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Series G – Geometry
Topic 1 – Lines and angles (pp. 1–6) Date completed

• lines_________________________________________________ / /

• classifying angles_______________________________________ / /

• measuring angles_______________________________________ / /

• hand it over – apply_____________________________________ / /

• it’s all in the timing – investigate___________________________ / /

Topic 2 – 2D shapes (pp. 7–15)

• polygons______________________________________________ / /

• quadrilaterals__________________________________________ / /

• triangles______________________________________________ / /

• circles________________________________________________ / /

• the shapes within – apply________________________________ / /

• rip it up – investigate____________________________________ / /

Topic 3 – Transformation, tessellation and symmetry (pp. 16–24)

• line symmetry_________________________________________ / /

• rotational symmetry____________________________________ / /

• transformation_________________________________________ / /

• tessellation____________________________________________ / /

• enlargement and reduction_______________________________ / /

• picture perfect – create__________________________________ / /

• design diva – create_____________________________________ / /

Topic 4 – 3D shapes (pp. 25–32)

• types and properties____________________________________ / /

• nets_________________________________________________ / /

• drawing 3D shapes______________________________________ / /
Series Authors:
• to cube or not to cube … – investigate______________________ / /
Rachel Flenley
Nicola Herringer • form an orderly queue – apply____________________________ / /

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Lines and angles – lines

These terms are commonly used when we work with lines and angles:
• parallel – these lines are always the same distance apart at every point, they never meet
• perpendicular – these lines intersect at right angles
• diagonal – these are lines within a shape that join a vertex (corner) to another vertex
• intersection – the place where 2 or more lines cross over each other

1 This paper folding activity relies on a thorough understanding of the terms in the box above. Try your
hand at it! You will need a thin circular piece of paper with a radius of at least 8 cm.
1 Begin with a circular piece 2 Fold the circle in half. 3 Fold A to meet B.
of paper.



4 Fold B up to D, you’ve now 5 Draw a perpendicular line 6 Draw a perpendicular line

created point E. from line CD to point E. from line CE to point D.
Fold to create FE. Fold to create DG.


7 Cut along fold lines EF and 8 Open the shape. What have you made?
DG, only to the intersection.


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G 1 1

Lines and angles – classifying angles

An angle is the amount of turn

between the intersection of angle
two rays (lines).

Angles are conventionally measured in degrees on

a protractor. 360° is a full turn, 180˚ is a half turn, 360° 0° 180°
and 90˚ is a quarter turn.

Have you heard someone say, “He did a complete 180˚ on

that.”? What do you think they meant? What does, “She did
a full 360°” mean? 270°

1 Complete the table and use the information to help you to classify the angles below. Use a maths
dictionary to help you work out any unknown terms.

right angles are acute angles are obtuse angles straight angles reflex angles revolution
_____ ° _____________ are __________ are exactly are greater than angles are
than 90° than 90° and _____° 180° and less exactly _____°
less than _____° than _____°

a b c
Make sure you
check which angle
you’re meant to be
measuring! The little
arc tells you here.
acute angle angle angle

d e f

angle angle angle

2 Look at the interior angles in this shape. Mark any

acute angles with a red arc; obtuse angles with a
blue arc; reflex angles with a green arc; and right
angles with an orange :

2 G 1 Geometry
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Lines and angles – measuring angles

We use protractors to measure angles. 50°

1 Align the baseline on the protractor with one of This is

the lines. an angle
2 Line up the vertex of the angle with the centre of 50°
point of the protractor.
3 Measure the distance between the two lines, 0°
starting at the 0 and counting round. baseline centre point

1 Use your protractor to measure these angles. Write the measurements next to the angles.

a b c



2 Measure the interior angles of this shape. Write the measurements next to each angle. The first one has
been done for you.


3 List 5 sports or jobs where you think it would be important to consider angles. David Beckham can
probably think of at least one.

a _______________________ b _______________________ c _______________________

d _______________________ e _______________________

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G 1 3

Lines and angles – measuring angles
4 Work with a partner on this activity. Take turns predicting where you think the missing ray of the angle
should go. Starting at the dot, rule your predictions then measure with a protractor. Mark in the actual
angle. Who was closer? Do you get more accurate with practice? Invent more of these on another piece
of paper if you have time.

a 45° b 60° c 270° d 135°

5 Look at the clock.

a What does each 5 minute marker represent in degrees? ____________

b What about each minute? ____________

6 Make a time that shows an angle between the two hands of:

a b c

30° 90° 150°

Decide where your d e

first hand will go,
then count round
to create the angle.

