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‫‪2021/2022‬‬ ‫‪Digestive system‬‬

‫متنساش دعوة حلوة معاك بقى‬

“Digestive System”
16. Absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream begins in the
a. Mouth
b. Stomach
c. Small Intestine
d. Large Intestine
17. The digestion of carbohydrates begins in the
a. Mouth
b. Esophagus
c. Stomach
d. Small Intestines
18. The digestion of proteins begins in the
a. Mouth
b. Esophagus
c. Stomach
d. Small Intestines
19. The digestion of fats and oils begins in the
a. Mouth
b. Esophagus
c. Stomach
d. Small Intestines
20. Gastric juices refers to the juices of the
a. Mouth
b. Esophagus

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c. Stomach
d. Small Intestines
21. Bacteria are helpful in breaking down food in the
a. Mouth
b. Stomach
c. Small Intestine
d. Large Intestines
22. What organs perform mechanical digestion?
a. Small and Large Intestine
b. Mouth and Stomach
c. Mouth and Small Intestine
d. Stomach and Small Intestine
23. Peristalsis does not occur in the…
a. Mouth
b. Esophagus
c. Small Intestines
d. Large Intestines
24. Which of the following organic molecules is used for chemical digestion?
a. Carbohydrates
b. Proteins (remember that enzymes are a type of protein)
c. Fats and Oils
d. Nucleic Acids

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25. Which of the following is not a gastric juice?
a. Hydrochloric Acid
b. Pepsin
c. Ptyalin
d. Mucus
1. Name the Glands associated with the Human Digestive System?
A. Salivary Glands and Pancreas
B. Salivary Glands and Liver
C. Liver and Pancreas
D. Salivary Glands, Liver & Pancreas
Ans: D

2. Arrange the correct sequence of the steps involved in the process of Human Digestive System?
A. Digestion, Ingestion, Assimilation, Egestion and Absorption
B. Ingestion, Digestion, Absorption, Assimilation and Egestion
C. Egestion, Absorption, Digestion, Assimilation and Ingestion
D. Assimilation, Absorption, Ingestion, Digestion and Egestion

Ans: B
3. In which part of the body digestion of protein begins?
A. Pancreas
B. Stomach
C. Small Intestine
D. Large Intestine

Ans: B

4. What is the Function of Hydrochloric Acid?

(i) It makes pepsin enzyme effective.
(ii) It kills bacteria which may enter in stomach with food.
Which of the following statements is/are correct?
A. Only (i)
B. Only (ii)
C. Both (i) and (ii)
D. Neither (i) nor (ii)

Ans: C

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5. Name the largest part of the Alimentary canal?
A. Large Intestine
B. Small Intestine
C. Liver
D. Stomach
Ans: B

6. Complete digestion of food occurs in:

A. Stomach
B. Small Intestine
C. Pancreas
D. Large Intestine
Ans: B

7. What is the function of Bile Juice secreted by Liver?

A. It makes the food alkaline.
B. It makes the food acidic.
C. It breaks down the food.
D. None of the above
Ans: A

8. Name the hardest material present in the body?

A. Dentin
B. Pulp
C. Enamel
D. None of the above
Ans: C

9. In which part of our body food gets absorbed?

A. Small Intestine
B. Large Intestine
C. Stomach
D. Liver
Ans: A

10. The undigested food stored in the liver in the form of carbohydrate is called:
A. Pulp
B. Glucose
C. Glycogen
D. Carbohydrate
Ans: C

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14. All of the following axe sources of calories except
a. protein c. fats
b. vitamins d. carbohydrates
15. The body's preferred source of energy is
a. carbohydrates c. fat
b. vitamins d.protiens
16. A diet high in……… has been linked to high blood pressure.
a. iron
b. sodium
d. protein
17. The most common form of fat circulating in the body is
a. saturated c. unsaturated
b. cholesterol d. triglyceride
12. Saturated fats come from
a. plants c. animals
b. processed foods d. none ofthe above
1. What is the main function of the digestive system?
a. Hold and receive food
b. Control the chemical activities of the body
c. Break the food down to be used for energy
d. Remove excess water from the body

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2. Which of the following is NOT a function of the digestive system?
a. Ingestion
b. Digestion
c. Absorption
d. Protection
3. The portions of the small intestines in anatomical order would be:
a. Ileum, jejunum, duodenum
b. Duodenum, ileum, jejunum
c. Jejunum, ileum, duodenum
d. Duodenum, jejunum, ileum
4. Which of the following is NOT a function of the large intestines?
a. Absorption of water
b. Absorption of nutrients
c. Production of vitamin K
d. Production of feces
5. What type of digestion begins in the mouth?
a. Fat
b. Lipids
c. Carbohydrates
d. Protein
6. Allows for both food and air to pass through.
a. Esophagus
b. Larynx
c. Pharynx

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d. Epiglottis
7. Is the location where the majority of nutrients are absorbed.
a. Jejunum
b. Large intestines
c. Duodenum
d. Ileum
8. List in order the structures food would pass through before exiting the body.
a. Pharynx – Stomach – Large intestines – Small Intestines
b. Stomach – Jejunum – Large intestines – Anus
c. Duodenum – Stomach – Large intestines – Anus
d. Rectum – Anus – Large intestines – Small intestines
9. How long is the small intestine in an adult?
a. 22 feet
b. 30 inches
c. 30 feet
d. 17 feet
10. Where does the digestive process begin?
a. Stomach
b. Esophagus
c. Mouth
d. Pharynx
11. What is the liver’s main role?
a. Produce digestive enzymes

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b. Turn water into minerals for absorption
c. Assist the stomach with digestion
d. Remove harmful substances from the blood
12 When they reach the stomach, what do food particles combine with?
a. Gastric juices
b. Mucus
c. Bile
d. Enzymes
13. Where is bile made?
a. Liver
b. Stomach
c. Duodenum
d. Gallbladder
14. What tube moves food from your throat to your stomach and is posterior to the
a. Epiglottis
b. Esophagus
c. Pharynx
d. Larynx
15. The long does the large intestine measure?
a. 1 foot long
b. 10 feet long
c. 100 feet long
d. 5 foot long

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Ans: D
16. Which of the following describes Crohn’s disease?
a. Small intestine damaged & interferes with nutrient absorption
b. Develops from polyps
c. Part of the intestines protrude through a weak part in the abdominal wall
d. Inflammation of the digestive tract
17. Symptoms of the disease includes: generalized abdominal pain, pain localized in the lower
right abdomen.
a.. Inguinal Hernia
b. Appendicitis
c.. Celiac Disease
d.. Colon Cancer
18. This disease is characterized by part of the intestine protruding through a weak point or tear
in the abdominal wall.
a. Chron’s Disease
b. Celiac Disease
c.. Appendicitis
d. Inguinal Hernia
19. People who have this disease cannot tolerate gluten, rye, and barley.
a. Chron’s Disease
b. Celiac Disease
c. Inguinal Hernia
d. Colon Cancer

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20. Symptoms of this disease include: diarrhea, red or dark blood in stool, weight loss,
abdominal pain and surgery is the most common treatment.
a. Chron’s Disease
b. Colon Cancer
c. Celiac Disease
d. Inguinal Hernia

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11. What are the 3 major salivary glands?
a. parotid, submandibular, and sublingual
b. parotid, submaxillary, and sublingual
c. parotid, submaxillary, and submandibular
d. parathyroid, submandibular, and submaxillary
e. parathyroid, submandibular, and sublingual

