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Primary 6
Teacher’s Guide
Primary 6
Teacher’s Guide

Adwoa Nkrumah • Vida Takyi

Consultant: Juliet Comfort Donkor
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Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v

STRAND 1: Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Sub-strand 1: Counting, representation, cardinality and ordinality . . . . . . . 1
B6.1.1.1 Quantities and place value up to 1,000,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
B6.1.1.2 Roman numerals up to C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
B6.1.1.3 Factors, multiples and prime numbers from 1 to 100 . . . . . . . 13
Sub-strand 2: Number operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
B6.1.2.1 Apply mental mathematics strategies and number
properties for multiplication and division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
B6.1.2.2 Multiply multi-digit numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
B6.1.2.3 Manipulate numbers using division facts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
B6.1.2.4 Divide 2- or 3-digit numbers by 1- or 2-digit numbers . . . . . . . 24
B6.1.2.5 Translate word problems to mathematical sentences and
solve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
B6.1.2.6 Understand integers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Sub-strand 3: Fractions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
B6.1.3.1 Compare, add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions . . . . . . 35
Sub-strand 4: Ratios and proportion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
B6.1.4.1 Ratio and its relationship to fractions, multiplication and
division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
B6.1.4.2 Proportion and its relationship to ratios and rates . . . . . . . . . 45

STRAND 2: Algebra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Sub-strand 1: Pattern and relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
B6.2.1.1 Determine the pattern rule to make predictions . . . . . . . . . . 48
Sub-strand 2: Algebraic expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
B6.2.2.1 Understand algebraic expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
B6.2.3.1 Solve problems with a single variable and a whole number
coefficient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

STRAND 3: Geometry and measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Sub-strand 1: 2D shapes and 3D shapes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
B6.3.1.1 Understand prisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Sub-strand 2: Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
B6.3.2.1 Construct rectangular and triangular prisms from their nets . 64
Sub-strand 3: Geometric reasoning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
B6.3.3.1 Describe the position and motion of objects in space using
the cardinal points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
B6.3.3.5 Perform a single transformation on a 2D shape . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

STRAND 4: Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Sub-strand 1: Data collection, organisation, presentation,
interpretation and analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
B6.4.1.1 Create, label and interpret line graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
B6.4.1.2 Select, justify and use appropriate methods of collecting
data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Sub-strand 2: Chance or probability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
B6.4.2.2 Understand probability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

Revision answers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Workbook answers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Mathematics Curriculum for Primary Schools (Basic 4–6)
The new Mathematics Curriculum for Primary Schools (Basic 4–6) is standards-
based, which means that the Ministry of Education wants to place learning at the
heart of every classroom and ensure that every learner receives quality education.
Quality education should be accessible to everyone, without exception, so that
the human capital needs of our country can be met.
This Teacher’s Guide clearly sets out the learning areas recorded in the
curriculum, how they should be taught and how they should be assessed. It
provides a set of core competencies and standards that learners should know,
understand and demonstrate as they progress through the content standards and
Mathematics Curriculum for Primary Schools (Basic 4–6) promotes the
fundamental belief of the curriculum that education should be inclusive and
gender-responsive within the context of learning-centred teaching methods, so
that every learner can participate and enjoy learning.
The role of the teacher is vital to make these books work for the intended
purpose – to teach the core competencies and values, to make learning happen
and thereby improve learning outcomes.

Rationale for Primary Mathematics

Mathematics forms an integral part of our everyday lives. It is a never-ending
creative process that serves to promote discovery and understanding. We consider
Mathematics to be vital to the country’s future development.
To provide quality Mathematics education, teachers must facilitate learning
in the Mathematics classroom. This will provide the foundations for discovering
and understanding the world around us and provide the basics for further
studies in this field. This Teacher’s Guide will help you to guide learners
to understand how Mathematics can be used to explain what is occurring,
predict how things will behave and analyse causes and origins of things in our
environment. It considers the desired outcomes of education for learners at the
basic level, in terms of the new curriculum. In order to ensure that the learners
are mathematically and technologically literate, Mathematics ought to be taught
using hands-on and minds-on approaches that learners will find as fun and will
remember for the rest of their lives.

Introduction v
The Ministry of Education promotes two basic philosophies:
Teaching philosophy Learning philosophy
• An effective Mathematics • Mathematics learning is an active
education should be inquiry-based. contextualised process of constructing
• It must provide learners with knowledge based on learners’ experiences
opportunities to expand, change, rather than acquiring it.
enhance and modify the ways in • Learners are information constructors
which they view the world. who operate as researchers.
• It should be pivoted on learner- • Teachers serve as facilitators by
centred Mathematics teaching and providing the enabling environment that
learning approaches that engage promotes the construction of learners’
learners physically and cognitively own knowledge, based on their previous
in the knowledge-acquiring experiences.
process in a rich and rigorous • This makes learning more relevant to the
inquiry-driven environment. learner and leads to the development of
critical thinkers and problem solvers.

General aims
This Teacher’s Guide works in conjunction with the new curriculum to develop
individuals to become mathematically literate, good problem solvers, have
the ability to think creatively and have both the confidence and competence to
participate fully in society as responsible local and global citizens.

Subject aims
The Teacher’s Guide follows the curriculum guidelines to help learners to:
• recognise that Mathematics permeates the world around us
• appreciate the usefulness, power and beauty of Mathematics
• enjoy Mathematics and develop patience and persistence when solving
• understand and be able to use the language, symbols and notation of
• develop mathematical curiosity and use inductive and deductive reasoning
when solving problems
• become confident in using Mathematics to analyse and solve problems both
in school and in real-life situations
• develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to pursue further
studies in Mathematics
• develop abstract, logical and critical thinking and the ability to reflect
critically upon their work and the work of others.

vi Introduction
Instructional expectations
This Teacher’s Guide will help you, the teacher, to:
• guide and facilitate learning by encouraging discussions among learners and
challenging them to accept and share responsibility for their own learning
• select Mathematics content, adapt and plan lessons to meet the interests,
knowledge, understanding, abilities and experiences of your class
• work together with colleagues within and across disciplines and grade levels
to develop communities of Mathematics learners who exhibit the skills
of mathematical inquiry and the attitudes and social values conducive to
Mathematics learning
• use multiple methods and systematically gather data about learners’
understanding and ability to guide Mathematics teaching and learning
• arrange to provide feedback to both learners and parents
• design and manage learning environments that provide learners with the
time, space and resources needed for learning Mathematics.

Core competencies
The core competencies are a set of skills that teachers need to develop in their
learners. These are ways in which teachers and learners engage with the subject
matter as they learn the subject. These competencies form a connected body of
core skills that are acquired throughout the processes of teaching and learning.

Critical thinking This skill develops learners’ cognitive and reasoning abilities to
and problem enable them analyse and solve problems. The CP skill enables
solving (CP) learners to draw on their own experiences to analyse situations
and choose the most appropriate out of a number of possible
Creativity and This skill promotes entrepreneurial skills in learners through
innovation (CI) their ability to think of new ways of solving problems and
developing technologies for addressing the problem at hand.
It requires ingenuity of ideas, arts, technology and enterprise.
Learners are also able to think independently and creatively.
Communication This promotes the skills to use language, symbols and text
and collaboration to exchange information about themselves and their life
(CC) experiences. Learners actively participate in sharing their ideas.
They engage in dialogue with others by listening to and learning
from them. They also respect and value the views of others.

Introduction vii
Cultural identity Learners learn how to put country and service foremost by
and global understanding what it means to be active citizens. They develop
citizenship (CG) a strong sense of social and economic awareness and use their
skills to contribute effectively towards the socioeconomic
development of the country and on the global stage. They build
skills to critically identify and analyse cultural and global trends.
Personal PL improves self-awareness and builds self-esteem. It also
development and entails identifying and developing talents, fulfilling dreams and
leadership (PL) aspirations, and learning from mistakes and failures of the past.
They recognise the importance of values, such as honesty and
empathy, seeking the well-being of others and to distinguish
between right and wrong. PL helps them acquire the skill of
leadership, self-regulation and responsibility.
Digital literacy DL helps learners to discover, acquire, and communicate
(DL) through ICT to support their learning. It also makes them use
digital media responsibly.

Learning domains (expected learning behaviours)

There are three integral learning domains that should be the basis for instruction
and assessment:
• Knowledge, understanding and application
• Process skills
• Attitudes and values.

Knowledge, understanding and application

Under this domain, learners may acquire some knowledge through learning
experiences. They may also show understanding of concepts by comparing,
summarising, rewriting etc. in their own words and constructing meaning from
instruction. The learner may also apply the knowledge acquired in some new
See the new Mathematics Curriculum for Primary Schools (Basic 4–6)
pages ix–x for a more detailed description.

Skills and processes

The mathematical method is the means by which a mathematician solves
problems or seeks to gain information about events. Learners should be
exposed to situations that challenge them to raise questions and attempt to solve
problems. The more often they are faced with these challenges, the more likely
they are to develop a positive attitude toward Mathematics, and the more likely
they are to develop the relevant process skills.

viii Introduction
See the new Mathematics Curriculum for Primary Schools (Basic 4–6)
pages x–xi for a more detailed description.

To be effective, competent and reflective citizens who are capable of solving
personal and societal problems, learners should be exposed to situations that
challenge them to raise questions and attempt to solve problems. Learners
therefore need to acquire positive attitudes, values and psychosocial skills that
will enable them participate in debates and take a stand on issues affecting them
and others.
See the new Mathematics Curriculum for Primary Schools (Basic 4–6)
page xii for a more detailed description.

At the heart of this curriculum is the belief in nurturing honest, creative and
responsible citizens. As such, every part of this curriculum, including the related
pedagogy should be consistent with a certain set of values.
See the new Mathematics Curriculum for Primary Schools (Basic 4–6)
page xiii for a more detailed description.

Assessment is a process of collecting and evaluating information about learners
and using the information to make decisions to improve their learning.
In the curriculum, it is suggested that assessment is used to promote learning.
Its purpose is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of learners to enable
teachers ascertain their learner’s response to instruction. This Teacher’s Guide
contains a Teacher Assessment section to guide you how to assess the concepts
taught. See the new Mathematics Curriculum for Primary Schools (Basic 4–6)
page xiv, that provides a detailed outline of the difference between formative and
summative assessment and how to apply it to your classroom.
It is important to remember that, when developing assessment procedures, try
to select indicators in such a way that you will be able to assess a representative
sample from a given strand. Each indicator in the curriculum is considered a
criterion to be achieved by the learners. When you develop assessment items or
questions that are based on a representative sample of the indicators taught, the
assessment is referred to as a “Criterion-Referenced Assessment”. In many cases,
a teacher cannot assess all the indicators taught in a term or year. The assessment
procedure you use, for example, class assessments, homework, projects, and so
on, has to be developed in such a way that the various procedures complement
one another to provide a representative sample of indicators taught over a period.

Introduction ix
Suggested time allocation
Two periods per day (two 30-minute periods)

Pedagogical approaches
These include the approaches, methods, strategies, appropriate relevant teaching
and learning resources for ensuring that every learner benefits from teaching and
learning process. The teacher should:
• create learning-centred classrooms through the use of creative approaches
• position inclusion and equity at the centre of quality teaching and learning
• use differentiation and scaffolding as teaching and learning strategies
• use Information Communications Technology (ICT) as a pedagogical tool
• identify subject specific instructional expectations to make the subject
• integrate all assessment strategies
• use questioning techniques that promote deep learning.

This Teacher’s Guide provides teaching methodology for each lesson and
concept to ensure that the correct pedagogical approach is used. However, this
may need to change based on the skills levels of your class in any year, so use
your own experience and discretion to adapt these methodologies accordingly.

Learning-centred pedagogy
A learning-centred classroom creates the opportunity for learners to engage in
meaningful hands-on activities that relate what they are learning with the real
world. Learners have to discuss ideas, become actively engaged in looking
for answers, and work in groups to solve problems. They also research for
information, analyse and evaluate information. The aim of the learning-centred
classroom is to enable learners to take ownership of their learning.

Inclusion is ensuring access and learning for all learners, especially the
disadvantaged learners. Each lesson in this Teacher’s Guide contains advice
on how to teach that particular concept to large classes, and to learners with
special needs.

Differentiation and scaffolding

Differentiation is a process by which differences (learning styles, interest and
readiness to learn) between learners are accommodated, so that all learners in
a group have the best possible chance of learning. Differentiation could be by
content, tasks, questions, outcome, groupings and support.

x Introduction
Technique Process Example
Differentiation by Teachers set different When sketching the plan and shape
task tasks for learners of of their classroom, some learners
different abilities. could be made to sketch with free
hand while others would be made to
trace the outline of the plan.
Differentiation by The teacher gives The teacher refers weak learners to
support needed support. the Guidance and Counselling Unit
for academic support.
Differentiation by The teacher allows Weaker learners are allowed more
outcome learners to respond at time for complicated tasks.
different levels.
Scaffolding The teacher uses a Break up the learning task,
variety of instructional experience or concept into smaller
techniques to progress parts and then provide learners with
learners towards the support they need to learn each
stronger understanding. part.

Information and communication technology (ICT)

ICT has been integrated into the Mathematics curriculum as part of the core of
education, alongside reading, writing and numeracy. Teachers are encouraged
to use ICT as a teaching and learning tool to enhance deep and independent
learning. If your school has internet access, these functions can be done online.
Alternatively, download the clips or games to use offline in the classroom.

Examples of ICT in the Mathematics classroom

Use calculators to solve problems.
• Use cameras to record results and steps in a problem-solving process.
• Use multimedia to support the teaching and learning process.
• Show YouTube videos to explain certain concepts visually.
• Search for grade-appropriate online Mathematics games for each concept.
• Encourage learners to play the game online in groups, pairs or individually.
• Learners research data online to bring to school when required.
• Start teaching the basic skills of MS Office, using basic word processing
skills, spreadsheets and PowerPoint presentations.
The use of ICT as a teaching and learning tool is to provide learners with
access to large quantities of information online and offline. It also provides the
framework for analysing data to investigate patterns and relationships. Once
learners have made their findings, ICT can help them organise, edit and print the
information in many different ways.

Introduction xi
The exposure that learners are given at the primary school level to use ICT
in exploiting learning will build their confidence and will increase their level of
motivation to apply ICT use in later years, both within and outside of education.
ICT use for teaching and learning is expected to enhance the quality and
competence level of learners.

Organisation and structure of the curriculum

Mathematics Curriculum for Primary Schools (Basic 4–6) follows the
curriculum in organising its content under key headings and annotations as
shown in the figure below.

Class Content Standards number

B1. 1. 2. 1. 1 Learning indicator number

Strand number Sub-strand number

The content standards in this document are organised by grade level. Within
each grade level, the contents are grouped first by strands. Each strand is further
subdivided into sub-strands of related indicators.
• Class is the level/year being studied.
• Indicators are learning outcomes that define what learners should know and
be able to do.
• Content Standards are groups of related indicators. Note that indicators
from different standards may sometimes be closely related, because
Mathematics is a connected subject.
• Strands are the main branches of the Mathematics content to be studied.
• Sub-strands are larger groups of related indicators (or Mathematics topics to
be studied). Indicators from different sub-strands may sometimes be closely

xii Introduction
The Standards are organised under four strands:
1. Number
2. Algebra
3. Geometry and Measurement
4. Data
The following table shows the scope and sequence of the strands addressed at
the B4–B6 phase. The remaining part of the document presents the details of the
standards and indicators for each grade level.
Structure of the Curriculum
B4 B5 B6
Number Whole Numbers Counting Whole Numbers Counting Whole Numbers Counting
(Counting, and Representation and Representation and Representation
Representation, Whole Numbers Operations Whole Numbers Operations Whole Numbers Operations
Cardinality and Fractions, Representation Fractions, Representation Fractions, Representation
Operations and Relationship and Relationship and Relationship
Patterns and Relationships Patterns and Relationships Patterns and Relationships
Functions and Unknowns Functions and Unknowns Functions and Unknowns
Expressions Expressions Expressions
Equations and Inequalities Equations and Inequalities Equations and Inequalities
Lines and Shapes Lines and Shapes Lines and Shapes
Geometry and
Measurements Measurements Measurements
Geometric Reasoning Geometric Reasoning Geometric Reasoning
Data (Collection, Data Data
organisation, interpreting
Data analysis)
Chance (Probability) Data Data

Scope and sequence

Whole Numbers Counting and Representation
Number Whole Numbers Operations
Fractions, Representation and Relationship
Patterns and Relationships
Functions and Unknowns
Equations and Inequalities
Lines and Shapes
Geometry and
Geometric Reasoning
Data (Collection, organisation, interpreting analysis)
Chance (Probability)

Introduction xiii
Strand 1: Number
Sub-strand 1: Counting, representation, cardinality & ordinality
Content standard Indicator Page references
B6.1.1.1 B6. Model number quantities up to 1–3 1–10
Demonstrate an understanding 1,000,000 using graph sheets and multi-base
of quantities and place value block
for multi-digit numerals up to B6. Read and write numbers in figures 4–8
1,000,000,000 or 1 billion and in words up to 1,000,000,000
Refer to Workbook pages 1–11 for B6. Identify numbers in different 11
additional exercises. You can assign positions around a given number in a number
these for Homework. Alternatively, chart
you can assign the exercises as B6. Compare and order whole numbers 9–13
Extension exercises. up to 100,000 and represent the comparison
using >, <, or =
B6. Skip count forwards and backwards 14–18
in 5,000s, 10,000s etc. up to and from
B6.1.1.2 B6. Recognise Roman numerals system 19 11–13
Demonstrate understanding of up to C (i.e. 100)
Roman numerals up to C (i.e. 100) B6. Count and convert Hindu Arabic 20–24
Refer to Workbook pages 12-14 for numbers to Roman numerals up to 100 (C) and
additional exercises. You can assign vice versa
these for Homework. Alternatively,
you can assign the exercises as
Extension exercises.
B6.1.1.3 B6. Determine the HCF and the LCM of 24–32 13–15
Demonstrate understanding two or three numbers using prime factors
of factors, multiples and prime
numbers from 1 to 100
Refer to Workbook pages 15–18
for additional exercises. You can
assign these for Homework.
Alternatively, you can assign the
exercises as Extension exercises.

xiv Introduction
Sub-strand 2: Number operations
Content standard Indicator Page references
B6.1.2.1 B6. Apply mental mathematics 33–38 16–18
Describe and apply mental strategies and number properties, such as skip
mathematics strategies and counting from a known fact, using doubling
number properties to determine or halving, using patterns in the 9s and 11s
answers for basic multiplication facts, using repeated doubling or halving, to
facts to 144 and related division determine answers for basic multiplication
facts facts to 81 and related division facts
Refer to Workbook pages 19–20 B6. Apply mental mathematics
for additional exercises. You can strategies for multiplication, such as annexing
assign these for Homework. then adding zero halving and doubling using
Alternatively, you can assign the the distributive property
exercises as Extension exercises.
B6.1.2.2 B6. Multiply multi-digit numbers by 2- 38–42 18–23
Demonstrate understanding of or 3-digit numbers efficiently
multiplication of a 2- or 3-digit
number by a 2- or 3-digit number
Refer to Workbook pages 21–24
for additional exercises. You can
assign these for Homework.
Alternatively, you can assign the
exercises as Extension exercises.
B6.1.2.3 B6. Determine basic division facts up 43–45 23–25
Manipulate numbers, using basic to 81
division fact up to 144
Refer to Workbook pages 25–26
for additional exercises. You can
assign these for Homework.
Alternatively, you can assign the
exercises as Extension exercises.
B6.1.2.4 B6. Divide 3-digit numbers by 1-digit 45–46 26–27
Demonstrate understanding of numbers
division of a 2- or 3-digit number
by a 1- or 2-digit number
Refer to Workbook page 27 for
additional exercises. You can assign
these for Homework. Alternatively,
you can assign the exercises as
Extension exercises.

Introduction xv
B6.1.2.5 B6. Solve multi-step word problems 47–50 27–29
Translate word problems into involving the four basic operations
mathematical sentences and solve
Refer to Workbook page 28 for
additional exercises. You can assign
these for Homework. Alternatively,
you can assign the exercises as
Extension exercises.
B6.1.2.6 B6. Locate, compare and order sets of 50–58 29–36
Demonstrate an understanding of integers using the number line and symbols "<
integers or >"
Refer to Workbook pages 29-43 for B6. Solve simple addition and 58–64
additional exercises. You can assign subtraction problems involving integers
these for Homework. Alternatively, (excluding subtraction of negative numbers)
you can assign the exercises as B6. Perform simple multiplication with 64–67
Extension exercises. integers
Sub-strand 3: Fractions
Content standard Indicator Page references
B6.1.3.1 B6. Compare and order a mixture 68–79 37–44
Demonstrate an understanding of of fractions: common, percent and decimal
strategies for comparing, adding, fractions (up to thousandths)
subtracting, multiplying and B6. Add and subtract unlike and mixed 79–84
dividing common, decimal and fractions
percent fractions B6. Use models to explain the result 85–88
Refer to Workbook pages 44–52 of multiplying a fraction by whole number, a
for additional exercises. You can whole number by a fraction and a fraction by
assign these for Homework. fraction
Alternatively, you can assign the
exercises as Extension exercises.
Sub-strand 4: Ratios and proportion
Content standard Indicator Page references
B6.1.4.1 B6. Use concrete models and pictorial 89–96 44–47
Demonstrate understanding of representations to explain a ratio as a concept
the concept of ratios and its that shows the number of times one quantity
relationship to fractions and to can be obtained in another and write this
the multiplication and division of symbolically and in its simplest form
whole numbers B6. Express ratios in equivalent forms, 96–101
Refer to Workbook pages 53–62 compare and order ratios
for additional exercises. You can
assign these for Homework.
Alternatively, you can assign the
exercises as Extension exercises.

xvi Introduction
B6.1.4.2 B6. Use models to explain proportion 102–105 48–49
Understand the concept of as a comparison between quantities with equal
proportion and its relationship to ratios
ratios and rates. Use proportional B6. Use various strategies to solve 106–108
reasoning and rates to solve real- proportional reasoning problems involving
world and mathematical problems rates and scales
Refer to Workbook pages 63–66
for additional exercises. You can
assign these for Homework.
Alternatively, you can assign the
exercises as Extension exercises.
Strand 2: Algebra
Sub-strand 1: Pattern and relationships
Content standard Indicator Page references
B6.2.1.1 B6. Represent a given pattern visually to 109–115 50–55
Determine the pattern rule verify predictions
to make predictions about B6. Write a rule in words and in algebra to 116–121
subsequent elements represent a given pattern
Refer to Workbook pages B6. Describe the relationship in a given 121–124
67–71 for additional exercises. table or chart, using a mathematical expression
You can assign these for
Homework. Alternatively, you
can assign the exercises as
Extension exercises.
Sub-strand 2: Algebraic expressions
Content standard Indicator Page references
B6.2.2.1 B6. Demonstrate understanding of 125–136 56–59
Demonstrate understanding of algebraic expressions as mathematical phrases
algebraic expressions that can contain letters which represent ordinary
Refer to Workbook pages numbers and operators (like add, subtract,
72–77 for additional exercises. multiply, and divide)
You can assign these for
Homework. Alternatively, you
can assign the exercises as
Extension exercises.

Introduction xvii
Sub-strand 3: Variables and equations
Content standard Indicator Page references
B6.2.3.1 B6. Identify the unknown in a problem; 137–145 59–61
Solve problems involving represent the problem with an equation; and solve
single-variable, one-step the problem concretely, pictorially or symbolically
equations with whole number B6. Create a problem for a given equation
Refer to Workbook pages
78–84 for additional exercises.
You can assign these for
Homework. Alternatively, you
can assign the exercises as
Extension exercises.
Strand 3: Geometry and measurement
Sub-strand 1: 2D shapes and 3D shapes
Content standard Indicator Page references
B6.3.1.1 B6. Identify examples of rectangular 146–151 62–65
Demonstrate understanding of and triangular prisms in the classroom and the
prisms community
Refer to Workbook pages
85–92 for additional exercises.
You can assign these for
Homework. Alternatively, you
can assign the exercises as
Extension exercises.
Sub-strand 2: Measurement
Content standard Indicator Page references
B6.3.1.1 B6. Construct rectangular and triangular 152–156 66–69
Demonstrate understanding of prisms from their nets
Refer to Workbook pages
93–96 for additional exercises.
You can assign these for
Homework. Alternatively, you
can assign the exercises as
Extension exercises.

xviii Introduction
Sub-strand 3: Geometric reasoning
Content standard Indicator Page references
B6.3.3.1 B6. Tell the position and motion of objects 157–165 69–71
Describe the position of objects in space using the cardinal points north-east,
in space using the cardinal north-west, south-east and south-west
B6.3.3.5 B6. Perform and identify images of a single 166–175 72–81
Perform a single transformation transformation (i.e. reflection) on 2D shapes in a
(i.e. reflection translation) on a plane
2D shape B6. Identify images of a single 176–188
Refer to Workbook pages transformation (i.e. reflection and translation) of a
97–108 for additional 2D shape in a plane
exercises. You can assign these
for Homework. Alternatively,
you can assign the exercises as
Extension exercises.
Strand 4: Data
Sub-strand 1: Data collection, organisation, presentation, interpretation and analysis
Content standard Indicator Page references
B6.4.1.1 B6. Draw a line graph by determining the 189–193, 82–86
Create, label, and interpret line common attributes (title, axes and intervals) and 198–201
graphs to draw conclusions draw the graph for a given table of values
Refer to Workbook pages B6. Determine whether a given set of data 193–197
109–116 for additional can be represented by a line graph (continuous
exercises. You can assign these data) or a series of points (discrete data) and
for Homework. Alternatively, explain why
you can assign the exercises as B6. Apply understanding of how to create 190–193
Extension exercises. a line graph by using a given table of values (or 198–201
set of data) to draw a line graph and answer
questions based on them to interpret and draw

Introduction xix
B6.4.1.2 B6. Select a method for collecting data to 202–208 86–89
Select, justify, and use answer a given question and justify the choice
appropriate methods of B6.5.2.2 Design and administer a questionnaire
collecting data, including for collecting data to answer a given question and
questionnaires, interview, record the results
observation, experiments, B6. Design and administer a questionnaire
databases, electronic media, for collecting data to answer given question(s),
etc. record the data, analyse and graph the results to
Refer to Workbook pages solve problems
117–118 for additional
exercises. You can assign these
for Homework. Alternatively,
you can assign the exercises as
Extension exercises.
Sub-strand 2: Chance or probability
Content standard Indicator Page references
B6.4.2.2 B6. List the possible outcomes of a 209–215 90–92
Demonstrate an understanding probability experiment, such as tossing a coin,
of probability by identifying rolling a die with a given number of sides,
all possible outcomes of spinning a spinner with a given number of
a probability experiment, sectors and determine the theoretical probability
determining the theoretical of an outcome occurring for a given probability
and experimental probability experiment
of outcomes in a probability B6. Predict the probability of a given
experiment outcome occurring for a given probability
Refer to Workbook pages experiment by using theoretical probability
119–123 for additional B6. Explain that the experimental
exercises. You can assign these probability approaches the theoretical probability
for Homework. Alternatively, of a particular outcome as the number of trials in
you can assign the exercises as an experiment increases
Extension exercises.

xx Introduction

1 Number

Sub-strand 1:
Counting, representation, cardinality and ordinality

Content standard
B6.1.1.1 Quantities and place value up to 1,000,000

1. Learning outcomes
Learners will be able to recognise, describe and represent
numbers and their relationships, and to count, estimate with
competence and confidence in solving problems.

