger they are:
Federation Commander, Early Years: CL39 CL37
Federation Commander, Everything Else We Didn’t Tell You: Federation Commander, Scenario, 8C14 Ambush of the
CL32 Yamamoto: CL37
Federation Commander, Example of Play: CL32 Federation Commander, Scenario, 8C15 After The Ambush:
Federation Commander, Expanding Spheres: CL33 CL38
Federation Commander, Fighters Will Attack: CL50 Federation Commander, Scenario, 8C16 Eagles Return: CL38
Federation Commander, Fighters, Borders of Madness: CL37 Federation Commander, Scenario, 8C17 Witness for the
Federation Commander, Five Questions, CL37 Prosecution: CL38
Federation Commander, Fleet Doctrine Rules: CL47 Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C18 Starhawk Rising:
Federation Commander, Fleet Repair Dock: CL49 CL39
Federation Commander, Fralli Warships (Extinct): CL47 Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C19 A Double Surprise:
Federation Commander, Frax Submarines: CL41 CL39
Federation Commander, Frax, 7SB: CL40 Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C20 Practice Pouncing:
Federation Commander, Gunboats, 5W: CL54 CL39
Federation Commander, Hailing Frequencies: CL54 Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C21 Enemy Among Us:
Federation Commander, How is Federation Commander CL40
Different From Star Fleet Battles?: CL32 Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C22 Die BEM Die: CL40
Federation Commander, Input Guide: CL32 Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C23 Mis-Fire: CL40
Federation Commander, Klingon Attack After Action Report: Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C25, Kumerian’s Karisma:
CL33 CL41
Federation Commander, Knife-Fighting Tactics, CL49 Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C26, What Lies Beneath:
Federation Commander, Light Tactical Transports: CL38 CL41
Federation Commander, New Launch Brings New Questions: Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C27, Caught at the Stop
CL32 Light: CL41
Federation Commander, New Releases: CL33 Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C28, Pop Goes the
Federation Commander, Omega Playtest Rules: CL42SF Andromedan: CL42
Federation Commander, On-Line gaming: CL34-date Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C29 The Lost Pirate:
Federation Commander, Organized League Play: CL32, CL33, CL42
CL34 Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C30 The Tholian
Federation Commander, Peladine: CL50 Pinwheel: CL42
Federation Commander, Photon Dodge: CL37 Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C31 A Knight’s Duel:
Federation Commander, Photon Torpedo Tactics: CL43 CL42SF
Federation Commander, Plasma Torpedo Rules: CL32 Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C31 A Measure of Fear:
Federation Commander, Play by Email: all issues from CL33 CL43
Federation Commander, Playing in Real Time by IM: CL40 Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C32 Below the Waves,
Federation Commander, Project Z: CL37, CL38 CL43
Federation Commander, Project Z: Converting SFB SSDs into Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C33 Pirate Stew: CL43
Federation Commander, Squadron Scale: CL37 Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C34 Agincourt At War:
Federation Commander, Project Z: Converting SFB SSDs into CL44
Federation Commander, Fleet Scale: CL38 Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C35 The Hunt for Berol
Federation Commander, Questions & Answers: CL40 Turquois Part 1: CL44
Federation Commander, Romulan Attack: CL33 Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C36 The Hunt for Berol
Federation Commander, Romulan Border: CL33 Turquois Part 2: CL44
Federation Commander, Scenario Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C37 Confrontation: CL45
Federation Commander, Scenario 8J: CL32 Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C38 Merchant, Pirate,
Federation Commander, Scenario 8KA10, More information on Soldier, Spy: CL45
Juggernaut, CL41 Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C39 Convoy Battle: CL46
Federation Commander, Scenario, 8C__ Battle of Organia: Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C40 I’ve got you covered:
CL34 CL46
Federation Commander, Scenario, 8C__ Juggernaut Alpha: Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C41 Faster Kitty Kat Kill
CL33 Kill: CL46
Federation Commander, Scenario, 8C__ Juggernaut Beta: Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C42 Into the Eagle’s Nest,
CL33 CL47
Federation Commander, Scenario, 8C__ Mutiny on the Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C43 Race to the Base,
Demonslayer: CL35 CL47
Federation Commander, Scenario, 8C__ My Brother My Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C44 Gremlins, CL47
Enemy: CL36

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Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C45 Encounter At Federation Commander, Ship Card, Federation Commando
Taratok, CL48 Cruiser: CL52
Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C46 Race to Oblivion, Federation Commander, Ship Card, Federation CVS: CL37
CL48 Federation Commander, Ship Card, Federation Light
Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C47 Diplomacy on the Command Cruiser: CL36
Rocks, CL48 Federation Commander, Ship Card, Federation NAL, CL43
Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C48 Vital Recovery, CL49 Federation Commander, Ship Card, Federation New Light
Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C49 The Tragical Tale of Plasma Cruiser, CL47
Stromeo and Kuliet, CL49 Federation Commander, Ship Card, Federation New Scout
Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C50 For the Good of the Cruiser, CL45
Empire, CL49 Federation Commander, Ship Card, Federation Plasma
Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C51 Titan in a Box, CL49 Frigate, CL47
Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C52 Space Spider, CL50 Federation Commander, Ship Card, Federation Plasma War
Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C52 Tending the Dock, Destroyer, CL47
CL49 Federation Commander, Ship Card, Federation YCA: CL39
Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C53 Fighting Convoy, Federation Commander, Ship Card, Frax destroyer: CL41
CL50 Federation Commander, Ship Card, Frax Dreadnought:
Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C54 Battle of the CL40SF
Roadstead, CL50 Federation Commander, Ship Card, Frax Frigate: CL40SF
Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C55 Massive Fail, CL50 Federation Commander, Ship Card, Frax Heavy Cruiser: CL40
Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C56 Incident at Hakatuka, Federation Commander, Ship Card, Frax Police cutter:
Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C57 Staking a Claim, Federation Commander, Ship Card, Frax Torpedo frigate:
CL51 CL41
Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C58 Infestation Federation Commander, Ship Card, Frax War Cruiser: CL40
Elimination, CL51 Federation Commander, Ship Card, Frax War Cruiser
Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C59 Escape from Xylad, Submarine: CL41
CL52 Federation Commander, Ship Card, Frax War Destroyer: CL40
Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C60 Perilous Rescue, Federation Commander, Ship Card, Frax War Torpedo
CL52 Destroyer: CL41
Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C61 Kobol’s Rock, CL52 Federation Commander, Ship Card, General, Fleet Repair
Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C62 What Is Mine Is Mine Dock, CL49
Alone, CL52 Federation Commander, Ship Card, General, Free Tanker:
Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C63 Space Hockey, CL53 CL52
Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C64 Last Stand, CL53 Federation Commander, Ship Card, General, Ground Bases
Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C65 C-Cessive Behavior, (two cards), CL43
CL53 Federation Commander, Ship Card, Gorn Battle Tug, CL44SF
Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C66 What’s Good for the Federation Commander, Ship Card, Gorn BC: CL32
Alpha Octant, CL53 Federation Commander, Ship Card, Gorn BDD: CL32
Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C67 My Brother, My Federation Commander, Ship Card, Gorn Heavy Command
Enemy, CL53 Destroyer: CL36
Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C68 Dilithium Crystal Federation Commander, Ship Card, Gorn X-Battle Destroyer:
Asteroid, CL54 CL53
Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C69 Return of the Darwin, Federation Commander, Ship Card, Gorn YCL: CL39SF
CL54 Federation Commander, Ship Card, Hydran Battle Tug, CL44
Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C70 Cats on the Hot Tin Supplement
Roof, CL54 Federation Commander, Ship Card, Hydran CW: CL33
Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C71 Turnabout, CL54 Federation Commander, Ship Card, Hydran Gendarme: CL37
Federation Commander, Scenario: 8C72 Gunboat Strike, CL54 Federation Commander, Ship Card, Hydran Grenadier:
Federation Commander, Scouts: CL35 CL39SF
Federation Commander, Ship Card Federation Commander, Ship Card, Hydran Harrier Gunboat:
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Baduvai Strike cruiser, CL54
CL49 Federation Commander, Ship Card, Hydran Hunter: CL34
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Borak Heavy cruiser: Federation Commander, Ship Card, Hydran Knight: CL34
CL51 Federation Commander, Ship Card, Hydran Knight X-
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Borak War cruiser: CL51 Destroyer: CL53
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Borak War destroyer: Federation Commander, Ship Card, Hydran Lion Hunter
CL51 Destroyer leader: CL46
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Borak War frigate: CL51 Federation Commander, Ship Card, Hydran Lord Bishop: CL34
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Carnivon Heavy cruiser, Federation Commander, Ship Card, Hydran Paladin: CL34
CL48 Federation Commander, Ship Card, ISC CL: CL33
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Carnivon War destroyer, Federation Commander, Ship Card, ISC Destroyer Leader:
CL48 CL46
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Continuing Artistic Federation Commander, Ship Card, ISC Gunboat: CL54
Improvement: CL41 Federation Commander, Ship Card, ISC X-Destroyer: CL53
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Federation Battle Tug, Federation Commander, Ship Card, Klingon B8 Battleship:
CL44 CL54

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Federation Commander, Ship Card, Klingon B9: CL37 Federation Commander, Ship Card, Peladine War destroyer,
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Klingon Battle Tug, CL44 CL50
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Klingon D4: CL39 Federation Commander, Ship Card, Romulan Commande
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Klingon D6G: CL52 Eagle: CL52
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Klingon D6J, CL43 Federation Commander, Ship Card, Romulan DemonHawk,
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Klingon D7A: CL40 CL49
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Klingon D7V: CL37 Federation Commander, Ship Card, Romulan K7R: CL32
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Klingon E5D Drone Federation Commander, Ship Card, Romulan KCR (KC7R),
Corvette (Hybrid FC card): CL35 CL43
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Klingon E5E Escort Federation Commander, Ship Card, Romulan KE: CL32
Corvette (Hybrid FC card): CL35 Federation Commander, Ship Card, Romulan SkyHawk-L
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Klingon E7D Drone Destroyer Leader: CL46
Cruiser (Hybrid FC card): CL35 Federation Commander, Ship Card, Romulan SkyHawk-X
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Klingon E7J Penal Cruiser Destroyer: CL53
(Hybrid FC card): CL35 Federation Commander, Ship Card, Romulan WWB: CL39SF
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Klingon F5J, CL43 Federation Commander, Ship Card, Tholian War Cruiser
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Klingon G1 Gunboat: Leader: CL36
CL54 Federation Commander, Ship Card, Tholian War Cruiser
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Klingon SD7: CL37 Scout, CL45
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Klingon War Cruiser Federation Commander, Ship Card, Vudar War cruiser scout,
Leader: CL36 CL45
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Kzinti Battle Frigate, CL47 Federation Commander, Ship Card, WYN CW: CL33
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Kzinti Battle Tug, CL44 Federation Commander, Ship Card, WYN War cruiser leader:
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Kzinti DW: CL32 CL36
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Kzinti Medium Command Federation Commander, Simulator Empires, 7SA: CL40
Cruiser: CL36 Federation Commander, Sublight Movement: CL49
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Kzinti Medium scout, Federation Commander, Super-Intelligence Computers, CL41
CL45 Federation Commander, Tactics
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Kzinti Needle Gunboat: Federation Commander, Tactics, A Question of Scale: CL39
CL54 Federation Commander, Tactics, Ask Uncle Ardak: CL39
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Kzinti YCS: CL39 Federation Commander, Tactics, Battle Groups: CL46-date
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Lyran Battle Tug, CL44 Federation Commander, Tactics, Command at Origins 2007:
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Lyran CC: CL34 CL40
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Lyran CW: CL33 Federation Commander, Tactics, Command at Origins 2009:
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Lyran CWL: CL36 CL41
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Lyran DD: CL34 Federation Commander, Tactics, Command at Origins 2010:
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Lyran DN: CL34 CL42
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Lyran FF: CL34 Federation Commander, Tactics, Command Notes: All issues
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Lyran Heavy destroyer: from CL32 to date
CL37 Federation Commander, Tactics, High Energy Turns: CL39
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Lyran Heavy frigate: CL37 Federation Commander, Tactics, Matchup, Fed CA vs. Klingon
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Lyran War Destroyer D7: CL35
Leader: CL46 Federation Commander, Tactics, Matchup, Klingon D7 vs.
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Lyran YCA: CL39 Kzinti BC: CL35
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Maghadim Battlecruiser, Federation Commander, Tactics, Orion Raider: CL35
CL49 Federation Commander, Tactics, Photon Torpedoes: CL43
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Old Galaxy Pirate, Federation Commander, Tactics, Power is Life: CL35
Destroyer: CL40 Federation Commander, Tactics, Use Your Tractors Dammit:
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Old Galaxy Pirate, Raider: CL46
CL40 Federation Commander, Tactics, Which Weapon to Fire: CL35
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Old Galaxy Pirate, Federation Commander, Tournament Rules: CL32, CL36,
Destroyer: CL40 CL38, CL41
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Old Galaxy Pirate, Raider: Federation Commander, Understanding the Product Line:
CL40 CL32
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Orion Strike Cruiser: CL54 Federation Commander, War Cruiser Scouts: CL45
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Orion YCR: CL39 Federation Commander, War Destroyer Leaders: CL46
Supplement Federation Commander, Weapons on Bases: CL42
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Paravian Heavy Cruiser, Federation Commander, Why: CL33
CL48 Federation Commander, X-Ships: CL53
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Paravian War Destroyer, Federation Fighters without gatlings, CL39
CL48 Federation General Units, Update: CL49
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Peladine Frigate, CL50 Federation Heavy Cruisers, Hidden History: CL52
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Peladine Heavy cruiser, Federation Police Cutter Deck Plans: CL47
CL50 Federation police cutter improvement program: CL24
Federation Commander, Ship Card, Peladine War cruiser, Federation, Prime Directive: CL33, CL34; mentioned CL35,
CL50 CL36

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Fiction, Aces and Eights, Michael T Powers: CL31 Fiction, Nature of the Beast, by Randy O. Green: CL40
Fiction, After the Ambush: CL38 Fiction, Night Hounds, by Jon Berry: CL51
Fiction, Andromedans and the lack of Innovation, CL43 Fiction, Not Good Friends, by Scott Moellmer: CL23
Fiction, Another Point of View by Jeff Zellerkraut: CL19 Fiction, Olivette Roche, CL39 Supplemental
Fiction, Anti-Piracy Initiative (one page), The: CL36 Fiction, On the Table: CL48
Fiction, Armed Transport Amarillo, CL43 Fiction, Paravian Myth “Webs of ‘Omme” by Russ Simkins:
Fiction, Arrow, by Jeff Wile: CL28 CL52SF
Fiction, Art of Duty, The, by Tom Gondolfi: CL21 Fiction, Phon Home, by Scott Moellmer: CL19
Fiction, Astroscooter, The, by Jean Sexton: CL51 Fiction, Practice to Deceive by Michael Bennett: CL53
Fiction, Battle with Tribbles, The: CL48 Fiction, Plague on their Houses, A, by Scott Moellmer: CL22
Fiction, Brief History of the Andromedan War, by Gary Carney, Fiction, Plausible Deniability: CL39
CL49 Fiction, Quality of Speed, A, by Stephen V. Cole: CL42
Fiction, Burden of Duty, Debt of Revenge: CL39 Fiction, Race to Confrontation: CL45
Fiction, Business of Being Here, The, CL50 Fiction, Razor’s Edge, The, by John Sickels: CL20
Fiction, Call to Arms (A), Steve Cole: CL44 Fiction, Really Bad Day, A, by Craig Dylke: CL20
Fiction, Chain of Evidence: CL45 Fiction, Rescue on Roon, by Steve Cole: CL23
Fiction, Circle of Vengeance, by Randy O Green: CL32 Fiction, Rescue the Kishawk, by John A Picheco: CL26
Fiction, Cold Soup, by Frank McLaughlin: CL28 Fiction, Return of the Darwin, by Gary Carney: CL54
Fiction, Come into my Parlour, by Loren Knight: CL28 Fiction, Return of the Hood, by Dale McKee: CL25
Fiction, Customized Civilian Ships, by Jean Sexton Fiction, Rimworld, by Randy O. Green: CL27
Fiction, Dark Gaming: CL51 Fiction, Romulan Raid, by Robert Crapnel: CL18
Fiction, Day of the Dragon, CL50 Fiction, Scalewings, CL50
Fiction, Day One: The Untold Story: CL48 Fiction, See also DATAFILE
Fiction, Doomward and the Vortex, by Michael C. Grafton: Fiction, Shield of the Federation, by Randy Green: CL31
CL38 Fiction, Silence of the Dead: CL33
Fiction, Dragon’s Story, A, by Bruce Graw: CL18 Fiction, SkaRdenaSia, by Randy Green: CL53
Fiction, Duty, Honor, Empire: CL35 Fiction, Snap Count, by Stephen V Cole: CL33
Fiction, Escape from Xylad, by Michael Bennett: CL52 Fiction, Space Trucks, by Garth L. Getgen: CL:53
Fiction, Field Promotion, by Shelley Stuart: CL20 Fiction, Star Fleet Pawn Stars, by Michael Bennett, CL41,
Fiction, Fight Fire with Fire, by John Sickels: CL22 CL42
Fiction, Fire in the Deep, CL41 Fiction, Stones and Glass Colonies, by Scott Moellmer, CL41
Fiction, First Blood, by Shelley Stuart: CL23 Fiction, Survivor, by Dan Ibekwe: CL51
Fiction, First Encounter, by Kenneth Jones: CL25 Fiction, Texmex: Planet of the Cows, CL43
Fiction, Flashpoint Mantor, by John Sickels: CL24 Fiction, Tholians of Draco: CL39
Fiction, Flotilla Commander Part 1, by Stephen V Cole: CL30 Fiction, Threads of War, by Loren Knight: CL30
Fiction, Flotilla Commander Part 2, by Stephen V Cole: CL43 Fiction, Treaties, The, by Terry O’Carroll: CL53
Fiction, For Duty, All Things, by Joe Gallagher: CL46 Fiction, Understanding, An (one page): CL36
Fiction, For the Good of the Empire: CL34 Fiction, Voyages of Discovery, by Gary Carney
Fiction, For the Honor of the Flag, by Mark Tippet: CL26 Fiction, Warrior Returns: CL46
Fiction, Fralli Heavy Cruiser: CL48 Fiction, Warrior’s Journey, CL47
Fiction, Frequency: CL38 Fiction, Web of Deceit (Tholians vs. Seltorians), by Randy O.
Fiction, Friend in Need, A, by Allen Gies: CL18 Green: CL36
Fiction, Further Duties (one page): CL36 Fiction, Wildspace by Scott Moellmer: CL40
Fiction, Great Chlorophon Captains, CL43 Fiction, Wings over Arcturia, by John Sickels, CL42
Fiction, Hit-And-Run: CL37 Fiction, Wrong Man (Ketrick’s Kat): CL45
Fiction, Igneous Down, CL41 Fiction, You do not have to die, by Olivette Roche, CL41
Fiction, Interesting Job, An (prequel to A Call To Arms): CL45 Fight for a Cure: See Tournaments
Fiction, Into the Eagle’s Nest, by Clint Woodall: CL47 Fighter Operations: see F&E Fighter Operations.
Fiction: ISC Search for Truth, The, by Jean Sexton: CL53 Fighters in Federation Commander, Borders of Madness: CL37
Fiction, It’s Worse than That: CL44 Filksong, B10 Irresistable, CL49
Fiction, Jason and the Dilithium Fleece: CL24 Filksong, Battle Over Kzintai, CL32
Fiction, Kaskarova Office: CL54 Filksong, BCH is Back, The, CL33
Fiction, Ketrick Saga: Ketrick’s Kat CL42, The Wrong Man Filksong, Because the Fight, CL32
CL45, Warrior’s Return CL46, Warrior’s Journey CL47 Filksong, Coalition Rising, CL41
Fiction, Ketrick’s Kat, CL42, deleted scenes in CL42SF Filksong, Devil Went Up to Star Fleet, The, CL31
Fiction, Kolmes Inspection, CL43 Filksong, Does the Captain Know: CL44
Fiction, Last Command, The, by Randy O Green: CL32 Filksong, Drones, Drones, Drones: CL52
Fiction, Last Shot, The, by Mark Abukoff, CL49 Filksong, Eye of the Lyran, CL33
Fiction, Lawfare, by Howard Anderson: CL31 Filksong, Fighters for Nothing, CL40 Supplement
Fiction, Librarian Returns, The: CL42SF Filksong, Fleet Captain Gold, CL31
Fiction, Librarian: The, CL39 Filksong, Give a Ship to me, CL36
Fiction, Lost Empires, Carnivons: CL48 Filksong, Gornshima, CL35
Fiction, Magnificent Panzers: The, CL37 Filksong, Gunfight at Tholia’s Web, CL50
Fiction, Measure of Fear, A, by John Sickels: CL43 Filksong, I Fought the Gorn, CL32
Fiction, Mission of Vital Importance, A, by Randy O Green: Filksong, I Shot the Klingon, CL35
CL29 Filksong, If I Could Start the War, CL35
Fiction, Mutiny on the Harasser, by Howard Berkey: CL21 Filksong, Last Day of Remus, The, CL31