24° 120°

4 G 1 Geometry
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Hand it over apply

ready Look at the picture of the hand. What well known angle
would you say is approximately formed by the thumb
and forefinger?

What Spread your hand out in the box below and trace around
to do
it. Estimate then measure the angles formed between
each finger. The measurements will be approximate only.
Compare your measurements with those of a partner. Are they similar?

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G 1 5

It’s all in the timing investigate

ready You can work with a partner on this activity. You may like to use a clock with movable
hands or to use copies of the clock faces below.

What How many times do the hands on a clock form a right angle within a 12-hour period?
to do
Show the times on the clocks as you find them.
If you find 10 or more, you’ve made a great start. 15 or more, you’re doing very well.
More than 20, you’re indeed a Time Lord and people should bow as you pass by.
We have given you the first one to get you started.


6 G 1 Geometry
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2D shapes – polygons

A polygon is a 2D (flat) shape with 3 or more straight sides. The word comes from the Greek words,
poly and gonia, meaning ‘many angles’.
All polygons are closed – they have no break in their boundaries. They have no curved sides.

These are polygons.

1 It’s time for a polygon pop quiz. Read through the questions and answer any you know.
Now for the research. You may draw the shapes, use the internet, or a maths dictionary to help you find
the answers. If you want to add some excitement, work in small teams and race against other teams.
The first correct team wins.

I have 4 equal sides and I’m a 3 sided polygon. I have I have 5 sides and 5 angles.
4 equal angles. 2 equal sides and angles. This makes me a pentagon.
I’m a I’m an My angles add to

I have 6 sides and 6 angles. I have 4 sides and 4 angles. I have 12 sides and 12 angles.
I’m a hexagon. I have 1 pair of parallel lines.
I’m a
My angle sum is I’m a

I’m a quadrilateral. Both pairs I’m a triangle with 1 axis of What does the phrase ‘angle
of opposite sides are parallel. symmetry. Draw and label me. sum’ mean?
I’m a

I’m an equilateral triangle. There may be more than one

Draw me. right answer for some of these.

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G 2 7

2D shapes – polygons

This is a regular pentagon. The 5 sides and angles are equal.

Irregular polygons have the same number of sides as regular polygons but their sides are
not of an equal length and their angles are not equal.
This is an irregular pentagon.

2 Here is a regular quadrilateral. It has 4 sides and 4 right angles. What do these angles add to? __________
Now draw an irregular quadrilateral. Measure and add the interior angles of the shapes. What do you notice?

3 Here is a regular pentagon. It has 5 sides of equal length and its angle sum is 540°. Draw an irregular
pentagon. Measure and add the angles. What do you notice?

4 Draw an irregular hexagon with 4 right angles. Mark the right angles. Compare your drawing with others’.
Are they the same?
If they are different, does that mean one of you is wrong?

8 G 2 Geometry
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2D shapes – polygons

When we study polygons, we use a range of terms to describe and distinguish their properties.
Look at this rhombus. We can list its properties:
• it is a 4 sided shape
• all sides are equal
• the opposite sides are parallel
• the opposite angles are equal
• when we draw in the diagonals, they cross each other at right angles
What does all this mean?

5 Follow the instructions:

a Well, the 4 sided thing is pretty straight-
forward. Draw a rectangle. Make 2 of
the sides 8 cm and 2 of the sides 4 cm.
How many sides does it have?

____________ (Fancy that …)

b When we say the sides are equal we mean they are the same length. We show equal sides by crossing
them with or =. Mark the equal lines on your rectangle: one set with and the other set with =.
c We often use the terms opposite and adjacent. Opposite means facing and adjacent means next to.
Trace one of the sides of your rectangle with a red pencil. Now trace the opposite side with a blue pencil.
Trace a line that is adjacent to the red line with green.
d When we say angles are equal we mean that they are the same size. We know all interior angles on a
rectangle are 90° (or right angles). This means both opposite and adjacent angles are equal. Mark the
right angles on your rectangle.
e Lines that are opposite are also parallel. This means they are always the same distance
apart and never meet. How many sets of parallel lines does your rectangle have? ____________
f When we talk about diagonals, we mean the lines we can draw from opposite angle to opposite angle.
We make these lines dotted to show they are not sides. Mark the diagonals on your rectangle with
2 dotted lines.
g We can measure the angles where diagonals intersect. On a rectangle, opposite angles on the diagonal
should be equal. Use a protractor to check that yours are. Mark the equal angles with or .

