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Advent Of Europeans
● European Comes to India in this order - Portuguese ---> Dutch ---> English ---> Danes
---> French.

★ The Portuguese

● Vasco Da Gama (1498) 1. Vasco da Gama arrived at Calicut in 1498.

Welcomed by Hindu Ruler of Zamorin.
2. He was piloted by a Gujarati named Abdul Majid.
3. Sent under the patronage of King Manuel I of
4. By 1502, Vasco’s second visit led to the
establishment of trading stations at Calicut,
Cochin and Cannanore
● Francis – De – Almeida (1505-1509) 1. First Portuguese governor + initiated blue water
policy (Cartaze system – related to naval trade
2. constructed the Portuguese fortress in
Cannanore and Anjidiv in 1506.
● Alfonso de Albuquerque (1509- 1515) 1. Real founder of the Portuguese power in India;
captured Goa from Bijapur ruler Adil Shah;
captured Bhatkal from Sri Krishna Deva Rai
2. Encouraged Portuguese men to marry Indian
3. First Portuguese fortress was built by Alfonso-de
Albuquerque in Cochin, 1503.
4. Banned the practice of Sati

● Nino da Cunha (1529-38) 1. Shifted the capital from Cochin to Goa in 1530
2. conquered Diu and Bassein from Gujrat king
Bahadur Shah

★ The Dutch

● Cornelis de Houtman 1. 1st Dutch Traveller to reach India

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● Dutch East India Company (1602) 1. 1st Dutch Factory – Masulipatnam (1605).
2. The Dutch were the first to start a Joint Stock
Company in India.
3. Pulicat was their main centre in India, later
replaced by Nagapattinam.
4. Dutch East India Company established its factory
at Patna in 1632.
5. Other Dutch trading centres - Nagappattinam,
Chinsura, Machilipatnam, Surat, Bharuch, Agra,
Cochin, Ahmedabad.
6. The Dutch defeated the Portuguese and built Fort
Williams in the modern Kochi.
7. In the Battle of Bedara (1759), the English
defeated the Dutch.
8. The Dutch built a fort named Fort Gustavus in

★ The English

➔ 1600 1. On December 31, 1600 the charter was issued

by Queen Elizabeth I of England which gives
trade monopoly for 15 years.
2. East India Company was established in 1600
➔ 1609 1. Captain William Hawkins arrived at Jahangir’s
court at Surat. (1st Englishman to arrive India).
Came with the ship name Hector.
2. Jahangir called him “English Khan”.
➔ 1613 1. During the Reign of Jahangir, in 1611, EIC
established the first temporary factory at
2. In 1613, they established their first permanent
factory at Surat.
➔ 1615 Sir Thomas Roe, the ambassador of King James I,
arrived at Jahangir’s court.
➔ 1618 Permission to establish factories at Agra,
Ahmedabad and Broach.
➔ 1632 Got the golden Farman from the Sultan of
➔ 1633 Factory in east India in Hariharpur and Balasore
➔ 1639 1. Obtain Madras on lease from the Raja of
2. Set up factory - Fort St. George (replaced
➔ 1651 First English factory in Bengal at Hugli.

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➔ 1662 Charles II (British King) received Bombay as dowry

for marrying a Portuguese princess.
➔ 1667 Aurangzeb gave the English a farman for trade in
➔ 1696 Job Charnock established a factory at Sutanuti
which was fortified in 1696 and called Fort William.

➔ 1700 Bengal factories were placed under Fort William.

Soon the villages (Sutanuti, Gobindapur and
Kalikata ) grew into a city known as Calcutta.

➔ 1717 Farrukhsiyar issued a farman, called Magna Carta

of the Company, giving the Company trade
concessions in Bengal, Gujarat and Hyderabad

★ The Danes

➔ 1616 Danish East India company was founded in 1616

➔ 1620 Factory at Tranquebar near Tanjore

★ The French

➔ 1664 Colbert formed the French East India Company

during the reign of Louis XIV.

➔ 1667 1. 1st French factory at Surat by Francis Caron

2. 2nd factory – Masulipatnam (1669)

➔ 1673 Francis Martin founded Pondicherry in 1673 &

Pondicherry became headquarter.
➔ 1697-1739 Other French factories-Mahe, Karaikal, Balasore
and Kasimbazar.

(i) Portuguese – 1498 A.D. (1st factory was established in Cochin in 1503 A.D.)
(ii) Dutch – 1602 A.D. (1st factory was established in Masulipatnam in 1605 A.D.)
(iii) English – 1600 A.D. (1st factory was established in 1613 in Surat).
(iv) French – 1664 A.D. (1st factory was established in 1668 in Surat).

★ Previous Years Questions Facts :

● Christopher Columbus (Spanish) discovered America; Captain Cook (British) explored

● Peter Mundy (Britisher) came to India during Mughal rule (Shahjahan).
● Portuguese were 1st to come to India (1498) and last to leave (1961).
● Portuguese were the 1st who established sea trade centres in India.
● The Portuguese used Hooghly as a base for piracy in the Bay of Bengal.

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● Founder of Calcutta - Job Charnok

● Factors Leads to East India Company success in India - Absence of Nationalism in India
+ western training & modern arms + loyal Indian Soldiers
● The Levant Company had got a charter for trading with India by land routes.
● British East India Company was formed in London during Akbar reign (1556-605)
● William Hawking--->Captain Middleton---->Captain Best (Captain Middleton obtained the
permission of the Mughal governor of Surat to trade)
● Captain Thomas Best defeated the Portuguese at Swally.
● British East India Company was the 1st to establish its factory at Surat (1613)
● Sir John Child (English Governor) was expelled by Aurangzeb.
● Dupleix initiated the policy of taking part in the quarrels of Indian Princess with a view to
acquire territories.
● Pondicherry – French; Goa – Portuguese; Tranquebar - Danish (Dane); Madras - Dutch
● The Europeans obtained the best shora (Saltpeter) and opium from Bihar.
● The first Dutch company in Bengal was set up in Pipali (1627).

★ Carnatic Wars (between English and French)

➔ First Carnatic War (1740- 1. Extension of the Anglo- ● Treaty of Aix- La Chapelle,
48) (Dupleix) French rivalry in Europe. 1748 and Britishers got back
2. Immediate cause – British Madras.
Captain Bernett captured
some French ships

➔ Second Carnatic War Inconclusive War ● Treaty of Pondicherry, 1755

➔ Third Carnatic War 1. General Eyre Coote of the ● Treaty of Paris, 1763
(1758-63) (Count de Lally) English totally routed the
French army under Arthur
● One major cause of French
de Lally and took Bussy as
failure in India was their weak
naval strength; the British
2. A decisive war, known as getting huge wealth and
the Battle of Wandiwash manpower from Bengal,
(1760-61), Tamil Nadu. better internal coordination
among the British army.


Bengal Conquest
● 1717: British got royal Farman for Emperor Farrukh Siyar for trade in Bengal. (Right to
issue Dastaks).
● 1717, Farrukh Siyar, promoted Murshid Quli Khan to Governor of Bengal (last Governor
or Subedar of Bengal who was independently appointed by Mughal King)
● Bengal Rulers: Murshid Quli Khan--->Shujauddin--->Alivardi Khan---> Siraj-ud-Daula

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Battle of Plassey (1757):

● Participant - Mir Jafar + Robert Clive + Rai Durlabh Omichand + Jagat Seth v/s
● Date: 23rd June 1757
● Place: In Bengal on the bank of Bhagirathi River (West Bengal)
● Winner: English won; Mir Jafar became the new Nawab
● Lord Robert Clive was the founder of the British empire in India and consolidated British
supremacy from the Battle of Plassey (defeated Siraj-ud-Daulah)
● 1760: Mir Qasim replaced Mir Jafar. Mir Kasim shifted capital from Murshidabad to
Munger (Bihar)
Battle of Buxar (1764):
● Participant - between British East India Company v/s Mir Qasim, the Nawab of Bengal,
Shuja-ud-Daulah, the Nawab of Awadh and Shah Alam II, the Mughal Emperor @ Delhi.
● Date: 22 October, 1764.
● Place: Buxar (then in Bengal, now in Bihar). English army led by Hector Munro.
● Winner: English won; Allahabad Treaty in 1765 by Lord Robert Clive with Nawab of
‘Oudh’ Shujaudaulah and Shah Alam 2; British gained revenue rights over Bengal, Bihar
and Orissa.
● The Battle of Plassey led to consolidation of British Supremacy (control over Bengal
whereas the most decisive battle that led to the establishment of supremacy of the British
in all over India was Battle of Buxar.

★ Previous Years Questions Facts :

● William Pitt stated that Robert Clive was “heaven-born general”.

● Lord Clive concluded the 2nd Treaty of Allahabad with Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II and
thus Shah Alam II on 12 August, 1765 granted Diwani right of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa
to EIC.
● Allahabad fort was built by Akbar between 1583-84 and in 1797 Saadat Ali Khan handed
the authority of the fort to the British.
● Western presidency was situated in Surat during the early period of the East India
● After the Second Treaty of Allahabad with Shah Alam II, Robert Clive appointed two
Diwans- Mohammad Raza Khan for Bengal (Murshidabad) and Raja Shitab Rai for Bihar.
● After the grant of Diwani in the year 1765, the British first came into contact with the
Khasi Tribe.
● Battle of Ambur (1749) --->Battle of Plassey (1757) ---->Battle of Wandiwash(1760)
--->Battle of Buxar(1764) ---> Battle of Khurda/Kharda (1795)
● Marathas opposed the British vigorously in India but were suppressed after three
Anglo-Maratha Wars.


● During the period of Lord Ellenborough (1842-1844), the state of Sindh was fully
merged into the British Empire in August, 1843.

Facts About Ranjeet Singh

● The British had the Treaty of Perpetual friendship with Ranjit Singh: Treaty of
Amritsar (1809).

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● Ranjit Singh was born to the chief of Sukarchakiya Misl on 13th November, 1780.
● The kingdom of Ranjit Singh included - Multan (1818), Kashmir (1819) and Peshawar
● Capital of the Kingdom of Maharaja Ranjit Singh was Lahore. He set up the
Adalat-i-Ala at Lahore.
● Ranjeet Singh got the famous Kohinoor diamond from Shah Shuja in 1800.
● ‘God intended me to look upon all religions with one eye, that is why he took away
the light from the other’ - By Ranjeet Singh
● The successor of Maharaja Ranjit Singh was Khadag Singh (after the death of Ranjit
Singh in 1839).
● Maharaja Duleep Singh was the last king of Sikh empire.

★ Anglo-Sikh Wars (Sikh v/s British)

➔ First Anglo-Sikh War (1845-46) (Lord 1. English victory at Sobraon - signing of the
Hardinge) Lahore Treaty
2. Sikh not able to pay the war indemnity so
Jammu was sold to Gulab Singh.
➔ Second Anglo-Sikh War (1848-49) (Lord 1. Reason – Governor of Multan Mulraj revolted.
Dalhousie) 2. British Won (fought @ Gujarat)
3. Koh-I-Noor diamond was taken away from Dalip
Singh and went into British hands.

❖ Lord Dalhousie appointed the Board of Three after Punjab Annexation - Henry Lawrence
was named as President; John Lawrence and Charles Grenville Mansel.

★ Anglo – Mysore Wars

➔ First Anglo-Mysore War (1767-69) (Harry Verelst) 1. British + Marathas + Nizam of Hyderabad v/s
2. Haider Ali had an edge -Treaty of Madras signed
➔ Second Anglo-Mysore War (1780- 84) (Warren 1. Drawn war - Treaty of Mangalore signed
Hasting) 2. Sir Eyre Coot defeated Haider Ali in Port Novo
then Tipu Sultan continued the war. (Haider Ali
died in 1782)
3. Tipu Sultan defeated the British Army in 1780

➔ Third Anglo-Mysore War (1790-92) (Lord 1. Tipu Lost - Treaty of Seringapatam (1792)
➔ Fourth Anglo-Mysore War (1799) (Lord Wellesley) 1. The British won at the Battle of Seringapatam in
2. Tipu died (1799)- Mysore came under Subsidiary
Alliance in 1799.

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★ Previous Years Questions Facts:

● Modern armoury in Dindigul Mysore in 1755 was established by Haider Ali.

● Tipu Sultan - capital @Srirangapatna; founder member of ‘Jacobin Club’; planted “the
tree of liberty” (symbol of the alliance between France and Mysore; established
embassies in foreign countries)
Treaty of Allahabad - 1765
Treaty of Mangalore - 1784
Treaty of Salbai - 1782
Treaty of Madras - 1769
● Begum Samru constructed the most eminent Church at Sardhana in Meerut.


➔ Warren Hastings (1773-1785) ● First Governor-General of Bengal (1774)

● The Asiatic Society of Bengal was founded by
William Jones in 1784.
● Encourage the study of Sanskrit, Persian and
● The policy of ‘Security Cell” is related to
Warren Hastings and Wellesley.
● ‘Ring Fence’ policy
● abolished ‘Dual Government’ system in Bengal
(introduced by Robert Clive)
● Warren Hastings was prosecuted from 1788 to
1795 for Impeachment.

➔ Lord Cornwallis (1786-1793) ● Cornwallis Code (1793) - judicial reforms

● Introduced Civil Services in India.
● Known for Permanent settlement.
● Third Mysore War (1790-92) and Treaty of
Seringapatam (1792).
● died on October 5, 1805 @Ghazipur. His grave
is situated at Ghazipur.

➔ Lord Wellesley (1798-1805) ● Introduction of the Subsidiary Alliance System

(1798) to establish the sovereignty of the
British Empire.; first alliance with Nizam of
● Other Subsidiary Alliance - Hyderabad (1798
and 1800), Mysore (1799), Tanjore (October
1799), Oudh (Nov 1801), Peshwa (1802),
Bhonsle of Barar (1803), Sindhiya (1804),
Jodhpur, Jaipur, Indore, Holkar (1818)
● Fourth Mysore War (1799).
● Second Maratha War (1803-05).
● Treaty of Bassein (1802).

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➔ Sir George Barlow (1805-1807) ● Vellore Mutiny (1806)

➔ Lord Hastings (1813-1823) ● Anglo-Nepal War (1814-16) and the Treaty of
Sagauli, 1815.
● Third Maratha War (1817-19); abolished the
title of Peshwa (1818)
➔ Lord William Bentinck (1828-1835) ● First Governor-General of India.
● Abolition of sati (1829).
● Suppression of thuggee (1830) by Captain
● Annexed Mysore for maladministration
● Resolution of 1835 and introduction of English
as the official language.

➔ Lord Metcalfe (1835-1836) ● Removal of press restriction

➔ Lord Ellenborough (1842-1844) ● Annexation of Sindh (1843).
● abolished slavery
➔ Lord Dalhousie (1848-1856) (Real name was ● Second Anglo-Sikh War (1848-49) and
James Andrew Broun Ramsay) annexation of Punjab (1849).
● Introduction of the Doctrine of Lapse and
annexation of Satara (1848), Jaitpur and
Sambhalpur (1849), Bhagat (1850), Udaipur
(1852), Jhansi (1853), Nagpur (1854) and
Awadh (1856). (Awadh annexed on
misadministration or misgovernance basis and
James Outram was appointed as British
Resident of Awadh).
● Charles Wood Dispatch” of 1854.
● 1st railway line connecting Bombay and Thane
(1853); Telegraph; Postal Reforms
● The 1st railway service in India was started by
Great Indian Peninsula Railway (1853)
● Public Works Department (1845-55)
● Read out Queen Victoria’s manifesto in a
durbar at Allahabad on November 1, 1858
● merged Sikkim in India

➔ Lord Canning (1856-1857) ● Revolt of 1857

● 1st Viceroy
● Widow Remarriage Act (1856) - effort of
Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
● White Mutiny’ by European troops in 1859.

➔ Lord John Lawrence (1864-1869) ● Policy of Masterly Inactivity

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➔ Lord Mayo (1869-18720 ● 1st Census in British India (1872) and regular
census began in 1881 during the tenure of
Lord Ripon.
● follow the ‘Forward Policy’ and replaced
‘Masterly inactivity’ policy.
● He was murdered by a convicted prisoner in
Andaman and Nicobar Island

➔ Lord Lytton (1876-1880) ● Queen Victoria assumed the title of ‘Kaiser-I-

Hind’ or Queen Empress of India.
● Vernacular Press Act (1878). - ‘Gagging Act.’
● Arms Act (1878).
● Famine of 1876-78 - Famine Commission
under Richard Strachey (1878).
● followed aggressive policy towards
Afghanistan thus leading to the Second Afghan
War (1878-80).
● 1st Delhi Darbar Organized.
● Title of ‘Rai Bahadur’ and ‘Khan Bahadur’
began to confer to Indian

➔ Lord Ripon (1880-1884) ● Repeal of the Vernacular Press Act (1882).

● 1st Factory Act (1881)
● “Father of Local Self Government”.
● Ilbert Bill controversy (1883-84) - allow Indian
Judges and Magistrates to try British offenders
in criminal cases

➔ Lord Dufferin (1884-1888) ● Establishment of the Indian National Congress

● called Congress as representative of
“microscopic minority”
➔ Lord Curzon (1899-1905) ● Appointment of Universities Commission
(1902) and passing of Indian Universities Act
(1904). Commission includes Law member
Thomas Raleigh, Syed Hussain Bilgrami &
Justice Gurdas Banerjee.
● Imperial Cadet Corps was established
● Partition of Bengal (1905).
● Younghusband’s Mission to Tibet (1904).
● ‘Ancient Monuments Preservation Act’ passed
● The Archaeological Survey of India was
established. Alexander Cunningham as

➔ Lord Minto II (1905-1910) ● Establishment of Muslim League by Aga Khan

● Surat Split, 1906.
● Morley-Minto reform (1909) - system of
Separate electoral college.

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➔ Lord Hardinge II (1910-1916) ● Transfer of capital from Calcutta to Delhi

● Durbar of King George V held in Delhi (1911).
● Establishment of the Hindu Mahasabha (1915)
by Madan Mohan Malaviya.

★ Previous Years Questions Facts:

● Treaty of Bassein was signed on December 31,1802 between the English East India
Company and Bajirao II.
● Robert Clive is widely considered the founder of British India.
● First Maratha Sardar to accept the subsidiary alliance of Lord Wellesley was Peshwa
Bajirao- II.
● Charles Metcalf negotiated alliances with princely states of Rajputana.
● At a time when empires in Europe were crumbling before the might of Napoleon, Lord
Wellesley used a subsidiary alliance in India to maintain strong hold.
● Sir Thomas Munro - governor of Madras during 1820- 1827 A.D; father of Ryotwari
System (taxes of agricultural land were directly collected from the ryots (owner of the
land) - Helped by Alexander Reed.
● ‘Hill Assembly Plan’ was set up for the development of Adivasi by Cleveland.
● The export of slaves from Bengal was banned in 1789 A.D. Charter Act, 1833 abolished
● Gwalior was not annexed by the British.
● Last major extension of British India Territory was done during Lord Dufferin.
● The right to adopt an heir in place of one's own son was reestablished by the Queen's
announcement of 1858 .
● Queen Victoria was appointed the Empress of India in 1877.
● During Lord Lytton period the title of ‘Rai Bahadur’ and ‘Khan Bahadur’ began to confer
to Indians.
● ‘Father of Indian Archaeology’ - Alexander Cunningham
● Gopal Krishna Gokhale compared Lord Curzon’s administration in India to that of
● “In my belief, Congress is tottering to its fall and one of my great ambitions while in India
is to assist it to a peaceful demise.” - by Lord Curzon in 1900.
● The strategy of ‘Divide and Rule’ was adopted by both Lord Curzon & Lord Minto.
● W.W. Hunter, in his book ‘The Indian Musalmans’ wrote: “The Muslims, if contented and
satisfied, would become the greatest bulwark of British power in India.”
● Lord Reading was the only Jewish Viceroy of India (1921 - 1926).

Economic Impact of British Rule on India

● Impact of Colonial rule on Indian Economy – DEINDUSTRIALISATION (1813) +

● Dadabhai Naoroji (Grand Old man of India): “Poverty and UnBritish Rule in India” à
Propounded Drain of Wealth Theory - part of Indians national wealth or total annual

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product was being exported to Britain for which India got no material returns; Sir Syed
Ahmad Khan did not believe in this theory.
● Home Charges - an important component of Drain of Wealth from India. It consisted of:
Funds to support the Indian offices in London + Funds used to pay salaries and pensions
of British personnel engaged in India + Interest on debts and other capital investments
like railways.
● Various Economic Critic - Gopal Krishna Gokhale, M.G. Ranade, G. Subramania Iyer, RC
Dutt, G.V. Joshi


❖ The British Government introduced different land revenue systems in different parts of
India. It led to the creation of different classes in Indian Peasantry.

➔ Permanent Settlement (also called ● By Lord Cornwallis in 1793 AD)

Ist-e-Marari, Jagirdari, Maalguzari, ● Covered 19% of British India.
Bishvedari ) ● Agreement between British and Landlord/Zamindars
● Bengal, Bihar, Odisha and Varanasi of U.P.
● Many Zamindars refuse to issue pattas because there
were no officials check on Zamindars
➔ Ryotwari System ● By Thomas Munro and Alexander Reed in 1820
● 51% of British India.
● Ryots (farmers) given the ownership (pattas) of land +
Rent paid directly by the peasants to the Government. +
lands were surveyed and assessed before being taxed.
● 1st in Baramahal district (Madras Presidency). Madras,
Bombay, East Bengal, Assam and Kurg (Karnataka);
Mainly West & South India.
➔ Mahalwari System ● United Provinces, Central Provinces and in Punjab
● 30% of British India
● Revenue collection unit--->village or mahal

★ Previous Years Questions Facts:

● In Bihar, under permanent settlement, Land revenue was constitutionalized.

● Bengal and Bihar Tenancy Act --->1885.
● 1st tea company in Assam established---> 1839.
● Goods purchased By EIC from Bengal during the 18th century included cotton, cloth,
opium, saltpetre, sugar and silk.
● Imperial Preference” was applied for special privileges on British imports in India.
● During British Rule preference was given to the rich to invest in land therefore no
independent development of industries at that time.
● Impact of Industrial Revolution on India - new machines were invented—->Cheap
Handicraft Product—-> Indian handicrafts were ruined.

❖ Aurang - place where goods are collected before being sold.

