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Fifth edition

Arthur Hughes
Peter Trudgill
Dominic Watt
First published in Great Britain 1979
Second edition published in Great Britain 1987
Third edition published in Great Britain 1996
Fourth edition published in 2005 by Hodder Arnold
This edition published in 2012 by Hodder Education

Published 2013 by Routledge

2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN
711 Third Avenue, New York, NY, 10017, USA

Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business

Copyright © 2012 Arthur Hughes, Peter Trudgill, Dominic Watt

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or

utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now
known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in
any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing
from the publishers.

The advice and information in this book are believed to be true and
accurate at the date of going to press, but neither the authors nor the publisher
can accept any legal responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions.

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress

ISBN 13: 978 1 444 121 38 4 (pbk)

Typeset by Phoenix Photosetting, Chatham, Kent

Preface ................................................................................................................................................ vii

Acknowledgements ..................................................................................................................... ix

Wordlist .............................................................................................................................................. xi

List of online recordings ............................................................................................................ xii

IPA chart ............................................................................................................................................ xiii

1 Variation in English ......................................................................................................... 1

2 Dialect Variation ............................................................................................................... 19
3 Received Pronunciation ............................................................................................... 37
4 Regional Accent Variation .......................................................................................... 59
5 British Isles Accents and Dialects .......................................................................... 73
5.1 London (‘Cockney’) ............................................................................................ 75
5.2 London West Indian ........................................................................................... 80
5.3 Norwich ...................................................................................................................... 83
5.4 Bristol ............................................................................................................................ 86
5.5 Southampton .......................................................................................................... 89
5.6 South Wales (Pontypridd) .............................................................................. 94
5.7 West Midlands ........................................................................................................ 97
5.8 Leicester ...................................................................................................................... 101
5.9 Bradford ...................................................................................................................... 104
5.10 Hull ................................................................................................................................. 107
5.11 Liverpool ..................................................................................................................... 112
5.12 Manchester ............................................................................................................... 116
5.13 Middlesbrough ...................................................................................................... 119
5.14 Carlisle ......................................................................................................................... 123
5.15 Edinburgh .................................................................................................................. 127
5.16 Aberdeen ................................................................................................................... 131
5.17 Belfast ........................................................................................................................... 136
5.18 Dublin .......................................................................................................................... 141
5.19 Galway ......................................................................................................................... 144
5.20 Devon ........................................................................................................................... 147
5.21 Lancashire .................................................................................................................. 149
5.22 Northumberland .................................................................................................. 153
5.23 Lowland Scots ........................................................................................................ 158
5.24 Shetland Islands .................................................................................................... 162

Suggestions for using the book ............................................................................................ 169

Further reading .............................................................................................................................. 183

References ......................................................................................................................................... 187

Index .................................................................................................................................................... 197

It is now over thirty years since the first edition of this book was published.
In its original, much slimmer form, it covered just 11 accents and dialects
of British Isles English. This set has more than doubled in size through
the four subsequent editions, with the present edition now describing the
characteristics of almost 30 varieties. This expansion of coverage, along with
an overall increase in the level of descriptive detail, is a reflection of the huge
surge in interest in documenting the diverse phonetic properties of English in
the UK and Ireland. Prodigious quantities of dialectological and sociolinguistic
research have been carried out in the decades between 1979 and the present
day, in many cases using a combination of sophisticated auditory, acoustic,
and statistical analysis techniques. Alongside these, large-scale dialect surveys,
such as the BBC Voices project, have made a wealth of digital recordings of
interviews and other forms of speech available to listen to by downloading
sound files from the internet. Our observations about the varieties described
in the book are therefore underpinned more strongly than ever before by a
substantial and growing body of systematically collected information about
the ways in which British and Irish English vary geographically and socially
at the levels of pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary.
Though a volume like English Accents and Dialects does not, and
cannot, aim to describe more than a subset of the major urban and
traditional rural varieties spoken in these islands, the fifth edition
addresses some of the more significant omissions from previous editions
(Manchester, Southampton, Hull, Middlesbrough). The entry on London
West Indian English gives a flavour of the differences between traditional
working-class London speech and the ‘multicultural’ London English that
has emerged in the metropolis since the 1980s, while the entries on central
Lancashire and the Shetland Islands add to the set illustrating some of the
pronunciation features that persist in areas further removed – in the case of
the Shetlands by hundreds of miles – from large and linguistically influential
centres of population.
The addition of these extra varieties, in combination with the fact that the
accompanying sound recordings are now available for download from
XXXSPVUMFEHFDPNDXIVHIFT , should significantly enhance the book’s
usefulness to members of the target readership. These range from school and
university students of English language and linguistics to forensic speech
analysts, via speech and language therapists, actors, teachers of English, and
general readers with an interest in how English varies. In our experience, it
is in fact extremely difficult to find anyone who is not interested in accent
and dialect differences. Asking ‘how do people speak round here?’ or ‘which
accents of English do you particularly like?’ is a reliable way of kick-starting

conversation in practically any company, and it often provokes people into

unselfconsciously sharing passionately held opinions about what is good or
bad, beautiful or ugly, or valid or invalid, in the spoken language they hear
around them. For some, interest in the topic may be spurred on by a belief
that the standard of spoken English in Britain and Ireland is declining, or that
urban dialects are ‘degenerate’ forms of the language which are undeserving
of academic attention or respect, or that the restoration of elocution lessons
in British schools is needed urgently. Conversely, many people will echo our
own view that dialect diversity in all its forms is something to be embraced
and celebrated, and that we are lucky to live at a time in which the study
of accents and dialects as an end in itself is seen as a worthwhile activity,
irrespective of the many ways in which the knowledge it generates can be
applied to ‘real-world’ problems. We hope that the fifth edition of this book
will prove both useful and interesting to those involved in these endeavours.

Arthur Hughes
Peter Trudgill
Dominic Watt
York, 2012

Previous editions
A very large number of people have helped us with this book, and we can
acknowledge only some of them here. Over the years we have profited
enormously from discussions on varieties of English with Gerry Knowles
and John Wells, and we are also very grateful to Peter Bedells, Viv Edwards,
Sandra Foldvik, Erik Fudge, Vicky Hughes, Sandy Hutcheson, Elspeth Jones,
Robin McClelland, Suzanne McClelland, James Milroy, Lesley Milroy, K.M.
Petyt, and David Sutcliffe, who have provided us with information on specific
points (sometimes without realizing it) and have corrected some of our worst
misapprehensions. We would also like to thank all those people, many of whom
went to a very great deal of trouble on our behalf, and some of whom prefer
to remain anonymous, who helped us with the tape recordings. We would
particularly like to acknowledge the assistance in this respect of Margaret
Ainsbury, Tony Beard, Gillian Brown, Ray Brown, Brendan Cassidy, Edwin
Cannon, Joy Cannon, Chris Connor, Roseanne Cook, Karen Currie, Fergus
Daly, Sally Davies, Michael Deans, Geoffrey Dearson, Angela Edmondson,
Bronwen Evans, Kirsty Evans, Fidelma Farley, Anne Fenwick, Stanley Fletcher,
Milton Greenwood, Isabel Holmes, David Holmes, Kathy Holmes, Carl James,
Daisy James, Toni Johnson, Wilf Jones, Paul Kerswill, Gillian Lane-Plescia,
Chris Lawrence, Carmen Llamas, Catherine Lovell, Gillian Lovell, Caroline
Macafee, Bridie McBride, Helen Mattacott, Jackie Mountford, Grahame
Newell, Mary O’Malley-Madec, Kristyan Spelman Miller, Shane Murphy, Julie
Robertson, Pam Thomson, Enid Warnes, the late George Watson, Victoria
Watt, Gwyn Williams and, especially, Euan Reid. We are very grateful indeed
to R.W.P. Brasington, Jack Chambers, Paul Fletcher, Michael Garman, Hanne
Svane Nielsen, and F.R. Palmer, who read earlier versions of the book and
made many valuable suggestions for improvement. For the fourth edition,
special thanks are also due to Craig Lee for his assistance in the preparation
of the maps and other illustrations, and to staff at Hodder Arnold (Deborah
Clegg, Susan Dunsmore, Eva Martinez and Lucy Schiavone) for their support
and guidance.

Fifth edition
The preparation of this new edition was greatly assisted by Nathan Atkinson,
Shaun Austin, Will Barras, Jaine Beswick, Viv Church, Liz Cook, Mercedes
Durham, Damien Hall, Sandra Jansen, Kerry Karam, Paul Kerswill, Bianca
Knights, Carmen Llamas, Vanessa Mar-Molinero, Caroline McPherson,
Lavinia Porter, Jim Scobbie, Mark Swan, Danielle Turton, Kevin Watson,
Sarah White and Lucy Winder.

We would like to thank our students for many vital insights and for helpful
comments on the manuscript for this fifth edition.
The International Phonetics Alphabet (2005) is reproduced on page xiv
by kind permission of the International Phonetic Association (Department of
Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, School of English, Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki 54124, Greece).

Words used in the recordings (shown here with RP pronunciation)

1 pit /pɪt/ 14 beer /bɪə/ 27 pull /pʊl/ 40 plate /pleɪt/

2 pet /pɛt/ 15 bear /bɛə/ 28 pool /puːl/ 41 weight /weɪt/

3 pat /pat/ 16 bird /bɜːd/ 29 pole /pəʊl/ 42 poor /pʊə/

4 put /pʊt/ 17 bard /bɑːd/ 30 Paul /pɔːl/ 43 pour /pɔː/

5 putt /pʌt/ 18 board /bɔːd/ 31 doll /dɒl/ 44 pore /pɔː/

6 pot /pɒt/ 19 city /ˈsɪti/ 32 cot /kɒt/ 45 paw /pɔː/

7 bee /biː/ 20 seedy /ˈsiːdi/ 33 caught /kɔːt/ 46 tide /taɪd/

8 bay /beɪ/ 21 hat /hat/ 34 fir /fɜː/ 47 tied /taɪd/

9 buy /baɪ/ 22 dance /dɑːns/ 35 fern /fɜːn/ 48 pause /pɔːz/

10 boy /bɔɪ/ 23 daft /dɑːft/ 36 fur /fɜː/ 49 paws /pɔːz/

11 boot /buːt/ 24 half /hɑːf/ 37 fair /fɛə/ 50 meet /miːt/

12 boat /bəʊt/ 25 father /ˈfɑːðə/ 38 nose /nəʊz/ 51 meat /miːt/

13 bout /baʊt/ 26 farther /ˈfɑːðə/ 39 knows /nəʊz/ 52 mate /meɪt/

Note that the reader of the RP word list, as is typical of young to middle-aged
speakers of the accent, has [bɛː] for bear and /pɔː/ for poor.
List of online recordings
Copyright statement (track 01)

Track no. Contents Track no. Contents

1a RP word list (.wav) 30a Middlesbrough spontaneous
2a RP Speaker 1 (.wav) (.wav)
3a RP Speaker 2 (.wav) 31a Carlisle word list (.wav)
4a RP Speaker 3 (.wav) 32a Carlisle spontaneous (.wav)
5a London word list (.wav) 33a Edinburgh word list (.wav)
6a London spontaneous (.wav) 34a Edinburgh spontaneous
7a London West Indian word list (.wav)
(.wav) 35a Aberdeen word list (.wav)
8a London West Indian 36a Aberdeen spontaneous (.wav)
spontaneous (.wav) 37a Belfast word list (.wav)
9a Norwich word list (.wav) 38a Belfast spontaneous (.wav)
10a Norwich spontaneous (.wav) 39a Dublin word list (.wav)
11a Bristol word list (.wav) 40a Dublin spontaneous (.wav)
12a Bristol spontaneous (.wav) 41a Galway word list (.wav)
13a Southampton word list (.wav) 42a Galway spontaneous (.wav)
14a Southampton spontaneous 43a Devon (.wav)
(.wav) 44a Lancashire wordlist (.wav)
15a Pontypridd (South Wales) 45a Lancashire spontaneous
word list (.wav) (.wav)
16a Pontypridd (South Wales) 46a Northumberland (.wav)
spontaneous (.wav) 47a Lowland Scots I (Edinburgh)
17a Walsall (West Midlands) word (.wav)
list (.wav) 48a Lowland Scots II (Glasgow)
18a Walsall (West Midlands) (.wav)
spontaneous (.wav) 49a Shetland Islands word list
19a Leicester word list (.wav) (.wav)
20a Leicester spontaneous (.wav) 50a Shetland Islands spontaneous
21a Bradford word list (.wav) (.wav)
22a Bradford spontaneous (.wav) 51a Test passage 1 (.wav)
23a Hull word list (.wav) 52a Test passage 2 (.wav)
24a Hull spontaneous (.wav) 53a Test passage 3 (.wav)
25a Liverpool word list (.wav) 54a Test passage 4 (.wav)
26a Liverpool spontaneous (.wav) 55a Test passage 5 (.wav)
27a Manchester word list (.wav) 56a Test passage 6 (.wav)
28a Manchester spontaneous 57a Test passage 7 (.wav)
(.wav) 58a Test passage 8 (.wav)
29a Middlesbrough word list (.wav) 59a Test passage 9 (.wav)
List of online recordings

Track no. Contents Track no. Contents

60a Test passage 10 (.wav) 30b Middlesbrough spontaneous
61a Test passage 11 (.wav) (.mp3)
62a Test passage 12 (.wav) 31b Carlisle word list (.mp3)
63a Test passage 13 (.wav) 32b Carlisle spontaneous
1b RP word list (.mp3) 33b Edinburgh word list (.mp3)
2b RP Speaker 1 (.mp3) 34b Edinburgh spontaneous
3b RP Speaker 2 (.mp3) (.mp3)
4b RP Speaker 3 (.mp3) 35b Aberdeen word list (.mp3)
5b London word list (.mp3) 36b Aberdeen spontaneous
6b London spontaneous (.mp3) (.mp3)
7b London West Indian word list 37b Belfast word list (.mp3)
(.mp3) 38b Belfast spontaneous (.mp3)
8b London West Indian 39b Dublin word list (.mp3)
spontaneous (.mp3) 40b Dublin spontaneous (.mp3)
9b Norwich word list (.mp3) 41b Galway word list (.mp3)
10b Norwich spontaneous (.mp3) 42b Galway spontaneous (.mp3)
11b Bristol word list (.mp3) 43b Devon (.mp3)
12b Bristol spontaneous (.mp3) 44b Lancashire wordlist (.mp3)
13b Southampton word list (.mp3) 45b Lancashire spontaneous
14b Southampton spontaneous (.mp3)
(.mp3) 46b Northumberland (.mp3)
15b Pontypridd (South Wales) 47b Lowland Scots I (Edinburgh)
word list (.mp3) (.mp3)
16b Pontypridd (South Wales) 48b Lowland Scots II (Glasgow)
spontaneous (.mp3) (.mp3)
17b Walsall (West Midlands) word 49b Shetland Islands word list
list (.mp3) (.mp3)
18b Walsall (West Midlands) 50b Shetland Islands spontaneous
spontaneous (.mp3) (.mp3)
19b Leicester word list (.mp3) 51b Test passage 1 (.mp3)
20b Leicester spontaneous (.mp3) 52b Test passage 2 (.mp3)
21b Bradford word list (.mp3) 53b Test passage 3 (.mp3)
22b Bradford spontaneous (.mp3) 54b Test passage 4 (.mp3)
23b Hull word list (.mp3) 55b Test passage 5 (.mp3)
24b Hull spontaneous (.mp3) 56b Test passage 6 (.mp3)
25b Liverpool word list (.mp3) 57b Test passage 7 (.mp3)
26b Liverpool spontaneous (.mp3) 58b Test passage 8 (.mp3)
27b Manchester word list (.mp3) 59b Test passage 9 (.mp3)
28b Manchester spontaneous 60b Test passage 10 (.mp3)
(.mp3) 61b Test passage 11 (.mp3)
29b Middlesbrough word list 62b Test passage 12 (.mp3)
(.mp3) 63b Test passage 13 (.mp3)

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Variation in
When foreign learners of English first come to the British Isles,1 they are
usually surprised, and often dismayed, to discover how little they understand
of the English they hear. For one thing, people seem to speak faster than
expected. Also, the English that most British or Irish people speak seems to
be different in many ways from the English the visitor has learned. While it
is probably differences of pronunciation that will immediately strike them,
learners may also notice differences of grammar and vocabulary.
Their reactions to this experience will vary. They may conclude that most
of the English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish people that they hear do not – or
even cannot – speak English correctly. In this they would find that many
native speakers agree with them. They might even be told that, since learners
of English as a foreign or second language have usually studied English in
a formal way, they should know better than would native speakers what is

1 The terminology relating to the territories that are the focus of this book is complex
and often confusing even to people who live in this part of the world. ‘British Isles’
refers to the archipelago that includes Great Britain, Ireland and their neighbouring
islands, of which there are several thousand. The term is not popular in the Republic of
Ireland, however, because of the implication that Ireland is still under British control
or ownership. ‘Great Britain’ is, strictly speaking, a geographical term referring only
to the principal island of the United Kingdom, i.e. mainland England, Scotland and
Wales. ‘Britain’ is a shortened form of this name. ‘United Kingdom’ (UK) is the political
term for the state that is composed of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
‘Ireland’ will be used to refer to the Republic of Ireland, although occasionally the entire
island of Ireland is meant (i.e. the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland together.
‘Southern Ireland’ is occasionally used to refer to the Republic of Ireland, as is the Irish
name ‘Eire’, but the latter term will not be used in this book). ‘England’ is used as a
synonym for Great Britain or the UK by many people in this country and abroad, but
this usage is objectionable to people in the UK’s other constituent countries. In this
book England will be used to refer only to England proper, i.e. the constituent country
of the UK that occupies around half of its land area but accounts for some 85 per cent of
its population. See the map on the inside front cover of this book.

