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Tahun 6 Sesi 2022/2023
Bahasa Inggeris (013)
1 jam 15 minit


1. Buka kertas ujian ini apabila diberitahu. Untuk Kegunaan Pemeriksa
2. Tulis nama dan nama kelas kamu pada Nama Pemeriksa:
ruang yang disediakan.
Markah Markah
3. Tanda jawapan kamu bagi Part 1, Part 2,                         
Penuh Diperoleh
Part 3 dan Part 4 pada ruang jawapan
objektif di halaman terakhir kertas ujian ini. Part 1 5
4. Jawab soalan Part 5, Part 6 dan Part 7 di
Part 2 4  
ruang jawapan yang disediakan dalam
kertas ujian ini. Part 3 5  
5. Kertas ujian ini hendaklah diserahkan
kepada guru bertugas pada akhir ujian.
Part 4 6  
Part 5 5  
Part 6 10  
Part 7 15  
Jumlah 50  

TERHAD 2 013

[5 marks]

Questions 1 to 5

Read the text carefully in each question. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B
or C. Mark the correct answer A, B or C on your answer sheet.

Aina is interested with indoor games, which competition she should enter?
A Chess
  B Go-kart
C Paintball

TERHAD 3 013

The information shows that many pupils go to school by

A car.
  B bicycle.
C motorcycle.

TERHAD 4 013

To [email protected]

Subject Returning Book

Dear Eli,

               How are you? I need the book that you borrow. Please give it back by
Tuesday. I need to bring it during my school trip on the next day.  If you need
the book back, I will give it on Friday.


Jamie would bring the book to his trip on 

A Tuesday
  B Wednesday
C Friday


From : 10 to 20 January

up to 50% discount on :



*Normal price on books and school uniform

First 30 customers will receive a free gift

What can you buy for half -price?

A bags
  B books
C school uniform

TERHAD 5 013

Matt: What is your ambition, John?

John: Either a doctor, a nurse or an artist.

Matt: Interesting!

John: The problem is I am more into colours than medicine. I hate to be in the
hospital and clinic.

What is John going to be when he grows up?

A doctor.
  B artist
C nurse

TERHAD 6 013

[4 marks]

Questions 6 to 9

Read the text below and choose the correct word for each blank. For each blank, choose the
correct answer A, B or C. Mark the correct answer A, B or C on your answer sheet.

Read the text below and choose the correct word for each blank. For each blank choose the
correct answer A, B or C. Mark the correct answer A, B or C on your answer sheet.

Laily's Birthday Party

          Last Sunday was Laily's birthday. Her mother planned to do a special party at
her house. She invited her neighbours and classmates to her party. Her mother (6)
__________ a big, round chocolate cake with beautiful flowers on it. She also
prepared some food and drinks. Laily decorated the (7) __________ with colourful
balloons. Laily wore beautiful pink dress for the party. 

          Her neighbours and classmates came with lots of presents in (8) __________
hands. Laily was very happy to see them. Then, they moved to the big table to (9)
__________ the birthday song for her. As Laily blew the candles, the guests clapped
their hands. Laily''s mother cut the cake into small pieces and Laily served the
guests. Laily was so happy.

6. A. baking B. bakes C. baked

7. A. kitchen B. bedroom C. living room

8. A. them B. their C. theirs

9. A. sing B. sang C. singing

TERHAD 7 013

[5 marks]

Questions 10 to 14

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow. For each question, choose the
correct answer A, B or C. Mark the correct answer A, B or C on your answer sheet.

A Glass of Milk

      There once was a poor boy who spent his days going door to door selling
newspapers to pay for school. One day, as he was walking selling his newspaper, he
started feeling low and tired. The poor boy was hungry, so he decided to ask for
food when he was at the next house.

     The poor boy asked for food but no one wanted to help him, until he was at a
house of a girl. He asked for a glass of water, but seeing his poor look, the girl
came back with a glass of milk. The boy asked how much it was for the milk, but
she said it was free.

     Years later, the girl, who was now a grown woman, fell sick. She went from
doctor to doctor, but no one was able to help her. Finally, she went to the best
doctor in town.

     The doctor spent months to help her until she was finally fine. She was happy
but she was afraid to see the bill. But, when the hospital gave her the bill, it read,
‘Paid in full, with a glass of milk.’

