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TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-12): Choose the letter of the word or group of
words that best completes the sentence.

1. loom high above the northern and 6. Many companies across the country have
northeastern boundaries of the molded the concepts describes
expanding city of Tucson. into an integrated strategy for
preventing stress.
(A) The Santa Catalina mountains
(B) Because the Santa Catalina (A) and Wolf
mountains (B) that Wolf
(C) The Santa Catalina mountains are (C) what Wolf
(D) That the Santa Catalina mountains (D) so Wolf

2. Radioactive provides a powerful 7. in the first draft of the budget will

way to measure geologic time. not necessarily be in the final draft.

(A) it (A) Although it appears

(B) dates (B) It appears
(C) dating (C) What appears
(D) can (D) Despite its appearance

3. contained in the chromosomes, 8. If afood label indicates that a food is

and they are thought of as the units of mostly carbohydrate, it does not mean
heredity. is a good food to eat.

(A) Genes which are (A) and it

(B) Genes are (B) and

(C) When genes (C) that it

(D) Because of genes (D) when

4. The benefit the study is that it 9. A need for space law to include
provides necessary information to commercial concerns has been
anyone who needs it. recognized inasmuch been
expanding drastically in recent years.
(A) of
(B) which (A) the commercial launch industry
(C) that (B) the commercial launch industry
(D) because has
(C) as has the commercial launch
5. The same symptoms that occur industry
occur with cocaine. (D) as the commercial launch industry
(A) amphetamines can
(B) with amphetamines can
10. The report on the nuclear power plant
(C) so amphetamines
indicated that when the plant had gone
(D) with amphetamines they
on line unsafe.

(A) and it had been

(B) it had been

(C) had been

(D) that it had been
STRUCTURE QUESTIONS (Paper and Computer) 227


It is possible in English for a clause to appear in a complete form or in a reduced form.

My friend should be on the train wtych ^ arriving at the station now.

Although wbtS not really difficult, the exam took a lot of time.

The sentence shows an adjective clause in its complete form, which is arriving at the sta-

tion now, and in its reduced form, arriving at the station now. The second sentence shows an

adverb clause in its complete form, although it was not really difficult, and its reduced form,
although not really difficult.

The two
types of clauses that can reduce in English are: (1) adjective clauses and (2)
adverb clauses. It is important to become familiar with these reduced clauses because
they appear frequently on the TOEFL test.


Adjective clauses can appear in a reduced form. In the reduced form, the adjective clause
connector and the be-verb that directly follow it are omitted.

The woman w^o waving to us is the tour guide.

The letter wfych w\,s written last week arrived today.

The pitcher ihpt )>s on the table is full of iced tea.

Each of these sentences may be used in the complete form or in the reduced form. In the
reduced form the connector who, which, or that is omitted along with the fo-verb is or was.
If there is no be-verb in the adjective clause, it is still possible to have a reduced form.
When there is no be-verb in the adjective clause, the connector is omitted and the verb is
changed into the -ing form.
I don't understand the article wftych apfyars in today's paper.

In this example there is no be-verb in the adjective clause which appears in today's paper,
so the connector which is omitted and the main verb appears is changed to the -ing form
should be noted that not all adjective clauses can appear in a reduced form. An

adjective clause can appear in a reduced form only if the adjective clause connector is fol-
lowed directly by a verb. In other words, an adjective clause can only be reduced if the con-
nector is also a subject.

The woman that Ijust met is the tour guide. (does not reduce)

The letter which you sent me arrived yesterday. (does not reduce)

In these twoexamples the adjective clauses cannot be reduced because the adjective clause
connectors that and which are not directly followed by verbs; that is directly followed by the
subject 7, and which is directly followed by the subject you.

A final point to note is that some adjective clauses are set off from the rest of the sen-
tence with commas, and these adjective clauses can also be reduced. In addition, when an
adjective clause is set off with commas, the reduced adjective clause can appear at the front
of the sentence.

The White House, which is located in Washington, is the home of the president.
The White House, located in Washington, is the home of the president.
Located in Washington, the White House is the home of the president.
The president, who is now preparing to give a speech, is meeting with his advisors.
The president, now preparing to give a speech, is meeting with his advisors.
Now preparing to give a speech, the president is meeting with his advisors.

In these two examples, the adjective clauses are set off from the rest of the sentence with
commas, so each sentence can be structured in three different ways: (1) with the complete
clause, (2) with thereduced clause following the noun that it describes, and (3) with the
reduced clause at the beginning of the sentence.
The following example shows how reduced adjective clauses could be tested in struc-
ture questions on the TOEFL test.

