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Exercise 1 – Fill in the blanks

Read the given sentences and use the right relative pronouns.

1. We always like people __ speak the truth.

2. Can you tell ___ pen this is?
3. This is Natasha ___ I was praising.
4. The boy ___ I met in Delhi stays near our house.
5. This is the house in ___ John Keats lived.
6. These are the saplings ___ my mother and I planted together.
7. The teacher punished the students ___ were shouting.
8. I don’t think there’s anyone ___ doesn’t like chocolates.
9. Are these the people about ___ you were talking?
10. The car ___ my uncle brought is quite expensive.
11. Do you know _____ car is parked in front of our gate?
12. I found the documents _____ I had been looking for.
13. Noorin has the
14. A teacher __ helps all children is considered good.
15. I know the one ____ did this.

Exercise 2 – Identify the relative pronoun

Read the following sentences and underline the relative pronouns.

1. The movie that I saw yesterday was very interesting.

2. My sister, whom I admire, is leaving for Harvard University
3. The boy who got injured came back to attend classes.
4. The lady whose cat died was very sad.
5. Raj has a problem with people who are too extroverted.
6. We saw the pastor in the market whom we spoke to earlier.
7. I have a favourite cafe which serves the best cold coffee.
8. I know a person who has never come out of his room.
9. Can you show me the road which leads to the bus stand?
10. The song, which was sung by Lata Mangeshkar, is still my favourite song.
11. I saw a girl who was singing beautifully.

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