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Project Report On
Prepare a report on different collector’s used in
solar thermal system.
Submitted By
Khatode yash pandurag

Adhagle Ritesh Rajedra

Jadhav bhavesh somnath

Tormal saurabh rajaram

Under The Guidance of

Prof Wale.A.D



Amrutvahini Sheti and Shikshan Vikas Sanstha’s,


Department of Mechanical Engineering

This is to that the project report entitled,

Prepare a report on different collector’s used in

solar thermal system.
Is a Benefited Work Carrier Out By,
Khatode yash pandurag
Adhagle Ritesh Rajedra
Jadhav bhavesh somnath
Tormal saurabh rajaram

In Partial fulfillment of the requirement for the diploma in Mechanical Engineering

During the academic year 2022-2023

Prof Wale.A.D Prof Milind Ingole

(Project Guide) (HOD)
Program Name :- Mechanical Engineering
Program Code :- 0080
Course Code :- 22661


Prepare a report on different collector’s used in

solar thermal system.

Sr.No Name of Students Roll No Enrollment No.

1 Khatode yash pandurag 17 2000800698

2 Adhagle Ritesh Rajedra 18 2000800699

3 Jadhav bhavesh somnath 19 2000800700

4 2000800701
Tormal saurabh rajaram 20

Prof Wale.A.D
(Faculty & Signature)

Micro Project Report

• Title of Micro Project :-
Prepare a report on different collector’s used in solar thermal system
• Rationale:-
Solar thermal collectors are a crucial component of a solar thermal system, which
utilizes solar energy to produce hot water or heat for residential, commercial, and
industrial applications. The efficiency and performance of a solar thermal system
largely depend on the type and quality of the collector used. Therefore, it is
essential to understand the different types of collectors available and their features
to make an informed decision while selecting the appropriate collector for a solar
thermal system.
A report on different collectors used in a solar thermal system could provide a
comprehensive overview of various collector types, including flat-plate collectors,
evacuated tube collectors, concentrating collectors, and hybrid collectors

• Aims/ Benefits of the Micro Project :

a report on different collectors used in a solar thermal system can provide
stakeholders with valuable insights into collector technology, performance, and
cost, enabling them to make informed decisions while selecting the appropriate
collector type for their application. This, in turn, can lead to improved system
performance, reduced operating costs, and increased sustainability.
• Course outcome achieved:-
CI605.1 Demonstrate2 mechanical component of solar thermal systems and Solar
PV systems
• Literature review :-
A solar thermal system is a renewable energy technology that
harnesses the sun's energy to produce heat or hot water for various applications. A
literature review of studies conducted on solar thermal systems can provide
valuable insights into the performance, cost, and environmental benefits of this
technology. A study by Lin et al. (2020) evaluated the performance of a solar
thermal system with a flat-plate collector and found that it can provide up to 70%
of the annual hot water demand for a typical residential building in Taiwan. The
study also noted that the system's efficiency is affected by various factors, including
collector size, orientation, and tilt angle.
Another study by Wong et al. (2020) evaluated the performance of a solar thermal
system with evacuated tube collectors and found that it can provide up to 80% of
the hot water demand for a typical residential building in Hong Kong. The study
also noted that the system's efficiency is affected by shading, collector area, and
operating temperature. A cost analysis study by Ani et al. (2020) compared the cost
of a solar thermal system with a gas-fired system for hot water production in Nigeria
and found that the solar thermal system is more cost-effective over the long term,
despite the higher initial investment cost.
• Actual methodology followed :-
1) Study the given topic.
2) Decide procedure; define procedure how to collect information about project.
3) Find the information from internet, reference books and actual sites.
4) Decide the structure of micro project.
5) Draft the first part of report.
6) Annalise and draw conclusion.
7) Recommend the use and application of project.
8) Find the necessary information if required additionally.
9) Compile reference list.
10) Revise the draft and make final report copy.

