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Formula of Simple Future Tense.

Formula of Simple Future Tense with Positive, Negative, Interrogative and
Negative – interrogative sentence and the Past Perfect Tense chart using
different persons and numbers have been shown in the following.
Simple Future Tense(Positive)
Formula – 1
Subject + shall / will + Verb + Object .
Chart – 1
Person Singular Plural
1st I shall play football We shall play football
2nd You  will play football You will play football
3rd He / She / It  They will play football
will play football
Simple Future Tense(Negative)
Formula – 2
Subject + shall / will + not + Main Verb + Object .
Chart – 2
Person Singular Plural
1st I shall not play football We shall not play football
2nd You  will  not play football You will not play football
3rd He / She / It  will  not They will not play football
play football
Simple Future Tense(Interrogative)
Formula – 3
Shall / Will + Subject + Main Verb + Object ?
Chart – 3
Person Singular Plural
1st Shall I play football ? Shall we play football ?
2nd Will you play football ? Will you play football ?
3rd Will he / she / Will they play football ?
it play football ?

Wh-Word Question
Formula – 4
Wh-Word + shall / will + Subject + Main Verb + Object ?
        Where shall I play ?
        When shall we take lunch?
        Where will you go?
        Why will he absent?
        How will they celebrate? 
        Why will Shruti laugh?
Questions for information are made with ‘Wh-word’. who, which, what,
why, whose, whom, how are called ‘Wh-word’.

Simple Future Tense (Negative-Interrogative)

