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PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023 Pachhunga university college

(A Constituent College of MizorAM university)

Learning and Service

Under Graduate
PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

NAAC Accredited A+ College

Funded under DBT Star College Scheme
First PG College in Mizoram
ISO Certified College
Platinum Rank in Green Audit, 2021
á College Auditorium

College Gymnasium â

á Arts PG Block

Inside College Library â

á Arts Block I
Principal’s Message
It is with a deep sense of gratitude that I welcome
all the students of Pachhunga University College to the
new academic session of 2022. Each of us has suffered loss
or hardship because of the Pandemic for the last two years,
and yet, we are still here, looking hopefully towards a bet-
PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

ter future. The Pandemic has taught us the importance of

self-sufficiency, resilience and compassion, and these les-
sons go hand in hand with our motto “Learning and Serv-
ice” as we strive to work harder, to do better, and to
perform more acts of service.

Towards the end of the last academic session, we had

been able to hold classes within the College for our final semester students. It is our hope that their
juniors too, will be able to experience college life and all its benefits. Our hard-working faculty have
done their utmost to provide quality online classes, and their efforts have been reflected accordingly
in the University Examinations. However, we hope the students will soon experience the newly
constructed and upgraded facilities- our buildings, laboratories, library, Resource centres and sports
complex, as well as the camaraderie that exists between faculty and students. Let us all hope and
pray that this will be made possible, and that no student will ever again have to miss out on their
education due to lack of connectivity.

We are blessed with two new academic buildings, one hostel which were under con-
struction. The construction of three more academic buildings is about to start. With this new
academic session, the College is ensuring that we are providing quality education on par with
the best colleges in the nation as we enter the third phase of our National Assessment and
Accreditation Council (NAAC) assessment and accreditation. We have also started con-
ducting admission procedures under the Central Universities Entrance Test (CUET), a com-
mon test for all central universities which is conducted by the National Testing Agency
(NTA). The College welcomed the National Education Policy (NEP), 2020 and we are ready
to start the course under NEP guidelines. We believe in the capability of our students, and
we are working to provide the best education and facilities so that their full capabilities are
realized and recognized. New postgraduate course in M.Sc in Applied Mathematics & Sta-
tistics is also to be started in the new academic session, I expressed my sincere thanks to Mi-
zoram University.

I request all the students, staff and visitors to follow the PUC policy of Plastic Free,
horn free, smoking free and ragging free campus.
Thank you

I, on behalf of Pachhunga University College, welcome all our dear students and wish
you all the best for achieving greater success and scaling new heights in the coming session.


PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023 | 1

Motto, Mission and Vision

Learning and Service

PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023
 To achieve excellence in teaching, learning, research,
and leadership in education and community services.

 To be the preeminent centre of scholarship in higher

education at the post-graduate, doctoral and
post-doctoral levels.

 To establish a reputable research center for investigating

local, national and international issues.

 To improve the infrastructural facilities to attain

national standard.


 The college motto “Learning and Service” is the

guiding beacon of our endeavor in striving for academic
excellence in higher education and humanitarian services.

 To impart quality knowledge through effective teaching

and to produce competent graduates in arts, science and

 To enhance the commitment of the faculty by

strengthening the facilities, thereby promoting a
distinguished academic environment.

 To work for the improvement of the society through

social services and other extension programmes.

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Pi Chawngi, wife of
PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

Pu Pachhunga handed
over a valuable gift of
Rs. 50,000/- to Rev.
Alwyn Roberts, Principal
of Pachhunga College in
1962.The first College of
Mizoram 'Aijal Collage'
was renamed as
'Pachhunga Memorial

The Origin
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
The foundation of education in Mizoram was laid along with the Christian religious
doctrines immediately following the Gospel brought to Mizoram by the two pioneer mission-
aries - Rev. F.W. Savidge (Sap Upa) and Rev. J.H. Lorrain (Pu Buanga) sent by Arthington
Aborigines Mission who set foot on Mizoram on January 11, 1894. A device of alphabet for
Mizo language was followed by a steady and rather rapid growth of literacy. The missionaries
paved the way of progress for education while they were spreading the Gospel. The progress
of literacy was greatly expedited with the establishment of the first main educational school
building in Mizoram named Boy’s Middle English School known was Sikul Pui in 1907.

For quite some time, one had to go and the opportunity of having a College, the
outside Mizoram to pursue higher studies main difficulty thereof being the disadvanta-
against odds and difficulties as there had not geous circumtances just after World War - II
been any way of doing beyond the Middle immediately following the departure of the
school level, and that was afforded only by a British from India followed by the Independ-
few wealthy people. With a steady progress ence with the vexed political atmosphere ob-
and a growing demand of students for higher taining in Mizoram at the time.
studies, the first High School in Mizoram
called the Mizo High School was started in After the British left India, Mizoram
1944. That was a great boon to the Mizo stu- continued remaining in India being one of the
dents who, in their good members, could ma- districts within Assam State as Lushai Hills
triculate from it. District. When we came to have a District
Council under a democratic set up of govern-
In spite of the benefits of Mizo High ment, a desire for an institution of a higher
School, one’s ambition for yet higher studies education became intensely great. About that
above matriculation was still to be met and time, there begun High Schools at Lunglei
even the bright ambitious matriculated stu- and Champhai with a resultant increase of
dents could not but stop there retuctantly the number of matriculates, but unfortunately
satistifying themselves with whatever govern- there had not yet been a single College in Mi-
ment jobs they could get. Thus a generation zoram; so about nineteen fifties (1950’s), the
had elapsed between the first High School first educated people who had finished their

PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023 | 3

college and university education and the then
students raised a concerted stronger voice for
an immediate start of a college. Among those
first educated ones may be made of Pu J. Mal-
sawma and Pu K.C. Lalvunga (Zikpuii Pa) who
enthusiatically showed a great zeal for the pur-
pose. To voice the need of a college for Mizo-
ram, Pu J.Malsawma penned his favourite
PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

dream ‘Vanapa College’ in the MZP Magazine

in 1950.
Principal, Rev. Alwyn Roberts with Teachers -
Prof Saingenga, Darchhawna, Hranthanga etc. and
The voice of demand for a higher means Students' Union Leaders like M.Lalmanzuala, Saptawni
of study became louder and louder. While there etc. in 1964 at the entrance of Aijal College.
had been three Colleges in Shillong, there was
no sign of efforts for one in Mizoram. In the fortunate that there came in 1958 a new
mean time, the zealous educated Mizo leaders Deputy Commissioner from Mikir Hills in the
had approached several times the then most person of Mr. Lawrence Sing Ingty at Aizawl.
prosperous Mizo businessman namely Pu Pach- He was an officer giving great importance to
hunga to pioneer the interest for the College. education, having been actually an instru-
Consequently, at the beginning of 1957, there ment for establishing colleges. He took quick
assembled some promoters at Pu Pachhunga’s actions with an aspiration for Mizos to have a
residence and set up an Organising Board with college. The Chairman of the District Council
Pu Pachhunga as the Chairman. Though not Pu H.K. Bawichhuaka, the Headmaster of the
highly educated, Pu Pachhunga saw the impor- Mizo High School Pu Sangliana, the wealthy
tance of education and he showed great interest merchant Pu Pachhunga and prominent edu-
in the matter with his desire for the welfare of cated people like Pu J. Malsawma and others
the Mizos, and so did Pu H.K. Bawichhuaka, the also did their best for this cause. These people
Chairman of the District Council. Those inter- made a continuous push to the Deputy Com-
ested leaders organised the first public meeting missioner to the extent that at times interest
in June, 1957 at the Boys’Middle English School, nearly collided with each other. Now to make
Aizawl for a meaningful discussion to start a col- the story short, all the enthusiastic efforts be-
lege. All the speakers in this meeting voiced the came fruitful that on the 15th August, 1958,
need of having a college for the Mizos. All in the the Indian Independence Day, the Deputy
meeting were in favour of a college with evening Commissioner Mr. L.S. Ingty inaugurated the
shift catering to the facilities of people working first College in Mizoram called ‘AIJAL COL-
in the day time. To look for a way of having a LEGE’ at the largest Public Hall in Aizawl, the
college, an Organising Board was formed ap- Aijal Theatre Hall now ‘Vanapa Hall”. That
pointing the then Deputy Commissioners as was a red-letter day in the history of Mizoram.
Chairman thereof with a hope of getting better Thus the fond dream for and great need of a
fostering from the government. However, one college for Mizoram had come to a reality.
wondered if the Deputy Commissioner did not
The First Organising Board
show due favour to it and the matter did not
make much headway, it would bring the hope of Office Bearers
interested people to a low ebb. Chairman : Deputy Commissioner
Secretary : H.K. Bawihchhuaka
Yet, there is a clear evidence that God Joint Secretary : J.Malsawma
gives blessings to the Mizos who have been Treasurer : Lalhmingthanga
enlightened through the ministry of the Committee Members:
Christian missionaries. Even when the hope 1) Commandant 2) CEM
of having a college had met a set back, it was 3) Council Chairman 4) APO
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5) Salvation Sap 6) Pu Sainghinga
7) Pu Pasena 8) Pu Chhunga
9) Pu Lalsawia 10)Civil Sergeant
11) Pu Bendrowell 12) Pu Lloyd
13)Pu Sangliana 14) Brother Godfrey
15) Pu Lalchungnunga