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Filksong, Like a Klingon Warrior, CL41 Galactic Conquest, Universe 7 Andro-War: CL54
Filksong, Mean Jean: CL42 Galactic Conquest, Universe 8 A New Start: CL54
Filksong, Mister Romulan Spy, CL31 Galactic Conquest, Update, Universe I: CL34, CL38
Filksong, Neutral Zone, CL33 Galactic Conquest, Update, Universe II: CL34, CL38
Filksong, Para-Vian, CL31 Galactic Conquest, Update, Universe III: CL34
Filksong, Plasmas and Cloaks, CL41 Galactic Conquest, Update, Universe IV: CL38
Filksong, Rolandus, CL36 Galactic Conquest, War!: CL25
Filksong, S.O.S., CL36 Galactic Conquest: Klingon-Hydran War: CL33
Filksong, Shipbreaker: CL45 Galaxy of Abba, A: CL36
Filksong, Some Way to Escape, CL41 Galaxy of Song: CL21, CL31, CL32, CL33, CL35, CL36
Filksong, Song of the Kishawk, CL35 (Abba), CL43, CL51, CL52
Filksong, Sound of Battle, The, CL51 Game Design, SFB BPV vs. F&E Compot, CL43
Filksong, Star Fleet Marine: CL45 Gaming Genius Award: CL44
Filksong, Sweet Victory, CL32 Gencon 2007 Report: CL36
Filksong, Tall Dark Klingon, CL33 GenCon Indy: CL33
Filksong, This is Me, Killing You, CL36 General Frax Units Update: CL47
Filksong, Who’ll Stop Their Drones?, CL31 Getting Your Store to Help You: CL25
Filksongs: see “Galaxy of Song” Ghost Signals: A Uthiki Primer: CL51
Fleet Doctrine Rules for Federation Commander: CL47 Go to Origins and Have a Blast: CL32, CL35, CL36
Floored With Alliance: CL38 Going World Class, SFBOL: CL36
Flying Deuces Tournaments: CL22: CL23 Gold Hat On Line: CL35
Fog of War 6, Replay of PBEM game: CL37 Gorn Anchor, Federation Commander Tactics: CL38
Fog of War 7, PBEM: CL42 Gorn Background: CL44
Fog of War, Game Five After Action: CL36 Gorn Carriers, Class History: CL30
Fog of War, replay of PBEM Battle: CL33 Gorn Skipping Stone Tank: CL54
Form a Battle Group: CL43 GPD: Module Prime Alpha, introduction: CL25
Fralli Heavy Cruiser, Datafile: CL48 Ground Bases in Federation Commander: CL43
Frax in Federation Commander: CL40 Growler: See Ask Admiral Growler.
Frax, General Units Update: CL47 GunFighter Frigates: CL28
Free For All: See Play by Email, Free For All. GURPS
Future Products, Command the future: Most issues GURPS 4th Edition: CL30
G GURPS Federation: CL33
G1, Klingon Gunboat, Deck Plans: CL30 GURPS Klingons, Command the future: CL26
Galactic Conquest GURPS Klingons, Command the future: CL27
Galactic Conquest and the Art of War: CL27 GURPS Module Prime Alpha, Command the future: CL27
Galactic Conquest, About: CL51 GURPS Module Prime Beta, Command the future: CL27
Galactic Conquest, Becoming a Quality Game Manager, CL44 GURPS Prime Directive, Introduction: CL23
Galactic Conquest, Build That! Shipyards: CL47 GURPS Prime Directive, Klingon stun disruptor: CL28
Galactic Conquest, Conqueror’s file: CL20 GURPS Prime Directive, preview: CL24
Galactic Conquest, Conquest Notes (tactics): CL44, CL52, GURPS Prime Directive, Tribble Launcher: CL28
CL53 GURPS Romulans, Command the future: CL27
Galactic Conquest, Conversions: CL45 GURPS Tholians: CL33
Galactic Conquest, Crew Quality: CL48 H
Galactic Conquest, Current Galactic Histories: CL52 Hailing Frequencies Newsletter: CL36
Galactic Conquest, Dragons Are Over There, The: CL40 Hailing Frequencies: CL33
Galactic Conquest, Efficient Field Operations: CL49 Hardball Politics, a Chlorophon Primer: CL34
Galactic Conquest, Example of Economics: CL43 He Lived Long and Prospered (Farewell to Nimoy): CL50
Galactic Conquest, Examples of Attack and Defense Modifiers: Heavy Fighter resupply Pods: CL26
CL42 Hidden History of the Federation’s Heavy Cruisers: CL52
Galactic Conquest, Frax Evening News: CL36 History of the Lyran Democratic Republic Navy: CL44
Galactic Conquest, Here There Be Dragons! CL40 History of the SFU: CL50
Galactic Conquest, History of the First 10 Years, A: CL23 How Captain’s Log Gets Done: CL25
Galactic Conquest, History of the Six-Power War: CL30 How Captain’s Log Happens: CL54SF
Galactic Conquest, Hydran Ships No Longer in Service: CL26 How to Play A Call to Arms Star Fleet: CL47
Galactic Conquest, Introduction to: CL19 How We Pick Scenarios: CL40
Galactic Conquest, Learning to Swim with the Sharks: CL35 Humming Along, a primer for the Singers: CL41
Galactic Conquest, New Beginnings: CL50 Humor
Galactic Conquest, New Rulebook: CL39 Humor, A Galaxy of Song: See “A Galaxy of Song”
Galactic Conquest, Other Side of the Coin, The: CL24 Humor, ADB Games You’ll Never See: CL45
Galactic Conquest, Questions about the New Rulebook: CL39 Humor, American-Style Football in the Star Fleet Universe:
Galactic Conquest, State of the Multiverse: CL53 CL39
Galactic Conquest, State of the Three Universes: CL32 Humor, An Enemy is an Enemy: CL20
Galactic Conquest, Tactics (Conquest Notes): CL29, CL44, Humor, Disclaimers of the Star Fleet Universe: CL18
CL45, CL46, CL47, CL48, CL49 Humor, Frequency: CL38
Galactic Conquest, Tale of Two Rivals, A: CL37 Humor, Hotel Improbable: CL52
Galactic Conquest, Universe 6: CL54 Humor, Legendary Evil Villain: CL23

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Humor, Most Interesting Man in the Galaxy: CL43 Input Guide, General Advice: CL20, CL24, CL50
Humor, Murphy’s Laws of Star Fleet Battles: CL20 Input Guide, Hook, The: CL34
Humor, On the Table: CL48 Input Guide, Interesting Punctuation: CL46
Humor, Playtester, The: CL52 Input Guide, Jean’s Pet Peeves: CL39
Humor, Prime Directive Conversions You Will Never See, Input Guide, Line Item Format: CL20
CL43 Input Guide, Maintaining contact with ADB: CL29
Humor, Reality Trivideo Preview: CL50 Input Guide, Mean Jean vs. the Writers of the SFU: CL42,
Humor, Secret Order of the F and the E: CL46 CL50
Humor, SkaRdenaSia, by Randy Green: CL53 Input Guide, More Effective Writing: CL38
Humor, Solution, The, Fiction (Zombies): CL48 Input Guide, New SubMissions Log, The: CL18
Humor, Star Fleet Trivideo Schedule: CL26 Input Guide, Notes on SSDs: CL23
Humor, To Kill a Mockingdrone: CL36 Input Guide, Novel Length Fiction: CL21
Humor, Top 10 Lists: Ways to make a Romulan Fighter useful: Input Guide, Please Make it Easy for Me: CL48
CL23 Input Guide, Prime Directive: CL23
Humor, Top Ten, Answers to the Questions a Captain doesn’t Input Guide, Proofreading: CL50
want to ask: CL25 Input Guide, Reminders: CL52
Humor, Top Ten, the Questions a Captain Never wants to ask: Input Guide, Scenarios: CL31
CL18 Input Guide, Semicolons: CL41
Humor, Treaties, The, by Terry O’Carroll: CL53 Input Guide, SFU Style Sheet: CL33
Humor, Trivideo Schedule, Y181: CL46 Input Guide, Ships: CL22, CL31
Humor, What do on a date: CL20 Input Guide, So you got a file from ADB?: CL20
Humor, Worst SFB Career Choices: CL36 Input Guide, So you want to write for the Star Fleet Universe,
Humor, You are so bad at SFB that: CL23 eh?: CL35
Humor, Your Captain Just Might be a Redneck if: CL18 Input Guide, Stories vs. Scenarios: CL25
Humor, Your Captain Just Might be From New York City: CL23 Input Guide, Style Sheet, CL34
Hydran Dreadnoughts, Class History: CL36 Input Guide, SubMissions Update: CL21
Hydran Pegasus Class: CL25 Input Guide, Teachable Moments, The Tholian Crevice: CL43
Hypermass Autocannon, Rules, Triangulum: CL23 Input Guide, Term Papers: CL20
I Input Guide, Thoughts on SSDs: CL22
Ice Monster, Monster Special Rules: CL42 Input Guide, Too Be or Not Two Bee: CL45
Igneous, Monster Special Rules: CL36 Input Guide, Top Ten Bad Ideas for SubMissions: CL31
Imperial Woodpecker, A Primer for the Imperium: CL42 Input Guide, Top Ten Mistakes in Fiction: CL31
Imperium Primer: CL42 Input Guide, Top Ten Ways to Get a Scenario Rejected: CL31
In Memorium, Isis: CL50 Input Guide, Top Ten Ways to Get a Ship Rejected: CL31
In Memorium, Joseph W Butler: CL35 Input Guide, Trek vs. Star Fleet Universe, CL49
In Memorium, Leonard Nimoy: CL50 Input Guide, Two Be or Not too Be, CL44
Index of Known Planets: CL23 Input Guide, Using Commas like a Pro: CL40
Infinite Avenues to Infinite Markets: CL34 Input Guide, We don’t need New races, but: CL18
Input Guide, We need Fiction: CL18
Input Guide
Input Guide, We need Playtest reports: CL18
Input Guide, 550 Words on Making your Battle Group Article
Input Guide, We need SFB Scenarios: CL43
Better: CL48
Input Guide, What is your name?: CL18
Input Guide, A few notes from recent subMissions: CL43
Input Guide, What’s Wrong With This (FC) Scenario: CL42
Input Guide, A few thoughts on Input: CL18
Input Guide, When is a series not a series? CL43
Input Guide, A victory well earned (Capitalization), CL49
Input Guide, Why Technology Sloshing is Prohibited in the
Input Guide, Adverb-Adjective pairs: CL43
Input Guide, Advice to fiction authors: CL29, CL51
Input Guide, Writing Dialog: CL47
Input Guide, Behold, the New system: CL23
Input Guide, Writing for Captain’s Log 22: CL21
Input Guide, Beware the spammers: CL29
Input Guide: Designing Scenarios for A Call to Arms Star Fleet:
Input Guide, Bridge Crew, The: CL30
Input Guide, Can I design a Module for you? CL26
Input Guide: What’s in a Name: CL43
Input Guide, Capitalization, by Jean Sexton: CL36, CL49
Instant Messaging, Playing Federation Commander by: CL40
Input Guide, Capitalization Guide Update, by Jean Sexton:
Intergalactic Trunk Line (Andromedan), Datafile CL49
IPhone Games: CL40, CL41, CL42, CL43, CL44
Input Guide, Captain’s Log: CL53
Iridani Tactical Primer, CL38
Input Guide, Creative Writing: CL37
Iron Crown Miniatures, Starline 2400: CL38
Input Guide, Dashes: CL41
Is it Real, or is it Playtest? CL23
Input Guide, Designing for Balance, CL19
ISC and the Federation, CL43
Input Guide, Does web = unpublishable? CL26
ISC Search for Truth, The, by Jean Sexton
Input Guide, Effective Reporting: CL43
ISC WAR to be Released at Origins 2011: CL42
Input Guide, E-Modules, a galaxy of your own: CL27
Input Guide, English vs. Jargon: CL37 J
Input Guide, Federation Commander, CL34 Jean Sexton: Mean Jean CL42; What does Jean mean to ADB
Input Guide, Federation Commander: CL32 CL46; Horizon’s Edge CL47; Ten Questions for
Input Guide, Fiction: CL18, CL21, CL25, CL29, CL30, CL31, “Texas Jean” Sexton CL47; Marriage CL54
CL54 Jean’s Pet Peeves, Input Guide: CL39
Input Guide, File Names: CL37 Joint Venture with Mongoose: CL43, CL44
Juggernaut: CL33

