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He was able to understand today's topic.

He tries his best to answer in a complete

sentence even though he makes grammatical errors. He has eagerness to learn. He
needs to improve his comprehension and sentence construction.

He did well today. He was able to follow the lesson and the teacher's instructions.
He just needs to improve his pronunciation and intonations.

He needs to cooperate more. He needs to be more attentive. He needs to improve his


He can respond to simple questions but he still needs to work on her sentence
construction and pronunciation. Keep it up! =)

I'm glad that you were able to participate in our class today. You indeed tried
your best to understand the lesson. However, it is evident in our discussion that
we need to focus on your comprehension, grammar and pronunciation skills. In my
part, I'll try to deliver the instructions more slowly and easily so you could
grasp the idea of our lessons.

I appreciate your effort in studying English, . I'm glad that you were able to
participate well in class today even though you find it quite challenging to
respond to my questions. Don't worry because I'm here to help you in understanding
our lessons. Just keep on practicing how to pronounce the words properly and make
better sentences. In general, you did great and I hope that you would do better
next time. HAppy learning!

You did a good job in our activity today, ! You were able to answer my questions
well. Slowly, you were able to grasp the idea of our lessons and I noticed that I'm
hearing the expressions that we studied before. You just need to work on making
better sentences and practice speaking more. It would also help you to read various
English books and magazines and watch English TV programs or movies to encourage
you more to learn the language.

He performed well in the class he was able to answer all the comprehension
questions that has been thrown to him. He just needs to focus on constructing his
own sentence and also his pronunciation.

He was able to comprehend in the class. He never fails to answer even if, he's
having a hard time constructing his own sentence. He still needs to practice more
of his pronunciation and also his grammar.

He did pretty well in the class. He was able to comprehend to all the questions
that has been thrown to him. But he just needs to practice answering in a complete
sentence and also his pronunciation to be able to improve more.

He participated in the class very well. He was enjoying having a class.However he

needs to practice his speaking skills to enrich his vocabulary to have a better
sentence construction.
He needs to improve his idea in naming or describing an object.

He was great in our class today. He was able to understand our lesson today. He
always tries his best to answer in a complete sentence. Though he needs to focus on
her pronunciations and intonation.

He is a good student and very participative in the class. He never fails to answer
in a complete sentence. Although, his having a hard time
He seems to really enjoy learning English! He has good vocabulary skills, but needs
to practice making sentences. His pronunciation is excellent. His reading skills
are good. He is good enough to read English books at home. He uses punctuation
correctly.constructing her own sentences.

He did very well today. He had a hard time understanding some questions, but he
tried his best to answer. The learner needs to widen his vocabulary to handle a
good conversation during the class. I encouraged the student to study well. He
needs to learn new words to develop his comprehension skill. He can comprehend
questions that were simplified, but he needs to widen his vocabulary. Keep

He makes an enormous effort and it shows in he always improving English skills. He

is attentive and is quite interested with the topic. He responds to the questions
with confidence. However, there are times that he answers in fragments so he needs
to practice answering in a complete sentence.

It's a pleasure to teach him. He can say his ideas in English and he's also
participative in the class. However, he still needs to learn more about grammar
rules work on her sentence structure skills. I think with his positive attitude he
can make an added effort and succeed at learning excellent English skills. I am
sure he can do it.

He is able to follow and comprehend today's lesson. He also needs to improve his
grammar skill for better sentence constructions and for better responses. I think
with his positive attitude he can make an added effort and succeed at learning
excellent English skills. I am sure he can do it.

He needs to focus while having a class for him to be able to answer well all the
comprehension questions that has been thrown to him. He needs to practice answering
in a complete sentences. And practice his pronunciations and intonations.

He is very confident in speaking in English he never fails to answer in a complete

sentence even though he's having a hard time constructing his own sentence. He just
needs to polish his pronunciation and grammar.

He is very confident in speaking in English he never fails to answer in a complete

sentence even though he's having a hard time constructing his own sentence. He
always makes an enormous effort and it shows in the way he talks in the class. He
just needs to polish his pronunciation and grammar.

