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Length, Perimeter
and Area
My name
Copyright © 2009 3P Learning. All rights reserved.
First edition printed 2009 in Australia.
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ISBN 978-1-921860-82-9

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Series F – Length, Perimeter and Area
Topic 1 – Units of length (pp. 1–9) Date completed

• m, cm, mm____________________________________________ / /

• find and order length____________________________________ / /

• metres to kilometres____________________________________ / /

• metric and imperial equivalents___________________________ / /

• spot the distance – apply_________________________________ / /

• word problems – solve__________________________________ / /

Topic 2 – Travelling far (pp. 10–15)

• measure distances______________________________________ / /

• maps and scale________________________________________ / /

• flag it! – apply_________________________________________ / /

• the city to school – create________________________________ / /

Topic 3 – Perimeter (pp. 16–22)

• perimeter of shapes____________________________________ / /

• calculate perimeter_____________________________________ / /

• construct shapes_______________________________________ / /

• perimeter problems – solve_______________________________ / /

Topic 4 – Area (pp. 23–32)

• square centimetres (cm2)________________________________ / /

• square metres (m2)_____________________________________ / /

• square centimetres (cm2) and square metres (m2)_____________ / /

• find area of irregular and composite shapes__________________ / /

• hectares and square kilometres (km2)_______________________ / /

• area and perimeter_____________________________________ / /

Series F – Length, Perimeter and Area
Topic 4 – Area (pp. 23–32) Date completed

• more perimeter problems – solve__________________________ / /

• area puzzles – solve_____________________________________ / /

• composite calculations – apply____________________________ / /

Series Authors:

Rachel Flenley
Nicola Herringer

Please note:
These pages have been designed to print to ‘shrink to printable area’ as this is a common default setting on many computers. There may be minor
discrepancies with measurements as individual printers and photocopiers print to slightly different proportions.

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Units of length – m, cm, mm

Metres (m), centimetres (cm) and millimetres (mm)

are used regularly in everyday life.
It makes sense to say 3 metres
10 mm = 1 cm instead of 300 centimetres.
100 cm = 1 m
1,000 m = 1 km

1 Complete the measure of each item below by adding either mm, cm or m next to the number:

a b c

20 14 4

d e f

13 2 28

2 Estimate and then measure these lengths. Which unit will you use?

Object Estimate Measure

a Height of a desk

b Shoulder to the fingertips

c Width of the door

d Hand span

e Pencil sharpener

f Width of a fingernail

g A4 paper length

Length, Perimeter and Area

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F 1 1

Units of length – m, cm, mm

To convert from cm This conversion box can help you To convert from mm
to mm, multiply by 10. convert units of length. to cm, divide by 10.

× 100 × 10
÷ 100
cm ÷ 10
m × 1,000
÷ 1,000

3 Convert these lengths to millimetres:

0 cm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

a 5 cm = mm b 3 cm = mm c 9 cm = mm

d 7 cm = mm e 11 cm = mm f 15 cm = mm

4 Convert these lengths to centimetres:

a 50 mm = cm b 20 mm = cm c 223 mm = cm

d 15 mm = cm e 156 mm = cm f 495 mm = cm

5 Convert these lengths to metres:

a 300 cm = m b 500 cm = m c 250 cm = m

d 900 cm = m e 2,000 cm = m f 4,550 cm = m

To convert
6 Convert these lengths to metres: from mm to
m, divide by
a 1,000 mm = m b 5,000 mm = m

c 4,500 mm = m d 500 mm = m

2 F 1 Length, Perimeter and Area

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Units of length – find and order length
1 Look carefully at how each shape is divided and find the missing length:

a 1m

30 cm

b 3m

150 cm

c 200 cm

60 cm

d 100 cm

30 cm 20 cm

Convert all the lengths

to the same unit.

Don’t forget to check

your answers match
the units.