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Jumokian Tactical Primer: CL52 Miniatures: See Starline 2400 and Starline 2500 through CL52.
K See Shapeways starting with CL53
Mistress of the Galaxy: CL36
Klingon Armada
Module C5 Magellanics, Command the future: CL27, CL30,
Klingon Armada: CL40
Klingon E5 and E7, A Class History: CL35
Module F2 Vudar, Command the future: CL27
Klingon Eastern Marches, Background, CL49
Module J2, discussion of possible Module: CL22
Klingon G1 Gunboat Deck Plans: CL30
Module Omega 5+6, Command the future: CL27
Klingon Imperial Line: CL40
Module Prime Alpha, Command the future: CL26
Klingon Justice: CL26
Module Prime Alpha, introduction: CL25
Klingon Z-K Fighter, developmental history: CL36
Module R10, Command the Future: CL26
Knife-Fighting tactics, Federaiton Commander, CL49
Module R8, The National Guards (later re-titled System
Kyocera Project: CL30
Defense Command), Command the Future: CL27
Kzinti LFK Fighter, developmental history: CL36
L Monster Special Rules, Arastoz: CL38
Language in the Star Fleet Universe: CL48 Monster Special Rules, Artifact Entity: CL48
Last Shot, The, fiction by Mark Abukoff, CL49 Monster Special Rules, Banshees: CL41
LDR in F&E: CL46 Monster Special Rules, Cosmic Cloud: CL32
Legion Tournaments: CL23 Monster Special Rules, Death Probe: CL37
Lighter Side of SFB: See humor. Monster Special Rules, Energy Monster: CL39
Linear Accelerator, Rules, Triangulum: CL23 Monster Special Rules, Ice Monster: CL42
Loriyill, Tactical Primer: CL36 Monster Special Rules, Igneous: CL36
Lost Articles, Star Fleet Battles, a New Edition: CL39 Monster Special Rules, Metamorph: CL43
Supplement Monster Special Rules, Mind Control Plants: CL53
Lost Empires, Carnivons, History: CL48 Monster Special Rules, Mind Monster: CL34
Lost Futures, Zosmans: CL50, CL50SF Monster Special Rules, Moray Eel: CL31
Love in the Air (Marriage of Al and Jean Beddow): CL54 Monster Special Rules, Mulakee: CL45
Lyran Cruisers, A Class History: CL37 Monster Special Rules, Orb: CL46
Lyran Democratic Republic Navy, History of: CL44 Monster Special Rules, Planet Crusher: CL29
M Monster Special Rules, Space Amoeba: CL30
Mad Jack’s Hole, Planetary Survey: CL47 Monster Special Rules, Space Boars: CL44
Mad Scientist, Accelerated Plasma: CL28 Monster Special Rules, Space Dragon: CL35
Mad Scientist, Cloaked plasma launch: CL28 Monster Special Rules, Space Lens: CL49
Mad Scientist, Dial-a-torpedo: CL28 Monster Special Rules, Space Manta: CL51
Mad Scientist, Fighter armor: CL28 Monster Special Rules, Space Spider: CL50
Mad Scientist, Gearshift Warp Drive: CL28 Monster Special Rules, Space Tarantula: CL54
Mad Scientist, Gorn Modular Bomber: CL28 Monster Special Rules, Star Sheep: CL47
Mad Scientist, Plasma-B: CL28 Monster Special Rules, Starswarm: CL40
Mad Scientist, Plasmotron: CL28 Monster Special Rules, Sunsnake: CL33
Mad Scientist, shield regenerators: CL28 Monster Special Rules, Tarantula: CL54
Mad Scientist, tactical sphere torpedo: CL28 Monster Special Rules, Wild Alunda: CL52
Magellanic Monsters for Star Fleet Battle Force: CL35
Magellanic Rules update: CL20 Moray Eel, monster Special Rules: CL31
Magellanic Scenarios: SL247 in CL33; Most Interesting Man in the Galaxy: CL43
Magellanic SL179 A Rational Choice: CL20 Mulakee, Monster Special Rules: CL45
Magellanic SL198 Magellanic Convoy Raid: CL22 N
Magellanic SL203 Joint Operations: CL23 National Guard, Tugs Proposal: CL32
Magellanic Uthiki race, Rules: CL20 Nebulous Operations: See F&E Nebulous Operations
Magellanics, Module C5 after action: CL34 Neo-Tholian Heavy Ships: CL25
Magellanics, Tactical Primer: CL33 Neutronium Armor, Rules, Triangulum: CL23
Maghadim Primer, Escape from the Core: CL50 New Cards for Star Fleet Battle Force: Most issues from CL36.
Making your own space amoeba: CL36 New Empires for Fed Commander, Carnivons and Paravians:
Mallaran Primer: CL46 CL48
Man-to-Man Combat: CL35 New Opportunity to get pubished: CL33
Massively Multiplayer On-Line: CL35 New People Bring New Ideas, CL31
Master Ship Chart for units in the current issue: CL27, CL29- New Rule, Battle Groups: CL31
date New SFB Rule, Advanced Ground Combat: CL31
Master Ship chart for units published in CL18-CL26: CL26 New SFB Rule, G25.5 Casual Cargo: CL33
Medals: See Star Fleet Awards New SFB Rule, G32 Prime Teams: CL38
Medium Mines, Rules, Triangulum: CL23 New SFB Rule, Partial X Refits: CL31
MegaFighters on Patrol, Rules update: CL36 New SFB Rule, S8.7 Buying Ground Troops: CL37
Merchant operations in the Star Fleet Universe: CL48 New SFB Rule, Sniper Squads: CL39
Meta-Gaming: CL27 New SFB Rule: Rossom’s Universal Refits: CL34
Metamorph: Monster Special Rules: CL43 New SFB Rules: Simulator Empires During the Early Years:
Miniatures Conference 2006: CL32 CL42
New Ships for A Call to Arms Star Fleet: CL45, CL46, CL47

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Index of CAPTAIN’S LOG #18-#54
Nicozian Primer: CL45 Origins 97 Report,
Notes for Judges: Dealing with Cheating: CL21 Origins 98 Report,
Notes for Judges: Non-Aggression: CL22 Origins 99 Report,
Notes for Judges: Playing aggressively: CL20 Origins and Have a Blast: CL32
Notes for Judges: Scheduling: CL23 Origins, Go to Origins and Have a Blast: CL32
Notes for Judges: Ten Questions: CL25 Origins, Miniatures Conference 2006: CL32
Notes for Judges: Training Replacements: CL24 Origins, No Origins in 2012 for SFU: CL44
Notes on F&E 2010, CL43 Origins, the end of an era: CL48
Origins, ZZZ
O Orion Pirates Campaign, Starfleet Command: CL37
Old Galaxy Pirates: CL40 P
Olivette Roche, CL39 Supplemental
Painting Panel Lines on Starline Ships: CL33
Omega Paravian Alternative History: CL28
Omega Civilian Ships: CL20 Paravian cards for Star Fleet Battle Force: CL49
Omega Datafile, Less than Perfect Union, CL47 Paravian Rules for the General War: CL28
Omega Fast Patrol Ships: CL22 Paravians in Fed Commander, Rules, Background, Ships:
Omega New Rules, Particle Splitter Torpedo: CL23 CL48
Omega PFs, Tactical Primer: CL37 Partial X Refits: CL31
Omega Prime Directive 1 characters: CL22 PBEM: See Play by Email.
Omega Rules and Rulings, CL19 Peladine for Federation Commander: CL50
Omega Scenario, SL263 Housekeeping: CL36 Peladine Update: CL44
Omega Scenarios: CL249 in CL33; Pella Demo Campaign Ribbon: CL32
Omega Sector, What I did and why I did it, by Bruce Graw: Penal Ships in Federation Commander: CL43
CL19 Permission to Photocopy: CL33
Omega Ship Card for FC, Auroran CA: CL42 PF Transport Pods: CL26
Omega Ship Card for FC, Auroran Frigate: CL42 Photon torpedo tactics in Federation Commander: CL43
Omega Ship Card for FC, Iridani: CL42SF Pirates and Prey, Database: CL35
Omega Ship Card for FC, Maesron: CL42SF Place on the Edge, Vudar in SFB: CL18
Omega SL180 Convoy Surprise: CL20 Planetary Operations: See F&E Planetary Operations
Omega SL189, On the Warning Track: CL21 Planetary Survey, Adanerg: CL49
Omega SL197 Regicide: CL22 Planetary Survey, Alpha Centauri: CL39
Omega SL209, Treasure in Sight: CL24 Planetary Survey, Arcturia: CL38
Omega SL214, Going to Market: CL25 Planetary Survey, Bisalia: CL45
Omega SSD, Mæsron Battle Freighter: CL21 Planetary Survey, Circle Trigon: CL48
Omega SSD, Mæsron Heavy Tug: CL21 Planetary Survey, Mad Jack’s Hole: CL47
Omega SSD, Mæsron Light Tug: CL21 Planetary Survey, Skoleos: CL46
Omega SSD, Mæsron Pods: CL21 Planetary Survey, Vega IX: CL54
Omega SSDs: See SSDs, Omega: CL19: CL22: CL23: CL24 Planetary Survey, Vulcan: CL37
Omega Tactical Primer: CL34 Planetary Survey, Yeney’vn: CL52
Omega Tactics, a first look: CL19 Planetary Survey: Zeta Reticuli: CL53
Omega Tactics, PFs: CL37 Platinum Hat: CL44-CL51, CL53
Omega Tactics: CL20 Platinum Victory 2011: CL44
Omega Tugs and Pods: CL21 Platinum Victory 2012: CL47
Omega, Zosmans: CL50, CL50SF Platinum Victory 2013: CL50
On the Table, Fiction: CL48 Platinum Victory 2014: CL51
One Corner of Hell, SFBOL: CL45 Platinum Victory 2016: CL53
Online Pirate Hunting 101: CL45
Opt-In Newsletter, to be done in future: CL33
Play by Email
Orb, Monster Special Rules: CL46
Play by Email, Coordinator Change: CL32
Organians, Myths of the: CL38
Play by Email, Federation Commander: CL33-date
Origins Play by Email, Fog of War 6: CL37, CL38, CL39
Origins 00 Report, Play by Email, Fog of War 7: CL41, CL42
Origins 01 Report, Play by Email, Fog of War 8: CL47
Origins 02 Report: CL25 Play by Email, Fog of War 9: CL52
Origins 03 will use New format: CL26 Play by Email, Fog of War: CL30, CL35, CL36
Origins 04 bash announced: CL29 Play by Email, Free For All: CL35, CL36, CL37, CL38
Origins 05 report: CL32 Play by Email, General: CL19-CL27, CL29-to-date
Origins 06 report, F&E: CL34 Play by Email, Moderating: CL27
Origins 07 Report: CL36 Play by Email, Moderator’s Corner: CL21
Origins 08 Report: CL38 Play by Email, New website: CL27
Origins 09 Report, CL39SF Play by Email, One Corner of Hell: CL45
Origins 10 Report, CL41SF Play by Email, Player’s Corner: CL21
Origins 11 Report, CL43SF Play by Email, report: CL33-CL36
Origins 2011, see you there: CL43 Play by Email, Special Rules: CL26
Origins 2012, Maybe not: CL43 Play by Email, Star Fleet Survivor: CL39, CL40, CL41, CL42
Origins 95 Report: CL18 Play-Aide, Speeding up the DAC: CL41
Origins 96 Report, CL19

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Playing Federation Commander in Real Time Using Instant Proposals Board, Armed Priority X-Transports: CL46
Messaging: CL40 Proposals Board, Arrested by the Romulan Police: CL54SF
Playtest/Playtesting, About: CL52 Proposals Board, Asteroid Bases, CL43
Playtest Rules, Core Worlds: CL19 Proposals Board, Bad Marriage: CL40
Playtest Rules, Paravians: CL18 Proposals Board, Base Defense Auxiliary: CL54SF
Playtest Rules, Pyxon Galaxy, CL19 Proposals Board, Bases: L52
Playtest Rules, Vudar: CL18, CL19 Proposals Board, Beyond Y225: CL39
Please Make it Easy for Me, Input Guide: CL48 Proposals Board, Blinding Torpedo: CL33
Poachers Turned Gamekeepers, Zosman Primer: CL54 Proposals Board, Blockade Cruiser: CL27
Posters, to be done in future: CL33 Proposals Board, C-130 cargo shuttle: CL47
Power Grid, Example: CL35 Proposals Board, Captain, It Just Won’t Fit: CL42
Primary Plasma Tactics, Federation Commander Tactics: Proposals Board, Cargo Overboard!: CL54SF
CL38 Proposals Board, Carrier Escorts with F111s: CL40
Prime Datafile, The Klingon Empire: CL24 Proposals Board, Carrying Some Fighter Baggage in a Pod:
Prime Datafile, The Klingon Imperial Line: CL40 CL42
Prime Directive Proposals Board, Cloaking: CL51
Prime Directive (1st Ed), Biographical and Special Function Proposals Board, Close Combat Maneuver Drones: CL33
Tricorder: CL20 Proposals Board, Colonial Cruisers: CL54SF
Prime Directive (1st Ed), First Contact Ribbon: CL19 Proposals Board, Combat-Optimized Dreadnoughts: CL49
Prime Directive (1st Ed), Klingon Awards: CL22 Proposals Board, Commando Ships: CL46
Prime Directive (1st Ed), Omega Prime: CL22 Proposals Board, Composite Ships: CL20
Prime Directive (1st Ed), Starship Crew Characters: CL21 Proposals Board, Corvettes: CL54SF
Prime Directive (1st Ed), Technical Supported Skills: CL19 Proposals Board, Counter-Andro Ships: CL46
Prime Directive (1st Ed), The Yitlians: CL19 Proposals Board, Cruising the stars in my FoRD: CL48
Prime Directive (1st Ed), Where are we going?: CL20 Proposals Board, D7 with third engine: CL27
Prime Directive (1st Ed), Whither Prime Directive?: CL19 Proposals Board, Deckhouse Destroyer: CL54SF
Prime Directive Conversions you will never see, CL43 Proposals Board, Destroyer for all seasons: CL48
Prime Directive Federation: CL33, CL34 Proposals Board, Diplomatic Gunboats: CL52
Prime Directive Tholians: CL33 Proposals Board, Direct Circle: CL40
Prime Directive Traveller: CL43, CL50 Proposals Board, Displacement Device: CL21
Prime Directive Universe, multi-system: CL31, CL32, CL35, Proposals Board, Double-Blind Scenarios: CL53
CL36 Proposals Board, Double Your Romulans: CL20
Prime Directive, Borak (GURPS and PD20M): CL44 Proposals Board, Dreadnought Variants: CL27
Prime Directive, Klingon Imperial Line: CL40 Proposals Board, Drop-Launch Plasma: CL18
Prime Directive, Planetary Survey, Adanerg: CL49 Proposals Board, E3S: CL27
Prime Directive, Planetary Survey, Alpha Centauri: CL39 Proposals Board, ECM Gunboat: CL54SF
Prime Directive, Planetary Survey, Arcturia: CL38 Proposals Board, Emulator: CL22
Prime Directive, Planetary Survey, Bisalia: CL45 Proposals Board, ESG Captor: CL21
Prime Directive, Planetary Survey, Circle Trigon: CL48 Proposals Board, Eternal Federation Dream: CL32
Prime Directive, Planetary Survey, Mad Jack’s Hole: CL47 Proposals Board, Expanding Klingon Booms: CL32
Prime Directive, Planetary Survey, Skoleos: CL46 Proposals Board, Experimental Weapons Ships: CL41
Prime Directive, Planetary Survey, Vega IX: CL54 Proposals Board, Fast A10: CL37
Prime Directive, Planetary Survey, Vulcan: CL37 Proposals Board, Fast Attack Carrier: CL33
Prime Directive, Planetary Survey, Yeney’vn: CL52 Proposals Board, Fast Battleships: CL54
Prime Directive, Planetary Survey: Zeta Reticuli: CL53 Proposals Board, Fast Drone Bombardment: CL54SF
Prime Directive, Q’Naabians (GURPS, PD20M, TPD): CL51 Proposals Board, Fast Raiding Frigates: CL41
Prime Directive, Rovillians (GURPS, PD20M, TPD): CL52 Proposals Board, Fast War Destroyers: CL41
Prime Directive, Standard Planetary Classes expansion: CL51 Proposals Board, Federation Photon Arcs: CL40
Prime Directive, Star Fleet Marines Phaser-IIA: CL41 Proposals Board, Fewer Ships! More Empires!: CL54
Prime Directive, Zorski Compatibility Table correction: CL51 Proposals Board, Fighter Rescue Runner: CL29
Primer: See Tactical Primer Proposals Board, Fighter that would not die: CL18
Probr Tactical Primer, Bringing the Heat: CL34 Proposals Board, Fighters: CL54SF
Project Z: see Federation Commander, Project Z Proposals Board, Fighters with phaser-1: CL22
Proposals Board (SFB) Proposals Board, Firehawk with 3 S-torps: CL27
Proposals Board, A-18 Attack Fighter: CL19 Proposals Board, Firing Photons into the Buzz: CL49
Proposals Board, Admiral’s Frigate: CL41 Proposals Board, First Encounters: CL53
Proposals Board, Advanced Cloaking Device: CL51 Proposals Board, Fleet Decoys: CL53
Proposals Board, Advanced Ground Combat: CL39 Proposals Board, Fleet Escorts: CL48, CL54SF
Proposals Board, Alliance Hybrid Ships: CL27 Proposals Board, Fleet-Footed Escort: CL18
Proposals Board, Alliance Sort-of Maulers: CL41 Proposals Board, Fleet Friendly ESG: CL21
Proposals Board, Allied Ships: CL39 Proposals Board, Fleet Support Unit: CL54SF
Proposals Board, Alternative Cruiser: CL54SF Proposals Board, Fralli Annihilator Beam: CL43
Proposals Board, Alternate Romulan War Cruiser: CL54 Proposals Board, Small Freighter with Two Pods: CL52
Proposals Board, Andros Want Tractors: CL18 Proposals Board, Frigate too Far?, A: CL42
Proposals Board, Anti-Bombardment Ships: CL41 Proposals Board, Gee Whiz Feds: CL18
Proposals Board, Anti-Fighter Pods: CL39 Proposals Board, General Purpose Ship: CL27
Proposals Board, Anti-Web Fighter: CL54 Proposals Board, Get Rid of the Thing I Hate: CL39