Formula – 5
Shall / Will + Subject + not + Main Verb + Object ?
Chart – 4
Person Singular Plural
1st Shall I not play football ? Shall we not play football ?
2nd Will you not play football ? Will you not play football ?
3rd Will he / she / Will they not play football ?
it not play football ?
In Negative-Interrogative sentence ‘not’ is placed before subject noun and
after subject pronoun.
        Will not Ravi play football ? (Before subject noun)
        Will he not play football ? (After subject pronoun )
Uses of Simple Future Tense
We use the simple future tense
1. to express an action that will take place in the future. For example,
        I shall return your dictionary tomorrow
        They will come again next month
2. to talk about unplanned actions. For example,
        I'll help you with your homework
        It's raining, I will close the window,
3. to make predictions. For example,
        It will rain tomorrow,
        The trek will be difficult for you.
4. We use will + verb to talk about actions that are not planned. The
speaker decides to do the action at the time of speaking. For example,
        We will go to Iqbal's party tomorrow.
        If you sit down to study, I will help you complete your homework.
5. We use will + verb to predict a future event. For example,
        It will rain tomorrow.
        The ice cream will melt if you don't eat it quickly
6. We use will + verb to talk about promises or commands. For example,
        You will not move from your seat
        I will take you to the fair tomorrow,
7. to show future action, we use words like
        tomorrow,
        next week,
        next month,
When an action is planned or arranged to take place in the near future, we
sometimes use the be + going + to form instead of Simple Future Tense.
We sometimes use be going to
1. to express a future event that has already been planned. For example,
        I am going to prepare for the exam.
        They are going to visit us again next month.
2. to make predictions. For example,
        Rita is going to win the quiz.
        The children are going to hurt themselves.
3. We use be going to + verb to talk about actions that are planned and
will definitely happen. For example,
        Savithri is going to start college next June.
        Diane is going to start work next week.
Simple Future Tense Exercises
Exercise – 1
A. complete the sentences using simple future tense.
1. She ______________ the drums at the concert on Wednesday. (play)
3. She ______________ dog for a walk. (take)
2. Mom ______________ cake tomorrow. (bake)
4. He ______________ house. (guard)
6. The girl ______________a scarf to her grandmother. (gift)
7. She ______________ the water. (spill)
5. Summit’s boss ______________ him. (scold)
8. The dog ______________ the postman. (chase)
9. The teacher ______________ us English tomorrow. (teach)
Exercise – 2
B. Fill in the blanks with the simple future tense form of the verbs in the
1. My room is dirty I _______ (clean) it tomorrow.
2. I  _______ (meet) you next Sunday at noon.
3. He  _______ (work) late tonight.
4. They  _______ (watch) the film tomorrow.
5. The plane  _______ (arrive) at 9 p.m.
6. She  _______ (mow) the garden tomorrow.
7. We  _______ (serve) dinner at 10 p.m.
8. He  _______ (paint) the house over the weekend.
9. Shreya  _______ (play) the piano at the concert.
10. Manav  _______ (go) to the concert with me.
11. The author  _______ (complete) her novel next week.
12. Jackie  _______ (wash) the clothes tomorrow.
Exercise – 3
C. Use the words and form sentences in the simple future tense as
1. ice cream/melt
affirmative sentence:
negative sentence:
interrogative sentence:
2. they/come/tomorrow
affirmative sentence:
negative sentence: .
interrogative sentence:
3. someone/meet/you/at the lobby
affirmative sentence:
negative sentence:
interrogative sentence: .
4. Prateek/do/the homework/tomorrow
affirmative sentence:
negative sentence: .
interrogative sentence: -
5. we/go to the party
affirmative sentence:
negative sentence: .
interrogative sentence:.
Exercise – 4
D . Write sentences with going to using the words from the brackets.
1. ____________________________when she finds out we have not done
our homework. (she, be, very, angry)
2. ____________________________? (you, miss, your, old
3. ____________________________You can take it. (I, not need, the car,
4. ____________________________? (Diya, not come, to, the, book fair,
with us)
5. ____________________________from tomorrow. (I, start, going, for,
morning walks)
 More Exercises on Tense
Tense: Mixed Exercise and Answers in English.
Simple Future Tense Exercises Answers
Answers – 1
A. complete the sentences using simple future tense.
1. She will play the drums at the concert on Wednesday. (play)
3. She will take dog for a walk. (take)
2. Mom will bake cake tomorrow. (bake)
4. He will guard house. (guard)
6. The girl will gift a scarf to her grandmother. (gift)
7. She will spill the water. (spill)
5. Summit’s boss will scold him. (scold)
8. The dog will chase the postman. (chase)
9. The teacher will teach us English tomorrow. (teach)
Answers – 2
B. Fill in the blanks with the simple future tense form of the verbs in the
1. My room is dirty I will clean (clean) it tomorrow.
2. I  shall meet (meet) you next Sunday at noon.
3. He will work  (work) late tonight.
4. They will watch (watch) the film tomorrow.
5. The plane  will arrive (arrive) at 9 p.m.
6. She  will mow (mow) the garden tomorrow.
7. We  shall serve (serve) dinner at 10 p.m.
8. He  will paint (paint) the house over the weekend.
9. Shreya  will play (play) the piano at the concert.
10. Manav will go (go) to the concert with me.
11. The author  will complete (complete) her novel next week.
12. Jackie  will wash (wash) the clothes tomorrow.
Answers – 3
C. Use the words and form sentences in the simple future tense as
1. ice cream/melt
affirmative sentence: I shall melt ice cream.
negative sentence: I shall not melt ice cream.
interrogative sentence: Shall I not melt ice cream?
2. they/come/tomorrow
affirmative sentence: They will come tomorrow.
negative sentence: They will not come tomorrow.
interrogative sentence: Will they not come tomorrow?
3. someone/meet/you/at the lobby
affirmative sentence: You will meet someone at the lobby.
negative sentence: You will not meet someone at the lobby.
interrogative sentence: Will you meet someone at the lobby?
4. Prateek/do/the homework/tomorrow
affirmative sentence: Prateek will do the homework tomorrow.
negative sentence: Prateek will not do the homework tomorrow.
interrogative sentence: Will Prateek do the homework tomorrow?
5. we/go to the party
affirmative sentence: We shall go to the party.
negative sentence: We shall not go to the party.
interrogative sentence: Shall we go to the party?
Answers – 4
D . Write sentences with going to using the words from the brackets.
1. She is going to be very angry when she finds out we have not done our
homework. (she, be, very, angry)
2. Are you going to miss your old neighbour? (you, miss, your, old
3. I am not going to need the car today. You can take it. (I, not need, the
car, today)
4. Is Diya not going to come to the book fair today? (Diya, not come, to,
the, book fair, with us)
5. I am going to start for morning walks from tomorrow. (I, start, going, for,
morning walks)

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