6 Now draw a triangle (any kind), a square or a trapezium. Mark the properties.

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G 2 9

2D shapes – quadrilaterals

A quadrilateral is a kind of polygon. It is a closed, flat shape with 4 straight sides and 4 angles.
The name comes from the Latin words, quad and latus, meaning ‘4 sides’. We know that squares,
rhombuses, rectangles and trapeziums are all examples of quadrilaterals. We also know the interior
angles of quadrilaterals always add to 360°.

1 Use the clues to draw and name these mystery quadrilaterals. All the examples in the box above are
represented. You will need to use a protractor and you may also need to research the properties of
each quadrilateral.

My sides: My angles: My name:

• opposite sides are parallel • all 4 interior angles are right
• all sides are of equal length angles (90°)
• if you draw in the diagonals,
right angles are formed where
they intersect

• opposite sides are parallel and • all 4 interior angles are right
of equal length angles (90°)

• all 4 sides are equal in length • 4 interior angles

• opposite sides are parallel • opposite angles are equal
• if you draw in the diagonals,
right angles are formed where
they intersect

• only one pair of opposite sides • 4 interior angles

is parallel • 2 parallel lines = 2 parallel

2 Can a shape be a square, a parallelogram and a rhombus all at the same time? Explain your thinking:

10 G 2 Geometry
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2D shapes – triangles

There are 4 main types of triangles:

scalene isosceles equilateral right angle

• all sides different • two sides equal • all sides equal • has a right angle
• all angles unequal • two angles equal • all angles equal

We use letters to name the angles and then use these to refer to the lines.
This is line AB

1 In the box below, draw a triangle with three 5 cm sides and three angles of 60°. Label the triangle ABC as
in the example above.

a What do the angles add to? __________________

b What kind of triangle have you made? __________________

c Using a different colour, extend line AC by 2 cm and mark the new point as D. Draw a new line BD.

d Are all the angles and sides equal? __________________

e What do the angles add to? __________________

f What kind of triangle have you made now? __________________

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G 2 11

2D shapes – triangles
2 In the right half of the box below, draw a triangle with the following specifications:
Line AC: horizontal, 6 cm
Angle A: 90°
Line AB: vertical, 5 cm (rule along the dotted line)

a Draw line BC. Measure and record the length of sides and the size of the angles.

b What do the angles add to? ______________________

c What kind of triangle have you made? ______________________

d Draw a 6 cm line AD. This will take the triangle into the left side of the box. Draw line DB. Measure and
record the length of sides and the size of the angles.

e Which angles are equal? ______________________

f Which sides are equal? ______________________

g What do the angles of the triangle add to? ______________________

h What kind of triangle have you made now? ______________________

Did you know that the greatest
angle is always opposite the
longest line? Test it out on some
3 What conclusions can you draw from this about the relationships
triangles to see if it’s true.
between the sides and angles?

12 G 2 Geometry
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2D shapes – circles

A circle is also a 2D shape. It is a curve with its points a fixed distance from the centre.

centre: this is the point in diameter: the distance from

the middle the edge of a circle through the
middle to the opposite edge

radius: the distance from circumference: the distance

the centre to the circle’s edge around the circle

1 Using a compass, draw 3 circles with different radii (radiuses). Measure their radii and diameters and
label them.

2 From this, what do you notice about the relationship between the radius and the diameter of circles?

3 Follow the instructions to create this circle pattern. On a separate piece of paper, draw a line like the one
below, in the middle of the page.
a Place the compass point on the
dot on the line and draw a circle.
b Using the intersection points on
the line as the centre, draw a
same sized circle either side of
the first circle.
c Add 4 more circles using the new
points of intersection as your
compass point. Make sure they
are also the same size.
d Colour the design you’ve made.

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G 2 13

The shapes within apply

ready We can construct regular shapes inside circles. You will use what you know about
angles and degrees to help you. You’ll also need a protractor and a compass.

How many degrees are there in a circle? There are __________.

What We are going to make a regular hexagon inside

to do
this circle.
How many sides and angles do hexagons have?
They have 6 sides and 6 angles. We will therefore
need to divide the angles in the circle by 6.

________° ÷ 6 = 60°
So, from the centre we draw 6 lines, each with angles of 60˚ between them.
Extend the lines to the edge of the circle.
Now, join the points where the lines meet the circle edge. Ta da!