❖ Banian - Indian agent of the East India Company

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❖ Mirasidar - Designated revenue payer to the State

● With the enforcement of Saint Helena Act of 1833 ( also known as the government of
India Act, 1833) the process of deindustrialization was aggravated as it ended the
activities of British East India Company as a trade body and it became a purely
administrative body.
● Dadabhai Naoroji - established ‘’London India Society” (1865) + 1st Indian who was
elected to British House of Commons on Liberal Party ticket + propounded Drain Of
Wealth Theory.
● Karl Marx considered that “British economic policies in India were disgusting in India”
● The total percentage of Central revenue spent on the Military force in British India was

The Revolt Of 1857

Centre of Leaders Beginning of End of Revolt British Resistance

Revolt Revolt

Delhi Bahadur Shah II; 11th May 20th General John

Bakht Khan 1857 September Nicholson; Henry
Hakim; Hasaan- 1857 Bernard; Lt. Hudson;
UllahFiruz Shah Lt. Willoughby

Lucknow Begum Hazrat 4th June 21st March Henry Lawrence; bg.
(Oudh) Mahal (Begum of 1857 1858 Inglis; Henry
Oudh ); Birjis Qadir Havelock; Colin
Campbell; James

Jhansi Rani Laxmibai; 4th June 3rd April 1858 Sir Hugh Rose
Tatya Tope 1857

Kanpur Nana Saheb 5th June 6th December Sir Huge Wheeler;
Peshwa; Tatya Tope 1857 1858 Colin Campbell
of Nana ); Azimullah
Khan (advisor of
+ known as “Kranti

Allahabad Maulvi Liyaqat Ali General Neil

Assam Diwan Maniram Dutta

Jagdishpur, Zamindar Kunwar 15th July, 20th January, William Taylor

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Bihar Singh 1857 1858 & Major Vincent Eyre

# Awadh - Maulvi Ahmadulla

★ Previous Years Questions Facts:

● The New Enfield Rifle with greased cartridges introduced in the British Indian Army in
December, 1856. This became the immediate cause of the first Independence Struggle of
India in 1857 (interference in religion )
● On 29th March, 1857 soldiers of Barrackpore refused to use the fat-containing cartridges
and Mangal Pandey (sepoy of 34th Bengal Native Infantry ) attacked and killed Sergeant
Major of his unit at Barrackpore.
● Lieutenant General Sir John Bennet Hearsey was commanding officer during the revolt of
1857 in Barrackpore.
● The first war of Independence was started from Meerut. Sepoys refused to use the new
rifle cartridges and revolted openly. They left Meerut and moved to Delhi (Red Fort).
● The symbol of the 1857 Independence struggle was Chapatis (bread) and red Lotus.
● Rani Laxmibai, originally known as Manikarnika, was born on 19 November, 1835 in
Golghar, Varanasi + married to Maharaja Gangadhar Rao of Jhansi at the age of 14 +
mausoleum of Laxmibai in Gwalior + Dalhousie annexed Jhansi by his ‘Doctrine of
Lapse’ in 1853 + fought last battle against Hugh Rose + Hugh Rose said on her death
“sleeping beauty is the only man among all Indian rebel leader”.
● The maximum number of sepoys who participated in the revolt of 1857 was from Oudh.
● Tatya Tope - original name Ramachandra Pandurang + born in 1814 at Yevla in
Maharashtra + ‘commander-in-chief’ of Nana + along with Rani Laxmi Bai seized Gwalior,
but later he was defeated by Sir Colin Campbell + was betrayed by ‘friend’ Mansingh and
put to death by the British.
● Sir Henry Lawrence, Major Havelock, and General Neil died in Lucknow.
● Thakur Kushal Singh of Auwa defeated the joint army of British and Jodhpur during the
revolt of 1857.
● Saadat Ali Khan had struggled against Britishers in a revolt of 1857 at Indore.
● Maulavi Ahmadullah Shah was the bitterest enemy of Britishers. He led the 1857 revolt in
● Mirza Ghalib was a poet who witnessed the revolt of 1857. (born in December 27,
1797@Agra and died February 15,1869@Delhi )
● Scindias of Gwalior, the Nizams of Hyderabad and Holkars of Indore gave active support
to the British during the 1857 revolt. + Lord Canning said, “If Scindia joins the rebels, I will
pack off tomorrow.”

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● The educated middle class did not participate in the revolt of 1857, which was one of the
major reasons for the failure of the 1857 mutiny + money lenders and merchants were
also against the war
● Chittor & Munger remained unaffected by the Revolt of 1857.
● Lord Canning (1856-62) was Governor General of India during the 1857 revolt + made
Allahabad the emergency headquarters in 1857 + last Governor General of the Company
in India and the first Viceroy.
● Viscount Palmerston was the British Prime Minister during the revolt of 1857.
● Reason for 1857 Revolt Failure - lack of common strategy and central organisation +
British Soldiers were better equipped and organised rather than Indians + Native Kings
supported British

❖ R.C. Majumdar and S.N. Sen — “Not an organised ‘national’ revolt”

❖ R.C. Majumdar — “Neither first, nor National War of Independence” (in his book “The
Sepoy Mutiny and the rebellion of 1857”)
❖ V.D. Savarkar —“War of independence” (in his book “The Indian War of Independence
of 1857”)
❖ Tara Chand - “War of Nation’s Independence”
❖ Lawrence and John Seeley—“Mere sepoy mutiny”
❖ J.R. Holmes —“A conflict between civilisation and barbarism”
❖ James Outram —“A Mohammedan conspiracy making capital of Hindu grievances”
❖ Sir James Outram and W. Taylor - Hindu-Muslim conspiracy.

● The official historian of the Indian Freedom struggle was S. N. Sen whose book titled
“1857” was published in 1957.
● Syed Ahmed Khan - first Indian to write in Indian language on the causes of 1857 Revolt
in Asbab-e-Baghawat-e-Hind (1859)
● Sir William Howard Russel was the correspondent of the newspaper 'Times' published
from London in 1857 which wrote that "Nobody in the North India looks at white man's
car with friendly view"
● After the Revolt of 1857 - EIC rule ended + placed Indian administration under the British
Crown + Queen Victoria Proclamation (November 1, 1858 + proclaimed by Lord Canning
during Allahabad Court ) + Policy of annexation was abandoned.
● Peel Commission - associated with the army reorganisation after the suppression of the
Revolt of 1857 + divided the regiments of the army on the basis of caste, community, and
religion + British recruited the soldiers from the Gurkhas, Sikhs, and Punjabis in the

Other Popular Uprisings

Revolt Period Events

Indigo Revolt 1859-60 Led by Bishnu Biswas and Diagambar Biswas + Europeans, exploited the
(Bengal) local peasants by forcing them to grow indigo on their lands instead of the
also known as more paying crops + reason for cultivation of Indigo because of increasing
Nilbidroh. demand for blue dye in Europe + Dinbandhu Mitra depicted an Indigo revolt

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in his play in Bengali, Neel Darpan (1869) + Harish Chandra Mukherjee

(editor of Hindu Patriot) published regular reports on the hardships of

Sanyasi-Fakir 1763- 1800 Due to Plunder by EIC and famine of 1770 + Led by Musa Shah, Majnu
Rebellion Shah, Bhawani Pathak and Debi Chaudharani + Suppressed by Warren
Hasting + Bankim Chandra Chatterjee made famous this revolt in his book
Anand Math

The national song “Vande Mataram” has been taken from the famous
creation of Bankim Chandra Chatterjee. “Anand Math” + sung by Rabindra
Nath Tagore during Calcutta session of INC (1896)

Wahabi Movement By Syed Ahmed of Rai Bareilly (influenced by Abdul Wahab of Arabia and
Shah Waliullah of Delhi ) + Patna became the centre of the Wahabi
Movement after the death of Syed Ahmad.

Namdhari or Kuka 1840 Initiated by Bhagat JawaharMal (Sian Saheb) and Baba Balak Singh in
movement Western Punjab + later Guru Ram Singh took leadership

Pagal Panthis 1825 Led by Karam Shah and Tipu Shah + Pangal Panthis belonged to religious
Revolt sect constituting Hajong and Garo tribes founded by Karam Shah in North
(rebellion of Garos) Bengal.

Santhal Rebellion / 1855-56 Against intrusion by Dikus (Dikus - Outsiders who settled in the region of
Santhal Hool Santhal) + Led by Sidhu and Kanhu + Chand, Bhairav also participated +
(Rajmahal Hills - Major Burrough lost the battle with Santhals near Bhagalpur + Gokko - an
Daman-i-Koh ) important leader of Godda + Mahajan Deen Dayal Rai also participated +
‘Santhal Parganas’ were created. + Santhal Pargana region was called
‘Narikhand’ in ancient times.

Faraizi Rebellion 1838-51 Led by Dadu Miyan + Faraizi Sect - founded by Haji Shariatullah of Faridpur
+ movement later merged with Wahabis in 1860

Ramosi Uprising 1822, 1839 At Western Ghats + Led by chittur Singh + due to deposition of Raja Pratap
(hill tribes of the Singh of Satara in 1839
Western Ghats)

Khond Uprising 1837-56 revolted against stopping the Mariah system (traditional human sacrifice
(Orissa) practised by Khonds) + led by Chakra Bisnoi.

Kol Uprising 1820-37 Area included Ranchi, Singhbhum, Hazaribagh, Palamau and the western
(Chota parts of Manbhum + led by Buddho Bhagat
Nagpur Plateau)

Bhumij Revolt 1832-33 At Manbhum in Midnapur district of Bengal presidency + led by Ganga

Ahoms Revolt 1828 Led by Gomdhar Konwar


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Khasi Revolt 1829 Led by Tirat Singh

(Khasi Hills)

Bhil Uprisings 1818, 1825, Led by Sewram - (Khandesh, western Ghats, Maharashtra)
1831 & 1846

Rampa Rebellion 1879 & 1922 Led by Alluri Sitaram Raju + in Godavari agency of madras presidency +
(Andhra) against forest law & restrictions on their Podu system (slash and burn

Ho and Munda 1820-37 led by Birsa Munda in the South of Ranchi + popularly known as Sardari
Rebellion ladai + Ulgulan(Great Tumult) - most significant tribal revolt + Birsa Munda
(Chota Nagpur + was known as Dharti Aaba or father of earth, born in 1874. (died in 1900)
Singhbhum region)

Chronology of Important Revolts

I. Sepoy mutiny in Bengal - 1764 in which one battalion of Hector Munro at the battlefield
of Buxar joined Mir Quasim.
II. Chuar Revolt - 1768 (West Bengal)
III. Sepoy Mutiny at Vellore - 1806
IV. Kutch Rebellion - 1819-31
V. Waghera Uprising - 1818 (Surat)
VI. Kol Uprising - 1831-1832
VII. Kuka revolt - 1840-72 (Punjab)
VIII. Jaintia Rebellion 1860-63
IX. Deccan Riot - 1875 (due to famines)
X. Pabna Peasant Revolt (Bengal) - 1879-80
XI. Tana Bhagat Movement - 1914 (Tana Bhagats were formed by Oaron saints Jatra
Bhagat and Turia Bhagat)
XII. Kuki revolt - 1917-19 (Manipur and Tripura)
XIII. Moplah Rebellion (Malabar, Kerala) - 1921 (Moplah tenants (Muslim) were agitated
against Hindu Landlords)
XIV. Tebhaga Movement - 1946-47
XV. Eka movement (Oudh) - 1921

● The main purpose of the Barhiyataal revolt was the demand for restoration of Bakasht
● Revolt of Diwan Velu Thampi - In 1805, Subsidiary Alliance was imposed on the ruler of
Travancore (Kerala) by Wellesley.
● Ramosi Krishak Jatha was founded by Vasudeo Balwant Phadke in (1845-83).
● Gadkari rebellion - Kolhapur(1844) (Gadkari -hereditary servants of the Marathas )
● Bhumij (one who is born from the soil) revolt was led by Ganga Narain.
Santhal - Jharkhand
Bhil - Rajasthan
Toda - Tamil Nadu
Jarawas - Andaman and Nicobar

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● Social reformers like Surjibhagat and Govind Giri launched the ‘Lasodia Movement’ for
social reforms amongst the Bhils.
● The word Adivasi was used for the first time to refer to the tribal people by Amritlal
Vithaldas Thakkar, popularly known as Thakkar Bapa (member of Servants of India
● Hoz or Ho revolt took place in 1820-21 the centre of which was located in Santhal
Pargana of Bihar.
● Khairwar tribal movement occurred under the leadership of Bhagirath Manjhi in 1874.
● Surendra Sai led the revolt against Britishers in Sambhalpur.
● ‘Kallar’ were the people related to Mudiraja (Mudhuraja) community of south India
(Madurai region)
● Haipou Jadonang (leader of Manipur’s Naga tribe) was the first tribal leader who was
inspired by Gandhiji.

Development of Education in India


❖ Calcutta Madrasah(1871) - 1st Madrasah established by Warren Hastings

❖ Sanskrit College (1791) - First Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya @Varanasi(Banaras) by
Jonathan Duncan
❖ Asiatic Society of Bengal (1784) - by Sir William Jones
❖ Fort William College (10 July, 1800) - by Richard Chole Wellesley + training of civil
servants of the Company in languages and customs of Indians
❖ Charter Act, 1813 - sanction one lakh rupees annually + introduction of English
❖ Orientalist and Anglicist, 1833 – William Bentick set up a General Committee on Public
Instructions under Lord Macaulay + Orientalists (proponent of traditional Indian
Language and medium of instruction should vernacular Ex -Mr Princeps and Mr.
Wilson) ; Anglicist (western learning through English Medium )
❖ Lord Macculay’s Minute, 1835 - during Lord William Bentinck + promoted English
Education + Western Education through vernacular medium at primary level and
through English medium at higher education levels + known as Downward Filtration
Theory (education from top to bottom, i.e., from the higher class people to the lower
classes or the general people ) + laid foundation of the modern educational system
❖ Wood’s Dispatch, 1854 - “Magna Carta of English Education in India” + female
education + Medium Instruction English in higher studies and vernaculars in school
level + established 1st three Universities at Calcutta, Madras, and Bombay


❖ Hunter EducationCommission (1882) - first Education Commission in India constituted

by Lord Ripon + focus on primary and secondary education.
❖ Indian Universities Act (1904 - Curzon) and Raleigh Commission - to prospect
Universities + Gokhale termed it as retrograde measure.
❖ National Council of Education established 15 August, 1906.

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❖ Saddler Commission (1917) - reviewed school education to university education

★ Previous Years Questions Facts:

● Michael Madhusudan Dutta was offered membership of the The Asian Society of Paris.
● Sir Charles Wilkins was an Englishman known as the first translator of Bhagavad Gita
into English.
● Sir William Jones was the first to translate Kalidasa’s Shakuntala into English.
● D.K. Karve - establishment of the first Women’s University in Mumbai(1916) + founded
the widow remarriage association + Bharat Ratna (1958)
● Deccan Education Society (1884) -by Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Gopal
Ganesh Agarkar
● Hindu College in Calcutta (1817) - by Raja Ram Mohan Roy with the cooperation of
David Hare and Alexander Duff.
● Mayo College was established in Ajmer in 1875
● Muslim Anglo-Oriental in Aligarh in 1875.
● Madan Mohan Malviya (1861-1946) - founded Banaras Hindu University(1st Central
University) at Varanasi in 1916 (Lord Hardinge then Viceroy laid the foundation stone) +
published Hindustan, The India Union, Abhyudaya, Maryada, Kisan + advocated religious
education in the Indian Universities.

Development of Press in India

List Of Important Newspaper Repeatedly asked in Exams

❖ The Hindu - G. Subramaniyam Iyer & Veer Raghavchari

❖ Bengal Gazette(1780) - James Augustus Hickey
❖ Samachar Darpan (1818) - John Clarke Marchman
❖ Mirut-ul-akbar (1822) - Raja Ram Mohan Roy
❖ Hindu Patriot (1853) - Girish Chandra Ghosh
❖ Som Prakash (1859) - Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar (editor - Dwarkanath
❖ Indian Mirror (1861) - Devendra Nath Tagore
❖ Amrit Bazar Patrika(1868)- Sisir Kumar Ghosh & Motilal Ghosh
❖ Bangadarshan(1873) - Bankim Chandra Chaterjee
❖ India (1890) - Dadabhai Naroaji
❖ Indian Opinion (1903, Published In S Africa) - Mahatma Gandhi (in Gujarati, Hindi,
Tamil & English ) + Mansukh Lal was 1st Editor
❖ Independent (1919) - Motilal Nehru
❖ Yugantar (1906) - Bhupendra Dutt, Barindra Kumar Ghosh, Abhinash Bhattacharya
❖ Navjivan (1919) - Gandhi
❖ Young India (1919) - Gandhi
❖ Harijan(1933, English) - Mahatma Gandhi (published on February 11, 1933 from
Yerwada Central Jail, Pune in Maharashtra)
❖ Free Hindustan (1908) - Tarak Nath Das
❖ Udbodhan (1899) - Swami Vivekanand
❖ Bahishkrit Bharat (1924) - Bhimrao Ambedkar
❖ Al-Hilal (1912) - Abul Kalam Azad
❖ New India (1914) - Annie Besant

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❖ Sudharak - Gopal Krishna Gokhale

❖ Voice of India - Dadabhai Naoroji
❖ Bengali - S.N. Banerjee
❖ Bangbasi - Jogendra Nath Bose
❖ Hindustani - Ganga Prasad Verma
❖ Commonweal - Annie Besant
❖ Bombay Chronicle - Firoz Shah Mehta
❖ Searchlight - Sachindanand Sinha
❖ The Leader - Madan Mohan Malviya
❖ Justice - T.M. Nair
❖ Tahzeeb-ul-Akhlaq - Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
❖ The Pioneer - George Allen
❖ Qaumi Awaz - Jawaharlal Nehru and Rafi Ahmed Kidwai
❖ The National Herald - Jawahar Lal Nehru
❖ Swarajya – T. Prakasham
❖ Prabhat – N.C. Kelkar
❖ Mook Nayak - B.R. Ambedkar
❖ Dainik Aaj - Shiv Prasad Gupta
❖ Rast Goftar - Dadabhai Nauroji
❖ Comrade - Muhammad Ali
❖ Vande Mataram (English,1906) - by Bipin Chandra Pal and later edited by Sri
❖ The Socialist - S.A. Dange
❖ Navyug - Muzaff ar Ahmad
❖ Inqilab - Gulam Hussain
❖ Labour Kisan Gazette - M. Singarvelu

★ Previous Years Questions Facts:

❖ The first newspaper “The Bengal Gazette”(1780) was published by James Augustus
❖ James Silk Buckingham - Father of Modern Press in India.
❖ Furdunji Marzban in 1812 started the first Indian language Newspaper – Samachar Press
(Gujarati language).
❖ ‘Hindu Patriot’ was the first newspaper published by Indians in English, published in 1853
(Girish Chandra Ghosh (1853- 55) was the first editor, later Harish Chandra Mukherjee
(1855-61) and Kristo Das Pal (1861-1884)
❖ J C Marshman in 1818 started Digdarshan( first Bengali Language Newspaper in India).
❖ Raja Ram Mohan Roy started the Nationalist Press in India + Published Samvad
Kaumad (Bengali Language) and Mirat-ul-Akbar (English).
❖ Jugal Kishore in 1826 began the publication of Uddanda Martanda from Calcutta (first
Hindi language newspaper)
❖ Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar started the publication of Som Prakash in Bengali(1859)
❖ Motilal Ghosh and Babu Shishir Kumar Ghosh - Amrit Bazar Patrika in 1868 ( Bengali
language) + changed in English Language overnight due to vernacular press act (1878) +
‘Hindu Patriot’ was also started by Girish Chandra Ghosh
❖ Lord Wellesley brought the Censorship of Press Act, 1799. Lord Hastings abrogated the
Act in 1818.
❖ Lord Lytton (1876-1880) passed the Vernacular Press Act in 1878 + repealed by Lord
Ripon in 1882.
❖ The first Indian to go to jail(1882) in the performance of his duty as a journalist was Bal
Gangadhar Tilak + provoking Chapekar brothers to murder two English men.

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❖ Tarak Nath Das started to issue the newspaper ‘Free India’ in America.
❖ Devendra Nath Tagore and Manmohan Ghosh published ‘Indian Mirror’ in 1861 from
❖ The first issue of Journal ‘Gadar’ was published on November 1, 1913 in Urdu (weekly
❖ Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak started Kesari (1881,Marathi) and Maratha(English) to
serve the cause of India’s freedom struggle.
❖ ‘Bangawasi’, ‘Kaal’, and ‘Kesari’ were the popular magazines of the revolutionary period
which criticised Congress for its liberal policies.
❖ Sandhya(Brahmabandhab Upadhyay); Yugantar(by Bhupendra Nath Dutt and Barindra
Kumar Ghosh in 1906) and Kal(Shivrama Mahadev Paranjape ) were the newspapers
which advocated revolutionary actions.
❖ The ‘Young India’ was started as a weekly by The Home Rule Party.
❖ Arbind Ghosh affiliated himself with the English weekly journal ‘Vande Matram’.
❖ King of Darbhanga Kameshwar Singh founded ‘The Indian Nation’ published from Patna
in 1931.
❖ Ramakrishna Pillai was the editor of ‘Swadesh Vahini’ or ‘Swadeshabhimani.
❖ Lala Lajpat Rai launched an Urdu daily ‘Vande Matram’ and an English weekly ‘The
People’ from Lahore.

Bharat Mitra - Hindi

Rastra Mata - Marathi
Prajamitra - Gujarati
Nayak - Bengali

Socio-Religious Movements

Leaders Important Notes

Raja Ram Mohan Roy (1774-1833) ➔ ‘Father of the Indian Renaissance’,

‘Paigambar(Prophet) of Indian Nationalism,’
‘Bridge between past and future,’ ‘Father of
Modern India,’ ‘First Modern Man’ and
➔ Title ‘Raja’ was given by the Mughal emperor
Akbar -II in 1830
➔ founded his 1st Society - Atmiya Sabha
➔ Started Brahmo Samaj (1828) [ formerly
called Brahmo Sabha]
➔ Opposed idolatry, preached universal
worship, principle of monotheism
➔ Books: Gift to Monotheism (1809) & Precepts
of Jesus (1820).
➔ advocate of western education
➔ Samadhi of Raja Rammohan Roy is in Bristol,

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➔ Est. Calcutta Unitarian Committee

➔ Established Vedanta College (1825).
➔ Against Sati Pratha
➔ Strongly opposed Jury Act of 1826
➔ Bhavani Charan Bandyopadhyay published
‘Samachar Chandrika’ in 1822 to oppose
religious/social ideas of Raja Ram Mohan

Debendranath Tagore (1817-1905) ➔ joined 'Brahma Samaj' in 1842

➔ founded the Adi Brahmo Samaj
➔ Headed Tattvabodhini Sabha

Keshab Chandra Sen (1838-1884) ➔ Appointed as Acharya of the Brahmo Samaj

in 1858
➔ Founded Brahmo Samaj of India (1866).
➔ Sadharan Brahmo Samaj was founded
against him.

Swami Vivekananda (1862-1902) ➔ Preached Neo-Hinduism

(Narendra Dutta) ➔ Participated at the World Parliament of
Religions held at Chicago in 1893
➔ Books : Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga
and Jnyana Yoga
➔ Founded Ram Krishna Mission (1897)

Dayananda Saraswati (1824-1883) ➔ Founded the Arya Samaj on April 7, 1875, in

(Moolshanker) Mumbai (HQ of Arya Samaj established in
➔ Gave the slogan of “Back to the Vedas”.
➔ According to Annie Besant, Swami Dayanand
was the first person who said, “India is only
for the Indians.”
➔ Also known as the ‘Martin Luther King of
➔ Book: Satyarth Prakash (1875.)
➔ Unfurled flag in 1867 known as ‘Pakhand
Khandini Pataka’ on the bank of Ganga River
against the superstitions.
➔ Shuddhi Movement was started by the Arya
➔ Said that good Government is no substitute
for self-Government.
➔ first to use the word ‘Swaraj’ and declared
Hindi as the national language.