Length, Perimeter and Area

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F 1 3

Units of length – find and order length
2 Here is a list of some objects and their heights. Put them in order from shortest to tallest:

door 1.95 m 1 _______________________ Shortest

flagpole 16 m 2 _______________________

fridge 145 cm 3 _______________________

ladybird 2 mm 4 _______________________

tree 11 m 5 _______________________

giraffe 457 cm 6 _______________________ Tallest

3 Mr Marlowe’s class went on an excursion to the circus. He asked his pupils

to guess the height of a clown on stilts. Fill in the missing heights:

Name Height of the Clown on Stilts

Peter 3 m 30 cm 3.3 m

Sara 415 cm 4.15 m

Omar 3 m 64 cm 3.64 m

Julia 397 cm 3.97 m

Heba 4 m 9 cm 409 cm

It turned out that the clown was 3 m and 58 cm tall.

a Who had the closest guess? ________________

b How far off was this person? ________________

c What was the difference between

the highest and the lowest guess? ________________

d Write your height and find the two people in your class who are closest to your height.

4 F 1 Length, Perimeter and Area

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Units of length – metres to kilometres

Which units of measurement do we already know about?

To convert from
1 km = 1,000 m km to m, multiply
by 1,000. To convert
1 m = 0.001 km from m to km,
100 m = 0.1 km divide by 1,000.

1 Would you use metres or kilometres to measure the following lengths?

a Driveway b Distance from London to Edinburgh

c Height of your house d A marathon race

e Distance from Earth to the Moon f Length of the school playground

2 Write these lengths in kilometres:

a 2,000 m = km b 5,000 m = km c 8,000 m = km

d 1,500 m = km e 3,645 m = km f 1,747 m = km

3 Write these lengths in metres:

a 3 km = m b 7 km = m c 4 km = m

d 0.5 km = m e 3.7 km = m f 8.2 km = m

4 Which is shorter? Circle the shorter distance:

a 2 km or 2,220 m b 0.58 km or 600 m c 3.2 km or 3,100 m

d 0.75 km or 0.79 km e 560 m or 0.565 km f 5.5 km or 5,600 m

5 Which is longer? Circle the longer distance:

a 300 km or 2,500 m b 0.85 km or 800 m c 1,900 m or 2.9 km

d 1.58 km or 1,600 m e 855 m or 0.875 km f 7.25 km or 7,200 m

Length, Perimeter and Area

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F 1 5

Units of length – metres to kilometres
6 Mark these lengths in metres on the line below. The first one has been done for you.

100 metres 600 metres 400 metres 1,000 metres 200 metres 800 metres

0 km 1 km

100 m

7 Fill in the boxes to answer these word problems:

a Abdul walked 0.4 of a kilometre, Sara walked 20 metres and Kaitlyn walked half a kilometre.
Write their names in the boxes below to show how far each of them walked.

0 km 1 km

b In a 10 km fun run event, Omar stopped after 6 km, Peter stopped after 8,000 m and Heidi stopped
10 m before the end. Write their names in the boxes below to show how far each of them ran.

0 km 10 km

c Leng walked 250 m to the bus stop, and then rode the bus I have to convert here!
for 3 km to the beach. When she arrived at the beach she
went for a 4 km jog by the sea.
How many metres did she travel altogether?

km + km + km = m

6 F 1 Length, Perimeter and Area

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Units of length – metric and imperial equivalents

Most measurements used today in the UK are metric – that is, they are based on tens, hundreds
and thousands. However, you will still sometimes come across old ‘imperial’ measurements, such
as stone, pounds, pints, yards, feet and inches, and all road signs still measure longer distances
in miles rather than kilometres. Therefore, it’s useful to know how these imperial measurements
relate to metric measurements.
Length 1 inch = 2.54 cm 2.5 cm
1 foot (12 inches) = 30.48 cm 30 cm
1 yard (3 feet) = 91.44 cm 90 cm
1 mile (1,760 yards) = 1.61 km 1.6 km

Mass 1 ounce = 28.35 g 30 g

1 pound (16 ounces) = 0.45 kg 0.5 kg
1 stone (14 pounds) = 6.35 kg 6.5 kg

Capacity 1 pint = 0.57 l 0.6 l

1 Using the approximate equivalents, convert these imperial measures to metric:

a 2 pounds = kg b 4 inches = cm

c 5 pints = l d 10 miles = km

e 5 yards = m f 6 ounces = g

2 Circle the correct approximate imperial equivalent to the metric measurements:

a 8 km 2 miles 5 miles 10 miles

b 4 litres 7 pints 1 pint 20 pints

c 65 kg 1 stone 100 stone 10 stone

d 10 cm 2 inches 4 inches 12 inches

Length, Perimeter and Area

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F 1 7

Spot the distance apply

to do This is an estimating game for two players.
• The first player chooses two spots.
• The second player estimates the distance between the spots in mm. Measure from
each spot’s edge.
• The second player draws a line between the spots and then measures the distance
with their ruler. They score 100 points for the right answer, 40 points for an
estimate within 10 mm, and 20 points for an estimate within 20 mm.
• The second player picks two spots for the first player.
• The player with the most points after 10 rounds wins!



