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©2022 Open Design. All rights reserved.
PO Box 2811 | Kirkland WA 98083
Printed in China
Standard ISBN: 978-1-950789-42-9
Limited Edition ISBN: 978-1-950789-44-3
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Table of Contents
Proudheart’s Predator Problem......................6 Redoubt of the Perfidious Guru.................... 82
Flight of the Dromedaries............................. 12 Incident at Wrackwater................................. 88
Furor in the Farmyard.................................. 18 The Lost Forge............................................. 95
Salvage at Lonely Cove................................. 25 The Monstrous Machinations
Automated Banditry..................................... 30 of Margrave Millard................................. 102
Evil Rises...................................................... 36 The Green Sanctum.................................... 108
Four-Part Harmony......................................42 The Salons of Mother Celeste......................114
Harvest Fangs..............................................49 Chaos at the Caldera................................... 122
The Pavilion of Whispers The Eclipsed Chapel....................................128
and Wonderment........................................ 56 The Twisted Sanctuary.................................136
Rainforest Reckoning................................... 62 A Midnight Ride......................................... 142
Safe and Sound............................................. 68 Down in the Dark of
Lord Gorgo’s Keep........................................75 The Deep King’s Domain......................... 149

Tome of Beasts 3 Lairs contains 23 short-form adventures FLIGHT OF THE DROMEDARIES

that feature new creatures from the Tome of Beasts 3.
Each adventure is intended to take one or two sessions BY BENJAMIN EASTMAN (1ST-LEVEL CHARACTERS)
to complete and includes a map, adventure hooks, and A giant dragon soars overhead startling the camels of a
treasures for your adventurers. caravan the heroes were hired to guard. The terrified beasts
To run each of these adventures, you’ll need the core flee deep into a dangerous desert. Can the heroes survive
rulebooks of the 5th edition of the world’s first roleplaying the desert’s dangers and round up the terrified mounts?
game or the System Reference Document 5.1. Creatures whose This adventure features the desert slime from Tome of
names appear in bold without a page or book reference Beasts 3.
can be found in the System Reference Document 5.1 or in those
rulebooks. Similarly, spell and magic item names which FUROR IN THE FARMYARD
appear in italics without a page or book reference can be
found in those rulebooks or in the System Reference Document BY KELLY PAWLIK (2ND-LEVEL CHARACTERS)
5.1. In addition, you will need the Tome of Beasts 3 to run the A notorious bandit and his crew have holed up at the
encounters in these adventures. Hundedel family farm following his daring escape from
Tome of Beasts 3 Lairs includes the following adventures, the local magistrate’s cells. The criminals are holding the
listed by character level: youngest Hundedel captive and have deceived the farm’s
dragonettes into helping them fortify and protect the
farmhouse. Can the heroes free the young farm boy before
he is harmed?
BY EYTAN BERNSTEIN (1ST-LEVEL CHARACTERS) This adventure features the barnyard dragonette, shovel
Farmer Grumbo Proudheart has a problem. A mysterious dragonette, and razorback crab from Tome of Beasts 3.
entity has been eating his prized sheep, winners of the
Halfling Wool-Off the past ten years. At his wit’s end, he SALVAGE AT LONELY COVE
searches for heroes to uncover the culprit and save his farm.
This adventure features the herd skulker from Tome of BY JEFF LEE (2ND-LEVEL CHARACTERS)
Beasts 3. A ship was sunk during a recent storm, and flotsam from
the wreck has washed up in Lonely Cove, a hidden beach at
the bottom of steep shoreline cliffs. Can the heroes collect
the valuable salvage and survive the cove’s inhabitants?




Rumors of ghosts in the old haunted bardic college didn’t
stop the orphan Budanyek from breaking in. But now
he’s been gone for days, and his friends swear they hear
terrifying sounds coming from the old college. Can a
plucky group of heroes brave the tremulous terrors inside
to find the missing Budanyek?
This adventure features the animated instrument,
animated quartet, clockwork conductor, clockwork
pugilist, and origami golem from Tome of Beasts 3.



In the isolated farming village of Sycamore Crossing, this
year’s harvest is inexplicably failing. Faced with starvation,
the villagers have fallen under the fell sway of a devious
cult that promises a full harvest if the village regularly
sacrifices people to the soil they till. The heroes must
stop the cult and save the village before too many more
travelers are abducted and sacrificed.
This adventure features the tripwire patch from Tome of
Beasts 3.


This adventure features the beach weird, guardian
archaeopteryx, moon weaver, pescavitus, and talus flow BY BRIAN SUSKIND (4TH-LEVEL CHARACTERS)
from Tome of Beasts 3. The Maestro, a fey with delusions of grandeur, operates
out of a magnificent, extraplanar palace. An information
hoarder, The Maestro collects uncomfortable secrets,
scandals, and slander, using them to amass great power
BY BASHEER GHOUSE (3RD-LEVEL CHARACTERS) and wealth. The heroes must recover a particularly
A group of bandits has stolen a small hoard of constructs, important secret kept by The Maestro, facing the odd
turning their new mechanical servants into a small army. inhabitants of the whimsical, dangerous pavilion along
The roads are no longer safe, and merchants are desperate the way.
for heroes who can end the bandits’ reign. This adventure features the doppelixir, lobe lemur,
This adventure features the atavist, animated hippopotamus, moppet, swarm of penguins, and
instruments, clockwork armadillo, clockwork pugilist, veritigibbet from Tome of Beasts 3.
and harvest horse from Tome of Beasts 3.
BY JEFF LEE (3RD-LEVEL CHARACTERS) Several weeks ago, villagers from the jungle village of
The bakery drake, Amaranth, is the darling of the local Bukofa fell victim to mild, mischievous pranks while
nobility. Her baked goods are in high demand by the clearing trees for farmland. Now, events have taken a
city’s wealthy citizens, and it was a shock to all when sinister turn and something lurks in the jungle, killing
she came under suspicion of poisoning several notable Bukofa’s inhabitants. The village elder needs heroes to
personages. Can the heroes brave the now-dangerous travel to the fey’s grove and end the threat to the village.
bakery, uncover the truth behind the poisoning, and This adventure features the aziza, giant walking stick,
bring justice to the drake? leavesrot ooze, monkey’s bane vine, moon weaver, musk
This adventure features the bakery drake from Tome of deer, rainforest ogre, and tripwire patch from Tome of
Beasts 3. Beasts 3.




An unusually large and ferocious cat has recently claimed A dwarven fort high in the mountains was abandoned
the area outside of the town of Bay’s Burrow as its decades ago when a dragon’s attack left much of it in ruins.
territory. The area is bisected by a major trade route, and The once-mighty forge stayed dormant for years, but now
unfortunately the territorial beast has been disrupting the forge blazes to life under the care of twin giants and
caravans, killing horses, and generally making a nuisance their followers, who raid dwarven caravans carrying ore and
of itself. Heroes are needed to kill the beast or encourage it ale. Locals turn to traveling heroes for help in dethroning
to find a new home away from Bay’s Burrow. the giants and bringing peace back to their area.
This adventure features the catamount from Tome of This adventure features the dwarf pike guard, dwarf
Beasts 3. pike guard captain, thursir armorer giant, thursir hearth
priestess giant, and ogre alleybasher from Tome of Beasts 3.
Squatting atop a lonely peak surrounded by a dark wood,
Spiteful Keep is the home of Lord Gorgo, a powerful ogre BY BASHEER GHOUSE (7TH-LEVEL CHARACTERS)
said to craft amazing magical items. Lord Gorgo’s allies The eccentric Margrave Millard has long considered
and servants fill the keep, discouraging trespassers and himself a pioneer in magically created beasts, often
gathering materials for the artisan. Heroes willing to deal parading his creations as short-lived show pets. However,
with the cunning ogre might be able to barter for magic he has recently begun creating more monstrous creatures
items or take them by force, but the items might not be and testing their murderous prowess on kidnapped citizens.
what they appear… Can the heroes stop the Margrave before he releases his
This adventure features the cunning artisan ogre, the creations to wreak havoc on the surrounding lands?
daeodon, the dokkaebi, and the kobold ettin from Tome of This adventure features the capybear, dire owlbear,
Beasts 3. grolar bear, grolar bear alpha, razorfeather raptor, and
slithy toves from Tome of Beasts 3.


There is a sanctuary hidden in the mountains where
it is said one can learn the secrets of inner peace and
perfection. The master of this secret place is said to be able
to see into a person’s very soul and divine their future from
it, but something isn’t quite right. Can the heroes uncover
the truth and put an end to the fiendish machinations of
the sanctuary’s elusive leader?
This adventure features the alpine creeper, cloudhoof
assassin, and lesser infernal tutor from Tome of Beasts 3.



The fog-bound village of Wrackwater Cove thrives on
the trade brought into its small harbor by the light of a
lighthouse on a nearby spit of land. Recently, the beacon
went out and the village’s two search parties haven’t
returned. A ship with much-needed supplies is due any
day, and the villagers seek heroes to find the missing
patrols and light the beacon.
This adventure features the bilge gremlin,
bilge gremlin bosun, giant flea, gullkin, gullkin
hunter, and muraenid from Tome of Beasts 3.




An eccentric scholar spent her life studying exotic plants Down the street, among the shops and inns, sits the Veiled
in an arboretum on a remote island. The scholar has since Mannequin, a tailor’s shop for discerning customers.
died and other scholars now want a particularly important Unbeknownst to most, the tailor and her assistant guard
plant she studied. Can the heroes survive the abandoned the secret entrance to the Sanctuary of the Twisted Claw,
arboretum’s deadly plants and convince its guardian to part a rakshasa safehouse hidden in the heart of the city. Can
with the exotic plant? the heroes uncover the secret and stop the rakshasa before
This adventure features the alpine creeper, ice willow, they cause irreparable damage to the city’s denizens?
and ice golem from Tome of Beasts 3. This adventure features the apostle, atavist, rakshasa
myrmidon, rakshasa pustakam, rakshasa servitor, and
THE SALONS OF MOTHER CELESTE rakshasa slayer from Tome of Beasts 3.


Days ago, the crew of a local fishing boat pulled up the
remains of a sailor thought to belong to an overdue, missing BY SARAH MADSEN (11TH-LEVEL CHARACTERS)
merchant vessel. The nearby town’s fishermen have since A strange, black horse draped in silver chains has been
found the location of the wreck, and the local authorities seen near a small farming village. The locals claim it is a fey
put out a call for heroes willing to brave the water’s depths creature that will run off with their sons and daughters.
and rescue what remains of the vessel’s cargo. More concerning, however, is the group of cultists who
This adventure features the bilge gremlin, bilge gremlin recently arrived to capture the creature and use it to gain
bosun, breakwater troll, brine hag, dire lionfish, and access to other planes. The farmers need heroes to chase
wrackwraith from Tome of Beasts 3. off the cultists, and they promise a bonus if the heroes can
do something about the fey as well.
CHAOS AT THE CALDERA This adventure features the leashed lesion, psychophant
cultist, and púca from Tome of Beasts 3.
The town of Dorma sits on the fertile soil next to Mount
Magra, a dormant volcano. Recently, portals have opened
in the heart of the mountain, expelling violent creatures BY BRIAN SUSKIND (12TH-LEVEL CHARACTERS)
from other planes. Can the heroes vanquish these threats Down in the depths of the world, among twisting natural
before the the volcano erupts and destroys the town? caverns where bioluminescent fungi shine as motes of
This adventure features the ibexian and obsidian light in the darkness, lies the lair of the Deep King. It
ophidian from Tome of Beasts 3. hunts the world below, feeding on the spiritual essence of
its victims and dragging their bodies back to its lair. Many
THE ECLIPSED CHAPEL have fallen in an attempt to put an end to this fell alien
intelligence; can the heroes succeed where so many others
A painter named Pol seeks escort to an abandoned chapel. This adventure features the cave sovereign and duskwilt
Convinced he’s met an angel who wants him to paint a from Tome of Beasts 3.
magic mural there in just one day, Pol’s request may require
a leap of faith. Is there a group of heroes who will stand
vigil while Pol works his miracle?
This adventure features the apostle, copperkill slime,
gearmass, leavesrot ooze, sinoper ooze, stained glass moth,
and swarm of gryllus from Tome of Beasts 3.


Predator Problem

Adventure Background Adventure Hook

Every year, halfling farmer Grumbo Proudheart enters his The following can entice the PCs into helping Grumbo:
animals into the Halfling Wool-Off, a competition that • Market Meeting. The PCs run into Grumbo as he’s
attracts fellow farmers from throughout the region. The purchasing supplies at the local market. Seeing their
competition includes five categories: long wool, medium weapons and armor, Grumbo begs them to come help
wool, fine wool, goat’s wool, and lamb’s wool. Grumbo has him. He didn’t want to leave his animals alone for the
won the lamb’s wool competition for the last three years. day, as only his dogs remain to protect them, but he had
Recently, he’s developed his goat breeding program and little choice.
could now also win in that category.
• Fair Competition. Lucy Porridge, a rival competitor
The Wool-Off is in four days, and Grumbo is frantic,
in the Wool-Off (and Grumbo’s cousin), heard about
grooming his animals, sharpening his sheers, and loading
Grumbo’s troubles. She wants to win the Wool-Off
his wagons. All was running smoothly until three nights ago
fairly and that’s only possible if Grumbo brings his best.
when an unseen predator began menacing his flock.
Lucy runs into the PCs on the road and explains the
Grumbo has had the bad luck of attracting the attention
situation, offering the same reward as explained below.
of a herd skulker, a dangerous and crafty wolflike predator
that stalks herd animals, shapeshifting into one of their Whichever hook you choose, if the PCs ask for reward,
kind and hiding amongst them until it can get close enough they are offered 50 gp if they can rid the farm of whatever is
to feast. It’s been stalking the sheep, goats, chickens, and hunting Grumbo’s animals, plus another 50 if they keep all
horses of Grumbo’s farm, radiating an aura of calm that of his animals alive and uninjured in the process.
lulls the animals into a false sense of security.
At his wit’s end, Grumbo seeks the help of the PCs in
rooting out the menace and protecting his animals until the
Grumbo and His Farm
end of the week when he leaves for the Wool-Off. It would Grumbo’s farm occupies an acre of land, situated amid
pain him greatly if harm came to any of his animals. rolling pastures, fields, and trees. Every building, plot,
and pen is pristine, recently painted and meticulously
maintained. Carefully tended flower boxes adorn the
farmstead with sunflowers, tulips, and daisies. Grumbo
beams as he admires his farm, but then his eyes fill with
tears as he looks at the baby sheep and goats playing in
their pens. He pulls out a handkerchief, wiping his eyes.
“Please, you’re my only hope. It would kill me if that
monster ate my animals. I couldn’t bear it.”


Grumbo Proudheart (LG halfling commoner) is Fancy uses the statistics of a wolf, but replace Pack
a perpetually nervous halfling in his early 40s with Tactics with the following feature:
thinning gray hair and sideburns, a substantial belly, a Nimble Protector. Fancy can take the Dash or Disengage
strong musculature from decades of farm labor, and a action as a bonus action on each of her turns.
quick laugh. His pride and joy are his sheep and goats, Grumbo also has a trio of sheepdogs—Lucy, Dart, and
and he frets constantly about their safety. He is a lifelong Priscilla—that herd his sheep and goats. Grumbo has been
bachelor, and he sent all of his farmhands away shortly keeping them in the house or by his side for their safety.
before the PCs arrived for fear of the creature harming Overnight Accommodations. Grumbo doesn’t have any
them. He is alone now, except for his dogs and livestock. extra beds available, but he welcomes the PCs to stay with
The Predator. The creature plaguing Grumbo’s farm is a him, allowing them to sleep on the floor, using the many
herd skulker (see Tome of Beasts 3). pillows and rugs scattered about his living space.
The Farmstead. Grumbo’s vast farmstead is comprised of If they prefer, they are welcome to stay in Grumbo’s barn
animal pens, a barn, a chicken coop, a vegetable garden, his instead; if so, he puts down fresh hay in the many empty
home, and his pasture. Grumbo gives the PCs a tour and stalls, though the barn was essentially immaculate already.
grants them complete access to all the buildings and lands, The PCs will have to share the barn with a cow, two draft
including his cottage. (See Areas 1-6 for more information.) horses, and a pony. (See Area 4.)
Grumbo’s Prize Animals. Grumbo cares deeply for all Wherever the PCs decide to spend the night, whenever
of his flock, but he has four prized animals he loves more Grumbo cooks a meal for himself (which is early and often),
than life itself. He has three baby sheep (lambs): Lady he brings some for each of the PCs as they stand guard.
Lanolyn of Lambshire, Duke Fuzzington von Felt, and
Prince Lambert, plus a baby goat (kid) named Sir Cashimir WHAT GRUMBO KNOWS
of the Order of the Fleece. If the PCs question Grumbo about the creature and/or
Grumbo’s Dogs. Grumbo has an eager, vigilant its predations, he’ll gladly share anything he knows:
wolfhound named Fancy. She’s massive, easily triple • All of Grumbo’s preparations for the Wool-Off
Grumbo’s own weight. She could scare off any normal were running smoothly until three nights ago when
predator, but the herd skulker is far from normal. If the something began stalking one of his prized lambs,
PCs get into in trouble while fighting the creature, Fancy Duke Fuzzington.
comes to their aid. • Fancy scared it off before he could get a look at it.
• Grumbo searched the farm afterward and even hired
some locals to investigate, but they found nothing.
• Last night, the creature made a play for another lamb,
GRUMBO’S MENAGERIE Prince Lambert. Grumbo heard a strange sound
Since this adventure has the PCs protecting a flock from outside his window and rushed to investigate. The
a predator, they might wish to know how many animals creature had cornered Lambert and was about to
Grumbo has in total. For ease of reference, his total pounce when Grumbo blew a bullhorn, startling it,
number of animals is included here, with any names of and the creature fled.
particularly prized animals in parentheses: • This time, Grumbo caught sight of it, but he couldn’t
• Chickens: 9 (Penelope) believe his eyes; it looked just like his other lambs, but
• Roosters: 1 (Cody) its movements were aggressive and not-at-all lamblike.
• Goats: 30 (Sir Cashimir of the Order of the Fleece • Grumbo doesn’t know if the creature is a threat during
[a prized kid]) the day or not, but both incidents happened at night.
• Sheep: 45 (Lady Lanolyn of Lambshire, Duke • Despite the threat of the creature, Grumbo has no
Fuzzington von Felt, and Prince Lambert [all choice but to continue opening the gate each morning
prized lambs]) because the animals need to eat. He refuses any
• Cows: 1 (Pinkle) suggestion that he do otherwise.
• Horses: 2 (Binny and Winny)
• Ponies: 1 (Theodora)
• Sheepdogs: 3 (Lucy, Dart, and Priscilla)
• Wolfhounds: 1 (Fancy)
The totals above include all of the prized animals and
any babies (i.e., lambs or kids).


1. SHEEP PEN but the smallest of the goats. The kid seeking scritches is
Sir Cashimir of the Order of the Fleece.
A short, wooden fence surrounds a large sheep pen that
occupies the northwest quarter of Grumbo’s farmstead.
Lazing within are thirty sheep, though others wander in and
out of the open twenty-foot-wide gate on the western side. Grumbo’s small house is located in the southwestern portion
More sheep graze in the pastures surrounding the farmstead. of the farmstead. He welcomes you inside, insisting on
Several fuzzy lambs chase each other enthusiastically, the providing tea and cookies for all. The interior of the cottage
older sheep observing disinterestedly. One of the lambs is immaculate and homey. Overstuffed pillows and plush
approaches the fence and baas at you in greeting. rugs cover the floor, a comfy bed occupies the northwest
corner, a table for six sits in the center, and a wood-burning
Grumbo keeps the gate open during the day and closes stove graces the southeast corner. Custom cabinets and
it at night, though a determined predator can easily leap closets are built into the walls. Three merry sheepdogs lie in
the low fence. The sheep, too, will leap the fence at the a tangle on a fluffy dog bed near the stove.
first sign of a predator, which may necessitate the PCs
locating them. The lamb that greets the PCs is Lady Grumbo painstakingly built this home. The door doesn’t
Lanolyn of Lambshire. have a lock, as Grumbo has little fear of intruders. Even if
the door is left wide open, the herd skulker does not enter.
A large goat pen surrounded by a low, wooden fence
occupies the northeast quarter of the farmstead. Milling Grumbo leads you to a neatly painted red barn and opens
about inside are twenty goats, and you can see more goats the doors. Most of the stalls are empty, save for the four
grazing in the pasture beyond the pen as well. The wide nearest the door, which contain a cow, two draft horses,
gate on the eastern side of the fence is open, allowing and a pony. Grumbo points to the cow. “Pinkle here is a
the goats the freedom to go in or out. Several downy kids good cow. She’s very patient.” He waves his hand in the
gambol about within and are occasionally joined by the direction of the horses. “Binny and Winny are a tad lazy, but
older goats. One baby goat approaches the fence when you they do their jobs.” Finally, he stops at the stall of the pony,
near, sticking his nose out for a scritch or a treat. who noses his hand, and hands her a carrot. “Theodora is
the best pony that ever lived. I’m riding her to the fair.”
Like the sheep pen, Grumbo keeps the gate open during
the day and closes it at night. A determined predator, such Like everything else on Grumbo’s property, the barn’s
as the herd skulker, can leap the easily low fence, as can all been kept immaculate.

AVOIDING CRUELTY TO ANIMALS This advice also applies to Fancy and the three
This adventure depicts a very real struggle facing sheepdogs, Lucy, Dart, and Priscilla. They can help the PCs
farmers—predators hunting their livestock. While it’s if they are struggling, but it is strongly advised that you
important to get the PCs to feel for Grumbo, the goal is avoid allowing the herd skulker to harm them. For his part,
never to graphically describe the death of animals. Give Grumbo refuses to send the sheepdogs into danger; if
the PCs hints and chances to catch the herd skulker in there’s a threat, he sends Fancy, but her Nimble Protector
the act before it harms the animals. If the PCs make a feature should allow her to help but avoid harm. In any case,
mistake or fail crucial checks, give them the opportunity the herd skulker does not go after her or the sheepdogs,
to confront the herd skulker and scare it off rather than focusing instead on the PCs or escape.
having it simply murder an animal. If that fails and the The herd skulker’s natural form bears similarities to that
herd skulker captures or kills an animal, leave details to a of wolves, but it should not be depicted as anything but
minimum, so as to avoid distressing players. Perhaps the the horrible monster that it is. If harming a creature that
PCs find a bit of wool, a feather, or a single drop of blood. resembles a real animal would distress your players, modify
Check with your players about their comfort level with this the herd skulker’s true form to something altogether alien.
and adjust accordingly.


5. CHICKEN COOP Failure. On a failure, the PCs hear a commotion of
squawking chickens. When they arrive at the coop, the
Grumbo points out a substantial chicken coop east of the chickens are running around wildly, screeching, the herd
barn. “Happy chickens lay tasty eggs. That what I always skulker hidden among them. If the PCs hesitated for
say.” He waves at a hen squawking at several others. more than a round before rushing to investigate, the herd
“Penelope keeps the other hens in line.” He nods at the skulker assumes its true form, eats one of the chickens,
lone rooster. “Cody mostly keeps to himself, though a then shifts back into a chicken before they arrive.
couple of the hens like him quite a bit.”
The animals are all on edge, as if they can sense the danger
in the air.
Animal Handlers. PCs proficient in Animal Handling
A large vegetable garden lines the southern edge of the have a well-honed sense of animal behavior. They can
farmstead, featuring neat rows of cucumbers, radishes, observe the animals and succeed on a Wisdom (Animal
tomatoes, onions, zucchini, and turnips. Handling) check contested by the herd skulker’s
Charisma (Deception) to notice that one of them is
behaving suspiciously.
Grumbo loves gardening almost as much as raising
animals. He doesn’t need to say so; this bounteous garden
and the numerous flower boxes scattered around the
property make that clear.

Catching the
Herd Skulker
Each night the PCs stay at Grumbo’s farm, they
have a chance to catch the herd skulker in the act,
but it’s a clever and cautious foe with an uncanny
ability to disappear within herds, so it will be difficult.
Though the herd skulker possesses a dangerous bite,
it’s a coward and runs if it feels threatened.

Any PCs on guard duty must succeed on a DC 16
check using one of the following skills: Wisdom
(Animal Handling, Perception, or Survival) or
Intelligence (Nature).
Success. On a success, the PCs
notice the creature entering
the chicken coop and arrive
in time to stop it before it
attacks. The herd skulker flees
(using its Spring Attack ability to
avoid opportunity attacks) when
the PCs arrive and attempts to hide amongst one
of the other groups of animals. If a PC blocks
the entrance to the chicken coop, the herd
skulker leaps at them, attempting to shove
them out of the way so it can escape.


Answers from Animals. If the animals are questioned The Cost of Delay. If the PCs detect the animals’ distress
using magic, they communicate that there’s a new animal but delay rushing to their aid for a round, they arrive at
in the pen that doesn’t smell right. If the herd skulker is the scene to discover frantic sheep and goats running
still present, the animals can direct the PCs to it. Being about the pasture. At the edge of the goat pen, they find
not terribly intelligent, they have little useful information, one dazed-looking goat with wet, mussed fur on the back
but if the PCs spend too long trying to talk with them they of its neck, but otherwise unharmed; the herd skulker
might allow the herd skulker to slip away. abandoned this goat when the PCs approached and hid
somewhere nearby.
RUNNING THE HERD SKULKER If the PCs delay longer than one round, the herd skulker
The herd skulker is a cunning, vicious predator that kills one of the goats and carries it off. They find a few bits
behaves cautiously and attacks only when advantageous. of goat fuzz and signs of a struggle in the dirt.
Monstrosity Not Beast. It is important to remember Escape. If the herd skulker escapes and the PCs track
that the herd skulker is a monstrosity, not a beast—even it, they can follow the trail of the creature into the pasture
though it much of the time looks and acts like a beast. and confront it there.
Accordingly, spells that only affect beasts will not work on Prey Play. The herd skulker continues to play these
the herd skulker. For instance, if the PCs use speak with games with the animals and PCs for the up to three nights;
animals to attempt to talk to the herd skulker (regardless after the third night, if the PCs do not drive it off or kill it,
of what form it is in), it doesn’t respond; a successful DC the herd skulker will wander off in search of easier prey.
12 Intelligence (Nature) or Wisdom (Animal Handling or
Survival) check determines that the herd skulker doesn’t
understand the words being spoken, despite the spell. Concluding
Patient Pounce. The herd skulker waits for the PCs to the Adventure
relax before it risks attacking one of the goats or sheep. If
The adventure concludes when the PCs either kill the herd
the PCs remain vigilant, it spends the rest of the evening
skulker or defend (or attempt to defend) the animals for
among the animals, then attempts to slip away when
three nights.
Grumbo opens the gate for the goats to graze at dawn,
If the PCs protect all the animals for three nights and
wandering off to sleep until nightfall. Vigilant PCs can
kill (or drive off) the herd skulker, Grumbo is eternally
attempt a Wisdom (Perception) check opposed by the herd
grateful and happily pays the PCs the full promised
skulker’s Stealth; on a success, the PCs can spot the herd
reward. The following day, he leaves for the Wool-Off both
skulker attempting to slink away.
relieved and exhausted.
True Form Revealed. If the herd skulker reveals itself
If the herd skulker kills any of Grumbo’s animals—but
to any of Grumbo’s animals, each PC may attempt a
none of his four prized babies (Fuzzington, Lanolyn,
DC 13 check to hear them crying or otherwise sense
Lambert, and Cashimir)—Grumbo will give the PCs the
the disturbance, using one of the following skills:
initial 50 gp reward and will still pay the 50 gp bonus if a
Wisdom (Animal Handling, Perception, or Survival) or
PC succeeds on a DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check or if
Intelligence (Nature).
there is a fellow halfling in the party who is kind (or at least
On a success, if the PCs immediately rush to
not unkind) to Grumbo. Grumbo sadly continues his plans
investigate, they catch the herd skulker before it attacks.
to attend the Wool-Off, but it’s clear that a substantial
It fights if pressed, but, if it’s reduced below half its hit
amount of wind has been taken out of his sails.
points, it flees.
If the PCs dispatch the herd skulker after it has killed
On a failure, the herd skulker heads back to the farm
any of Grumbo’s prize animals, he grudgingly gives them
to hide, either in the stables or in the sheep or goat pen,
the 50 gp reward but refuses to pay any more than that. He
where Grumbo’s animals still remain. If any of Grumbo’s
is absolutely despondent, as if he had lost a member of his
animals are presently immune to the herd skulker’s Herd-
own family and is not shy about expressing his extreme
Hidden ability, it avoids those specific enclosures until said
disappointment in the PCs’ failure to follow through on
immunity has expired.
their promise to protect his flock. Grumbo cancels his
plans to attend the Wool-Off this year, too overcome with
grief to make the journey.


Flight of the

Adventure Background The caravan is transporting one or two items of valuable

cargo. Choose from the list below, or choose your own:
Tasnim Azul (LN dwarf veteran), a tall, eagle-eyed woman
• Fresh limes bound for a seawater port;
with braided black hair, is looking to hire capable guards
to defend the caravan she is leading across the desert to the • Fragrant citrons for manufacturing fine perfumes;
city of Onist. • Whole coffee beans for sale in faraway souks;
• Ornate jewelry inlayed with precious gems, coveted by
Adventure Hook concubine and courtesan alike;
• Finely crafted steel helmets promised to the
The PCs encounter the caravan on the road while traveling
commander of heavy infantry.
to a new locale, or perhaps they run into Tasnim in the
market square of a city, where she recognizes their kind
(i.e., people who look like they can handle themselves in a Dragon Sighting
fight) and inquires about engaging their services. Shortly after the caravan begins its early morning trek, an
Getting Hired. Tasnim pays well for caravan guards adult blue dragon soars low overhead. While the dragon
skilled in steel and spell—but she demands the best. She is oblivious to the humanoids below, it’s flying low enough
offers the PCs 300 gp each in exchange for their services that everyone in the caravan must make a saving throw
protecting the caravan along its journey to the city of Onist. against its Frightful Presence.
The PCs must defend the caravan from bandits, protect the While the PCs deal with their own fears, a number of
cargo, and keep the ten camels from escaping. Any failure to the caravan’s camels equal to the number of PCs break
deliver all of the promised cargo to the city of Onist results their bindings and bound down the desert trail. Due to
in significant financial and reputational loss for her. When their movement speed (50 feet), the camels likely leave any
offered the job, it is made abundantly clear to the PCs that pursuing PCs in the literal dust.
her losses come out of their own pay if she finds them to be Tasnim is quick to remind the PCs that they were in
at fault. Tasnim expects the journey will take approximately charge of securing the camels. If the PCs don’t recover the
two months. camels (50 gp each) and the cargo they carried (worth a
total of 50 gp x the number of PCs), those losses come out
of their pay.


Luckily, the camels leave a trail in the sands—the
expensive cargo that falls from their saddlebags. A
successful DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check allows a
PC to track the camels to a sandy valley while it’s still
midmorning. On a failure, the PCs arrive at the sandy
valley after the sun reaches high in the midday sky.

The Sandy Valley

Before their fear waned, the escaped camels fled down the
desert trail and into a small valley surrounded by steep
escarpments. This out-of-the-way valley houses the ruins of
an ancient shrine to a forgotten god, as well as a primordial
pool of rock and minerals that guards the valley.


The camel tracks lead off the beaten path and into a small
valley. Steep escarpments shoot up at sharp angles, rising
to the flat butte that meets the skyline.

The eastern butte blocks the rising sun from beating

down on the sands—even if the PCs arrived midday.
Notable Travelers. In addition to the caravan workers,
If the PCs brought the caravan in their pursuit, there is
two notables lounge at the oasis. The PCs may speak with
adequate space for the remaining camels to graze while
them before the other caravan resumes its journey.
the PCs locate the lost dromedaries. Tasnim and her other
Tadalesh Tesfay (NG human noble) is a wealthy gambler
workers focus on caring for—and keeping a close eye
from a distant nation. He is traveling to Onist and needs
on—the camels that didn’t escape, and so they are not in a
bodyguards for once he arrives in the city. After noticing
position to help the PCs recover those that fled.
the PCs’ weapons and capable nature, he asks them to
meet him at the Azure Flame Gambling House. Once they
2. THE OASIS arrive, Tadalesh asks them to help him pull one last heist—
Toward the northern end of the valley entrance, another
recovering treasured artifacts first stolen from his people.
Zehava Rasason (N high elf mage) is a transmuter
small caravan is resting by a small oasis. Their camels block
traveling to Onist, where she’ll teach at the wizarding
access to the fresh water.
college. Before she can begin classes, she must clear thugs
from the transmutation tower. She is considering hiring
The PCs can approach members of the other caravan adventurers to deal with this nuisance below her station.
and inquire if anyone saw the fleeing camels. The Pool. While there’s no space for Tasnim’s camels
Friendly Approach. If the PCs don’t appear threatening, to drink from the pool, the PCs can squeeze between the
the caravan workers explain they saw the fleeing camels animals to take sips from the pool or even fill canteens
gallop into the sandy valley and up the narrow incline no with fresh water.
less than 15 minutes ago. If asked, they have no knowledge Any creature that drinks from the pool has advantage
of a blue dragon flying through this area recently. on Constitution saving throws against the heat for 1
Unfriendly Approach. If the PCs appear threatening, the hour; any water taken from the oasis loses this beneficial
caravan workers try to avoid the dangerous adventurers. property 1 hour after its removal from the pool.
The PCs can put the caravan workers at ease with a
successful DC 13 Charisma (Deception or Persuasion)
check, thereby convincing them to reveal the information
about the fleeing camels.


3. THE NARROW INCLINE Development. After 1 minute, the sand completely fills
the pit, and the PCs can walk over it without issue.
Just past the oasis, the path narrows, as if some primordial If the PCs avoided triggering the trap while traveling
giant had tried to pinch shut the valley eons ago. The slope up the narrow incline, they cannot avoid the trap when
rises at a steady incline, leading to the northern half of the returning with the camels. Camels falling into the pit are
sandy valley. buried in the sand after 1 minute, perishing soon thereafter.

Pit Trap. As the camels rushed through this area,

they greatly disturbed the sand, which had long rested
precariously above an underground pit. PCs who are To the east of the incline, flat sands stretch to the edge of the
actively searching for traps or hazards identify the danger valley. Drought-resistant trees line the edge of these dunes,
with a successful DC 13 Wisdom (Perception or Survival) while the late morning sun glitters from the arid ground.
check. Any PC who succeeds on a DC 10 Dexterity
(Acrobatics) check can carefully skirt around the edge of If the PCs arrive in the morning, the eastern escarpments
the narrow incline, thereby avoiding triggering the hazard. block the sun from shining down on the dunes.
If the PCs don’t notice the hazard (or fail to avoid it), the Hot Sands. At midday, the dunes are fiery hot, forcing
sand beneath their feet gives way. As the sand collapses, the the PCs each to make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw
PCs fall into an underground pit that is 15 feet in diameter when they begin traveling through this area; on a failure,
and 15 feet deep. Fortunately, the sand below cushions the they take 1d4 fire damage as the hot sands burn their
PCs’ fall, and they suffer no falling damage. feet. (Barefoot creatures have disadvantage on this saving
The Western Wind. Though the PCs survive the fall throw.) This is intended to be a one-time effect, but if the
without difficulty, the cursed western wind suddenly whips PCs linger in the area you might require them to succeed
up, and the pit begins filling with sand. The pit fills in 1 on the saving throw again or suffer additional damage.
minute, burying any PCs still inside after 10 rounds. Creatures. A PC who succeeds on a DC 12 Wisdom
Escaping the Pit. To climb out of the pit, each PC must (Perception) check notices five vultures fly into the sky at
succeed on three DC 13 Strength (Athletics) checks; using the PCs’ approach. If the PCs follow the birds’ flight path,
ropes or other climbing gear grants advantage on the rolls. they witness the vultures meet up with a giant vulture.
If the d20 roll is a natural 20, it counts as two successes; if These scavengers view the PCs as potential meals and
the d20 roll is a natural 1, the PC falls to the bottom of the swoop down to attack the PCs if they proceed further into
pit, losing any accrued successes. this area.
The PCs shouldn’t tarry, as the pit quickly fills with sand. Tactics. The vultures exploit their Pack Tactics feature,
After five rounds, the PCs have disadvantage on all ability splitting into two groups of three. They target anyone who
checks they make while in the pit. looks weaker or who has lagged behind the group.
Everyone in Tasnim’s caravan is too far away to reach Development. The giant vulture disengages from combat
the PCs before the pit is filled. If the PCs find themselves and flees to its roost if it starts its turn with less than 8 hit
in desperate straits, one of the notable travelers from Area points. The other vultures attempt to fly away if the giant
2 is close enough to help, arriving with rope at the end of vulture dies or has disengaged, or if at the start of their
the third turn. (They refuse to proceed any further into the turn there are two or fewer other vultures remaining.
valley—the pit is already risky enough.)
Buried PCs. PCs buried in the pit are restrained and
unable to speak. The number of successes determines the
level at which the PCs are buried: Thick bushes line a tapered sliver of the sandy valley. A
• 2 successes: 5 feet number of broken branches are scattered about the sand
• 1 success: 10 feet near the bushes, and some half-broken boughs still cling to
• No successes: 15 feet their branches.
Buried PCs are likewise suffocating. It may be helpful
for you to reference those rules and calculate how long If the PCs arrive in the morning, there is a faint odor in
each PC can hold their breath before this event begins. the air that they can’t quite place. If the PCs arrive midday,
Rescuing Trapped PCs. If PCs not trapped in the pit the unmistakable smell of a rotting corpse fill their nostrils.
have appropriate equipment, such as a shovel, they can In the Bushes. If the PCs inspect the bushes, they locate
dig out their buried companions. It takes 1 minute to the bloated corpse of a slender, redheaded halfling. A
dig down 5 feet in the loose sand. Once a PC reaches the successful DC 13 Wisdom (Insight) check deduces that the
depth of a buried companion, that PC can breathe and halfling was trying to climb the steep escarpment when she
stops suffocating. fell to her death.


Gear. A PC who spends 10 minutes searching the area 6. THE GNOLL GOD’S TEMPLE
and succeeds on a DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation)
check finds the components of a climber’s kit near the Aging, cream-colored pillars rise from a marble foundation,
steep escarpment. covered with ancient crimson stains. Underneath the
Treasure. On the body is an ornate, ruby-crusted dagger crumbling canopy sits the gigantic, crumbling effigy of a
(worth 10 gp); the shards from two shattered potions of gnoll god, clad in armor and wielding a vicious glaive.
healing; and a fine wooden case containing 5 engraved
rings (worth 20 gp). A PC who succeeds on a DC 17 Long ago, this temple served as the center of worship
Intelligence (History) check recognizes the engravings of for the gnolls in this region. Great packs would gather
the ruling family of Onist—and that the ruling family are before this giant idol, offering praise and sacrifices to their
not halfling. progenitor god before embarking on great marauding
campaigns across the realm.
A PC who succeeds on a DC 17 Intelligence (History)
check recalls that, ages ago, desert druids drove the gnolls


out of the sandy valley. These druids left some kind of 8. THE PRIMORDIAL POOL
hidden guardians to protect the valley from gnolls and any
other interlopers (see Area 8). At the northern edge of the western dunes, the camels rest,
Time has not been kind to the temple. Over time, the tired from their escape. Beyond the dromedaries, a bubble
sand has chipped away at the pillars and robbers have of gas rises up from a pit of slightly undulating sand.
stripped the valuables from the once ornate statue—all
save for the gnoll god’s right eye. The steep escarpments cast a shadow over this area.
The Gnoll God’s Eye. The gnoll god statue stands 20 Desert druids created this primordial pool of silt, fine
feet tall. A PC who wishes to remove the eye gem can do rock, and minerals to birth their desert slime guardians to
so with 5 minutes of careful work with a dagger or similar keep the gnolls from returning to the sandy valley.
implement; time has worn away most of what held the Creatures. Two desert slimes emerge from the
stone in place so it doesn’t require much skill to remove primordial pool, startling the camels and sending the
it. Climbing the statue requires two successful DC 13 beasts running.
Strength (Athletics) checks; any creature wearing medium Tactics. The first desert slime pursues the PCs. The
or heavy armor makes this check with disadvantage. other slime chases after the camels, but struggles to catch
Treasure. The gnoll god’s eye is a crimson almandine the beasts even at a slow trot. Once the PCs defeat the
garnet the size of a large grapefruit; most buyers would first slime, the second slime stops chasing the camels and
gladly pay 100 gp for it, but, if the PCs find a buyer targets the PCs instead.
interested in gnoll culture or religion, they could sell the Dangerous Foe. Having the PCs fight both slimes at the
gem for as much as 500 gp. same would be extremely challenging for PCs of this level
Creatures. If the PCs remove the eye, they disturb a and could easily end with the death of multiple PCs.
swarm of wasps, which attacks anyone holding the eye. Treasure. PCs who spend 5 minutes watching the pit
Development. While the temple is potentially a good eventually notice a gnomish hand poke above the surface.
place to rest, resting there allows the sun to rise higher A rope can be used to fish the corpse out of the roiling sand.
in the midday sky. Additionally, if the PCs linger, their Strapped to the gnome’s waist is a +1 shortsword with the
presence draws the desert slimes (see Tome of Beasts 3) to name “Howler” engraved into its pommel. Tucked into her
attack at the temple (see Area 8). shirt pocket is a flask filled with a fig liqueur, and she wears
a necklace with a large platinum pendant (worth 50 gp).
7. THE WESTERN DUNES A PC who succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence (History)
check recognizes the pendant as the symbol of the Onyx
Camel prints head off along the western dunes, heat Sabers, an organized crime group in Onist.
gleaming off the sand.

The harsh sun already sits high enough in the sky that it
has already been beating down on the western dunes for the Adventure
several hours. From this vantage point, the PCs can see the Once the PCs lead the camels from the pool and back
camels resting in Area 8. to the caravan, a grateful (and perhaps a little surprised)
Hot Sands. PCs who arrived in the late morning must Tasnim shoots them an impressed and appreciative look.
make DC 10 Constitution saving throws the first time they Along the way to Onist, the PC with the highest passive
cross this area. On a failure, the PCs’ movement speed is Perception spies some bandits lurking along the caravan’s
reduced by 10 feet. PCs who fail by 5 or more also suffer path, but the presence of armed guards is enough to scare
one level of exhaustion. them off without a fight. The PCs and the caravan travel
The desert sun is even hotter for PCs who arrive midday; the rest of the way to the city without incident, and when
this increases the Constitution saving throw DC to 15. they arrive, Tasnim gladly pays them the agreed-upon
PCs who drank water from the oasis have advantage on amount.
this saving throw. If they brought water from the oasis,
you may suggest they feel the urge to take a sip at this time.


Furor in the

Adventure Background fighters and are afraid to help. “Shame about that boy,
but I’m not messing about with the likes of the Albacht
Following his escape from the local magistrate’s cells, the
gang,” one of them says. The merchant explains that
bandit Sben Albacht and his gang holed up in the Hundedel
Vandlewin is just about a half-day’s ride from here.
family’s farmhouse while they wait to escape the area under
cover of darkness. The family fled to the nearby village of
Vandlewin before the bandits moved in, but in the chaos of Hundedel Hostage
their rush to escape, they realized too late that their oldest Once the PCs arrive in Vandlewin, they are brought to the
child, Kristoph, had somehow gotten off their cart and had elderly local magistrate, Milliam Volstacker. When the PCs
been left behind. Kristoph is unharmed and is being kept are brought before him, he says, too loudly, “Adventurers!
prisoner, under guard, in his bedroom. Sben hopes he can Thank the gods!” then conveys the following details:
trade the boy’s life for his freedom should all other avenues
• After the Albacht Gang freed their leader, Sben Albacht,
of escape be lost.
from the magistrate’s cell, the bandits fled on stolen
horses toward the Hundedel family’s farmhouse located
Adventure Hook a half-day’s ride from town.
The following hooks start the PCs on this adventure: • Mr. Hundedel was out in the fields when he saw the
bandits riding hard in their direction. He recognized
• Harried Rider. A traveler on horseback who is pushing
Albacht and knew he needed to get his family to safety.
the animal to its limits waves down the PCs, then stops,
He hastily gathered his family into their carriage and
panting. He breathlessly explains that he’s from the
rushed to town.
village of Vandlewin, just a half-day’s ride up the road.
A group of blackguards broke their leader out of the • They’d put their oldest child, Kristoph (age 5) inside
magistrate’s cells and then took some poor farmer’s boy the carriage and closed him in; Mrs. Hundedel insists
hostage and are holed up at the family’s farmstead. that he didn’t know how to get the carriage door open.
They’d loaded several of their small animals into the cart
• Tavern Talk. At a tavern in the city the PCs are in,
with him, but he’d been crying because they couldn’t
they overhear a merchant talking about the events in
find his favorite, Ogyss.
Vandlewin. The people he’s speaking to aren’t capable


• Unbeknownst to the family, the boy ran off when Reward. Milliam offers to pay the PCs: (1) 100 gp for
Mr. Hundedel was tethering the horses, and Mrs. the rescue of Kristoph Hundedel; (2) 50 gp for each bandit
Hundedel was getting their baby, Raimeson, ready for captured or killed; and (3) for Albacht himself, 100 gp if
the trip. Both mother and father rode outside on the killed or 500 gp if the notorious bandit is recaptured so
driver’s seat, and so in the chaos of their rush to escape that he can be properly tried.
the bandits, they didn’t notice Kristoph had run off.
Mrs. Hundedel thinks the boy must have seen Ogyss
and ran after him.
If asked what kind of animals the Hundedels raise, Crab Burrow
Milliam says, “Oh, I don’t know. All kinds, really. They’ve If the PCs spend an hour exploring the area around the
got some hogs, some chickens and goats. Some kind of Hundedel family farm they can find an access to the
lizard, I think.” He doesn’t know what kind of animal burrow of the razorback crabs (see Tome of Beasts 3) by
Ogyss is. making a DC 16 Intelligence (Investigation) check. Access
If the PCs ask to speak to the Hundedels directly, points can be found up to a half-mile from the farm. If
Milliam says that the parents are extremely distraught, the PCs attempt to travel through the burrow, they can
and he would prefer not to question them right now—and reach the southernmost portion of the razorback crab
time is of the essence. If the PCs insist, a DC 15 Charisma burrow within 10 minutes by making a successful DC 13
(Persuasion) check convinces him to allow it. The parents Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Survival) check.
don’t have any additional information relevant to the The pungent scent of ammonia, fainter in the tunnels
matter, but they can tell the PCs that Ogyss is a barnyard and sharper in the chambers, fills the burrow. Scuttling
dragonette (see Tome of Beasts 3), a kind of friendly can be heard to the northeast.
draconic creature the size of a house cat. Ceilings. The burrow’s tunnels are 5 feet high, forcing
Complication. If the PCs need any convincing, Milliam Medium creatures to crouch to move through them.
notes that four members of the town watch were killed Lighting. The burrow is dark and has no natural light
during Sben’s escape, so he doesn’t trust the remaining sources.
members of the watch to get the job done without getting Smell. The burrow smells of ammonia from the crabs’
the boy killed. excretions. Upon entry, a creature must succeed on a DC
10 Constitution saving throw or suffer from the poisoned
condition while within the burrow. A poisoned creature
can attempt a new saving throw every minute; a successful
save ends the effect. A creature that succeeds on its saving
throw cannot be affected by the burrow again until 24
hours have passed.
Sound. The crabs can be heard burrowing to the north.
Their hard carapaces make a dull scratching sound as they
scrape against the walls.
Creatures. For every 10 minutes the PCs spend in the
burrow, roll 1d6 and consult the Razorback Crab Burrow
table. Adult razorback crabs are aggressive and defend the
burrow to the death.