2. Essential for learning

Learners should have prior experience with counting
forwards and backwards on number lines and number grids,
place value, factors and multiples, ordering and comparing up
to 6-digit numbers, rounding to the nearest number, working
on number lines, as well as number patterns or sequences.
Consider a baseline test, so that you can determine your
learners’ level of knowledge.

3. Key words
Place value, digits, expanded form, multiples, whole
numbers, equivalence symbols (<, >, or =), ascending order,
descending order, less than/smaller than, greater than/bigger
than, equal to, rounding up/down, rounding off, less than/
smaller than, greater than/bigger than, equal to

4. Resources used in this chapter

Learner’s Book, Workbook, graph sheets, multi-base blocks,
number cards, beads, plastic straws, number bonds, place

Strand 1: Number 1
value charts number wheel, number chart, abacus, pictures of
animals, see-saw, number line, number cards

5. Large class teaching

Plan your activities for an inclusive class. Determine your
learners’ point of entry. Activities should also be learner-
centred, so that learners are in control of their learning.
Learners should be able to try a variety of strategies. Also
integrate your work in the Mathematics class with other
When assessing, give learners recognition for logical
reasoning. Credit them for the strategies they use, even if
there is a mechanical error that might give rise to a wrong

6. Support for learners with special needs

As teacher, your role is to facilitate learning and to keep
content relevant to all learners. Break down content into
small, manageable and logical steps.
Develop a balance between individual teaching, peer
teaching, cooperative learning and whole class teaching. If
you see learners who are struggling, allow them more time to
complete the task.
When the learners attempt word problems, first help them
to explore the vocabulary in word problems. Make sure the
learners understand the language and vocabulary used.
The learners should be able to explain their comparisons
in the examples that follow: 258,214,879 and 265,321,897;
658,122,140 and 658,122,411 …. Learners should also be
able to explain their skills in determining the placing of
whole numbers in relationship with the other.

7. Additional content for the teacher

Review the different systems that were used to represent
numbers, for example, the systems used by the tallies used
by the olden days traders, cocoa / cattle farmers and Barter
traders and the Hindu-Arabic number system.

2 Strand 1: Number
If you have access to the Internet, explore YouTube for video
material on multiples and factors, ordering whole numbers
and equivalence, rounding off, up or down, as well as number
patterns or sequences.

8. Teaching methodology
Ask learners to count in 1s, 2s, 3s and 4s, as far as possible,
and revise multiplication up to 12 × 12. Play games and have
a class competition to encourage learner participation.
Prepare a Place value chart, up to millions, and ask the
learners to read off numbers from the chart. Use concrete,
semi-concrete and abstract sequence. Make use of peer-
assisted learning.
Ask learners to count in multiples of 10,000. Prepare a
number chart and ask learners, in pairs, to identify and read
off numbers from the chart in different positions around a
given number. Ask them to count forwards and backwards, in
different sequences. The learners should be able to identify
the rules in each sequence, for example, adding 25 each time
to get next number.
When the learners progress to ordering numbers in ascending
or descending order, start with the first three digits, before
moving to the next digits. Let them use a number line to say
whether the number is nearer to a lower or higher value. Ask
pairs to use number cards as a starting point, then skipping
forwards or backwards to reach the next whole number.

9. Assessment
Assessment should take many forms. Use a baseline test as
a diagnostic assessment (numbers in words and numerals,
odd, even, skipping numbers forwards and backwards, place
value, and so on). Also assess the learners on mental maths.
This can take the form of teacher assessment, class work, or
self- or peer assessment.

Strand 1: Number 3
10. Answers

Exercise 1 LB page 2
1. a) 4 Blocks, 2 Flats, 3 Rods, 7 Cubes
b) 6 Blocks, 3 Flats, 4 Rods, 5 Cubes
c) 5 Blocks, 1 Flat, 2 Rods, 8 Cubes
d) 3 Blocks, 2 Flats, 3 Rods, 0 Cubes
e) 2 Blocks, 0 Flats, 5 Rods, 2 Cubes, 6 Hundreds
f) 8 Flats, 4 Rods, 3 Cubes, 5 Hundreds
g) 7 Flats, 4 Rods, 6 Cubes, 2 Hundreds
h) 1 Block, 5 Flats, 2 Rods, 3 Cubes, 4 Hundreds



a) 3 5 3 0 0 0
b) 5 6 3 2 0 0 0
c) 6 4 0 2 0 0 0
d) 2 4 0 0 0 0 0
e) 3 8 6 0 0 0

Exercise 2 LB page 3
1. a) 2 Hundreds, 5 Tens, 7 Ones
b) 1 Hundred, 4 Tens, 5 Ones
c) 5 Hundreds, 0 Tens, 5 Ones
d) 2 Hundreds, 2 Tens, 4 Ones
e) 1 Thousand, 0 Hundreds, 4 Tens, 0 Ones
f) 2 Thousands, 1 Hundred, 5 Tens, 0 Ones
g) 6 Thousands, 5 Hundreds, 2 Tens, 0 Ones
h) 8 Thousands, 3 Hundreds, 6 Tens, 0 Ones
i) 4 Ten thousands, 5 Thousands, 0 Hundreds, 0 Tens,
0 Ones
j) 1 Ten thousand, 2 Thousands, 5 Hundreds, 0 Tens,
0 Ones
k) 1 Ten thousand, 4 Thousands, 5 Hundreds, 0 Tens,
0 Ones

4 Strand 1: Number
l) 3 Ten thousands, 1 Thousand, 2 Hundreds, 0 Tens,
0 Ones
m) 2 Ten thousands, 6 Thousands, 2 Hundreds, 0 Tens,
0 Ones
n) 3 Hundred thousands, 6 Ten thousands, 5 Thousands,
0 Hundreds, 0 Tens, 0 Ones
o) 1 Hundred thousands, 2 Ten thousands, 3 Thousands,
0 Hundreds, 0 Tens, 0 Ones
p) 8 Hundred thousands, 1 Ten thousand, 2 Thousands,
0 Hundreds, 0 Tens, 0 Ones
q) 6 Ten thousands, 5 Thousands, 9 Hundreds, 0 Tens,
0 Ones
r) 5 Ten thousands, 2 Thousands, 0 Hundreds, 0 Tens,
0 Ones
2. Learners’ own answers

Exercise 3 LB page 5
1. a) 78,564 b) 128,953 c) 257,143
d) 5,890,648 e) 7,637,642 f) 3,586,201
g) 6,532,005 h) 8,590,012 i) 9,008,423
j) 4,025,069
2. Learners’ own answers
3. a) Two million three hundred and fifty-six thousand
seven hundred and eighty
b) Ninety-nine million one hundred and twenty-five
thousand one hundred and twenty-five
c) Forty-seven million nine hundred and seventy-seven
thousand one hundred and twenty-five
d) Twenty-seven million two hundred and seventy-two
thousand three hundred and sixty-nine
e) Three hundred and seventy-eight thousand two
hundred and eighty-nine
f) One million two hundred and fifty-one thousand six
hundred and thirty-eight
g) One billion four hundred and eighty-three million
two hundred and four thousand three hundred
h) Two hundred and thirty-five million nine hundred
and forty-nine thousand two hundred and ninety-two
4. a) Three hundred thousand
b) Four million
c) Ninety million
d) Two billion

Strand 1: Number 5
e) Five thousand
f) Twenty million
g) Four hundred thousand
h) Zero
5. 197,353,319: One hundred and ninety-seven million
three hundred and fifty-three thousand, three hundred and
465,735,974: Four hundred and sixty-five thousand seven
hundred and thirty-five, nine hundred and seventy-four
644,416: Six hundred forty-four thousand four hundred
and sixteen
6,886,761,426: Six billion eight hundred and eighty-
six million seven hundred and sixty-one thousand four
hundred and twenty-six
742,952,392: Seven hundred and forty million, nine
hundred and fifty-two thousand, three hundred and
472,623,852: Four hundred and seventy-two six hundred
and twenty-three eight hundred and fifty-two

Exercise 4 LB page 7
1. a) 4,000 + 500 + 20 + 1
b) 20,000 + 1,000 + 300 + 50 + 6
c) 90,000 + 2,000 + 700 + 40 + 1
d) 800,000 + 4,000 + 700 + 90 + 6
e) 2,000,000 + 800,000 + 70,000 + 4,000 + 600 + 40 + 4
f) 30,000,000 + 7,000,000 + 100,000 + 1,000 + 600 +
10 + 2
g) 8,000,000,000 + 400,000,000 + 50,000,000 +
7,000,000 + 800,000 + 20,000 + 2,000 + 300 + 50 + 4
h) 4,000,000,000 + 900,000,000 + 60,000,000 +
5,000,000 + 200,000 + 10,000 + 7,000 + 800 + 90 + 1
i) 4,000,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 10,000,000 +
5,000,000 + 800,000 + 70,000 + 6,000 + 300 + 90 + 2
j) 8,000,000,000 + 600,000,000 + 50,000,000 +
4,000,000 + 700,000 + 10,000 + 2,000 + 300 + 90
k) 300,000,000 + 60,000,000 + 5,000,000 + 200,000 +
50,000 + 4,000 + 200 + 30 + 1
2. a) 86,421 b) 87,763 c) 9,877,241
d) 986,533 e) 7,774,420 f) 7,766,650
g) 9,887,321

6 Strand 1: Number
3. a) 13,567 b) 11,388 c) 123,567
d) 1,334,457 e) 2,355,668 f) 2,236,789
4. a) 123,683 b) 43,254
c) 35,974,133 d) 7,823,152
e) 954,617,235 f) 6,618,925,314

Exercise 5 LB page 11
Number 10 less 10 100 100 1,000 1,000 10,000 10,000
than more less more less more less more
than than than than than than than
a) 135,789 135,779 135,799 135,689 135,889 134,789 136,789 125,789 145,789
b) 584,631 584,621 584,641 584,531 584,731 583,631 585,631 574,631 594,631
c) 257,843 257,833 257,853 257,743 257,943 256,843 258,843 247,843 267,843
d) 684,569 684,559 684,579 684,469 684,669 683,569 685,569 674,569 694,569
e) 247,754 247,744 247,764 247,654 247,854 246,754 248,754 237,754 257,754
f) 328,761 328,751 328,771 328,661 328,861 327,761 329,761 318,761 338,761
g) 148,690 148,680 148,700 148,590 148,790 147,690 149,690 138,690 158,690
h) 474,628 474218 474,638 474,528 474,728 473,628 475,628 464,628 484,628

2. a) 178,916 > 89,056 b) 80,732 = 80,732

c) 8,826 < 9,039 d) 25,143 > 235,662
e) 65,041 < 65,082 f) 66,378 > 59,784
g) 3,021 = 3,021 h) 98,622 < 986,341
i) 46,941 < 986,341 j) 905,631 > 904,932
k) 716,829 < 758,691 l) 315,282 < 315,782
3. a) 183,614 = 180,000 + 3,000 + 614
b) 932,406 > 900,000 + 32,000 + 174
c) 320,000 + 179 < 320,000 + 989
d) 106,000 + 341 > 100,000 + 7,000 + 329
e) 260,000 + 2,090 < 260,000 + 1,190

Exercise 6 LB page 12
1. a) 13,512 ; 36,251 ; 80,725 ; 93,676
b) 84,321 ; 228,476 ; 251,869 ; 432,761 ; 643,871
c) 124,578 ; 232,416 ; 457,861 ; 567,390 ; 567,491
d) 2,634,653 ; 2,637,890 ; 3,481,206 ; 4,378,212 ;
e) 108,746 ; 108,931 ; 127,489 ; 143,352 ; 161,452

Strand 1: Number 7
f) 123,826 ; 573,894 ; 631,212 ; 703,627 ; 813,278
2. a) 420,632 ; 420,532 ; 240,321 ; 204,041
b) 4,005,235 ; 3,567,124 ; 2,637,189 ; 2,547,361
c) 45,693,213 ; 7,837,251 ; 6,893,214 ; 4,563,411
d) 15,613,750 ; 11,412,140 ; 1,314,150 ; 1,214,162
e) 3,329,041 ; 322,940 ; 247,894 ; 246,893

Exercise 7 LB page 13
1. a) 536,430 > 527,000
Both have 5 hundred thousand
b) 632,375 > 631,250
Both have 6 hundred thousand
2. a) 7 is in the tens position
b) 20,000 is greater than 6,000
c) 876,421
i) eight hundred and seventy-six thousand four
hundred and twenty-one
ii) 886,421: eight hundred and eighty-six thousand
four hundred and twenty-one.
d) 124,678
i) 100,000 + 20,000 + 4,000 + 600 + 70 + 8
ii) 134,678: one hundred and thirty-four thousand
six hundred and seventy-eight
3. a) 687,421 b) 287,641

Exercise 8 LB page 15
Tens Hundreds Thousands Ten
(10s) (100s) (1,000s) thousands
10 100 1,000 62,000
20 200 2,000 72,000
30 300 3,000 82,000
40 400 4,000 92,000
50 500 5,000 102,000
60 600 6,000 112,000
70 700 7,000 122,00
80 800 8,000 132,000
90 900 9,000 142,000

8 Strand 1: Number
Tens Hundreds Thousands Ten
(10s) (100s) (1,000s) thousands
100 1,000 10,000 152,00
110 1,100 11,000 162,000
120 1,200 12,000 172,000

2. a) 180; 190; 200 b) 600; 670; 680

c) 1,020; 1,030; 1,040 d) 152,040; 152,050; 152,060
e) Ten
3. a) 13,700; 13,800; 13,900
b) 1,200; 1,300; 1,400
c) 754,300; 754,400; 754,500
e) 973,100; 973,200; 973,300
f) One hundred
4. a) 34,000; 35,000; 36,000
b) 61,000; 62,000; 63,000
c) 888,000; 889,000; 890,000
d) 997,000; 998,000; 999,000
e) One thousand
5. a) 200,000; 250,000; 300,000
b) 220,000; 270,000; 320,000
c) 400,000; 450,000; 500,000
d) 850,000; 900,000; 950,000
e) Fifty thousand
6. a) 700,000; 900,000; 1,100,000
b) 800,000; 1,000,000; 1,200,000
c) Two hundred thousand
7. a) 57; 47; 37. Ten
b) 205; 105; 5. Hundred
c) 73,000; 72,500; 72,000. Five hundred
d) 973,821; 973,721; 973,621. One hundred
e) 934,321; 924,321; 914,321. Ten thousand
8. a) 670; 370
b) 754; 784
c) 94,729; 91,729; 90,729
d) 110,000; 140,000; 150,000
e) 689,749; 689,719
f) 792,989; 492,989

Strand 1: Number 9
Exercise 9 LB page 17
1. 4,000,000; 5,000,000. Counted forwards
2. 8,000,000; 9,000,000. Counted forwards
3. 5,500,000; 6,500,000. Counted forwards
4. 3,000,004; 4,000,004. Counted forwards
5. 3,099,999; 4,099,999. Counted forwards
6. 17,000,450; 16,000,450. Counted backwards
7. 271,269,271; 271,268,271. Counted backwards
8. 888,888,888; 858,888,888. Counted backwards

Exercise 10 LB page 18

1. 800,000,000; 900,000,000
2. 1,000,004,000; 1,000,005,000
3. 1,534,567,890; 1,634,567,890
4. 1,000,000; 100,000
5. 1,000,000,000; 1,010,000,000
6. 1,452,456,456; 1,453,456,456

Exercise 11 LB page 18

1. a) Two hundred and one, seven hundred and twenty
seven, four thousand, thirty one thousand
b) Six hundred and seventeen, five thousand and
seventeen, twelve thousand, seventeen million,
twenty-one million
2. a) 612,000
b) 27,683,316

11. Homework
Ask learners to complete any exercises that they could not
complete during class time as Homework. If there are learners
in your class who complete the assigned work quickly,
select questions from Workbook pages 1 to 11 as Extension
exercises. You can also choose any Exercises from pages 1
to 11 of the Workbook and assign these as Homework. Once
back in class, allow time for learners to provide feedback and
allow them to correct any mistakes they may have made.

10 Strand 1: Number
Content standard
B6.1.1.2 Roman numerals up to C

1. Learning outcomes
Learners will demonstrate an understanding of Roman
numerals up to C. They will investigate the relationship
between Roman numerals and Hindu-Arabic numerals and
develop problem-solving skills.

2. Essential for learning

Learners should have a good understanding of the binary
number system. They should also have encountered Roman
numerals in previous years.

3. Key words
Numerals, vertically, zigzag, diagonally

4. Resources used in this chapter

Learner’s Book, Workbook, Roman numeral and symbols

5. Large class teaching

Plan your activities for an inclusive class. Determine your
learners’ point of entry. Activities should also be learner-
centred, so that learners are in control of their learning.
Learners should be able to try a variety of strategies. Also
integrate your work in the Mathematics class with other
When assessing, give learners recognition of logical
reasoning. Credit them for the strategies they use, even if
there is a mechanical error that might give rise to a wrong

6. Support for learners with special needs

As teacher, your role is to facilitate learning and to keep
content relevant to all learners. Break down content into
small, manageable and logical steps.

Strand 1: Number 11
7. Additional content for the teacher
Consult your learners’ History curriculum for additional
material on counting methods. If you have access to the
Internet, explore YouTube for material on Hindu Arabic
numbers and Roman numerals.

8. Teaching methodology
Use a wall chart to familiarise the learners with Roman
numeration. Learners should use the chart to place numbers
in a sequential order. Then, they should use the wall chart to
convert Roman numerals to the Hindu Arabic numeral system
and vice versa.

9. Assessment
Assessment can take many forms, for example teacher
assessment (class work activity), self or peer assessment.

10. Answers

Exercise 12 LB page 20

1. 11 2. 16 3. 23
4. 93 5. 39 6. 69
7. 40 8. 24 9. 72
10. 95 11. 34 12. 49
13. 70 14. 52 15. 59

Exercise 13 LB page 22

1. XVI 2. VIII 3. XLI
10. XXXV 11. XXIV 12. VII
13. XIX 14. XCVIII 15. XLV

Exercise 14 LB page 22

1. VIII 2. XII 3. V
4. XII 5. VII 6. II
7. XIX 8. XI 9. XII
10. III 11. X 12. XXV
13. XXXIX 14. XXXI 15. XXXIV

12 Strand 1: Number
Exercise 15 LB page 24
1. V 2. VIII 3. VII
4. VI 5. IXX 6. XXV
7. V 8. XV 9. IV
10. XX 11. IXX 12. XL
13. XVIII 14. IXX 15. XXI

11. Homework
Ask learners to complete any exercises that they could not
complete during class time as Homework. If there are learners
in your class who complete the assigned work quickly,
select questions from Workbook pages 12 to 14 as Extension
exercises. You can also choose any Exercises from pages 12
to 14 of the Workbook and assign these as Homework. Once
back in class, allow time for learners to provide feedback and
allow them to correct any mistakes they may have made.
Content standard
B6.1.1.3 Factors, multiples and prime numbers from 1 to 100

1. Learning outcomes
The learners will be able to recognise, describe and represent
numbers and their relationships, and to count, estimate with
competence and confidence in solving problems.

2. Essential for learning

Learners should have prior experience with prime numbers.

3. Key words
Highest common factor (HCF), lowest common multiples
(LCM), prime factors

4. Resources used in this chapter

Learner’s Book, Workbook, hundreds chart

5. Large class teaching

Plan your activities for an inclusive class. Determine your
learners’ point of entry. Activities should also be learner-
centred, so that learners are in control of their learning.

Strand 1: Number 13
Learners should be able to try a variety of strategies. Also
integrate your work in the Mathematics class with other
When assessing, give learners recognition of logical reasoning.
Credit them for the strategies they use, even if there is a
mechanical error that might give rise to a wrong answer.

6. Support for learners with special needs

As teacher, your role is to facilitate learning and to keep
content relevant to all learners. Break down content into
small, manageable and logical steps. Make sure that learners
understand the vocabulary in word problems.

7. Additional content for the teacher

Videos on prime factors and the prime factorisation method.
Consult YouTube.

8. Teaching methodology
Revise the use of the factor tree method to determine prime
factors. Learners use this method above to express numbers
as product of their prime. Use concrete, semi concrete and
abstract sequence. Make use of peer-assisted learning.

9. Assessment
Teacher assessment, for example, a class work activity. Also
include self and peer assessment.

10. Answers
Exercise 16 LB page 26
1. a) 28 = 2 × 2 × 7 b) 18 = 2 × 3 × 3
c) 45 = 3 × 3 × 5
2. a) 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 b) 2 × 17
c) 2 × 2 × 3 d) 2×2×2×3
e) 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 f) 3×3×3×2
g) 3 × 2 × 7 h) 2×3×5
i) 2 × 2 × 2 × 5 j) 2 × 3 × 11
k) 3 × 3 × 3 l) 3×3×3×3
m) 5 × 7 n) 2 × 2 × 19
o) 7×7

14 Strand 1: Number
Exercise 17 LB page 28
1. a) 6 b) 12 c) 4
d) 7 e) 18 f) 12
2. 9
3. GH₵ 7
4. 3
5. a) True
b) True

Exercise 18 LB page 30

1. a) 3 b) 3 c) 7
2. a) 36 b) 456 c) 30
d) 40 e) 20 f) 120

Exercise 19 LB page 31

1. HCF = 6, LCM = 126
2. HCF = 25, LCM = 75
3. HCF = 3, LCM = 30
4. HCF = 6, LCM = 120
5. HCF = 4, LCM = 40
6. HCF = 2, LCM = 528
7. HCF = 2, LCM = 600
8. HCF = 28, LCM = 84

Exercise 20 LB page 32

1. HCF = 2, LCM = 80
2. HCF = 6, LCM = 72
3. HCF = 3, LCM = 180
4. HCF = 6, LCM = 432
5. HCF = 5, LCM = 120

11. Homework
Ask learners to complete any exercises that they could not
complete during class time as Homework. If there are learners
in your class who complete the assigned work quickly,
select questions from Workbook pages 15 to 18 as Extension
exercises. You can also choose any Exercises from pages 15
to 18 of the Workbook and assign these as Homework. Once
back in class, allow time for learners to provide feedback and
allow them to correct any mistakes they may have made.

Strand 1: Number 15
Sub-strand 2:
Number operations

Content standard
B6.1.2.1 Apply mental mathematics strategies and number
properties for multiplication and division

1. Learning outcomes
The learners will be able to use a range of strategies to
perform written and mental calculations with whole numbers,
with competence and confidence in solving problems.

2. Essential for learning

Learners should have prior experience with the different
multiplication strategies.

3. Key words
Multiplier, multiplicand, product, doubling, halving, factors

4. Resources used in this chapter

Learner’s Book, Workbook, multiplication tables, distributive
and associative property charts

5. Large class teaching

Plan your activities for an inclusive class. Determine your
learners’ point of entry. Activities should also be learner-
centred, so that learners are in control of their learning.
Learners should be able to try a variety of strategies. Also
integrate your work in the Mathematics class with other
When assessing, give learners recognition of Logistical
reasoning. Credit them for the strategies they use, even if there
is a mechanical error that might give rise to a wrong answer.

6. Support for learners with special needs

As teacher, your role is to facilitate learning and to keep
content relevant to all learners. Break down content into

16 Strand 1: Number
small, manageable and logical steps. Explore the vocabulary
in word problems first in order to ensure that the learners
understand the language and vocabulary used. The learners
should be able to explain their skills in determining the place
value of whole numbers in relationship with the other.

7. Additional content for the teacher

You tube videos on multiplication bonds, and multiplication
using the vertical column method

8. Teaching methodology
Use addition and subtraction to split numbers inside brackets
(distributive property). Use factors to split up numbers, and
use doubling and halving. Encourage peer-assisted learning
using the vertical column method.

