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Scene 1

In a village called Uju, there live a mother and her five children, one was

beautiful which was the reason she likes her while the other (4) four were ugly.

Mother goes to the beautiful girls hut with her food.

Mother – my beautiful daughter

Daughter - Yes mama

Mother – Pls open the door its your mother

Daughter – ok mama welcome

Mother – ah you are still eating this food

Daughter – yes mama,

Mother – no my daughter leave this one/bought a new one for you

Daughter – wow mama you such a good mother I love you

Mother – I love you too my daughter

Daughter – but mama what about my sisters I have not been seeing them

Mother – ah those ones; they are fine, am even about taking their food to

them now
Daughter – ok mama, should I come with you?

Mother – Oh! You can’t come out, it taboo for you to come out

Daughter – really

Mother – yes, the day you try it you will die and I don’t want to loss you,

so please don’t go out, stay inside and be save for me whatever you

want. Just tell me and I will get it for you.

Daughter – ok mama, my regards to them

Mother – ok

(she pick up the leftover food and walk toward the ugly girls huts)

Scene 2

In the ugly children’s hut

Mother – (knocking) Egbe, Uduma where are this children? Oloo, Erima

open this door now.

Uduma – yes mummy, we are coming

Oloo – mummy welcome

Egbe – mummy we are hungry and we have been waiting for you

Mother – shut up am I not coming with your food, here is it. Make sure you

stay indoors do not come out.

Erima – mama but why

Mother – Hmm…let me just tell you the day you come out you will die

All daughter – Ah!

Oloo – mama that reminds me why is Okekene our sister not here with


Egbe – yes mama, hope she is fine

Mother – oh yes she is, don’t worry about her just stay indoors as she is

also indoors.

Uduma – mama but why

Mother – it’s a taboo in our community it is forbidden for you girls to see

your sisters because the day you try it you will all die, or do you

want to die?

All – no mama

Mother – then stay indoor

All – Ok mama

Scene 3

Mother goes to the beautiful girls huts with her food

Mother – Okekene love

Daughter – yes mama, good morning mama

Mother – how was your night

Daughter – it was fine, mama how are my sisters?

Mother – they are all fine, this is your food I brought because I will not be

coming back from the market early today.

Daughter – ok mama, please make sure you buy my beads for me

Mother – definitely I will, just be a good girl and stay indoors

Daughter – Ok mama I will be a good girl, byee….

Scene 4

Okekene is seen shaking in her hut, while her mother came in, from the

market in the evening

Mother – Okekene I bought you your beads and other nice things from the


Daughter – mama…

Mother – Ah Okekene what is it why are you lying down by this time?

Daughter – mama… I have been like this since you left my body is weak and

am catching cold, mama am dying.

Mother – No, never say such a thing, you can’t die, you know I love you
Daughter – mama please do something else I die please mama

Mother – Ok am coming let me make some herb for you

(After the mother effort Okekene is seen lying down still sick) so she decided to

look for other means by consulting an priestess)

Scene 5

Mother goes to a priestess

Mother – please priestess my child is dying

Priestess – what is the problem women

Mother – my child has been down with fever

Priestess – hmm… I can see, ok illness is caused by your people in your

village and you need to do some cleaning for her if not she will die.

Mother – ah priestess I will do anything to make her well

Priestess – Ok so bring to kolanut, 5 tubers of yam 2 fowl… but if you cant

provide it, you can pay the sum of 50 thousand naira.

Mother – okay priestess

(putting the money down)

Priestess – take this out and make a drink for her she will be fine (mother

went home but her daughter did not get well after taking the herbs)
Scene 6

Mother after several attempts on her child health later went to an Oracle

Mother – good afternoon Oracle

Oracle – woman stop, do not say a word because I know what brought you

here your daughter is seriously right?

Mother – yes Oracle

Oracle – and you really want her to get well?

Mother – yes Oracle I can even kill myself for her to be well just name

your price and it will be done

Oracle – no not that the healing of your daughter is in the hands of your

ugly daughters

Mother – what do you mean, Oracle?

Oracle – go home and reunite yourself with your children love them

equally and let the ugly ones lay hands on the beautiful girl and she

will be well again

Mother – is that all Oracle?

Oracle – yes that will be all for now

Mother – you mean am not going to pay anything or you are not going to

give me any herbs to give her?

Oracle – no my daughter go and do just what I told you

Mother – ok Oracle

(mother went home and did just what the Oracle told her and her daughter was

well again)
Characters Cast

Mother - Josephine Ene Egwu

Beautiful daughter – Priscillia Oloo Ominyi

Ugly daughter 1 – Melogy Ene Ijachi

Ugly daughter 2 – Dinnah Mguemo Gaga

Ugly daughter 3 – Charity Onyemowa Okpe

Ugly daughter 4 – Mercy Tsav

Oracle – Isaac Ahar

Oracle guard – Barnabas Terseer

Oracle – Patience Oryina Mlumun

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