Jyotiba Phule (1827-1890) ➔ Born to Mali(gardener) community in

➔ against upper caste and Brahmanical

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➔ Founded the Satyasodhak Samaj in 1873 -

upliftment of
➔ backward classes & anti-caste movement in
➔ Book : Gulamgiri (1872) & Sarvjanik Satya
Dharm Pustak.
➔ The women’s movement in India started
largely under his influence.

★ Raja Ram Mohan Roy - Purest form of Hinduism is

contained in Upanishads.
★ Keshav Chandra Sen - That Brahmovad should be
made the religion of the world.
★ Dayanand Saraswati - Identified Hinduism with
religion instituted in Vedas.
★ Ramakrishna Paramhansa- Emphasised that there
are several ways to reach God.

★ Previous Years Questions Facts:

➔ 19th century social reforms movement mostly affected Intellectuals, urban upper castes,
and liberal princes. (Poor ordinary classes remained unaffected)
➔ Rationalism, scientific temper, humanitarian outlook, modernization - core idea of social
reforms movement.
➔ Sharadmani - Wife of Ramakrishna Paramahansa
➔ Prarthana Samaj was founded by Aatma Ram Pandurang in 1867 + Chief director of
Prarthana Samaj in Maharashtra was M.G. Ranade
➔ Dev Samaj was founded in February, 1887 at Lahore by Shiv Narayan Agnihotri.
➔ Dharma Sabha was an orthodox society, founded in 1830 by Raja Radhakant Deb
(1784-1867). He opposed the abolition of Sati.
➔ Radha Swami Satsang was founded in 1861 by a banker Tulsiram also known as
Shivdayal Sahab or Swamiji Maharaj.
➔ Gopal Hari Deshmukh (1823–1892) was a social reformer from Maharashtra known as
‘Lokahitvadi’ (Wrote for weekly Prabhakar under the pen name ‘Lokahitawadi)
➔ The campaign for widow remarriage in Maharashtra was primarily led by Vishnu
Parashuram Pandit. He founded the ‘Widow Remarriage’ society in 1850.
➔ Behramji M. Malabari was the greatest Parsi social reformer of the 19th century. He was
the editor of “Indian Spectator” and “Voice of India. The Age of Consent Act, 1891(which
forbade the marriage of girls below the age of 12) was passed by his efforts + Bal
Gangadhar Tilak opposed the Age of consent Act.
➔ Vinoba Bhave founded the Sarvodaya Samaj to raise the living standard of the Indians
and to promote the principles of Mahatma Gandhi and work among refugees.
➔ ‘Indian National Social Conference’ was founded in 1887 by M.G. Ranade and
Raghunath Rao with the objectives of eliminating polygamy, child marriage.
➔ The Hindu Widow Remarriage Act was passed in 1856 (effort of Pandit Ishwar Chandra
➔ The Religious Disabilities Act was enacted in 1856.

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➔ Sati Prohibition Regulation, 1829, was passed by William Bentinck due to Raja Ram
Mohan Roy effort. (declared 'Sati' illegal)
➔ Dhondo Keshav Karve worked in the field of Women’s welfare + established the first
University for women in India in 1916.
➔ Ishwarchandra Vidhyasagar said, "I have no time to think about God because a lot of
work has to be done on this earth."
➔ Act V of 1843 made slavery illegal in India during the tenure of Governor-General Lord
Ellen Borough. (So in 1843 - slavery was declared illegal all over India)
➔ Native(Civil) Marriage Act was passed in 1872 (effort by Keshav Chandra Sen) - to curb
the practice of child marriage by placing minimum age of marriage to 14 years for girls
and 18 years for boys.
➔ Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929, passed in 1929, fixed the age of marriage for girls at
14 years and boys at 18 years. It is popularly known as the Sharda Act.
➔ The Theosophical Society was founded in the year 1875 in New York City by Russian
noblewoman Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and American Colonel Henry Steel Alcott. In
1882, they established the Society’s International Headquarter in Adyar(Chennai). In
1889, Annie Besant joined the society and made it popular in India.
➔ Bahishkrit Hitkarini Sabha was formed by Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar.
➔ United Indian Patriotic Association was formed by Syed Ahmad Khan.
➔ Young Bengal Movement by Henry Vivian Derozeo
➔ Muhammadan-Anglo Oriental College, Aligarh was founded by Sir Sayed Ahmed Khan.
➔ Servants of India Society was founded by Gopal Krishna Gokhale in 1905 to unite and
train Indians of different ethnicities and religions in welfare work. M.C. Setalvad, B.N.
Rao, and Alladi Krishnaswamy Iyer were members of this society. He also chaired the
21st session of Indian National Congress in 1905 held in Banaras. He is also known as a
political teacher of Mahatma Gandhi.
➔ Mukund Rao Patil and Shankar Rao Jadhav founded Bahujan Samaj in 1910 in Satara,
Maharashtra to oppose the exploitation of the lower castes by the upper caste.
➔ The Rajahmundry Social Reform Association to encourage widow re-marriage was
founded in 1871 by Veeresalingam Pantulu.
➔ Nadar demanded the right to enter temples that caused a terrible riot in Tirunelveli in
➔ Bal Gangadhar Tilak - “If God were to tolerate untouchability, I would not recognize him
as God at all.”
➔ ‘Dar-ul Ulum’ was established by Maulana Luftullah and Maulana Shibli Numani at
Kanpur in 1893
➔ Deoband Movement was started in 1866 A.D. of Deoband in Saharanpur district of U.P. It
was founded by Hazrat Maulana Muhammed Qasim Nanotavi, Rashid Ahmed Gangohi,
Saiyad Ahmed Abid Zulfi qar Ali etc.
➔ The Faraizi movement was started by Haji Shariatullah.
➔ The Tarkeshwar Movement of 1924 in Calcutta (Bengal) was against the corrupt priest
(Mahant) of Tarkeswar Shiva temple.
➔ The Hali System was concerned with bonded labour.

Political Organisations Established Before Congress

Zamindari Association or Landholders ➢ First Political Organization established

Society in India.
(1838, Calcutta) ➢ Founder members were Dwaraka

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Nath Tagore.

British India Society (1839) ➢ In London by William Adam

Poona Sarvajanik Sabha (1870) ➢ Founded by M.G. Ranade and G.V.

➢ In 1875 the Poona Sarvajanik Sabha
submitted a petition to the House of
Commons demanding direct
representation of India in Parliament

The Indian League (1875) ➢ Started by Sisir Kumar Ghosh

Indian Association or The Indian ➢ Founded by Surendranath Banerjee

Association of with the cooperation of Anand Mohan
Calcutta (1876) Bose in Calcutta. It superseded Indian
➢ Most important of the pre-Congress
Nationalist Organisation
➢ The Indian Association was merged
into the Indian National Congress in

Bombay Association (August, 1852) ➢ Founded by Dada Bhai Naroji

The East India Association (1866) ➢ Organised by Dadabhai Naoroji in

1866 in London.
➢ He established it to influence British
public opinion on the question of

The Bombay Presidency Association ➢ by Pherozshah Mehta, Badruddin

(1885) Tayabji and K.T. Telang

Madras Mahajan Sabha (May, 1884) ➢ Founded by G. Subramaniam, P.

Anand Charlu and V. Raghava Chari

★ Previous Years Questions Facts:

➔ Surendra Nath Banerjee was selected for Indian Civil Services exam in 1869, but he was
disqualified on technical grounds in 1874.
➔ Raja Ram Mohan Roy was the first Indian to resist political reforms.
➔ The Social Reform Association was founded by Keshav Chandra Sen.
➔ Social Service founded by N.M. Joshi League in 1909.
➔ Bangabhasha Prakasika Sabha was formed in 1836 by associates of Raja Ram Mohan
➔ Bengal British India Society was founded in 1843 in Calcutta.

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➔ Radhakanta Deb was the first president of the British Indian Association
➔ Gazulu Lakshminarasu Chetty was the founder of Madras Native Association(1852)
➔ Indian National Liberal Federation was founded by Surendranath Banerjee.
➔ United Indian Patriotic Association was a political organisation founded in 1888 by Sir
Syed Ahmad Khan and Raja Shivaprasad of Benaras.
➔ Asiatic Society of Bengal, was founded on January 15, 1784, by Sir William Jones.
➔ The British Indian Association was established in 1851 in Calcutta. The founder members
of this association were Rajendra Mitra, Radhakant Deb (President), Devendranath
Tagore, Harish Chandra Mukherjee.
➔ The Central Muhammadan National Association was established by Sayyad Amir Ali.

Indian National Congress

➢ A.O. Hume was a retired British officer of the Indian Civil Service established Indian
National Congress in 1885. Earlier it was called Indian National Union (precursor of INC)
and renamed as INC in 1885. + A.O. Hume was called as the father of the Indian
National Congress. (A O Hume was founder of INC but he was never the President of
➢ The first session of the INC was held in Bombay on 28 December, 1885 at Gokuldas
Tejpal Sanskrit College with 72 representative delegates.Hume was General Secretary
and Womesh Chandra Bannerjee was elected as president.
➢ Surendranath Banerjee was not present in the founding session of Indian National
➢ The second session of Congress took place at Calcutta in 1886 under the presidency of
Dadabhai Naoroji with 33 muslim delegates present.
➢ The INC was established during the tenure of Viceroy Lord Dufferin (1884-1888). He
ridiculed Congress as representing only a short-sighted minority of the people.
➢ ‘British Committee of India’ was established in London in July, 1889 with the purpose to
gain support for INC under the presidency of William Digby.
➢ Badruddin Tyabji was the first Muslim President of INC elected in 1887 at Madras
session (3rd Congress Session).
➢ Second Muslim President of the Indian National Congress was Rahimtulla M. Sayani. He
was president in the 1896 Calcutta session. In this session 'Vande Mataram' was sung
for the first time by Rabindranath Tagore.
➢ The First European to be elected as President of the INC was George Yule.(presided 4th
session of INC, 1888)
➢ Annie Besant was the first woman President of Indian National Congress in 1917 at the
Calcutta Session while Sarojini Naidu was the first Indian woman President of INC in the
Kanpur session of 1925.
➢ Kadambini Ganguly was First Women (Undergraduate of Calcutta University) to address
congress INC Session of 1890.
➢ Sir Syed Ahmad Khan was never connected with the INC. He was loyal towards the
➢ Bal Gangadhar Tilak was never elected as a President of the INC + gave the famous
slogan of "Swaraj is my birthright I shall have it” in the Lucknow session of INC, 1916.
➢ Abul Kalam Azad presided over INC held at Delhi in 1923. He was the youngest to
become the president of the INC.+ He was the president of INC continuously for 6 years
(1940-1946) which is the longest period by any person before independence.
➢ Lala Lajpat Roy wrote that “Congress movement was neither inspired by the people nor
advised or planned by them.

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➢ Lord Curzon declared in 1900 that “The Congress is faltering to its fall and one of my
great ambitions while in India is to assist it to a peaceful demise.”
➢ While delivering the Presidential address in 1938, Subhash Chandra Bose advocated the
introduction of Roman script for the Hindi language.(he presided Haripura session of INC
in 1938)
➢ Mahatma Gandhi suggested the winding up of the Indian National Congress after India
got independence.
➢ N.C. Kelkar and I.B. Sen helped Gandhi to write the Constitution of Congress in 1919.
➢ Lord Wellington participated in the 31st session of Congress(1915, Bombay).
➢ C. Vijay Raghav Chariar presided over the INC in 1920 at Nagpur session, where
Gandhiji’s advocacy of ‘Poorna Swaraj’ through Non-cooperation was debated and
accepted + In this session Congress declared its policy towards Princely rulers and
demanded the states to give responsible Government to the citizens.
➢ The last session of Indian National Congress attended by Bal Gangadhar Tilak was the
Amritsar Session,1919. He died on 1st August, 1920.
➢ Chittaranjan Das was the President of Gaya Session of Indian National Congress held in
1922 + known as Deshbandhu + formed the Swaraj Party along with Motilal Nehru.
➢ Chronological Order Of INC Presidents -Motilal Nehru (Amritsar, 1919)---> Mahatma
Gandhi (Belgaum Session,1924)--->Sarojini Naidu (Kanpur, 1925)--->Jawahar Lal
Nehru(Lahore, 1929)--->Vallabh Bhai Patel(Karachi,1931)--->Dr. Rajendra
➢ Jawaharlal Nehru spoke of socialism as the key to the solution of India’s problems in
Lucknow Session of INC (1936).
➢ The Haripura Session of INC, 1938 was presided over by Subhash Chandra Bose +
National Planning Committee was constituted in this session and Jawaharlal Nehru was
elected as President of the Committee.
➢ J. B. Kripalani was the President of INC at the time of Independence (November 1946 at
Meerut Session)
➢ Jana-Gana Mana was first sung during the Calcutta Session of the INC on 27 December
1911 presided by Bishan Narayan Dhar. “Jana Gana Mana” was officially adopted by the
Constituent Assembly as the Indian National Anthem on 24 January 1950.

Moderates and Extremists in Congress

➢ Congress split into two different groups namely Moderates & Extremists at the Surat
Session of Congress in 1907 (Presided by Rash Behari Ghosh) (Reason - The
moderates opposed the resolutions on Swaraj, Swadeshi and boycott of foreign goods
but extremists were not in favour of these )----> After 1906, Indian National Movement
dominated by Extremists.
➢ Moderate leaders like - Dadabhai Naoroji, Pherozshah Mehta, D. E Wacha, W. C
Banerjee S. N
➢ Banerjee mainly hailed from Urban Areas.
➢ Extremist Leaders were : Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Lala Lajpat Rai, Bipin Chandra Pal (Lal,
Bal, Pal) & Aurobindo Ghosh.
➢ Aurobindo Ghosh was the main leader of Swadeshi Movement (started in 1905) which
started against the Bengal partition. Other leaders of this movement were Lala
Lal(Punjab), Bal (Maharashtra) and Pal (Bengal).
➢ The principle of ‘’Passive Resistance’’ was propounded by Aurobindo Ghosh in his book
‘’Vande Mataram’’.

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➢ G.K. Gokhale - Moderate + founder of the Servants of India Society + elected to Bombay
constitution Council and Imperial Legislative Council.
➢ Lala Lajpat Rai - Extremist + called Sher-e-Punjab / Punjab Kesari + his political guru
was Italian revolutionary Mazzini + translated Mazzini “The duty of Man” in Urdu + died
on 17 November, 1928 (injured due to Lathi Charge during Simon Commission Protest)
➢ ‘Swaraj,’ (Self Rule) or Self-Government for the 1st time was demanded by Dadabhai
Naoroji in 1904 at the International Socialist Congress.
➢ Moderates (Era - 1885 - 1905) protest methods - constitutional agitation within law;
Petition, Resolutions, and Meetings + believed political connections with Britain was in
India’s interests while Extremists had no faith in British Raj and believed in Obtaining
self-Government by aggressive means + B.G. Tilak accused moderates of believing in
constitutional methods and favouring the policy of protest, prayer, and petition.
➢ Indian Muslims were not attracted to the extremist movement because of the extremist
policy of harping on Hindu part.
➢ Extremist Leader B.G. Tilak called the Indian National Congress as a “Begging Institute.”
+ Tilak announced that ‘’ Swaraj is my birthright and I shall have it’’ + started ‘Ganpati
Parva’ and ‘Shivaji Mahotsava’ in Maharashtra + Valentine Chirol termed B.G. Tilak was
the father of Indian unrest + In 1908 Tilak was sentenced to 6 years imprisonment &
deported to Burma (Mandalay Jail) —> wrote the book’ Gita Rahasya In ‘Mandalay Jail +
After the sentence of Tilak, Max Muller had pleaded for mercy by saying “My interest in
Tilak is that of a Sanskrit scholar” + Shaukat Ali and Dr. Saifuddin Kichalu along with
Mahatma Gandhi lifted the bier of Bal Gangadhar Tilak after his death on 1 August, 1920.
➢ Lathi club, Hindu Akhada, Ganapati Mahotsava, Shivaji Mahotsava etc. were started by
Bal Gangadhar Tilak.
➢ 1897: He was prosecuted for sedition for his writings against the provisions of the
Epidemic act 1897 for tackling the bubonic plague that had engulfed the Pune region.
● Tilak had targeted Commissioner Rand, and his writings incited two youth, the
Chapekar brothers, in murdering Rand.
● The trial and sentence of this case earned him the title of “Lokmanya” (beloved
leader of the people).
➢ Firojshah Mehta, K.T. Telang and Badruddin Tyabji were known as the "Bombay
Triumvirate —-> founded the Bombay Presidency Association(1885).

Revolutionary Movements in India

Year Leaders Revolutionary Works &


1897 Damodar and Balkrishna Murdered the Plague

(Chapekar brothers ) Commissioner of Poona,
Rand, and Lt. Ayerst

1899 Vinayak Damodar Savarkar & Organised 'Mitra Mela'

Ganesh Damodar Savarkar which in 1904 was merged
into the secret society called
'Abhinav Bharat'(after
Mazzini's ‘Young Italy’) in
Nasik+ extended it up to
London + V D Savarkar's

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published - The Indian War of


1902 P Mitra, Jatindra Nath Founded Anushilan Samiti

Banerjee (Bagha Jatin), (revolutionary
Barindra Kumar Ghosh organisation)@Calcutta.
Note : Gyanendra Nath Basu
founded Anushilan Samiti @
Midnapur in 1902 +
Sachindra Nath Sanyal
established a branch @
Patna in 1913.

1906 Barindra Kumar Ghosh, ‘Yugantar Weekly.

Bhupendranath Dutta Surya Sen, Aurbindo Ghosh,
Barin Ghosh, Khudiram Bose
etc were
founding members.

1908 Pulin Behari Das Conducted Barrah Dacoity

Khudiram Bose and Prafulla Muzaffarpur Bombing Case

Chaki (30 April, 1908): Threw a
bomb at a carriage supposed
to be carrying a white
judge, Kingsford, in
Prafulla committed suicide +
Khudiram was later arrested
and hanged.

Aurobindo Ghosh and his Alipore Conspiracy Case

brother Barindra Ghosh (1908): arrested in charge of
possessing illegal arms +
Aurobindo Ghosh was
defended and released by
Chittaranjan Das

1909 Anant Lakshman Kanhere Nasik Conspiracy Case: shot

(member of Abhinav Bharat), dead the district Magistrate
Maharashtra (Jackson) of Nasik

1912 Rash Behari Bose and Delhi Conspiracy case : threw

Sachin bomb at the Viceroy Lord
Sanyal. Bhai Bal Mukund, Hardinge @Chandni Chowk.
Basant Kumar
Biswas, Amir Chand, Avadh

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1924 Sachindra Sanyal, Ram Hindustan Republican

Prashad Bismil and Jogesh Association (HRA) @Kanpur ;
Chandra Chatterjee Later Hindustan Socialist
Republican Association
(HSRA) was founded by
Chandra Shekhar Azad at
Firozshah Kotla maidan of
Delhi in September, 1928
(along with Vijay Kumar
Singh, Shiv Verma, Jai Dev
Kapoor, Bhagat Singh,
Bhagwati Charan Vohra and
the Sukhdev )

Muzaffar Ahmad, S.A. Dange, Kanpur Bolshevik conspiracy

Shaukat Usmani and Nalini case : To repress communism
Gupta in India, few
communist leaders were

1925 Bismil, Ashafaqullah, Roshan Kakori Conspiracy (train

(9 August, 1925) Singh and Rajendra Lahiri robbery @Lucknow) + Before
were hanged ; Azad escaped execution Bismil said - “Now,
I shall take my mother’s milk
Note : Bismil was hanged on only.”
19 Note : Jagat Narayan Mulla
December, 1927 in as a public(Govt) prosecutor.
Rajendra Lahiri was hanged
Gonda and Roshan Singh in
Allahabad and Ashfaq Ullah
was hanged in Faizabad.

1926 Bhagat Singh Naujawan Bharat Sabha

1928 Bhagat Singh, Azad and Raj Lahore Conspiracy

(Lahore, December 1928) guru shot dead Saunders Case(Saunders Murder) -
responsible for the lathi
Note: Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, charge in Lahore and for the
and Sukhdev were sentenced death of Lala Lajpat rai during
to death in the Lahore anti- simon commission
conspiracy case and were protest.
executed on 24th March,
1931. Note : In this case Jatin Das
(funeral was done on the died in jail due to hunger
banks of the river Sutlej in strike after 63 days.
Ferozpur district ) +
Batukeshwar Dutt was sent to
Cellular Jail (Andman) for

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Kala-Pani punishment

1929 Bhagat Singh and Threw a bomb in Central

(Delhi, April 8, 1929) Batukeshwar Dutt Legislative Assembly on 8
April, 1929, To protest against
the passage of the Public
safety Bill and Trade disputes

Various trade Unionists were Controversial Court case

arrested. Muzaffar Ahmed, against the rise of
S.A. Dange, Joglekar, Philip Communism.
Spratt, Ban Bradley, Shaukat
Usmani etc.

1930 Surya Sen (hanged on 12th Chittagong Armoury raid

(Bengal, April, 1930) January, 1934) + Ambika (Kalpana Dutt arrested with
Chakravarti Surya Sen & got life

❖ Bhagwati Charan Vohra was associated with Hindustan socialist republican association.
He wrote an article 'The Philosophy of Bomb'.
❖ Sarfaroshi ki tamanna ab hamare dil me hai / Dekhna hai zor kitna baazu-e-qatil main hai
'' is a patriotic poem written by Bismil Azimabadi (Original name was Saiyad Shah
Muhammad Hasan).
❖ “Daro-deewar pe hasrat ki nazar karte hain, khush raho ahle-watan hum to safar karte
hain.’’ —- by Nawab of Awadh Wazid Ali Shah.
❖ Azad was the only member of Hindustan Socialist Republican Association who was
never arrested by Police, but on 27th February, 1931 the police surrounded him in the
Alfred Park in Allahabad and killed him.
❖ The slogan of Inquilab Zindabad (‘Long Live Revolution’) was written by Maulavi Hasrat
Mohani. (Bhagat Singh used the slogan for the first time and made it popular)
❖ Ashfaqullah Khan was the first recorded Muslim who was sentenced to death in the
Indian freedom struggle on 19th December, 1927 at the age of 27 years in Faizabad Jail.
❖ Surya Sen ‘’Master Da’’ established The Indian Republican Army (IRA). Members -
Ganesh Ghosh, Lokenath, Nirmal Sen, Ambika Chakrobarty, Naresh Roy, Kalpana Dutt,
Anand Gupta.
❖ Under Govind Ballabh Pant chairmanship a committee was formed to defend the
accused in the Kakori Case.
❖ Gopinath Saha attempted to assassinate Charles Tegart, Police Commissioner of
❖ Two Bengali school girls Shanti Ghosh and Suniti Chaudhary murdered a district
magistrate by firing in December, 1931.
❖ Bina Das fired at the English Governor while receiving her degree at the convocation in
February, 1932.
❖ Naujawan Bharat Sabha founded by Bhagat Singh in March 1926. It was part of the
Hindustan Republican Association.

