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Other details - yellow

People/Org/Location - green
Definitions/meaning - Violet Francisco S. Santiago (1889-1947)
Born: January 29, 1889
Died: September 28, 1947
I. MUSIC Father: Felipe Santiago
Mother: Maria Santiago
Week 1-5: Compositions: Pakiusap, Madaling Araw, Sakali Man, Hibik ng
Pilipinas, Ano Kaya ang Kapalaran, Kundiman, Anak Dalita and
The Philippines was colonised by Spain then America from the Himutok.
early 1500s to the late 1800s. Because of this happening - "Father of the Kundiman" and belongs to the
Western compositional techniques found their way into the "Triumvirate of the Filipino Composers". His music
works of the Filipino composers. Yet, 20th century Filipino was Romantic in style, incorporating Western forms
composers were able to retain some traditional elements in their and techniques with folk materials.
understanding of Western techniques.

What is Contemporary Philippine music? Antonio J. Molina (1894-1980)

Contemporary music in the Philippines usually refers to Born: December 26, 1894
compositions that have adopted ideas and elements from Died: January 29, 1980 Compositions: Ang Batingaw,
twentieth century art music in the West, as well as the latest Hatinggabi, Kundiman-Kundangan, Awit ni Maria Clara,
trends and musical styles in the entertainment industry. This Magbalik ka Hirang, Kung sa iyong Gunita and Larawan Nitong
brief introduction covers only the works written by the art music Pilipinas
composers. - A product of both Romantic and Impressionist
style, and known as the "Father of Philippine
What is traditional Filipino music? Impressionist Music". Fascinated by the dynamics
Every country in the world has their own traditional music, and harmonies of Debussy, but retained much of the
Filipino traditional music portrays the beliefs, customs, and Romantic style in his melody.
traditions of the rural folks. Traditional music may be classified
such as to glorify the beauty of nature, courtship music, or Hilarion F. Rubio (1902-1985)
welcome songs. Born: October 21, 1902
Died: December 28, 1985 Compositions: Unang Katas,
What are the characteristics of traditional Philippine music? Bulaklaken, Theme and Variation for Band, Ang Magsasaka,
Three main characteristics are exemplified by traditional Bukang Liwayway, Filipinas kong Mahal, Hantulan Mo Ako,
ethnic music. The first is the cantata form. A cantata is a Ginintuang Araw, Mutya ng Silangan, Light Narra
vocal composition with an instrumental accompaniment and - A composer, music teacher, conductor, and
often contains more than one movement. Another characteristic clarinettist. His name was closely identified with his
that is exemplified is the use of acapella. An acapella song is a works for the orchestra; as a conductor of opera,
vocal composition without instrumental accompaniment. Lastly, ballet, and dance recitals; and his music for movies.
the sonata form is used – a composition for one or more solo
instruments, one of which is usually a keyboard instrument,
and usually consisting of three or four independent Col. Antonino R. Buenaventura (1904-1996)
movements varying in key, mood, and tempo (Anupol, 2007). Born: May 4, 1904
Father: Lucio Buenaventura
20th Century Traditional Filipino Composers and their Died: January 25, 1996
works Compositions: Pandanggo sa llaw, Prinsesa ng Kumintang,
Pandanggo ni Neneng
Francisco B. Buencamino Sr. (1883-1952) - He recorded folk and dance music around the
Born: November 5, 1883 country. He restored the Philippine Constabulary
Died: October 16, 1952 Band in 1945, which is considered "one of the best
Compositions: Harana, Pandanggo ni Neneng, Collar de military bands in the world". Declared National
Sampaguita, Dulces las Horas, Mayon (Fantasia de Concierto). Artist for Music in 1988.
Princesa ng Kumintang. Maligayang Bati and Himig ng Nayon.
- Founded the Centro Escolar de Senoritas,
Conservatory of Music, and Buencamino Music Rodolfo S. Cornejo (1909 -1991)
Academy in 1930. His piano works have become Born: May 15, 1909
staples in the Philippine repertoire of today's Died: August 11, 1991
performers. He ventured into musical direction and Compositions: A la Juventud Filipina, Ibong Adarna,
scoring for films, composing zarzuelas and Kandingan,
kundiman Kaluwalhatian, Malakas at Maganda overture, Okaka
- He served as pianist-director of a USO concert unit
that entertained the Allied Forces during World War
Nicanor S. Abelardo (1893-1934) Born: February 7, 1893 II. He later became the soloist of several orchestras,
Died: March 21, 1934 and eventually the musical director of the
Compositions: Mutya ng Pasig, Nasaan ka Irog. Cavatina for Sampaguita and Vera-Perez movie companies.
Violoncello, U.P Naming Mahal, Cinderella Overture,
- A 20 century modern composer, also a composer in Felipe P. De Leon Sr. (1912 – 1992)
the Romantic style. The Tanghalang Nicanor Born: May 1, 1912
Abelardo (Main Theater) of the Cultural Center of Died: December 5, 1992
the Philippines and Abelardo Hall of the UP College
of Music are named after him.
Compositions: Bulaklak Alitaptap, Bagong Lipunan, Payapang In fact, they have become the strongest foundations of what we
Daigdig, Pasko na Naman, Noche Buena, Kay Tamis ng Buhay, now know as Philippine music.
Sapagkat Mahal Kita
- Known as a nationalist composer who expressed the
Philippines’ cultural identity through his
compositions. He wrote piano compositions, hymns,
marches, art songs, chamber music, symphonic
poems, overture, band music, school songs,
orchestral works, operas, kundiman, and zarzuelas.