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____ 12. The liver functions to
a. store vitamin D. c. destroy damaged red blood cells.
b. form glucose from noncarbohydrates. d. All of the choices are correct.
____ 13. The salivary enzyme amylase functions to digest
a. fats. c. proteins.
b. carbohydrates. d. all of the choices are correct.
____ 14. Peristalsis occurs in the digestive tract
a. in the stomach, small intestine, and large intestine only.
b. in the small and large intestines only.
c. in the stomach and small intestine only.
d. from the pharynx to the anus.
____ 15. What kind of movements occur when the smooth muscles contract rythmically in small
sections of the tube?
a. mixing movement c. paristalsis movements
b. contractile movements d. parietal movements
____ 16. What kind of smooth muscle movement includes a wavelike motion of contraction
behind a mass of food?
a. mixing movement c. peristalsis movement
b. parietal movement d. contrractile movement
____ 17. Digestion of which of the following would be affected the most if the liver were severely
a. carbohydrates
b. lipids
c. proteins

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d. All of these would be affected equally.
____ 18. What constituent of bile has a digestive function?
a. bile salts c. bile pigments
b. cholesterol d. electrolytes
____ 19. Heartburn is usually caused by effects of gastric juice on the
a. small intestine. c. heart.
b. stomach. d. esophagus.
____ 20. One of the major functions of the large intestine is to
a. secrete digestive enzymes. c. regulate the release of bile.
b. break down hemoglobin. d. reabsorb water from chyme.
____ 21. The correct sequence for the layers within the wall of the alimentary canal from inside
to outside is
a. mucous membrane, muscular layer, serous layer, submucosa.
b. mucous membrane, submucosa, muscular layer, serous layer.
c. submucosa, mucous membrane, serous layer, muscular layer.
d. serous layer, muscular layer, mucous membrane, submucosa.
____ 22. What breaks food into smaller pieces to begin mechanical digestion?
a. stomach c. amylase
b. esophagus d. teeth
____ 23. Which of the following is NOT a secretory cell in the alimentary canal?
a. Mucous cell c. Kupffner cell
b. Parietal cell d. Chief cell
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____ 24. The purpose of the intestinal villi is to
a. secrete serous fluid to decrease friction amoung the organs.
b. push the fecal matter into the rectum.
c. secrete mucous to facilitate the movement of chyme through the alimentary canal.
d. increase surface area for nutrient absorption.

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1. The structure within a cell that is
concerned with energy is:
(a) the cytoplasm,
(b) the cell membrane,
(c) the nucleus,
(d) the mitochondrion.
2. Which one of the following groups of
chemicals is not a food nutrient?:
(a) proteins,
(b) enzymes,
(c) carbohydrates,
(d) vitamins.
3. The chemical reaction that takes place during digestion that involves breakdown with water
(a) hydrolysis,
(b) hydration,
(c) oxidation,
(d) regulation.

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4. The teeth at the front of the mouth which are used for chopping are called:
(a) incisors,
(b) canines,
(c) premolars,
(d) molars.
5. When proteins are completely broken down the end products are:
(a) glucose molecules,
(b) glycerol molecules,
(c) amino acids,
(d) vitamins.
6. The part of the alimentary tract where churning of food occurs and where the acid gastric
juice is secreted is:
(a) the stomach,
(b) the ileum,
(c) the colon,
(d) the duodenum.
7. Bile and pancreatic juice are secreted into:
(a) the mouth,
(b) the stomach,
(c) the duodenum,
(d) the colon.
8. Water reabsorption is the main function of:
(a) the liver,
(b) the pancreas,
(c) the oesophagus,
(d) the colon.
9. Movement of food along the alimentary tract is called:
(a) secretion,
(b) peristalsis,
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(c) absorption,
(d) hydrolysis.
10. The surface area of the ileum is increased by the presence of:
(a) villi,
(b) enzymes,
(c) blood capillaries,
(d) chemicals.

1. Which one of the following foods does not contain carbohydrate:
(a) potato,
(b) sugar,
(c) meat,
(d) rice.
2. Which one of the following is not a monosaccharide sugar:
(a) glucose,
(b) sucrose,
(c) fructose,
(d) galactose.
3. Which one of the following provides the greatest energy value per gram of nutrient:
(a) carbohydrate,
(b) fat,
(c) protein,
(d) water.
4. When starch is cooked in moist conditions it may:
(a) caramelise,
(b) coagulate,
(c) gelatinise,
(d) oxidise.

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5. Which one of the following does not contain fat:
(a) meat,
(b) cheese,
(c) butter,
(d) sugar.
6. The point at which a blue haze is given off from the surface of fat or oil during heating is:
(a) the smoke point,
(b) the melting point,
(c) the flash point,
(d) the plastic point.
7. Proteins are made up of:
(a) amino acids,
(b) monosaccharides and disaccharides,
(c) glycerol units,
(d) vitamins and minerals.
8. Which of the following is not a function of amino acids (from protein digestion) in the body?:
(a) energy production,
(b) regulation of body processes,
(c) growth of body tissues,
(d) maintenance and repair of body tissues.

1. Which one of the following vitamins dissolves in water?
(a) D,
(b) retinol,
(c) thiamin,
(d) K.
2. Rickets may arise in children that do not receive sufficient:
(a) vitamin A,

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(b) B group vitamins,
(c) vitamin C,
(d) vitamin D.
3. Shortage of which vitamin may lead to an increase in dental decay because of its relationship
with calcium, particularly in children?:
(a) A,
(b) B group,
(c) C,
(d) D.
4. A lack of vitamin B1 -thiamin- may cause one of the follow ing deficiency diseases:
(a) beri-beri,
(b) pellagra,
(c) anaemia,
(d) scurvy.
5. Which of the following symptoms does not occur in scurvy?:
(a) night blindness,
(b) bleeding in the skin,
(c) inability to recover quickly from illness,
(d) anaemia.
6. Which of the following foods is not a good source of iron?:
(a) meat,
(b) eggs,
(c) milk,
(d) liver.
7. The amount of calcium required per day in adults is:
(a) 5 mg,
(b) 50 mg,
(c) 250 mg,
(d) 500 mg.
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8. Goitre of the neck may be caused if there is a lack of one of the following:
(a) iodine,
(b) iron,
(c) fluorine,
(d) phosphorus.
9. Which one of the following minerals is often added to the water supply in order to help reduce
tooth decay?:
(a) iodine,
(b) fluorine,
(c) chlorine,
(d) potassium.
10. Three of the following minerals and vitamins may be involved in anaemia of one type or
another, which one is not?:
(a) vitamin C,
(b) calcium,
(c) vitamin B12 ,
(d) iron.

1. Excess energy from the diet is most likely to be stored in the body as:
(a) fat,
(b) fibre,
(c) salt,
(d) sugar.
2. The hormone which affects the metabolic rate of the body is:
(a) thyroxin,
(b) insulin,
(c) glucagon,
(d) none of these.