Razorback Crab Burrow

d6 Encounter
1 2 adult razorback crabs
2 1 adult razorback crab
3-6 2d10 harmless Tiny juvenile razorback crabs.
(Juvenile crabs have AC 14, 1 hit point, and can
take no actions.)


If the PCs reach Area 11 before the razorback crabs 1. HUNDEDEL GREAT ROOM
finish burrowing into the farmhouse, they can complete
the tunnel—and thus burrow into the farmhouse—in 1d6 This large room serves as kitchen, dining area, and
minutes. If they do not have proper tools, they can use the recreation room. A large bearskin sits next to the
severed scoop-claw limbs of the crabs to do so. wood‑burning stove on the northern wall, and a prep table
The PC doing the digging must make a Strength can be found to the east. A worn but solid wooden table
(Athletics) check (with disadvantage if using the razorback with sturdy chairs occupies much of the room’s center,
claw as their tool); if they surpass a DC equal to 10 + the and dirty dishes litter its surface. The floor is covered with
number of minutes rolled on the d6 above, the bandits muddy footprints, both from boots and what looks like
assume that the scratching is coming from the farm’s some sort of reptile.
shovel dragonettes (see Tome of Beasts 3) and thus are
surprised when the PCs burst into Area 1. If the d20 roll Sben’s gang have made themselves at home here. The
is a 1 on the Strength (Athletics) check, the digging PC sound of digging is audible in this room; the gang ignores
suffers one level of exhaustion. it, thinking it’s the farm’s dragonettes. The digging is
actually being done by a colony of razorback crabs that has
Hundedel Farmyard been burrowing beneath the farmhouse for weeks. (See
the “Razorback Crab Burrow” section.)
The low grass of the farmyard is worn to bare dirt Creatures. Sben (NE bandit captain) and five bandits
paths leading from the farmhouse to the pastures and occupy this room. The bandits are not actively watching
outbuildings. Figures can occasionally be seen moving for intruders and will parley if they are not immediately
furtively near the fenced perimeter and inside the attacked.
farmhouse itself. Developments. If combat ensues, once two or more
of the bandits are defeated, Sben flees to Area 2; once
The farmyard is neatly bordered by a wide-slat wooden inside, he knocks over the wardrobe inside to block the
fence which has an ungated 30-foot-wide entryway to the door (requiring a DC 15 Strength [Athletics] check to
south. All of the fences are 5 feet tall and can be vaulted break through). After he flees, any remaining bandits
during a creature’s movement with a successful DC 12 surrender if injured; if not under guarded or tied up, any
Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. bandits that surrender will attempt to run at the most
Creatures. Twelve bandits have been posted in the opportune moment.
yard to keep watch. They have advantage on Wisdom At the beginning of the second or third round of
(Perception) checks against attempts to approach the farm combat—or after the PCs have been parleying with the
from the south, east, or west. The tall grass to the north of bandits for a minute or more—four razorback crabs burst
the farm makes the area lightly obscured. The bandits use into the room from below. The crabs immediately attack
the fence and buildings for cover as best as possible and try the closest humanoid to them.
to stay out of sight of observers.


Treasure. Mrs. Hundedel’s mandolin was gifted to her If he’s not surprised, Yosuf attempts to grapple Kristoph
by a master luthier and is worth 200 gp. The muddy grizzly on his first turn, then pulls a dagger and threatens to kill
bearskin on the floor near the fireplace, if cleaned up, is the boy. If attacked, he shoves Kristoph at his attacker and
worth 75 gp. attempts to escape. If two or more PCs enter the room,
the bandit surrenders with a successful DC 13 Charisma
2. MR. AND MRS. HUNDEDEL’S ROOM (Intimidation) check; if only one PC enters, he fights.

This once tidy room is now tracked with muddy boot prints.
The room has obviously been ransacked for valuables. The
wardrobe has been opened and rifled through. All of the Jars of pickles and preserves have been knocked off the
common woolen clothes that once hung within it now in a shelves and onto the floor of this pantry, soaking the bags
heap on the floor. On the bed is a bloody, brutally injured of barley, potatoes, and carrots below in fruit and pickling
woman who writhes in pain. brine. A few hams, links of smoked sausages, and sacks of
onions hang from hooks on the ceiling. It looks like there
On the bed is Sben’s sister, Marcella Albacht (N bandit was enough food in the pantry to carry the Hundedel
captain, with only 1 hit point remaining), who was family through the coming winter, but the bandits’
injured by the boar in Area 5. She only moves from the depredations have reduced their stores considerably.
bed if forced. Under her body, the bedding is a muddy,
bloody mess. Creatures. A barnyard dragonette is greedily eating
Development. If Sben flees into this room, after pickled asparagus and cherries off the floor. If the door is
using the wardrobe to block the door he then exits the opened, it uses its breath weapon to drive the interlopers
farmhouse through the window and heads north into the away and then returns to its meal. If further disturbed, it
tall grass where he attempts to hide until nightfall. becomes angry and attacks. If reduced to 10 hit points,
Sben trusts the good nature of the local villagers and the dragonette disengages and attempts to escape the
would sooner leave his sister so she can recover rather than farmhouse to lick its wounds behind the barn at Area 6.
risk her life—and his capture—by taking her with him.
Treasure. An ornately carved wooden case with silver 5. PIGSTY
hinges sits on a small table by the bed (worth 15 gp).
Inside is a silvered dagger with a mother of pearl hilt Wide, horizontal planks of wood fence in a pig sty. Filthy
(worth 75 gp). straw is scattered across the muddy ground and an empty
trough runs the length of the sty’s northern border. A door
3. KRISTOPH HUNDEDEL’S ROOM in the eastern barrier leads into the pigs’ stall in the barn.

Finely crafted wooden toys are scattered in a chaotic

A sow and a boar pace the sty in agitation. Sben’s gang
jumble around the floor of this room. On the floor, beside
gives the boar a wide berth since it gored Marcella and
the unmade bed, is a plate of half-eaten food. Sitting on their leader ordered them to leave the beast alone.
top of the bed is a young boy whose eyes light up with Development. The boar can be freed with a successful DC
hope upon seeing you. As you enter, leaping to his feet 13 Wisdom (Animal Handling) check, provided no creature
from a chair next to the bed is a black-haired ruffian. enters the sty. The boar can’t be commanded, but the
successful check prevents it from attacking the PCs or their
Kristoph is being held hostage in his bedroom by the companions as it rages through the farmyard. The freed
ruffian, Yosuf. The toys littering the floor, make the room boar roams the farm looking for food and luxuriating in
difficult terrain. its freedom; it attacks any bandits it encounters on its way
Creatures. In this room are Yosuf (NE bandit), plus one toward the farm gate in the south fence.
barnyard dragonette that is hiding under the bed; this Treasure. Marcella’s gold and ivory cameo locket (worth
dragonette is Ogyss, which Kristoph left the carriage to 45 gp) was torn from its chain and trampled into the mud
chase after. when she was attacked by the boar. A creature with a
Development. Yosuf has been feeding the barnyard passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 14 or higher notices
dragonette from the plate of food on the floor, so if the the sun reflecting off an exposed piece of the jewelry.
PCs attack him, the dragonette emerges from beneath the
bed and strikes at them; if that happens, Kristoph shouts
“Oggie, no!” at the creature.


6. BARN sends the hens clucking loudly, but they investigate if any
of them escape. Like the barn, the coop has recently been
This small barn smells of soil and hay. Clean straw is heaped painted bright red.
in the two horse stables and the interior pigsty along the
northern portion of the structure, and stacked bales are
piled neatly along the west wall. A variety of farm tools
hang tidily from hooks and brackets on the south wall, and The gate to this paddock is open. Mounds of soil mar the
an empty barrow rests in the northwest corner. The sound pasture, indicating the presence of some small burrowing
of snoring can be heard from a stall to the northeast. creature.

The exterior of the barn has recently been painted a The paddock is empty as the Hundedels took their
bright red. The bandits have mostly avoided the dirt- horses when they escaped the farm. There’s loose soil in
floored building, due to the excitable shovel and barnyard one corner that indicates a very small creature had been
dragonettes lairing in it. digging here; a shovel dragonette burrowed down here
Development. If the PCs make it to the barn without and emerged into Area 13.
drawing attention to themselves, roll a d20. On a 1-4, two Development. If the PCs have the equipment, they can
of the bandits, Kel and Sora, are quietly mid-tryst in the expand the dragonette’s tunnel wide enough to squeeze
center stable. through to Area 13 with 30 minutes of work.
Creatures. Two shovel dragonettes and one barnyard
dragonette are napping in the stall to the northeast. If they 10. SHEEP AND GOAT PEN
are awoken by the PCs, they excitedly yip and jump at their
ankles, trying to initiate play. If this occurs, any bandits on Bleating ewes and lambs graze alongside stammering
watch near the barn investigate within 3 rounds. If the PCs nanny goats and their rambunctious kids.
misconstrue the dragonettes’ playfulness as aggression,
they will defend themselves; if any of them are killed or The grass here is kept short by the twenty sheep and
knocked unconscious, the remaining dragonettes will sixteen goats grazing in it. While an observer can see
attempt to flee, making a lot of noise in the process. clearly through the pen fence from one side of it to the
other, the beasts within provide cover from view.
7. WELL The corpse of Nitti, the Hundedels’ collie, has been left
unceremoniously by the bandits just outside of the fence
A large wooden pail hangs from the well’s free-spinning to the northeast.
crossbeam. It can be lowered and raised using the attached Development. The PCs can move undetected through
hand crank. the animal enclosure with a DC 10 Dexterity (Stealth) or
Wisdom (Animal Handling) check.
Development. Father Hundedel has long been terrified The barnyard dragonettes from Area 6 venture out to
that Kristoph might tumble down the well. Thus, he has this pen at sunup and sundown every day to check on the
secured rungs on the southern shaft of the well that allow livestock. If they notice unfamiliar humanoids in the pen,
one to easily climb up or down the 80-foot shaft. From they excitedly speak to the sheep or goats (via speak with
above, a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check is animals) to find out what is going on. If this happens, any
required to notice them. Creatures at the bottom of the checks made to move through the pasture without being
well have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks when noticed are made with disadvantage.
attempting to hide from being seen from ground level. 1d4 bandits located in the farmyard investigate within 6
rounds if any of the sheep or goats escape the pen.
A stout post at each corner suspends the floor of the
chicken coop. An occasional cluck can be heard from one A mild but unpleasant odor of ammonia lingers in this low,
of the hens roosting inside. recently dug tunnel.

Inside, dirty straw litters the floor, while the straw filling As noted in Area 1, razorback crabs are tunneling into
the nesting beds is clean; twenty-four chickens amble the Hundedel farmhouse from here.
about, some of them taking umbrage at the intrusion. The
bandits ignore noise from the coop, as any loud sound



The walls of this rough-hewn cave are stacked with roe-like Hundreds of dormant young razorback crabs are resting
crab eggs. The odor of ammonia is almost overpowering. on the many earthen shelves of this nook. The smell of
ammonia is stronger here than anywhere else in the burrow.
Creatures. Three razorback crabs defend the nursery,
moving to intercept and dispatch any threats to the eggs. If the PCs enter this area with a light source, the juvenile
They fight to the death. crabs wake and tumble off the shelves toward Area 12 like
a wave. Any PC in the niche or the tunnel leading to Area
13. FOOD STORAGE 12 must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or
be poisoned by the odor (and revolted by the sensation of
The smell of ammonia is strong in here. Piles of scuttling legs) for 1 minute.
unidentifiable organic matter are moldering next to stalks of Development. When the PCs arrive in this area, roll 1d6.
pale gray fungus. A dead shovel dragonette lays atop one On a result of 1 or 2, there is one razorback crab watching
of the piles. the niche. The crab fights to the death to allow the juveniles
to escape to Area 12.
A PC that makes a DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation)
check can determine from the soil scattered among Concluding
the piles and the state of the chamber’s ceiling that the
dragonette must have burrowed in from above. the Adventure
Development. If the PCs have the equipment, they can If the PCs rescue Kristoph Hundedel, his family gladly
expand the dragonette’s tunnel wide enough to squeeze gifts them with the mandolin in Area 1 and the dagger in
through to Area 9 with 30 minutes of work. Area 2. Likewise, the magistrate gladly pays the agreed
upon reward, and afterward the townsfolk insist on
throwing the PCs a big celebratory feast. Any bandits the
PCs didn’t kill are successfully captured and arrested.


Salvage at
Lonely Cove

Adventure Background it’s a jewel-encrusted dagger with the words “We Were,
We Are, We Will Be” engraved on the blade. He’s willing
Finlay Barrett was a notorious pirate and smuggler who
to pay 200 gp for its safe return.
sails the seas in his ship, the Dead Reckoning. Barrett was
an old salt, but even the most seasoned sailor runs afoul of
nature. The Dead Reckoning was wrecked during a terrible Arrival at Lonely Cove
storm, and part of the ship and its cargo are now washed
ashore in Lonely Cove, an isolated strip of beach at the base You arrive at Lonely Cove at low tide. This section of coast
of towering sandstone cliffs. Word spreads quickly about is comprised of sheer, towering sandstone cliffs. The interior
the wreck. Ambitious souls move quickly to gather what of the cove is a crescent of rocky beach surrounded by tidal
they can of whatever valuables Barrett was carrying. Time pools. You can see the front half of the Dead Reckoning run
is of the essence, because the next high tide or storm could aground on the rocks just offshore of the northern end of
carry away any treasures currently in Lonely Cove. the beach. To the south, a dark opening of a cave can be
clearly seen in the cliff wall. Debris from the ship, barrels,
crates, and other containers, float in the pools or lie washed
Adventure Hook up on the beach.
The following can be used to start the PCs on this adventure:
• Chance Encounter. The PCs are aboard a passing ship Within the confines of the tidal pools and beach, the PCs
and spy the wreckage. They convince the captain to only have to contend with the inhabitants of Lonely Cove
drop anchor so they can row ashore and investigate, as indicated in the numbered encounter areas. However,
or perhaps the captain commissions them to do so, in should they spend time in the deeper waters outside the
order for the ship to claim salvage rights. cove, they find that one of the reasons the cove bears its
• Rumor Has It. A survivor of the Dead Reckoning was name is that this area is known for its predators, which
brought into port aboard a naval cutter. Rumors are keep local fishermen and others away from the locale. For
flying around town about the wreck and the possibility every hour the PCs spend afloat, there is a 25% chance of an
that Finlay Barrett’s treasure is out there for the taking. encounter with 1d3 reef sharks or one swarm of quippers.
• Hired Hands. A merchant named Deverick Stanmore If anyone is actually in the water, the chance increases to
who was recently preyed on by Barrett wishes to recover 40%; if anyone is wounded and in the water, the chance
a family heirloom the pirate plundered from his ship; increases to 75%.


1. RUM! The moon weaver’s cage is locked, but it can be picked
with a successful DC 12 Dexterity check using thieves’
Several barrels float in a tide pool at this end of the beach. tools. The creature has also had its wings clipped and
suffers the same flight penalties as the dinosaur. It takes at
Creature. The tidal pools of the cove are the domain of least six months for either creature to grow enough new
a beach weird (see Tome of Beasts 3). The creature moves plumage to regain its full flight speed.
freely along the length of the cove and can be encountered Treasure. The crates still in the hull contain mundane
anywhere in the tidal pools on the map, arriving in 1d4 goods, most of which have been ruined by exposure to
rounds at any of the numbered areas if the PCs linger at seawater. However, with a successful DC 12 Intelligence
a location for longer than 1 minute. It is upset with the (Investigation) check, searching the deck of the wreck
intrusion of the wreckage and other creatures that the uncovers a polished wooden case that has been wedged
recent storm brought into the area, attacking any creatures under the fallen mast. A successful DC 12 Strength
it notices that do not normally reside in its domain. It (Athletics) check is needed to pull the case loose.
pursues fleeing foes, but not out into the deeper waters or The lock on the case was damaged during the wreck,
up onto the beach itself. but inside is a red velvet-lined interior, inside of which is a
Treasure. Among the other cargo items that were jewel-encrusted dagger with the words “We Were, We Are,
washed into Lonely Cove are the remains of ship’s rum We Will Be” engraved on the blade.
supply. Each of these barrels can be sold for 20 gp. Developments. If the archaeopteryx is killed or chased
off, the moon weaver attempts to communicate its wishes
2. SHIPWRECK to be freed from its cage. While intelligent, it does not
speak Common, and it is unlikely the PCs know its
The front end of a sloop is run aground on the rocks here, language. It has a passing familiarity with Common if
the wreck leaning hard to starboard. The mast has snapped spoken to, though it only recognizes common words
and fallen, its crossbeam and furled sail soaking in the water and phrases. The moon weaver also readily responds
below. What sounds like mournful birdsong can be heard to simple codes, such as “Whistle once for yes, two for
coming from the inside of the shattered hull, as well as the no.” If treated well, the moon weaver might become a
sounds of scratching and skittering, like claws on wood. companion to one or more of the PCs, until it has an
opportunity to return home.
This is most of what remains of the Dead Reckoning. The
back half of the ship is sunk beneath the waters off the cove, 3. FLOTSAM ON THE BEACH
and the vast majority of its cargo sunk with it or is scattered
here in the cove. However, a section of the cargo remains Several crates have washed up on the rocky beach here
lashed down and in place within the bow of the cargo among a scattering of planks and other debris.
deck. Barrett often made money capturing rare and exotic
creatures from far-off lands and selling them as pets or Creature. The beach is the haunt of a talus flow (see
private zoo exhibits to unscrupulous nobles and other well- Tome of Beasts 3). The elemental subsists mainly on
to-do patrons. Two of his recent finds are here in the wreck. whatever giant crabs it can catch. The talus flow can be
Creatures. Inside the hull, a stack of crates, lashed and found anywhere on the beach, but its constant hunger for
secured to the deck, stands against the port side. At the the bodily fluids of living creatures means an attack on
top of the stack sits a cage containing the source of the anything that lingers for too long on any part of the beach.
sad singing, a bird that looks like an eagle-sized finch—a Treasure. The crates here are still intact, but can be
moon weaver (see Tome of Beasts 3). Also present—but opened with a successful DC 10 Strength (Athletics)
uncaged—is a guardian archaeopteryx (see Tome of check (with disadvantage if no crowbar or similar tool
Beasts 3); it’s the size of a small dog, and this particular at hand). Most of the crates have been inundated with
archaeopteryx has had its wings clipped, thus it cannot seawater, ruining their contents, but four still contain
sustain flight for more than 25 feet and must land at the items of value. The first crate holds various tools and
end of its movement. sealed containers of herbs, enough to comprise a total of
The archaeopteryx is hungry and would rather feast 10 herbalism kits (worth 5 gp each). The second contains
on the moon weaver than fend for itself against the sealed jugs of rare dyes (worth 50 gp total). A third crate
giant crabs that roam the beach. It has been attempting, holds waterlogged, ruined books, but also a small box
unsuccessfully thus far, to reach the moon weaver, which is containing 4 potions of healing. The fourth crate contains
still locked in its cage, wedged atop the stack of crates. The 10 lbs. of incense (worth 25 gp).
dinosaur defends itself against any intruders, but attempts
to flee elsewhere if brought below half its hit points.



The bottom of this deep tidal pool is thick with growing

seaweed that waves in the current. A shiny form can be
seen moving about amidst the foliage.

Creature. A pescavitus (see Tome of Beasts 3) was

another of the rare creatures Finlay Barrett captured
and had planned on selling. The box containing the
creature spilled into this tide pool as the remains
of the ship beached. The creature was able to free
itself, but by then the tide had gone out and it found
itself trapped here. Should it notice the presence
of the PCs, it comes cautiously to the surface
to converse. It would like to be freed from
the pool and released into the ocean so it
can escape. It offers to use any of its magical
abilities on the party’s behalf in exchange for
its release. If attacked, the pescavitus flees to the
bottom of the tidal pool, which is about 12 feet
deep, defending itself if pursued.


Beyond the various detritus floating on the

surface here, a number of colorful objects
can be seen on the sand at the bottom of this
tidal pool.

Treasure. The Dead Reckoning was carrying a haul of

expensive cloth and furs taken from a merchant ship.
Most were lost in the deep water, but some of the smaller
bolts made it to this tidal pool. The PCs can find the
following: a 5-yard bolt of gold and silver brocade (worth
40 gp); an 8-yard bolt of white muslin (worth 32 gp); a 10-
yard bolt of wool dyed midnight blue (worth 80 gp); and a
small bundle of assorted furs (worth 34 gp). 7. QUARRELING CRABS

A corpse lies on the beach here, not far from the waterline.
6. SUNKEN TREASURE A pair of crabs, each easily as wide as a human is tall,
A large collection of flotsam—sundered planks, rope, scuttle around the corpse, snapping at one another with
sailcloth, and other debris—cover the top of this tidal pool. their claws.

Treasure. A chest sits at the bottom of this 4-foot-deep Creatures. The two giant crabs here discovered the
pool. A successful DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) check body of one of the pirates washed ashore and are currently
notices it without moving the debris or entering the water. fighting over the food. They don’t attempt to injure one
The chest is locked (but can be picked with a successful DC another; they are simply posturing in an attempt to drive
15 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools); inside are 50 1-lb. the other off and claim the prize. If the PCs approach, the
ingots of copper (worth 25 gp total). crabs abandon their argument in order to go after the new,
fresh sources of food.



This section of beach is littered with what at first looks like Judging from the seaweed and sand, this cave is at least
shards of wood, bleached white from exposure to sun and partially flooded at high tide. The smell of brine is strong, and
salt. Upon closer inspection, however, they are revealed the walls echo with the sound of chitin scraping on stone.
to be jagged, broken pieces of the shells of giant crabs.
Among the smaller pieces, you can see sections of legs and Creatures. There are currently four giant crabs lounging
even a couple of claws half-buried in the rocks. Nearby, to in the cave. They aggressively defend their home against
the east, a cave mouth looms in the side of the cliff. intruders.
Treasure. Among the seaweed and other debris in the
The giant crabs that reside and breed in the sea cave cave is an ebony walking stick, capped and inlaid with
here are the main prey of the talus flow that dominates silver, with a large, faceted quartz crystal set on top (worth
the beach (see Area 3). It catches them here as they make 40 gp). It was brought in by one of the crabs that was
their way from the cave out to the water, hence the signs attracted by its shine.
of carnage. This is also why this location is the most likely
spot for PCs to encounter the talus flow if they have not
already done so elsewhere.
Creature. A guardian archaeopteryx wanders this the Adventure
section of beach, cautiously scavenging among the crab Once the PCs have overcome the various creatures in the
shells for any remaining scraps. This creature is the mate cove and collected what treasures they can find, all that
of the other archaeopteryx aboard the Dead Reckoning (see remains is for them to return to civilization and receive
Area 2) that that Barrett captured in the hopes of forming whatever compensation they’re due (or to find buyers for
a breeding pair in order to sell the offspring to collectors the merchandise if working independently).
of exotic creatures. It attacks despite being outnumbered
by larger opponents, as it is desperately hungry.


A path here has been dragged through the sand and

seaweed on the cave floor. At its end sits a chest, with a
corpse draped over its lid.

A local fisherman unafraid to ply these waters spied

the wreck of the ship and came to see what he could
salvage. Unfortunately for him, the beach weird (see
Area 1) dislodged his boat from the rocks and pushed
it out into the deeper water as he made his way ashore.
Then he ran afoul of the talus flow (see Area 3) while
on the beach. Wounded, he made for the sea cave
with a chest he’d found, only to run afoul of one of its
inhabitants and met his end there. The fisherman’s
corpse has been decapitated, and the man’s head is
currently being snacked on by the cave’s occupant.
Creature. A giant crab lurks in the back of the
cave, eating the head of the corpse. It considers any
creatures advancing on it or the chest (where the body
is located) a threat, causing the crab to attack.
Treasure. The chest is locked (but can be
picked with a successful DC 15 Dexterity
check using thieves’ tools); it
contains 40 1-lb. silver ingots
(worth 200 gp total).



Adventure Background Academy is willing to pay 150 gp to each PC in order

to keep their name from being further sullied by the
The Makville Artisan Academy is a respected institution,
miscreants. She suggests the PCs speak with the
but a harsh one to attend. Its tuition inevitably beggars
authority in the town of River’s End, as it seems to be
students, while recent graduates find that all of their
a locus for the thuggish activity.
creations are confiscated by the university upon graduation
for reasons unknown. Three recent graduates, without
job prospects, crippling debts, and none of the creations River’s End
they’d toiled on, opted to turn to banditry. They stole
The adventure starts in the small, wooded town of River’s
their creations back from the university and fled into the
End, noted for its apples and as a welcoming stop along
countryside, using their constructs to rob merchants in
long trade routes. The town militia comprises a trio of
order to pay off their debts. Though they haven’t harmed
well-mannered but ineffectual young human men, whose
their victims so far, their actions have drawn the attention
primary job is breaking up bar fights and scaring foxes. The
of the town of River’s End, whose economy relies on such
PCs are approached by Mayor Agar, who wishes to hire
merchants passing through.
them to deal with his bandit problem.

Adventure Hook Mayor Agar

The following hooks can start the PCs on this adventure:
Agar is an elderly dwarf (LN dwarf commoner), tall for
• Frightened Merchant. On their way to another location, his species, with tanned skin and a long, curly beard that
the PCs encounter a passing merchant who is at first comes down to his waist. He’s understanding, empathetic,
wary of them as if expecting to be robbed. When he and very talkative in his old age. If the conversation drifts,
realizes they’re no threat, he informs them about a he is likely to ask characters about themselves and offer
plague of banditry in the area specifically targeting well-meaning advice.
merchants. He suggests they go speak with the mayor The Job. Mysterious bandits have been setting constructs
of River’s End. on local traders. Mayor Agar wants the PCs to track down
• Makville’s Reputation. A representative of the the bandits and stop the attacks.
Makville Artisan Academy seeks out the PCs due Reward. The mayor is offering 100 gp to each PC if
to their reputation as problem solvers and engages the attacks stop, plus an additional 50 gold if they bring
them to track down the students-turned-bandits. The him evidence of the destruction of the constructs used in


the attacks. He doesn’t care too much about the bandits, the entrance. Once the PCs move more than 10 feet
though as they’ve been nonviolent so far he’d prefer to into the cave, the constructs emerge; PCs with a passive
avoid their deaths. Perception of 14 or lower are surprised. The constructs
Additional Information. Agar shares the following initially stalk and lunge toward the PCs, posturing,
information with the PCs: trying to scare them off. If the PC don’t leave, the
• There are many caves in the woods east of town, Agar constructs attack.
suspects the bandits are hiding in one of them. Tactics. The constructs each engage the nearest PC.
• The bandits haven’t actually hurt anyone so far. The They have been ordered to engage nonlethally and to
constructs jump out of the woods, scare folks into not engage retreating targets, so any PC reduced to 0 hit
running and/or disarm their guards, and then run off points is stable. If the PCs retreat or are defeated, the
with the most valuable cargo and some food, leaving constructs head to Area 2 with any prisoners to show that
the rest for whenever the merchants return. the hideout has been discovered.
Treasure. When defeated, the animated armor
• Agar doesn’t think the bandits are local and doesn’t
becomes a fully functional suit of plate armor. It has a
know who they could be. He suspects they have at least
maker’s mark, “M I,” emblazoned in the right shoulder;
one spellcaster.
it was crafted from scratch by one of the bandits,
Mahfouz, as his senior project.
The Hideout
The bandit’s hideout is a natural cave a half-day’s ride east 2. LIVING AREA
of town. The entrance is obscured by a sheet of hanging A low table and bench large enough for three people sits
vines but isn’t hard to find. The PCs easily find it after
in the center of this room; both the table and bench look
spending an hour looking for caves.
as if they were built from a deconstructed cart. There is
Illumination. While the entrance is left unlit to ward
a small stove in the north of the chamber, and modest
off suspicion, the interior is illuminated throughout with
decorations and furnishings fill the rest of the space.
magical lights, providing bright light in all indoor areas
unless otherwise noted.
Interior. The hideout is entirely unworked stone and Creatures. Mira (N bugbear) and Muhfaz (N human
contains furniture made from repurposed barrels or priest) are sitting at the table and talking when the PCs
dismantled carts. There are no doors. The ceiling is 10 feet enter. One harvest horse (see Tome of Beasts 3) and one
high unless otherwise noted. clockwork pugilist (see Tome of Beasts 3) are awaiting
orders in the center of the room. When Mira and
Muhfaz notice the PCs, the duo do their best to convince
them to leave (see the “Playing the Bandits” sidebar),
Beyond the sheet of vines, a wide cavern opens before attacking only if the PCs attack first or negotiations
you. Within, natural rock formations rise up from the cave break down completely.
floor, blocking light and obscuring its true size, making
the area feel claustrophobic and small despite its vastness.
The entrance continues for 50 feet, leading into a larger
chamber from which you can see light filtering out.

Lighting. This area has no magical lights to maintain

the façade that it’s an uninhabited cave. During the day,
dim light filters in from outside. During the night, it
is entirely dark.
Creatures. One animated armor and three
clockwork armadillos (see Tome of Beasts 3)
wait in a hidden alcove that isn’t visible from


Mira and Muhfaz are desperate college kids trying to • They turned to banditry due to their inability to
handle a bad situation with some semblance of their morals pay off their student loans with the jobs available to
intact. They’ve made peace with fighting and banditry, but them. They haven’t seriously hurt anyone and claim
want to avoid actually hurting or killing anyone. They’re they leave most of the cargo behind so that their
inclined to play to the sympathy of the PCs and try to victims can still make a living.
convince them that what they’re doing isn’t a big deal. • Each of the bandits owes at least 2,500 gp to various
They’ll freely share the following information: debt collectors. See Area 5 for additional details
• There are three bandits: Mira, Muhfaz, and Hadad. about their debts.
• They’re all graduates from the Makville Artisan
Academy. All are capable of magic, though only
Muhfaz can actually cast spells in combat.

Tactics. The harvest horse and clockwork pugilist

engage casters and archers first. Mira protects Muhfaz,
who heals and supports her with spells. The constructs
fight to the death, but Mira and Muhfaz surrender once
both are reduced below half of their hit points or if either
is reduced below 5 hit points. If a PC or Mira is reduced
to 0 hit points, Muhfaz casts spare the dying on his next
turn. If Mira or Muhfaz is killed, the other
fights to the death and stops trying to
spare the PCs.
Diplomacy. The PCs can
resolve this encounter
without a fight by talking
the pair down. With a
successful DC 16 Charisma
(Persuasion) check, Mira
and Muhfaz are convinced
to surrender peacefully
and agree to pursue a
different path to getting out
from under their debts; appealing to
their safety, the terror and losses suffered by their victims,
or suggesting more legitimate ways to pay off their debts 3. CART STORAGE
provides advantage on this check. On a success, the pair
also offer to help talk down the third member of their A group of small carts are arrayed along the south wall here,
cohort, Hadad. On a failure, they insist that the PCs their harnesses modified so that they can be tied to various
vacate the premises, but they offer to leave the area and constructs. The floor is scoured with deep drag marks, but is
continue their banditry somewhere else instead. otherwise unremarkable. A number of musical instruments
If the PCs offer to personally help pay off their debt and have been placed in a pile on the ground in front of the
make a convincing case that they might be able to do it, no carts; a tall clockwork guardian stands beside them.
check is necessary.
Creatures. One clockwork pugilist and four animated
instruments (a trombone, a dulcimer, a flute, and a shawm;
see Tome of Beasts 3) animate and attack immediately if the
PCs aren’t accompanied by one of the bandits.


Hadad has similar morals to that of her companions but • They can’t sell the constructs because they technically
is more committed to banditry as the solution. She’s stole them from the Academy.
significantly more bitter than Mira or Muhfaz, critical not • Banditry was Hadad’s idea. She thought adventuring
merely of the Academy’s exorbitant tuition, but the entire was too likely to get one of them killed, and the skills
system that allowed such fees to be levied and for the and abilities they learned at the Academy didn’t
unscrupulous loan sharks to enforce it. If the PCs talk to offer them enough consistent work opportunities to
her, she freely shares the following information: outpace the debt collectors.
• Her debt is larger than that of the others, as she
was exposed to blood magic due to a professor’s
negligence, and the school charged her for the
treatments she needed to survive.

Tactics. On the first round of combat, the

animated trombone bleats a long, low note
and a brown bear emerges from it into a
space within 20 feet of the trombone. The
bear immediately takes its turn, moving
to attack the closest PC; thereafter, it takes its turn
immediately after the trombone’s.
Treasure. The trombone is a magical instrument,
created by Hadad for her sophomore year’s band class. It
functions as a rust bag of tricks, but is activated by playing
notes rather than pulling items out of it.


Barrels and crates are stacked haphazardly around this

room; some are empty, but many contain provisions, such
as food, paper, charcoal, spare clothes, or water.
On the southern wall, stacked barrels hide the corridor
leading to Area 5, but can be located with a successful DC
14 Intelligence (Investigation) check.
Treasure. 45 days of rations, 112 gallons of clean water,
100 sheets of paper (worth 20 gp total), 12 sets of common
clothes (worth 6 gp total), 10 lbs. of steel ingots (worth 10
gp total), and 15 charcoal styluses (worth 3 sp total).


Assorted loot is stored in chests and secured sacks in • Mira: 120 gp for reagents she had to replace after a magical
this room. Pinned to the southern wall are three sheets accident at the Academy;
of paper with words and figures written on them; upon • Hadad: 1,700 gp for an unspecified “magical treatment.”
closer inspection, they’re revealed to be lists detailing each
They’ve made very little progress paying down their debt
bandit’s debt. thus far, but they’ve paid off 78 cp each via legitimate work,
plus an additional 120 gp each with their banditry.
Each bandit owes 2,500 gp in tuition fees, plus an Treasure. In the various chests and sacks, there is
additional amount as follows: a collection of pottery (worth 50 gp total), a barrel
• Muhfaz: 500 gp for the components for a raise dead spell to containing 10 lbs. of saffron (worth 150 gp total), and
use on his brother; crates containing 10 sq. yd. of linen (worth 50 gp total).



A massive furnace has been carved into one wall of the cave
here, while rock formations have been flattened and beaten
into anvils and working surfaces. Hammers, tongs, barrels of
oil, and spare parts are scattered throughout the room.

Creatures. Three clockwork pugilists are awaiting

maintenance in this room. They animate and attack
immediately unless the PCs are accompanied by one of
the bandits.
Treasure. Mira’s smith’s tools rest atop an anvil;
a creature proficient in smith’s tools doubles their
proficiency bonus when using them to repair items (worth
60 gp). Two barrels of oil, used for quenching hot metal,
are also present (worth 4 sp). Scrap metal (worth 4 gp) is
scattered throughout the room.


Handwritten notes and stashed tomes on a variety of

subjects, both mundane and magical, are stored in
stone‑carved bookshelves set into the walls here. The center
of the room has been cleared out and fashioned into an
impromptu sparring ring lined with stones.

Creatures. Hadad (CN human atavist [see Tome of Beasts

3]) and one flying sword are in this room. If the PCs
are not accompanied by Mahfouz and/or Mira, Hadad
demands to know why they’re there (see “Playing Hadad”
sidebar); she attacks if discussions break down.
Tactics. The flying swords focus their attacks on any
spellcasters in the group (preferably unarmored ones), Treasure. Three diplomas from the Makville Artisan
while Hadad goes for the most dangerous melee threat. Academy; a steel locket containing a picture of a large
Hadad stabilizes unconscious PCs if the fight ends badly for bugbear family (worth 5 cp); Hadad’s diary, which
them; she surrenders if reduced to 10 or fewer hit points. expresses the hope that she and her friends will be debt‑free
Diplomacy. Hadad only surrenders without a fight if in a year or two; 1 lb. of soap; and two potions of healing.
Mira and Muhfaz have already yielded to the PCs. If they
have, a successful DC 14 Charisma (Persuasion) check Concluding
convinces Hadad to take whatever deal they offered Mira
and Muhfaz.
the Adventure
Treasure. The shelves contain books on construct repair If the PCs let the students go or recruit them as aides,
and enchanting lore (worth 85 gp total). Any more valuable they are determined to repay their debts legally and
tomes the trio had have already been sold to pay off debts. quickly. The trio can repair equipment, analyze magic
items and constructs, or perform research for the PCs,
8. SLEEPING AREA but, because of their financial situation, they always
charge for such services.
Three crude sleeping mats, a layer of straw bedding, and If the PCs bring the students to justice, Agar listens to
several threadbare blankets are strewn about this room in a their story and has them repay their debt via community
haphazard communal sleeping arrangement. A single chest service while protecting them from debt collectors. If the
sits, open, pushed up against the western wall. PCs ever return to the town in the future, they find the
students have settled into life as smiths and enchanters for
the local community.


Evil Rises

Adventure Background cursing his captors with his final breath. But the drake’s
spirit lingered, bent on revenge . . . yet he could not leave
The bakery drake, Amaranth, is the darling of the local
the rooms in which he died. Years later, when Amaranth
upper crust. Since her arrival in the city, the baked goods
took over the bakery, she discovered the hidden rooms and
she crafts have sold well among the nobility and other
accidentally unleashed Panifex’s ghost. The spirit possessed
wealthy citizens. Her culinary craft has been in high
Amaranth and began plotting his revenge, using his baking
demand, and the drake herself is known to be an excellent
skills—and Amaranth’s fame—to learn which of the city’s
conversationalist and an appealing figure to invite to
elite had caused his demise, then bake his way to sweet,
high‑profile events.
sweet revenge.
Recently, several notable figures among the city’s
elite have died under mysterious circumstances. Initial
investigations discovered they had been poisoned, but Adventure Hook
the method of delivery remained a mystery until a bright,
The following can start the PCs on this adventure:
young alchemist made the connection that all the victims
had eaten foods baked at Amaranth’s establishment. • Deputized. The PCs are hired to arrest Amaranth, as
The poison had been delivered as two or three separate capturing a bakery drake is not something typically in
components which, when combined, created the toxin. the purview of the average city guard.
Shocked officials now have a suspect, though her motive • Mercenaries. The next of kin of one of the murdered
remains unclear. elites hires the PCs to bring Amaranth to them before
What they do not realize is that the bakery drake is the city officials can get ahold of her, believing the drake
under duress. During renovations to her bakery, a hidden to be too popular to face true justice without their
room was discovered, previously walled off from the rest intervention.
of the bakery. When investigating this find, Amaranth was • To the Rescue. The PCs are friends and confidants of
attacked by the ghost of Panifex, the former owner and Amaranth. Having heard the news that she is the prime
another bakery drake. A decade ago, Panifex’s baked goods suspect in the recent murders, they head to the bakery
were the talk of the town. However, unlike Amaranth, to warn her and/or get more information about the
he was not simply a baker, but also a spy, using his place situation.
in high society to glean sensitive information to pass on In the “Deputized” and “Mercenaries” hooks, the hiring
to his masters. He was eventually discovered, and one party emphasizes that Amaranth should be brought in alive.
night agents of the nobility sneaked into the bakery, Either of these two hooks offer a reward of 150 gp per PC;
subdued Panifex, and walled him up in his own basement with the “To the Rescue” hook, Amaranth will offer the
as punishment for his treason. Panifex died a slow death, same amount as a reward if she is rescued from Panifex.


Draconic Confections locked, but can be opened with the key (which Amaranth
holds) or can be picked with a successful DC 15 Dexterity
Amaranth’s bakery sits just off a main thoroughfare in the check using thieves’ tools.
mercantile quarter of the city, near its border to the noble Treasure. Behind the counter, on the floor, is an
quarter. Of stone construction, the building has a partial iron lockbox (which is locked, but can be picked with a
second story, and the roof of its first story sports several successful DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools)
chimneys, which are almost always sending streams of containing 100 cp, 40 sp, and 40 gp.
woodsmoke into the sky. The front of the shop has several
large windows to display goods, and above the door hangs a 2. BAKERY
wooden sign with the shop’s name, as well as an image of a
lithe, draconic form coiled around a hoard of baked goods. This warm room smells of woodsmoke and baked bread.
Much gossip is discussed while patrons wait in line at The center of the room is dominated by ten brick ovens
the bakery, so Panifex is well aware of the general situation that still crackle with flame. Around the room are several
and expects the law to descend upon the bakery soon. The prep tables, their surfaces covered with flour and the
staff has been sent home, and the place is locked up tight. remnants of dough and icing. Casks, crates, and sacks of
ingredients line the back wall between two doors, alongside
1. SHOP FRONT stacks of firewood. A large trapdoor in the floor is visible in
the southeast corner.
Tables of delicious-looking confections line the front of the
shop under the windows. Flowering shrubs planted in large,
The ovens in the main work area of the bakery remain
glazed pots decorate the waiting area. A polished, wooden
hot, the coals having been banked but kept lit when
countertop divides the room, behind which are shelves
the workers were released by Amaranth/Panifex. The
holding various baked goods for sale. A bright red curtain
sacks and crates contain dried fruits, nuts, and other
covers the doorway to the back areas of the bakery.
ingredients; the casks contain various flours, water, honey,
molasses, and salt.
Though the place looks ready for business, there is no Discovery. Searching the area reveals the kitchen
one present, and a hand-painted sign reading “closed manager’s ledger on the table on the west side of the
until further notice” has been placed in the window room, in which he keeps track of things such as the bakers’
just to the right of the doors. The doors themselves are hours and pay, ingredient stock on hand, etc. A DC 12


Intelligence (Investigation) check finds a slip of paper in After 1 round of combat, the three guard dogs from Area
between some pages near the back of the book with the 3 come investigate the noise and join the fight.
words “three dozen cabbage buns, day old” written Magical Wards. Everything in this room has been
with care on it. This phrase can be used to bypass the magically warded to be immune to fire.
magical trap on the door leading to Area 5. Treasure. Among the other ingredients in the room
While looking around the room, the PCs notice a sheet are containers of gold foil and dust, used to decorate the
of paper has been pinned to the trapdoor. In large letters bakery’s fancier confections (worth 50 gp total).
the words “do not enter” have been written on it, with
each word underlined three times; below that, in smaller 3. DELIVERY ROOM AND STORAGE
letters, it reads: “by order of the boss!” If the ledger
has been located, a successful DC 10 Intelligence check A pair of carts, their beds covered by canvas, occupy most
determines that the handwriting on the sign is the same of this wide room. A staircase leads to the second floor.
as in the ledger; a creature proficient with calligrapher’s
supplies makes the check with advantage. If approached from outside, there is a third set of
Trapped Trapdoor. If a creature other than Amaranth double doors that open to a ramp down to the cellar, Area
attempts to open the trapdoor to Area 7, the entire room 7. All the doors to and from this room are locked (but can
shakes, knocking things off shelves, toppling glass be picked with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check using
bottles, and most importantly, causing six bags of flour thieves’ tools). The carts are used by bakery employees
that were perched on the rafters above to fall to the floor to make deliveries and pick up supplies for the bakery.
and burst open, spreading flour into the air. This makes The room also serves as a temporary storage area until
the air visibly dusty, rendering anything more than 20 supplies can be moved down to the cellar. The stairs lead
feet away lightly obscured to the observer. It takes 5 up to Area 4.
minutes for the flour to settle. Creatures. Three guard dogs (use statistics for wolf)
If the trapdoor is opened, a spurt of flame bursts patrol this area, here to guard the bakery against thieves
out of one of the ovens, igniting the flour in the air in a during the off-hours. Two are currently resting on one of
sudden flash of roaring flame, inflicting 11 (2d10) fire the carts beneath the canvas. If they detect any intruders
damage to all creatures in the room and igniting any moving through this area, they attack. If combat ensues,
unattended flammable materials, such as paper or cloth. after the first round, the third guard dog comes down
Anyone standing in the space directly in front of the the stairs and joins the fray. A successful DC 12 Wisdom
middle oven on the south side of the building also takes (Perception) check spots a bowl full of water under the
an additional 5 (1d10) points of fire damage from the wagon, possibly providing a clue to the dogs’ presence
spurt of flame it releases. prior to an attack.
Detection. With a successful DC 15 Wisdom After 1 round, the flour mephits from Area 2 join the
(Perception) check, a creature examining the area fight.
around the trapdoor (or the trapdoor itself after the first
part of the trap is triggered) detects a sense of menace
and foreboding hinting at a magical trap or that there is a
hostile supernatural effect at play. The room at the top of the stairs is spacious and airy. To
Prevention. Casting gust of wind or using similar the north, several windows overlook the street that runs
magic to remove the flour from the air prevents the outside past the bakery, while a single window to the south
trap’s flame from igniting it, as does waiting 5 minutes offers a view of the smokestacks on the building’s rooftop.
or more to open the trapdoor. Otherwise, a creature A comfortable divan and a pair of plush chairs occupy the
who succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) or DC southeast corner, situated around a low table of polished
17 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools can disable the wood. A door to the east and a door leading out to the
trapdoor for 1 minute, preventing the second part of the rooftops are the only apparent exits other than the stairs.
trap from triggering.
Creatures. If the flame spurt is triggered, four flour
Amaranth uses this room to entertain guests and meets
mephits (use statistics for dust mephit) emerge from
with potential clients to discuss orders. The door to the
flour casks after the fire subsides and attack any creatures
roof is unlocked. The door to Area 5 is locked (but can
they see that are not wearing Draconic Confections
be picked with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check using
uniforms. For their innate spell, the flour mephits can
thieves’ tools); it is also trapped.
cast grease instead of sleep; the effect created by the spell is
clearly butter.


Magical Trap. If an attempt is
made to open this door without
Amaranth’s key, a blast of golden
magical energy lashes out at the
creature, forcing them to make a
DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On
a failure, the creature is paralyzed
for 1 minute; on a success, the creature is not
paralyzed, but is instead under the effect of the slow spell
for 1 minute.
Touching the door also triggers the alarm spell that was
placed on it, causing it to start ringing loudly. After the
alarm rings for 1 round, the gargoyle in Area 6 comes
to investigate and attacks any creatures not wearing
Draconic Confections uniforms it sees in the Entry Hall.
Detection. With a successful DC 15 Wisdom
(Perception) check, a creature examining the area around
the door detects a sense of menace and foreboding
hinting at a magical trap or that there is a hostile
supernatural effect at play.
Prevention. If Amaranth’s key is used to unlock the
door, the trap is not triggered. Alternately, the passphrase
found in the ledger in Area 2 deactivates the trap for 1 6. ROOFTOP
minute. This is to allow Amaranth’s foreman—who has This flat roof is featureless save for a number of
a copy of the key not attuned to the trap—access to the smokestacks and a stone rainwater cistern with pipes
room for emergencies or unusual circumstances. leading from it down into the kitchen.

