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Subject/Grade: Science, Grade ½ (gr.

1 objectives) Lesson/Date: Time: 1:00 - 2:30

Stage 1: Desired Results

Lesson Lesson 3 in the unit
In this lesson we will be looking at different buildings in Calgary and around the world, noting
the different shapes and types of structures we are seeing. This will be followed by a
movement brain break.

Together we will then brainstorm the different buildings that are needed in a city on chart

We will discuss what 3D shapes these buildings could be made out of. Then students one table
at a time will sign up to make a building. We will start with a worksheet that has us make our
designs for the paper net buildings first. Eventually students will build up into building their
buildings out of cardboard in a full classroom city. But we will begin with paper nets.

General Learner Expectations

Students will:

1-7 Construct objects and models of objects, using a variety of different


1-8 Identify the purpose of different components in a personally constructed

object or model, and identify corresponding components in a related object or

SOs: Specific Learner Expectations

Students will:

1. Select appropriate materials, such as papers, plastics, woods; and design

and build objects, based on the following kinds of construction tasks:
○ construct model buildings; e.g., homes (human, animal, from other
cultures), garages, schools
○ construct model objects; e.g., furniture, equipment, boats, vehicles
○ construct toys; e.g., pop-ups, figures
○ create wind- and water-related artifacts; e.g., dams, water wheels,
2. Identify component parts of personally constructed objects, and describe
the purpose of each part.
3. Compare two objects that have been constructed for the same purpose,
identify parts in one object that correspond to parts in another, and
Subject/Grade: Science, Grade ½ (gr. 1 objectives) Lesson/Date: Time: 1:00 - 2:30
identify similarities and differences between these parts.
4. Recognize that products are often developed for specific purposes, and
identify the overall purpose for each model and artifact constructed.

Objectives Students will:
● Observe buildings and structures in Calgary and around the world
● Explain how buildings and structures consist of different 3D shapes
● Brainstorm the buildings needed to make a city
● Sign up to design and build a building for our city
● Design and plan their paper net building

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Formative Students’ participation will help assess Summative
Assessment their understanding. Assessment

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to - Have slides prepared Resources:
Lesson: - Make worksheet
- Print worksheet
- Have nets prepared and
- Prep chart paper

Time: Content/Description Differentiation/


Review of Previous Concepts/New Learning:

Students at the board

Explain that lately we have talked a bit about buildings, structures, and 3D and
2D shapes and that we will be continuing that work today. Our new science unit
that we are doing is building things.


Students still at the board


Learning Activity 1:

We will begin with going through different buildings in Calgary

- I will ask students what they are observing

We will then watch a video on iconic buildings around the world consisting of
Subject/Grade: Science, Grade ½ (gr. 1 objectives) Lesson/Date: Time: 1:00 - 2:30
different architecture
- Students will share the shapes they are seeing and their observations


We will then pause for a brief brain break - students will stand up and do some
exercises and then meet me on the other side of the board this time by the

Learning Activity 2:

Students will then meet me on the other side of the board by the whiteboard, I
will have chart paper hung up with magnets and markers ready
- Together we will make a list of buildings that make up a city
- Then together we will review some of our 3D shapes that make up
- I will then explain our next task which is our design sheet for our
buildings and signing up for buildings. We will go through the
worksheet together

I will then have students head back to their tables and I will call up one table at a
time to sign up for buildings, and give them a worksheet once they are signed
up. I will write their name next to that building.

Students will be completing their design worksheet today.


Review of Key Concepts/Point to Next Class:

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