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8 ■ Achievement Test


‫ ﲵ‬Listen to the conversation. Read the sentences. Then listen again and circle
the word or phrase that correctly completes each sentence.

Example: Mark saw Ellen / Janet at the mall.

1. Mark / Ellen is sure that Janet will shape up.

2. Janet and Ellen’s parents treated their daughters the same / differently.
3. Janet and Ellen’s parents are more strict / lenient with Janet than they were with Ellen.
4. Ellen was a rebellious / well-behaved teenager.

5. Janet is more disrespectful / overprotective of her parents’
s’ rules
es than Ellen was.
6. Ellen’s parents were overprotective / lenient with herr because they worried about her safety.
7. Mark thinks Janet is too lenient / a little spoiled.

Write the noun form of each verb or adjective on the

different → difference
he line.
8. happy →
9. expect →
10. responsible →

11. develop →
12. important →

ne sentence. Use repeated comparatives.

Combine each pair of sentences into one new

Example: The
he birthrate is low now. It was not as low before.

The birthrate
birthrat is getting lower and lower.

1 Life expecta
13. expectancy is high now. It was not as high before.

14. Divorce iis common now. It was not as common before.

15. People are working longer hours now. They did not work such long hours before.

16. Health care is good now. It was not as good before.

UNIT 8■ Achievement Test (continued) Name

Combine each pair of sentences into one new sentence. Use double comparatives.

Example: Cause: Couples are waiting longer to have children.

Effect: Couples are having fewer children.

The longer couples wait to have children, the fewer they have.

17. Cause: People are living longer.
Effect: People are requiring more care.

18. Cause: Health care is getting better.
Effect: Life expectancy is getting higher.

19. Cause: Life expectancy is getting higher.
Effect: The elderly population is getting larger.

20. Cause: People work hard.
Effect: They are successful.
fining the group of people.
Complete the first sentence by defining peo C
Complete the

second sentence with an example

ple of typical behavior for the group.

Example: ers don’t obey

Rebellious teenagers y tthe rules .
They stay out late
l t without
with t permission .

21. Spoiled
d teenagers
eenagers .

They .

22. Overprotective
verprotective parents
pa .

They .

23. Len
Lenient pare
parents .

They .

UNIT 8 ■ Achievement Test (continued) Name

Read the newspaper article. Then read it again and circle the letter of the
correct answer.

Britain faces the challenge of a declining population

average of 2.46 children. For women born in

1955, that number dropped to 2.03. No one is
sure exactly why this happened, but unless there
is a sudden change in the pattern, the number
will drop to 1.74 for the generation of women

born in the 1980s.

Additionally, more and more women are choosing

not to have children at all. Only 9% of British
women born in 1945 and 1946 chose to remain
childless. For the generation off women who are
childbeari years,
now reaching the end of their childbearing year
ed to almost 20%. The
that number has increased
ntinue, the smaller the
more these trends continue, th
population will get.

Statistics show British women are Such changes inn birthrate and fam family patterns
having children later in life. ng many challeng
are creating challenges for the government.
clining population is llikely to cause problems
A declining
overnment statistics show that family patterns for thee social welfare sys
system, for example. As the
G in Great Britain are changing. The government
has been tracking birth records to determine the
population declines, there will be fewer taxpayers
to support the sick, ddisabled, and retired.
average age at which women have children. If a
woman has one child when she is 21 and a prom to have no ready answers
These issues promise
second when she is 23, her average age forr having
hav or easy solutions. For instance, recent government
tish women
children is 22. The average for all British ini
initiatives to discourage teenagers from having
born in 1940 was 26. For women born in th the h
children they cannot afford to raise without
mid-1970s, it is projected to be justt over 29. It public financial assistance have been successful.
tually be over 30 if
is rising slowly and will eventually However, this will also contribute to the decline in
the present trend continues. es. population growth. From another perspective,
environmentalists see the population decline as a
Not only are British women having children lat later positive development; there will be fewer users of
and later inn life, they are having few
fewer and fewer limited natural resources. As one can see, public
tish women born in 1934 had an
of them. British policy on population growth is extremely complex.


p According to the first paragraph, .
a. the British government wants women to have children younger

b. the British government keeps information about childbirth

c. present trends in childbirth will continue in Britain

24. According to the second paragraph, .

a. British women are having children earlier and earlier
b. there is no obvious explanation for the change in childbearing patterns in Britain
c. there was no difference between the birthrate in 1934 and the birthrate in 1955 in Britain
UNIT 8■ Achievement Test (continued) Name

25. The number of childless women in Britain is .

a. staying the same
b. going down
c. going up

26. The number of is decreasing.

a. taxpayers
b. older people

c. people who need social services

27. One positive aspect of a declining population is that it .

a. is good for the environment

b. is bad for the environment
c. creates limited natural resources

28. According to the last paragraph, .

a. more unmarried teenagers are having babies
b. the British government has discouraged unmarried
c. the reduction in unmarried teen parenthood
arried teenagers
teenager from having
ha babies
enthood has created an easy solution
29. According to the article, .
a. the rate of population growth
wth in Britain
ritain is getting higher
highe and higher
b. British women are having
ing more
ore and more children,
chil and having them earlier and earlier
c. British women are having
g fewer and fewer
fewe children,
child and having them later and later

30. The trend in Britain

ain is toward motherhood.
a. earlier
b. later
c. teenage

Choosese onee of the following

followin topics to write about. Write a paragraph of at
st four to five sentences.
least sentence

• What trends do
d you see happening in families? Do you think these trends are good or bad?
• How does your generation differ from the one that comes before or after it?


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