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Complete the following sentences using the correct form of “going to” or “will” with the verb provided.

1. Sam feels sick. He _____________ (stay) home from work tomorrow.

2. I ________________ (finish) my homework later tonight.
3. I left my wallet at home. That’s okay. I ____________ (lend) you some money.
4. The sky is very dark. It _______________ (rain).
5. What time _________ he ______________ (meet) you tomorrow?
6. Frank _________________ (take) a two week holiday next year.
7. That box looks very heavy. I________________ (help) you carry it.
8. I bought some paint because I _________________(paint) my apartment.
9. He ______________ (wear) a black tuxedo to the wedding. What __________you ____________ (wear)?
10. Why did you take the sugar out of the cupboard? I ________________ (bake) a cake.
11. They took money out of the bank because they ________________ (buy) a new TV for their daughter.
12. It’s very hot in here. I ____________________ (open) the window for you.
13. The weatherman says it ________________ (be) a beautiful day tomorrow. I think I ____________ (go) to
the beach.
14. Your car engine doesn’t sound very good. It sounds like it _________________ (die).
15. We probably __________________(not/go) to the party next week.
16. “Can I please talk to the manager?” “He __________________ (be) with you in a moment.”
17. The plane ________________ (arrive) on time.
18. The Andersons went to the travel agent yesterday. They ____________ (buy) their tickets tomorrow.
19. We ____________________ (see) that new movie tonight. Do you want to come with us?
20. Allan _________________ (get) up early tomorrow so he can go fishing.
21. I _______________ (help) you with your work tomorrow.
22. “Do you have any holiday plans?” “Yes. We ____________________ (take) a Mediterranean cruise.”
23. “Ronnie can’t drive me to the airport.” “That’s okay. I _________________(take) you.
24. I don’t think I ________________ (be) able to come to your party.

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