TERHAD 8 013

10 Why did the boy sell newspapers?

            A To walk from door to door.

            B To pay for his school fee.

            C To ask for food.

11 Why did the girl give the boy milk instead of a glass of water?

            A The boy looks terrible.

            B No one wanted to help him.

            C The milk was free.

12 The girl went from doctor to doctor because

            A She was a grown woman.

            B She wanted to get well.

            C She wanted to go to the town.

13 Why was she afraid to see the hospital bill?

            A She was worried about the cost.

            B She was afraid of hospital bills.

            C She was scared of the hospital.

14 In your opinion, why did the hospital give a bill written ‘Paid in full, with a glass of


            A The doctor knew she didn't have money.

            B The doctor made people healthy for free.

            C The doctor was the boy she had helped.

TERHAD 9 013

[6 marks]

Questions 15 to 20

Read the texts about three different jobs. For each question, choose the correct answer (A, B
or C) which fits the description. Mark the correct answer A, B or C on your answer sheet.

Azman is a teacher. He works in a primary school in Kuala

Lumpur. He’s worked at the school since he left university. He
chooses this job because he likes working with children. He
enjoys teaching and playing with them. When he first started
this job, all the children were afraid of him because he looked
scary but now he’s the most popular teacher in his school. He
likes his job because he feels great seeing the children smiling
when they were able to do something.

Martin is a librarian at a university in Sarawak. He’s worked

there since 2010. He buys and takes care of the books in the
library. Most people would think that working in the library is a
boring job but Martin never thought so. Every day he learns
something interesting or even get a new friend! He enjoys
working with books and sometimes when there are not many
people in the library, he would be able to enjoy his favourite

Jeff has been a police officer for 10 years. But he doesn’t work
with other police officers. He has Terry! Terry is a police dog.
He and Terry work together to catch bad guys. One time, a bad
Jeff person almost got away but luckily Terry was able to catch the
person. They also save people who are lost. Jeff feels good to
help people in difficult situations. He didn’t choose this job but
he’s glad he can work with Terry.

TERHAD 10 013

Read the statements below and write A,B or C in the space provided. The first statement had
been done for you.

A Azman

B Martin

C Jeff

0 This person works in a school. A

Seeing the children's happy faces makes this person feel


16 This person has an animal as his work partner.

17 Reading is this person's hobby.

18 This person didn’t choose his job.

19 This person never thinks his job is not interesting.

20 This person is very famous in the place where he works.

TERHAD 11 013

[5 marks]

Questions 21 to 25

Read the descriptions of some words about jobs.

What is the word for each one?

The first letter is already there. There is one space for each letter in the word.

0. You see this person when you are sick.  d  o  c  t  o  r

21. A person who can fly a plane.  p  _  _  _  _

This person helps to make sure that your teeth and

22. d  _  _  _  _  _  _
mouth are healthy. 

23. At the hospital, this person helps a doctor. n  _  _  _  _

This person can take you anywhere you want to go in

24. d  _  _  _  _  _
a car, taxi or bus.

Someone who helps students in learning new things at

25. t  _  _  _  _  _  _

TERHAD 12 013

PART 6 Untuk
[10 marks] Kegunaan

There is going to be an adventure camp in town where you live. Write an email to your
friend, Haziq.

In your email,

ask him to join you to the camp

tell him when and where the camp is going to be

say what he should bring to the camp

Write about 30-50 words.

Write your email below.

To : [email protected]
Subject :  Adventure Camp

TERHAD 13 013

PART 7 Untuk
[15 marks] Kegunaan

You saw an advertisement for Pizza Making Class. Write an email to tell your cousin, Susan
who is interested in cooking. Tell her why she should go to the class with you this weekend.

Write your email to Susan in about 60-80 words.

TERHAD 14 013

To: [email protected]

Subject: Pizza Making Class




















TERHAD 15 013

NAMA: ............................................................................................................ Pemeriksa

KELAS: ............................................................................................................



1 A B C D   11 A B C D

2 A B C D   12 A B C D

3 A B C D   13 A B C D

4 A B C D   14 A B C D

5 A B C D   15 A B C D

6 A B C D   16 A B C D

7 A B C D   17 A B C D

8 A B C D   18 A B C D

9 A B C D   19 A B C D

10 A B C D   20 A B C D


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