How classes began:

PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

As stated above, College admission was

opened on 25th August, 1958. A good num-
ber of students including those who were em-
ployed during daytime for whom such a facility
was envisaged, were admitted. Formal classes
were started from 1st September, 1958 from Pachhunga
5:30 Pm to 8:30 Pm at Aijal Theatre Hall. As
it was a private College, it started to experi-
ence financial problems since its inception, Brother Godfrey Danis,
the only sources of its fund being the admis- C.S.C, M.A.(Lit.) - Principal
sion fees and donations from well-wishers. Rev. J.M. Lloyd,
The first teachers of the College were hon- B.A, B.D. - English
orary lecturers, especially praise-worthy were Mrs. Helen Lowry,
the missionaries who worked with great zeal M.A. - English
for the welfare of the Mizos, they worked to- Mrs. G.R. Roberts (Pi Tei),
gether cordially irrespective of Church de- B.Sc. - Commercial geography
nominations. They will remain in our fond Pu Sangliana,
record. As the need demanded, suitable vol- B.A. (Hons.) - English
unteers who were available did the teaching. Pi Rita Neihpuii,
M.A. (Hist.) - History
The new born college had financial dif- Pu J. Malsawma, M.A.
ficulties. Aijal Theatre Hall accomodated its (Eco.), B.L. - Civics
office and class rooms. Electricity was not Father O’ Brien
available those days and classes were held - Logic
under the light of the petromax lamp.
The Architect of the Nation’s Treasurer :
After having classes in the Theatre Hall,
The family of Pu Pachhunga
the College shifted to a large godown below
None among the well informed Mizos
the Children’s Park at a place where the Aijal
would be without the knowledge of the name
Club used to stand;though there was lack of
‘Pachhunga & Sons’ can guess as to the financial
official record to confirm it, the shifting took
position of this family, it is among the most suc-
place most probably towards the end of 1959.
cessful ones in business among the Mizos. Even
In this place also the College had a hard time
so many cannot personally benefit from their
to pull on with the self-dedicating zeal of the
riches. However, do we take time even how
workers without adequate remunerations
greatly we are benefited as Mizos by the riches of
Pu Pachhunga’s Family. Has there been any other
In the beginning:
family which has paved the way of prosperity for
Intermediate of Arts (I.A.) was started
Mizoram as much as this family has done!!
with five subjects. It began with a Principal
Among the Mizos who are most successful in ed-
and other Christian missionaries and Mizo
ucation and other areas, almost everyone is a
voluntary teachers who are with their respec-
beneficiary of this family’s grace.
tive subjects :

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As stated before, the Aijal College, being place between the College Governing Board
a private College, experienced since its inception, and Pachhunga & Sons as to help the College.
an untold hardships as the aid from the Govern- If the family of Pu Pachhunga would help out
ment was only negligible. It struggled for life even the College to continue, the College Govern-
after it shifted from the Theatre Hall to the Chil- ing Board expressed its willingness to change
dren’s Park and there were times when it could the name of the Aijal College and rename it
not make regular payment of salaries to the em- after Pu Pachhunga. With a cordial agreement,
ployees for lack of fund. It was at this a precarious the family of Pu Pachhunga agreed to help the
PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

time that a kind hearted family, which never College with a good sum of money. Conse-
witholds its means from the good of the country quently, in memory of Pu Pachhunga, who
and its welfare, willing to do its best to make a passed away on December 29, 1958 and who
good college possible for the Mizos, even the paved a way for the Mizos to have a good Col-
Pachhunga & Sons family, came to the rescue of lege with a fervent love for learning, his wid-
the institution, thus creating a lasting treasure for owed wife Pi Chawngi offered in 1962, a good
the Mizos. Mention has been made that this col- sum of money - Fifty thousand rupees (Rs.
lege was started under the leadership of Pu Pach- 50,000) to Rev. Alwyn Roberts, the Principal
hunga who was the Chairman of the Organising who received the money on behalf of the Col-
Committee, as such he would surely be most lege. The amount of Rs 50,000/- at the time
grateful to see the College coming into being on was large enough to purchase two brand new
the 15th August, 1958. Pu Pachhunga often as- jeeps. The Aijal College then changed its
sured the College of his willingness to help it out name to ‘PACHHUNGA MEMORIAL COL-
in its ongoing affairs; however, sad enough to say, LEGE’. The said amount of money was a life-
when that year 1958, while on a visit to his saving means for the College and thus
daughter’s family in NEFA he fell suddenly ill and Pachhunga & Sons has established an ever liv-
passed away on 29th December,1958. However, ing memorial of its own to remain in the his-
after him, his family, his children and grand chil- tory of Mizoram and the Mizo people.
dren do not fail to honour his well-wishes for the
College. There remains a fond memory of Pu Pach-
hunga’s family when Pachhunga University Col-
The family of Pachhunga & Sons never lege attains its fiftieth year with untold blessings
failed to see the initial difficulties of the Col- and celebrates its Golden Jubilees, we are all wit-
lege and that it could hardly continue to carry nesses to the inumerable benefits of their generos-
on but instead tried to help it out occasionally ity and love for the country and the nation. We
receiving earnest pieces of advice to do so. At have to remember that we owe an unspeakable
the turn of the year 1960, consultations took gratitude - as a College and the Mizo people - to

Old Administrative Building

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PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023 Introduction

College Campus

Pachhunga & Sons. It may not be wrong to say cause the jungle served as a source of simple
that this family also in return, received a great household supplies and it was occassionally
blessing. We fondly cherish in heart a belief that cleared for vegetabe gardens.
Pu Pachhunga and all the other members of his
family who have departed are with us in all our About the year 1960 those places were
celebrations of the Golden Jubilee of the Pach- all free lands and the Governing Board mem-
hunga University College because they were the bers those who were looking for the site found
means of survival for the College. it difficult to make a choice from among the
three sites; actually they remained indecisive
Site for the college for a time. The College Governing Board then
Located initially at the Aijal Theatre placed the responsibility of selecting the site
Hall, the College could not be accommodated on the then Chairman of the District Council
there for a long time as the Hall was the main and Secretary of the Governing Board Pu
venue of public gatherings; as such after a year H.K.Bawihchhuaka, the Joint Secretary of the
or two the College shifted to a suitable godown Board Pu J. Malsawma and the Principal Pu
near the Children’s Park and continued there Robert. After having an on the spot sur-
for five years. All this time, the College au- veyance of the three places, those three autho-
thorities had been looking about for a suitable rised members selected, in 1963, the present
site/land and made several approaches to the College site, an area lying between the Chite
authorites of the District Council on the mat- river head and Mualpui, measuring 760 acres.
ter. There were three places where the eyes The District Council soon after made and of-
rested for the College site : ficial allotment of the land for the College and
neccessary preparations to occupy the land fol-
1) The land where the Helipad stands lowed. Making good use of the financial gift
now at Thuampui Veng and its large congenial from Pu Pachhunga’s family, works of building
surrounding vacant area; constructions began, and when the buildings
were ready for occupation, the College then
2) The erstwhile Hmuia Veng with a large moved there in June, 1965 from the Children’s
vacant area of land where the All India Radio Park and amidst trying experiences the Col-
stands now at Chawnpui Veng; lege has been continuing to this day.