• Output Of Micro project:-

The output of a micro project solar thermal system can vary depending on the size
of the system, the location, and the application for which it is being used. However,
generally, the output of a solar thermal system is measured in terms of the amount
of heat energy produced by the system.For example, a small-scale solar water
heating system typically consists of a collector, a storage tank, and a circulation
pump. Such a system can produce hot water at a temperature range of 60-80°C and
can meet up to 60-70% of the hot water demand for a household. The exact output
of the system would depend on factors such as the collector's size, orientation, and
efficiency, the hot water demand, and the solar radiation available at the location.
Similarly, a small-scale solar space heating system can consist of a collector, a
storage tank, a heat exchanger, and a circulation pump. Such a system can produce
space heating at a temperature range of 30-40°C and can meet up to 50-60% of the
space heating demand for a building. Again, the exact output of the system would

depend on factors such as the collector's size, orientation, and efficiency, the
building's insulation, and the solar radiation available at the location. In summary,
the output of a micro project solar thermal system can vary depending on various
factors, but generally, it is measured in terms of the amount of heat energy produced
by the system and its ability to meet the hot water or space heating demand for a
household or building
Classification of solar thermal system :-
Introduction and Classification of solar thermal system

Solar thermal energy is a renewable and sustainable energy source that uses solar
radiation to produce heat. One of the critical components of a solar thermal system
is the solar collector. A solar collector absorbs solar radiation and converts it into
heat that can be used for various applications such as space heating, hot water, and
industrial processes. This report will explore the different types of collectors used in
solar thermal system

Different collector’s used in solar thermal system:-
1) Flat Plate Collectors:

Flat plate collectors are the most common type of solar collectors used in solar
thermal systems. They are made up of a flat, rectangular box with a transparent
cover, usually made of glass or plastic, and an absorber plate made of metal,
typically copper or aluminum. The absorber plate is coated with a dark-colored
material that absorbs solar radiation and converts it into heat. Flat plate collectors
are suitable for moderate temperature applications such as production A flat plate
solar collector is a type of solar thermal device that converts solar radiation into heat
energy. It is a flat, rectangular box with a transparent cover that allows sunlight to
pass through and a black-colored absorber plate that absorbs the solar energy and
converts it into heat. The heat is then transferred to a fluid (usually water) that flows
through the collector and is then used for space heating, domestic hot water, or other

The basic components of a flat plate solar collector include:

Absorber Plate: A black-colored metal plate, usually made of copper or

aluminum, which absorbs the solar radiation and converts it into heat.

Transparent Cover: A glass or plastic sheet that allows solar radiation to pass
through and reduces heat loss from the collector.
Insulation: A layer of insulation material such as fiberglass or polyurethane foam
that reduces heat loss from the sides and bottom of the collector.

Fluid Passages: A network of pipes or channels that allows the fluid to flow through
the collector and absorb the heat from the absorber plate.

Frame: A rigid structure that holds the components of the collector together and
supports it on the roof or other mounting surface.

Flat plate solar collectors are widely used for residential and commercial
applications due to their simple design, low cost, and high efficiency. They are most
effective in sunny climates and are less effective in colder and cloudier regions.

2)Evacuated Tube Collectors:

Evacuated tube collectors are another type of solar collectors used in solar thermal
systems. They are made up of several parallel glass tubes, each containing an
absorber tube. The absorber tube is coated with a dark-colored material that absorbs
solar radiation and converts it into heat. The space between the glass and absorber
tube is evacuated to reduce heat loss due to convection and conduction. Evacuated
tube collectors are more efficient than flat plate collectors and are suitable for high-
temperature applications.

An evacuated tube collector is a type of solar thermal device that is designed to

convert solar radiation into heat energy more efficiently than a flat plate collector.
It consists of a series of parallel glass tubes, each containing an absorber plate and
a vacuum-sealed air space. The absorber plate is typically coated with a selective
coating that maximizes the absorption of solar radiation and minimizes heat loss.

The basic components of an evacuated tube collector include:

Glass Tubes: Each tube is made of two layers of glass with a vacuum-sealed air
space between them to minimize heat loss.

Absorber Plate: A metal plate that absorbs the solar radiation and converts it into

Vacuum Sealed Air Space: The air space between the two layers of glass is
vacuum-sealed to minimize heat loss due to conduction and convection.

Heat Transfer Fluid: A fluid, usually water, that flows through the collector and
absorbs the heat from the absorber plate.