5. AMARANTH’S ROOM Creature. Perched atop the cistern is a gargoyle, an old

This is a large, tidy living space. To the south is a fireplace ally of Panifex’s that has been recruited to aid him. It can
and a large, four-poster bed that’s piled with cushions and be easily seen by any creature that ventures to the southern
thick blankets. A comfortable-looking stuffed sofa faces the edge of the rooftop. It remains motionless unless attacked,
window to the north, and a low table occupies the center or it realizes that there are unauthorized creatures inside
of the room. A bookshelf stands adjacent to the fireplace,
the building—either because they open the door to the
roof or because they set off the alarm on the door. The
holding a number of books.
gargoyle is brash but not completely foolhardy—nor
overly loyal to Panifex. It attempts to flee if reduced to a
The fireplace is connected to the chimney of one of the quarter of its hit points.
ovens in the kitchen below, allowing the smell of baking to
rise up into the room when the oven is used. The bookshelf
is filled with cookbooks, containing recipes for a variety 7. CELLAR
of baked goods from a wide range of lands and cultures. This cellar is stocked with crates, casks, and sacks, as well
The table is very low to the ground, a little awkward for a as stacks of firewood. A wheelbarrow sits in the southwest
Medium bipedal creature, but comfortable for a Small- corner. A ramp leads up to a pair of double doors to the
sized one. The bed is comfortable, but full of crumbs. northwest, and another to a trapdoor in the ceiling to the
Treasure. Under the bed is an iron lockbox (which southeast. This room is stocked with various goods used in
is locked, but can be picked with a successful DC 15 the bakery—flour, sugar, molasses, nuts, dried fruits, and
Dexterity check using thieves’ tools); inside is 100 cp, 400 other foodstuffs, as well as cords of wood of the sort that
sp, and 100 gp, as well as a set of silver measuring spoons
would be used to feed ovens.
(worth 25 gp).

Specifically looking under the ramp leading up to

the trapdoor reveals a hole broken into the wall that
leads to Area 8; otherwise, a successful DC 12 Wisdom
(Perception) check locates it.


8. HIDDEN ROOM Treasure. While searching the debris in the room,
a successful DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation) check
Bricks and mortar from the hole in the wall are scattered discovers a scroll tube of carved ebony, inlaid with and
across the floor on the northern side of this room. capped in silver (worth 75 gp). Inside the scroll tube are the
Bookshelves line the walls here, sagging with age and collected recipes created by Panifex. Bakers far and wide
the weight of their contents. One has fallen to the floor, would pay dearly for the secret to such confections, and
its books scattered around it. There’s an archway in the the recipes can be sold for 200 gp to the right buyer. In
middle of the western wall, leading to another room. one of the pockets of Amaranth’s vest is a key that unlocks
The smell of old books is in the air, as is a slight odor of any of (and bypasses any traps on) the locked doors in
dampness or mildew—but, strangely, the predominant Draconic Confections.
smell that fills this area is that of fresh-baked pastries. Drake Bones. The skeletal remains in the southwest
corner belong to Panifex. A successful DC 10 Wisdom
This was once Panifex’s library. All of the books here (Medicine) or Intelligence (Investigation) check
have succumbed to rot and an infestation of silverfish. determines that Panifex was likely also a bakery drake.
There are hundreds of rotted tomes.
If the PCs linger in this area, Amaranth/Panifex calls out Concluding
from Area 9: “No confections today, I’m afraid. We’re closed."
the Adventure
9. DEATH CHAMBER OF PANIFEX If Amaranth still lives, once Panifex has been defeated, she
is safe from his influence and can explain what happened
The floor of this room is covered with shredded paper to her, as noted in the Adventure Background.
and leather, as well as several books that have been torn If the PCs were deputized or hired to deal with the drake,
apart by claws and teeth. In the southwest corner are the they can take her in to plead her case. Sympathetic PCs may
skeletal remains of a reptilian creature about the size of testify on her behalf about the ghost and her possession.
a jackal. The scent of pastry is much stronger here, and it If the PCs came to rescue her, they can still provide
is easy to determine the source: The bakery drake in the testimony, but may decide to not turn her over to
white vest with “Draconic Confections” stitched on one authorities—though if given a choice, Amaranth would
of the breast pockets; the creature smiles at you as you prefer to turn herself in and be given a chance to plead her
enter, and somehow the sweet aroma in the air becomes case. Many of the city authorities and nobility remember
even stronger. Panifex, and those directly involved in his demise are
grateful to be spared any more of his vengeance—so they
Creatures. The bakery drake (see Tome of Beasts 3), are likely to believe any truthful testimony from the PCs
Amaranth, is lurking here, curled up in the northeast and be lenient toward Amaranth as a result.
corner of the room (and thus is not visible from Area The PCs are duly rewarded for their efforts; depending
8). She was driven to linger in this place by the ghost of on which adventure hook you chose, their reward
Panifex. In her possessed state, Amaranth fights until she comes from either the city’s ruler, a noble/merchant, or
dies or is knocked unconscious; when either eventuality Amaranth herself. Provide them with what seems a fitting
occurs, Panifex emerges from her fallen form as a ghost to reward, or whatever was promised, if an amount was
continue the combat, fighting until destroyed. already set.
Panifex. Panifex can use an action to summon a swarm Amaranth herself is insistent on providing the PCs
of insects (silverfish) to attack his foes; once he has used with regular gifts of goods from her bakery in addition to
this ability, he cannot do so again until the next dawn. any monetary sum agreed upon, and she would certainly
Panifex’s Possession ability only works on creatures of the also be willing to purchase Panifex’s recipes if the PCs
dragon type, and he cannot move beyond Areas 8 and 9 found them.
unless he has possessed a corporeal body.
Tactics. On his first turn after he emerges as a ghost,
Panifex uses his action to summon the swarm of insects.
The silverfish swarm out of the old books in Area 8 and
move to attack the nearest creature hostile to Panifex.



Adventure Background • Collector. A collector hires the PCs to recover any

Heinrosch memorabilia from the college grounds. He
Three days ago, an orphan named Budanyek entered
knows that much of it has likely been pilfered by bandits,
the haunted Heinrosch Bardic College, goaded by the
but he hopes that something of interest remains. He
gang he was with to sneak inside. When Budanyek didn’t
offers 50 gp for each piece of Heinrosch memorabilia
come back, most of the other youths blew off his absence,
delivered. He doesn’t tell the PCs what his total budget
save for a few friends who grew worried for his safety.
is—because he wants to be able to pick and choose from
Held back by superstition, they have not risked going in
whatever they find—but he has a soft cap of 300 gp.
after him, believing Budanyek was taken by a spirit of
the college. And they’re right—the ghost of the college’s
founder, Mikolaj Heinrosch has captured and possessed Heinrosch Bardic College
Budanyek. Now, Heinrosch’s ghost works Budanyek to The college, built more than sixty years ago, is as much a
the bone to finish his life’s work. If the ghost succeeds, monument to the ambitions and ego of Mikolaj Heinrosch
he believes he shall have eternal rest, despite the cost— as it is an academy. With wealth earned through years of
Budanyek’s life. adventuring, he retired and turned his hand to composing
music—and indeed achieved some minor repute in that
Adventure Hook realm, with a handful of his compositions occasionally (okay,
once) mentioned among those of the great composers. Not
The following can used to start the PCs on this adventure:
content with the “minor” part of “minor repute,” or the
• Gang Prank. A group of teens, part of an unnamed, fact that he was only once mentioned among the greats,
mostly harmless street gang, approaches the PCs, Heinrosch hired gnomish architects and inventors to
asking for their help in rescuing their friend, design an institute that would elevate his bardic legacy. Alas,
Budanyek. Led by his sibling, Rabbit, they explain Heinrosch died before the college ever became successful,
how they lost their friend; loitering around the old and the institution folded abruptly after his demise.
college, daring each other and teasing him with his Now, within the college’s walls, musical constructs have
childhood nickname, Buttanyek. Penniless, Rabbit awakened by Heinrosch’s ghost, assisting him while he works
and the orphans try to appeal to the PCs’ good nature towards his goal of completing his unfinished magnum opus.
as a reward for Budanyek’s safe return. Failing that,
they share that Budanyek often talked about someday
cracking a safe he’d glimpsed inside the college.


The building is clearly abandoned, with all windows Beasts 3) in Area 9, reduce the DC by 3. If all encounters
boarded up except where otherwise noted. All of the in Areas 5-9 are completed, Heinrosch’s influence over
doors have likewise been boarded, but the eastern the Performance Hall is broken, and the doors open
entrance door is ajar, left so when Budanyek used a normally thereafter.
crowbar to break inside.
Three heavy wooden tables and benches are arrayed
The door opens to reveal a vast space with vaulted ceilings here, and light floods the area, shining through the pair of
that reach 60 feet high. A tattered banner of purple cloth partially boarded windows. A trio of statues are lined up
hangs from the ceiling, with yellow stitching spelling out along a wall to the north.
the words “Welcome Students.” To the north, a dusty,
glass‑faced cabinet stands in the gloom. Beyond the Statues. The three stone statues—of The Harpist, The
cabinet, and around the corner to the north, a long corridor Painter, and The Warrior-Poet—depict the three bardic
stretches into the dark as the rest of the room to the west muses; students would lay offerings at the foot of the
continues forward into another large, open area. statues for luck and creative inspiration. Examining the
statues reveals that they are in various states of disrepair.
Display Cabinet. This cabinet once held trophies for the A successful DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation) check
school’s triumphs and Heinrosch’s own accomplishments. notes the following: All of The Harpist’s strings have
Now, it’s almost completely empty; the only remaining snapped; The Painter’s easel holds no canvas; and The
sign of a trophy is on the top shelf, a brass plaque with Warrior-Poet holds a quill made of stone in one hand,
the heading “The Gilded Quill” in large letters, with poised as if to write something in a book held in his other
the following written below in smaller text: “The Pen hand, but his other hand is empty. There are bits of broken
With Which Heinrosch’s Symphony No. 3, Oboe string still attached to the harp, indicating that some
Concerto No. 2, and Violin Sonata No. 7 Were elements of the statues were originally not stone.
Written.” There is a mounting bracket where an item was The intent of the statues being only partially stone was
clearly once displayed, but there is presently no sign of the so that the students could interact with them—play a
quill in question. song on The Harpist’s instrument, place a painting on The
Painter’s easel, or add a poem to The Warrior-Poet’s book.
Development. If all three statues are repaired, the
muses offer a blessing. Any creature that assisted at all in
Four boarded-up, curtained windows on the south wall allow the repair has advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and
in slivers of dim light that lance across a disarray of cocktail Charisma ability checks for the next eight hours.
tables. Opposite the windows, posters depicting bygone Suitable materials to repair the statues can be found
performances plaster a wall between three closed doors. within the college or can possibly be carried or crafted by
well-prepared PCs.
Music can be heard coming from inside Area 10.
A successful DC 11 Wisdom (Insight) or Charisma 4. DEAN’S OFFICE
(Performance) check makes out five distinct sounds
Thick dust coats every surface in this richly appointed
coming from the room: four woodwind instruments
office. The window on the western wall lets in soft light, and
playing in practiced harmony while a young man’s
a crack in one of its panes allows in a breeze that flutters
voice fluctuates between cries of pain and frustrated
yellowed stationary atop a handsome desk. On the walls
vocalizations. A success that surpasses the DC by 5 or
more determines that as the music plays on and off, it are paintings depicting heroic deeds, and light glints off a
subtly changes each time. basket-hilted saber mounted on the wall behind the desk.
Regardless of the skill check result, any creature in this A black safe looms in the corner.
area hears the voice’s cries.
Performance Hall Doors. Heinrosch’s influence Locked Door. The door to this room is locked, but can
magically holds shut all six doors leading to Area 10. The be picked with a successful DC 13 Dexterity check using
doors can be opened with a successful DC 23 Strength thieves’ tools. A spare key is hidden above the door,
(Athletics) or Intelligence (Arcana) check. which can be spotted with a successful DC 16 Wisdom
For each encounter resolved in Areas 5-8, reduce the (Perception) or Intelligence (Investigation) check.
DC by 1. By defeating the origami golem (see Tome of Budanyek (who is in the Performance Hall) also has a key.


Paintings. A successful DC 13 Intelligence 5-8. PRACTICE ROOMS
(Investigation) check notices that the same bardic figure in
a jaunty hat is present in all of the paintings (though he is Each one of these rooms are functionally the same,
one of many figures depicted); proficiency with painter’s with 20-foot ceilings and thick, alchemically concocted
supplies provides advantage on this check. insulation that isolates the occupants from hearing
Treasure. What’s left of the late founder’s wealth is activities in the other rooms. The rooms are setup with the
contained within this room. Spending an hour to gather standard equipment one would expect to find in each type
the room’s contents accrues the following: six paintings of space.
(worth 300 gp total), rare books (worth 100 gp total), and While combat might ensue in these rooms, each presents
3d4 small mundane objects of dubious value or utility. The opportunities for quick-thinking PCs to find non-combat
mounted saber is a silvered longsword (worth 150 gp). solutions. If PCs choose to resolve an encounter through
The Desk. A nameplate on the desk reads “Dean a skill challenge, calculate the DC as 10 plus the number
Heinrosch.” While searching the desk, a successful of creatures in the room. If the PCs succeed three times
DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) check discovers a before failing three times they successfully resolve the
drawer with a false bottom. If the check surpasses the DC encounter peacefully. If the PCs fail three times as a group,
by 5 or more, it also reveals that the drawer is trapped; the creatures within become hostile.
if it doesn’t, and the PC specifically looks for traps, a Area 5. A music rehearsal space. 1 clockwork
successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) detects it. A conductor (see Tome of Beasts 3) leads 1 animated piano
successful DC 13 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools (use statistics for mimic, with the changes listed below) in
disarms the trap. Failure to disarm the trap triggers a practicing a piece, the piano playing its own keys.
small poisoned needle when the false bottom is accessed, Creature Change. The animated piano is a construct and
forcing one creature interacting with the drawer to make doesn’t have the Shapechanger or Adhesive abilities. Its
a DC 13 Constitution save. The creature takes 2 piercing Pseudopod (Piano Wire) attack is the same, but change the
damage and 16 (3d10) poison damage on a failed save or last line to read: If the target is a creature, it is grappled
half as much damage on a successful one.
Inside the false bottom are a collection of blueprints for
a massive auditorium, arcane schematics for the creation
of animated quartets and symphonies, a scroll of detect
thoughts, and a scroll of locate object.
The Safe. A combination lock secures
the safe; it has three rotating dials, each
numbered 0-9. The code is 3, 2, 7—the
numbers of Heinrosch’s three best-regarded
compositions; a clue to both the numbers
and the order in which they appear in the
combination can be found in the display cabinet
in Area 1. Without the code, the safe code can be
cracked with a successful DC 19 Intelligence check;
a creature with proficiency in thieves’ tools can add
their proficiency bonus to the check.
If the PCs can’t unlock the safe and are stumped about
the code, assuming they examined the display cabinet in
Area 1, a successful DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation) or
Wisdom (Perception) check recalls that they previously
encountered three numbers extremely significant to the
(egotistical) owner of this safe.
Treasure. The safe contains a +1 hand crossbow, a whip,
Heinrosch’s iconic hat, 20 pp, a potion of climbing, and a
potion of greater healing.


(escape DC 13). Ability checks made to escape this grapple
have disadvantage.
Area 6. A music rehearsal space. 2 animated
instruments (cellos, Medium instrument, see Tome
of Beasts 3) engage in a musical duel while a panel of 3
clockwork conductors judge them.
Area 7. A dance rehearsal space. Ballet barres are
mounted on each wall; above and below the barre on
the east wall are mirrors that go floor to barre and barre
to ceiling. 2 clockwork pugilists (see Tome of Beasts 3)
rehearse ballet movements, with 1 animated instrument
(violin, Small instrument, see Tome of Beasts 3)
providing the music.
Area 8. A music rehearsal space. 1d4+2 animated
instruments (a harp, Medium instrument, with
various woodwinds, Small instruments, see Tome
of Beasts 3) practice syncopated melodies, led by 1
clockwork conductor. A small supply cabinet
in the southeast corner contains a variety of
instrument maintenance gear, such as replacement
strings, reeds, rosin, spare string instrument bows, etc.


Light filters through frosted windows, casting a dim haze

over this large room. Loose, half-graded pages litter the
surface of the office furniture while tools and art supplies lie
scattered across a wall-mounted workbench. An enormous college or enter room 10. The golem was left unfinished
model swan the size of a bear, made from folded when its creator vanished or perished; in its weakened
parchment, sits on a platform amid sheets of colorful paper state, it is CR 3 (700 exp) with the following changes:
and a pair of silver shears that have fallen apart. Several • It has 32 hit points.
stepladders stand open behind the swan. • Its Trumpeting Blast recharges on a 6.
• Any damage it deals to the PCs is halved.
Treasure. Books and art supplies are scattered Silvered Weapons. Each arm of the broken silver shears
throughout this room, all associated with the teachings of near the golem’s platform can be used as a silver dagger.
over a dozen different disciplines of art and performance.
In a journal open on the desk is written a dissertation’s
first draft on the ethics of giving inanimate objects life and 10. PERFORMANCE HALL
sentience. A nameplate on the desk reads “Professor This enormous auditorium tapers in toward an impressive
Ravenshollow.” Inside a desk drawer are 5 blank stage. Rows of seating littered with old playbills sit
journals, 20 quill ink pens, a tarnished silver necklace underneath a dark, sixty-foot-high vaulted ceiling while
(worth 15 gp), and 1d4+2 small mundane objects of torches hover overhead and dimly glow with ghostly fire.
dubious value or utility. You see a young man hunching over a sheet of paper
PCs who spend at least 10 minutes at the workbench pressed flat on the stage as he furiously writes something
can assemble a set of painter’s supplies or calligrapher’s on it with a quill pen with golden barbs. Suddenly, he
supplies. Under the workbench are 10 blank canvases and
shouts “No, no, no!” and sweeps the paper into the air. An
5 folded easels.
animated woodwind quartet plays a sorrowful melody while
Creatures. The paper swan is not just a piece of art,
the man—no, just a teen boy—breaks down into mutters
but an origami golem (see Tome of Beasts 3). The golem
and sobs.
activates when anything in the room is picked up.
It follows its last directive, “Stop any student from
interfering with my work.” The golem takes this directive Lights. Sixteen torches float throughout the room and
very literally and pursues any creature that activates it until glow with ghostly green fire, casting dim light in a 20-foot
it, or the creature, is destroyed, though it will not leave the radius around each one.


Doors. The six doors to the area aren’t traditionally has a Performance modifier of 3 or higher, or with a
locked, but are held fast by the will of Heinrosch’s ghost, successful DC 17 Charisma (Persuasion) check (made
which is currently possessing the young man by the stage, with advantage if the PC is wearing Heinrosch’s iconic
Budanyek. Once the PCs open at least one of the doors, hat found in Area 4). If the PCs choose this option,
Heinrosch loses his hold on them, and all doors work Heinrosch’s ghost leaves Budanyek, possesses the PC,
normally thereafter. and immediately returns to his work. The possessed
Creatures. Opening the doors attracts the attention of PC requires 2d8+2 hours to finish Heinrosch’s work.
both Heinrosch’s ghost (currently possessing Budanyek) The PC must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw
and the animated quartet (see Tome of Beasts 3). each hour; if they fail three times, they suffer a level
Tactics. Heinrosch does not engage, and instead tries to of exhaustion and then suffer an additional level each
get back to work. The animated quartet, however, attacks additional failure.
immediately after a door opens. • Let Budanyek Finish It. Heinrosch wishes to keep
If the animated quartet is defeated, or at the end of the possessing Budanyek until his work is finished. If
third round of combat, with Budanyek’s voice, Heinrosch the PCs choose this option, it takes Heinrosch 1d8
shouts: + 1 hours to finish his work; this process requires
“Stop, stop, stop! It is impossible to concentrate with all Budanyek to succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving
this racket! How am I supposed to craft my magnum opus throw every hour or else suffer a level of exhaustion.
amidst this . . . this cacophony?” This could very easily end with Budanyek’s death
without intervention, as the teen is a commoner who
At Heinrosch’s words, the animated quartet (if still is already suffering from three levels of exhaustion
engaged in combat) stops attacking and moves to hover due to the rigors he has already endured. The PCs are
just above the young man’s shoulder. Heinrosch continues: free to assist Budanyek however they wish, whether
it’s via the Help action and/or spells or other means;
“Listen to me. Listen! I need just a little more time. Just a
allow a player’s creative thinking to be beneficial to this
little more time. Please! I'm so close. I've spent so many
process regardless of normal game mechanics.
years searching for the right melody. And . . . I've almost got
it. I know it! I can't let you ruin this for me. My entire legacy
hangs upon this achievement.”

Heinrosch’s Final
Heinrosch is obsessed with completing his magnum
opus, a final sonata his death left unfinished. As
the PCs speak to him, the ghost maintains perfect
control over Budanyek’s movement and actions,
though the boy still intermittently wrests back
control of his own body to cry out in pain before
Heinrosch regains control.
If the PCs question Heinrosch, other than his
work, he doesn’t remember anything they might
ask about, such as how, when, or how long ago he
died. If they ask about anything else, he angrily
shouts that he doesn’t have time for idle chatter,
but he’s willing to listen to anything the PCs
offer that might help him finish his opus.
Here are three likely scenarios via which the PCs
can resolve the situation:
• Have a PC Finish It. Heinrosch can be convinced
to relinquish control of Budanyek if a PC offers to be
possessed instead; Heinrosch only agrees if the PC


• Stop the Ghost. The PCs can choose to exorcise the
ghost from Budanyek’s body, via the means detailed
in the ghost’s Possession ability. Choosing this action the Adventure
always results in combat as the animated quartet If Budanyek is not saved, the PCs find his gang waiting
quickly moves to defend the ghost, fighting until it is outside when they leave the college. They’re heartbroken at
destroyed. Because Budanyek is in no shape to fight the news (explaining who they are to the PCs if they haven’t
and Heinrosch is obsessed with his legacy, Heinrosch met before). If the PCs brokered a deal with the gang, the
only takes the Dodge action in the hopes of finishing teens now refuse to fulfill their end of any bargain, citing
the sonata amid the fracas. Budanyek’s death as a deal-breaker. Resentful of the PCs’
failure, Rabbit and the gang disparage the PCs in whatever
Treasure. Heinrosch/Budanyek holds “The Gilded
locale they’re going to next; while in that city/town, the
Quill” pen (see Area 1). It’s worth 10 gp purely for the
PCs have disadvantage on any Charisma ability checks
novelty of it being a gold quill, but a savvy negotiator
until they can repair their reputation.
might be able to get someone to pay up to 25 gp for it as
If Budanyek is saved, he gets halfway through offering
a curiosity if they tell the tale of Heinrosch or invent a
his thanks before fainting from exhaustion. Budanyek’s
compelling fiction.
gang waits just outside the college and are beside
If you used the Collector adventure hook, however, the
themselves with joy when they’re reunited with their
collector will excitedly pay triple the fee he promised the
friend (perhaps confusing the PCs if they haven’t met
PCs for this one item—150 gp—and will go above and
before); they gladly pay any reward that was agreed to.
beyond any budget limits in order to acquire this piece.
If the PCs refuse the reward (or never asked for one in
the first place), Rabbit and the gang talk up the PCs in
EVALUATING THE COMPOSITION whatever locale they’re going to next; while in that city/
If Budanyek completes the composition, he must make a town, the PCs have advantage on any Charisma ability
Charisma (Performance) check (with a +2 modifier); when checks for one week.
you make this roll, do it publicly so the players can see the If Heinrosch completes his final composition and the
die roll result. However, unless restorative magic has been result on the “Magnum Opus?” table is 15-24, Heinrosch
used on Budanyek, do note that he has disadvantage on is thrilled and asks the PCs to give it an impressive title
ability checks due to exhaustion. and share it with the world. If the result is 25 or higher,
If a PC completes the composition, they must make Heinrosch reacts the same as above, but afterward breaks
their own Charisma (Performance) check. down, weeping with joy and whispering, “I’ve done it. I’ve
Once you have the result, consult the “Magnum Opus?” truly done it.” The ghost then fades into the afterlife and
table to determine how well the composition turned out. disappears for good. If the PCs do share the composition
with the world, and the result is 25 or higher, they hear it
Magnum Opus? being played any time such music might be played, such as
DC Result at royal’s or noble’s party.
10 Middling. It’s . . . fine? Children who are just If Heinrosch completes his final composition and
learning to play their instruments seem to enjoy the result on the “Magnum Opus?” table is 14 or lower,
performing it. Heinrosch is at first furious, naming the PCs incompetent
hacks, but quickly turns morose, lamenting his legacy. As
15 Good. A work that will likely find great
he continues muttering, before long, he fades away into
appreciation among the masses, but often does
not excite an expert’s ear. Heinrosch’s previous the afterlife and disappears for good—or so the PCs think.
“masterworks” were of this level. Heinrosch is enraged at the failure to cement his legacy
and, in the future, seeks revenge on the PCs, possessing
20 Incredible. A masterpiece that will surely be the leader of a group of bandits that comes to the college
remembered forever.
to loot whatever isn’t nailed down; in this new warrior
25 Astounding. A work of unsurpassed genius that body, Heinrosch bides his time, striking when it’s most
only one-in-a-million composers could even opportune, with the goal of possessing either the PC
attempt. that he previously possessed or the PC with the highest
35 Legendary. Undoubtedly among the finest Performance modifier.
works ever produced. Truly a magnum opus of
magnum opuses.


Harvest Fangs

Adventure Background • Tome Hunting. Rinus Aldebrand is a young scholar (and

aspiring wizard) who has gleaned the location of a lost
In the small farming village of Sycamore Crossing, this
tome relevant to his arcane research. Yendra Aldebrand,
year’s harvest is inexplicably failing. Faced with starvation
his mother (and a minor noble), comes home from a
(or worse), the villagers have fallen under the fell sway
trip to find a note from her son saying that he traveled to
of Sheriff Ialos, who promises a full harvest if the village
Sycamore Crossing to confirm the location of the tome.
sacrifices living subjects to the earth they till.
Yendra goes to the sheriff of Yrunby in a panic, afraid
The farmers have already kidnapped two travelers and fed
that her son would go after “that damned book of his”
them to a strange, living plant creature in the woods. The
on his own and get himself killed. The sheriff hires the
positive results on the crops were noticeable immediately,
PCs (on Yendra’s behalf) to go to Sycamore Crossing
and so now even the local druid and the village priest have
to make sure Rinus stays safe. One of the Aldebrand
agreed to go along with Ialos’ dark solution. Last night, a
servants told Yendra that Rinus left two days ago.
traveler named Rinus Aldebrand came to the village and
was taken prisoner by the growing cult. The sheriff describes Rinus’ horse as a dappled chestnut
mare named Vossi, and he notes that the horse knows her
name. Sycamore Crossing is a day’s travel from Yrunby (or
Adventure Hook whatever starting location you choose).
Tosef Smallfoot, the sheriff of Yrunby, hires the PCs to
travel to Sycamore Crossing to look for a man named Rinus
Aldebrand. The sheriff offers 150 gp per PC if they can
Sycamore Crossing
return Rinus to Yrunby. The PCs arrive in Sycamore Crossing searching for
Using the above hook, you can choose one of the Rinus. Unbeknownst to them, the village’s cultists have
following identities for Rinus Aldebrand, which best suits kidnapped the man and are currently taking him to the
your PCs’ motivations: woods north of town.
• Rust Runner. Rinus Aldebrand, a thug who recently Talking With Villagers. All villagers are reluctant to speak
ran with a gang called the Rust Wolves, fled north when with the PCs—and refuse if they ask about recent visitors,
their operation was destroyed. The sheriff hires the PCs indicating that they don’t appreciate strangers poking
to capture Rinus so he can stand trial. Two days ago, their noses into their business. While only a few villagers
he was seen heading in the direction of the village of participated in the kidnapping, the rest don’t want to risk
Sycamore Crossing. the cultists’ ire. If threatened, the villagers tell the PCs that
if they want to know more they’ll need to talk to the sheriff.


Searching the Village. With a successful DC 11 WHAT LENKA KNOWS
Intelligence (Investigation) check, the PCs find Rinus’ Lenka can provide the following information:
dappled chestnut steed comfortably stabled by the village’s
• The local farmers all fear that this year’s crop will fail,
tavern. If the horse’s name (Vossi) is spoken aloud, the
which would spell disaster for Sycamore Crossing.
mare turns to look at the speaker and flicks her head
• Sheriff Ialos said they could improve the crop by
upward as if saying hello.
“offering sacrifices to the land.” She’s not sure what he
If the PCs fail that check and don’t otherwise make their
meant by “sacrifices to the land” exactly. But there were
way to the tavern, a young woman holding a handful of
a couple of folks who came to town recently who
flowers offers one to a PC and discretely informs them that
disappeared and never came back.
a visitor came to Sycamore Crossing last night and booked
lodging at the tavern; she moves away quickly before she • A month ago, a fast-talking gnome came to town. He
can answer any questions (whispering “Please, I can’t!”) talked a big game all night in the bar, then never came
and refuses to say more if followed. down from his room. She went up to find it empty, but
The Tavern. Sycamore Crossing’s sole tavern doesn’t with his belongings still there. No one ever saw him
have a name. It serves green anise liquor and red wine again. Shortly after that, the crop began to improve.
sweetened with beet sugar. Patrons can order a thick • Then, about two weeks ago, there was a dragonborn
garlicky parsnip stew with occasional chunks of mutton with cold eyes who looked like he slit your throat
that become stuck in their teeth. sooner than he’d give a smile. After that one
The bartender, Lenka (CG human commoner), is a disappeared, the crop rebounded even more strongly.
large brunette woman who looks like she once knew her • All along, the main resistance against the sheriff
way around a donnybrook. Though she’s tough, she’s in came from Lenka; the local druid, Broshod; and
her middle years now and no hero; she’s frightened of the the priest, Andel. After the crops started doing well,
sheriff and hasn’t been brave enough to cross him, even Broshod convinced herself that this was all part of the
though she finds what he’s doing repugnant. natural order, and Andel said that no matter how vile,
When the PCs come in and start asking questions, she ultimately it would save more lives than it cost. Leaving
initially thinks that they’re secretly working for Ialos, to Lenka seemingly as the lone voice of dissent.
see if any in the town are disloyal to the sheriff. Whenever • In the time that’s passed since the last sacrifice, the
anyone voiced any objection to the sheriff ’s plan, he crop has begun to falter again.
warned that everyone had better stay in line if they know
• Last night, Ialos concocted some charge as a pretext
what’s good for them, and that if anyone dared betray him,
to arrest Rinus shortly after his arrival in town. She
he’d know who was responsible.
saw the sheriff dragging the young man away with his
As a result, when questioned, Lenka attempts to deflect,
hands bound.
claiming to know nothing, having never heard of any
Rinus. She’s not sure who that mare belongs to, telling • Lenka heard Broshod talking about the old standing
them they would have to ask the stableboy, but he’s out stones in the woods north of town and thinks that
trying to fetch a horse that ran off. must be where the sheriff is doing his foul deeds.
A successful DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check sees • Only one path leads to the woods in the north; Lenka
through Lenka’s deceptions. If the PCs get angry with her can direct the PCs to it.
or attempt any kind of intimidation, she panics and leans • If asked about the sheriff, Lenka says that he’s been
forward, saying quietly, “Please, please. I’m loyal, I swear. sheriff for twenty years or more. Always been a good
I just . . . I’m no good at . . . this kind of thing. You can tell sort until recently, when all this unpleasantness started.
the sheriff I’m steadfast. I promise.” She doesn’t have any idea what might have happened to
At this point, if the PCs are honest with her about change him.
why they’re there, her eyes get big, and she looks like
her salvation is at hand. She asks them to come into the
backroom with her so they can talk freely. She calls over
to her barmaid and asks her to watch the bar. “Hurry,” she
whispers, “we might still be able to save him.”


Sheriff Ialos’s 2. OPEN TRAIL

Awakening On the trail, the foliage begins to grow thicker, casting

ominous shadows. Birds sing a throaty, legato melody,
Ialos takes his prisoners to a sycamore grove in the forest
breaking the near-silence of any footfalls. Oak and sycamore
north of town. While chasing a bandit out of town, he
trees line the entrance to the lair. The deep wagon wheel
discovered a tripwire patch (see Tome of Beasts 3) in the
ruts in the road come to an end here, though a single
center of the standing stones that have stood there in that
narrow wheel rut continues ahead along a new path.
grove for as long as anyone could remember. Everyone
always avoided the stones out of superstition, but when
he was chasing the bandit the tripwire patch swallowed Creatures. PCs who succeed on DC 13 Wisdom
them both. For some reason, however, the plant later (Perception) checks notice three ravens sitting high in
regurgitated Ialos alive. an oak tree. The ravens are friends of Broshod and watch
While in the patch’s gullet, Ialos had a religious for trespassers for the druid. If the birds spot the PCs,
awakening and came to believe that the plant had chosen the ravens alert Broshod about the incoming intruders by
him as its servant. His fervent belief soon manifested itself emitting a series of loud caws.
in the ability to cast divine spells. A successful group DC 14 Dexterity (Stealth) check
Over the last several years, Ialos has returned regularly allows the PCs to move through the area without detection.
to the grove to commune with his master, bringing with
him another sacrifice, such as a common criminal or other 3. THE DRUID’S GROTTO
ne’er-do-well. He noticed long ago that everything in the
area—from birches to beets to barley—grows better after The path ahead turns briefly east before quickly curving
a sacrifice. north once more, bending around a low, rocky hill; as it
Ialos viewed the village’s recent agricultural issues as does so, the mouth of a small, earthen grotto dug into a
the opportunity to go public about his beliefs. The sheriff hillside comes into view, opening along the western edge of
has subsequently recruited several villagers into his the path.
now‑burgeoning cult.
If the PCs are to save Rinus, time is of the essence; so After learning of Ialos’ scheme, Broshod took up
tarrying on the trail—or taking any kind of rest—almost residence in this grotto so that she could monitor his
certainly results in his demise. activities; while the druid has rationalized the sheriff ’s
actions as aligning with the natural order, Broshod fears
1. ENTRANCE that such fervor will lead to unnecessary sacrifices.
A successful group DC 15 Dexterity (Stealth) check
Well-worn ruts in the road cut a clear path north from allows the PCs to move without being detected through
Sycamore Crossing, weaving between the gentle sloping this area; this check is made with disadvantage if the ravens
hills outside the village. The path ends near a narrow, tree- in Area 2 noticed the PCs and called out their alarm.
lined trail. By the entrance, a small hickory wagon rests, Creatures. Broshod (N human druid) and two giant
seemingly abandoned. badgers are in the grotto.
Tactics. The badgers move to confront the PCs outside
Ialos brought Rinus north in a hickory wagon that is the grotto, while Broshod stays back. She tries to remain at
drawn by a small draft horse. Ialos parked the wagon range, but if the PCs engage her in melee combat, she casts
here, inviting Andel and six devoted cultists to witness the thunderwave to try to push them away. Because the grotto
ceremony. The draft horse is now devouring a bag of oats doesn’t have any other exits, the druid and her badgers
hung around its neck. fight to the death.
PCs who succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom (Animal Handling) Treasure. Searching the grotto uncovers an herbalism
check can approach the draft horse without spooking it. kit, two potions of healing, and a potion of animal friendship.
If the check succeeds by 2 or more, upon examining the Development. If Broshod casts thunderwave, it causes the
animal, the PC also determines that the draft horse stopped sheriff and his cultists in Area 5 to go on high alert; if they
pulling the wagon within the last fifteen minutes. see the PCs, they attack them on sight.


4. THE DIVIDE Edmon, and the cultists fight to the death. A single cultist
may surrender—but only after Ialos and their other
Beyond the grotto, the path continues north; 70 feet ahead, companions are dead.
it continues further north, but also branches off to the east. Treasure. Inspecting Ialos’ body discovers a periapt of
wound closure. The sheriff took this from Rinus and hasn’t
Upon reaching the divide, the PCs must decide whether yet attuned to the item. If he survives, Rinus gifts this item
to continue north or veer to the east. Any PC may make a to the PCs.
Wisdom (Survival) or Intelligence (Investigation) check; Development. If the PCs take a cultist prisoner, they
consult the “Inspecting the Tracks” table to determine warn that their fellows are about to sacrifice Rinus to the
what they learn: land. If the cultist has 4 or fewer hit points remaining, they
also warn them of the random nature of the rune in Area 6.
Inspecting the Tracks
DC Information Learned 6. THE RUNE
8 A number of boot prints have gone through this
A soft, glowing blue-colored light looms ahead on the path.
area recently, to the north, the east, and back south.
As you approach, you see, drawn into the ground, a large,
13 Nine or ten sets of boot prints came through this strange rune. The lines of the rune look to be filled with
intersection recently. More than half of them
some kind of powder, from which the glimmer emanates.
headed east.
It shifts and changes shape as you look at it, transforming
18 The boot prints heading north look like they’re sunk from one character to another.
deeper into the earth, suggesting the people might
have been carrying something heavy.
Years ago, Ialos had a wizard etch this rune into the
ground outside the grove. The sheriff hoped the rune would
5. THE SHRINE discourage any trespassers from proceeding further.
Compulsion. A creature that moves within 15 feet of the
The path here opens into a wide, oblong clearing
rune must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or
approximately 50 feet in diameter. To the southwest, near
be forced to examine the rune more closely. On a success,
the edge of the woods, is a small shrine. As you look
the creature is immune to this effect for 10 minutes; the
around, five figures rush into the glade from the southeast.
creature may still choose to examine the rune.
Four are dressed as farmers and carry pitchforks, while the
The Rune’s Magic. If a creature examines the rune
fifth walks with the air of legal authority.
closely, it becomes subject to a random effect that is
determined by rolling a d6 on the “Rune Effects” table.
Perhaps as a way to assuage his guilt, Andel built a
shrine to the god of life in honor of those sacrificed for the
Inspecting the Tracks
greater good.
d6 Information Learned
Creatures. Ialos (NE human cult fanatic) is the sheriff
of Sycamore Crossing. He is accompanied by his deputy, 1 Faerie Mark. A creature that reads the rune must
Edmon (NE human bandit captain), and four human succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or
cultists. The cultists wield pitchforks instead of scimitars; become subject to the effects of the faerie fire
use the same statblock for scimitar, except change the spell, but only to creatures with the Plant type; a
damage type to piercing. creature of any other type confers no benefit from
the faerie fire. This effect lasts for 1 hour.
Ialos knows the PCs are outsiders who must not
interrupt the sacrifice. If he was alerted by Broshod’s 2-5 Unsettling Mark. A creature that reads the rune
thunderwave from Area 3, he attacks on sight. must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw.
If he wasn’t alerted by the thunderwave, he doesn’t attack On a failure, the creature is turned for 1 minute or
immediately; instead, he tries to get the PCs to leave, until it takes any damage. This effect works like the
saying “This isn’t your concern, strangers. If you leave cleric’s Turn Undead class feature, except it can
now, no harm will come to you.” A successful DC 14 affect any creature type, and it treats the tripwire
patch in Area 10 as the origin of the effect.
Wisdom (Insight) check reveals that this is a lie; in truth,
if the PCs leave, Ialos sends Edmon and four cultists to 6 Reviving Mark. A creature that reads the rune
follow after them, as they’ve already seen too much. gains 5 (1d10) temporary hit points; at the same
Tactics. Ialos orders Edmon and the cultists into melee moment, a nearby plant withers and dies. A
and uses hold person on his first turn to incapacitate the creature can only be benefit from this mark once
most dangerous-looking PC. Here in the clearing, Ialos, per long rest.



The trail north curves east after 80 feet. A large gray To thwart or slow any do-gooders like the PCs from
boulder sits in the center of the path. interfering with their sacrifices, the cultists placed a pit
here where the path narrows just past Area 7.
Pit Trap. This simple pit trap is a 10-foot-square,
There are no signs of recent disturbance of the trees
10-foot-deep hole dug in the ground. The hole is covered
nearby, so the PCs can easily determine that the boulder
by canvas anchored on the pit’s edge and camouflaged with
has been where it is for a very long time; it perhaps once
dirt, leaves, and other debris. Spotting the trap requires
rolled down from some not-too-distant mountain and has
a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check. When a
remained there ever since. It’s completely innocuous—
creature enters the trap area, it must succeed on a DC 12
it’s just a big rock—but PCs may be suspicious of it, and
Dexterity saving throw to avoid falling into the pit.
this distraction may cause them to be less cautious when
A creature falling into the pit takes 3 (1d6) piercing
approaching Area 8.
damage from the few hastily carved wooden spikes at the
bottom, plus 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage from the 10-foot
fall. To climb out of the pit, a PC must succeed on a DC 12
Strength (Athletics) check; using ropes or other climbing
gear grants advantage on the roll.


If the PCs detect the trap, they can easily move around The Priest. Andel attempts to parley with the PCs,
it, either by skirting the edge of it on the path or moving trying to convince them that the people of Sycamore
through the trees. Crossing had no choice and that what they’ve done is
the lesser of two evils; he truly believes this, and that his
9. TRAIL’S END god—the god of life—has endorsed this action (in this,
however, he is misguided). If the PCs are not persuaded by
As you continue south, the foliage grows thicker and his words, he offers to give them the treasure noted below.
thicker the farther you progress. About halfway down this Tactics. Once combat ensues, the tripwire patch uses
spur, the ground becomes covered with thorns, burs, and one Tripwire Vine attack to grapple Rinus and flails the
pricker bushes. From the south, you hear the faint sounds other toward a creature at random (choosing from any
of chanting, which is then followed by what can only be the creature within range, not just the PCs). It uses Drag to
muffled cry of a person in distress. pull any creature it grapples toward its maw so that it can
use its Bite to devour its prey.
Bramble Hazard. The last 70 feet of this southern part If the patch bites an NPC, they are killed instantly. If
of the trail is covered in thorny plants and brambles. If that happens, unless the PCs continue to attack, the patch
a creature moves at half speed, it can traverse the path returns to its slumber and digests its food.
normally. Andel won’t attack with violence, but if a PC draws a
To move at full speed, a creature must succeed on a weapon and/or makes a hostile move toward him or one
DC 12 Dexterity saving throw every 10 feet or take 1 of the cultists, he casts command; the command he gives is
piercing damage from the thorns and brambles. A creature “flee.”
wearing no armor and/or boots has disadvantage on the If Andel or either of the cultists take damage, the
saving throw; a creature wearing boots and heavy armor wounded creature attempts to flee.
automatically succeeds. Treasure. Andel carries two potions of greater healing and
a robe of useful items tucked into his satchel.
Lore. If a PC spends 10 minutes examining the area, a
successful DC 14 Intelligence (History or Religion) check
Six sycamore trees are interspersed throughout this broad determines that the standing stones have been in this
clearing, and the trees lining the outer edge slant away location for hundreds—perhaps thousands—of years;
from the center, as if they are giving something within a there are also a number of markings (unreadable now due
wide berth. Seven standing stones are arranged in the to the ravages of time) that suggest an older culture may
center of the grove. There, a priest stands, in the midst of have worshipped this creature if anything the villagers
offering a muttered prayer as he lowers an unconscious believed about it is true.
body to the ground. Two cultists stand near the body, one
of them cutting the palm of their right hand with a knife. As Concluding
the blood drips onto the ground at their feet, thick vines on
the ground start to rustle and writhe.
the Adventure
If the PCs save Rinus, he thanks them profusely. From
By the time the PCs arrive at Area 10, the cultists have there, the PCs can return him to the sheriff of Yrunby,
carried Rinus’ unconscious form to the center of the and then otherwise proceed as the adventure hook you
standing stones. used suggests.
Creatures. Upon seeing the PCs enter the area, Andel If the PCs didn’t encounter the sheriff in Area 5, the
(NG human acolyte, with command prepared instead PCs find Ialos and the four cultists in Area 1, waiting
of sanctuary) raises his hands in a “hold” gesture—in for Andel’s signal that the sacrifice has begun. Ialos and
the hopes of finding a peaceful solution to the current the four cultists attack Rinus and the PCs on sight. The
situation. sheriff orders his minions to make nonlethal attacks to
The two cultists, meanwhile, raise their pitchforks to ensure replacement sacrifices; if the PCs point out that
fight. The cultists wield pitchforks instead of scimitars; use the tripwire patch is dead, he says “Then you’ve doomed
the same statblock for scimitar, except change the damage us all” and attempts to run. If he’s captured, the PCs can
type to piercing. reasonably conclude that (also) taking him to the sheriff of
The tripwire patch—which is located at the center of Yrunby is the proper action. Ialos also flees the battle if he
the standing stones—is alert and ready to eat. starts his turn at 11 hit points or fewer, commandeering
the wagon if possible. The cultists fight to the death unless
Ialos flees; if he does, they too attempt to run.


The Pavilion of
Whispers and

Adventure Background Adventure Hook

Tucked into the feylands is The Pavilion of Whispers and The following can used to start the PCs on this adventure:
Wonderment, a magical building formed of softly glowing • Information Seekers. The PCs need a particular bit
amber bubbles resting upon titanic lily pads, where it of lore to defeat a powerful foe, and the only entity
floats on the surface of a wide lake of unmatched beauty. possessing this information is the information broker
An arching bridge connects The Pavilion to the mist- known as the Maestro. Arriving at The Pavilion, the
shrouded shoreline. PCs can try to negotiate with the Maestro’s minions or
The Pavilion is the home of the Maestro, a connoisseur attempt to gain the information they need by means of a
of secrets, scandals, and slander. The Maestro has heist or raid.
numerous contacts among planar sages and other • Noble Quest. A noble or patron of the PCs engages
lore hungry creatures. He archives his accumulated their services to collect a scroll containing information
information in an extraplanar library and guards his home embarrassing to them (or implicating them—perhaps
with a variety of strange creatures and enchantments. falsely—in some wrongdoing), which has fallen into the
Over the years, the fame of the Maestro has grown hands of the information broker known as the Maestro.
far and wide, as have the stories of his great power and The PCs are offered 400 gp each to acquire the scroll
wealth. But the Maestro seldom lowers himself to trade from the Pavilion of Whispers and Wonderment.
information, unless tidbits of lore of greater value are
• Mercy Mission. A noble or patron of the PCs has fallen
offered. He prefers, instead, to hoard his information like a
ill, struck down by a mysterious malady that has vexed
dragon sitting upon an enormous pile of gold coins.
the finest healers. The noble/patron’s majordomo
Recently, the Maestro acquired a tome of forbidden
offers the PCs 400 gp each to travel to the Pavilion of
knowledge called The Mardom Codex. While investigating
Whispers and Wonderment to see if the information
its pages, he fell victim to the book’s magical curse and
broker known as the Maestro might know of a cure.
now exists in a paranoid nightmare of terrifying, chaotic
delusions. This magical malady has also spread to infect
the entire Pavilion. An unknowing visitor might expect to
meet a savvy, reasonable information broker, but what they
encounter may instead make them the next victim of the
Pavilion of Whispers and Wonderment.