Variation in English

We can deal in two ways with the suggestion that native speakers cannot
speak their own language correctly. Firstly, for learners visiting the British Isles
the question of correctness is largely irrelevant. Their aim is to understand
what they hear, regardless of whether it is ‘correct’ or not. The description and
analysis of variation provided in this book, together with the accompanying
recordings, are attempts to help them to do this. This information should
also help them to decide which features of what they hear they can safely
integrate into their own speech. The second thing we can do is to try to
show that the notion of correctness is not really useful or appropriate when
describing the language of native speakers. We will not do this immediately,
but will raise the issue later in the book, when examples of what might be
considered ‘incorrect’ English are discussed.
Another reaction on the part of learners who fail to understand what is
being said may be to think that perhaps what they learned in their own country
was not ‘real’ English. Fortunately, this is increasingly unlikely to be the case.
Although the English they have learned is real enough, it will tend to be limited
to a single variety of the language, a variety chosen to serve as a model for their
own speech. It will usually be the speech variety of a particular group of native
speakers as that variety is spoken, slowly and carefully, in relatively formal
situations. Given limitations of time, of teachers’ knowledge, and of students’
aspirations and attitudes, this restriction is entirely reasonable, at least as far as
speaking is concerned. Though learners may sound a little odd at times, they
will usually be able to make themselves understood. But such a restriction as
far as listening comprehension is concerned is less easily justified. While native
speakers may be able to decode the learners’ messages, they may lack the ability
or the inclination to encode their own messages in a form more comprehensible
to learners. In many cases, of course, native speakers will simply not be aware of
such difficulties. Even when they are, a common strategy is to repeat what has
just been said, only louder, or to revert to ‘foreigner talk’ (‘me come, you go –
OK?’), usually making understanding even more difficult. It seems to us, then,
that exposure to a number of varieties of English, and help in understanding
them, can play an important and practically useful part in the study of English
as a foreign language.
Even when learners with comprehension problems recognise that English,
like their own language – indeed, like every living natural language – is subject
to variation, that variation can be so complex and at times so subtle that it
is usually a long time before they begin to see much order in it. And native
speakers, even those who teach the language, are often hard put to explain
the things that puzzle learners. For this reason, we will attempt now to give
some idea of the principal ways in which British and Irish English speech
varies and, just as importantly, the non-linguistic (social, geographical)
factors which condition that variation. It is hoped by doing this to provide a
framework within which to set the features of social and regional variation,
which will be our main concern in the remainder of the book.

Variation in pronunciation

Variation in pronunciation
Received Pronunciation
We should first make clear the way we are going to use two important terms,
dialect and accent. A dialect, in the strict sense of the word, is a language
variety distinguished from other varieties by differences of grammar and
vocabulary. Standard (British) English is therefore a dialect of English, just
as the other standard dialects of the language (Standard Scottish English,
American English, etc.) are, and all the non-standard dialects of the language
too. Accent, on the other hand, refers just to variations in pronunciation.
Many people, including a lot of linguists, do not draw a sharp distinction
between the meanings of the two terms, however. It is quite common,
particularly in North American texts on linguistics, for the term ‘dialect’ to
be used to refer to a characteristic combination of phonetic features (i.e. what
we are calling an accent). We will be careful not to mix the terms in this way
in this book. The reason for making this distinction will become clear as the
chapter progresses.
Whenever British rather than, say, American English is taught to overseas
or foreign learners, the accent presented as a model for the learner will most
typically be Received Pronunciation, abbreviated to RP. ‘Received’ here is to
be understood in its nineteenth-century sense of ‘accepted in the most polite
circles of society’. The label RP has acquired a rather dated – even negative –
flavour in contemporary British society, and many linguists, in recognition of
the changes to the phonetic properties of RP and its social status over recent
decades, prefer the less evaluative term Standard Southern British English
These changes notwithstanding, RP has – at least in England – remained
the accent of those at the upper reaches of the social scale, as measured by
education, income and profession, or title. It has traditionally been the accent
of those educated at public schools, which in the UK are private (i.e. selective
and fee-paying) and beyond the financial means of most parents, and it is
largely through these schools, and state schools aspiring to emulate them,
that the accent has been perpetuated. RP, unlike prestige accents in other
countries, is not the accent of any particular region, except historically: its
origins were in the speech of London and the surrounding area. It has often
been contended that it is, at least in principle, impossible to tell from his
or her pronunciation alone where an RP speaker comes from (though see
Trudgill 2002). As suggested above, RP has greatest currency and enjoys the
highest prestige in England, and is evaluated somewhat differently in the
other countries of the UK and in Ireland. In Scotland it is considered very
much an ‘English’ accent, for instance, and its speakers are not necessarily
always accorded greater respect than are speakers of other accents, while in
northern England RP is viewed as a ‘southern’ accent even if the RP speaker

Variation in English

comes from the local area. For further discussion of the varying prestige of RP,
see Milroy 2001; Mugglestone 2003; Fabricius 2002, 2006, 2007; Coupland
and Bishop 2007.
At the beginning of the twenty-first century it was estimated that only
about 3 to 5 per cent of the population of England spoke RP (see Trudgill 2002:
171–2). It is difficult to say whether this proportion has stayed the same or
declined – it seems unlikely that it has increased since then – but in any case
because the accent is undergoing change (see below) it is not straightforward
to decide who is and is not an RP speaker in the first place. Since RP is
clearly a minority accent, why, then, is it by and large the only British accent
explicitly taught to foreign learners? Its relatively high prestige has already
been mentioned. No doubt learners want to learn, and teachers to teach,
what has long been perceived to be the ‘best’, most ‘correct’ accent. Among
a substantial proportion of British people, because they tend to associate the
accent with the high social status, wealth and power of its speakers, RP is
usually considered the best, the most beautiful, even the ‘clearest’ accent.
Oddly, and misguidedly, many people believe it to be the accent that is closest
to the standard written form of English, as though the connection between
spelling and pronunciation were somehow more direct for RP than for other
accents. There are other reasons, however, for learning RP. If we were asked
to point to a readily available example of RP, we would probably suggest the
speech of some BBC newsreaders or television celebrities. Because of its use
on radio and television, within Britain RP has become probably the most
widely understood of all accents. This in turn means that the learner who
succeeds in speaking it, other things being equal, has the best chance of being
understood wherever he or she goes in the British Isles. Another good reason
for learning RP is that it is by far the most thoroughly described of British
accents. This is the case, at least in part, because descriptions of it were made
in response to the needs of foreign learners and their teachers. We describe
the sounds of RP in Chapter 3.

Language change
Learners who have been presented with RP as a model should not think, when
they come to Britain, that speech they hear which is in some way different
from that model is necessarily something other than RP. First, accents, like all
components of living languages, change with time. In RP, for example, there
has for perhaps as much as a century been a tendency, through a process
known as smoothing, for certain triphthongs (vowels with three distinct
qualities) and diphthongs (two qualities) to become monophthongs (so-
called ‘pure’ vowels with a single quality). Thus the word tyre, which was
once most commonly pronounced [tʰaɪə] (with a triphthong), came to be
pronounced [tʰɑə] (with a diphthong), and is now increasingly reduced to
[tʰɑː] (with a monophthong, such that it is homophonous with – has the same

Variation in pronunciation

pronunciation as – the word tar). This smoothing to [ɑː] can also be observed
in the traditional RP triphthong /aʊə/, as in tower or hour. Thus Major-General
Patrick Cordingley, commenting on BBC radio during the 2003 Iraq conflict,
talked repeatedly of ‘Allied [fɑːpʰɑː]’ (firepower); see further Hannisdal (2006).
Smoothing of these vowels appears to be most common among younger
RP speakers, but there is of course not a perfect correlation between age and
pronunciation. Some RP speakers, including younger ones, will regard the
distinguishing features of the ‘advanced’ – most current – variety of the
accent (see p. 42) as affected or pretentious, and will not alter their own
speech, at least not until the adoption of these features becomes more general
with the passage of time. Other RP speakers will be only too ready to integrate
them into their own speech. We might see some speakers, accordingly, as
‘early adopters’, and others as ‘conservative’ or ‘laggards’ (Stuart-Smith and
Timmins 2010). For this reason, it would be misleading to say there is only
one, fixed form of the accent, since at any stage the accent will be a mixture
of traditional and innovative features (see further Trudgill 2002; Harrington
2007). The precise form of RP taught will differ from country to country, even
from classroom to classroom. What learners of advanced RP should bear in
mind is that this form of pronunciation does sound affected to most British
people, even in England, and that, if the learner acquires it successfully, he or
she may still be thought to sound affected even though listeners may be aware
that they are listening to a foreigner. For many people with regional accents,
all RP speech, however conservative, sounds affected, and it is probably true
to say that the supposed affectation is perceived most strongly in places where
the differences between RP and the regional accent of the listener are most
This long-standing association of RP with affectation, social snobbery,
arrogance, aloofness and so on is increasingly out of keeping with the kind
of image many of the accent’s younger speakers would wish to project of
themselves. This trend has not gone unnoticed by the media. Since the first
edition of this book was published, ever larger quantities of column space and
air time have been devoted to what has been termed the ‘dumbing down’ of
the spoken and written English used by young British people. Specifically,
the influence of non-standard, ‘ethnic’ and non-native accents and dialects
of English, along with a perceived deterioration in standards in other modes
of behaviour (dress, manners, literacy, community-mindedness, respect
for elders, etc.), has been blamed for a rise of ‘sloppiness’ in pronunciation
and disregard for ‘proper grammar’. Many media pundits have become so
convinced of the decline of RP and Standard English that the emergence of a
new replacement variety first dubbed ‘Estuary English’ by Rosewarne (1984)
has been accepted almost universally, in spite of the fact that the existence
and separate identity of this ‘new’ variety are argued for on the basis of rather
little reliable linguistic evidence (see Trudgill 2002: 177–9; but also Przedlacka
2002; Altendorf 2003).

Variation in English

The usual definition of Estuary English is that it is a compromise between

or amalgam of RP and working-class London speech (‘Cockney’), and is thus
a ‘neutral’ variety which simultaneously provides the opportunity for lower-
class speakers to appear higher status than they are, and for middle- and
upper-class speakers to appear lower status than they are, in keeping with the
social levelling claimed to have been a key characteristic of life in the United
Kingdom in recent decades. The use of supposedly ‘Estuary’ forms by people
from privileged or affluent backgrounds, however, is not without its pitfalls,
if we can judge by the adverse reactions in the British press to the use of
such forms by politicians such as Ed Miliband and the former Prime Minister
Tony Blair, or certain members of the royal family. A particularly salient,
widely discussed and often heavily stigmatised ‘Estuary’ form is glottal stop
[ʔ] as a pronunciation of /t/ in certain contexts; this is discussed further on
pp. 43–44 and p. 55.
Another example of a feature becoming established in modern RP which
probably has its origins in a non-standard accent is the [w]-like labio-dental
approximant [ʋ] (as a pronunciation of /ɹ/) that has spread fairly fast into a
large number of varieties of British English. While RP speakers of any age
can be heard to produce words like road, brown, very and so on using this
pronunciation of /ɹ/, it is much more usual to hear it used by young RP
speakers than by older ones. If it is noticed at all, it is certainly regarded as
a much less idiosyncratic or ‘disordered’ feature of an individual RP speaker
than was the case even a generation ago, and is a good deal less stigmatised
as a result. In most parts of England, it would be true to say that the use of
[ʋ] is no longer regarded by schoolteachers and speech therapists as defective
– a ‘speech impediment’ – as it once was, except perhaps where it occurred
in upper-class speech, in which it seems to have been tolerated as a foppish
affectation. As the stigma of [ʋ] recedes, then, so its adoption is all the more
likely by a new generation of speakers. It is possible that the labio-dental
pronunciation, which is common in infantile speech, owes its current spread
to the relaxation of the stigma of childishness associated with it (see Foulkes
and Docherty 2000). That is, children no longer learn to stop using the
‘childish’ [ʋ] pronunciation when they reach adolescence and adulthood,
because the social pressure to switch to a more adult pronunciation has been
Another example of a change which is still at a relatively early stage in its
progress is the phenomenon known variously as the high-rising tone, the
high rise terminal (HRT), Australian Question Intonation (AQI) or ‘uptalk’
(see Cruttenden 1995, 1997; Bauer 2002; Warren 2005). This phenomenon
is often defined as the use, in statements, of the rising intonation pattern
normally associated with questions (in RP, at any rate; other accents of British
English, such as those of Glasgow or Belfast, have quite different statement
and question intonation patterns from those used in RP, as we shall see in
Chapter 5). For this reason, some commentators – usually opinionated but

Variation in pronunciation

underinformed journalists rather than linguists – interpret high-rising

tone as an indication of uncertainty and lack of confidence on the part
of the young people who use it. These commentators tend to attribute its
appearance to the influence, either through face-to-face interaction or
passively through television viewing, of Australian and New Zealand English,
both of which share this property. The interesting suggestion has also been
raised that the pattern entered British English because for several decades it
has been common for young British school leavers or gap-year students to
travel independently overseas on the ‘backpacking trail’, often for extended
periods. While on their travels they are likely – even if they did not actually
visit Australia or New Zealand – to encounter large numbers of independent
travellers from the southern hemisphere, and may spend time in areas in
which they must frequently interact with local people whose command of
English is not always very good. It is commonly observed that in the latter
situation native English speakers have a tendency to raise the pitch of their
voice towards the end of utterances more frequently than they would when
talking to other native speakers, as a means of checking that their utterances
are being understood. In these circumstances, then, the use of high-rising
tone may have come to act as a badge of ‘well-travelled’ or ‘worldly’ status. In
tandem with its association with the appealing stereotype of Australians and
New Zealanders as relaxed, friendly, open, sporty, fun-loving (etc.), it might
therefore be unsurprising that the feature would be imported into British
accents, later to spread among children, adolescents and young adults with
no direct experience of independent foreign travel or contact with people
from the southern hemisphere.
The true origin of the feature is, however, almost certainly more complex
than this, not least because high-rising tone patterns are not altogether like
the question intonation patterns used by the same speakers. The claim that
the use of HRT patterns indicates ‘uncertainty’ is also probably untenable,
given that such patterns may be used when giving information about which
the speaker cannot have any doubt (e.g. when telling someone his or her
name and address). And, of course, any similarity to southern hemisphere
intonation patterns may be nothing more than coincidence. Patterns of this
sort have been used in American English for a considerable length of time,
for instance, and American varieties may equally well be the source of HRT
in British English, if it is a contact-based phenomenon at all. For further
discussion, see Foulkes and Docherty (2005) or for a more technical treatment
of these phenomena, Fletcher et al. (2005).