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3. Which one of the following people is most likely to have the highest energy requirement from
food, given that they are all of similar size, and so on:
(a) a student,
(b) a shop assistant,
(c) an office worker,
(d) a farmer.
4. Obesity is linked to several disorders of the body. Select one disorder from the following that
may arise in a person who is significantly overweight:
(a) cirrhosis of the liver,
(b) heart disease,
(c) lung cancer,
(d) anaemia.
5. Following recent nutritional guidelines, which one of the following should be increased in the
(a) fat,
(b) fibre,
(c) salt,
(d) sugar.
6. Which vitamin deficiency disease may be found in severe alcoholism?:
(a) beri-beri,
(b) rickets,
(c) pellagra,
(d) xerophthalmia.
7. Constipation, haemorrhoids, diverticular disease and cancer of the bowel are associated with
one of the following dietary faults:
(a) excess fat,
(b) too much sugar,
(c) overconsumption of alcohol,
(d) lack of fibre.

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8. Which one of the following nutrients do adult women require in greater amounts than adult
(a) calcium,
(b) protein,
(c) iron,
(d) vitamin D.
9. A vegan is:
(a) a person who eats a diet consisting mainly of meat,
(b) a person who does not eat vegetables,
(c) a person who eats no food of animal origin,
(d) a person who eats no meat but may eat milk, cheese or eggs.
10. The following are examples of malnutrition that are common in Asia, Africa or Latin
America. Which one is usually caused by children being weaned from their mother's milk too
(a) marasmus,
(b) anaemia,
(c) pellagra,
(d) beri-beri.

➢ Seely:-
1. Which layer of the digestive tract is in direct contact with the food that is consumed?
a. mucosa c. serosa
b. muscularis d. Submucosa
2. The ENS is found in
a. the submucosa layer.
b. the muscularis layer.
c. the serosa layer.

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d. Both a and b are correct.
e. All of these are correct.
3. Dentin
a. forms the surface of the crown of the teeth.
b. holds the teeth to the periodontal ligaments.
c. is found in the pulp cavity.
d. makes up most of the structure of the teeth.
e. is harder than enamel.
4. The number of premolar deciduous teeth is
a. 0.
c. 4.
e. 12.
b. 2.
d. 8.
5. Which of these glands does not secrete saliva into the oral cavity?
a. submandibular gland c. sublingual gland
b. pancreas d. parotid gland
6. The portion of the digestive tract in which digestion begins is the
a. oral cavity. d. duodenum.
b. esophagus. e. jejunum.
c. stomach.

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7. During swallowing,
a. the movement of food results primarily from gravity.
b. the swallowing center in the medulla oblongata is activated.
c. food is pushed into the oropharynx during the pharyngeal phase.
d. the soft palate closes off the opening into the larynx.
8. The stomach
a. has large folds in the submucosa and mucosa called rugae.
b. has two layers of smooth muscle in the muscularis tunic.
c. opening from the esophagus is the pyloric opening.
d. has an area closest to the duodenum called the fundus.
e. All of these are correct.
9. Which of these stomach cell types is not correctly matched with its function?
a. surface mucous cells—produce mucus
b. parietal cells—produce hydrochloric acid
c. chief cells—produce intrinsic factor
d. endocrine cells—produce regulatory hormones
10. Why doesn’t the stomach digest itself?
a. The stomach wall is not composed of protein, so it is not affected by proteolytic enzymes.
b. The digestive enzymes of the stomach are not strong enough to digest the stomach wall.
c. The lining of the stomach wall has a protective layer of epithelial cells.
d. The stomach wall is protected by large amounts of mucus.
11. Which of these hormones stimulates stomach secretions?
a. cholecystokinin c. gastrin
b. insulin d. secretin

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12. Which of these structures increase the mucosal surface of the small intestine?
a. circular folds d. length of the small intestine
b. villi e. All of these are correct.
c. microvilli
13. Which cells in the small intestine have digestive enzymes attached to their surfaces?
a. mucous cells c. endocrine cells
b. goblet cells d. absorptive cells
14. The hepatic sinusoids
a. receive blood from the hepatic artery.
b. receive blood from the hepatic portal vein.
c. empty into the central veins.
d. All of these are correct.
15. Which of the following might occur if a person suffers from a severe case of hepatitis that
impairs liver function?
a. Lipid digestion is difficult.
b. By-products of hemoglobin breakdown accumulate in the blood.
c. Plasma proteins decrease in concentration.
d. Toxins in the blood increase.
e. All of these occur.
16. The gallbladder
a. produces bile.
b. stores bile.
c. contracts and releases bile in response to secretin.
d. contracts and releases bile in response to sympathetic stimulation.
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e. Both b and c are correct.
17. The aqueous pancreatic juice
a. is secreted by the pancreatic islets.
b. contains HCO3
c. is released primarily in response to cholecystokinin.
d. passes directly into the blood.
e. All of these are correct.
18. Which of these is not a function of the large intestine?
a. absorption of glucose
b. absorption of certain vitamins
c. absorption of water and salts
d. production of mucus
19. Defecation
a. can be initiated by stretch of the rectum.
b. can occur as a result of mass movements.
c. involves local reflexes.
d. involves parasympathetic reflexes mediated by the spinal cord.
e. All of these characteristics are true of defecation.
20. Which of these structures produces enzymes that digest carbohydrates?
a. salivary glands
b. pancreas
c. lining of the small intestine
d. Both a and b are correct.
e. All of these are correct.

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21. Bile
a. is an important enzyme for the digestion of lipids.
b. is made by the gallbladder.
c. contains breakdown products from hemoglobin.
d. emulsifies lipids.
e. Both c and d are correct.
22. Micelles are
a. lipids surrounded by bile salts.
b. produced by the pancreas.
c. released into lacteals.
d. stored in the gallbladder.
e. reabsorbed in the colon.
23. If the thoracic duct were tied off, which of these classes of nutrients would not enter the
blood at their normal rate?
a. amino acids
c. lipids
e. nucleotides
b. glucose
d. fructose
24. Which of these lipoprotein molecules transports excess lipids from cells back to the liver?
a. high-density lipoprotein (HDL)
b. low-density lipoprotein (LDL)
c. very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL)

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➢ Schaums test bank:-
1. If an incision had to be made in the small intestine to remove an obstruction, which tunic
would be cutfirst?
(a) muscularis,
(b) mucosa,
(c) submucosa,
(d) adventitia
2. The hepatic flexure of the large intestine occurs between
(a) the transverse colon and descending colon,
(b) the cecum and ascending colon,
(c) the ascending colon and transverse colon,
(d) the descending colon and rectum,
(e) the descending colon and sigmoid colon.
3. Obstruction of the common bile duct by gallstones would most
likely affect the digestion of
(a) carbohydrates,
(b) fats,
(c) proteins,
(d) nucleic acids,
(e) none of the preceding.
4. Formation of gallstones is referred to as
(a) jaundice,
(b) cirrhosis,
(c) hepatitis,
(d) cholelithiasis.
5. Which of the following is not a function of saliva?
(a) to initiate protein digestion,
(b) to aid in cleansing the teeth,