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❖ Bhagat Singh said “criticism and independent thought are the two characteristics of a
❖ Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) was founded by Keshav Baliram Hedgewar on 27
September 1925 at Nagpur
Chronology Of Important Conspiracy Cases

● Muzaffarpur Conspiracy Case (1908)

● Nasik Conspiracy (1909)
● Delhi Conspiracy Case (1912)
● 1st Lahore Conspiracy Case (1916) during the Ghadar Movement.
● Kanpur Conspiracy case (1924)
● Kakori conspiracy (1925)
● Meerut conspiracy (1929)
● 2nd Lahore conspiracy (1930) in the case of Bhagat Singh

Revolutionary Activities Outside India

Leaders Works

Shyamji Krishnavarma Established the Indian Home Rule Society

(also known as “India House”) In February
1905 at London. + Started ‘The Indian
Sociologist’ Newspaper

Madanlal Dhingra Assassinated Curzon Wyllie in 1909 in


Lala Hardayal (Founder) + Sohan Singh ● The Ghadar Party was a revolutionary
Bhakna (President/Chairman) (+ Other group (published a paper 'Gadar') in
Member - Raja Mahendra Pratap, Abdul 1913 at San Francisco (USA).
Rahman, Madam Bhikaji Kama, Bhai ● This party was established by the
Parmanand, Kartar Singh Sarabha and Indians residing in Canada and
Pandit Kashiram) America.
● Their plans were encouraged by two
events in 1914 - the Komagata Maru
incident and the outbreak of the First
World War.

Bhikaji Rustam Cama (Parsi Lady) ● Popularly known as ‘’Mother of Indian

● At the International Socialist Congress
held at Stuttgart (Germany) on 22nd
Aug, 1907, she unfurled the first
version of the Indian National Flag.
● led the revolutionary movement from
America and Europe for India’s
● served as private secretary to
Dadabhai Naoroji.

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Ras Bihari Bose ● established Indian Independence


Virendranath Chattopadhyaya ● Berlin Committee for Indian


● Sohan Singh Bhakna founded "Hindustan Association of the Pacific Coast" organisation.
This organisation published a paper 'Gadar,' that is why this organisation was later known
as the Ghadar Party.
● Sohan Singh Bhakna was the first Chairman of the Gadar Party.
● During World War-I, Raja Mahendra Pratap established the first provisional Government
of India at Kabul in Afghanistan in 1915.
● Madan Lal Dhingra and Udham Singh were sentenced to death on the charges of killing
British officers. Dhingra killed Curzon Wyllie & Udham Singh got the death sentence for
the killing of Michael O ‘Dwyer in London in March, 1940, who was indirectly responsible
for the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre.
● Komagata Maru Incident - Komagata Maru - a ship chartered from Singapore carrying
Sikh and Punjabi Muslims were denied entry into Canada and forced to return to India
(Gurdit Singh to bring Indian immigrants to Canada ) —->22 immigrants lost
lives—-->fueled Gadarites—-> Planned Attack on British—-->Kartar Singh Saraba,
Raghubar Dayal Gupta, Rashbehari Bose, and Sachin Sanyal were main leader
—-->British got to know about the attack—---->arrested—--->Defence of India Act, 1915.

Partition of Bengal and Swadeshi Movement


● 20 July, 1905 - Governor-General Lord Curzo issued an order to divide Bengal and
announced the partition (western part - Hindu majority area & eastern part - Muslim
majority area). The new province constituted after separating West Bengal was called
'East Bengal and Assam'.
● 16th October, 1905 - Partition of Bengal came into effect.
● 7 August, 1905 - first mass protests was organised in Calcutta’s Town Hall, also known
as Anti-partition Movement
● 12 December, 1911 - Lord Hardinge held a durbar to celebrate the coronation of King
George V. Here, the partition of Bengal was cancelled and the capital shifted from Bengal
to Delhi.

➔ Sir Andrew Fraser was Lieutenant Governor of Bengal during Partition Of Bengal.
➔ Partition was mainly to weaken the growth of Nationalism in Bengal


● Swadeshi Movement was announced in TownHall, Kolkata on August 7, 1905, and

‘Boycott Proposal’ was passed.
● The partition of Bengal in 1905 led to the Swadeshi and Boycott Movement.
● Surendranath Banerjee, K.K Mitra and Prithwishchandra Ray led the agitation against the
partition of Bengal (1905).

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● Krishna Kumar Mitra was the first to suggest the boycott of British goods in Bengal.
● Newspaper during Partition Movement- Hitabadi, Sanjibani, Bengalee
● The following programmes were launched by the nationalist against the partition of
Bengal - Swadeshi, Boycott and National education.
● It led to revival of the 'indigenous artisan crafts and industries + National Council of
Education(1906) was established as a part of Swadeshi Movement.
● In this Movement, women actively participated but farmers( Barisal exception) and
Muslim were not involved in this Movement.
● During Swadeshi Movement, the day of partition, was declared as mourning day +
People tied rakhis + Vande Mataram became the National Song of Bengal and later,
Theme Song of the National Movement + Movement was not limited to Bengal
● Tagore was the critics of Swadeshi' movement and pleaded for a better understanding
between the East and the West
● Henry Woodd Nevinson was a British journalist associated with the Swadeshi Movement.
● First Indian artist to gain international recognition, Abanindranath Tagore was the
principal artist and founder of ‘Indian Society of Oriental Art.

Places Leader

Poona and Bal Gangadhar Tilak


Punjab Lala Lajpat Rai, Ajit


Delhi Syed Haider Raza

Madras Chidambaram Pillai

● Tilak was tried for sedition in 1909 for his writings in “Kesari” about bomb thrown by
Bengal revolutionaries in Muzaffarpur - sent to Mandalay jail for 6 yrs- released in 1914.
Aurobindo and B.C Pal retired from politics and Lala Lajpat rai left for abroad.

Congress Session of Benaras, Calcutta, and Surat

Congress President Events


Benaras Gopal Krishna Gokhale moderates and extremists

(1905) ● member of the Deccan Education differences came up.
Society Extremists wanted to extend
● first joined Congress in 1888 at the the movement outside Bengal
Allahabad session and include all forms of
● member of the Bombay Legislative associations within the
Council and then the Imperial boycott but Moderates didn't.
Legislative Council.
● Gandhiji often referred to Gokhale as
● political mentor of Gandhiji.

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● founded the 'Servants of India

Society' in 1905 to train national
missionaries for the service of India

Calcutta Dadabhai Naoroji (Grand old man of India) Congress adopted “Swaraj”
(1906) ● first Asian elected to the House of or Self-Government as the
Commons (British Parliament) in goal like self-governing British
1892 as a liberal party Member colonies (word swaraj was
● first Indian to be appointed as mentioned for the
Professor of Mathematics and first time)
Physics at Elphinstone College,
● President of (INC) in 1886, 1893, and
● wrote a book ‘Poverty and Un-British
Rule in India in 1901
● started a Gujarati Journal, ‘Rast
● Gokhale said that “if there is a God
somewhere, he is Dadabhai Naoroji

Surat (1907) Rash Bihari Ghosh SURAT SPLIT - Split b/w

(on the Extremist & Moderates i.e,
banks of Extremists were led by Lokmanya Tilak, ’Naram Dal’ and Garam Dal’.
Tapti River)
Lajpat Rai, and Bipin Chandra Pal and the
Moderates were led by Gopal Krishna Reason of this division was
Gokhale four Resolution - Swadeshi ,
Boycott, National Education
and Self-Rule which passed
in 1906, extremists want to
this resolution while the
liberals were not in favour +
Extremist's lack of faith in the
capacity of moderates to
negotiate with the British

● Bal Gangadhar Tilak never presided over a Session of Indian National Congress.
● ‘Swaraj’ was first used by Dayanand Saraswati.

Formation of Muslim League

● On 30 December 1906, the All-India Muslim League (AIML), popularly known as the
Muslim League was founded in Dhaka. Headquarter @ Lucknow
● Founder members were –Nawab Salimullah Khan, Agha Khan & Muhsin-ul-Mulk. (Agha
Khan was its first President).

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● The first session of All India Muslim League was held at Karachi on 29 December 1907
(presided by Adamji Peer Bhai).
● A London branch of the All India Muslim League was established in 1908 under the
presidency of Ameer Ali.
● The All India Muslim League formed in 1906 supported the Bengal partition.They
demanded a separate electorate in the leadership of Agha Khan.
● Shimla Deputation - organised by Muslim leader Agha Khan who met the
Governor-General and Viceroy Lord Minto at Shimla on 1 October, 1906 with an aim to
get a separate electorate for muslim.

Morley-Minto Reforms 1909

● The Indian Councils Act 1909 or Morley-Minto reforms named after the Secretary of State
for India John Morley and the Viceroy of India- Minto.
● The major dispute regarding this bill was separate electorate for Muslim i.e, provided for
communal representation and thus sowed the seeds of partition of India.
● Rajendra Prasad considered Lord Minto as the father of Pakistan due to Morley-Minto
● Gandhi Stated:- “Morley-Minto Reforms has destroyed everything.”

Some Important Features Of Indian Council Act, 1909

➢ Separate electorates for the Muslims

➢ One Indian to be appointed to viceroy executive council-
Satyendra Sinha
➢ The Central Legislative Council increased from 16 to 60 members.
➢ Indians were given membership to the Imperial Legislative Council
for the first time

Delhi Durbar and Change of Capital

● In December 1911, a grand Delhi Durbar was organised to welcome British King George
V and Queen Mary —---> Partition of Bengal annulled 12th December, 1911 —--> capital
shifted from Calcutta to Delhi during the tenure of Lord Hardinge on 1 April, 1912.
● In1912, Bihar, and Orissa were separated from Bengal.
● Delhi Conspiracy case or Delhi-Lahore Conspiracy (1912) - A bomb was thrown on Lord
Hardinge the occasion of transferring of Capital

Lucknow Session of Congress

INC SESSION President Events


INC (1916) Majumdar and Muslim League.
● The Congress for the first time accepted
the separate electorate for Muslims and
both organisations jointly demanded
dominion status for the country.

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● Readmission of extremists to the

congress due to efforts of Annie Besant
and Tilak.

● Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Tilak were the main architects of the Lucknow Pact.
● Sarojini Naidu described Jinnah, the chief architect of the Lucknow Pact, with the title of
the ‘Ambassador of Hindu-Muslim Unity.’
● In Lucknow Session 1916, Raj Kumar Shukla apprised the problems of Champaran
peasants to Mahatma Gandhi.

Home Rule League Movement

● The movement in India became popular during the first World War & the aim of the
movement was Self-Rule/Self Governance through political education and discussion,
public meetings. + It was within Constitutional limits.
● The concept for the foundation of Home Rule League was first introduced by Mrs. Annie
Besant on the lines of the Irish Home Rule Leagues.
● Tilak and Annie Besant were pioneers of the Home Rule League Movement.
● S.Subramaniam Iyer was also associated with the Home Rule League + renounced his
● George Arundale, B.W. Wadia and C. P. Ramaswamy Aiyar were associates of Annie
● In the Lucknow Session of Congress (1916) Home-Rule supporters demonstrate their
political power successfully.
● Annie Besant (1847-1933) was a proponent of the Fabian movement.

Tilak Home Rule League Annie Besant Home Rule League

Started Home Rule League in April, 1916 at Started the Home Rule League in September,
Belgaum (hence 1st to launch) 1916 at Madras

Promoted their league through Maratha and Promoted their league through Common Weal
Kesari and New India

Areas - Maharashtra (excluding Bombay city), Areas - covered the rest of India (including
Karnataka, Central Provinces, and Berar. Bombay city)

Demands - Swarajya, formation of linguistic

states and
education in the vernacular.

Tilak - Founder of the Deccan Education Besant - set up the Central Hindu College
Society (1884) + One of the founders of the (CHC) at Benares + proponent of the Fabian
Fergusson College (1885) in Pune + Books- movement + Theosophical society was
Gita Rahasya and Arctic Home of the Vedas. established in 1875 by Colonel Olcott and
Madam Blavatsky. Annie Besant became its
member in 1889.

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Gandhi and his Early Movements

Basic Intro to Gandhiji Life

➔ Mohandas Karam Chand Gandhi was born on 2nd October, 1869 at Porbandar, Gujarat.
➔ His father Karamchand Gandhi was Diwan of Wankaner and Rajkot. (known as Kaba
➔ Primary education took place at Rajkot + studied at Samaldas Arts College in Bhavnagar.
➔ Married with Kasturba Gandhi at the age of 13.
➔ Took training as Barrister from ‘The Inner Temple’, London
➔ Gandhi’s thought can be linked to Utopian socialism and Philosophical Anarchism.
➔ Truth and non-violence are twin principles of Mahatma Gandhi’s Ram Rajya.
➔ There is a great similarity between Gandhi and Marx, the final aim of both of them was to
establish a stateless and classless society, but their means of achieving this aim was
➔ Gandhi was An Individualist among Socialist and a Marxist among Socialist.
➔ The strike was the last step in Gandhian strategy of Satyagraha while fasting was the first
step in Gandhian strategy of Satyagraha.
➔ According to Gandhiji, the cruellest form of violence is the persistence of poverty.
➔ Gandhiji described ‘Self- Control’ as the best means for family planning.
➔ Gandhi played a critical role in getting the indentured labour system abolished in the
British Empire. (CF Andrews helped him)
➔ For Gandhi, politics meant social welfare and public welfare + decentralisation of power.
➔ He was the first to coin the term “Satyagraha”. Champaran Satyagraha of 1917 was
Mahatma Gandhi’s first successful Satyagraha.
➔ Mahatma Gandhi said destruction is the best method of dealing with foreign clothes.
➔ He was most influenced by Ruskin’s book 'Unto the Last' (The good of individual is
contained in the good of all )
➔ Gandhian concepts were also influenced by writers like Thoreau and Tolstoy.


➔ He went to South Africa in 1893 at age of 24 to appear in a case of Gujarati merchant
Dada Abdulla. (stayed in Africa for 21yr).
➔ At Pietermaritzburg railway stations of South Africa, Mahatma Gandhi was thrown out of
the train.
➔ In 1894 Gandhiji founded ‘ Natal Indian Congress’ in South Africa.
➔ He founded the ‘Tolstoy Farm’.
➔ He published a magazine “Indian Opinion” in South Africa and founded “ Phoenix Farm”
in December 1904 in Durban (first Ashram established by Gandhiji)
➔ Gandhiji adopted ‘Seva Dharma’ in South Africa + served there the wounded soldiers of
the Boer War.
➔ Kaiser-e-Hind was given to Mahatma Gandhi by the British Government for his services
during the Boer War (1899-1902) + awarded by the Governor-General of India Lord
Hardinge II in 1915 + returned the title in response to Jallianwala Bagh Massacre (Tagore
also return his Knighthood Title)
➔ In 1915, Gandhi returned to India. Initially he stayed at the Sabarmati Ashram in
Ahmedabad ( earlier the ashram was called the Satyagraha Ashram)
➔ Gopal Krishna Gokhale became his political guru. He advised Gandhi to spend the first

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year in India studying the country, with “his ears open but his mouth shut.
➔ Gandhi used to say “Wrong means never take us to the right ends” + “Which is morally
wrong, can never be politically right.
➔ Mahatma Gandhi attended the Calcutta session of INC in the year 1901 for the first time (
presided over by Sir Dinshan Edulji Wacha)

➔ Chronology of Gandhi Struggle - CAKE ( Champaran Satyagraha (1917)—> Ahmedabad
Mill Strike (Feb,1918)—> Kheda Satyagraha(22 March, 1918) )

CHAMPARAN SATYAGRAHA (1917) ● Rajkumar Shukla invited Gandhi to

First Civil Disobedience Champaran to look into the
Indigo(Neel) Planters Problem.
Significance - Joining of peasant unrest to (Indigo cultivation in India declined
India's National Movement due to synthetic dye)
● Tinkathia System - forced them to
Other Satyagraha: cultivate Indigo 3/20th part of the
● Bardoli Satyagraha (1928) was led by ● Leaders associated-Rajendra
Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel. On behalf of Prasad, Mahadeo Desai, C.F.
the women of Bardoli, Mahatma Gandhi Andrews, Dr. Anugrah Narayan
gave him the title of ‘Sardar.’ Sinha, Raj Kishor Prasad etc.
● Vaikom Satyagraha (Travancore) - ● Champaran Agrarian Enquiry
temple entry of the depressed classes. Committee Members - F.G. Slay,
It was against untouchability and caste D.J. Reid, Mahatma Gandhi, Raja
discrimination. In 1925 Mahatma Hari Prasad, Narayan Singh and G.
Gandhi participated in this Satyagraha Rainny.
indirectly ● N.G. Ranga opposed the
Champaran Satyagraha of Mahatma

AHMEDABAD MILL STRIKE (1918) ● Discontinuation of plague bonus -

First Hunger Strike conflict b/w cotton mill owners and
● Gandhi - fast unto death.
● Anusuya Sarabhai was a social
worker who invited Gandhi to fight
for workers.

KHEDA SATYAGRAHA (1918) ● Crops failed in Kheda district of

First Non-cooperation Gujarat because of drought.
● Gandhi asked the farmers not to pay
the taxes.
● Leaders: Sardar Vallabhai Patel,
Narhari Parekh, Mohanlal Pandya.

● Subhash Chandra Bose was the first person to call Mahatma Gandhi ‘Father of Nation’.

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● The prefix ‘Mahatma” was added with the name of Gandhi during Champaran
Satyagraha by Rabindranath Tagore.
● Pyare Lal was the secretary of Mahatma Gandhi during the Noakhali period.
● J.B. Kriplani was basically a teacher by profession among the Gandhian followers.
● Jamnalal Bajaj - Indian cotton merchant + banker + Congressman + close associate of
Mahatma Gandhi + served as an AICC treasurer for many years and went to jail in 1930.
● Charles Andrews lived with Gandhiji in Phoenix Farm and was very close to him. Gandhiji
gave the title of Deen Bandhu to him.
● Gandhi named Yerwada Jail as Mandir.
● At the time of India’s Independence, Gandhiji was not a member of Congress. In 1934 he
resigned from Congress, and after that, he never became a formal member of Congress.
● On the death of Mahatma Gandhi Jawahar Lal Nehru said, ‘the light has gone out of our
● Lord Louis Mountbatten addressed Gandhiji as ‘one-man boundary force’.
● Gandhi launched his first Satyagraha on Indian soil in 1917 at Champaran + launch his
mission of freeing bonded labour
● Gandhi's first major public speech in India was at the opening of the Banaras Hindu
University (BHU) in February, 1916.
● Gandhi had applied the principle of Trusteeship in 1903, South Africa.
● According to M.K. Gandhi socio-economic improvement of untouchables can be brought
about by establishing cottage industry for them.
● The term Gandhian Innovation was coined by Prof. Prahlad and R.A. Mashelkar
meaning, “serving people with fewer resources and at a lower cost i.e, To produce more
from less input for more people.
● The first Movement started by Gandhi at the National level was Rowlatt Satyagraha

Peasant Movement and Kisan Sabha

● The first peasant movement of India was Bijolia Movement in 1905 + initial leader
Sitaram Das + later in 1915 by Vijay Singh Pathik.
● The UP Kisan Sabha was set up in February, 1918 by Gauri Shankar Mishra and Indra
Narayan Dwivedi.Madan Mohan Malaviya supported its formation but Pt. Jawaharlal
Nehru was not associated with the formation of U.P. Kisan Sabha.
● Baba Ramchandra organised the farmers of Awadh and formed Awadh Kisan Sabha’ in
● The Sarabandi (No tax) campaign of 1922 was led by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.
● EKA - Movement was started by peasants of United Provinces—Hardoi, Bahraich,
Sitapur The aim of Eka Movement in Oudh was transformation of rent into cash.
● Swami Sahajanand Saraswati published a journal named Hunkar. He was a pioneer of
farmer’s Movement in Bihar + founded Bihar Kisan Sabha in 1929.
● The Bakashat agitation of Bihar is related to Swami Shraddhanand Saraswati.
● Swami Sahajananda Saraswati formed the All India United Kisan Sabha with the demand
for the ‘Nationalisation of land and waterways’ just before his death (his death in 1950).
● Dr. Rajendra Prasad was associated with the Kisan Movement in Bihar. He was the
President of the Constituent Assembly. After the commencement of the Constitution, he
became the first President of India.
● Tebhaga movement was a peasant agitation started in Bengal in 1946 by Kisan Sabha to
implement the recommendations of Flood Commission. Their demand was the reduction
of the share of the landlords from one half of the crop to one-third.

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● Vinoba Bhave - first person to be elected for Individual Satyagraha in 1940 + started
Bhoodan Movement. On 18th April, 1951, first donation of the land in a village
Pochampally in, Andhra Pradesh (Bhoodan Movement first started)

● Bihar Kisan Sabha - Swami Sahajanand Saraswati

● All India Kisan Congress (Lucknow, April, 1936) - Later renamed All India Kisan
Sabha; Swami Sahajanand Saraswati
( President) + N.G. Rang (General secretary) + Jawahar Lal Nehru addressed the 1st
● Khudai Khidmatgar - In North-West Frontier Province (NWFP) under Khan Abdul
● Bhartiya Kisan Vidyalaya - N. G. Ranga
● Bengal Praja Party (Krishak Praja Party) - Fazlul Haq in 1929

Trade Union and Communist Party

● Madras Labour Union was formed in 1918 under the leadership of B.P. Wadia and it
became the First modern labour Union + comprising textile workers of the Buckingham
and Carnatic Mills.
● International Labour Organisation (ILO) formed in 1919 + first International Labour
Summit held at Washington, USA in 1919 + B.P. Wadia was sent as a representative
● The Ahmedabad Textile Labour Association was founded by Mahatma Gandhi in 1918.
● Narayan Meghaji Lokhande (1848-1897) was the pioneer of the labour movement in
● The All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC) was founded in Bombay on October 31,
1920 by N. M. Joshi with Lala Lajpat Rai as its first President, Joseph Baptista as Vice
President and Diwan Chaman Lal Bajaj as General Secretary.
● Jawaharlal Nehru presided over the All India Trade Union Congress held at Nagpur in
● The Trade Disputes Act of 1929 provided for a system of tribunals and a ban on strikes
● M.N. Roy was the first Indian to be a member of the Communist International.
● On 17th October, 1920. M.N. Roy along with Avani Mukherjee, Mohd. Ali and Mohd.
Shafi que founded the Indian Communist Party at Tashkent.
● The revolutionary phase of the Trade Union Movement in India is considered from 1926
to 1939. M. N. Roy, Muzaffar Ahmad, Shripad Amrit Dange, Shauqat Usmani, etc. were
the main leaders during its militant phase.
● M. N. Roy founded the Radical Democratic Party in 1940.
● Saumyandranath Tagore in 1934 formed the Revolutionary Communist Party of India
after breaking away from the Communist Party of India (CPI).

Rowlatt Act(March, 1919) & Rowlatt Satyagraha

● Rowlatt Act, 1919 (Popularly known as The Anarchical and Revolutionary Crime Act) -
Lord Chelmsford (Viceroy) + Based on Sedition Committee + Curtail the National and
Revolutionary Activities + arrest and imprison suspects without trial “No Daleel, No Vakil”
+ Gandhi called for a mass protest at all India level by organising Satyagraha Sabhas +
Jinnah, Madan Mohan Malviya and Mazhar Ul Haq resigned in protest.
● Rowlatt Satyagraha was the first all India level Movement launched by Mahatma Gandhi.