9. Assessment
Teacher assessment, for example, a class work activity. Also
make use of self or peer assessment.

10. Answers

Exercise 1 LB page 34
1. a) 24 b) 32 c) 25
d) 20 e) 30 f) 30
g) 35 h) 40 i) 42
j) 56 k) 10 l) 40
m) 72 n) 30 o) 49
p) 64 q) 81 r) 36
2. Learners’ own answers
3. a) 3 × 4 = 12; 6 × 4 = 24
b) 3 × 5 = 15; 6 × 5 = 30
c) 2 × 7 = 14; 4 × 7 = 28
d) 4 × 8 = 32; 8 × 8 = 64
e) 2 × 8 = 16; 4 × 8 = 32
f) 2 × 5 = 10; 4 × 5 = 20
g) 4 × 6 = 24; 8 × 6 = 48
h) 3 × 9 = 27; 6 × 9 = 54

Strand 1: Number 17
If 5 × 10 = 50 then 5 × 9 = 45 then 5 × 11 = 55
If 4 × 10 = 40 then 4 × 9 = 36 then 4 × 11 = 44
If 7 × 10 = 70 then 7 × 9 = 63 then 9 × 11 = 99
If 8 × 10 = 80 then 8 × 9 = 72 then 8 × 11 = 88

11. Homework
Ask learners to complete any exercises that they could not
complete during class time as Homework. If there are learners
in your class who complete the assigned work quickly,
select questions from Workbook pages 19 to 21 as Extension
exercises. You can also choose any Exercises from pages 19
to 21 of the Workbook and assign these as Homework. Once
back in class, allow time for learners to provide feedback and
allow them to correct any mistakes they may have made.

Content standard
B6.1.2.2 Multiply multi-digit numbers

1. Learning outcomes
The learners will be able to use a range of strategies to
perform written and mental calculations with whole numbers,
with competence and confidence in solving problems.

2. Essential for learning

Learners should have prior experience of the different
multiplication strategies.

3. Key words
Expand and box method, column, vertical, distributive
property, lattice method

4. Resources used in this chapter

Learner’s Book, Workbook, expand box, lattice box

18 Strand 1: Number
5. Large class teaching
Plan your activities for an inclusive class. Determine your
learners’ point of entry. Activities should also be learner-
centred, so that learners are in control of their learning.
Learners should be able to try a variety of strategies. Also
integrate your work in the Mathematics class with other
When assessing, give learners recognition of Logistical
reasoning. Credit them for the strategies they use, even if there
is a mechanical error that might give rise to a wrong answer.

6. Support for learners with special needs

As teacher, your role is to facilitate learning and to keep
content relevant to all learners. Break down content into
small, manageable and logical steps. Explore the vocabulary
in word problems first in order to ensure that the learners
understand the language and vocabulary used. The learners
should be able to explain their skills in determining the place
value of whole numbers in relationship with the other.

7. Additional content for the teacher

Consult YouTube for content on the various methods used in
this module.

8. Teaching methodology
Split numbers inside brackets to make them smaller and
easier to multiply. Use the distributive method to split the
numbers. Use doubling and halving and make use of peer-
assisted learning using the vertical column method.

9. Assessment
Teacher assessment, for example, a class work activity. Self
or peer assessment.

10. Answers

Exercise 2 LB page 36
1. a) 46 × 1,000 = 46,000 b) 28 × 10 = 280
c) 100 × 263 = 26,300 d) 10 × 22 = 220

Strand 1: Number 19
e) 1,000 × 343 = 343,000 f) 304 × 10 = 3,040
g) 69 × 100 = 6,900 h) 1,000 × 79 = 79,000
2. a) 4,260 b) 3,910 c) 1,900
d) 250,000 e) 35,000 f) 2,800
g) 1,200 h) 62,000 i) 89,000
j) 520
3. 36 × 10 = 360. There are 360 boxes altogether.
4. 26 × 100 = 2,600. 2,600 planes land at the airport after
100 hours.
5. 30 × 100 = 3,000. The length of all the rulers will be
3,000 cm.

Exercise 3 LB page 37
1. a) 7 × (5 + 2) = (7 × 5) + (7 × 2) = 35 + 14
b) (3 × 8) – (3 × 4) = 24 – 12 = 12
c) 4 × 35 = (4 × 30) + (4 × 5) = 120 + 20 = 140
d) 14 × 6 = 6 × (10 + 4) = (6 × 10) + (6 × 4)
= 60 + 24 = 84
2. a) 128 b) 115 c) 96
d) 96 e) 84 f) 85
g) 168 h) 144 i) 144
j) 120 k) 72 l) 207
m) 105 n) 198

Exercise 4 LB page 38
1. Group of 8 items multiplied by 1 = 8
2. 5 × 0 = 0

Exercise 5 LB page 42
1. a) 48 × 6 = 288
× 40 8
6 240 48

b) 583 × 6 = 3,498
× 500 80 3
6 3,000 480 18

20 Strand 1: Number
c) 489 × 5 = 2,445
× 400 80 9
5 2,000 400 45

d) 279 × 4 = 1,116
× 200 70 9
4 800 280 36

e) 634 × 16 = 10,144
× 600 30 4
10 6,000 300 40
6 3,600 180 24

f) 126 × 17 = 2,142
× 100 20 6
10 1,000 200 60
7 700 140 42
2. a) 24 × 16 = 384 b) 37 × 23 = 851
2 4 3 7
× 1 6 × 2 3
1 4 4 1 1 1
+ 2 4 0 + 7 4 0
3 8 4 8 5 1
c) 562 × 31 = 17,422 d) 257 × 21 = 5,397
5 6 2 2 5 7
× 3 1 × 2 1
5 6 2 2 5 7
+ 1 6 , 8 6 0 + 5 , 1 4 0
1 7 , 4 2 2 5 , 3 9 7
e) 879 × 62 = 54,498 f) 236 × 41 = 9,676
8 7 9 2 3 6
× 6 2 × 4 1
1 , 7 5 8 2 3 6
+ 5 2 , 7 4 0 + 9 , 4 4 0
5 4 , 4 9 8 9 , 6 7 6
3. a) 74 b) 76 c) 2,064
d) 2,142 e) 5,894 f) 7,452

Strand 1: Number 21
11. Homework
Ask learners to complete any exercises that they could not
complete during class time as Homework. If there are learners
in your class who complete the assigned work quickly,
select questions from Workbook pages 21 to 24 as Extension
exercises. You can also choose any Exercises from pages 21
to 24 of the Workbook and assign these as Homework. Once
back in class, allow time for learners to provide feedback and
allow them to correct any mistakes they may have made.

Content standard
B6.1.2.3 Manipulate numbers using division facts

1. Learning outcomes
The learners will be able to use a range of strategies to
perform written and mental calculations with whole numbers,
with competence and confidence in solving problems.

2. Essential for learning

Learners should have prior experience with the different
multiplication strategies.

3. Key words
Dividend, divisor, quotient

4. Resources used in this chapter

Learner’s Book, Workbook, divisibility chart test,
multiplication chart, dice, playing cards

5. Large class teaching

Plan your activities for an inclusive class. Determine your
learners’ point of entry. Activities should also be learner-centred,
so that learners are in control of their learning. Learners should
be able to try a variety of strategies. Also integrate your work in
the Mathematics class with other subjects.
When assessing, give learners recognition of Logistical
reasoning. Credit them for the strategies they use, even if there
is a mechanical error that might give rise to a wrong answer.

22 Strand 1: Number
6. Support for learners with special needs
As teacher, your role is to facilitate learning and to keep
content relevant to all learners. Break down content into
small, manageable and logical steps. Explore the vocabulary
in word problems first in order to ensure that the learners
understand the language and vocabulary used. The learners
should be able to explain their skills in determining the place
value of whole numbers in relationship with the other.

7. Additional content for the teacher

YouTube video on using the divisibility rule

8. Teaching methodology
Use the divisibility rule to determine the multiples of 6, 8, 9,
11. Draw a 6 × 6 multiplication chart and use it as a game to
play the 3-in-line game. Include peer-assisted learning using
the vertical column method.

9. Assessment
Teacher assessment, for example, a class work activity

10. Answers
Exercise 6 LB page 44
1. a) Yes. The last number is 8, and 8 is an even number.
b) No. The last number is 5. 5 is an odd number and not
divisible by 2.
c) Yes. The last number is 6, and 6 is an even number.
d) No. The last number is 5. 5 is an odd number and not
divisible by 2.
2. a) Yes. The last two digits, 40, is divisible by 4.
b) Yes. The last two digits, 48, is divisible by 4.
c) No. The last number is 5. 5 is an odd number and not
divisible by 4.
d) Yes. The last two digits, 24, is divisible by 4.
e) No. 26 ÷ 4 = 6.5. It leaves behind a remainder.
3. a) No, it is not divisible by 3,6 or 9. They leave behind
b) No, it is not divisible by 3, 6 or 9. They leave behind

Strand 1: Number 23
c) No, it is not divisible by 3, 6 or 9. They leave behind
d) Yes. 108 ÷ 3 = 36. 108 ÷ 6 = 18. 108 ÷ 9 = 12
4. 42: 2; 3; 6
162: 2; 3; 6; 9
354: 2; 3; 6
245: 5
16,852: 2; 4
857: not divisible by any of the numbers
916: 2; 4
240: 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 10
342: 2; 3; 6; 9;
2,286: 2; 3; 6; 9
4,992: 2; 3; 4; 6
62,370: 2; 3; 5; 6; 9; 10
432: 2; 3; 4; 6; 9
38,385: 3, 5, 9
723: 3
5. a) The number 1,536 is divisible by 6.
b) The number 81 is divisible by 3.
d) The number 72 is divisible by 4.
e) The number 22 is divisible by 2.

11. Homework
Ask learners to complete any exercises that they could not
complete during class time as Homework. If there are learners
in your class who complete the assigned work quickly,
select questions from Workbook pages 25 to 26 as Extension
exercises. You can also choose any Exercises from pages 25
to 26 of the Workbook and assign these as Homework. Once
back in class, allow time for learners to provide feedback and
allow them to correct any mistakes they may have made.

Content standard
B6.1.2.4 Divide 2- or 3-digit numbers by 1- or 2-digit numbers

1. Learning outcomes
The learners will be able to use a range of strategies to
perform written and mental calculations with whole numbers,
with competence and confidence in solving problems.

24 Strand 1: Number
2. Essential for learning
Learners should have experience with using different
strategies to perform the four basic operations.

3. Key words
Order of operations

4. Resources used in this chapter

Learner’s Book, Workbook

5. Large class teaching

Plan your activities for an inclusive class. Determine your
learners’ point of entry. Determine your learners’ point
of entry. Activities should also be learner-centred, so that
learners are in control of their learning. Learners should be
able to try a variety of strategies. Also integrate your work in
the Mathematics class with other subjects.
When assessing, give learners recognition of Logistical
reasoning. Credit them for the strategies they use, even if there
is a mechanical error that might give rise to a wrong answer.

6. Support for learners with special needs

As teacher, your role is to facilitate learning and to keep
content relevant to all learners. Break down content into
small, manageable and logical steps. Explore the vocabulary
in word problems first in order to ensure that the learners
understand the language and vocabulary used. The learners
should be able to explain their skills in determining the place
value of whole numbers in relationship with the other.

7. Additional content for the teacher

YouTube videos on division techniques

8. Teaching methodology
Model mathematical statements from a given word problem,
using the long division method. Role-play a given word
problem involving division and subtraction and solve using
an appropriate strategy.

Strand 1: Number 25
Teacher assessment, for example, class work activity

9. Answers

Exercise 7 LB page 46
1. a) 66, remainder 6 b) 228, remainder 1
c) 109, remainder 1 d) 14, remainder 20
e) 73 f) 10
g) 915 h) 604
i) 692 j) 211
2. a) 966 ÷ 69 = 14. So, 14 × 69 = 966
b) 4,182 ÷ 41 = 102. So, 102 × 41 = 4,182
c) 2,880 ÷ 24 = 120. So, 120 × 24 = 2,880
d) 3,150 ÷ 15 = 210. So, 210 × 15 = 3,150

11. Homework
Ask learners to complete any exercises that they could not
complete during class time as Homework. If there are learners
in your class who complete the assigned work quickly, select
questions from Workbook page 27 as Extension exercises.
You can also choose any Exercises from page 27 of the
Workbook and assign these as Homework. Once back in
class, allow time for learners to provide feedback and allow
them to correct any mistakes they may have made.

Content standard
B6.1.2.5 Translate word problems to mathematical sentences and

1. Essential for learning

Learners should have prior experience of using different
strategies to perform the four basic operations.

2. Key words
Integers, whole numbers, ascending, descending

3. Resources used in this chapter

Learner’s Book, Workbook, number lines
26 Strand 1: Number
4. Large class teaching
Plan your activities for an inclusive class. Determine your
learners’ point of entry. Determine your learners’ point
of entry. Activities should also be learner-centred, so that
learners are in control of their learning. Learners should be
able to try a variety of strategies. Also integrate your work in
the Mathematics class with other subjects.
When assessing, give learners recognition of Logistical
reasoning. Credit them for the strategies they use, even if
there is a mechanical error that might give rise to a wrong

5. Support for learners with special needs

As teacher, your role is to facilitate learning and to keep
content relevant to all learners. Break down content into
small, manageable and logical steps. Explore the vocabulary
in word problems first in order to ensure that the learners
understand the language and vocabulary used. The learners
should be able to explain their skills in determining the place
value of whole numbers in relationship with the other.

6. Additional content for the teacher

YouTube videos on rounding off, up or down

7. Teaching methodology
Use the number line to compare and order a set of integers.
Take care that learners are able to precisely locate integers on
the number line.

8. Assessment
Teacher assessment

9. Answers
Exercise 8 LB page 49
1. 24 × 12 = 288
2. 7 days = 1 week and 2 weeks = 14 days. So, 260 × 14 =
3,640. Yao consumes 3,640 calories eating chocolate.
3. 84 ÷ 12 =7. The baker will need to prepare 7 boxes.

Strand 1: Number 27
4. 30 × 4 = 120. 120 + 40 = 160. 200 – 160 = 40. Ebor will
give her mom GH₵ 40.00 change.
5. 24 × 3 = 72. 72 + 24 = 96. They picked 96 mangoes
96 ÷ 3 = 32. They each get 32 mangoes.
6. 12 × 12 = 144
a) 144 – 90 = 54. She has GH₵ 54.00 remaining after
purchasing jeans
b) 126 – 54 = 72. 72 ÷ 12 = 6. Anaika needs to save for
6 more weeks.

10. Homework
Ask learners to complete any exercises that they could not
complete during class time as Homework. If there are learners
in your class who complete the assigned work quickly, select
questions from Workbook page 28 as Extension exercises.
You can also choose any Exercises from page 28 of the
Workbook and assign these as Homework. Once back in
class, allow time for learners to provide feedback and allow
them to correct any mistakes they may have made.

Content standard
B6.1.2.6 Understand integers

1. Learning outcomes
Learners will be able to use a range of strategies to perform
written and mental calculations with whole numbers, with
competence and confidence in solving problems.

2. Essential for learning

Learners should have prior experience of using different
strategies to perform the four basic operations.

3. Key words
Integers, whole numbers, ascending, descending

4. Resources used in this chapter

Learner’s Book, Workbook, number lines

28 Strand 1: Number
5. Large class teaching
Plan your activities for an inclusive class. Determine your
learners’ point of entry. Determine your learners’ point
of entry. Activities should also be learner-centred, so that
learners are in control of their learning. Learners should be
able to try a variety of strategies. Also integrate your work in
the Mathematics class with other subjects.
When assessing, give learners recognition of Logistical
reasoning. Credit them for the strategies they use, even if there
is a mechanical error that might give rise to a wrong answer.

6. Support for learners with special needs

As teacher, your role is to facilitate learning and to keep
content relevant to all learners. Break down content into
small, manageable and logical steps. Explore the vocabulary
in word problems first in order to ensure that the learners
understand the language and vocabulary used. The learners
should be able to explain their skills in determining the place
value of whole numbers in relationship with the other.

7. Additional content for the teacher

YouTube video on rounding off, up or down

8. Teaching methodology
Use a number line to compare and order a set of integers.
Also solve word problems involving integers using number
lines. Take care that the learners are able to locate numbers
on the number line.

9. Assessment
Teacher assessment, for example, class work activity. Self or
peer assessment.

10. Answers
Exercise 9 LB page 53

1. –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5
2. a) 6 b) –6 c) 8
d) Ones

Strand 1: Number 29
3. a) 14 b) 4 c) –14
(d) (a) (c) (b)
4. –30 –25 –20 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

5. a) 5 units b) 5 units
c) Distance is the same.
6. a) –25 –20 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15 20 25
–3 0 6 12 18 24 30 36
–21 –14 –7 0 7 14 21
7. a) –1 > –2 b) 5 < 6 c) –1 < 0
d) –4 < –3 e) –8 = –8 f) –5 < –4
g) –10 < –9 h) –8 > –9 i) –5 > –6
8. a) –3 > –10 b) 3 < 5 c) –2 < 6
d) 8 > –8 e) 12 < 13 f) –7 < 6
g) –22 > –25 h) –26 < –19 i) –33 > –39
9. a) –8 b) 5 c) –3
d) 0 e) 1 f) –1
g) –3 h) 1 i) 10

Exercise 10 LB page 56

1. a) –4; –2; 0; 3; 6; 8 b) –10; –8; –4; 4; 6
c) –9; –5; 2; 4 d) –10; –6; –2; 0; 4
e) –7; –4; 3; 4; 6
2. a) 6; 2; 0; –3; –7 b) 8; 7; 3; –4; –9
c) 8; 2; 0; –6; –10 d) 25; 10; –5; –10; –15
e) 12; 8; 0; –4; –8; –16 f) 4; 0; –2; –12
3. a) –9; –4; –1; 7; 8 b) –8; –4; 0; 2; 4
c) –10; –7; –5; 0; 2; 6 d) –25; –18; –6; 0; 3; 12
e) –46; –16; –5; 7; 33
4. a) 6; 4; 0; –2; –8 b) 9; 6; 6; 3; –3
c) 12; 8; 5; 3; –8; –10 d) 9; 8; 4; –1; –5; –10
e) 12; 3; –4; –6; –8 f) 3; 0; –2; –6; –8
g) 10; 9; 0; –14; –16 h) 11; 9; 7; 5; 0; –3; –5; –6
5. a) –50 b) –80 c) –18 d) –32
6. a) 50 b) 66 c) 57 d) 0

Exercise 11 LB page 57

1. a) –10 b) 15 c) –12 d) 10
e) –12 f) –15 g) –20 h) 35

30 Strand 1: Number
Integer One more One less
a) 2 3 1
b) 0 1 –1
c) –4 –3 –5
d) –11 –10 –12
e) 5 6 4
f) –6 –5 –7
g) –8 –7 –9
h) 18 19 17
i) 12 13 14
j) –12 –11 –13
k) –4 –3 –5

Exercise 12 LB page 61

1. a) –3 + 6 = 3 b) –5 + (–2) = –7
c) 4 + (–7) = –3 d) –6 + 10 = 4
e) –5 + 9 = 4 f) –7 + 4 = –3
g) 8 + (–6) = 2 h) –6 + 9 = 3
i) 4 + 9 = 13 j) –7 + 12 = 5
k) 0 + (–8) = –8 l) –4 + 4 = 0
2. a) –15 + 20 = 5 b) –12 + 24 = 12
c) –9 + (12) = 3 d) 12 + (–9) = 3
e) 4 + (–10) = –6 f) –30 + 25 = –5
3. a) –1 – 8 = –9 b) –6 – 1 = –7
c) 5 – 7 = –2 d) –2 – 4 = –6
e) 4 – 8 = –4 f) –8 – 5 = –13
g) 5 – 8 = –3 h) –4 – 5 = –9
i) –10 – 5 = –15 j) 6 – 8 = –2
k) –7 – 3 = –10 l) 4 – 12 = –8
m) 8 – 10 = –2 n) 7 – 12 = –5
o) 16 – 20 = –4

Exercise 13 LB page 62

1. a) –4 + 2 = –2 b) –9 + 4 = –5
c) 1 + (–6) = –5 d) –1 + 7 = 6
e) –2 + 5 = 3 f) –6 + 4 = –2
g) 4 + (–6) = –2 h) 7 + (–9) = –2

Strand 1: Number 31
i) 12 + (14) = 26 j) 13 + (10) = 23
k) 5 + (–3) = 2 l) –8 + 10 = 2
m) –7 + 12 = 5 n) –10 + 6 = –4
o) 12 + (–16) = –4 p) 5 + (–9) = –4
q) 8 + (–8) = 0 r) –6 + 7 = 1
2. a) 2 – 6 = –4 b) 7 – 9 = –2
c) 6 – 8 = –2 d) 5 – 7 = –2
e) –1 – 3 = –4 f) –1 – 8 = –9
g) –6 – 4 = –10 h) 8–7=1
i) –4 – 4 = –8 j) –8 – 6 = –14
k) 12 – 15 = –3 l) 9 – 14 = –5
m) 6 – 12 = –6 n) 3 – 6 = –3
o) 7 – 9 = –2 p) 12 – 18 = –6
Sum of … Model Number line
a) –10 + 2
–10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5
–10 + 2 = –8
b) –8 + 5
–8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3
–8 + 5 = –3
c) 4 + (–3)
0 1 2 3 4
4 + (–3) = 1
d) 7 + (–9)
–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
7 + (–9) = –2
e) 6 + (–10)
–4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
6 + (–10) = –4
f) 12 + (–5)
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
12 + (–5) = 7
g) –4 + 7
–4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4
–4 + 7 = 3

32 Strand 1: Number
Add Subtract
a) 3 + (–8) = –5 h) 3 – (4) = –1
b) –10 + (–3) = –13 i) 6 – (5) = 1
c) 5 + (–7) = –2 j) –8 – (3) = –11
d) (8) – 6 = 2 k) –20 – (–4) = –16
e) (8) + (–6) = 2 l) –2 – (4) = –6
f) –7 + (7) = 0 m) (4) – 1 = 3
g) (–8) + 4 = –4 n) (–5) – 3 = –8

Exercise 14 LB page 64

Initial Changing temperature Calculation Final

temperature (dropped or temperature
1. 10 °C Dropped by 6 = (–6 °C) 10 – 6 = 4 4 °C
2. –3 °C Dropped by 2 = (–2 °C) –3 + (–2) = –5 5 °C
3. –4 °C Increased by 4 = (4 °C) (–4) + (4) = (0) 0 °C
4. –5 °C Increased by 8 = (+8 °C) –5 + 8 = 3 3 °C
5. –8 °C Temperature remained the –8 + 0 = –8 –8 °C
6. –9 °C Dropped by 3 = (–3 °C) –9 + (-3) = –12 –12 °C
7. 8 °C Dropped by 22 = (–22 °C) 8 – 22 = –14 –14 °C
8. –1 °C Increased by 21 = (21 °C) –1 + 21 = 20 20 °C

Exercise 15 LB page 66

1. a) 4 × 4 = 16 b) –2 × 2 = –4
c) 7 × 3 = 21 d) –3 × 4 = –12
e) –6 × 3 = –18 f) –4 × 6 = –24
2. a)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

b) –10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0

c) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Strand 1: Number 33
d) –14 –13 –12 –11 –10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0

–20–19–18–17–16–15–14–13–12–11–10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0

f) –12 –11 –10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0

g) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
3. a) 3 × (–2) = –6 b) –4 × 3 = –12
c) 8 × 2 = 16 d) 8 × (–2) = –16
e) 5 × (–3) = –15 f) 4 × (–9) = –36
4. a) 2 × (–5) = –10 b) –3 × 6 = –18
c) 5 × (–10) = –50 d) –8 × 10 = –80
e) 0 × (–4) = 0 f) –2 × 10 = –20
g) 4 × 6 = 24 h) 5 × (–4) = –20
i) 6 × 6 = 36 j) 9 × (–6) = –54
k) 8 × (–4) = –32 l) –3 × 11 = –33
5. a) –4
b) –4 × 5 = –20. The bird’s height changes by –20 m
after 5 seconds.
c) 100 – 20 = 80. The bird’s height must change by
–80 m before it reaches the ground.
d) –80 ÷ (–4) = 20. It will take 20 seconds for the bird
to reach the ground.
6. a) –6
b) –6 × 6 = –36
c) 6 laps = 36 litres of petrol. 54 – 36 = 18. The car has
18 litres of petrol after 6 laps.
d) 18 ÷ 6 = 3. It will be able to do 3 more laps.
7. a) 7 × 8 = 56. The change in depth is 56 m after
8 minutes.
b) A negative integer
c) The submarine submerges below sea level.

11. Homework
Ask learners to complete any exercises that they could not
complete during class time as Homework. If there are learners
in your class who complete the assigned work quickly,

34 Strand 1: Number
select questions from Workbook pages 29 to 43 as Extension
exercises. You can also choose any Exercises from pages 29
to 43 of the Workbook and assign these as Homework. Once
back in class, allow time for learners to provide feedback and
allow them to correct any mistakes they may have made.

Sub-strand 3:

Content standard
B6.1.3.1 Compare, add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions

1. Essential for learning

Learners should have experience with objects that are whole
and objects of which there are parts missing. They should
also have experience of using different strategies to perform
the four basic operations on whole numbers.

2. Key words
Common fractions, decimals, percentages, part of a whole,
numerator, denominator, improper fractions, mixed numbers,
common denominator, equivalent

3. Resources used in this chapter

Learner’s Book, Workbook, fraction charts, number cards,

4. Large class teaching

Plan your activities for an inclusive class. Determine your
learners’ point of entry. Determine your learners’ point
of entry. Activities should also be learner-centred, so that
learners are in control of their learning. Learners should be
able to try a variety of strategies. Also integrate your work in
the Mathematics class with other subjects.
When assessing, give learners recognition of Logistical
reasoning. Credit them for the strategies they use, even if there
is a mechanical error that might give rise to a wrong answer.

Strand 1: Number 35
5. Support for learners with special needs
As teacher, your role is to facilitate learning and to keep
content relevant to all learners. Break down content into
small, manageable and logical steps. Explore the vocabulary
in word problems first in order to ensure that the learners
understand the language and vocabulary used. The learners
should be able to explain their skills in determining the place
value of whole numbers in relationship with the other.

6. Additional content for the teacher

YouTube videos on comparing fractions, addition and
subtraction of fractions, multiplication and division of fractions

7. Teaching methodology
Cut concrete objects (e.g. fruit and sheets of card/papers)
into parts and state the part as a fraction of the whole. Ask
the learners to draw whole items and then partition them
according to your instruction. Ask learners to shade fractions
of shapes that they have drawn. Also use concrete objects to
add and subtract fractions of a whole. Use a fraction chart to
make these operations easier.
When teaching multiplication of fractions, express the
whole number as a fraction and multiply the numerators,
then denominators. Change all fractions into common
fractions, then multiply them separately (numerators first then
denominators). Stress that the learners should always simplify
the products to their simplest form.