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(c) to lubricate the pharynx,
(d) to assist in the formation of a bolus
6. Peristalsis moves food material
(a) in the stomach and small intestine only,
(b) in the intestines only,
(c) in the stomach and intestines only,
(d) from the pharynx to the anal canal.
7. A gastrointestinal (GI) tumor involving the plicae circulares and villi might interfere
(a) deglutition,
(b) absorption,
(c) peristalsis,
(d) defecation,
(e) emulsification.
8. The greater omentum does not participate in
(a) secretion of enzymes,
(b) support and cushioning of the viscera,
(c) storage of lipids,
(d) protection against the spread of infection.
9. Most enzymes involved in protein digestion are
(a) secreted by the pancreas,
(b) activated by hydrochloric acid (HCl),
(c) present in the stomach,
(d) secreted in an inactive form,
(e) stimulated by enterokinase.
10. The terminal portion of the small intestine is
(a) the ileum,
(b) the cecum,
(c) the duodenum,
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(d) the jejunum,
(e) the colon.
11. The large intestine lacks
(a) goblet cells,
(b) epiploic appendages,
(c) plicae circulares,
(d) haustra.
12. Which of the following is not a major GI hormone?
(a) epinephrine,
(b) secretin,
(c) gastrin,
(d) cholecystokinin
13. A set of permanent teeth contains
(a) 20 teeth,
(b) 30 teeth,
(c) 32 teeth,
(d) 24 teeth.
14. Teeth adapted to shear food are
(a) premolars,
(b) canines,
(c) incisors,
(d) molars.
15. A patient who has undergone a gastrectomy (removal of the stomach) may suffer from
(a) cirrhosis,
(b) pernicious anemia,
(c) gastric ulcer,
(d) inability to digest fats,
(e) inability to digest proteins.

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16. Amylase in saliva initiates digestion of
(a) lipids,
(b) proteins,
(c) carbohydrates,
(d) fats.
17. Pancreatic juice contains a protein-splitting enzyme called
(a) trypsin,
(b) zymogen,
(c) pepsin
(d) amylase,
(e) nuclease.
18. Secretin is a hormone that
(a) stimulates the release of pancreatic juice,
(b) converts trypsinogen into trypsin,
(c) activates chymotrypsin,
(d) inhibits the action of pancreatic lipase.
19. Which of the following ducts is not associated with the digestive system?
(a) cystic duct,
(b) parotid duct,
(c) pancreatic duct,
(d) hepatic duct,
(e) lacrimal duct
20. A dysfunction of the parietal cells of gastric glands would result in a decreased
production of which two of the following?
(a) mucus,
(b) pepsinogen,
(c) pepsin,
(d) HCl,

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(e) intrinsic factor
21. The part of the stomach that meets the esophagus at the gastroesophageal sphincter is
(a) the fundus,
(b) the cardia,
(c) the pylorus,
(d) the body,
(e) the lesser curvature.

22. Which of the following statements is false concerning the hepatic plates?
(a) Each is only one or two cell layers thick.
(b) They are considered the functional units of the liver.
(c) A sinusoid separates adjacent hepatic plates.
(d) Arterial blood and portal venous blood mix within the sinusoids.
(e) Bile flows through the sinusoids of the hepatic plates.
23. The small intestine is held to the posterior abdominal wall by
(a) the mesentery,
(b) the falciform ligament,
(c) the greater omentum,
(d) the lesser omentum,
(e) the visceral peritoneum.
24. The salivary gland located in front and slightly below the auricle of the ear is
(a) the buccal gland,
(b) the parotid gland,
(c) the submandibular gland,
(d) the sublingual gland.
25. The uvula is
(a) a structure that guards the larynx,
(b) a structure that extends into the lumen of the small intestine,
(c) a fleshy extension of the soft palate,

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(d) a tonsil within the oral cavity,
(e) a flap of the ileocecal valve.

➢ “Principle of human physiology”

1) Which of the following is NOT a basic process of the gastrointestinal system?
A) digestion
B) filtration
C) absorption
D) secretion
E) motility
Answer: B
2) Which of the following is the correct order of the layers of the gastrointestinal tract wall,
from lumen to external surface?
A) mucosa submucosa muscularis externa serosa

B) serosa muscularis externa submucosa mucosa

C) serosa mucosa submucosa muscularis externa

D) mucosa submucosa serosa muscularis externa

E) submucosa mucosa serosa muscularis externa

Answer: A
3) Which of the following correctly lists the three portions of the mucosa?
A) serosa, muscularis mucosae, muscularis externa
B) adventitia, muscularis externa, mucous membrane
C) muscularis mucosae, mucous membrane, submucosa
D) mucous membrane, lamina propria, muscularis mucosae
E) adventitia, lamina propria, muscularis externa
Answer: D
4) Enterocytes of the mucous membrane of the mucosal layer are classified as ________
cells if they secrete fluids and enzymes into the lumen and ________ cells if they release
hormones into the bloodstream.
A) endocrine : absorptive

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B) exocrine : endocrine
C) endocrine : exocrine
D) absorptive : endocrine
E) exocrine : absorptive
Answer: B
5) What layer of the mucosa is connective tissue that contains blood vessels and lymphatic
A) serosa
B) submucosal plexus
C) mucous membrane
D) lamina propria
E) muscularis mucosae
Answer: D
6) What is the thin layer of smooth muscle cells whose contraction stirs the lumenal
contents and promotes contact with the mucosal membrane?
A) muscularis mucosae
B) muscularis externae
C) muscularis internae
D) serosa
E) myenteric plexus
Answer: A
7) What layer of the gastrointestinal wall is a thick layer of connective tissue that provides
the gastrointestinal tract with much of its elasticity and distensibility?
A) peritoneum
B) mesentery
C) serosa
D) lamina propria
E) submucosa
Answer: E

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8) The enteric nervous system receives its inputs from ________.
A) autonomic neurons only
B) somatic motor neurons only
C) sensory neurons in the wall of the gastrointestinal tract only
D) both autonomic neurons and sensory neurons in the wall of the gastrointestinal tract
E) both somatic motor neurons and sensory neurons in the wall of the gastrointestinal tract
Answer: D
9) The muscularis externa contains which of the following muscle groups?
A) an inner circular layer capable of slow-wave potentials only
B) an outer longitudinal layer that requires neural input for contraction
C) a muscularis mucosae, which lubricates as it contracts
D) both an inner circular and an outer longitudinal layer
E) an inner circular and outer longitudinal layer, and a muscularis mucosae
Answer: D
10) Where do slow-wave potentials occur?
A) myenteric plexus
B) submucosal plexus
C) muscularis mucosae
D) inner circular muscle layer of the muscularis externa
E) outer longitudinal muscle layer of the muscularis externa
Answer: D
11) The ________ is a layer of epithelial cells on the outer side of the serosa that secretes a
watery lubricating fluid that makes it easier for organs to slide past one another.
A) submucosa
B) myenteric plexus
C) mesentery
D) mesothelium
E) endothelium
Answer: D
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12) What membrane lines the abdominal cavity?
A) serosa
B) peritoneum
C) mesothelium
D) mesenteries
E) adventitia
Answer: B
13) What is the technical word for chewing?
A) mastication
B) micturition
C) segmentation
D) haustration
E) accommodation
Answer: A
14) As the food is broken into smaller pieces in the mouth, it is combined with ________
that facilitates its movement down the esophagus.
A) gastric juices
B) amylase
C) saliva
D) pancreatic juices
E) chyme
Answer: C
15) What is a ring of skeletal muscle that regulates the movement of a bolus into the
A) glottis
B) epiglottis
C) upper esophageal sphincter
D) lower esophageal sphincter
E) pyloric sphincter