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Proposals Board, Getting a Grip on a Ship, CL43 Proposals Board, New DAC: CL19
Proposals Board, Ghost Gunboats: CL54SF Proposals Board, New Galactic Survey: CL54SF
Proposals Board, Gooseneck KestrelHawk: CL54 Proposals Board, New Something Cruisers: CL54SF
Proposals Board, Gorn Anvil: CL54SF Proposals Board, Nominations for new ships: CL50
Proposals Board, Gorn Anvil Destroyer: CL40 Proposals Board, Note on SSJ1: CL22
Proposals Board, Gorn Bomber Carrier: CL54SF Proposals Board, Offensive Bombers: CL33
Proposals Board, Gorn Carrier Pod: CL54 Proposals Board, Old weapons in New Proposals: CL25
Proposals Board, Gorn Command Light Cruiser: CL27 Proposals Board, On the way to Victory: CL25
Proposals Board, Gorn Drag Projector: CL23 Proposals Board, One More KR Variant: CL42
Proposals Board, Gorn Gimmick, search for: CL25 Proposals Board, One Tough Bird: CL25
Proposals Board, Gorns-The Federation’s Friend: CL42 Proposals Board, Orion Monitor Base: CL29
Proposals Board, Guided Missile Cruiser: CL54SF Proposals Board, Orions Moving Bases: CL29
Proposals Board, Half a refit is Better than none, CL43 Proposals Board, Other: CL23
Proposals Board, Harassment vehicles: CL27 Proposals Board, Overloaded scanners: CL49
Proposals Board, Hasty Defense Ship: CL46 Proposals Board, Paint Your Target: CL21
Proposals Board, He Shoots, He Scores!: CL25 Proposals Board, Passenger Liners: CL54SF
Proposals Board, Heavy and Multi-Role Shuttles: CL52 Proposals Board, Peace Cruisers: CL54SF
Proposals Board, Heavy Assault Cruisers: CL54SF Proposals Board, Peacetime Cruiser: CL49
Proposals Board, Heavy Defense Fighters: CL54SF Proposals Board, PFT on fast Cruiser hull: CL31
Proposals Board, Heavy SCS: CL46 Proposals Board, Phaser Modules: CL37
Proposals Board, Heavy Tanks: CL44 Proposals Board, Phaser Needles: CL44
Proposals Board, Helping Hand: CL42 Proposals Board, Phaser Neo-Tholians: CL20
Proposals Board, Hey, I’m One of You Guys, CL43 Proposals Board, Photon improvements: CL32
Proposals Board, Hive Ships for Other Empires: CL54SF Proposals Board, Photon Neo-Tholians: CL21
Proposals Board, Home You Left Behind, CL43 Proposals Board, Pick a Movement Cost, Any Movement Cost:
Proposals Board, Hydran Archer Frigate: CL45 CL54SF
Proposals Board, Ideas from Down Under: CL20 Proposals Board, Podlets on Mech Links: CL54SF
Proposals Board, Imperial Eagle: CL54SF Proposals Board, Police Gunboats: CL45
Proposals Board, Interdictor Pods: CL41 Proposals Board, Pre-Dreadnoughts: CL49
Proposals Board, Jarhead drones: CL23 Proposals Board, Priority Variants: CL52
Proposals Board, Jill of All Trades: CL48 Proposals Board, Product Ideas: CL39
Proposals Board, Jindarian Loading Crews: CL23 Proposals Board, Proximity Plasma: CL19
Proposals Board, Just a Little Surveying on Weekends: CL43 Proposals Board, Quantum Torpedoes: CL32
Proposals Board, Keeping Webs Up: CL42 Proposals Board, Queen Gertrude Sails Again: CL54SF
Proposals Board, Klingon Heavy Destroyer: CL54SF Proposals Board, Quests into the Void: CL53
Proposals Board, Kzinti Light Survey Carrier: CL27 Proposals Board, Quick Rundown: CL25
Proposals Board, Kzinti Provisional Battleship: CL54SF Proposals Board, Recon Platforms: CL32
Proposals Board, Kzinti Strike Command Carrier: CL33 Proposals Board, Refit from Hell: CL21
Proposals Board, Large Cruiser: CL54SF Proposals Board, Refitted Klingon Frigate: CL54
Proposals Board, Large Light Cruiser: CL54SF Proposals Board, Renegade who had it made: CL48
Proposals Board, Leader without Shock: CL54 Proposals Board, Repair Eagle: CL27
Proposals Board, Legendary drone officer: CL22 Proposals Board, Replacement Command Pods: CL42
Proposals Board, Legendary Officer Creation during Proposals Board, Rock of Ages: CL39
Campaigns: CL51 Proposals Board, Romulan Command Ships: CL54
Proposals Board, Linebackers: CL41 Proposals Board, Romulan Flagships: CL45
Proposals Board, Long-Range Fighters: CL22 Proposals Board, Romulan Plasma Module: CL21
Proposals Board, Lyran Campaign Fighters: CL22 Proposals Board, Scenario Objectives: CL22
Proposals Board, Lyran Fighting Tiger: CL54SF Proposals Board, Scout-Escorts: CL46
Proposals Board, Lyran Police PFT: CL27 Proposals Board, Scout Fighters: CL54SF
Proposals Board, Mercenary Ships: CL54SF Proposals Board, Secret Squirrel Ship: CL44
Proposals Board, Micro-Carrier Semi-Escorts: CL20 Proposals Board, Seeking Mines: CL22
Proposals Board, Minor Lyran Proposals, CL43 Proposals Board, Shadow of a Shadow: CL54SF
Proposals Board, Missing Variants of the F5W: CL44 Proposals Board, Ship Without Shuttles?: CL54SF
Proposals Board, Missing variants of the F6: CL45 Proposals Board, Shipping Marines in the Iwo Jima: CL27
Proposals Board, Mix and Match Romulans: CL42, CL54 Proposals Board, Shipping Nukes by Federation Express:
Proposals Board, Mixing Apples and Oranges, CL43 CL40
Proposals Board, Modular War Cruisers: CL54SF Proposals Board, Ships of Module R11: CL35
Proposals Board, More Carriers for More Fighters: CL54SF Proposals Board, Short Cloak: CL19
Proposals Board, More Fighters: CL54SF Proposals Board, Shuttle My Fighters: CL54SF
Proposals Board, Motionless in space: CL49 Proposals Board, Shuttle Transporters: CL23
Proposals Board, Multiplex Stinger, CL43 Proposals Board, Skiff (Large or Heavy): CL52
Proposals Board, Multi-role heavy Cruisers: CL49 Proposals Board, Skiff to My Lou, My Darling: CL54SF
Proposals Board, Multi-role War Cruisers: CL49 Proposals Board, Sneaking in a PF: CL31
Proposals Board, National Guard Tugs: CL32 Proposals Board, Sometimes Even the Designer Gets it
Proposals Board, Need a New Enemy?: CL31 Wrong: CL54SF
Proposals Board, Need for Creativity: CL37 Proposals Board, Splendid Cat: CL31
Proposals Board, Neo Is the One: CL54SF Proposals Board, Split Tens and Double Down, CL43

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Proposals Board, Starbase Defense Ship: CL41 R
Proposals Board, Stealth Fighters: CL54SF Rangers: See Star Fleet Rangers
Proposals Board, Stealthy Incursion Ships: CL54SF Rated Aces: CL18-CL27, CL29 to date
Proposals Board, Still Looking Into These: CL18 Real Truth: Federation Fighters without Gatlings: CL39
Proposals Board, Strategic speed vulnerability: CL49 Rebels, Pirates, Mercenaries (Jumokian Tactical Primer): CL52
Proposals Board, Sublight Freighters: CL54SF Regretful Necessity, Baduvai Tactical Primer: CL49
Proposals Board, Submarines for Stay-Behind Forces: CL42 ReinForcements: see F&E ReinForcements
Proposals Board, Suckerfish drones: CL23 Report from Gencon Indianapolis 2005: CL32
Proposals Board, Suicide Assault Plasma Bolt Shuttle: CL45 Rescue At Farak III, Battle Group for Federation Commander,
Proposals Board, Super Dooper Hornet: CL54SF Battle Group for SFB, scenario for Star Fleet Marines:
Proposals Board, Super-Heavy Cruisers: CL54SF CL48
Proposals Board, Survey Fighters: CL23 Restarting an SFB Group in Your Home Town: CL38
Proposals Board, Survey Teams: CL22 Review, Star Trek: Tactical Assault: CL37
Proposals Board, Survey with Extra Xing!: CL54SF Road to Helgard, Tactical primer: CL44
Proposals Board, Sweeping up the Mess: CL48 Romulan Early Bases and Early Bombers: CL38
Proposals Board, Tactical Plasma: CL19 Romulan Snipe deck plans: CL36
Proposals Board, Technology Sloshing: CL44 Rules, Omega: Particle Splitter Torpedo: CL23
Proposals Board, Terrain-Specific Bases: CL54SF Rules, Triangulum, RN103 Imperium including sensor-
Proposals Board, Things are Getting Heavy: CL44 scanners, neutronium armor, linear accelerators,
Proposals Board, Tholian Battleship: CL27 Hypermass autocannons, turrets, mine racks and
Proposals Board, Tholian Five-Photon Cruiser: CL45 medium mines: CL23.
Proposals Board, Tholian HDW: CL54
Proposals Board, Tholian PC-CW: CL27 S
Proposals Board, Tholians with Drones: CL19 S8, the Rule that will not die: CL22
Proposals Board, Through Deck Cruiser: CL54SF Salvage and Recovery Ships: CL21
Proposals Board, To Fly and to Web: CL54SF Sapphire Victory #1 by Peter Bakija: CL54
Proposals Board, To Lead a Tholian: CL54SF Sapphire Victory #2: CL54
Proposals Board, To the Shores in the Iwo Jima: CL21 Sapphire Victory #3 by Bill Schoeller: CL54
Proposals Board, Toothless Mauler: CL54SF Scatter-pack: CL22, CL24, CL30, CL33, CL43, CL46, CL48,
Proposals Board, Tractor Anchors: CL23 CL51, CL52 (and other issues we forgot to list)
Proposals Board, Transporter Relay: CL52 Scenario Tactics, Arcturus Solution: CL36
Proposals Board, Treaty of Oriomba: CL54SF Scenario, CS1 Enemy Mine: CL26
Proposals Board, Triple-Tooth Lion Mauler: CL54SF Scenario, SG47 Space Hockey (reprint): CL53
Proposals Board, True Capital Dreadnoughts: CL41 Scenario: for Federation Commander scenarios, see:
Proposals Board, Tug Mauler: CL52 “Federation Commander, Scenario”
Proposals Board, Tug on My Heartstrings: CL54SF Scenarios, Early Years, Using Y2 Ships in Y1 scenarios: CL39
Proposals Board, Tug on My Heartstrings, One More Time, Scenarios: See “SL”
CL43 Scout Pods: CL26
Proposals Board, Tugging on Romulan Heartstrings: CL54SF Scouts in Federation Commander, Borders of Madness: CL35
Proposals Board, Type-T Drone Rack: CL21 SFB Master Annexes: CL30
Proposals Board, Universal Freighter Rules: CL52 SFB Master Rulebook: CL29, CL30
Proposals Board, Upgrading the Heavy Cruiser: CL54SF SFB Module G2, Master Annexes: CL30
Proposals Board, Variable Speed Drones: CL18 SFB Module R8 After Action: CL30
Proposals Board, Various Proposals: CL54, CL54SF SFB Module R9 After Action: CL30
Proposals Board, War Frigates: CL54SF SFB On-Line, General update: All issues from CL19 to date
Proposals Board, War Cruiser Drone Bombardment: CL54SF except CL28.
Proposals Board, Waveless PPD: CL19 SFB On-Line, Get the most out of it, CL43
Proposals Board, Weapon Swaps: CL37 SFB On-Line, Meta-Gaming: CL27
Proposals Board, Web Power Base: CL54 SFB On-Line, Third Generation SSDs: CL48
Proposals Board, What Are the Orions Really Doing? : CL37 SFB Rules on PDF: CL42
Proposals Board, What Else Can Federation Express Do for SFB Scenarios: see “SL”
You? CL40 SFB Terminal Papers: CL38SF, CL39SF, CL40SF, CL41SF,
Proposals Board, What to Do with a Worthless Ship?: CL54SF CL42SF, CL43SF, CL54SF
Proposals Board, What to Do with Survey Cruisers?: CL54SF SFB, New Rules, Buying Ground Troops: CL37
Proposals Board, Where are You?: CL25 SFB, New Rules, Casual Cargo: CL33
Proposals Board, Why Steal What You Can Build?: CL54SF SFB, New Rules, Prime Teams: CL38
Proposals Board, Why We Print Proposals: CL54SF SFBF: See Star Fleet Battle Force
Proposals Board, Wild Weasel Drones: CL32 SFU History Book: CL50
Proposals Board, Will the Real Kzinti CM Stand Up?: CL42 SFU Style Sheet, Input Guide: CL33
Proposals Board, WYN-Andro Conversions: CL20 Shapeways: CL53-CL54
Proposals Board, Y200 But Not X-Technology: CL54SF Ship Card, Federation Commander: See FC Ship Card
Pyxon Galaxy, CL19 Ship Card, Federation LTT: CL38
Ship Card, Federation, Battlecruiser, Phaser (hybrid): CL38
Q Ship Card, Federation, Old Heavy Cruiser (hybrid): CL38
Questions from a New (FC) player: CL38 Ship Card, Klingon LTT: CL38
Ship Card, Kzinti LTT: CL38
Ship Card, Lyran LTT: CL38

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Ship Names Update, Fed DNL and DWH: CL21 SL220 Run for the Border: CL26
Ship Names Update: CL35, CL51 SL221 Romulan Revenge: CL26
Shipyard report, Federation police cutter improvement SL222 If You Built it, They Will Come and Destroy it for You:
program: CL24. CL26
Shipyard report, New Ships: All issues from CL18 except the SL223 Battle for Rimworld: CL27
Stellar Shadow issue (CL28). SL224 Bomber Defense: CL27
Simulator Empires during the Early Years: CL42 SL225 A Mission of Vital Importance: CL29
Simulator Empires in Federation Commander: CL40 SL226 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Virus: CL29
Singers, Tactical Primer: CL41 SL227 Sitting Birds: CL29
SJ3.0 Kzinti-kaze: CL28 SL228 Klingons for the Defense: CL29
Skoleos, Planetary Survey: CL46 SL229 One Corner of Hell: CL29
Skyhawk deck plans: CL31 SL230 Threads of War: CL30
SL: Scenarios SL231 Kerrell’s Flotilla: CL30
SL000 SFB Scenarios in Captain’s Log SL232 Do or Die at Breakaway Station: CL30
SL167 Raiding the Nests: CL18 SL233 Dawn of the Scout: CL30
SL168 Time Enough: CL18 SL234 Shield of the Federation: CL31
SL169 The New Player: CL18 SL235 Aces and Eights: CL31
SL170 Eye of the Needle: CL18 SL236 Web of Curiosity: CL31
SL171 A New Threat: CL18 SL237 The Follies of Second-Hand Goods: CL31
SL172 Mystery Attacker: CL18 SL238 An Intruding Situation: CL31
SL173 Hashing Around: CL18 SL239 Further Intrusions: CL31
SL174 Asteroid Field of Death, CL19 SL240 Riposte at Anporlax: CL31
SL175 Diplomats, Scientists, and Warriors, CL19 SL241 Circle of Vengeance: CL32
SL176 Patriot or Traitor?: CL19 SL242 Last Command: CL32
SL177 Emergency Base Removal, CL19 SL243 Network Disruption: CL32
SL178 A Choice of Monsters: CL20 SL244 Hearth and Home: CL32
SL179 A Rational Choice: CL20 SL245 Dragonslayer: CL32
SL180 Convoy Surprise: CL20 SL246 Stand At Arcturus: CL33
SL181 Death to Spies: CL20 SL247 Tentative Response (Magellanic): CL33
SL182 Salvage your Luck: CL20 SL248 Different Romulans (Early Years): CL33
SL183 The Art of Duty: CL21 SL249 And None Shall Pass (Omega): CL33
SL184 Ambushed: CL21 SL250 A Dark and Stormy Day: CL33
SL185 The Orion Base: CL21 SL251 Who Ordered the PFs?: CL33
SL186 Merchant’s Luck: CL21 SL252 For the Good of the Empire: CL34
SL187 Planetary Raid: CL21 SL253 Uninvited Pests: CL34
SL188 An internal Affair, Early Years: CL21 SL254 Catching Hell: CL34
SL189 On the Warning Track, Omega: CL21 SL255 Dragons at Large: CL34
SL190 Salvage Operations: CL21 SL256 Mis-Fire: CL35
SL191 Frigates in the Blanket: CL21 SL257 Evacuation: CL35
SL192 The Orb, monster: CL21 SL258 Bug Raid: CL35
SL193 Firefight: CL22 SL259 Ambush in the Rocks: CL36
SL194 Fight Fire with fire: CL22 SL260 Web of Deceit: CL36
SL195 A Plague on their Houses: CL22 SL261Border Attack: CL36
SL196 The White Wolf: CL22 SL262 Assault on Precinct 13
SL197 Regicide: CL22 SL263 Housekeeping (Omega): CL36
SL198 Magellanic Convoy Raid: CL22 SL264 The Magnificent Panzers: CL37
SL199 Cloak and Dagger: CL22 SL265 The Battle of Iridima VII: CL37
SL200 First Blood: CL23 SL266 Home Wrecking: CL37
SL201 Not Good Friends: CL23 SL267 Snake Attack: CL37
SL202 Defend and Attack (BattleForce): CL23 SL268 Strengths and Weaknesses: CL37
SL203 Joint Operations (Magellanic): CL23 SL269 The Cost of Division: CL37
SL204 Grab and Run (Early Years): CL23 SL270 After The Ambush: CL38
SL205 Flashpoint Mantor: CL24 SL271Deathblossom in Action: CL38
SL206 Jason and the Dilithium Fleece: CL24 SL272 Unfortunate Encounter: CL38
SL207 Ram Raiders: CL24 SL273 Take me to the Circus: CL38
SL208 A Small Task: CL24 SL274 Wabbit Season: CL38
SL209 Treasure in Sight, Omega: CL24 SL275 Melting Rocks with Plasma: CL38
SL210 Refueling Disaster, Triangulum: CL24 SL276 Burden of Duty, Debt of Revenge: CL39
SL211 Return of the Hood: CL25 SL277 Mercy of Death: CL39
SL212 First Encounter: CL25 SL278 Foxes in the Henhouse: CL39
SL213 The Flying Phantom: CL25 SL279 Three-Ring Circus: CL39
SL214 Going to Market, Omega: CL25 SL280 Vanished Into The Void: CL39
SL215 An Orion Infestation, Battle Group: CL25 SL281 Defying Destiny: CL39
SL216 Unexpected Surprise, Early Years: CL25 SL282 Nature of the Beast: CL40
SL217 Rescue the Kishawk: CL26 SL283 Wildspace: CL40
SL218 For the Honor of the Flag: CL26 SL284 Extra-Galactic Intruder: CL40
SL219 Whips, Stings, and Claws: CL26 SL285 Conquest’s Gate: CL40

