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Lesson 8 – Rube Goldberg

Introduction: This week your lesson is to begin preparing for your Rube Goldberg Machine project by doing
some research.
Review Section:

Click on the link to go to the Quizlet on Simple Machines.

Do the following
A. Review the flashcards - as many times as you want.
B. Once you have reviewed the flashcards, click on the Match button in the lower left of your screen. Play
the match game.
C. Use your Snipping Tool to take a screenshot of your best time and paste it in space labeled Match

Save your document. Especially if you are going to continue this lesson another day.
What Is a Rube Goldberg?
Watch the video linked here and answer the questions.
1. Who was Rube Goldberg? _______He was doing something simple in a very complicated way that is
not necessary way.__________________________________________________
2. What made him famous? ____His cartoon creations for his devices is what made him
3. What prize did he win? ____________The Pulitzer Prize for political
4. What are the characteristics of a Rube Goldberg Machine? _____The Rube Goldberg machines are very
hazardous, whenever you start the Rube Goldberg something is going to be broken. Also that the Rube
Goldberg’s were very complicated, they work like a chain reaction.s____________________________

Save your document. Especially if you are going to continue this lesson another day.

Example of a Rube Goldberg Machine

Watch the video linked here and answer the questions.
5. What work did this Rube Goldberg machine do? __________The Rube Goldberg served Joseph cake.
Save your document. Especially if you are going to continue this lesson another day.

This Too Shall Pass

In the video linked here watch for an example of each type of simple machine used in the Rube Goldberg.
Describe how each simple machine is used (how it transferred energy) in the Rube Goldberg Machine.

Simple How it was used in the Rube Goldberg Machine

Wedge They put something on the wedge and dropped it off. Which the wedge was engrooved so the
object could fall properly. Which made a chain reaction go down the wall and all the way to the
Inclined Plane An in the video the people used an incline plane to move the tire down it.

Pulley They used a pulley bye using a tin can pull down the weight and lift up the spoon using a string.

Wheel and They used a wheel and axel to make the hand type stuff on the typewriter.
Screw A screw was used the drop the marble down and fling in onto the cup.

Lever They used a lever to drop the outside ball on the other end of the wood pieces.

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