What to
do next It’s your turn. Use the circles below to make a regular octagon and a regular decagon.
How many angles will you need for each shape? What will their angle size be?
Place your protractor along the line in the circle with the centre point of the
protractor on the dot. Measure the angle needed and draw your next line.
Repeat this process until all lines are drawn.
Join the points where the lines meet the circle. Has it worked?

octagon decagon

lines ________ lines ________

angle ________ angle ________

14 G 2 Geometry
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Rip it up investigate

ready It is said that all quadrilaterals have an angle sum of
360˚. Your job is to prove it without using a protractor.

What On a separate piece of paper, draw a quadrilateral

to do
such as a square, rectangle, trapezium or rhombus.
Number each corner and then tear the corners out as shown below:

1 2

4 3

Join the torn corners with

the points touching like this.
What do you find?

What to Try this experiment with 2 other kinds of quadrilaterals. They can be as irregular
do next
as you like.

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G 2 15

Transformation, tessellation and symmetry – line symmetry

Reflective or line symmetry describes mirror image, when one half of a shape or picture matches
the other exactly. The middle line that divides the two halves is called the line of symmetry.
Shapes may have:
more than
no line of symmetry one line of symmetry one line of symmetry

1 Lines of symmetry have been drawn on these shapes. Trace over the ones drawn correctly. Cross out any
that are incorrect. Add any you think have been missed.

2 Colour the missing squares to make each line a line of symmetry:

a b c

16 G 3 Geometry
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Transformation, tessellation and symmetry – rotational symmetry

A shape has rotational symmetry if it looks the same in different positions

when turned from a central point.
This shape has rotational symmetry of order 3. This means it looks exactly
the same in 3 different positions.

1 Turn these shapes in your head. Do they have rotational symmetry? If so, what is the order?

a b c d

2 A great way to understand rotational symmetry is to use the computer. There are lots of programs you
can use. These instructions are for a word processing program:
a Open a new blank document.
b Select a shape from the autoshape menu (in the drawing toolbar) and draw it.
c Select the shape again and you’ll see a little green filled circle. This is the rotate tool.
d Turn the shape and watch the dotted lines. Count how many times the shapes match during a full rotation.
e Draw some of the shapes you created below. Note whether they have rotational symmetry and, if so,
what order.

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G 3 17

Transformation, tessellation and symmetry – transformation

We can transform (move) shapes in many ways. We can:

reflect (flip) them translate (slide) them or rotate (turn) them

1 Look at these figures. Decide if each figure has been reflected, translated or rotated:

a b c

2 When some letters of the alphabet are rotated 180° (in a half circle), they become other letters. (This
depends on how you write them of course.) An example of this is d. Turn it halfway around and it
becomes p. What other letters can you find that do this?

d  p

3 What is the international three-letter distress symbol? Write it down.

Now, rotate it 180°, then translate it, write it backwards, and write it upside down. What do you notice?
Pretty handy if you’re dangling out of a plane, hey!

18 G 3 Geometry
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Transformation, tessellation and symmetry – transformation
4 Look at the figure. Draw what it will look like if is reflected. Next, draw what the reflected figure will look
like when rotated a quarter turn anticlockwise.

5 Find the pattern and continue it:

6 Some words look the same when they’re written backwards. MUM is an example. Can you find some more?

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G 3 19

Transformation, tessellation and symmetry – tessellation

Tessellation means covering a surface with a pattern of 2D shapes with no gaps or spaces. When
we tessellate shapes, we often flip or turn the shapes so they fit together.
Some shapes will tessellate on their own, some will tessellate if they are teamed with others and
some won’t tessellate at all.

1 Use pattern blocks to find some shape teams that will tessellate and record them here. There are 7 teams.
Can you find them all? Here is one example to get you started:
l large octagons, small squares

large octagons, small squares

2 Look at these regular shapes. Which will tessellate on their own? Colour them. Use pattern blocks if it helps.

Why will these shapes tessellate? Partly it is because their sides are the same
length. But regular pentagons have sides the same length, and they won’t.
So why is it? The answer is in the vertex.
Look at these 4 squares. The corners that join each have an angle of 90˚.
Together these add to 360˚ – a full turn. They each take up one quarter of
a full turn. We can name this pattern as 4, 4, 4, 4.