3) The area where the College stands The College through

now, a large area below Venghlui where the various stages of status:
forest was not mature not like as it is now be- The College began taking steps for rapid

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Founded on 15 August
1958 as Aijal College,
it is the oldest and
remains the largest
college in Mizoram

provincialise the Pachhunga Me-

PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

morial College on July 1, 1965

and the College was also re-
named Pachhunga Memorial
Government College (PMGC).
The College has thus been a
Govt. College under the Mizo-
ram Government since Mizoram
Bust of Pu Pachhunga and Pu Lalhmingthanga became a Union Territory in
progress following the Rev. Alwyn Roberts’
taking charge of the Principalship in 1960. He The College, since its inception, was
made several visits to Shillong, the Capital of under the Guwahati University up to 1974
Assam at that time, pressing the demand to and then became affiliated with NEHU under
the Education Department of the Assam Gov- the Central Government. It was timely and
ernment for Recurring Grant-in-aid available fortunately appropriate that the first Vice-
to Private Colleges under the Article 275 of Chancellor of NEHU, Prof.Devanesan made
the Indian Constitution, and his efforts re- a proposal to make the PMGC a Constituent
sulted in the College being granted the status College of NEHU. Pursued by the College au-
of an ‘Aided College’ since 1961. The finan- thorities, there followed several consultations
cial stringency had thus became somewhat al- on the matter between NEHU and the Mizo-
leviated and together with the financial gift ram Government, and after careful and thor-
from Pachhunga & Sons, new buildings were ough discussions the Government of Mizoram
contructed and occupied in the new site. The officially placed the PMGC under NEHU on
Principal, Rev. Roberts, the Governing Board April 19, 1979 as its ‘Constituent College’ with
and the authorities of the District Council did a proper ‘Deed of Agreement’. For twenty years,
their best and met several times the then Ed- it continued being the only Constituent Col-
ucation Minister of Assam Mr. Dev Kanta lege in Mizoram under NEHU, and when, in
Barua who then became instrumental to 2001, Mizoram came to have a Central Uni-

Students and faculty

bid farewell to Rev.
Alwyn Roberts, the first
permanent Principal of
Pachhunga University
College in 1967

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The National Assessment and In its strive towards excellence, the
Accreditation Council classified college is now recognized at the national level
it as B grade with a cumulative and has been awarded A+ grade by National
Assessment and Accreditation Council
grade point average of 2.78 in 2011 (NAAC). The College has been granted UGC
and raised it to A+ grade with a ‘College with Potential for Excellence’
PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

CGPA of 3.51 in 2016. Scheme, the scheme awarded to few institu-

tions over the country, which has the potential
versity of its own, it became ‘A Constituent to reach world class standard. The college is
College of the Mizoram University (MZU)’ also ISO 9001:2015 certified since 2018. The
leaving NEHU. The land of the College, 183 institution has also been identified as a poten-
acres, registered in the name of the Vice- tial ‘Mentor Institution’ to help the NAAC as-
Chancellor of NEHU has been placed in the piring institutions. It is a Star College under
name of the Vice-Chancellor of MZU. The the DBT Scheme. The college has PG classes
College continues till today the only Con- in the departments of Philosophy, Mizo and
stituent College under MZU. The College thus Life Sciences. It also received ‘Indira Gandhi
has passed through an interesting way to come NSS Awards’ in 2016 for its outstanding con-
to its present status. tribution to the service of the community at
various levels. The college has also secured the
The welfare of the students is the title of ‘Overall Champion’ in the MZU Sports
number one priority of the college. The college meet consecutively for six years in 2016, 2017,
is also the leader among all Mizoram colleges 2018, 2019, 2021 and 2022. Thus, the MZU
in terms of research activities and publications. Championship Trophy now belongs to PUC.
The college also organizes seminars / work-
shops / conferences / trainings at various levels
International / National / State levels. The col-
lege offers undergraduate courses in 22 subject
areas of Arts, Science, Commerce and Man-
agement. The academic programme is a choice
based credit system and includes continuous
assessment, periodic class tests, seminars, as-
signments, remedial courses, field studies etc.
The college also promotes student exposure
through study tours inside and outside the
State. Post-graduate courses have been started
in 2018 and became the first and only PG Col-
lege in the state. Four PG courses viz. Life Sci-
ences, Mizo, Philosophy and Geo-Physics are
being offered.

One of the distinctive features of the col-

lege is its unique setting with a sprawling 183
acres campus. Its lush-green vegetation, the result
of 60 years of nurturing the campus and wide-
open space with luxuriant natural vegetation pro-
vides an excellent atmosphere of learning. The
college is well equipped with IT facility. All class
rooms are provided with projectors and all depart-
ments are linked with internet. Ramps for the
handicapped are also provided.
PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023 | 9
Campus Information
The college complex com-
prises of the Administrative Build-
ing, four Arts Blocks, Science
Block, Life Science Block, Physical
PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

Science Block, Sports Infrastructure

Training Facility (UGC), Seminar
Hall, Library, three Boys’ Hostel,
two Girls’ Hostel, Playground, Mul-
tipurpose Sports complex and staff
quarters. A New Academic Cluster
Block is under construction.

The college library has a
collection of 62,020 books and 35
e-books. A wide range of encyclo- College Library

pedias and advanced books of know

-ledge provide a ready reference to Library users. The library at present subscribes to 30 subject
journals and 6 e-journals from Cambridge. Apart from these thousands of e- resources can
be accessed through NLIST and Internet Cell of the Library. The library is automated using
SOUL 2.O and RFID Technology is implemented since 2020.

Psychology, Geography and all the nine science departments have functional labora-
tories. The laboratories are being equipped with sophisticated instruments to enable the stu-
dents to carry out practical not only at the honours level but even at the advanced level of
experimental work. All practical facilities have been upgraded through Star College Scheme
and Biotechnology Hub of Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. Major reno-
vation of all practical laboratories is also done through the same scheme. A fully functioning
Research Center has also recently been launched. Broadband Seismic Station at Pachhunga
University College was established in collaboration with CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat, Assam. The
station was inaugurated by Honourable Zoramthanga Chief Minister of Mizoram, on 11th No-
vember, 2021. Earthquakes within Mizoram and its adjoining regions has been recorded at
the station.

Four buses provide transportation to the
students and teachers to and from the college at
regular intervals. The college transportation is
available to all members of the College.


Each department divides students into
small groups and each group is assigned to a
teacher. The teacher-in-charge keeps in touch with
students of his / her group, helps and guides them
in their studies, personal problems, etc.,through
periodic meetings.

10 | PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

ance, spiritual guidance and mental health on
a regular basis throughout the year
The College also promotes research
and developments. A separate Research and
Instrumentation Centre was established in
2017. 11 research facilities have been installed
in the College campus. There are as many as
PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

102 research projects in various departments,

PUC Hostel 57 research project completed recently and 45
6. PLAYGROUND on going project. The college also has a
The College has a playground which Biotechnology training Centre called ‘Biotech-
was inaugurated in 2009. The playground not nology Hub’ sponsored by the Department of
only caters to the need of the college but also Biotechnology, New Delhi. Zoology, Geology,
to the community at large. The college has Botany, Physics, Chemistry and Biotechnology
fully fledged Basketball court, futsal ground, departments has established a national level
badminton court and gymnasium. standard research laboratory. The college has
Language and Communication Development
7. INFORMATION Centre, Centre for Water Analysis under En-
TECHNOLOGY vironmental department, Centre for Astro-
A Student Internet Resource Centre nomical Research and Star Ceazing, Centre
was inaugurated in 2009. The centre is open for Mathematical Science and Technology
for the students on all working days. It pro- and Centre for Excellence in Social Science
vides access to the Internet and caters to and Humanities.
every need of the students in the field of in-
Ph.D. course has been started in Life
formation technology. The college also has a
Sciences department since 2020. Many teach-
functional networking system with students’
ers are supervising research scholars in collab-
database system and ERP (Enterprise Re-
oration with parent university i.e. MZU. 15
source Planning).
research scholars have completed their Ph.D.
8. HOSTEL degrees, and two students have completed
Three Boys’ Hostels - Chhinlung, Za- their M.Phil degrees. During the current aca-
wlbuk and Phawngpui with seating capacities demic year, there are 60 research scholars
of 198 students and two Girls’ Hostels - working in various departments.
Senhri and Zamzo with seating capacities of
176 students cater to the residential needs of
outstation students. Hostel seats are allotted
on priority basis to students from rural vil-
lages. A new 25 seater Girls Hostel is under

Qualified Doctors and Nurses from
MZU are available for consultation at the Research Scholars with Principal
College once every Week. They can be con-
sulted free of cost by all the staff and students
11 Research Facilities
of the College. 102 Research Project
57 Completed recently
10. CAREER GUIDANCE & 45 On going Project
COUNSELLING 15 Scholars completed Ph.D
The College provides regular coun- 2 Scholars completed M.Phil
selling in different fields including career guid- 60 Research Scholars
PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023 | 11
The College received a grant from UGC to conduct Community College Scheme.
Under this scheme the college offers

1. Certificate course in House Keeping

Duration of the course : 6 months
2. Certificate course in Vermitechnology
Duration of the course : 6 months
PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

3. Certificate course in Mizo Handicraft and Technology Education

Duration of the course : 6 months.