7 8




14 15

8 F 1 Length, Perimeter and Area

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Word problems solve

What a If there are 60 brochures in a stack and each of them are 8 mm thick, how high
to do
is the stack?

b A plank of wood is 5 m long. If 150 cm is sawn off, how much is left?

c How many 20 mm pieces of gold wire can be cut from 1 m?

d If a fingernail grows 2 mm a week, how many cm would it grow in 1 year?

e One day I bought 3 sherbet sticks. Their lengths were 0.75 m, 50 cm and 75 cm.
What was the total length? If sherbet sticks cost £2 a metre, how much did I spend?

Length, Perimeter and Area

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F 1 9

Travelling far – measure distances
To convert from m to km,
Write these distances in decimal notation: divide by 1,000.

a 2 km 123 m = km b 4 km 235 m = km

c 2 km 245 m = km d 5 km 235 m = km

e 8 km 145 m = km f 8 km 23 m = km

g 835 m = km h 593 m = km

2 Write these distances in metres:

a 3.6 km = m b 2.8 km = m c 0.6 km = m

d 9.3 km = m e 8.2 km = m f 7.1 km = m

g 5.6 km = m h 0.2 km = m i 0.1 km = km

3 Look carefully at Mermaid Island and work out how long these walking trails are.
Record all answers in kilometres.

Shark Cliff
Melody Point 1,572 m
1,245 m
Reckless Rocks 390 m
980 m
Laguna Beach 712 m 415 m
Sandy Beach
Sunset Cove

a Sunset Cove to Sandy Beach km

b Melody Point to Shark Cliff km

c Reckless Rocks to Laguna Beach km

d Melody Point to Sandy Beach via Shark Cliff km

e Laguna Beach to Shark Cliff via Melody Point km

10 F 2 Length, Perimeter and Area

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Travelling far – measure distances

Road maps sometimes have the distance between towns written on the road that connects them.
This information helps you plan your journey.

4 Here is a page from Hannah’s journal
where she has noted the places she 173 km
went to during a road trip with her Nottingham
family. Add the distances that they 145 km
travelled each day.
261 km


Stroud 135 km

70 km

232 km 223 km Maidstone

200 km Bournemouth

Day 1 Today we left home at Plymouth and drove straight to Bournemouth. km

Day 2 W
 e left Bournemouth after breakfast then we had lunch in Maidstone.
We stayed the night in Cambridge.

Day 3 We drove to Nottingham to find out about getting a new puppy! km

Day 4 W
 e had to leave early this morning as it turns out the puppy we want is km
in Chester.

Day 5 O
 ur new puppy is a boy! We named him Chester, after the town he came from.
We decided to travel back to Nottingham to show Chester to our cousins.

Day 6 T oday we drove all the way from Nottingham to Bath. Dad wanted to
keep going till we got home but mum made him stop.

Day 7 Today we drove the rest of the way home. km

5 What is the total distance that Hannah and her family travelled?
Show all of your working below.

Length, Perimeter and Area

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F 2 11

Travelling far – maps and scale

Scale is used to show long distances on a map.

This makes it easier for us to translate distance on a map to distance in the real world.

1 Use this map to answer the questions below. Look carefully at the scale.

1 cm

home school

fire park SCALE:


1 cm = 100 m



What is the shortest distance by road from:

a home to school? m

b home to the park? m

c the fire station to the shop? m

d the school to the farm? m

e home to the shop? m

f Draw your own route on the map.

Which landmarks do you go past? ________________________________________________________

What is the total distance of your route?

