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English Language in the Future

By : Aisyah Restu Damayanti



I. Background Of The Study

English today has become a world’s number one language with the most widely speaker.
English has spoken in many countries around the world. According to the Ethnologue, there
are 1,34 billion people who use English globaly, either as their mouther tongue or their
second language. About 400 million more people speak it as a second language, and about
600-700 million people speak as a foreign language that make English become the most
spoken language in the world. As time goes by, English language has encounter many
changes since the first time it was brought in around 5th Century. It was changed in their
syllables, pronounciation, and others. Those English development bring some questions about
how do English look like in the future. Does it still become the most spoken language? Is
there any changes like English today? however, it is a very difficult thing to predict English
in the next 10-50 years. But, we can at least speculate the development of English by
knowing the factors that influenced it.

II. Research Question

- What are factors that Influenced English language in the future?
- How is the factor can Influenced English in the future?
III. Reasons
- To understand the factors that influenced English in the future
- To find out how the factors can influenced English



As we know that English language has spread to global and become international
language, but not every country use it as their first language, many others. England, USA,
Australia, Canada, and Scotland are the examples of country that use English as a native
language. While Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland are countries that use
English as their second language. The way English being spread to global today has given
rise to new interlanguages. Interlanguages is a form of English mixed with the languages
spoken by those who using it as second language. For example in Singapore, there is a mixed
English with features Malay and Chinese called Singlish. It is spoken by Singapore’s citizen.

As English spread internationally, it seems likely that English in the future is the
future of multiple English’s. The future of English actually can also be seen by the shortening
words that come by some form. For example, there are word formation called clipping word
and blending word. Those word formations produce shorter word from the original one. Then
how about the development of English in the future? the answer is depends on the factors that
we might see today.

The first factor is demography. The demographic trends provide a basis for
forecasting the likely future populations of first-language speakers for all the world’s major
language. There are five countries with most population. Tiongkok is the first country with
around 1,4 billion population. It is also make Chinese language as one of international
language and being learned by many people. The next is the world economy, the term of
economy will transform the relative attractiveness to learners of different languages. The
other factor is technological innovations. English today has been shaped by the effects of the
industrial revolution. As English became the world’s language of discovery and as rapid
advances were made in materials science, engineering, manufacturing and communications,
new communicative functions were required of the language. It also has indeed proved to be
of profound significance to culture and language. technology developments are also changing
the way the world’s citizens communicate and the way organisations operate.

The factors like cultural flows, historical events, and globalisations are also the
important things to influence English language in the future. However, there are many
possibility about how English evolve in the future, considering the demograpich and
globalisation are always change unpredictally.


There are some factors that can influenced English in the future such as demography,
economy, technological innovation, cultural flows, historical, and globalisation. Many
possibility are happen to English in the future. As long as there are not a big event such a
world war, English would still be the first international language. Moreover, probably there
will be a new change in pronounciation and syllable, either it will become shorter or longer.


Graddol, David. 2000. The Future of English. The English Company (UK)

ASM Mustafizur Rahman. The Future of English: Will English retain its current
global position in the next 50 years?

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