The dome-like buildings that comprise the Pavilion look The walls of this large, multileveled chamber arch upward
like a collection of huge orange and yellow opaque bubbles to a domed apex 50-feet-high. The center of the room is an
resting on gargantuan lily pads. The surface of the bubbles ornamental and elegant foyer with stone benches lining the
is harder than steel, perfectly smooth, and seems to contain walls. Throughout the entire chamber, 10 feet overhead small
no windows or doors when viewed from the outside. globes of magical light hang from ropes of braided silk like
The only visible entrance is the one connected to the an ornamental lattice. A metal plaque on the wall reads “The
bridge in Area 1. The other doorways are hidden by magic; Restful Hall of Lounging.” To the east, a curving platform
a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check sees stretches from a doorway, and silver baskets of fruit hang on
through the illusion. Alabaster bridges, lavishly adorned the wall. To the north, a short flight of stairs descends 5 feet
with gold and ivory, connect the bubbles. to a recessed area that branches toward other chambers.
The interior of the Pavilion is brightly lit by magical
lights and richly appointed, though the style of the
When the PCs enter the chamber, the Butler, the
decorations seems odd, even horrific, to the common
Maestro’s majordomo, immediately notices their arrival.
eye. The walls, floors, furniture, and other accoutrements
Eastern Kitchen. The baskets on the walls magically
are formed of circles and gracefully flowing curves. The
produce a wide variety of fresh fruit, but cease functioning
circular doorways do not have traditional doors, but some
if removed from the wall.
have magical barriers in place to keep creatures out.
Creatures. The Butler is a lobe lemur (see Tome of Beasts
3) dressed in a yellow vest with brass buttons. While under
1. THE WELCOMING BRIDGE OF WELCOME the effects of The Mardom Codex, he lurks among the ropes
A ten-foot-wide bridge of ivory and gold leads up from above the PCs heads and attempts to ambush them with
the shore to an arched opening set into the side of the hit-and-run attacks.
towering amber bubble. A field of energy fills the archway
Add the following action to The Butler’s statblock:
Lightfall (Recharge 5-6). The Butler shakes the ropes
like a shimmering door. A small green shrub, with an orange
hanging above, dislodging a rain of the glowing lights.
bow tied on its topmost branch, sits in a decorative ceramic
All creatures in the central area of the room must make
pot to one side of the archway. An ornate sign on the
a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw; a creature takes 7 (2d6)
bridge reads “The Welcoming Bridge of Welcome.”
acid damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one.
When the PCs approach, the shrub greets them and Treasure. In a pocket of the Butler’s vest is a small wand
introduces itself as Quince. It quickly adds that the that deactivates the barrier door to Area 9.
Maestro isn’t receiving visitors at this time.
Convincing Quince to allow the PCs entry requires a
successful DC 12 Charisma (Deception, Intimidation, or OF WONDERFUL THINGS
Persuasion) check—with advantage if the PCs legitimately
have rare, secret, or important information that they can A short flight of stairs leads into a twenty-five-foot-wide
trade (Persuasion) or say that they have such information circular dome. A vast array of items hangs on the walls,
(Deception). displayed and organized with care. A glass cloche rests atop
Energy Field. The magical barrier in the archway was a stone plinth that stands on the end of a raised dais on the
created by the wall of force spell; it can be deactivated by the western side of the room. A metal plaque near the entrance
wand hidden in Quince’s pot. reads, “The Exuberant Treasury of Wonderful Things.”
Creatures. Quince (N awakened shrub) defends itself if
attacked but poses no real threat to the PCs. However, if it Displayed Items. The objects on the walls are a mixture
feels threatened, it alerts the household via an alarm spell of oddities and trinkets of no immediately apparent value,
set into its decorative pot. such as a ribbon from a child’s bow, half a broken teacup,
Treasure. A small wand hidden at the bottom of Quince’s or a drawing of a somewhat ferocious dragon, etc. Each
pot can be used by any creature to deactivate the energy is accompanied by a small, handwritten card with names
field in the archway to Area 2. like “Last Chess Piece of the Forgotten King” or
“Broken Sword of the Nearly Famous.”
The Glass Cloche. The glass cloche atop the plinth
initially seems to be empty, but when the PCs approach
it they can see that inside is what, from afar, looks to be a
small (about 3” x 5”) sheet of paper.


Animate Objects Trap. A trap guards the glass dome.
One or more creatures entering the 5-foot area around
the plinth triggers the casting of the animate objects spell.
If you wish to use the Pavilion as a recurring location to
10 Small objects around the room come to life. Detecting
get lore or specialized information to the PCs, you can
the trap requires a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception)
check before any creature enters the 5-foot area around present this material as if the Maestro never acquired
the plinth. The animated objects have 15 hit points, but The Mardom Codex. In that circumstance, the creatures
otherwise have the same statistics as described by the spell. in this adventure do not attack first and treat with the
Disarming the Trap. Hidden in one of the steps of PCs politely.
the dais is a hidden panel; a successful DC 15 Wisdom
(Perception) check notices it. Inside is a small lever that
deactivates the Animate Objects trap.
Creatures. Three moppets (see Tome of Beasts 3) make this
Treasure. The objects on the walls are a mixture of
room their home. When they become aware of the PCs,
nonmagical (and worthless) mementos and minor magical
they invite one or more of them to have pretend tea with
trinkets. But among the other items are a blue sapphire
them. Creatures who play along with the moppets become
elemental gem marked as “The Eye of Hava” and a bag of
their friends. If befriended, the moppets gladly allow the
holding mislabeled as “Gamda’s Bag of Devouring.”
PCs to take the glowing sword.
Beneath the glass cloche is a single card, facedown. A
They are very forgetful, but reveal the following if asked:
small metal plaque reads, “Card from the Deck of
Many Things.” • The toys in the Treasury (Area 3) are “mean.”
This is indeed a card from a deck of many things. When • The Butler has the key to the Maestro’s bedroom
a creature turns the card over—or in any way attempts (Area 7).
to determine which card it is—the magic of a randomly • “Fluffy” (in Area 6) just wants to eat snacks.
selected card from the deck of many things takes effect. • The Maestro doesn’t let them drink anything in the
If you wish to control the chaos presented by the deck of Decantory (Area 5).
many things, you could choose the card instead of it being
• They think the Maestro is very sad and lonely.
randomly selected; The Comet, The Throne, or The Vizier
Attacking the moppets, attempting to take the sword
cards are all beneficial and relatively innocuous (at least in
without permission, or refusing to have tea causes all three
comparison to the other cards in the deck).
moppets to attack.
Or, if you wish to avoid the deck entirely, replace the card
Treasure. The glowing greatsword is a luck blade with no
with a magic item associated with knowledge or secrets,
wishes remaining.
such as: a helm of comprehending languages, a ring of mind
shielding, or a medallion of thoughts.
4. THE POPPET PLAYHOUSE Three brass, wheeled carts stand against both the east and
west walls of this comfortable and well-appointed chamber.
Toys are strewn across a decorative rug in this chamber;
Each cart holds an array of strange bottles, glasses, and
that, coupled with its brightly-colored walls indicate its
other items suited to mixing and tasting wines, liqueurs, and
function is as a child’s playroom. Near the entrance, a metal
spirits. The floor is covered with a thick, ornate rug. A metal
plaque on the wall near reads, “The Poppet’s Playhouse.”
plaque near the entrance reads “The Decantory.”
Seemingly out-of-place, a glowing, rune-carved greatsword
hangs on the western wall. In the center of the room, three
intricately carved, articulated wooden dolls play, serving The Maestro stores his collection of fine spirits, wines,
imaginary tea to each other around a small table with a and liqueurs in this chamber.
child-sized ceramic tea set. Creature. Two doppelixirs (see Tome of Beasts 3) hide
in bottles on opposite sides of the room. They are bitter
foes and use the appearance of the PCs to compete to be
The three living constructs in this chamber were the
the first to get one of them to succumb to their Telepathic
childhood playthings of the Maestro’s sister, and he keeps
Urge ability. If attacked, the doppelixirs eagerly team up to
them for sentimental purposes having long ago become
combat intruders.
immune to their nightmarish powers. The sword on the
Treasure. The carts hold 12 bottles of exquisite wine
wall was once wielded by the man (now deceased) who
(worth 300 gp total), 6 bottles of strong spirits (worth 90
murdered the Maestro’s sister.
gp total), and assorted bottles of fruit juice and sparkling
water. A successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check


also reveals what appears to be 3 potions
of greater healing (two of them are, but
one is actually a potion of poison), a potion of water
breathing, and a philter of love.


The center of this room is open to the water below, with

a five-foot-wide walkway that encircles it just above the
waterline. A plaque near the entrance reads “Fluffy’s Room.”

Years ago, the Maestro adopted a strange creature who

had wandered into his lake. This is her home.
Creatures. “Fluffy” is a hippopotamus (see Tome of Beasts
3) with red bows tied to her ears and a bejeweled leather
collar around her neck.
When a PC enters the room, Fluffy surfaces, expecting
snacks. She is very aggressive about being fed and refuses
to let anyone pass without giving her some food.
Treasure. Fluffy’s collar—which has her name set into it
in gemstones—is worth 1200 gp.


Flowering vines climb the walls of this chamber, and lush,
green grass carpets the floor. A bed to the east seems to be This chamber seems to extend upward infinitely, with no
naturally formed from a tree stump extruding from the wall. ceiling in sight, and endlessly tall bookcases rise up toward
In the air, fireflies flicker and butterflies flitter. A wooden the heavens. Other than their incredible height, the other
plaque near the entrance reads “The Garden of Resting very strange thing about these bookcases is that they move
Tranquility.” on their own, rotating around the periphery of the room,
constantly repositioning themselves. Dozens of rolling
This is the Maestro’s bedroom, but he doesn’t spend ladders at different heights allow access to the higher levels,
much time here. It contains nothing of value. though only one ten-foot-high length actually reaches to
the floor. Another shimmering barrier of energy fills the
doorway to the northeast. A bronze plaque by the doorway
reads “The Dizzying Library of Rumors and Whispers.”
A forked bridge of alabaster, gold, and ivory connects
the main section of The Pavilion to a pair of outbuildings
When the PCs enter the chamber, one of the bookcases
floating on their own lily pads. A small metal plaque near starts asking them general questions such as their names,
the foot of the bridge reads “The Periculosum Viaduct.” At affiliations, race, occupation, and so forth. This is the
the far end of the bridge to the northwest, a magical barrier Maestro using his Throw Voice feature. The Maestro can
fills the entrance to the building beyond, blocking any hear anything uttered in the library.
means of ingress. Bookcases. It is nearly impossible to find anything
specific in the sprawling hoard of information until
The magical barrier was created by the wall of force spell; the bookshelves stop rotating. If The Mardom Codex is
it can be deactivated by the wand carried by the Butler destroyed or The Maestro is killed, the shelves stop
(Area 2). moving, and specific information can then be recovered
with a few hours of searching.


What other information the PCs discover in the library he doesn’t already know. Whether the PCs provide such
(and the repercussions of finding it) is beyond the scope of information or not, the paranoia instilled in the Maestro
this adventure and is left for you to decide. by the Codex eventually convinces him that the PCs are
Creatures. The Maestro—a veritigibbet (see Tome of there to destroy him and/or steal his knowledge; at that
Beasts 3)—is in Area 10, using his Throw Voice feature to point, he initiates combat if the PCs haven’t already.
pretend that the bookcase is talking to the PCs. He can Tactics. The Maestro attacks from the dais, using his
hear anything uttered in the library. desk and chair for cover whenever possible; if any PCs
Development. Once the Maestro receives three true near the stairs, he takes to the air, flying up to the ceiling
answers to his questions, he says, “Well, you seem and to the other end of the chamber.
interesting at least. You may enter.” He then opens the The swarm of penguins toboggan down the stairs and
wall of force that otherwise blocks the way to Area 10. toward the PCs to engage them in melee. The Codex forces
If the PCs lie to him (which he can unerringly detect), the Maestro to fight to the death, though the PCs can
he calls them on it and courteously requests they don’t choose to simply knock him unconscious or otherwise
lie to him again. If they lie a second time, he admonishes incapacitate him, then deal with the cursed book.
them for doing so and again politely asks for the truth. If Treasure. In one of the drawers of the desk is a pearl of
they lie a third time, he says “Oh, don’t be so boorish.” and power and a tome of clear thought, whose magic has been
summons a magma mephit into the chamber to attack expended.
them. Once it’s dispatched, The Maestro says, “Well, that To save the tracking of the passage of years in order to
was interesting at least. I guess you might as well come determine when the tome’s magic returns, you can instead
in,” then opens the barrier to Area 10. have it restored at a certain PC level. Once the tome is
identified, have a player roll a d20 and consult the “Tome’s
10. THE ICECARVED BABBLETORIUM Magic Returns” table; the result determines what level the
PCs need to achieve in order for the magic to return:
The floors, the curving walls, and the thirty-foot-high
ceiling of this chamber seem to be fashioned from carved The Tome’s Magic Returns
ice. Despite that, though, the temperature in the room
d20 Information Learned
is comfortable. Faintly glowing runes shine through
the layer of ice on the floor. To the northeast, a pair of 1-12 Level 11
curved staircases lead up a twenty-foot-high, circular 13-17 Level 10
stone dais, atop which is a large desk covered with scrolls, 18-19 Level 9
quills and inkwells, and other scribal equipment. A small,
20 Level 8
narrow‑framed creature with a disproportionally large
head dressed in what looks like well-tailored finery sits in
a massive chair behind the desk, facing the entrance. He
stares unblinking at a huge book resting open in front of Concluding the
him. Arrayed in front of the desk on the dais is a flock of
black and white birds standing unnervingly motionless.
If the Maestro is freed from the clutches of The Mardom
Codex, the fey is grateful and rewards the PCs with the
Eternal Ice. The ice in this room is “eternal ice,” a information they came to the Pavilion seeking, as well as 5
magical substance that never melts. spell scrolls of their choice (up to 4th level). The Maestro
The Codex. The book on the desk is The Mardom Codex. It can also become a powerful ally and valuable source of
is magical, cursed, and currently attuned to the Maestro; information going forward, provided the PCs can meet
the only way to free the fey is to destroy the book. While the his price.
Maestro is within 30 feet of the book, it casts counterspell as If the Maestro is killed, the PCs are free to search
a reaction to any spell directly targeting the Maestro. through the library and can discover the information they
The book can be destroyed with any slashing or seek with a few hours of searching. If you don’t wish the
bludgeoning melee weapon. It has AC 10 and 15 hit points. PCs to have access to this vast trove of information in
Creatures. On the dais are the Maestro—a veritigibbet perpetuity, the Maestro’s library could have been warded
(see Tome of Beasts 3)—and a swarm of penguins (see against unauthorized access, making all of the books
Tome of Beasts 3); the swarm is weakened and only has 90 magically unintelligible to the reader, or the Pavilion could
hit points. sink shortly after the Maestro’s demise (but after the PCs
The Maestro attempts to parley with the PCs, trying get the information they seek).
to extract any information or knowledge from them that



Adventure Background into the jungle and are desperate to find a solution to the
situation they find themselves in.
The small, riverside jungle village of Bukofa is being
menaced by hostile fey. At first, it was just a herd of tiny
rainforest fey playing mischievous pranks on the villagers Adventure Hook
who were felling trees in the jungle. Now, something much The following can used to start the PCs on this adventure:
worse is killing—and eating—Bukofa’s inhabitants.
• Vexed Villagers. The PCs hear of the plight of Bukofa
The people of Bukofa have long relied on the jungle for
when they’re traveling in the area or when word of the
their livelihoods. They hunt deer and other forest animals
ogre attacks reaches whatever city they’re in.
for food and clothing, harvest fruits, nuts, and plants to eat
and for medicinal purposes, and gather wood to build their • Jungle Search. The PCs need—or are hired to retrieve—a
homes and to make crafts. rare plant needed for a spell component or alchemical
In the past few months, as Bukofa’s population swelled, project. The plant only grows in the jungle near the
the inhabitants began to chop down trees and burn back village of Bukofa. On their way there, they either pass
the jungle to grow crops and graze cattle. One of these through Bukofa, or someone from the village sees them
trees belonged to a dryad named Delande. She became so and flags them down. (This hook could also pair with the
distraught when her mahogany tree was cut down by the “Mercy Mission” hook from “The Pavilion of Whispers
villagers that she threw herself into the river and drowned. and Wonderment,” if you ran that adventure with your
Delande’s sister, Aminata, was enraged by her tragic PCs.)
death and sent a message to King Kashama, telling him • Explorer Escort. The PCs are hired to search for a group
that the jungle was being threatened and beseeching him to of missing explorers, who went searching for a rumored
intervene. In response, the fey lord sent a herd of aziza to lost dungeon in the jungle near Bukofa.
make life difficult for the loggers by befuddling them with Once in Bukofa, Mayifa, the leader of the village elders,
magic and stealing their tools. This worked for a while, but explains what has been happening, from the fey pranks
when the logging resumed it became clear to Aminata that to the recent slaughter of her people. The villagers are
more drastic measures were needed, so she appealed to King understandably now too frightened to hunt or gather food
Kashama again. This time, he commanded a rainforest ogre in the rainforest, and, as a result, their supplies are running
named Korug to travel there to frighten the villagers. dangerously low. She begs the adventurers to put a stop
Since then, the fearsome ogre has been regularly to the depredations of the fey before Bukofa’s inhabitants
sneaking into Bukofa to murder and consume its people. starve. Mayifa believes the hostile fey are living at Emerald
Unsurprisingly, the villagers are now too scared to venture Cascade, a waterfall a few miles from Bukofa.


Into the Jungle Stream. Fed by the waterfall, the slow-moving stream
that flows through the grove from north to south is 10 feet
To reach Emerald Cascade, the PCs must head north into wide and 10 feet deep. Creatures who swim or fall into
the hot and humid tropical rainforest, following a small the stream attract the attention of a swarm of quippers,
stream. As they trek through the steamy jungle, mosquitos arriving in 1d3 rounds.
and other biting insects buzz around their heads, colorful
parrots squawk at them as they fly past, and monkeys 1. CASCADE APPROACH
chatter to each other in the canopy overhead.
After an hour’s walk, the PCs spot a tiny musk deer Following the stream has brought you to an enchanting
(see Tome of Beasts 3) on the opposite side of the stream. forest glade of tall mahogany and kapok trees. Colorful
The musk deer has been sent as an animal messenger (as the blossoms and ripe fruits grow on the bushes, the sweet
spell) by the aziza (see Tome of Beasts 3) living at Emerald smell of flowers permeates the air, and the sound of a
Cascade with instructions to warn two-legged intruders waterfall can be heard through the trees.
away from the grove.
The animal has reddish-brown fur marked with white This is where the PCs arrive in the grove if they’ve been
spots and lacks antlers; it stands barely one‑and‑a‑half feet walking upstream from Bukofa.
tall at the shoulder. The deer opens its mouth to speak to Creatures. An aziza with wings is hiding in the branches
the adventurers, revealing a pair of four-inch-long canine of a mahogany tree on the eastern side of the stream. She
teeth. In a high-pitched voice it says, “I’d turn back now if I watches the PCs’ approach, then gives the call of a tree
were you. Only pain and suffering lie ahead.” frog to alert her companions in the anthills and treehouses
Once it has delivered its message, it speeds off into the (Areas 2-4). If she is spotted—which can be done with
undergrowth. The PCs can travel the last two miles to a successful DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) check—she
Emerald Cascade without further incident. retreats to Area 3 to warn Kabou, the aziza leader.

Emerald Cascade 2. GIANT ANTHILLS

Located five miles upstream from Bukofa, Emerald Three roughly shaped pyramids of earth stand in a row
Cascade is a grove of tall mahogany and kapok (silk cotton) between two tall silk-cotton trees. Each mound is around
trees grouped around the beautiful waterfall which gives ten feet in diameter at the base and nearly fifteen feet tall.
the glade its name. The borders between the material Several openings—each a foot and a half high—lead inside
plane and the fey realms are thin at Emerald Cascade, and the mounds at different heights.
visitors that cross over are common.
The fey grove has long been home to the dryad Aminata
These large anthills have been abandoned by their
who lives in a mahogany tree growing above the waterfall.
original occupants and are now inhabited by aziza. Inside
Following her appeal to King Kashama—a rainforest
each mound, a network of 1-foot-wide tunnels connects
king fey lord (see Tome of Beasts 3)—the dryad now shares
several tiny earthen chambers, each 3 to 5 feet in diameter.
Emerald Cascade with a herd of aziza and a rainforest
The three anthills are connected underground by more
ogre, as well as several other dangerous creatures.
tunnels, allowing the aziza to travel between them unseen.
Trees. The towering mahogany and kapok trees are
The anthills have AC 17 and 40 hit points.
between 100 and 150 feet tall and have 10-foot‑diameter
Creatures. There are five aziza—two with wings
trunks. Smaller palm trees are 30 feet tall with
(females) and three without (males)—in the anthills. With
3-foot‑diameter trunks. Trees can be climbed with a
a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check, as the PCs
successful DC 12 Strength (Athletics) check.
approach, they catch sight of a tiny fey peering out at them
Foliage. A huge variety of tropical bushes and other
from one of the tunnels.
plants grow in the grove; many have colorful flowers
The shy fey are curious (rather than hostile) about the
or fruits and provide concealment. Roll 1d6 any time a
PCs’ presence in the grove, but if a familiar, a wild-shaped
creature touches one of the bushes; on a 1, the plant has
druid, or a reduced-size PC enters one of the anthills—or
poisonous leaves, and the creature must succeed on a DC 11
a PC pokes a sword or the like inside or otherwise acts
Constitution saving throw or take 3 (1d6) poison damage.
aggressively—the aziza react angrily and attack.
Jungle Floor. Vines and roots trail along the jungle floor,
PCs who can speak sylvan can encourage the aziza to
offering an increased risk of tripping. Creatures that move
emerge from their hiding places by succeeding on a DC
at their normal speed must succeed on a DC 8 Dexterity
15 Charisma (Persuasion) check. The aziza insist that the
saving throw or fall prone; creatures moving at half speed
adventurers speak to their leader, Kabou, who lives in one
automatically succeed on the saving throw.
of the treehouses in Area 3.


3. SILKHOME Treasure. Inside the treehouse are any remaining terror
melons and two shiny red berries; one acts as potion of
This huge kapok tree towers over a hundred feet above the diminution, the other acts as a potion of growth.
jungle floor and has large buttress-like roots that extend Development. If the PCs attempt to parley with the
thirty feet up the trunk and radiate out in all directions. The aziza, Kabou is willing to talk but insists on doing this
trunk and its major branches are covered in large conical from the wooden platform in front of her treehouse,
thorns. Miniature treehouses are nestled in the branches which requires the PCs to climb, levitate, or fly up the
sixty feet from the ground. tree to have the conversation. Kabou (who can speak
Common) outlines the events described in the Adventure
The aziza have built three tiny treehouses in the Background, admitting that things may have gone too far.
branches of this tree, which they call Silkhome. Each The aziza hate the murderous Korug—the rainforest ogre
treehouse is 4 feet square and 2 feet tall and surrounded by (see Tome of Beasts 3)—but are not prepared to go against
a 2-foot-wide wooden platform. Aziza-sized rope bridges the will of King Kashama. She requests that the PCs
connect the three dwellings. persuade the dryad to call off the ogre.
Climbing up to the treehouses requires a successful
DC 12 Strength (Athletics) check. For every 10 feet a 4. BREEZEBOUGH
creature climbs along the trees, it must succeed on a DC
10 Dexterity saving throw or take 1 (1d3) piercing damage This 100-foot-tall kapok tree (called Breezebough by the
from the sharp thorns on the trunk. Aziza and their giant aziza) has two treehouses built in its branches, 50 feet
tree frogs are used to climbing kapok trees and can avoid above the ground.
the thorns automatically. • Creatures. Four aziza—two with wings (females) and
Creatures. Six aziza—three with wings (females) and two without (males)—make their home in this tree.
three without (males)— live in the treehouses; each male Two giant tree frogs (see aziza stat block) cling to the
aziza rides a giant tree frog (see aziza stat block). trunk nearby. The aziza do not attack unless provoked
Their leader is Kabou; she uses the same statistics as the but reinforce the rest of the herd in Area 3 if they are
other aziza, but she has 21 hit points. having trouble driving the PCs away.
Tactics. The aziza seek to confound the PCs and drive
them away from the grove, but do not shy away from using 5. FALLEN TREES
deadly force if the PCs kill one or more of their number. If
combat ensues, the three females take to the air, preferring This open area is littered with fallen trees; their rotting
to stay out of the range of the PCs and use their shortbows trunks are covered with lichen and vines. Here and there,
to rain their poisoned arrows down on them. The males colorful orchids have sprouted from the remains of these
each drop one terror melon (see below) on their first turn fallen giants.
of combat, then mount their giant tree frogs and use their
glide ability to remain aloft (also using their shortbows Creatures. A giant walking stick (see Tome of Beasts 3)
from above) for as long as they can. hides among the fallen trees. It leaps up onto its six long,
If the battle goes badly for the aziza, their comrades in spindly legs to attack when the PCs approach.
the anthills (Area 2) and the other treehouses (Area 4) can
come to their aid. 6. OVERGROWN RUINS
Terror Melons. In addition to their standard weapons,
these aziza have four terror melons, 5-inch-diameter Ancient stone ruins covered in vines, moss, and other
psychotropic fruits from the fey realms. They drop them foliage lie here in a roughly semicircular pattern, half-buried
onto intruders beneath the tree by making a ranged in the undergrowth.
weapon attack with a +4 bonus.
On a hit, the melon explodes, spraying mind-warping The ruins stand from 3–4 feet tall. Cutting back the
juice in a 5-foot radius. Each creature in the area must foliage enables the PCs to uncover a series of worn
succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or drop pictographs depicting tiny fey creatures (aziza) teaching
whatever it is holding and become frightened for 1 minute. human jungle dwellers how to make fire and which plants
While frightened, a creature must take the Dash action to harvest for food and medicine.
and move away from the point of impact on each of its Creatures. A tripwire patch (see Tome of Beasts 3) lurks
turns. A frightened creature can repeat the save at the end among the tangle of vines and other plants inside the
of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success. semicircle of stone blocks, attacking any PC that comes
within range of its Tripwire Vine (50 feet).


Treasure. A successful DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) 10. ROCKY OUTCROPPING
check spots a pointed, oval +1 shield covered in zebra hide
which lies among the foliage around the southernmost Thick, creeping vines decorated with dozens of
stone block. brightly‑colored flowers trail down the sides of this large
rock formation. Ripe orange fruit grows on some of the
vines hanging down the western side of the outcropping.

A once-mighty fallen tree covered in moss and lichen The vines are strong enough to support the weight
forms a makeshift bridge across the stream. of PCs climbing to the top of the rock formation. The
climb is 40 feet and requires a successful DC 10 Strength
The log bridge is 50 feet long and 10 feet wide and is (Athletics) check, made with advantage.
treacherous to cross. A creature attempting to use the The top of the outcropping is covered in foliage, which is
slippery bridge must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving considered difficult terrain. A 5-foot-diameter hole in the
throw or fall into the water below. ground on the western side of the stream looks down into
Creatures. One swarm of quippers always stays close the Hidden Cave (Area 12).
to the bridge; they have learned this is a good place to Creatures. The orange fruit serves to lure prey toward
find food. If a creature falls in, a second swarm arrives in the monkey’s bane vine (see Tome of Beasts 3) that lies in
1d3 rounds. wait amid the foliage. The vine lashes out with its tendrils
at any creature attempting to climb within 20 feet of it.
8. DEADLY CLEARING Several monkey skeletons tangled in the foliage—previous
victims of the plant monster—offer a warning to climbers.
The forest floor here is strewn with dead leaves in a riot of
autumnal colors: reds, oranges, browns, and yellows.

Creatures. What looks like a pile of dead leaves here is A huge mahogany tree, over a hundred feet tall, with great
actually a leavesrot ooze (see Tome of Beasts 3), which lurks buttress-like roots, towers over the outcropping. An eagle-
in this area, ready to ambush any creature who ventures sized finch with mottled black, gray, and white plumage
too close. perches in its branches.

9. WATERFALL AND POOL Creatures. This mighty tree is home to the dryad
Aminata who watches over Emerald Cascade (see
A waterfall tumbles down forty feet from a rocky Adventure Background). The bird is a moon weaver (see
outcropping covered in lush vegetation into a deep pool Tome of Beasts 3) named Tayo and an ally of Aminata’s. Tayo
below. A sparkling rainbow forms in the spray where it calls out to the dryad as soon as he spots the PCs.
catches the sunlight overhead. Development. When the PCs approach, Aminata
appears from her tree and ask them why they have come
A successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check spots to Emerald Cascade. She is prepared to listen to what
the opening to a cave (Area 12) behind the rushing water. they have to say, as long as they are sympathetic to the
Pool. The pool is 15 feet deep and is home to two destruction of the forest by the villagers and Delande’s
swarms of quippers. The hungry fish attack any creature tragic death.
that enters the water. The PCs can persuade Aminata to meet with Mayifa,
Treasure. A woodcutter’s axe and a set of carpenter’s the leader of Bukofa’s elders, with a successful DC 15
tools lie at the bottom of the pool, stolen from the loggers Charisma (Deception or Persuasion) check; consider
and dropped there by the aziza. granting advantage on the check (or waiving the need for a
roll) if the players roleplay the conversation well.
If the PCs win Aminata over, she tells them she doesn’t
think Korug, the rainforest ogre, will listen to reason. The
adventurers must slay the monstrous creature if they wish
to put a stop to its murderous ways.
If the PCs fail to convince Aminata to negotiate, or
upset her, the dryad orders them to leave her grove. If they
don’t acquiesce, she attacks, calling upon Tayo and two
awakened trees to defend her.


12. HIDDEN CAVE Concluding
Dank and foul-smelling, this cave is lit only by a beam of the Adventure
sunlight coming through the five-foot-diameter hole in the
If the PCs convince Aminata to meet with Mayifa, they
ceiling forty feet above. A fire pit smolders in the center
return to Bukofa to fetch the elder and escort her to
of the chamber and a heap of thick animal skins is piled
Emerald Cascade. Provided the rainforest ogre has been
up near the wall opposite the entrance. Numerous human dealt with, Aminata and Mayifa discuss matters long
bones lie strewn across the floor. into the night before eventually coming to an agreement
on how the fey and the villagers can live alongside each
Creatures. This cave is home to Korug, the fearsome other in peace. Kabou and the other aziza elect to stay at
rainforest ogre, and his giant boar companion. The Emerald Cascade, where they live happily, continuing to
rainforest ogre wears gruesome jewelry made from the play tricks on the villagers and occasionally helping them
bones of his victims. Both creatures attack when they out with their magic.
catch sight of the PCs. If the PCs kill the rainforest ogre, the villagers are
Treasure. Inside an unlocked wooden chest in the greatly appreciative, but if the PCs are also unable to
eastern part of the cavern is: 227 sp, 90 gp, an ebony convince Aminata to meet with Mayifa (or they kill the
headdress (worth 25 gp), a leopard skin cloak (worth 50 dryad), the threat to Bukofa won’t end—because these
gp), an ivory bangle carved with a dozen elephants (worth actions infuriate King Kashama, who then continues
100 gp), a gold toe ring (worth 75 gp), and a silver amulet to send more and more fey until the last few surviving
studded with blue topazes (worth 150 gp). villagers are driven away.
These items all once belonged to the slain villagers,
but, if the PCs kill the rainforest ogre, the
mourning families all insist that the
PCs keep it all in return for slaying
the monster.


Safe and Sound

Adventure Background Adventure Hook

Bay’s Burrow is a stopping-point for merchants and others Sarra Voz hires the PCs to travel to Bay’s Burrow, the
traveling along the major trade route that runs through the last known location of a shipment she has been eagerly
city. Its economy is reliant on the constant flow of people awaiting. The shipment never arrived, and her caravanner,
coming and going, but that is currently threatened by a Perinigan, has not been heard from since. She offers the
creature that has begun terrorizing travelers in the area. PCs 200 gp each if they return with news of her shipment’s
A catamount has claimed the area north and east of whereabouts—or 400 gp each if they return with the
Bay’s Burrow as its territory—including a portion of the shipment and/or Perinigan. She describes Perinigan as a
trade route—and has carved a lair into the rock and earth half-elf with long red hair and a long scar along the left side
of the foothills. While a catamount would normally ignore of his face.
the townsfolk and travelers in favor of game, it recently Using the above hook, you can choose one of the
birthed a pair of kits, causing it to become far more following identities for Sarra Voz, which best suits your
aggressive and territorial. PCs’ motivations:
This new danger has disrupted the travel and trade • Exotic Clothier. Sarra Voz is a clothier of fine and exotic
through Bay’s Burrow, as the catamount has taken to fabrics. The shipment she’s expecting is Ettercap silks,
attacking caravans, killing horses, and generally making it which is highly fashionable this year.
incredibly hazardous to move about the region. • An Herbalist in Need. Sarra Voz is an herbalist awaiting
a shipment of rare plants and herbs that she needs to
treat an illness in her town. The disease has resisted
magical curing, but she’s figured out a medicinal
solution and desperately needs that shipment. The town
council provides the funds to hire the PCs.
• Noble Love. Sarra Voz is a minor noble who has fallen
in love with a caravanner she met while traveling. In
this case, the shipment is all of Perinigan’s worldly
goods, which he’s transporting from his original
home to Sarra’s city so that they can be together. For
this scenario, Sarra only offers the 400 gp option and
Perinigan’s return is not optional.


Most of the inns in the city are currently full due to the
The walled city of Bay’s Burrow is a bustling and busy place backlog of travelers, but Fearne’s Table still has some
nestled in the foothills of an arid mountain range, full of rooms available. If the PCs begin asking around about
shops, restaurants, and inns. Perinigan, a young woman says she noticed a man fitting
his description drowning his sorrows there.
A tavern and inn of decent size and repute, Fearne’s
While heading south toward Bay’s Burrow, a mile north
Table is filled nearly to the brim with patrons. When the
of the city the PCs come upon an overturned cart. Two
PCs enter, the bartender, Gideon, apologizes for the wait
horses, still attached to the cart, are dead, with long,
and explains that, with the roads being unsafe, quite a lot
bloody gashes in their sides. But most striking is an
of visitors are stranded in Bay’s Burrow while they adjust
enormous rift in hard-packed dirt and gravel of the road.
their travel plans.
The yawning fissure stretches 30 feet long by 15 feet wide
Perinigan. Perinigan, the caravanner, is one of the many
by 10 feet deep, starting somewhere off-road and coming
guests at Fearne’s Table. He is sitting at a table alone,
to an end in the middle of the thoroughfare.
nursing an ale and feeling sorry for himself. He’s easily
Any PC who wishes to investigate the area may make a
recognizable by his red hair and large scar that pulls the
Wisdom (Survival) check; consult the “The Cart and the
corner of his mouth down in a perpetual half-scowl.
Fissure” table to determine what they learn:
If the PCs tell Perinigan they’ve been sent by Sarra, he’s
happy to have them join him; otherwise, offering to buy
The Cart and the Fissure him a drink or a successful DC 13 Charisma (Persuasion)
DC Information Learned check makes him willing to talk. He has been in Bay’s
8 The cart’s tracks indicate that the cart was Burrow for several days now, waiting for the roads to
heading north, out of town. Bootprints lead away become safe to travel, and he’s losing his metaphorical
from the cart, south toward town. The prints are shirt hiring round-the-clock security to guard the caravan
small, as if made by a child or perhaps one of the while he waits. He’s heard that a giant cat has been
smaller races. attacking caravans and travelers on the road, but doesn’t
10 The horses’ wounds were made by a creature know much more than that. He suggests, however, that
with vicious claws and teeth, like a mountain the PCs should talk to Terran Teakettle—and gestures to a
lion—but larger. halfling sitting at the bar; his cart was attacked yesterday.
If the PCs propose that they escort him along his route,
12 The wounds were inflicted within the last day or so.
Perinigan refuses; he says he’s not going anywhere until
14 The horses were running in the direction of the that cat has been dealt with, and he also refuses to leave his
fissure, but turned sharply to avoid falling into it goods behind. Likewise, he won’t allow the PCs to take the
and tipped the cart (and themselves) over in their cart to its destination without him.
panic and haste. The fissure is clearly impossible to Terran Teakettle. Terran Teakettle is a halfling merchant
miss, so, strange as it may be, it seems as if it must with a mop of dark hair and piercing green eyes. His cart
have appeared suddenly.
was attacked and his horses were killed yesterday when
20 In addition to the bootprints and other tracks, he attempted to leave Bay’s Burrow despite the risk (see
there are also very faint signs of paw prints that the “On the Outskirts” section). He got a good look at the
seem to belong to some sort of large cat creature, creature, seeing as it attacked his horses right in front of
and judging from the evidence on display it seems him. It was an enormous cat, like a cougar, but far bigger
likely that this large cat was the culprit. (Having than any cougar he’s ever seen, though it had similar
found the catamount’s tracks already, the PCs coloring and appearance.
can skip ahead directly to the “Tracking the
Even more strangely, the earth around the creature
Catamount” section.)
seemed to react to its presence, shaking as if from an
earthquake and splitting open in a huge fissure right in
The Cart’s Contents. The cart contains five sacks of flour, front of his panicked horses. He thanks every god great and
three broken casks of wine, and three crates filled with small that he was able to walk away with but a few scrapes
common clothes and linen fabric. and bruises—his life isn’t worth the goods in the cart,
though he mourns the loss of his horses, Cinder and Blaze.


Tracking the Creature Tactics. The catamount initially focuses on attacking
the wolves, thinking them the bigger threat. Once the
The PCs can return to the site of Terran’s overturned cart wolves are killed, the catamount turns on the PCs. If only
and attempt to find any tracks the creature might have left. one PC remains above the fissure, the catamount attacks
Any PC who wishes to look for tracks may make a them; if more than one PC remains aboveground, or if the
Wisdom (Survival) check; consult the “Cat Tracks” table PCs manage to escape the fissure before the catamount
to determine how successful they are at following the trail. has downed its current target, the catamount flees back
The DCs required to follow the tracks has been reduced to its den, preferring to fight the PCs on its turf; it uses its
to reflect the fact that the PCs now know what they’re Fissure and Stone Wall abilities to allow itself to escape.
looking for. Fresh Tracks. After the encounter, the catamount’s
tracks are easily followed back to its lair, requiring no
Cat Tracks ability check.
DC Tracking Success
12 The tracker finds, then loses, the trail. It ADVENTURER IN CARAVANNER’S CLOTHING
takes 1d6 hours to search for the trail again, The PCs may think to set a trap for the catamount, using
during which all of the PCs suffer one level of a fake caravan or the like to lure the creature into coming
exhaustion. After the 1d6 hours pass, the tracker out of hiding to attack. If they try this gambit, once they
must make another Wisdom (Survival) check, get a half-mile or so past the location of the attack on
this time with disadvantage. If the result is 16 or Terran’s cart, run the same encounter as described above
higher, they find the trail again; if the result is in “Failure to Track,” but without the wolves. Or, if the
lower, the trail is cold. Proceed to the “Failure to PCs go to extensive lengths to ensure they attract the
Track” section. catamount’s attention, such as feigning injury, producing
14 The tracker finds, then loses, the trail. The PC the smells of a fresh kill, or the sounds of an injured prey
must make another Wisdom (Survival) check, animal, keep the wolves in the encounter.
this time with disadvantage. If the result is 16 or
higher, they find the trail again and can follow
it all the way to the lair; if the result is lower, the The Catamount’s Den
trail is cold. Proceed to the “Failure to Track” The den is a series of tunnels carved into the southern face
section. of a hillside an hour’s walk from the main road. It consists
20+ The tracker expertly guides the PCs to the of a series of passages and cavern-like chambers, crafted
creature’s lair. Along the way, they also find the by the catamount (see Tome of Beasts 3) itself. Most of the
bootprints of several small humanoid creatures. areas were only used by the catamount temporarily as it
(The goblins in Area 6.) expanded its lair and now lie empty and abandoned.
The den has several common features:
• Pitch Black. The interior has no lighting of any kind; as
such, it is considered complete darkness.
If the PCs lose the trail and cannot get back on track (or
• Strangely Smooth. The lair was created by the
find it in the first place), bring the trail to them instead.
catamount’s innate ability to carve rock and earth.
Creatures. Once the PCs’ efforts to follow the trail stall
The floor, ceiling, and walls are all smooth and nearly
out, a pack of five wolves attacks. After three rounds—or
tubular and show no sign of being hewn by hand.
after one wolf has been killed (whichever comes first)—the
catamount (see Tome of Beasts 3) joins the fray, attracted by • Tall Ceilings. The ceilings are all 15 feet tall.
the sounds of predators in its territory.
When the catamount approaches, any PCs with a passive
Perception of 14 or higher notice the broad-shouldered
beast before it uses its Fissure ability to open a rift in The scent of musk assaults you as you enter the mouth of
the ground beneath their feet; PCs who don’t notice the the cave. Ahead, the tunnel continues on into darkness. It is
catamount must make the Dexterity saving throw against completely, eerily silent—and utterly dark and black.
falling into the fissure with disadvantage.
The main tunnel is approximately 15 feet wide at its
narrowest. It winds into the darkness of the mountainside.


This large chamber smells of stale musk and a slight hint of When the PCs pass the pit trap and enter this portion of the
rot. Some old bones are scattered about, long-ago stripped tunnel, they can make a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check.
of their flesh, and there are tufts of gold and brown fur that On a success, they hear the sound of hushed bickering from
have collected at the edges of the room. up ahead, and any PC that speaks goblin recognizes it as
that language, though they can’t quite make out what’s
This oblong chamber, which was the original cave carved being said beyond the words “gonna wait”; on a result of
by the catamount, measures roughly 30 feet by 55 feet. 18 or higher, they are able to determine that the bickering
is coming from the goblin war band (see Area 6) arguing
about how or when to proceed against the catamount,
since their scout Brux has not returned.
This portion of the hallway widens slightly, like a bulge in
a weakened vein. You see more detritus of bones and fur, 5. ANOTHER OLD DEN
and, ahead, you can see that the cavern continues north
then bends westward. The room holds nothing of interest and is almost identical
to Area 2.

The floor in the center of the room is thin and easily

broken. Creatures weighing more than 100 lbs. (including 6. FALSE DEN
their gear) must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw This room is also very similar to Area 2, except for its
when they enter the space; on a failure, the false floor goblin occupants.
breaks beneath them in a 5-foot square, and they fall Creatures. A war band of eight goblins huddle
30 feet into the pit below, taking 10 (3d6) bludgeoning together in this room, arguing about whether or not they
damage from the fall and landing prone. should attack the catamount now or wait. They are not
To climb out of the pit, a creature must succeed on immediately hostile, but fight if attacked.
a DC 18 Strength (Athletics) check; using a rope and
grappling hook or other climbing gear grants advantage
on the roll. If more than one PC avoids falling into the pit
and can lower a rope, together, with 10 minutes of work,
they can help any fallen compatriots escape the trap.
The pit spans a 20-foot square in the center of the
room. The catamount can pass through this area without
triggering the trap.


If the PCs manage to reduce the catamount to 0 hit
points when they encounter it outside its lair, have
the catamount stabilize at 1 hit point instead of dying
and allow it to flee back to its den to lick its wounds;
if pursued, it aggressively uses its Fissure and Stone
Wall abilities to allow itself to escape. If the PCs pursue
it immediately, they find it in Area 10, at half-health. If
the PCs took a short or long rest during their pursuit,
however, the catamount does as well—and thus when
the PCs find it in its den, it is at full health.


When the PCs enter this room, the goblins draw their 10. NEST
weapons and back against the southern wall as far from
the PCs as they can get. A successful DC 14 Charisma The cavern widens ahead, opening into an enormous
(Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion) check convinces chamber. At the far western end sits a large stone, bowl-
the goblins to put away their weapons and talk. The leader shaped nest. The bowl is formed of the same stone as the
of the band identifies herself as Herx. floor, in one continuous piece. The bowl looks to be lined
Development. The goblins are part of a hunting with fur, and two newly-born kits rest within, so young that
party there to kill the catamount and claim the lair for their eyes are still shut. Lying in front of the stone nest and
themselves. One of their member, Brux, went ahead to feasting on the carcass of a goblin is an enormous catlike
scout the den (see Area 10), and they are waiting for him to creature with gold and brown fur.
return before making their final push. A successful DC 18
Charisma (Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion) check The lip of the stone nest rises 5 feet off the ground, and
is necessary to convince the goblins to fight alongside the interior depression is 2 feet deep. The kits within are
the PCs; otherwise they are content—now that the newborns and defenseless; at this young age, they’re Small
brave adventurers are here—to wait for them to kill the creatures, just over 2 feet in length.
catamount and then claim the lair for themselves. The goblin carcass is that of Brux, the scout mentioned
Treasure. Along with the gear listed in their stat block, in Area 6.
the goblins each carry 15 cp. Creatures. As soon as the PCs enter this room, the
catamount (see Tome of Beasts 3) poises itself to attack.
7. WASTE ROOM Tactics. The catamount’s primary concern is the safety
of its kits. It attacks whatever creature moves closest to
While the ground has been mostly firm, hard-packed earth
the nest and uses its Control Earth ability to inhibit any
elsewhere in the den, in this chamber the dirt is loose and intruders from reaching the kits.
clearly has been disturbed with some frequency. A slight If the catamount’s health is reduced by half (55 hit points
acrid scent fills the air, sharper than the scent of musk or lower if it started the combat with full health, 25 hit
you’ve detected thus far. points or lower if it started the combat with half health), it
uses its Fissure ability to create a rift between the intruders
This chamber is simply the catamount’s “litter box,” and the kits, then leaps across it and attempts to lure the
though since it can literally move earth at will, it buries its PCs out of the den and back out into the wilderness.
urine and feces thoroughly. Diplomacy. The catamount is a beast, so PCs may
attempt to cast spells such as speak with animals to attempt
8. YET ANOTHER OLD DEN to resolve the situation peacefully. It is intelligent enough
to be able to reason, but its instincts are currently driving
Another old den, mostly identical to Area 2, but the it to protect its young at all costs. Because of this, any
southwestern corner of the chamber shows sign of attempt to reason with the catamount requires a successful
collapse, as if the catamount had been trying to tunnel DC 18 Charisma (Deception or Persuasion) or Wisdom
further westward, but the earth was too unstable. (Animal Handling) check, made with disadvantage—
This empty cavern once served as the catamount’s unless the PCs demonstrate any magic or abilities that
primary nesting area, but has since been abandoned. . show that they too are capable of manipulating earth. If
there is any attempt to use Charisma (Intimidation), the
9. FUNNEL catamount attacks. If the PCs don’t offer a reasonable
solution as part of their entreaty, the attempt at diplomacy
The tunnel widens to a bulb, with the only exit leading to
automatically fails, and the catamount attacks.
the west to Area 10.

the Adventure
The adventure concludes when the catamount is killed or
is otherwise no longer a threat to the area.
If the situation is resolved peacefully and the PCs
convince the catamount to relocate and/or provide it
with ways to protect its kits and survive without harming
townsfolk, the catamount considers the PCs friends
for life. If the PCs ever encounter the creature again, it


remembers them and greets them (over)enthusiastically at 3 months, they use the statistics for a giant badger;
like a lost pet being reunited with its person. at 6 months, they use the statistics for a brown bear.
If any of the goblins remain alive, they move into the Once the kits are roughly 1 year of age, they mature into
den if the catamount is either killed or removed, claiming adult catamounts (and then use the full catamount stat
the tunnels as their new home. After a week, a clan of 30 block) and become too large to keep—and their instincts
goblins takes up residence there. The goblins are wary of drive them to hunt, establish territory, and build a den.
being too much of a threat to Bay’s Burrow, as they don’t Alternatively, there is a market for two such kits, if the PCs
want the wrath of the city—or adventurers—brought know where to look.
down upon them, but they attack lone travelers when the When the catamount has been dealt with, Perinigan is
opportunity arises, and occasionally raid caravans on the thankful to the PCs for making the roads safe for travel
trade route. again. If they offer to accompany him back to Sarra,
The catamount kits are too young to survive on their he happily accepts the company and starts off the next
own; if left behind in the den, they starve to death in morning. Terran also accompanies Perinigan—the two
a manner of days—if the goblins don’t kill them first. have hit it off over the past few days of sharing drinks and
If taken from the den, the kits can be hand-reared and commiserating and have been discussing the possibility of
relocated elsewhere once they are old enough to hunt on merging their two businesses.
their own. Particularly bold adventurers may attempt to
keep the catamounts as pets or animal companions. If
kept as animal companions, they are completely helpless
for a week, after which they use the statistics for a badger;


Lord Gorgo’s Keep

Adventure Background In truth, Gelarien is a fake name, and the wizard was
once wronged by Gorgo, and her true wish is that the
Spiteful Keep sits atop a small peak near a trade rode, amid
PCs go there and will kill the ogre, who will not view an
a small forest. It is the home of an ogre artisan of the arcane
uninvited visit kindly.
who self-styles himself as “Lord” Gorgo. Only the bravest
or most desperate dare to seek audience with the ogre.
Spiteful Keep
Adventure Hook This keep is the home of Lord Gorgo, a cunning artisan
ogre (see Tome of Beasts 3). The fortress is quite old, but well-
The following can used to start the PCs on this adventure:
maintained and well-fortified, with a curtain wall bolstered
• To Lift a Curse. A local knight named Veladra is cursed. by five round towers and a gatehouse.
She purchased a sword from Gorgo, years past, when she Approaching the Keep. As the PCs approach the keep
was an adventurer. Gorgo recently sought her aid and within sight of any of its towers, they hear the sound of a
was rebuffed. The ogre activated the curse, to make the distinctive whistle from above, clearly a signal of some kind
knight give in to his demands. Instead, she hires the PCs alerting the keep that visitors are approaching.
to take care of the problem, by killing Gorgo or bringing Keep Denizens. The keep’s denizens are utterly under
him the sword and getting him to remove the curse. the thrall of Lord Gorgo, and, indeed, they truly believe
• Vanishing Goods. Yintalyn, the head of a town council he’s a great man and a master artisan worthy of following.
at a nearby settlement, is concerned about a series of The keep denizens include: 16 hobgoblins, a bugbear, a
mysterious recent thefts. Rare and precious materials daeodon (see Tome of Beasts 3), 4 goblins, kobold ettin (see
simply vanish, disappearing from locked strongboxes Tome of Beasts 3), a dokkaebi (see Tome of Beasts 3), and Lord
in merchant wagons. There are no witnesses or clues; Gorgo himself. All of the denizens (except the goblins) are
things simply vanish. The authorities eventually realize loyal to Gorgo and won’t act contrary to his orders, even to
that all of the goods stolen are useful in magical save the life of one of their fellows.
crafting. Gorgo immediately comes under suspicion. Gorgo’s Jape. One day, years ago, Gorgo demanded that
The PCs are hired to investigate Gorgo’s keep and put a his followers always refer to him as “Lord Gorgo, my mighty
stop to these thefts. master”; he’d intended it as a jape that wouldn’t last more
• In the Market for Magic. A wizard by the name of than a day or two, but it pleased him so much he never
Gelarien is in need of a certain magic item and knows rescinded the order. As a result, any time any of the keep
that Gorgo is the only artisan skillful enough to craft denizens refer to Gorgo, they specifically use the words
such a thing. She hires the PCs to make the journey to “Lord Gorgo, my mighty master.”
Gorgo’s keep and convince the ogre to craft the item.