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Answer: C
16) Gastric reflux occurs when material flows backwards through which of the following
A) glottis
B) epiglottis
C) upper esophageal sphincter
D) lower esophageal sphincter
E) pyloric sphincter
Answer: D
17) What is a mixture of food particles with gastric juice called?
A) bolus
B) fundus
C) chyme
D) saliva
E) gastric secretions
Answer: C
18) The flow of chyme from the stomach to the small intestine is regulated by the ________.
A) glottis
B) epiglottis
C) lower esophageal sphincter
D) pyloric sphincter
E) gastroileal sphincter
Answer: D
19) What are rugae?
A) folds in the small intestine that increase the surface area for absorption
B) folds in the large intestine that increase the surface area for absorption
C) folds in the stomach that can flatten to expand the stomach volume
D) a motility pattern of the large intestine
E) a motility pattern of the stomach
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Answer: C
20) What cells secrete pepsinogen into the lumen of the stomach?
A) Goblet
B) G
C) Parietal
D) Chief
E) Neck
Answer: D
21) What cells function to secrete hydrogen ions into the lumen of the stomach?
A) Goblet
B) Parietal
C) Chief
D) Neck
E) G
Answer: B
22) What do parietal cells secrete?
A) hydrogen ions only
B) pepsinogen only
C) intrinsic factor only
D) both hydrogen ions and pepsinogen
E) both hydrogen ions and intrinsic factor
Answer: E
23) What do neck cells of gastric pits secrete?
A) hydrogen ions
B) pepsinogen
C) intrinsic factor
D) gastrin
E) mucus

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Answer: E
24) Which of the following is NOT a normal function of the high acidity of the stomach?
A) activate pepsin
B) denature proteins
C) destroy foodborne bacteria
D) activate vitamin B12
E) protect against illness
Answer: D
25) Once the chyme begins to enter the duodenum, it must first be ________ before any of
the enzymes in the pancreatic juices can be activated.
A) neutralized
B) acidified
C) dehydrated
D) hydrated
E) phosphorylated
Answer: A
26) What protects the stomach wall from the acidic lumenal contents?
A) a layer of parietal cells
B) the gastric mucosal barrier
C) the presence of rugae
D) the gastric coat
E) a layer of adipose tissue lining the gastric mucosa
Answer: B
27) To increase the absorptive efficiency of the small intestine, the surface area of the
mucosa is increased by the presence of folds in the wall called ________, and projections of
the cell membrane called ________.
A) microvilli : villi
B) villi : microvilli
C) lacteals : rugae

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D) rugae : lacteals
E) microvilli : lacteals
Answer: B
28) Which of the following is the correct order of the components of the small intestine,
from stomach to colon?
A) ileum jejunum duodenum

B) jejunum duodenum ileum

C) duodenum ileum jejunum

D) jejunum ileum duodenum

E) duodenum jejunum ileum

Answer: E
29) A lacteal is a ________ located in ________.
A) nerve : myenteric plexus
B) nerve : submucosal plexus
C) capillary : villus
D) lymphatic vessel : villus
E) patch of immune tissue : submucosa
Answer: D
30) What is the brush border?
A) microvilli from parietal cells
B) microvilli from epithelial cells lining the small intestine
C) villi from parietal cells
D) villi from epithelial cells lining the small intestine
E) villi from epithelial cells lining the stomach
Answer: B
31) What do the secretory cells in the crypts of Lieberkuhnʹs secrete?
A) gastric juice
B) intestinal juice

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C) succus entericus
D) pancreatic juice
E) bile
Answer: C
32) Blood from the intestinal capillaries drains into what blood vessel before entering the
hepatic portal vein?
A) hepatic artery
B) mesenteric vein
C) hepatic vein
D) coeliac vein
E) intestinal vein
Answer: B
33) What region of the colon serves primarily as a storage depot for whatever material
remains in the lumen after absorption has occurred?
A) ascending
B) transverse
C) descending
D) sigmoid
E) resected
Answer: D
34) What is the primary function of the colon?
A) further digest fats within the chyme
B) reduce the volume of the chyme
C) further digest protein within the chyme
D) further absorb carbohydrates
E) regulate absorption of carbohydrates and amino acids
Answer: B
35) Which of the following structures is NOT part of the large intestine?
A) colon

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B) cecum
C) rectum
D) anus
E) vermiform appendix
Answer: D
36) Which of the following sphincters is composed of skeletal muscle?
A) pyloric sphincter only
B) upper esophageal sphincter only
C) external anal sphincter only
D) both the pyloric and upper esophageal sphincters
E) both the upper esophageal and external anal sphincters
Answer: E
37) Which of the following is NOT one of the components of saliva?
A) bicarbonate ions
B) mucus
C) lipases
D) amylases
E) lysozymes
Answer: C
38) Which of the following is NOT one of the components of exocrine pancreatic
A) digase
B) lipase
C) amylase
D) protease
E) nuclease
Answer: A
39) What enzymes secreted by the exocrine pancreas degrade fats?
A) Proteases
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B) Digases
C) Amylases
D) Lipases
E) Nucleases
Answer: D
40) Which of the following secretes a bicarbonate-rich fluid?
A) salivary glands only
B) pancreas only
C) liver only
D) both salivary glands and pancreas
E) salivary glands, pancreas, and liver
Answer: E
41) Which of the following secretes lipase?
A) salivary glands
B) pancreas
C) liver
D) both salivary glands and pancreas
E) pancreas and liver
Answer: B
42) Which of the following is NOT one of the functions of the liver?
A) secretion of bile
B) synthesis of albumin
C) removal of aged erythrocytes
D) secretion of enzymes for digestion
E) synthesis and modification of hormones
Answer: D
43) What degradation by-product of hemoglobin is removed from the liver (and thereby
the body) in bile?
A) lipoproteins
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B) bilirubin
C) iron
D) urea
E) uric acid
Answer: B
44) In order to convert amino acids to fatty acids and/or gluconeogenic precursors, an
ammonium ion must be removed in the liver and converted to ________ before being
excreted by the kidneys.
A) urea
B) uric acid
C) bilirubin
D) ammonia
E) nitrogen
Answer: A
45) Which of the following is NOT one of the wastes that is eliminated by the liver in bile?
A) bilirubin
B) trace metals
C) urea
D) certain drugs
E) cholesterol
Answer: C
46) Which of the following is NOT one of the hormone-related functions of the liver?
A) secrete hormone binding proteins
B) hormone degradation
C) hormone modification
D) hormone synthesis
E) hormone storage
Answer: E

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47) The flow of bile from the liver and juices from the exocrine pancreas converge at what
A) bile duct
B) common bile duct
C) ampulla of Vater
D) common hepatic duct
E) gallbladder
Answer: C
48) One side of a hepatocyte faces the blood while the other faces what?
A) sinusoid
B) bile canaliculus
C) enterocyte
D) acinar cells
E) common hepatic duct
Answer: B
49) What is the functional unit of the liver?
A) lobule
B) hepatocyte
C) bile canaliculi
D) sinusoid
E) lobe
Answer: A
50) What are liver sinusoids?
A) the site of bile synthesis
B) the pathway for bile to exit the liver
C) blood-filled cavities that exchange material with the hepatocytes
D) bile-filled cavities that exchange material with the hepatocytes
E) air-filled cavities in the liver
Answer: C
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51) What are Kupffer cells?
A) macrophages in the liver
B) hepatocytes
C) cells of the stomach that secrete hydrogen ions
D) cells lining the Crypts of Lieberkuhns
E) cells lining the pancreatic duct
Answer: A
52) The enzyme amylase is able to cleave glycogen and starch into ________.
A) disaccharides only
B) monosaccharides only
C) limit dextrins only
D) both disaccharides and limit dextrins
E) both monosaccharides and disaccharides
Answer: D
53) Which of the following is NOT an enzyme that acts on the products of amylase
digestion of glycogen and starch?
A) glucoamylase
B) sucrase
C) maltase
D) galactase
E) dextinase
Answer: D
54) The absorption of glucose involves ________ across the apical membrane and ________
across the basolateral membrane.
A) facilitated diffusion: facilitated diffusion
B) simple diffusion : facilitated diffusion
C) secondary active transport : facilitated diffusion
D) secondary active transport : secondary active transport
E) secondary active transport : primary active transport