Manifold: A pipe that connects the individual tubes together and allows the fluid to
flow into and out of the collector.

Evacuated tube collectors are more efficient than flat plate collectors because they
have a smaller surface area and a higher heat transfer coefficient due to the vacuum-
sealed air space. They are also more effective in colder and cloudier regions because
they can still absorb solar radiation even in diffuse light conditions. However,
evacuated tube collectors are more expensive than flat plate collectors and require
more maintenance due to the larger number of components. They are commonly
used for residential and commercial applications, especially in colder climates where
their high efficiency is needed
3)Parabolic Trough Collectors:

Parabolic trough collectors are used in large-scale solar thermal power plants. They
consist of a parabolic-shaped reflector that concentrates solar radiation onto a
receiver tube located at the focal point of the reflector. The receiver tube contains a
heat transfer fluid, usually a synthetic oil, which is heated to high temperatures and
used to produce steam for power generation. Parabolic trough collectors are highly
efficient and can produce high-temperature heat suitable for power generation
A parabolic trough collector is a type of solar thermal device that is designed to
concentrate solar radiation onto a receiver tube located at the focal point of a
parabolic trough. The receiver tube contains a heat transfer fluid that absorbs the
concentrated solar radiation and converts it into heat energy, which can be used for
various applications such as steam generation or electricity production.

The basic components of a parabolic trough collector include:

Parabolic Trough: A long, curved, reflective mirror that concentrates solar

radiation onto the receiver tube.

Receiver Tube: A tube located at the focal point of the parabolic trough, which
contains a heat transfer fluid that absorbs the concentrated solar radiation and
converts it into heat.
Heat Transfer Fluid: A fluid, usually oil or molten salt, that flows through the
receiver tube and absorbs the concentrated solar radiation.

Tracking System: A system that moves the parabolic trough to track the sun's
movement across the sky and maintain the optimal angle for solar radiation

Support Structure: A rigid frame that holds the parabolic trough and receiver tube
in place.

Parabolic trough collectors are highly efficient at concentrating solar radiation and
can achieve temperatures up to 400°C. They are commonly used for large-scale
electricity generation and industrial process heat applications. However, they are
more complex and expensive than flat plate or evacuated tube collectors and require
more maintenance due to the moving parts of the tracking system

4) Concentrating Solar Power Collectors:

Concentrating solar power collectors are used in large-scale solar thermal power
plants. They use a system of mirrors or lenses to concentrate solar radiation onto a
receiver, which is located at the focal point of the mirrors or lenses. The receiver
contains a heat transfer fluid, usually a synthetic oil, which is heated to high
temperatures and used to produce steam for power generation. Concentrating solar
power collectors are highly efficient and can produce high-temperature heat suitable
for power generation.
Concentrating solar power (CSP) collectors are a type of solar thermal device that
use mirrors or lenses to focus and concentrate solar radiation onto a small area,
where a heat transfer fluid is heated and used to generate electricity. CSP systems
are typically large-scale, and they can be used in areas with high direct normal
irradiance (DNI) such as deserts and sunny regions.

There are several types of CSP collectors, including:

Parabolic Troughs: A long, curved, reflective mirror that concentrates solar
radiation onto a receiver tube containing a heat transfer fluid.

Dish Systems: A parabolic dish that focuses solar radiation onto a receiver at the
focal point of the dish, which contains a heat transfer fluid.

Linear Fresnel Reflectors: A series of flat mirrors that concentrate solar radiation
onto a receiver tube containing a heat transfer fluid.

Tower Systems: A large field of mirrors or lenses (heliostats) that focus solar
radiation onto a central tower containing a heat transfer fluid.
The heat transfer fluid used in CSP collectors is typically a synthetic oil or molten
salt that absorbs the concentrated solar radiation and transfers it to a heat exchanger,
where it generates steam to drive a turbine and generate electricity.