1. GATEHOUSE Arrowslits. The arrowslits provide the guards within
with three-quarters cover. The chamber behind each
As you approach the keep’s iron-banded, oaken gates of arrowslit contains a pair of chairs and an iron ladder
the gatehouse, a slit slides open behind a small metal grate leading to Area 15.
in the door and a pair of yellow eyes peer out from behind Inner Gate. On the northern wall of the entryway are
it. "What's your business here?” a voice demands. the inner gates that lead to the keep proper. Like the outer
gates, these are iron-banded and made of solid oak. They
Polite Approach. If the PCs are polite and present a have AC 19, 27 hit points, and a damage threshold of 10.
reasonable story for why they’re there, the guard tells The inner gates are barred on the courtyard side, requiring
them to wait there, and one of them will go see if Lord someone inside the keep—normally one of the arrowslit
Gorgo is willing to meet with them. After a long time— guards—to open them.
long enough for the PCs to start to get impatient—the
guard comes back and says, “Lord Gorgo, my mighty 2. COURTYARD
master, has agreed to an audience. Follow me.” The guard
leads the PCs to Area 9. This large, open area is mostly packed earth with a few
Aggressive Approach. If the PCs are overtly aggressive patches of scrubby grass. Outbuildings sit in the shelter of
or insulting, the guards refuse them entry; once insulted, the keep’s walls, while a covered well stands in the center of
the guards can be convinced to hear the PCs out with a the courtyard. A pile of refuse has been dumped beside the
successful DC 17 Charisma (Deception, Intimidation, north wall between the main building and the tower.
or Persuasion) check; if Charisma (Intimidation) is
attempted, the check is made with disadvantage. On a The courtyard is often unoccupied, except for Gorgo’s
failure, the guards demand they leave. pet daeodon, Gouger. The beast can usually be found in
If the PCs refuse to leave or try to attack the guards, they a wallow it has dug between the smithy (Area 4) and the
sound the alarm, which results in a volley of arrows from westernmost tower, or it is sometimes found feeding in
the guards in Area 15 and in the two southernmost towers the refuse pile on the north side of the courtyard.
(Area 3). Occasionally two or more hobgoblins from the
Inside the Gatehouse. The keep’s outer gate opens into a barracks (Area 4) can be found here training.
small chamber with arrowslits on the eastern and western Creatures. Lord Gorgo’s pet daeodon Gouger has the
walls and murder holes in the ceiling above. run of the courtyard most of the time. The daeodon is still
Creatures. Four hobgoblins are stationed here at any half wild, and only Gorgo can command the beast. He
given time—two in the main gatehouse entryway and readily attacks any creature he does not recognize, unless
one each in the chambers to the east and west, manning commanded otherwise by Gorgo—or unless that creature
the arrowslits; the latter are armed with pikes and heavy is in the company of one or more hobgoblins.
crossbows, which they use to attack hostile creatures
through the arrowslits. 3. TOWER, GROUND FLOOR
If combat ensues here, the two hobgoblins in Area 15
provide archery support from above, raining arrows down This small, round room is empty except for a narrow
through the murder holes. staircase that winds its way up the side of the tower to the
floor above.

All five of the keep’s towers are identical. The stairs wind
up to the tower’s upper level (Area 16).


If the keep’s denizens are alerted to their compatriots
being attacked—either by the alarm being sounded or A roofed, outdoor area on the north side of this stone
by the clamor of battle—they converge on the threat structure contains a forge and anvil.
and all fight to the death (except the goblins, who
surrender or flee at the first opportunity). This building houses the keep’s smithy, consisting of the
If this occurs, it is likely to go very poorly for the PCs, forge, a small storage room, and a room containing a bed
as they’re considerably outnumbered and would be and small table, where the smith sleeps and takes his meals.
fighting foes with superior fortified positioning. Creatures. Khorr, the bugbear blacksmith, is typically
found here at work in front of the forge.


Treasure. A set of smith’s tools, 50 5-pound ingots of
iron (worth 25 gp total), a sack containing 3 1-pound silver
ingots (worth 15 gp total), and a pouch containing 20 sp
and 13 gp.


This wooden building has a large set of double

doors facing the center of the courtyard. Above the
doors, you can see a block and tackle in front of an
opening into a loft above.

Creatures. This is the keep’s stables. Inside are 8 stalls,

half of them occupied by riding horses. The other stalls
are unoccupied.
Treasure. The stable holds saddles, saddlebags, and bits
and bridles for four horses.


This one-story stone building holds four bunk beds, each

with footlockers beneath them. A long table and four chairs
take up one side of the room. Two cast iron wood stoves sit
in the northeast and southeast corners.

Creatures. There are up to 8 hobgoblins here. If alerted

by an alarm or the sound of fighting, they rush to reinforce
their allies. There is a 50% chance that any hobgoblin
located here is asleep. In that case, their AC is only 13.
Treasure. In the footlockers is a total of 700 sp and
400 gp.

A large fireplace dominates the wall opposite the door.
Iron pots bubble away in the large fireplace in the southwest
A long table stretches nearly the length of the room,
corner of this room. A large, metal sink, work table and tall
surrounded by tall-backed chairs. At one end of the table
stools, and a set of shelves take up most of the space. An
sits a large, throne-like chair of wrought iron, set with
iron rack hung with various cookware, utensils, and bundles
leather cushions. A massive chandelier festooned with
of drying herbs is suspended over the table.
candles hangs above the table.

Creatures. Four goblins work here, preparing food

This room serves as a dining hall and Gorgo’s audience
for Gorgo and his followers. They won’t attack the PCs,
chamber. When Gorgo is receiving visitors, goblin
though will defend themselves; at the first opportunity,
minions bring in drinks and appetizers, then return to the
they attempt to flee through Area 8.
kitchen (Area 7).
Secret Door. A successful DC 17 Wisdom (Perception)
8. PANTRY/STORAGE check notices a secret door at the southern end of the
One side of this room is stacked with crates, barrels, and eastern wall that opens into the stairwell.
sacks, while the other is occupied by coils of rope, stacks of Audience with Gorgo. If the PCs attempt to reason
lumber, and more assorted crates and barrels. with Gorgo, he quietly listens, politely nodding. The
conversation plays out differently depending on which
adventure hook you used, but in all cases almost
This room serves as a pantry for the kitchen, containing
everything he says is a lie; the PCs can discern this with a
general staples and various beers and wines.
successful DC 17 Wisdom (Insight) check.


To Lift a Curse. Gorgo explains that he made some Gorgo’s Demeanor. If confronted with intruders,
youthful mistakes, this unpleasant situation with Veladra Gorgo’s response depends on their numbers, posture,
being one of them. He says he will gladly accede to this and attitude. He attempts to parley with intruders in the
most reasonable request. He calls out to a guard in the hopes of lulling them into a false sense of safety. If they are
hall, “Kludek, have Shovar bring me my toolbox.” openly hostile, Gorgo attacks and/or defends himself.
Vanishing Goods. Gorgo seems surprised and distressed Alertness. If the trap in Area 10 is triggered, Gorgo is
at this news and says that he’ll question his majordomo alerted to the PCs’ presence. If combat with Squib-Jib
about this immediately, as it is clearly unacceptable. He then ensues, Gorgo joins the fray after 1 round, throwing
calls out to a guard in the hall, “Kludek, have Shovar come open the door of Area 11 and activating his gem of
down here.” brightness, even if Squib-Jib is in
A Wanting Wand. Gorgo is dismayed at this news. He the line of fire.
pulls on a glove and asks to see the wand. After examining
it a moment, he says “Ah yes, this is my apprentice’s work.
I do apologize. He still has a lot to learn, it seems.” He
calls out to a guard in the hall, “Kludek, have Shovar come
down here.”
Ambush Code. “Kludek, have Shovar . . .” is code to
prepare an attack. Gorgo makes pleasant small talk while
waiting. After 5 minutes pass, the kobold ettin Squib-Jib
(see Area 10) comes barreling through the secret door at
the same time as two hobgoblins burst in through the
regular door—and combat ensues; if it does, see the
“Encountering Gorgo” sidebar.


A set of stone steps leads to the upper level of the keep.

The upper hallway stretches the length of the building.
Heavy wooden shutters cover the four windows on the
northern wall.
Magical Trap. If a creature steps into the hallway from
the stairs without first saying the words “Lord Gorgo,
my mighty master,” a bolt of lightning streaks down the
hall. Each creature in the path of the bolt must make a
DC 14 Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 22 (4d10)
lightning damage on a failed save or half as much damage
on a successful one.
Once triggered, the trap is expended and takes 10
minutes to recharge.
Trap Prevention. On the face of the top step, a
successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check notices that
the words “Say Hail” have been scratched into the stone.
Other than uttering the passphrase, the only way to
bypass the trap is to sense the magical trigger using
detect magic; if discovered in this way, a successful DC 15
Intelligence (Arcana) check determines how to dissipate
the trap’s magical charge harmlessly, nullifying it for 10 ENCOUNTERING GORGO
minutes while it recharges. The upper level of the keep is the private domain of
Creatures. Squib-Jib, a kobold ettin, is around the Lord Gorgo. Only his servants and select visitors ever
corner, in the hall leading to Area 14. If the trap is see this level of the keep. Gorgo is equally likely to be
triggered, they are alerted to intruders and come to found in Areas 11, 12, or 13. Less frequently, he is in Area
investigate. 14, consulting with his prisoner, or escorting Kwon to his
workshop for assistance with something he’s working on.


Combat Tactics. Gorgo fights to the death, unless he sees
an opportunity to escape to another location where his
minions can join the battle. He uses his gem of brightness
every turn (since he can activate it with a bonus action),
with no regard for saving any of its charges.
Treasure. Gorgo wears a fine breastplate, though it only
fits a Large creature. He also carries a battleaxe, a gem of
brightness, the keys to the prison cell in Area 14 and the
chest located in Area 12.


The walls of this room are hung with thick tapestries,

and the floor covered in fur rugs. A large, overstuffed
chair with a matching footstool sits in one corner next
to a carved wooden cabinet.

Treasure. Inside the cabinet are a silver tray and

goblet set (worth 50 gp), 2 crystal decanters (worth
40 gp total), a carved teakwood pipe (worth
15 gp), and a pouch of fine, apple-flavored
tobacco (worth 35 gp). On the chair is a large
tome about curses (worth 10 gp).


A massive bed, piled with furs, takes up most of the room.

A round table stands on one side of it, a chest on the
other. A tall wardrobe stands in one corner, a freestanding,
ten-foot-tall ovoid mirror in the other. There is a single,
shuttered window in the center of the southern wall and a
closed door on the eastern wall.

The wardrobe contains fine clothing (but very large).

The table holds a ceramic washbasin and an ewer full
of water.
Treasure. The chest is locked, but can be picked with
a successful DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools.
Gorgo holds the key. It contains 10,000 sp, 1,000 gp, and
a large gold bracelet worth 250 gp. Tables cluttered with tools, alchemical ingredients, and piles
of notes line the walls of this room. A shelf full of old tomes
stands against one wall. A round table is located in the
southwest corner, a large chair next to it. On the table are
a number of engraving tools, as well as an adjustable stand
ESCAPING THE KEEP holding a magnifying lens.
If the PCs wish to escape the keep without going
through the gatehouse, they can do so—and get If Gorgo is encountered in this room, there is a 50%
beyond the keep’s curtain wall—by leaping or rappelling chance he has Kwon (Area 14) with him.
down via: (1) the windows on the northern wall in Area Treasure. On the tables are sets of alchemist’s supplies,
10 (30 feet to the ground); (2) the windows on the calligrapher’s supplies, jeweler’s tools, and woodcarver’s
eastern wall in Area 13 (20 feet to the ground); and (3) tools. There’s also an assortment of gemstones, as well
Area 16, the Upper Towers (70 feet to the ground). as gold and silver dust and wire (worth 500 gp total), and
four potions of healing.


There are also several finished magic items here that 16. UPPER TOWER
function but also bear Gorgo’s signature curses. Consult
the “Gorgo’s Cursed Items” table to see how each item is The staircase emerges into a round room with arrowslits in
cursed; aside from the stated effects of the curses, the items the walls. A small cask of arrows sits in the center of the room.
work normally.
All five of the keep’s upper towers are identical. The stairs
Gorgo’s Cursed Items wind down to the tower’s lower level (Area 3).
Magic Item Curse Creatures. Two hobgoblins stand watch at the top of
ring of jumping Curse of Cowardice: On any round each tower. Each hobgoblin has a cask of 60 arrows to use
in which you would otherwise be in defense of the keep. If combat ensues in the courtyard,
surprised, you can still act, but you must these guards use the inner arrowslits to rain arrows down
use your action to activate the ring and on the intruders below.
jump away from the nearest enemy.
wand of magic Curse of Falsehood: There is a 50% Concluding
detection chance that one non-magical item in
range is identified as magical. the Adventure
+1 battleaxe Curse of Reciprocation: When you hit a The adventure comes to an end after the PCs conclude their
creature with an attack using his magic visit to Spiteful Keep.
weapon, the next attack the target If Gorgo is killed, any other remaining denizens of the
makes against you has advantage. keep abandon the place for greener pastures.
If the PCs assault and/or raid the keep, but leave Gorgo
alive, the ogre becomes an enemy who avenges himself
at the most inopportune moment for the PCs. Any
magic items taken from the keep may have their curses
This spartan chamber contains only a small cot and a activated by him at a later date, possibly forcing another
chamber pot. confrontation with the ogre to remove them.

The door to this room is locked; Gorgo holds the key.

Creatures. Inside the room is Gorgo’s prisoner, a
dokkaebi (see Tome of Beasts 3) named Kwon. The ogre
forces the fey to summon items used in the creation of his
magic items. Kwon is desperate to be free and is grateful to
anyone that rescues him. He would rather flee immediately,
but stays and helps his rescuers if he must. If attacked, he
turns invisible and attempts to flee.


The walls of this room feature several arrowslits. The room is

empty other than a pair of small casks filled with arrows and
the two hobgoblins standing watch.

Creatures. Two hobgoblins are on watch in this room

at all times. Each hobgoblin has a cask of 60 arrows to use
in defense of the keep. If combat ensues in the courtyard,
these guards use the inner arrowslits to rain arrows down
on the intruders below.


Redoubt of the
Perfidious Guru

Adventure Background Adventure Hook

High in the mountains, tunneled directly into one of The PCs have been asked to gain Abbot Qudos’ counsel by
the peaks, is the Abbey of the Serene Lily. The temple a ruler whose nation suffered a cowardly attack by another
was founded by ascetic scholars from disparate nations nation. He doesn’t wish to reignite the hostilities between
who sought to overcome the differences between their the nations that has led to the loss of so many lives, but he
respective peoples and live in peaceful contemplation. also cannot afford to do nothing, lest it give his enemies free
When acolytes leave the abbey, they often find positions as rein to do as they please against his people. It seems as if
advisors and councilors to political and religious leaders in there is no good answer, and so Qudos’ wisdom is needed.
their home nations.
For the last several years, visitors to the abbey have
returned to their homelands with tales of a mentor with
Mountain Hazards
powerful precognitive abilities. This teacher, the temple’s The abbey has been carved directly into the summit of a
leader, Abbot Qudos, is frequently sought after for advice mountain (at 10,000 feet) located at the northwestern
on matters ranging from which suitor a young noblewoman portion of the range. A narrow, steep—and sometimes
should marry to how a trade mogul can maximize his precarious—trail winds up the mountain. A direct path,
profits on a given venture. with no compilations, takes 12 hours, though attempting
In truth, “Qudos” is a fiend who slayed the true Abbot the trek all in one day incurs one level of exhaustion; if the
Qudos and assumed his identity. He seeks to corrupt trip is split into two days of travel, the PCs can reach the
everyone he comes into contact with, and, over time, he summit without incurring levels of exhaustion.
has slain, supplanted, or sent away all of the noble monks Elevation Sickness. Once the PCs reach the summit,
and adepts of the abbey and replaced them with his own whenever they complete a long rest, they must make a DC
sycophantic followers. 13 Constitution saving throw; on a failed save, they gain
a level of exhaustion from the effects of high altitude and
fail to recover any levels of exhaustion they’d previously
accrued. A PC accustomed to high altitudes automatically
succeeds on this saving throw. After seven days at the
summit, the PCs’ bodies become inured to the rigors
presented by the thinner air at the abbey and no longer have
to make saving throws to avoid exhaustion.


Mountain Encounters. Twice while the PCs are scaling making Wisdom (Perception) checks based on smell have
the mountain, roll 1d6. On a result of 1 or 2, run one of the disadvantage.
following encounters: The incense smoke masks the odor of the narcotic
burning with it. When a creature in the abbey makes a
ENCOUNTER 1: ALPINE CREEPER AMBUSH saving throw against being charmed or frightened—or
makes a Wisdom (Insight) check to determine if a creature
Up the mountainside, you see the rocky escarpment is is telling the truth—it must subtract 1d4 from the number
dotted with patches of blue and green. As you get closer, rolled. Creatures that are wearing some type of face
you see it is a colorful moss or lichen that has adhered itself covering—or who don’t need to breathe—are not affected
to the landscape. by the narcotic.
Sound. During daylight hours, the sound of someone
As the PCs approach this hazard, allow them to spot the playing the sitar can be heard. It is not uncommon to hear
stray, partly submerged bones littering the ground with a rhythmic chanting as well.
successful DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) check, or if they Aspirants and Adepts. There are twenty-seven aspirants
have passive Perception scores of 14 or higher. The bones (use statistics for cultists) and seven adepts (use statistics
are suspiciously humanoid and might alert the PCs to the for cult fanatics) residing at the abbey. All of the masters in
impending threat. the abbey are barbed devils or bearded devils in disguise.
Creatures. The lichen is comprised of two alpine
creepers (see Tome of Beasts 3). They can be evaded
entirely by moving out of range. If the creepers
knock all of the PCs unconscious, some of the
cultists from the abbey rescue them, and they
later wake in Area 5.


Creatures. As the PCs move across

a narrow shelf, they are charged by six
cloudhoof assassins (see Tome of Beasts 3).
The goat-like creatures seek to knock the PCs from the
shelf so they can rest there themselves. Creatures knocked
from the ledge fall 40 feet to another ledge below,
taking 4d6 bludgeoning damage and falling prone. The
cloudhoof assassins cannot be reasoned with as long as
the PCs are on the plateau, but each one retreats from the
fight once it is reduced to 10 hit points or less.

Abbey of the
Serene Lily
The abbey is built into the mountaintop and has no
external profile other than the doors leading into it.
Structure. The floor of the abbey is comprised of
1-foot-square sandstone tiles. The walls are smooth stone
and the ceiling is intermittently engraved with bas relief
hummingbirds and lilies.
Ceilings. The corridors are 5 feet wide and 8 feet tall. The
chambers have 15-foot ceilings.
Lighting. The abbey is dimly lit at all times through
some form of magical ambient illumination.
Incense. The abbey smells of frankincense, which
can be found burning in thuribles in each chamber.
The pervasiveness of the odor is such that creatures


Creature Change. Replace the aspirant’s Scimitar action The people in the area are polite, but don’t have much to
and the adept’s Dagger action, with the following: say and won’t answer questions in any helpful way. They’re
• Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 likely to utter the phrase, “Abbot Qudos knows all.”
ft., one creature. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage. The double doors that lead into the abbey have been
Color Coding. All of the residents of the abbey wear pale skillfully carved in bas-relief with a scene of lilies blowing in
blue robes. Aspirants wear red sashes, adepts wear dark the wind while hummingbirds sip nectar from the flowers.
blue sashes, and masters wear black sashes.
Monk Distribution. The adepts and aspirants should 2. ENTRANCE
be distributed throughout the abbey, with the following
Upon entering the abbey, your eyes are immediately drawn
parameters depending on time of day:
to a fountain featuring a jade statue of a robed female
• In the morning, the majority are outside sparring in
monk wrestling a giant carp. The smell of frankincense is
Area 1.
strong, and the sound of a distant sitar being played can be
• In the afternoon, they are praying in Area 6. heard. Two white-goateed monks approach to greet you.
• At night, they rest in Area 5.
Lies and Lies. The cultists frequently lie about the Frankincense is burning in the censers that flank each of
purpose of the abbey and the behavior of its inhabitants. the passage entrances leading further into the abbey.
Detecting this deception requires a successful DC 14 Creatures. The aged monks are Adept Toub and Adept
Wisdom (Insight) check. Yestel (both LE adepts). They can answer the PCs
Devils. Each barbed devil or bearded devil encountered questions and are willing to arrange for them to meet with
in the abbey is wearing a hat of disguise, using it to appear to Qudos the morning after they arrive.
be a master in pale blue robes with a black sash. A creature Answers to some questions the PCs might ask over the
must make a successful DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation) course of their stay at the abbey follow. For questions that
check to detect the disguise. aren’t presented here, the residents of the abbey answer
deceptively about the purpose of the abbey, who Qudos
1. SPARRING GROUND is, and any activities that don’t seem in-character for
monks who seek serenity. If they feel that answering
If the PCs approach in the morning, read or paraphrase a question won’t compromise them or the abbey, they
the following: answer truthfully.
• Q: Why can’t we see Qudos sooner?
Several pairs of robed people are sparring against each
• A: “The abbot is on an Astral retreat searching for the
other in the large flat area before the abbey’s entrance. Four
true source of serenity.” (This is a lie. Qudos and the
calm‑faced monks walk among them, correcting their stances
cultists want the narcotic in the air to make the PCs as
and offering advice. A short walkway descends slightly to the
pliant as possible).
carved double doors leading into the abbey itself.
• Q: What is going on with the torture chamber?
• A: “Some of our adherents feel soothed following
If the PCs approach at any other time of day, read or
a brief but intense encounter with pain. The
paraphrase the following:
excruciation chamber allows them to reach bliss in a
safe manner.” (Technically true, though the abbey’s
A large area in front of the entrance to the abbey has
current residents use the chamber to torture reluctant
been worn flat by the repeated passage of many feet. It is aspirants for information).
curiously quiet here, with the ice-cold wind creating the
only sound. A short walkway descends slightly to the carved Audience with Qudos. If the PCs do have an audience
with Abbot Qudos, it occurs in the morning in Area 6.
double doors leading into the abbey itself.
During the brief meeting, the elderly, white-haired monk
is polite and listens attentively before claiming he needs
This area is an expanse of dirt packed hard by years of time to look into their concerns. He directs other inquiries
sparring and treading upon it. A chill breeze blows dust to Master Ghi (LE barbed devil in disguise).
and grit in eddies across the ground. Qudos is dressed as the other residents, but wears a
Creatures. In the morning, twenty aspirants are white sash. His true nature is that he is a LE lesser infernal
sparring here. Four adepts (the monks referenced in the tutor (see Tome of Beasts 3); when he appears as a human, he
boxed text above) walk among them. They are all barefoot, does so using his Change Shape ability, and so is not using
though some have wrapped their feet in white cloth strips. illusion magic to disguise himself as the other devils are.



The scent of frankincense is overpowering in this chamber, Orderly rows of bunks fill this chamber. Each monk’s
and the air swirls with a pall of pale smoke. Aspirants sitting belongings are rolled into a small bundle that sits at the
or lying on floor mats come here to take a moment to relax. foot of their cot. Censers set on low round tables burn the
A monk sits against the southwest wall idly playing a sitar. abbey’s incense through the day and night.

Rectangular 3-foot by 6-foot jute mats are evenly spaced The abbey’s aspirants and adepts rest here. Occasionally,
throughout this chamber, and it is rare for more than this chamber can be found empty during daylight hours.
half of them to be occupied at any given time. Two large Creatures. At night there are 15 + 1d6 aspirants and 1d6
thuribles are always kept burning. adepts present here.
The PCs are welcome to rest in this chamber, and if they Development. A PC that succeeds on a DC 17 Wisdom
spend the night in the abbey, they are given quarters here (Perception) check while looking for secret doors finds
rather than in the dormitory at Area 5. the secret door leading to Qudos’ chamber (Area 8). A
Creatures. The sitar player is Master Kethi (LE barbed successful DC 17 Intelligence (Investigation) check is then
devil). A successful DC 19 Intelligence (Religion) check needed to determine how to open the secret door.
recognizes the music being played as being from Hymns for If the PCs are detected searching or stealing in this
the Acquisition of Glorious Wealth, a prominent hymnal of a room, the aspirants and adepts attempt to detain and
god of greed and wealth. secure them in Area 7.
Development. If the PCs make trouble in Areas 2–7, the
barbed devil investigates and assists the monks. 6. CENTRAL CHAMBER

Murmured chanting and singing can be heard as you

approach the central chamber. The vast room is some 50
The odor of frankincense, so prominent in the other areas feet in diameter. At the northern side is a short staircase
of the abbey, is diminished beneath the smells of stir-frying leading up to a wide dais with four burning braziers upon it.
vegetables and roasting barley flour. The grim-faced cook
bustles silently around the area while preparing meals. The monks of the abbey spend their afternoons in
The chamber has a slightly steamy haze from the lack of peaceful meditation in the large central chamber. After
ventilation, and beads of condensation stand on the walls lunch, most of the aspirants and adepts kneel or sit cross-
and ceiling. legged on jute mats and chant or sing their prayers. PCs
that understand Infernal recognize that the prayers are a
During the day, a cauldron of water is kept at a low boil supplication for Mammon’s beneficence.
over an open flame, and a stone oven is kept heated. The Creatures. Prayers are led by Master Miloch (LE
cook, Jaitna, prepares all the food for the abbey. Most bearded devil in disguise) and Master Ghi. During prayer
meals consist of a porridge of roasted barley, stir-fried time in the afternoon, there are 15 + 1d6 aspirants and 1d6
roots and legumes, and butter tea. adepts present in addition to the prayer leaders.
Creatures. Aspirant Jaitna (N human acolyte) is the If the PCs disrupt a prayer session, they are asked to
only remaining holdout of the abbey’s original residents. leave. If they persist, Master Miloch along with Adept
He refuses to break the vow of silence he took as a young Toub and Yestel from Area 1 attempt to coerce them away.
monk, but a PC can intuit the intent and meaning of his If the PCs are detected searching or stealing in this
expressions and gestures with a successful DC 15 Wisdom room, the aspirants and adepts attempt to detain and
(Insight) check. The result of one check is sufficient for secure them in Area 7.
each conversation. Jaitna is uncertain of the true nature Development. If the PCs start a fight in this chamber, all
of the changes at the abbey, but he knows Abbot Qudos abbey residents (except Jaitna) turn against them and fight
and the black-sashed monks never eat, and he is certain to the death to protect their compatriots.
they don’t sleep either. He assists the PCs as he can, but he
doesn’t take violent action against any creature.


7. EXCRUCIATION CHAMBER Development. The location of the secret door in this area
is easy to find. A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Religion)
A rack and a spiked table occupy much of the space in this check determines that the circles etched into the wall form
chamber, though an iron chair with built-in manacles to two-thirds of Mammon’s holy symbol. If a third circle is
secure a humanoid’s wrists and ankles is also secured to the traced above the two existing circles, the door opens. If
floor. Six humanoids can be secured to the wall by manacles the phrase, “This is the path to profit,” is spoken in Infernal
attached to iron rings. as the circle is traced, the glyph of warding inscribed on the
opposite side of the wall is not set off.
A creature who is strapped to the rack or the spiked If, after the glyph is set off, the PCs attempt a short or
table can wriggle free by succeeding on a DC 17 Dexterity long rest in Area 8 or the passageway leading to Area 9,
(Acrobatics) check or can break free with a successful Qudos opens the secret door from Area 9 to interrupt
DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check. Creatures secured them, insisting they leave or attacking if they refuse.
with manacles can be freed by picking the locks with a
successful DC 16 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools, 9. TRUE REDOUBT
or they can break free by making a DC 20 Strength
(Athletics) check. A shimmering portal rimmed in crimson and black flames
A creature strapped to the spiked table is restrained dominates the center of this chamber. On the floor in the
and takes 1d4 piercing damage each minute it remains center of the northern wall is a small altar surrounded with
restrained; it also takes the same amount of damage a hoard of coins and gems.
any time it attempts to move or take any actions while
restrained. Creatures. Qudos spends most of his time in this
Creatures. The excruciation chamber is overseen by the chamber, where he confers with Master Ghi and Master
ever-present Master Atha (LE barbed devil in disguise), Atha or with other devils via the portal. If he is encountered
who is almost frighteningly cheerful. She answers here, he urges the PCs to leave but fights if they refuse to do
most questions asked with a lie, and if her deception is so. If reduced to 15 hit points or less, he uses his action to
discovered, she feigns ignorance. Disengage and exits through the portal; if he’s able to flee
Development. A successful DC 25 Wisdom (Perception) through the portal, it closes behind him instantly.
check while looking for secret doors discovers the secret Development. The portal can be closed by destroying
door leading to Qudos’ redoubt; a successful DC 20 the altar, which has AC 14, 27 hit points, and a damage
Intelligence (Investigation) check is then needed to threshold of 10. If the altar is not destroyed, the portal
determine how to open it. opens again if items and coin worth more than 1,000 gp
If Master Atha is free, she won’t allow the PCs to search are piled on or near it.
the chamber. If she is secured before being questioned, she If a creature without the fiend type attempts to enter the
knows where the secret door is and how to open it, and portal, it bumps into it as if it was a solid object; inanimate
knows the passphrase to enter Area 9 from Area 8 without objects also cannot pass through it if they are not carried
injury. by a fiend.
Treasure. The following can be found in this chamber:
8. FALSE LAIR 3,345 sp, 1,096 gp, a jade and ivory statuette of an elephant
(worth 65 gp), a scroll of silence, and a pair of goggles of night.
This spartan chamber holds a cot, two tables, some floor
pillows, and a wardrobe. It’s surprisingly dusty for a living
area that is in use. A pair of circles has been etched in the
eastern portion of the wall. the Adventure
If Qudos escapes the PCs, he may return to have his
Most of the abbey residents believe this dusty chamber vengeance at a future date, bringing Masters Ghi and Atha
is where Abbot Qudos rests, but it’s clear no one has stayed if he can. If he is killed, but Ghi and/or Atha escapes, they
here in weeks. similarly seek vengeance. Once the abbey is cleared of its
Tracks. A track in the dust on the floor runs from Area infernal residents, it inevitably becomes the lair of some
5 to the secret door here in Area 8, through the hidden dangerous creature or other group if the PCs don’t make
passage to Area 9. an effort to find new residents or render the lair unlivable.


Incident at

Adventure Background Adventure Hook

Far along the cold, rocky coastline lay the oft-fogbound port Wrackwater can be located in any rugged, isolated coastal
of Wrackwater Cove. Once a tiny frontier furrier outpost, region prone to significant trade and travel hazards like
Wrackwater has grown to become a burgeoning trade port. treacherous currents reefs and/or fog.
So when the town’s lighthouse beacon inexplicably goes out The following hooks can used to start the PCs on this
during the month in which the season’s first merchant ships adventure. The PCs:
are due to arrive, the townsfolk deployed maintenance • Are wearily traveling back to civilization from exploits
teams immediately . . . who never returned. even further afield than Wrackwater Cove and stop
Now, a fortnight later, three search parties and multiple there for supplies.
individuals remain missing or confirmed dead. Moreover, • Have associates, relatives, or business interests aboard
due to the unlit beacon, a merchant ship is believed to have the missing ship or elsewhere in Wrackwater’s vicinity.
already been lost to the infamous fog and rocks outside
• Heard word of the incident via couriers sent seeking aid,
Wrackwater Cove.
local rumors, or other means.
The sounds of shrieks and crashes, aggressive flocks of
unfamiliar seabirds, and strange lights and inhuman shapes • Hear of a “haunted” lighthouse in a desolate area and of
cavorting atop the darkened lighthouse are being reported the town now threatened by it.
regularly. This, combined with the townsfolk already dead
or missing, has made the locals understandably fearful. Wrackwater Cove
With local authorities and a citizenry demoralized, ill-
equipped, and too thinly stretched to do anything more, Following news of the PCs arrival, town council members
the hue and cry for help went out. Across the region, approach them regarding Wrackwater’s plight. The
messengers, signal fires, and courier birds carry news of a councilmembers wish to employ the PCs to search the
desperate populace . . . and of the urgent danger and exotic lighthouse for evidence of the missing townsfolk and to
rewards that await at Wrackwater Cove. ensure that the lighthouse is cleared of whatever “spooks
and specters” are now occupying it. The beacon must also
be relit immediately; the town relies on trade to survive,
and with the lighthouse not functioning, the very continued
existence of the town is threatened.
If the PCs are willing to take the job, the council offers
them 1,200 gp in ermine fox and beaver pelts, plus another
900 gp in raw copper abalone shells and coldwater pearls.


Additionally, the council offers each
PC: 1 sealskin coldsuit (which grants
the wearer a swimming speed of 20 feet)
and 2 glowmold globes (see sidebar).

The Lighthouse
The mile-long approach to the lighthouse
winds along a rocky promontory. As the
PCs draw near, they discern sundry piles of
garbage, broken furniture and tableware, wine
casks, and much more of the same. It all appears
to have been scattered about the structure’s
base, seemingly thrown willy‑nilly from
broken‑out windows above. The
lighthouse exterior also appears
somewhat worse for wear, its outer
walls streaked with bright stains of
unknown origin.
Once the PCs approach within 300 feet of the
lighthouse, they easily spot several malformed,
winged shapes taking flight from one of the
lighthouse windows (Area 4).
Creatures. Flying toward the PCs are six gullkin
(see Tome of Beasts 3). The gullkin don’t reply if any
attempt is made to converse. Once the PCs get to
about 150 feet of the island, the gullkin attack. Their
shrieking calls summon two swarms of maddened
sea birds (use statistics for swarm of ravens) en
route. The swarms fight to the death. Once there are
only two gullkin remaining, they retreat to Area 4.
Making an Entrance. Upon arriving at the lighthouse,
Dozing Dangers. On the building’s western face, a single
the PCs find it has been barricaded, battered down, and
salt-crusted window that has been nailed shut looks into a
then re-barricaded. Breaking through the boarded-up
darkened, recently ransacked bunkroom. Forced entry via
doorway (or the western window) requires a successful
this window or the main entrance awakens the creatures in
DC 12 Strength (Athletics) check.
Area 3, alerting them to intruders.
Carefully removing the boards and entering quietly
Down to the Depths. Diving off the western side of the
requires the PCs to work at it for 5 minutes and to make
island and swimming 30 feet down leads to Sea Caves Area
a successful DC 14 Dexterity (Stealth) check to do so
9, though the cave opening is in no way visible from land.
without making noise; a PC proficient with carpenter’s
tools makes the check with advantage.

This supply room has been thoroughly ransacked and is

in a complete shambles. Heaps of shattered crates and
GLOWMOLD GLOBE ADVENTURING GEAR barrels, rotting foodstuffs, broken lenses, tools, and other
This small crystal sphere is filled with a type of molded refuse litter the floor. The northern wall is dominated by
flower pollen that when shaken vigorously luminesces to a narrow staircase leading upward. The door to the west
roughly the brightness and radius of a normal torch. The stands ajar and has clearly been forced open. The closed
glow lasts 2 (1d4) hours before it begins to fade. The door to the south appears to be the only thing in the area
globes are airtight, water and pressure proof, and come that has escaped vandalism.
in several popular colors. A glowmold globe contains
enough bioluminescent mold to be used 6 times. Difficult Terrain. The heaps of refuse in this room make
it difficult terrain.


Out of Place. A successful DC 14 Intelligence 4. LOWER LANDING
(Investigation) check reveals several items—such as a
damaged block and tackle, stacks of ruined sail cloths, tar As you ascend the stairs and cross onto the next level of the
barrels, etc.—that are far more nautical in nature than lighthouse, you see that the floor here is similarly strewn
would be required in any lighthouse. All of these items with detritus—a squalid, one-foot-deep mixture of kelp,
show signs of lengthy (and recent) exposure to sea water. trash, tree branches, torn clothing, and soiled bedding. As
you take it all in, the dull white of bone catches your eye,
2. LIGHTHOUSE KEEPER’S QUARTERS and a quick assessment flags it as a human femur.

This apparently vacant living area shares the storeroom’s

Creatures. Three giant fleas (see Tome of Beasts 3) have
pillaged and vandalized condition. Overturned beds, infested this batch of detritus. They immediately attack
broken dishes, and other day-to-day items lay strewn any living, warm-blooded creatures that move more than
about. A peat stove squats near a west-facing window. 10 feet into the chamber.

Secret Cache. A successful DC 16 Wisdom (Perception)

check notices a bloody hand smear on the wall behind the
stove that reveals the location of a hidden compartment.
Treasure. Inside the compartment is a small lockbox,
which can be picked open with a successful DC 17
Dexterity check using thieves’ tools; it contains 13 cp, 8
sp, 22 gp. In a leather case on top of the lockbox is a small,
waterproof magnetic navigators’ compass (worth 175 gp).
A chest on the floor next to the stove has had its contents
strewn about the room and is empty.


A workbench stands against the southern wall of what is

obviously a workroom. Visible here are tool chests, spare
window panes, beacon mirrors, painting supplies, and
similar maintenance and repair items as one might expect
to find in a lighthouse. While it has been well-plundered,
the room has suffered comparatively little of the wanton
defacement seen elsewhere.

Creatures. If the PCs have not already encountered them,

two bilge gremlins and two bilge gremlin bosuns (for
both, see Tome of Beasts 3) are napping here, hidden inside
a crude hunter’s blind formed of stacked crates, rope coils,
and barrels. While in the blind, the gremlins have full cover,
but the soft sounds of them snoring can be detected with a
successful DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) check.
Sea Cave Access. The blind also conceals access to the
sea caves below, from which the gremlins tunneled up into
the lighthouse; it can easily be located with even a cursory BILGE GREMLIN TACTICS
investigation of the room. Descending down into the sea Bilge Gremlins (and Bosuns) are wily and slippery foes.
caves takes the PCs to Sea Caves Area 1. They rely on their evasiveness to be effective, and so
they take full advantage of their ability to cast misty
Behind the blind, you see a rough-hewn floor breach that step at will, rarely ending a turn adjacent to an enemy
peers down into a dark, dripping tidal tunnel running east- if at all possible. Likewise, whenever they detect danger,
west beneath the lighthouse. Five small grappling hooks they make frequent use of their at-will invisibility to
ring the aperture, their knotted hemp cords dangling into spring ambushes.
the damp darkness below.


Treasure. If the PCs spend 5 minutes or more searching 6. WIDOWS WALK
the offal and debris in this area, determine what they find
by having one PC make an Intelligence (Investigation) To enter this area, the PCs must open the wooden ceiling
check. Once you have the result, consult the “Trash or hatch where the stairs end. It is likely that lifting the hatch
Treasure?” table to determine what they find; a higher immediately initiates combat with the creatures in this
result finds the items from lower results as well. area, but if the PCs have been particularly stealthy, it’s
possible that the creatures are unaware of their presence
and could be surprised.
Trash or Treasure?
DC Treasure Found
As you open the hatch, you can see a strange gathering.
12 A miniature, antique spyglass (worth 400 gp). A gremlin stands beside a sahuagin, both in conversation
14 A half-eaten human arm, its bloody sleeve still with a fierce-looking gullkin.
bearing the insignia of a Wrackwater sergeant-at-
arms. Creatures. Stubbe (a bilge gremlin bosun) stands
16 A collection of international coinage and broken beside a sahuagin, speaking with Laridaena (a gullkin
jewelry (worth 80 gp total). hunter [see Tome of Beasts 3]); the gullkin clutches a
18 A bolt case with 3 +2 crossbow bolts in it. nautical signal mirror and a logbook in her claws. The
bosun and sahuagin both carry crude spyglasses. Behind
Stubbe stand two bilge gremlins, and beside Laridaena
Stairs. The stairs continue upward to a second dimly-
stands one gullkin.
lit landing. The landing and nesting area above Area 4 is
Argument. A successful DC 13 Wisdom (Insight)
currently unoccupied; however, its normal attendants
check determines an argument is underway in the Aquan
(1d4 + 1 gullkin) won’t be gone long. Roll 1d6 and consult
language. If the PCs understand Aquan, they deduce that
the “Gullkin Return” table to determine when the
the sahuagin is an ambassador, up from the sea caves,
creatures return.
and seems to be arguing about some sort of loot-sharing
agreement with Laridaena, who is queen mother of the
Gullkin Return gullkin tribe.
d6 Treasure Found The Hatch. Climbing up through the hatch and onto
1-2 Gullkin arrive at Area 5 while the PCs are fighting the widow’s walk for Medium or larger creatures is
the giant fleas in Area 4; the gullkin screech and considered difficult terrain due to the awkwardness of the
join the combat. narrow staircase and tight quarters.
3-4 Gullkin arrive at Area 5’s window while the PCs are Tactics. The gullkin take flight and attack from the air.
ascending/descending from area 4. The gremlins and sahuagin charge the hatch. If Laridaena
is reduced to below half her hit point maximum, she and
5-6 Gullkin arrive while the PCs are searching Area 4.
her gullkin compatriot flee the area and do not return.
Logbook. The logbook is a standardized instruction
manual on sending and translating maritime code.
5. UPPER LANDING Scrawled on the inside cover is a crude diagram detailing
routes to here (Lighthouse Area 6) from Sea Caves Area 8.
This area resembles the lower landing, but contains a
crowded nest for what looks like a half-dozen creatures. A
glint of light catches your eye on the seaward windowsill, and 7. BEACON HOUSE
you see two handheld sailor’s signal mirrors resting there. Through the windows of the beacon house, you can see
Wrackwater’s extinguished beacon—and all around its
The next flight of stairs winds another 40 feet up, base, an enormous nesting pile.
terminating at an unlocked, wooden ceiling hatch.
Treasure. If the PCs search the nest area, a successful Restoring the Beacon. If there no enemies harrying the
DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation) check discovers a bag PCs, it is a simple matter to relight the beacon brazier,
containing 4 rings of gold and silver and a broken necklace but one of the mirrors of the mirror array is cracked. It
studded with fine gems (worth 140 gp total). There is also can be repaired with a spell such as mending or using one
a matching pair of 2-inch-wide bracelets that are magical of the beacon mirrors in Area 3. Replacing the mirror
and function as bracers of defense. manually requires a successful DC 14 Dexterity check


using thieves’ tools, tinker’s tools, jeweler’s tools, or 4. ROCK ISLET
glassblower’s tools; a creature using glassblower’s tools
makes the roll with advantage. Piled with more cast-off cargo (making it difficult terrain),
Treasure. With a successful DC 12 Intelligence this stone islet affords PCs some level solid footing, partial
(Investigation) check, searching the refuse discovers a cover, and a dry spot to rest.
coral ocarina adorned in pearls and agate (worth 375 gp) Treasure. Spending 10 minutes or more searching
amid the bones and offal of what must be some of the through the refuse uncovers 3 cp, 4 sp, and a small leather
missing Wrackwater townsfolk. bag containing 13 fangs and 11 claws from assorted beasts.


The Sea Caves
The submerged grottoes beneath the lighthouse are Ambush. If the PCs attempt to pass the island (either by
tidally cleansed (except Area 5), maintaining water clarity raft or swimming), moving within 5 feet of its eastern edge
and visibility if sufficiently illuminated. Natural surfaces triggers an ambush from below.
throughout the sea caves are encrusted with countless Creatures. Six bilge gremlins surge up from the
forms of sea life (nudibranchs, crustaceans, seaweeds, shallows and attack. If the PCs slay three or more of the
etc.). It is chilly and dark, and swimming is occasionally gremlins, they call out for help. The following round,
difficult (due to tidal flow). one bilge gremlin arrives (on the other bilge gremlins’
initiative count), riding an aquatic basilisk (use statistics
for basilisk, adding the Amphibious trait and a 20-foot
1. ACCESS TUNNELS swimming speed).
You drop down through the hole in the lighthouse floor Sea Bottom. The bottom of this gigantic tide pool is akin
and find yourselves inside a naturally formed cavern—and to an underwater junkyard, with piles of cargo junk and
in almost complete darkness save for the faintly glimmering debris everywhere.
light provided by a distant bioluminescent glow coming
from the east. At the western terminus is a sinkhole filled 6. CARGO HOLD
with seawater that heaves and ebbs in time with the
Clumps of garbage float nearby the corpse of a skinned
distantly crashing waves.
and decapitated harbor seal that’s half-beached on the
ground here. Numerous crates and barrels line the walls.
This tunnel runs east, widening after 40 feet into Area
2. Diving down into the sinkhole to the west (Area 3) leads
Treasure. Various crates contain 4 sets of painter’s
to Area 7.
supplies, 10 yards of silk (worth 100 gp), and 50 lbs. of salt
(worth 3 gp).