8. Assessment
Teacher assessment, for example, a class work activity, or end
of unit test. Also create work sheets for extra practise.

9. Answers
Exercise 1 LB page 71
​  69 ​
1. a) ​ __23 ​ = __ b) __​  25 ​ = __​  15 6
4   ​ = __ 9 3
c) __
​  16 ​  14 ​ __
d) ​  12  ​ = ​  4 ​ __

​  59 ​ = __
e) __ ​  15
 ​   f) __ ​  45 ​ = __​  16

36 Strand 1: Number
g) __
​  11 ​  18
   ​ = __
 ​   ​  29 ​ = __
h) __ ​  36 8
2. a) ​ __14 ​ < __
​  13 ​ b) __​  25 ​ < __​  12 ​
c) __ 7
​  10 ​  58 ​
   ​ > __ d) __ 8
​  15 ​  59 ​
  ​ < __
​  16 ​ < __
e) __ ​  13 ​
3. a) ​ __34 ​ > __ 7
​  12   ​ > __
​  16 ​  38 ​
  ​ > __ b) ​  38 ​

c) __ 7
​  12   ​ d) __​  38 ​ < __ 8
​  16  ​ < __
​  12 ​  34 ​
  ​ < __
3 __ 3 6 __
4. a) ​ __14 ​ ; __   ​ ; ​  1 ​ ; ​ __ ​
​  10 2 4
b) __ ​  18 ​ ; __
​  26 ​ ; __ ​  12  ​ ; ​  2 ​
9 __ 3 7
​  12 ​ ; __
c) __ ​  16   ​ ; ​   ​ ; __
4 8
​   ​
5. a) ​ __34 ​ ; __​  12 ​ ; __ 7 __
​  16 3
  ​ ; ​   ​
​  34 ​ ; __
b) __ ​  23 ​ ; __​  12 7 __
  ​ ; ​  1 ​ ; __
3 6
​  1 ​
​  34 ​ ; __
c) __ ​  15 ​  5  ​ ; __
 ​ ; __
26 12 3
​  1 ​ d) __​  34 ​ ; __​  58 ​ ; __​  12 ​ ; __ 7 __
​  16   ​ ; ​  2 ​
Exercise 2 LB page 74
75 9
1. a) ​ __25 ​= 0.4 b) ____
​  100   ​ = 0.75 __
c) ​  25  ​ = 0.36
d) 1  ​ = 0.05
​  20 e) __​  16
 ​ = 0.8 f) __ 7
​  50  ​ = 0.14
___ 3
​  250   ​ = 0.012
78 69
2. a) 0.78 = ___
​ 100  ​   b) 0.345 = ___
​ 200  ​ 
c) 0.12 = __
​ 25   ​   ​ 14
d) 0.56 = __
39 3
e) 0.39 = ___
​ 100   ​   f) 0.15 = __
​ 20  ​ 
g) 0.24 = __
​ 25   ​   ​ 45 ​
h) 0.8 = __
i) 0.6 = __
​ 10   ​ 

Exercise 3 LB page 76
Common fractions Percentage Decimal number
​  20 1  ​  5% 0.05
​  10 1  ​  10% 0.1
​ __25 ​ 40% 0.4
__ 7
​  10   ​  70% 0.7
​ __34 ​ 75% 0.75

2. a) 45% b) 40% c) 94%

Strand 1: Number 37
d) 10% e) 80%
3. a) ​ ___
100 50
​  29 ​  
  ​ = __ b) ___ 74
​  100 ​  37
​ = __
 ​   c) ___77
​  100
9 54 28
​  100    ​   e) ___
​  100 ​  27
  ​ = __
  ​ f) ___
​  100 ​  14
  ​ = __

g) ___
​  100 36
  ​ = __ ​  18 50 25
​  9  ​   h)
 ​ = __ ___
​  10092
4. a) ​ ___   ​ = __
100 50
​  43 ​   b) ___ 21   
​  100 ​
229 33
c) ____​  1000   ​   d) ___
​  100 ​
50 25
e) ___ ​  100   ​ = __ ​  12 ​ f) ___ ​  14 ​
  ​ = __
​  100
g) ___ ​  100   ​  

5. a) 0.48 b) 0.159 c) 0.94

d) 0.11 e) 0.30 f) 0.18
g) 0.85 h) 0.65

Exercise 4 LB page 79
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

​ __ ​ __ ​ __ ​ __ ​ __ ​ __ ​ __ ​ __ ​ __ ​ __ ​ __
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
10  ​ 10  ​ 10  ​ 10  ​ 10  ​ 10  ​ 10  ​ 10  ​ 10  ​ 10  ​ 10 ​

35% 45.2% 0.55 __ 9

​  12  ​
​ __ ​
2. a) ​ __14 ​; 30%, 0.45 b) 20%; __​  15 ​; 25%; 0.4
4  ​;  65%; __ 8 5 __
c) __
​  20 ​  10  ​;  0.85 d) 20%; __
​  20   ​;  ​  4  ​;  0.65
Exercise 5 LB page 83
​  65 ​
1. a) 2​ __23 ​ – __ b) 3​ __14 ​ – 2​ __15 ​
= 2​ __23 ​ – 1​ __15 ​ = (3 – 2) + (​ __14 ​ – __
​  15 ​)
5 __
= (2 – 1) + (​ __23 ​ – __
​  15 ​) = (3 – 2) + (​ __  ​ – ​  4  ​) 
20 20
10 __ 3 1  ​ 
= 1​ __
= (2 – 1) + (​ __ ​ – ​    ​) 
15 15 20
= 1​ __

c) 4​ __12 ​ + 2​ __23 ​ ​  13 ​ + __

d) __ ​  15 ​
5 3
= (4 + 2) + (​ __12 ​ + __
​  23 ​) = __   ​ + __
​  15 ​  15  ​ 
= (4 + 2) + (​ __36 ​ + __
​  46 ​) = __ 8
​  15
= 6 + 1​ __16 ​
= 7​ __16 ​

38 Strand 1: Number
​  17
e) __ 5
2 ​
  ​ – 2​ __
​  16
f) __ 3
1 ​
  ​ + 4​ __
= 3​ __25 ​ – 2​ __23 ​ = 5​ __13 ​ + 4​ __12 ​
= (3 – 2) + (​ __25 ​ – __
​  23 ​) = (5 + 4) + (​ __13 ​ + __
​  12 ​)
6 __ 10
= (3 – 2) + (​ __  ​ – ​   ​) 
15 15
​  36 ​)
= (5 + 4) + (​ __26 ​ + __
4  ​ 
= 1 – ​ __
15 = 9​ __56 ​
​  15
= __ ​  4  ​ 
 ​ – __
15 15
​  11
= __ 15

g) 5​ __13 ​ + 2​ __34 ​ ​  85 ​

​ 23 ​ + __
h) 2 + __
​  34 ​)
= (5 + 2) + (​ __13 ​ + __ ​ 23 ​ + 1​ __35 ​
= 2 + __
= (5 + 2) + (​ __
12 12
​  9  ​) 
4  ​ + __ ​  35 ​)
= (2 + 1) + (​ __23 ​ + __
​ 13
= 7 + __
 ​  10 __
= (2 + 1) + (​ __ ​ + ​    ​) 
15 15
1  ​ 
= 8​ __
​ 19
= 3 + __
4  ​ 
= 4​ __

i) ​  94 ​ – 1​ __23 ​
__ j) ​  52 ​ + __
__ ​  53 ​
= 2​ __14 ​ – 1​ __23 ​ = 2​ __12 ​ + 1​ __23 ​
= (2 – 1) + (​ __14 ​ – __
​  23 ​) = (2 + 1) + (​ __12 ​ + __
​  23 ​)
3 __ 8
= (2 – 1) + (​ __  ​ – ​    ​) 
12 12
= (2 + 1) + (​ __36 ​ + __
​  46 ​)
= 1 – ​ __
  ​  = 3 + ​ __76 ​
= __
​  12   ​  = 4​ __16 ​

k) 4​ __15 ​ – __
​  11
  ​ ​  92 ​ + 3​ __35 ​
l) __
= 4​ __15 ​ – 3​ __23 ​ = 4​ __12 ​ + 3​ __35 ​
= (4 – 3) + (​ __15 ​ – __
​  23 ​) ​  35 ​)
= (4 + 3) + (​ __12 ​ + __
3 __ 10 5
= (4 – 3) + (​ __  ​ – ​   ​) 
15 15
= (4 + 3) + (​ __
10 10
​  6 ​) 
  ​ + ___
= 1 – ​ __
  ​  ​ 11
= 7 + __
8 1  ​ 
= __
​  15  ​  = 8​ __

2. 5​ __26 ​ – 3​ __13 ​
= (5 – 3) + (​ __26 ​ – __
​  13 ​)
= (5 – 3) + (​ __13 ​ – __
​  13 ​)
Strand 1: Number 39
7 5
3. 3​ __
  ​ + 3​ __  ​ 
= (3 + 3) + (​ __ 7
​  5  ​) 
  ​ + __
10 10
​ 12
= 6 + __
= 7​ __15 ​
4. 5​ __23 ​ + 3​ __23 ​
= (5 + 3) + (​ __23 ​ + __
​  23 ​)
= 8 + ​ __43 ​
= 9​ __13 ​
5. 7​ __28 ​ – 2​ __38 ​
​  38 ​)
= (7 – 2) + (​ __28 ​ – __
= 5 – ​ __18 ​
= 4​ __78 ​
6. 7​ __16 ​ + 5​ __67 ​
​  67 ​)
= (7 + 5) + (​ __16 ​ + __
= 12 + ​ __77 ​
= 13
7. 2​ __37 ​ + 1​ __35 ​
= (2 + 3) + (​ __37 ​ + __
​  35 ​)
15 __
= (2 + 3) + (​ __ ​ + ​  21 ​) 
35 35
​ 36
= 5 + __
1  ​ 
= 6​ __

Exercise 6 LB page 87
​  17 ​
1. __ ​  23 ​
2. __ ​  13 ​
3. __
​  13 ​
4. __ 5. __​  15 4  ​   6. __​  23 ​
​  59 ​
7. __ 8. __ ​  12 ​

Exercise 7 LB page 88
1. a) 14 b) 21 c) 28
d) 1​ __15 ​ e) 8​ __13 ​ f) 14
g) 3 h) 25

40 Strand 1: Number
2. a) ​ __
  ​   ​  16 ​
b) __ ​  10
c) __ 33
__ 3
​  10   ​ 
3. a) 3​ __5 ​ b) 8​ __18 ​ c) ​  49

​  220
d) ___ 27

Exercise 8 LB page 88
1. The correct answer is 4.
2. 9
3. a) 8​ __25 ​ hours b) 32 hours
__ 19
4. 1​  20  ​litre, so it is 1 litre 950 ml of paint
5. 1 book

10. Homework
Ask learners to complete any exercises that they could not
complete during class time as Homework. If there are learners
in your class who complete the assigned work quickly,
select questions from Workbook pages 44 to 52 as Extension
exercises. You can also choose any Exercises from pages 44
to 52 of the Workbook and assign these as Homework. Once
back in class, allow time for learners to provide feedback and
allow them to correct any mistakes they may have made.

Sub-strand 4:
Ratios and proportion

Content standard
B6.1.4.1 Ratio and its relationship to fractions, multiplication and

1. Essential for learning

Learners should have experience of making comparisons
of similar units, for example, mℓ to mℓ, as well as different
units, for example, kg and cedis. Learners should also have
experience of common fractions, whole numbers and ratios.

Strand 1: Number 41
2. Key words
Ratio, simplest form, comparisons

3. Resources used in this chapter

Learner’s Book, Workbook, fraction charts, boxes

4. Large class teaching

Plan your activities for an inclusive class. Determine your
learners’ point of entry. Determine your learners’ point
of entry. Activities should also be learner-centred, so that
learners are in control of their learning. Learners should be
able to try a variety of strategies. Also integrate your work in
the Mathematics class with other subjects.
When assessing, give learners recognition of Logistical
reasoning. Credit them for the strategies they use, even if there
is a mechanical error that might give rise to a wrong answer.

5. Support for learners with special needs

As teacher, your role is to facilitate learning and to keep
content relevant to all learners. Break down content into
small, manageable and logical steps. Explore the vocabulary
in word problems first in order to ensure that the learners
understand the language and vocabulary used. The learners
should be able to explain their skills in determining the place
value of whole numbers in relationship with the other.

6. Additional content for the teacher

Newspaper advertisements showing the prices of articles,
YouTube videos, for example, on the relationship between ratio
and fractions, directions on how to mix concentrate with water

7. Teaching methodology
Use catalogues that state the price of goods to calculate
the cost of a unit or more items. Investigate the ratios on
concentrate bottles, to calculate the quantity of water to add
to juice concentrate, or fabric softener, and so on. Plan a
practical activity, where learners can mix various quantities of
concentrate and water, and taste which one is stronger. Allow
peer-assisted learning or group activities.

42 Strand 1: Number
8. Assessment
Teacher assessment, for example, classwork activity and a
short test at the end of the unit.

9. Answers
Exercise 1 LB page 91
1. a) i) 3 ii) ​ __13 ​ iii) 1 : 3
b) i) 4 ii) ​ __14 ​ iii) 1 : 4
c) i) No ii) Group in 3s. 1 : 3
2. a) 1 : 4. There are four sets of set 1 in set 2.
b) 7 c) 1 : 7 d) 4 : 7
3. a) 2 : 7 b) 1 : 1 c) 5 : 9
d) 1 : 2 e) 4 : 3
4. Learners’ own answers
5. Learners’ own answers
6. a) For every 1 broiler, there are 2 layers.
b) Part to part comparison
7. a) 12 – 4 = 8 b) 4 : 12
c) Part to whole comparison

Exercise 2 LB page 94
1. a) 1 : 3 b) 1 : 3 c) 1 : 5
d) 3 : 4 e) 1 : 4
2. a) 1 apple to 3 apples b) 3 eggs to 5 eggs
c) 1 bird to 2 wings d) 1 chicken to 2 legs
3. a) 2 : 3 b) 2 : 1 c) 1 : 6
d) 4 : 5 e) 4 : 7 f) 7 : 9
g) 6 : 1 h) 9 : 8 i) 3 : 8
j) 1 : 4 k) 3 : 9 l) 1 : 8

Exercise 3 LB page 97
1. 5 : 3
2. a) 5 : 12 b) 5 : 7
24  ​ = __
3. a) ​ __ ​  12 ​   b) 8 : 50 = 4 : 25
50 25
c) 4 : 3
4. 3 : 4
5. 12 : 19
6. 9 : 4

Strand 1: Number 43
7. 126 ÷ 7 = 18
18 × 2 = 36
18 × 5 = 90
Cebu will either get GH₵ 36.00 or GH₵ 90.00.

Exercise 4 LB page 100

1. a) 7 : 2 = 14 : 4 b) 4 : 5 = 8 : 10
c) 6 : 4 = 3 : 2 d) 9 : 7 = 18 : 14
e) 3 : 5 = 6 : 10 f) 9 : 10 = 18 : 20
2. a) 2 : 3 = 14 : 21
b) 9 : 4 is not equivalent to 11 : 9
​ 23 ​
c) 4 : 5 is not equivalent to __
d) ​ __74 ​ = __
​  21
e) GH₵ 20 for four loaves of bread not equal to
GH₵ 24 for six loaves of bread
f) Three t-shirts for GH₵ 45 is equal to five t-shirts for
GH₵ 75
g) ​  42
​  54
  ​ = __
3. 16 girls
4. 18
5. 6 pairs of sandals
6. 8 problems uncompleted. 22 homework problems in total.
7. a) 7 b) 2 c) 10
d) 12 e) 12 f) 32
g) 36 h) 42 i) 10
j) 5
8. 100 : 1
9. a) 2 : 3 b) 4 : 3 c) 3 : 2
d) 7 : 16 e) 2 : 1
10. GH₵ 3,428.57 to one daughter, GH₵ 4,571.43 to the other

10. Homework
Ask learners to complete any exercises that they could not
complete during class time as Homework. If there are learners
in your class who complete the assigned work quickly,
select questions from Workbook pages 53 to 63 as Extension
exercises. You can also choose any Exercises from pages 53
to 63 of the Workbook and assign these as Homework. Once
back in class, allow time for learners to provide feedback and
allow them to correct any mistakes they may have made.

44 Strand 1: Number
Content standard
B6.1.4.2 Proportion and its relationship to ratios and rates

1. Essential for learning

Learners should have experience of comparing quantities and
expressing them in ratio and rate.

2. Key words
Ratio, simplest form

3. Resources used in this chapter

Learner’s Book, Workbook, fraction charts, pizza boxes

4. Large class teaching

Plan your activities for an inclusive class. Determine your
learners’ point of entry. Determine your learners’ point
of entry. Activities should also be learner-centred, so that
learners are in control of their learning. Learners should be
able to try a variety of strategies. Also integrate your work in
the Mathematics class with other subjects.
When assessing, give learners recognition of Logistical
reasoning. Credit them for the strategies they use, even if there
is a mechanical error that might give rise to a wrong answer.

5. Support for learners with special needs

As teacher, your role is to facilitate learning and to keep
content relevant to all learners. Break down content into
small, manageable and logical steps. Explore the vocabulary
in word problems first in order to ensure that the learners
understand the language and vocabulary used. The learners
should be able to explain their skills in determining the place
value of whole numbers in relationship with the other.

6. Additional content for the teacher

Modelling and mapping diagrams, especially house plans, as
these help learners to understand the ratio between a drawing
and the real object

Strand 1: Number 45
7. Teaching methodology
Use work sheets from previous lessons to ensure that all
learners understand the concepts and difference between ratio
and rate. Give examples of ratio from real-life situations. Use
peer-assisted learning for learners that battle to express ratios
in their simplest forms.
8. Assessment
Teacher assessment, for example, classwork activity and a
short test at the end of the unit.

9. Answers
Exercise 5 LB page 105
1. a) 2 × 10 = 20. 5 × 4 = 20.
b) 3 × 8 = 24. 4 × 6 = 24.
2. a) Not in proportion b) In proportion
c) Not in proportion d) Not in proportion
e) In proportion f) Not in proportion
Exercise 6 LB page 106
1. a) 320 g b) 800 g
c) 960 g d) 1,600 g
2. a) 1 hour b) 1 hour 20 minutes
c) 3 hours 20 minutes
1 10 15 20 40 50 100
of books
Price in
150 1,500 2,250 3,000 6,000 7,500 15,000

4. a) GH₵ 100 b) GH₵ 150 c) GH₵ 350

5. GH₵ 375 ÷ 12 crates = GH₵ 31.25 per crate
GH₵ 31.25 × 6 = GH₵ 187.50
6. GH₵ 150
7. GH₵ 96 this week. GH₵ 168 next week. GH₵ 246 in total.
8. GH₵ 20 × 13 = GH₵ 260
9. 3 : 5 = 21 : 35. They will win 21 games.
Minutes 1 2 3 10 200
Cost per minute 2.20 4.40 6.60 22.00 440.00

46 Strand 1: Number
10. Homework
Ask learners to complete any exercises that they could not
complete during class time as Homework. If there are learners
in your class who complete the assigned work quickly,
select questions from Workbook pages 63 to 66 as Extension
exercises. You can also choose any Exercises from pages 63
to 66 of the Workbook and assign these as Homework. Once
back in class, allow time for learners to provide feedback and
allow them to correct any mistakes they may have made.

Strand 1: Number 47

2 Algebra

Sub-strand 1:
Pattern and relationships

Content standard
B6.2.1.1 Determine the pattern rule to make predictions

1. Essential for learning

Learners should know that geometric patterns are shapes
arranged according to a rule. They need to understand that a
numeric sequence is a pattern using numbers. The numbers 3,
5, 7, 9 is a pattern of uneven numbers. Each shape or number
in a pattern is called a term. Each term has a value. So, we
can assign numerical values to a geometric pattern.

2. Key words
Geometric patterns, sequence, numerical values, rule,
predictions, subsequent element, pattern, relationship

3. Resources used in this chapter

Learner’s Book, Workbook, objects for building patters, for
example, beads, match sticks, sticks and straws, tooth picks,
ear buds

4. Large class teaching

Divide the class into small groups. Allow the learners to work
practically, for example, cutting their drinking straws into
lengths, counting out specific numbers and building patterns.

5. Support for learners with special needs

As teacher, your role is to facilitate learning and to keep
content relevant to all learners. Break down content into
small, manageable and logical steps. Explore the vocabulary
in word problems first in order to ensure that the learners

48 Strand 2: Algebra
understand the language and vocabulary used. The learners
should be able to explain their skills in determining the place
value of whole numbers in relationship with the other.

6. Additional content for the teacher

YouTube videos, patterns seen in the environment

7. Teaching methodology
Most learners will benefit from building patterns from objects
and not merely looking at the drawings in the Learner’s
Book. Let them start by first building simple patterns, and
gradually moving to more complex patterns.

8. Assessment
Self and peer assessment

9. Answers
Exercise 1 LB page 112
1. a) The pattern develops as follows: 1 square : 4 circles;
2 squares : 5 circles; 3 squares : 7 circles;
4 squares : 10 circles; 5 squares : 14 circles;
6 squares : 19 circles
b) The pattern develops as follows: 2 dashes : 2 hearts;
3 dashes : 3 hearts; 4 dashes : 4 hearts;
5 dashes : 5 hearts; 6 dashes : 6 hearts
c) The pattern develops as follows: 3 crosses : 2 lines;
5 crosses : 3 lines; 7 crosses : 4 lines;
9 crosses : 5 lines; 11 crosses : 6 lines
2. a) 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20 b) 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19
c) 2, 8, 14, 20, 26, 32 d) 20, 17, 14, 11, 8, 5
e) 7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27 f) 18, 13, 8, 3, –2, –7
g) –1, 4, 9, 14, 19, 24
3. a)

Shape 1 2 3 4 5 6
Number of 3 6 9 12 15 18

Strand 2: Algebra 49
We will use 15 matchsticks to go up to pattern 5, and
18 matchsticks to go up to pattern 6.
4. a)

b) 10
Pattern 1 2 3 4 5
Number of squares 1 2 3 4 5
Number of sides in the 4 6 8 10 12

d) The number of squares (k) is equal to the pattern

number (n); k = n
e) The number of sides in the perimeter (l) is equal to
twice the pattern number (n) plus 2; l = 2n + 2
5. a)

b) 17
c) 21
d) m = 4n + 1; m is the number of matchsticks, n is the
pattern number

6. a)
Pattern number 1 2 3 4 5
Number of toothpicks used 4 8 12 16 20

b) 24
c) The number of toothpicks used is 4 times the pattern
7. a)

b) 7; 14; 21; 28
c) Learners’ own answers
d) The number of triangles in each figure is equal to
seven times the pattern number.

50 Strand 2: Algebra
8. a)

Shape 1 2 3 4 5
Total squares 1 4 7 10 13
Number of squares 1 2 3 4 5
going vertically
Number of squares 1 3 5 7 9
going horizontally

c) Learners’ own answers

d) The number of horizontal squares is equal to twice
the number of vertical squares minus one.
e) The pattern does have a constant rule.
f) The total number of squares is equal to three times
the shape number minus two.

Exercise 2 LB page 120

1. a) Non-linear, pattern changes between adding 2 and 3
b) Linear, pattern changes between adding 3, 5, and 7.
(+2 to each previous addition)
c) Linear, pattern changes by adding 6 each time.
d) Linear, pattern changes by adding 3 each time.
e) Linear, pattern changes by adding 12 each time.
f) Linear, pattern changes by adding 8 each time.
2. a) Constant difference is 3. No constant value is added.
b) Constant difference is 3. Constant value of 4 is
added. 3 × n + 4
c) Constant difference is 10. No constant value is added.
10 × n
d) Constant difference is –5. Constant value of 26 is
added. –5 × n + 26
3. a) 7(n) – 3. (n times 7 – 3)
4n + 5. (n times 4 + 5).
b) 4n + 2. (n times 4 + 2).

Strand 2: Algebra 51
4. a) 2n + 4 b) 6n – 7
c) 8(n + 1) – 2 d) 6n + 5
e) 3(n – 4) + 2

Exercise 3 LB page 122

1. a) 5(2) – 2 = 8
b) Yes. 5(3) – 2 = 13. 5 × 3 = 15. 15 – 2 = 13.
2. a) 2(5) + 4 = 14
b) 2(12) + 4 = 28
c) 2(25) + 4 = 54
d) 128 – 4 = 124. 124 ÷ 2 = 62.
3. a)

b) 5(n) + 1
Number of 1 2 3 4 12 28
Number of 6 11 16 21 61 141

c) 5(18) + 1 = 91
d) 28 houses.
4. a) Fifteen is added each time. (No additional
b) 60 + 15 = 75. (GH₵ 75 will be earned)
c) 120 ÷ 15 = 8. (8 tickets were bought)
5. a)
Rooms 1 2 3 4 5
Litres of paint 6ℓ 12ℓ 18ℓ 24ℓ 30ℓ

b) 6n + 0
c) 6(14) + 0 = 84
d) 6 : 1
6. a) 3 × n – 1
b) 3 × n + 4
c) 7 × n – 1

52 Strand 2: Algebra
Exercise 4 LB page 124
1. No
n 1 2 3 4 5
Proportional 4 8 12 16 20
Linear 2 6 10 12 18

10. Homework
Ask learners to complete any exercises that they could not
complete during class time as Homework. If there are learners
in your class who complete the assigned work quickly,
select questions from Workbook pages 67 to 71 as Extension
exercises. You can also choose any Exercises from pages 67
to 71 of the Workbook and assign these as Homework. Once
back in class, allow time for learners to provide feedback and
allow them to correct any mistakes they may have made.

