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Reviewer in MAPEH 10 Awit ni Maria Clara, and Larawan Nitong

3rd Quarter Pilipinas

MUSIC 5. Hilarion Rubio Y Francisco

20th century traditional composers  was born on October 21, 1902 in Bacoor,
1. Francisco B. Buencamino Sr.  He served as conductor for opera, ballet
 was born on November 5, 1883 in Bulacan.  dance recitals, and movie music was
 He taught at the Ateneo de Manila, and at conductor of the National Opera Company
Centro Escolar de Señoritas whose for 23 years from 1937 to 1960.
Conservatory of Music he founded  Works: Bulaklaken, Theme and Variations
 created the Buencamino Music Academy in for Band, Dance of the Nymphs Rondo,
1930 where Nicanor Abelardo was one of Florente at Laura (overture), Halik, Danza,
his students. Unang Katas, Twopart Invention (piano),
 Works: Harana, Pandanggo ni Neneng. Ang Konsyerto (ballet)
Collar de Sampaguita, Dulces las Horas, 6. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
Mayon  promoted Philippine music by extensively
2. Francisco Santiago using folk materials in his works.
 is known as the "Father of the Kundiman"  He recorded folk and dance music around
and belongs to the "Triumvirate of Filipino the country with Ramon Tolentino and
Composers." National Artist for Dance Francisca Reyes
 obtained his Doctorate Degree in American Aquino.
Conservatory of Music in Chicago in 1924.  Buenaventura composed the music and did
Santiago's music was Romantic in style, the notations for the folk dances as
incorporating Western forms and researched by Aquino. was declared
techniques with folk materials. National Artist for Music in 1988
 Works: Pakiusap. Madaling Araw, Sakali  Works: Pandanggo sa Ilaw, Minuet,
Man, Hibik ng Pilipinas, Ano Kaya ang Mindanao Sketches, Divertimento for Piano
Kapalaran, and Kundiman (Anak Dalita). and Orchestra, Variations and Fugue, and
3. Nicanor Abelardo Greetings
 developed a style that combined European. 7. Rodolfo S. Cornejo
romanticism with chromaticism.  was considered "the first Filipino composer
 His compositions contain hazy tones, who received an honory degree from a
dissonance and unusual chordal government recognized. music school in the
combinations United States", He was known for his
 one of the "Triumvirate of Filipino "pianistic and compositional talent" by
Composers" extemporizing a piano composition at the
 Works: Cinderella Overture, Panoramas. spur of the moment.
Mutya ng Pasig, Nasaan Ka Irog, Cavatina 8. Felipe P. De Leon
for Violoncello, and Magbalik Ka Hirang.  was known as a nationalist composer who
4. Antonio Molina expressed the Philippines' cultural identity
 the first National Artist for Music through his compositions. was born on May
 is considered one of the "Triumvirate of 1, 1912 in Barrio Papaya (now General
Filipino Composers" Tinio) in
 He was a faculty member of the University  Penaranda, Nueva Ecija. is a writer and the
of the Philippines' chairman of the National Commission for
 Conservatory (now College) of Music. Culture and the Arts (NCCA).
Molina was a product of both the Romantic 9. Lucio San Pedro
and Impressionist schools of thought.  is known as a "romantic nationalist." He
 began his music career as an orchestral incorporated Philippine folk elements in his
soloist at the Manila Grand Opera House. compositions with Western forms and
 best known for his poignantly romantic harmony.
serenade for violin and piano Hatinggabi  His chords have a rich expressive tonality,
 received the National Artist for Music award as represented in his well-loved Sa Ugoy ng
in 1973. Duyan, a lullaby melody sung by his mother
 Works: Malikmata (Transfiguration). 10. Rosendo Santos Jr.
zarzuela, Misa Antoniana Grand Festival  is listed in the "New Groves Dictionary. of
Mass. Ang Batingaw, Kundiman-Kundangan; Music and Musicians."
chamber music  A prolific composer, his works include
 -String Quartet, Kung sa IyongGunita, concerti, sonatas, symphonies, symphonic
Pandangguhan; and vocal music- Amihan, poems, five operas in Philippine dialect,
numerous band overtures, and more than  Is one of Asia's leading figures in liturgical
200 marches. He wrote 50 masses in Latin music, having composed hundreds of
and 20 in liturgical pieces, mass settings, hymns, and
 English. He has more than 1,000 musical songs for worship.
compositions in the library of the 7. Josefino Toledo
 University of the Philippines.  is the founding music director of the Metro
11. Alfredo Buenaventura Manila Community Orchestra, the UP
 is among the few composers in the Festival Orchestra, and the Crosswave
Philippines who composed five full-length Symphony Orchestra
operas.  He is noted for conducting the premiere
 He created a combination of contemporary performances of the works of Filipino
and conventional, kept his melodies simple composers as well as other Asian
and understandable, but he used composers.
contemporary harmonies to suit the
intellectuals. 8. Jonas Baes
12. Ryan Cayabyab  Associate Professor in Composition and
 - a contemporary composer and conductor Theory, ethnomusicologist, cultural activist,
and spans both popular and classical worlds and writer, has explored innovative
with his pop, ballads, operas, zarzuela, territories and unusual musical treatments
orchestral, and choral compositions. in his works.
 Works: Kay Ganda ng Ating Musika (1978), Song Composers
Alikabok (2003), Spoliarium, etc. 1. Levi Celerio
New Music Composers  made it to the Guinness Book of
1. Jose Maceda WorldRecords for being the only person to
 embarked on his life's work, dedicated to make music with a leaf.