Example from the Paper and Computer TOEFL® Tests

on several different television programs, the witness gave

conflicting accounts of what had happened.
(A) He appeared
(B) Who appeared
(C) Appearing
(D) Appears

In this example, answer (A) is incorrect because there are two clauses, He appeared... and
the witness gave. .., and there is no connector
them. Answer (B) is incorrect because
to join
an adjective clause such as who appeared... cannot appear at the beginning of a sentence
(unless it is in a reduced form). Answer (C) is the correct answer because it is the reduced
form of the clause who appeared, and this reduced form can appear at the front of the sen-
tence. Answer (D) is not the reduced form of a verb; it is merely a verb in the present
tense; a verb such as appears needs a subject and a connector to be correct.

STRUCTURE QUESTIONS (Paper and Computer)

The following chart lists the structure for reduced adjective clauses and rules for how
and when reduced forms can be used:


with a be-verb in the

adjective clause

with no be-verb in the (AD|ECTW^ ~~ (VERB + ING)

adjective clause

• To reduce an adjective clause, omit the adjective clause connector/subject and the be-verb.
• If there is no be-verb, omit the connector/subject and change the main verb to the -ing form.

• Only reduce an adjective clause if the connector/subject is directly followed by the verb.
• If an adjective clause is set off with commas, the reduced clause can be moved to the front of the


EXERCISE 13: Each of the following sentences contains an adjective clause, in a complete
or reduced form. Underline the adjective clauses. Then indicate if the sentences are cor-
rect (C) or incorrect (I)

Q 1 . We will have to return the merchandise purchased yesterday at the Broadway.

! 2. The children sat in the fancy restaurant found it difficult to behave.

C 3. Serving a term of four years, the mayor of the town will face reelection next year.
4. The brand new Cadillac, purchasing less than two weeks ago, was destroyed in the

5. The fans who supporting their team always come out to the games in large numbers.

I 6. The suspect can be seen in the photographs were just released by the police.

I 7. The food placing on the picnic table attracted a large number of flies.
8. Impressed with everything she had heard about the course, Marie signed her children
up for it.

9. The passengers in the airport waiting room, heard the announcement of the canceled
flight, groaned audibly.

I 10. Dissatisfied with the service at the restaurant, the meal really was not enjoyable.


Adverb clauses can also appear in a reduced form. In the reduced form, the adverb con-
nector remains, but the subject and be-verb are omitted.

Although z\ rather unwell, the speaker will take part in the seminar.

When y)yu a\e ready, you can begin your speech.

These two examples may be used in either the complete or reduced form. In the reduced
form, the adverb connectors although and when remain; the subjects he and you as well as
the fo-verbs is and are are omitted.
If there is no fo-verb in the adverb clause, it is still possible to have a reduced form.
When there is no fo-verb in the adverb clause, the subject is omitted and the main verb is
changed into the -mgform. (

Although he fetys rather sick, the speaker will take part in the seminar.

When ytyu gtye your speech, you should speak loudly and distinctly.

In the example the adverb clause although he feels rather sick does not include a fo-verb;

to reduce this clause, the subject he is omitted and the main verb feels is changed to feeling.
In the second example the adverb clause when you give your speech also does not include a be-
verb; to reduce this clause, the subject you is omitted and the main verb give is changed to
The following example shows how this sentence pattern could be tested in structure
questions on the TOEFL test.

Example from the Paper and Computer TOEFL® Tests

When , you are free to leave.

(A) the finished report

(B) finished with the report
(C) the report
(D) is the report finished

In this example you should notice the adverb connector when, and you should know that
thistime word could be followed by either a complete clause or a reduced clause. Answers
(A) and (C) contain the subjects the finished report and the report and no verb, so these
answers are incorrect. In answer (D) the subject and verb are inverted, and this is not a
question, so answer (D) is incorrect. The correct answer is answer (B) this answer is the ;

reduced form of the clause when you are finished with the report.
It should be noted that not all adverb clauses can appear in a reduced form, and a

number of adverb clauses can only be reduced if the verb is in the passive form.
Once you submit your thesis, you will graduate. Once ^ submitted, your thesis will be reviewed,
(active — does not reduce) (passive — does reduce)

STRUCTURE QUESTIONS (Paper and Computer)

In the example, the adverb clause once you submit your thesis does not reduce because

clauses introduced by once only reduce if the verb is passive, and the verb submit is active. In
the second example, the adverb clause once it is submitted does reduce to once submitted
because the clause is introduced by once and the verb is submitted is passive.
The following chart lists the structures for reduced adverb clauses and which adverb
clause connectors can be used in a reduced form:


with a be-verb in (adverb connector)

the adverb clause

with no be-verb in (adverb connector) (VERB + ING)

the adverb clause
Time Condition Contrast Place Manner

reduces in active after although

before ; unless though
since whether

reduces in passive once although where as

until unless though wherever
when whether

• To reduce an adverb clause, omit the subject and the be-verb from the adverb clause.
• If there is no be-verb, then omit the subject and change the verb to the -ing form.