Strand 2: Algebra 53
Sub-strand 2:
Algebraic expressions

Content standard
B6.2.2.1 Understand algebraic expressions

1. Essential for learning

Learners should have been exposed to addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division, as well as the concepts of input
and output. By now, they should be able to establish a given
rule from a given pattern and represent it algebraically,
as well as interpreting data from the given tables and
formulating the rule.

2. Key words
Algebra, predictions, subsequent element, pattern,
relationship, expressions, phrases, operators

3. Resources used in this chapter

Learner’s Book, Workbook, matchsticks, straws

4. Large class teaching

Plan your activities for an inclusive class. Determine your
learners’ point of entry. Determine your learners’ point
of entry. Activities should also be learner-centred, so that
learners are in control of their learning. Learners should be
able to try a variety of strategies. Also integrate your work in
the Mathematics class with other subjects.
When assessing, give learners recognition of Logistical
reasoning. Credit them for the strategies they use, even if
there is a mechanical error that might give rise to a wrong

5. Support for learners with special needs

As teacher, your role is to facilitate learning and to keep
content relevant to all learners. Break down content into
small, manageable and logical steps. Go from simple
54 Strand 2: Algebra
concepts to more complex ones. Explore the vocabulary
in word problems first in order to ensure that the learners
understand the language and vocabulary used. The learners
should be able to explain their skills in determining the place
value of whole numbers in relationship with the other.

6. Additional content for the teacher

More exercises on patterns, for example:
5 + 4z – 1 + 2z; 10s – 1 + 3 – 5s and –9c + 7c + 8 – 3c

7. Teaching methodology
Introduce the learners to functional relationships by means
of diagrams. The input-output diagrams are sometimes
called function diagrams. Do plenty of exercises on writing
algebraic expressions for the word problems, for example,
“the sum of”, “take away”, and so on. Show the learners how
to work in a step by step way. Simplify the meanings of new
words, for example, “constant” and “unknown”.

8. Assessment
Teacher and peer assessment

9. Answers

Exercise 1 LB page 127

1. 8p
2. 5x
​  13 ​b
3. __
​  25 ​(x + 6x + 6)
4. __
5. 3 – y
6. 4p + 3
7. n – 3
8. 7 + x
9. m + 9
10. (z × y) – 5
11. __​  24    ​
12 (6 × y) + 2
13. ___ ​  (3y) ​
14. (​ __n8 ​) – 6

Strand 2: Algebra 55
Exercise 2 LB page 129
1. a) (5 × 3) + 9 = 15 + 9 = 24
b) (​ __
  )​ + 2 = 5 + 2 = 7
c) 18 – (​ __
  ​) = 18 – 5 = 13
d) (7 × 3) + 4 – 5 = 21 + 4 – 5 = 20
e) (​ __
  )​ × 4 + 2 = 16 + 2 = 18
24  ​) + (3 × 12) = 4 + 36 = 40
f) (​ __
g) 4 × (8 – 5) = 4 × 3 = 12
h) 182 – (24 × 4) = 182 – 96 = 86
i) 23 + (​ ___
   ​)  × 8 = 23 + (106 × 8) = 23 + 848 = 871
j) 654 – (267 + 7) = 654 – 274 = 380
750 50
k) (​ ___
  )​ + (​ __  ​) = 50 + 25 = 75
l) ​ __23 ​of 12 – 6 = __
​ 23 ​× 12 – 6 = 8 – 6 = 2
2. a) 3a b) 6d c) 5p
d) 6ab e) 16p f) 5x
g) 7p h) 5x i) 7x + 4
j) 2xy + 9x k) 11xy l) 10a + 4b + 4
m) 10a + 8 n) 7a + 4b

Exercise 3 LB page 133

1. a) 14x + 2 b) 2x + 14 c) 9y – 1
d) 18y e) 6x
2. a) Shape A perimeter: 26x + 12
Shape B perimeter: 20x + 14
Shape C perimeter: 16x + 12
Shape D perimeter: 8x + 7

Exercise 4 LB page 135

Expression Simplify Number Coefficient Evaluate if x = 3
of terms of x and y = 2
​  6x
x  ​ 6 1 6 1
3x – 4 + 2y 3x – 4 + 2y 3 3 9
2y – 7x + y – 4y + 6 –y – 7x + 6 3 7 –17
4x – 3y + 8x + 6 12x – 3y + 6 3 12 36

56 Strand 2: Algebra
2. a) (2 × 3) + 5 = 6 + 5 = 11
b) 2(2 × 3 × 5) = 2(30) = 60
c) 3(2) – 2(3) + 2(5) = 6 – 6 + 10 = 10
3(3) + 5
d) ______
​  2    ​ = __ ​  14
  ​ =7
e) (2 + 3)(2 + 3) = 5 × 5 = 25
f) 3(2 + 3 + 5) = 3(10) = 30
3. a) 3 + 6 + 2 = 11
b) 3(3) + 5(2) = 9 + 10 = 19
c) 2(6) + 4(3 × 2) = 12 + 4(6) = 12 + 24 = 36
2(3) + 6 __
d) ______
​  2(2)    ​ = ​  12

  ​= 3

10. Homework
Ask learners to complete any exercises that they could not
complete during class time as Homework. If there are learners
in your class who complete the assigned work quickly,
select questions from Workbook pages 72 to 77 as extension
exercises. You can also choose any Exercises from pages 72
to 77 of the Workbook and assign these as Homework. Once
back in class, allow time for learners to provide feedback and
allow them to correct any mistakes they may have made.

Content standard
B6.2.3.1 Solve problems with a single variable and a whole
number coefficient

1. Essential for learning

Learners should be able to establish a given rule from a given
pattern and represent it algebraically.

2. Key words
Expressions, phrases, operators

3. Resources used in this chapter

Learner’s Book, Workbook, matchsticks, straws

4. Large class teaching

Plan your activities for an inclusive class. Determine your
learners’ point of entry. Determine your learners’ point

Strand 2: Algebra 57
of entry. Activities should also be learner-centred, so that
learners are in control of their learning. Learners should be
able to try a variety of strategies. Also integrate your work in
the Mathematics class with other subjects.
When assessing, give learners recognition of Logistical
reasoning. Credit them for the strategies they use, even if there
is a mechanical error that might give rise to a wrong answer.

5. Support for learners with special needs

As teacher, your role is to facilitate learning and to keep
content relevant to all learners. Break down content into
small, manageable and logical steps. Go from simple
concepts to more complex ones. Explore the vocabulary
in word problems first in order to ensure that the learners
understand the language and vocabulary used. The learners
should be able to explain their skills in determining the place
value of whole numbers in relationship with the other.

6. Additional content for the teacher

More exercises on patterns, for example:
5 + 4z – 1 + 2z; 10s – 1 + 3 – 5s and –9c + 7c + 8 – 3c

7. Teaching methodology
Introduce the learners to functional relationships by means
of diagrams. The input-output diagrams are sometimes
called function diagrams. Do plenty of exercises on writing
algebraic expressions for the word problems, for example,
“the sum of”, “take away”, and so on. Show the learners how
to work in a step by step way. Simplify the meanings of new
words, for example, “constant” and “unknown”.

8. Assessment
Teacher and peer assessment

9. Answers
Exercise 1 LB page 141
1. a) x = 11 b) x = 8 c) x = –12
d) x = 11 e) x = 5 f) x = 20
g) x = 3 h) x = 8

58 Strand 2: Algebra
2. a) x = 8 b) x = 6 c) x = –6
d) f = 10 e) x = –5 f) b=5
g) x = 12 h) t = 7 i) x=6
j) y = –8 k) x = 16 l) m = 4​ __23 ​
m) m = –7 n) y = –10 o) d = 14
p) x = 2​ __23 ​ q) p = 4 r) x = 10
s) y = 4​ __12 ​ t) x = 6

Exercise 2 LB page 143

1. a) 7n – 1 = 13 b) n + 16 = 34 c) 6n = 48
​  7n ​= 7
d) __ e) 12 + n = 38 f) __ n
​  15  ​ = 3
g) n – 3 = 4 h) 2n + 3 = 7 i) 4n – 6 =10
j) 5(n + 4) = 16 k) ​ n3 ​= 12
4 + __ l) 4(n – 6) = 20
2. a) n = 2 b) n = 18 c) n=1
d) n = 26 e) n = 7 f) n=2

Exercise 3 LB page 144

1. GH₵ 45 – GH₵ 19 = GH₵ 26
2. GH₵ 14 × 3 = GH₵ 42. The pizza costs GH₵ 42.
3. 42 ÷ 6 = 7. Each chocolate costs GH₵ 7.
4. a) 226 – 56 = 170. He needs GH₵ 170 more.
b) 170 ÷ 12 = 14.16. He would have to save for 15 weeks.
5. 9 + 2 = 11. Mawusi practices for 11 hours.
6. 96 ÷ 32 = 3. Granny is able to buy 3 bags of rice.
7. 148 ÷ 4 = 37. Each waiter earns GH₵ 37.
8. Learners’ own answers

10. Homework
Ask learners to complete any exercises that they could not
complete during class time as Homework. If there are learners
in your class who complete the assigned work quickly,
select questions from Workbook pages 78 to 84 as Extension
exercises. You can also choose any Exercises from pages 78
to 84 of the Workbook and assign these as Homework. Once
back in class, allow time for learners to provide feedback and
allow them to correct any mistakes they may have made.

Strand 2: Algebra 59

3 Geometry and measurement

Sub-strand 1:
2D shapes and 3D shapes

Content standard
B6.3.1.1 Understand prisms

1. Essential for learning

Learners should be able to recognise and name 3D objects /
shapes so that they can move on to describing and comparing
various shapes. Learners should be able to distinguish
pyramids from prisms. Learners should also be able to
measure objects of different shapes.

2. Key words
Construct, prisms, angles, equilateral, net, examine

3. Resources used in this chapter

Learner’s Book, Workbook, cardboard, glue, clay, scissors,
rulers, crayons, paper, graph sheets, multi-base blocks,
number cards, plastic straws

4. Large class teaching

Plan your activities for an inclusive class. Determine your
learners’ point of entry. Determine your learners’ point
of entry. Activities should also be learner-centred, so that
learners are in control of their learning. Learners should be
able to try a variety of strategies. Also integrate your work in
the Mathematics class with other subjects.
When assessing, give learners recognition of Logistical
reasoning. Credit them for the strategies they use, even if
there is a mechanical error that might give rise to a wrong

60 Strand 3: Geometry and measurement

5. Support for learners with special needs
You, as teacher, should facilitate and teach holistically
through the use of visual aids, such as televisions and

6. Additional content for the teacher

YouTube videos on 3D shapes

7. Teaching methodology
Ask learners to bring 3D objects to school. Divide the
class into small groups, and then ask them to sort their 3D
objects. Ask the learners to record the number of shapes
in their books. Allow learners to play games, for example,
opening and closing boxes, counting shapes, faces and
identifying shapes.

8. Assessment
Peer or self-assessment. Also include puzzles and a
description will help, as well as games such as “Mastermind”.

9. Answers
Exercise 1 LB page 147
1. a) Square b) Five
c) Eight d) Five
2. a) Square b) Edges
c) Vertices d) Cube
3. a) Rectangle b) Five
c) Edges d) Six
4. a) Flat b) One
5. a) Curved b) Three faces and two edges

Exercise 2 LB page 149

1. Learners’ own answers

Strand 3: Geometry and measurement 61

3D shape 2D shape formed 2D shape
when cutting formed
horizontally when cutting
Cuboid Square Square
Rectangular prism Rectangle Square
Cylinder Circle Rectangle
Triangular prism Rectangle Triangle
Square pyramid Square Triangle
Triangular Rectangle Triangle

Shape Yes/no 2D shape formed
Cuboid Yes Rectangle
Cylinder Yes Circle
Square pyramid No
Rectangular prism Yes Triangle and rectangle,
depending on the cutting angle

4. Learners prepare posters. Assess them according to

originality and creativity.
Shape Base Cross Cross
shape section section
formed by formed by
a vertical a horizontal
cut cut
Rectangular prism Rectangle Triangle Rectangle
cylinder Circle Rectangle Circle
Triangular prism Rectangle Triangle Rectangle
Square pyramid Square Triangle Square
Triangular prism Rectangle Triangle Rectangle
Hexagonal prism Rectangle Hexagon Rectangle
Pentagonal prism Rectangle Pentagon Rectangle
Cone Circle Triangle Circle
Sphere None Circle Circle
62 Strand 3: Geometry and measurement
Column A Column B
3D shape Cross section
Triangular prism standing on its base, cut Rectangle
parallel to its base
A rectangular prism, cut perpendicular to Square
its base
A cuboid, cut perpendicular to its base Square
A hexagonal prism, cut perpendicular to Hexagon
its base
Triangular prism standing on its base, cut Triangle
A cylinder, cut perpendicular to its base Rectangle
A triangular prism, cut perpendicular to Triangle
its base
A cone, cut perpendicular to its base Triangle
A cylinder, cut parallel to its base Circle
A hexagonal prism, cut parallel to its base Rectangle

10. Homework
Ask learners to complete any exercises that they could not
complete during class time as Homework. If there are learners
in your class who complete the assigned work quickly,
select questions from Workbook pages 85 to 89 as Extension
exercises. You can also choose any Exercises from pages 85
to 89 of the Workbook and assign these as Homework. Once
back in class, allow time for learners to provide feedback and
allow them to correct any mistakes they may have made.

Strand 3: Geometry and measurement 63

Sub-strand 2:

Content standard
B6.3.2.1 Construct rectangular and triangular prisms from their

1. Essential for learning

Learners should have been exposed to properties of a
rectangular prism (having 6 faces, 8 vertices, and 12 edges)
and a triangular prism (5 faces, with a triangular base).
Learners should be able to recognise and name 3D objects.

2. Key words
Construct, prisms, angles, equilateral, net, examine

3. Resources used in this chapter

Learner’s Book, Workbook, cardboard, glue, clay, scissors,
ruler, crayons, sheets of papers, graph paper

4. Large class teaching

Plan your activities for an inclusive class. Determine your
learners’ point of entry. Determine your learners’ point
of entry. Activities should also be learner-centred, so that
learners are in control of their learning. Learners should be
able to try a variety of strategies. Also integrate your work in
the Mathematics class with other subjects.
When assessing, give learners recognition of Logistical
reasoning. Credit them for the strategies they use, even if
there is a mechanical error that might give rise to a wrong

5. Support for learners with special needs

Allow learners who are comfortable with the visualisation of
the nets, explain this to their peers.

64 Strand 3: Geometry and measurement

6. Additional content for the teacher
YouTube videos on nets of 3D shapes

7. Teaching methodology
This part of the curriculum is best done “hands on”. It is
very difficult to visualise a net if it is only a drawing on a
page. Learners have to cut out the shapes and assemble their
own nets.

8. Assessment
Work sheet and tests, homework, assignments projects and
end of term/year examinations

9. Answers
Exercise 3 LB page 155
1. Learners’ own answers
2. a) Rectangular prism
b) Hexagonal prism
c) Square-based pyramid
d) Rectangular pyramid
e) Cylinder
3. a)

Strand 3: Geometry and measurement 65


8 8



6 8


66 Strand 3: Geometry and measurement




4. Learners’ own answers

10. Homework
Ask learners to complete any exercises that they could not
complete during class time as Homework. If there are learners
in your class who complete the assigned work quickly,
select questions from Workbook pages 90 to 92 as Extension
exercises. You can also choose any Exercises from pages 90
to 92 of the Workbook and assign these as Homework. Once
back in class, allow time for learners to provide feedback and
allow them to correct any mistakes they may have made.

Sub-strand 3:
Geometric reasoning

Content standard
B6.3.3.1 Describe the position and motion of objects in space
using the cardinal points

1. Essential for learning

Learners should know the four basic cardinal points (north,
east, west, and south) and describe positions using these

Strand 3: Geometry and measurement 67

2. Key words
Compass, cardinal points, origin

3. Resources used for this chapter

Learner’s Book, Workbook, compass, grid paper, pencils,

4. Large class teaching

Plan your activities for an inclusive class. Determine your
learners’ point of entry. Determine your learners’ point
of entry. Activities should also be learner-centred, so that
learners are in control of their learning. Learners should be
able to try a variety of strategies. Also integrate your work in
the Mathematics class with other subjects.
When assessing, give learners recognition of Logistical
reasoning. Credit them for the strategies they use, even if
there is a mechanical error that might give rise to a wrong

5. Support for learners with special needs

As teacher, your role is to facilitate learning and to keep
content relevant to all learners. Break down content into
small, manageable and logical steps. Explore the vocabulary
in word problems first in order to ensure that the learners
understand the language and vocabulary used. The learners
should be able to explain their skills in determining the
positioning of whole numbers in relationship with other
whole numbers.

6. Additional content for the teacher

YouTube videos on plotting points

7. Teaching methodology
Give the learners graph paper and give them instructions to
move in various directions from a central point on the paper.
The learners can also play games, encouraging them to move
in response to instructions.

68 Strand 3: Geometry and measurement

8. Assessments
Teacher assessments as the learners do the activities

9. Answers
Exercise 4 LB page 160
1.1 a) A is north-east of C, but C is south of D
b) D is north-west of X, but X is south-east of H
1.2 a) A is north-west to M
b) B is south-east of which of the ‘G’s
c) G is north of E
d) E is south of G
e) M is south-east of H
f) E is south-west of A
g) A is east of D
h) G is south-west of H
2. Possible answers

–12 –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 x
C –6 F G

3. a) SE
b) SW
c) SE
d) NW
f) Learners’ own answers
4. a) From swim area, go north-east to camping area
b) From welcome centre, go north-east to forest
c) From welcome centre, go north to camp area
d) From camping area, go south-east to boats

Strand 3: Geometry and measurement 69

Exercise 5 LB page 164
1. b) McDonald’s
d) Lake
e) Library
f) Ice-cream parlour
g) Move 5 squares east and 3 squares south
h) Move 4 squares east and 5 squares south
2. a) 5 squares east, 2 squares north
b) South-west
c) 3 squares south, 3 squares east
d) 2 squares south, 3 squares west
e) 3 squares south, 2 squares east
f) No, the police station is to the north-east

10. Homework
Ask learners to complete any exercises that they could not
complete during class time as Homework. If there are learners
in your class who complete the assigned work quickly,
select questions from Workbook pages 93 to 96 as extension
exercises. You can also choose any Exercises from pages 93
to 96 of the Workbook and assign these as Homework. Once
back in class, allow time for learners to provide feedback and
allow them to correct any mistakes they may have made.
Content standard
B6.3.3.5 Perform a single transformation on a 2D shape

1. Essential for learning

Learners should have prior experience of plotting x and y on a
coordinate plane.

2. Key words
Line of symmetry, reflection, properties, vector and
translation, compass, origin

3. Resources used for this chapter

Learner’s Book, Workbook, graph sheets, pencils, rulers,
hand mirrors

70 Strand 3: Geometry and measurement

4. Large class teaching
Plan your activities for an inclusive class. Determine your
learners’ point of entry. Determine your learners’ point
of entry. Activities should also be learner-centred, so that
learners are in control of their learning. Learners should be
able to try a variety of strategies. Also integrate your work in
the Mathematics class with other subjects.
When assessing, give learners recognition of Logistical
reasoning. Credit them for the strategies they use, even if
there is a mechanical error that might give rise to a wrong

5. Support for learners with special needs

As teacher, your role is to facilitate learning and to keep
content relevant to all learners. Break down content into
small, manageable and logical steps. Explore the vocabulary
in word problems first in order to ensure that the learners
understand the language and vocabulary used. The learners
should be able to explain their skills in determining the place
value of whole numbers in relationship with the other.

6. Additional content for the teacher

YouTube videos on reflection and translation, lines of

7. Teaching methodology
Some learners struggle to imagine shapes being translated or
reflected. Allow them to cut out shapes, and then physically
move them across graph paper. Learners who struggle to
grasp the concept of reflection, may benefit from using
mirrors to see how shapes are reflected. Once again, it may
help them to cut out shapes and physically flip them over on
graph paper.

8. Assessment
Teacher assessments as the learners do the activities. Self or
peer assessment of homework

Strand 3: Geometry and measurement 71

9. Answers
Exercise 6 LB page 170
1. a)

b) c)



f) g)

72 Strand 3: Geometry and measurement
2. a) Horizontal
b) Vertical
c) Diagonal
d) Horizontal
3. Learners’ own answers

Exercise 7 page 174

1. a)






Strand 3: Geometry and measurement 73





( )
2. a) ​  –8  ​ ( )
b) ​  –9   ​ ( )
c) ​  –9  ​

d) (​  –10
   ​) ( )
–4  ​
e) ​  –10 ( )
f) ​  –4

Exercise 8 LB page 183

Line Direction of the Equation
line of reflection
F Horizontal y=9
A Vertical x=4
B Vertical x = –3
C Horizontal y=6
D Vertical x = –7
E Vertical x = –8

74 Strand 3: Geometry and measurement

2. y
6 a)
d) 5
c) 1
–10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 x
b) –4

3. a) y
A' 1 A
–10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 x

b) y
B' 3
–10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 x
B –7

Strand 3: Geometry and measurement 75

c) y
C 7
–10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 x
C' –2

d) y
5 D
–10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 x
–5 D'

e) y
–10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 x
E –5 E'

76 Strand 3: Geometry and measurement

4. a) y = –1
A 9
C 5
B 1
–10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 x
B' –3–4
C' –7
b) x = 6
6 M' M
4 N' N
2 P' P
O' O
–10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 x

c) y = 0.5
–10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 x

Strand 3: Geometry and measurement 77

5. y
b) 6 a)
1 S
–10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 x
c) –4 d)

( )
4  ​
6. a) ​  –3
b) (​  –4
c) (​  –11
d) (​  –10  ​)

e) (​  15
6 d)
5 b)
3 c)
–15 –14 –13 –12 –11 –10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 x

78 Strand 3: Geometry and measurement

8. a) and b)
A'' 7
A' 2 A
–10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 x

( )
c) ​  –4  ​

10. Homework
Ask learners to complete any exercises that they could not
complete during class time as Homework. If there are learners
in your class who complete the assigned work quickly, select
questions from Workbook pages 97 to 108 as Extension
exercises. You can also choose any Exercises from pages 97
to 108 of the Workbook and assign these as Homework. Once
back in class, allow time for learners to provide feedback and
allow them to correct any mistakes they may have made.

Strand 3: Geometry and measurement 79


4 Data

Sub-strand 1:
Data collection, organisation, presentation,
interpretation and analysis

Content standard
B6.4.1.1 Create, label and interpret line graphs

1. Essential for learning

Learners should have prior knowledge of data being a
collection of information. They need to understand that there
are many reasons for collecting data. Learners will be aware
that the methods of data collection can vary. Therefore,
they have to find suitable ways to represent the collected
information, so they can make conclusions or predictions.
They will learn how to use simple questionnaires and draw
types of graphs.

2. Key words
Collection, organise, predict, presentation, interpretation and
analyse, discrete data, continuous data, increase

3. Resources used in this chapter

Learner’s Book, Workbook, scale, measuring tape, a chart,
calendar, tables, graph paper, line graph, series of separate
points, frequency distribution table

4. Large class teaching

Plan your activities for an inclusive class. Determine your
learners’ point of entry. Determine your learners’ point
of entry. Activities should also be learner-centred, so that
learners are in control of their learning. Learners should be
able to try a variety of strategies.

80 Strand 4: Data
Divide the class into smaller groups, with learners of different
abilities. Provide them with clear instructions, so they know
what to do.
When assessing, give learners recognition of Logistical
reasoning. Credit them for the strategies they use, even if
there is a mechanical error that might give rise to a wrong

5. Support for learners with special needs

As teacher, your role is to facilitate learning and to keep
content relevant to all learners. Break down content into
small, manageable and logical steps. The activities should be
practical and hands-on. Limit distractions.

6. Additional content for the teacher

You can represent the data of a given situation in multiple
ways, for example, a line graph or a series of separate points.
Ask learners to look for graphs in newspapers, and explain
these to the class.

7. Teaching methodology
Start from known concepts, then moving to unknown
concepts. Give them problems that relate to their immediate
environment. Let them complete tables from flow diagrams,
and draw graphs.
8. Assessment
Work sheet and tests, homework, assignments projects and
end of term / year examinations.
9. Answers
Exercise 1 LB page 192
1. a) 60
Distance travelled in metres

1 2 3 4 5
Time passed in minutes

Strand 4: Data 81
b) Between 4 and 5 mins (20 m difference).
2. a) 40

Temperature in degrees Celsius

09:00 12:00 15:00
Time in hours
b) 35 °C
c) 13:00 (1 p.m.)
3. a)
Weight in kilograms

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time passed in months
b) The puppy reached 20 kg at 6 months.
c) After the age of 0 months (4 kg difference)
d) At birth he weighed 5 kg
4. a) 16
Hair growth in millimetres

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time passed in weeks

b) During the fifth week (3 mm growth)

82 Strand 4: Data
5. a)

Height climbed in metres

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
Time passed in hours
b) During the first hour (100 m)
c) It is the point where he began his climb.

Exercise 2 LB page 196

1. a) Discrete. Points on a graph. Year on y-axis and profit
earned on x-axis
b) Discrete. Points on a graph. Weight on y-axis and age
on x-axis.
c) Discrete. Points on a graph. Year on x-axis and
number of games won on y-axis.
2. Learners’ own answers

Exercise 3 LB page 199

1. a) 0; 70
b) 1 bar is 2 kg
c) The third month
d) 35 kg
e) The tiger’s weight shows an exponential increase.
2. a)
Temperature in degrees Celsius

06:00 09:00 12:00 15:00 18:00
Time in hours

Strand 4: Data 83
b) 34 °C
c) 16 °C
d) 29.5 °C
e) 1 p.m.; 5 p.m.
3. a) Vertical axis: 1 bar is 4 pages. Horizontal axis: 1 bar
is 15 minutes.
b) A: 30 pages; B: 25 pages
c) 60 pages
d) Learner A
e) Linear
f) A: 2 pages per 5 minutes. B: 1 page per 3 minutes.
4. a)
Depth of a submarine below sea

level in metres

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time in minutes
b) Approximately 280 m
c) The submarine depth decreased to 260 m, then
increased to 300 m.
d) The submarine will be 320 m below sea level.