Lucio D. San Pedro (1913 – 2002)

Born: February 11, 1913
Died: March 31, 2002
Compositions: Ugoy ng Duyan, Suite Pastorale, and Lahing
- Known as a “Romantic nationalist”. He incorporated
Philippine folk elements in his compositions with
Western forms and harmony. His chords have a rich
expressive tonality. Was declared National Artist for II. ARTS
Music in 1991.

Module 1:
Rosendo E. Santos Jr. (1922 – 1994)
Advancement in technology has continued to become a major
Born: September 3, 1922
driving force in art forms. The innovations in manipulating
Died: November 4, 1994
materials, colouring, and techniques in embellishment, and the
Compositions: Inday sa Balitaw,
creation of products applied in today's media, whether tangible
Melinda’s Masquerade
or virtual in cyberspace.
- A prolific composer whose works include concerti,
sonatas, symphonies, symphonic poems, five operas
in a Philippine dialect, numerous band overtures, and
over 200 marches. He also wrote 50 masses in Latin
Photography is the science, art and practice of creating durable
and 20 in English.
images by recording light or other electromagnetic radiation,
either electronically by means of an image sensor, or chemically
by means of a light-sensitive material such as photographic film.
Alfredo S. Buenaventura (born 1929)
Born: October 14, 1929
Photography was viewed as a purely technical process that
Compositions: Prinsesa Urduja, Diego Silang, Maria Makiling,
records visible images by light action on light-sensitive
materials. The word photography comes from two Greek words
Ating Watawat, Pasko ng Barangay, Dakilang Lahi, Pilipinas,
"photos" meaning light and "graphos" meaning writing. It was
started in the late 19th century, and from then it was not
- His compositions combine contemporary and
immediately considered as art.
conventional styles, and contain melodies that are
simple and understandable, while using
The Photographer as Artist
contemporary harmonies that enhance their
The photographer focuses the camera on a subject and clicks the
shutter to make the photography as a process. Once the artist
discerns an important moment, and focuses his camera on it, and
Raymundo Cipriano “Ryan” P. Cayabyab (born 1954)
clicks the shutter it becomes an art in photography. The
Born: May 4, 1954
photographer has captured the element of arts like form, colour,
Compositions: Misa, Four Poems for Soprano and Piano, Te
light, shadow, texture, and composition to create a true work of
Kay Ganda ng Ating Musika, Limang Dipang Tao, Alikabok
Photography as Communication
- A contemporary composer and conductor who
Photography is considered as one of the most powerful means of
spans both popular and classical worlds with his pop
music, ballads, operas, zarzuelas, orchestral
arrangements, masses, psalms, and choral
Photographic image is today's most important means of
compositions. His compositions are mostly of
conveying information and ideas and expressing emotions.
traditional Western influences.