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Answer: C
55) Where are enzymes that breakdown disaccharides located?
A) in the lumen of the small intestine
B) on the apical membrane of enterocytes
C) inside enterocytes
D) on the basolateral membrane of enterocytes
E) in the lumen of the large intestine
Answer: B
56) The absorption of fructose across the apical membrane of the lumenal epithelial cells
occurs through what process?
A) facilitated diffusion
B) diffusion
C) sodium-linked secondary active transport
D) primary active transport
E) paracellular transport
Answer: A
57) The digestion of proteins begins in the ________ with the activation of the zymogen
A) small intestine : trypsinogen
B) stomach : pepsinogen
C) mouth : pepsinogen
D) small intestine : chymotrypsinogen
E) stomach : procarboxypeptidase
Answer: B
58) What enzyme is responsible for cleavage of the amino acid at the amine portion of the
peptide fragment?
A) carboxypeptidase
B) trypsin
C) chymotrypsin

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D) enterokinase
E) aminopeptidase
Answer: E
59) What enzyme activates procarboxypeptidase?
A) carboxypeptidase
B) trypsin
C) pepsin
D) enterokinase
E) aminopeptidase
Answer: B
60) Proteolytic enzymes secreted in pancreatic juice are stored in secretory cells of the
pancreas as________.
A) pepsinogen
B) limit dextrins
C) zymogens
D) bile salts
E) chylomicrons
Answer: C
61) What enzyme cleaves trypsinogen to trypsin?
A) chymotrypsin
B) pepsin
C) enterokinase
D) procarboxypeptidase
E) amylase
Answer: C
62) Many individual amino acids enter the epithelial cells that line the lumen of the
digestive tract via what transport process?
A) paracellular transport
B) simple diffusion

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C) primary active transport
D) sodium-linked secondary active transport
E) facilitated diffusion
Answer: D
63) In order to begin the process of fat digestion, the fat globules must be ________.
A) emulsified by lipases
B) emulsified by trypsin
C) emulsified by bile salts
D) coalesced by bile salts
E) coalesced by lipase
Answer: C
64) Emulsification aids in the digestion of fats by ________.
A) increasing the surface area of the fat globule exposed to enzymes
B) beginning the process of degrading the triglycerides within the fat globule
C) increasing the number of fat globules
D) the ability of bile salts to activate lipases that digest fats
E) increasing the number of hydrophobic residues on the surface of the fat globule
Answer: A
65) Pancreatic lipase degrades triglycerides into ________.
A) a monoglyceride and 1 free fatty acid
B) a triglyceride whose free fatty acids have been shortened 2 carbons at a time
C) a glycerol and 3 free fatty acids
D) a diglyceride and 1 free fatty acid
E) a monoglyceride and 2 free fatty acids
Answer: E
66) Digestion products of lipases are readily exchanged in the lumen with ________.
A) cholesterol
B) polysaccharides

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C) chylomicrons
D) micelles
E) low-density lipoproteins
Answer: D
67) Bile salts are recycled by the ________.
A) mesenteric arteries
B) hepatic arteries
C) enterohepatic circulation
D) biliary circulation
E) common bile duct
Answer: C
68) The products of fat degradation are absorbed in the small intestines by what transport
A) sodium-linked secondary active transport
B) simple diffusion
C) primary active transport
D) facilitated diffusion
E) paracellular transport
Answer: B
69) Once the degradation products of triglycerides have entered the epithelial cells that line
the small intestines, they ________.
A) cross the basolateral membrane and enter the circulation where they will be embedded into a
B) are reassembled into triglycerides and released into the blood where they can be incorporated
into chylomicrons
C) are reassembled into triglycerides and packaged by the Golgi apparatus into micelles
D) are reassembled into triglycerides and packaged by the Golgi apparatus into chylomicrons
E) are further degraded to glycerol and a free fatty acid, which are packaged by the Golgi
apparatus into chylomicrons
Answer: D

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70) Lipids are absorbed as ________ into ________.
A) fatty acids and monoglycerides : mesenteric capillaries
B) micelles : mesenteric capillaries
C) chylomicrons : mesenteric capillaries
D) chylomicrons : lacteals
E) micelles : lacteals
Answer: D
71) Vitamin B12 is absorbed in the ________ through ________.
A) jejunum : complexing with intrinsic factor
B) duodenum : facilitated diffusion
C) ileum : complexing with intrinsic factor
D) duodenum : cotransport with sodium
E) jejunum : facilitated diffusion
Answer: C
72) A lack of intrinsic factor can result in ________.
A) pernicious anemia
B) aplastic anemia
C) diarrhea
D) diabetes
E) immune suppression
Answer: A
73) The absorption of sodium throughout the small intestine is driven by ________
transport and is typically linked to the absorption of ________.
A) active : chloride
B) passive : bicarbonate
C) active : bicarbonate
D) active : glucose
E) passive : glucose
Answer: A
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74) In the jejunum, bicarbonate is ________, while in the ileum and colon, bicarbonate is
A) absorbed : absorbed
B) absorbed : secreted
C) secreted : secreted
D) secreted : absorbed
E) absorbed : not transported in either direction
Answer: B
75) Carbonic anhydrase is located in which of the following structures?
A) salivary glands only
B) parietal cells only
C) lumen of the small intestine only
D) both salivary glands and parietal cells
E) both parietal cells and lumen of the small intestine
Answer: E
76) Which of the following substances does NOT require the interaction with a protein in
the intestinal tract to be absorbed?
A) fat-soluble vitamins
B) vitamin B12
C) calcium
D) iron
E) sodium
Answer: A
77) The central component of the long reflex pathway typically involves the ________
nervous system, which acts to promote an increase in gastrointestinal activity.
A) parasympathetic
B) sympathetic
C) somatic
D) enteric

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E) intrinsic
Answer: A
78) Gastric-phase control of gastrointestinal function refers to its site of origin, which is
A) the pancreas
B) the central nervous system
C) the stomach
D) the intestines
E) the colon
Answer: C
79) Which of the following is NOT one of the hormones released by the gastrointestinal
tract that regulates its function?
A) gastrin
B) cholecystokinin
C) secretin
D) glucose inhibitory peptide
E) glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide
Answer: D
80) Which of the following is an enterogastrone?
A) gastrin
B) cholecystokinin
C) epinephrine
D) monoglyceride
E) bile
Answer: B
81) What does the secretion of leptin cause?
A) increased motility of the gastrointestinal tract
B) increased pancreatic secretion into the gastrointestinal tract
C) decreased gastric secretion into the gastrointestinal tract