4. Certificate course in Repair and Maintenance of UPS, Inverter and Power supply
Duration of the course : 6 months.
Eligibility : 12 Pass (Any stream)

13. IGNOU:
IGNOU Study centre was established in the year 2008 to cater the needs of the stu-
dents who cannot afford regular studies but who want to pursue higher studies particularly in
science subjects. It is the only IGNOU centre in Mizoram offering science stream. The first
admissions were opened in January 2008. Every year, two sessions are opened in the months
of June and December, students can opt for either of the two sessions. Courses opened are
Master Degree Programme, Certificate Programme, Diploma Programme, Bachelor Degree
Programme and Bachelor Preparatory Programme.

Village Adoption is
an integral part of college ac-
tivities since 2012 with the
intention of service to the
community through dissemi-
nation of knowledge and self
sacrifice. The aim of adop-
tion of village is to give new
ideas of development to the Prof. H.Lalthanzara on Adopted Village Inaugural Function
villages which would im-
prove their living conditions.
The college renders services
in terms of research and
awareness to health, envi-
ronment, improvement of
agricultural practices, disas-
ter management etc.The
College has so far adopted
three villages, Phulpui village
(2012-15), Lungleng village
(2016-18), Dulte village
(2019-2021) and Khawrih-
Mr. Lalchhandama Ralte as a Chief Guest in
nim (2021- on going).
Adopted Village Inaugural Function

12 | PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

College Gate

15. EARN WHILE LEARN SCHEME: B. Language Laboratory:

This Scheme is introduced to help The purpose of the course is to intro-
students who come from low income group to duce a platform to conduct language learning
earn extra income. They work five hours a activities with simple exercises with supple-
week after classes in cleaning the campus mental content where in the students learn
area, class room, library etc. self confidence, proper pronunciation and im-
prove expression skills.
AND DBT-BUILDER: C. Certificate in Mizo Cultural
The college has been selected as a Star Studies and Performing Arts:
College under DBT for the session 2019-2022 Mizo Cultural Studies and Performing
and “DBT-Boost to University Interdisciplinary Arts is an academic branch of the college, a
Life Science Departments for Education and centre which was established to to educate
Research (DBT-BUILDER)” for a period of 5 the importance of the ethnicity, culture, tra-
years at a total cost of ` 2,68,50,120.00 has been ditional dances as well as artefacts of Mizoram
sanctioned. among the youths and the rising generations.


A. Literary Appreciation and

Basic Theory In English:
Literary Appreciation Classes are con-
ducted on Odd semester to the fifth semester
students. Varying genres of literature is
touched upon in this class along with literary
concepts and terms. Basic theory classes are
given during Even semesters to the sixth se-
mester students. It introduces the students to
the vital theories of literature that will better
their proficiency, familiarising them with crit-
ical literary theories and concepts and equip- Students and faculty of Cultural Studies
ping them for higher learning. on National Mime Festival

PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023 | 13

Department : Under Graduate
Sl No. SUBJECT Intake Capacity
1 English 50
2 Mizo 50
3 Political Science 50
PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

4 History 50
5 Economics 50
6 Education 50
7 Sociology 50
8 Public Administration 50
9 Philosophy 50
10 Psychology 50
11 Geography 50
12 Mathematics (BA) 10

Sl No. SUBJECT Intake Capacity
1 Botany 50
2 Zoology 50
3 Physics 50
4 Mathematics 50
5 Chemistry 50
6 Geology 50
7 Statistics 50
8 Environmental Science 50
9 Biotechnology 50

Sl No. SUBJECT Intake Capacity
1 Commerce 60

Sl No. SUBJECT Intake Capacity
1 Business Administration 50


14 | PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

Subject Combination
S.No Core Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
1 English Psychology & Psychology & Sociology &
Sociology Philosophy Geography
2 Mizo Public Public History &
Administration Administration Education
PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

& Education & History

3 Political Sociology & Sociology & Mizo & Geography
Science Mizo Philosophy
4 History Political Science Political Science & Economics &
& Education Economics Education
5 Economics Political Science Political Science & Mathematics (BA)
& Mizo Mathematics (BA) & Mizo
6 Education Public Public History & Mizo
Administration Administration &
& History Mizo
7 Sociology Political Science Political Science & Economics &
& Education Economics Education
8 Public English & Education & Education &
Administration Sociology Sociology English
9 Philosophy Sociology & English & Sociology Psychology & English
10 Psychology Public
Administration History & Public History & English
& English Administration
11 Geography Political Science Political Science Mizo & History
& Mizo & History
12 Mathematics Economics &
(BA) Philosophy

S.No Core Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
13 Botany Chemistry & Chemistry &
Zoology Geology
14 Zoology Chemistry & Chemistry &
Botany Geology
15 Physics Mathematics & Mathematics & Mathematics &
Chemistry Statistics Geology
16 Mathematics Physics & Physics & Statistics & Economics
Chemistry Statistics
17 Chemistry Mathematics & Botany &
Physics Zoology
18 Geology Physics & Chemistry & Chemistry &
Mathematics Zoology Environmental Science
19 Statistics Mathematics &
20 Environmental Chemistry & Chemistry &
Science Botany Geology
21 Biotechnology Chemistry &

PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023 | 15

Admission to Under Graduate Programmes
All applicants, regardless of reservations, must take the Common University Entrance
Test (CUET) conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) to apply for admission at Pach-
hunga University College, Mizoram University.

Candidates must apply for CUET only through the website
PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

1.1. Important details:

Last date of application 06 May 2022, 11:50 p.m.

Examination First/Second week of July.
Exact timings will be given in
the admit card
Admit card and examination centre To be issued on the CUET website
Mode of examination Computer-based test (CBT)
Examination pattern Multiple choice questions (MCQ)
Results To be notified on the CUET website
Examination fees General/unreserved ` 650/- + GST
EWS/OBC-NCL ` 600/- + GST
Gender ` 550/- + GST
From outside India ` 3000/- + GST
Examination centres in Mizoram Aizawl and Mamit

(a) Abbreviations: EWS = Economically Weaker Section; OBC-NCL = Other Backward

Classes-Non-Creamy Layer; PwBD = Person with Benchmark Disabilities;
SC =Scheduled aste; ST = Scheduled Tribe.
(b) The amount of fee remains the same if a candidate takes 1 to 5 subjects for the test,
but will increase beyond 5 subjects.

1.2. CUET for PUC:

(a) Candidates who passed class XII/equivalent examination or appearing in such

examinations are eligible to take the CUET.
(b) Courses offered at the college, the required tests and admission eligibility for each
course are given below:


Anti Ragging Helpline

Principal - 0389-2322257 (0), 9436154811 (M)
Secretary, Anti Ragging Cell - 9436190630 (M)
Email - [email protected]

16 | PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

Degree Course Subject to take in Eligibility for admission

Bachelor of Economics Section IA - English Passed class XII/equivalent

Arts Section II - Economics examination with 50% marks
for general/OBCcandidates,
and 45% marks for SC/ST/
PwBD candidates,with
PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

Economics as one of
the subjects

Education Section IA - English Passed class

XII/equivalent examination
with 50% marks for general/
OBC candidates, and 45%
marks for SC/ST/PwBD
candidates, with English as one
of the subjects.