Stylistic variation
As we have seen, then, there are differences of pronunciation among RP
speakers (‘interspeaker variation’). There is, in addition, variation in the
pronunciation of individual RP speakers (‘intraspeaker’ variation). It is perhaps

Variation in English

trivial, but is nonetheless true, that studies in instrumental phonetics have

shown that a person cannot produce even a single speech sound in exactly
the same way twice in succession. And it is obvious that people with food in
their mouths, with heavy colds, or who have just drunk eight pints of beer
will not speak in quite the same way as in other circumstances. But what is
more significant for us are the changes in pronunciation made, consciously
or unconsciously, by speakers according to their perception of the situation in
which they find themselves, especially how formal or informal they feel it to
be. Their judgement of formality will depend on a number of factors, such as
the relative status of the people they are talking to, how well they know each
other, what they are talking about, to what purpose and in what place. Some
idea of the range of formality can be given by listing just a few of the terms for
occasions on which words are uttered – proclamation, lecture, consultation,
conversation, chat. In what speakers see as a very formal situation they
will tend to articulate more slowly and carefully. Individual sounds will be
given, as it were, their ‘full’ value; fewer will be omitted (or elided, to use
the technical term; elision is extremely common in all varieties of spoken
English). In a very informal situation, on the other hand, speakers will be more
likely to speak quickly and less carefully, and some sounds will either have
their values changed or be elided altogether. Thus, say, for an RP speaker the
word are may be pronounced [ɑː] in deliberate speech, but (when destressed)
will become [ə] in more casual speech, this process being known as vowel
weakening. In the phrase /ðat pleɪt/ that plate the final consonant of the first
word will often become [p] through assimilation (becoming more similar)
to the first consonant of the second, such that the phrase is pronounced
[ðap ̚ pʰleɪt], where the [ ]̚ symbol indicates that the first [p] is unreleased.
Similarly, /ɪkˈspɛkt səʊ/ expect so may be pronounced [ˈspɛk səʊ] through elision
of certain sounds. We refer to intraspeaker variation conditioned by speakers’
perceptions of the situation in which they are speaking as stylistic variation.
It should not be thought that a more casual style of pronunciation is
in any sense incorrect, however. It is really not a matter of correctness, but
of appropriateness to the situation. It would be odd, even ridiculous, for a
BBC radio presenter to use the same style of pronunciation when telling his
girlfriend how desirable she is, as when describing for his listeners a royal
procession. It is just possible, nevertheless, that there are radio commentators
who would do this, for it is not only situational factors which determine style
of pronunciation, but also the speaker’s personality. Some people are very
sensitive to what they regard as the demands of a situation on their speech style,
while others appear indifferent, speaking with little change of pronunciation
in the widest range of situations. Some of those who always speak carefully
and with great deliberation maintain that to do anything else is ‘slovenly’
or ‘sloppy’, and leads to loss of clarity and to possible misunderstanding. In
this claim they forget how much of language is redundant: there is usually
far more information packed into an utterance than we need in order to

Variation in pronunciation

understand it. The small loss in information resulting from modifications in

pronunciation of the kind exemplified above rarely causes confusion: [ˈspɛk
səʊ] can only be expect so. Even where linguistically there is ambiguity, the
situation will normally disambiguate what is meant. If we are asked if we
would like some [mɪns], for example, we can infer without too much difficulty
from the proffered rattling bag that the offer is of mints and not mince (i.e.
minced meat). And if we were not sure, in an informal situation it would be
perfectly natural to ask which was intended.
As we said earlier, whatever learners think about this kind of thing, their
task is essentially to understand what is said. Unfortunately, it is a task they
are not always well prepared for. Language teachers, like all of us, want to
be understood, and are inclined to speak slowly and with deliberation, a
tendency in which they are not discouraged either by their students or by
the often quite formal atmosphere of the classroom. Learners may be familiar
with such processes as vowel weakening, assimilation and elision, but they
usually have little idea of the degree to which these occur in ordinary
conversational English. Even the recorded conversations of native speakers
marketed commercially can sound stiff, stilted and unnatural. In response
to this, there are many recordings available these days which sound more
naturalistic and spontaneous, including those on the website accompanying
this book (also Foulkes and Docherty 1999, and numerous recordings
available for download from the internet, such as those provided on the BBC
Voices and British Library websites; see Further reading at the back of the book).

Unconditioned variation
Within RP there are differences of pronunciation which cannot be explained
in terms either of change over time or of speech style. An example of such a
variable form is the pronunciation of economic as /iːkəˈnɒmɪk/ or /ɛkəˈnɒmɪk/.
Speakers will have an individual preference for one over the other, and – at
least until it is demonstrated that there is some reason for this preference
– the best we can say is that some people, perhaps a majority, use this
pronunciation, and other people use the other pronunciation (for further
examples and statistics gathered using pronunciation preference polls, see
Wells 2003, 2006a). This kind of variation is known as free variation.

Regional variation
As we have seen, only a very small percentage of the population of England
speaks RP, meaning that in the British Isles as a whole the proportion of RP
speakers is very small indeed. The rest of the islands’ native English-speaking
inhabitants instead have some form of regional accent. Much of Chapters 4
and 5 is concerned with regional accents, and we shall do no more here than
make some general observations.

Variation in English

Regional accents are sometimes spoken of as, for instance, ‘northern’ or

‘southern’ English, ‘Irish’ or ‘Welsh’. But of course this is not to say that there
is, for example, just one Irish or just one north of England accent. It means only
that speakers in one of those areas – say, Wales – have enough pronunciation
features in common with each other which are not shared with speakers of
other areas for us to say of someone we hear speaking, ‘He’s from Wales.’ And
just as ‘northern accent’ is no more than a convenient label for a group of
more local accents, a label like ‘Yorkshire accent’ is simply a label for a group
of accents which is more local still. Almost no matter how small an area we
look at, we will find differences between the pronunciation there and an area
adjoining it. At the same time, unless there is some considerable obstacle to
communication between the two areas, such as a mountain range, a large
river estuary or a stretch of sea or ocean, those differences will be so slight
that we would be unhappy about drawing a line between them and saying
that on one side of the line the accent is X and on the other it is Y. In Britain,
from the south-west of England to the north of Scotland, we by and large do
not have a succession of distinct accents but an accent continuum, a gradual
changing of pronunciation, with some areas where discontinuities are more
abrupt (in particular the border between England and Scotland, which Aitken
(1992) describes as the zone featuring the greatest concentration of dialect
differences anywhere in the English-speaking world; see Watt et al. 2010).
In order to describe regional variation, it is convenient at times to speak of
accents as if they were entities to be found within certain defined limits, and
from here on this is what we will do.
Speakers of RP tend to be found at the top of the social scale, and their
speech gives no clue to their regional origin. People at the bottom of the social
scale speak with the most obvious, the ‘broadest’, regional accents. Between
these two extremes, in general (and there are always individual exceptions)
the higher a person is on the social scale, the less regionally marked will be
his or her accent, and the less it is likely to differ from RP. This relationship
between class and accent can be represented diagrammatically in the form of
a triangle, as in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1 The triangle (or RP

pyramid) model of the relationship
between status and accent


regional variation in

Variation in pronunciation

Table 1.1 H-dropping in Bradford,

% H-dropping
West Yorkshire (from Petyt 1977)
Upper middle class 12
Lower middle class 28
Upper working class 67
Middle working class 89
Lower working class 93

This relationship between accent and the social scale can be illustrated
with figures for ‘H-dropping’ (for example, where hat is pronounced /at/
instead of /hat/) in the Bradford area of West Yorkshire (Petyt 1985; see also
Beal 2008, and Chapter 5 of this book), as shown in Table 1.1.
Not all people stay in one social position throughout their lives. At least
in England, and possibly in other parts of the UK, there has been a tendency
for those climbing the social scale – or aspiring to – to modify their accent
in the direction of RP, thereby helping to maintain the relationship between
class and accent. In the case of speakers with Bradford accents, this would
involve starting to pronounce /h/ at the start of words like hat, happen and
horrible more often than they did before. They might also try to introduce
the vowel /ʌ/, which is absent from northern English accents but which in
RP distinguishes putt /pʌt/ from put /pʊt/ (this distinction is in fact found in
practically all accents of English beyond England). But to do this successfully
is not easy. It means dividing all those words which in the north of England
contain the vowel /ʊ/, like put, bush, pudding, cup, bus, shut and so on, into two
groups according to their pronunciation in RP. What often happens is that
some words which have /ʊ/ in RP as well as in the regional accent are wrongly
classified, and so the northern English would-be RP speaker pronounces
cushion as [ˈkʌʃn̩], such that it rhymes with (RP) percussion /pəˈkʌʃn̩/ or Russian
/ˈɹʌʃn̩/. This kind of misassignation of certain pronunciations is referred to as
hypercorrection (see p. 60).
Today there is, however, not the same pressure on those seeking social
mobility to modify their speech in the direction of RP as there once was.
Newsreaders and announcers with non-RP accents are now commonplace on
the BBC, until recent decades a bastion of the most elevated and conservative
form of RP. (It should be mentioned, just the same, that the introduction
of non-standard accents on stations such as BBC Radio 4 has not met with
universal approval; for instance, the audience reaction when the voice
of Jamaican continuity announcer Neil Nunes was first heard on Radio 4
was a mixture of approbation and outraged hostility.) In other spheres of
public life, such as politics, academia or the civil service, there is no longer
any expectation that RP accents will be used to the exclusion of virtually
any others. It is really only in the highest echelons of British society – the
English public schools and elite universities, among the aristocracy and in
the officer classes of the military – that earlier attitudes towards RP seem

Variation in English

to prevail. Among the general public, RP is still highly valued in the sense
that it is equated with being ‘well-spoken’ or ‘articulate’, and is perceived
widely as a signal of general intelligence and competence, but it is no longer
considered essential for certain occupations. We can gain an appreciation for
how attitudes have changed when we examine the results of three similar
experiments carried out over the course of around 30 years. In the original
experiment, which was carried out by Howard Giles and his colleagues in
South Wales in the 1970s, a university lecturer, who was introduced as such,
gave the same talk, word for word, to two matched groups of schoolchildren
aged 16 to 18 years (Giles et al. 1975). The only difference between the two
talks was the accent used. The lecturer addressed one group in RP, the other in
a Birmingham accent. When the schoolchildren were then asked to evaluate
the lecturer according to a number of criteria, those who had heard him speak
RP gave him a significantly higher rating for intelligence than the group who
had heard him use a Birmingham accent.
More recently, the results of a replication study of Giles (1970) carried out
by Sarah Wood (reported in Stockwell 2002) show that RP was still judged
by a panel of young female students to be a sign of higher-than-average
intelligence, but also that an RP accent did not indicate higher social status
than did west London and Norwich accents. RP was also judged ‘less pleasing’
than these accents.
In a study published in 2007, Coupland and Bishop (2007) report the
results of a large online survey undertaken as part of the BBC’s Voices initiative.
It set out to quantify participants’ subjective evaluations of 34 varieties of
English, including standard accents (‘Standard English’, ‘Queen’s English’,
American English, etc.), and a wide range of non-standard ones from within
the UK and from various other parts of the world. Some were non-native
accents of English (French, German, Spanish, etc.). It should be noted that
the participants, of which there were more than 5,000, were self-selected, and
that the results of the survey might therefore reflect the biases and prejudices
of individuals who were more willing than most to spend time completing a
survey on attitudes towards accents of English. Coupland and Bishop express
disappointment that the ‘familiar conservative tendencies in the general
rankings of the accents’ are evident in their data, with non-standard urban
British accents scoring low on the social attractiveness and prestige scales.
Birmingham English comes last on both scales by an appreciable margin,
indicating that unusually negative attitudes towards the accent are still
held by many people. What is described in the poll as ‘a standard accent
of English’ is regarded highly, but somewhat less so by younger respondents
than by older ones. Younger respondents were also less negative about
stigmatised non-standard accents than were older ones. ‘Queen’s English’
received mixed reviews for social attractiveness, and on this criterion it in fact
scored substantially lower than some of the consistently higher-rated varieties
(Irish, Scottish and New Zealand) and respondents’ own accents. It is not self-

Grammatical and lexical variation

evidently true that respondents necessarily equated ‘Queen’s English’ with

RP: they might have been thinking of the way Queen Elizabeth II herself
speaks. ‘Queen’s English’ is a commonly used synonym for RP, however, so
it seems reasonable to assume that many respondents had RP in mind when
they were assigning their ratings.
The implications are, therefore, that despite its continuing association with
intelligence and competence, an RP accent no longer has the ‘statusfulness’
or ‘attractiveness’ that it did a generation ago. The once widely held view that
achieving success in certain careers and walks of life depends quite heavily
upon the cultivation of an RP accent has rapidly come to seem old-fashioned,
and if trends continue there may come a time when the elevation of RP above
all other British accents is viewed as little more than a puzzling or amusing
historical curiosity. It is telling that in August 2011 a programme entitled
‘RP – RIP?’ (RIP standing for Requiescat in Pace, or Rest in Peace) was broadcast
on BBC Radio 4. The shelf-life of Received Pronunciation may turn out to be
much shorter than anyone could have predicted even 30 years ago.

Grammatical and lexical variation

Standard English
The term accent, as we have seen, refers to varieties of pronunciation. The term
dialect, on the other hand (at least as we shall use it here), refers to varieties
distinguished from each other by differences of grammar (morphology and
syntax) and vocabulary (lexis). With British English, though not with all
other languages, the separation of accent from dialect is not only logically
possible, but is almost required by the relationship that holds between them.
The accent taught to most foreign learners of British English is RP. The
dialect used as a model is known as ‘Standard English’, which is the dialect
of educated people throughout the British Isles. It is the dialect normally
used in writing, for teaching in schools and universities, and the one most
often heard on British radio and television. Unlike RP, Standard English is not
restricted to the speech of a particular social group. While it would be odd to
hear an RP speaker consistently using a non-standard dialect of English, most
users of Standard English have regional accents. What social variation there
is within Standard English appears to be limited to a rather small number of
words. The choice of the word serviette rather than (table) napkin, for example,
has been said to indicate inferior social standing (Ross 1954).
Another way in which Standard English differs from RP is that it exhibits
significant regional variation. Subsumed under Standard English (or Standard
British English) are Standard English English (in England and Wales), Standard
Scottish English and Standard Irish English. In Scotland and Ireland there are
regional features which, because they are to be found regularly even in formal
writing, are considered ‘standard’. In Standard Scottish English, for example,

Variation in English

we can – at least among older speakers – find They hadn’t a good time rather than
the Standard English English They didn’t have a good time, and forms such as
furth of and outwith, both of which are equivalent to outside or beyond. It is of
course almost always the Standard English English forms which are taught to
foreign students, even in Scotland. Variation between these standard dialects
is in fact quite limited, and should cause learners few problems.

Language change
The grammar of a dialect changes with time, but very slowly. Grammatical
forms and structures, members of tightly knit, closed systems, resist alteration,
and it is not always easy to identify ongoing grammatical development.
One interesting example of grammatical variation which may represent
the beginning of a change in the language is the apparently increasing use of
the present perfect construction in conjunction with expressions of definite
past time reference. We may hear utterances such as And Roberts has played for
us last season (implying that he did so without any kind of break). Most native
speakers, it must be admitted, would find this odd. They would claim that the
speaker had made a mistake. But sentences like this are heard more and more
often. The captain of a cricket team who said And Roberts has played for us
last season had been asked about the present strength of his side. His answer
combined an indication of the current relevance of Roberts’ having played
with the information that it was in the previous season that he had played.
In this way he said in one sentence what can normally only be said in two:

Roberts has played for us. He played last season.

It is not at all certain that the use of this grammatical device will continue
to increase. For the time being it will be regarded as a mistake, or at any rate
rather odd-sounding. But if eventually it becomes generally accepted (just
as previously ‘incorrect’ sentences like The house is being built next spring are
now accepted as good English), then it will be yet another subtlety for foreign
learners to master, in an area which is already difficult enough.
Lexical change is more rapid than grammatical change. It is easier to see
the variation that sometimes accompanies it. In some cases a new lexical item
enters the language and displaces one already there. In this way the word
radio took the place of wireless, the latter of which (in the sense of radio) is now
heard exclusively in the speech of the elderly. Among younger people, the
meaning of wireless now exclusively denotes a cable-free means of accessing
the internet.
In other cases, an established lexical item begins to change its meaning,
or take on a second meaning. The word aggravate, for instance, which not
long ago exclusively meant ‘make worse’ (as in the phrases Don’t aggravate
the situation or aggravated burglary), is now probably more often used to mean
something like ‘irritate’, as in Hearing her talk about her latest foreign holiday is

Grammatical and lexical variation

really aggravating. There are some people – the kind who write tetchy letters to
newspaper editors – who argue that since aggravate is derived from the Latin
aggravare, which has the meaning ‘make worse’ or ‘make heavier’, then that
must be the true meaning of aggravate in English. But if this argument were
applied generally, it would suggest that the real meaning of nice, since it is
derived from the Latin nescius, is ‘ignorant’.
There are other people who argue that giving a second meaning to
aggravate could lead to misunderstanding. This is hardly likely, as in its first
sense the verb requires an abstract object, while in its second sense it requires
an animate object. At present, many educated people continue to avoid using
aggravate to mean ‘irritate’, at least in their written English. Foreign learners,
while recognising the possibility of a second meaning for aggravate (and for
other words like chronic, flaunt, infer or literally that are also changing), should
probably do the same.