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● Swami Shraddhananda suggested starting the Movement with the non-payment of

Lagaan (Rent).

Jallianwala Bagh Massacre (APRIL 13, 1919)

● British troops fired on a large crowd of unarmed Indians at Jallianwala Bagh in Amritsar
in Punjab.
● Reason - Gandhi called for a one-day Rowlatt Satyagraha + Satya Pal and Saifuddin
Kitchlew had been arrested + people gathered to demonstrate at Jallianwala Bagh for
their arrest + Brig. Gen. Reginald Edward Harry Dyer was given the task of restoring
● Aftermath - Rabindranath Tagore renounced the knighthood, gave up title “Sir”+ Shankar
Nair resigned from the viceroy's Executive Council as a protest against the Jallianwala
Bagh massacre + Gandhi started Non-Cooperation Movement (1920–22) {Rabindra
Nath Tagore won Nobel Prize in the field of literature (1913). He was the first Indian who
received this award}
● Hunter committee of Disorders Inquiry Committee - Committee had 7 members i.e, 4
British and 3 Indians to enquire about Jallianwala Bagh Tragedy + didn’t impose any
disciplinary actions on Dyre.
● On 13 March 1940, in London, Udham Singh, killed Michael O’Dwyer, the British
Lieutenant-Governor of Punjab at the time of the massacre.
● The task of drafting the Congress Inquiry Committee report on the Jallianwala Bagh
Massacre was entrusted to Mahatma Gandhi.
● David Lloyd George was the Prime minister of England when the Montague-Chelmsford
Act (1919).
● The massacre of Jallianwala Bagh in 1919 was called “Preventive Murder” by Montague.

Khilafat Movement

● The Khilafat Movement (1919-20) was a movement to express Muslim support for the
Caliph of Turkey, against the allied powers particularly Britain.
● Khilafat Committee was formed in 1919 under the leadership of Shaukat Ali and
Muhammad Ali, Maulana Azad, Ajmal Khan and Hasrat Mohani.
● Hakim Ajmal Khan had renounced the title of Haziq-ul-Mulk during Khilafat agitation.
● Gandhiji wanted to win the support of the Indian Muslims against the British & hence
supported the Khilafat Movement + He was elected President of the All-India Khilafat
Conference held at Delhi on November 23, 1919.
● Gandhi linked the issue of Swaraj with the Khilafat issue to bring Hindus and Muslims
together —>Jinnah opposed & warned Gandhiji not to encourage the fanaticism of
Muslim religious leaders.
● On April 4, 1919 Swami Shraddhanand delivered a speech on Hindu-Muslim Unity from
the pulpit of Jama Masjid in Delhi.
● Congress supported the Khilafat Movement mainly for reinstatement of the caliph and
getting the sympathy of the Muslims.
● Pandit Malviya did not support the Khilafat movement & opposed Mahatma Gandhi’s
endorsement of the Khilafat Movement.
● conference of Khilafat Committee

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● In Allahabad( 1920), a conference of Khilafat Committee was held that requested

Gandhiji to assume the leadership of Non-co-operation Movement.
● Aitchison during Khilafat and Non-Cooperation Movement of 1919-22 said “In this
instance, we could not play off the Mohammedans against the Hindus.”
● The Moplah peasants revolted against the Hindu landlord’s oppressive policies. It was an
Offshoot of Khilafat Movement.

Non-Cooperation Movement & Chauri -Chaura(February 4th, 1922)

● In September 1920, Congress held a special session at Calcutta(Presided by Lala Lajpat

Rai) and passed the resolution of Gandhiji on Non-Cooperation. The resolution was
opposed by C.R. Das.
● IN December 1920, at Nagpur Session —NCM was endorsed.
● Gandhiji launched the Non-Cooperation movement on 1st August, 1920 (and withdrew in
February 1922 after the Chauri Chaura incident) and considered it as the 1st Mass
Movement —Gandhiji gave the slogan of ‘Swaraj in a year’.
● Participation of Muslims in the Movement was significant.
● Gandhi returned the Kaiser-i-Hind title & Jamnalal surrendered the title of ‘Rai Bahadur’
during the NCM + C.R.Das, Motilal Nehru, Rajendra Prasad, Jawahar Lal Nehru,
Vithalbhai Patel and Vallabhbhai Patel gave up their legal practice.
● Tilak supported the Non-Cooperation Movement, but due to his death on the first day of
the Movement, he could not see its result.
● M.A. Jinnah had not supported this movement.
● Rahul Sankrityayan, original name Kedar Nath Pandey was active in Chhapra in the
Non-cooperation Movement.
● Swami Vidyanand while campaigning for the NCM led cultivators in Bihar.
● The Chauri-Chaura incident occurred at Chauri-Chaura in the Gorakhpur district of the
then United Province on 4 February, 1922 —-> a large group of protesters set fire to a
police station killing 23 policemen.
● Mahatma Gandhi had called NCM as his “Himalayan Blunder after the Chauri-Chaura
● At the time of the Chauri-Chaura incident, Gandhiji was at Bardoli (Gujarat).
● The Non-cooperation Movement was started on August 1, 1920 and ended on February
12, 1922 just after the incident of Chauri-Chaura.The suspension of movement was
strongly opposed by C.R. Das and Motilal Nehru + Dr. Moonje tabled a vote of censure
against Gandhi for calling off the Non-Cooperation Movement.
● The suspension of the Non-Cooperation Movement in 1922 and the absence of any
political activity led to revolutionary activities in Indian politics.
● During NCM, Rabindranath Tagore was against the movements and demonstrations
rather he supported the creative programmes.He described the act of burning foreign
clothes as ‘indecipherable or inexorable waste’.
● Following Institutions were established during the Non-Cooperation Movement - Kashi
Vidhyapeeth (Varanasi) in 1921, Gujarat Vidhyapeeth (Ahmadabad ) in 1920, and Jamia
Millia Islamia (Aligarh) in 1920.
● Surendranath Banerjee founded the Indian National Liberal Federation.
● All India Home Rule League changed its name to Swarajya Sabha in 1920.
● March 10 ,1922 - Gandhi was arrested and trial led at Ahmedabad (6 years in Prison)

Formation of Swaraj Party (1923)

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● Suspension of the Non-Cooperation Movement led to a split within Congress in the Gaya
session of the Congress in December, 1922—-->Congress was divided into two groups-
the pro-changers and the no-changers—--->pro-changers wanted to enter the
legislatures (C R Das, Motilal Nehru, and Vithalbhai Patel) & no-changers wanted to
boycott the legislatures (led by Vallabhbhai Patel, C Rajagopalachari, and Rajendra
● Pro-Changers or Swarajist leaders like Motilal Nehru and Chittaranjan Das formed a
separate group within the Congress known as the Swaraj Party in January, 1923. (Other
leaders - Srinivas Iyengar and N.C. Kelkar). Vithal Bhai Patel was elected as Central
Legislative Assembly Speaker in 1925.
● A branch of Swaraj Dal was formed in Bihar which was led by Sri Krishna Singh.
● In the November, 1923 elections the Swarajists had managed to win 42 out of 101
elected seats and were supported by Jinnah and Malviya.
● Chittaranjan Das was called ‘Deshabandhu. He gave the slogan ‘Swaraj should be for
common people not only for classes’.
● When Congress leaders condemned the Montagu- Chelmsford Report, many moderates
left the party to form the Indian Liberal Federation.
● On 16 December, 1922 , Madan Mohan Malviya and Motilal Nehru decided to launch the
independent party
● Lala Lajpat Rai at first he was not in favour of the policy of Non Cooperation but later he
joined in favour with Gandhi. + Also participated in Swaraj Party Formation.
● Mahatma Gandhi presided over the 39th INC Session at Belgaum in 1924 (only session
presided by Gandhiji).

Simon Commission (1927)

● Montagu-Chelmsford Act (GOI Act),1919 provided for a Constitutional Commission to

review its working—->Simon Commission was appointed in November, 1927—-->visited
India on February 3, 1928 to consider Administrative reform.
● The Chairman of Simon Commission, Sir Simon belonged to Liberal Party.
● The people of India agitated against the arrival of the Simon Commission because it did
not consist of any Indian member and called it White Commission. Indians were kept out
of the Simon Commission on the suggestion of Lord Irwin.
● Simon Commission Recommendation - abolition of dyarchy and establishment of
representative government @provinces + recommended separate communal electorates
be retained + governor-general to have complete power.
● When the Commission arrived —->“Simon GoBack” demonstration —-> In 1928,Simon
Commission visited Lahore—-> Lala Lajpat Rai led a nonviolent protest—-> lathi
charge—->Lala Lajpat Rai injured—> died in November, 1928.
● Nehru Report (1928) which demanded dominion status for India was prepared in
response to the Simon Commission
● (1927) by Motilal Nehru + against separate electorates + Fundamental Right
● Jawaharlal Nehru and Subhash Chandra Bose jointly founded ‘Independence for India
League’ in 1928 with the purpose for complete Independence ahead of Dominion state.
● The Fourteen Points proposal to protest the Nehru report was proposed by Muhammad
Ali Jinnah on March 28, 1929.
● 'All Party' Conference was held in February 1928 in Delhi. Dr. M.A. Ansari was the
president of this conference in response to the appointment of Simon commission and
challenge given by lord Birkenhead the then secretary of state for India.

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Lahore Session of Congress, Proposal of Complete Independence (1929)

● Maulana Hasrat Mohani in Ahmedabad Session,1921(C R Das was selected as

President but the session was presided by Hakeem Azmal Khan) proposed that the
Swaraj should be defined as complete Independence, free from all foreign control.
● At Calcutta Session of Congress (1928)----> Congress gave ultimatum to British
Government to accept Nehru Report—->Govt Rejected—-> Congress to announce
‘Poorna Swaraj’ as its goal in the historic Lahore Session, 1929 headed by JawaharLal
Nehru.(and 26 January 1930 will be celebrated as Poorna Swaraj Day and hence till
1947, 26 January was celebrated as Poorna Swaraj Day.
● Jawaharlal Nehru on December 31, 1929 hoisted the flag of India’s Independence on the
bank of Ravi river at Lahore.

Civil Disobedience Movement

● The Lahore Session of Indian National Congress in 1929 authorised the Congress
Working Committee to start CDM.
● Dandi March (March 12- April 6, 1930) —>Salt Satyagraha began with the Dandi March
as the first phase of the CDM (from Sabarmati Ashram to the sea coast near the village
of Dandi—-Distance= 241 miles(390 km); 24 Days)---> On April 6, 1930 he reached
Dandi and violated the salt law—-> hence started CDM from Dandi.
● Gujarat had the highest number of Satyagrahis in Mahatma Gandhi’s Dandi March +
Women participated on a large scale in CDM.
● Sarojini Naidu, Rajkumari Amrit Kaur and Kamladevi Chattopadhyaya participated.
● Madan Mohan Malviya, Devadas Gandhi, K.M. Munsi, B.G. Kher, Mahadev Desai,
C.Rajgopalachari, Vithalbhai Patel were convicted of breach of salt law.
● During Salt Satyagraha, Mahatma Gandhi reached Dandi village on April 6, 1930. and
said: “I want world sympathy in this battle of Right against Might.”
● Abbas Taiyabji led the Movement after Gandhi got arrested at Sholapur.
● Mahatma Gandhi was arrested on May 5, 1930 and sent to Yerwada Jail when a raid was
made by Congress volunteers on Dharsana Salt Depot (Sarojini Naidu led the raid on
Dharsana Salt Depot on May 21, 1930)
● Web Miller, an American journalist, stayed in Sabarmati Ashram & reported about
Satyagraha at Dharsana salt works.
● Acharya Vinoba Bhave was arrested in 1930 for the first time during the CDM.
● Salt Satyagraha at Bihpur in Bhagalpur was led by Mahadev Lal Sarraf, Deep Narayan
Singh, Rameshwar, Narayan Agrawal.

➢ Tamil Nadu - C Rajagopalachari organised a march to Tanjore Coast.

➢ Malabar - K. Kelappan, known for Vailkom Satyagraha organised a salt march.
➢ Orissa- Gopal Bandhu Chaudhuri
➢ Bihar- Non chowkidari tax was imposed
➢ Peshawar- Badshah khan/ khan Abdulgaffar khan (Frontier Gandhi) who organised
Khudai khidmatgars (red shirts). Under leadership of Chandra Singh Garhwali, the
soldiers of Garhwal Regiment refused to fire on the revolutionaries in the CDM at

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➢ Manipur and Nagaland- Rani Gaidinliu (started ‘Jiatrang Movement.’ in Manipur)

● 'Dash Roja' periodical was started by Abdul Gaffar Khan.

● Prabhawati Devi was a freedom fighter from Patna.
● Gandhi gave importance to the constructive programmes after the failure of the Civil
Disobedience Movement.In September, 1932 Mahatma Gandhi founded All India
Anti-Untouchability League for the welfare of Harijans and also published the weekly
magazine ‘Harijan.’

Gandhi-Irwin Pact

● The Gandhi-Irwin Pact was a political agreement signed by Mahatma Gandhi and
Viceroy Lord Irwin on 5th March, 1931 before the Second Round Table Conference in
● Talks between Gandhi and Irwin started in February 1931 with the efforts of Tej Bahadur
Sapru and M.R. Jaykar.
● Provisions - Discontinuation of CDM + Participation of INC in 2nd Round Table
Conference + release of prisoners who were not charged with violence + Withdrawal of
all ordinances issued by British Government.
● Sarojani Naidu termed Irwin and Gandhi as ‘Two Mahatmas’.
● Alan Campbell Johnson termed Mahatma Gandhi’s gain in the Gandhi-Irwin Pact as
“Consolation Prizes”

Karachi Session of Congress (1931)

● INC held Karachi Session (March, 1931; Vallabh Bhai Patel as President ) to pass the
Gandhi- Irwin Pact (Delhi Pact)-----> for the first time resolutions on Fundamental Rights
and National Economic Policies were also passed.
● Resolutions on Fundamental Rights and National Economic Policies were drafted by
Jawaharlal Nehru (M N Roy helped.)
● Subhash Chandra Bose regarded the Karachi Session of Indian National Congress as
the ‘pinnacle of Mahatma Gandhi’s popularity and prestige.

Chronology of Events:

Gandhi-Irwin Pact (March 5, 1931)---> Execution of Bhagat Singh (March 23, 1931)--->
Karachi Session of Congress (March 26-31, 1931)---> Second Round Table
Conference(September 7, 1931)---> Poona Pact(September 24, 1932)

Round Table Conference(RTC)

● The British Government organised the 1st Round Table Conference in London in
November 1930 but Congress did not participate.
● Tej Bahadur Sapru, Srinivas Shastri, Md. Ali, Md. Shafi , Agha Khan, Fajlul Haq, Md. Ali
Jinnah, Homi Modi, M.R. Jaykar, Munje, B.R. Ambedkar and Sundar Singh Majithiya, etc
were the ones who participated in the 1st Round Table Conference.

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● Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar was the only Indian representative who attended all three Round
Table Conferences.
● K.T. Paul represented Indian Christians in the 1st RTC.
● Conference was chaired by British Prime Minister Ramsay Mac Donald.
● Gandhi did not participate in 1st RTC & only attended 2nd RTC.
● Second Round Table Conference held between 7th September, 1931 and 1st
December, 193. Leaders like Sarojini Naidu and Madan Mohan Malviya and Annie
Besant were present.
Note: Aga Khan Palace served as the prison for Mahatma Gandhi in Pune from August 1942 to
May 1944. “Operation Rubicon” was the code word proposed to be adopted by the British
Government in India with reference to Gandhi's fast into death in this jail.
● GOI Act,1919(Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms) Features - Indian Legislative Council @
centre was replaced by a bicameral system consisting of Council of State (Upper House)
and legislative Assembly (Lower House) + Introduced dyarchy in the provinces +
Elections of Central legislative Assembly under this act were held in the years 1926 and
● Leaders participated in the 2nd Round Table Conference(1932) - Mahatma
Gandhi(represented Congress in this conference + Congress participated for the first
time in the Second Round Table Conference + Gandhi participated in only 2nd
Conference), Sarojini Naidu, Madan Mohan Malviya, Annie Besant, Mahadev Desai, B.R.
Ambedkar etc. (Jawaharlal Nehru had not participated). + Pyarelal Nayyar participated as
the private secretary of Mahatma Gandhi. + Gandhi visited London to participate in 2nd
Round Table Conference by Ship “S.S. Rajputana” and stayed in “Kingsley Hall” of
● Second Round Table Conference ended in December, 1931 - Conference failed
completely due to dispute on communal matters. Dalit leader B.R. Ambedkar demanded
separate electorates for depressed classes which were refused by Gandhi.
● 1st, 2nd & 3rd Round Table Conference were not three separate conferences, but
ideally, it was three of a single Conference which was organised thrice. + Objective - to
discuss the Simon Commission Report and improvisation of the political situation.

● 1st RTC was conducted from 12 November 1930 to 19 January 1931. (Lord Irwin was
the viceroy of India + Muslim league sent Aga Khan, Maulana Mohammad Ali Jauhar
and others.)
● 2nd RTC was held in London from 7 September 1931 to 1 December 1931.
● 3rd RTC took place between 17 November 1932 and 24 December 1932.(Only 46
delegates total took part + Lord Willingdon was the viceroy of India.)
● In the 1st Round Table Conference, Dr. Ambedkar demanded separate electorates for
the depressed classes. + Indian National Congress participated only in the 2nd RTC
and boycotted 3rd and 1st RTC.
● Civil Disobedience was resumed after the failure of the Round Table Conferences. On
January, 1932, Gandhi
● was arrested.April 1934, Gandhi decided to withdraw the civil disobedience movement.

● Rahmat Ali wrote the Pamphlet, "Now or Never” addressing British and Indian delegates
during 3rd RTC.

Communal Award (August 16, 1932)

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● British PM, Ramsay MacDonald, announced the Communal Award ('McDonald Award’)
based on the findings of Indian Franchise Committee (also known as the Lothian
Committee) -separate electorates for the ‘Depressed Classes’, the Muslims, the
Europeans, the Sikhs, the Anglo-Indians and the Indian-based Christians.
● The number of reserved seats for depressed classes in Provincial Legislatures was 71 in
the Communal Award
● Congress decided neither to accept it nor reject it. But Ambedkar was in favour of the
award. + Mahatma Gandhi On September 20, 1932, began his first Fast unto death to
protest Communal Award + Fast ended on 24 September, 1932 after Poona Pact
between followers of Gandhi and Ambedkar.
● On 14 August, 1931, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar said “Mahatma Gandhi is like a fleeting
phantom, raises dust but not the level”

Poona Pact (Sep 24, 1932)

● It was signed at the Yerwada Central Jail in Pune by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar and
Mahatma Gandhi.
● The purpose of Poona Pact was: To provide representation of untouchables (Depressed
● Abandoned separate electorates for depressed classes.
● Seats reserved for depressed classes was increased from 71 to 147 in provincial
● Gandhi’s Harijan Campaign 1932 - After Poona Pact, 1932, Mahatma Gandhi took
established “All India
● Untouchability League” (later changed to “Harijan Sevak Sangh'' + started weekly
Harijan in January 1933). Ghanshyam Das Birla was the first President.
Note: 1) Depressed Class League was founded by Babu Jagjivan Ram. 2) All India Scheduled
Caste Federation was founded by
B.R. Ambedkar in 1942. 3) All India Depressed Classes Association was founded in 1926 by
M.C. Rajah.

Congress Socialist Party (1934)

● Congress Socialist Party was formed by Acharya Narendra Dev(President), Jai Prakash
Narayan(appointed as General Secretary) and Minoo Masani in 1934 in Patna.(1st
Session held in 1934). Influenced by Fabianism as well as Marxism, the CSP advocated
armed struggle as well as non-violent resistance + Promoted decentralised socialism.
● Phulan Prasad Varma formed the Bihar Socialist Party in 1931. Jai Prakash Narayan, Sri
Narayan Singh, Gangasharan Singh, Rambriksh Benipuri and Ramanand Mishra etc.
were associated with Bihar Socialist Party. +

Jai Prakash Narayan - known as “Loknayak” + In April, 1946, ‘Jaiprakash Day’ was celebrated
+ declared “Sampoorna Kranti” at Gandhi Maidan Patna on 5 June, 1974 + awarded “Bharat
Ratna” posthumously in 1999.

● ‘Bombay Manifesto’ was a deal that was signed in the year 1936 by 21 businessmen +
supported by the business community.

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● Nehru became champion of socialism & wanted to overthrow British rule, Princely states,
landlordism and Capitalism in 1933. Nehru's socialism was influenced from Soviet Union
as he travelled to the Soviet Union in November, 1927.

Provincial Election and Formation of Cabinet (1937)

● Provincial assembly elections were held in 1936-37 under the Indian Government Act,
1935. The elections were held in eleven provinces, i.e., - Madras, Central province, Bihar,
Orissa, United Province, Bombay Presidency, Assam, NWFP, Bengal, Punjab and Sindh
in which Congress won a full majority in 5 provinces – Madras, Bihar, Central Provinces
and Berar, United Province and Orissa + Congress emerged as a single largest party in
Bombay, Assam and North Western Province + Only in Bengal, Punjab and Sindh
Congress did not secure enough support (as mostly Muslim Population)
● In July 1937, Congress formed a cabinet at 6 provinces - Madras, Bombay, Central
Province, Orissa, Bihar, United Province and with other parties supporting Congress
formed a coalition government in the Assam and North Western Provinces.
● The tenure of the Congress ministries formed in the elections of 1937 after the Act of
1935 was 28 months. All Indian Muslims to celebrate 22nd December, 1939 (Friday) as
Day of Deliverance due to the resignation of Congress Ministries.
● Congress won 134 seats of the 228 seats in the United Province Provincial Assembly
election held in 1937. Chief Minister was Gobind Vallabh Pant and Kailash Nath Katju
was Law and Justice Minister in the Government while the Finance Department was
given to Rafi Ahmad Kidwai.
● Following reports connected with Muslim grievances in the Congress administered
provinces - Pirpur Report (1938), Shareef Report (March, 1939) & Fazul Haq Report (
December, 1939)
● Central Legislative Assembly Elections of the year 1926 and 1945 were held under the
provisions of Government of India Act 1919 whereas the 1937 elections were held as per
the provisions of the Government of India Act 1935.

Tripuri Crisis of Congress (1939) (Haripura and Tripuri Sessions)

● Subhash Chandra Bose was president of the Bengal Provincial Congress Committee. He
announced the formation of the Independence League; fully endorsed the ‘Poorna
Swaraj’ decision.

Haripura session (1938)

● Bose was elected President of Congress in Haripura Session (Gujarat) of February,
1938, unopposed (played key role in setting up of a National planning committee later)

Tripuri session (1939)

● Bose was re-elected as President of Tripuri Session(Jabalpur, MP) (1939) of INC by
defeating Pattabhi Sitaramayya (who was supported by Gandhiji).
● But on the question of the formation of the Working Committee, the dispute between
Gandhi and Bose came on the surface. After that, Bose resigned, and Dr. Rajendra
Prasad became President of Congress.
● Subhash Chandra Bose looked upon a war between Germany and Britain as a godsent
opportunity which would enable Indians to exploit the situations to their advantage. He
believed in an old saying of Ireland 'Need of England is an opportunity for Ireland'.