the understanding and preservation of  he received numerous awards for his
Filipino traditional music musical achievements in film.
 musical style shifted when he encountered 2. Constancio de Guzman
the music of the indigenous tribes of
Mindoro in 1953.  was acknowledged as the "Dean of Filipino
 His extensive research and fieldwork movie composers and musical directors."
resulted in an immense collection of  he is the composer of the nationalistic song
recorded music taken from the remote Bayan Ko.
mountain villages and far-flung inland
communities in the Philippines. 3. Mike Velarde Jr.
2. Lucrecia Kasilag  composed the popular song Dahil Sa Iyoin
 compositional style demonstrated a fusion 1938.
of Eastern and Western styles in using  in 1975 the Philippine Government Cultural
instruments, melody, harmony, and Association awarded him the Cultural
rhythm. Achievement Award in Popular Music.
 is particularly known for incorporating  he received the Gawad CCP Para Sa Sining
indigenous Filipino instruments into in 1986
orchestral productions. 4. Ernani Cuenco
3. Ramon Santos  he was hailed as a National Artist in Music
 compositional style features chromaticism, in 1999.
music seria, and electronic components,  his works embody the Filipino sense of
combined with indigenous Philippine music musicality.
elements.  the classical sound of the kundiman is
4. Fr. Manuel Maramba OSB evident in some of his ballads.
 is best known as a liturgical composer 5. Restie Umali
whose body of works lean towards religious  He arranged the Philippine national anthem
figures and events. His versatility as a and the local classic Kataka-taka
pianist, composer, arranger, theorist, and  He composed more than 250 scores for
teacher is widely recognized in the local movies which was capped by a Universal
musical scene. Pictures production of No Man Is An Island
5. Jerry Dabap starred by Jeffrey Hunter and Barbara
 the first Filipino composer to conduct his Perez.
own works at the Camegie Recital Hall in 6. George Canseco
New York City.  was considered "a nationally acclaimed
6. Francisco Feliciano composer of numerous popular Filipino
 He composed songs for Filipino singers and Celluloid strip film
movie stars.
7. Angel Peña  Was the seed of the highly- advanced film
 He is widely considered by modern Filipino medium we have today
jazz musicians as "one of the founders of  Kinetoscope: a peepshow cabinet with an
traditional jazz in the Philippines. eyehole through which the earliest movies
8. Leopold Silos Sr. could be viewed one person at a time.
 composed and recorded romantically  Cinematographe- a handcranked camera,
soulful songs. printer, and projector all in one that was
 was the award winning musical director of lightweight enough to bring outside the
the television musical Aawitan kita. studio.
9. Santiago Suarez  By 1901, the earliest motion pictures were
 was an accomplished composer of rapidly progressing from one-scene, studio
traditional Filipino love songs. films to multiple-scene narratives filmed
 Works: Dungawin Mo Hirang, Bakya Mo outdoors
Neneng, Caprichosa, Sa Libis ng Nayon, and Film Making
Kataka-taka. Film Directing
 He or she conceptualizes the scenes, directs
the acting, supervises the cinematography
ARTS and finally the editing and sound dubbing in
Photography much the same way as a visual artist
 was viewed as a purely technical process, composes an artwork.
that of recording visible images by light Acting
action on light- sensitive materials.  The art or practice of presenting a character
 from the Greek "photos" (meaning light) on a stage or before cameras that delivers
and "graphos" (meaning writing) - "light their lines naturally and believably
writing" Cinematography
 This captured the director's vision of each
The power of photography as a communicator scene through camera placement and
comes from two distinctive characteristics: movement, lighting, and other special
 immediacy techniques.
 detail Editing
Photographs are vital tools in communication fields  the art of selecting the precise sections of
such as journalism, advertising, education, and even film. then sequencing and joining them to
in courts of law. achieve the director's desired visual and
Noteworthy Philippine Photographers emotional effect.
George Tapan Production Design
 is an award-winning travel photographer  This recreated in physical terms-through
who has won two Pacific Asia Tourism location, scenery, sets, lighting, costumes,
Association (PATA) Gold awards, an ASEAN and props the mental image that the
Tourism Association award, and first place director had of how each scene should look,
in the 2011 National Geographic Photo what period it should depict, and what
Contest. atmosphere it should convey
 His highly acclaimed work has been Documentary Films
published in five travel photography books.  a non-fiction genre, were made using real-
John K. Chua life footage as well as file materials, in many
 is best known as an advertising and cases to present an issue.
commercial photographer, with over 40 Art films ("indie" or independent films)
years of experience  caters to a small group of viewers and
 his photo artistry showcases the beauty of critics,consciously concerned with the
the Philippines. artistic merits of a motion picture.
Film/ Cinema Animation
 its early name "motion pictures" declared,  A way of making movie by using series of
film brought yet another dimension into drawings, or photographs of objects
play that of moving images. Animation Council of the Philippines, Inc. (ACPI)