Stylistic variation
The choice of grammatical structure and vocabulary will vary with the
situation in which people are speaking. On a very formal occasion someone
might say the man to whom I wrote, while less formally they might say the
bloke I wrote to. One phrase is not more correct than the other, even if bloke
might strike the reader as less formal than man. And despite the protestations
of pedants, there is no reason, except custom and personal preference, why
prepositions like to (and from, into, above, up, etc.) should not end sentences.
Nor is there anything grammatically wrong with inserting an adverb such as
pointlessly between the two parts of a verb infinitive like to criticise to create
the phrase to pointlessly criticise. Objections to such so-called split infinitives
in English originate in the pronouncement that since one cannot split verb
infinitives in Latin in this way, the process should not be allowed to occur
in English. It seems obvious to most of us, though, that what happened to
be the case in Latin is not necessarily the case in English, and there is little
sense in trying to transfer grammatical rules from a dead Romance language
into a living Germanic one. Defenders of grammatical correctness in English
predict that the decline in the teaching of ‘rules’ like ‘Don’t end sentences
with prepositions’ and ‘Avoid splitting infinitives’ will inevitably lead to some
kind of linguistic free-for-all, where speakers will be able to flout the rules
as they please, and pepper their speech with slang and swear words with
impunity. The sales of books by self-appointed English usage experts such as
John Humphrys and Lynne Truss bear witness to the British public’s appetite
for being told what they should and should not say or write (or rather, what
other people should and should not say or write). But again, it should be
remembered that swear words, slang and the like are not intrinsically wrong
in themselves. As with the features of pronunciation discussed earlier, it is a
matter not of correctness but of appropriateness to the situation.

Variation in English

When even highly educated people are chatting together with friends,
their speech is very different in style from textbook conversation. This
can be demonstrated very convincingly by recording a conversation and
then transcribing it as precisely as possible, as we have done in later
sections of this book. It is always surprising how much ‘noise’ there is in
the spoken language people produce when their utterances are unplanned
(in the sense of them improvising what they are saying, rather than
repeating something memorised, or reading from a script). This is true
even of speakers we think of as particularly fluent and articulate. It is
quite normal for speakers to begin a sentence, then change their mind;
they hesitate, then start again, differently; they use pause fillers like er
and um with surprising frequency; they muddle one grammatical structure
with another, and transpose words out of their normal order. They omit
various words, forget others, replacing them with thingy or wotsit, and if
necessary they will invent words (known as nonce words) just for the
occasion. In a relaxed atmosphere they do not feel constrained to speak
carefully or to plan what they are going to say. And in such casual speech
situations speakers’ utterances will overlap with each other a good deal.
This makes understanding difficult for learners, of course. But once account
is taken of their difficulties and people begin to speak more slowly and
carefully, inevitably the atmosphere changes somewhat.

Regional variation
Standard English, as we have said, is a dialect. Besides this, there are many
regional dialects in Britain, which differ from Standard English in various
ways. There are grammatical differences. So, in East Anglia the third person
singular present tense is not marked with a final –s. We find he go, he eat
alongside Standard English he goes, he eats. There are differences, too, of
vocabulary. What is known as a clothes horse in Standard English and southern
English dialects is called a maiden in northern English dialects.
Not everybody speaks the dialect of the area they belong to. There is
a relationship between social class and dialect similar to the one between
social class and accent. The higher a person’s position on the social scale,
the less regionally marked his or her language is likely to be. This can be
exemplified with the figures from a survey carried out in Norwich, in the East
Anglian county of Norfolk (see the Norwich map on page 84). The number
of third person singular present tense verb forms without –s was counted
and then expressed as a percentage of all third person singular present tense
verb forms. The results for various social groups were as shown in Table 1.2
(Trudgill 1974).
Until not so very long ago, teachers in British schools made great efforts
to eradicate features of local dialect from the speech and, more particularly,
the writing of their pupils. Teachers were inclined to think of these regional


Table 1.2 Third person singular

% forms without -s
present tense verb forms without
Upper middle class 0 -s in Norwich (Trudgill 1974)
Lower middle class 29
Upper working class 75
Middle working class 81
Lower working class 97

features as mistakes in Standard English. They were, however, not very

successful in their efforts. Today, fortunately, teachers and educational
policymakers are a good deal more tolerant of regional and social variation in
the language used by schoolchildren. It is true, nonetheless, that the longer
children stay at school, and the higher their level of educational attainment,
the less regionally marked, grammatically and lexically, their speech is likely
to be. But as length of stay and success at school themselves correlate highly
with social class, this may not be very significant. It is true, however, that
some people do modify their speech quite considerably as their educational
development progresses. In many cases they can be regarded as having two
dialects, speaking Standard English in certain company and their local
dialect (often with a more marked regional accent than they normally
use) in other company. In this way they make a claim to belong to more
than one social group. Many young British people report that staying
in education as far as university level has an additional standardising
effect on their English, such that while their English may be perceived by
university acquaintances as regionally distinct, it may be seen as somehow
‘diluted’ or ‘posh’ by their friends and family back home. An interesting
study of linguistic accommodation among university students in an
American English context has been carried out by Bigham (2010), but to
our knowledge no systematic investigations of this phenomenon have yet
been conducted in the United Kingdom or Ireland.

We have mentioned the idea of correctness on a number of occasions already
in this chapter. We want here just to summarise briefly what we have said.
Three types of thing are often said to be incorrect.
The first type is elements which are new to the language. Resistance to
these by many speakers seems inevitable, but almost as inevitable, as long as
these elements prove useful, is their eventual acceptance into the language.
The learner needs to recognise these and understand them. It is interesting
to note that resistance seems weakest to change in pronunciation. There
are linguistic reasons for this but, in the case of the RP accent, the fact that
innovation is introduced by the social elite must play a part.

Variation in English

The second type is features of informal speech. This, we have argued,

is a matter of style, not correctness. It is like wearing clothes. Most people
reading this book will see nothing wrong in wearing a bikini, but such an
outfit would seem a little out of place in an office (no more out of place,
however, than a business suit would be for lying on the beach). In the same
way, there are words one would not normally use when giving a presentation
at a conference which would be perfectly acceptable in bed, and vice versa.
The third type is features of regional speech. We have said little about
correctness in relation to these, because we think that once they are recognised
for what they are, and not thought debased or deviant forms of the prestige
dialect or accent, the irrelevance of the notion of correctness will be obvious.

At present, the most prestigious British dialect is Standard English; the most
prestigious accent is RP. It is with these that overseas learners are generally
most familiar, assuming they are learning British English rather than
American or Australian English, say. What they are not usually so familiar
with, however, is the degree of variation to be found within Standard English
and RP. This variation, part of it stylistic, part of it attributable to changes
in the language, is not the subject matter of this book, although we have
included suggestions for further reading towards the end. Nevertheless, it
is important that learners should be aware of the existence and effects of
stylistic variation and variation over time, and not mistake it for the social
and regional variation with which we are principally concerned.
Standard English is the dialect used by educated people throughout the
British Isles. Nevertheless, most people in Britain and Ireland (including
many who would generally be regarded as speakers of Standard English) have
at least some regional dialect forms in their speech. In general, the higher
people are on the social scale, the fewer of these regional forms their speech
will exhibit. The main ways in which regional dialects differ from Standard
English are outlined in the next chapter.
RP, lastly, is not the accent of any region. It is spoken by a very small
percentage of the British population, those at the top of the social scale.
Everyone else has a regional accent of some sort. The lower a person is on the
social scale, the more obvious their regional accent will tend to be to listeners.
Differences between RP and regional accents are discussed in Chapter 4.

Variation within Standard English
The Standard English dialect itself is subject to a certain amount of variation.
Some of this is regional: educated people in different parts of Britain do vary
to a certain extent in the way in which they speak, and even write, English.
(These differences normally involve features which are also found in the
regional non-standard dialects.) And some of it is to do with age: as we saw
in Chapter 1, all languages and dialects change, and Standard English is no

1. Speakers of Standard English in the south of England tend to use

contracted negatives of the type:

I haven’t got it
She won’t go
Doesn’t he like it?

The further north one goes, the more likely one is to hear the alternative type:

I’ve not got it

She’ll not go
Does he not like it?

This is particularly true of Derbyshire, Lancashire, Cumbria and Scotland. In

Scotland, forms of this type are used particularly frequently. Elsewhere, it is
more a matter of tendencies than of absolute rules. Southern English speakers
use the northern-type contraction in I’m not, since I amn’t does not occur in
Standard English, although it does in other dialects, such as those spoken in
Scotland. Southern English speakers also quite frequently use the you’re not ~
we’re not ~ they’re not forms alongside the more typically southern-type forms
with aren’t. Part of the reason for this may lie in the stigmatised non-standard
usage of this form with the first person singular, I aren’t.

Dialect Variation

2. In most grammatical descriptions of Standard English it is stated that

the indirect object precedes the direct object:

She gave the man a book

She gave him it
She gave him the book

If the preposition to is employed, however, then of course the direct object

can precede the indirect object:

She gave a book to the man

She gave it to him
She gave a book to him
She gave it to the man

In the south of England, the forms with to seem to be the most common,
particularly where the direct object is a pronoun like him, her, it, them and
so on. However, in the educated speech of people from the north of England,
other structures are also possible, as demonstrated in the following:

(a) She gave it him is very common indeed, and is also quite acceptable to
many southern speakers.
(b) She gave it the man is also very common in the north of England, but is
not found in the south.
(c) She gave the book him is not so common, but it can nonetheless be heard
in the north of England, particularly if there is contrastive stress on him.
(d) She gave a book the man is not especially common, but it does occur in
northern varieties, particularly again if man is contrastively stressed.

3. There are regional differences in which participle forms are used after
verbs such as need and want:

Southern England I want it washed

It needs washing
Parts of midland I want it washing
and northern England It needs washing
Scotland I want it washed
It needs washed

4. There are a number of regional and age-group differences in the use of

the verbs must and have to. These can be demonstrated with reference
to Table 2.1.

The forms in the negative modal column have the meaning ‘he is not compelled
to do it (but he can if he likes)’, while the forms in the negative main verb column
have the meaning ‘he is compelled not to do it’. The epistemic uses (rows 2 and

Variation within Standard English

Table 2.1 Must and have to in southern English English

(a) positive (b) negative modal (c) negative

main verb
non- (1) he must do it he mustn’t do it
epistemic he has to do it he doesn’t have to do it
he’s got to do it he hasn’t got to do it
epistemic (2) he must be in he can’t be in
non- (3) he had to do it he didn’t have to do it
epistemic he’d got to do it he hadn’t got to do it
epistemic (4) he must have he couldn’t have
been in been in
he can’t have
been in
(5) he’ll have to do it he won’t have to do it

4) are those where inferences are being drawn: ‘it is certain that he is in (because
I can hear his radio)’ and so on. It can be seen that in Standard English in the
south of England (the variety most often described in grammar books) only must
appears in (c) and only have to or have got to in (b). It will also be seen that 3(c) and
5(c) are blank, because there is no way of saying ‘he must not do it’ in the past or
future: one has to use constructions such as ‘he wasn’t allowed to do it’ or ‘he
won’t be allowed to do it’. In the north of England, however, these gaps are filled.
At 1(c), in these areas, it is possible to have he hasn’t to do it (and, for some speakers,
he’s not got to do it or he hasn’t got to do it – which are therefore ambiguous in a way
they are not in the south of England) with the additional meaning he mustn’t do
it. Similarly, with the past, 3(c), educated northern English can have he hadn’t
to do it, as well as he didn’t have to do it and he hadn’t got to do it or he’d not got to do
it, which are again ambiguous. And for the future, 5(c), northern speakers have
he’ll not have to do it or he won’t have to do it (which are ambiguous) and even he’ll
haven’t to do it. At 2(c) and 4(c) the usual northern forms are he mustn’t be in and
he mustn’t have been in. And for many younger speakers in both the north and the
south, probably as the result of North American influence, have to and have got
to have also acquired epistemic use, particularly in positive, present tense usage.
Thus he must be the greatest player in the world can now also be he’s got to be the
greatest player in the world or he has to be the greatest player in the world.

5. It is possible to divide English verbs into two main classes according

(among other criteria) to whether or not they employ auxiliary do in
negatives and interrogatives:

He walked He didn’t walk Did he walk?

He laughed She didn’t laugh Did she laugh?
She can leave She can’t leave Can she leave?
He will go He won’t go Will he go?

Dialect Variation

Verbs of the second type (without do) come into the category of modals and
(a) The verbs ought to and used to are often described in English grammars
as coming into this second category, and indeed are employed in this
way by some older speakers:

He ought not to go Ought he to go?

They used not to go Used they to go?

With younger speakers, however – and this is particularly true of the

interrogative form, especially with used to – these verbs are being reclassified
in the first category:

He didn’t ought to go Did he ought to go?

They didn’t use to go Did they use to go?

(b) There is considerable regional and age-related variation concerning the

verb to have. This variation concerns the extent to which have is treated
as an auxiliary verb or as a full verb in different varieties of English.

In examining this variation, it is necessary to distinguish between stative

meanings of the verb to have and dynamic meanings. With stative
meanings, we are dealing with some kind of stable quality or state of affairs,
where to have means something like ‘to be in possession of’. With dynamic
meanings, we are dealing with some kind of activity or temporary state of
affairs, where the verb means something like ‘to consume’, ‘to take’ and
so on. Thus, I have some coffee in the cupboard involves stative meaning,
whereas I have coffee with my breakfast is dynamic. In English English, until
relatively recently, the verb to have required do-support – that is, it was
treated like a full verb – in the case of dynamic meanings only. Thus:

Does she have coffee with her breakfast? No, she doesn’t
They didn’t have a good time last night

With stative meanings, on the other hand, it was treated as an auxiliary and
did not require do-support. Thus:

Have they any money? No, they haven’t

They hadn’t any coffee in the cupboard

In American English, on the other hand, do-support is required in both

cases, so the verb to have is treated as a main verb regardless of whether it has
dynamic or stative meanings. Thus:

Does she have coffee with her breakfast? No, she doesn’t
They didn’t have a good time last night
Do they have any money? No, they don’t
They didn’t have any coffee in the cupboard

Variation within Standard English

In Scottish English and to a certain extent in the north of England as well as in

many parts of Ireland, we find the opposite situation – there is no distinction
between dynamic and stative meanings, the verb to have being treated as an
auxiliary in all cases. Thus, in addition to saying:

Have they any money? No, they haven’t

They hadn’t any coffee in the cupboard

in Scottish English one can say:

Has she coffee with her breakfast? No, she hasn’t

They hadn’t a good time last night

though this is probably used more rarely by younger Scottish people than it is
by people of their grandparents’ generation.
This difference in the status of have is also demonstrated by different
possibilities of phonological contraction (only auxiliary have can be
contracted). Thus:

US English I have no money I had a good time

English English I’ve no money I had a good time
Scottish English I’ve no money I’d a good time

In both American and British English, it is also very usual with stative
meanings in more informal styles to use the have got construction, for

Have they got any money? No, they haven’t

They hadn’t got any coffee in the cupboard

There is also the further complication that the American-style lack of

grammatical distinction between stative and dynamic meanings has had
an influence on the English of England, particularly among younger
southern speakers. This means that in southern England English we now
have the possibility, with stative meanings, of using three different types of

Have you got any money? (informal)

Have you any money? (formal, older)
Do you have any money? (newer)

6. It is well known that certain verb-particle constructions in English

have alternative forms as follows:

(a) He turned out the light Put on your coat! She took off her shoes
(b) He turned the light out Put your coat on! She took her shoes off

There is, however, regional variation with respect to this usage in Britain. All
speakers will accept both (a) and (b) as normal English, but speakers in the

Dialect Variation

south of England are more likely to employ the (b) forms in their own speech,
whereas Scottish speakers very frequently use forms of type (a).

7. Like
Like is becoming increasingly frequent in the speech of younger British and
Irish people, regardless of whether they speak standard or non-standard
dialects. Like fulfils several functions: it can function as a pause filler, as in
Are you, like, coming to the cinema tonight? as well as an intensifier, serving to
draw attention to a following piece of information:

It was like the funniest film I’ve ever seen.

It can also function, with the verb be, as a means of directly reporting speech
(equivalent to said, etc.) or a person’s (unverbalised) emotional status, as in:

They were like, ‘I hate this place’ but she’s like, just shut up both of you.

This last function of like is termed quotative (be) like (see Tagliamonte and
Hudson 1999; Dailey-O’Cain 2000; Buchstaller and D’Arcy 2009), and it is
thought to have been imported fairly recently into British English from North
America. Note that several of the speakers on the website recordings use like
frequently for all three functions, and they are not necessarily the younger
ones (e.g. the London and Aberdeen speakers; see Chapter 5, pp. 82–83;
133–136). The quotative system in contemporary English is highly complex,
and new forms are being adopted with amazing rapidity. Cheshire et al. (2011)
give an account of a new quotative this is + speaker in the speech of young
Londoners, for example:

This is them ‘What area are you from, what part?’

This is me ‘I’m from Hackney’

Lexical features
We shall be dealing further with variation in vocabulary in individual
sections. It is worth noting here, however, that some features, such as the
lack of distinction between teach and learn, and between borrow and lend, are
found in nearly all non-standard dialects:

They don’t learn you nothing at school (= They don’t teach you anything at
Can I lend your bike? (= Can I borrow your bike?)