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Indian Princely States

● Butler Committee(1927) - It was constituted to study the relation between the Indian
Government and Indian Princely States and to recommend Economic and the Financial
reforms for British India and the Indian Princely States.
● All India State People’s Conference (December, 1927) - Imp Leaders - Balwant Rai
Mehta, Manilal Kothari and G.R. Abhyankar. Jawaharlal Nehru was elected as President
of All India State Peoples Conference in 1939 to represent the common National interest
of political struggles of the Princely States and British India.
● All Princely States merged in the Union of India in 1947 except Junagarh, Jammu &
Kashmir and Hyderabad joined the Union of India till the end of 1948. The Integration of
Princely states had taken proper shape in his Sardar Patel leadership.
● On 26 October, 1947 the Maharaja of Kashmir, Hari Singh handed over the 'Instrument of
Accession' (IOA) to Jawaharlal Nehru. J.L. Nehru appointed Sheikh Abdullah as Prime
Minister and the Indian Army entered in Jammu and Kashmir on 27 October, 1947 to
repel the invaders.
● During the time of Partition of India, Punjab province came forward with a plan for a
United and Independent existence, but it was due to the effort of Sardar Vallabh Bhai
Patel that PEPSU came into existence (Eastern Punjab, Patiala, and the hilly States).
● A Standstill Agreement was signed between the State of Hyderabad and Dominion of
India on 29 November, 1947.
● Hyderabad was integrated using police action whereas Junagadh and Sikkim (Sikkim
later in 1974) through a referendum. An instrument of accession integrated Kashmir.

Second World War

The outbreak of 2nd WW (1939) evoked a variety of responses among Indian people. Congress
demanded the independence of India for India’s participation in the war. Winston Churchill was
the Prime Minister of Britain during the 2nd World War.

Sep 1, 1939: WW2 broke out and the British declared India’s support for war without consulting
Indian elected councils.

Sep 10-14, 1939: At CWC meeting at Wardha:

● Gandhi- for unconditional support for British efforts.
● Bose- take advantage of British difficulties and start a mass movement
● Nehru- Believed that Justice was on the side of Britain but he also believed that Britain
was an imperialist power; advocated no Indian participation till India itself was free; no
advantage of Britain’s difficulty.
● CWC Resolution: No Indian Participation unless freedom is granted; Government should
declare its war aims soon.

On October 17, 1939 Lord Linlithgow declared India in the war against Germany. Congress
cabinets had resigned from all the provinces (after 28 months of tenure) for declaring war without
the consent of the Indian Legislature.

Demand for Pakistan

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● The idea of a separate homeland for Muslims was firstly proposed by Mohammad Iqbal
in the Allahabad Session (1930) of Muslim League .
● Whereas the word ‘Pakistan’ was firstly used by a student named Chaudhary Rehmat Ali
in 1933 in his pamphlet “Now or Never.
● Muslim League in its Lahore session of March 1940 passed the Pakistan resolution.
Drafted by Sikandar Hayat Khan and presented on 23 March 1940 by Fazlul Haque and
approved by Khaliquzzaman.
● In 1919, Sarojini Naidu hailed Md Jinnah as “Ambassador of Hindu-Muslim Unity.”
● Muhammad Iqbal during a meeting with Nehru remarked” you (Nehru) are a patriot,
while Jinnah is a politician.
● Jinnah was a supporter of two-nation theory. From March 22 to 24, 1940, the session of
Muslim League was held at Lahore. Jinnah led the movement for the separate State
Pakistan. He said he would not accept anything other than a separate Muslim Nation. In
commemoration of this day Muslim League celebrated the Pakistan Day on 23rd d
March, 1943. (Jinnah did not participate in the Non-Cooperation Movement)

August Offer (1940)

● Main Points : Dominion status of Westminster variety to be the long-term objective + After
the war, Constituent assembly to be formed comprising mainly Indians + Formation of a
war advisory council + Minorities’ consent to be essential for any future settlement.
● Congress rejected the offer. For the first time, the inherent right of Indians to frame their
own constitution was recognized; congress demand for a constituent assembly was
● The National Defence council was set up which was purely advisory in function.

Individual Satyagraha (1940)

● After rejecting the August offer, the Indian National Congress started Individual
Satyagraha under the Leadership of Gandhiji.
● Individual Satyagraha started on 17th October, 1940.
● Vinoba Bhave (First Satyagrahi, 17th October 1940): Anti-war speech, ‘Delhi Chalo’
movement, inaugurated at Paunar village near Wardha. Vinoba Bhave established
“Sarvodaya Samaj” to propagate the ideals of Gandhiji.(Sarvodaya” word was firstly used
by Mahatma Gandhi)
● Jawaharlal Nehru (Second Satyagrahi); By May 1941, more than 25,000 Satyagrahis had
been arrested for offering individual satyagraha.

Some Other Prominent Individual

Satyagrahi and the Places

● Acharya Vinoba Bhave - Pawnar

● Yatiyatanlal Jain - Raipur
● Ramgopal Tiwari - Bilaspur
● Ratnakar Jha - Durg

Cripps Mission (March 1942)

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● Headed by Stafford Cripps(British PM Winston Churchill sent Cripps Mission); sent to

India with constitutional proposals to seek Indian support for the war.
● Main Points : An Indian Union with dominion status, with right to withdraw from the
Commonwealth + After war, a Constituent assembly elected by provincial assemblies to
frame the constitution + Freedom to any province unwilling to join the Union to have a
separate agreement with Britain (Right of Non-accession of provinces) + Right of
secession of provinces + Defence of India will remain in British hands (Viceroy)
● Congress objections: Dominion status, right of provinces to secede, No immediate
transfer of power and Retention of governor-general’s supremacy.
● Muslim League objections: Pakistan not explicitly offered
● Jawaharlal Nehru and Maulana Azad were the official negotiators from the Congress side
in talks with Cripps Mission.
● Gandhi termed this deal as a post-dated cheque.
● Lord Linlithgow called the Movement of Gandhi as ‘Political Blackmail.’ Viceroy and
Governor-General Lord Linlithgow’s tenure was the longest in India. He was the
longest-serving Viceroy of India from 1936 to 1943. The Quit India Movement was
launched by Mahatma Gandhi during his tenure.

Quit India Movement

● The failure of Cripps Mission (1942) led to Quit India Movement.

● CWC Meeting at Wardha (14th July 1942)- adopted the Quit India resolution (Nehru
proposed, Patel seconded). Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, Sarojini Naidu, Jawaharlal
Nehru, Vallabh Bhai Patel, Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Mahatma Gandhi etc. had taken part
and passed a resolution named ‘Quit India Movement’, was chaired by the then
Congress President Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. The draft of the “Quit India” resolution
was prepared by Gandhiji.
● Maulana Abul Kalam Azad was President of INC when ‘Quit India Resolution’ was
passed. He became President of Congress in the Ramgarh Session(1940) and no
session of Congress was held during 1941-1945.

➢ Quit India resolution:8th Aug 1942: AICC ratified the Quit India resolution at Gowalia
Tank Maidan in Bombay.
➢ Quit India movement began on 9th August, 1942.
➢ Demand immediate end of British rule + Commitment of free India to defend itself against
fascism and imperialism + Form provisional Government of India after British withdrawal.
➢ Gandhiji gave the call “Do or Die,”. The statement, “We shall either free India or die in the
attempt” is associated with Quit India Movement.
➢ The American journalist Louis Fischer was with Gandhiji at the time of Quit India
➢ But before the Movement could be launched Gandhiji and all other leaders of the
Congress were imprisoned under Operation Zero Hour. Gandhiji and Sarojini Naidu were
kept in Agha Khan Palace at Poona (now Pune). Dr. Rajendra Prasad, was arrested in
Patna under Bharat Security Rules and sent to Patna (Bankipur) jail. Shiv Kumar and
Ramanand were arrested from Hazaribagh (Patna). (With the news of Gandhi and other
Congress leaders' arrest in 1942, a riot in Bihar took place, leading to a total breakdown
in the rail services. The most affected area was Munger)
➢ Riots generated due to the Quit India Movement mostly spread in Bihar and Uttar
Pradesh (United Provinces).

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➢ The involvement of peasants in Quit India Movement made the struggle more violent.
This forced Linlithgow to describe the Quit India Movement launched on 9th August,
1942 as the most serious rebellion since Sepoy Mutiny of 1857.
➢ The Hindu Mahasabha, Communist Party of India, Unionist Party of Punjab and Muslim
League did not support the ‘Quit India Movement.’
➢ Aruna Asaf Ali presided over congress and hoisted the flag on Aug 9 Public activity.
➢ Underground activity: Participants were Socialists, Forward Bloc members, Gandhi
Ashramites, revolutionary nationalists and local organisations. The main personalities are
Rammanohar Lohia, JP Narayan, Aruna Asaf Ali, Usha Mehta, Achyut Patwardhan,
Sucheta Kriplani and RP Goenka.
➢ Usha Mehta started an underground radio in Bombay. Ram Manohar Lohia was regularly
broadcasted on the radio.
➢ All India Azad Dasta at Bakri Ka Tapu was organised during the Quit India Movement by
Jayprakash Narayan. Jai Prakash Narayan got the recognition as a national leader
during Quit India Movement (escaped from a high-security prison and organised
underground activities)

Gandhi’s general instructions:

● Government servants - Don’t resign but declare allegiance to Congress

● Soldiers - Don’t leave army but don’t fire on compatriots
● Students - If confident, leave studies
● Peasants - Pay rent only if zamindar is anti-government
● Princes - Support masses accept sovereignty of your people
● Princely states’ people - Support only anti-government princes

Parallel governments

● Ballia (August, 1942) - Chittu Pandey for a week

● Tamluk (Midnapore) - from August, 1942 to September, 1944 ; Jatiya Sarkar
established under Satish Samant, organised Vidyut Vahinis.
● Satara (Maharashtra) - it was the longest-running Government(1943 to 1945). Y.B.
Chavan and Nana Patil were the main leaders.
● Talcher, Orissa- Laxman Nayak emerged as an important tribal and rebel leader.
● Parallel governments were also established at Azamgarh, Ghazipur, Monghyr,
Muzaffarpur etc in UP and Bihar.

The Commander in Chief of the Indian Army during the Quit India Movement was Lord

➢ The Movement of 1942 mostly affected the State of Mumbai, Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, Uttar
.Pradesh and Madras
➢ Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) was isolated from Quit India Movement, 1942.
From 1940 to the end of colonial power in 1947, RSS did not take part in any National
➢ Muslim League had condemned the Movement under the leadership of Jinnah. Jinnah
said that if the British leave India, the lawlessness will capture India. As a result, Muslims
came closer to the British.
➢ Gandhi commenced a fast in jail (Aga Khan Palace Pune) on 10th February 1943.

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➢ The Quit India Movement, though short-lived and badly crushed, gave the signals that
British rule was not wanted in India.

● Famine of 1943: worst affected= South West Bengal

Rajagopalachari Formula (1944)

● To solve the political deadlock between INC and All India Muslim League on
Independence of India from the British.
● After the end of war, the entire population of Muslim majority areas in NW, NE India to
decide by a plebiscite, whether or not to form sovereign state + If partition, agreement to
be made jointly for safeguarding defence, commerce, commn, etc.
● Objections: Jinnah wanted only Muslims of North west, North east India to vote + Hindu
leaders under Savarkar condemned CR Plan.

Desai-Liaquat Pact: draft proposal for the formation of an interim government at the centre,
consisting of: Equal number of persons nominated by Muslim league and Congress in central
legislature + 20% reserved seats for minorities + No settlements could be reached.

Wavell Plan (1945)

● Main Points : Except Governor General and Commander-in-chief, all executive council
members were
to be Indians + Hindus and Muslims in equal numbers + Reconstructed council was to function
as an interim government within 1935 framework (not responsible to Central Legislative
Assembly) + G-G was to ex his veto on advice of ministers + Possibilities were to be kept open
for negotiations on a new constitution once the war
won finally.
● Muslim League wanted all Muslims to be its nominees and claimed a communal veto in
the executive council. Congress objected to being painted purely as a caste Hindu party.

Subhash Chandra Bose and Azad Hind Fauj (INA)

● Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose was born on 23 January, 1897(Cuttack,Odisha) +

graduated from Calcutta University(1919) + was selected in I.C.S. (Indian Civil Services)
in 1920 + became President of Congress in 1938 and 1939 + resigned from the
Presidentship of Congress after the Tripuri Crisis and Founded ‘Forward Bloc in 1939 +
fled to Germany in 1942. In 1943, he led Azad Hind Fauj. He is better known as Netaji.
Subhash Bose political guru- Chittaranjan Das.
(Sheel Bhadra Yajee was a freedom fighter from Bihar who joined Subhas Chandra Bose to
found All India Forward Bloc and actively associated with the INA movement )
● The Indian National Army (INA) was the brainchild of Giani Pritam Singh Dhillon along
with Major Iwaichi Fujiwara and Captain Mohan Singh in February/March, 1942. The
Indian Prisoners of War of the British Army that were captured by Japan first formed this
army under Mohan Singh in 1942.
● The official formation of the first division of INA took place on 1st September, 1942 and
Mohan Singh was the first Commander of the Indian National Army.

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● Major General Shahnawaz Khan, Colonel Prem Kumar Sahgal, Colonel Shaukat Ali
Malik and Major Kartar Singh were associated with the Azad Hind Fauj.
● The INA eventually disbanded but was formed again under the guidance of Netaji
Subhas Chandra Bose.
● Rash Behari Bose founded the Indian club of Tokyo.
● On October 21, 1943, Bose formed the Provisional government for Free India at
Singapore with HC Chatterjee (Finance portfolio), MA Aiyar (Broadcasting), Lakshmi
Swaminathan (Women department) etc. The famous slogan “Give me blood, I will give
you freedom” in Malaya.
● Women’s regiment called Rani Jhansi regiment was formed.
● INA HQ shifted to Rangoon in 1944.
● Subhash Chandra Bose raised an army called ‘Free Indian Legion’
● Rabindranath Tagore bestowed Subhash Chandra Bose with the title of ‘Desh Nayak’ or
‘National Leader’ in 1938 at Shantiniketan, after Subhash Chandra Bose became the
President of INC. Mahatma Gandhi called him ‘Patriot of Patriots.’
● The Slogan ‘Jai Hind’ was given by S.C. Bose.
● ‘Azad Hind Fauj Day’ was observed on November 12, 1945.
● Soldiers of Azad Hind Fauj P.K. Sehgal, Shahnawaz and Gurubaksh Singh Dhillon were
prosecuted for waging war against the British Emperor. Rashid Ali was sentenced to
seven-year imprisonment. The trial of the Officers of the I.N.A. was held at Red Fort.
Delhi (1945)
● The Congress formed a Defence Committee composed of 17 advocates including
Bhulabhai Desai, Tej Bahadur Sapru, K.N. Katju, J.L. Nehru and Asaf Ali. Bhulabhai was
the leading counsel for the defence. Muslim League also joined in this all India agitation.
(Bhulabhai Desai headed the group of advocates + Vallabh Bhai Patel was not included
in the INA ‘Red Fort trial in 1945 )
● Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru was able to secure a majority for his plan of Guerilla war against
the Japanese due to India’s clear stand against Nazism, Fascism and Imperialism.

Cabinet Mission Plan (1946)

● Feb 1946: Atlee government decided to send Pethick Lawrence (Secretary of state),
Stafford Cripps (President of Board of Trade) and AV Alexander (1st Lord of Admiralty)
for peaceful transfer of power to India. Pethick Lawrence was the chairman of the

● Main Point -
1. Rejection of the demand for a full-fledged Pakistan.
2. The Cabinet Mission proposed a three-tier polity for India.
3. Grouping provincial assemblies into 3 sections: Section A: Hindu Majority provinces-
Madras, Bombay, Central Province, United Province, Bihar, Odisha + Section B: Muslim
majority provinces- Punjab, North west Frontier Province, Sindh + Section C: Muslim
majority provinces- Bengal and Assam.
4. Constituent Assembly elected by provincial assemblies by proportional representation
5. Reconstitution of the Viceroy’s Executive Council in which all the portfolios including that
of War Members were to be held by the Indian leaders.
6. Provinces—full autonomy and residual powers
7. Lapse of paramountcy
8. After 1st general elections, a province was free to come out of group and after 10 years,
a province was to be free to call for a reconsideration of the group or union constitution.

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● Analysis: Congress: Against creation of Pakistan; one constituent assembly and league
no longer had a veto + Muslim league: Pakistan implied in compulsory grouping.
● Congress Objections: Provinces should not have to wait till 1st general elections to leave
a group + Compulsory grouping contradicts insistence on provincial autonomy + Absence
of provinces for elected members from princely states in Constituent assembly
● Mahatma Gandhi was totally in favour of the Cabinet Mission Plan.
● Muslim League Objections: Grouping to be compulsory with right to secede.
● Abul Kalam Azad negotiated with both Cripps Mission and Lord Wavell. He presided over
Congress from 1940 to 1946. He negotiated with the members of the Cabinet Mission on
6 April, 1946.
● Under the Cabinet Mission, the total number of seats allocated to each province in the
Constituent Assembly was roughly in the ratio of one representative to the population of
10 lakh persons on a communal basis.
● The last opportunity to avoid the partition of India was lost with the rejection of Cabinet

(‘It made its proposals in May. It still wanted a united India. There was to be the Federal Union
composed of British provinces’. The above quotation is related to Cabinet Mission )

Constituent Assembly (1946)

● The very first idea of Constituent Assembly was enshrined in Swaraj Bill of 1895, which
was prepared under Bal Gangadhar Tilak’s directions but officially it was said in the
Faizpur Congress Session in 1936. Finally, the Constituent Assembly that framed India’s
constitution was set up under the Cabinet Mission.
● The first session of the Constituent Assembly was held in December, 1946 Rajendra
Prasad was elected as the President of the Constituent Assembly on 11 December,
1946. (Sachchidanand Sinha was associated with the Quit India Movement. He was
elected as temporary President in the first session of the Constituent Assembly (9
December, 1946))
● Dr. Rajendra Prasad was the President of the Indian Constituent Assembly. Dr. B. R.
Ambedkar was President of the Drafting Committee. Jawaharlal Nehru was President of
the Union Power Committee, Union Constitution Committee and States
Committee.Vallabhbhai Patel was President of Advisory Committee on Fundamental
Rights, Minorities, Tribal and excluded areas.
● G. V. Mavlankar held the office of Speaker of the Central Legislative Assembly of the
British era (1946 to 14 Aug, 1947) and was speaker of Lok Sabha after Independence
from 1952 to 1956.

Formation of Interim Government (September 2, 1946)

12th August, 1946 - Lord Wavell invited Congress President Jawahar Lal Nehru to form the
interim Government.
24th August, 1946 - Congress(under Jawaharlal Nehru leadership) announced the first Interim
Government of India.
2nd September, 1946 - First Interim Government of India was formed + Muslim league didn’t
participate in the beginning.

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Leaders Portfolios Held

Jawaharlal Nehru Vice President of Executive council, External Affairs and

Commonwealth Relations

Sardar Vallabhbhai Home, Information and Broadcasting


Dr. Rajendra Prasad Food and Agriculture

Dr. John Mathai Industries and Supplies

Jagjivan Ram Labour

Sardar Baldev Singh Defence

CH Bhabha Works, Mines and Power

Liaqat Ali Khan Finance

Abdur Rab nishtar Posts and Air

Asaf ali Railways and Transport

C Rajagopalachari Education and Arts

Ibrahim Ismail Commerce


Gaznafar Ali Khan Health

Joginder Nath Law


Partition of India and Independence

Clement R. Attlee was the Prime Minister of Britain when India got Independence from Britishers
& George VI was the British monarch (Attlee declared in the House of Commons on February,
20, 1947 that British will leave India before June, 1948)

Atlee’s statement (Feb 20, 1947)

1. The British would withdraw from India by 30th June 1948.

2. Wavell would be replaced by Lord Mountbatten as Viceroy.
3. Power may be transferred to one centre or in some areas to existing provincial
4. British powers and obligations vis-à-vis princely states would lapse with transfer of
power, but these would not be transferred to any successor government in British

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Note : When Lord Mountbatten came to India as Viceroy, he was given specific
instructions to keep India United if possible; however he was authorised to make
decisions according to favourable Indian circumstances and minimum British loss.

Mountbatten Plan (June 3, 1947)

Lord Mountbatten came to India in March, 1947 with the purpose to give complete
independence to India. Mountbatten Plan became the basis for Partition of India.

1. Punjab and Bengal assemblies to take decision partition.

2. Sindh to take its own decision.
3. Referendum in NWFP and Sylhet district.
4. Two dominions to be created if partition is to take place, with 2 constituent assemblies.
5. Freedom to be granted on Aug 15, 1947.
6. July 18, 1947: The Indian Independence Act, 1947 got royal assent.
7. Sir Cyril Radcliff established the Boundary Commission to fix the International

● Congress leaders agreed on Partition's only choice to check the widespread communal
violence and bloodshed.
● Jawaharlal Nehru and Sardar Patel represented Indian National Congress in the
partition council headed by Lord Mountbatten.

Note: Plan Balkan - After arriving in India to negotiate terms for an Independent India,
Mountbatten soon concluded that transfer of power to one central representative constituency
assembly for India would be impossible to achieve as neither the India National Congress nor the
Muslim League could agree to the terms, and he accordingly came up with ‘Plan Balkan’,
separate dominion for Pakistan, the Princely States and the rest of British India with certain key
areas of administration run by Central Government.

● The 1st meeting between Gandhi and Mountbatten had taken place on 31st March ,
1947. As an alternative to the partition of India, Gandhiji suggested to Mountbatten that
Jinnah take over as Prime Minister of Interim Government (however this is not
acceptable to Congress Leaders).
● When the Congress Committee accepted the proposal of divided India in Delhi on 15th
June, 1947, J.B. Kriplani was the President of Indian National Congress. This proposal
was presented by Govind Vallabh Pant and supported by Maulana Azad, Sardar Patel
and Jawaharlal Nehru. (Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan (Seemant Gandhi) voted against the
partition of India. )
● Dr. Kitchlew termed the partition of India as “Surrender of nationalism in favour of
● The Constituent Assembly, as the Provisional Parliament, assumed Sovereign power at
midnight on August 14-15, 1947. Jawaharlal Nehru delivered a speech as India’s 1st
Prime Minister in the Constituent Assembly in New Delhi at midnight on August 14-15,
● In the Central Assembly at the midnight of August 14/15, 1947, M.S. Subbulakshmi sang
“Jan-Gan-Man’ and “Sare Jahan Se Acchha Hindostan Hamara' ' written by Iqbal.

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● Lord Mountbatten (1947-48) was the 1st Governor-General of Independent India (& last
viceroy) while C. Rajagopalachari (1948-50) was the 1st & last Indian Governor-General
of Independent India.
● Dr. B. R. Ambedkar was the first Law Minister of Independent India and also President of
the Drafting Committee of the Constitution.
● Mahatma Gandhi did not participate anywhere in the Independence Day celebration on
15 August, 1947. He was saddened by the partition of the country.
● January 26,1950 was chosen for the enforcement of the Constitution because: Congress
had celebrated 26 January 1930 as the first Independence Day. (‘Purna Swaraj’ or
Complete Independence was accepted as the goal of the Congress )
● R. Coupland wrote that – “India Nationalism was the child of British Rule.”
● K. M. Panikkar stated that “the most important achievement of British Rule was the
unification of the entire Indian subcontinent.

