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1. What does this lines illustrate “Oh spite! Oh Hell!! I see you are all bent” in
A. Apostrophe
B. Epitaph
C. Allusion
D. Epigram

2. In Literature, it is recommended that a play must be ___________ before


A. Scripted
B. Recited
C. Applauded
D. Auditioned

3. The Main Character in a play is called a ____________?

A. Playlet
B. Character
C. Antagonist
D. Protagonist

4. Which figure of speech is expressed in this statement, “He is my beloved enemy”

A. Oxymoron
B. Personification
C. Metonymy
D. Synecdoche

5. Which dramatic performance involves only the movement of the body without
A. Burlesque
B. Farce
C. Slapstick
D. Mime

6. Diction is known as the writer’s choice of ___________?

A. Rhythm
B. Style
C. Words
D. Syntax

7. What kind of play in Literature moves the audience to pity and fear?

A. Tragedy-Comedy
B. Comedy
C. Tragedy
D. Farce

8. What function does a cast performs at the end of a play?

A. Intermission
B. Musical
C. Curtain Call
D. Introduction
9. What is the primary characteristic of a tragedy in literature?
- A. Happy ending
- B. Comedy
- C. Unfortunate events leading to a protagonist's downfall
- D. Light-hearted tone throughout
10. In literature, what might a journey symbolize?
- A. Stagnation
- B. Regression
- C. Change and personal growth
- D. Isolation

11. Which of the following is a characteristic of fiction?

- A. Based on factual information
- B. Imaginary and created by the author
- C. Biographical in nature
- D. Always serious in tone

12. How does literature contribute to language development?

- A. By using outdated vocabulary
- B. By limiting linguistic creativity
- C. By introducing new words and expressions
- D. By discouraging communication skills

13. What is a common theme in many creation myths found in different cultures?
- A. Emphasis on scientific explanations
- B. Religious uniformity
- C. The origin of the world and humanity
- D. Absence of cultural diversity

14. Which genre is known for its focus on crime-solving and mysteries?
- A. Science Fiction
- B. Mystery
- C. Romance
- D. Historical Fiction
15. How does literature contribute to personal growth and empathy?
- A. By promoting ignorance
- B. By offering limited perspectives
- C. By presenting diverse experiences and fostering understanding
- D. By discouraging critical thinking.

16. In which genre do authors write about real people's lives, often their own?
- A. Mystery
- B. Science Fiction
- C. Biography
- D. Fantasy
17. Literature is often praised for its ability to:
- A. Provide factual information only
- B. Entertain and transport readers to different worlds
- C. Exclude diverse perspectives
- D. Discourage critical thinking

18. How does literature contribute to cultural understanding?

- A. By promoting narrow perspectives
- B. By reinforcing stereotypes
- C. By presenting diverse experiences and perspectives
- D. By discouraging empathy

19. A novel that combines elements of both mystery and romance is an example of
- A. Multiverse literature
- B. Cross-genre or hybrid literature
- C. Historical fiction
- D. Non-fiction

20. In literature, what does a red rose often symbolize?

- A. Happiness
- B. Love
- C. Sadness
- D. Jealousy
21. Satire in literature is often used to:
- A. Praise individuals and institutions
- B. Criticize and mock societal issues
- C. Promote conformity
- D. Ignore social problems

22. Why is it important for literature to reflect diverse cultures and perspectives?
- A. To limit understanding and empathy
- B. To reinforce stereotypes
- C. To enrich understanding and promote empathy
- D. To discourage inclusivity

23. Which poetic device involves the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words?
A. Alliteration
B. Rhyme
C. Metaphor
D. Simile

24. What is the primary characteristic of historical fiction?

A. Set in the future
B. Based on real historical events or periods
C. Focused on scientific advancements
D. Written in a humorous tone
25. Which poetic device involves the repetition of vowel sound
A. Alliteration
B. Rhyme
C. Assonance
D. Simile


(Read this passage and use it to answer que. 26 to 30)
Model Unseen Poetry Passages
I am the helpless fish
Frying in your bowl of cooking oil
You lean against the kitchen wall
Smiling with the thoughts of coming feasts
But nature in time will call
You'll render account squatting on your heels
Your hunger returns with new demands
And I will not be there to
Feed the needs of
Recurrent appetite
-Kofi Anyidoho
26. The theme of this poem is
A. fishing. B. hunger
C. oppression. D. hatred
27. I am the helpless fish', in line denotes the use of
A. metaphor B. simile
C. personification D. oxymoron
28. The tone of this poem is
A. internal rhyme
B. repetition
C. joyful
D. celebratory
29. Feed the needs..., is an example of
A. alliteration
B. repetition
C. internal rhyme
D. personification
30. This poem is written in the form of
A. Ballad
B. a panegyric poem
C. Sonnet
D. a dramatic monologue

31. PROSE PASSAGE (Read this passage and use it to answer que. 31 to 35)
Why did Africa let Europe cart away millions of Africa's souls from the continent to the four
of the wind? How could Europe lord it over a continent ten times its size? Why does needy
continue to let its wealth meet the needs of those outside its borders and then follow behind with
hand outstretched fora loan of the very wealth it let go? How did we arrive at this, that the best
leader is the one that knows how to beg for a share of what he has already given away at the
price of a broken tool
Where is the future of Africa?
(Ngùgĩ wa Thiong'o, Wizard of the Crow, p. 683.)
31. The dominant device used in the passage is
A. rhetorical question B. monologue C. question tag
D. reported speech
32. Four corners of the wind is a
A. figurative device
B. dramatic device
C. rhetorical device
D. class of speech
33. Price of a broken tool as used in the passage is what figure of speech?
A. Oxymoron
B. metaphor
C. imagery
D. Euphemism
34. The dominant mood in the passage is
35. The central theme of the passage shows the former state of _______ in Africa.
A. loan
B. anger
C. wealth
D. pain
36. The novel Redemption Road was written by ______.
A. Mathias Schleiden
B. Eluku McCarthy
C. Emily Bronte
D. John Hart
37. The novel Redemption Road is a _______rendition.
A. special
B. real
C. fictional
D. painful

38. Whose Granny was pushed in a wheelbarrow?

A. Cecilia
B. Granny May
C. Bendu
D. Calvin

39. _____ is one of the foot soldiers during the senseless war.
A. Cobra
B. Viper
C. Lewis
D. Catherine

40. Who suggested to Bendu that they should deal with Cobra first?
A. Cecilia
B. Catherine
C. Agnes
D. Calvin

Answer question 1 and any other three (3)
1a. Define Literary Appreciation and discuss its significance in
understanding literary works.
b. Enumerate and elaborate on five elements of Literary Appreciation
mentioned in the text.
2. Write briefly on the authorial background of the novel,
Redemption Road.
3. Explain the concept of "media res" as a narrative technique and provide an
example from Redemption Road.
4. Discuss the characterization of Bendu Marie Lewis in Redemption Road,
highlighting her personality traits and experiences.
5. What themes are explored in Redemption Road by Elma Shaw, and how are they
portrayed in the novel?

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