2 Now, suppose the scale is 1 cm = 1 km. What is the shortest distance by road from:

a the fire station to the park? km

b the park to home? km

c home to the shop? km

12 F 2 Length, Perimeter and Area

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Travelling far – maps and scale
3 Use the scale of 1 cm = 2 m to draw these lines in the boxes:

a 22 m

b 16 m

c 9m

4 Complete this table using a scale of 1 cm = 3 cm:

Scale length in cm 2 5 15 4 6 9 10 8 12 7

True length in cm

5 Complete this table using a scale of 1 cm = 6 m:

Scale length in cm 5 10 15 7 12 9 11 2 8 6

True length in m

6 Use this map* of a train route to answer the questions using this scale 4 cm = 10 km:

16 cm
Stop 2 Stop 1

4 cm
4 cm
Stop 4
Stop 3

8 cm
20 cm
Stop 5 Stop 6

*Not drawn to scale.

a What is the distance from Stop 1 to Stop 2? km

b What is the distance from Stop 4 to Stop 5? km

c What is the distance from Stop 2 to Stop 5? km

d What is the total distance of this train route? km

Length, Perimeter and Area

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F 2 13

Flag it! apply

Getting On your marks, get set, go! You are about to participate in a race to collect as many
flags as possible in less than 400 km.

What 1 Start at Point A.

to do
2 Work out how you will get to Point B collecting as many flags as you can at
various towns along the way. Use a calculator to help you add the distances.
3 You need to decide on your route. You may not exceed 400 km.

Olinda 90 Echoville
85 30 60
25 20
140 40
35 40 Bontern
Milltown 50

Rainbow Point Flagstuff

What to Use the space below to show your route and calculate the distance you cover
do next
between towns.

14 F 2 Length, Perimeter and Area

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The City to School create

ready Your group has been hired by your favourite charity
to organise a 1 km fun run at your school.
You will plan and measure out the course and then
get another group to test out your run.
The run needs to be exactly 1 kilometre in length.
You’ll need markers at each 100 m point.
School rules must be followed. You may need to place signs indicating speeds for
inside journeys.
The charity organisers will need detailed plans of your route and have asked your
teacher to be their auditor. He or she may check on any or all of your calculations.

to do • Work with your team to plan the route. Where do you predict 1 km will take you?
(You have to stay within the school grounds at all times.)

• How will you measure the distances? What tools will you need?

• If you add obstacles such as climbing over equipment, remember to factor in the
distances involved in going up and down!

• Once you have your route planned, test it out. Is it possible? Do you need to
refine it?

• How will you record the route for your charity? A map? A scaled drawing? This is
a big task in itself so you may want to divide up the roles within the group.

What to Once you think you are ready, submit your plans to your teacher. Stage your event.
do next

Ask your teacher and the other groups for their feedback.

Length, Perimeter and Area

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F 2 15

Perimeter – perimeter of shapes

Perimeter is the length around the outside of a shape.

2 cm 3 cm

2 cm 2 cm 2 cm 2 cm

2 cm 3 cm
The perimeter of the square is 8 cm. The perimeter of the rectangle is 10 cm.

1 Draw the following shapes and work out their perimeters:

a A square with 3 cm sides. A rectangle with two 4 cm sides and
two 3 cm sides.

P = cm P = cm

c A rectangle that is twice as long as it is wide.

P =

2 These shapes are not to scale, so you can’t use your ruler to work out the perimeter. Can you find the
perimeter of these shapes?
a b c
7 cm
2 cm
1 cm
7 cm 1 cm 5 cm

P = cm P = cm P = cm

d e

8 cm P = cm 9 cm P = cm

6 cm 9 cm

16 F 3 Length, Perimeter and Area

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Perimeter – perimeter of shapes

These regular polygons* have sides of equal lengths.

2 cm 2 cm 1 cm 1 cm
P = 16 cm P = 10 cm P = 6 cm P = 4 cm

3 Find the perimeter of these regular polygons*: *Not drawn to scale.

a b c

5 cm 4 cm
3 cm

P = cm P = cm P = cm

What is the fastest way to do this?

d e

6 cm 4 cm

P = cm P = cm

4 The perimeters of some regular polygons are given in the table below. Fill in the length of the sides:

Perimeter 24 cm 40 cm 48 cm 25 cm

Length of each side

Length, Perimeter and Area

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F 3 17

Perimeter – calculate perimeter
1 Find the perimeter of these shapes. Choose a unit of measurement to express your answer.

40 cm These shapes are all symmetrical.

How does that help me?

45 cm

P =

20 cm


P =

c d
20 cm
1.5 m
1.5 m

1.8 m P =

P =
e 2m f

P =
P =

g h
9m 1m 3m


P =
P =

18 F 3 Length, Perimeter and Area

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Perimeter – calculate perimeter

Irregular shapes are not symmetrical. This means we need to measure each side.