3 Look at these tessellations and work out the sum of the angles at the vertex:


a The angle sum of an equilateral triangle is _____˚. a The angle sum of a regular hexagon is ______˚.

b Each angle measures ______˚. b Each angle measures ______˚.

c ______ triangles meet at the vertex. c ______ hexagons meet at the vertex.

d Their angle sum is ______˚. d Their angle sum is ______˚.

e We can name this pattern as 3, 3, __, __, __, __ e We can name this pattern as ___, ___, ___ as
as there are six 3-sided shapes. there are three 6-sided shapes.

20 G 3 Geometry
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Transformation, tessellation and symmetry – tessellation
4 Look at the vertex in this semi-regular tessellation of octagons
and squares. How many angles meet? What are their size?
Does the 360° rule work? Explain your reasoning.

This is
the vertex

HINT: There are 1 080˚

in an octagon and
720˚ in a hexagon. We
need to divide 1080˚
by 8 to find each
5 What about this hexagon/triangle tessellation? angle in the octagon.
Explain how this works.

This is
the vertex

6 The angle size of a regular pentagon is 108˚. These won’t tessellate because
108˚ + 108˚ + 108˚ + 108˚ + 108˚ = 540˚
What if we use an irregular pentagon? One with 5 sides but with unequal sides and angles?
Cut out these pentagons and find a way to tessellate them. Work out what each angle must be.
Remember the angles at the join must equal 360˚.

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G 3 21

Transformation, tessellation and symmetry – enlargement
and reduction

We can use grids to help us enlarge or

reduce pictures. We do this by changing
the size of the grid or the number of
cells a picture uses.

1 Enlarge or reduce each shape:

a b

2 Compare the pictures below and answer the following questions:

a Look at the outline of the 2 pictures. Picture 1 Picture 2

How much longer is Picture 2 compared
to Picture 1 (from top to bottom)?


b Have the angles changed?


c Has the shape been rotated?


d Has the area changed?


22 G 3 Geometry
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Picture perfect create

ready You’re going to draw a picture for a
partner on the small grid. You’ll then
swap pictures with your partner and
enlarge each other’s pictures.

to do Choose a picture to create. Keep it simple
and decide if you want to colour it or keep
it black and white. You may want to sketch
it on scrap paper first.

What to
do next Switch pictures with your partner and recreate their masterpiece as a larger masterpiece.

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G 3 23

Design diva create

ready Many cultures and art styles use tessellations as a basis for
creating intricate and beautiful patterns. You will use this
tessellated grid as a basis for your own eye-catching design.

What Choose one of the designs on the left to recreate on this grid or create one of
to do
your own:

24 G 3 Geometry
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3D shapes – types and properties
1 How do 3D shapes differ from 2D shapes? Imagine you’re giving an explanation to a younger child.
What would you say and/or draw?

Remember the surfaces of a 3D shape are 2D shapes. Where 2 surfaces meet is called the edge.
The point where 2 or more surfaces meet is called the vertex. If we are talking about more than
one vertex we call them vertices.

2 How many surfaces, edges and vertices does each of these shapes have?

a b c d

________ faces ________ faces ________ faces ________ faces

________ edges ________ edges ________ edges ________ edges
________ vertices ________ vertices ________ vertices ________ vertices

Some 3D shapes are polyhedrons. This means each surface is a polygon. The polyhedrons we most
commonly come across are pyramids and prisms.
Prisms have identical parallel faces joined by rectangles. Most prisms are named after their end faces.
Pyramids have a base with 3 or more straight sides. They have triangular faces which meet at a point.
They are named after their bases.
Another group of 3D shapes has one or more curved surfaces (e.g. spheres, cones and cylinders).

3 Complete the following:

a Draw one type of prism. b Draw one type of pyramid. c Draw a shape with one
How many faces, edges and How many faces, edges and or more curved surface.
vertices does it have? vertices does it have? How many faces, edges and
vertices does it have?

___ faces ___ edges ___ vertices ___ faces ___ edges ___ vertices ___ faces ___ edges ___ vertices

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G 4 25

3D shapes – types and properties
4 You and a partner have 20 minutes to identify as many of these mystery 3D shapes as you can. Use
whatever resources you have to assist you – maths dictionaries, websites, Mathletics or solid shapes.
Different shapes are assigned different point values, so decide which answers you will spend the most
time on! You can score a possible 150 points. At the end of the 20 minutes your answers will be checked
and your scores tallied.

a I have 3 faces. b This is an example of me: c I have a square base and

One of these is curved. 4 triangular faces.
The other 2 faces are The triangular faces meet
2D circles. together at one point.
These circles are parallel
I’m a
to each other.
I’m an
I’m a