The tunnel widens into a large water-filled grotto. 7. LOWER DEPTHS

Bioluminescent plants and invertebrates thrive along
The sinkhole in Area 3 descends 15 feet through a narrow
the walls above and below the waterline. You stand on a
channel before opening up into a fully submerged cavern
gravelly beach littered with mostly empty or ruined barrels
that branches off to the east.
and crates—and a crude, but sturdily built raft equipped
with homemade oars and loaded with water-logged cargo
that’s been pulled up onto the beach of this enormous
subterranean tide pool. A small rock islet, also piled with Ahead, a large cavern opens before you. A gremlin swims
rubbish and damaged cargo, lies fifteen feet ahead. beside two merrow and an enormous, serpentine yellow eel
covered in dark spots.
The raft measures 10 feet by 10 feet and is seaworthy; it
safely accommodates 4 Medium creatures with gear. Creatures. A bilge gremlin bosun leads two merrow
and a muraenid (see Tome of Beasts 3) around this area.
3. SINKHOLE TUBE Prisoner. With a successful DC 14 Wisdom (Perception)
check a PCs detects a captured merfolk scout named
This twisting sinkhole tube descends 15 feet before Minn’Vyr who is shackled and concealed inside an alcove
widening into an underwater cavern. to the southeast. She can be freed with a successful DC


16 Dexterity check using thieves’
tools. If freed, Minn’Vyr tells
the PCs that she was captured
while witnessing a ship go
down weeks ago. She has
limited information but
says that a sudden radical
uptick in bilge gremlin salvage
operations—and there has been
an increasingly strange stream
of assorted creatures
passing through the
region that normally
don’t consort with
each other.


This chamber contains more pilfered, piled-up

cargo. To the west, the cave mouth opens up to
the sea. 10. AQUATIC STABLE

As you swim down this winding cavern heading southeast,

Creatures. Chief Bosun Chark (a bilge gremlin you notice the abundance of seaweed increasing as you
bosun) is here separating out metal and valuables descend the twisting tunnel. Flourishing kelp soon stretches
from common cargo and wreckage. He gives direction to from floor to ceiling, thickening to a jungle-like density,
a monstrous crab with tentacles coming out of its maw reducing visibility to five feet. You can’t see it due to the low
(use statistics for chuul with the changes noted below); it visibility, but, after traveling twenty to twenty-five feet, you
displays keen intelligence for a crab, and its pincers root sense the tunnel widening into a larger cavern.
through and tear into piles of scavenged wreckage with
alarming efficiency. Two sahuagin swim alongside the
Creatures. Two aquatic basilisks (use statistics for
bosun, observing operations.
basilisk, adding the Amphibious trait and a 20-foot swim
If combat ensues in Area 8, all but the monstrous
speed) and three hunter sharks used for mounts are
crab move into the northern alcove behind piled cargo
stabled here. There are also 2 giant sea horses here, but
to ambush the PCs. The monstrous crab moves to the
they are non-hostile and tame.
southeastern part of the chamber and burrows partially
down into the sand, camouflaging itself with the copious
kelp in the area; it can be spotted with a successful DC 16 Concluding
Wisdom (Perception) check.
Creature Change. The monstrous crab’s creature type is
the Adventure
monstrosity; it only understands Aquan; its Intelligence Upon the PCs’ triumphant return to Wrackwater, a
is 8; and it does not have the Sense Magic trait or the reclamation/repair team is immediately assembled
Tentacles action. Any creature grappled by its Pincer attack and sent to the lighthouse. The PCs can confirm that
is also restrained. no missing Wrackwater citizens remain alive (near the
Treasure. Three casks of rum (worth 100 gp total); lighthouse) and that a ship indeed must have gone down
various gems and jewelry, holy symbols (worth 295 gp total); somewhere outside the cove that was being scavenged
and a chest filled with bars of silver (worth 300 gp total). from by gremlins below the lighthouse.
If you wish to further explore any of the plot threads of
this adventure, “Incident at Wrackwater” can be played as
a direct lead-in to “The Salons of Mother Celeste.”


The Lost Forge

Adventure Background • Village Protectors. While stopping to rest at a mountain

village, the PCs are approached by the folk who live
High in an alpine forest lie the remains of a temple that
there and offered 100 gp each to put a stop to the twin
was dedicated to dwarven gods of fire and forge. The site
warlords before their village is pillaged.
was abandoned by its creators after a horrific dragon attack
which left most of the stone walls devastated by dragon fire.
The dwarves felt the place had been cursed, and so this site Sibling Disagreements
became known as “The Lost Forge” by the local villagers
who have long spun stories of the dwarven ghosts that Twins Kadal (LE thursir armorer giant, see Tome of Beasts
haunt it. 3) and Valgred (LE thursir hearth priestess giant, see Tome
More recently the twin warlords Kadal and Valgred have of Beasts 3) have been frequently arguing as of late—over
taken over the ruins with their band of orcs and ogres and how to proceed with their continuing conquest of the
made it the base of operations for their conquest of the mountains. Kadal believes they should push forward with
region. Kadal quickly awoke the Lost Forge and began using more raids, while Valgred believes they need to be more
it to make armor and weapons for their followers, while reserved and strategic with their attacks. The continual
Valgred communed with the spirits of the ruins to gather arguments have split their followers into two factions.
what secrets they held. The twins then began raiding small Those who follow Valgred wear blue headbands and those
villages in the mountains and attacking trade caravans. The that follow Kadal decorate their armor with animal skulls.
local villagers pray that their homes won’t be next. PCs who spend some time observing the occupants of the
encampment quickly pick up on the tension between the
two groups, though if none of them speak Orcish or giant
Adventure Hook they might not learn the specifics.
The following can used to start the PCs on this adventure:
• Ale Aid. While traveling through a mountain forest, the
PCs come across a frantic and desperate dwarf guard
named Jaster (N dwarf guard), who is a survivor of a KADAL’S CRAFTSMANSHIP
dwarven ale caravan that was recently attacked. He’s Any of the weapons and armor crafted by Kadal are of
tracked the culprits and found where the survivors of the extremely high quality and can be sold for three times
attack who were captured have been taken. He pleads their normal listed price. The orcs all carry greataxes,
for the PCs to aid them. and the veterans carry a battleaxe and a handaxe, all
crafted by Kadal.


Ruins of the Lost Forge 2. OGRE SLEEPING AREA

The encampment is surrounded by a fifteen-foot-tall A 25-foot-tall stone building forms one side of the gate
palisade that collapsed in a few places in the past and has complex of this encampment. The floor is covered in with
been hastily patched more recently. Dark scorch marks hay and detritus, and the air is stagnant with the strong
and slashes from powerful claws are obvious on most odors of rotting food. The tattered remains of dwarven
defensive surfaces that haven’t collapsed or been covered banners still adorn the walls, now too damaged and worn
over by vines. The sounds of a loud argument in Area 6— with age to read.
which might eventually erupt into a fight—cover much of
the noise the PCs might make while infiltrating the camp. The building can only be entered from within the
Aside from Area 6 (which is lit by a campfire) and Area encampment. A successful DC 12 Intelligence check using
15 (which is lit by the forge), all other areas of the camp are mason’s tools or Dwarven Stonecunning determines that
quite dark. though the structure presently shows significant signs
For creatures who are noted as being asleep, have the of wear and neglect, it was once very well-crafted and
PCs roll a group Dexterity (Stealth) check against the suffered an attack sometime in the past.
creature’s passive Perception. Creatures. Two ogres are currently napping in this
chamber, one wears a blue headband and the other has a
1. SOUTH WALL single pauldron decorated with the skull of a large bird.
They have a passive Perception of 8.
Vines rise from the forest floor to cover much of a
fifteen‑foot-high wooden palisade. A stone building marred
by large swaths of scorch marks stands at one corner of 3. FRONT GATE AND RUINED BUILDING
the wall. The center of the palisade in this area collapsed The front wooden gate is 15 feet tall and shows signs of
sometime in the distant past and has been more recently recent repair work done by unskilled hands. The connected
filled with stone boulders that are stacked ten feet high. stone building north of the gate is missing a corner and
Two orcs wearing blue headbands crouch near the pile of shows signs of being burned. The inside is a mess of
boulders playing a game of dice. blackened, damaged rubble. A set of double wooden doors
is the only exit from this ruined building, which leads into
Getting Through. The PCs can attempt to get through the encampment.
this section of the structure by scaling the palisade with a
successful DC 14 Strength (Athletics) check or squeezing Getting Through. The front gate and the ruined
past the boulder barrier with a successful DC 14 Dexterity building’s double doors are both barricaded from the
(Acrobatics) check; a failure by 5 or more alerts the inside, requiring a successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics)
creatures in Area 6 who come to investigate the source of check to break through.
the noise. Hunting Traps. A poison-laced hunting trap has been
Creatures. Two orcs have been assigned as lookouts in hidden in the rubble of the ruined tower. A creature that
this area outside the palisade, but both are currently playing steps onto the trap must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity
a game of dice by the boulder barrier to pass the time. They saving throw or take 1d4 piercing damage and 1d6 poison
wear blue headbands. If they see any trouble, they attempt damage. A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check
to run to the main gate in Area 3 to warn the camp. reveals the hidden trap.
Hostilities. An orc with skulls adorning the pauldrons The Ancient Attacker. A successful DC 15 Intelligence
of his armor approaches after the most recent round (Investigation or Nature) check reveals the damage marks
of dice has completed to ask (in Orcish) for a report of on the inside are claw marks. A success by 5 or more also
any sightings. During the interaction, PCs can make a reveals the claw marks and burnt stones were caused by a
successful DC 12 Wisdom (Insight) check to discern that dragon (probably red, given the burn marks).
the new orc is not welcomed by the others and there is a
sense of hostility between them.


4. FALLEN WATCH TOWER Creature Change. For the veteran, replace all mentions
of “longsword” with “battleaxe” and “shortsword” with
The remains of a stone tower are strewn across this area. “handaxe.”
The wooden palisade to the east of the once-imposing They Just Keep Coming. If battle begins in this area and
tower has a large gap that has been plugged by a wagon lasts longer than 2 rounds, Nogg from Area 7 is alerted
flipped onto its side. and joins the combat.
After 4 rounds of combat, Valgred hears the
Difficult Sneaky Terrain. Walking through the fallen commotion and comes outside of her chamber in Area
tower remains is considered difficult terrain and due to 8 to join the battle. Any creatures with blue headbands
the stone debris, all Dexterity (Stealth) checks are made (potentially two ogres and one orc) within range act as her
with disadvantage. allies for the purposes of her special ability Call for Aid.
Creatures. Two orcs wearing armor decorated with After 1 round of combat, the orc in Area 9 (loyal to
animal skulls stand guard between the wagon and fallen Valgred) awakens and joins the fray.
tower on the outside of the palisade. They talk (in Orcish) Hostilities. Roll a d20 when the PCs move within sight
about how Valgred needs to stop getting in the way of of this area. On a 1-10 the argument continues as it is. On
Kadal’s plans. an 11-20 the ogre bellows with rage and attacks the orcs.
If the ogre attacks and the PCs do not intervene, Nogg
emerges from Area 7 to break up the fight after 2 rounds.

This large stone building is mostly destroyed, with one side

completely collapsed. Dark scorch marks mar what is left of
the structure. To the west of the remains there is a gap in
the wooden palisade that has been hastily repaired with an
overturned wagon.

Hunting Traps. There is a poisoned hunting trap (see

Area 3) hidden in the debris of the ruined building.


Three large logs surround a firepit

which is the only light source in the
encampment. Nearby rests a haphazard
stack of wooden barrels, some open,
some intact, and others smashed.

If the creatures in this area have not been already

alerted to investigate Area 1, also read the following:

The occupants of the firepit are embroiled in a loud

argument. Four orcs, each wearing armor decorated with
animal skulls, square off against one towering ogre in a
blue headband who looks to be on the edge of violence.

Creatures. Three orcs and one veteran (orc)—all

followers of Kadal—are arguing loudly with an ogre
(obviously drunk) who is aligned with Valgred. The
ogre is suffering from the poisoned condition due to
his overindulgence of dwarven ale.



This stone building is one of the least damaged in the

encampment. The structure has been converted to a
holding area for prisoners, with chains anchored into
the western wall and the eastern portion being used as
storage for recently acquired supplies.

Creatures. Nogg (CE ogre alleybasher, see Tome of 8. VALGRED’S CHAMBER

Beasts 3), is guarding the dwarven prisoners and boxing
A squat stone building stands relatively intact at the
with some empty wooden crates in the middle of the
center of the encampment, though it too bears weathered
building. Nogg wears a blue headband and is itching for
scorch marks.
a fight. If she notices the PCs approach, she consumes a
potion of speed that Valgred gave her.
The walls of this room are decorated with tapestries, and a
Rallying the Troops. Ruby Runemaker (LN dwarf pike
bed piled high with animal skins of various types takes up
guard captain, see Tome of Beasts 3) and six dwarf pike
guards (see Tome of Beasts 3) are chained together on the the southeast corner of the room. On the east side of the
western side of the building. If the dwarf pike guards room, there are stacks of tomes and maps of the region
are freed, Ruby and her people are more than happy to spread over a table.
bring the fight to the forces of the twin warlords. If the
GM and/or the PCs prefer, the dwarves can head to other Creatures. Valgred, a thursir hearth priestess, is here
areas of the camp to clean up groups of enemies the PCs studying maps of the region and plotting out the locations
have not engaged yet rather than having them travel with of nearby villages and towns they might raid next.
the PCs. If a fight ensues in Area 6 and lasts more than 4 rounds,
Stolen Supplies. The crates in this area contain 3 potions Valgred realizes it might be more than just the usual
of healing, a crate of salted jerky that counts as thirty days tussling amongst the troops and joins the battle when she
of rations, and various spices and cooking herbs (worth sees the PCs.
100 gp total). Bonded in Loyalty. Any of Valgred’s allies that wear
blue headbands count as thursir giants for her Call for
Aid ability.
Treasure. Valgred wears hide armor (sized for a Large
creature) and carries a wand of binding. Her runic staff is a
magic quarterstaff that deals an additional 1d8 lightning
damage on a hit once per short rest.



Two stone outhouses stand in a state of disrepair along The entrance of this towering stone building has two heavy
the southern palisade with the wooden doors of both stone doors etched with depictions of dwarven blacksmiths
displaying indications of advanced rot. kneeling before the sky. Two stone statues flank the
doorway. The statue on the left is an armored dwarf with
Creatures. One orc wearing a blue headband is currently a maul raised to the sky; the head of this statue has been
napping on the western side of the outhouses. The orc has crudely removed and lies on the ground nearby. The statue
a passive Perception of 10. If a battle takes place in Area 6, on the right has been partially melted by an intense source
he wakes and joins after 1 round. of heat.

10. CONVERTED STABLES The two statues once bore the likenesses of the
dwarven deities of the forge; the one to the north was
An expansive stone building with two solid wooden doors destroyed during the dragon attack long ago, and the
still stands strong despite the scars from the destructive one to the south has been defaced by the followers of the
attack in the past. The floor is covered in hay, and it’s clear twin warlords. The double doors are currently shut, but
it was once a stable, but now it’s been converted into a not locked.
makeshift living space. A desk stands against the southern
wall, and a worn wooden sits on the floor between a pair of
bunk beds against the eastern wall.
Unlike what you’ve seen elsewhere in the encampment,
This large stone building was used as a stable by the this chamber is spotless and kept in a state of impeccable
dwarves, but it’s now being used as sleeping quarters by repair. Eight stands holding armor forged of dark metal
followers of Kadal. Once the occupants are dealt with, this and adorned with skulls line the walls in rows as straight
room can be used by the PCs to safely have a short rest if as the finest honed edge. There are no light sources in
the doors are barricaded. this darkened chamber, except for a glowing light—and
Creatures. Four orcs and one veteran (orc) are currently oppressive heat—straight ahead coming from the forge.
slumbering. You also hear the ringing sounds of someone hammering
Creature Change. For the veteran, replace all mentions on metal.
of “longsword” with “battleaxe” and “shortsword” with
“handaxe.” Kadal prefers a clean workplace and has his followers
Entering the Room. The orcs have a passive Perception routinely clean the building to his standards.
of 10; the orc veteran’s is 12. If a PC attempts to open the Forging in Progress. When the PCs enter this area, Kadal
door quietly, their Dexterity (Stealth) check is made with is standing north of the forge, by the anvil (see Area 15),
disadvantage due to the doors creaking loudly when they hammering out a greatsword blade. He is initially just out
open. If the PCs just open the door without any concern of view, though the PCs can see the end of the anvil and the
for quietness, the guards awaken, but are surprised for the sparks flying off of it as the hammer comes down. Due to
first round. the hammering, it’s possible Kadal won’t notice the PCs
Treasure. The chest contains a pouch of eight rubies until they get quite close.
(worth 200 gp total) and a silver chalice (worth 45 gp). Treasure. The suits of armor lining the hall are 8 suits of
splint mail adorned with skulls, forged by Kadal and sized
for 9-foot-tall (Large) creatures; it weighs twice as much as
regular splint mail.


13. KADAL’S CHAMBER Concluding
This room contains a large bed piled with bear furs in the the Adventure
western corner. Two heavy iron chests stand against the
With the twin warlords defeated, any remaining followers
northern wall.
flee into the mountains to find other employment. If Ruby
Runemaker survives being prisoner, she offers a favor to the
Treasure. The iron chests are filled with plunder PCs if they should ever need it, along with a barrel of their
from recent raids and require either a successful DC finest dwarven ale, as thanks. The local villages see the PCs
18 Dexterity check with thieves’ tools or a successful as their saviors, and they are offered free lodging and meals
DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check to break them open. whenever they travel through.
One contains 1,100 gp and 4 bloodstone gems (worth After seeing that the magic of The Lost Forge has been
200 gp total). The other contains 175 cp, 1,700 sp, and 2 rekindled, Ruby Runemaker brings word to her people,
moonstones (worth 100 gp total). and the dwarves begin the process of rebuilding the walls to
once again use the forge for making armor and weapons for
14. BLACKSMITH STORAGE the defense of the surrounding lands.
The thursir giant conclave where the twins came from
This is a simple room occupied mostly by crates of copper
hear of their defeat will someday come seeking vengeance
ore. A stack of dusty blacksmithing molds and an impressive
for their fallen kin.
collection of blacksmithing tools clutter a sturdy workbench
along the eastern wall.

Treasure. There are enough tools in this room to make

three complete sets of smith’s tools. There are 7 crates of
copper ore (worth 35 gp total), but each one is extremely
heavy, weighing several hundred pounds each.


This large chamber with a vaulted ceiling is lit by the

Lost Forge. A smelting area, a massive dark-iron anvil,
and a huge worktable dominate much of the room.
Atop the tables are immense blacksmithing tools that
look as if made for the hands of giants.

Creatures. Kadal, a thursir giant armorer, is currently

working angrily at the forge after a recent argument with
his sister. As the PCs approach, four small creatures emerge
from the forge—these four magma mephits follow Kadal
and aid him with his work. Kadal stops working when he
discovers intruders in the forge and immediately grabs his
battleaxe and shield to deal with them.
Power of the Lost Forge. The magical forge emits an aura
in the chamber that powers the heating of metal, which
effects the magma mephits by replacing their Innate
Spellcasting ability from (1/Day) to (Recharge 5-6).
Treasure. Kadal’s battleaxe and shield, which he
crafted himself, are a vicious axe and a +1 shield.
His armor is non-magical, but crafted with his
expert smithing hand.


The Monstrous
Machinations of
Margrave Millard

Adventure Background Adventure Hook

Margrave Millard always had a fascination with monsters, This adventure can take place in any rural area, where
even as a child. This was a harmless fascination until he news travels slowly and a powerful noble can get away
inherited his estate and met Researcher Voss. The pair with abusing his own populace. The PCs are hired in the
shared an interest, and while Millard loved the power and small mining town of Iron Hill, where the local lord has
primal strength of monstrosities, Voss loved the act of been terrorizing his populace for months. Their contact
creation, idolizing the wizards who created creatures like is Jasmine, a local miner who has begged their urgent
the owlbear. The two believed each was capable of achieving assistance saving the townsfolk from the local lord.
their goals—that Voss would create great and terrible Jasmine is a respected mining forewoman (N human
creatures to unleash upon the world and that Millard would scout) in Iron Hill. She has sun-damaged skin, the strong
become one of the monsters he so idolized. build of a miner, and has lived in Iron Hill her whole life.
Eventually, the pair escalated from plotting and research She’s gruff, serious, and self-assured but knows that she’s out
to experimentation. Disfavored servants and travelers of her league with regard to the margrave’s recent rampage.
began to disappear, rare and exotic monsters were The Job. Margrave Millard has been kidnapping citizens
imported, and Millard’s mansion was converted into a for unknown experiments for weeks, and no one he’s taken
laboratory so that the pair might create their monsters and has emerged from his secluded manor. Jasmine wants the
unleash them upon unwitting victims to see how effectively PCs to stop the experiments and kill Millard for his crimes.
they fought. As they ran out of convenient victims, they Reward. 400 gp for each PC, as well as everything they
began to branch out, kidnapping merchant caravans, can carry from the margrave’s home.
passing mercenaries, and unruly peasants—flinging them
Additional Information. Jasmine also shares the following:
into an arena with their newest creations.
This was bad enough, but in the last month things have • Margrave Millard lives in an isolated manor in the center
escalated. Margrave Millard is close to a breakthrough. of the woods, only an hour’s ride from Iron Hill.
He just needs a worthy foe to test himself against. He has • Millard has always been an odd man with an obsession
begun to act openly, simply storming villages and towns he with magical creatures, but was largely considered an
is lord of and kidnapping dozens to test against himself and acceptably neglectful lord until the experiments started,
his beast. The people don’t know what’s happening, why as he’d ignore his subjects and occasionally forget to
their lord has begun to terrorize them, what he plans in his collect taxes.
isolated manse, or what his ultimate goal is.


• Millard has at least a dozen servants—thugs of various 1. ENTRYWAY
sorts—and a trained owlbear.
This extravagant foyer may once have been luxurious, but
• Before the kidnappings started, a shipment of a dozen
now it’s best described as eerie. Half the candles on the
or more caged animals was delivered to his manor.
chandelier are unlit, casting the room in dim, unpleasant
light, while the once-gleaming hardwood floors are now
Millard’s Manse marred with overlapping scratch and claw marks. Two
Millard’s Manse is a squat, overgrown gothic manor threadbare chairs (with their cushions missing) flank the
surrounded by looming willows and covered in creeping entryway. Directly ahead there’s a door to the north with a
vines. Jasmine’s directions bring the PCs straight to it large, sneering face carved into the wall above it.
without incident.
Doors. In addition to a large front door, there are Creatures. Margrave Millard watches the entrance hall,
15-foot-wide barndoors on the eastern and western sides using a pair of enchanted spectacles (see Area 9) to look
of the house, toward the back of the building. Unless through the eyes of the sneering face above the door.
otherwise noted, all doors—including the front door—are When he spots the PCs, he introduces himself, his voice
wooden and unlocked. The barndoors are both barred reverberating all around the PCs, as if coming from the
from the inside, requiring a successful DC 18 Strength house itself. He thanks them for volunteering as his final
(Athletics) check to break them open. test subjects, then urges them to step through the door to
Portcullis. There are two heavy iron portcullis in Area 5. the north, so that the demonstration can begin. He calls
Each has AC 19, 27 hit points, and a damage threshold of them cowards if they go through any other door.
10, but the margrave gladly orders the gate opened if the
PCs wish to enter the arena. 2. WEST BARRACKS
Illumination. The margrave has allowed his manse
to fall into disrepair. Little light filters through barred This plain room hosts three bunks, each with a pair of small
windows and many rooms are lit only by sparse candles, wooden chests at its foot. A polished wooden table sits
providing dim light throughout the manse. in the center of the room, with several chairs and stools
Margrave Millard. Margrave Millard (NE human arranged around it. The room is better maintained than the
druid) is a tall, pale man in his early 30s. He dresses in rest of the manse—clean, comfortable, and free of damage.
baggy formalwear that hangs off his frame, giving him
the impression of being far scrawnier than he actually is. Creatures. Three thugs and three veterans are relaxing
He’s always been obsessed with physical strength and the in this room. They are dedicated servants of the margrave
freedom and respect he believes it can provide. He also and attack intruders, fighting to the death. However, if the
really likes to hear himself talk, which is the foundation of margrave has died in the arena, they flee the manor.
his friendship with the stubbornly quiet Researcher Voss Treasure. Most of the chests contain mundane personal
(NE human priest). effects, but inside one is a bag of holding containing 15
While Millard is well-educated and is keen to human left ears and 2 lbs. of beef jerky.
justify himself with philosophical diatribes about the
fundamental meaninglessness of life and the purity of a 3. EAST BARRACKS
natural life, he’s utterly uninterested in what others have to
say. Allies have their words interpreted as supporting him, This ostentatiously painted room hosts three bunks, each
and everyone else is casually dismissed as worthless. with a pair of small wooden chests at its foot. The floor has
Millard can speak to anyone in his manor, no matter been covered in wolf pelts that have suffered the wear and
what room they’re in, via the enchanted pyramidal stone tear of having many, many boots trod upon them. Standing
in Area 9; it’s one-way communication only, so he can’t in the center of the room is a set of table and chairs and in
hear any reply. The margrave uses the opportunity to the northeast corner is a writing desk.
monologue at his guests while they explore the manor. He
can also see what his guests are doing, but only in Area 1, Creatures. A thug, two bandit captains, and two
via the enchanted spectacles in Area 9. veterans are eating a meal in this room. They are dedicated
servants of the margrave and attack intruders, fighting to
the death. However, if the margrave has died in the arena,
they flee the manor.
Treasure. Most of the chests contain mundane personal
effects, but one contains 1,500 sp and a note detailing
payroll for the Manse’s guards over the next month.


4. SMALL CREATURE HOLDING PENS If the creatures are in this area, add the following read
aloud text:
This long, narrow room expands into a small alcove at
its northern end, where you can see shreds of half-eaten
Near one of the cages, an animal handler looks to be
flesh and fragments of bone scattered. Wooden cages are
training—or perhaps just playing with—a feathered bipedal
pressed against the walls here and wherever else there is
dinosaur taller than he is.
space, and the area reeks of rotting meat and the acrid
stench of a spilled alchemical reagents. This looks as if it
Cages. Several of the cages are more like dog crates—
might have once have been a kitchen, as you see a chimney
they’re left open, and the creatures just have their own
and oven against the outer wall, next to it a water basin,
space that they can call their own. Both the capybears
and to the northeast a counter—now dedicated to what
and raptors are quite intelligent and loyal and have been
must be monster food—that may once have been used for
food preparation. A barndoor on the western wall, which is
Smaller crates have typical livestock—chickens and the
barred on this side, appears to lead outside the manse.
like—for feeding the margrave’s creatures.

Behind the northernmost door leading into Area 5 is a

heavy iron portcullis.
Creatures. If they have not yet been released into the This ballroom must once have been grand, its chandeliers
arena (Area 5), there are four capybears (see Tome of Beasts glistening from mage-light, its polished floor made for
3), four razorfeather raptors (see Tome of Beasts 3), and an dancing, the walls austere yet elegant with their marble
animal handler (a thug) in this area. If the PCs are spotted, decorations. Now, the marble is bloodstained, shattered
the thug orders the animals to attack. furniture is scattered across the floor, and the stench of
death suffuses the air. Heavy iron portcullis stand before the
two northernmost doors on the east and west walls.

Creatures. If the PCs entered from Area 1, the door

behind them closes and magically locks after they enter
(via the arcane lock spell). The margrave thanks the PCs
for entering his arena, then unleashes several waves of
monstrosities upon them, grandiosely introducing each
and explaining how it will tear them apart. The margrave
grants the PCs two rounds of rest between attacks.
First Wave: Four capybears (from Area 4), one dire
owlbear (see Tome of Beasts 3) from Area 7.
Second Wave: Four razorfeather raptors from Area 4.
Third Wave: Three grolar bears (see Tome of Beasts 3)
from Area 7.
Final Wave: Margrave Millard (NE human druid)
and Researcher Voss (NE human priest) leave Area 6 and
one of them enters the arena through each portcullis.
Upon arriving, the margrave gives the PCs an earnest
congratulations, then announces the perfection of his
experiments and transforms into a grolar bear alpha (see
Tome of Beasts 3). He and Voss then attack; both fight to the
The thugs in Areas 4 and 7 lead the animals in their
charge to the northern entrance of the arena, open the
doors, then lift the portcullis and release Millard’s beasts
and monstrosities inside.
If the margrave is defeated, any of his remaining
servants flee.



The southern wall of this room is an enormous

one-way mirror looking into the bloodstained
arena. Arrayed before the mirror are a series of
comfortable chairs with small tables between
them, clearly seating for guests to watch
whatever horrors are to be put on
display. A door lies in the center of the
northern wall; flanking it are a pair of
tables that hold the accoutrement for
drinks and hors-d’oeuvres. Towering
portraits of sharp-faced men and
women line the walls, and a one of
the small tables has atop it several empty
glasses that have not yet been cleared.

While the PCs fight in the arena, Millard and Voss

watch them from these seats.
The mirror is magically protected by a persistent wall
of force effect.


Behind the northernmost door leading into Area 5

is a heavy iron portcullis. Three very large—and
one enormous—animal cages occupy the
northern end of this area.
Creatures. If the creatures have
not yet been released into the arena
(Area 5), three grolar bears, a dire owlbear,
and an animal handler (a thug) are in this area. If the PCs
are spotted, the handler orders the animals to attack. If possible, the two grolar bears move to clog up the
chokepoint in the hallway to allow the handler to release
An enormous cage with an ferocious‑looking—and the dire owlbear; if she’s killed by the PCs before she can
large—owlbear inside is pressed against the northern wall release the dire owlbear, on its next turn it breaks free of
of this sprawling chamber, while three smaller—but still its cage.
quite large—cages pushed against other walls contain
some kind of snarling bear. An animal handler stands next
to the southernmost bear cage and pets the creature
through the bars. Tables and alchemical equipment and cauldrons fill this
room. The sound of slowly roiling liquid is omnipresent, as
is the acrid scent of strange reagents burning.
Tactics. On her first turn, the handler opens the first
grolar bear’s cage, then rushes to the next and opens
that one as well. On her next turn, she releases the dire Creatures. Two slithy toves (see Tome of Beasts 3) have
owlbear. She then goes to release the final grolar bear, but finished gestating in one of the cauldrons. If the PCs start
the dire owlbear—perhaps enraged by the scent of blood looting the laboratory, spend more than 1 minute inside,
in the air—turns on her, and kills her with a swipe of its or discover the toves, the creatures crawl out of their
mighty claws. The third grolar bear therefore remains cauldrons and attack.
caged. Before her untimely demise, upon releasing each Treasure. In this room are two sets of alchemist’s
of the beasts, the handler orders each one to attack. supplies, 4 pieces of fine glassware (worth 100 gp total)
and 15 flasks of alchemist’s fire.


Bookcases line the walls of this chamber, and a formal the Adventure
table stands in the middle of the room with paperwork
The adventure concludes when the PCs bring an end to
strewn across it. To the east and west of the table are a pair
Margrave Millard’s reign of terror.
of comfortable-looking chairs, with smaller tables beside
If Millard or Voss are left alive, they say whatever they
them, each of which hold a stack of books. On the central need to in order to convince the PCs that they’ll cease their
table is a strange, pyramidal stone engraved with runes, evil ways, but they absolutely will not. Neither is motivated
with a pair of large spectacles are chained to it. by revenge and so are not likely to seek out the PCs again,
but they could become a problem that the PCs have to deal
Creatures. If they were not defeated elsewhere, with again in the future.
Margrave Millard (NE human druid) and Researcher If both Millard and Voss are killed, but any of the
Voss (NE human priest) wait in this room. Once the PCs creatures are left alive, the PCs must decide what do
are spotted, Millard turns into a grolar bear alpha and with them. The razorfeather raptor and dire owlbear are
attacks. monstrosities too dangerous to release into the wild,
Tactics. Researcher Voss casts spirit guardians to protect thought the raptor is intelligent enough (and has been
themself and Millard and heals the margrave if he is around humans enough) that it’s possible clever PCs—
reduced to fewer than 15 hit points. Margrave Millard loses likely with the aid of magic—could convince the creatures
all self-control when he transforms and attacks whatever to travel somewhere remote and not prey on sentient
PC is closest at any given time. Both fight to the death. creatures. Under normal circumstances, the grolar bears
Treasure. The spectacles allow the wearer to spend and capybears could potentially be released into the wild,
a bonus action to gaze through the eyes of the carving but the margrave has brought out the most vicious instincts
in Area 1. Any creature that speaks into the pyramidal in them and thus none are likely to make good neighbors.
stone broadcasts their voice to the entire manse. The
bookshelves contain books on biology and monster
ecology (worth 700 gp total to the right buyer).
On the central table is a scroll of polymorph
and a small box that contains 4 diamonds
(worth 600 gp total).


The Green Sanctum

Adventure Background The Green Sanctum

The halfling Zelen Barishka adventured during most of Ahead, the trees thin, providing better access to the river
her early adulthood, growing in power as a druid as she flowing through the forest and revealing a stone structure
traveled the world and fought monsters. Her true passion nestled on an island about thirty feet from the bank. Two
involved the study of plants, and she had occasion to note clear glass domes top the vine-covered building.
unusual species thriving in hidden locations or driven to
near extinction because of the danger they posed to nearby
Granite forms the basis of the island supporting the
settlements. She cataloged these plants’ locations and
stone building, allowing Zelen to comfortably commission
vowed to return to retrieve, rescue, and study them.
the material used for the building’s construction without
When she retired, she used her accumulated wealth
fear of it sinking. Narrow slits in the walls allow ample
to build a hidden sanctuary where she could store and
light to penetrate the building while keeping out all but
examine these notable plants. She also procured a strange
the smallest creatures. During the day, bright light fills the
golem capable of gathering and safely storing her prizes.
building except where noted, but, at night, darkness engulfs
Still afflicted with some wanderlust, Zelen also journeyed to
the building, as there are no continuous light sources.
recover plants herself. On her final trip, she fell to her death
Contrasting with the stone walls, wooden doors allow
attempting to collect a cliff-dwelling shrub. Meanwhile, her
access to the sanctum’s inner chambers.
golem assistant arrived from its latest assignment to obtain
Creatures. Twelve dust mephits serve Zelen by carrying
the fruit from a plant the halfling knows as an alaguara and
out mundane tasks and warding off intruders while she is
now awaits Zelen’s return so it can release its bounty.
away. When the PCs enter any room except Area 16, they
have a chance to encounter the creatures. Roll a d10; on a
Adventure Hook roll of 1, they encounter two mephits, or on a roll of 2-4,
they encounter one. Each dust mephit can use its action to
The following can used to start the PCs on this adventure:
activate the entangling roots growing beneath the sanctum.
• Botanist Check-in. One of Zelen’s botanist colleagues These roots can only be activated once per day in each area
has been expecting to receive an alaguara seed from the and reset at dawn.
druid to assist in the plant’s study, and its delivery is Entangling Roots. Thanks to the druid’s coaxing,
now considerably past due. The botanist offers the PCs a dozens of roots grow from the riverbed and symbiotically
reward to travel to Zelen’s sanctum to check in with her. intertwine with the granite to create one of the sanctum’s
• Fashioning a Cure. The PCs may require the alaguara defense measures. Roots snake through holes in the floor
plant held by the golem to fashion a cure for a disease in a 15-foot radius centered on a designated point for 1
or other malady afflicting one of their number, an minute. For the duration, that area is treated as difficult
important NPC, or an entire settlement. terrain for creatures other than plants. In addition, each


creature in that area must succeed on a DC 12 Strength 3. OBSERVATION PANE
saving throw or become restrained. A creature can use its
action to make a DC 12 Strength check, freeing itself or The hallway ends at a large, frigid, ice-rimed glass pane
another entangled creature within reach on a success. through which one can view the plants contained within a
Fire Suppression System. Another magical defense glass dome. At the southern end of the hall, closed doors
system counters the threat fire poses to the sanctum’s rare lead to the east and west.
specimens. After a creature uses magic or an effect that
deals fire damage, the sanctum—as if it were a creature Glass Pane. The glass pane has AC 15, 30 hit points,
using its reaction—douses any fire caused by the effect, a damage threshold of 10, and immunity to piercing,
and the creature responsible, using the following attack: slashing, poison, and psychic damage. Destroying the
Freezing Spray. Ranged Spell Attack: +4 to hit, one target. pane attracts the attention of 1d4+1 dust mephits, which
Hit: 4 (1d8) cold damage and douses any nonmagical arrive in 2 rounds to attack the offenders.
flames on the target.
The fire suppression system can also target an ongoing
spell that deals fire damage, such as flaming sphere, as if
it cast dispel magic (+4 bonus on the ability check). The This spare living space contains a neatly made bed, a small
sanctum gets its reaction back on initiative count 20. wooden table with numerous ring stains from mugs and
tankards, a writing desk with an open leather-bound book,
1. BEACH LANDING and a wardrobe.

The wide river separating the banks from this modest island
The desk is clear of items except for Zelen’s journal
in its center proves easy to navigate. Thorny grasses cover
open to its final entry, dated three weeks ago; the entry
much of the sandy soil surrounding the building.
reads: “I’ve sent my assistant to find one of the last known
specimens of the alaguara, which has faced eradication
The island stands 30 feet from the nearest bank and the from people unkindly disposed to its invasive qualities.
water reaches a maximum depth of 15 feet halfway between While he is out on his mission, I shall undertake my own
the bank and the island. Near the island, the depth varies quest to retrieve a rare flowering plant that climbs the
from 5 to 7 feet. Zelen left the native grasses alone apart Blackrock Cliffs.” The journal spans a month prior to the
from those she cleared prior to the sanctum’s construction. last date and features discussions about a species of orchid
Creatures. Two vine-covered owlbears, trained and that spits poisonous thorns and a plan to seek out the
altered by Zelen, patrol the beach. Without hearing the flower later.
proper series of whistles known only to the druid, the Treasure. A set of goggles of night hang from a hook
owlbears attack any creatures that set foot on the beach. behind a heavy cloak in the wardrobe.
They do not pursue creatures that move more than 10 feet
from the beach.
Creature Change. Once per short or long rest, the
owlbears can use their action to produce an effect similar Numerous flowering shrubs and bushes thrive in this
to the entangle spell (spell save DC 13). It has a range of hallway and fill it with sweet fragrances. The temperature
only 20 feet, but requires no concentration. The vines drops significantly as the hallway proceeds north.
covering the creatures shoot out to the point within range
to create the effect. As the corridor turns east, a set of double doors on the
eastern wall stand open (to Area 6); opposite that, on the
2. SANCTUM ENTRANCE western wall, is a closed single door (to Area 7).
Creatures. Two alpine creepers (see Tome of Beasts 3),
As you enter the sanctum, you see a long hallway stretching
which typically dwell in the arctic sanctum, lurk in the
ahead north; in the immediate vicinity, to the east and west
colder northern section of this hall, just south of the doors
are closed wooden doors. The flooring is cool to the touch
leading to Area 6. The plants ignore the dust mephits, but
and looks to be natural stone, polished mostly smooth.
they attack anyone else, fighting to the death.

If the PCs arrive during the day, the light that shines
through the dome in Area 6 provides enough illumination
through the Observation Pane (Area 3) to be notable even
from the entrance.



A blast of cold hits you as you enter this room. Ice coats
most of this domed, circular room’s surfaces, but the plants
within clearly thrive here. The frost on the dome above
dims the light shining through it.

Permanent magic keeps this chamber’s

temperature at just below the freezing point. A
successful dispel magic (DC 17) ends the magic; if
dispelled, the room warms to match the ambient
temperature after four hours, causing most of the
plants located here to wither and die.
Creatures. An ice willow (see Tome of Beasts 3)
stands along the room’s southeastern arc. It waits
until prey draws close enough for it to unleash its
spray of ice shards with greatest effect. The willow
fights until reduced to 20 hit points, at which
point it attempts to retreat as far as it can within
Area 6 and cowers, saying in sylvan “was scared”
“no kill” or the like. If the PCs seem determined to
kill it, however, it continues fighting to the death.


Gardening tools—trowels, shovels, rakes, and the like—

haphazardly fill this shed and clutter the workbench
along the northwestern wall. Though disorganized and
well‑used, the tools show no sign of disrepair and are free
of dirt and rust.

Treasure. A successful DC 12 Intelligence

(Investigation) check finds 4 flasks packed away under the PLANT ERADICATOR
workbench. Two of the flasks contain plant eradicator (see Wondrous Item, uncommon
sidebar) and two contain plant revivifier (see sidebar).
As an action, you can pour this acrid, viscous, deep-
green liquid on a 10-foot square; any ordinary plant
8. TUCKED-AWAY SHRINE matter in the square is destroyed. Also as an action,
The corridor ends at a wall ahead, at the foot of which is a you can throw this flask up to 20 feet, shattering it on
shrine enshrouded in ferns and flowers. impact. Make a ranged attack against a creature. On a
hit, the target takes 1d6 poison damage. If the target
The shrine is anointed to various nature deities to is a plant, it instead takes 4d6 poison damage, which
whom Zelen gave prayers while she adventured. bypasses any resistances to poison and treats immunity
Secret Door. A successful DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) to poison as resistance.
check discovers a faint crack in the wall, revealing a door
that pushes inward to Area 15.
Wondrous Item, uncommon
As an action, you can pour this clear, green liquid
smelling of loam on the ground, causing any plants
Wooden frames covered with climbers line the north and or plant creatures in a 20-foot radius to regain 4d4 hit
south walls of this short hallway. points. Alternately, you can cause all of the plants in a
20-foot radius to benefit from the effects of the plant
The vines react to vibrations, including footsteps, by growth spell.
shuddering in response, though they pose no danger.



A grand oak table surrounded by mahogany chairs fills Neatly stacked piles of books and papers cover the floor.
most of this square chamber.
The material in this chamber contains mundane details
A single sheet of paper as well as a cup that once about nature and plants.
contained coffee are on the table; the paper seems to be Secret Door. A successful DC 17 Wisdom (Perception)
notes from a meeting, from one druid to another. The check detects the seams of the door.
room is empty apart from the table and chairs.
The secret door opens to reveal a dark, cool chamber.
Different strains of moss and lichen fill every inch of this Against the north wall stands a table, against the west wall
hallway, including the ceiling and floor, deadening sound a bookcase. Numerous tomes fill the bookshelf, and the
within it. The plants glow with blue and green iridescence desk has an array of journals and papers arrayed across it.
when blocked from sunlight.
Zelen stored important correspondence, research
These plants are all just common mosses and lichen. tomes, and her own journal in this secret room.
Treasure. Zelen’s journals contain an array of
12. DARK ROOM information useful for those who study plants (worth
150 gp total to the right buyer). A creature who spends
A riot of fungi covers a table along the southern wall of
this lightless chamber. Shelf fungus covers most
of the northern wall.

Creatures. A shrieker lurks among

the other fungus here. If it raises its
alarm, it draws 1d4 + 1 dust
mephits to the chamber 1
round later.


a month studying the research gains proficiency in 16. INNER SANCTUM
Intelligence (Nature) checks; if they are already proficient,
their proficiency bonus is doubled for any Intelligence This domed chamber houses several strange trees
(Nature) check. and flowering plants, some of which seemingly move
The journals also contain instructions for operating independently. A metal humanoid standing along the
the ice golem (see Tome of Beasts 3) in Area 16, including eastern wall seems incongruous to the greenery.
the command words necessary to activate and deactivate
the construct. A PC can locate that information without Creatures. A shambling mound guards this sanctum
spending days reading through all of the journals with a and attacks anyone other than Zelen who enters, fighting
successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation or Nature) to the death.
check; a druid makes this check with advantage. Zelen’s ice golem stands beside the eastern wall. It
seeks only to protect the plant within its chest cavity, so
15. LABORATORY it only attacks any creatures that move within its reach,
targets it with ranged attacks, or uses spells or effects
This oddly shaped chamber holds a handful of tables laden targeting it. If the proper command words found in
with beakers, mortars and pestles, and tools used for the Zelen’s journals in Area 14 are spoken, they deactivate the
fine manipulation of herbs and reagents. A door provides golem and command it to release the alaguara fruit held in
the only entryway to a circular chamber contained within its chest cavity.
this laboratory. Attempting to forcibly remove the alaguara fruit causes
the golem to go berserk. In this state, the golem attacks
Lab Purpose. If a PC spends 10 minutes or more the nearest creature it can see, excluding the shambling
examining the notes and equipment in the lab, with a mound, even pursuing targets outside this area. It remains
successful DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation or Nature) in this state until it is destroyed or deactivated.
check, they determine that Zelen used this lab to study If the PCs successfully navigate the ice golem without
harmful and dangerous plants to make them more having to fight it, but you would like there to be more of a
harmonious with their surroundings, including the challenge to this final encounter, you can add additional
alaguara fruit. She wished to preserve its healing properties plant creatures to this combat—of which there are nearly
in a hybrid that wouldn’t wipe out competing plants. two dozen in Tome of Beasts 3.
Locked and Trapped Door. A successful DC 15 Dexterity Treasure. The ice golem holds the alaguara fruit in stasis
check using thieves’ tools picks the lock. Electricity inside its chest cavity. There are no other objects of value
charges the door when opened and every creature within in this room, but the plants growing here are almost all
10 feet of the door must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving extremely rare or unique specimens of considerable value
throw, taking 21 (6d6) lightning damage on a failed save or to those searching for or studying such plants.
half as much damage on a successful one.
Prevention. A successful DC 17 Intelligence
(Investigation) check while inspecting the door finds nearly
imperceptible runes carved in the wood. A spell or other the Adventure
effect that can sense the presence of magic, such as detect If the PCs retrieve the alaguara fruit, they receive a reward
magic, reveals an aura of evocation magic on the door. A commensurate with the adventure hook you chose.
successful dispel magic (DC 14) cast on the door deactivates Another druid or scholar with an interest in Zelen’s
the trap. The trap can be disarmed with a successful DC studies may eventually take up residence in the Green
17 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools. Failing this check Sanctum and contact the PCs to share information about
by 5 or more discharges the trap and causes the PC to have the location’s denizens and traps.
disadvantage on the resulting saving throw. If the PCs retrieved Zelen’s journals, interested groups
Treasure. Three herbalism kits can be collected from the may contact them and ask about obtaining the journals
equipment on the various tables. There are also 3 potions of and their secrets for a price.
healing and a potion of greater healing. The PCs may also receive a request to find Zelen’s
remains so she can receive a proper burial.


The Salons of
Mother Celeste

Adventure Background The following hooks can used to start the PCs on this
adventure. The PCs:
The fur trader Whippet has been lost. Presumably due to a
• Already helped Wrackwater in the “Incident at
non-functioning lighthouse and the foggy shoals outside of
Wrackwater” adventure and are recruited by their
Wrackwater Cove (see “Incident at Wrackwater” adventure
contacts from that previous adventure.
for additional background). Wrackwater locals have
recently found confirmation of a nearby wreck location. • Are asked by one of their allies or patrons—who has a
Undoubtedly, it’s Whippet, but the ship’s investors and friend, relative, or colleague among the investors and/or
underwriters must have incontrovertible proof. They’re town council—to travel to Wrackwater to investigate the
also eager to recover some specific items that will confirm, strange goings-on there.
document, and perhaps mitigate their financial losses. • Are traveling in the vicinity and hear of the plight of the
people of Wrackwater.

