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Unit 5 Test | Group B

Name: _____________________ Class: ____


1 Track 05 Listen to the announcement and complete the table below.
Event What? Where? When?
Break Out + local 1 __________ outside the town Saturday, first band at 6 o’clock
Live music
• Break Out will play new songs library (sharp)
2 __________
Theatre Like Us by Acting Strange Saturday, doors open at 5:30
at the Grand Theatre
The town is ours! by Youth in the street, Sunday, get there
Attack off the Main Square at 3 __________
Sunday, 10 a.m. – 4 __________,
Exhibition All types of visual art the museum
6 p.m.
Drawing workshop (only 15
Sunday, 5 __________
places available)
___ / 5

2 Read the text and choose the correct answer a, b, c or d.
John was in a hurry. He was packing before going away to a business conference in Japan. As usual, he was
taking only a few necessary items of clothing and his laptop. He had come back from the office earlier that day
to finish his presentation. Unfortunately, while working, he had fallen into a long deep sleep. And now, shortly
after waking up, he heard his mobile.
‘Ah, good,’ he thought. ‘That must be the company limo. OK, I’m almost done.’ If he got into the car within
a few minutes, David, the limo driver, could easily get John to the airport to catch his flight. He answered
the phone. ‘Hello.’
To his surprise, the voice wasn’t David’s. ‘Mr McKenzie, this is Robert Trent. I work for the Research
and Development Department. I need …’
‘Mr Trent,’ John interrupted him, feeling somewhat annoyed. He tried to sound polite, though. ‘I’m in a hurry.
Could you please contact my assistant in the office so she can arrange for us to meet when I’m back?’
‘This can’t wait, I’m afraid,’ Robert sounded desperate now. ‘I’ve discovered something … I can’t tell you more
on the phone. We must meet!’
It all sounded strange to John, but something in the man’s voice made him wonder. He looked out of the
window. The limousine was just arriving. ‘All right, I can pick you up on my way to the airport so we can talk
in the car.’ They quickly arranged the details for the meeting.
Five minutes later, the limo stopped at a small petrol station in the suburbs of the city and Robert got in.
The car started up again and they went back onto the road. Robert didn’t say anything, just pointed
at the driver. John sighed heavily. Still, he asked David to close the panel between the driver’s seat
and the passenger compartment. ‘Ok, it’s safe now,’ he told Robert. ‘Speak quickly.’
But before Robert had a chance to say anything, a van appeared next to them. The van’s driver turned
suddenly, hitting them and trying to push them off the road. David pushed the breaks really hard. The limo
turned round a few times and finally stopped.
‘Quick!’ shouted Robert. ‘We need to get out of the car!’ As they got out, they could see the van turning
back towards them.
1 John was in a hurry because
a he had to pack a lot of things for the trip.
b he was still trying to finish his presentation.
c he started packing late.
d he only came back from the office a short while ago.

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2 When he heard the phone ringing, John thought it was
a his assistant.
b the driver of the car.
c a mistake.
d Robert Trent.

3 Which is true about John and Robert’s conversation?

a Robert wanted to speak to John after his return.
b John finally agreed to meet Robert.
c Robert wanted to explain why he was late.
d John thought that Robert was out of his mind.

4 What is the extract of the story about?

a a missed flight
b a dangerous journey
c an argument between two men
d an unexpected call

5 In what order do the events of the story happen?

a John answers the phone, gets in the limo and meets Robert.
b John meets Robert, gets in the limo and answers the phone
c John gets in the limo, answers the phone and meets Robert.
d John gets in the limo, meets Robert and answers the phone.
___ / 5
3 Translate the Polish parts of the sentences into English.
1 __________________ (Czy chciałabyś pójść) to a concert on Saturday night?
2 I really think they are __________________ (utalentowanymi tancerzami).
3 X: __________________ (Może spotkajmy się) at about 5 p.m. tomorrow?
Y: 5 p.m.? __________________ (Pasuje mi).
4 __________________ (Po pierwsze), I’m not interested in this kind of art.
___ / 5
4 Complete the sentences with the missing words. The first letters have been given.
1 I have never missed any episodes of my favourite TV s____________.
2 It was a historical play, so the actors wore 16th century c____________.
3 There is a small music f____________ each year in our town. You can listen to music and have a picnic
at the same time!
4 My friends want to start a b____________ to play rock music.
___ / 4
5 Complete the sentences with the missing words. Some letters have been given.
1 Let’s go to our local art _ _ l _ _ r _. There is a new exhibition of modern sculpture on there.
2 Our school drama group are preparing a _ _ _ f _ _ m _ _ c _ of Macbeth.
3 I love seeing a good crime _ _ r _ _ _ _ r. I always try to guess who the killer is.
4 We went to the theatre to see Antigone by Sophocles, which is a classic _ _ _ y.
5 I’ve just read a _ _ v _ _ by Kazuo Ishiguro and I enjoyed it a lot, but it was quite long.
___ / 5
6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words from the box.
interest depress surprise excite bore
1 This summer, we’re going to the USA. It’s so ____________ that I just can’t wait!
2 The film was sad, without a happy ending, so I found it really ____________.
3 There was nothing special to do so we all felt really ____________.
4 Nobody expected him to win the singing contest. We were all really ____________.
5 The plot of the film was quite ____________, but the special effects were terrible.
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___ / 5

7 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Eric: Sandra, how 1 ____________ (you / spend) this weekend? Have you got any plans?
Sandra: Not many. Well, this afternoon, I 2 ____________ (visit) my grandma because it’s her birthday.
But I don’t know about Saturday or Sunday. Maybe I 3 ____________ (study) a bit for next week’s
maths test.
Eric: Boring! But look, Chris and I 4 ____________ (see) the premiere of the new Star Wars at the cinema
on Saturday afternoon. Why don’t you join us?
Sandra: Star Wars? I don’t know. Probably, I 5 ____________ (not enjoy) it at all. I don’t like science-fiction
Eric: Oh, come on!!!
Sandra: Ok, I 6 ____________ (think) about it and let you know tomorrow morning, OK?
___ / 6

8 Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1 You don’t need to / mustn’t touch the exhibits. It’s not allowed.
2 She can’t / doesn’t have to come with us if she prefers to stay at home. It’s fine.
3 We mustn’t / must hurry! The train leaves in a few minutes.
4 Martin must / can go to the cinema, but he has to come back home before midnight.
5 You don’t need to / mustn’t buy a ticket today, the entrance is free.
___ / 5

9 Choose the answer which means the same as the underlined phrase.
1 It isn’t our plan to visit the museum.
a We aren’t going to visit
b We haven’t visited
c We can’t visit

2 You’re not allowed to take photos here.

a You don’t have to
b You mustn’t
c You shouldn’t

3 What did you think of the ending? Personally, I found it surprising.

a he was surprised
b I expected it
c it surprised me

4 How about buying him a music album?

a Why don’t we buy
b Have you bought
c Are we going to buy

5 It isn’t necessary for her to take part in the competition.

a She mustn’t
b She doesn’t have to
c She shouldn’t
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10 Read the instructions and do the writing task.
Zamierzasz wziąć udział w międzynarodowym konkursie plastycznym (fine arts competition). Napisz swoje
zgłoszenie (100‒150 słów) i:
– wyjaśnij, dlaczego interesuje Cię udział w konkursie;
– podaj swoje dotychczasowe osiągnięcia w tej dziedzinie;
– poinformuj, jaką pracę chciałbyś/chciałabyś wysłać jako pracę konkursową;
– poproś o szczegóły dotyczące wysłania pracy konkursowej.

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