1 cm
2 Find the perimeters of these irregular shapes:

2 cm

3 cm
6 cm 4 cm
a b
3 cm

2 cm
3 cm P = cm

1 cm

3 cm
2 cm
4 cm

2 cm
1 cm
1 cm 2 cm
1 cm

c 1 cm
3 cm
1 cm

2 cm

1 cm
4 cm
P = cm
3 cm

3 cm
P = cm

5 cm

3 Which of these designs for playgrounds would be the least expensive to fence?

Playground A Playground B


10 m

6m 6m


14 m



Length, Perimeter and Area

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F 3 19

Perimeter – construct shapes
1 Use this 1 cm dot paper to draw some shapes with different perimeters.

a Draw a rectangle with a perimeter of 12 cm. b Draw a rectangle with a perimeter of 20 cm.

c Draw a rectangle with a perimeter of 16 cm. d Draw a rectangle with a perimeter of 10 cm.

2 Look carefully at this hexagonal grid.

If the side of each hexagon is 2 m, what 2m
is the perimeter of the shaded area?

P = Number of sides × 2
P = 26 × 2
P = 52 m

a Shade the hexagons to construct a shape b Shade the hexagons to construct a shape
with a perimeter of 36 m. with a perimeter of 60 m.
2m 2m

20 F 3 Length, Perimeter and Area

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Perimeter – construct shapes
3 On the left is a staircase shape. Use the 1 cm dot paper to redraw the shape so that the perimeter
is twice as big:

1 cm

4 Now draw another version with the perimeter three times as big:

Length, Perimeter and Area

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F 3 21

Perimeter problems solve

What a The length of a rectangle is double its width. Find the perimeter if the width
to do
is 200 cm.

b The length of a rectangle is 6 times its width. Find the length and width of the
rectangle if the perimeter is 7 metres.

c Charlie ran around the school 3 times. How far did she run? Write your answer
in km.

100 m

280 m
200 m

40 m

300 m

d Jake wants to build a fence around his swimming pool to comply with safety
regulations. If the length of his pool area is 6 metres and the width is 4 metres,
how much will it cost? Fencing costs £55.50 a metre.

22 F 3 Length, Perimeter and Area

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Area – square centimetres (cm2)

1 cm
Area is the amount of space a shape covers. It is a 2D measurement.
We measure area in square units. For small areas we use square centimetres (cm2). 1 cm

1 Shade the grid to show a rectangle

with the area of 6 cm².

2 What is the area of each shaded shape? Each square in the grid has an area of 1 cm².

a b c

Area = cm2 Area = cm2 Area = cm2

3 What is the area of each rectangle? Each square in the grid has an area
of 1 cm². Some of the squares have been marked in for you.

a b c

Area = cm2 Area = cm2 Area = cm2

d Did you need to see all the squares to work out the area? __________

Length, Perimeter and Area

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F 4 23

Area – square metres (m2)

When we need to find the areas of large spaces, we use square metres.
The symbol for square metres is m².

1 In groups, stick pieces of newspaper together to make a square that is 1 metre

long and 1 metre wide.

a How many people can fit standing inside one square metre?

b Cut your square into five pieces and then stick it back together. It can be
any shape. Draw it here:

Is this still one square metre?

2 Use your square metre to measure five areas in your school. Estimate first.

Space to be measured Estimate Actual area

24 F 4 Length, Perimeter and Area

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Area – square centimetres (cm2) and square metres (m2)

5 cm
We can use this formula to find the area of rectangles:
Area = length × width 3 cm 3 cm
Area = 3 × 5 = 15 cm2
5 cm

1 Find the areas of these shapes*:

a 6 cm b c
4 cm 1 cm

4 cm 4 cm 4 cm

Area = cm2 Area = cm2 Area = cm2

2 cm
d e 8m f
2 cm

5 cm 4m 3 cm

Area = cm2 Area = m2 Area = cm2

2 In each shape*, you are given the area but one side is not labelled. Label the missing side:

a 4m b c 8m

Area = 24 m2

Area = 20 m2

Area = 14 m2 *Not drawn to scale.