10. Homework
Ask learners to complete any exercises that they could not
complete during class time as Homework. If there are learners
in your class who complete the assigned work quickly, select
questions from Workbook pages 109 to 116 as Extension
exercises. You can also choose any Exercises from pages 109
to 116 of the Workbook and assign these as Homework. Once
back in class, allow time for learners to provide feedback and
allow them to correct any mistakes they may have made.

84 Strand 4: Data
Content standard
B6.4.1.2 Select, justify and use appropriate methods of collecting

1. Essential for learning

Learners should have been involved in question and answer
scenarios, whether formally or informally, for example,
interviews. They should have been exposed to recording
observations, for example, in Natural Science classes.

2. Key words
Data, database, justify, questionnaires, interview, observation,
experiments, databases, electronic media

3. Resources used in this chapter

Learner’s Book, Workbook, surveys, interviews, observations,
tally sheets and questionnaires

4. Large class teaching

Divide the class into groups, each group not being more than
10% of the class size. Include learners of different abilities.
Each member in the group must be assigned a specific task
that they should complete for the group assignment.
Also delegate some ‘teacher tasks’ to your learners,
such as distributing handouts, collecting homework and
arranging groups.

5. Support for learners with special needs

Ensure that the learners understand the vocabulary of data
collection. Also ensure that they understand the drawing of
graphs (how axes should be labelled), and so on.

6. Additional content for the teacher

Integrate to other subject and educate learners on what graphs
are best for what data. Give more information on how graphs
help us to interpret data. Expose the learners to more hands-
on activities and more exercises. You may also integrate the
subject into other learning areas, such as English, using the
data collection vocabulary as a spelling activity.

Strand 4: Data 85
7. Teaching methodology
Use examples from the learners’ direct environment. Allow
them to design questionnaires for their peers. Let the learners
report back to the class and explain how they reached their

8. Assessment
Give the learners an assignment, so that you can see whether
they are able to apply the concepts they have learnt.

9. Answers
Exercise 4 LB page 204
Learners’ own answers

Exercise 5 LB page 207

1. a)
Favourite sport Tally Frequency
Soccer |||| 4
Tennis ||||| 5
Hockey ||||| 5
Boxing ||| 3
No sport ||| 3

b) Both hockey and tennis (5)

__ 3
c) ​  20  ​ = 0.15 = 15%
d) __
​  20   ​ = 0.25 = 25%
e) Learners’ winter sports participation

Number of learners

Soccer Hockey Tennis Boxing No Sport

86 Strand 4: Data
2. a)
Favourite drink Tally Frequency
Tea |||||||| 8
Juice ||||| 5
Water ||||||| 7
Coffee |||||||||| 10

b) Teachers’ favourite drinks


Number of learners

Tea Juice Water Coffee

​ 10
c) Coffee is the favourite drink amongst the teachers __
d) __
​  30    ​7 teachers drank water.
e) __
​  30    ​= 0.26666 = 26.67%
f) 10 Coffees : 8 Teas. Ratio: 5:4
g) __
​  30    ​= 1:6
3. Learners’ own answers

Strand 4: Data 87
Sub-strand 2:
Chance or probability

Content standard
B6.4.2.2 Understand probability

1. Essential for learning

Learners should have been exposed to the concept of
probability in games, for example, “tossing of coin”, “you
win or draw or lose”, or cards. They should be able to
perform simple repeated and list possible outcomes for
events, such as tossing a coin and rolling dice. They should
be able to count and compare the frequency of actual
outcomes for a series of trials.

2. Key words
Predict, probability, approach, outcome, results, chance

3. Resources used in this chapter

Learner’s Book, Workbook, die, coins, deck of playing cards

4. Large class teaching

Divide the class into groups, each group not being more
than 10% of the class size. Each member in the group must
be assigned a specific task that they should complete for the
group assignment.

5. Support for learners with special needs

Ask two learners to play, while one learner records the
outcome. Then, allow them to swap.

6. Teaching methodology
Allow the learners to play games that will help them
understand the concept of probability, for example, cards.
Give them a problem that relates to their immediate
environment. Encourage peer-assisted learning, or the
concept of a “flipped” classroom.

88 Strand 4: Data
7. Assessment
Formative assessment (when they have been exposed to the
topic), for example, test and exams

8. Answers
Exercise 6 LB page 211
1. a) Very probable
b) Probable (depending on weather)
c) Probable
d) Probable to very probable
e) Very probable
f) Highly unlikely
g) Very probable
2. a) 0.13
b) 0.12
c) 0.1
d) 0
3. a) 0.19
b) 0.15
​  16 ​. Experimental: __
c) Theoretical: __ 1
​  10   ​
d) 0.48
e) 0.5
f) The die slightly favoured the odd sides in the
4. Learners’ own answers. Theoretical probability = 50%
5. Learners’ own answers. Theoretical probability = 50%
6. Learners’ own answers
7. (a) to (c) Learners’ own answers
d) 0.5
e) The experimental probability will approach the
theoretical probability.
f) Learners’ own answers

Exercise 7 LB page 214

1. Learners’ own answers
2. a) 50%
b) 66.6% chance of getting tails
c) The coin was only tossed six times. If the experiment
is repeated, the experimental value will approach the
theoretical value.

Strand 4: Data 89
d) Three heads (false)
Almost two tails (false)
Exactly two heads (true)
An even number of tails (true)
3. a) Red ball; white ball; blue ball and green ball
​  31 ​; 33.33%
b) __
c) Learners’ own answers
d) __ ​  41 ​; 25%
e) White and green balls
4. a) ​ __ 1   ​
​  41 ​
b) __
c) __ 1
​  13    ​
d) 0

9. Homework
Ask learners to complete any exercises that they could not
complete during class time as Homework. If there are learners
in your class who complete the assigned work quickly, select
questions from Workbook pages 119 to 123 as Extension
exercises. You can also choose any Exercises from pages 119
to 123 of the Workbook and assign these as Homework. Once
back in class, allow time for learners to provide feedback and
allow them to correct any mistakes they may have made.

90 Strand 4: Data
Revision answers

Strand 1: Number
1. Check that learners have used different colours to show
the following:
a) 8 × 1,000 blocks; 1 × 100 blocks; 4 × 10 blocks,
5 blocks
b) 3 × 10,000; 4 × 1,000; 8 blocks
c) 1 × 100,000; 3 × 1,000; 4 × 100; 5 × 10; 6 blocks
d) 1 × 10,000; 9 × 10; 9 blocks
2. a) thirty-nine million four hundred and five thousand
one hundred and nineteen
b) nine million four hundred and forty-five thousand
and one
c) four billion nine hundred and eighty million one
hundred and fifteen thousand and ninety-eight
3. a) 20,000 b) 10,000,000 c) 1,000,000,000
d) 900,000,000 e) 8,000,000 f) 20,000,000
4. a) 190,809,888 = 100,000,000 + 90,000,000 + 800,000
+ 9,000 + 800 + 80 + 8
b) 45,610,098 = 40,000,000 + 5,000,000 + 600,000 +
10,000 + 90 + 8
c) 780,770,880 = 700,000,000 + 80,000,000 + 700,000
+ 70,000 + 800 + 80
5. a) 23,198,731,645 b) 47,310,747,419
6. a) 456,088 b) 456,198 c) 457,098 d) 446,098
7. a) 212,098 < 212,908 b) 76,119 > 67,119
c) 456,899 > 456,889 d) 101,001 < 101,011
e) 345,098 = 345,098 f) 780,245 < 789,245
8. a) 144,094; 144,499; 144,904; 145,198; 145,990
b) 789,809; 789,908; 798,880; 809,789; 890,780
9. a) 619,198; 618,116; 617,981; 617,189; 616,998
b) 233,413; 233,313; 232,312; 231,321; 223,331
10. a) 700,000
b) 874,321
i) eight hundred and seventy-four thousand three
hundred and twenty-one
ii) 884,321

Strand 4: Revision answers 91

c) 123,478
i) 100,000 + 20,000 + 3,000 + 400 + 70 + 8
ii) 113,478
11. a) 1,056; 1,206; 1,356 Rule: +150
b) 2,064; 2,175; 2,286 Rule: +111
c) 11,648; 11,315; 10,982 Rule: –333
d) 151,860; 151,810; 151,760 Rule: –50
12. a) 23 b) 39 c) 70 d) 43
14. a) 6 + 2 = 8 b) 10 + 3 = 13
c) 13 – 4 = 9 d) 14 – 9 = 5
15. a) XI + IV = XV b) XIX – IX = X
16. a) 36 b) 36
2 18 2 6

2 9 4 2 3 2

3 3 2 2

c) 12
= 12 d) 64
3 4 2 32
2 2 2 16
2 8
2 4
2 2
17. a) 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 b) 2 × 3 × 3 × 3
c) 2 × 3 × 7 d) 2 × 2 × 2 × 5
e) 3 × 3 × 3 × 3
18. a) 12 b) 5 c) 9
19. 5 groups of 3 boys and 5 girls each
20. a) 36 b) 40 c) 48

92 Strand 4: Revision answers

21. a) 18 2
3 5
2 9 3 5 3
3 3 HCF = 3
LCM = 2 × 3 × 3 × 5 = 90

16 32 2
2 2
2 8 2 6 2

2 4 2 8 HCF = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 16
LCM = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 32
2 2 2 4

2 2

64 96
2 32 2 48 2
2 2 3
2 16 2 24
HCF = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 32
2 8 2 12 LCM = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 = 192
2 4 2 6

2 2 2 3

2 2

22. a) 7 21 49 HCF =

b) 2 7 21 49 HCF =
LCM = 2 × 2 × 5 × 7 = 140
2 5 10 35
5 5 5 35
7 1 1 7
1 1 1

Strand 4: Revision answers 93

c) 2 7 21 49 HCF =
LCM = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2
2 8 16 32
= 64
2 4 8 16
2 2 4 8
2 1 2 4
2 1 1 2
1 1 1
23. a) 20 b) 72 c) 30 d) 40
e) 27 f) 49 g) 44 h) 63
i) 42 j) 24 k) 60 l) 48
24. a) 10,000 b) 328 c) 440 d) 1,000
25. a) 7,740 b) 23,900 c) 530,000 d) 77,000
e) 71,000 f) 52,200
26. There are 2,200 books.
27. a) 110 b) 184 c) 112 d) 198
28. a) 2,886
× 400 80 1
6 2,400 480 6
× 200 80 8
5 1,000 400 40
c) 1,484
× 300 70 1
4 1,200 280 4
× 200 20 6
10 2,000 200 60
7 1,400 140 42
3,400 340 102

29. a) 44 b) 27
× 16 × 33
264 81
+440 +810
704 891
c) 460 d) 222
× 23 × 16
1380 1332
+9200 +2220
1 0,5 8 0 3,5 5 5
94 Strand 4: Revision answers
30. a) 2 8 b) 3 6
4 0 0
3 6 1
4 8 4 1 2
5 2 4 4
10 4
c) 5 5 4 d) 4 0 2
1 1 0 1 1 0
1 0 0 8 2 0 0 8 2
2 1 1
2 3 8 1 0 1
8 1
6 14 4 4 1 1
52 2
7 5 12 2 4
1 2,7 4 2
8 5,2 2 4
31. a) 1,320 or 1,326 b) 21, 24 or 27
c) 52 or 56 d) 30, 32, 34, 36 or 38
e) 2,440 or 2,448 f) 550
32. a) 2 4 2 b) 1 2 3 4
6 1 4 5 2 4 4 9 3 5
1 2 4
2 5 9
2 4 8
1 2 1 3
1 2 1 2
0 1 6
1 6
c) 1 0 0 d) 6 2 9
6 2 2 0 0 5 3 1 4 5
2 2 3 0
0 0 1 4
1 0
4 5
4 5
33. 32 × 11 = 352
34. 3 butterflies per day for 3 weeks = 3 × 21 days = 63 more
120 + 63 = 183 butterflies after 3 weeks
35. –18; –12; –9
36. a) –4 < –12 b) 13 > –11 c) –2 < 16

Strand 4: Revision answers 95

37. a) –12; –9; –5; 6; 12 b) –11; –6; 0; 1; 12
38. a) 12; 7; 6; –7; –11 b) 12; 9; –7; –11; –13
39. a) –6 b) 8 c) 8 d) 16
e) –8 f) –14
40. a) 6 b) 8 c) –20 d) 25
e) –18 f) –6
41. a) –12 b) –20 c) –60 d) –180
e) 0 f) 32
42. a) ​ 48 ​
__ ​  36 ​
b) __ c) __ 7
​  20  ​ 

​  34 ​ < __
43. a) __ ​  45 ​ ​  15 ​ = __
b) __ 2  ​  
​  10 ​  49 ​ > __
c) __ 7
​  15  ​ 
3 __
​  16 ​; __
44. __ ​  15  ​;  ​  1 ​; __ ​  8  ​ 
​  2 ​; __
4 5 16
​  58 ​; __
45. __ 7 __
​  12 ​  6  ​;  __
  ​;  ​  1 ​; __
2 14 3
​  1 ​
46. a) 0.16 b) 0.42 c) 0.18 d) 0.7
47. a) ___ 58
​  100     ​  29
​ or __ 50
 ​   b) ____165
  ​ or ___
​  1,000 33
​  200  ​  
3 56
c) __
​  10    ​ d) ___
​  100    ​  28
​ or __ 50
​  14
 ​ or __
24  ​ or __ 6
e) ___
​  100 ​  12
 ​ or __
​  25   ​ 
Common Percentage Decimal number
​  45 ​
__ 80% 0.8

​  14 ​
__ 25% 0.25

​  13
 ​  65% 0.65

​  28
 ​  56% 0.56

​ __18 ​ 12.5% 0.125

49. a) 0.45; __ ​  34 ​; 80%

b) 25%; __ ​  25 ​; 50%; 0.7
50. a) 3​ __14 ​ b) 7​ __19 ​ c) 3​ __45 ​
51. There are 8 boys altogether. 6 litres ÷ 8 boys = __ ​ 34 ​litre per
52. 4​ __58 ​ + 3​ __34 ​ = 8​ __38 ​
53. a) 12 b) 25 c) 4 d) 40

96 Strand 4: Revision answers

3 5 7
54. a) __
​  14   ​ b) __
​  18    ​ ​  12
c) __ 55
  ​ d) __
​  30  ​ 
5 3
55. a) 2​ __25 ​ b) 12​ __
  ​   c) 10​ __
56. a) 9 b) 3 : 12 c) 3 : 9 or 1 : 3
57. a) 1 : 2 b) 1 : 4 c) 1 : 4
d) 1 : 2 e) 2 : 3
58. 35 : 50 or 7 : 10
59. 32 : 64 or 1 : 2
60. Examples as follows (accept all correct answers):
a) 1 : 2 b) 1 : 3
c) 4 : 1 d) 18 : 20
e) 10 : 4
61. 8 burgers
62. She is running at 4 km/h.
a) 1 h 15 min b) 2​ __12 ​h or 2 h 30 min
c) 3​ __34 ​h or 3 h 45 min
63. Week 1 = GH₵ 15 × 6 = GH₵ 90
Week 2 = GH₵ 15 × 11 = GH₵ 165
GH₵ 255 in total

Strand 2: Algebra
1. ♠♠♠♠♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣;
2. a) increasing by 5 b) decreasing by 11
3. a)

b) 20 grey and 16 white tiles

c) 24 grey tiles and 25 white tiles
Pattern 1 2 3 4 5
Grey tiles 8 12 16 20 24
White tiles 1 4 9 16 25
e) The grey tiles increase by 4 each time. The white
tiles is the pattern number multiplied by itself e.g.
pattern 2 is 2 × 2 = 4.
f) 44 grey tiles and 100 white tiles

Strand 4: Revision answers 97

4. a) The input × 4 is the output or 4n
b) The input × 5 – 2 is the output or 5n – 2
Input 1 2 3 4 10 25 40
Output 7 10 13 16 34 79 124
Rule: 3n + 4
6. a)
1 7
2 17
3 × 10 –3 27
5 47
10 97
4 16
7 22
10 +4 ×2 28
13 34
20 48
7. a) 3z b) 25x ​  8c ​
c) __ ​  58 ​y + 4y + 2
d) __
e) 11 – x f) ab – 6
g) ​  m
  ​+ 5
8. a) 10x b) 7y + (–11y) = –4y
c) 5a – 3a + 4c – 4c + c + 2 + 4 = 2a + c + 6
9. a) 3(3) + 3(4) = 9 + 12 = 21
b) 2(2) – 2(4) = 4 – 8 = –4
c) __
​  12 ​  12 ​
   ​ = __

d) 3a + 5a – 4b + 2b – c + 2c
= 8a – 2b + c
= 8(3) – 2(2) + 4
= 24 – 4 + 4 = 24
10. a) a = 2 because 2 + 14 = 16.
b) b = –4, because –4 + 14 = 10.
c) x = 17 because 17 – 2 = 15.
11. a) p = 3 because 8 × 3 = 24.
b) 16 – 10 = 6 so 2b = 16.
2b ÷ 2 = b 16 ÷ 2 = 8
So b = 8.

98 Strand 4: Revision answers

c) 3 + 2 = 5 so __ ​ 14 ​b = 3.
​ __14 ​b × 4 = b
3 × 4 = 12
So b = 12.
d) 3g – 1 = 8
9 – 1 = 8 so 3g = 9
3g ÷ 3 = g 9 ÷ 3 = 3
So g = 3
12. 11 hours
13. 4 bottles
14. a) 312 – 72 = GH₵ 240
b) 240 ÷ 15 = 16 weeks
15. GH₵ 76

Strand 3: Geometry and measurement

1. a) 5 faces and 9 edges b) cone
c) 6 faces in a square shape d) rectangle
e) triangle f) square
g) rectangle
2. a) triangle-based pyramid b) hexagon-based prism
c) rectangular prism d) triangular prism
3. a) north-west b) south
c) Bolgatana d) Accra
4. a) black arrow b) red star c) yellow star
d) There are several possible answers. One suggestion
is: Move 4 squares east. Move 6 squares north. Move
1 square east.
5. a) reflection b) rotation c) translation
6. Check learners’ drawings
( )
7. a) ​  11
 ​ ( )
b) ​  –10
   ​ ( )
c) ​  –5
 ​ ( )
d) ​  –4

Strand 4: Data
1. Discrete data can be counted and takes on an integer
value, for example, the number of people who bought
cars in a year. It is drawn as points on a graph.
Continuous data is not restricted to a whole number
(defined value) and can take on any value in a range
of values, for example, temperature over a given time
period. It is drawn as a line joining points on a graph.
2. a) Day 4 b) 150 books
c) 5 more books d) Days 2, 3 and 4

Strand 4: Revision answers 99

e) Day 5 f) 10 books
g) Yao h) Yes, on Day 4
i) 5 books
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Yao 25 30 35 40 20
Efua 5 50 25 40 30
3. a)
Shoe size Tally Frequency
3 ||| 3
4 |||| |||| 9
5 |||| 5
6 |||| 5
7 || 2
b) size 4
c) __
​  24 ​  18 ​
  ​ or __
d) sizes 5 and 6
e) 37.5%
f) Shoe sizes in class

3 4 5 6 7
Shoe size
4. a) 1
b) Learners’ own answers, depends on weather
c) 0.5
d) 0
5. Learners’ own answers. In theory, the outcome for an
even number should be 0.5.

100 Strand 4: Revision answers

Workbook answers

Strand 1: Number
Quantities and place value up to 1,000,000
Exercise 1 WB page 1
Millions Hundred Ten Thousands Hundred Tens Ones
thousands thousands
2 3 4 8 5 9 4
1 5 6 9 2 3 7
7 8 2 3 4 5 9
2. a)  9 thousands
b) 9 ones
3. a)  2 hundreds
b) 2 ten thousands
4. a)  3 tens
b) 3 thousands
5. 6 ten thousands
6. 4 hundreds
7. a)  1,569,237
b) 7,823,459

Exercise 2 WB page 2
1. a)  2,543,00
b) 7,264,000
c) 9,452,000
2. a)  357
b) 278
3. a)  2,030
b) 2,360
4. a)  31,200
b) 42,600
5. a)  2,450,000
b) 5,320,000
6. Learners’ own work

Strand 1: Number 101

Exercise 3 WB page 7
1. a) Two million, four hundred and sixty-eight thousand,
three hundred and ninety-one
b) Four million, one hundred and thirty-six thousand,
eight hundred and ninety-one
2. a)  Three hundred and forty-five thousand, six hundred
and seventy-eight
b) Two hundred and forty-five thousand, eight hundred
and thirty-nine
c) Two million, four hundred and sixty-seven thousand,
eight hundred and forty-three
d) One million, four hundred and sixty-eight thousand,
nine hundred and four
3. a) 456,738
Digits: 700
Word form: seven hundred
b) 367,894
Digits: 60,000
Word form: sixty thousand
c) 2,456,739
Digits: 450,000
Word form: four hundred and fifty thousand
d) 7,456,264
Digits: 7,450,000
Word form: seven million, four hundred and fifty
4. a) 800,000 + 90,000 + 4,000 + 100 + 30 + 4
b) 50,000 + 6,000 + 400 + 50 + 7
c) 1,000,000 + 200,000 + 30 000 + 4,000 + 500 + 60 + 3

Exercise 4 WB page 9

Whole Expanded form Word form

3,966,124 3,000,000 + 900,000 + 60, 000 + 6,000 Three million, nine hundred
+ 100 + 20 = 4 and sixty-six thousand one
hundred and twenty-four
1,128,175 1,000,000 + 100,000 + 20,000 + 8,000 One million, one hundred and
+ 100 + 70 + 5 twenty-eight thousand one
hundred and seventy-five

102 Strand 1: Number

Whole Expanded form Word form
9,134,215 9,000,000 + 100,000 + 30,000 + 4,000 Nine million, one hundred
+ 200 + 10 + 5 and thirty-four thousand, two
hundred and fifteen
6,751,313 6,000,000 + 700,000 + 50,000 + 1,000 Six million, seven hundred
+ 300 + 10 + 3 and fifty-one thousand, three
hundred and thirteen
203,767 200,000 + 3,000 + 700 + 60 + 7 Two hundred and three
thousand and sixty-seven
8,401,186 8,000,000 + 400, 000 + 1,000 + 100 + Eight million, four hundred and
80 + 6 one thousand, one hundred and

Exercise 5 WB page 9
1. a)
Number 10 less 10 more
23,455 23,475
100 less 100 more
23,365 23,565
23,465 1,000 less 1,000 more
22,465 24,465
10,000 less 10,000 more
13,465 33,465

Number 10 less 10 more
34,557 34,577
100 less 100 more
34,467 34,667
34,567 1,000 less 1,000 more
33,567 35,567
10,000 less 10,000 more
24,567 44,567

Strand 1: Number 103

Number 10 less 10 more
435,770 435,790
100 less 100 more
435,680 435,880
435,780 1,000 less 1,000 more
434,780 436,780
10,000 less 10,000 more
425,780 445,780
Number 10 less 10 more
2,367,882 2,367,902
100 less 100 more
2,367,792 2,367,992
2,367,892 1,000 less 1,000 more
2,366,892 2,368,892
10,000 less 10,000 more
2,357,892 2,377,892
2. a) greater than
b) less than
c) less than
d) equal to
3. a) <
b) <
c) <
d) >
4. a) 53,691; 112,234; 124,567; 213,491; 241,600
b) 256,712; 354,269; 1,812,365; 2,389,412; 3,213,574
5. a) 632,415; 459,742; 235,671; 38,285; 17,639
b) 3,369,134; 3,344,565; 3,229,812; 3,025,689; 326,813

104 Strand 1: Number

Roman numerals up to C
Exercise 1 WB page 12
Hindu Arabic number Roman numeral
1 I
50 V
10 X
50 L
100 C
Roman Calculations Hindu
numeral Arabic
VIII V+I+I+I=5+1+1+1= 8
XXI X + X + I = 10 + 10 + 1 = 21
C C = 100 100
XXVII X + X + V + I + I + 10 + 10 + 5 + 1 +1 = 27
LXXXI L + X + X + X + I = 50 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 1 = 81
LXIV L + X + (V – I) = 50 + 10 + (5 – 1) = 64
XCVI (C – X) + V + I = (100 – 10) + 5 + 1 = 96
XLV (L – X) + V = (50 – 10) + 5 = 45
LXXXIX L + X + X + X + (X – I) = 50 + 10 + 10 + 10 + (10 – 1) = 89
XXXVI X + X + X + V + I = 10 + 10 + 10 + 5 + 1 = 36
LVII L + V + I + I = 50 + 5 + 1 + 1 = 57
LIX L + (X – I) = 50 + (10 – 1) = 59
XII X + I + I = 10 + 1 + 1 12
XIV X + ( V – I) = 10 + (5 – 1) = 14
XCIV (C – X) + (V – I) = (100 – 10) + (5 – 1) = 94

3. a) LIX b) XXIV c) LXXVIII

g) XIV h) XVIII i) XXV
j) LXV k) LII l) XXI

Strand 1: Number 105

Exercise 2 WB page 14


Factors, multiples and prime numbers from
1 to 100
Exercise 1 WB page 15
1. a)  b)
28 75

2 14 3 25

2 7 5 5

28 = 2 × 2 × 7 75 = 3 × 5 × 5
2. a) 2 × 17
b) 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2
c) 2 × 23
d) 2 × 3 × 39

106 Strand 1: Number

Exercise 2 WB page 16
1. a) 32 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2
40 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 5
HCF = 2 × 2 × 2 = 8
b) 16 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2
64 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2
HCF = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 16
2. a) 9=3×3
12 = 2 × 2 × 3
LCM = 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 = 36
b) 8 = 2 × 2 × 2
14 = 2 × 7
LCM = 2 × 2 × 2 × 7 = 56
c) 12 = 2 × 2 × 3
26 = 2 × 13
LCM = 2 × 2 × 3 × 13 = 156
3. a) 9=3×3
15 = 3 × 5
HCF = 3; LCM = 3 × 3 × 5 = 45
b) 15 = 3 × 5
18 = 2 × 3 × 3
HCF = 3; LCM = 2 × 3 × 3 × 5 = 120
c) 30 = 2 × 3 × 5
24 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3
HCF = 2 × 3 = 6; LCM = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 5 = 120
d) 9 = 3 × 3
27 = 3 × 3 × 3
HCF = 3 × 3 = 9; LCM = 3 × 3 × 3 = 27
4. a) 3645
2 3 5

