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The Wrestling Dice Game – Excel Program Instructions

New Match Button - To Select two wrestlers for a singles match.

Click on the New Match Button.
Click Singles Button (should already be selected)
In the first drop down box, select your first wrestler.
In the second drop down box, select your second wrestler. Then Click OK
The wrestlers names appear in the top left hand corner. Their Grade is in the box next to their name. This is where you will manually change the
wrestlers grade during the match. The box under changes, is how many times you have made a change to the wrestlers grade. Using grade changes is
a good way to keep the time of a match.

Grade Changes
During the match you will manually change the wrestlers grade. All you do is type over the grade that is there in cells D2 and D3. Do not change the
grades in any other location. Remember the Grades are: A+, A, B, C, D and F. You may only type these in as the wrestlers grade. Typing anything
else may cause a problem in your match on pin attempts. When a wrestler is rated an A+ in the match and his roll results in a U1 (move up 1 grade),
drop his opponent’s grade 1 since he cannot move up. Once a wrestler is a grade F, he cannot go any lower but you still want to type in an F over his
current F grade so it shows a grade change. This will help show the total number of grade changes in a match. Use the amount of grade changes to
determine how long the match is. I estimate 1 to 2 minutes per grade change. Also, in all matches, once there has been 10 grade changes, all D2
become Pin Attempts.

In Control and Reverse Button

These work together. The Green Box tells you who is in control. The way to change this is to click on the Reverse Button. If during a match, a
wrestlers rolls and the result is a reversal, then you will click on the Reverse Button to change control in the match. Really, the green box is just to
help you remember who is in control. It does not do anything else for the program.

Pin Attempt Button

Anytime a pin is attempted, click on the Pin Attempt Button. This includes after DQ rolls, when your opponent hits his head on the ring post or on
reversals that are followed by a pin attempt. On reversals / pin attempts, do not change control before the pin attempt. Once you click on the Pin
Attempt Button, you will be asked if it is by a reversal. Answer Yes or No. The result of the pin attempt will be there. If he has just used a steel chair
or outside interference to win the match, and he attempts a pin and wins, the result will say he used his finishers. But you know he actually used a
chair, foreign object or something else.

Roll Dice Button

Use the dice roller for all rolls. Click the first time and read it as a two digit number, like 11, 24, 41, 66. Then look at the wrestlers card and find the
chart number from his card. Then click to roll the dice again and add them together to get a number 2 thru 12. Find that number on the chart for the

All of the charts are listed at the bottom right. Once you determine which chart the wrestler is using, click the button next to the chart. Once you do,
the Chart Results will change and you can find the outcome.

Tag Team and Six Man Matches

Click on the button for Tag Team or Six man Match. Select all the wrestlers for your match. In a Tag Team match, the first two selected are on one
team. The third and fourth box are on the opposing team. In a Six Man match, the first three selected are on one team. The others are on the other

The only time you have to worry about tags are when you roll U1–Double Team Opponent. Once you see this, click on the Tag button next to the
wrestlers name. That will bring in his partner and his partner will continue on offense. Other tags are built into the program.

Kick Outs and Tag Team Saves: Read the WDG Set Up File to understand Kick Outs and Tag Saves. To help keep up with the Kick Outs and Tag
Saves during your match I have set up a box for you to record KO’s/TS’s used. You will see these next to each wrestler’s card on the program. If you
are in a tag match you will see TS’s Used and TS’s left. If you are in a singles match you will see KO’s used and KO’s left. For the wrestler with the
Green card you will record the KO’s/TS’s used in the white box at F39. For the wrestler with the Red card you will record the KO’s/TS’s used in the
box at K39. So if your guy just used his first Tag Save or Kick Out type in 1. For the next one type in 2. The amount the wrestler or tag team has left
will calculate above.

To determine which team will have tag saves and how many they have you do not have to do anything. These will automatically calculate as to
which team will have tag saves and how many they will be allowed.

Managers: Managers are listed below the match section on the game. Just scroll down and select the manager you want to use. To select the
manager, just click on the drop down button and select his name. You may also print cards and use them if it is easier.


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