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SL286 Here Today, Gone Tomorrow: CL40 SL354 A Confusion of Objectives: CL53SF
SL288 Fire in the Deep: CL41 SL355 Coalition Warfare: CL54
SL289 You Do Not Have to Die: CL41 SL356 Bombardment Run: CL54
SL290 Military Convoy: CL41 SL357 Cease and Desist: CL54
SL291 Six Check: CL41 SL358 Integration under Fire: CL54
SL292 First Battle of Aurora: CL41 SL359 Fighting Saucers: CL54
SL293 Maximum Effort: CL42 SL360 Resistance Reinforced: CL54
SL294 Operation Stabilize: CL42 SL361 Space Tarantula: CL54
SL295 Kill Your Own Dog: CL42 SM19 Space Spider: CL50
SL296 Blindsided: CL42 Snapshot: Short fiction/history articles, see Datafile.
SL297 Previously Unknown: CL42 Snipe Deck Plans: CL36
SL298 A Measure of Fear: CL43 Sniper Squads, New SFB Rule: CL39
SL299 Continuous Operations: CL43 So You Want to Write for the Star Fleet Universe, Eh? (Input
SL300 Backstabbed by a Thief: CL43 Guide): CL35
SL301 Hall of Mirrors, CL43 Solution, The, Fiction (Zombies): CL48
SL302 Tiger vs. Lion, CL43 Songs: see Filksongs
SL303 Agincourt At War, CL44 Space Amoeba, Monster Special Rules: CL30
SL304 Defended Planet, CL44 Space Boar, Monster Special Rules: CL44
SL305 Zombie Apocalypse, CL44 Space Dragon, SM7 Monster Special Rules: CL35
SL306 The Blockade of Gamma Epsilon III, CL44 Space Lens, Monster Special Rules: CL49
SL307 Mis-Match, CL44 Space Manta, Monster Special Rules: CL51
SL308 Decapitation, CL44 Space Spider, scenario SM19 and special rules: CL50
SL309 The Mushroom Shoot, CL44 Space Tarantula, scenario SL361 and special rules: CL54
SL310 Confrontation: CL45 Space Trucks, by Gath L. Getgen: CL53
SL311 Battle of the Rift: CL45 Special Actions in A Call to Arms Star Fleet: CL45
SL312 Chasing Q: CL45 Speeding up the DAC: CL41
SL313 Battle of Mithralis: CL45 Spring of Our Discontent: CL39
SL314 Relic: CL45 Squadron Major: CL20
SL315 Convoy Battle: CL46 SSD, All Empires
SL316 All for One, None for All: CL46 SSD, All Empires, Armed Cutter: CL34
SL317 Lioness and Cub: CL46 SSD, All Empires, Asteroid Mining Base Ship: CL35
SL318 Revenge on Revenge: CL46 SSD, All Empires, Early Base Station: CL23
SL319 Not So Fast: CL46 SSD, All Empires, Fast Naval Transport: CL35
SL320 Free the Space Boars: CL46 SSD, All Empires, Free Minelayer: CL53
SL321 Flight of the Takwin: CL46 SSD, All Empires, Free Salvor: CL21
SL322 Into the Eagle’s Nest: CL47 SSD, All Empires, Harbor Tug: CL21
SL323 Securing a Hive: CL47 SSD, All Empires, Heavy Armed-Freighter: CL52
SL324 Pride, Arrogance, and a Fall: CL47 SSD, All Empires, Heavy Aux troop transport: CL30
SL325 They are Only Sheep: CL47 SSD, All Empires, Interceptor Workboats: CL50
SL326 Help is Where You Find It: CL47 SSD, All Empires, Jumbo Armed-Freighter: CL52
SL327 Encounter at Taratok: CL48 SSD, All Empires, Large Auxiliary Scout: CL22
SL328 Rescue at Farak III: CL48 SSD, All Empires, Large Early Freighter: CL23
SL329 Reversal of Fortune: CL48 SSD, All Empires, Large Freighter with Skids and Ducktail:
SL330 Molehole: CL48 CL23
SL331 High Profile Convoy: CL48 SSD, All Empires, Modular Courier: CL23
SL332 Asteroid Field of Death: CL48 SSD, All Empires, Penal Colony Control Station: CL35
SL333 Vital Recovery: CL49 SSD, All Empires, Planetary Operations Base: CL33
SL334 Golden Pressure: CL49 SSD, All Empires, Prime Corvette: CL34
SL335 Command Strike: CL49 SSD, All Empires, Prime Trader: CL23
SL336 Death of the Gryphon: CL49 SSD, All Empires, Recover PF: CL31
SL337 Madness on the Rocks: CL49 SSD, All Empires, Recovery PF: CL21
SL338 Refugee Flight: CL49 SSD, All Empires, Salvage Tug: CL21
SL339 Battle of the Roadstead: CL50 SSD, All Empires, Security Skiff: CL23
SL340 Fighting Convoys: CL50 SSD, All Empires, Seeker Skiff: CL23
SL341 Final Act: CL50 SSD, All Empires, Small Auxiliary Scout: CL22
SL342 Mobile Bases: CL51 SSD, All Empires, Small Early Freighter: CL23
SL343 Incident at Hakatuka: CL51 SSD, All Empires, Small Fleet Oiler: CL35
SL344 A Sword Short: CL51 SSD, All Empires, Small Manufacturing Freighter: CL35
SL345 A Rock and a Hard Place: CL51 SSD, All Empires, Small Medical Freighter: CL23
SL346 Escape from Xylad: CL52 SSD, All Empires, Small Prison Transport: CL35
SL347 Extraction Perilous: CL52 SSD, All Empires, Smasher Large Security Skiff: CL52
SL348 A Whale of a Problem: CL52 SSD, All Empires, Survey PF: CL31
SL349 Flame in the Deep: CL52 SSD, All Empires, X-tech Sector Base: CL30
SL350 Monitor in the Attack: CL52 SSD, Anarchist
SL351 All Our Plans Torn Asunder: CL53 SSD, Anarchist, Federation Firehawk: CL27
SL352 Another Reality: CL53 SSD, Anarchist, Federation King Eagle: CL27
SL353 Empty the Exchequer: CL53 SSD, Anarchist, Gorn BC in Andro Service: CL31

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SSD, Anarchist, Gorn-Lyran DW: CL30 SSD, Federation F101 Heavy Fighter: CL39
SSD, Anarchist, Gorn-Lyran Hellcat: CL30 SSD, Federation Fast Destroyer: CL31
SSD, Anarchist, Hydran-Lyran War Cruiser: CL29 SSD, Federation Fast Fleet Scout: CL27
SSD, Anarchist, Hydran-Lyran War destroyer: CL29 SSD, Federation FBD: CL31
SSD, Anarchist, ISC-Lyran destroyer Escort: CL24 SSD, Federation FBE: CL31
SSD, Anarchist, ISC-Lyran Patrol Carrier: CL24 SSD, Federation FBS: CL31
SSD, Anarchist, Klingon Lyran CW: CL32 SSD, Federation FBV: CL31
SSD, Anarchist, Klingon Lyran DD: CL32 SSD, Federatin Fralli Cruiser: CL53
SSD, Anarchist, Kzinti Conquistador: CL31 SSD, Federation GVX: CL26
SSD, Anarchist, Lyran CA in Andro Service: CL31 SSD, Federation Heavy Carrier Resupply Ship: CL22
SSD, Anarchist, Lyran-Gorn BCH: CL30 SSD, Federation Heavy Destroyer: CL33
SSD, Anarchist, Lyran-Gorn BDD: CL30 SSD, Federation Heavy Fighter Pod: CL26
SSD, Anarchist, Lyran-Hydran Medium Cruiser: CL29 SSD, Federation Hybrid Dreadnought: CL18
SSD, Anarchist, Lyran-Hydran War destroyer: CL29 SSD, Federation Hybrid Frigate: CL18
SSD, Anarchist, Lyran-ISC destroyer: CL24 SSD, Federation Hybrid Heavy Cruiser: CL18
SSD, Anarchist, Lyran-ISC patrol Carrier: CL24 SSD, Federation Hybrid Light Cruiser: CL18
SSD, Anarchist, Lyran-Klingon D5: CL32 SSD, Federation Improved Police Cutter: CL24
SSD, Anarchist, Lyran-Klingon F5: CL32 SSD, Federation Large Heavy Auxiliary Carrier: CL22
SSD, Anarchist, Romulan (Fed) heavy Cruiser: CL27 SSD, Federation LHV: CL32
SSD, Anarchist, Romulan (Fed) light Cruiser: CL27 SSD, Federation Light Cruiser: CL19
SSD, Anarchist, Romulan Intruder: CL31 SSD, Federation, Light Plasma Cruiser: CL47
SSD, Anarchist, Seltorian-Neo-Tholian Cruiser: CL26 SSD, Federation, Limited Aegis Escort Battle Frigate-R: CL48
SSD, Anarchist, Seltorian-tholian destroyer: CL26 SSD, Federation LSC: CL32
SSD, Anarchist, Tholian (Fed Built) police Ship: CL33 SSD, Federation Middle Years Destroyer: CL33
SSD, Anarchist, Tholian (Klingon Built) police Ship: CL33 SSD, Federation Modular Light Dreadnought: CL27
SSD, Anarchist, Tholian (Orion Built) light Raider: CL33 SSD, Federation NAF, CL43
SSD, Anarchist, Tholian (Romulan Built) police Ship: CL33 SSD, Federation NEF, CL43
SSD, Anarchist, Tholian-Seltorian Cruiser: CL26 SSD, Federation New Survey Carrier: CL48
SSD, Anarchist, Tholian-Seltorian Destroyer: CL26 SSD, Federation Old Heavy Cruiser (hybrid): CL38
SSD, Andromedan SSD, Federation Old Survey Cruiser: CL53
SSD, Andromedan Concretor: CL30 SSD, Federation Plasma War Destroyer: CL47
SSD, Andromedan Deletor stretched Cruiser: CL49 SSD, Federation Police Corvette: CL24
SSD, Andromedan Destructor: CL18 SSD, Federation Police Destroyer: CL24
SSD, Andromedan Immobiliator: CL30 SSD, Federation Police Light Carrier: CL30
SSD, Andromedan Intolerant stretched Cruiser: CL49 SSD, Federation Ranger-class Battlecruiser: CL48
SSD, Andromedan Krait Tournament Cruiser: CL18 SSD, Federation Scout Cutter: CL47
SSD, Andromedan X-Python: CL18 SSD, Federation Scout Pod: CL26
SSD, Barbarian Battleship: CL43 SSD, Federation Small Heavy Auxiliary Carrier: CL22
SSD, Barbarian Early Years: CL42SF SSD, Flivver Early Years: CL42
SSD, Britanian Early Years: CL42SF SSD, Frax
SSD, Carnivon SSD, Frax Battle Station: CL34
SSD, Carnivon Area Control Ship: CL48 SSD, Frax Early Years: CL42
SSD, Carnivon War Scout Carrier: CL48 SSD, Frax Fast Cruiser: CL27
SSD, Core Worlds SSD, Frax Heavy Dreadnought: CL27
SSD, Core Worlds, Andrium Heavy Cruiser, CL19 SSD, Frax Heavy Fighters, CL41
SSD, Core Worlds, Oromigahd Heavy Cruiser, CL19 SSD, Frax Light Dreadnought: CL27
SSD, Cygnan SSD, Frax Patrol Carrier: CL27
SSD, Cygnan Early Destroyer: CL24 SSD, General
SSD, Cygnan Early Heavy Cruiser: CL24 SSD, General, Armed Recovery Transport: CL38
SSD, Deltan Early Years: CL42SF SSD, General, Early Skiffs: CL38
SSD, Federation SSD, General, Free Escort Carrier: CL34
SSD, General, Heavy War Destroyer, X-Tech: CL34
SSD, Federation Advanced Destroyer DDX2: CL46
SSD, Federation Auxiliary Space Control Ship: CL22 SSD, General, Jumbo freighter variants: CL44
SSD, Federation Battlecruiser, Phaser (hybrid): CL38 SSD, General, Sublight Skiffs: CL38
SSD, Federation Captured Klingon D7: CL23 SSD, Gorn
SSD, Federation CLX: CL36 SSD, Gorn Advanced Destroyer: CL53
SSD, Federation Commando Cutter: CL47 SSD, Gorn Advanced Frigate: CL51
SSD, Federation Corvette: CL54 SSD, Gorn Anti-Fighter Light Cruiser, CL19
SSD, Federation Deckhouse Destroyer: CL33 SSD, Gorn BFR: CL36
SSD, Federation Division Control Ship: CL25 SSD, Gorn Commando dreadnought: CL26
SSD, Federation Dreadnought Heavy Carrier: CL38 SSD, Gorn Destroyer-Battlecruiser: CL27
SSD, Federation Drone Cutter: CL47 SSD, Gorn Destroyer-Cruiser: CL27
SSD, Federation Early Frigate, Early Years: CL18 SSD, Gorn Dreadnought-Cruiser: CL22
SSD, Federation Emergency Management Destroyer: CL33 SSD, Gorn Frigate Escort: CL53
SSD, Federation Escort Cutter: CL47 SSD, Gorn G30 and G40 Heavy Fighter: CL39
SSD, Federation Express Escort: CL34 SSD, Gorn Heavy Commando Destroyer X-tech: CL34

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SSD, Gorn Heavy Destroyer Heavy Fighter Carrier: CL53 SSD, Klingon C10V: CL36
SSD, Gorn Heavy Fighter resupply Pod: CL26 SSD, Klingon C4 Early Dreadnought, Early Years: CL18
SSD, Gorn Improved warp refitted battleship, Early Years: SSD, Klingon C4B Dreadnought: CL20
CL21 SSD, Klingon C5A Stasis Dreadnought: CL46
SSD, Gorn Improved warp refitted cruiser, Early Years: CL21 SSD, Klingon Captured Federation CA: CL23
SSD, Gorn Improved warp refitted destroyer, Early Years: SSD, Klingon Captured Hydran Gendarme, CL19
CL21 SSD, Klingon D6C Command Cruiser: CL20
SSD, Gorn Light Battleship: CL41 SSD, Klingon D6I Internal Security Flagship: CL20
SSD, Gorn Light Dreadnought: CL18 SSD, Klingon D6L: CL36
SSD, Gorn Medium Cruiser Escort: CL53 SSD, Klingon D6N Diplomatic Cruiser: CL20
SSD, Gorn New Heavy Destroyer: CL30 SSD, Klingon DC5: CL32
SSD, Gorn PF transport Pod: CL26 SSD, Klingon DC7: CL32
SSD, Gorn Scout Pod: CL26 SSD, Klingon DCB collared D5 power-boosted: CL50SF
SSD, Gorn Transport Destroyer: CL29 SSD, Klingon DCC collared command cruiser D5: CL50
SSD, Hispaniolan Early Years: CL42SF SSD, Klingon DCF collared anti-fighter D5: CL50
SSD, Hydran SSD, Klingon DCG collared commando D5: CL50
SSD, Hydran Advanced Curassier frigate: CL51 SSD, Klingon DCH cargo collared D5: CL50
SSD, Hydran Advanced fighter resupply ship: CL26 SSD, Klingon DCN collared diplomatic D5N: CL50SF
SSD, Hydran Advanced Hunter frigate: CL51 SSD, Klingon Drone Ranger, CL19
SSD, Hydran Boar Hunter commando war destroyer: CL26 SSD, Klingon E2 Early Escort: CL50
SSD, Hydran D7HX: CL36 SSD, Klingon E3C Escort Leader: CL20
SSD, Hydran Great White Hunter, CL19 SSD, Klingon E4 Early Frigate, Early Years: CL18
SSD, Hydran Heavy Fighter resupply pallet: CL26 SSD, Klingon E4R fast carrier resupply ship: CL22
SSD, Hydran Heavy Fighters: CL39 SSD, Klingon E4S Scout: CL20
SSD, Hydran Kiowa-V heavy carrier: CL49 SSD, Klingon E4T theater transport: CL29
SSD, Hydran KNH, CL43 SSD, Klingon E4X advanced technology escort: CL51
SSD, Hydran Light Battleship: CL42 SSD, Klingon E5D Drone Corvette (Hybrid FC card): CL35
SSD, Hydran Lord High Executioner division control ship: CL25 SSD, Klingon E5E Escort Corvette (Hybrid FC card): CL35
SSD, Hydran Pegasus Commando Scout: CL25 SSD, Klingon E7D Drone Cruiser (Hybrid FC card): CL35
SSD, Hydran Pegasus Cruiser: CL25 SSD, Klingon E7J Penal Cruiser (Hybrid FC card): CL35
SSD, Hydran Pegasus Flagship Cruiser: CL25 SSD, Klingon Eastern Marches Eagle: CL49
SSD, Hydran Pegasus Scout: CL22 SSD, Klingon Eastern Marches Hawk: CL49
SSD, Hydran Pegasus Survey Cruiser: CL25 SSD, Klingon Eastern Marches Snipe: CL49
SSD, Hydran PF transport pallet: CL26 SSD, Klingon Eastern Marches Vulture: CL49
SSD, Hydran PIG (Picket-Commando): CL36 SSD, Klingon F6B: CL31
SSD, Hydran Scout carrier: CL18 SSD, Klingon F6E: CL31
SSD, Hydran Scout pallet: CL26 SSD, Klingon F6J: CL31
SSD, Hydran Templar Dreadnought with Refits: CL38 SSD, Klingon F6S: CL31
SSD, Hydran Transport Frigate: CL29 SSD, Klingon G6 Gunboat, CL19
SSD, ISC SSD, Klingon Heavy Fighter Resupply Pods: CL26
SSD, ISC Contingency Cruiser: CL27 SSD, Klingon Medium Hangar Pods: CL26
SSD, ISC Contingency Destroyer: CL27 SSD, Klingon PF Transport Pods: CL26
SSD, ISC Contingency Dreadnought: CL27 SSD, Klingon UD7 Division Control Ship: CL25
SSD, ISC Contingency Light Cruiser: CL27 SSD, Klingon ZH Heavy Fighter: CL39
SSD, ISC Contingency Strike Cruiser: CL27 SSD, Klingon, SD7 (Hybrid): CL37
SSD, ISC CWX: CL37 SSD, Kzinti
SSD, ISC Division Control Ship: CL25 SSD, Kzinti Advanced drone bombardment cruiser CDX: CL26
SSD, ISC FFT, CL43 SSD, Kzinti BFF: CL31
SSD, ISC Heavy Fighter: CL39 SSD, Kzinti CLX: CL37
SSD, ISC heavy War Carrier: CL49 SSD, Kzinti Commando Destroyer: CL54
SSD, ISC Light Torpedo Battleship: CL50 SSD, Kzinti DDS: CL36
SSD, ISC SCS Pods, CL43 SSD, Kzinti Destroyer Leader: CL54
SSD, Juggernaut SSD, Kzinti Destroyer Minesweeper: CL54
SSD, Juggernaut Battleship: CL41 SSD, Kzinti Division Control Ship: CL25
SSD, Juggernaut Destroyer, CL41 SSD, Kzinti Drone Destroyer: CL54
SSD, Juggernaut Dreadnought: CL33 SSD, Kzinti Early Heavy Cruiser: CL50SF
SSD, Juggernaut Frigate, CL41 SSD, Kzinti EBC Escort Cruiser: CL24
SSD, Juggernaut Heavy Cruiser: CL35 SSD, Kzinti FEX: CL34
SSD, Juggernaut Light Cruiser: CL35 SSD, Kzinti FFT Theater Transport: CL29
SSD, Juggernaut Missile Dreadnought: CL41 SSD, Kzinti FKE Escort Frigate: CL24
SSD, Jumokian SSD, Kzinti Heavy-Medium Cruiser: CL30
SSD, Kzinti Improved Survey Cruiser: CL25
SSD, Jumokian New Frigate: CL48
SSD, Kzinti Jaguar CW, Captured Lyran Ship: CL21
SSD, Jumokian New Light Cruiser: CL48
SSD, Kzinti large drone Bombardment platform: CL22
SSD, Klingon SSD, Kzinti LAS Heavy Fighter: CL39
SSD, Klingon B9 Fast Battleship: CL31 SSD, Kzinti Light Command Cruiser: CL20
SSD, Klingon C10A Stasis Dreadnought: CL46 SSD, Kzinti Light Cruiser Minesweeper: CL20