Indian Independence Act (5th July 1947)

1. It resulted in two new dominion states from the Indian Empire- India and Pakistan.
2. East Bengal, West Punjab, Sind, and Province of Baluchistan constituted Pakistan and the remaining
portions were termed as India.
3. Until the introduction of new constitutions, the new dominions were also governed under the Government of
India Act, 1935
4. The act subsequently dissolved into Article 395 of the Constitution of India and Article 221 of the
Constitution of Pakistan.
5. M.A Jinnah became the first Governor-General of Pakistan; India however decided to request Lord
Mountbatten to continue as GG of India.

Overview of Constitutional Development of India

Constitutional Development between 1773 and 1858

Regulating Act of 1773

● Recognized EIC’s role in political and administrative (beyond trading) and introduced
element of centralised administration.
● Appointment of a Governor-General of Fort William in Bengal with supervisory powers
over the Presidencies of Madras (now Chennai) and Bombay (now Mumbai).
● In Bengal, Governor General with 4 council members- functions according to majority
● Warren Hastings was appointed the 1st Governor of Bengal.
● Established India’s 1st Supreme Court, at Fort William, Calcutta. (Sir Elijah Impey was
the first Chief Justice)
(According to the provisions of this Act, a Provincial Assembly was set up in Bihar in 1774.)

Pitt’s India Act of 1784

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● Dual system of control: Board of Control (Chancellor of exchequer, Secretary of State,

4 members of privy Council- appointed by Crown)—to control company’s civil, military,
revenue affairs and approve all dispatches.
● Governor General to have council of 3 (including Commander-in-chief), and
presidencies of Bombay and Madras were made subordinate to Governor General.
● Revenues of India were now controlled by the British Parliament.

Act of 1786

● Cornwallis made Governor General as well as Commander-in-chief.

● Cornwallis allowed to override council’s decision if he owned the responsibility for the

Charter Act of 1793

● Renewed EIC’s commercial privileges for next 20 years

● EIC empowered to give licences (‘privilege’/ ‘country trade’) to individuals as well as
Company’s employees to trade in India—made way for opium trade to China.
● Revenue administration separated from judicial functions.
● Home government members paid out of Indian revenues (this continued till 1919)

Note: Cornwallis judicial reforms of 1793 (Cornwallis Code) - Based on the principle of
Separation of Powers. (Lord Cornwallis was alarmed at the extent of power concentrated in
the District Collector and felt that such absolute power was undesirable in one person and it
would retard the improvement)

Charter Act of 1813

● Company’s monopoly over Indian trade ended (but retained China trade+ tea trade
(Chai aur China))
● Company to retain possession of territories and revenue for 20 more years
● It asserted the sovereignty of the British Crown over the Indian territories held by the
● 1 lakh for the education of Indian people.
● Christian missionaries allowed.

Charter Act of 1833

● 20-year lease to Company extended. Territories of India were to be governed in the

name of the Crown.
● Ended Company’s monopoly with China and Tea.

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● Ended all restrictions on European immigration and acquisition of property in India.

● Financial, legislative and administrative centralization of government in India:
1. G-G given power to superintend, control, direct all civil/ mil affairs of the company.
2. Bengal, Madras, Bombay, etc. under complete control of Governor General.
3. All revenues raised under authority of Governor General—would completely control
expenses too.
4. Madras and Bombay brought under Bengal
● A law member added to Governor General’s council
● No Indian citizen to be denied employment under the company based on religion,
colour, birth, descent, etc.

Charter Act of 1853

● Company to continue possessing territories unless Parliament provided otherwise

● Court of Directors strength reduced to 18
● services were thrown open to competition (no Company monopoly) (Macaulay
Committee was formed in 1854) to give effect to the scheme of appointment in Civil
Services through competition)
● Law member made full-time member of GG’s council
● Further separation of legislative and executive functions of Government of British
India.(1st time in India when the Legislative Council was established. The total
number of the members in the Legislative Council was 12)
● Local representation introduced in Indian legislature—Indian Legislative Council
● The Governor General could veto any bill of the legislative council.

Act for Better Government of India, 1858

● The East India Company was abolished and now Indian territories in Britain were to be
governed in the name of the British queen (it made India a direct British Colony).
● Ended doctrine of lapse as well as abolished the dual government.
● The powers of the company’s Court of directors were shifted to and vested in the
Secretary of
● State for India (First Secretary of State for India: Lord Stanley)
● The secretary of state was to be assisted by a Council of 15 members. The council
had only an advisory role.
● Governor-General became the viceroy (1st Viceroy - Lord Canning)

Indian Councils Act 1861

● The Portfolio system by Lord Canning laid the foundation of cabinet government in
● Empowered the Governor-General to issue an Ordinance.

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Indian Councils Act 1892

● Expanded legislative council

● Universities, district boards, municipalities, zamindars, trade bodies, and chambers of
commerce could recommend members to provincial councils—principle of
● Gave the members the right to ask questions on Budget or matters of public interest.
But none of them was given the right to ask supplementary questions.
● Element of indirect election introduced (‘election’ word NOT used)

Indian Councils Act 1909 (Morley-Minto Reforms)

● 1st attempt to bring in popular representation

● Expanded Imperial Legislative Council as well as Provincial Legislatures
● 1st time: Indian in GG’s Exe Council (Satyendra Prasad Sinha as Law member)
● Increased members of Provincial Executive Council
● Introduction of separate electorates for Muslims
● Income qualification for Muslim voters was kept lower than that of Hindus.
● System of election was indirect

This Act was the most short-lived of all of Britain’s constitutional experiments.

GoI Act 1919 (Montague Chelmsford Reforms)

● Indian Legislative Council replaced by bicameral system: majority in both houses—>

directly elected (restricted franchise).
● Communal electorates extended to Sikhs, Christians, Anglo-Indian also.
● Dyarchy in provinces. (reserved subjects were kept with the Governor. While
transferred subjects are kept with selected members of executive councils. Reserved
subjects like Finance, Law and order, Army, Police, etc. Transferred subjects like
Public health, educations, agriculture, Local Self-Government, etc )
● 1st time—separate budget for provinces and centre
● High Commissioner for India post created & appointed in London for 6 years to look
after trade of India with Europe
● Secretary of state to be paid out of British exchequer.

Note : On 20th August, 1917 the reform made by Edwin Montagu (Secretary of State of India)
and Lord Chelmsford is known as ‘Montagu Declaration.’

Government of India Act 1935

● Contemplated the establishment of an All-India Federation in which governors’

provinces and Chief commissioners’ provinces and those Indian states which sign
‘instrument of accession’ were to be included.
● Dyarchy was abolished in the Provinces and Provincial Autonomy and Bicameral

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Legislature were applied.

● Bicameral Federal Legislature
● No provision for joint sitting
● 3 lists- federal, provincial, concurrent; residuary with Governor General
● Dyarchy in provinces was abolished and provinces were given autonomy
● Bicameral legislature in 6: Madras, Bombay, UP, Bihar, Assam, Bengal.
● Principles of communal electorates and weightage were further extended to depressed
● classes, women and labour.
● Extended franchise to 10%
● Federal Court established in 1937.
● Abolished Indian Council of Secretary of State.

Note: The Simon Commission Report and three sessions of Round Table Conference in
1930, 1931 and 1932 respectively, made their recommendations which were embodied in
a White Paper published in 1933, which was considered by a Joint Select Committee of
the British Parliament were the baseline of the Government of India Act, 1935.

● Bengal Tenancy Act, 1885 recognised the rights of the tenants on land in Bengal and
● Montagu-Chelmsford Report recommended increasing the number of Indians in
administration and also recommended that the examination shall be jointly held in Britain
and India for Civil Services. On their recommendation, the Civil Services was held
together in England and India from 1922.
● From 1922 onwards, ICS exam began to be held in India. In 1924, Lee Commission had
recommended establishment of an independent and impartial Public Service Commission
for India and on the basis of such recommendation, the Union Public Service
Commission was established in 1926.
● Through Government of India Act, 1935, Public Service Commission were established
separately for both the Central and the State Government Services.
● Bombay, Madras and Calcutta High Courts were established in 1862 under the Indian
High Court Act of 1861.
● After the Nagpur Session (1920) of congress, the provincial congress committees were
constituted on linguistic basis. In 1948, Congress rejected the demand of formation of
provinces on linguistic basis.
● The real intention of the British to include the Princely States in the Federal Union
proposed by the India Act of 1935 was to use the princes to counterbalance the anti
imperialist doctrines of the nationalist leaders.
● Jawaharlal Nehru compared the Government of India Act, 1935 with “a car which has a
brake but no engine”.
● Indian National Congress rejected the Government of India Act, 1935 in Lucknow
Session, 1936. This session was presided by Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru.
● Jawaharlal Nehru criticised GOI Act, 1935 and called it “Charter of Slavery” (due to
safeguards and the special powers vested in the Governor-General)
● The “Instrumentation of Instruction” contained in the Government of India Act, 1935 was
incorporated in the Constitution of India in the year 1950 as Directive Principles of State
● Dr. B.R. Ambedkar said ‘I have not to beg pardon in connection with the allegation that in
the draft of the Constitution, a major part of the Government of India Act, 1935, has again
been reproduced’ in parliamentary debates regarding Constitution-making process.

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● Protection of Civil Rights Act (PCR Act), 1955 was enacted and notified on 8th May
1955. It was amended in 1976 and was renamed as "Protection of Civil Right Act, 1955".

Miscellaneous Modern History (Facts Revision)

❖ Lord Cornwallis was the first Governor-General who established a regular police force in
India on the British pattern.
❖ The Indian Penal Code (IPC) was drafted in 1860 on the recommendations of the 1st
law commission.
❖ The first democratically elected Communists party government was formed in Kerala in
April, 1957.
❖ Goa was included in the Union of India through a police action in 1961. Goa became a
Union Territory through 12th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1962 and later on became a
full-fledged state in 1987.
❖ In the 19th century the fear of Russian expansion towards India became the base of
Anglo-Afghan relationships. The treaty of Turkmenchay (1828) created fear among the
British due to the increasing influence of Russians.
❖ Farrukhsiyar imposed the Jizya tax again and Lord William Bentinck passed the Sati
Prevention Act
❖ Malcolm was an American priest who visited India and gave details of slavery in South
India in 1830, but his name is not associated with the end of Slavery.
❖ The first municipal corporation was set up in India in 1688 at Madras.
❖ The attitude of ‘Paternalism in Governance’ is associated with - Sir Thomas Munro
(1761-1827), Sir John Malcolm (1769-1833), Alfinston (1779-1859), Charles Metcalfe
(1785-1846) etc. They were the main proponents of the democratic character of Indian
villages. Munro instituted Ryotwari system in Madras in 1820
❖ The Orissa Famine of 1866-67 in India has been described as the ‘Sea of Calamity.’ The
Indian Famine Code, 1883 was prepared by the Strachey Commission.
❖ In 1793 Lord Cornwallis decided to divest Zamindars of policing duty and developed
thana system and each thana was
❖ placed under a new officer called Daroga. Thus, Daroga became the local representative
of "Aura and Authority of Company Bahadur".
❖ The first press in India was introduced by the Portuguese in 1550. The first printing press
of India was set up in 1556 at St. Paul's College, Goa.
❖ Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar initiated the concept of Widow Remarriage + Major-General
Sir William Henry Sleiman was best known for his work on suppression of thuggee + Lord
Hastings became Governor-General in 1813. In 1816, Lord Hastings finally decided to
suppress the Pindaris.
❖ Lala Lajpat Rai was a prolific writer and a nationalist leader of India. He wrote the
Biographies of Mazzini, Garibaldi, Shivaji, Dayananda and Shrikrishna. He visited the
USA & Japan. He became a member of the British Labor party in England. He was
elected to the Central Assembly. He was elected the president of the Indian National
Congress in 1920 at the Calcutta session.
❖ Lord Attlee said - The British Government is not responsible for the partition of India.
❖ Sachidanand Sinha said - "So always with the assent and often to the dictates of the
Chamber of Commerce, the Government of India is carried on and this is the 'White
Man's Burden"
❖ Louis Fisher said - "So long as this third power, i.e. England is here, our communal
differences would keep on troubling us". (Louis Fisher was an American journalist who,

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among his many works, also wrote a biography of Mahatma Gandhi, 'A Life of Mahatma
Gandhi' (1950))
❖ Jawaharlal Nehru said - “I am a socialist and a republican and am no believer in Kings
and Princes”.
❖ Ras Behari Bose said - "Avenge the blood of Indian Martyrs. Use your sword to Liberate
your Motherland. Stand up against the entire Anglo-America enemy"
❖ Jawaharlal Nehru had been described as the high priest of Communism in India.
❖ Frank Moraes was the biographer of Jawaharlal Nehru.
❖ Sir Leonel Curtis is known as the father of Dyarchy. His ideas concerning dyarchy were
important in the development of the Government of India act 1919.
❖ Boycott word is derived from the name of Captain Charles C. Boycott (1832–97), an Irish
land agent. He was the first one who used this as a political weapon in 1880.
❖ Sister Nivedita said - The British empire is rotten to the core, corrupt in every direction
and tyrannical and mean. She was a disciple of Swami Vivekananda.
❖ Annie Besant said - "I am an Indian Tom-Tom, whose work is waking up all the sleepers
so that they may wake and work for their motherland".
❖ Mahatma Gandhi in the Conference of Karachi Session on March 26, 1931 said - 'Gandhi
may die, but Gandhism will remain forever".
❖ Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel said in Constituent Assembly debates - "Can you show me one
free country where there are separate electorates .... The British element is gone, but
they have left mischief behind".
❖ G.B. Macaulay (aka Lord Macaulay) - Commenting on the policies of East India company
once he said "The Company is an anomaly, but it is part of a system where everything is
an anomaly". (Lord Macaulay - central figure in the language debate over which language
should be used as the medium of education in India + also prepared the draft of the
Indian Penal Code).
❖ Subhas Chandra Bose stated - “India’s salvation will not be achieved under the
leadership of Mahatma Gandhi”.
❖ Aurobindo Ghosh said, “Political Freedom is the life-breath of a nation”. ‘New Lamp for
Old’ is a title of a fiery series authored by Sri Aurobindo.
❖ Mahatma Gandhi & Jay Prakash Narayan - "Party Less Democracy' in India”
❖ Rajani Palme Dutt said - "They both fought and collaborated with imperialism". These
lines are related to INC.
❖ Mahatma Gandhi said : “Freedom is almost within reach, we have to seize it”. On the
same occasion, he gave the slogan of “Do or Die.”
❖ Dadabhai Naoroji stated - “Kings are made for Public; Public is not made for the King”.
❖ Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru stated - “Everything else can wait, but not agriculture.”
❖ K.G. Deshpande was in charge of a weekly published from Bombay called ‘Induprakash’.
❖ Gandhi and Tilak toured extensively in India for the cause of social development.
❖ G.V. Mavlankar who became the President of Central legislative assembly in 1946, was
the first Speaker to discard the official wig and presided over the house wearing the
Gandhi cap.
❖ Dr. R.C. Majumdar and Dr. S.N. Sen said - 'Indian nationalism in the middle of the 19th
century was in the Embryonic stage.
❖ Bhimrao Ambedkar was born to Bhimabai Sakpal and Ramji on April 14, 1891 in Madhya
Pradesh. On December 6, 1956 he died at his home in Delhi. He was posthumously
awarded the Bharat Ratna, India’s highest civilian honour in 1990.
❖ Sardar Patel in 1946 said - “It will be our blunder if we leave people of Bihar and their
Government unsafe before the violence and uncivilised attacks of league leaders”

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❖ British PM (after the 2nd World War) Clement Attlee said that " Imperialism is dead as a
dodo" (an extinct bird).
❖ Sir Stafford Cripps said - “Here is a revolution taking place and we should move quickly.
❖ Rabindranath Tagore was popularly called as Gurudev. He also became the first Asian to
become a Nobel laureate when he won Nobel Prize for his collection of poems, Gitanjali,
in 1913; he was awarded knighthood by the British King George V; established
Viswabharati University; two songs from his Rabindrasangit canon are now the national
anthems of India and Bangladesh. (He passed away on August 7, 1941)
❖ Rabindranath Tagore translated the National Anthem to English as 'Morning Song of
India' in February, 1919 during his brief stay at Madanapalle. It was given a tune by
Margaret Cousins.
❖ Mahatma Gandhi called Rabindranath, “The Great Sentinel of India.”
❖ Rabindranath Tagore did not favour the economic aspects of the Swadeshi Movement.
He portrayed the side effects of the economic aspects of the Swadeshi Movement in his
novel ‘Ghare Baire’.
❖ Jai Jawan Jai Kisan was a slogan given to India by the then Prime Minister of India, Shri
Lal Bahadur Shastri in 1965, in a public gathering at Ramlila Maidan, Delhi.
❖ Yusuf Meher Ali - He coined the term 'Simon Go Back'. He coined the term "Quit India"
and was part of the Quit India Movement along with Mahatma Gandhi.
❖ The first cloth mill established in Bombay in the year 1854, was the first cotton textile mill
of Bombay. It was established by a Parsi cotton merchant Cawasji Dabar.
❖ Swami Vivekananda introduced the philosophy of Vedanta and Yoga to the western
world. He became a great spiritualist of Neo-Vedanta ('Practical Vedanta').
❖ Baden Powell is considered as the founder of Boy Scouts and Civil Guides Movement in
India. In India scouting was introduced in 1909 and guiding in 1911.
❖ Rakhmabai was one of the 1st practising women doctors in colonial India + She was
also involved with a landmark legal case involving her marriage as a child bride between
1884 and 1888 + This case led to the enactment of the Age of Consent Act in 1891.
❖ Raja Chet Singh led the 'Banaras Rebellion' against the Britishers.
❖ Aruna Asaf Ali was an Indian Independence activist and a freedom fighter. She
participated in the Quit India Movement (1942-46) from underground. She was a leading
member of the Indo-Soviet Cultural Society, All India Peace Council and National
Federation of Indian women.
❖ Maulana Hastrat Mohani - raised the demand for Complete Independence for the first
time in 1921.
❖ Lord Mountbatten (1947-48) hailed Mohd. Ali Jinnah most responsible for the partition of
❖ Aga Khan, also known as Maulana Sultan Mohammed Shah presided over the All-India
All Parties Muslim Conference in Delhi on December 31, 1928.
❖ Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) was founded on September 27, 1925 in Nagpur
by Keshav Baliram Hedgewar, on the other hand, the Communist Party of India was
founded on December 25, 1925 in Kanpur.
❖ Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan was a Pashtun independence activist and a spiritual leader
nicknamed as “Frontier Gandhi ''. He founded the Khudai Khidmatgar (“Servants of God”)
popularly known as the 'Red Shirts'. He was awarded Bharat Ratna in 1987.
❖ The native State of Tripura became involved in the Freedom movement early in the 20th
century because the Bengal revolutionaries took shelter in Tripura.
❖ Dr. Rajendra Prasad was born on December 3, 1884 Siwan district of Bihar. He was the
1st President of Independent India. He was the President of the Constituent Assembly
that drafted the Constitution.

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❖ Rama Devi Choudhary who participated in the Peasant Movement of Bijoliya and was
arrested. She also participated in 1930 Satyagraha and 1932 Civil Disobedience
Movement and was sentenced to Jail
❖ Rabindranath Tagore emerged as a great painter at the age of 70 years.
❖ Jagat Narayan Lal was sent to Hazaribagh Jail during the freedom struggle. After the
release of Jagat Narayan Lal on July 13, 1929, Rajendra Prasad addressed a meeting in
Gulab Bagh, Patna on July 14.
❖ The Samadhis of Kasturba and Mahadev Desai are situated in the premises of Aga Khan
Palace, Pune.
❖ Dr. Pattabhi Sitaramayya - author of the official history of Congress and 'Gandhi and
❖ Charles Freer Andrews was a social reformer in India. He was also one of the best
friends of Mahatma Gandhi.
❖ The first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru introduced the concept of Non-Alignment to
establish peace and cooperation among people. The roots of Non-Alignment Movement
(NAM) goes back to the friendship between three leaders – Yugoslavia’s Josip Broz Tito,
India’s Jawaharlal Nehru, and Egypt’s leader Gamal Abdel Nasser– who held a meeting
in 1956. Indonesia’s Sukarno and Ghana’s Kwame Nkrumah strongly supported them.
These five leaders came to be known as the five founders of NAM. The first non-aligned
summit was held in Belgrade in 1961.
❖ After 15th August, 1947, Goa remained under Portuguese control. After 14 years,
Operation Vijay was conducted by Indian forces to free Goa from Portuguese control.
❖ Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay was the first graduate from Calcutta University in 1858.
❖ Due to the campaign of Raja Ram Mohan Roy against the Sati system,
Governor-General Lord William Bentinck banned the Sati.
❖ Bethune Female School/Calcutta Female School was founded by John Elliot Drinkwater
Bethune in 1849 in Kolkata. It was the first school for girls in Kolkata. In 1850 Ishwar
Chandra Vidyasagar was appointed as the first secretary to the school.
❖ Dadabhai Naoroji was the first Indian to be elected as a member of the British
❖ The practice of indirect election in India was launched in 1892.
❖ Abul Kalam Azad was a scholar related to Deoband. He Published Al-Nadwah magazine.
He also served as the president of Congress between 1940 to 1946. 'India Wins
Freedom' is his famous book.
❖ Dr.B.R. Ambedkar - founded Siddharth College + started his journal Mook Nayak in 1920
+ founded Depressed Class Institute in 1922.
❖ Hind Mazdoor Sabha FOUNDERS - Basawan Singh (Sinha), Ashok Mehta, R.S. Ruikar,
Maniben Kara, Shibnath Banerjee, R.A. Khedgikar, T.S. Ramanujam, V.S. Mathur, G.G.
Mehta, R.S. Ruikar was elected President and Ashok Mehta was elected general
❖ The first Communist Government of India was established in the province of Kerala in
❖ Women saint Daya Bai was a disciple of Saint Charandas. She wrote a book named
❖ Difference b/w Nehru & Gandhi on Economic Front - Gandhi stressed on the
development of small and Micro Industries in India, on the other hand, Jawaharlal Nehru
supported heavy industrialization.
❖ The correct chronological order of the above events is : Non-cooperation Movement
(1920-22), Simon Commission (1927), Nehru report (1928) and Quit India Movement

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❖ In the year of 1904, ‘Ancient Monuments Preservation Act’ was passed when Lord
Curzon was Governor General.
❖ Swami Shraddhanand suggested a no-tax campaign as a protest against the Rowlatt Act.
❖ Ferozshah Mehta, the founder of Bombay chronicle newspaper and congress leader,
died on 5 November, 1915.
❖ The entire area of present Uttar Pradesh was separated from Bengal Presidency and
placed under Agra Presidency IN 1834.
❖ The British entered Jharkhand for the first time from Palamu in 1772.
❖ Warren Hastings was the Governor-General of Bengal at the time when Pitt’s India Act of
1784 was passed
❖ The Department of State was formed in 1947. Sardar Patel was made head of this
❖ The ‘Deepavali Declaration’ issued by then Governor- General Lord Irvin on October 31,
1929 was related to the dominion status of India.
❖ Theodore Beck was the first principal of Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental College, Aligarh.
❖ Muslim League celebrated 22 December 1939 as Deliverance Day after the resignation
of Congress ministers in 1939.
❖ Wellesley started a policy of subsidiary alliance in 1798. Hyderabad was the first state
which accepted the policy of subsidiary alliance (1798).
❖ Gandhi did Champaran Satyagrah (1917) with Dr. Rajendra Prasad, J.B. Kripalani +
Gandhi had organised Ahmedabad Mill Workers Satyagraha with the association of
Anusuya Ben not MorarJi Desai + Kheda Satyagraha was launched by Gandhi with
Indulal Yagnik and Vallabh Bhai Patel etc
❖ Nehru considered Upanishads as relevant texts and had great faith in it. Nehru is
considered as the father of science in modern India.
❖ The first atomic bomb was exploded on August 06, 1945 during World War II on
Hiroshima, a city in Japan. After that, the second atomic bomb was exploded on
Nagasaki city of Japan on August 09, 1945.
❖ National song ‘Vande Mataram’ was composed by Bankim Chandra Chatterjee by using
both Bengali and Sanskrit language. It is compiled in his novel ‘Anand Math’.
❖ The National Calendar of India based on the Saka era has its 1st Chaitra on 22nd March
Normally & 21st March in a leap year.
❖ The design of the National Flag of India was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on
22nd July 1947.
❖ The song Jana-Gana-Mana, composed originally in Bengali by Rabindranath Tagore was
adopted in its Hindi version by the Constituent Assembly on 24 January 1950 as the
national anthem.
❖ "Operation Vijay" is a successful military action which was conducted against Pakistan by
India in 1999.
❖ Bodo, Dogri, Maithili and Santhali, all were added to Eighth Schedule of constitution in
2004 after 92nd Amendment Act, 2003
❖ Kisan Diwas is celebrated on 23 December every year in remembrance of ex-Prime
Minister of India Late Chaudhari Charan Singh.
❖ Sachchidananda Sinha born in Arrah, the then Bengal Presidency (in present-day Bihar).
He was considered as the creator of Modern Bihar.
❖ Rabindranath Tagore won the Nobel Prize for Literature for "Gitanjali" in 1913. He was
the first Indian to receive the Nobel Prize. Amartya Sen was a migrant Indian who got the
Nobel Prize in Economics in 1998. Chandra Sekhar was an eminent astronomer. He
received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1983 in Physics.
❖ Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das was the political mentor of Subhash Chandra Bose.