Features of colloquial style

At some points it is difficult to distinguish between features of colloquial
style and those of non-standard dialect. The following are a few of these.

Non-standard grammatical forms

(a) us can function as the first person singular object pronoun:

Give us a kiss!

(b) pronoun apposition – a personal pronoun immediately following its

antecedent noun:

My dad he told me not to

(c) indefinite this – this can function as an indefinite article, particularly

in narratives:

There’s this house, see, and there’s this man with a gun

Non-standard grammatical forms

In this book we cannot provide a comprehensive list of all the grammatical
differences to be found between non-standard British dialects and Standard
English; readers are recommended to look at Milroy and Milroy (1993) and
Kortmann and Upton (2008) for further information on the topic. We can,
however, describe some of the forms most common in varieties, and point out
the types of differences to be looked for in each area, and will do so, briefly,
in this chapter. Further examples, together with instances of lexical variation,
will be cited in the individual sections of Chapter 5.

Multiple negation
There are a number of grammatical forms which differ from those in Standard
English and which can be found in most parts of the British Isles. This is
because, in these cases, it is in fact the standard dialect which has diverged
from the other varieties, not the other way round. A good example of this is
the grammatical construction well known throughout the English-speaking
world as ‘the double negative’. If we take a sentence in Standard English such

I had some dinner

we can note that there are two different ways of making this sentence
negative. We can either negate the verb:

I didn’t have any dinner

or we can negate the word some, by changing it to no:

I had no dinner

These sentences do have different stylistic connotations, the latter being more
formal, but they mean approximately the same thing. The main point is that
in Standard English one can perform one or other of these operations, but not

Dialect Variation

both. In most other English dialects, however, one can do both these things
at once. The result is multiple negation:

I didn’t have no dinner

(Linguists prefer the terms multiple negation or negative concord to the

more common term ‘double negative’, since the construction is not limited to
two negatives. It is possible to have three or more, as in she couldn’t get none
It is safe to say that constructions of the type I didn’t have no dinner are
employed by the majority of English speakers, both in the British Isles and
worldwide. At one time this construction was found in the standard dialect,
too, and it has parallels in many other languages (such as the ne . . . pas
construction in French). It is, however, considered to be ‘wrong’ by many
people in the English-speaking world. This is largely because it is, like most
non-standard grammatical forms, most typical of working-class speech, and
for that reason tends to have low prestige. People who believe it to be ‘wrong’,
‘ugly’, ‘clumsy’ or ‘illogical’ are, we can say, probably making what is ultimately
a social rather than a linguistic judgement. It would be interesting to know
whether these people would still look on multiple negation so disapprovingly
if it were pointed out to them that both Chaucer and Shakespeare used these
constructions in their writing.
There is, in addition, considerable regional variation in the type of
constructions in which multiple negation is permitted. The following sorts of
construction occur in some non-standard dialects but not in others:

We haven’t got only one (= Standard English We’ve only got one)
He went out without no shoes on

Other aspects of negation in non-standard dialects

Unlike multiple negation, the form ain’t is not found throughout Britain
in various forms, but it is nevertheless extremely common. It is variously
pronounced /eɪnt/, /ɛnt/, or /ɪnt/, and has two main functions. First, it
corresponds to the negative forms of the present tense of be in Standard
English, i.e. aren’t, isn’t and am not:

I ain’t coming He/she/it ain’t there You/we/they ain’t going

Second, it functions as the negative present tense of auxiliary have,

corresponding to Standard English haven’t and hasn’t:

I ain’t done it He ain’t got one

Note, however, that it does not usually function as the negative present form
of the full verb have:

*I ain’t a clue (= I haven’t a clue)

Non-standard grammatical forms

(In linguistics an asterisk preceding a form indicates an unacceptable or

unattested construction.)
The form aren’t also occurs more widely in non-standard dialects than
in Standard English. In Standard English, of course, it occurs as the negation
of are, as in we aren’t, you aren’t, they aren’t. It also occurs in the first person
singular with the interrogative aren’t I? But in some non-standard dialects the
form I aren’t, equivalent to Standard English I’m not, also occurs, while I amn’t
occurs in parts of the West Midlands and in Scotland. I amnae is also common
in non-standard Scottish English (see p. 34). These forms are good illustrations
of the inadvisability of arguing for the use of Standard English grammar on
grounds that it is more ‘logical’, systematic or consistent than non-standard
grammar. After all, if the correct interrogative equivalents of she is and you are
are isn’t she and aren’t you respectively, logically speaking we ought also to say
amn’t I. Yet amn’t is considered ‘wrong’, ‘ungrammatical’, even ‘impossible’,
by many people, including people who use the construction themselves.
It should be clear that the habit of equating grammatical correctness with
standardness is a matter of social convention, however much we are told that
the relationship between these two traits is direct, uncomplicated and self-
evidently true. Claims about the superior grammaticality of Standard English
are based not on logic or grammatical consistency – arguments of this type
can be knocked down easily without looking very hard for counterexamples
– but are the product of uncritical acceptance of the subjective, biased and
often prejudiced opinions of former generations of commentators.

Past tense of irregular verbs

Regular verbs in English have identical forms for the past tense and for the
past participle, as used in the formation of perfect verb forms:

Present Past Present perfect

I work I worked I have worked
I love I loved I have loved

Many irregular verbs, on the other hand, have in Standard English distinct
forms for the past tense and past participle:

Present Past Present perfect

I see I saw I have seen
I go I went I have gone
I come I came I have come
I write I wrote I have written

In many non-standard dialects, however, there is a strong tendency to bring

the irregular verbs into line with the regular ones, the distinction being
signalled only by the presence or absence of have. There is considerable

Dialect Variation

regional variation here, but in some cases we find the original past participle
used also as the past tense form:

Present Past Present perfect

I see I seen I have seen
I come I come I have come
I write I wrote I have wrote

(In the case of come, as with hit, put, cut and so on in Standard English, all
three forms are identical.) In other cases, levelling has taken place in the
other direction:

Present Past Present perfect

I see I saw I have saw
I go I went I have went

And in others, the present tense form may be generalised:

Present Past Present perfect

I see I see I have seen
I give I give I have given

We can also note common forms such as:

Present Past Present perfect

I write I writ /ɹɪt/ I have writ

and the continuation of the historical tendency (known as analogical

levelling) to make irregular verbs regular:

Present Past Present perfect

I draw I drawed I have drawed

The verb do is also involved in social dialect variation of this type, and in a
rather interesting way. As is well known to learners of English as a foreign
language, do has two functions. It can act as a full verb, as in:

He’s doing maths at school I did lots of work

and it can also act as an auxiliary verb, and is used as such in interrogation,
negation, emphasis and ‘code’ (Palmer 1988):

Did you go? You went, did you? We didn’t go

I did like it We went and so did they

In Standard English, the forms of the full verb and of the auxiliary are

He does maths, does he? You did lots of work, didn’t you?

Non-standard grammatical forms

In most non-standard dialects, however, the full verb and the auxiliary are
distinguished in the past tense, as the full verb has been subjected to the
levelling process described above, while the auxiliary has not. That is, the
past tense form of the full verb is done, and that of the auxiliary did:

You done lots of work, didn’t you? I done it last night

A: Did you? B: Yes, I did

These non-standard dialects therefore have a grammatical distinction that

is not found in the standard dialect. This example is one of many that
demonstrate that non-standard dialects are not grammatically deficient or
incomplete relative to Standard English, as many people think: the grammars
of non-standard varieties are just different from that of Standard English, and
are equally complex.

‘Never’ as past tense negative

In non-standard dialects in most parts of the British Isles the word never, in
contrast to Standard English, can refer to a single occasion, and functions in
the same way as the form didn’t. Thus I never done it means I did not do it with
reference to a single, particular occasion (for example, if a child is trying to
deny having broken a window by kicking a football through it). Forms of this
type are particularly common in the speech of children, but are well attested
in adult speech too:

I never went to the shops today after all

A: You done it! B: I never!

Present tense verb forms

The present tense form of the verb in Standard English is somewhat anomalous
with regard to other dialects of the language in that the third person singular
form is distinguished from the other forms by the presence of -s:

I want
you want
we want but he ~ she ~ it wants
they want

In a number of non-standard dialects, this anomaly is not found. In East

Anglia, as in some American and Caribbean varieties, this verb paradigm is
completely regular as a result of the absence of the third singular -s. In these
dialects, forms such as the following are usual:

She like him It go very fast He want it He don’t like it

Dialect Variation

The individual form don’t, in fact, is very common indeed throughout the
English-speaking world in the third person singular.
In other parts of Britain, including parts of the north of England and
especially the south-west and South Wales, the regularity is of the opposite
kind, with -s occurring with all persons of the verb:

I likes it We goes home You throws it

In parts of the west of England this leads to the complete distinction of

the full verb do and auxiliary do:

Present Past Past participle

Full verb: dos /duːz/ done done
Auxiliary: do did –


He dos it every day, do he? He done it last night, did he?

In other dialects, including many in Scotland and Northern Ireland, the

forms with -s in the first and second persons and in the third person plural
are a sign of the historic present, where the present tense is used to make the
narration of past events more vivid:

I go home every day at four o’clock


I goes down this street and I sees this man hiding behind a tree

Relative pronouns
In Standard English, who is used as a relative pronoun referring to human
nouns, which is used for non-human nouns, and that is used for nouns of both
types. The relative pronoun is also frequently omitted in restrictive relative
clauses where it refers to the object of a verb:

Human That was the man who did it That was the man who I found
That was the man that did it That was the man that I found
That was the man I found
Non- That was the brick which did it That was the brick which I found
human That was the brick that did it That was the brick that I found

That was the brick I found

These forms are also found in non-standard dialects, but a number of

additional forms also occur, including omission (or ellipsis) of pronouns
referring to the subject:

Non-standard grammatical forms

That was the man what done it

That was the man which done it
That was the man as done it
That was the man at done it
That was the man done it

The form with what is particularly common. Possessive relatives (like whose
in Standard English) may also differ from Standard English:

That’s the man what his son done it (= That’s the man whose son did it)
This is the man that’s son did it (= This is the man whose son did it)

Personal pronouns
A number of interesting regional and social differences concerning the
personal pronouns can be noted. These include the use in north-eastern
England and in Scotland of us as a first person singular object pronoun, as in
He deliberately tripped us as I was walking down the corridor. This phenomenon is
also commonly found in the colloquial speech of many other parts of Britain,
but in these places it is confined to a limited number of locutions, such as Do
us a favour and Give us a kiss.
The reflexive pronouns in Standard English are formed by suffixing -self
or -selves to

(a) the possessive pronoun:

my myself
your yourself / yourselves
our ourselves

(b) the object pronoun:

him himself
it itself
them themselves

The form herself could be regarded as being based on either the possessive
or the object pronoun. Note also that because they, their and them are now
very frequently used in the third person singular (as in the ‘gender-neutral’
If they are a student on my course, tell them to get their essay in immediately),
the form themself can now be heard and read more and more often, as in
Every student should give themself a break from their studies, or the American
newspaper headline Vandal should turn themselves in. Similarly, ourself is fairly
common: its use might strike some contemporary readers or listeners as a
sign of ignorance or inability to think logically, but in earlier forms of the
language it was originally used interchangeably with ourselves. It can be found
in Dickens, for instance.

Dialect Variation

Many non-standard dialects have regularised the reflexive pronoun

system so that, for instance, all forms are based on the possessives:


Scottish speakers may use -sel(s), for example Glasgow [wʌɾˈsɛoz] ‘ourselves’
(note the vocalised /l/; see pages 42 and 45). In parts of northern England,
notably Yorkshire, the suffix -sen is used where Standard English has self, so
that the equivalent of ‘himself’ is hissen /ɪˈsɛn/ (note the /h/-dropping; see
pages 45 and 66–67).

Comparatives and superlatives

Standard English permits comparison through either the addition of more:
She’s more beautiful than you
or through the addition of -er:
He’s nicer
Many non-standard dialects permit both comparative forms simultaneously:
She’s more rougher than he is
The same is also true with superlatives. Since Shakespeare wrote The most
unkindest cut of all this form has been lost in Standard English, but it survives
in many other dialects:
He’s the most roughest bloke I’ve ever met
In many non-standard dialects, the comparative and superlative suffixes can
be attached to adjectives which do not allow this in Standard English:

You ought to be carefuller in future

She’s the beautifullest woman I know

Corresponding to the Standard English system of

this these
that those

Non-standard grammatical forms

a number of social and regional variants occur. Most commonly, Standard

English those corresponds to them in non-standard dialects, but particularly
in Scottish dialects they (sometimes spelled thae) can also be heard.

Look at them animals!

Look at they animals!

In north-east Scotland, for example in Aberdeen, the demonstrative that

occurs even with plural nouns:

Look at that animals!

The forms yon and thon are also used in Scotland (see under Traditional
dialects (Sections 20–24 in Chapter 5)).

In Standard English, there are many pairs of formally related adjectives and

He was a slow runner He ran slowly

She was a very clever speaker She spoke very cleverly

In most non-standard dialects, these forms are not distinct:

He ran slow She spoke very clever They done it very nice
cf. He’ll do it very good

In the case of some adverbs, forms without -ly are also found in colloquial
Standard English:

Come quick!

although some speakers might not accept this as Standard English.

Unmarked plurality
A very widespread feature indeed in many non-standard dialects involves
nouns of measurement following numerals not being marked for plurality:

a hundred pound thirteen mile five foot sixteen year

The use of foot in plural contexts like those above is not unheard of in
colloquial Standard English.

Prepositions of place
Prepositions exhibit a large degree of variation in their usage in British
dialects. This is particularly true of prepositions of place, and we can do no

Dialect Variation

more here than cite a very few examples of cases where non-standard dialects
can differ from Standard English:

He went up the park (= He went to the park)

We walked down the shops (= We walked to the shops)
I got off of the bus (= I got off the bus)
It was at London (= It was in London)

Note that at was formerly frequently used in Standard English when describing
locations in large towns or cities, as in for example My parents learned to
dance at Oxford (= in Oxford in contemporary Standard English). In modern
Standard English, the use of at with proper names of this sort often implies
more specific meanings: at Oxford in the above example would probably be
understood to mean at the University of Oxford by most British people today.
In other cases, such as You need to change at Oxford or He was arrested on his
arrival at Manchester, a particular location within the town or city is meant
(in these examples, Oxford’s railway or bus station and Manchester Airport,

Traditional dialects
In most of this book, we deal chiefly with those accents and dialects of English
in the British Isles which foreign visitors are most likely to come into contact
with. In this section, however, we deal briefly with certain grammatical
features associated in particular with what are often referred to as ‘traditional
Traditional dialects are those conservative dialects of English which are,
for the most part, spoken in relatively isolated rural areas by certain older
speakers and which differ considerably from Standard English, and indeed
from one another. Traditional dialects are what most British people think
of when they hear the term ‘dialect’ used in a non-technical way. They
correspond to those varieties which are known as patois in the French-
speaking world and Mundart in German-speaking areas.
Grammatical features which are typical of certain traditional dialects
include the following:

(a) In most Scottish dialects, negation is not formed with not, but with no
or with its more typically Scottish forms nae /ne/ or na /na/. Thus we
find forms in Scottish English such as:

He’s no coming I’ve nae got it

I cannae go We do na have one

(b) In large areas of the north of England, including urban areas of

Yorkshire, as well as in many areas of the rural south-west of England,
the older distinction still survives (though it is now rare) between the

Non-standard grammatical forms

informal singular second person pronouns thou, thee, thine and formal
and/or plural you ~ yours. In the north of England, the usual subject
and object form of this pronoun is tha, while in the south-west it tends
to be thee. The system operates very much as in modern French, with
friends and family being referred to as tha and people who one does
not know so well being called you. It is also sometimes the case that
distinct verb forms associated with second person singular still survive;
for example, tha cast ‘you can’.
(c) In large areas of the south-west of England, including Devon and
Somerset, a system of personal pronouns exists in which the form of
the pronoun is not, for the most part, determined by subject versus
object function, but by weak or strong stress position. For example:

strong weak
you ee
he er (subject), ’n (object)
she er
we us
they ’m

Thus: You wouldn’t do that, would ee?

He wouldn’t do that, would er?
No, give ’n to he
She wouldn’t do that, would er?
No, give ’n to she
We wouldn’t do that, would us?
No, give ’n to we
They wouldn’t do that, would ’m?
No, give ’m to they

(d) In many traditional dialects of the south-west of England, the gender

system operates in a manner unlike that existing in Standard English,
in that mass nouns such as water and bread are usually referred to as
it, while count nouns such as hammer and tree are referred to as he, er
or ’n. Thus one would say:

Pass me the bread. It’s on the table

but Pass me the loaf. He’s on the table

(e) In areas of the north of England and in Scotland, a three-way

distinction in the system of demonstratives, rather than the two-way
system associated with Standard English, can be found (see for example
McRae 2000).