 Another art form which has risen to  is a non-stock, non-profit organization that
tremendous heights within the last century aims to create an identity for the
Series Photography Philippines within the animation industry,
 Successive still photos of a moving object to making it one of the preferred sources for
be captured on a strip of film advancing animation services worldwide.
through a single camera
Philippine Animation Studio, Inc. (PASI) was o Toprock
established in 1991 and has since collaborated on o Downrock
numerous animation projects and series with foreign o Freezes
partners. o Power moves
Print Media Popping
 are large scale publications such as  Was popularized by Samuel Boogaloo Sam
newspapers, magazines, journals, books of Solomon and his crew the Electric
all kinds, as well as smaller-scale posters, Boogaloos.
etc.  Is based on the technique of quickly
 a conventional form of digital media contracting and relaxing muscles to cause a
jerk in a dancer's body
Advertising Locking
 Locking or campbellocking was created by
 the action of calling the attention of the Don Campbellock Campbell in 1969 in Los
public by broadcasts, announcements, etc. Angles, California
Comic book Krumping
 is a dance style to release anger
 referred to as komiks
 form of dancing that originated in the African-
American community of South Central Los Angeles,
 contains sequences of comic strips usually Tutting
hyphenated in attributive use  is a creative way of making geometric shapes forming
Tony Velasquez was recognized as the "Eather of right angle using your body parts.
Filipino Comics"
 a rave and club dance that originated in the late 1980s
Book Design and Illustration in the underground rave music scene in Melbourne,
 The design used for the cover or front page
 The basic movements of the dance are a fast heel-and-
of books
toe action with a style suitable for various types of
Digital Media electronic music
 Involves the converted to digital format Waacking
books  consists of stylized posing and fast synchronized arm
movements to the beat of the music
 new books are now conceptualized, written,
designed, and illustrated precisely for these  is intended to be a guide that should help everyone
online media. select activity that best fits his lifestyle and health
Product and Industrial Design needs.
RPE Chart
 Designs applied to furniture, lighting and
 a scale that identifies the intensity of a certain physical
interior accessories activity
Kenneth Cobonpue HEALTH
 is a multi-awarded designer and the Global Health
creative director of Hive, a design and  a term that rose in popularity along with the rise of
manufacturing facility for interior globalization
 the health of the world as a whole; the area of study,
accessories and lighting designers.
research and practice which gives priority on improving
and achieving equal health for all people worldwide
Millenium Development Goals
PHYSICAL EDUCATION  The United Nations Millennium Development Goals are
eight targets that all 191 UN Member States have
agreed to achieve by 2015.
Street Dance 1) Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger
 refers to dance styles that have evolved 2) Achieve Universal Primary Education 3) Promote
Gender Equality and Empower Women
outside of dance studios
3) Reduce Child Mortality
 improvisational and social in nature 4) Improve Maternal Health-
Hip-Hop Dance 5) Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Other Diseases
 a cultural movement best known for its 6) Ensure Environmental Sustainability
7) Global Partnership for Development
impact on music in the form of the musical
Health Issue
genre of the same name  Any of the important statements in health that is in
 composed of the pillars such as DJ-ing, dispute and must be settled
rapping breakdancing, and graffiti art. Health Trend
 Any general tendency to change in health concepts,
information, skills, and values
 are programs set in motion by the United Nations
B-boying through the World Health Organization and in
partnership with the World Bank which targets specific
 also called breakdancing involves spins and
health problems including but not limited to emerging
rotation has four movements and re-emerging diseases, climate change,
environmental sanitation, mental health, tobacco
regulation, and alcohol use.
 The Global fight against Communicable Diseases
 Roll Back Malaria
 Stop TB
 Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization
 The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria.
 Global Prevention and Control of Tobacco and
 Alcohol Use Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use
of Alcohol.
 Global Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Non-
communicable Diseases

Communicable Disease
 a disease transmitted from one person to another by
direct or indirect contact
Non-Communicable Disease
 disease not transmitted through direct or indirect
contact and non- infectious
The United Nations Development Program's Quick Wins
The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) works with
different nations and organizations to withstand crises, empower
lives and improve the quality of life for all.
Quick Wins
 are actions that can be immediately used within the
community or locale to produce effective results.
 One of the UNDP's intervention programs to achieve
the eight millennium development goals.
 If applied continuously, Quick Wins could change
people's views, and beliefs and trigger actions which
could lead to helping millions of lives and countries
find their right path towards the goals.

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