Geography Section IA - English Passed class XII/equivalent

Section II - examination with 50% marks
Geography/ Geology for general/OBC candidates,
and 45% marks for
SC/ST/PwBD candidates,
with Geography as one of
the subjects.

History Section IA - English Passed class XII/equivalent

Section II - History examination with 50% marks
for general/OBC candidates,
and 45% marks for
SC/ST/PwBD candidates,
with History as one of the

Mizo Section IA - English Passed class XII/equivalent

examination with 50% marks
for general/OBC candidates,
and 45% marks for
SC/ST/PwBD candidates,
with Mizo as one of the

Philosophy Section IA - English Passed class XII/equivalent

examination with 50% marks
for general/OBC candidates,
and 45% marks for
SC/ST/PwBD candidates,
with English as one of the

PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023 | 17

Degree Course Subject to take in Eligibility for admission

Bachelor of Political Section IA - English Passed class XII/equivalent

Arts Science Section II - Political examination with 50% marks
Science for general/OBC candidates,
and 45% marks for
SC/ST/PwBD candidates,
PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

with Political Science as one

of the subjects

Psychology Section IA - English Passed class XII/equivalent

Section II -Psychology examination with 50% marks
for general/OBC candidates,
and 45% marks for
SC/ST/PwBD candidates,
with Psychology as one of
the subjects

Public Section IA - English Passed class XII/equivalent

Administration examination with 50% marks
for general/OBC candidates,
and 45% marks for
SC/ST/PwBD candidates,
with English as one of the

Sociology Section IA - English Passed class XII/equivalent

Section II - Sociology examination with 50% marks
for general/OBC candidates,
and 45% marks for
SC/ST/PwBD candidates,
with Sociology as one of the

Mathematics Section IA - English Passed class XII/equivalent

Section II -Mathematics examination with 50% marks
for general/OBC candidates,
and 45% marks for
SC/ST/PwBD candidates,
with Mathematics as one of
the subjects

Bachelor of Commerce Section IA - English Passed class XII/equivalent

Commerce Section II - examination with 50% marks
Accountancy for general/OBC candidates,
and 45% marks for
SC/ST/PwBD candidates,
with Accountancy as one of
the subjects

18 | PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

Degree Course Subject to take in Eligibility for admission

Bachelor of Management Section IA - English Passed class XII/equivalent

Business Section II - Business examination with 50% marks
Administration Studies for general/OBC candidates,
and 45% marks for
SC/ST/PwBD candidates,
PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

with English as one of the

subjects. Preference may be
given to Science/Commerce

Bachelor of Biotechnology Section IA - English Passed class XII/equivalent

Science Section II - Biology/ examination with 50% marks
Biochemistry/ for general/OBC candidates,
Biotechnology and 45% marks for
SC/ST/PwBD candidates,
with Biology as one of the

Botany Section IA - English Passed class XII/equivalent

Section II - Biology/ examination with 50% marks
Biochemistry/ for general/OBC candidates,
Biotechnology and 45% marks for
SC/ST/PwBD candidates,
with Biology as one of the

Chemistry Section IA - English Passed class XII/equivalent

Section II - Chemistry examination with 50% marks
for general/OBC candidates,
and 45% marks for
SC/ST/PwBD candidates,
with Chemistry as one of the

Environmental Section IA - English Passed class XII/equivalent

Science Section II - examination with 50% marks
Environmental Science for general/OBC candidates,
and 45% marks for
SC/ST/PwBD candidates,
with Chemistry as one of the

Geology Section IA - English Passed class XII/equivalent

Section II - examination with 50% marks
Geography/ Geology for general/OBC candidates,
and 45% marks for
SC/ST/PwBD candidates,
with Chemistry as one of the

PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023 | 19

Degree Course Subject to take in Eligibility for admission

Mathematics Section IA - English Passed class XII/equivalent

Section II - examination with 50% marks
Mathematics for general/OBC candidates,
and 45% marks for
SC/ST/PwBD candidates,
with Mathematics as one of
PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

the subjects.

Physics Section IA - English Passed class XII/equivalent

Section II - Physics examination with 50% marks
for general/OBC candidates,
and 45% marks for
SC/ST/PwBD candidates,
with Physics as one of the

Statistics Section IA - English Passed class XII/equivalent

Section II - examination with 50% marks
Mathematics for general/OBC candidates,
and 45% marks for
SC/ST/PwBD candidates,
with Mathematics as one of
the subjects.

Zoology Section IA - English Passed class XII/equivalent

Section II - Biology/ examination with 50% marks
Biochemistry/ for general/OBC candidates,
Biotechnology and 45% marks for
SC/ST/PwBD candidates,
with Biology as one of the

(c) English under Section IA is compulsory for all courses.

(d) Candidates can take multiple subjects in Section II (up to 6) to enable them for
applying different courses, provided they have the desired background subject
at class XII/equivalent examination.

1.3 Examination structure

(a) Slot I (morning session):

Sl Subject No. of Mark per Total Duration

questions question marks
to attempt
1. Section IA (English) 40 out of 50 5 200 45 mins
2. Section II (maximum 40 out of 50 5 200 45 mins
2 subjects) per subject

NB. 1 mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.

20 | PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023
(b) Slot II (afternoon session):

Sl Subject No. of Mark per Total Duration

No questions question marks
to attempt

1. Section IA (English) 40 out of 50 5 200 45 mins

2. Section II
(maximum 4 subject) 40 out of 50 5 200 45 mins per
PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

NB. 1 mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.


2.1. Application for admission to Pachhunga University College will be done

online through the college website (
2.2. The application portal will be opened a day after the declaration of CUET
2.3. Applicants can choose up to six subjects in order of their preferences.
2.4. Selection for admission will be based entirely on CUET score. No
board/university results will be taken into account.


3.1. General reservations

(a) Out of the total admission capacity of each course, 50% will be allocated as
open for all categories of the candidates across the country.

(b) The remaining 50% will be reserved for candidates from Mizoram.

3.2. Special reservations

(a) Economically weaker section, other backward classes-non-creamy layer,

person with benchmark disabilities, scheduled caste, and scheduled tribe
will be given reservations according to the provisions under the
Government of India.

(b) Sports and talented candidates with nationally or internationally

recognised achievements will be given reservations based on personal

3.3. Special weightage

Children of regular employees of the Mizoram University and having certification

from the Registrar (or Principal in case of the college), will be given an additional 5% of
their total CUET score in the final merit, provided the availability of seats in the specific
subject applied for.

PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023 | 21

1.1 The system of evaluation is based on Continuous Assessment (CA) and
end semester examinations (ESE).
1.2 Continuous Assessment (CA) of I Semester to IV Semester will be centrally
conducted by the Exam Committee of the college through the department concerned.
PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

1.3 Continuous Assessment (CA) of V Semester & VI Semester will be conducted by

the department concerned.
1.4 CA will consist of 25 marks.

(a) First CAT : 6 Marks
(b) Second CAT : 6 Marks
Total : 12 Marks
(c) Assignment : 8 Marks
(d) Attendance : 5 Marks
Total marks = (Average of 1st CAT and 2nd CAT) + Assignment + Attendance

Attendance evaluation for each course shall be as given below

Attendance Marks

90% and above 5

85 to 89.9% 4
80 to 84.9% 3
76 to 79.9% 2
75 to 75.9% 1

Students at Laboratory Chemistry Research Laboratory

Indira Gandhi NSS Award Finishing School

22 | PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

1.5 Retest: The Principal in consultation with the department concerned, can grant special
permission for a retest.

1.6 Submission of marks: The CA marks in whole number will be submitted by each de-
partment to the Principal before the commencement of ESE of that semester. The marks will
be moderated by the Moderation Board and then submitted to the University.
PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

1.7 Practical Examinations: All the practical exams (CA&End Semester) will be conducted
by the concerned Department before the commencement of End Semester Exam (Theory)

1.8 Candidates are not allowed to bring mobile phones, digital diary and electronic devices
inside the Examination Room.


2.1 A student is eligible to write the End Semester Exam only if the student has a minimum
attendance of 75% in aggregate in all papers.

