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N = 1001 Page 1 March 2023

March 15-19, 2023 Florida Statewide

Rec#_________ ¬Phone # ____________________________ ¬ Page#________ of ________

¬Int Name_____________________________¬Emp# ______¬Date / /18© ¬Seat #______

Hello, my name is (first & last name) from Metropolitan Research. We are conducting a poll of people's opinions
toward public affairs and current events and this number was selected at random. This is a legitimate public opinion
survey, and I assure you that we are not selling anything. According to the research procedure, I have to speak to
the youngest (male/female) who is registered to vote at this address and is at home. (GO TO QUESTION A)

A. Are you currently registered to vote at this address? (IF "YES," ASK:) Are you registered to vote as a
Democrat, a Republican, or as something else?

Registered—Democrat ................ 39 CONTINUE

Registered––something else ............................................
Not registered ...................................................................
Don’t know .......................................................................

B. As things stand now, how often do you vote in elections for President and other offices – Would you say that
you always vote, almost always vote, usually vote, rarely vote in state elections or do sometimes skip elections
regardless of the year?

Almost to vote ............................. 95 CONTINUE

Probably vote....................................................................
Chances are 50-50 ...........................................................
Sometimes skip ................................................................
Don’t know .......................................................................

1. Generally speaking, do you feel that things here in Florida are headed in the right direction or wrong direction?

Right direction ............................................................ 42

(VOL) Mixed ............................................................... 13
Wrong direction .......................................................... 42
Don’t know/Refused ................................................... 3

2. Thinking about elections for state offices here in Florida, do you usually vote for the Republican candidate or
the Democratic candidate? (PROBE: Would you say you always vote for the (Republican/Democratic)
candidate or do you find yourself voting more often for the (Republican/Democratic) candidate? (ROTATE)

Always Republican ..................................................... 25

More often Republican ............................................... 21
More often Democratic ............................................... 21
Always Democratic ..................................................... 18
(VOL) No preference D/R........................................... 13
Don’t know/Refused ................................................... 2
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March 15-19, 2023 Florida Statewide

3. Now I'd like to ask you your impressions of some people and organizations you may have heard of. As I read
each one, please tell me whether you have a very favorable opinion of them, a somewhat favorable opinion,
a somewhat unfavorable opinion, or a very unfavorable opinion. If you don't recognize one of them, that's
okay -- just let me know. Here's the first one.... (REPEAT RESPONSES).
(VOL) Recog,
Alternately reverse order Very Smwht Little of Smwht Very Can’t Don’t
Fav Fav Both Unfav Unfav Rate Recog
Joe Biden 18 18 7 9 46 1 1

Donald Trump 25 15 6 7 45 1 1

Ron DeSantis 42 9 3 6 37 1 1

Rick Scott 14 19 8 13 35 5 6

Marco Rubio 20 21 7 16 29 4 2

Trial lawyers, in general 6 19 25 15 12 12 12

Insurance companies, in general 4 17 14 24 35 4 3

4. How would you rate the way Ron DeSantis is handling his job as Governor -- excellent, good, not so good, or
Excellent ..................................................................... 40
Good........................................................................... 16
Not so good ................................................................ 12
Poor ............................................................................ 32
Don’t know/Refused ................................................... 1

5. If next year’s election for President were today and the candidates were Donald Trump, the Republican
candidate, and Democrat Joe Biden, the Democratic candidate, which one do you think you would vote for?
(IF UNDECIDED) Well, which one do you lean more toward at this time?
Donald Trump ........................... 47
Joe Biden .................................. 43
Undecided ................................ 10

6. As you may be aware, motorcyclists are not required to wear a helmet under Florida law. If a biker is struck by
an at fault driver, should the driver’s insurance company be able to deny coverage because the biker wasn’t
wearing a helmet?

Yes ............................................................................. 32
No ............................................................................... 58
Don’t know/Refused ................................................... 10

7. If a pregnant woman is injured or killed by medical negligence or an at fault driver, should she or her husband
be able to recover damages for the loss of her unborn child?

Yes ............................................................................. 77
No ............................................................................... 11
Don’t know/Refused ................................................... 12
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March 15-19, 2023 Florida Statewide

8. If a health insurance company wrongfully denies coverage for medically necessary treatment, should the
patient be able to have their attorneys’ fees paid for if they must sue to obtain coverage?

Yes ............................................................................. 89
No ............................................................................... 5
Don’t know/Refused ................................................... 6

9. If a hotel or apartment complex knows that they have a security problem and fails to take proper measures to
ensure the safety of their patrons or residents, should they be financially responsible for the injuries or deaths
that result from their lack of security?

Yes ............................................................................. 85
No ............................................................................... 8
Don’t know/Refused ................................................... 7

10. If you are forced to sue an insurance company for refusing to cover your health care costs, do you think the jury
should see your actual medical bills, evidence of the average cost for health care in your area or only how much
Medicaid would have paid?

Victim’s medical bills .................................................. 32

Evidence of the prevailing cost in area....................... 20
What Medicaid would pay for treatment ..................... 9
(VOL) Medical bills and evidence of prevailing .......... 26
(VOL) None of the above ........................................... 3
Don’t know/Refused ................................................... 10

11. In the last presidential election, did you vote for Republican Donald Trump, Democrat Joe Biden, or some other

Trump ......................................................................... 46
Biden .......................................................................... 45
(VOL) Other................................................................ 4
(VOL) Did not vote ..................................................... 2
Refused ...................................................................... 3

u Just a few more questions for statistical purposes only...

D1. (Gender (Do Not Ask; Just Record):

Male ............................................................... 48
Female ........................................................... 52

D2. Would you please tell me your age? (IF "REFUSED," ASK:) Well, would you tell me which age group you
belong to?
18-34 ........................................................................... 15
35-49 ........................................................................... 23
50-64 ........................................................................... 27
65-74 ........................................................................... 19
75 and over.................................................................. 15
Don’t know/Refused .................................................... 1
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March 15-19, 2023 Florida Statewide

D3. Do any children under the age of 18 live in your home?

Yes ............................................................................. 28
No .......................................................................................................
Don’t know/Refused………………………………. 1

D4. And what was the last grade or degree you completed in school?

0-11 ............................................................................ 3
High School degree .................................................... 11
12+/Some college/vocational degree ......................... 23
College degree ........................................................... 37
Post-graduate degree (Masters, PhD, Law, MD) ....... 24
Don’t know/Refused .................................................. 1

D5. In Florida, the media describes people as either black or African-American, Anglo or white, or Hispanic ... how
would you describe yourself?
African-American / Black ......................................... 12
White / Anglo ......................................................................................
Hispanic/Latino ...................................................................................
Other [WRITE IN]____________ .......................................................
Don’t know/Refused .........................................................................
D5a. As you know, the term Hispanic, or Latino, refers to people from different countries of Latin America and the
Caribbean. To what country in the Americas do you trace your ancestry? [DO NOT READ RESPONSE
Cuba ........................................................................ 32
Puerto Rico .........................................................................................
Dominican Republic................................................. 6
Mexico ................................................................................................
Colombian ..........................................................................................
Nicaragua ................................................................ 2
Venezuela................................................................ 4
Other Central America ........................................................................
Other South America ..........................................................................
Other Caribbean .................................................................................
More than one ancestry ......................................................................
Don’t know/Refused .........................................................................

May I verify that I dialed ____________________?

Thank you for taking the time to speak with me.

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