HCF of 36 and 45 = 3 × 3 = 9
LCM of 36 and 45 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 × 5 = 180
2 5
2 3

HCF of 24 and 60 = 2 × 2 × 3 = 12

Strand 1: Number 107

LCM of 24 and 60 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 5 = 120
2 22 3

HCF of 48 and 72 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 = 24
LCM of 48 and 72 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 = 288
2 3 7
2 3

HCF of 36 and 63 = 3 × 3 = 9
LCM of 36 and 63 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 × 7 = 252

Exercise 3 WB page 18
1. a) 15 = 3 × 5
35 = 5 × 7
40 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 5
HCF = 5; LCM = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 5 × 7 = 840
b) 16 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2
24 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3
48 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3
HCF = 2 × 2 × 2 = 8; LCM = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 = 48
c) 12 = 2 × 2 × 3
32 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2
40 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 5
HCF = 2 × 2 = 4;
LCM = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 = 480
d) 12 = 2 × 2 × 3
36 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 3
48 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3
HCF = 2 × 2 × 3 = 12;
LCM = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 = 144
e) 42 = 2 × 3 × 7
48 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3
54 = 2 × 3 × 3 × 3
HCF = 2 × 3 = 6;
LCM = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 7 = 3,024

108 Strand 1: Number

Apply mental mathematics strategies and
number properties for multiplication and
Exercise 1 WB page 19
1. a)
× 3 0 5 7 9
3 9 0 15 21 27
4 12 0 20 28 36
6 18 0 30 42 54
8 24 0 40 56 72

× 2 1 6 9 11
2 4 2 12 18 22
4 8 4 24 26 44
5 10 5 30 45 55
7 14 7 42 63 77
9 18 9 54 81 99

2. a) 12 + 12 = 24
b) 48 ÷ 2 = 24
c) 30; 30 + 30 = 60
d) 28; 28 + 28 = 56
e) 30; 30 + 30 = 60
3. a) 4 × 9 = (40 – 4) = 36 4 × 10 = 40 4 × 11
= (40 + 4) = 44
b) 8 × 9 = (80 – 8) = 72 8 × 10 = 80 8 × 11
= (80 + 8) = 88
c) 6 × 9 = (60 – 9) = 54 6 × 10 = 60 6 × 11
= (60 + 6) = 66
d) 7 × 9 = (70 – 9) = 63 7 × 10 = 70 7 × 11
= (70 + 7) = 77
e) 3 × 9 = (30 – 3) = 27 3 × 10 = 30 3 × 11
= (30 + 3) = 33

Strand 1: Number 109

Exercise 2 WB page 20
1. a) 35 × 10 = 350 350 × 100 = 35,000
35,000 × 1,000 = 35,000,000
b) 15 × 10 = 150 150 × 10 = 1,500 1,500 × 10
= 15,000
c) 2 × 100 = 200 200 × 10 = 2,000 2,000 × 100
= 200,000
d) 36 × 10 = 360 360 × 1,000 = 360,000
360,000 × 10 = 36,000,000
2. a) 4 × ( 10 + 5) = (4 × 10) + (4 × 5) = 40 + 20 = 60
b) 5 × (20 + 4) = (5 × 20) + (5 × 4) = 100 + 20 = 120
c) 6 × (20 + 6) = (6 × 20) + (6 × 6) = 120 + 36 = 156
d) 7 × (30 + 2) = (7 × 30) + (7 × 2) = 210 + 14 = 254

Multiply multi-digit numbers
Exercise 1 WB page 21
1. a) 164 + 40 = 200
× 20 5
8 160 40
b) 240 + 30 = 270
× 40 5
6 240 30
c) 200 + 24 = 224
× 50 6
4 200 24
d) (600 + 120) + (50 + 10)
= 720 + 60
= 780
× 60 5
10 600 50
2 120 10

110 Strand 1: Number

e) (2,000 + 1,400) + (100 + 70) + (60 + 42)
= 3,400 + 170 + 102
= 3,672
× 200 10 6
10 2,000 100 60
7 1,400 70 42
2. a) 2,788
× 34
+ 2460
b) 1,088
× 16
+ 680
c) 7,425
× 27
+ 5500
d) 4,672
× 32
+ 4380
e) 3,082
× 23
+ 2680

Strand 1: Number 111

f) 3,690
× 18
+ 2050
g) 21,148
× 34
+ 18660
3. Learners’ own answers
4. Learners’ own answers

Exercise 2 WB page 24
1. a) 1,694
1 2 1
0 0 0
1 2 1
0 0 0
1 4
4 8 4
6 9 4
b) 5,850
3 2 5
0 0 0
3 2 5
2 1 4
5 8
4 6 0
8 5 0
c) 5,005
1 4 3
0 1 0
3 2 9
0 2 1
5 5
5 0 5
0 0 5

112 Strand 1: Number

d) 32,535
7 2 3
2 0 1
3 4
8 8 2
3 1 1
2 5
5 0 5
5 3 5
e) 30,885
1 4 5
0 0 1
2 8 0
0 0 0
3 1
1 4 5
0 1 1
0 3
3 2 5
8 8 5

f) 61,857
2 3 7
0 0 1
4 6 4
1 1 4
6 6
2 8 2
0 0 0
1 1
2 3 7
8 5 7

g) 71,504
3 2 8
0 0 1
6 4 6
0 0 0
7 1
3 2 8
2 1 6
1 8
4 6 4
5 0 4

Strand 1: Number 113

Multiply numbers given division facts
Exercise 1 WB page 25
1. a)  72

multiplication × ÷ division

9 8

b)  30

multiplication × ÷ division

6 × 5 = 30

2. a) 63

× ÷

7 9
b) 48

× ÷

6 8
3. a) the last digit is an even number or zero
b) the sum of the digits is divisible by 3
c) the last 2 digits divisible by 4
d) No, not always
e) If the last digit is 5 or zero

114 Strand 1: Number

Number Divisible Divisible Divisible Divisible
by by by by
55 5 11
255 3 5 17
84 2 3 7
230 2 5 10 23
74 2 37
112 2 4 7 8
432 2 4 8 9
2,706 2 3 6 11
610 2 5 10
384 2 3 4 6 and 8
4,992 2 3 4 6 and 8

Divide 2- or 3-digit numbers by 1- or 2-digit
Exercise 1 WB page 27
1. a)  1 1 7 b)  3 9
5 5 8 6 24 9 3 6
– 5 – 7 2
8 2 1 6
– 5 – 2 1 6
3 6 0
– 3 5 936 ÷ 24 = 39
586 ÷ 5 = 117 remainder 1
c)  2 0 d)  7 5
12 2 5 0 14 1, 0 5 0
– 2 4 – 9 8
1 0 7 0
– 7 0
250 ÷ 12 = 20 remainder 10
1,050 ÷ 14 = 75

Strand 1: Number 115

e)  2 8
15 4 3 2
– 3 0
1 3 2
– 1 2 0
1 2
432 ÷ 15 = 28 remainder 12
2. a)  2 1 b)  1 7
40 8 5 0 29 4 9 3
– 8 0 – 2 9
5 0 2 0 3
– 4 0 – 2 0 3
1 0 0
850 ÷ 40 = 21 remainder 10 493 ÷ 29 = 17
c)  2 9 d)  5 1 9
18 5 3 5 27 1, 3 7 7
– 3 6 – 1 3 5
1 7 5 2 7
– 1 6 2 – 2 7
1 3 0
535 ÷ 18 = 29 remainder 13 1,377 ÷ 27 = 51

e)  3 2 1 f)  2 0 1
15 4, 8 1 5 12 2, 4 1 8
– 4 5 – 2 4
3 1 1 8
– 3 0 1 2
1 5 6
– 1 5 2,418 ÷ 12 = 210
0 remainder 6
4,815 ÷ 15 = 321

116 Strand 1: Number

Translate word problems into mathematical
sentences and solve
Exercise 1 WB page 28
1. Total number of cakes = 4 × 12 = 48
48 ÷ 24 = 2
So, each learner will receive 2 cakes.
2. (12 + 12) × 4 = 96 kg of food needed for 24 animals.
4,896 ÷ 96 = 51
So, the farmer will be able to feed the animals for
59 days.
3. (15 × 2) + (6 × 2) + (3 × 2) = 30 + 12 + 6 = 48
Fifi’s purchase will cost GH₵ 48. No, he will not have
enough money.
4. a)  1,944 ÷ 12 = 162. One payment = GH₵ 162.
162 × 5 = GH₵ 810
So, she has paid off GH₵ 810 after 5 months.
b) 1,944 – 810 = 1,134
Her balance after 5 months is GH₵ 1,134.

Understand integers
Exercise 1 WB page 29
1. a) +2; –2
b) +5; –5
c) The sum of the same digit with opposite signs equals
d) –10 + 10 = 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

–10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

3. a) 
> b) < c) > d) >

Strand 1: Number 117

Exercise 2 WB page 30
1. a) D=0
b) G = 15
15 – 0 = 15
c) –15
d) F = 9
G = 15
So, F < G
e) F = 9
9 > –9
So, F > –9
f) On the number line above, the distance from B to 6 is
4 units.
1 unit = 3 values
So, 4 units = 4 × 3 = 12.
g) On the number line above, the distance from D to A
is 4 units.
1 unit = 3 values
So, 4 units = 4 × 3 = 12.
h) On the number line above, the distance from –15
to G is 30 units.
1 unit = 3 values
So, 30 units = 10 × 3 = 30
2. a) A = –25
B = –20
C = –10
D = –5
F = 15
G = 20
H = 25
b) B = –20
D = –5
So, D – B = –5 – (–20) = 15
c) D = –5
G = 20
So, G – D = 20 – (–5) = 25
d) E = 5
B = –20
So, B – E = –20 – 5 = –25

118 Strand 1: Number

e) (i) smaller than
(ii) greater than
(iii) equal to
3. a) –10 b) 1 c) –6 d) 7
e) –7 f) –8 g) 0 h) –1
i) –11 j) 11

Exercise 3 WB page 32
1. a) 1 b) 10 c) 9 d) –12
e) –1 f) –9; –7 g) smaller; –7
h) 0
2. a) < b) < c) > d) <
e) < f) > g) > h) >
i) < j) > k) >

Exercise 4 WB page 33
1. a)

–7 –3 0 2 6

–7; –3, 0; 2; 6

–9 –4 3 7 8

–9; –4; 3; 7; 8

–10 –6 0 2 8

–10; –6; 0; 2; 8

–10 –7 –5 0 2 6

–10; –7; –5; 0; 2; 6


–16 –4 –2 0 8 14

–16; –4; –2; 0; 8; 14

Strand 1: Number 119

2. a)

–9 –4 –1 0 7 8

8; 7; 0; –1; –4; –9

–8 –4 0 2 4

4; 2; 0; –4; –8

–10 –6 –2 0 4

4; 0; –2; –6; –10


–7 –4 0 3 4 6

6; 4; 3; 0; –4; –7

–9 –5 –3 –1 0 2 4

4; 2; 0; –1; –3; –5; –9

Exercise 5 WB page 35
1. a) –8; –3; –2; 7; 4; 7
b) –5; –1; 0; 4; 8; 10
c) –9; –5; –3; –1; 2; 4; 5
d) –8; –7; –2; 0; 3; 6; 9
e) –12; –8; –5; –1; 3; 6; 12
2. a) 8; 3; 2; 1; –4; –5; –6; –8
b) 12; 9; 5; 4; 0; –6; –18
c) 20; 15; 4; –1; –8; –9; –13
d) 17; 10; 6; 3; –2; –3; –11; –12
e) 13; 6; 5; 2; –2; –5; –6; –13

Exercise 6 WB page 36
1. a) –5° b) –10 m
c) –25 litre d) –12 m
e) +7 cm f) –GH₵ 100
g) –GH₵ 200 h) –10°
i) +20 km/h j) –6%

120 Strand 1: Number

2. a) –2; –3; –1; 0; –2
b) 5; 4; 6; 7; 5
c) –1; –2; 0; 1; –1
d) 16; 15; 17; 18; 16
e) –8; –9; –7; –6; –8
f) –11; –12; –10; –9; –11

Exercise 7 WB page 37
1. a) –4

–12 –11 –10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2

b) 2

–1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

c) –8

–12 –11 –10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2

d) 12

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

e) 2

–10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2

f) 4

–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 3

2. a) 

–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

b) –11

–12 –11 –10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4

Strand 1: Number 121

c) –3

–4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

d) 0

–1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

e) –7

–8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2

f) –1

–4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Exercise 8 WB page 39
1. a) 5 b) –5 c) 21
d) –5 e) –11 f) 7
g) –5 h) –12 i) –7
j) 0
2. a) 13 – 8 = 5
The new temperature is 5 °C.
b) 5 – 7 = –2
The temperature is –2 °C.
c) –2 + 10 = 8
The new temperature is 8 °C.
3. a) 11 b) 7 c) 10
d) 5 e) 9 f) –4
g) –13 h) 5

Exercise 9 WB page 40
1. a) –15

–16 –15 –14 –13 –12 –11 –10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0

The product is –15.

122 Strand 1: Number

b) 12

–1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

The product is 12.

c) 12

–1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

The product is 12.

d) –12

–13 –12 –11 –10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1

The product is –12.

e) –12

–13 –12 –11 –10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1

The product is –12.

f) –12

–13 –12 –11 –10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1

The product is –12.

g) 32

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32

The product is 32.

Exercise 10 WB page 41

1. a) –20 b) –18 c) 24
d) –15 e) 28 f) –28
g) –30 h) –24 i) –45
j) 42 k) –48 l) –36

Strand 1: Number 123

2. a) If –2 × 3 = –6, then –2 × 6 = –6 + (–6) = –12
b) If –4 × 8 = –32, then –4 × 4 = –32 ÷ 2 = –16
c) If –3 × 10 = –30, then –3 × 9 = (–30 – (–3) = –27)
d) If –5 × 10 = –50, then –5 × 11 = (–50 + (–5) = –55)
e) –4 × 16 = –4(10 + 6) = (–4 × 10) + (–4 × 6)
= –40 + (–24) = –64
f) –6 × 14 = –6(10) + 4) = (–6 × 10) + (–6 × 4)
= –60 + (–24) = –84

Exercise 11 WB page 42

1. a)  3 × 6 = 18
Kwaku baked 18 cookies
b) –11
c) 18 – 11 = 7
d) 7 cookies remained
e) 18 – (+11) = 7
f) Learners’ own answers
2. a)  1 hour = 60 min; (60 × 3) ÷ 20 = 9
The lawnmower will have used 9 litres of petrol after
1 hour.
c) 3 × 3 = 3 + 3 + 3 = 9 litres of petrol
d) 15 – 9 = 6
So, 6 litres of petrol is left after an hour.
e) 6 – 9 = –3
No, the lawnmower will not have enough petrol for
2 hours.
3. (6 × 3) + (3 × 2) = 18 + 6 = 24
Junior bought 24 toffees and pieces of chewing gum.
4. 3 × 10 = 30; 2 × 10 = 20
There are 30 pencils and 20 erasers in 10 boxes.
5. 3 × 9 = 27
Sally buys 27 packets of peanuts for nine trips.

124 Strand 1: Number

Compare, add, subtract, multiply and divide
Exercise 1 WB page 44
1. Fraction HCF Simplified fraction
a) ​ __ 10
 ​  5 ​ __23 ​

b) __
​  18 9
  ​  9 ​ __12 ​

c) __​  1824
 ​  6 ​ __34 ​
d) __ ​  32
 ​  2 ​ __

e) 4  ​ 
​ __
4 ​ __18 ​

f) __
​  36 8
  ​  4 ​ __29 ​

g) __​  36 9
  ​  9 ​ __14 ​
h) __ ​  18 45
 ​  3 ​ __

i) ​ __ 25
 ​  5 ​ __58 ​

j) __ ​  36 42
 ​  6 ​ __67 ​

k) __ ​  12 8
  ​  4 ​ __23 ​

l) __ ​  1640
 ​  8 ​ __25 ​

m) __ 6
​  30   ​  6 ​ __15 ​

n) ​  14
 ​  7 ​ __27 ​

o) __​  1025
 ​  5 ​ __25 ​

p) __ 9
​  63   ​  9 ​ __17 ​

Strand 1: Number 125

2. Fraction Multiplying numerator Equivalent
and denominator by a
factor of HCF
a) ​  25 ​
__ 4 ​ __

__ 9 27 ​ 
​ __
b) ​  10   ​  3 30
__ 7  ​  14 ​ 
​ __
c) ​  13 2 26
d) ​  37 ​
__ 5 ​ __
e) ​  15 ​
__ 6 ​ __

f) ​  56 ​
__ 3 15
​ __

Exercise 2 WB page 45
1. a) > b) < c) > d) = e) <
​  20
= __
2. a)  ​  18 ​;  __
 ​;  __
28 28 28 28
​  5  ​ 
​  14 ​;  __
5 __
= __
​  28 ​  18 ​;  __
  ​;  ​  14 ​;  __
28 28 28
​  20 ​ 
= __ 5 __
​  28 ​  9  ​;  __
  ​;  ​  2 ​; __
4 14 7
​  5 ​
​  25
b) = __  ​;  __​  6  ​;  __
30 30 30 30
​  15 ​ 
​  12 ​;  __
3 __
= __ ​  15  ​;  ​  2 ​; __
5 2 6
​  5 ​
​  1 ​; __
8 __
c) = __
​  24   ​;  ​  12 ​;  __
24 24 24
​  8  ​;  __
​  15 ​ 
= __ ​  13 ​; __ ​  26 ​; __
​  24 ​; __​  58 ​
​  12
d) = __  ​;  __
18 18 18 18
​  4  ​;  __​  12 ​;  __ ​  13 ​ 
= __ ​  29 ​; __​  23 ​; __
​  46 ​; __​  13

​  34 ​; __
= __
3. a)  ​  25 ​; __
​  16 ​

Exercise 3 WB page 46
1. a) ​ __
  ​ = 0.6
b) 0.44
c) ​  13 ​= 0.33…

d) 0.625
e) 0.66…
​  15 ​ = __
f) __ 2  ​ = 0.2
​  10

126 Strand 1: Number

2. a) ​ ___
  ​ = 40%
b) ___
​  100  ​ = 25%
c) ___
​  100  ​ = 15%
d) ____   ​ = 75.5%
​  1,000

e) 25%
f) ____
​  1,000 ​  12.5
  ​ = ____
​= 12.5%
44  ​ = 44%
3. a) ​ ___
b) 6 ​ __ ​  65 ​ = ___
  ​ = __
10 10 100
​  650  ​= 650%
c) ____
​  1,000 ​  87.5
  ​ = ____
​= 87.5%
d) ​ __ ​  70  ​ = 70%
   ​ = ___
10 100
___ 66
e) ​  100   ​ = 66%
f) ____
​  1,000 ​  12.5
  ​ = ____
​= 12.5%

Exercise 4 WB page 47

Fraction Decimal Percentage

a) __ ​  15 ​ 0.2 20%
b) ____
​  1,000   ​ = __ ​  38 ​ 0.375 37.5%
c) __
​  10   ​ = __ ​  45 ​ 0.8 80%

d) __ ​  36  ​ = ___
50 100
​  72  ​  0.72 72%

e) ___ ​  100 42  ​ = __ ​  21  ​  0.42 42%

5 1 ​
f) 6 ​ __ 10
  ​ = 6 ​ __
6.5 650%
__ 9 __ 3 ___ 75
g) ​  12  ​ = ​  4 ​= ​ 100   ​  0.75 75%

h) ___ ​  1002   ​ = __ 1  ​ 

​  50 0.02 2%

i) __ ​  11  ​ = ___
25 100
​  44  ​  0.44 44%

Strand 1: Number 127

Exercise 5 WB page 47
1. a) > b) > c) >
d) = e) < f) =
2. a) = 0.82; 0.8; 0.85; 0.67; 0.875

0.6 0.67 0.7 0.8 0.82 0.85 0.9


​ __78 ​; 85%; 0.82; __

​ 45 ​; __
​  23 ​
b) = 0.7; 0.75; 0.6; 0.3

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

​  12 ​ 13 ​
  ​;  70%; 0.6; __

c) = 0.4; 0.46; 0.35; 0.57

0.34 0.37 0.4 0.46 0.52 0.58 0.61

 0.35 0.57

4; 7; 0.4; 35%
3. a) 
= 0.6; 0.47; 0.8; 0.2

 0.2 0.3 0.36 0.4 0.47 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

47 __ 8
20%; 0.36; ___
​ 100  ​;  ​    ​ 
b) = 0.4; 0.38; 0.65; 0.125; 0.666

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.65 0.7

 0.125 0.38

​  18 ​; 0.38; 40%; 65%; 0.666


c) = 0.04; 0.02; 0.06; 0.25


 0 0.02 0.06 0.1 0.2 0.25 0.3

___ 2   ​;  0.04; 6%; __

​  100 ​ 28 ​

128 Strand 1: Number

4. 75% = ___
​ 100 ​  34 ​
  ​ = __
​ __ ​  4 ​
  ​ = __
10 5
​ __ ​  3 ​
  ​ = __
12 4
0.75 = ___
​ 100 ​  34 ​
  ​ = __
66.6% = 66 ​ __

​  68 ​ = __
__ ​  24 ​
So, __ ​  10 ​ 34 ​.
  ​ and 66.6% are not equal to __

Exercise 6 WB page 49
12  ​ b) ​ __ 14  ​
1. a) ​ __
5 4
  ​ c) ​ __
​  45
d) __ 7
  ​ e) ​ __ ​ 
2. a)  1 ​  3 ​ b) 2 ​ __27 ​ c) 1 ​ __
2 ​
  ​ = 1 ​ __
13 1 1
d) 4 e) ​ __ 3
  ​ = 4 ​ __ ​
f) 3 ​ __

Exercise 7 WB page 50
1. a) ​ __75 ​ = 1 ​ __25 ​
b) 3 – 3 ​ __39 ​
= __ ​  –39

= – ​ __13 ​
​  93
c) __ 7
  ​ – __ ​  54

= __ ​  39 7

= 5 ​ __47 ​
d) 10 ​ __56 ​
e) __ ​  18
= 1 ​ __ 12

= 1 ​ __12 ​
f) 2 ​ __78 ​

Strand 1: Number 129

8 15
g) 6 ​ __
  ​ + 3 ​ __ ​ 
= 9 ​  20 ​ 
= 10 ​ __
7 5
h) 4 ​ __
  ​ + 6 ​ __  ​ 
= 10 ​ __ 12 ​ 
2  ​ 
= 11 ​ __
= 11 ​ __15 ​
16 21  ​
i) 5 ​ __
 ​ – 2 ​ __
72 21 ​ 
= 4 ​  56 ​ – 2 ​ __
= 2 ​ __
9 __ 6
j) __
​  16   ​ – ​    ​ 
= __
​  16  ​ 
21 ​ + 7 ​ __
k) 4 ​ __
30 30

= 11 ​ __ 41 ​ 
11 ​ 
= 12 ​ __
Exercise 8 WB page 51

1. 4 ​ __23 ​ – 3 ​ __12 ​
= 4 ​ __46 ​ – 3 ​ __36 ​
= 1 ​ __16 ​
Kojo walked 1 ​ __16 ​kilometres more.
2. 7 ​ __38 ​ – 4 ​ __28 ​ = 3 ​ __18 ​
Abena has 3 ​ __18 ​ m fabric left.