2.2 Students are not entitled to any leave. In case of emergency and unavoidable circum-
stances, an application supported by relevant documents should be submitted to the Head of
Department concerned.

2.3 Students are entitled to check their attendance with the respective teachers and clear
their doubts, if any. No complaint or request for attendance will be entertained after compila-
tion of final attendance.

2.4 Students representing the college, state and nation in sports and cocurricular activities
may be given appropriate attendance for the period of their engagement.

Chhawkhlei Cultural Club, Pachhunga University College were performed

at the Dubai World Expo on 1st October, 2021 to 31st March, 2022.

PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023 | 23

Fee Structure : Under Graduate
Head I Sem II, IV & VI Sem III, V Sem

Admission 200 0 0
Enrolment 100 0 0
Registration 200 0 0
PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

Caution- Library 150 0 0

Transport 400 400 400
Library 200 200 200
Tuition Fee 1200 1200 1200
Internal Exam Fee 250 250 250
Magazine 400 0 400
Students Union 500 0 500
Grad Dinner 150 150 150
Merit Award 100 100 100
Student’s Aid Fund 0 300 0
ID 100 0 0
Medical 100 100 100
College T-Shirt 250 0 250
Sport 100 350 100
Prospectus 200 0 0
Development Fund 250 250 250

TOTAL 4850 3900 3900

Laboratory Fees: @ Rs.500/paper/semester

Under the ‘bil’ tree

24 | PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

Fee Structure : BBA
Head I Sem II,IV & VI Sem III,V Sem

BB 200 0 0
Enrolment 100 0 0
Registration 200 0 0
PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

Caution-Library 150 0 0
Transport 400 400 400
Library 200 200 200
Tuition fee 12000 12000 12000
Internal Exam fee 250 250 250
Magazine 400 0 400
Students Union 500 500 500
Grad Dinner 150 150 150
Merit Award 100 100 100
Students Aid Fund 150 150 150
I.D 100 0 0
Medical 100 100 100
College T.Shirt 250 0 250
Sports 100 200 200
Prospectus 200 0 0
College Development Fund 250 250 250
Uniform 5000 0 0
Industrial Expenditure 0 1000 1000

Total 20,800 15,300 15,950

Examination Hall

PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023 | 25

Code of Conduct
INTRODUCTION: Pachhunga University college is committed to maintaining equality, fair-
ness, and healthy environment for higher education. It accommodates a diverse community
and sexes, and aims to provide inclusiveness, harmony and personal development by upholding
the Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles and Fundamental Duties of India. This Code is
ratified for the purposes of personal responsibility, peer accountability, safety, and social con-
sciousness, among the students by the HOD committee.
PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

1. RAGGING : (d) physical contact and advances or

The University Grant Commission (e) Showing pornography
(UGC Regulation on curbing the menace of
Ragging in Higher Educational Institution) Sexual harassment in the college is a
2009 defines ragging as, “Any act of Physical legal crime and the penalty for a perpetrator
or mental abuse(Including bullying and exclu- student is expulsion.
sion) targeted at another student (fresher or
otherwise) on the ground of colour, race, reli- 3. ATTENDANCE:
gion, caste, ethnicity, gender (including trans- UGC (Minimum Standards of Instruc-
gender), sexual orientation, appearance, tion for the Grant of the First Degree Through
nationality, regional origins, linguistic identity, Formal Education) Regulations, 2003 imposes
place of birth, place of residence or economic a minimum of 75% attendance out of the total
background.” Ragging in campus is punishable number of classes students should attend in all
by law and possible penalties range from subjects for eligibility to appear in the univer-
(1) cancellation of enrolment, sity examinations. Students deficit in atten-
(2) debarring from examinations, dance, i.e. <75% are barred from appearing
(3) suspension for period of in the end semester examinations. CCA at-
1 to 4 semesters, tendance is recorded separately; absence in
(4) expulsion, CCA will be fined with Rs 100 every time.
(5) fine Ranging from Rs 25000
up to 1 lakh. 4.CONTINUOUS
2. SEXUAL HARASSMENT: There are three continuous assess-
UGC (Prevention, Prohibition and ments in a semester (First and second written
Redressal of sexual Harassment of women Em- tests and seminar/ assignment/ project/ class
ployees and Students in Higher Educational test) to which all students must compulsorily
Institution) Regulation, 2015 defines “sexual appear. If a student fails to appear in any of the
harassment” as “An unwanted conduct with test, he/she will have to meet the Principal
sexual undertones if it occurs or which is per- and furnish an explanation. Under special
sistent and which demeans, humiliates or cre- conditions, the Principal in consultation with
ates a hostile and intimidating environment the department concerned can grant special
or is calculated to induce submission by actual permission for retest, if necessary.
or threatened adverse consequences and in-
cludes any one or more or all of the following 5. SMOKING, MISUSE OF
unwelcome acts or behaviour (Whether di- ALCOHOL AND
rectly or by implication) namely: NARCOTICS/INTOXICANTS:
(a) any unwelcome physical, The college strictly prohibits smoking,
verbal or non-verbal conduct of drinking liquor and indulgence in any intoxi-
sexual nature; cants within the college campus. Violation
(b) demand or request for sexual shall bear penalties such as:
favours; (a) A fine of Rs 200 (For every
(c) making sexually coloured offence) for smoking;
remarks (b) A fine of Rs 200 for drinking

26 | PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

liquor or use of intoxicants as the
first offence; second offence leads
to expulsion.

Malpractice in exams includes any sort
of cheating, copying from notes or other stu-
dents, use of illegal materials or gadgets, dis-
rupting others and practice of any unfair
PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

mean. Students indulging in such malpractices

shall be punished as per the Mizoram Univer-
sity Examinations Rules and Regulations. Pun-
ishment can result up to direct expulsion.

The college strives to sustain hygienic
and sanitary campus. There should not be lit- Life Science Block
tering in the college campus. Students should
discard wastes in the proper dustbin provided. documents (Sickness doctor’s letter; death re-
Toilets should be cleaned after use. Spitting in lated – funeral service Program) should be
the classrooms, pavements, corridors and Toi- submitted to the Head of the department or
let is strictly prohibited. Offenders are liable to teacher concerned, immediately on the first
a fine of Rs 100. Teachers, Administrative of- day of resuming classes. No leave application
ficers and security staff can impose the fine. should be entertained or considered if it is sub-
mitted after a lapse of even just one day.
Use of mobile phones and related elec- 10 : PLASTIC AND HORN FREE:
tronic gadget is restricted in the classroom Pachhunga University College is Mizo-
during class hours and examinations. If a stu- ram's first plastic and horn free campus. Use
dent is found violating this restriction his/her of plastic materials are not allowed and motor
mobile phone/ device will be confiscated. Con- horns are prohibited on campus. Some poster
fiscated phones can be claimed from the Prin- are displayed on different places to initiate the
cipal only after seven days upon payment of Rs regulation in the campus. The penalties for vi-
200 as a fine. olators of this regulations are as follows :
Plastic Free Campus:
9. LEAVE OF ABSENCE: (a) First Time : Rs 100/- Fine
Students are not entitled for personal (b) Second Time : Rs 200/- Fine
leave of absence from the classes. However, in (c) Third Time : Double of the
case of emergencies and unavoidable circum- previous.
stances, an application supported by relevant
Horn Free Campus :
(a) First Time : Rs 100/- Fine
(b) Second Time : Rs 200/- Fine
(c) Third Time : Double of the
Littering in the Campus :
(a) First Time : Rs 50/- Fine
(b) Second Time : Rs 100/- Fine
(c) Third Time : Double of the

PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023 | 27

PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

Science building


AND CYBER CRIME: The College has an official T-shirt.
Social Media such as Facebook, In- It is compulsory for students to wear the T-
stagram, WhatsApp, Blogs Internet Forum, shirts on Monday, and on special occasion
etc. can be useful means of communication notified by the college authority. An offence
and sharing information. But students are carries a fine of Rs. 100.
advised to abstain from posting derogatory
remarks about the college and its fraternity 15. VEHICLE PARKING
that could incite adverse consequences. If a AND TRAFFIC:
student is found guilty of such activity, Dis- Students should park their vehicles
ciplinary Committee of the college will take in the parking lot specified for them in an
appropriate actions. orderly fashion. Students should obey gen-
eral traffics rules. Two wheelers can have
12. INTER-CLASS COMPETITION: only one pillion rider; and the driver should
The College does not allow any class wear helmet. The speed limit inside the
to organize an inter-class competition of any campus in 20 km/hr.
kind not organised by the college or without
the approval of the heads of the department
Disruptive behaviour or any conduct
or the principal. Violation of this rule shall
of a student that disturb teachers or other
result in the following disciplinary actions:
students to the point of disrupting teaching,
(a) Students of both parties will be disciplinary, or functions of the college on
subjected to college campus service. or off campus. The penalty is expulsion
(b) Students of both parties will lose 17. PARTICIPATION IN
one-day attendance. LOCAL TOURNAMENT:
Students are not allowed to partici-
13. FUND – RAISER: pate in local tournaments of any form and
Fund raising/ donations for service of manner during class hours. The College will
the college and approved by the college au- not entertain any leave application fur-
thority is encouraged. However, Students nished for such participation.
individual or in groups, should not conduct
fund raising activities on their own. Selling 18. PICNIC/GATHERING:
of any item, foodstuff, book and stationery Picnic/Gathering in the name of col-
material for educational purpose should be lege and department is strictly prohibited.
done only with a written authorisation of Any consequences will be the sole respon-
the principal. sibility of the students, and not the college.

28 | PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

Extra Curricular Activities
Students’ Union (Under
Graduate) and Students’ Council
(Post Graduate) bodies actively func-
PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

tions as students’ self government in

which all the students are active
members. The Students’ Union pro-
vides a forum for practicing demo-
cratic governance of the student
body. They work closely with the Col-
lege authority to organize events like NSS Blood Donation
College Week, awareness-raising
campaigns, etc. 2. NATIONAL SERVICE SCHEME (NSS):
The Pachhunga University College NSS Unit
has a long tradition in the field of service to the com-
munity and the college neighborhood. Under the ac-
tive supervisions of the Programme Officers the NSS
provides opportunities for students to take part in var-
ious useful activities. This enables the students to de-
velop their overall personality through community
service. The college has received an award for the
highest number of blood donated in a calendar year.


The NCC Unit of the College is the first NCC
Unit established in a college in Mizoram. It has pro-
duced many cadets, won a number of trophies and
played prominent roles in all College functions. NCC
aims to develop a sense of national spirit, discipline,
patriotism and leadership qualities.

The Adventure Club was formed by students
and faculty for individuals who share a common inter-
est in outdoor activities and excursions. Members of
the club build friendships and exercise team skills by
planning and participating in outdoor adventures,
such as rock climbing, hiking, etc. The Adventure
Club aims to take adventure to the students and instill
in them the spirit of adventure and thus enable them
to face the challenges of a new era.

The Chess Club’s aim is to provide a friendly
social atmosphere where students, staff members, and
community members can gather outside of their usual
interactions. Anyone who is interested is welcome and
encouraged to join the club. Players of all skill levels

PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023 | 29

and experiences, and anyone interested in
learning more about the game or improving
their skills is welcome to join.

PUC Badminton Club: Pachhunga Uni-
versity College has active badminton club involv-
ing players from teaching staff, non-teaching staff
and students of the college. There are two indoor
PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

badminton courts in the college Multipurpose

building situated adjacent to the college ground. Basketball Court

The club functions with 6 office bearers, 13 ex- Literature Club of the college has been started
ecutive committee members and with the prin- with the sole purpose of encouraging the stu-
cipal as the patron. Chairman and secretary of dents to develop a taste for literature. The
Sports & Physical Education Committee and SU Club is involved in a variety of activities aimed
Common Room Secretary are included as co- at building up the confidence and grooming
opted members. Membership fee per season (July the talents of students in facing various inter-
– June) is as follows:For staff (both teaching and personal activities and competitions.
non-teaching) - Rs. 1000/- For students (UG/
PG & Research Scholars) - Rs. 200/- 10.FITNESS CLUB:
The college strives to achieve excel-
7. RED RIBBON CLUB: lence in academic and co-curricular activities.
The vulnerability of the youth is in- The college has a fitness club located at the
creasing day by day. To reduce the rapid spread basement of Physical Science building. The fit-
of HIV/AIDS among the youths the Red Rib- ness club and its equipments are sponsored by
bon Club plays a very important role in com- UGC(NERO) under "Indoor Sports Training
bating this issue. The Red Ribbon Club makes facility".
use of Peer Educators for disseminating aware-
ness among the students through various ac- 11. INNOVATION CLUB:
tivities. The college also established innova-
tions club to nurture critical thinking and in-
8. CULTURAL CLUB: novations of faculty and students.
The College has well established cul-
tural clubs- Ainawn Cultural Club and 12. FINISHING SCHOOL:
Chhawkhlei cultural club. These clubs have The Finishing School is organised
received various awards in state level compe- every year for the outgoing VIth Semester stu-
titions. dents. This Finishing School is devised as a
means for our young students to complete
9. LITERATURE CLUB: their education and to shape them into whole-
The purpose of the club is to cater to some individuals. It is intended to instruct
the needs of the students and also to develop them in areas that are not covered within their
their interest in literature and language. The academic curriculum.

Club Dance

30 | PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

Grad Dinner 2022

13. GRAD DINNER: anxiety, or other issues relating to your mental

The College organizes Graduation health and to give lessons to improve mental
Dinner for final year students at the end of health and civic engagement within the com-
every academic year. This is usually a sell-out munity. It encourage youths help people to
event and is a great way to end the term as destigmatize mental health within their own
well as the Degree Course in the College. community.


With the initiatives taken by the En- It is a club that spreads anti-drug
vironmental Science Department, the college awareness among all the citizens especially the
has a fully functioning Eco Club. The club reg- youth and other sections of the population in
ularly organizes environmental awareness at order to curb the demand for drugs. It also aim
schools and community level and also takes to prevent youth from using illicit drugs by en-
steps towards ecological cleanliness within the hancing their understanding of the harmful
campus. social and health effects of illicit drug use; and
to give support and training to the youth es-
15. LEGAL LITERACY CLUB: pecially those who are at high-risk to prevent
The legal literacy Club not only boosts illicit drug use.
legal literacy but also helps in strengthening the
capacity of the youth to effectively advocate for 18. EK CELL:
human rights and access to justice to vulnerable Entrepreneurship Knowledge Cell is
population. Certificates are awarded by the Dis- set up at the college with technical and finan-
trict Legal Services to students who actively par- cial assistance from Planning & Program Im-
ticipate in Legal Literacy Club. plementation Department under EDS. The
aim of the Cell is to desiminate entrepreneur-
16. THE GREEN ship awareness among the students to incul-
RIBBON CLUB: cate the importance of entrepreneurship. EK
The Green Ribbon Club has three cell has conducted various successful pro-
major goals, they are; to spread mental health grammes with subject experts from different
awareness, reduce stigma surrounding mental fields since inception.
health and mitigate increasing suicide rates.
The Club is committed to engaging in biparti- 19. ART CLUB:
san youth advocacy to destigmatize mental Pachhunga University College ‘Art Club’
health, in order to encourage communities to was inaugurated on 7th March, 2022 by our Prof.
utilize local public health resources, with the H. Lalthanzara, Principal. Art Club is formed to
ultimate goal of mitigating the rising number find out the ability and talent of the students in
of suicides at both local and national levels. It different fields. Music Club, Fine Arts Club, Vi-
envisioned to provide a safe space to discuss sual Art Club, Drama Club, and Dance Club
personal experiences with depression, stress, were all part of the PUC art club.

PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023 | 31

PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023 Scholarships and Awards

Felicitation Programme

Students support in the form of scholarship is

available within the college. Some scholarship
includes Post-Matric Tribal Scholarship in the
Ministry of Tribal Affairs, GOI, UGC Ishan
Uday Merit Scholarship for NE Students,
Sitaram Jindal foundation scholarship for BPL
Students, Departmental awards, etc.

