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Since men used art to connect with one another and even the rest of the world, appreciation

of art was
practiced in early civilizations. Although it is known that early men did not employ art as a formal written
language, they did use drawings to record crucial details about their daily life as well as their feelings
and aspirations. Their artistic renderings still hold some appeal for us. In addition to allowing us to
connect and empathize while learning about their culture, it gave us a clear insight of their daily
problems and accomplishments.

Some ways to appreciate the value of Arts in Early Civilization:

 Understand the Context.

 Learn about that time period's inhabitants' perspectives and way of life.
 Identify the art forms and movements that were employed.
 Keep an open mind.
 Consider the emotions a piece of art evokes in you.

For countless ages, there has been art. Despite the fact that their shape and mode of expression have
occasionally altered, their significance, worth, and originality remains valued. Art has probably existed
since the time of the cavemen, which we may have forgotten. Throughout our history, art has
unquestionably had a major impact. Our customs, culture, and way of life have all been influenced by it.

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