130 Strand 1: Number

Exercise 9 WB page 51
1. a) ​ __16 ​

b) ​  12 ​ × __
__ ​  23 ​ = __
​  26 ​

c) __
​  16    ​

d) __
​  25    ​

Exercise 10 WB page 52

1 5 __ 5
1. a) ​ __  ​ = ​    ​ or
42 14
​ __56 ​ × __ ​  37 ​ = __ ​  52 ​ × __ ​  17 ​ = __ ​  14 5

b) ​ __ 14 ​ 
c) __​  12  ​ = __
42 7
​  2 ​ or
​ __47 ​ × __ ​  36 ​ = __ ​  27 ​ × __ ​  33 ​ = __ ​  27 ​× 1 = __ ​ 27 ​
16 __
d) ​ __  ​ = ​  2 ​ or
40 5
​ __48 ​ × __ ​  45 ​ = __ ​  12 ​ × __ ​  45 ​= 1 × __ ​ 25 ​ = __
​  25 ​
2. a) ​ __41 ​ × __ ​  11

= 2 × 11 = 22

Strand 1: Number 131

​  11
b) __ 4
​  17
  ​ × __

​  187
= ___12
= 15 ​ __

​  73 ​ × __
c) __ ​  73 ​
​  49
= __ 9

= 5 ​ __49 ​
​  25
d) __ 4
​  38
  ​ × __

​  19
​  52 ​ × __
= __ 1

​  95
= __ 2

= 47 ​ __12 ​

Ratios and its relationship to fractions,
multiplication and division
Exercise 1 WB page 53
1. a) 6:8
b) 5 : 10
c) 6 : 3
2. a)  2 of shape A can fit into shape B
b) Shape A is __​ 12 ​of shape B
c) 1 : 2
d) 3
​  13 ​
e) __
f) 1 : 3
g) No
h) 8 : 12

Exercise 2 WB page 54
1. a) 

b) 12 photos in one group and 21 photos in the other


132 Strand 1: Number

c) 9 marbles in one group and 12 marbles in the other
2. a) 

red stars yellow stars

Part to whole ratio

Part to part ratio


Part to whole ratio

Exercise 3 WB page 55
1. a) ​ __79 ​
b) __ ​  12
36 3
​  1 ​
 ​ = __
c) __
​  24   ​ = __​  18 ​

2. a) 1:5



3. a) 

Strand 1: Number 133

b) 1 : 3

c) 1 : 4

Exercise 4 WB page 57

Ratio Calculation Simplest

14 ÷ 14 __
1. ​  14
 ​  ______
​  56 ​ = ​  1 ​
÷ 14 4
​  14 ​

2. 14 : 21 14 ÷ 7 = 2 2:3
21 ÷ 7 = 3
3. 32 : 64 32 ÷ 32 = 1 1:2
64 ÷ 32 = 2
4. ​  25
 ​  ​  25
_____ ÷ 5 __
​ = ​  5 ​
65 ÷ 5 3
__ 5
​  13

5. 9:3 9÷3=3 3:1

6. Kwaw reads 5 10 : 5 2:1
fiction books and 10 ÷ 5 : 5 ÷ 5 = 2 : 1
10 science fiction
7. 12 : 8 12 ÷ 4 = 3 3:2
8. 20 : 32 20 ÷ 4 = 5 5:8
32 ÷ 4 = 8
9. An animal shelter 12 : 18 2:3
has 12 puppies and 12 ÷ 6 : 18 ÷ 6 = 2 : 3
18 kittens to adopt
10. 70 : 49 70 ÷ 7 = 10 10 : 7
49 ÷ 7 = 7
11. 9 : 15 9÷3=3 3:5
15 ÷ 3 = 5
12. 15 cookies to 40 15 : 40 3:8
cakes 15 ÷ 5 : 40 ÷ 5 = 3 : 8

134 Strand 1: Number

Exercise 5 WB page 58
1. a) 6:4=3:2
​  25 ​white paint
b) __
​  25 ​of 30 = 12 litres of white paint
c) __
​  35 ​of 30 = 18 litres of green paint

2. a) ​ __ 12
  ​ × 36 = 15 girls in the class
5 7
b) __ ​  12   ​ = __
​  12   ​ 
__ ​  12   ​ × 36

= 21 boys in the class

c) boys : girls = 21 : 15
3. a) hockey : soccer = 12 : 8
b) hockey : total number of cards = 12 : 42
c) cricket : total = 7 : 42
d) hockey : basketball = 12 : 15
4. a) Kukua receives __ ​ 49 ​of GH₵ 252 = __ ​  252
​ 49 ​ × ___ 1
= 4 × 28 = GH₵ 112
​  59 ​of GH₵ 252 = __
Yaw receives __ ​ 59 ​ × ___
​  252
   ​ = 5 × 28
= GH₵ 140
b) 112 : 252
5. a) Total number of ice cream sold = 24
strawberry : total = 3 : 24 = 1 : 8
b) chocolate : mint = 8 : 6
c) 240 ÷ 24 = 10
So, one ice cream costs GH₵ 10.
d) 8 × 10 = GH₵ 80
Chocolate ice cream earned GH₵ 80.

Strand 1: Number 135

Exercise 6 WB page 61
​  24 ​ and __
1. __ ​  28 ​
​ __24 ​ = __
​  12 ​
​  28 ​ = __
And __ ​  14 ​
The ratios are not equivalent.
Ratio First equivalent Second equivalent
ratio ratio
a) 2:3 8 : 12 10 : 15
b) ​  18 ​
__ __ 2  ​ 
​  16 __ 4   ​
​  32
c) 13 : 20 26 : 40 39 : 60
d) 3:5 12 : 20 18 : 30
e) __ 4  ​ 
​  10 ​  25 ​
__ ​  12

f) 4:7 12 : 21 16 : 28
3. 60 ÷ 3 = 20 : 1
And 90 : 6 = 15 : 1
No, the ratio of pages read is not equivalent.
4. 30 : 60 = 1 : 2
And 45 : 85 = 9 : 17
No, the ratios are not equivalent.
5. a)  Ama: 10 : 5 = 2 : 1 and Awo: 12 : 6 = 2 : 1
b) Yes, the ratios are equivalent forms of each other.
c) bracelets : friends = 2 : 1
2 : 1 = x : 8 ∴ x = 16
So, Alena has to make 16 bracelets.

Exercise 7 WB page 62
Water (ℓ) 10 20 25 35 40
Orange juice (ℓ) 30 60 75 105 120

2. apples : tarts = 20 : 5 = x : 20
∴ x = 80
So, Mom would need 80 apples to make 20 tarts.
3. dogs : bag of food = 8 : 1
8 : 1 = 32 : x
   ∴ x = 4
So, the shelter needs 4 bags of dog food to feed 32 dogs.

136 Strand 1: Number

4. flour : pancakes = 3 : 12 = 1 : 4
∴ x = 36
So, you can make 36 pancakes with 9 cups of flour.
5. completed : not complete = 6 : 3 = 24 : 12
24 : 12 = 8 : x
So, Kacely had 8 + 4 + 12 homework problems in total.
6. text : calls = 3 : 4; 3 : 4 = 18 : x
∴ x = 24
So, Adwana made 24 calls.

Proportion and its relationship to ratio and rates
Exercise 1 WB page 63
1. Means = 5 and 6
Extremes = 3 and 10
2. a)  Not in proportion
b) In proportion
c) In proportion
d) Not in proportion
3. a)  2 : 5 = x : 10
5x = 20; x = 4
So, 2 : 5 = 4 : 10
b) 4 : 12 = x : 6
12x = 24
So, 4 : 12 = 2 : 6
4. 1 : 7 = x : 35
7x = 35
So, 5 pages would hold 35 photos.

Exercise 2 WB page 65
​  20
1. __ 2
  ​= 10 words in a minute; 10 × 10 = 100.
So, Sibidoo will be able to type 100 words in 10 minutes.
2. a) ​ __5
  ​= 9
The workers can pick 9 oranges in one minute.

Strand 1: Number 137

b) 1 hour = 60 min; 60 × 9 = 540
So, the workers can pick 540 oranges in 1 hour.
​  124
3. ___ 6
   ​ = 20.66…
The price of one bag of rice is GH₵ 20.67.
​ 10
4. Shop 1: __6
  ​= 1.66; the price of on box of juice is
GH₵ 1.67.
Shop 2: __
​ 14  ​ = 2.25; the price of one box of juice is
GH₵ 2.25.
So, she could buy six boxes of juice for GH₵ 10.
5. __ 1  ​ = 0.5; the price of one can of cola is GH₵ 0.50.
​  20
15 × 0.5 = 7.50
So, the cost of 15 cans of cola is GH₵ 7.50.
​  82 ​= 4; Keku’s granny uses 4 balls of wool to knit a jersey.
6. __
4 × 3 = 12
So, she would need 12 balls of wool to knit 3 jerseys.

Exercise 3 WB page 66
1. a)  15,000 × 15 = 225,000
So the length of the river is 225,000 ÷ 100 = 2,250 m
b) 2,250 ÷ 1,000 = 2,250 km
c) 150 × 100,000 = 15,000,000 cm
15,000,000 ÷ 5 = 3,000,000
So the scale is 1 : 3,000,000.
2. 5.5 × 100 = 550
So, the actual length of the bedroom is 550 cm.
550 ÷ 100 = 5.5
The actual length is 5.5 m.
3. 125 m = 12,500 cm
​  500   ​ = 25 cm
So, the model will be 25 cm tall.

138 Strand 1: Number

Strand 2: Algebra
B6 2.1.1
Determine the pattern rule to make predictions
Exercise 1 WB page 67
1. a) 
1 2 3 4 5 6

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 2 3 4 5 6

2. a) Row 1:
Row 2:
Row 3:
Row 4:
Row 5:
Row 6:
b) Five blocks are added each time to the previous row.

Strand 2: Algebra 139

Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
No. of
1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41
So, row 9 will contain 41 blocks.
3. a)

​  38 ​: 16 matchsticks; Pattern 5: 26 matchsticks

b) Pattern __
Pattern 4: 21 matchsticks; Pattern 6: 31 matchsticks
c) Five matchsticks are added each time to the previous
pattern (shape).

Exercise 2 WB page 69
1. a) 
Row number 1 2 3 4 5 6
Number of seats 5 7 9 11 13 15
b) The number of seats in a row is twice the row number
plus 3.
c) Number of seats in row 6: (2 × 6) + 3 = 15
Number of seats in the whole classroom:
5 + 7 + 9 + 11 + 13 + 15 = 60 seats
2. b) 2; 4; 6; 8; 10; 12
Proof 4 + 2 = 6
Next terms: 6 + 2 = 8; 8 + 2 = 10; 10 + 2 = 12
c) 45; 36; 27; 18; 9
Rule: Start at 45, subtract 9 from the previous
Proof: 45 – 9 = 36
Next terms: 39 – 9 = 27; 27 – 9 = 18; 18 – 9 = 9
d) 6; 14; 22; 30; 38; 46
Rule: Start at 6, add 8 to the previous number.
Proof: 6 + 8 = 14
Next terms: 22 + 8 = 30; 30 + 8 = 38; 38 + 8 = 46
e) 2; 5; 10; 17; 26; 37
Rule: The first two terms are 2 and 5. Find the next
terms by adding 2 plus the difference between the
previous two terms.

140 Strand 2: Algebra

Proof: 5 + 2 + 3 = 10
Next terms: 10 + 2 + 5 = 17; 17 + 2 + 7 = 26;
26 + 2 + 9 = 37
OR: Square the term number and add 1 to determine
the numbers (terms) in the pattern.
Term no: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Number 1 5 10 17 26 37

Column A Column B
Add 7 2; 9; 16; 23; 30
Subtract 4 20; 24; 20; 16; 12
Subtract 3 (remember the 8; 5; 2; –1; –4
rules for integers)

Exercise 3 WB page 71
Column A Column B
a) 2; 5; 8; 11 3n + 3
b) 6; 9; 12; 15 3 times n + 1
c) 0; 4; 8; 12 1 less than 3 times n
d) 4; 7; 10 4(n – 1)
Pattern Rule in words Algebraic
a) 1; 5; 9; 13; … Difference is 4. 4n – 3
Multiply the term
number by 4 and
then subtract 3.
b) 1; 4; 7; 9; … Difference is 3. 3n – 2
Rule: Multiply the
term number by 3
and then subtract 2.
c) 5; 8; 11; 14; … Difference is 3. 3n + 2
Rule: Multiply the
term number by 3
and then add 2.
(Note: term number = input)

Strand 2: Algebra 141

RuleTerm 2 (n = 2) Term 5 Term 11
a) 2n – 3 (2)(2) – 3 (2)(5) – 3 (2)(11) – 3
= 1 = 7 = 19
b) 7n + 4 (7)(2) + 4 (7)(5) + 4 (7)(11) + 4
= 18 = 39 = 81
c) 5n – 2 (5)(2) – 2 (5)(5) – 2 (5)(11) – 2
= 8 = 23 = 53

Understand algebraic expressions
Exercise 1 WB page 72
1. In a linear relationship, any change in an input value will
result in a corresponding change in the output.
2. In a proportional relationship, one value increases/
decreases as the other value increases/decreases. The
ratio always stays the same.
3. a) 
Adult 1 2 3 4
Children 6 12 18 24

b) Variable: n
c) Six times the input (n)
d) 6n
e) 6 × 7 = 42. So, 42 learners are going to the zoo, if
seven adults are to accompany them.
4. a)
Number of sheets 1 2 3 4 5
Cost (GH₵) 1 3 5 7 9

b) Multiply the input value by 2 and then subtract 1.

c) 2n – 1
d) (2 × 8) – 1 = 15. So, it would cost GH₵ 15 to print 8
A4 sheets.
e) It is a proportional relationship. As the number of A4
colour sheets increases, the cost increases.
f) Yes

142 Strand 2: Algebra

Exercise 2 WB page 74
Expression Terms Variables Coefficient Constant
a) 5m + 3p – 7 3 2 2 1
b) 4n + 6y + 5 3 2 2 1
c) 3x + 2(y + 4) + 5 3 2 2 2
Variables Constants Coefficient Expression
a) x; y; z 9 –3; 2; 1 –3x + 2y + 2 + 9
b) m; n; p –4 5; –2; 4 5m – 2n + 4p – 4
c) s; t 6 8; 6; 10 8s + 6t + 10t + 6

Exercise 3 WB page 74
1. a) x–5
​  6x ​
b) __
c) 11 – a
d) y+8
e) 3x – 5
f) 2m + 6
​  12
g) __ 3p
h) (p + q) – 7
2. a) 3a + 2
2y – 3
b) _____
​  7    ​

​  5x
c) __ 2
  ​+ 8
3. a) a ×2 + 2a
b) 2 x(y + 3)
=2 xy + 2 ×3
c) x +7 ÷2

Exercise 4 WB page 76
1. a) P = (2x + 1 + 4)
A = 4(2x + 1)
b) P = 2(4x + 2 + 2y)
A = (4x + 2)(2y)

Strand 2: Algebra 143

2. a) 
P = 3(2y) = 6y
So, P = 6y
​ 12 ​× 2y × 3x
A = __
b) P = 2y + 2y + (3y + 1)
= 4y + 3y + 1
= 7y + 1
So, P = 7y + 1
​ 12 ​× 2y × 2 = 2y
A = __
So, A = 2y
3. a)

8 – 3x

4 + 2x

Perimeter of figure
= 2x + (8 – 3x) + 4 + 3x + (4 + 2x) + 8
= 2x + 8 – 3x + 4 + 3x + 4 + 2x + 8
= 4x + 24
4y 2y

3 3 3
2 8
3 3 3
4y 2y

144 Strand 2: Algebra

Perimeter of figure
= 4y + 3 + 3x + 3 + 2y + 8 + 2v + 3 + 3x + 3 + 4y +
= 6x + 12y + 28
Solve problems with a single variable and a
whole number coefficient
Exercise 1 WB page 78
1. a) x + 2y
b) 7 + 4 – 2g
= 11 – 2g
c) 9x + 4xy
d) 2a + 6a + 4 = 7
= 8a – 3
e) 3x + 15 – 2x
= 3x – 2x + 15
= x + 15
f) 30 – 18c
g) 7x + 3x – 4x + 2y – 4y + y
= 6x – y
h) 4mn – 9mn + 6m – 3m + 4n – 5n
= –5mn + 3m – n
i) 2p – 3p + 3x – 3x + 5xy – 8xy
= –p – 3xy

Exercise 2 WB page 79
1. a) 3(4) + 7
= 12 + 7 = 19
b) 4(4) + 2 – (3)(4)
= 18 – 12 = 6
c) _____
​  6     ​+ 5 – 4

​  86 ​+ 5 – 4
= __
= 8 + 30 – 24
= 14
2. a) 
4(2) + 3(4)
= 8 + 12
= 20

Strand 2: Algebra 145

b) 3(2)(2) + 5(4)
= 3(4 + 20)
= 12 + 60
= 72
c) ____
​  2(2)  ​+ 3(4) – 6
= 4 + 12 – 6
= 10

Exercise 3 WB page 80
1. x + 3 = 9
2. 8p = 72
__8p 72
​  8  ​ = __
​  8  ​
3. __
​  7 ​= 4
__ y 7
​  7 ​ × __
​  1 ​= 4 × 7
y = 28
4. 25 – n = 14
26 – n + n = 14 + n
25 = 14 + n
25 – 14 = 14n – 14
n = 11
5. m – 5 = 11
m – 5 + 5 = 11 + 5
m = 16
6. 3m = 27
​  3m
​  27
   ​ = __
7. __
​  4 ​ = q
__ p 4
​  4 ​ × __
​  1 ​ = q × 4
p = 4q

146 Strand 2: Algebra

8. x – 7 = 19
x – 7 + 7 = 19 + 7
x = 26
​  14
9. __ x  ​= 2
​  14
__ __
x  ​× ​ 1 ​= 2 × x
14 = 2x
​  14
​  2x
  ​ = __
10. 5 = z – 7
12 = z
z = 12
11. 19 + y = 23
19 + y – 19 = 23 – 19
12. y + 7 = 18
y + 7 – 7 = 18 – 7

Exercise 4 WB page 82
1. a) x + 4 = 17
x = 13
​  3x ​= 8
b) __
x = 24
c) x – 6 = 13
x = 19
2. a) ​ __6
  ​ = x
The cost of each can of cat food is GH₵ 8.
3. 4 × 75 = 300.
So, Araba earned GH₵ 300 during the holiday.
4. x + 14 = 25
x = 11
So, Aba volunteered 11 hours in the second week.
5. 33 – 8 = x or 8 + y = 33
x = 25 y = 25
So, Eba’s distance was 25 cm.

Strand 2: Algebra 147

6. 12 + y = 25
y = 13
So, Kamla’s friend has 13 cards.
7. __ 1  ​= 15
​  3y
y = 45
So, the length of the pool is 45 m.

Exercise 5 WB page 84
1. a) There are 23 books in total on two shelves. There are
5 books on one shelf. How many books are on the
second shelf?
b) A number minus 7 = 18. What is the number?

2. a)  + – = 5.725

= 2.725, = 5.275 and = 2.275

b) 5 + 5 + 5 = 15
1 – 5 + 7 = 11
1 + 5 + 7 = 13
= 1, = 5, =7

148 Strand 2: Algebra

Strand 3: G
 eometry and
B6 3.1.1
Understand prisms
Exercise 1 WB page 85
1. vertex


2. a)  cylinder
b) pyramid
3. From left to right: triangular pyramid; rectangular prism;
hexagonal prism; rectangular prism

Exercise 2 WB page 86
Type of solid Number Number Number Draw the net
of faces of of edges
Rectangular 6 8 12

Cylinder 2 0 2

Strand 3: Geometry and measurement 149

Type of solid Number Number Number Draw the net
of faces of of edges
Triangular 5 6 9

Square-based 5 5 8

Hexagonal 8 12 12

2. a) Rectangular prism
b) Triangular prism
c) Square-based pyramid
d) Sphere
e) Triangular prism

Exercise 3 WB page 88
1. Rectangle

150 Strand 3: Geometry and measurement

Shape Vertical cross Horizontal cross
section section
Rectangular prism Square Rectangle
Cylinder Rectangle Circle
Square-based Triangle Square
Triangular prism Triangle Rectangle
Cone Triangle Circle
Triangular Triangle Triangle
3. Yes
4. a)  E b) B c) B d) C
e) A f) A g) E h) E
i) D j) A

Exercise 4 WB page 90

Shape Number Number Number Diagram of 3D

of of faces of edges shape
A Square 8 6 12 Cube
B Rectangle 8 6 12 Rectangular prism
C Rectangle 6 5 9 Triangular prism
D Triangle 6 5 9 Triangular prism
E Square 5 5 8 Square-based
F Hexagon 7 7 12 Hexagonal-based
G Triangle 4 4 6 Triangular-based
H Pentagon 10 7 15 Pentagonal prism

Exercise 5 WB page 92
1. Learners own work
2. Learners’ own work
3. Learners’ own work

Strand 3: Geometry and measurement 151

Describe the position of objects in space, using
the cardinal points
Exercise 1 WB page 93
1. First row, from left to right: North; South; East; West
Second row, from left to right: North-east; North-west;
South-east; South-west
2. a)  South-west b) South-east
c) North-east d) South-east
e) North-west f) North-east
g) South-west h) South
3. a)  East
b) South-west
c) South
d) East
4. a)  North-east b) North
c) South-east d) South-west
e) South-east f) South
g) North-east

Exercise 2 WB page 96
1. a) From the courtyard (H), go south-east to the school
office (F).
b) From the boys’ toilet (E), go south-west to the
Grade 4–6 area (B).
c) From the parking area (I), go south-east to the
Grade 7 area (C).
d) From the Grade 7 area (C), go south-west to the
sports field (G).
e) From the Grade 6 area (B), go east to the Grade 7
area (C).

152 Strand 3: Geometry and measurement

Perform a single translation on a 2D shape
Exercise 1 WB page 97
1. a)  Horizontal line of reflection
b) Vertical line of reflection
c) Horizontal line of reflection
d) Diagonal line of reflection

Strand 3: Geometry and measurement 153

Exercise 2 WB page 99

1. a) b)
y y

x x
(​ –23  ​) (​ 42 ​)

154 Strand 3: Geometry and measurement

c) d)
y y

x x

(​ –1–3 ​) () 4
​  5 ​

2. a) ​  6  ​

b) (​  –13   ​)


Exercise 3 WB page 101

1. a) y

2 y=2


1 2

Strand 3: Geometry and measurement 155

b) y



1 2

c) y


1 2 3

156 Strand 3: Geometry and measurement

2. a)  y

1 2 x
y = –4

b) y

3 y=3
x = –2


–2 –1 1 2 x

Strand 3: Geometry and measurement 157

c) y


2 4 6 x
y = –5

d) y
x = –9


y=1 1 x=8
–9 2 4 6 8 x
y = –1 –1

3. a) a: y = –1
b) b: y = 3
c) c: x = –5
d) d: y = x

158 Strand 3: Geometry and measurement

4. a) b)
y y

x x
A' B B'

c) d)
y y

D D'

x x
x = –3

5. a) x=1
b) y = x

Exercise 4 WB page 106

1. a) 6 units to the left and 3 units up
b) 4 units to the right and 2 units down

Strand 3: Geometry and measurement 159

2. a) b)
y y



x x
c) d)
y y



x x

3. a) ​  10
0( )

b) (​  97 ​)
c) (​  –4
–5 )

d) (​  113)

e) (​  160

f) (​  –131

160 Strand 3: Geometry and measurement

4. a)



y = –2 x


d) ​  32 ​

Strand 3: Geometry and measurement 161

Strand 4: Data
B6 4.1.1
Create, label and interpret line graphs
Exercise 1 WB page 109
1. a)
Distance (km) 18 25 35 46 51
Week 1 2 3 4 5
Jojo’s training for the Berlin marathon

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 x-axis
Distance (km)
c) Week 4

162 Strand 4: Data

2. a)
y-axis Time it takes for the oven to heat up
0 x-axis
1 2 3 4 5
Time (minutes)
b) 5 minutes
c) Between 2 and 3 minutes
d) Yes, up to the point (temperature) of the oven’s
temperature capacity.

Exercise 2 WB page 111

1. a)  Continuous data can take any value in the range of
values, so it is represented using a line graph.
b) Discrete data can be counted. Discrete data is
represented by using a series of points on a graph.
2. Line graph: mass of new-born puppies
Points: number of learners in the school
Data Continuous How to
or discrete represent data
a) Number of soccer games Discrete Series of points
won in the season
b) Growth of a plant in a Continuous Line graph
c) Number of sneaker sold Discrete Series of points
at a shoe store
d) Distance travelled in car Continuous Line graph

Strand 4: Data 163

Data Continuous How to
or discrete represent data
e) Depth of deep-sea diver Continuous Line graph
below sea level
f) Time spend on social Continuous Line graph
media per week
4. a) 
Discrete data. The data values are whole numbers.
Number of wins a local soccer club had
during previous seasons
0 x-axis
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Exercise 3 WB page 113

1. a) 38 people
b) 10 people
c) The number of adults decreased as the weeks go by.
d) Between 4 and 6 people
2. a) 6:00 p.m.
b) 2.75 mm
c) Approximately 5.25 mm
d) Approximately 3 mm
3. a) He travelled 45 km from home.
b) He stopped to rest and drink water.
c) He travelled back home.
d) During the first hour and then again between the 6th
and 7th hour and the 7th and 8th hour.
e) 10 km
f) 110 km
g) He became tired; he had to cycle uphill for certain
distances; etc.

164 Strand 4: Data

Select, justify and use appropriate methods of
collecting data
Exercise 1 WB page 117
1. a)
Size Tally Frequency
S |||| |||| || 12
M |||| |||| | 11
L |||| |||| 9
XL ||| 3
Total 35

b) Sizes of T-shirts members of a

netball team wear



c) Small
d) X-large

Strand 4: Data 165

2. a) 
Stationery item Tally Frequency
Erasers |||| ||| 8
Rulers ||||  |||| || 12
Pencils ||||  ||||  |||| | 16
Files ||||  |||| 10
A4 sheets ||||  ||||  |||| ||| 18
Plastic wrap |||| 5
Markers |||| ||| 8
b) A4 Sheets
c) Plastic wrap
d) 77 items
Items sold at a stationery store in one weekend






Erasers Rulers Pencils Files A4 Plastic Markers
sheets wrap
Stationery item

166 Strand 4: Data

Understand probability
Exercise 1 WB page 119

0 Very Unlikely Even Likely Very 100%

Impossible unlikely chance likely Certain

2. a) Certain
b) Impossible
c) Likely
d) Likely
(Answers to (c) and (d) will depend on learner’s own
perception and experiences.)
e) Likely

Exercise 2 WB page 120

2  ​ = __
1. a) (i) ​ __ ​  1 ​
12 6
(ii) ​ 

​  18 ​
b) __
c) __
​  21    ​= 0

​ 18 ​;
d) Theoretical probability = __
experimental probability = 0
2. a) – b) Learners’ own work

c) (i) ​ __26 ​ = __
​  13 ​
Learners’ own answers
​ 16 ​ + __
(iii) Theoretical probability: __ ​  16 ​ = __
​  26 ​ = __
​  13 ​

​  26 ​ = __
(iv) ​  13 ​
10 __
3. a) ​ __  ​ = ​  1 ​
50 5
​  16 ​
b) __

c) ​  40
__ ​  4 ​
 ​ = __
50 5

Strand 4: Data 167

​  56 ​
d) __

​  28
e) __ ​  14 ​ 
  ​ = __
50 25
​  36 ​ = __
f) __ ​  12 ​

4. a) ​ __12 ​

​  12 ​

5. a) ​ __ 12 ​ = __​  6  ​ 

50 25
b) __ ​  12  ​ + __
50 50 50 5
​  18 ​ = __
​  30 ​ = __​  3 ​
20 __
c) ​ __  ​ = ​  2 ​
50 5
6. a)  (i) ​ ___
100 20
  ​ = __ ​  3  ​ 
(ii) ​ ___ 100 5
  ​ = __ ​  1 ​
b) (i) 50 people
(ii) 80 people

168 Strand 4: Data

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