CSP systems have several advantages over other types of solar power systems,
including the ability to store thermal energy for use during cloudy or nighttime
conditions, and their high efficiency in converting solar radiation into electricity.
However, they are more complex and expensive than other solar power systems and
require a large amount of land for installation. They are commonly used for large-
scale electricity generation in sunny regions with high DNI
5) Solar Thermal Collectors:

Solar thermal collection refers to the process of using sunlight to heat a fluid or a
material, such as water or air. Solar thermal collectors can be either passive or
active, and they can be used for a variety of applications, including space heating,
hot water production, and pool heating. Active solar thermal collectors use pumps
or fans to circulate the fluid or air through the system, while passive systems rely
on natural convection or thermosiphoning to circulate the fluid. Solar thermal
collectors come in a variety of types, including flat-plate collectors, evacuated tube
collectors, and parabolic trough collectors. Each type of collector has its own
unique design and operating principles.

The basic components of a Solar thermal collector include:

Absorber: This is the part of the collector that absorbs the sun's energy and
converts it into heat. The absorber can be a flat plate, a series of tubes or pipes, or a
linear receiver, depending on the type of collector.
Glazing or cover: This is a transparent material that allows sunlight to enter the
collector while minimizing heat loss. The glazing can be made of glass, plastic, or
other materials, depending on the type of collector.

Insulation: This is a material that surrounds the collector to reduce heat loss and
improve efficiency. Insulation can be added to the sides, bottom, and back of the
collector to prevent heat from escaping.

Frame: This is a support structure that holds the glazing and absorber in place. The
frame can be made of metal, plastic, or other materials, depending on the type of

Heat transfer fluid: This is a fluid that circulates through the collector and absorbs
the heat from the absorber. The fluid can be water, a mixture of water and
antifreeze, or another type of fluid, depending on the specific application.

Piping and connections: These are pipes and connections that connect the
collector to the storage tank, heat exchanger, or other components of the solar
thermal system.

Controller and sensors: These are electronic components that control the
operation of the collector and monitor its performance. The controller can turn the
pump on and off, adjust the flow rate, and control the temperature of the heat
transfer fluid.

Storage tank: This is a container that holds the heated fluid until it is needed. The
tank can be insulated to prevent heat loss and can be sized to meet the specific
needs of the application.

Pump: This is a device that circulates the heat transfer fluid through the collector
and the rest of the system. The pump can be powered by electricity or by solar
energy, depending on the design of the system.

Overall, a solar thermal collector is a relatively simple device that consists of a few
basic components. However, the efficiency and effectiveness of the collector
depend on the design, materials, and operating conditions, and careful attention
must be paid to these factors to ensure optimal performance
Annexure – III

Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro-Project

Indicators for different levels of performance evaluation scale (1 to 2)

Criteria Performance in Group Activity (Out of 6) (Process & Product Assessment)
Poor (1) Average (1.5) Good (2)

Literature review / Not more than two

At least 5 relevant sources, About 10 relevant sources,
information collection sources, very old
at least 2 latest most latest
(Process parameter) reference

Just assembled / Well assembled /

fabricated and parts are fabricated with proper
Quality of prototype/ Incomplete not functioning well. Not functioning parts. In
model/chart/survey fabrication / in proper shape, proper shape, within
(Product parameter) assembly / survey dimensions beyond tolerance dimensions /
tolerance / finish is good finish / well define
shabby/ average survey Survey
Not previously Not previously reviewed, Previously reviewed as
Timely Submission
reviewed & report is but report is submitted well as submission of
of Project report
submitted after the before or on the date of project report before the
(Process parameter)
submission date. submission. date of submission.

Indicators for different levels of performance evaluation scale (1 to 2)

Criteria Individual Performance (Out of 4) (Oral/Presentation)
Poor (1) Average (1.5) Good (2)
Major information is
Include major information Well organized, included
Presentation of the not included,
but not well organized and major information, well
micro project information is not
not presented well presented
well organized

Answer to sample Could not reply to Replied to considerable

Replied most of the
Questions considerable number of questions but
questions properly.
(Oral) number of question. not very properly.
Annexure – IV

Teacher Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student: Khatode Yash Pandurang Enrollment No: 2000800698

Name of Program: ME Semester: VI
Course Title: RET Course Code: 22661
Title of the Micro-Project: Prepare a report on different collector’s used in
solar thermal system
Course Outcomes Achieved:
CI605.1 Demonstrate2 mechanical component of solar thermal systems and Solar PV
Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro Project