Dialect Variation

Singular Plural (northern England) Plural (Scotland)

this these thir
that them they ~ thae
yon yon yon ~ thon

As mentioned on page 33, some traditional dialects in northern

Scotland do not use thir and they ~ thae in plural contexts, but instead
use the singular form, as in:

This plates is too small

My nephew drew that pictures

(f) Forms of the verb to be, particularly those in the present tense, show
much greater variation in traditional dialects than in more modern
forms of speech. For example, in the north-east of England, is is
generalised to all persons – for example, I is. In parts of the West
Midlands, am may be generalised to all persons, as in you am, while in
areas of south-western England, be may be generalised to all persons of
the verb – that is, you be, he be, they be and so on.
(g) In Aberdeen, as in north-eastern Scotland generally, tags such as
is(n’t) it, do(n’t) they and so forth have a tendency to agree in polarity
(positive vs. negative) with the statement they attach to. So while in
Standard English the usual way to elicit the listener’s agreement with a
positive statement is to add a negative tag, as in:

It’s a fine day, isn’t it?

speakers from north-eastern Scotland are very frequently heard to use

a same-polarity tag, as in:

It’s a fine day, is it?

While the positive tag is it? may of course be used in this context in
Standard English, its use in that dialect serves to indicate that the
speaker does not know whether it is in fact a fine day (for instance, while
discussing the weather with an Australian relative by telephone), or it is
used when he/she is (often sarcastically or aggressively) contradicting
another’s assertion that it is a fine day when the evidence is to the

In this chapter we begin by presenting a framework for the description of the
sounds of English. We then outline the principal ways in which RP varies,
before going on to look in detail at the sounds of RP. We do not discuss stress,
rhythm or intonation in any detail in connection with this accent, or with
the others described in later chapters, as they are beyond the scope of this
book (see Brazil 1997, Cruttenden 2001, Tench 1996, or Wells 1982, 2006b for
information on these topics).

A framework for description

Consonants and vowels
We must begin by making a distinction between consonants and vowels.
Because our interest is in pronunciation, this distinction is based on the
spoken, not the written, language: what we will refer to as vowels are therefore
not the letters a, e, i, o and u. Letters, it must be remembered, are marks on
paper or patterns of light and dark on computer screens. Speech sounds –
which exist in the domain of acoustics and hearing, and are produced by
various movements of the speech organs – are therefore clearly very different
things from the visual symbols we use to represent them, and we should
be careful not to talk about symbols and sounds as though they were at all
The first criterion for assigning sounds to the vowel category is that their
production does not involve closure, such that the airflow from the lungs to
the outside air is cut off (as in the initial and final sounds of the words pat
and bag), or narrowing of the vocal tract to the extent that audible friction is
created (as in the initial and final sounds of fizz and sash).
The second criterion is that they should typically occur in the middle of a
syllable, rather than at its margins. The middle portion of a syllable is called
its nucleus. All other sounds, including those that meet the first criterion but
not the second (the first sounds of the words run, lend, young, wing), are, not
surprisingly, categorised as consonants.

Received Pronunciation

Describing consonants
Consonants are described in terms of the presence or absence of voicing
(vibration of the vocal folds, also known as the vocal cords), place of
articulation, and manner of articulation. Thus the initial sound in the
word vat is said to be a voiced labiodental fricative: the vocal folds vibrate,
and the sound is created by friction of the air as it passes through a narrow
gap between lip (labio-) and teeth (dental). By contrast, the initial sound in
the word fat is a voiceless labiodental fricative, the difference between it and
the first sound in vat being that in the first sound of fat there is no vibration
of the vocal folds. The initial sound of sat, by contrast, is termed a voiceless
alveolar fricative. In this sound the friction is created as air rushes through
the narrow gap between the tongue and the alveolar ridge (see Figure 3.1).
We can check whether or not a sound is voiced by putting our fingers in
our ears while saying the sound. The vibrations created by the vocal folds for
voiced sounds are much more readily heard this way. Alternatively, we can
put thumb and forefinger on either side of the prominence at the front of the
thyroid cartilage of the larynx (that is, the Adam’s apple). If any voicing is
present in the sound, we can feel vibration through our fingertips. If we want
to check the place of articulation of a consonant, we can often get a sense of
where in the mouth the sound is being produced by uttering the sound on
the in-breath (i.e. while breathing in instead of out). The point at which the
vocal tract is narrowest – most constricted – will feel somewhat colder than
other parts of the mouth, because the air rushing inwards towards the lungs
has to travel faster to squeeze through the narrow gap.
All of the consonants referred to in this book are to be found in the current
chart of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) symbols on page xiv, which
shows for each of them their place and manner of articulation, and whether
or not they are voiced.

Describing vowels
Vowels are customarily described in terms of: (a) the part of the tongue which
is raised towards the roof of the mouth in producing it, and how far it is
raised; and (b) how spread or rounded the lips are. Much of this information
can be captured through the use of vowel quadrilateral charts, which we
will be using throughout the remainder of the book. These charts are based
on the Cardinal Vowel System devised by Daniel Jones early in the twentieth
century. This system of 16 vowel sounds relates to the sounds produced
when the highest part of the tongue (relative to the floor) is in eight different
positions – there are four at the front of the mouth, and four at the back –
with the lips either rounded or unrounded.
The vowel quadrilateral can also be found on the IPA chart on page xiv. It
shows the position of the 16 cardinal vowels, as well as a number of central
vowels. The chart is a schematic representation of the mouth, with close

A framework for description

Figure 3.1 Schematised mid-sagittal section of the human head, showing the organs of

nasal cavity
hard palate

alveolar ridge
velum (soft palate)

front ba
upper incisors ck uvula
lips tip

lower incisors tongue




vocal folds


referring to a position of the tongue as close to the hard palate as possible

without friction occurring, and with open referring to a position of the
tongue at the bottom of the mouth, with a marked degree of jaw opening.
A feeling can be developed for the relationship between symbols at various
positions in the vowel chart and the sounds they represent by listening to
speakers reading the word list (page xi) on the website, while identifying the
position of the vowels on the relevant vowel chart.

Phonemes and allophones

The initial sounds of the words fan and van are clearly different. As we saw
above, the first is voiceless and the second voiced. But not only are the two
sounds different from each other, they also make a difference of meaning. A
fan is, after all, not the same thing as a van.
In RP (but not in every accent of English), the initial sound of the word
leaf is not the same as the final sound of the word feel. The first l sound is
said to be clear, and the second (which involves the back of the tongue being
drawn towards the velum or soft palate) is referred to as dark. In this case,
however, the difference does not affect meaning. If we began the word leaf
with a dark l rather than a clear l, the word would not change in meaning.
Whether we used a dark l or a clear l, we would be understood to be referring
to a leaf.
All four consonants referred to in the previous two paragraphs can be
represented by phonetic symbols. In order to represent sounds phonetically,

Received Pronunciation

we place the symbols between square brackets. We have [f] and [v], [l] (clear)
and [ɫ] (dark). Dark [ɫ] is often also represented by [lˠ] – the small superscripted
symbol meaning ‘velarised’ – that is, produced with the body of the tongue
raised and retracted towards the velum or soft palate – but the same sound
is meant.
Although there are four physically different sounds, two of them – [l]
and [ɫ] – are not contrastive: they do not have the capacity to change words’
meanings in English. For this reason they may be considered as different
realisations of a single linguistic unit. Such a unit is referred to as a phoneme,
and its different realisations as allophones.
Phonemes are represented between slant brackets. Thus we can say that the
phoneme /l/ has two allophones, [l] and [ɫ]. This allows us to give two possible
transcriptions of, for instance, the word feel. A phonemic transcription would
be /fiːl/, while a more detailed, phonetic transcription would be [fiːɫ]. The
usefulness of the distinction between phonemes and allophones will become
apparent below.

Variability in RP
Even though we speak of RP as a single accent, there is nevertheless significant
variability within it. In this section we will begin by identifying the forms
that variability takes and then go on to discuss the factors that account for

Forms of variability
There are three main forms of variability in RP: systemic, realisational
and lexical. We speak of systemic or inventory variability when different
speakers have different sets (or ‘systems’) of phonemes. In RP this now applies
only to vowel phonemes. Some older speakers of RP have one more vowel
phoneme than others. Such speakers distinguish between pairs of words like
paw and pore, pronouncing them /pɔː/ and /pɔə/ respectively. Most other RP
speakers do not have the vowel /ɔə/, and pronounce both words /pɔː/.
Realisational variability refers to the way in which a single phoneme
may have different phonetic realisations. For example, all RP speakers have
a phoneme /əʊ/ (as in boat), which contrasts with /eɪ/ (bait), /aʊ/ (bout) and
/aɪ/ (bite). Older speakers may pronounce the vowel as [oʊ], with a back first
element, although this is now a very old-fashioned pronunciation. The vowel
phoneme of most RP speakers starts from a more central point, giving [bəʊt].
In the context of pronunciation, lexical variability refers to the use
of different series of phonemes for the same word. We have already noted
one example in Chapter 1, the pronunciation of economic as /iːkəˈnɒmɪk/ or
/ɛkəˈnɒmɪk/, both of which are found among RP speakers. Another example
is the different pronunciation of the word off, which may be /ɒf/ (rhyming

Variability in RP

with cough, and by far the most usual pronunciation) or the now archaic /ɔːf/
(rhyming with wharf, and usually associated with older, upper-class speakers).
All of the variability referred to above relates to individual words and to
differences of pronunciation between people. In continuous speech there is
further variability, some of which depends on the speed and formality of
speech as much as it does on differences between people. This variability
includes a number of processes: H-dropping (e.g. /ˈstɒp ɪm/ for stop him);
R-insertion (e.g. /vəˈnɪləɹ aɪs ˈkriːm/ for vanilla ice-cream); elision, as in the
example in Chapter 1 of /ˈspɛk səʊ/ for expect so; and assimilation, as in our
earlier example /ðap ˈpleɪt/ that plate. We describe conditions for H-dropping
and R-insertion in the sections on the /h/ and /ɹ/ phonemes (pages 45, 47).

Factors accounting for variability

There are several factors which help to account for variability within RP. The
first of these is the age of the speaker. Like any living accent, RP is constantly
changing, and so there will be differences between the pronunciation of
younger and older speakers. As we noted above, older speakers may have
one more vowel phoneme in their system than do most other speakers of
the accent. Younger speakers typically use more glottal stops (see pages
43–44) than their elders, and use monophthongs where diphthongs have
been traditional (see pages 5, 51–54).
A second factor is social class. Members of the upper classes have features
which distinguish them from the majority of RP speakers. In identifying this
social stratum, Wells (1982) refers to dowager duchesses, certain army officers,
Noël Coward-type sophisticates, and popular images of elderly Oxbridge dons
and ‘jolly-hockey-sticks’ schoolmistresses. Such speakers are likely to have, for
example, a particularly open final vowel in words like university, something
close to Cardinal Vowel 3, [ɛ]. Such pronunciations appear to be receding,
however, and there is evidence that members of the British royal family,
including the Queen, no longer use ‘upper-class’ RP features of this sort (see
Harrington et al. 2000).
A third factor is the age at which a person began to acquire an RP accent.
Those who acquire it after childhood are likely to avoid normal features of
faster RP speech, such as the dropping of unaccented /h/ in pronouns.
Other personal factors include the particular school attended; the
speaker’s profession or role; personality (a fastidious person may avoid
something they consider vulgar, such as use of glottal stops for /t/ in
certain environments); attitudes to language and to other speakers of RP;
the frequency with which a speaker uses a word (less frequently used words
being less likely to participate in a general change of pronunciation – for
example, for some speakers at least, heir is less likely to be monophthongised
than air); and even what a person has been told, perhaps by a teacher, is the
‘correct’ pronunciation of a word.

Received Pronunciation

Other authors have concentrated on some of these factors in identifying

subvarieties of RP. For Gimson (1988) there were three main types: conservative
RP, spoken by the older generation and certain professional and social groups;
general RP, the least marked variety; and advanced RP, spoken by younger
members of exclusive social groups. Cruttenden’s (2001) revision of Gimson’s
book uses the labels General, Refined and Regional RP. Cruttenden’s Refined RP
is equivalent to Gimson’s conservative RP, while his apparently contradictory
Regional RP refers to ‘the type of speech which is basically RP except for the
presence of a few regional characteristics which go unnoticed even by other
speakers of RP’ (Cruttenden 2001: 80). These, he argues, include features like
the use of /l/-vocalisation, whereby a word-final /l/ is realised as a vowel such
as [ʊ] to give, for example, [bɔʊ] for ball, although in modern RP it would be
difficult to maintain that /l/-vocalisation can any longer be described as a
regional feature.
Wells (1982) also proposes three significant varieties: u-RP (uppercrust
RP), spoken by the group identified as upper class above; mainstream RP,
equivalent to Gimson’s general RP; and adoptive RP, spoken by those who
acquire the accent after childhood. In the following section, for each sound
we begin by describing mainstream RP and then identify and comment on
any significant variants.

The individual sounds of RP

In this section, we describe the consonants in sets based on their manner of

Plosives involve three stages: first, a closure in some part of the vocal tract,
then the compression of air as it builds up behind the obstruction, and finally
the release of that compressed air in the form of an explosion as the blockage
is removed (hence the name ‘plosive’). There are six plosive phonemes in RP:

bilabial alveolar velar

voiceless /p/ /t/ /k/
voiced /b/ /d/ /ɡ/

The voiceless plosives /p t k/ are usually marked by aspiration, an interval

of voicelessness and accompanying friction noise between the plosive release
and the onset of the following sound. We transcribe these aspirated plosives
phonetically as [pʰ tʰ kʰ]. There is no aspiration, however, when the plosive
follows /s/ initially in a syllable, as in [spɪn] spin. Aspiration may also be absent
from these plosives at the end of a word, particularly in informal speech.

The individual sounds of RP

According to Wells (1982), stressed word-initial /p t k/ often have surprisingly

little aspiration in the speech of upper-class speakers. The duration of vowels
(particularly long vowels) before /p t k/ is shorter than when they occur
before /b d ɡ/. Thus, for example, the vowel /iː/ in bead is of somewhat
greater duration than when it occurs in beat. This is known as the ‘Voicing
Effect’ (Chen 1970) or ‘pre-fortis clipping’, where fortis (‘strong’) implies that
the sound is produced using a high degree of articulatory effort and muscular
tension as compared with the softer, less effortful lenis (‘weak’) consonants.
The place of articulation of the alveolar plosives /t d/ is strongly influenced
by that of a following consonant. Before /θ/ (in eighth, for example) /t/ will
be a dental [t ̪ ]; before /ɹ/ (in dry, for example) /d/ will be a post-alveolar [d].
The place of articulation of the velar plosives /k ɡ/ depends on the quality
of the accompanying vowel. With /iː/, as in leak, the /k/ may be realised as a
palatal [c]; with /ɑː/, as in lark, the closure will be significantly further back.
Where two plosives occur together, either within a word or on either side
of a word boundary (as in act or bad boy), the first plosive is not released.
When a plosive occurs before a nasal consonant (as in could not), the release
is nasal: that is, the oral release is achieved by lowering the velum to allow
the pressurised air to escape through the nasal cavity, rather than out of
the mouth. When a plosive occurs before /l/ (e.g. bottle /ˈbɒtl̩ /), the release is
lateral, that is the air escapes as a result of the lowering of one or both sides
of the tongue.
The glottal stop [ʔ] is a form of plosive in which the closure is made by
bringing the vocal folds together, as when holding one’s breath (the glottis
is not a speech organ, but the space between the vocal folds). Some readers
may be surprised to learn that the glottal stop has long been a feature of RP,
though it does not have phonemic status and goes largely unnoticed in the
accent. It is used by some speakers to reinforce /p t k tʃ/ in a range of syllable-
final environments. In such cases the glottal stop precedes the consonant, as
in, for example, six [sɪʔks], this process being referred to as glottalisation. The
glottal stop may also mark a syllable boundary when the following syllable
begins with a vowel, or stand in place of a linking or intrusive /ɹ/ (see below).
The glottal stop is frequently used as a realisation of word- or morpheme-
final /p t k/ when followed by a consonant. Thus [ˈskɒʔlənd] for Scotland,
[ˈɡaʔwɪk] for Gatwick, [ɡeʔ ˈdaʊn] for get down. The realisation of /p/ and /k/
as [ʔ] is usually restricted to cases when the following consonant has the
same place of articulation as that being realised as [ʔ], as in, for example,
[baʔ ɡɑːdn̩] for back garden. The realisation of a consonant as a glottal stop is
known as glottalling.
More recently there has been an extension of the use of the glottal stop as
a realisation of /t/ in RP, whereby speakers may be heard using a glottal stop
in word-final position, either before a pause or even pre-vocalically (before
a vowel), as in, for example, [ðaʔ] for that and [kwaɪʔ ˈɔːfl̩ ɫ] quite awful. It is
at least possible that the increased use of the glottal stop in RP is in part

Received Pronunciation

attributable to the influence of popular London speech (see Wells 1984;

Tollfree 1999; Fabricius 2002). Careful speakers and speakers of adoptive RP
tend to avoid glottalling, but all the same it seems probable that in coming
decades the stigmatisation of /t/ glottalling even in pre-vocalic contexts in
the speech of younger RP speakers will recede to the point where its use is no
longer remarked upon.