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SSD, Kzinti Light Drone Cruiser: CL20 SSD, Magellanic, Uthiki Destroyer: CL20
SSD, Kzinti Light Escort Cruiser: CL20 SSD, Magellanic, Uthiki Frigate: CL20
SSD, Kzinti LTT, Captured Lyran Ship: CL21 SSD, Magellanic, Uthiki survey destroyer: CL49
SSD, Kzinti Manx, Captured Lyran Ship: CL21 SSD, Magellanic, Uthiki War Cruiser: CL20
SSD, Kzinti Middle Years Q-Ships: CL45 SSD, Monster
SSD, Kzinti Picket Carrier: CL46 SSD, Monster, Juggernaut: CL33 See also SSD, Juggernaut.
SSD, Kzinti Police Cutter Carrier: CL45 SSD, Neo-Tholian Destroyer, Milky Way: CL45
SSD, Kzinti Police Cutter: CL45 SSD, Neo-Tholian Frigate, Milky Way: CL45
SSD, Kzinti, Police Escort Carrier: CL30 SSD, Neo-Tholian Old Galaxy Battleship: CL45
SSD, Kzinti Scout Pods: CL26 SSD, Neo-Tholian Old Galaxy dreadnought: CL45
SSD, Kzinti Small Drone Bombardment Platform: CL22 SSD, Neo-Tholian Old Galaxy heavy Cruiser: CL45
SSD, Kzinti War Space Control Ship: CL49 SSD, Neo-Tholian Old Galaxy light Cruiser: CL45
SSD, Kzinti Warp-Refitted Tug, Early Years: CL21 SSD, Old Galaxy Pirate
SSD, LDR SSD, Old Galaxy Pirate Destroyer: CL40
SSD, LDR Commando Destroyer: CL53 SSD, Old Galaxy Pirate Raider: CL40
SSD, LDR Commando War Cruiser: CL53 SSD, Omega
SSD, LDR Dragoon: CL41 SSD, Omega, Aluda Whip Cruiser, CL19
SSD, LDR Heavy Police Flagship: CL53 SSD, Omega, Civilian Express Boat: CL20
SSD, LDR Lancer: CL41 SSD, Omega, Civilian Large Freighters: CL20
SSD, LDR Pegasus: CL41 SSD, Omega, Civilian Passenger Liner: CL20
SSD, LDR Police Flagship: CL53 SSD, Omega, Civilian Small Freighter: CL20
SSD, LDR Ranger: CL41 SSD, Omega, Clorophon Spore Cruiser, CL19
SSD, LDR Transport Frigate: CL46 SSD, Omega, Drex Battlecruiser, CL19
SSD, LDR War Destroyer Transport: CL46 SSD, Omega, Federal Republic D6 Battlecruiser: CL53
SSD, Lyran SSD, Omega, Federal Republic D7 Battlecruiser: CL53
SSD, Lyran Cave Jaguar-Z War space Control Ship: CL49 SSD, Omega, Federal Republic F5 Frigate: 53
SSD, Lyran Cheetah-S Frigate Scout: CL54 SSD, Omega, Federal Republic F5L Frigate Leader: CL53
SSD, Lyran Cheetah-X advanced frigate: CL51 SSD, Omega, Federal Republic Lyran Light Cruiser: CL53
SSD, Lyran Commando Destroyer: CL22 SSD, Omega, Hiver Heavy Carrier, CL19
SSD, Lyran Destroyer Escort: CL22 SSD, Omega, Iridani Barque-B: CL24
SSD, Lyran Early Battlecruiser: CL39 SSD, Omega, Iridani Caravel-B: CL24
SSD, Lyran Early destroyer: CL22 SSD, Omega, Iridani Galleon-B: CL24
SSD, Lyran Early light Cruiser: CL22 SSD, Omega, Iridani Yawl-B: CL24
SSD, Lyran Flamecat Light Space Control Ship: CL50 SSD, Omega, Koligahr Defense Cruiser, CL19
SSD, Lyran Heavy Destroyer (Hybrid): CL37 SSD, Omega, Koligahr Early Command Cruiser: CL52
SSD, Lyran Heavy Frigate (Hybrid): CL37 SSD, Omega, Koligahr PFs: CL22
SSD, Lyran JagdPanther-X: CL36 SSD, Omega, Koligahr PFT: CL22
SSD, Lyran JagdPanther-X: CL37 SSD, Omega, Loriyill Fireball Cruiser, CL19
SSD, Lyran Jaguar-H Heavy War Cruiser: CL30 SSD, Omega, Mæsron Battle Freighter: CL21
SSD, Lyran K-type heavy Fighter transport Pod: CL26 SSD, Omega, Mæsron Command Cruiser: CL51
SSD, Lyran K-type PF transport Pod: CL26 SSD, Omega, Mæsron Fire Support Cruiser, CL19
SSD, Lyran K-type scout Pod: CL26 SSD, Omega, Maesron Heavy survey Cruiser: CL49
SSD, Lyran Light Battleship: CL42 SSD, Omega, Mæsron Heavy Tug: CL21
SSD, Lyran Local Defense Destroyer: CL52 SSD, Omega, Mæsron Light Tug: CL21
SSD, Lyran Local Defense Light Cruiser: CL52 SSD, Omega, Mæsron PFs: CL22
SSD, Lyran Medium Cruiser, Captured Kzinti Ship: CL21 SSD, Omega, Mæsron PFT: CL22
SSD, Lyran MTT, Captured Kzinti Ship: CL21 SSD, Omega, Mæsron Pods: CL21
SSD, Lyran Panther-E Escort Cruiser: CL46 SSD, Omega, Paravian Antiproton Frigate: CL54
SSD, Lyran Panther-G Light Commando Cruiser: CL46 SSD, Omega, Paravian Antiproton Heavy Cruiser: CL54
SSD, Lyran Panther-S Light Scout Cruiser: CL46 SSD, Omega, Paravian Antiproton War Cruiser: CL54
SSD, Lyran Panther-T Light Transport Tug: CL52 SSD, Omega, Paravian Antiproton War Destroyer: CL54
SSD, Lyran Panther-V Light Carrier: CL46 SSD, Omega, Probr Accentuation Cruiser, CL19
SSD, Lyran PF transport pallet: CL26 SSD, Omega, Probr Command Cruiser: CL51
SSD, Lyran Police corvette, Captured Kzinti Ship: CL21 SSD, Omega, Probr Iron Light Cruiser: CL49
SSD, Lyran Running Lion Quick Dreadnought: CL48 SSD, Omega, Trobrin Early Command Cruiser: CL52
SSD, Lyran Scout Carrier: CL18 SSD, Omega, Trobrin Torpedo Cruiser, CL19
SSD, Lyran Scout pallet: CL26 SSD, Omega, Vari Command Cruiser: CL23
SSD, Lyran Transport Frigate: CL29 SSD, Omega, Vari Probe Cruiser, CL19
SSD, Lyran War Destroyer Transport: CL29 SSD, Omega, Vari Torpedo Cruiser: CL23
SSD, Lyran-Peladine Destroyer: CL43SF SSD, Omega, Vari Torpedo Frigate: CL23
SSD, Lyran-Peladine Heavy Cruiser: CL43SF SSD, Omega, Vari Wing Cruiser: CL23
SSD, Magellanic SSD, Omega, Zosman Destroyer: CL50
SSD, Magellanic, Baduvai Improved Frigate: CL20 SSD, Omega, Zosman Fence Cruiser:CL52
SSD, Magellanic, Civilian Pinances: CL20 SSD, Omega, Zosman Frigate: CL50
SSD, Magellanic, Eneen Battle Destroyer: CL20 SSD, Omega, Zosman Heavy Cruiser: CL50
SSD, Magellanic, Eneen survey Frigate: CL49 SSD, Omega, Zosman Light Cruiser: CL50

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Index of CAPTAIN’S LOG #18-#54
SSD, Omega, Zosman Syndicate Base:CL52 SSD, Romulan SKR: CL36
SSD, Orion SSD, Romulan Snipe-X Advanced Frigate: CL51
SSD, Orion Battle Carrier: CL54 SSD, Romulan StarHawk PF Variants: CL52
SSD, Orion DBRX: CL37 SSD, Romulan Tribune Heavy Fighter: CL39
SSD, Orion Early Raider Destroyer, Early Years: CL18 SSD, Romulan ViperHawk: CL36
SSD, Orion National Police Flagship: CL30 SSD, Romulan W-Kingbird Command Cruiser: CL54
SSD, Orion Strike Cruiser: CL54 SSD, Romulan Y-Royalbird Command Cruiser: CL54
SSD, Paravian SSD, Seltorian
SSD, Paravian Area Control Ship: CL48 SSD, Seltorian Assault Wagon: CL50
SSD, Paravian Destroyer: CL18 SSD, Seltorian CLX Advanced Technology Light Cruiser: CL52
SSD, Paravian Early Civilian Base Station: CL38 SSD, Seltorian Division Control Ship: CL25
SSD, Paravian Outpost: CL38 SSD, Seltorian FFX Advanced Technology Frigate: CL51
SSD, Paravian War Scout Carrier: CL48 SSD, Seltorian Heavy Scout Cruiser: CL34
SSD, Peladine SSD, Seltorian Hive Ship Cargo Hauler: CL47
SSD, Peladine Heavy Cruiser, CL19 SSD, Seltorian LTT: CL25
SSD, Pyxon SSD, Seltorian Milky Way Galaxy Q-Ships: CL45
SSD, Seltorian Nest Ship Cargo Hauler: CL47
SSD, Pyxon Lacertan Heavy Cruiser, CL19
SSD, Seltorian Penal Ship, CL19
SSD, Pyxon Sia Heavy Cruiser, CL19
SSD, Seltorian Scout Cruiser: CL34
SSD, Qari SSD, Seltorian Theater transport Frigate: CL49
SSD, Qari Battle Station: CL34 SSD, Seltorian Tournament Cruiser: CL18
SSD, Qari Early Years: CL42 SSD, Seltorian X-scout destroyer: CL49
SSD, Qari Heavy Fighters, CL41
SSD, Qari T74 Commando Cruiser: CL46
SSD, Sharkhunter
SSD, Qari T75 War Cruiser Minesweeper: CL46 SSD, Sharkhunter Battle Station: CL34
SSD, Sharkhunter Heavy Fighters, CL41
SSD, Romulan
SSD, Romulan BattleHawk-B destroyer leader: CL51
SSD, Stellar Shadow
SSD, Stellar Shadow, Base Buster cruiser: CL28
SSD, Romulan Early Bases: CL38
SSD, Romulan Early Bombers: CL38 SSD, Stellar Shadow, Bomber barge: CL28
SSD, Stellar Shadow, Federation Double light cruiser: CL28
SSD, Romulan Early Heavy Fighters: CL38
SSD, Stellar Shadow, Federation Dual-engine DD: CL28
SSD, Romulan FarHawk-B Heavy Carrier: CL30
SSD, Romulan FarHawk-C Heavy Scout Cruiser: CL52 SSD, Stellar Shadow, Federation Dual-engine scout: CL28
SSD, Stellar Shadow, Federation Fast battlecruiser: CL28
SSD, Romulan FarHawk-E Division Control Ship: CL52
SSD, Stellar Shadow, Federation Gunfighter frigate: CL28
SSD, Romulan FarHawk-K heavy Cruiser: CL30
SSD, Romulan GryphonHawk-A Medium Cruiser: CL30 SSD, Stellar Shadow, Federation Quad-engine DN: CL28
SSD, Stellar Shadow, Federation Tri-engine CA: CL28
SSD, Romulan GryphonHawk-C Heavy War Scout Cruiser:
SSD, Stellar Shadow, Federation Tri-engine tug: CL28
SSD, Romulan GryphonHawk-J Heavy Assault Cruiser: CL52 SSD, Stellar Shadow, Gorn Destroyer dreadnought: CL28
SSD, Stellar Shadow, Gorn Dreadnought battleship: CL28
SSD, Romulan Jayhawk: CL31
SSD, Stellar Shadow, Gorn Funfighter destroyer: CL28
SSD, Romulan K2 cutter: CL51
SSD, Romulan K2C cutter leader: CL51 SSD, Stellar Shadow, Hydran Galleon carrier: CL28
SSD, Stellar Shadow, Hydran Hacker gunfighter frigate: CL28
SSD, Romulan K3 escort: CL51
SSD, Stellar Shadow, Klingon Gunfighter frigate: CL28
SSD, Romulan K3C escort leader: CL51
SSD, Romulan K4F: CL36 SSD, Stellar Shadow, Klingon Quad-engine dreadnought:
SSD, Romulan K6 heavy police ship: CL51
SSD, Stellar Shadow, Kzinti Gunfighter frigate: CL28
SSD, Romulan KC10 Heavy Dreadnought: CL47
SSD, Romulan KC5R Light Dreadnought: CL47 SSD, Stellar Shadow, Lyran Cheetah gunfighter frigate: CL28
SSD, Stellar Shadow, Lyran Emergency Corvette: CL28
SSD, Romulan KE5 Escort: CL35
SSD, Stellar Shadow, Lyran Emergency Cutter: CL28
SSD, Romulan KE6 Battle Frigate: CL39
SSD, Romulan KE7 Medium Cruiser: CL35 SSD, Stellar Shadow, Lyran Emergency Escort: CL28
SSD, Stellar Shadow, Neo-Tholian Gunfighter frigate: CL28
SSD, Romulan KF5WCR: CL40
SSD, Stellar Shadow, Neo-Tholianized destroyer: CL28
SSD, Romulan KF5WER: CL40
SSD, Romulan KF5WGR: CL40SF SSD, Stellar Shadow, Orion Gunfighter Raider: CL28
SSD, Stellar Shadow, Romulan RegentHawk assault cruiser:
SSD, Romulan KF5WR: CL40
SSD, Romulan KF5WVR: CL40
SSD, Romulan KF5WXR: CL40 SSD, Stellar Shadow, Romulan SirHawk gunfighter frigate:
SSD, Romulan King Falcon Mauler: CL39SF
SSD, Stellar Shadow, Seltorian Gunfight Frigate: CL28
SSD, Romulan KMX: CL34
SSD, Romulan KR Tournament Cruiser: CL18 SSD, Stellar Shadow, Seltorian Penal Light Cruiser: CL28
SSD, Stellar Shadow, Tholian Battleship: CL28
SSD, Romulan KRU: CL36
SSD, Stellar Shadow, Tholian Captured Klingon D7 cruiser:
SSD, Romulan Light Battleship: CL41
SSD, Romulan Light Dreadnought: CL18 CL28
SSD, Stellar Shadow, Tholian Captured Klingon dreadnought:
SSD, Romulan Queen Commando Eagle: CL39
SSD, Romulan Queen Freighter Eagle: CL39
SSD, Romulan Queen Owl Survey-Scout: CL39 SSD, Stellar Shadow, Tholian photon Battleship: CL28
SSD, Stellar Shadow, Tholian stellar Domination Ship: CL28
SSD, Romulan Regent Eagle: CL39SF
SSD, Romulan SeaHawk-F forward carrier resupply ship: CL48