Adventure Hook The Job. The investors wish to discuss enlisting the PCs
There have been many strange occurrences in the region for ship identity confirmation (by retrieving the ship’s bell),
recently, including the appearance of strange, dangerous insurance assessment (by retrieving the ship’s manifest),
creatures, and now the merchant schooner Whippet, which and to report any other salvage opportunities at the recently
didn’t arrive in port when expected, is no longer merely confirmed wreck site. The town council is naturally most
“overdue” but officially “lost at sea.” concerned with the PCs putting an end to the threat posed
The Wrackwater town council, with funding provided by by the strange creatures that have been lurking about
a group of maritime investors and guarantors, are looking of late, but the investors are footing the bill and so their
for the assistance of “heroes” to recover the lost vessel. concerns are at the forefront of the negotiations.
Given other recent events, it’s entirely too dangerous for a If the PCs agree, the guarantors propose a total payment
mere salvage crew (though they tried and no one could be of 2,000 gp for the job. With the generous funding of
convinced to take the job), clearly a job for heroes. the guarantors, the council offers transportation to and
from the wreck site, with necessary diving and salvage
equipment provided.


Wil cheerfully sets a crate down in front of the PCs and
says, “The fine folk of the town council says for me to pass
this along to ye heroes, so I’m’a doin’ it.” Inside the crate
This small crystal sphere is filled with a type of molded
is a sealskin coldsuit (which grants the wearer a swimming
flower pollen that when shaken vigorously luminesces to
speed of 20 feet), 3 glowmold globes (see sidebar), and
roughly the brightness and radius of a normal torch. The
a crowbar. Wil says he’ll wait topside with “emergency
glow lasts 2 (1d4) hours before it begins to fade. The refreshments and moral support.”
globes are airtight, water and pressure proof, and come
in several popular colors. A glowmold globe contains
enough bioluminescent mold to be used 6 times.
The Wreck
of the Whippet
You descend more than seventy feet, diving down through
water that seems uncharacteristically warm, with a clear
current that feels like it zigzags through these waters.
The Good Before long, the capsized vessel comes into view and you
Barge Barnacle see a jagged, wide hull breach that exposes the expansive
darkness of the ship’s bilge.
The PCs are brought to the wide, flat deck of the salvage
barge Barnacle. This tattered barge sports a small pilot
house, tool racks and cargo nets, and a small winch and a The PCs may free-dive or can be lowered down to the
150-foot boom. The PCs are greeted by Old Wil, Barnacle’s wreck via Barnacle’s boom winch.
master and commander, and then are introduced to his Capsized Vessel. Since the ship is upside-down, any
crew: Daisy (a geriatric parrot) and Dog (a pet harbor seal). “floor” (called “deck” on ships) the map depicts is actually
ceiling (called “overhead”). Likewise, all descriptions
referring to “the deck” mean the surface above and “the
overhead” refers to the surface below.
No Bodies. The shipwreck is curiously devoid of dead
crew, except for Areas 12-14. Whippet had a crew of 16.
Hatches and Doors. While opening a hatch or door
Fore: The front (bow) of the ship
on a normal ship would be a free action, opening them
Aft: The back (stern) of the ship underwater requires an action. Any Dexterity (Stealth)
Starboard: The right side of the ship if facing the bow check while opening a door or hatch is made with
Port: The left side of the ship if facing the bow disadvantage due to the disturbance it causes in the water.
Deck: Floor; also used to refer to the levels of the
ship—i.e., Deck 1, Deck 2, Upper Deck, etc. 1. BILGE BREACH
Overhead: Ceiling The hull breach is 10 feet long and ranges from 1 foot to 3
Bulkhead: Wall feet wide, large enough for Small and Medium creatures to
Bilge: The lowest inner part of a ship, designed to squeeze through without too much effort. Looking inside,
collect excess water the bilge is 4 feet high and crisscrossed with ribbing,
ship beams, and shoring. The bilge access hatch to/from
Binnacle: A pedestal mounted at the helm that houses
the cargo hold (Area 3) hangs open 15 feet aft of this hull
the ship’s compass, made of wood and brass
Capstan: A type of large winch used to help the crew
lift heavy weights and/or wind the ship’s anchor
Fo’c’s’le: Forecastle, the forward (main) deck of the ship
(pronounced “FOKH-sil”) A large breach pierces the hull here near the bottom of the
bow; it’s 2 feet by 7 feet and opens into Area 5. Inside, a
Gangway Ladder: Steep, ladder-like stairs
vast amount of cargo is haphazardly piled up on Deck 2 as
Ship’s Boat: A smaller boat (typically a rowboat) carried far as the eye can see.
by a larger vessel, used to communicate with shore or
perform other tasks the larger ship may be otherwise
incapable of


Deck 2: Dire Depths have claimed the entirety of Deck 2 as their domain. Unless
the PCs succeed on a DC 19 group Dexterity (Stealth)
As a reminder, Deck 2 actually rests below the bilges and check, the dire lionfish detect the PCs approaching and
above Deck 1 due to the Whippet being inverted. attempt to ambush them when they come within 15 feet.
They fight to the death to protect their territory.
3. MAIN CARGO HOLD, AFT Once combat ensues, there is a 60% chance of attracting
(1d4+1) curious bilge gremlins (see Tome of Beasts 3) from
Huge piles of ruined goods and freight crowd the hold’s
Area 9 who come through the cargo hatch (that connects
aft end, some of which stretch nearly all the way from the Area 9 to Area 4) and join the fray. (The chance increases
overhead to the deck above. to 100% if the PCs use a cacophonous effect like the spell
thunderwave.) The curious gremlins arrive after 2 rounds
Hatch. A portside hatch in the deck above leads to the and happily attack both the lionfish and the PCs.
bilge (Area 1). Treasure. If the PCs wish, they can harvest the dire
Vision. The towers of cargo here may impede a creature’s lionfish spines (see sidebar) with a successful DC 18
line of sight and/or cover options. Wisdom (Survival) check; on a failure of 5 or more, the PC
Creatures. Two dire lionfish (see Tome of Beasts 3) lurk attempting the task takes 2d6 poison damage. 30 spines
here in the shadows, making their home here as if the piles are available to collect; the PC must repeat the check every
of cargo were coral. The pair are viciously territorial and 10 spines they harvest, and the process of removing them


Simple Melee Weapon
Easily four feet long, a dire lionfish spine can be used as
a simple melee weapon that deals 1d6 piercing damage BILGE GREMLIN TACTICS
on hit, plus an additional 2d6 poison damage. After Bilge Gremlins (and Bosuns) are wily and slippery foes.
making one successful attack with the spine, the venom They rely on their evasiveness to be effective, and so
is expended, and thereafter all attack rolls with the spine they take full advantage of their ability to cast misty
are made with disadvantage. One week after a spine step at will, rarely ending a turn adjacent to an enemy
is removed from a dire lionfish, the venom is no longer if at all possible. Likewise, whenever they detect danger,
viable. The spines have dark red-brown stripes that they make frequent use of their at will invisibility to
alternate with a brighter coral color. spring ambushes.


takes 5 minutes of excruciating, cautious work. If another Rope. Due to being extremely waterlogged, these hemp
PC wishes to help, the Wisdom (Survival) check can be ropes are not floating freely as they would otherwise.
made with advantage, but the helping PC must make a DC Creatures. Three bilge gremlins are napping in this
16 Constitution saving throw or suffer 2d6 poison damage. room, hidden amongst the ropes. They wake when the
hatch or door is opened, unless the creature opening the
4. MAIN CARGO HOLD, FORWARD door or hatch succeeds on a DC 12 Dexterity (Stealth)
check. If the PCs enter the room undetected, it requires
This area is mostly clear of cargo and detritus, though the a successful DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) check to notice
mainmast bears a deep indentation as if something forcefully the gremlins.
slammed into it. Amidship, you can see the outline of the Tactics. If the gremlins are alerted to the PCs’ entrance,
cargo hatch in the overhead that goes to the next deck. A they cast invisibility on themselves and wait for the PCs
gaping hull breach in the starboard bow is visible from here. to enter the hallway; once inside, they sing out to their
comrades in Areas 7, 8, and 9.
The dire lionfish in Area 3 headbutted the mast as part of
claiming its territory and/or letting out some aggression. 7-8. FORWARD CREW QUARTERS
Hatch. The cargo hatch in the overhead (the floor, since
Hammocks and tie-downs float like ghosts between ship
the ship is upside-down) leads from Area 4 to Area 9.
beams, articles of clothing bedding and common sailor’s
effects drift about the flooded compartment.

Several crates and barrels are strewn about this area, the Both of these rooms are identical crew quarters for 6
wood on several of them shattered, spilling their contents. individuals.
Some bits of grain float in the water here, remnants, Creatures. One bilge gremlin sleeps in each of these
perhaps, of one of these broken barrels or sacks, the rest rooms. If any combat ensues anywhere in Areas 6-9, they
already washed out to sea. awaken and join the fray.

Hatch. A portside gangway ladder (staircase) leads to a 9. UPPER CARGO HOLD

hatch that opens onto Deck 1.
This cargo hold is in as dismal condition as you might
Breach. A hull breach (see Area 2) is located on the
expect. All manner of cargo has been cast about, making
starboard bow here. On the edge of the breach, a large
the space a chaotic mess.
spine protrudes from the bulkhead (from the dire lionfish
in Area 3).
Treasure. The dire lionfish spine can be collected and Creatures. Four bilge gremlins are scavenging in this
used as a weapon; see the “Dire Lionfish Spine” sidebar. cluttered, warehouse-like space. The gremlins converge
on the PCs once they become aware of them. If the PCs
open the hatch above, the gremlins all cast invisibility on
Deck 1: Battle themselves.
of the Bilgies In the southwest corner, a large bell lies on its side with
the top of a crate leaning against its mouth. Once the PCs
Nine bilge gremlins and a bilge gremlin bosun (see Tome
are detected, a bilge gremlin bosun comes out of the bell
of Beasts 3) have taken ownership of Areas 6-9. If combat
that he has claimed as his home.
ensues in any of those locations, the gremlins call out to
Locked Door. The door leading to Area 10 is locked, but
each other and then converge and attack as a group.
can be picked with a successful DC 12 Dexterity check
using thieves’ tools.
6. BOATSWAIN’S LOCKER Treasure. Inside the ship’s bell is a bottle of vintage
Suspended from the capstan on the deck are great lengths brandy (worth 150 gp), a sextant, a leather pouch
of four-inch-thick rope dangling in the seawater and coiling containing several (human) finger bones, and a brass cabin
in tangled snarls below. Yards and yards of tangled mooring key (which opens the door to Area 10).
and anchor lines likewise litter the overhead.
The Ship’s Bell. The bosun’s “home” is the Whippet’s
ship’s bell. Made out of solid bronze, it’s 18 inches tall,
with a mouth diameter of 20 inches. Salvaging the bell,
Hatch. A portside gangway ladder (staircase) leads to a which weighs 225 lbs., requires Barnacle’s boom winch,
hatch that opens onto the fo’c’s’le, the forward part of the clever planning and teamwork, and/or magic.
main deck.


Deck 1: Wrath of 10-11. GALLEY & KITCHEN

the Wrackwraiths This area was clearly the ship’s galley. Chairs, cutlery, and
In Areas 12-14 lurk five wrackwraiths (see Tome of Beasts dishes are scattered about; the tables the crew ate at
3). If combat ensues in any of those areas, all of the hanging above you, attached to the deck. Through the
wrackwraiths converge and attack as a group. open door to port, you can see a smaller room that is
When the PCs first encounter one of the wrackwraiths, clearly the galley’s kitchen.
read or paraphrase the following:
Inside the galley and the kitchen, the PCs find about
Out of the corner of your eye, you detect motion, and you what you’d expect in such places, nothing more.
turn to see, rising in the water, a humanoid shape formed
by torn fabric and sundered wood, shorn hair and shattered 12-13. PASSENGER STATEROOMS
bone. Then you hear a sound, almost as if from inside
This cabin was once nicely appointed, seemingly for
your own head—a sound reminiscent of the last gasp of a
passengers. Naturally, now it’s a total ruin. A bloated
person drowning.
corpse floats in one of the corners.

Beach Bound. The “beach” these wrackwraiths are

bound to is the seafloor upon which the Whippet wrecked. Both of these rooms are essentially identical quarters
Their spirits are unable to leave the ship, where the callous for 1-2 individuals.
bilge gremlins that caused the wreck laughed as they Door Ajar. The door to this room is ajar.
watched them drown. The wrackwraiths won’t enter Area Creatures. Each room contains one wrackwraith.
9 or beyond. Treasure. One of the corpses—a woman wearing
a fashionable dress—is wearing an onyx ring (worth
90 gp) bearing the inscription “Wrackwater 5 Annual
Springfair Queen.”


This room was clearly once used as crew quarters; you

can see the torn remnants of numerous hammocks
and destroyed footlockers, as well as clothes and other
personal effects. Now, however, the room is clearly used
for storing bodies. The bloated, floating corpses of the
entire crew seem to have been shoved into this room,
with no respect for the dead, or any sense of propriety
whatsoever. But the crew aren’t the only dead present:
Floating nearby are three dead gremlins.

There were once nine hammocks hanging in these

quarters. Now most of them are on the ground . . .
or being used for nefarious purposes by the current
Door Ajar. The door to this room is ajar.
Creatures. Three wrackwraiths lurk in this room.
Dead Gremlins. The bosun in Area 9 ordered this area
off-limits after the three gremlins were killed. If any
living gremlins are questioned, they don’t know what’s
in Area 14, but they know they don’t want to mess with it
after Scobbe, Votrag, and Blarck didn’t come back.
Bodies. Further inspection of the area reveals that all
of the crew’s fingers have been severed and are missing.


Upper Deck
As a reminder, the “upper” deck is actually the lowest level
of the Whippet, due to it being inverted.


A hatch on the deck opens from Area 15 to Area 6. A

portside gangway ladder (staircase) is on the other side of
the hatch.


Looking up, you can see the main deck above you, along
with half of the splintered mainmast—the other half
sundered on the seafloor. Broken gear, tangled rigging,
and shattered spars and yards are littered about this
area. In the center of the deck above, you can see a
closed cargo hatch. Among the debris on the seafloor,
the overturned ship’s boat lies capsized, partially
embedded in the sand. Of more immediate
concern, however, are the figures before you.
Festooned in nudibranchs, starfish, and anemones,
an amphibious troll leads two large, clawed and
finned humanoid creatures with merfolk-like tails
toward the sterncastle.

Ship’s Boat. The ship’s boat is approximately 12 feet by 8

feet; large enough to carry six Medium-sized creatures.
Creatures. A breakwater troll (see Tome of Beasts
3) leads two merrow toward the sterncastle
(Area 18).
Treasure. In the ship’s boat is an airtight flask
containing 2 doses of a potion of superior healing.


Lengths of anchor shanks and chain lie on the seafloor Rainbow-hued colonies of anemones, sponges, and
nearby a barrel of harpoons lying on its side. Portside, starfish drape the glistening walls and carpet the deck and
the ship’s binnacle—a wooden and brass pedestal about overhead in this room that was once the captain’s quarters.
three-and-a-half feet tall—protrudes from the seabed, A grotesque humanoid figure floating in the center of the
partially embedded in the sand, its brass and glass dome room—with blue, bloated, dead-looking skin, and hair
cracked and filled with water. Aftward, you see the inverted resembling kelp—looks up at you as you enter. From the
sterncastle, a large cabin that stands atop the aft end of north, another figure comes around the half-wall, draped
the deck. in seaweed and slime, encrusted with barnacles. This one is
also humanoid, but has scaled skin and eel-like tail instead
The Compass Array. The binnacle contains the ship’s of legs. On her face is a terrifying smile, which falters
compass array. Salvaging the compass array, which weighs into a momentary look of confusion upon seeing you,
275 lbs., requires Barnacle’s boom winch, clever planning before recovering. “You are not who I was expecting. But
and teamwork, and/or magic. welcome,” she says, moving toward you and gesturing for
Treasure. The PCs can also collect 8 harpoons (use you to enter. “Come in, come in.”
statistics for spear).


Magical Wards. Area 18 can’t be scryed upon,
teleported into, or otherwise breached by any means
short of a wish spell. Only Mother Celeste can negate/ the Adventure
bypass this effect. Returning topside safely, the PCs find Old Wil there waiting
Creatures. Mother Celeste, a brine hag (see Tome of for them, as promised—with the promised refreshments.
Beasts 3) and a sea hag, attack once the PCs enter. With the Barnacle’s winch and Old Wil’s know-how, it’s a
Magic Chest. Against the aft wall is a magically locked simple enough matter to recover the heavy salvage items.
chest (via the arcane lock spell); it can be unlocked with If the PCs retrieve the ship’s manifest and the ship’s bell,
Mother Celeste’s key or picked with a successful DC 30 they receive the agreed upon reward and the eternal thanks
Dexterity check using thieves’ tools. Any inanimate object of the guarantors and investors. If the PCs also salvage
inside the chest is immune to the effects of water; if the anything else valuable from the wreck other than the
object has been stored in the chest for at least 4 hours, if it manifest and bell, at GM discretion, the guarantors offer
is removed, it maintains this immunity for 24 hours. Both an additional reward for items such as the ship’s compass
it, and the key (which Mother Celeste carries) radiate and/or log.
abjuration magic if detect magic is cast. If the PCs also put an end to the threat of Mother Celeste
Treasure. Mother Celeste wears an amulet of proof and her coterie, the town council is even more grateful,
against detection and location and, also around her neck, is dubbing them “The Heroes of Wrackwater” and insisting
a key on a chain. on throwing a feast in their honor.
Inside the chest: There is 308 sp, 221 gp; 4 scrolls of
sending; the Whippet’s ship’s manifest; the ship’s log,
which contains sketches depicting a number of sunken
shipwrecks arranged around Whippet in such a way that
makes it very closely resemble an underwater
fortress; stacks of current nautical
charts, including local tidal tables and
vessel names—and their sizes and
shipping schedules.


Chaos at
the Caldera

Adventure Background bubbling with magma and Mount Magra was leaking toxic
volcanic gas. Using her magic and knowledge gained by
Centuries ago, the great wyrm red dragon Soriantathalga
her lifelong study of volcanoes, Ferriahn sensed a planar
laired in the heart of Mount Sagur. Mount Sagur was one
rift in the magma of the caldera and that it was somehow
of two small, adjacent “twin” volcanos at the edge of a large
causing its twin volcano to become unstable. Troubled, she
mountain range near the coast, the other being Mount
returned to Dorma after narrowly escaping an encounter
Magra. Adventurers slew the dragon in a cataclysmic battle,
with a fire elemental.
which caused Sagur to erupt, killing them and everything
After some research and prayer, Ferriahn determined
else for miles.
that the rift was unstable, and that it’s likely that if a certain
A small caldera formed where Mount Sagur had been.
amount of explosive energy—fire, lightning, thunder, or
Only about 100 feet in diameter, it has been little more than
force—is used in the caldera, it may cause Mount Magra to
a blasted pit for centuries; meanwhile, Mount Magra has
erupt. Using the scrying spell, she observed fiends, dragons,
remained dormant.
and elementals emerging from the rift, any of which could
In the aftermath of the cataclysm, the plains to the west
employ such explosive energies. She believes the planar
of Mount Magra and the Sagur caldera became incredibly
rift will remain open as long as any of the creatures that
fertile. Over time, plants grew again in the ground and
came through it survive or remain on this plane—and that
people settled there, founding villages and cultivating
closing the rift will render the volcano and caldera dormant
farmland. The closest village is Dorma, about 5 miles away,
once again. If that is not done, she fears the volcano will
situated on a burbling stream fed by mountain springs.
erupt, causing incredible devastation.
Over the course of the last week, several farmers in the
area heard strange sounds coming from the caldera—and
others reported sightings of monsters, though none of the Adventure Hook
creatures attacked or approached any of the farms. The following can used to start the PCs on this adventure:
Upon learning of this, Ferriahn Colvane—a cleric of
• Hired Heroes. Ferriahn met the PCs once and has
Volund, god of earth and fire—went to investigate. She
heard much of their accomplishments since. She casts
inspected the caldera and its surroundings, finding no sign
sending to them, imploring them to come to Dorma,
of volcanic activity in the caldera or Mount Magra, nor did
offering a reward if the PCs slay the creatures and
she find any creatures, though she did find some scorched
prevent the eruption. If she finds them honest and
trees. Unsatisfied but out of leads, Ferriahn returned to the
forthright, she also offers one uncommon magic item
village to research and await further developments. After
of the GM’s choice.
hearing more of the same from the farmers, she returned
to investigate again only to discover that the caldera was


• Local Lineage. One or more of the PCs is from the
The brief trip from the village of Dorma to the caldera takes
region or even from Dorma itself; or, a PC is descended
you through verdant fields that were enriched by minerals
from the adventurers who slew the dragon and hope to
honor their ancestor’s sacrifice. from the volcanic eruption centuries ago. Farmers wave to
you as you pass by. One gnome farmer runs up to you with
• Fire Friend. If like Ferriahn, a PC is a worshiper, cleric,
a basket of freshly baked bread and wishes you luck.
or paladin of Volund (or a similar faith), they will likely
be more motivated to assist her and the town.
Travel Trouble. Travel to the mountain takes the PCs
Ferriahn is a no-nonsense half-elven cleric of Volund.
90 minutes on foot or half that if mounted. When they are
She’s capable, smart, and powerful, but few would describe
halfway there, roll 1d10. If you roll a 10, roll another d10
her as warm. No one has ever doubted her commitment
and consult the “Caldera Creatures” table to determine
to her faith. She loathes anything that upsets the natural
which creatures they encounter. If the PCs drive off—
order of mountainous regions, and this certainly qualifies.
but do not kill—any creatures encountered, those same
She meets the PCs at the village’s only tavern, a merry
creatures may show up again as the PCs are closing the gate.
place by the name of the Mountain’s Hearth. She informs
them of what she knows (see “Adventure Background”).
If the PCs ask what would happen if the volcano erupts, Caldera Creatures
Ferriahn tells them that everything in a 10-mile radius d10 Encounter
would be absolutely devastated and thousands of people 1 2 red dragon wyrmlings
would likely die.
2 4 azers
3 1 chain devil
The Trek to 4 3 hell hounds
the Mountain 5 3 bearded devils
Once the PCs agree to help, Ferriahn remains behind in 6 2 barbed devils
the town. She intends to stay there to protect it from any
7 1 bone devil
marauding monsters that might flee once the PCs begin
their efforts. Before they go, she offers to cast aid on the 8 1 fire giant
entire party (at 4th level) and death ward on one PC. 9 2 fire elementals
10 Reroll


If the volcano erupts, the eruption lasts two hours, damage. Creatures inside buildings are unaffected
devastating everything in a 10-mile radius. Beyond the initial unless the hail destroys the building.
eruption, lava and gasses continue to leak from the volcano • Each PC must make a DC 13 Wisdom (Survival)
for many weeks afterward. check. If more than half of the PCs succeed, they are
• The lava takes two hours to reach the village of able to find shelter for their whole party. If less than
Dorma, obliterating everything in its path. See Area 6 half succeed, the PCs who succeeded found shelter
for rules regarding contact with the lava. and can choose whether to use it for themselves
• All creatures and objects in the affected area take 14 or for another PC. Any PC left without shelter takes
(4d6) acid damage from acidic rain. Any creature that full damage from the eruption’s effects or one with
takes this damage is blinded for 3 (1d6) days unless shelter takes half as much. If the Wisdom (Survival)
it succeeds on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. check succeeds by 5 or more, any PC with shelter
Creatures inside buildings are unaffected unless the takes no damage. Creatures with the ability to
acid destroys the building. move quickly or interdimensionally might be able to
• After one hour, volcanic hail rains down on the escape and potentially bring their allies with them.
affected area. Treat this as the spell ice storm that • Any creatures already on this plane when the
affects the entire area and deals fire instead of cold volcano erupts are no longer “gated” to the caldera.


The Caldera uses a climber’s kit or gear such as pitons; no skill check is
required to climb down the escarpment. The escarpment is
Traveling east from Dorma, the road you’re traveling ends considered difficult terrain.
at the ring of rocky terrain that forms the outer edge of Creatures. See the “Caldera Combat” section.
the Sagur caldera. Three hundred feet further east stands
Mount Magra, beyond which larger mountains loom. 3. UPPER CALDERA LEDGE
The temperature had been rising imperceptibly as you
approached the caldera, but now that you stand on its This area is a ledge of volcanic rock that encircles the lava
precipice the heat is now oppressive. pool below. To the north, south, and east, you can see
small lava flows that have burst up out of the rock.

Lighting. The glow of the lava causes the caldera to be

dimly lit. Any area within 5 feet of lava are brightly lit. 4. LOWER ESCARPMENT
Volatile Volcano. While the PCs are inside the caldera, A 45-degree-angle escarpment descends here, ranging
tally the amount of thunder, lightning, force, or fire from 10 to 15 feet down, to another ledge below (Area 5).
damage dealt by any creature in Areas 2-6, ignoring a For climbing rules, see Area 2.
creature’s immunities or resistances for this purpose.
Once that total exceeds 200, Mount Magra erupts. The
volcano also erupts if an hour passes before the PCs have
defeated all the planar creatures. See the “What if the A rock ledge that ranges from 3 to 8 feet wide surrounds a
Volcano Erupts?” sidebar for more. pool of lava (see Area 6).
Poisonous Gases. The lava in the caldera releases harmful Extreme Heat. The lava creates extreme heat. A
volcanic gases that irritate the eyes and lungs. At the start creature without resistance or immunity to fire damage
of each PC’s turn that they’re inside the caldera, they must must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw
succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become every 10 minutes it spends in Area 5 or suffer one level of
poisoned until the start of their next turn; if the roll failed exhaustion.
by 5 or more, the PC is also blinded. A PC that fails 3
saving throws (these need not be consecutive) is poisoned 6. LAVA POOL
for 1 hour. A lesser restoration spell removes one of the
effects and also removes one failure. A greater restoration At the center of Area 5 is a pool of lava 40 long and 25
spell removes both effects and all failures. feet wide. Channels of lava extend away from the pool to
other parts of the caldera, with spurs running upward to
the northwest, northeast, and south—with the southern
spur branching off east and west on the southern section
The area surrounding the caldera is rocky terrain, but not of Area 3. These channels have a depth of 1 foot or less,
difficult to traverse. but the central pool itself is extremely deep, leading to an
underground channel that connects with Mount Magra.
2. CALDERA RIM Traversing Lava. If a creature enters or starts its turn
in contact with lava, it takes 55 (10d10) fire damage. If a
As you crest the rocky rim, you can see the entirety of creature starts its turn completely immersed in lava, it
the caldera before you. On the ledge below stand four takes 99 (18d10) fire damage instead.
large rams with glowing red eyes and flaming hooves. An Avoiding Lava. The lava does not cause contact damage
enormous lava pool sits at the lowest point of the caldera, to creatures standing within 5 feet of it, but if that creature
atop of which writhes a massive serpent, its glassy, obsidian begins or ends its turn within 5 feet of it, it must make a
scales shining in the glow of the lava around it. The rams DC 15 Constitution save or take 1d6 points of fire damage
and the serpent are in the midst of an all-out battle. from the extreme heat.
Touching Lava. Creatures that touch the lava, even for a
The outer rim of the caldera rises up in a 15-foot-tall moment, take 2d6 fire damage.
escarpment at a 45 degree angle that comes to a peak, then
another 45 degree escarpment descends 15 feet to Area 3,
back down to the same elevation as Area 1. Climbing the
outer escarpment requires a successful DC 15 Strength
(Athletics) check, which is made with advantage if the PC


Caldera Combat escarpment and use its Pyroclasm ability. Seeing this
use of fire damage should force the PCs to intervene
Creatures. Within the caldera, four ibexians (see Tome immediately. Don’t count this damage in the “Volatile
of Beasts 3) are fighting a pitched battle with an obsidian Volcano” tally and allow the ophidian to automatically
ophidian (see Tome of Beasts 3). succeed on recharging its Lava Splash this once.
• Hampered Foes. The ibexians have been badly injured
in their battle, so they are only at a quarter of their hit
point maximum. Also, none of their fire-based abilities
affect the obsidian ophidian, which also regenerates.
The obsidian ophidian is likewise hindered in the battle.
Splashing the ibexians with lava is completely ineffective,
and they are resistant to its attacks.
• Volatile Energy. When the PCs first arrive on the
scene, they see the obsidian ophidian use its Lava
Splash ability and see one of the ibexians, with the
ophidian near the edge of the lava pit, charge down the

The encounter at the caldera can prove extremely deadly • Give the PCs a hint, suggesting they might benefit
depending on the encounter table results. Here are some considerably from drawing the battle away from the
ways to reduce the threat level, should you feel the battle caldera. This is particularly reasonable if a PC has the
has become too lethal. History skill or a military or tactical background.
• If you roll a 10 on the encounter table during the
If, however, the encounter proves too easy, here are
battle, simply ignore it.
some ways to amp up the difficulty:
• Have the creatures kill each other. Do this sparingly, • Change the die you roll on the encounter table to
but the creatures present might gang up on one of determine if there’s an encounter from a d10 to a d8.
the other creatures. Or it could be that two of the Or lower the die size by one step each round: d10,
creatures particularly hate each other. d8, d6, d4, d2. You would still roll a d10 to determine
• Make the volcanic eruption require more damage which creature appears.
to trigger it. • Instead of rolling on the encounter table, pick one of
the higher CR options.


Additional Creatures. Roll 1d10 at the start of each Enemy Enmity. It’s important to remember that most
round of combat. On a 10, roll another d10 on the of these creatures are not particularly intelligent and
“Caldera Creatures” table, rerolling if the result is a probably don’t like each other. If another creature gets in a
creature that the PCs have already encountered during monster’s way or harms them, they have no compunctions
this adventure. The creature bubbles up from the lava and about attacking that creature. They also take opportunity
acts at the end of the round. It instinctively knows that its attacks against any creature that leaves their reach, except
ability to continue roaming this world is dependent on creatures of their same kind.
killing the PCs. It cannot leave the area surrounding the
caldera unless the volcano erupts.
Driven-off Creatures. If the PCs fought one of the
creatures on the way to the caldera, but drove it off rather the Adventure
than killing it, that creature (at full health) could appear Once the PCs have killed or otherwise removed all the
on a roll of a 10 instead of gating a new creature in. creatures in the caldera from this plane, the planar rift
Also, if all other creatures are slain, a creature the closes and the volcanic threat is no more. Ferriahn thanks
PCs drove off on their way automatically shows up. It’s them profusely, gladly handing over any promised reward.
possible the PCs forgot about this creature, leading them The PCs have no time to explore the mountain during
to wonder why the volcano is still spouting gases, still the adventure, but they may do so afterward. Mount
ready to explode. But they won’t have long to wonder as Magra is not detailed here, but if the PCs go there they
the previously repelled creature shows up in 1d6 rounds. might encounter more of the creatures described in this
Leaving the Caldera. If the PCs leave the caldera, the adventure. They may find the corpses of the ancient heroes
creatures within follow them, except for the obsidian and any treasure they had on them. They might also find
ophidian. This is a sound strategy because taking the the bones of the ancient dragon and possibly its hoard.
fight outside the caldera gives them more room to spread There might even be a new dragon lairing there, attracted
out, potentially dividing and conquering their foes. In by the brief awakening of the volcano.
addition, any energy effects they use outside
the caldera that deal fire, lightning,
thunder, or force damage do not further
destabilize the volcano. Finally, the PCs
are not vulnerable to the harmful gases
of the caldera while outside it.


The Eclipsed

Adventure Background he is ready to set forth. The ensuing trek takes Pol and
the party six days through mountainous terrain before
The Eclipse of the Sun Chapel is a legend shared across
finally reaching the chapel. Complications during the trek
generations. In the story, a priesthood devoted to the sun
are minimal. Pol always seems to know where to go to
god Khors (see Midgard Worldbook, or use another god
avoid danger or hostile creatures. When asked about his
of the sun or light appropriate to your setting) lost their
prescience, Pol simply responds with “I had a vision.”
home when ooze cultists attacked during an auspicious
solar eclipse. The cult defiled the chapel, creating a planar
gate from which oozing horrors spilled forth. Amidst the The Chapel of the Sun
massacre, a cleric sacrificed themself to seal the portal and The Chapel of the Sun faces east on a mountaintop
block part of the chapel with a magical wall, but the damage overlooking Pol’s hometown. The chapel was built to
was done and the chapel was lost. observe the rising sun and, with its brilliant stained glass
Now, a third-generation painter named Pol is visited windows, was a shining beacon for travelers. The mountain
by an angel who shows him visions of his ancestor at the range around the chapel grew rich with alpine berries and
chapel’s fall. The angel then anoints Pol, blessing him flowers which the priests used to make dyes and pigments
with divine authority and proclaiming him an apostle— for blessed works of art.
chosen to reconsecrate the chapel through the working of Pol and the PCs arrive first thing in the morning, just as
a miracle. As outlandish as this may seem, Pol accepts his the sun is rising behind the chapel.
charge with conviction and sets forth on his quest. The Nave Beckons. Upon arriving at the chapel, Pol leads
the PCs directly to Area 3, so he can immediately begin his
Adventure Hook work. He is certain—thanks to his visions—that the nave
doesn’t contain any creatures, traps, or hazards inside it,
Pol (CG human apostle, see Tome of Beasts 3), who works
and, unwilling to waste any time, he is unwilling to wait for
miracles through his art, is guided by visions to seek out the
the PCs to clear any rooms. He goes directly to the altar and
PCs and ask for their help. He has nothing with which to
starts his work on his miracle.
pay the PCs, but claims they have been—like he himself—
The Work Begins. After surveying the nave for several
chosen to save the lost chapel. If the PCs demand payment,
minutes, Pol explains that he will paint a great mural on the
Pol reluctantly offers them his painting studio, a property in
wall behind the altar. It will be a triptych, he says, and points
a mountainside town worth approximately 8,000 gp.
out the three central sections of wall between the window
When the PCs agree to help, Pol takes them to where he
panes that he intends to use as his canvas. He believes that
has a horse-drawn cart laden with supplies and declares


the act of observing affects the act of creation, so, through
prayer, he learned a subtle magic that he uses to obscure
his works until they’re finished. Thus, as he paints, the
PCs cannot see what he’s creating. He insists that
he will reveal the work only when it is complete.
Desecration. When the cultists attacked
the chapel, they ravaged the area; they
burned the fields, razed the rectories to the
ground, destroyed precious artworks and
sacred relics, and smeared slime and ooze
into the priests’ sacred pigments.
The chapel’s desecration causes the following effects:
Any creature that doesn’t have the elemental, fiend,
ooze, or undead type is prevented from traveling
within 100 feet of the chapel by teleportation or
extradimensional/interplanar means, though short‑range
teleportation within the grounds, such as via misty step,
still works.
While on the chapel grounds, whenever a creature’s hit
points are restored by healing magic, the number of hit If cleansed (see the “Removing
points restored is halved. (Hit dice recovery is unaffected.) Ooze Grime” sidebar), the mural is
Plants cannot grow without magical means within 1 revealed to be a triptych that depicts:
mile of the chapel. (1) a priest building a mechanical moth;
Chapel Ceilings. The ceiling of the nave reaches 60 feet (2) the priest releasing the moth to fly
in height while all the rest of the ceilings in the chapel are toward the sun; and (3) the priest showing
15 feet high. pride at a job well done.
Chapel’s Defenders. If a PC examines and/or attempts to
1. VESTIBULE glean the meaning of the mural, they will be able to repair
any deactivated stained glass moths (see Tome of Beasts 3)
Gobs of ooze, thick with grit, coat most of this vestibule’s in the nave (Area 3, see “Dawn Encounters” section).
walls. A table with a crushed alms box stands against the
north wall. Opposite a set of ornate double doors is a
shallow alcove, grime and muck obscuring it almost entirely.
Front and center in this room, a lone skeleton sits slumped
In addition to the double doors, there’s also a single over a desk, a large tome under its hand and skull. A closed
door on the western wall. wardrobe leans against one wall, a fouled wash basin by
Mural. In the alcove on the southern wall is a mural, another. The room is covered in dust, but seems to have
though it is nearly completely hidden behind layers of escaped the defacement seen in the vestibule.
grime and muck. A pair of small windows shine down
from above the mural—or would if they too weren’t A successful DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) check
entirely obscured. discovers a (plain, non-magical) steel dagger under the
desk. If a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check
is made before anyone touches or jostles the skeleton,
it determines, based on the physical evidence, that this
person had been stabbed in the back. If the skeleton is
The ooze-based grime used by the cultists to defile
jostled at all, it falls apart.
the chapel is strangely resistant to prestidigitation and
Creatures. Interacting with the tome on the desk
other magic that would otherwise easily remove such
awakens a swarm of gryllus (see Tome of Beasts 3) from
filth. But any grime in the chapel can be cleansed by
inside it. If the PCs defeat or calm and befriend the swarm,
spending 30 minutes continuously using such magic or
they gain access to its tome, an illustrated history of the
with one hour of intense scrubbing and/or cleaning (or
chapel and its clergy. The information within could be
half as long if a PC is proficient with painter’s supplies or
useful to Pol, and/or the swarm could be convinced to help
alchemist’s supplies).
the PCs. The swarm does not pursue PCs beyond room 2.


3. NAVE in Area 6; a creature must: (1) light a torch with the altar’s
flame; (2) hold the torch aloft, at which point the light
A ragged rug stretches along the length of this room, cast by the torch allows the creature to see the hidden
flanked by twin rows of moldering pews. Three devotional compartment; (3) touching the compartment door while
alcoves line the eastern and western walls, inside of which holding the torch opens it.
stand pedestals with shattered stained glass littering the
floor around them. Two large pulpits at the north end of
the enormous chamber stand before the raised altar at
the room’s far end. Natural light from above filters into the This room is separated from the main chapel by a door
room through in a kaleidoscopic haze from the few intact and decorative half wall. Religious instruments and objects
stained glass windows that remain. of devotion lie forgotten in corners and cabinets. One
cabinet—a wardrobe—holds priestly vestments that
The Alcoves. The pedestals in the alcoves on the eastern crumble if disturbed. In the corner of the room, a staircase
and western sides of the nave are all bare or smashed, leads down into the undercroft, the steps covered in slime
hinting at missing works of art each crafted by a priest. trails and footprints from another age.
The Altar. The solar burst holy symbol is broken and
covered in grime. A PC who spends an hour cleansing Areas 4 and 5 are functionally the same. The half wall is
the altar (see the “Removing Ooze Grime” sidebar) and 4 feet tall.
succeeds on a DC 17 Intelligence check using tinker’s tools Treasure. The narthices are mostly empty, but a
or mason’s tools can reassemble the holy symbol, which successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check in each
causes it to burst into flame as the continual flame spell. room finds up to 1,000 gp in material components for
Shattered Glass. The piles of shattered glass on the floor divine ritual spells (at the GM’s discretion); on a failure,
are all difficult terrain; a creature can choose to ignore the only up to 250 gp is found in each room.
difficult terrain, but if so it takes 1d4 slashing damage each
5 feet it moves.
Treasure. A shelf in the western pulpit holds a ruined
worship text. Inside the base of the pulpit is a hidden
compartment (that is impossible to see or detect with
divination magic) which holds a mace of disruption;
the mace has an additional blessing from the sun
god that causes its feature that affects fiends and
undead to also affect oozes. The only way to open
the compartment is depicted on the alcove wall


6. UNDERCROFT HALLWAY Creatures. This catacomb is now both lair and prison to
a sinoper ooze (see Tome of Beasts 3) due to the wall of force
A foul stench permeates this underground corridor, but blocking egress into the room (see “Pol’s Miracle” section).
most striking is the wall of shimmering light that seals Cesspool. Any creature with the ooze type that starts its
closed an archway in the southern wall. The dim light cast turn in the cesspool regains 11 (2d10) hit points.
by the wall shines on several crates and barrels, a toppled Consecration. Once the sinoper ooze is defeated, the
shelf in an oily puddle, and an empty alcove with its walls cesspool bubbles violently and completely evaporates
covered in grime. to reveal a bas-relief carving of the sun. Once all of the
sarcophagi are cleansed, the sun carving immediately fills
Mural. A mural is painted along the alcove of the the room with holy light.
northern wall, though it is obscured behind layers of muck
and grime.
If cleansed (see the “Removing Ooze Grime” sidebar),
Standing Vigil
the mural is revealed to be a triptych that depicts: (1) a Pol’s work takes an entire day to complete, during which
priest kneeling before an altar to light a torch on its aflame time the PCs must stand vigil—protecting and providing
holy symbol; (2) the priest standing with the torch—which for Pol—and clear the rooms of the chapel to ensure no
has now become a mace—raised high, burning with holy unseen dangers lurk.
fire; and (3) the priest valiantly fighting creatures of the Mechanically, the PCs’ vigil is divided into three phases:
dark with the weapon. Dawn, Day, and Dusk. Each phase lasts 3 hours, during
Shimmering Wall. The wall is a wall of force (as the which the PCs experience a set of three encounters. Allow
spell), which can be identified with a successful DC 15 the PCs to take a short rest in between phases and time to
Intelligence (Arcana) check; a creature that can cast wall of explore the chapel as well.
force automatically succeeds on the check.
7. SANCTUM OF SAINTS Pol points out that there is evidence of enchanted
Beyond the impassable light barrier is a large chamber pigments on the walls in the nave and asks the PCs to look
shrouded in darkness. Silhouettes in the soft glow of the around the chapel for more. Each PC must make a DC
barrier suggest a circular font in the center, half a dozen 17 Intelligence (History, Investigation, or Religion) or
pillars, and the chiseled edges of large stone sarcophagi. Wisdom (Perception) check, made with advantage if the
PC is proficient with painter’s supplies. Tally the number
of successes and consult the “Enchanted Pigments” table
A stone sarcophagus sits in each of the alcoves to the
to determine what the PCs learn; a higher result finds the
east and west—and in the larger alcove to the south. A
items from lower results as well.
large circular font occupies the center of the chamber.
Font. Currently, the font is an oozing cesspool that
Enchanted Pigments
subtly roils and is viscerally upsetting to look upon. A
successful DC 15 Intelligence (Religion) check notices Successes Information Learned
some char marks on the edge of the font, along with the 1-2 Some of the paints used—antimony,
faint, lingering scent of incense in the air, which suggests cinnabar, and sinoper—are acidic and
that it was once used was a focal point of remembrance poisonous substances that can be fatal if
and contemplation. ingested or handled improperly.
Sarcophagi. All of the lids of the sarcophagi have been 3 The cultists that attacked the chapel stole
covered in grime, though it is clear that they bear bas-relief many of the pigments and spilled the rest
carvings on them. If cleansed (see the “Removing Ooze in the undercroft.
Grime” sidebar), the lids of the sarcophagi in the east and 4 or more An ooze absorbed the spilled, toxic
west alcoves are revealed to feature bas-relief carvings that pigments, potentially making it more
depict the sun god’s apostles and their good deeds. The lid dangerous.
of the one to the south is more elaborate, with its bas-relief
carving also being painted with gold leaf and bright colors.
Reward. Any PC that succeeds on this roll gains a
blessing of inspiration, which allows them to add 1d4 to
one ability check using Charisma.



Creatures. Six stained glass moths, high in Area 3’s

rafters, activate with the rising sun and immediately
attack the PCs. The moths recognize Pol’s ancestry and moths remain non-hostile for 1 hour, after which, if they
ignore him. After 2 rounds of combat, on initiative haven’t been released toward the sun, they turn violent
count 20, a gearmass (see Tome of Beasts 3) enters from once again. After being cleansed, any repaired moths
the undercroft. There are moth parts stuck inside the return to the rafters in Area 3 to act as chapel defenders.
gearmass, causing any remaining moths to ignore it when If the PCs struggle with a combat encounter in Area 3,
it arrives. The gearmass is drawn to the PCs and also to any repaired moths will come to their aid and attack any
any incapacitated constructs. hostile creatures.
Moth Repair. After the moths are reduced to 0 hit
points, if a PC has studied the mural in Area 1, they can 3. DAWN: MURAL MODELING
spend 1 hour (or 10 minutes if they’re proficient with
Pol asks the PCs to act as models for his mural. Each PC
tinker’s tools) repairing a moth (they’re too complicated
must make a DC 15 ability check using the skill of their
to repair with the mending spell), using spare parts
choice. GMs should ask the players to describe what
scrapped from two other moths. The moths have been
their pose looks like, such as a heroic pose for Strength
corrupted by the ooze defilement; otherwise they
(Athletics) or a magical flourish for Intelligence (Arcana).
wouldn’t have attacked the PCs. The only way to cleanse
He sketches the poses in a sketchbook to later incorporate
them of the defilement is to take them outside and release
into the mural.
them toward the sun, as in the mural. Any repaired


Reward. Each PC that participates
gains the benefit of the aid spell for the
duration of the vigil.


Pol asks the PCs if they believe in the gods. Unsure

of where he himself stands even as he works to
paint his miracle, Pol is suffering a crisis of faith and
needs guidance. The painter is open to hearing all
opinions, not just those of trained clerics or paladins,
and wants to hear from each PC.
Reward. Any PC that engages with this question
with Pol receives the benefit of the shield of faith
spell for 1 hour.


Pol has hit an artistic block and is

desperate for inspiration; he asks the
PCs to search the premises for some
creative insight. Each PC must make
a DC 17 Intelligence (History,
Investigation, or Religion) or
Wisdom (Perception) check, made
with advantage if the PC is proficient
with painter’s supplies. Tally the number
of successes and consult the “Creative Insights” table to
determine what the PCs learn; a higher result finds the
items from lower results as well. 9. DAY: PSEUDOPOD PREDATOR

Creatures. A copperkill slime (see Tome of Beasts 3)

Creative Insights enters Area 1, spreading itself against the alcove wall. It
Successes Information Learned tries to draw attention to the room by using its pseudopod
1-2 There is imagery of warrior angels in the to grab and throw the nearest heavy object, possibly the
narthices and undercroft. The angels alms table if it is still in the room. If this fails to bring
appear harsh, meting out judgments of anyone within reach of it, the ooze tries to sneak through
holy flame and condemnation. the chapel to get close enough to a creature to engulf
3 The angels are painted with long dried them. If it is still alive after 4 hours or having successfully
cinnabar and sinoper pigments and are eaten, it flees the area.
oriented toward the basement. Meanwhile, a leavesrot ooze (see Tome of Beasts 3),
which manifested on the grounds as a result of the
4 or more The smearing and acidic pockmarking
chapel’s defilement, has entered the chapel through the
around the images suggests something
broken window in Area 2. It lies in wait, oozing under
crawled across the images, taking some of
the door to attack once the copperkill slime springs its
the toxic paint with it.
ambush. The leavesrot ooze is indistinguishable from a
pile of leaves when unmoving, but a PC with a passive
Reward. Any PC that succeeds on this roll gains a Perception of 17 or higher notices that some leaves seem
blessing of inspiration, which allows them to add 1d4 to to have blown into Area 2 and are now just visible under
one ability check using Wisdom. the door.