Two typical characteristics of Photography

Week 6-8:

1. Immediacy - is seen in 'true to life" and 'of the moment'.

With the Spain and then America having colonized the
Philippines from the early 1500s to the late 1800s it was
2. Detail - the camera takes in every detail of an image.
unavoidable that Western compositional techniques found their
way into the works of Filipino composers. Yet, even 20th
Photographs are vital tools in communication fields such as
century Filipino composers have managed to retain some
journalism, advertising, education, and even in courts of law.
traditional elements in their assimilation of Western techniques.

Noteworthy Philippine Photographers


Here are some famous Filipinos who have made their mark in
Philippine photography.

George Tapan
● An award-winning travel photographer.
● 2 Gold in Pacific Asia Tourism Association Dark Beauty
● Gold in ASEAN Tourism Association
● First place in the 2011 National Geographic Photo Module 2:
Film or Cinema, also known as "movies" or "motion pictures",
is a series of moving images shown on a screen, usually with
Into the Green Zone sound, that make up a story.
● 1st place-winning image in the 2011 National
Geographic Photo Contest The Kinetoscope, a peepshow cabinet with an eye hole through
which these earliest "movies" could be viewed one person at a
time. A motor inside the cabinet moved the film strip along in a
John K. Chua loop, with an electric bulb providing illumination from beneath.
● An advertising and commercial photographer.
● Adphoto is one of his first studios in the country that Film directing - It is the director, the film director works with
use digital photography. ideas, images, sounds, and other effects to create this unique
● He founded the foundation called Photography with piece of art.
a Difference (PWD) that gives free workshops to
children with special needs. Acting - an ability to employ dialects, accents, improvisation,
observation & emulation, mime, and stage combat.
Famous Photograph of John K. Chua:
Cinematography - captured the director's vision of each scene
through camera placement and movement, lighting, and other
special techniques.

Editing - the art of selecting the precise sections of film, then

sequencing and joining them to achieve the director's desired
visual and emotional effect.

Gulp of Davao Production/Set design - responsible for physical terms-through

location, scenery, sets, lighting, costumes, and props-the mental
image that the director had of how each scene should look, what
period it should depict, and what atmosphere it should convey


Animated films. The act, process, or result of imparting life,

interest, spirit, motion, or activity.

Snake Island, Palawan

Biographical film, is a film that dramatizes the life of a non-
fictional or historically-based person or people

Manny Librodo
Documentary films, a non-fiction genre, were made using real-
● Was a full-time teacher at an international school in
life footage as well as file materials, in many cases to present an
● His photograph is about glamour, fashion and travel
Epic films are a style of filmmaking with large scale, sweeping
● His photograph was regularly top online in
scope, spectacle, and classical literary focused on a heroic
● He graced numerous UNICEF calendars, commercial
work, international magazines, and the covers of
Fantasy films are films with fantastic themes, usually involving
some of the world's leading photography
magic, supernatural events, incredible creatures, or exotic
publications (Asian Geographic and the Digital
fantasy worlds.
Photographer Magazine.)
Futuristic or Science fiction films, as well as special effects
Manny Librodo Photographs:
movies featuring live actors, animated characters, or live actors
and animated characters together.

