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 Prep children who are 5/6/7 years of age have the

neurological & anatomical ability to develop skills in

ALL fundamental motor skills
 By Grade 4 children have established their belief in
physical activity & sport
Two MAIN reasons:
1. Learning Readiness influence on non-impaired
2. Remediation influence on children requiring
remedial programs for PM skills
Readiness programs are preventative programs, that is
why they are so important in every school’s early
grade curriculum.
 Gross motor activities
 Visual motor activities
 Auditory motor activities
 Tactile activities
 Lateralisation activities
 Body awareness
 Spatial awareness
 Rolling, crawling, walking, running, jumping and
landing, hopping, skipping, galloping, leaping and
 Rolling, spinning, balance, scooter boards,
skipping), jumping activities
 eye-hand co-ordination (striking)
 eye-foot co-ordination activities (kicking)
 ball activities (throwing and catching)
 temporal awareness (developing an internal time
 responding to auditory cues/commands
 ability to utilise auditory cues.

Shapes Directions Infront/Behind

 direct touch of difference surfaces
 rolling
 textures and patterns
 Ability to control two sides of the body together or
 Bilateral movements (Simultaneous or parallel).
 Unilateral movements (one side of the body)
 Cross lateral movements (Simultaneous movement
of different limbs on opposite sides of the body e.g.
 Directional awareness.
 Children who often go unnoticed are those who try
very hard with little success.
 Children with poor muscle tone or poor posture.
 Children with co-ordination problems, who appear
clumsy, unable to run easily, often have falls.
(ANSUA, 1991)
 a parent on each station (this means 4 parents per
 a commitment - weekly, fortnightly, monthly
 arrive 5 minutes before session to make sure you
understand the task
 Each station will need one parent. The number of
parents will factor how many stations we can manage.
 Each station has a starter card. This card has the
◦ A picture of the activity
◦ A brief description of the activity
◦ An “individualising up” (making it harder) activity
◦ An “individualising down” (making it easier) activity

 If your not sure, you can improvise or ask the teacher

in charge.
 Children who are getting bored on an activity; if you
can keep those students engaged you will avoid
unnecessary discipline and keep kids entertained.

 If students have a fall and have any potential injuries,

refer them to the class teacher immediately.

 Remember to always have fun, as the program relies

on parents and volunteers to run. If you are having fun,
it is guaranteed the kids will have fun.
 There are two stations set up in this room.
Choose one station, and complete it.

 Don’t forget, shoes have to come off for this!

 Think about the difficulties a Prep child might

have, trying to complete these activities.

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