Length, Perimeter and Area

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F 4 25

Area – find area of irregular and composite shapes

Not all shapes are regular rectangles. We have to find ways to

measure the areas of composite and other irregular shapes as well.
One way is to break the shape into rectangles, find these areas, and
then add them together.

1 Find the area of the shaded triangles inside the rectangles*:

3 cm
2 cm


8 cm

8m 8 cm

a b

70 m 11 cm

20 m 3 cm
40 m 6 cm 6 cm

30 m

c d

1 cm

4m 2 cm

10 cm

5m 11 cm

e f

2 Construct your own composite shape with an area of 20 cm2. Label the lengths of the sides.

26 F 4 Length, Perimeter and Area

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Area – hectares and square kilometres (km2)

Hectares are used to measure large spaces such as a football pitch.

We write hectares as ha. One hectare is equal to 10,000 m².
An even larger unit is a square kilometre km². One square kilometre is equal to 100 hectares.
1 ha = 10,000 m² 1 km² = 1,000,000 m²

1 Find the area of each large area*. Write your answer in hectares.
a b c
300 m 120 m
250 m
100 m 120 m

100 m

Area = hectares Area = hectares Area = hectares

d e f

200 m 100 m 150 m

450 m
400 m
300 m

Area = hectares Area = hectares Area = hectares

*Not drawn to scale.

2 Order these European countries from smallest to largest areas:

Country Area

United United Kingdom 242,900 km²

Ireland 70,300 km²
Ireland France 632,800 km²
Germany Italy 310,000 km²

France Greece 132,000 km²

Spain 506,000 km²
Portugal Italy
Portugal 92,100 km²
Spain Germany 357,000 km²
1 km² = 1,000,000 m²

1 _________________________ 2 _________________________ 3 _________________________

4 _________________________ 5 _________________________ 6 _________________________

7 _________________________ 8 _________________________

Length, Perimeter and Area

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F 4 27

Area – area and perimeter
1 Find the perimeter and area of each shape:

a b
P = __________
A = __________
P = __________
A = __________

c d
P = __________
A = __________
P = __________
A = __________
1 cm

1 cm

2 Use the grid below to draw two shapes with a perimeter of 12 cm but with different areas:

1 cm

1 cm

3 Use the 1 cm grid below to draw three shapes with areas of 10 cm² but with different perimeters.
Record the perimeter of each shape:

a P = cm b P = cm c P = cm

28 F 4 Length, Perimeter and Area

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Area – area and perimeter
4 Draw 3 different rectangles that have
a perimeter of 24 cm and record the Length Width Area
area in the table. The first row in the
table is a hint of where to start. 10 2

5 Draw as many different rectangles as you can with the area of 36 cm². Label the length of each side:

Length, Perimeter and Area

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F 4 29

Area and perimetre problem solve

What a The area of each square is 9 cm2. What is the perimeter of this figure?
to do

b The figure is made up of 14 squares. Each square has an area of 36 cm2.

What is the perimeter?

c The area of this rectangle is 336 cm2. If all the smaller rectangles are exactly the
same, what is the perimeter of one rectangle?

12 cm

30 F 3 Length, Perimeter and Area

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Area puzzles solve

What Solve these area puzzles:

to do
8 cm

4 cm

a How many 1 cm² tiles do I need to cover this wall?

How many 4 cm² tiles do I need to cover this same wall?

b How many 2 cm² tiles do I need to

cover a wall that is 6 cm by 6 cm?

c How many 5 cm² tiles do I need to cover a wall that is

15 cm by 5 cm?

Length, Perimeter and Area

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F 4 31

Composite calculations apply

What Can you find the areas of these rooms*? Circle the room that would be cheapest
to do
to carpet.
Put a cross in the room that would be most expensive.
9 cm
a 1 cm b c
2 cm 3 cm

3 cm 6 cm
8 cm 4 cm
9 cm
2 cm
3 cm
3 cm
6 cm
6 cm

Area = cm2 Area = cm2 Area = cm2

d e f 3 cm

8 cm 12 cm

5 cm
6 cm
8 cm
9 cm
3 cm 15 cm
8 cm
5 cm
7 cm
2 cm 4 cm

11 cm

Area = cm2 Area = cm2 Area = cm2

*Not drawn to scale.

What to Draw a composite shape that has an area of 50 cm².

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32 F 4 Length, Perimeter and Area

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