Fricatives involve the speaker making a narrow gap between one articulator
and another, causing friction as the air passing through it becomes turbulent.
We can liken the turbulent airflow that produces fricative noise to the
turbulence that occurs when smoothly flowing water is forced to flow through
a narrow defile such as a canyon. There are nine fricative phonemes in RP.

labio-dental dental alveolar palato-alveolar glottal

voiceless /f/ /θ/ /s/ /ʃ/ /h/
voiced /v/ /ð/ /z/ /ʒ/

The voiced fricatives /v ð z ʒ/ are in fact only partially voiced (or may be not
voiced at all) when they occur word-finally, as in of, breathe, dogs and rouge.
They may nonetheless still be distinct from their voiceless counterparts by
the greater duration of the vowel which precedes them, as we saw was the case
for the plosives. For instance, the vowel /iː/ will have greater duration in freeze
than in fleece, by virtue of the Voicing Effect.
The palato-alveolar fricative /ʒ/ occurs only word-medially (as in measure),
except in French loan words such as genre and prestige, and in proper names
from languages other than French, such as Zhivago or Zsa Zsa. It is interesting
to track the nativisation of /ʒ/ to /dʒ/ in loan words borrowed in English at
different times. The consonant at the end of many French loans containing
/ʒ/, such as marriage or carnage, has stabilised on /dʒ/, and the stress pattern
on these words has also shifted to the penultimate syllable (it is on the final
syllable in the French originals). There are borrowings which still preserve /ʒ/,
for example rouge, luge, beige, mirage, camouflage, espionage or sabotage, though
note that the primary stress in the last three of these forms falls on the first
rather than the last syllable. Other –age forms are variable (e.g. corsage, garage).
[ˈɡaɹɑːʒ] and [ˈɡaɹɪdʒ] for garage are both commonly heard, though the former
is the conservative pronunciation and is considered the more ‘correct’ one
by many RP speakers (Wells 1999). There is a tendency among some speakers
to gallicise foreign words and names containing /dʒ/ on the mistaken
assumption that it is appropriate – perhaps more ‘learned’ – to use /ʒ/ instead.
Thus, during the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games it was common to hear BBC
newsreaders and commentators pronouncing the name of the host city as
[beɪˈʒɪŋ] in spite of explicit instructions from the BBC’s Pronunciation Unit
to call it [beɪˈdʒɪŋ].

The individual sounds of RP

The glottal fricative /h/ occurs only in syllable-initial positions

immediately preceding a vowel. The phonetic realisation of /h/ depends on
the quality of the vowel it precedes, since the sound is produced through the
voiceless expulsion of air from the lungs with the mouth and tongue already
in position for the following vowel. The sound of /h/ in heat is quite different
from that in heart, for example. We could, therefore, think of /h/ as being
a kind of voiceless vowel as well as a fricative, as Ladefoged and Maddieson
(1996) have suggested. As noted above, /h/ is usually dropped when it occurs
in unstressed pronouns (he, him, her, his) and auxiliaries (has, have, had), thus
[ˈstɒpɪm] stop him. Careful speakers and speakers of adoptive RP are less likely
to drop /h/, probably having been influenced by the stigma attached to more
general /h/-dropping in other accents (see below).

An affricate is a plosive with a sufficiently slow release for friction to occur
during the release phase. In our analysis there are just two affricate phonemes:
the palato-alveolar /tʃ/ and /dʒ/, which are voiceless and voiced respectively.
Despite the fact that these sounds are composed of a distinct sequence of
consonantal articulations and they are represented using two symbols rather
than one, we analyse them as single units, since they function as such in
English. No native English speaker would argue that the word church begins
with the same sound as the word table, nor would he or she maintain that
church ends with the same sound as does the word fish. Interestingly, the
affricates also move as a unit when participating in the phenomenon known
as spoonerism, whereby the speaker unintentionally swaps the initial sounds
of two adjacent words. [bɜːtʃ tʃɛlz] is a plausible spoonerism for church bells, but
*[bʃɜːtʃ tɛlz] is not.

Nasal consonants involve a closure somewhere within the mouth forward
of the uvular place of articulation, but the velum is also lowered so that air
can escape via the nasal cavity through the nostrils. There are three nasal
phonemes in RP: bilabial /m/, alveolar /n/, and velar /ŋ/. They are normally
all voiced, though there may be partial devoicing when they follow a voiceless
consonant. All three nasals, but most commonly /n/, may be syllabic. Thus
button may be /ˈbʌtn̩/.
The bilabial nasal /m/ and the alveolar nasal /n/ are normally realised
as the labiodental [ɱ] where they precede /f/ or /v/. Thus, comfort will be
[ˈkʰʌɱfət] and invoice [ˈɪɱvɔɪs]. Before /θ/ and /ð/, as in tenth or none there, /n/
may be dental [n̪ ]; before /ɹ/, as in unready, it may be postalveolar [n]. It is a
stereotype of a certain type of upper-class RP that /ɪn/ (rather than the usual
/ɪŋ/) for the verbal ending –ing is used, thus /ˈfɪʃɪn/ for fishing, though these

Received Pronunciation

days it can be heard probably only in jest. The velar nasal does not occur
word-initially in native English words, though some speakers may make a
point of attempting to pronounce proper names from Polynesian or African
languages (like Ngaio, Ngorongoro, Nkrumah or Nkomo, all of which start with
/ŋ/ in their source languages) using /ŋ/ in initial position.

Lateral /l/
Laterals involve the continuous escape of air around one or both sides of an
obstruction formed by the tongue in the midline of the oral cavity. There
is only one lateral phoneme in RP, which is normally voiced and which has
three allophones. Two of these have been referred to above: clear [l], which
is found before vowels (and /j/ in some very conservative pronunciations of
words like lewd and lure); and dark [ɫ], which is found after a vowel, before a
consonant, and syllabically, for example [ˈbɒtɫ̩ ] for bottle. The third allophone
is voiceless [l̥ ], which is most noticeable after aspirated /p/ and /k/, as in plate
and clap.
Some RP speakers use a vowel in place of dark [ɫ] in certain environments,
as in /ˈteɪbʊ/ table or /ˈbjuːtɪfʊ/. This process, as we saw above, is known as
/l/-vocalisation. The actual quality of the vowel that substitutes for /l/ can
be quite variable, but most are back, fairly close and usually rounded. The
apparent increase in the vocalisation of /l/ in RP may be coming about
under the influence of popular London speech, where it is to be found more
frequently and in a wider range of environments, as discussed in Chapter
5 (see also Przedlacka 2002). Since RP is far from alone among worldwide
accents of English in its adoption of /l/-vocalisation, however, we should treat
this hypothesis with some caution (see Johnson and Britain 2007).

Post-alveolar approximant /ɹ/

The phoneme /ɹ/ occurs only before a vowel in RP. RP is thus a non-rhotic
accent, and in this sense contrasts with rhotic accents such as those of
Scotland, Ireland or North America, in which /ɹ/ may also occur after vowels
within the syllable, as in /kɑːɹt/ cart. /ɹ/ in RP has a number of allophones. The
most common is a voiced post-alveolar frictionless approximant [ɹ]. Following
/d/ it is a fricative, [ɹ̝ ]. Following stressed /p t k/ it is typically devoiced, [ɹ̥].
In very conservative RP spoken by some elderly people, the alveolar tap [ɾ]
(known in North America as the alveolar flap) may occur intervocalically
(between vowels) when the first vowel is stressed, as in very, or following a
dental fricative, as in three. This variant is realised by the tip of the tongue
tapping briefly against the alveolar ridge. In RP, but not in other accents,
[ɾ] has upper-class connotations: it may be heard, for instance, in recordings
of Noël Coward, and in the speech of the frequently lampooned art critic
Brian Sewell, who was once described by the British Independent newspaper

The individual sounds of RP

as ‘the poshest man in the world’ and by John Humphrys as ‘the only man I
have ever met who makes the Queen sound common’ (Humphrys 2005: 17).
The tap is now rare in contemporary RP, even in emphatic pronunciations of
relevant words.
When words which ended in /ɹ/ in earlier historical periods (as indicated
by the spelling) are followed by a vowel-initial word, a linking /ɹ/ is normally
introduced. Thus we have /fɑː/ far, but /ˈfɑːɹ əˈweɪ/ far away.
Even when there is no historical /ɹ/, if a word ends with a non-high vowel
(viz. /ə ɔː ɑː/) and precedes a word beginning with a vowel, again /ɹ/ may
be inserted, thus /aɪ ˈsɔːɹ ɪt/ I saw it, /ˈmɑːɹ ənd ˈpɑː/ Ma and Pa or /ˈkanədəɹ ɔː
ˈmɛksɪkəʊ/ Canada or Mexico. Although in cases like these the /ɹ/ is referred to
as intrusive, the phenomenon is very much a part of RP. Careful speakers
and speakers of adoptive RP may, however, avoid it, possibly (as noted above)
inserting a glottal stop between the words instead. Some speakers may even
try to avoid the use of linking /ɹ/. Though still stigmatised by some, there is a
very common tendency, as in many non-RP accents, for intrusive /ɹ/ to occur
within words before a suffix, for example /ˈdɹɔːɹɪŋ/ for drawing, or in coinings
such as /ˌkafkəˈɹɛsk/ Kafkaesque or /daɪˌanəɹaɪˈzeɪʃn̩/ Dianaization.

There are two semi-vowel phonemes in English: the approximants /w/ and
/j/. As noted earlier, though semi-vowels are vowel-like, they are treated as
consonants because they function more like consonants, in the sense that
they occupy syllable margins rather than acting as syllable nuclei.
The labial-velar semi-vowel /w/ is articulated with the tongue in a back
close-mid position and with lip-rounding. It is normally voiced, but following
/t/ (as in twice) or /k/ (as in quick) it is completely devoiced [w̥].
Consonants immediately preceding /w/ typically show anticipatory lip-
rounding. Some RP speakers omit /w/ in some words that begin /kw/ for other
speakers, thus /ˈkɔːtə/ quarter. The palatal semi-vowel /j/ is articulated with
the tongue in a front close-mid to close position. There may be lip-rounding
in anticipation of a following rounded vowel. /j/ is normally voiced, but after
accented /p t k h/ (as in pewter, tutor, cuter, huge) there is complete devoicing,
such that /j/ is realised as a palatal fricative [ç].
There is some lexical variation relating to the presence or absence of /j/ after
/s/ and /l/ in such words as suit and lute, although these days pronunciations
like /sjuːt/ are rare and old-fashioned. Lute and loot are now homophonous for
most RP speakers.
There is a strong tendency for /j/ to coalesce with preceding alveolar
plosives to form affricates, particularly in informal speech. By this process
the sequence /tj/ (as in e.g. tune) becomes [tʃ] and /dj/ (as in dune) becomes
[dʒ]. The pronunciation of dune would thus be indistinguishable from that
of June. This coalescence – known as yod-coalescence – occurs when a word

Received Pronunciation

ending in /t/ or /d/ precedes you or your, for example [wɒtʃʊˈniːd] what you need,
[ˈwʊdʒʊ] would you, or [ˈɡɒtʃə] got you (also sometimes written gotcha).
Within words, yod-coalescence is found most often where the second
syllable involved is unstressed, for example soldier [ˈsəʊldʒə]. Some careful
speakers may try to avoid yod-coalescence in their speech, although younger
RP speakers may consider this habit an affectation.

In our analysis of RP there are 12 monophthongs (sometimes called ‘pure’
vowels, because their quality does not change over the course of the vowel;
compare diphthongs, below). Typical monophthong realisations are shown
in Figure 3.2. We shall treat each of them in turn.

/iː/, as in bee
• The lips are spread.
• The vowel usually involves a glide (a transition in quality) from the
position indicated for /ɪ/ in Figure 3.2 to that for /iː/. Pronunciation of this
vowel without a glide is perceived as affected.
• There has been in recent decades a tendency for the final vowel in words
like city and very to be rather closer and fronter than the ‘traditional’
/ɪ/, thus /ˈsɪti/ rather than the older /ˈsɪtɪ/. This habit, known as ‘happY-
tensing’ (Wells 1982; Fabricius 2002), is considered an irritating
affectation by some commentators (e.g. Norman 1999, who identifies it
as one of a list of features he says define ‘Slop English’). The plurals and
possessive forms of nouns of the lexical set containing city, happy, very,
and so on, however, are more likely to contain /ɪ/, thus /ˈsɪtɪz/ for cities or
city’s. Older upper-class speakers may have a strikingly open final vowel
in words like city [ˈsɪtɛ].

Figure 3.2 Typical realisations of RP monophthongs

The individual sounds of RP

/ɪ/, as in pit
• The lips are loosely spread.
• Older speakers tend to have a closer vowel than younger ones do. The
difference between words like peat and pit for these older speakers is
therefore somewhat smaller than is the case for younger speakers, who
may use a vowel that is markedly more open and centralised, [ɪ̞̈].
• There is a tendency for traditional /ɪ/ to be replaced by /ə/ in some
unstressed syllables. In general, younger people are more likely to have
/ə/, and high-status speakers are more likely to have /ɪ/. Environments
for this lexical variability are: the first vowel of the endings -ity (e.g.
possibility), -itive (e.g. positive), -ily (e.g. happily), -ate (e.g. fortunate),
-ible (e.g. visible), -em (e.g. problem); other unstressed syllables -ess
(e.g. hopeless), -ace (e.g. furnace), -age (e.g. manage), -et (e.g. bracelet),
be- (e.g. believe). The ratio of /ɪ/ to /ə/, which varies not only between
the different environments listed above but also within them, is too
complex to report here.

/ɛ/, as in pet
• The lips are loosely spread and slightly wider apart than for /ɪ/.
• An /ɛ/, which is close to Cardinal Vowel 2, [e], may sometimes be heard
amongst older upper-class speakers and those who would use them as
models. By the late 1980s, Gimson (1988) had labelled this realisation as
‘over-refined’ while one which forms a glide towards [ə] is perceived as
affected; such perceptions continue today.
• Note that the monophthongisation of /ɛə/ to [ɛː] in contemporary RP (see
section on diphthongs below) means that pairs of words such as bed and
bared, fez and fairs/fares, or Ken and cairn, are distinguished solely by the
length of the vowel rather than by vowel quality.

/a/, as in pat
• The lips are neutrally open.
• Older and more conservative speakers continue to realise /a/ as the closer,
fronter vowel [æ], which in some cases may cause listeners to confuse it
with /ɛ/ (e.g. man and men may sound very similar). In contemporary
RP as spoken by younger speakers the vowel has lowered and retracted
somewhat to a quality close to Cardinal Vowel 4. This tendency to
lowering is true also for /ɪ/ and /ɛ/, the changes to all three being part
of one process known as a chain shift (see Docherty and Watt 2001;
Gordon 2002). As with /ɛ/, a closer realisation of /a/ – around Cardinal
Vowel 3 [ɛ], or with a glide towards [ə] – may be perceived by some as
refined, but is more likely to be seen as affected or at least old-fashioned
by most British people.
• There is lexical variability involving /a/ and /ɑː/, both being used in the
following words, amongst others: plastic, plasticine, photograph, elastic,

Received Pronunciation

/ʌ/, as in putt
• The lips are neutrally open.
• Older speakers may realise /ʌ/ as a rather more retracted vowel than that
indicated in Figure 3.2.

/ɑː/, as in bard
• The lips are neutrally open.
• Upper-class speakers may have a more retracted realisation, close to
Cardinal Vowel 5 [ɑ].
• Note the lexical variability between /ɑː/ and /a/ referred to above.

/ɒ/, as in pot
• There is slight open lip-rounding.
• Among some upper-class and very conservative speakers, lexical variability
between /ɒ/ and /ɔː/ is found in words where the vowel precedes /f s θ/,
as in off, cross, across, soft, cloth. These pronunciations are now very rare
among RP speakers as a whole, and are generally considered affected.
• In words which have <al> or <au> in the spelling there is also variation
between /ɒ/ and /ɔː/, for example salt, fault, Austria, though again this is
now rather uncommon except among more conservative RP speakers.