1. Students' Merit Award is given to the

following categories of students. versity students of 1980-83 Batch.
(a) Highest mark scorer in Arts, Sci- (c) Khawtinkhuma Proficiency Award carry-
ence and Commerce streams. ing cash prize of Rs. 10,000.00 with citation is
(b) Toppers in the final year University given to Commerce student topper.
(a) ZET Award: Meritorious students
(a) H.K. Bawichhuaka (founder Sec- passing in distinction (Class12) in the Depart-
retary of the College) Proficiency Award car- ment of Physics will be sponsored by Zoram Ed-
rying cash prize of Rs.10,000.00 with citation is ucational Trust (ZET) @Rs1500p.m initially for
given to Arts student topper in B.A. Examina- the period of one semester which may be contin-
tion. ued on the basis of their academic performance.

(b) Lenrual Hlui Science Proficiency (b) SEL Foundation Award: Sun-
Award carrying cash prize of Rs.10,000.00 flower Electronics Foundation sponsors three
with citation is given to Science student top- deserving students one each from Physics,
per in B.Sc. Examination sponsored by Mathematics and Chemistry departments @
"Lenrual Hlui" Alumni students of Pre-Uni- Rs 1500 p.m. in every semester.

32 | PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

Faculty Members
1. Dr .Lalbiaksangi Chawngthu Associate Professor Vice-Principal & Head
2. Dr. Rualzakhumi Associate Professor
3. Dr. Henry Lalmawizuala Associate Professor
4. V. Lalmalsawmi Assistant Professor
5. Dr. Rebecca Angom Assistant Professor
PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

6. Dr. Jamie Zodinsangi Hrahsel Assistant Professor

8. Dr. Vanlalveni Pachuau Assistant Professor
9. Dr. Laldinpuii Assistant Professor

1. Enid Lalrammuani Assistant Professor Head (UG &PG)
2. Dr. H. Laldinmawia Assistant Professor
3. Remlalthlamuanpuia Assistant Professor
4. Lalrotluanga Assistant Professor
5. Dr. Lalnunpuia Renthlei Assistant Professor
6. Dr. Lalrammuana Sailo Assistant Professor

1. Prof. LH. Chhuanawma Professor Head
3. Dr. Lalthakima Associate Professor
4. Dr. Lal Lawmzuali Assistant Professor
5. Dr. Zonunmawia Assistant Professor

1. Dr. Lalthankungi Associate Professor Head
2. Susan Lalthanpuii Assistant Professor
3. Dr. Lalrintluangi Assistant Professor
4. Lalhruaitluangi Assistant Professor
5. Dr. Lalchhuanmawii Assistant Professor

1. H.S. Lalsangpuia Associate Professor Head
2. Lalrameng K. Gangte Assistant Professor
3. Dr. Rohmingmawii Assistant Professor
4. Dr. Esther Laltlankimi Assistant Professor
5. Dr. T. Vanlal Remruata Tonson Assistant Professor

1. Lallungmuana Associate Professor Head
2. Lalbiakzuali Colney Assistant Professor
3. Dr. N. William Singh Assistant Professor
4. Lalhmingmawii Assistant Professor
5. Dr. Laldinpuii Ralte Assistant Professor

1. Dr. M.Z. Khiangte Associate Professor Head
2. Dr. K. Laldailova Associate Professor
3. Lalthlamuana Ralte Assistant Professor
4. R. Zothanmawia Assistant Professor
5. Dr. Daniel Lalawmpuia Assistant Professor

PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023 | 33

Faculty Members
1. Dr. R. Ramthara Associate Professor Head
2. HL Lawmzuala Associate Professor
3. Dr. Bobby Beingachhi Associate Professor
4. Dr. Ghanashyam Deka Associate Professor
5. Dr. Ashutosh Singh Assistant Professor
PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

1. Emily F. Lalnunpuii Assistant Professor Head (UG & PG)
2. Dr. Vanlaltanpuia Assistant Professor
3. Malsawmdawngliana Assistant Professor
4. Dr. Saithanmawii Zote Assistant Professor
5. Dr. Vanlalvenpuia Assistant Professor

1. Prof. Rinpari Ralte Professor Head
2. Dr. Saichampuii Sailo Associate Professor
3. Lalthantluangi Sailo Assistant Professor
4. Dr. Lalropuii Assistant Professor

1. Dr. David Zothansanga Associate Professor Head
2. Dr. H.C. Lalchhuanawma Associate Professor
3. Dr. Lalropari Renthlei Assistant Professor

1. Dr. H. Lalruatsanga Associate Professor Head
2. Dr. Vanlalhruaii Ralte Associate Professor
3. Dr. P.C. Vanlalhluna Assistant Professor
4. Zothanmawia Assistant Professor
5. Dr. Garima Singh Assistant Professor

1. Dr. Shiv Raj Gurung Associate Professor Head (UG – Physics
&PG – Geophysics)
2. Dr. Lalhriatzuala Associate Professor
3. Dr. Y. Rangeela Devi Assistant Professor
4. Dr. Lalrinthara Pachuau Assistant Professor
5. Dr. N.S. Singh Assistant Professor
6. Dr. Lalmuanpuia Vanchhawng Assistant Professor
7. Dr. Dibya Prakash Rai Assistant Professor

1. Prof. K. Lalchhandama Professor Head (UG – Zoology &
PG – Life Sciences)
2. Prof. H. Lalthanzara Professor Principal (2021 – 2026)
3. Dr. Lalramliana Associate Professor
4. Dr. Vanramliana Assistant Professor
5. Dr. Kaushalendra Assistant Professor
6. Dr. B. Lalruatfela Assistant Professor

34 | PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

Faculty Members
1. Dr. Grace Skariah Associate Professor Head
2. Dr. Raghvendu Pathak Associate Professor
3. Dr. Thanhmingliana Associate Professor
4. Dr. C. Lalhriatpuia Associate Professor
5. Dr. Jay Prakash Rajan Assistant Professor
PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

6. Dr. K. Vanlaldinpuia Assistant Professor

7. Dr. Ch. Victory Devi Assistant Professor

1. Dr. Saitluanga Associate Professor Head
2. Dr. H. Lawmkima Assistant Professor
3. Dr. Bubul Bharali Assistant Professor
4. Dr. V.Vanthangliana Assistant Professor

1. Dr. LP. Lalduhawma Associate Professor Head (UG&PG)
2. L. Thangmawia Assistant Professor (on study leave)
3. Dr. J. Lalvohbika Associate Professor
4. Dr. Rajesh Kumar Associate Professor
5. Dr. Denghmingliani Assistant Professor

1. Dr. Anupam Kumar Associate Professor Head
2. Dr. Lalpawimawha Assistant Professor
3. Dr. R.Zoramthanga Assistant Professor
4. Dr. Mukesh Ranjan Assistant Professor
5. Dr. Samba Siva Rao Pasupuleti Assistant Professor

1. Dr. Lalhunthara Associate Professor Head
2. Dr. Vanlalthlana Assistant Professor
3. Dr. C. Nalini Devi Associate Professor
4. Lalthanzuali Hauhnar Assistant Professor
5. Dr. Ashok Sharma Assistant Professor

1. Dr. K. Khelchandra Singh Assistant Professor Head
2. Dr. Kulendra Chandra Das Assistant Professor
3. Dr. Lallawmkimi Assistant Professor
4. Dr. Hilda Lalrinpuii Assistant Professor
5. Dr. Subahasish Das Assistant Professor

1. Dr. Liansangmawii Chhakchhuak Assistant Professor Head
2. Dr. Zothanpuia Assistant Professor
3. Dr. Prashant Kumar Singh Assistant Professor
4. Dr. Mukesh Kumar Yadav Assistant Professor
5. Dr. Punuri Jayasekhar Babu Assistant Professor

PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023 | 35

Faculty Members
1. Dr. C. Vanlalkulhpuia Assistant Professor Head

LIFE SCIENCES (Post -Graduate)

1. Dr. Laldinsangi Assistant Professor attached to Zoology
PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

2. Dr. Bendangchuchang Longchar Assistant Professor attached to Botany

36 | PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023

College Campus
(bird's-eye view)

College Campus
Aeriel View

College Campus
Aeriel View

PROSPECTUS 2022 - 2023 | 37

Address & Contact

Pachhunga University College

Godfrey Street, College Veng, Aizawl - 796001
Mizoram, India

Email: [email protected]/[email protected]

Principal : (0389) - 2322257

Vice Principal : (0389) - 2319847
Section Officer : (0389) -2327095
Fax: (0389) - 2312312

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