Horror film is a film that seeks to elicit fear for entertainment


Independent films, a special genre of art films caters to a small

Tristeria - Liburnae group of viewers and critics, consciously concerned with the
artistic merits of a motion picture.
Musical film is a film genre in which songs by the characters offering 2D and 3D Animation Scholarships to the interested
are interwoven into the narrative, sometimes accompanied by high school graduates, between 18 and 45 years old.
dancing. Animahensayon., An annual festival and competition by ACPI
It features the works of Filipino animators granting
Silent film is a film with no synchronized recorded sound (and “Outstanding Emerging Artist in Animation Award” and
in particular, no audible dialogue) “Lifetime Achievement Award.”
Philippine Animation Studio Inc. (PASI)
Slapstick films are comedy films where physical comedy that Established in 1991 and has since collaborated on numerous
includes pratfalls, tripping, falling, practical jokes, mistakes, are animation projects and series with foreign partners. Along with
highlighted over dialogue, plot and character development. this was:

Thriller film, also known as suspense film or suspense thriller,

is a broad film genre that evokes excitement and suspense in the

War film is a film genre concerned with warfare, typically

about naval, air, or land battles, with combat scenes central to
the drama

Western films as those "set in the American West that

[embody] the spirit, the struggle and the demise of the new

Module 4:

• Alongside the digital media forms discussed last time, there
remains to more conventional form known as print media.
Included here are large-scale publications such as newspapers,
Module 3:
magazines, journals, books of all kinds, as well as smaller-scale
posters, brochures, flyers,menus, and the like.
- From the Latin word animatio (animo: to animate or
give life to; and atio: the act of) which means “the
act of giving life.”
• Of course, all of these now have their digital counterparts that
- It is the process of creating the illusion of motion and
may be accessed and read on the internet and whether printed on
shape change by means of the rapid display of
paper or viewed on the web, these materials once again involve
sequence of static images that minimally differ from
and showcase Filipino artistry.
each other.
- Animators are the artist who specialize in the
The primary use of print media is to spread information about
creation of animation.
daily events and news as it is the fastest way to reach the public.
- Filipinos contributed in the field of animation
abroad, entitled:
Apart from that, it provides a lot of entertainment to the readers.


It may be magazines or newspapers that cover all the stories and
articles that generate a lot of interest in the minds of the public.

Animation Council of the Philippines Inc. (ACPI)

It aims to create an identity for the Philippines within the
Advertising is one major field that still relies heavily on print
animation industry
media that appear in newspapers, magazines, posters, brochures,
One of the preferred sources of animation service worldwide.
and flyers—each with their specific
TESDA,LGU and other government agencies help in developing
target readerships and markets, and highly-specialized
animation for more Filipinos. In 2013, TESDA and ACPI began
approaches for reaching these target groups. The advertising
copywriters provide the text for titles, taglines, and body copy, building of products. It is almost all consumer
the team of modern day art professionals creates the look of products.
each ad. These are the directors, photographers, graphic
designers, and illustrators. The team may further include food INDUSTRIAL DESIGNER
and product stylists, fashion stylists, hair, and makeup - a person in charge of the industrial design of an item,
artists, set and lighting designers if the ad subject requires it. they make sure that a product is aesthetically
pleasing or attractive, functional or useful, and
Book Design and Illustration ergonomic.
Another remarkably rich and promising area for young Filipino
artists is the field of book design and illustration. The visionary FASHION DESIGN
mindset of progressive Philippine book publishers such as - deals with the aesthetics and functionality of clothes.
Bookmark, Anvil Publishing, Adarna Books, and Tahanan The person who designs clothes is called a fashion
Books for Young Readers (now Ilaw ng Tahanan Publishing) designer.
should be credited. Nowadays local book designers and
illustrators have been given recognition they deserve and the 3 TYPES OF FASHION DESIGN
creative freedom they need to truly showcase their talents. 1. Haute couture - are garments designed and created
for a single client.
Digital Media 2. Mass market - these are mass-produced garments
The books that were originally available only in print are being that are manufactured in large quantities and come in
gradually converted to digital format. Readers can now find, different sizes.
access, and enjoy these electronic books (or “e-books”) via 3. Pret-a-porter - known as “ready-to-wear” made
digital media tablets, e-book readers and other handheld reading with a limited number of quantities.
devices. Kobo is an e-book that features not only international
but Philippine titles. Wattpad is a social media – based trendy ERGONOMICS
publishing site. Flip reads provide access to the works of - is the science of creating products that are designed
Filipino authors and publishers. based on human measurements so that it would be
comfortable to use. This discipline needs training and
Module 5: schooling.



