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Listen to the dialogues and circle the correct letter

1. Where did David go on his school trip yesterday?


2. How did they travel?

3. How much did the students pay for the school trip?

4. What was Beatrix doing last Sunday afternoon?


Listen to the dialogue and complete with the correct information

Type of school trip: camping trip

When: 1.
Price: 2.
Name of school secretary: 3. Mrs
How they travelled: 4.
Special equipment: 5.
Activities: 6. and
Read the text.

The best school trip ever!

Hi! I’m Justin and I live in Cambridge. The
school trip to London last week was a blast!
The bus picked us up at school at half past
seven and we arrived in London one hour and
5 a half later.
We started the visit with a river cruise along
the Thames. We really loved the view! Then we
visited one of the most important tourist
attractions in London, the amazing Madame Tussauds wax Museum.
10 We were having lunch in St James’s park when the teachers told us they had a surprise.
They showed us tickets to visit the Harry Potter studios. We were all so excited! We spent the
whole afternoon there. It really was a magical afternoon.
At seven p.m. we started the Science Museum Astronight sleepover experience. When we
arrived, the museum guides were waiting for the groups to do the check-in. Then they showed
15 us the sleeping area where we put our overnight kits: sleeping bags, pillows and backpacks. It
was the astronauts’ area, so we were sorrounded by spaceships and space suits.
Fifteen minutes later Susan Raikes, the director of learning, welcomed the visitors in the
auditorium. She also invited the participants to stay in the museum for a guided tour after the
20 At half past seven we started the activities and the workshops. Around ten we had a snack
and then the trail activity began. It was my favourite. We didn’t sleep much because we were
too excited.
After breakfast we watched an amazing 3D movie and then we went back to the bus to
return to school. This was the best school trip EVER! I will not forget this experience.

A Match the columns to find synonyms. There is one extra option.

a blast (line 2) 1 • • a the entire

picked… up (line 3) 2 • • b very special

the whole (lines 11-12) 3 • • c popular

magical (line 12) 4 • • d collected

overnight kits (line 15) 5 • • e an exciting event

• f a set of things to spend the night

B What do the following words refer to?
1. us (line 3)
2. They (line 11)
3. there (line 12)
4. they (line 14)
5. She (line 18)

C Are the sentences True (T) or False (F)? Correct the false ones.

1. Justin’s school trip to London was fantastic.

2. The group arrived in London at half past eight.

3. They first visited the wax museum.

4. They put their overnight kits in the auditorium.

5. It was hard for them to sleep.

D Answer the questions about the text.

1. How did Justin and his friends travel to London?

2. What happened when they were having lunch?

3. Where was their sleeping area?

4. What activity did Justin like the most?

5. Did they return to school after breakfast?


A Label the photos of public buildings.

1. __________________________ 2. __________________________ 3. __________________________

4. __________________________ 5. __________________________ 6. __________________________

B Read the sentences and write the names of the shops.

1. This is where you can buy animal food: _________________.
2. There is no bread. I’m going to the _________________to get some.
3. You can buy boots at the _________________.
4. You can buy medicine at the _________________.
5. I’m going to the _________________ to buy a magazine.

C Use the means of transport in the photos to complete the sentences.

Eric lives in Cambridge. In the morning he usually drives his 1. _________________ to work but
he sometimes meets his friend Thomas at the 2. _________________ stop and they go to work
together. After work he often rides his 3. _________________ for one hour.
Yesterday he travelled to London, so he caught a 4. _________________ at Victoria Station.
Then he went to the airport and got on a 5. _________________ to fly to Paris.

A Write sentences in the past continuous.

1. This time last year / I / have / a great time in Madrid.

2. Last night after dinner / they / not play / video games.

3. Sebastian / watch / a series on his computer / on Saturday afternoon.

4. she / take photos / on Sunday afternoon / ? / No

5. Lucas / not / read / a magazine / yesterday morning.

B Write the verbs in the past continuous or past simple.

1. When she ________________ (arrive) home, her husband ________________ (cook) dinner.
2. They ________________ (walk) to school when they ________________ (see) a car accident.
3. I ________________ (run) in the park when it ________________ (start) raining.
4. Mark ________________ (do) his homework while his sister _______________ (listen) to music.

Use the information in the table to write a post for the school blog about a school trip to the
London Dungeon.
Who • your class and the English and the history teachers
Where • the London Dungeon
When • last Friday
How • arrive in London by train / 9:00 / then by Tube to London Dungeon
What • the London dungeon is an attraction / recreates scenes from London’s
scary history
• watch 19 creepy shows / meet terrifying characters from the past
• take part in workshops / learn about historic London
• at 12:30 / have a delicious picnic / park
• have a great time
• after lunch / walk to the bus
• then return to school
Opinion • awesome but scary experience with lots of noises and screams
• fantastic school trip

My class went on a school trip to

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