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D) increased bile secretion
E) decreased sensation of hunger
Answer: E
82) What causes leptin secretion to increase?
A) increased gluconeogenesis in liver cells
B) increased glycogenolysis in skeletal muscle cells
C) increased storage of calories in adipose cells
D) decreased synthesis of triglycerides in adipose cells
E) decreased synthesis of glycogen in liver cells
Answer: C
83) Obesity predisposes a person for development of all of the following diseases EXCEPT
A) diabetes mellitus type 1
B) atherosclerosis
C) heart disease
D) liver disease
E) hypertension
Answer: A
84) A person is considered obese if their body fat composition is what percentage above
A) 10
B) 20
C) 30
D) 40
E) 50
Answer: B
85) What cell type secretes resistin?
A) adipocytes only
B) hepatocytes only
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C) G cells only
D) macrophages only
E) adipocytes and macrophages
Answer: E
86) The increase in absorbed nutrients in blood will cause secretion of what hormone to
increase, thereby decreasing the sensation of hunger?
A) gastrin
B) insulin
C) cholecystokinin
D) secretin
E) glucagon
Answer: B
87) The presence of food in the duodenum will cause secretion of what hormone to increase,
thereby decreasing the sensation of hunger?
A) gastrin
B) insulin
C) cholecystokinin
D) secretin
E) glucagon
Answer: C
88) ________ ions are produced within the parietal cells and transported across the apical
membrane via an active transporter while, at the same time, ________ moves across the
apical membrane through ion channels.
A) Hydrogen : sodium
B) Bicarbonate : chloride
C) Bicarbonate : hydrogen
D) Hydrogen : chloride
E) Hydrogen : bicarbonate
Answer: D
89) Which of the following is a gastric-phase stimulus for acid secretion?

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A) distension of the stomach and the act of swallowing
B) chewing and the act of swallowing
C) distension of the stomach and the presence of protein digestion products in the lumen of the
D) chewing, swallowing, and the presence of protein digestion products in the lumen of the
E) the presence of fat and protein digestion products in the lumen of the stomach
Answer: C
90) Which of the following is NOT responsible for the decrease in parietal and chief cell
secretion that occurs as food enters the small intestines?
A) decreased stomach pH
B) decreased distension of the stomach
C) lower concentration of digestive components
D) increased osmolarity of duodenal components
E) decreased fats and acids in the duodenum
Answer: E
91) In response to the presence of food within the duodenum, the increased release of what
hormone will primarily stimulate an increase in enzyme secretion from the exocrine
A) insulin
B) gastrin
C) cholecystokinin
D) secretin
E) glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide
Answer: C
92) In response to the presence of food within the duodenum, the increased release of what
hormone will primarily stimulate an increase in bicarbonate secretion from the exocrine
A) insulin
B) gastrin
C) cholecystokinin

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D) secretin
E) glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide
Answer: D
93) The secretion of cholecystokinin is primarily regulated by which of the following?
A) carbohydrate digestion products
B) protein digestion products and fat presence in the duodenum
C) distention of the duodenum
D) acid and amino acid content of the chyme
E) opening of the pyloric sphincter
Answer: B
94) The secretion of secretin is primarily regulated by which of the following?
A) carbohydrate digestion products
B) protein digestion products and fat
C) distention of the duodenum
D) acid content of the duodenum
E) opening of the pyloric sphincter
Answer: D
95) Which of the following are mechanisms by which cholecystokinin (CCK) facilitates
digestion of fats?
A) stimulation of lipase and bile secretion
B) stimulation of gallbladder contraction and relaxation of the sphincter of Oddi
C) stimulation of lipase secretion and gallbladder contraction
D) stimulation of bile secretion and liver contraction
E) stimulation of bile secretion and contraction of the sphincter of Oddi
Answer: B
96) What is the main hormone that stimulates bile secretion?
A) cholecystokinin
B) insulin
C) secretin
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D) glucagon
E) gastrin
Answer: C
97) In the intestine, smooth muscle cell contraction ________.
A) is graded by the extent of depolarization for slow waves until an action potential is generated
B) is graded by the extent of depolarization for slow waves whether an action potential is
generated or not
C) requires an action potential and is therefore graded by frequency of action potentials
D) requires an action potential but is graded by slow wave height
E) is stimulated by motor neurons
Answer: C
98) What causes peristalsis?
A) contraction of the circular muscle layer and relaxation of the longitudinal muscle at the same
B) relaxation of the circular muscle layer and contraction of the longitudinal muscle at the same
C) contraction of circular muscle layer and relaxation of the longitudinal muscle in the proximal
segment coupled to the contraction of longitudinal muscle and relaxation of the circular muscle
in the distal segment
D) relaxation of circular muscle layer and contraction of the longitudinal muscle in the proximal
segment coupled to the relaxation of longitudinal muscle and contraction of the circular muscle
in the distal segment
E) contraction of both the circular muscle layer and longitudinal muscle in the proximal segment
coupled to the relaxation of both the circular muscle layer and longitudinal muscle in the distal
Answer: C
99) What causes segmentation?
A) contraction of the circular muscle at one intestinal segment coupled with its relaxation at
adjoining segments
B) contraction of longitudinal muscle at one intestinal segment coupled with its relaxation at
adjoining segments

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C) contraction of the circular muscle at one intestinal segment coupled with contraction of the
longitudinal muscle at adjoining segments
D) contraction of both the circular and longitudinal layers of muscle at one segment coupled with
the relaxation of both at adjoining segments
E) relaxation of circular muscle layer and contraction of the longitudinal muscle at one segment
coupled to the relaxation of longitudinal muscle and contraction of the circular muscle in the
adjoining segments
Answer: A
100) What does propelling food to the back of the mouth with the tongue initiate?
A) swallowing reflex
B) chewing reflex
C) bolus formation
D) peristalsis
E) receptive relaxation
Answer: A
101) What does entry of the bolus into the esophagus initiate by stimulating stretch
A) the swallowing reflex
B) the chewing reflex
C) bolus formation
D) peristalsis
E) receptive relaxation
Answer: D
102) What is the decrease in rugae folding within the stomach in advance of the arrival of a
bolus of food called?
A) esophageal reflex relaxation
B) gastric expansion
C) receptive relaxation
D) peristaltic relaxation
E) gastric unfolding

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Answer: C
103) The peristaltic waves of the stomach will result in ________ if the pyloric sphincter is
A) an inhibition of further waves
B) stimulation of hormone secretion from the duodenum
C) the formation of a bolus
D) some of the chyme being forced into the duodenum even
E) the mixing of the chyme
Answer: E
104) Which of the following describes events of the migrating motility complex in the
A) mild fundic contractions accompanied by pyloric relaxation
B) intense antral contractions accompanied by pyloric contraction
C) intense antral contractions accompanied by pyloric relaxation
D) mild antral contractions accompanied by pyloric relaxation
E) intense fundic contractions accompanied by pyloric contraction
Answer: C
105) Where does peristalsis occur?
A) esophagus only
B) stomach only
C) small intestine only
D) both stomach and small intestine
E) esophagus, stomach, and small intestine
Answer: E
106) Which of the following increases gastric motility?
A) distension of the stomach
B) cholecystokinin and secretin
C) increased osmolarity of duodenal contents
D) distension of the intestines