- A print media that highlights the artistic gifts of - Known for his trademark style of using indigenous
Filipinos. materials like rattan, bamboo, banana leaves, etc, in
- It is a publication that consists of art in the form of a transforming them into pieces of furniture.
sequential panel that represents individual scenes. - Creative director of Hive, a design and
manufacturing facility for designers of interior
Tony Velasquez accessories and lighting.
- Father of Filipino Comics. - Named as “Designer of the Year” in 2014 by Maison
- Creator of Kabalbalan ni Kenkoy. and Objet Asia-an exhibition of professional
industrial designers from all over the world.
Liwayway Magazines - Called as “Rattan first Virtuoso” in 2007 by Time
- A magazine that featured Kabalbalan ni Kenkoy in Magazine.
1920 that made the komiks very popular reading
- materials all over the Philippines. Industrial Designs of Kenneth Cobonpue

Filipino Comics Artists

Mars Ravelo - Creator of Darna, Lastikman, Captain Barbel
Francisco Coching - Creator of Pedro Penduko, Hagibis.
Alfredo Alcala - Recruited to work in DC Comics
Jim Fernadez - Creator of Anak ni Zuma
Pol Medina Jr. - Creator of Pugad Baboy MONIQUE LHUILLIER
Pugad Baboy - a comics series that comments on current - She studied in Los Angeles,at the Fashion Institute of
political and social issue in a humorous way. Design and Merchandising.
- She is known for her pret-a-porter dresses and
REMINDER: specially for her bridal gowns.
With the coming of the American to the country, local comics - She received the Presidential Medal of Merit in 2006
were clearly influenced by popular U.S. comics with during the administration of former President Gloria
superheroes as the main characters resulting in local Macapagal Arroyo.
counterparts such as Darna (Wonder Woman) and Captain - Her collections includes bridal and bridesmaid
Barbell (Super Man). dressess, evening gowns, linens, and home
Module 6: fragrances.

Art is not limited to traditional forms like painting,

sculpture, and architecture. It can also be seen in
photography, film, video game, and other new non-
traditional mediums.