EXERCISE Each of the following sentences contains a reduced adverb clause. Circle
the adverb connectors. Underline the reduced clauses. Then indicate if the sentences are
correct (C) or incorrect (I)

Q. 1. (if) not completely satisfied, you can return the product to the manufacturer.

2. Steve has had to learn how to cook and clean (since) left home.

C 3. The ointment can be applied where needed.

C 4. Tom began to look for a job after completing his master's degree in engineering.
5. Although not selecting for the team, he attends all of the games as a fan.

6. When purchased at this store, the buyer gets a guarantee on all items.

C 7. The medicine is not effective unless taken as directed.

I 8. You should negotiate a lot before buy a new car.

9. Once purchased, the swimsuits cannot be returned.

10. Though located near the coast, the town does not get much of an ocean breeze.


EXERCISE (Skills 13-14): Each of the following sentences contains a reduced clause. Under-
line the reduced clauses. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I)

I 1. Though was surprised at the results, she was pleased with what she had done.

C 2. Wearing only a light sweater, she stepped out into the pouring rain.
3. The family stopped to visit many relatives while driving across the country.

4. The company president, needed a vacation, boarded a plane for the Bahamas.

C 5. When applying for the job, you should bring your letters of reference.
I 6. She looked up into the dreary sky was filled with dark thunderclouds.
7. Feeling weak after a long illness, Sally wanted to try to get back to work.
8. Before decided to have surgery, you should get a second opinion.

C 9. The construction material, a rather grainy type of wood, gave the room a rustic

10. The application will at least be reviewed if submitted by the fifteenth of the month.

TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 13-14): Choose the letter of the word or group of words that
best completes the sentence.

1. When nests during spring nesting 4. behind government secrecy for

season, Canadian geese are fiercely nearly half a century, the Hanford plant
territorial. in central Washington produced
plutonium for the nuclear weapons of
(A) building
the Cold War.
(B) are building
(C) built (A) It is hidden
(D) are built (B) Hidden
(C) Which is hidden
2. In 1870, Calvin, along with Adirondack (D) The plant is hiding
hunter Alvah Dunning, made the first
known ascent of Seward Mountain, 5. Until incorrect, astronomers had
far from roads or trails. assumed that the insides of white dwarfs
were uniform.
(A) a remote peak
(B) it isremote peak
a (A) they
(C) a remote peak is (B) theirproof
(D) which a remote peak (C) the astronomers recently proven
(D) recently proven
3. Kokanee salmon begin to deteriorate
and die soon at the age of four. artifacts from the early Chinese
dynasties, numerous archeologists have
(A) they spawn
explored the southern Silk Road.
(B) spawning
(C) spawn (A) They were searching for
(D) spawned the salmon (B) Itwas a search for
(C) Searched for
(D) Searching for
STRUCTURE QUESTIONS (Paper and Computer)

7. In Hailey, the best-known' lecturer was 9. in North American waterways a

women's rights activist Abigail Scott little over a decade ago, zebra mussels

Duniway of Portland, Oregon, who could have already earned a nasty reputation
usually be persuaded to speak for their expensive habit of clogging
town visiting her son. water pipes in the Great Lakes area.

(A) she was in (A) The first sighting

(B) while in (B) Although first sighted
(C) while she was (C) Zebra mussels were first sighted
(D) was in (D) First sighting

8. The National Restaurant 10. Small companies may take their goods
Washington, says that federal efforts to abroad for trade shows without paying
regulate workplace smoking would limit foreign value-added taxes by acquiring
restaurants' ability to respond to the an ATA carnet.
desires of their patrons.
(A) document calls
(A) Association in (B) a document called
(B) Association is in (C) calls a document
(C) Association which is in (D) called a document
(D) Association, based in

TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-14): Choose the letter of the word or group of
words that best completes the sentence.

1. In the United States 4. Psychologists have traditionally

approximately four million miles of maintained that infants cannot
roads, streets, and highways. formulate long-term memories until
the age of eight or nine months.
(A) there
(B) is (A) they
(C) they (B) they reach
(D) there are (C) to reach
(D) reach
2. twelve million immigrants entered
the United States via Ellis Island. 5. a cheese shop has since grown into
a small conglomerate consisting of a
(A) More than
catering business and two retail stores.
(B) There were more than
(C) Of more than (A) In the beginning of
(D) The report of (B) It began as
(C) Its beginning which was

3. The television, been a part

so long (D) What began as
of our culture, has an enormous
influence. 6. Primarily a government contractor,
preferential treatment from
(A) has
government agencies as both a minority-
(B) it has
group member and a woman.
(C) which
(D) which has (A) receives Weber
(B) Weber receives
(C) the reception of Weber
(D) according to Weber's reception

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