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❖ The first "All India Socialist Youth Congress" was organised in Calcutta on 27 December,
1928. This Congress was presided over by Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru.
❖ Operation Polo, the code name of the Hyderabad police action, was a military operation
in September, 1948 to merge Hyderabad in India.
❖ The Secretariat building of West Bengal is known as "Writer’s Building". It is located in
Kolkata and was designed by Thomas Lyon.
❖ Teacher’s day is celebrated on 5 September on the birthday of 2nd President and
educationist Dr. Sarvapalli Radha Krishnan. World Teachers day is celebrated on 5
October by UNESCO Education International
❖ National Press Day is celebrated on 16 November. Press Council of India was
established in 1966.
❖ The Bharatiya Kisan Union was established in 1986 as a nonpolitical organisation by
Mahendra Singh Tikait.
❖ Karl Marx explained the process of class struggle with the help of dialectical materialism.
❖ Most prevalent Calendar in the present-day is Gregorian Calendar
❖ Mother Teresa was born in 1910 in Albania and at the age of 18, she had taken the
membership of a missionary. She came to India in 1929 and started teaching at Loreto
Convent, Kolkata. She was an Indian citizen at the time of her death on September 5,
1997. The Religious organisation established by Mother Teresa is called "Missionaries of
❖ St. Francis Xavier arrived in Goa in 1542. He was instrumental in the spread of
Christianity in India and was one of the founding members of the Jesuit order. He died on
December 3,1552 on a Chinese island
❖ William Wilson Hunter was a member of Indian Civil Services. He compiled the 'Imperial
Gazetteer of India'.
❖ The first lady Prime Minister in the World was Sirimao Bhandarnaike of Sri Lanka.(1960)
❖ China occupied Tibet in 1959. The autonomy of Tibet ended in 1959.
❖ The special rights and privy purse enjoyed by Indian Princely States were abolished by
26th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1971 in the year of 1971.
❖ First President of the USA was George Washington who served from 1789 to 1797.
❖ First paper making is credited to Tsai-Lun in China. Tsai Lun made paper in 105 AD.
❖ The famous Greek philosopher Plato was a disciple of Socrates whereas Aristotle was
the disciple of Plato.
❖ First month of the Indian National Calendar is 'Chaitra' which coincides with March or
April of the Gregorian Calendar. Phalgun is the last month.

Frequently Asked Chronology

● First Anglo-Burmese War - (1824-1826) (British India v/s Burma)

● First Anglo-Afghan War - (1838-1842) (British v/s Afgan)
● First Anglo-Maratha War - (1775-1782) (British v/s Marathas)
● Second Anglo-Mysore War - (1780-1784) (British v/s Kingdom of Mysore)
● Second Anglo-Maratha War – 1803-05 A.D.
● Second Anglo-Afghan War – 1878-80 A.D
● Champaran Movement - 1917
● Jallianwala Bagh Massacre - April 13, 1919
● Khilafat Movement - October , 27 1919
● Moplah Movement - 1921
● Non-Cooperation Movement - 1920-22

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● Chauri-Chaura Incident - February 4, 1922

● Civil Disobedience Movement - 1930
● Execution of Bhagat Singh - 23 March, 1931
● Karachi Session of Indian National Congress - 26 to 31 March, 1931
● The August Offer - 1940
● Cripps Plan - 1942
● Quit India Movement - 1942
● Shimla Conference - 25 June 1945
● Wavell Plan - 14 June 1945
● INA Trial- November 1945 to May 1946.
● The Royal Indian Naval Mutiny started on 18 February 1946
● Cabinet Mission Plan - 1946
● Mountbatten Plan - 1947

➔ La Bourdonnais Capture of Madras - 1746

➔ Treaty of Aixla-Chapple - 1748
➔ Dupleix's dismissal - 1754
➔ Treaty of Allahabad - 1765

Important Commission & Committee

● Andrew Frazer - Police Commission (1902-03)

● Antony MacDonell - Famine Commission (1901)
● Colin Scott Moncrieff - Irrigation Commission (1901)
● Thomas Robertson - Railway Commission (1901)
● Whitley Commission or Royal Commission - To report on existing conditions of labour
● Wood's Despatch - 1854
● Hunter commission was formed during the tenure of Lord Ripon in 1882 AD to enquire
the state of elementary education in India.
● Sadlar Commission was appointed in 1917 to inquire into the conditions and prospects
of the University of Calcutta.
● Sargeant Plan was a National Education Policy presented by the Central Advisory
Board on education in 1944 + recommended for setting up the University Grants
● Lahore proposal – Fazl-ulHaq
● Pirpur Report – Raj Mohammad Mehdi
● People's Plan was authored by M.N. Roy
● Gandhian Plan – S.N. Agrawala
● Hunter Committee - To investigate the Jallianwala Bagh massacre of April 13, 1919.
Gandhi termed it as ‘page after page of thinly disguised official white-wash.’
● Butler Committee - appointed in 1927 to investigate and clarify the relationship
between the Indian States and British Government
● Hartog Committee Report - to inquire into the conditions of education in India.
● Muddiman Committee - related to Montague- Chelmsford reforms of 1919.

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Important Organisations & Movement + Leader Associated

● Azad Muslim Conference - Allah Buksh Allam

● Khaksar Party - Allama Mashriqi
● Khudai Khidmatgar - Abdul Gaffar Khan
● Krishak Praja Party - Fazlul Haq
● Bardoli Satyagraha - Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (1928)
● Champaran Satyagraha - Gandhi ji (1917)
● Kuka Movement - Ram Singh
● Lal Kurti Movement - Gaffar Khan (Frontier Gandhi)
● Avadh Kisan Sabha - Jawahar Lal Nehru
● United Indian Patriotic Association - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
● All India Kisan Sabha - Acharya Narendra Dev
● Radical Democratic Party - M.N. Roy
● Kisan Mazdoor Praja Party was a breakaway party from INC formed in 1951 by JB
Kriplani. PC Ghosh & T Prakasam were its 2 leaders.
● All India Anti-Untouchability League which was later named as 'Harijan Sewak Sangh'
was founded in 1932 by Gandhi.
● All India Kisan Sabha was founded in the year 1936 at Lucknow with Swami
Sahajanand Saraswati as its President and N.G. Ranga as its secretary.
● Self-Respect movement (third-fourth decade of 20th century) was a movement for the
upliftment of depressed classes in Tamil Nadu launched by E.V. Ramaswami Naicker
who was popularly called as 'Periyar'.
● Khilafat Movement - Ali Brothers
● Home Rule Movement - Bal Gangadhar Tilak
● Civil Disobedience Movement - Khan Brothers
● ((B.R. Ambedkar was not participated in Quit India movement))
● Vinoba Bhave - Individual Satyagraha
● B.G. Tilak - Home Rule Movement
● Aruna Asaf Ali - Quit India Movement
● Sarojini Naidu - Dharsana Raid
● Swaraj Party (1923) was established by C.R. Das & Motilal Nehru.
● Madan Mohan Malviya was the founder of Nationalist Party & Tej Bahadur Sapru
founded National Liberation Front.
● Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru - President, All India Liberal Federation
● K.C. Neogy - member of the constituent Assembly of India, member of the first cabinet
of Independent India & the chairman of the first Finance Commission of India.
● P.C. Joshi - first general secretary of the Communist Party of India.
● Vallabhbhai Patel - Bardoli Satyagraha
● Jamnalal Bajaj- Satyagraha Ashram at Wardha
● Dadabhai Naoroji- Bombay Association
● Lala Lajpat Rai- National School at Lahore
● Satya Shodhak Samaj in 1873 was founded by Jyotiba Phule.
● Founder of All India Harijan Sangh - Mahatma Gandhi

Important Timelines Frequently Asked

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● The Dramatic Performance Act - 1876

● Vernacular Press Act - 1878
● Bengal Tenancy Act - 1885
● North-Western Provinces and Oudh Act - 1890.
● Ban on Sati - 1829
● Wood's Despatch - 1854
● Lord Lytton's Delhi Durbar was held in 1877
● Ilbert bill controversy occurred in 1883
● In 1883, the first National Conference was held in Calcutta (now Kolkata).
● Famine in Western Uttar Pradesh occurred in 1860-61.
● Famine in Orissa, Bengal, Bihar - 1865-66
● Famine in Madras, Mysore, Hyderabad - 1876-78
● Starting of 'Kesari' by Bal Gangadhar Tilak – 4 January, 1881
● Punjab Land Alienation Act was passed in 1900 AD.
● Famine in Bengal - 1943
● Lucknow Pact - December 1916
● Death of Bal Gangadhar Tilak - 1 August 1920
● The decision to establish the All India Muslim League in 1906 was taken up at Dhaka.
● Formation of Swaraj Party - 1923
● The All India State People Conference was founded in 1927
● Assassination of Curzon Wyllie – 1 July 1909
● Execution of Khudiram Bose – 1 August, 1908
● Starting of 'Al Hilal' by Abul Kalam Azad – 1912
● First All India Women's Conference was held in 1927
● All India Depressed Class Association was formed in Nagpur 1926 with M.C. Rajah
was its first elected President.
● First Indian National Social Conference was held in 1887.
● First Industrial Policy in Independent India was propounded on April 6, 1948.
● Amritsar Session of Indian National Congress - 26-30 December, 1919
● Formation of Naujwan Bharat Sabha - March, 1926
● Constitution of Simon Commission - 1927
● Nehru Report - 1928
● Sharda Act - 1929
● Dandi March - 12 March, 1930
● Gandhi - Irwin Pact - 5 March 1931
● Second Round Table Conference - September -December 1931
● Communal Award - 16 August 1932
● Poona Pact - 24 September 1932
● Mutiny in Royal Indian Navy - 18 February, 1946
● Formation of an interim Government - September 2, 1946
● The arrival of the Cabinet Mission - March 24, 1946
● Muslim League launches Direct Action - August 16, 1946
● Jinnah’s wrecking of the Simla Conference - July 14, 1945
● Neeldarpan is a Bangalle Drama written by Deenbandhu Mitra in 1858-59 AD
● Satyendra Nath Tagore was the first Indian to qualify Civil Service Examination in 1863
● Bankimchandra Chatterjee, in 1882, wrote Anand Math the story of which is based on
the Sanyasi revolt (1763-1800 AD)
● Dayanand Saraswati founded Arya Samaj on 8 April 1875 in Bombay

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Magazines, Books and Their Authors

● Hind Swaraj; Young India; Gokhale-my ● Indian Mirror - Devendranath Tagore

political guru; My Experiments With ● Das Kapital - Karl Marx
Truth - Mahatma Gandhi ● Vanguard - M.N. Roy
● India Wins Freedom; Al-Helal - Abul ● Native Opinion - B.N. Mandlik
Kalam Azad ● Bombay Chronicle - Ferozshah Mehta
● Common Weal and New India - Annie ● Satyarth Prakash - Dayananda
Besant Saraswati
● Bapu: My Mother - Manubehn Gandhi ● Rajaniti Ratnakara - Chandesvara
● Gita Rahasya - Bal Gangadhar Tilak ● Kissa Radha Kanhaiya - Nawab Wazid
(in Mandalay jail) Ali Shah
● The Life Divine; The Idol of Human ● Desher Katha - Sakharam Ganesh
Unity; Essays on the Gita; Vande Deuskar
Mataram; Foundation of Indian Culture - ● India’s Struggle for Independence;
Aurobindo Ghosh Indian National Movement: The
● Vital-Vidhwansak - Gopal Baba Long-Term Dynamics; The Rise and
Walangkar Growth of Economic Nationalism in
● Unhappy India; The Story of My India - Bipan Chandra
Deportation - Lala Lajpat Rai ● Mother India - Catherine Mayo
● Durgesh Nandini ; Anandmath; Debi ● The First Indian War of Independence -
Chaudhrani - Bankimchandra Vinayak Damodar Savarkar
Chatterjee ● The Sepoy Mutiny and the Revolt of
● Poverty and Un-British Rule in India - 1857 - R.C. Majumdar
Dadabhai Naoroji ● Civil Rebellion in the Indian Mutinies -
● The Man Who Divided India - Dr. Rafiq S.B. Chaudhari
Zakaria ● The Great Rebellion - Ashok Mehta
● India from Curzon to Nehru and After - ● "Sanskriti Ke Char Adhyay" - Ramdhari
Durga Das Singh Dinkar
● The Hitavada - Gopal Krisha Gokhale ● “Landmarks in Indian Constitutional and
● A Nation in Making - Surendranath National Development” - Gurmukh
Banerjee Nihal Singh
● Samachar Darpan - J.C. Marshman ● Mountbatten and the Partition of India -
● Mirat-ul-Akhbar; Precepts of Jesus - Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre
Raja Ram Mohan Roy ● The Economic History of India Under
● Kesari - B.G. Tilak British Rule - Romesh Chandra Dutt
● Indian Unrest - Valentine Chirol (He ● Indian Nationalism and the Early
termed Bal Gangadhar Tilak as ‘The Congress - J.R. Mclane
father of Unrest in India) ● Planned Economy for India - M.
● Indian Struggle - Subhash Chandra Visvesvaraya
Bose ● The Roots of Ancient India - W. A.
● Hindutva - V.D. Savarkar Fairservis
● History of the Freedom Movement in ● Eternal India - Indira Gandhi
India - Tara Chand ● India: A Wounded Civilization - V.S.
● Our Indian Musalmans - W.W. Hunter Naipaul
● Tahzib-ul-Akhlaq - Sir Syed Ahmad ● Planning and the Poor - B.S. Minhas
Khan ● The Problems of the Far East - George
● Towards Struggle; Prison Diary - N. Curzon
Jaiprakash Narayan ● The Untold Story - General Kaul

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● India Divided - Dr. Rajendra Prasad ● The Alphabet - David Diringer

● An Introduction to the Dreamland; Why I ● The Path to Power - Margaret Thatcher
am an Atheist - Bhagat Singh ● The Satanic Verses(1988) - Salman
● Bandi Jivan - Sachindranath Sanyal Rushdie
● The Philosophy of Bomb - Bhagwati ● The Road Ahead - Bill Gates
Charan Vohra ● The Struggle in My Life - Nelson
● The Indian Sociologist - Shyamji Mandela
Krishna Verma ● India 2020; Ignited Minds; Wings of Fire
● Annihilation of Caste(1936) - Dr. B.R. - A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
Ambedkar ● Ulysses - James Joyce
● Jawaharlal Nehru- A Biography - Frank ● Pathology of Corruption - S.S. Gill
Moraes ● The Success of India's Democracy -
● The life of Mahatma Gandhi- Louis Atul Kohli
Fischer ● Working a Democratic Constitution : A
● Guilty Men of India’s Partition; The history of the Indian Experience -
Wheel of History - Ram Manohar Granville Austin
Lohia ● Divide and Quit - Penderal Moon
● The Great Divide - H.V. Hudson ● Nineteen Eighty-Four - George Orwell.
● Glimpses of the World History; ● Worshipping False Gods - Arun
Discovery of India - Jawaharlal Nehru Shourie
● Captive Lady - Michael Madhusudan ● Geographical Factors in Indian History -
Dutt K. M. Panikkar
● Gora; Gitanjali; Sadhana - ● The Argumentative Indian - Amartya
Ravindranath Tagore Sen
● The Broken Wing - Sarojini Naidu ● In Custody - Anita Desai
● India for Indians - C. R. Das ● Unaccustomed Earth - Jhumpa Lahiri
● Nation in Making - S.N. Banerjee ● Tabaqat-i-Akbari - Nizamuddin
● Living an Era - D.P. Mishra ● The Audacity of Hope - Barack Obama
● Bahubivah - Ishwar Chandra ● Politics in India - Rajni Kothari.
Vidyasagar ● Andha Yug - Dharamvir Bharati
● Nil Darpan - Dinabandhu Mitra
● Shatranj Ke Khiladi; Gaban; Godan;
Nirmala; Soj-e-Vatan; Rangbhumi -
Munshi Prem Chand
● Chandrakanta - Devkinandan Khatri
● Devdas - Sharat Chandra Chatterjee
● Vish aur Amrit - Amritlal Nagar
● Chidambara - Sumitra Nandan Pant
● Indu Prakash - M.G. Ranade

➔ Songs from Prison is a book of translation from Sanskrit hymns and lyrics, from the
Upanishads and other scriptures. Mahatma Gandhi made these translation (Yerawada
➔ The Indian Opinion was published by Mahatma Gandhi in South Africa to fight racial
➔ Springing Tiger’ is the book based on the life story of Subhas Chandra Bose written by Hugh
➔ The original version of ‘Gitanjali’ in the Bengali language was published on August 14, 1910.
The English version of Gitanjali was published in November, 1912 for the first time.
➔ Mahatma Gandhi in his book ‘Hind Swaraj’(1909) termed the British Parliament as sterile and
prostitute.He wrote his autobiography ‘My Experiments With Truth’ in the Gujarati language.

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➔ 'Anand Math' the text written by Bankim Chandra Chatterjee is considered as the “Bible of
Bengali Patriotism.” It is based on the Sanyasi Rebellion (1763-1800). The National Song of
India ‘Vande Mataram’ is compiled in ‘Anand Math.’
➔ ‘Bharat Durdasha’ is a drama written by Bharatendu Harishchandra. “Andher Nagari Chaupat
Raja” was also written by him.
➔ 'Jhini Jhini Bini Chadariya' is a famous novel written by Abdul Bismillah
➔ ‘Bharat Bharati’ was written by the famous poet of Hindi and ‘Rashtrakavi 'Maithili Sharan
➔ The novel ‘A Passage to India’ was written by E.M. Forster, based on the freedom movement.
➔ ‘Jhanda Geet’ (Vijayi Vishwa Tiranga Pyaara Jhanda Uncha Rahe Hamara) was written by
Shyamlal Parshad.
➔ The Nationalist song ‘Aye Mere Watan Ke Logo’ was written by Pradeep. The original name
of Pradeep was Ramachandra Narayanji.
➔ Muhammad Iqbal(born @Sialkot, Punjab) wrote “Saare Jahan Se Achcha” but later he joined
Muslim League. “Mazhab Nahi Sikhata Aapas Mein Bair Rakhna” is a portion of the famous
song “Saare Jahan Se Achcha” written by Muhammad Iqbal.
➔ The song ‘Amar Sonar Bangla’ was written and composed by Rabindranath Tagore during the
Bengal partition movement of 1905. Rabindranath Tagore wrote the National Anthem of India
‘Jana Gana Mana’ & also of Bangladesh.
➔ Sorojini Naidu is the author of the collection of a poem called ‘Golden Threshold.’
➔ Manoranjan Prasad Singh wrote the poem "Firangiya" in Bhojpuri against British Colonialism.
➔ Jawaharlal Nehru wrote the book ‘Discovery of India’ during his imprisonment at Ahmednagar
fort jail during 1942-1945. He also wrote the book named ‘Meri Kahani’ and ‘Glimpses of
World History’ during his prison life.
➔ The report Journey through the Kingdom of Oudh in the year 1849-50 was written by W.H.
➔ Meghadutam, Kumarasambhavam and Titusamharam are written by Kalidasa.
Uttararamacharita is a famous Sanskrit drama written by Bhavbhuti.
➔ The Sayyid Brothers became highly influential in the Mughal court after Aurangzeb's death
and became kingmakers during the anarchy following the death of the emperor Aurangzeb in
1707. The term Sayyid brothers refer to Syed Abdullah Khan and Syed Hassan Ali Khan
➔ Vinod Mehta has written his autobiography entitled the “Lucknow Boy.”
➔ The book ‘Silent Spring’ is the masterpiece of the famous bio-scientist Rachel Carson. The
book raised the question on the use of pesticides.
➔ The poems of Late Harivansh Rai Bachchan in chronological order are as follows-
Madhushala (1935), Madhubala (1936) and Madhukalash (1937).
➔ Lajja’ is a novel in the Bengali language written by Taslima Nasrin
➔ Arundhati Roy was awarded the Booker Prize in 1997 for her book ‘The God of Small Things.’
➔ The Proudest Day based on the independence of India was written by Anthony Read and
David Fisher.
➔ Verrier Elwin studied the Baiga tribe and wrote the book entitled Baiga.
➔ The autobiography named ‘Truth Love and a Little Malice’ is written by Khushwant Singh.
➔ V.S. Naipaul – ‘In a Free State’ (Booker Prize in 1971); Salman Rushdie –‘Midnight’s Children’
(Booker Prize in 1981); Paul Scott –‘Staying On’ (Booker Prize in 1977); James Gordon
Farrell –‘The Siege of Krishnapur’ (Booker Prize in 1973).
➔ Jai Prakash Narain drafted the ‘Sarvodaya Plan’ in 1950. Shriman Narayan Aggarwal is
credited for preparing the Gandhian Plan.

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