- is both a branch of art and science that deals with the - She was a skilled business woman, first female Vice
creative and analytical planning applied in the President of Merril Lynch-a global investment bank.
- She is known for her reinvention of the hand STREET AND HIP-HOP DANCE STYLES
embroidered Filipino blouse to lingerie.
- Her fashion empire includes lingerie, eyewear, and B-Boying
fragrances. B-boying or breaking, also called breakdancing, is a style of
- She had Natori Company, one of the most successful street dance and the first
fashion brands in the world. hip-hop dance style that originated among Black and Puerto
- Her business philosophy is an “East-West Mix” of Rican youths in New York City during the early 1970s. A
culture and design. practitioner of this dance is called a b-boy, b-girl, or breaker.
Although the term breakdance is frequently used to refer to the
RAJO LAUREL (Raymund Joseph Teves Laurel) dance, b-boying and breaking are the original terms.
- Is a much-admired Filipino fashion designer with a Four Movements:
number of national and international awards. Toprock footwork - oriented steps performed while standing up
- He was trained at New York’s Fashion Institute of Downrock - footwork performed with both hands and feet on
Technology and at Central Saint Martin’s in London. the floor
- His creations maintain a Filipino sensibility, Freezes - stylish poses done on your hands
incorporating embroidery, beadwork and hand- Power moves - comprise full-body spins and rotations that give
painted prints. the illusion of defying gravity
- He is a co-pioneered in the social enterprise known
as Rag2Riches. Popping
Popping was popularized by Samuel Boogaloo Sam Solomon
LULU TAN GAN and his crew the Electric Boogaloos. It is based on the technique
- Known for her fashionable knitwear lines since 1985. of quickly contracting and relaxing muscles to cause a jerk in a
- She was dubbed as “The Queen of Knitwear” in the dancer’s body. Popping forces parts of the body outwards,
country. similar to an explosion within parts of your body. Popping also
- She developed her aesthetic design with her extended contracts muscles, but it is followed by relaxation that gives it
hand-woven “Indigenous Couture". the jerking appearance of popping.
- Her creation is 95% hand-made-hand-
loomed(Knitted and woven) by Philippine artisans. Locking
- Awarded as Chevalier des Arts et de Lettres ( Knight Locking or campbellocking, was created by Don Campbellock
of the Order of Arts and Letters) by the French in 1969 in Los Angeles, California. It was popularised by his
Minister of Culture. crew, The Lockers. Locking can be identified by its distinctive
stops. It is usually performed by stopping the fast movement
DITA SANDICO-ONG that you are doing, locking your body into a position, holding it,
- Known as the “Wrap Artiste” of the Philippines. and then continuing at the same speed as before. In locking,
- She first experimented the local weave of Ilocos Sur dancers hold their positions longer. The lock is the primary
known as inabel. move used in locking. It is similar to a freeze or a sudden pause.
- She created her own fabrics like the banaca, an A locker’s dancing is characterized by frequently locking in
exotic type of abaca, and piňalino, a mix of place and after a brief freeze moving again.
pineapple fibres blended with Irish linen.
- Her collections include wraps or panuelos, as well as Krumping
boleros, jackets, and long tunics of banana fibre and Krumping is a form of dancing that originated in the African-
abaca. American community of South Central Los Angeles, California
and is a relatively new form of the “Urban” Black dance
movement. It is free, expressive and highly energetic. Most
people paint their faces in different designs. Krumping is a
III. PHYSICAL EDUCATION dance style to release anger. It is reported that gang riots in the
United States decreased because of krumping style.
Week 1-4:
Points to remember It is a creative way of making geometric shapes forming right
Street dance refers to dance styles that have evolved outside of angle using your body
dance studios. It is performed in streets, dance parties, parks, parts. The style was originally practised by young funk dancers.
school yards, or in any available space. It is often It is derived from the positions people were drawn in during the
improvisational and social in the nature, encouraging days of the Ancient Egyptians. It is the positions seen in these
interaction and contact with spectators and other dancers. A portraits that have been adopted by dancers today. Tutting is still
full street dance is a collection of various similar dance moves a greatly respected move and King Tut aka Mark Benson is
and styles put together into one practice and regarded as the widely acclaimed for pioneering the style
same dance.
Hip-hop is a cultural movement best known for its impact on Shuffling
music in the form of the musical genre of the same name. It has The Melbourne Shuffle (also known as Rocking or simply The
its origins in the Bronx, in New York City, during the 1970s, Shuffle) is a rave and club dance that originated in the late
mostly among African Americans and some influence of Latin 1980s in the underground rave music scene in
Americans. Hip-hop culture is composed of the pillars such as Melbourne, Australia. The basic movements of the dance are a
DJ-ing, rapping, breakdancing, and graffiti art fast heel and toe action with a style suitable for various types of
Hip-hop dance, on the other hand, refers to street dance styles electronic music. Some variants incorporate arm movements.
primarily performed to hip-hop music or that have evolved as People who dance the shuffle are often referred to as rockers,
part of hip-hop culture. Hip-hop music incorporates a number of due in part to the popularity of shuffling to rock music in the
iconic elements, most notably DJing and rapping, along with early 1990s.
things like beat boxing, sampling, and juggling beats on
turntables Waacking
Waacking is an African American form of street dance economic development through a direct impact on workers’
originating from the 1970’s productivity. Also evident are changes in lifestyle due to
disco era of the underground club scenes in Los Angeles and people’s anticipation of longer life expectancy. This fuels
New York City. Waacking consists of stylized posing and fast increased savings and investment, as well as the transmission of
synchronised arm movements to the beat of the music. Today, improved human capital from one generation to the next.
waacking is a popular element of hip hop dance.
Lesson 3:

IV. HEALTH Brief Introduction

Global Health Initiatives (GHI) are enhancing the value or
Lesson 1: quality of lives around
the globe by giving and initiating programs that would address
Brief Introduction essential healthcare issues through the partnership of different
There are times that Global Health and Global Health nations and governments around the world. Here are some of
Initiatives are considered the same. Let us take a look at their those programs, as well as the issues and concerns in the
similarities. Global Health is the goal of enhancing health for implementation of these. The Global Fight against
all people by encouraging wellness and putting an end to Communicable Diseases – One example is Roll back Malaria,
avoidable disease, disability, and death. The major objective of the global effort to reduce the number of deaths due to the
global health is to have universal access to health guiding disease. Along with this program are some issues that need to be
principles and health equity among nations and for all people. addressed, particularly in Africa, like the shortage of health care
On the other hand, Global Health Initiatives (GHI) are personnel, insufficient funding, and weak health systems.
programs and projects which help tackle global health issues, Despite these issues, effective interventions are available but
concerns, and trends. Global health initiatives were set to they are not reaching the people with the greatest burden of
address increasing global health threats, reduce inequality within malaria because the capacity for malaria control is inadequate in
communities and between nations and contribute to a world endemic countries. Another example is Stop Tuberculosis, the
where people live healthier, safer, and longer lives. Specifically, program that would prevent the transmission of tuberculosis
GHIs are humanitarian work that seek to provide high quality (TB) around the world. The difficulties encountered by this
healthcare in collaboration with local partners to reinforce health program was inadequate diagnostics and treatment and the need
systems in developing countries and work together to give for expansion of the Directly Observed Treatment, and Short
health care education and medical services to those in need. Course (DOTS) program. Global Alliance for Vaccines and
Examples of GHIs are the President's Emergency Plan for Immunization - It includes a strategy which aims to strengthen
AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, children’s immunization programs and introduce a new
Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund), and the World Bank's generation of licensed vaccines that could help to reduce the
Multi-country AIDS Programme (MAP). Global Health number of deaths in children. The most significant systems
Initiatives are responses to the universal call of the United barrier to immunization was supply and distribution. Vaccines
Nations for its member states to adopt the global goals as set have been in short supply at times due to inadequate
forth in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These manufacturing capacity. Other problems encountered were lack
SDGs or global goals call for countries to meet their own of staff and leadership, insufficient country planning without
needs, organizing society so that it can exist in the long term, enough technical assistance and weak country systems to
protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and manage finances. A year after the programs were intended to be
prosperity by 2030. completed, many district and facility-level activities were only
partially implemented and significant funds remained
Lesson 2: insufficient.

Brief Introduction COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution. COVID-19 vaccines from

Global health initiatives show a positive impact on health top pharmaceutical companies are undergoing clinical trials as
programs in various countries. In Rwanda, for example, the of this writing, including AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson,
Global Fund has supported the expansion of community health Merck, Moderna, Novavax, Pfizer, and Sanofi/GSK. The
insurance coverage for 3.3 million people on low incomes, governments are facing issues in the implementation of the
including approximately 300,000 people living with HIV/AIDS program, and there are many questions regarding the roles of
and 150,000 orphans. About one-third of expenditures federal, state, and local governments, financing and coverage of
supported by the Global Fund are already devoted to upgrading a vaccine, how to address racial disparities, communication, and
health-care infrastructures and to training and capacity building public trust through a distribution plan. Another major issue
for health-care personnel. As for the problem of expensive with current vaccines is that several of them must be
medicines, global health initiatives contribute to reducing preserved at extremely cold temperatures, which requires
this burden by subsidizing access to essential medicines. specialized equipment not readily available at many sites.
Abolition of user-fees and other relevant policies have been Despite this problem the government is doing everything to
proven to increase access for people on very low incomes. control the spread of virus by using vaccination.
Access to affordable medicine then facilitates adherence to and
success of treatment, as clearly shown by data from HIV care Global Prevention and Control of Tobacco and Alcohol. This
programs. Since the majority of GHIs support treatment through is the World Health Organization Framework Convention on
individual organizations, there is a significant added workload Tobacco Control (WHO-FCTC), which is concerned with the
for health workers in the public sector, who coordinate these global epidemic of tobacco use and abuse. Many countries face
support activities. By reducing mortality among health-care the challenges of lack of resources, the need for more political
personnel, by reducing the incidence of infectious diseases support, a lack of sufficient national and local research, and
through prevention interventions and by limiting hospitalization limited state capacity (defined here as the ability of states to
rates for appropriately treated individuals, GHIs and disease- provide public goods). A study examining the implementation
targeted programs allow better use of the scarce resources for of health warning labels, for example, found that countries with
health systems. All in all, better population health due to weaker state capacity were less likely to implement FCTC-
GHIs reduces losses due to morbidity and mortality. compliant
Furthermore, GHIs show that improvements in health encourage
health warning labels. As time goes by, with the cooperation 1. The Global Fight Against Communicable Diseases Roll
of the manufacturers and by strict implementation of the Back Malaria
policy, the program is doing well. The initiative aims to reduce the number of deaths from malaria
infection through heightened prevention tools, rapid response to
Remember outbreaks, development of new anti-malarial products, and
The implementation of Global Health Initiatives of the World effective treatment of the infections. Stop TB is a global effort
Health Organization provides programs and projects which to prevent further transmission of tuberculosis or TB around the
address prevalent health issues, concerns, and trends. With world.
these programs the spread of disease will be prevented,
poverty and hunger will be lessened, the disparities within 2. Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization
communities and between nations will be discouraged, and It is a global strategy which aims to strengthen children’s
people will live healthier, safer and satisfying lives immunisation programs and introduce a new generation of
licensed vaccines into use in developing countries across the
Lesson 4: globe.