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E) increased fat content in the lumen of the duodenum
Answer: A
107) What is the function of segmentation in the small intestines?
A) the opening of the pyloric valve
B) releasing bile from the gall bladder
C) releasing pancreatic juices
D) propelling the chyme
E) mixing the chyme
Answer: E
108) What reflex protects the small intestine by inhibiting contractions while the intestines
are injured or severely distended?
A) intestino-intestinal reflex
B) ileogastric reflex
C) gastroileal reflex
D) colonocolonic reflex
E) gastrocolic reflex
Answer: A
109) What reflex stimulates the motility of the ileum in response to the presence of chyme
in the stomach?
A) intestino-intestinal reflex
B) ileogastric reflex
C) gastroileal reflex
D) colonocolonic reflex
E) gastrocolic reflex
Answer: C
110) What stimulates the defecation reflex?
A) increase in osmolarity of the rectum
B) peristaltic contraction of the sigmoid colon
C) pressure on the internal anal sphincter

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D) distention of the rectum
E) distention of the descending colon
Answer: D
111) What is a mass movement?
A) a segmentation-like wave in the large intestine that causes the elimination of contents as feces
B) a peristaltic-like wave in the large intestine that causes the elimination of contents as feces
C) a segmentation-like wave in the large intestine that mixes the contents
D) a peristaltic-like wave in the large intestine that propels the contents toward the rectum
E) another name for defecation
Answer: D

➢ BRS Test Bank:

1. Which of the following substances is released from neurons in the GI tract and produces
smooth muscle relaxation?
(A) Secretin
(B) Gastrin
(C) Cholecystokinin (CCK)
(D) Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)
(E) Gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP)
2. Which of the following is the site of secretion of intrinsic factor?
(A) Gastric antrum
(B) Gastric fundus
(C) Duodenum
(D) Ileum
(E) Colon
3. Vibrio cholerae causes diarrhea because it
(A) increases HCO3− secretory channels in intestinal epithelial cells
(B) increases Cl− secretory channels in crypt cells
(C) prevents the absorption of glucose and causes water to be retained in the intestinal lumen

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(D) inhibits cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) production in intestinal epithelial cells
(E) inhibits inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (IP3) production in intestinal epithelial cells
4. Cholecystokinin (CCK) has some gastrin like properties because both CCK and gastrin
(A) are released from G cells in the stomach
(B) are released from I cells in the duodenum
(C) are members of the secretin-homologous family
(D) have five identical C-terminal amino acids
(E) have 90% homology of their amino acids
5. Which of the following is transported in intestinal epithelial cells by a Na+-dependent
cotransport process?
(A) Fatty acids
(B) Triglycerides
(C) Fructose
(D) Alanine
(E) Oligopeptides
6. A 49-year-old male patient with severe Crohn disease has been unresponsive to drug
therapy and undergoes ileal resection. After the surgery, he will have steatorrhea because
(A) the liver bile acid pool increases
(B) chylomicrons do not form in the intestinal lumen
(C) micelles do not form in the intestinal lumen
(D) dietary triglycerides cannot be digested
(E) the pancreas does not secrete lipase
7. Cholecystokinin (CCK) inhibits
(A) gastric emptying
(B) pancreatic HCO3− secretion
(C) pancreatic enzyme secretion
(D) contraction of the gallbladder
(E) relaxation of the sphincter of Oddi
8. Which of the following abolishes “receptive relaxation” of the stomach?

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(A) Parasympathetic stimulation
(B) Sympathetic stimulation
(C) Vagotomy
(D) Administration of gastrin
(E) Administration of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)
(F) Administration of cholecystokinin (CCK)
9. Secretion of which of the following substances is inhibited by low pH?
(A) Secretin
(B) Gastrin
(C) Cholecystokinin (CCK)
(D) Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)
(E) Gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP)
10. Which of the following is the site of secretion of gastrin?
(A) Gastric antrum
(B) Gastric fundus
(C) Duodenum
(D) Ileum
(E) Colon
11. Micelle formation is necessary for the intestinal absorption of
(A) glycerol
(B) galactose
(C) leucine
(D) bile acids
(E) vitamin B12
(F) vitamin D
12. Which of the following changes occurs during defecation?
(A) Internal anal sphincter is relaxed
(B) External anal sphincter is contracted

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(C) Rectal smooth muscle is relaxed
(D) Intra-abdominal pressure is lower than when at rest
(E) Segmentation contractions predominate
13. Which of the following is characteristic of saliva?
(A) Hypotonicity relative to plasma
(B) A lower HCO3− concentration than plasma
(C) The presence of proteases
(D) Secretion rate that is increased by vagotomy
(E) Modification by the salivary ductal cells involves reabsorption of K+ and HCO3
14. Which of the following substances is secreted in response to an oral glucose load?
(A) Secretin
(B) Gastrin
(C) Cholecystokinin (CCK)
(D) Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)
(E) Glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide (GIP)
15. Which of the following is true about the secretion from the exocrine pancreas?
(A) It has a higher Cl−concentration than does plasma
(B) It is stimulated by the presence of HCO3−in the duodenum
(C) Pancreatic HCO3− secretion is increased by gastrin
(D) Pancreatic enzyme secretion is increased by cholecystokinin (CCK)
(E) It is hypotonic
16. Which of the following substances must be further digested before it can be absorbed
by specific carriers in intestinal cells?
(A) Fructose
(B) Sucrose
(C) Alanine
(D) Dipeptides
(E) Tripeptides
17. Slow waves in small intestinal smooth muscle cells are
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(A) action potentials
(B) phasic contractions
(C) tonic contractions
(D) oscillating resting membrane potentials
(E) oscillating release of cholecystokinin (CCK)
18. A 24-year-old male graduate student participates in a clinical research study on
intestinal motility. Peristalsis of the small intestine
(A) mixes the food bolus
(B) is coordinated by the central nervous system (CNS)
(C) involves contraction of circular smooth muscle behind and in front of the food bolus
(D) involves contraction of circular smooth muscle behind the food bolus and relaxation of
circular smooth muscle in front of the bolus
(E) involves relaxation of circular and longitudinal smooth muscle simultaneously throughout
the small intestine
19. A 38-year-old male patient with a duodenal ulcer is treated successfully with the drug
cimetidine. The basis for cimetidine's inhibition of gastric H+ secretion is that it
(A) blocks muscarinic receptors on parietal cells
(B) blocks H2 receptors on parietal cells
(C) increases intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate (CAMP) levels
(D) blocks H+,K+-adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase)
(E) enhances the action of acetylcholine (ACh) on parietal cells
20. Which of the following substances inhibits gastric emptying?
(A) Secretin
(B) Gastrin
(C) Cholecystokinin (CCK)
(D) Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)
(E) Gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP)
21. When parietal cells are stimulated, they secrete
(A) HCl and intrinsic factor
(B) HCl and pepsinogen

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(C) HCl and HCO3
(D) HCO3− and intrinsic factor
(E) mucus and pepsinogen
22. A 44-year-old woman is diagnosed with Zollinger–Ellison syndrome. Which of the
following findings is consistent with the diagnosis?
(A) Decreased serum gastrin levels
(B) Increased serum insulin levels
(C) Increased absorption of dietary lipids
(D) Decreased parietal cell mass
(E) Peptic ulcer disease
23. Which of the following is the site of Na+–bile acid cotransport?
(A) Gastric antrum
(B) Gastric fundus
(C) Duodenum
(D) Ileum
(E) Colon

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