5 20 10

d I have 1 curved face, no e I have two names. f This is an

vertices and no edges. One of these is hexahedron. example
I roll well. I have 6 faces, 8 vertices of me:
and 12 edges.
I’m a
Draw me. I have 20 faces, 12 vertices
and 30 edges.
I’m an

5 10 10

g I’m a Platonic solid. h I’m not a polyhedron. i This is an example of me:

This means all my faces, I have a flat circular base
angles, vertices and edges and 1 curved face.
are identical. I have 1 vertex.
I have 4 faces.
I’m a
I’m a
I’m a

20 10 5

j This is an example of me: k This is an example of me: Our total score:

What is my name (and it’s

I’m a not donut)?
Did any pairs in the class
I’m a
5 50 score a perfect 150?

26 G 4 Geometry
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3D shapes – types and properties

A Swiss mathematician called Leonhard Euler, found a mathematical rule that

was so important, it was named after him. He wasn’t just a pretty face …
He discovered a connection between the number of faces (F), number of
edges (E) and number of vertices (V) of polyhedrons.

Here is part of Euler’s rule: F + V – E = ?

5 Your job is to try and work out what should go in the box. Because we are incredibly nice people we’ll
give you the following hints:
• The answer is a number.
• You should find the missing information in the table below. Use solids to help you.
• Then, for each shape, try F + V – E and see what your answer is. It should always be the same. If not,
you’ve gone wrong somewhere.

Triangular Square based Rectangular

Polyhedron prism pyramid Cube prism

Number of faces (F)

Number of vertices (V)

Number of edges (E)

Formula F+ V – E = F+ V – E = F+ V – E = F+ V – E =

__ + __ – __ = ___ __ + __ – __ = ___ __ + __ – ___ = __ __ + __ – ___ = __

What is Euler’s formula? F + V – E = ____________

6 Find 2 more polyhedrons to test this out on:

It took Euler years to work this out and you’ve done it straight away. Well done! We suggest you take the
rest of the day off. Just run it by your teacher, we’re sure they’ll be up for it.

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G 4 27

3D shapes – nets

A net is the pattern of a 3D shape, unfolded and laid flat. It helps to visualise how nets fold up to
create a 3D shape.

1 Fold each net ‘in your head’ then write its letter in the correct shape name box at the bottom of the page:

a b

c d

e f

Remember the
difference between
prisms and pyramids!

pentagonal pyramid triangular pyramid hexagonal prism

triangular prism pentagonal prism hexagonal pyramid cube

28 G 4 Geometry
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3D shapes – drawing 3D shapes

When we draw 3D shapes, we can draw dotted lines to indicate the surfaces, edges
and vertices we can’t see.

1 Add the dotted lines to these shapes to reveal the missing edges and vertices. The name of the shape may
guide you – a square based pyramid needs a square for its base and a rectangular prism has rectangles at
each end.
a b c d

square based pentagon based

pyramid cube triangular prism

e f g h

triangular based
cone rectangular prism hexagonal prism pyramid

2 Draw the following shapes:

a triangular prism a cylinder

a pentagonal based pyramid a cone

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3D shapes – drawing 3D shapes
3 Use the following information to help you identify and draw this mystery shape:

• I have 4 identical faces.

• I have 4 vertices and 6 edges.
• My base is a triangle.
• At each vertex, 3 faces meet. I’m a _______________________________________

4 Now choose your own 3D shape and write a set of directions so that a partner can identify and draw it:

We can also use isometric dot paper or hexagonal grids to guide us when we draw 3D objects.

5 Use the dot paper to draw a cube, a rectangular prism and a triangular pyramid. The first one has been

done for you.








                     This paper only


works if the dots

form vertical lines.











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To cube or not to cube … investigate

ready Cubes have six faces and can be created
from a number of nets. Your job is to
find them all. Work with a partner.

What How many nets can you find that will fold to make a cube? Use the grid below to
to do
help you draw and test your designs. You may need a few copies of the grid.

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Form an orderly queue apply

ready Look at the 3D shapes below. Can you line them up so each shape shares the same
face with the one next to it? They don’t have to be the same size, but the faces must
match. It will help to use solids.

to do It may help to name each shape and list its 2D faces. The first one has been done for you.
Work with a partner and record your solution. You may like to describe it or perhaps
take a digital photograph.

hexagonal prism

• hexagon
• rectangle

What to
do next Can you find more than one solution? How many can you find?
Can you make a loop with the shapes?

32 G 4 Geometry
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