Creatures. Four gray oozes come up the stairs of Areas Pol takes one last break to have a small meal with the PCs.
4 and 5, two on each side. At the meal, he confides that he’s afraid of what will happen
Once the oozes emerge into Area 3 to attack, a spirit next, what is contained below the chapel, and what his fate
rises through the altar and steps forward: a ghost, the will be when his quest concludes. At the end of the meal,
spirit of one of those interred in the undercroft, awoken Pol has another vision, warning of an undulating horror
and corrupted by the ooze defilement. It seeks to defend waiting beneath the chapel that must be destroyed.
the chapel from Pol and the PCs and sees the oozes as After the meal, the PCs have 1 hour to prepare for the
its allies. It does not use Possession, as it seeks to oust, final encounter while Pol finishes his work.
not control, the intruders. It doesn’t know who it was Reward. The PC that reassures, supports, and engages
anymore and can’t be reasoned with. with Pol the most during this discussion (as adjudicated by
After 2 rounds of combat, on initiative count 20, four the GM) receives the benefits of the protection from evil and
more gray oozes come up the narthex stairs and join the good spell in perpetuity whenever they are on the chapel
fray. grounds; this blessing adds oozes to the creature types
affected by the spell.

Pol has another vision, this time of hungry undead Pol’s Miracle
clawing and biting him after bursting up from below. After all four encounter phases are complete, Pol stands
He asks the PCs to search the chapel to find if there are and triumphantly states that he is finished and reveals to
dead buried below or on the chapel grounds. Each PC you his miracle.
must make a DC 17 Intelligence (History, Investigation, Pol’s mural is truly an astonishing work, employing
or Religion) or Wisdom (Perception) check, made with vibrant colors and remarkable skill. The triptych, from
advantage if the PC has a religious background or one left to right, depicts the adventure: The PCs arriving at the
associated with the dead. Tally the number of successes chapel, a scene showing whichever encounter the players
and consult the “Chapel Search” table to determine what enjoyed the most, and the culmination of their work. The
the PCs learn; a higher result finds the items from lower GM is encouraged to try to make it feel meaningful for
results as well. the players.
After showing off the mural, Pol falls unconscious.
Chapel Search Simultaneously, the chapel fills with a brief flash of light as
Successes Information Learned the light barrier in the undercroft is dispelled.
Creatures. After the light barrier is dispelled, the
1-2 There is a graveyard nearby, and the
sinoper ooze and two ochre jellies use their Spider
enchantments in place to prevent undead
Climb and Amorphous abilities to ooze up through the
from rising there are still intact.
floorboards in the nave and attack. After 5 rounds or when
3 The room behind the light barrier is called the sinoper ooze is reduced to half its hit point maximum,
the Sanctum of Saints. it Disengages and retreats, again using its Amorphous
4 or more The Sanctum of Saints contains six dead ability to slip through cracks in the floorboards to return
priests and a saint and seems to be the to Area 7, to heal itself within the cesspool.
primary source of evil and corruption
defiling the chapel.
Reward. Any PC that succeeds on this roll gains a the Adventure
blessing of inspiration, which allows them to add 1d4 to When the sinoper ooze is defeated, all of the remaining
one ability check using Intelligence. evil is driven out, and the chapel’s reconsecration is
complete. Pol regains consciousness and makes good on
any deal agreed upon at the beginning of the adventure.
He also blesses some of his leftover paint, gifting it to the
PCs. The paint is 1 pot of marvelous pigments or interplanar
paint (see Vault of Magic). Pol remains in the chapel, and
within a few months he recruits followers who work to
repair the chapel and the priesthood.


The Twisted

Adventure Background • Find the Halfling. Desperate city officials offer the
PCs 500 gp to put a stop to the rash of thefts, murders,
The Veiled Mannequin is a tailor’s shop for discerning and outright terrorism plaguing the city. The only lead
customers run by the gnome couturier Yofi Whorthaus. they have is the description of a halfling spotted by
Unbeknownst to the inhabitants of the city, Yofi and her guardsmen at the scene of three of the incidents. An
halfling assistant Naver guard the secret entrance to the hour or two spent investigating points the PCs at three
Twisted Sanctuary, the safehouse of a rakshasa cult hidden halflings fitting the description, including Navar, the
in the heart of the city. apprentice at the Veiled Mannequin.
The Cult of the Claw secretly corrupts and manipulates
city officials as part of a wide-ranging plot designed
to enhance their own power and influence. Narga
Kan‑Sorkis, the leader of the cult, needs several key
The Veiled Mannequin
components to complete a magical pool that will give him An elegantly carved sign above the door reads, “The
the ability to dominate minds from a distance. The cult’s Veiled Mannequin. Fashions for Discerning
rakshasas (and their other minions) have been ordered to Lords, Ladies, and Lieges. Y. Whorthaus,
acquire the final components at all costs. Over the past Couturier/Designer.”
three weeks, a spree of vicious crimes has rocked the city,
shrouding the otherwise thriving community in a fog of 1. SHOWROOM
frightened paranoia.
Fanciful dresses and sharp-looking coats hang on racks
along the east wall, and three mannequins along the north
Adventure Hook wall are draped in partially constructed garments. On the
The following can used to start the PCs on this adventure: long wooden counter to the west are several garments laid
• Missing Child. Looking into the kidnapping of a young out, as well as a book open to a page showing a sketch of a
child, the PCs follow the evidence to the door of the dress design.
Veiled Mannequin.
• Grisly Murder. While investigating the crimes in the city, This room is the primary workspace and showroom for
or while involved in other city matters, the PCs come Yofi Whorthaus.
upon the scene of a grisly murder of a city guardsman. A Creatures. The proprietor, Yofi (NE gnome cult fanatic)
fragment of silk in the dead man’s hand is of a type only and her assistant Naver (NE halfling cultist) can usually
sold in a few establishments in the city, including the be found here during the day. At night, Naver sleeps in a
Veiled Mannequin. hammock in the Northwest corner while Yofi retires to Area
2. Both Yofi and Naver are fanatically loyal to the cult and
would never willingly betray any of its secrets.


Alarm Stone. If Yofi decides a PC is a threat, she touches 4. THE ENTRY HALL
a gemstone enchanted with the alarm spell that is affixed
to the underside of the counter. This silently alerts Narga Just beyond the landing of the spiral staircase is a short,
Kan-Sokris and his right-hand Aliza Sahar to the danger wide flight of stairs that leads to grand hall lined with carved
(see Areas 5 and 13). stone pillars. The floor is tiled in mosaic patterns, and rich
tapestries hang from the walls. At the far side of the room,
the hall ends in a large metal door set into an imposing wall
carved with tiger heads and images of ritual slaughter.
This is a small but elegant bedroom with a large wardrobe
against the north wall. The bed is covered with a very fine Creatures. When the PCs arrive in this chamber, they
embroidered quilt and feather pillows. discover an apostle (see Tome of Beasts 3) overseeing
the training of three cult fanatics and four cultists.
Secret Door. A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) If the foes are alerted to the PCs’ intrusion (either via
check spots faint scratches on the wooden floor where the alarm in Area 1 or triggering the trap in Area 3), the
the wardrobe has slid from left to right. A secret switch apostle and cultists attack
inside the wardrobe allows the bulky furniture to roll, immediately. Otherwise,
revealing a hidden door. A successful DC 17 Intelligence the PCs have surprise.
(Investigation) check finds the switch. The secret door
opens to a spiral staircase going down (Area 3).


A curving marble staircase winds down the inside curve of

a twenty feet wide, eighty feet high, cylindrical shaft that
descends deep into the ground. The domed ceiling of
the chamber is fashioned to resemble a human face
with an open screaming mouth.

Rolling Fire Trap. This magical trap activates

when one or more creatures steps on the center
of the first step. Once triggered, a ball of fire
emerges from the mouth on the ceiling and
begins rolling down the stairs. Each creature
on the stairs must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving
throw; the creature takes 3d6 fire damage on a failed
save or half as much damage on a successful one. The
mouth spits additional balls of fire as the PCs descend the
stairs; to reach the bottom, each PC must make 3 separate
saves. The balls of fire vanish when they reach the foot of
the stairs.
A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check notices
faint glyphs on the stair, which allows the PCs to avoid the
trap if they step around it. A successful dispel magic (DC
13) removes this enchantment.

The Twisted Sanctuary

The cultist’s lair is richly appointed and elegant,
constructed of fine marble, decorated with murals and
mosaic tile. Unless noted in the text, none of the doors of
the Twisted Sanctuary are locked, and the chambers are
brightly illuminated by glowing hanging orbs.


Treasure. The cultists are armed with daggers and
scimitars. Two of the cult fanatics wear pendants made
of gold, shaped like a clawed hand, holding a large ruby
(worth 1,000 gp each).


A colorfully painted gazebo with four pillars supporting a

domed roof sits in the center of the chamber. To the east, a
few short steps lead up to a raised nook where a figure in a
hooded robe sits atop plush cushions while smoking on a
brass hookah. Standing behind and to her left is a tall, tiger-
faced woman in scale mail.

Aliza Sahar (LE human apostle) is tasked with meeting

with members and handling the day-to-day operations of
the cult. Aliza uses this room for that purpose and also to
collect information from the cult’s spies. Almost no one
is even aware of Narga’s existence, believing that Aliza
runs the cult. The pair is happy to keep up this ruse, which
allows Narga plenty of freedom to carry out his schemes.
Unwaveringly loyal to Narga, Aliza attempts to ferret out
as much information as she can from any intruders and
fights to the death to protect the door that leads deeper
into the sanctuary.
Creatures. Aliza Sahar is a human apostle with five
rakshasa myrmidons, one standing behind her, and
four lurking inside hidden alcoves in each corner of the
chamber; the alcoves allow a creature inside it to see and
hear into the room.
Locked Door. The door to the north is locked, but can
be picked with a successful DC 17 Dexterity check using
thieves’ tools.
• Treasure. Beneath the cushions in the raised nook is a 7. STORAGE AREA
small coffer containing a potion of invisibility.
Boxes and crates line the walls of this chamber, as well as a
row of crates down the center of the room.

The walls of this hallway feature beautiful—but upsetting— Creatures. Three rakshasa servitors (see Tome of Beasts
artwork depicting tiger-headed humanoids oppressing and 3) labor here. They attempt to flee to Area 8 if confronted,
torturing all manner of other races. A carved pillar stands in taking the Disengage and/or Dash action if necessary.
the center of an intersection to the north, the floor around Treasure. The crates contain supplies of food, wine,
it decorated with exquisite mosaic tilework. mundane gear, and construction supplies. A successful
DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check uncovers a leather
Pillar Trap. Snarling tiger heads decorate each face of bound spellbook (see Development) in an unlocked chest.
this diamond shaped pillar. Any non-rakshasa that steps The incantations in the book appear to be formulae for the
on the mosaic floor around the pillar (10 foot radius) must following spells: dominate person, disintegrate, finger of death,
succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or suffers the dominate monster, power word kill and wish.
effects of the confusion spell for 1 minute; any creature Development. The tome is actually a rakshasa
wearing a ruby claw pendant (see Area 4) automatically pustakam (see Tome of Beasts 3) who was napping in book
succeeds on the saving throw. A successful DC 17 Wisdom form when the PCs entered. The fiend waits until it is in
(Perception) check notices glyphs hidden on the mosaic the possession of a PC, then, at an opportune moment, it
tiling on the floor. A successful dispel magic (DC 14) uses its suggestion and dominate person spells to sow chaos
removes this enchantment for 1 hour. among the party.



The damp air in this room is heavy with the heady scent A graceful bridge arches across a subterranean river here.
of incense, strange spices, and the metallic tinge of blood. Crystals atop a pair of pillars on each side of the span shine
Embroidered fabrics line the walls, arching up to gather with an orange light, casting distorted reflections on the
near the ceiling, giving the interior a pavilion-like facade. black waters below.
Piles of rich cushions festoon the area, with elegant side
tables groaning beneath the weight of full wine pitchers, The crystals shine with a continual flame spell but are
platters of sweetmeats, scattered playing cards, candied otherwise merely decorative.
fruits, and curried meats on long skewers. The northern
wall of the chamber is a series of arches and pillars, draped
with diaphanous silks, opening onto the shore of an
underground lake. A huge, inverted step pyramid descends three levels down
to a circular dais topped with two rings of freestanding,
When not disguised as mortals and advancing their ornamentally decorated pillars. Each step is 15 feet below
foul plots or participating in evil rituals, the rakshasa the one above it, the final level resting 50 feet beneath the
member of the cult lounge here, waited on by lesser ceiling of the chamber. An archway on the northern wall
rakshasas and imps. is carved to resemble a snarling tiger’s head with a large
Creatures. Six rakshasa myrmidons lounge here, metal door set into its mouth. The air in the chamber bears
waited on by three rakshasa servitors and two imps. If the musky scent of incense and guano.
warned by the servitors in Area 7—or by any active fighting
in Area 6—the rakshasas lurk along the southern wall,
ready to ambush the PCs. Otherwise, they relax in the
chamber, feasting and drinking.
Treasure. A search of the area finds 5 bottles of very fine
wine (worth 500 gp total). 1d6 of the playing cards found on
the various tables are random cards from a deck of illusions.


The midnight water flows from the northeast into a huge

cavern, pooling in a deep, murky lake, before sweeping
outward to the southwest.

Apart from the tiny rocky shore along the northern

edge of Area 8, the walls of the cavern drop vertically to the
bottom of the lake.
Creatures. Five bearded devils and three imps inhabit
the lake and attack any creature foolish enough to enter
their domain.
Illusion. The cavern wall to the northwest is an illusion
that hides the dock in Area 14. A creature that uses its
action to examine the image can determine that it is an
illusion with a successful Intelligence (Investigation) check
against DC 16.
Development. A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception)
check notices a golden glow emanating from
something at the bottom of the lake 15 feet from
the shore of Area 8.
Treasure. The rakshasas threw a gem of
brightness into the lake after they failed to
corrupt it. The item lies at a depth of 15 feet.


The cult’s spymasters, Chiaana and Sunana (NE half-elf Legendary Actions. Narga can take 3 legendary actions,
atavists, see Tome of Beasts 3), keep their colony of bats choosing from the options below. Only one legendary
in this large chamber. Together they raise and care for the action can be used at a time and only at the end of another
bat colony, hand-feeding and training the bats daily. As creature’s turn. Narga regains spent legendary actions at
such, the bats understand and follow basic orders, such the start of his turn.
as to attack a specific target, from the twins, who need • Teleport. Narga magically teleports to an unoccupied
only speak single-word commands (no action required) to space he can see within 60 feet of him.
direct the bats. • Restorative. Narga recovers 7 (2d6) hit points.
Creatures. Chiaana and Sunana hide on the ceiling
• Fetch (Costs 2 Actions). Narga summons a rakshasa
alongside their bat companions (twelve swarms of bats),
servitor. It appears in an unoccupied space Narga can
using their Malleable Physiology trait to sprout fleshy,
see within 30 feet and acts on his initiative count.
membranous wings from their shoulders.
Dais. The mosaic tiles at the center of the dais form • Whelm (Costs 3 Actions). A pseudopod of magical liquid
a sliding tile puzzle. A successful DC 12 Wisdom lashes out from the pool. A target within 30 feet of the
(Perception) check spots the missing tile that begins the pool must make a DC 15 Strength saving throw. On a
puzzle. Solving the puzzle requires a successful DC 15 failure, the target takes 13 (3d8) bludgeoning damage.
Intelligence (Investigation) check, and the revealed image If it is Large or smaller, it is also grappled (escape DC
depicts a tiger’s head. When the puzzle is solved, a niche 15). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained and
opens on one of the pillars, revealing a lever that unlocks unable to breathe unless it can breathe water. The pool
the door in the northern wall. can only grapple one creature at a time.
Metal Door. This door is secured with an arcane lock spell Curtain. Beyond the velvet curtain is Narga’s palatial
(DC 25) but can be unlocked by pulling the levers revealed living quarters. A secret door in the eastern wall—which
when one solves the puzzle. is detected with a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception)
check—leads to Area 14.
Treasure. Narga keeps his greatest treasures on display
in his living quarters including: a wand of magic detection,
Mosaic tiles cover the floor of this long hallway in intricate an ornate dagger of venom, and a circlet of blasting. An open
patterns and colors while glowing orbs shine down from coffer holds 4,230 gp in assorted coins. The various
recesses in the arched ceiling and stone reliefs of tiger’s works of art and rich furnishings could bring 7,810 gp to
heads snarl out from the walls. the right buyer. A table covered with papers could offer
important information on local nobles or officials (at the
GMs discretion).


Tall pillars support the cavernous ceiling of this ornate
chamber. An oval pool of viscous, reddish brown liquid This small natural grotto features a small wooden dock that
glows in the center of the room, at the foot of a wall of reaches out onto the dark water. A 15-foot-long wooden
rich crimson velvet drapery bisecting the chamber. Steep skiff floats next to it.
mosaicked stairs lead 15 feet up to a platform covered with
glowing runes. A semicircular dais overlooks the glowing Narga keeps this vessel here in case he needs to make a
liquid from the other side of the pool. hurried escape from the lair.
Treasure. The boat is actually a folding boat, though it
Narga Kan-Sorkis labors to construct his domination only produces a 15 foot craft without a deck cabin.
pool in this chamber. It is incomplete still and he fights to
the death to protect it.
Creatures. Narga Kan-Sorkis (LE rakshasa slayer, see
Tome of Beasts 3), waits here to attack the interlopers— the Adventure
invisibly if the PCs have been detected. Two rakshasa The adventure ends when the PCs defeat Narga. They are
myrmidons lurk behind the curtains, attacking if they given the appropriate reward for their efforts, depending
hear their master in danger. on the hook used to begin the quest. However, thwarting
Narga brings the PCs to the attention of the other rakshasa
cults, and if there is one thing the fiends know, it’s revenge.


A Midnight Ride

Adventure Background Derrymead

A strange, black horse draped in silver chains has been seen Derrymead is a small town surrounded by farms and fields
in the woods and fields around the small farming village that are wild and often . . . strange. The farmers do their best
of Derrymead. The locals claim it is a púca, and they’re to push back the forest and cultivate the land, but danger
certain it will run off with their children. More concerning, constantly lurks in those woods. The folk are hardy and
however, is the group of cultists trying to get their hands on strong, but hold tight to superstitions and folktales to keep
the púca and use it to gain access to the other planes. The themselves and their children safe. The town itself consists
cultists have claimed an old barrow near Derrymead for mainly of a town square with a few small shops and the
themselves and scour the roads and forests day and night in Fallows Tavern and Inn.
hopes of finding the beast.
The Fallows Tavern and Inn is a modest establishment
Adventure Hook in the tiny town square of Derrymead. It boasts but six
The following can used to start the PCs on this adventure: tables and has three rooms for rent. A notice board just
• Heroes Wanted. A flyer requests brave heroes to help rid inside the door sports scraps of paper looking for help with
the town of Derrymead of a frightening creature that hauling wood or sowing grain—and the flyer described in
endangers the town’s children. the “Heroes Wanted” adventure hook; it directs interested
parties to speak to the proprietor of the inn, Felicity Dunn
• Hail Traveler. A farmer from Derrymead hauling a
(NG human commoner), who is a handsome woman of
cartful of goods meets the PCs on the road and passes
middle years with dark skin and curly black hair.
on the information about the púca.
• Just Passing Through. The PCs are passing through WHAT FELICITY KNOWS
Derrymead and stop at the Fallows, Derrymead’s inn. A strange black horse draped in silver chains was first
• No matter how the PCs arrive in Derrymead, they’re spotted in the woods outside of town four weeks ago. The
directed to the Fallows to speak with the innkeeper, eerie, cold light in the beast’s eyes hinted that it is not of
Felicity Dunn. this world, and some of the farmers are convinced it’s a
púca (see Tome of Beasts 3)—a corrupted fey steed that lures
innocents onto its back and then rides off with them.
A week ago, several strange, robed figures appeared
nearby town and began roaming the woods day and night
as if hunting something. People say that their eyes are pure
black but with specks of light in them, like a starry sky.


Felicity doesn’t know who they are, but she’s sure they’re
here because of the creature—though whether they’re
The Cult and the Púca
working with the beast or against it, she doesn’t know. The cult is enthralled by an entity known as the Astral
Even more troubling: Three days ago, the blacksmith’s Rider, who is said to ride a majestic black steed across
son, Auri Rorsk, saw one of the robed figures while the Astral Plane, driving all he encounters mad. They’re
walking the road to town with his sister. The fool boy convinced that capturing the púca will please their patron.
confronted the stranger, and, well . . . his mind hasn’t been
the same since. She doesn’t know more than that about ENCOUNTERING THE CULTISTS
Auri, but suggests that perhaps the boy’s sister Leena Any time the PCs venture into the woods or fields around
might be able to tell them more. Derrymead, there is a chance they encounter wandering
The farmers have managed to pool together a pouch of cultists searching for the púca. The cultists are hostile and
500 gp as payment for anyone able to kill or drive off these cannot be reasoned with, immediately attacking the PCs.
frightening strangers. Additionally, one of the farmers Their faces are all pale and drawn, and their eyes are as
is offering up his grandfather’s dwarven plate armor as a Felicity described.
reward if the adventurers can rid the town of the púca—or Creatures. If the PCs are out during the day, roll 1d10.
whatever the creature is—as well. On a result of 1-5, the PCs encounter that number of
cult fanatics. If the PCs are out at night, they encounter
a more robust group pursuing the púca (see the
“Encountering the Púca” section).


Creature Change. Any cult fanatics the PCs encounter in
this adventure have darkvision (60 ft.) and the following
Visiting the Farms
changes to their spell list: replace sacred flame with eldritch The PCs can visit any of the local farms to attempt to gain
blast; replace shield of faith with bane; and replace spiritual more information on the púca and/or the cultists. There
weapon with darkness. are twenty farms within a day’s travel of Derrymead. Any
Questioning the Cultists. Interrogating a cult fanatic of the farmers questioned only know what Felicity knows,
is tricky business. For every minute the PCs attempt to though they direct the PCs to Mell Rorsk—the town
question one, roll a d20. On a result of 1-5, the cult fanatic blacksmith, whose son encountered one of the cultists on
spends the next minute lost in their madness; they cannot the road.
answer questions (instead, they babble incomprehensibly
or wail or stare into the distance), and spells like detect THE BLACKSMITH
thoughts reveal nothing but otherworldly shrieking. If a Mell Rorsk is Derrymead’s blacksmith. She lives not far
spell such as calm emotions is used, reroll the d20. from the town center, in a small house with her husband
Jorun, and her 16-year-old son Auri and 14-year-old
ENCOUNTERING THE PÚCA daughter Leena. Auri was struck with madness when he
If the PCs venture into the woods and fields at night, confronted one of the wandering cultists on the road three
they encounter the púca. A successful DC 18 Wisdom days ago. He hasn’t recovered, and he now spends all his
(Perception) check allows a PC to hear the clinking of the time in his bedroom, staring blankly out the window. If
chains before the creature emerges from the trees. the PCs wish to ask any questions about Auri’s encounter,
If the Púca Spots the PCs. It approaches them at a walk, Mell directs them to Leena, who was with the boy when he
waiting for one of the PCs to climb onto its back. It only met the cultist.
attacks the PCs if they are hostile. A successful DC 12 Wisdom (Medicine) check
If the PCs Hide From the Púca. It continues slowly on determines that the madness afflicting Auri can be cured
its way. Three rounds later, five cult fanatics wearing iron by the lesser restoration spell and that, otherwise, he should
spurs arrive in the company of a cult thaumaturge (use recover after 7 days have passed.
statistics for mage with the changes noted below) atop
a leashed lesion (see Tome of Beasts 3). The cultists attack WHAT LEENA KNOWS
the PCs if they intervene, but otherwise ignore them and Leena is an impulsive teenager, with a stubborn streak
chase after the púca. and a lingering sense of guilt over her brother’s current
Creature Change. The cult thaumaturge has darkvision condition. If asked about the encounter with the cultist,
(60 ft.), AC 16 (breastplate), and the following changes to she tells them the following:
its spell list: replace fire bolt with eldritch blast; replace mage Leena and Auri were walking from their home toward
armor with hellish rebuke; replace misty step with darkness; town for market day when they spotted a cloaked, hooded
replace fly with hypnotic pattern; and replace cone of cold with figure in a copse of trees by the road. Having heard the
hold monster. fearful rumors about these hooded strangers lurking
If the PCs Do Not Intervene. The cult thaumaturge uses in the woods, Auri drew his sword and advanced on the
hold monster on the púca, then commands one of the cult figure. The man turned toward him, and a moment later
fanatics to mount it. They then proceed back to their home Auri fell to the ground, clutching his head and screaming.
base (see “The Barrow” section) with the creature. Leena only got a glimpse of the man’s face—it was pale
If the PCs Attack the Cultists. The púca fights alongside and drawn, and his eyes were like a starry night sky.
the PCs (unless they attack it as well). If any of the cult Rivulets of blood ran from his eyes and down his cheeks.
fanatics mount the púca during the combat, they flee with The experience was terrifying, but she is angry and ready
the creature back to the barrow, having gotten what they to fight—though her parents won’t let her.
came for. A successful DC 16 Wisdom (Insight) check reveals that
If, at any time while fighting the cultists or the PCs, the Leena is not being completely honest about the situation.
púca drops to one-quarter of its health (42 hit points) or If pressed, a successful DC 14 Charisma (Intimidation
lower, it flees. or Persuasion) check forces her to break down and admit
Treasure. Along with the items assigned to them by their she’s the one who advanced on the figure initially—her
statblock, the cultists each wear a pair of iron spurs. brother wanted to turn back and get their parents, but
Leena wanted to confront the individual—and her brother
paid the price for it. She knows nothing else.


If the PCs tell Mell they are hoping to drive off the púca
This room is nearly identical to Area 2, with one exception:
as well as the cultists, she provides them with two sets of
A portion of the southeastern wall and ceiling has caved
iron spurs. She tells them her grandmother always said the
in, exposing the dirt of the mound above. Thin roots poke
creature despised iron, and, that by wearing the spurs, the
through the dirt like withered, pale fingers. Piles of stone
PCs might be able to control the púca. She apologizes—
and dirt lie beneath the holes; these areas are considered
she’d offer more, but someone recently ransacked her forge
difficult terrain. Double doors to the north lead to Area 4,
and stole the other five sets of spurs she’d already made.
and four single doors lead to Areas 9, 10, 11, and 12.


The barrow is an old burial site located roughly an hour In this room, a portion of the ceiling to the east has fallen
west of Derrymead. It has been mostly forgotten by the in, causing that area to be difficult terrain. Five single doors
locals, as it was sealed generations ago, but the cultists lead to Areas 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17.
discovered it and have claimed it as their own.
The barrow has several features that are common This circular chamber is nearly identical to the others, ringed
throughout: by single stone doors. To the east, a portion of the ceiling
Stone Doors. The doors within are thick, gray granite.
has fallen in, and debris lies in a mound beneath the hole.
Each door has 17 AC, 27 hit points, and a damage
Whereas in the other chambers, the braziers were cold, this
threshold of 10. They can be pushed open with a successful
one burns with a searing-bright green and purple flame,
DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check.
lighting several figures behind it in stark relief.
Domed Ceilings. The roof of each chamber is curved
like the inside of a dome. Each ceiling is made of stacked
stone, is 10 feet tall where it meets the wall, and rises 15 Creatures. Standing before the brazier on the far side of
feet tall at its apex. the room are three cult fanatics and the cult’s leader Cae
Earthen Walls. The walls are made of stacked stone, Kel Dranus (LE human psychophant cultist, see Tome of
behind which lies the dirt of the mound itself. The walls Beasts 3).
and ceiling are reinforced with wooden beams. If the cultists captured the púca, it is present as well; if
Torchlit. Each of the three main rooms has torches so, add the following to the read-aloud text above:
mounted in sconces along the wall, every 15 feet or so.
All the torches are lit, causing the main three rooms to be And standing before you, bound by its own chains to the
brightly lit. They are easily removed from the sconces. brazier, is the púca, its head hanging low.

1. ENTRYWAY Cultist Conversation. When the PCs enter the room,

Dranus raises one hand to keep her cultists from
This hallway is 20 feet long and 10 feet wide and is attacking, and invites the PCs in to talk. If they do, she
bracketed by double doors. There is no light source here. explains the following:
Creatures. If any of the cult fanatics, the cult
• She and her people are only here for the púca.
thaumaturge, or the leashed lesion escaped from the
earlier encounter (see the “Encountering the Púca” • They have no quarrel with the farm folk or the PCs.
section), the PCs encounter them as they exit the barrow. • If the PCs killed any of her cultists, she magnanimously
forgives them such transgressions.
2. FIRST RITUAL CHAMBER • She and her people will leave as soon as they have the
púca—or, if they already have the púca, they’ll leave as
This round chamber measures roughly 40 feet in diameter. soon as she has it fully under her thrall.
In the center of the room is a stone dais upon which sits a
• If the PCs either (a) bring the creature to her if the
3-foot-tall, 8-foot-diameter stone brazier. The bowl of the
cultists don’t have it already, or (b) if they’ll stop
brazier looks to be lined with iron, and it is cold and unlit.
interfering with cult business, she offers them their pick
Double doors to the north lead to Area 3, and four single
of the grave goods within the barrow. If the PCs seem
doors lead to Areas 5, 6, 7, and 8.
reluctant to agree, she casts charm person or suggestion
on whoever seems to be the leader of the group; the
psychophant’s spellcasting doesn’t require any V, S,
or M components, so it cannot be detected without
magical means (such as an active detect magic spell).


effect, but is not itself magical—so any methods that
would normally quench fire successfully put it out; if a PC
uses its action to use any reasonable method to quench
the flame, they can do so with no rolls. Once the flame is
quenched, the púca rears back and regains control over its
chains, freeing itself of the brazier.


These chambers are all 15 feet long and 10 feet wide, with
no light inside. At the far end of each is a simple stone
sarcophagus that holds human remains and grave goods.
The sarcophagus lids are made of thick stone. They
have 17 AC, 27 hit points, and a damage threshold of 10;
they can be pushed aside with a successful DC 15 Strength
(Athletics) check.
The contents of each sarcophagus follows:
5. A skeleton wrapped in decayed leathers, a longbow, a
quiver containing 10 +1 arrows, and a silvered dagger.
6. A skeleton wrapped in moldering cloth and a ruby
ring worth 300 gp. The ceiling in this chamber has
mostly collapsed, and the room is filled with rubble.
It is considered difficult terrain, and the debris must
be removed in order to access the sarcophagus.
7. A skeleton wrapped in decaying furs and a silver
decanter carved with intricate scrollwork of
grapevines worth 150 gp.
8. A skeleton wrapped in stained crimson silk robes
and a staff of healing.
9. A mostly-decayed body wrapped in a rope of
entanglement. If the PCs remove the rope, a wraith
emerges from the sarcophagus and attacks. A
Cultist Combat. If the PCs attack, the psychophant and successful DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation) check
her cultists fight to the death. reveals scuffs on the interior of the sarcophagus lid,
Chained Púca. If the púca is present, it fights against indicating that individual was interred alive.
the cultists if combat ensues. Due to the cultist’s ritual, 10. A mostly-decayed, small body and a wooden toy.
the púca cannot use its Beguiling Aura until it takes a 11. A mostly-decayed body in corroded chain mail, a kite
long rest, and, because its own chains have bound it to the shield, and a longsword of life stealing.
brazier, it can’t use its Chain Whip attack. It can use its 12. A mostly-decayed body in gray and while silk robes
action to make one of its Hooves attacks, but it’s chained and a pouch containing 25 pp.
tightly enough that its speed is 0, and its attacks are made 13. A mummified corpse in decaying clothes, and a +1
with disadvantage. cloak of protection draped over the corpse.
Freeing the Púca. If a PC attempts to free the púca, 14. A mummified corpse in pristine +1 leather armor.
combat ensues if it hasn’t already. If it’s freed, it attacks the 15. A mummified corpse in musty furs and a pouch of
cultists and is able to use its full array of attacks. gems worth 300 gp.
The shape of the brazier prevents the chains from being 16. A mummified corpse in decaying cotton robes
slid up over the top, and attacking the chains injures the wearing a medallion of thoughts.
púca. But the brazier itself is a viable target: It has 17 17. A mummified corpse wearing a robe of useful items
AC, 27 hit points, and a damage threshold of 10. If it is that is missing one dagger patch and one hempen
destroyed, the púca is freed. It’s almost impossible to rope patch, but also has the following additional
lift and/or flip the brazier over, but a PC can do so with a patches: 10 gems worth 100 gp each, bag of 100 gp,
successful DC 30 Strength (Athletics) check. iron door, mastiff (2), pit, a scroll of magic missile (3rd
The easiest way to free the púca is to quench the ritual level), rowboat, silver coffer, potion of healing (4), and
flame in the brazier. The flame is producing a magical wooden ladder.


Concluding appearance is thereafter considered good luck instead of
something to fear, and the locals leave milk and honey out
the Adventure for it in hopes of luring it (and its good favor) to their door.
The conflict with the cultists and the púca can be resolved If the PCs free the púca but do not kill the cultists,
in a number of ways. the cultists remain in the barrow, determined to capture
the creature. They are eventually successful, leading to
THE FATE OF THE CULTISTS Derrymead’s fall into shadow and darkness (see “The Fate
If the PCs kill the cultists, Felicity rewards them with the of Derrymead” below).
promised coin and turns a blind eye if they took any of the If the PCs did not kill or redeem the púca, the creature
grave goods, though it would be exceedingly unlikely she continues to haunt Derrymead. It ensnares several
would know that they did unless the PCs tell her. farmers and travelers, taking them on nightmarish rides
If the PCs help the cultists capture the púca, the cultists but returning them unharmed (albeit exhausted and
remain near Derrymead for another week—the length of terrified). Eventually, Leena Rorsk tracks down the púca,
time needed for Cae Kel Dranus to fully charm the púca. rides it, and redeems it herself.
Once they are gone, Felicity rewards the PCs with the If the PCs kill or free the púca, Felicity provides them
promised coin but does not hide her displeasure. If the with the dwarven plate armor, regardless of the fate of the
PCs took any grave goods, she works to turn the town’s cultists.
favor against them. After a few months, Derrymead falls
into shadow and darkness (see “The Fate of Derrymead”). THE FATE OF DERRYMEAD
If the cultists manage to gain control of the púca, they
THE FATE OF THE PÚCA leave Derrymead—for a time. With her newfound power,
If the PCs kill the púca, the cultists leave Derrymead, as Cae Kel Dranus is able to travel to other twisted planes
they have no reason to remain. of existence and eventually returns to Derrymead to
If the PCs redeem the púca and kill the cultists, the “enlighten” its populace. After six months, all the locals
púca remains on the outskirts of Derrymead, helping the are either dead or transformed into cult fanatics.
locals and any lost travelers. It is seen less often, but its


Down in the
Dark of The Deep
King’s Domain

Adventure Background • Planewalkers. The PCs need to access a hard-to‑reach

plane. Luckily, they have learned the forgotten
Down deep in the depths of the world, among twisting
builders slain by the Deep King were planewalkers
natural caverns where bioluminescent fungi shine as motes
who concealed a still-active portal to the plane the
of light in the darkness, lies the lair of the Deep King. A
PCs must reach in one of the pillars in the sovereign’s
pervading gloom lingers there, an unseen weight pressing
throne room.
down upon mind and soul. Long ago, some forgotten
crafters carved pillars into the walls of a great cavern as the
heart of a new subterranean hold. The pounding of their The Deep King’s Domain
mallets echoing through the dark brought forth the cave The fungi-streaked caverns that comprise the domain of
sovereign, a fell alien intelligence that consumed their the Deep King (CE cave sovereign, see Tome of Beasts 3)
spirits and transformed their bodies into mindless husks. may at first appear benign, but the subterranean complex
Today, the Deep King hunts the world below, feeding on presents grave dangers to any who venture within.
the spiritual essence of its victims and dragging their bodies Temperature. The temperature is warm and humid,
back to its lair. perfect conditions for the bioluminescent fungus dotting
nearly every surface. Water drips from the ceiling and
Adventure Hooks tufts of slippery moss coat the floor, adding an additional
obstacle to traversing the area.
The following can used to start the PCs on this adventure:
Light. The caverns are not illuminated and are filled with
• Legendary Blade. After famed adventurer Harnac darkness unless the PCs provide their own light.
Stormcrow failed to return from his apparently doomed Ceilings. The ceiling in the domain are 15 feet high,
quest to defeat the Deep King, the race is on for unless otherwise noted.
adventurers to recover Stormcrow’s legendary blade and Fungi. The specimens of fungi found throughout the
seize the hero’s towering reputation for themselves. caverns are generally harmless, though some areas do have
• Cure the Prince. Every attempt to cure the king’s child specific fungal dangers. The bioluminescent qualities of the
of a magical illness has failed, but there is a glimmer of fungi and their spores do not produce enough illumination
desperate hope; following auguries and divinations, to provide even dim light; instead, glowing motes hang on
the PCs are hired to recover the only thing that will save surfaces or drift in the air.
the child, the heart-blood of the Deep King, a strange, Unsettling Atmosphere. All living creatures feel an
powerful entity that lurks deep underground. oppressive psychic weight, as if under constant observation


while some unseen presence presses upon their minds. On a failed save, the target believes the changed terrain
Due to this, completing a long rest while in the Deep is real, and it takes 2d10 psychic damage each turn for 1
King’s domain is impossible, even with the aid of spells minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end
such as tiny hut or private sanctum. of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.
On a successful save, the target takes half as much
1. ENTRANCE psychic damage, and they discern the illusion for what it is,
thereafter seeing it only as a vague image superimposed on
As you descend, conditions in the tunnels grow steadily the real terrain.
warmer and more humid, until the water drips from the While a creature is under the sway of the illusion, the
rough ceiling and glowing motes from bioluminescent actions or influence of other PCs appear to be aspects of
fungal spores hang in the pungent air. the illusionary terrain. Shouts become the roar of beasts
or the clatter of stones, physical interactions become
Tracks. A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check the attacks of foes, etc. If a PC under the influence of the
discerns a number of tracks leading in and out of this illusion casts an offensive spell, or makes an attack, they
area. The most numerous footprints appear to belong to randomly target the nearest creature, believing them to be
Medium-sized humanoids that lead toward the northwest part of the hazard they combat.
passage. Similar footprints mark the way to the eastern The illusion includes audible, visual, tactile, and
passage but are fewer in number. More disturbing are the olfactory elements. Suggestions include (but are not
Huge-sized, segmented claw marks that appear to go back limited to) the following:
and forth in both passages. • The cavern collapses or the walls begin closing in.
• Hordes of monsters attack.
2. ILLUSIONARY TERRAIN • Poisonous gas seeps from cracks in the walls.
As the PCs travel through this area, the Deep King assaults • Burning lava pours from the walls filling the area.
their minds, forcing each PC to make a DC 18 Intelligence • Stinging insects swarm from all directions.
saving throw. • The tunnel become the fang-filled mouth of some
From the point of view of each PC, the terrain of the titanic beast.
tunnel or cavern changes, becoming filled with dangerous • The walls fall away to reveal an airless void.
hazards or that which the PC fears the most. Each PC
sees a different change to the terrain. Moreover, from Truesight. A creature with truesight can see through the
each PC’s point of view, their companions either vanish or illusion.
immediately perish from the changed terrain.

The Deep King can use the standard cave sovereign lair Inciting Madness. The target must succeed on a DC
actions in Area 7. But it also has special “domain” actions 18 Wisdom saving throw or suffer a random short term
that function in areas beyond which it can see; they are madness for 1d4 rounds.
similar to the cave sovereign’s lair actions, but work a little Altered Perception. The target must succeed on a DC 18
differently as noted below. Wisdom saving throw or perceive the Area it is presently in
This entire cavern complex is considered the domain as difficult terrain for 1d4 rounds.
of the Deep King. It is aware of the presence of any Dimmed Vision. The target must succeed on a DC 18
living creature within its domain unless the creatures are Wisdom saving throw or treat all areas of bright light as dim
protected by spells that block divination magic such as light, areas of dim light as darkness, and areas of darkness
nondetection or mind blank. Otherwise, the Deep King as magical darkness for 1d4 minutes. This doesn’t affect the
detects the PCs as soon as they enter Area 1. light shed by the Deep King’s Deathlights.
Domain Actions. The Deep King can use a domain Not Illusory. The domain actions alter the target’s
action on any creature it is aware of in its domain. understanding and perception—they aren’t illusory effects.
When the PCs enter each area (except Area 5), select or
randomly choose a PC to experience one of the Deep
King’s domain actions.



The tunnel spills into a circular cavern with a high, curved This cavern tunnel appears less trafficked than the other
ceiling held aloft by a large, natural stone column in the areas you’ve encountered. Thin, gray metallic lines run
center of the area. The walls are choked with glowing fungi, through the stone floor and walls while glowing fungi cling
and the ground bears a carpet of moss studded with large to various surfaces as the passageway slopes gradually
clumps of fungus. A fog-like miasma of spores that carries upward.
the odor of rotting, moldy vegetation fills air. At the far side
of the chamber, another passage leads north. The Deep King’s domain actions do not function within
this area.
Terrain. Due to the slippery moss on the floor, the area This tunnel leads to a small ledge high above the Deep
is difficult terrain. During combat, a creature that moves King’s throne room in Area 7. The Deep King does not use
more than half its speed on a turn must make a DC 12 this passageway often as the veins of lead running through
Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature falls the walls partially block its psionic awareness.
prone and their speed drops to 0 until the beginning of Lead-Lined. The metallic lines in the floor and walls
their next turn. appears to be a heavy, shiny gray metallic ore. A successful
Fire and Water. This area is very humid and damp, so DC 10 Intelligence (Nature) check allows a PC to identify
any attempt to burn out the fungus will not work without the substance as lead.
liberally covering the area with a flammable accelerant Overlook. The curving passageway leads to a small ledge
such as oil or naphtha. 25 feet above the floor of Area 7. PCs observing the room
Creatures. Among the clumps of fungus are four fungal from the overlook easily spot the Deep King (see Area
mounds (use statistics for shambling mound). They are 7). It does not notice the PCs until they do something to
indiscernible from normal fungus until they move. attract its attention.
Treasure. Among the other fungi in the cavern are three
witch’s gift mushrooms, which are gold-colored sac fungi
with black streaks; eating a witch’s gift within 1d4 days
of its harvesting provides the same effect as a potion of
superior healing.


The passage opens into a cavern where a carpet of bones

arranged in decorative patterns covers the floor and
walls. The remains range in size from tiny finger bones to
huge skulls and show varying states of decay. A dozen
arches formed of skulls and set into the walls around the
cavern hold the decomposing forms of large bull-headed
humanoids. The opening of another passage leads off
toward the northeast.

In the shadows of the northwestern corner of the

chamber is a duskwilt (see Tome of Beasts 3). The duskwilt
is the willing thrall of the Deep King and tends to the
ossuary like an overprotective artist.
The duskwilt’s pride and joy are the displayed corpses
in the skull arches. The dozen minotaur were the original
builders who accidentally awakened the Deep King during
their construction.
Creatures. Aside from the duskwilt, the skull arches
hold eight minotaur skeletons who animate and move to
attack as soon as the PCs enter the chamber. The skeletons
act on their own but will not attack the duskwilt.
Treasure. On the mummified finger of one of the
minotaurs is a ring of shooting stars.



The stench of rotting flesh fills this long cavern as more MANAGING DIFFICULTY
than a dozen animated corpses shuffle around the The encounter with the Deep King is very dangerous
southern end of the room. An untold number of remains lie (particularly if the party only has 4 PCs), so it’s essential
trampled on the floor, including a few that still occasionally to have the Area 6 encounter before the PCs encounter
twitch. Beyond, a golden glow emanates from the short the Deep King, as having those additional foes would
passage to the south. make the combat too deadly. If the PCs manage to get
to Area 7 without dealing with the Area 6 creatures,
perhaps the creatures are the thralls of the Deep King
Here, the past victims of the Deep King gather to await
but will not step foot in Area 7.
their master’s orders.
Terrain. The crushed remains of no-longer animated If, on the other hand, it seems like the PCs are doing
zombies makes for treacherous footing and the entire extraordinarily well against the Deep King, you can
floor is considered difficult terrain. make some of the remains in Area 6 reanimate as one
Domain Actions. Any PC targeted by one of the Deep or more of those creatures to join the fray.
King’s domain actions in this location has disadvantage
on the saving throw.
Creatures. Guarding the passageway to the south are The Deep King fights to the death.
five ogre zombies, five zombies, and five ghouls. The
undead try to keep any foes from entering Area 7, and all Glowing Sword. The glowing sword is a sentient magic
fight to the death. These creatures all wander about this weapon (see “Akefalos” sidebar). Presently, it wishes
area, and at any given time there’s at least one located in nothing more than to kill the Deep King, who slayed
the passages west and north of Area 6, where they would and devoured his beloved former owner, the great hero
see PCs passing by. Harnac Stormcrow; as such, it begins vibrating slightly
with excitement when the PCs enter Area 7 and can
attune instantly to any creature it feels is capable of
7. THE DEEP KING’S HALL wielding it to destroy the Deep King. If none of the PCs
A knee-high swirling mist of water vapor and fungal spores are likely to want to use a longsword, change its initial
lies thick upon the ground in this wide, 30-foot-high form to some other bladed melee weapon and adjust the
cavern. The walls have been cleverly carved into closely read-aloud text accordingly.
spaced towering columns. Two floor-to-ceiling pillars are Sentience. Akefalos is a sentient neutral good weapon
carved in the shape of stacked bulls’ heads, though the with an Intelligence of 12, a Wisdom of 14, and a
features have been defaced, scratched, and marred. A soft, Charisma of 17. It has hearing and normal vision out to
golden light fills the cavern from a longsword stuck point a range of 60 feet. The weapon cannot speak, but can
first into a heap of gold and other treasures in the middle
convey emotions to the creature attuned to it. Its special
purpose is to destroy aberrations.
of the chamber.

Creatures. The Deep King (a cave sovereign) lurks on

the ceiling between the two northeastern entrances to AKEFALOS
its lair. A successful DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check Weapon (longsword), legendary
spots the creature. If the PCs enter from Area 6, the Deep (requires attunement)
King waits until the majority of the PCs have entered The glowing sword is Akefalos, a vorpal sword
the room, then drops next to the last one to enter and that can shine like a torch when the command
attacks. When it appears, or when combat begins, read or word “Aziz” is spoken aloud. Once per long
paraphrase the following: rest, you can order the blade to reshape itself
into any slashing weapon. When attuned
Suddenly, a hulking creature leaps into view, landing on to the weapon, you can also use it to cast
massive insectoid limbs. It is a huge serpentine horror that the spell detect evil and good (only
is some aberrant hybrid of crustacean, arachnid, and eel. to detect aberrations); you can use
The soft radiance of its numerous antennae intensifies as this feature a number of times equal to
its deadly maw opens to reveal multiple rows of semi- your proficiency bonus, and you regain all
translucent teeth, teeth as large and sharp as swords. expended uses when you finish a long rest.


Treasure. The Deep King’s hoard is a strange, eclectic
assortment of coins and items gathered from its many
victims. It includes: 20,142 cp, 8,321 sp, and 12,095 gp; 12 the Adventure
containers of various trade goods (1 ton, worth 1,500 gp The adventure ends when the PCs defeat the Deep King.
total); various art works (worth 2,500 gp total); an arrow of Victory is sweet but may prove fleeting as transporting
slaying; a scroll of dominate monster; and a potion of vitality. the hoard of treasure to the surface may attract many
unwelcome encounters. If the PCs were hired to defeat the
monster or bring back a portion of it, they are likely due a
significant reward for their daring-do. If this adventure is
placed in the context of a larger campaign, a scroll found
among the treasures of the Deep King may point the PCs
toward the next portion of their quest.



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An abandoned bardic college plagued by alluring ghostly music.

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