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How to get WAEC English Language Past
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School of Nursing Past Questions and Answers

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How to get WAEC English Language Past
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WAEC Past Questions

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Senior Secondary School Past Questions

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School of Nursing Past Questions and Answers

Answer three questions in all; one questions from Section A and
all the questions in Section B and C


[50 marks]

Answer one question only from this section.

All questions carry equal marks. Your answer should not be less than - 450 words.

You are advised to spend about 50 minutes on this section.

1. Write a letter to your friend in another school telling him or her about your future career
and how it will be beneficial to your country.

2. The National Scholarship Secretariat is organizing an essay competition on the topic: The
menace of fake drugs in the society. Write your entry.

3. As a former senior prefect, write a letter to the principal of your school on the occasion of
its 60th anniversary celebration, congratulating him and offering three suggestions for
the improvement of the school.

4. A new principal has just been posted to your school. As the senior prefect, write a
welcome address on behalf of the students, pointing out three areas of need in the school.

5. Write a story which illustrates the saying: Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.
[20 mark]

You are advised to speed about 30 minutes on this section.

6. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions on it.

Alani was the seventh child of his family When lie was growing up, there was scarcely enough to
go round, His mother was a petty trader while his father worked as a clerk in one of the
ministries. But Alani was an intelligent child and performed brilliantly at school. This endeared
him to his teachers. He represented the school at all competitions and won many laurels. While
he was in Basic Six, he won a scholarship to studs at any school of his choice to university level.
The future was indeed bright for him However, having to constantly struggle with his siblings for
the little sustenance provided by their parents turned him into an aggressive child.

After graduation, Alain got a job with a reputable accounting firm. He travelled far and wide and
was trained extensively. He rose through the ranks and became one of the top executives. After a
while, he decided to establish his own firm. His firm flourished because of his hard work,
dedication and the huge amount of money and time he invested in the venture. After just a few
years, the firm became a household name.

However, things look a bad turn. Alani’'s success went to his head. He became pompous. He
would get angry at the slightest provocation. He refused to take the advice of his employees,
considering them all beneath him. Even when his workers had good suggestions for
improvement, he would not listen. Often times, he would treat even his clients shabbily. He
began to lose clients one by one and his profits dwindled. His firm was on the rocks and he
started to blame his employees for the downturn in his business. He became suspicious of every
move made and action taken by his workers. Soon, Alani became a bitter man. He lost the
respect of his workers because lie often quarrelled with them.

However. Alani’s secretary, who was his pioneer staff, did not give up on him. She tried to talk to
him and refused to resign when other members of staff were putting in their letters. When five of
his workers resigned on the same day. that decided it! He realized that he just had to turn his
life around. He went for counselling and began to turn over a new leaf. It was during one of the
counselling sessions dial lie met a business mogul. They got talking and the man was impressed
with Alani’s knowledge and expertise. They formed a partnership and Alani's business began to
grow again. Alani had learnt a useful lesson: those who are endowed with success should
nurture it with humility.

(a) What endeared Alani to his teachers?

(b) Mention two factors that accounted for Alani’s success in business.
(c) Why did Alani's business almost collapse?
(d) What was ironical in Alani's blaming his employees lor the downturn in his business?
(e) What incident made Alani have a rethink?
(f) …… on the rocks
What is the meaning of this expression?
(g) …... who was his pioneer staff
(i) What grammatical name is given to this expression as it is used in the passage?
(ii) What is its function?
(h) for each of the following words, find another word or phrase which means the same and
which can replace it as it is used in the passage:
i. laurels; ii. sustenance iii. reputable
iv. venture; v. pompous vi. dwindled
[30 mark]

You are advised to speed about 40 minutes on this section.

6. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions on it.

Armed robbery is one of the most condemnable crimes in contemporary society. People have
been maimed or killed for their money or belongings in the past, but never has robbery with
violence been experienced on such a large scale as observed recently. Armed robbery is typically
motivated by the desire to obtain money and valuables. However, some armed robbers engage in
the crime with the intention of boosting their status. Whatever the motivation, the act is
inhumane and can result in injury and sometimes the death of the victims.

It is rather unfortunate that in almost all modem societies there are always groups of
unemployed young people. Some are unemployable because they have little or no education and
lack skills.

What is even worse, these young people are often unprepared for and unwilling to do any
manual work to earn an honest living. They tend to blame society for their plight and retaliate by
indulging in acts of crime and lawlessness. They grab money and valuable properties of their
victims to enable them to survive in a society which seems to ignore them. To reduce the
instances of armed robbers, parents should do their best to nurture their children in the right
way because charity begins at home. They should instill good values in them and should not
hesitate to correct them early in life when they bring home something that does not belong In

The rich, on the other hand, who are mostly the target or armed robbers provide another cause.
Some show of their wealth ostentatiously, live flamboyantly, go about in flashy and sophisticated
cars, hop from one exotic island to another on holidays, and brag about all their escapades on
social media much to the annoyance and envy of the unemployed youth. To bridge the gap
between the haves and the have-nots, the government should provide the basic necessities for its
citizens. Social services should be made available to those without jobs. The provision of such
amenities to eater for the entire populace would help to improve the living conditions of the
unemployed and underemployed. The adequate provision of infrastructure would ensure that
every individual has access to the basic comforts of life.

The breakdown of traditional systems, resulting in the loss of moral and spiritual values, has
made wealth the only thing of value in the eyes of the youth. The ostentatious display of ill-
gotten wealth is applauded and the society hardly questions its source. Many young people
therefore engage in all manner of nefarious activities including armed robbery to make money in
order to enjoy the delights and comforts of modern life and above all, be celebrated by their
society. Law enforcement authorities can further reduce the spate of armed robberies by
monitoring places known for high incidence of the crime. Constant and intrusive patrols of
crime-prone areas can deter potential offenders.

(a) In three sentences, one for each, summarize the factors that make some youths go into
armed robbery.

(b) In three sentences, one for each, summarize how armed robbery' can be reduced.
How to get WAEC English Language Past
Questions and Answers
To get the complete and more recent copy of the WAEC English
Language Past Questions for Objective Test, Essay/Theory
(Letter Writing, Comprehension, Summary) and Test of Oral

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WAEC Past Questions

NECO Past Questions

Primary School Past Questions

Junior Secondary School Past Questions

Senior Secondary School Past Questions

Lesson Note

School of Nursing Past Questions and Answers

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