Sr. Characteristics to be assessed Poor Average Good Sub Total

No. (1) (1.5) (2)
Process and Product Assessment (6marks)
1 Literature review/information collection
(Process parameter)
2 Quality of prototype/model/chart/survey
(Product parameter)
3 Timely Submission of Project report
(Process parameter)
Individual Presentation/Viva (4marks)
7 Presentation of the micro-project
8 Answer to sample questions (Oral)

(A) (B) Total Marks

Process and Product Assessment Individual Presentation/Viva (!0 marks)
(6marks) (4marks)

Comments/Suggestions about Teamwork/Leadership/Inter-personal Communication (if any)


Name & Designation of Course Teacher: WALE.A.D., Lecturer

Dated Signature:
Annexure – IV

Teacher Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student: Adhangle Ritesh Rajendra Enrollment No: 2000800699

Name of Program: ME Semester: VI
Course Title: RET Course Code: 22661
Title of the Micro-Project :- Prepare a report on different collector’s used in
solar thermal system
Course Outcomes Achieved:
CI605.1 Demonstrate2 mechanical component of solar thermal systems and Solar PV

Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro Project

Sr. Characteristics to beassessed Poor Average Good Sub Total

No. (1) (1.5) (2)
Process and Product Assessment (6marks)
1 Literature review/information collection
(Process parameter)
2 Quality of prototype/model/chart/survey
(Product parameter)
3 Timely Submission of Project report
(Process parameter)
Individual Presentation/Viva (4marks)
7 Presentation of the micro-project
8 Answer to sample questions (Oral)

(A) (B) Total Marks

Process and Product Assessment Individual Presentation/Viva (!0 marks)
(6marks) (4marks)

Comments/Suggestions about Teamwork/Leadership/Inter-personal Communication (ifany)


Name & Designation of Course Teacher: WALE.A.D., Lecturer

Dated Signature:
Annexure – IV

Teacher Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student: Jadhyav Bhavesh somnath Enrollment No: 2000800700

Name of Program: ME Semester: VI
Course Title: RET Course Code: 22661
Title of the Micro-Project: Prepare a report on different collector’s used in
solar thermal system
Course Outcomes Achieved:
CI605.1 Demonstrate2 mechanical component of solar thermal systems and Solar PV

Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro Project

Sr. Characteristics to be assessed Poor Average Good Sub Total

No. (1) (1.5) (2)
Process and Product Assessment (6marks)
1 Literature review/information collection
(Process parameter)
2 Quality of prototype/model/chart/survey
(Product parameter)
3 Timely Submission of Project report
(Process parameter)
Individual Presentation/Viva (4marks)
7 Presentation of the micro-project
8 Answer to sample questions (Oral)

(A) (B) Total Marks

Process and Product Assessment Individual Presentation/Viva (!0 marks)
(6marks) (4marks)

Comments/Suggestions about Teamwork/Leadership/Inter-personal Communication (if any)


Name & Designation of Course Teacher: WALE.A.D., Lecturer

Dated Signature:
Annexure – IV

Teacher Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student: Tormal Saurabh Rajaram Enrollment No: 2000800701

Name of Program: ME Semester: VI
Course Title: RET Course Code: 22661
Title of the Micro-Project:- Prepare a report on different collector’s used in
solar thermal system
Course Outcomes Achieved:
CI605.1 Demonstrate2 mechanical component of solar thermal systems and
Solar PV systems.

Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro Project

Sr. Characteristics to be assessed Poor Average Good Sub Total

No. (1) (1.5) (2)
Process and Product Assessment (6marks)
1 Literature review/information collection
(Process parameter)
2 Quality of prototype/model/chart/survey
(Product parameter)
3 Timely Submission of Project report
(Process parameter)
Individual Presentation/Viva (4marks)
7 Presentation of the micro-project
8 Answer to sample questions (Oral)

(A) (B) Total Marks

Process and Product Assessment Individual Presentation/Viva (!0 marks)
(6marks) (4marks)

Comments/Suggestions about Teamwork/Leadership/Inter-personal Communication (if any)

Name & Designation of Course Teacher:WALE.A.D., Lecturer

Dated Signature

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