He did quite good but he's having a hard time understanding my questions and
instructions.He wasn't able to answer all the questions that has been thrown to
him. He needs to widen his vocabulary to be able to express his ideas in English.He
also needs to be guided with his pronunciation, grammar and intonations.

He did well in the activity that we had he tries his best to answer the questions
though it's hard for him to answer. However, it is evident in our discussion that
we need to focus on your comprehension, grammar and pronunciation skills. In my
part, I'll try to deliver the instructions more slowly and easily so you could
grasp the idea of our lessons.

He did well in the class he able to follow instructions in the book. He answered
all the comprehension questions that has been thrown to him. He just need to talk
more lively and he also needs to polish his grammar, pronunciation and intonation.
He did well today. He was able to follow the lesson and the teacher's instructions.
He just needs to improve his pronunciation and intonations. He needs to widen his
vocabulary for him to be able to comprehend in the class. He needs to practice
himself to answer in a complete sentence. And also he needs to be guided in
constructing his own sentences.

He needs to cooperate more. He needs to be more attentive. He needs to improve his

comprehension. The student doesn't like ito follow teacher's instructions and he
needs to widen his vocabulary for him to be able to answer all the questions that
has been thrown to him.

He was able to comprehend well in the topic that we had in the class. He just needs
to polish his grammar, intonations and pronunciations. And also he needs to polish
his sentence construction.

He seems to really enjoy learning English! He has a good vocabulary, and uses it
well. He speaks in clear sentences. He uses colorful words. He is making progress
in all areas of reading. He needs to work a little more on his writing and sentence
structure skills.

He seems to really enjoy learning English! His vocabulary has grown and improved a
lot lately He is very easy to understand in English. He needs to do extra reading
at home. He can compose several related sentences . He is gaining more self-

He seems to really enjoy learning English! He needs lots of repetition and practice
in order to retain reading vocabulary. He needs to practice the vowel sounds. He is
able to distinguish sounds in words. He reads clearly and with confidence.

He seems to really enjoy learning English! His vocabulary has grown and improved a
lot lately He is very easy to understand in English. His excellent reading ability
makes it easy to learn new material. He needs to improve his letter / sound
recognition. He has great potential and works toward achieving it.

He seems to really enjoy learning English! He learns new vocabulary quickly. He

speaks in clear sentences. He uses colorful words. He reads clearly and with
confidence. I also think that once he becomes less shy and more self confident he
will improve rapidly.

He seems to really enjoy learning English! His vocabulary has grown and improved a
lot lately Once he builds up more self confidence his pronunciation should improve
very rapidly. He has made good general progress in literacy and English. He needs
to improve his letter / sound recognition.

He seems to really enjoy learning English! He learns new vocabulary quickly. He

speaks in clear sentences. He is able to distinguish sounds in words. He needs to
do extra reading at home. He has made good general progress in literacy He can read
to follow directions. He uses punctuation correctly.

The student did pretty well in the class. But he needs to participate in the class
he needs to practice answering in a complete sentence. He needs to widen his
vocabulary for him to be able to answer all the comprehension questions that has
been thrown to him. He also needs to polish his grammar, accent and intonations.

He did well in the class he was able to answer all the comprehension questions that
has been thrown to him. He never fails to answer in a complete sentence although,
he's having a hard time constructing his own sentences. He needs to polish his
pronunciation and intonations.
The student did pretty well in the class slowly he can answer all the questions
that has been thrown to him. He needs to be more focus while having a class. He
needs to be more confident speaking in the class. He is very dependent in the book
so, I advice that the student needs to widen his vocabulary to be able to speak his
ideas in the class.

He did participate in the class he answered all the comprehension questions that
has been thrown to him. He needs to improve his listening skills and also his
reading skills. He tries his best to answer in a complete sentence but he needs to
be guided in making his own sentence and improve more of his grammar.

He did well in the class he can easily understand the instructions that was given
to him. He needs to practice himself to learn how to answer in a complete sentence.
He also needs to polish his pronunciation and so his intonation. Keep the good
attitude towards the class and you will do great in your English skills. Aja!!

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