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SSD, Stellar Shadow, WYN Bacaruda gunFighter Frigate: SSD, WYN-Federation Police Cutter: CL37
CL28 SSD, WYN-Gorn Police Frigate: CL37
SSD, Stellar Shadow, WYN converted Andromedan Intruder: SSD, WYN-ISC Destroyer-X: CL37
CL28 SSD, WYN-Klingon Pocket Battleship: CL18
SSD, Stellar Shadow, WYN converted Andromedan Mamba: SSD, WYN-Kzinti Pocket Battleship: CL18
CL28 SSD, WYN-Romulan SeaHawk: CL37
SSD, Stellar Shadow, WYN converted Gorn BDD: CL28 SSD, WYN-Seltorian Destroyer: : CL37
SSD, Stellar Shadow, WYN converted Hydran Hunter FF: SSD, WYN-Seltorian Frigate: CL37
CL28 Standard Rules Templates: CL23
SSD, Stellar Shadow, WYN converted Romulan SeaHawk: Star Fleet Aces, Command the Future: CL26
CL28 Star Fleet Awards: CL20-CL27, CL29-CL32, CL34-CL35,
SSD, Stellar Shadow, WYN converted Tholian destroyer: CL28 CL37-CL54, CL51SF, CL52SF
SSD, Tholian Star Fleet Awards: I’ll Show You My Medals, CL41
SSD, Tholian Alternate Jumbo Web Tender: CL50SF Star Fleet Awards: Wall of Honor, CL42
SSD, Tholian CWL (Hybrid FC Ship Card): CL36 Star Fleet Battle Force
SSD, Tholian Destroyer Carrier, CL33 Star Fleet Battle Force, Aegis: CL42
SSD, Tholian Destroyer Scout, CL33 Star Fleet Battle Force, Ambush: CL45
SSD, Tholian Heavy Fighter resupply pack: CL26 Star Fleet Battle Force, Ancient Power: CL45
SSD, Tholian Jumbo Web Tender: CL50 Star Fleet Battle Force, Andromedan Intruder: CL26
SSD, Tholian Neo-Tholian Advanced Technology Destroyer: Star Fleet Battle Force, Anti-Drones: CL46
CL54 Star Fleet Battle Force, Asteroids: CL26
SSD, Tholian Neo-Tholian Advanced Technology Frigate: Star Fleet Battle Force, Battleships: CL36, CL37
CL54 Star Fleet Battle Force, Battlestations: CL23
SSD, Tholian Neo-Tholian Heavy Command Cruiser: CL25 Star Fleet Battle Force, Black Fleet: CL42
SSD, Tholian Neo-Tholian Heavy Destroyer: CL25 Star Fleet Battle Force, Black Hole: CL26
SSD, Tholian Neo-Tholian Heavy Frigate: CL25 Star Fleet Battle Force, Black Hole: CL46
SSD, Tholian Neo-Tholian Medium Cruiser: CL25 Star Fleet Battle Force, Borak: CL44
SSD, Tholian New Destroyer, CL19 Star Fleet Battle Force, Card Notes (Tactics): CL52
SSD, Tholian Pocket Battleship: CL48 Star Fleet Battle Force, Carnivons: CL50
SSD, Tholian Police Carrier: CL30 Star Fleet Battle Force, Cloaked Decoy: CL43
SSD, Tholian Police Destroyer: CL40 Star Fleet Battle Force, Commando Ships: CL38, CL39
SSD, Tholian Police War Destroyer: CL40 Star Fleet Battle Force, Deep Attack: CL43
SSD, Tholian revised Dreadnoughts: CL29 Star Fleet Battle Force, Design Concepts: CL26
SSD, Tholian Spider 4 and Spider 5 Heavy Fighter: CL39 Star Fleet Battle Force, Devil’s Gambit: CL45
SSD, Tholian War Carrier group: CL22 Star Fleet Battle Force, Double Team: CL46
SSD, Triangulum Star Fleet Battle Force, Dust Clouds: CL26
SSD, Triangulum, Imperium Destroyer: CL23 Star Fleet Battle Force, Economic Exhaustion: CL26
SSD, Triangulum, Imperium Frigate: CL23 Star Fleet Battle Force, Escorts for your Carrier: CL31
SSD, Triangulum, Imperium Heavy Cruiser: CL23 Star Fleet Battle Force, Expansions Announced: CL29
SSD, Triangulum, Imperium Light Cruiser: CL23 Star Fleet Battle Force, Expert Helsman: CL42
SSD, Triaxian Star Fleet Battle Force, Expert Operations Officer: CL42
SSD, Triaxian Battle Station: CL34 Star Fleet Battle Force, Fog of War: CL47
SSD, Triaxian Early Years: CL42 Star Fleet Battle Force, Freighter Trap: CL47
SSD, Triaxian Heavy Fighters, CL41 Star Fleet Battle Force, Heavy Battlecruisers: CL30
SSD, Vudar Star Fleet Battle Force, Hydrans: CL25
SSD, Vudar Advanced frigate: CL51 Star Fleet Battle Force, Igneous: CL47
Star Fleet Battle Force, Infiltrator: CL47
SSD, Vudar Bombers: CL32
Star Fleet Battle Force, introduction: CL22.
SSD, Vudar CC: CL32
SSD, Vudar CCC: CL32 Star Fleet Battle Force, ISC: CL29
Star Fleet Battle Force, Juggernaut: CL52
SSD, Vudar Commando destroyer: CL50
Star Fleet Battle Force, Legendary XO: CL43
SSD, Vudar FCR: CL32
SSD, Vudar Heavy Cruiser, CL19 Star Fleet Battle Force, Lyrans: CL27
Star Fleet Battle Force, Merchant Shipyard: CL46
SSD, Vudar Heavy Dreadnought: CL42
Star Fleet Battle Force, Mind-Control Plants: CL53
SSD, Vudar Light Dreadnought: CL42
SSD, Vudar LTT (page 31): CL19 Star Fleet Battle Force, Monsters: CL35, CL54
Star Fleet Battle Force, More Action Cards: CL42
SSD, Vudar Scout Frigate: CL47
Star Fleet Battle Force, Nebula: CL26
SSD, Vudar SCX: CL32
SSD, Vudar SR: CL32 Star Fleet Battle Force, New Action Cards: CL41
Star Fleet Battle Force, New Ships: CL26
SSD, Vudar Theater Transport Frigate: CL47
Star Fleet Battle Force, No Limit Klingon Hold’em: CL28
SSD, Vudar War Cruiser: CL18
SSD, Vudar War Frigate: CL19 Star Fleet Battle Force, On-Line Gaming: CL26
Star Fleet Battle Force, Paravians: CL49
SSD, WYN Star Fleet Battle Force, Peladine: CL51
SSD, WYN CWL (Hybrid FC Ship Card): CL36 Star Fleet Battle Force, Planets: CL23
SSD, WYN Flagship Battlecruiser: CL37 Star Fleet Battle Force, Plasma Shotgun: CL47
SSD, WYN Flagship Cruiser: CL37 Star Fleet Battle Force, Police Crackdown: CL43
SSD, WYN Light Tactical Transport: CL40 Star Fleet Battle Force, Radiation Zone: CL26

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Index of CAPTAIN’S LOG #18-#54
Star Fleet Battle Force, Resupply: CL45 Star Fleet Warlord, General News: CL20, CL30, CL39, CL40,
Star Fleet Battle Force, Retribution: CL46 CL42-CL51, CL53, CL54
Star Fleet Battle Force, Sabotage: CL45 Star Fleet Warlord, New Warlord: CL32
Star Fleet Battle Force, Scouts: CL32 Star Fleet Warlord, Omega Warlord: CL21, CL27
Star Fleet Battle Force, Smart Drones: CL45 Star Fleet Warlord, Peace in Our Time: CL31
Star Fleet Battle Force, Space Dragons: CL24 Star Fleet Warlord, Preparing for PFs: CL19
Star Fleet Battle Force, Suicide Shuttle: CL43 Star Fleet Warlord, Prospecting: CL20
Star Fleet Battle Force, Sun Snake: CL46 Star Fleet Warlord, Random Events Catalog: CL41
Star Fleet Battle Force, Supply Raid: CL26 Star Fleet Warlord, Selecting Races: CL20
Star Fleet Battle Force, Surprise Reversed Scenario: CL23 Star Fleet Warlord, Strategies: CL18
Star Fleet Battle Force, T-bomb: CL26 Star Fleet Warlord, tactics, notes: CL24
Star Fleet Battle Force, Terrain: CL26, CL40 Star Fleet Warlord, The Warlord Wars: CL37
Star Fleet Battle Force, Tournament Rules: CL24 Star Fleet Warlord, Using Bases: CL19
Star Fleet Battle Force, Tractor Beam: CL26 Star Fleet Warlord, web site update: CL33, CL34
Star Fleet Battle Force, Tribbles: CL42 Star Sheep, Monster Special Rules: CL47
Star Fleet Warlord: END
Star Fleet Battle Force, Vudar: CL48
Star Fleet Battle Force, Weapon Merchant: CL47 Star Trek
Star Fleet Battle Force, WYN Ships: CL33 and CL34 Star Trek Conquest: CL38
Star Fleet Battles On Line, See SFB On-Line Star Trek Legacy: CL33, CL34, CL35
Star Fleet Battles on the Web: CL22 Star Trek Tactical Assault: CL33, CL37
Star Fleet Battles, a New Edition: CL39 Supplement Starfleet Command
Star Fleet Command, see Starfleet Command Starfleet Command vs. Star Fleet Battles: CL20
Star Fleet Commander, Hidden Shiplist entries: CL35 Starfleet Command, An Overview, CL19
Star Fleet Communications Center: CL18-CL27, CL29-CL53 Starfleet Command, Community Update: CL33
Star Fleet Goes to Europe: CL33 Starfleet Command, customizing the game: CL29
Star Fleet Ladder Tournament: CL34 Starfleet Command, Federation Fighter Tactics: CL25
Star Fleet Marines Starfleet Command, Future of Command: CL21
Star Fleet Marines Assault: CL41, CL42, CL43, Starfleet Command, Future: CL20, CL22
Star Fleet Marines Last Stand: CL46 Starfleet Command, Join the Pirates: CL36
Star Fleet Marines Sequence of Play: CL44 Starfleet Command, Orion Pirates Campaign System: CL37
Star Fleet Marines, Assault Notes: CL46, CL50 Starfleet Command, Orion Pirates: CL22
Star Fleet Marines, Big Ground Bases: CL53 Starfleet Command, Resources: CL30
Star Fleet Marines, Combining with Federation Commander: Starfleet Command, Tactics: CL21, CL22, CL24, CL26, CL31
CL52 Starfleet Command, Term Papers: CL23
Star Fleet Marines, Marines of the Lesser Magellanic Cloud: Starfleet Command, Update: CL23, CL33-CL36, CL39-CL47
CL47 Starfleet Command, websites with available stuff: CL38-CL41
Star Fleet Marines, New Products: CL54 Starfleet Command, What we did and why we did it, CL19
Star Fleet Marines, New Terrain Types: CL51 Starfleet Command, Wreck of the Rex: CL23
Star Fleet Marines, Playtest Rules: CL45 Starfleet Command, X-Technology Weapons: CL32
Star Fleet Marines, Questions & Answers: CL50 Starline 2400
Star Fleet Marines, Scenario, Battle of Krr’all Station: CL54 Starline 2400, 2007 Releases: CL34, CL35
Star Fleet Marines, Scenario, Battle of the Bulge: CL52 Starline 2400, 2010 Releases: CL42
Star Fleet Marines, Scenario, Into the Dome: CL49 Starline 2400, Andro Terminator: CL39
Star Fleet Marines, Scenario, Konikawa-the Worst Battle: CL50 Starline 2400, Bases and Freighters, CL30
Star Fleet Marines, Scenario, Rescue on Farak III: CL48 Starline 2400, Battle Station: CL29
Star Fleet Marines, Wild Animal Packs: CL53 Starline 2400, Building a D5H: CL22
Star Fleet Marines, ZZZ, END
Starline 2400, Command the future: CL27
Star Fleet Rangers: CL22, CL23, CL25, CL29-CL32, CL48- Starline 2400, Cops and Robbers: CL29
CL54 Starline 2400, Decals 101: CL37
Star Fleet Rescue (dice game): CL42 Starline 2400, discussions of schedule: All issues except CL28.
Star Fleet Spare Parts and Mail Order: CL22 Starline 2400, do it yourself decals: CL24
Star Fleet Survivor, PBEM: CL39, CL40 Starline 2400, Drones: CL39
Star Fleet Tactical Assault: CL34 Starline 2400, Early ISC miniatures: CL38
Star Fleet Tanks: CL54 Starline 2400, Excuses for no New ones: CL46, CL47
Star Fleet Terms, Datafile, semi-humor: CL48 Starline 2400, Fed Box #4: CL41
Star Fleet Times, Good Bye: CL20 Starline 2400, Fed Fast Cruiser: CL31
Star Fleet Warlord Starline 2400, Fed Survey Cruiser: CL31
Star Fleet Warlord, Advanced Concepts: CL19 Starline 2400, Federation Battle Frigate: CL29
Star Fleet Warlord, All issues from CL18 except CL28 Starline 2400, Federation CA: CL31
Star Fleet Warlord, Bombers Bombers Everywhere: CL31 Starline 2400, Federation Commander: CL32
Star Fleet Warlord, Combat Notes: CL20 Starline 2400, Federation CVS: CL33
Star Fleet Warlord, Death of a Warlord: CL22 Starline 2400, Federation Destroyers: CL41
Star Fleet Warlord, Diplomacy, the art of the deal: CL23 Starline 2400, Federation LTT: CL41
Star Fleet Warlord, Diplomacy: CL20 Starline 2400, Freighters and auxiliaries: CL34
Star Fleet Warlord, Fighters: CL18 Starline 2400, Freighters, CL30
Star Fleet Warlord, game reports: All issues except CL28. Starline 2400, General: CL45 to CL53
Star Fleet Warlord, Game Variations: CL19 Starline 2400, Gorn heavy Battlecruiser: CL29

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Starline 2400, Hydran Battleship: CL29 Starmada, New Ships: CL48
Starline 2400, Iron Crown Miniatures: CL38 Starmada, Nova Edition: CL44
Starline 2400, ISC BB: CL39 Starmada, Nova Edition Playtest Rule: Directional Shielding:
Starline 2400, ISC Tug: CL29 CL51
Starline 2400, Juggernaut: CL34, CL41 Starmada, Nova Edition Playtest Rule: Drones: CL51
Starline 2400, Kit Bash Packs: CL35 Starmada, Nova Ship card: Andromedan Cobra: CL50
Starline 2400, Kitbashing a Demonhawk: CL27 Starmada, Nova Ship card: Andromedan Conquistador: CL50
Starline 2400, Klingon B9: CL39 Starmada, Nova Ship card: Andromedan Intruder: CL50
Starline 2400, Klingon Box #3: CL41 Starmada, Nova Ship card: Andromedan Mamba: CL50
Starline 2400, Klingon D5W: CL33 Starmada, Nova Ship card: Federation Battlecruiser (BCP):
Starline 2400, Klingon D6M: CL26 CL51
Starline 2400, Kzinti Carrier Group Box: CL41 Starmada, Nova Ship card: Federation CA: CL44
Starline 2400, Kzinti CVS/BCH: CL31 Starmada, Nova Ship card: Klingon D7: CL44
Starline 2400, Kzinti NCA: CL33 Starmada, Nova Ship card: Klingon SparrowHawk light cruiser:
Starline 2400, Lyran Battleship, CL30 CL51
Starline 2400, Lyran County Symbols: CL25 Starmada, Nova Ship card: Romulan DemonHawk
Starline 2400, Lyrans arrive: CL29 dreadnought: CL51
Starline 2400, Making your own space amoeba: CL36 Starmada, Nova Ship card: Seltorian Assault Wagon: CL51
Starline 2400, Miniatures Conference 2006: CL32 Starmada, Penetrating Damage Optional Rule: CL46
Starline 2400, Mobile Base: CL31 Starmada, Romulan Armada: CL41
Starline 2400, New Battleships: CL36 Starmada, Rumors of Wars Unity: CL53
Starline 2400, News, Updates, New Ships: CL34-date Starmada, Scenario Generator: CL45
Starline 2400, Omega Ships: CL39 Starmada, Scenario: Attack on Battle station K3: CL45
Starline 2400, Orions: CL29 Starmada, Ship card, Andromedan Cobra: CL50, CL53
Starline 2400, Painting Contest, CL30, CL32-36 Starmada, Ship card, Andromedan Conquistador: CL50
Starline 2400, Painting Panel Lines: CL33 Starmada, Ship card, Andromedan Intruder: CL50, CL53
Starline 2400, Pegasus: CL41 Starmada, Ship card, Andromedan Mamba: CL50
Starline 2400, Peladine Fleet Released: CL26 Starmada, Ship card, Federation Battlecruiser (BCP): CL51
Starline 2400, Plasma Torpedoes: CL39 Starmada, Ship card, Federation Battleship: CL46
Starline 2400, Return of the Eagles: CL26 Starmada, Ship card, Federation CB: CL44
Starline 2400, Return of: CL19 Starmada, Ship card, Federation Fast Cruiser: CL52
Starline 2400, Romulan Carrier Group Box: CL41 Starmada, Ship card, Federation Fast Destroyer, CL48
Starline 2400, Rounding out the Alliance LTTs: CL23. Starmada, Ship card, Federation HDW: CL41
Starline 2400, Seeking Weapons: CL39 Starmada, Ship card, Federation HDW: CL45
Starline 2400, Seltorian Side Trip: CL35 Starmada, Ship card, Federation Light Cruiser: CL52
Starline 2400, Sensor Dishes: CL34 Starmada, Ship card, Federation NCL: CL40
Starline 2400, Squadron Boxes: CL32 Starmada, Ship card, Federation Old Heavy Cruiser: CL42
Starline 2400, squadron boxes: CL33 Starmada, Ship card, Federation War Destroyer: CL40
Starline 2400, Starbase, CL30 Starmada, Ship card, Gorn DBC: CL45
Starline 2400, The Chair, CL30 Starmada, Ship card, Gorn Destroyer Battlecruiser: CL42
Starline 2400, Tholian DD+NCL: CL33 Starmada, Ship card, Gorn Light Escort Cruiser, CL48
Starline 2400, Tholian TK5: CL41 Starmada, Ship card, Hydran Rhino Hunter War Destroyer:
Starline 2400, update: CL19 to date except CL28 CL53
Starline 2400, Vudar: CL39 Starmada, Ship card, Hydran Tartar Medium Cruiser: CL53
Starline 2400, Where are the Lyrans?: CL26 Starmada, Ship card, ISC Destroyer: CL47
Starline 2425 Starmada, Ship card, ISC Frigate: CL47
Starline 2425, General: CL48 to CL52 Starmada, Ship card, ISC Heavy Cruiser: CL47
Starline 2500 Starmada, Ship card, ISC Light Cruiser: CL47
Starline 2500, General: CL45 to CL52 Starmada, Ship card, Klingon B10 Battleship: CL46
Starline 2500, Phase 1 complete: CL46 Starmada, Ship card, Klingon B10-T Emergency Battleship:
Starline 2500: CL43 CL54
Starline 2500: CL44 Starmada, Ship card, Klingon B8 Combined Dreadnought:
Starline, General, creation process: CL49 CL54
Starlist Starmada, Ship card, Klingon D5W Battlecruiser: CL52
Starmada, Ship card, Klingon D7D Battlecruiser: CL42SF
Starlist, Major Upgrades and renovations: CL48
Starlist, Ten Questions About: CL31 Starmada, Ship card, Klingon E5D Drone Corvette, CL48
Starlist: CL21, CL22, CL25, CL31, CL48 Starmada, Ship card, Klingon E7: CL45
Starmada, Ship card, Klingon F5 Frigate: CL52
Starmada Starmada, Ship card, Klingon F5W War Destroyer: CL40
Starmada, Alien Armada: CL42 Starmada, Ship card, Klingon SparrowHawk light cruiser: CL51
Starmada, Andromedan Invaders: CL50 Starmada, Ship card, Kzinti Destroyer, CL48
Starmada, Battleships Armada: CL46 Starmada, Ship card, Kzinti Drone Frigate: CL42
Starmada, Damage Allocation Optional Rule: CL46 Starmada, Ship card, Kzinti FFK: CL40
Starmada, Distant Armada: CL43 Starmada, Ship card, Kzinit Medium Cruiser: CL52SF
Starmada, ISC: CL47 Starmada, Ship card, Large Auxiliary Cruiser: CL45
Starmada, Keeping the Peace, the ISC: CL47 Starmada, Ship card, LDR JagdPanther, CL48
Starmada, Klingon Armada: CL40 Starmada, Ship card, Lyran JagdPanther, CL48