Global Health pertains to various health issues, concerns, and 3. The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria.
trends which go beyond national boundaries and call for global It helps in the prevention, reduction, and mitigation of the
initiatives for the protection and promotion of peoples’ health negative impacts of the three diseases to humanity which
across the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) is contributes to the fulfilment of the Millennium Development
the primary international body responsible for developing Goals.
leadership in health, setting norms and standards and providing
health support among nations around the world. 4. Global Prevention and Control of Tobacco and Alcohol
Brief Introduction The WHO FCTC came into existence in reaction to the global
The most common health issues and concerns. epidemic of tobacco use and abuse.
1. Physical Activity and Nutrition
2. Overweight and Obesity 5. Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol
3. Tobacco It recognizes the close ties between the harmful use of alcohol
4. Substance Abuse and the socio-economic development of a nation.
6. Mental Health 6. Global Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Non-
7. Injury and Violence Communicable Diseases.
8. Environmental Quality This is a global action plan to prevent and control the following
9. Immunisation non-communicable diseases: cardiovascular diseases, cancers,
10. Access to Healthcare and diabetes and the four shared risk factors: unhealthy eating,
physical inactivity, tobacco use and alcohol use.
Awareness of these global health initiatives will make you 7.Global Initiative for Mental Health
understand how the different government sectors worked to The “Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2020”
address those health-related issues and concerns. It will also is the result of extensive
help you recognize and understand how the government works research and consultations by stakeholders, member-nations,
with various institutions and sectors to address issues and academic and non-government centers across the globe. The
concerns. This will help you as young citizens to come up with mental health action plan should be impartial, life-based, and
your own programs and projects to help you contribute towards preventive in nature.
the efforts to improve the health and safety conditions in your
community, especially in this time of pandemic

Lesson 5:

Brief Introduction
Individual countries don’t have the capacity to tackle these
ever-evolving threats by themselves. which means that
people from different agencies have to work together to keep
the public safety. However, global health is not just about
infectious diseases, it is also about food, education, poverty, the
ever-growing flow of goods, money, technology, knowledge and
many, all of which have implications on our health, making us
all vulnerable to a myriad of global threats. Many factors have
to be considered in taking actions to address these variables
affecting our health. That is why the United Nations through
the World Health Organization (WHO) and in partnership
with the World Bank set the Global Health Initiatives. These
GHI target specific health problems including but not limited to
emerging and re-emerging diseases, climate change,
environmental sanitation, mental health, tobacco regulation, and
alcohol use.

Here are some Global Health Initiatives undertaken in
response to some of the health concerns worldwide.

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