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Index of CAPTAIN’S LOG #18-#54
Starmada, Ship card, Orion BR with disruptors, CL43 Tactical Primer, Sharkhunter: CL31
Starmada, Ship card, Orion BR with plasma-F, CL43 Tactical Primer, Singers: CL41
Starmada, Ship card, Orion DW with disruptors, CL43 Tactical Primer, Sizing up drones: CL26
Starmada, Ship card, Orion DW with plasma-F, CL43 Tactical Primer, Souldra: CL25
Starmada, Ship card, Orion Medium Raider: CL42SF Tactical Primer, Triangulum: CL47
Starmada, Ship card, Romulan DemonHawk Dreadnought: Tactical Primer, Trobin: CL30
CL51 Tactical Primer, Uthiki: CL51
Starmada, Ship card, Romulan K7R Battlecruiser, CL48 Tactical Primer, Worb: CL24
Starmada, Ship card, Romulan KC7R: CL44 Tactical Primer, X-ships: CL30
Starmada, Ship card, Romulan KD5R: CL42 Tactical Primer, Ymatrian: CL34
Starmada, Ship card, Romulan King Eagle Cruiser: CL52SF Tactical Primer: Usurpers, Conquerors, Exiles; Eneen: C48
Starmada, Ship card, Romulan Vulture: CL45 Tactics
Starmada, Ship card, Seltorian Assault Wagon: CL51 Tactics for A Call to Arms Star Fleet: CL44 to date
Starmada, Ship card, Small Auxiliary Cruiser: CL45 Tactics, Branthodon Primer: CL39
Starmada, Ship card, Vudar Frigate: CL49 Tactics, Command at Origins, Federation Commander: See
Starmada, Ship card, Vudar heavy Battlecruiser: CL49 Tactics
Starmada, Ship card, Vudar War Cruiser: CL49, CL54 Tactics, Fog of War 6: CL37, CL38, CL39
Starmada, Ship card, Vudar War Destroyer: CL49, CL54 Tactics, Fog of War: CL33
Starmada, Stasis Field Generator: CL54 Tactics, Mallaran Primer: CL46
Starmada, Unity Edition: CL52 Tactics, Sapphire Victory: see Sapphire Victory
Starmada, Unity Edition, Stasis Field Generators: CL54 Tactics, SFB, Fog of War, Game Five After Action: CL36
Starmada, Unity Edition, Vudar: CL54 Tactics, SFB, Fog of War, Game Four After Action: CL35
Starmada, Vudar: CL49. CL54 Tactics, the Duracell Factor: CL36
Starmada, ZZZ

Starswarm: CL40 Tactics, Triaxian Primer by Scott Moellmer: CL40

Stellar Shadows: Where Are We Going?: CL20 Tactics, Victory at Origins: See Victory at Origins, Platinum
Steve Cole Is Alive: CL53 Victory
Stock numbers and prices of recent and imminent Releases: Tactics, Victory in Space: CL34
CL29 Tactics, What the Echelon is and is not: CL34
Submissions, Ten Questions about: CL33 Tactless Notes: See F&E tactless notes
Suicide Fighters in Federation Commander: CL51 Tanks: CL54
Survivor Mini Campaign, T11: CL26 Tanks, Gorn: CL54
Swordfight books, Command the future: CL27 Teachable Moments, The Tholian Crevice: CL43
Technology Sloshing, Why it is Prohibited in SFU: CL50
T Ten Questions
T11 Survivor Mini Campaign: CL26 Ten Questions about ADB: CL39, CL49, CL50, CL51, CL52
Tactical Notes, F&E: All issues from CL18 except CL28. Ten Questions about Briefing #1: CL37
Tactical Primer for SFB Ten Questions about Captain’s Log: CL47
Tactical Primer Not all of these articles appeared under the Ten Questions about Federation Commander: CL32
logo “tactical primer”. Ten Questions about Judging: CL25
Tactical Primer, Alunda Host: CL31, CL43 Ten Questions about Starlist: CL31
Tactical Primer, Andromedan Power Management: CL18 Ten Questions about Submissions: CL33
Tactical Primer, Aurora: CL27 Ten Questions about the Schedule: CL29
Tactical Primer, Baduvai, Regretful Necessity, CL49 Ten Questions about the Wall of Honor: CL43
Tactical Primer, Bolosco: CL35 Ten Questions about where the company is going: CL36
Tactical Primer, Carnivon: CL30 Ten Questions for Jean Sexton: CL47
Tactical Primer, Chlorophon: CL34 Ten Questions for Marketing Director Vanessa Clark: CL34
Tactical Primer, Drex: CL32 Ten Questions for Paul Scott: CL27
Tactical Primer, Eneen: CL48 Ten Questions, Five Questions about Federation Commander:
Tactical Primer, Helgard: CL44 CL37
Tactical Primer, Imperium: CL42 Ten Questions, General: CL18, CL20, CL21, CL23, CL24,
Tactical Primer, Iridani: CL38 CL25, CL30, CL40, CL41, CL42, CL45, CL48, CL50,
Tactical Primer, Jumokian: CL52 CL54
Tactical Primer, Kzintis vs. Black Shark: CL29 Ten Questions, the Ten Most Outrageous People I Ever Met in
Tactical Primer, Loriyill: CL36 Gaming: CL38
Tactical Primer, Maesron: CL23 Ten Things the Klingons Won’t Tell You: CL48
Tactical Primer, Magellanics, Warriors of the Cloud: CL21 Ten Things the Romulans Won’t Tell You: CL48
Tactical Primer, Magellanics: CL33 Term Papers
Tactical Primer, Nicozian: CL45 Term Papers, All issues except CL28.
Tactical Primer, Omega PFs: CL37 Term Papers, Andromedan: CL18
Tactical Primer, Omega tactics, a first look, CL19 Term Papers, Bases: CL20
Tactical Primer, Omega: CL34 Term Papers, Cast Web Breakdown: CL30
Tactical Primer, Probr: CL34 Term Papers, Dividing Non-Penetrating Damage: CL54
Tactical Primer, Qaris: CL22 Term Papers, Drones: CL21: CL23
Tactical Primer, Qixa: CL30 Term Papers, Early Years: CL23, CL54
Tactical Primer, Ryn vs. Seekers: CL27 Term Papers, Encore: CL18, CL20, CL22, CL23, CL27, CL30,
Tactical Primer, Ryn: CL26 CL31
Tactical Primer, Send in the Clones, Mallaran: CL46

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Index of CAPTAIN’S LOG #18-#54
Term Papers, Fleet Targeting: CL54 Update, Admiral’s Game: CL31, CL36
Term Papers, Fighters: CL21 Update, Aurora Republic: CL53
Term Papers, How They Are Selected: CL23 Update, Borak: CL45
Term Papers, Marines: CL18: CL23 Update, Campaign Rules (Admirals, Carrier Group, Kosnett,
Term Papers, Not a Tactic: CL23, CL27 Unity, PF): CL36, CL38, CL39, CL42, SL54
Term Papers, Omega: CL21, CL22, CL23, CL26 Update, Campaign Rules (U1.0): CL35, CL36
Term Papers, Plasma Torpedo: CL19, CL27 Update, Carnivons: CL48
Term Papers, Power and Energy: CL23 Update, Carrier Group Campaign: CL34, CL36
Term Papers, Promotion: CL23 Update, Early Years: CL39
Term Papers, Simulators: CL20: CL23 Update, Fast Patrol Boat Campaign: CL33, CL36
Term Papers, the Wit and Wisdom of Michael John Campbell: Update, Federation General units: CL49
CL30 Update, Frax: CL50
Term Papers, Tournament: CL18, CL19, CL20, CL21, CL22, Update, General Frax Units: CL47
CL23 Update, Kosnett’s War: CL32, CL36
Term Papers, Tractor Beams: CL27 Update, Lost Empires: CL48
Term Papers, Wedding Cake: CL54 Update, MegaFighters on Patrol: CL36
Term Papers, Wild Weasels: CL22 Update, Omega PFs: CL37
Terminal Papers: See SFB terminal papers Update, Operation Unity: CL30, CL36, CL43
TerrorWerks, the Gun Run: CL39SF, CL41SF, CL43SF Update, Operation Renaissance: CL51
Theater Transports: CL29 Update, Paravians: CL48
Thirtieth Anniversary Sale: CL39 Update, Peladine: CL44
This Changes Everything, the Kyocera Project: CL30 Update, S8 Patrol Scenarios: CL40
Tholian Biology: CL33 Update, Simulator Unity: CL54
Tholian Destroyers, Class History: CL33 Update, T3 Lone Grey Wolf: CL41
Tholian Pinwheels in Federation Commander, Borders of Update, X-Ships: CL38
Madness: CL42 Update, Zosman Marauders: CL52
TL1 Battle Force Campaign: CL21 Using Commas like a Pro, Input Guide: CL40
To Ask The Question Why: see “Why” Using FC Ship Cards in SFB: CL42
To Kill a Mockingdrone: CL36 Uthiki Primer, Ghost Signals: CL51
Top Ten V
Top Ten Bad Ideas for SubMissions: CL31 Valkenburg Castle computer game: CL39
Top Ten Mistakes in Fiction: CL31 Veteran of the Greatest Generation, obituary for Colonel
Top Ten Most Outrageous: CL38 Richard S. Cole: CL31
Top Ten Reasons Paravians Go to War: CL30 Victory
Top Ten Things on the Website That You Might Not Know Victory at Five Nations: CL37
About: CL40 Victory at Five Nations: CL39
Top Ten Things You Might Not Have Noticed: CL30 Victory at Furrycon 2000 by __________: CL24
Top Ten Ways to Get a Scenario Rejected: CL31 Victory At Origins 1995 by Tom Carroll: CL29
Top Ten Ways to Get a Ship Rejected: CL31 Victory at Origins 1996 by Christopher Lee Larsen: CL18
Tournament Victory at Origins 1997 by Tom Carroll: CL29
Tournament Reports: All issues except CL28 Victory At Origins 2000 by Paul Scott: CL21
Tournament Rules for Federation Commander: CL36 Victory at Origins 2000 Patrol by __________: CL22
Tournament Rules update: CL18, CL24, CL30 Victory at Origins 2001 by Vince Weibert: CL23
Tournament, A New format: CL25, CL30 Victory At Origins 2002 by Paul Scott: CL26
Tournament, Andromedans return: CL22 Victory at Origins 2002 Patrol by Tom Carroll: CL25
Tournament, Legion: CL23 Victory at Origins 2003 by Paul Scott: CL27
Tournament, Origins 03 will use New format: CL26 Victory at Origins 2005 by Ken Lin: CL32
Tournament, Origins 2007 report: CL36 Victory at Origins 2006 CL34
Tournaments, Fight for a Cure: CL42 Victory at Origins 2008 by Paul Scott, CL40
Tournaments, Flying Deuces: CL22: CL23 Victory at Origins 2009 by Bill Schoeller: CL41
Tournaments: Platinum Hat see Platinum Victory Victory at Origins 2010 by Gregg Dieckahus: CL42
Tournaments: Sapphire Star see Sapphire Victory Victory at Origins 2011: See instead Platinum Victory 2011
Tournaments: Sapphire Star SFB: CL53 Victory at Origins 2012: See instead Platinum Victory 2012
Train Wreck, Command the Future: CL30 Victory at Origins Patrol 1998 by __________: CL19
Traveller Prime Directive: CL43, CL50 Victory at Origins Saturday Patrol by Vince Weibert: CL18
Trek vs. Star Fleet Universe, Input Guide, CL49 Victory at Origins, Saturday Patrol 2006: CL35
Triangulum Primer, Along Came a Spider: CL47 Victory at Origins, Saturday Patrol 2007: CL36
Triangulum, SL210, Refueling Disaster: CL24 Victory at Origins: See Command at Origins for the Federation
Triangulum, Tactical Primer: CL47 Commander reports.
Triaxian Primer by Scott Moellmer: CL40 Victory in Cyberspace by __________: CL19
Tribbles vs. Klngons: CL45-CL49 Victory in Europe, Eurogencon 95, by Iain Heron-Stamp: CL18
Trivideo Schedule, Y181: CL46 Victory in Space: CL34
Turrets in Federation Commander: CL51 Victory in the Masters 2011: CL45
Turrets, Rules, Triangulum: CL23 Victory On Line 99Q4 by __________: CL20
Twelve Questions about Federation Commander: CL32 Victory On Line, 10Q2: CL43
U Victory Well Earned, Input Guide: CL49
Victory, ZZZ

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Index of CAPTAIN’S LOG #18-#54
Vudar in Star Fleet Battle Force: CL48 X
Vudar Introduction: CL18 X-Ship Project: CL23
Vudar Update: CL19: CL20 X-Ships, A Discourse: CL30
Vudar, Command the future: CL27, CL31
Vulcan, Planetary Survey: CL37 Y
Y: See “Early Years”
W Ymatrian Primer, Analyzing Ashes: CL34
Wall of Honor, Ten Questions: CL43
Wall of Honor: see Star Fleet Awards Z
War Cruiser Scouts in Federation Commander: CL45 Zombies, Fiction, It’s worse than that: CL44
War Destroyer Leaders for FC: CL46 Zombies, Fiction, The Solution: CL48
Warlord: See Star Fleet Warlord Zombies: SL305 Zombie Apocalypse, CL44
We need SFB Scenarios: CL43 Zosman Marauders, Update: CL52
Weapons on Bases, Federation Commander: CL42 Zosman Primer: CL54
Website Improvements: CL35, CL36 Zosman ships and rules: CL50, CL50SF, CL52
What Does Jean Mean to ADB, Inc.?: CL46 ZZZ-Notes
What Is a Playtest Item?: CL52 ZZZ-Notes: Your help is welcome in correcting and improving
What is Playtesting?: CL52 this index, but you can avoid wasting your time by
What the Echelon is and is not, Tactics: CL34 considering these comments. We want to provide a
What’s in a Name: CL43 functional source of information, not a perfectly edited
What’s in Stock: All issues work of literature. I would rather post this index with a
What’s Wrong with this (FC) Scenario: CL42 few formatting errors that do not reduce its utility than
Why spend days editing it (e.g., to change commas to
Why Technology Sloshing Is Prohibited in the SFU: CL50 semicolons and capitalize “rule”) instead of working
Why, Arming Costs vs. Damage: CL18 on new products. I’d rather list something twice than
Why, Background: CL23, CL43, CL44 make it hard to find, so I don’t need to delete
Why, Bases: CL22 duplicates unless they are exactly the same.
Why, Call to Arms: Star Fleet: CL51 Sometimes I use commas, periods, or semi-colons;
Why, Combat Technology: CL39 as long as all of a given type of entry (e.g., “Why”) is
Why, Counters: CL54 the same, I don’t care if why and background are not
Why, Crew: CL30 the same. If you see something that would amount to
Why, Devil is in the Math: CL24, CL29 a “consistent fix” (i.e., 37 line items all saying to
Why, F&E: CL19, CL27, CL39 Change a comma to a semi-colon) then send ONE
Why, Federation Commander: CL33 line item and not 37 (and forgive me if I ignore it).
Why, Fighter Technology: CL41, CL42, CL43, CL45 Don’t do Captain’s Log issues not on the list as I want
Why, Game Design Concepts: CL23, CL24, CL25, CL31, to do them myself. If you see some category of thing
CL32, CL34, CL38, CL40, CL42, CL43, CL44, CL45, that I normally double-list or triple-list (the monster
CL46, CL48, CL49 rules are infamous for this) and some are missing one
Why, General items: CL21 kind of listing, don’t hesitate to tell me. While we
Why, Graphic Presentation: CL25 normally italicize product names, that wasn’t done in
Why, Graphics: CL27 this index because it is too much work and doesn’t
Why, High Energy Turns: CL52 really matter for this purpose.--Steve Cole
Why, History: CL46, CL50
Why, Hydran Fighters: CL32
Why, ISC and the myth of the Organians: CL34
Why, Marketing: CL22
Why, On-Line system isn’t Free: CL20
Why, Origins Singalong: CL47
Why, Orions: CL29
Why, PDFs: CL54
Why, Prime Directive: CL27
Why, Questions: CL50
Why, Seeking Weapon Secrets: CL25
Why, Ship Design Concepts: CL22-CL25, CL27, CL29, CL31,
CL32, CL34, CL37, CL38, CL39, CL41, CL42, CL43,
CL44, CL45, CL46, CL47, CL48, CL49, CL50, CL52
Why, Shuttlecraft: CL27, CL29, CL30, CL31, CL37, CL38
Why, SSDs: CL54
Why, Tactics: CL23
Why, Technological Limits: CL23, CL27, CL29, CL30, CL31
Why, Technology: CL37, CL40, CL41, CL42, CL43, CL44,
CL45, CL46, CL47, CL48, CL49, CL50
Why, Weapons Technology: CL39
Wild Alunda, Monster Special Rules: CL52
Worlds of the Web (survey of New races on web sites): CL19
Worst SFB Career Choices: CL36
WYN Star Cluster in ACTASF: CL52

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