/ɔː/, as in board
• There is medium lip-rounding.
• The great majority of RP speakers use this vowel in words that once
were pronounced with [ɔə] (e.g. court, four, door). They therefore make
no distinction between, for example, caught and court /kɔːt/ or pour/pore
and paw /pɔː/. Some older speakers maintain the distinction, and so have
an extra vowel phoneme /ɔə/. This represents a clear case of systemic
• It is increasingly common for RP speakers also to use /ɔː/ in at least some
words in which /ʊə/ has been traditional, for example, cure, tour, poor, sure.
This can be seen as a case of lexical variability, but the fact that there are so
many speakers for whom almost every potential /ʊə/ word is pronounced
with /ɔː/ strongly suggests that /ʊə/ has all but lost its phonemic status.
Word frequency appears to have a role in the choice of the traditional /
ʊə/ over /ɔː/: words such as dour and lure are on balance more likely to
be pronounced with /ʊə/ than are common words like poor and sure. Poor
is thus for many speakers another member of the set of homophones
containing paw, pour and pore.

/ʊ/, as in put
• The lip position for this vowel ranges from close lip-rounding to a neutral
lip position.

The individual sounds of RP

• There is lexical variability between /ʊ/ and /uː/ in a number of words,

including room (an individual speaker may have /uː/ in room but /ʊ/ in
bathroom), groom, broom and tooth.
• For many younger RP speakers the vowel has fronted and unrounded to a
quality close to [ə]. Some have taken this process so far that /ʊ/ can quite
easily be mistaken for /ɪ/: thus foot and fit can sound very similar (see
Torgersen 2002; Fabricius 2007).

/uː/, as in boot
• The lips may be closely rounded, but this aspect of the vowel has become
quite variable.
• This vowel is rarely any longer fully back or rounded, as per the traditional
RP vowel, which was close to cardinal vowel 8 [u] (Upton 2008; Harrington
et al. 2008). In contemporary RP, however, the vowel has fronted to a
quality which may be considerably more advanced than [ʉ], and may
be markedly diphthongal. The latter sort of pronunciation tends to be
characterised by a centralised, often only slightly rounded, onset, as in,
for example, suit [sʊ̟ʉt].

/ɜː/, as in bird
• There is no lip-rounding.
• This vowel varies between open-mid and close-mid.
• Some younger RP speakers, particularly female ones, produce this vowel
with a relatively open quality, approaching [ɐː].

/ə/, as in father
• There is no lip-rounding.
• Referred to as schwa, this vowel is never stressed (except in emphatic
pronunciations of words like the or a).
• In final position, as in carer, /ə/ is usually more open than elsewhere (in
regret, for example).

There are eight diphthongs in our analysis of RP. Three of these are centring,
that is, having schwa /ə/ as the second element. The other five diphthongs
are closing, with the first element in each being more open than the second.

Centring diphthongs
See Figure 3.3 for typical realisations.

/ɪə/, as in beer
• There is no lip-rounding.
• Associated with upper-class RP (but often perceived as affected) is a second
element which is more open than [ə].

Received Pronunciation

• Much more frequent than this, however, is a tendency to monophthongise

this vowel by omitting the glide, so that words like beer are often heard as
[bɪ̞ː], especially when they occur in compounds such as beer garden. This
smoothing process also applies to /ɛə/ (see below) and /ɔə/, as noted earlier
(and see below).

Figure 3.3 Typical realisations of RP centring diphthongs

/ɛə/, as in bear
• There is no lip-rounding.
• As discussed under Monophthongs above (page 49), there is variability
between [ɛə] and [ɛː], with the monophthong being favoured by younger
speakers, and [ɛə] being perhaps more common in less frequently occurring
words in their speech. Thus for an individual speaker, air may most often
be [ɛː] and heir [ɛə].

/ʊə/, as in poor
• There is some initial lip-rounding.
• As noted above, many speakers have /ɔː/ in words that were traditionally
pronounced with /ʊə/.

Closing diphthongs
See Figure 3.4 for typical realisations.

/eɪ/, as in bay
• The lips are spread.
• The diphthong’s starting point varies between close-mid (old-fashioned)
and open-mid.

/aɪ/, as in buy
• The lips are somewhat spread for the second element.
• As with /eɪ/, there is variation in the openness of the first element, but
individual speakers will keep the first elements of /eɪ/ and /aɪ/ far enough
apart to maintain a distinction.

The individual sounds of RP

Figure 3.4 Typical realisations of RP closing diphthongs

/ɔɪ/, as in boy
• The lips are rounded for the first element.

/əʊ/, as in boat
• The lips are somewhat rounded for the second element.
• The first element is usually [ə], though it is increasingly common to hear
a quality somewhat fronter than this. For some young RP speakers there is
only a small distance between the vowels of post and paste. Older speakers
may retain [o] as the first element, as do some younger speakers when the
vowel precedes [l], as in bowl.

/aʊ/, as in bout
• The lips may be somewhat rounded for the second element.
• Some upper-class speakers, including members of the British royal family,
have a fronted second element [ɨ], which may cause listeners to confuse
the vowel with /aɪ/. Thus one person’s house may appear to rhyme with
another speaker’s mice.

Closing diphthongs followed by schwa /ə/

All five closing diphthongs may be followed by /ə/ within a word, either as an
integral part of the word (e.g. hire /haɪə/), or as a suffix, (e.g. higher /haɪə/). Such
three-element vowels, unsurprisingly, are known as triphthongs, although it
may be argued that the morpheme boundary in words like higher renders
them disyllabic (having two syllables), which would mean that the /aɪə/ in
higher is not a triphthong, as per hire, but a sequence of a diphthong and a
monophthong. However, for our purposes we will treat them as triphthongs.
While all three vowel elements may be maintained in careful or slow
speech, in faster speech the second element is usually omitted through
smoothing. Some younger speakers carry it further by removing the third
element as well, such that triphthongal phonemes are realised as long
monophthongs. For these speakers, tyre, tower and tar are homophones.

Received Pronunciation

Monophthongisation of this kind seems to be less likely when the schwa

represents a suffix. Thus fire may more readily become [fɑː] than flyer will
become [flɑə]. The monophthongised forms are, as we saw for /ɛə/, common
in compounds, for example fire brigade [ˈfɑː bɹɪɡeɪd], Tower Bridge [tɑː ˈbɹɪdʒ],
layer cake [ˈlɛː keɪk].

Word ‘Full’ form Smoothed forms

tyre /taɪə/ [taə] [tɑː]
tower /taʊə/ [tɑə] [tɑː]
layer /leɪə/ [leə] [lɛː]
slower /sləʊə/ [sləː]

Note that for [aə] and [ɑə], the notional difference in the first element of
the reduced forms of words like tyre and tower is so small that the two words
(and others like them) have become homophones for many speakers. This
reduction of two distinctive sounds into one is referred to as neutralisation.
[eə] may be neutralised with respect to /ɛə/, so that layer and lair, for
example, may be homophones. Both may be further reduced to [ɛː] (see
above), though there is resistance to monophthongisation where the schwa
represents a suffix. Thus layer, as in layer cake, is more likely to be realised as
[lɛː] than is layer, as in bricklayer.
[əː]: The reduced form of /əʊə/ may be realised as [əː], neutralising the
contrast with /ɜː/. Thus slower and slur may be homophones.

The recordings
The reader of the word list was relatively young at the time of recording and
therefore has (WL 15) bear /bɛː/ and (WL 42) poor /pɔː/. There are three other
speakers: two men aged about 40, and a woman of about 30. All have been
to public (i.e. private) school. The first and third speakers would generally
be regarded as mainstream RP speakers. The second speaker, however, may
be regarded as a marginal RP speaker, since there are features of his speech
which might cause other RP speakers to think of him as a near-RP speaker
from the south-east of England.

Differences between the speakers

There is no apparent systemic variability between the speakers, but some
lexical variability is evident between them:
(a) Speaker 1 has /i/ and /ɪ/ variably as the final vowel in words like
city [compare unfriendly (l. 6) with seedy (l. 14)]. In this he is more
conservative than the other two speakers, who have /i/ throughout.
(b) In the word if, Speaker 1 (l. 3) has /v/ rather than the more common /f/
(Speaker 3, l. 33).

Speaker 1

(c) Speaker 1 has /a/ as the first vowel in contrasted (l. 33). This would
usually be an indication of a north of England background, which the
speaker does not have. It may be related to carefulness of speech.

Realisational variability
(a) Speaker 2 realises /aɪ/ with a more retracted initial element than the
(b) While all three speakers have a fronted realisation of /uː/ (unlike more
conservative speakers), Speaker 3 also exhibits very little lip-rounding,
at least some of the time.
(c) Speaker 2 exhibits more glottalisation than the others. This feature,
and his realisation of /aɪ/ (see under Diphthongs above), will contribute
to some RP speakers possibly considering him to be a near-RP speaker.
(d) Speaker 1 releases plosives in environments in which most speakers
would not (e.g. tacked down, l. 34). This feature is a marker of careful
(e) Speaker 1 has a noticeably open and back realisation of final /ə/ (e.g.
gear, l. 29).
(f) Speaker 3 has a more fronted first element in /əʊ/. It is also worth
noting the occasional presence of ‘creaky voice’, a common feature of
RP, in the speech of Speaker 3 (e.g. very thick, l. 19).

Speaker 1
The first speaker talks about the advantages and disadvantages of living in
Milton Keynes, where he lives and works. We use ‘er’ and ‘erm’ to indicate
the filled pauses [ɜː] and [ɜːm], which this speaker and Speaker 2 use

The advantages are that you don’t need a car, there’s quite good
shopping, it’s been landscaped absolutely superbly, with beautiful
roads, and if you live in any of the houses, you don’t know the roads
are there, just because of the way they’ve built them. Erm, it’s new,
5 and it’s clean, erm… Some of the disadvantages are that the people
are horrible and unfriendly, erm… They’re brusque and ill-educated
nouveau riche, erm… thugs, basically… rich, thick thugs… erm…
who make life really miserable… erm… on things like the roads,
with a lot of bellyaching and V-signs and insults… erm… There’s
10 quite a lot of unemployment. Certainly, five years ago it had the
highest suicide rate of any city in Britain. I don’t know whether that’s
still true, erm. And it’s now old enough for bits of it to be falling apart.
And the bits that are falling apart are doing so in a horrible and really
seedy, ugly way. So there’s a lot of, er, depressed and unhappy and
15 very poor people there as well. So you’ve got, erm… it’s a kind of

Received Pronunciation

reflection of the nation. You’ve got… er… rich with no worries at

all, and deeply poor and ground down.

[The speaker goes on to talk about being burgled twice.]

The first time, I got home, I got off my bike, and everything, and
was actually undoing the front door, and looked at the window,
20 thought, God, I’m sure I didn’t leave… the venetian blind was all
crooked and bent… I can’t have left it like that, and I’d actually got
the door unlocked before I even realised what it was that had
occurred, and I went in and there was very little mess, and gradually
I noticed what was missing – the video recorder immediately, but
25 during the course of the evening I kept finding more things that were
no longer there. Erm… there were only four things altogether, I
think a video, er, Sony Walkman, erm, and a couple of other things
which I can’t remember. But the second occasion was much worse.
Er… there was a hell of a mess, erm, with upturned gear, er, all the
30 cupboards opened and the stuff pulled out, erm, even in the kitchen
where the stuff is very boring… erm… and everything that had
any value at all seemed to me to have been taken. And very
carefully, which contrasted with the mess. The hi-fi had all its cabling
neatly tacked down, running around the skirting boards. It’d been
35 pulled up incredibly neatly, so that not only did they take the gear
but also all the cabling as well. Er… and so far… erm… the
dealings with the insurance company have been fraught with sort of
misunderstanding and, erm, lack of progress.
A V-sign (l. 9) is a rude gesture made with the index and middle fingers, with the
palm of the hand facing inwards.

Speaker 2
The second speaker describes a car accident in which he was involved.

Erm… I’ll tell you a s... a story about something that... that
happened a couple of years ago. Erm... I was driving in... driving
in to work one day... and, er, it was a... a fairly normal day... th
... the road was a little bit wet. Erm, other than that there was good
5 visibility... and I was coming... er... in along one of the... one of
the access roads to the, er, university, when, er, a car, a Ford Capri,
came towards me, and… erm... I realised that this car was about to
hit me... erm... so I... I braked quite hard and er... erm...
stopped. The car hit me quite hard on the... on the right-hand side...
10 and... erm... my immediate reaction was to make sure that, er,
the, er... the driver of the other car realised that he... that he was in

Speaker 3

the... in the wrong. So I rolled down my window and said to him...

erm... What... what the heck do you think you’re doing? You’ve...
you’ve, er, made a mess of my car. And the... the driver, who was
15 a young man, apologised and said yes... erm... his... his his
brakes, erm, locked and he... and he skidded on... on the wet
surface. Erm, anyway, it, er, subsequently transpired that this
... this young man in fact worked for a... a... a company that repairs cars
... erm... it... he’d... he’d come to the university to collect it... er,
20 the reason was that, erm, the car was going in to have its brakes fixed
... erm... so it wasn’t surprising perhaps that the brakes locked. It
subsequently transpired that the... the easiest way of, er, transporting
my car, which was... which couldn’t be driven away, was for this
young man to phone his... his own company and get the... the erm
25 ... lorry out that erm... to get the salvage lorry out. So this... this
happened. The salvage lorry came round, and the erm... er... my
car was then taken off to the garage, and, erm... I then thought
about it, and talked to my insurance company. Er... they said yes, it
was all right for them to do the repair... erm... and which they
30 subsequently did. I... I reckoned that it’d be quite a good idea to get
them to do the repair since... since they made the... made the mess
in the first place, I was quite likely to have quite a good repair done.
And so it was. And, erm... and in fact I then decided to use the same
company to service my car... and the er... the man in the, erm...
35 the... the owner of the... of the garage said: Well, this isn’t the
usual way we get customers.

Speaker 3
The third speaker is a 30-year-old woman. She describes a visit to the Amazon
which she made some years previously.

Erm... in the days before husbands and children, erm, I did quite a
lot of travelling, and erm... one of the th... places I went to was to
the Amazon. And, erm, I hadn’t really... it’s when I... I... I knew
my husband and, erm... then but... just as a friend really. And so
5 we, erm, decided that we, or he decided that we would go to Brazil
and, er, I’d been travelling anyway... came back for Christmas, two
days to wash my rucksack, and off we went to Rio. And, erm, I hadn’t
given it any thought at all. And the next thing I knew we went up to,
er, Manaus, which is a free port up on the Amazon, where we met
10 some chap who’d got a boat, erm, which was rather like the African
Queen. Erm... and I felt like Katharine Hepburn. And we then, erm,
went in this boat up the Amazon and then off up one of the
tributaries, erm, where we then came across this little South American
tribe, some Indians, erm, who lent us a canoe. So we then left most of

Received Pronunciation

15 our luggage behind and just took a rucksack with a cu... with a T-shirt
and a toothbrush and a bag of rice and a rifle. And then we had
a hammock and a mosquito net, which didn’t bode well. And off we
went, erm, then w... on foot. Erm, it was very wet and, er, oh, we just
… we... and the vegetation was very thick and we... you had to...
20 we had a guide and a cook and a... and another boy... and, erm...
so we went off in our... in our canoes and then... left those in the
side, in some reeds somewhere, and then walked, erm... we walked
for four days into the jungle. Erm... the mosquitoes were appalling,
the rain was appalling... erm, and we were hungry, and i... in four
25 days it was just very interesting that you could feel yourself reverting
back to nature...

[Interviewer asks if speaker had been in danger at any time.]

Well if... yes. I mean there... when we first got into the i... o...
actually sort of out of the canoe and into the jungle... erm, our guide
had er [toe?]... had bare feet and he... d... I mean he didn’t speak
30 any, any English at all, but erm... suddenly you could see that he just
leapt and... and you c... see the whites of his eyes, and he’d trodden
on a deadly poisonous snake, something called a surucucu. And he’d’ve
been dead in thirty seconds if it’d bitten him... erm, and without him
– I mean, he was our guide – and without him we would never have
35 got out again... erm, so that was quite dangerous, and... I mean
who knows what sort of... animals were... or... or reptiles were
around at night, and all spiders or whatever.

[Interviewer asks if speaker had seen other forest animals.]

Monkeys, yeah, yeah, and turtles and... but you know, the
vegetation was so... I mean, it was so thick that... I mean... you
40 couldn’t see... I don’t know, te... er... ten feet in front of you...
and so we we literally had machetes and we we were cutting our way
through the... through the undergrowth... but the flora and fauna
were s... I mean it was just beautiful... erm... yeah, it was a very
... it was a... an incredible experience really, because it’s very
45 unusual in your lives that you’re... or... in this civilisation that we
live in... er, that... that you ever go without and that you actually
are concerned for your... for your welfare, or and... that you
wonder where your next meal’s going to come from.

Regional accent variation

Regional Accent
As we have already seen, the accent of British English which has been most
fully described, and which is usually taught to foreign learners, is the accent
known as RP.
In this chapter we first give a brief outline of the main regional differences
to be found in accents of British English other than RP, and then compare
them with RP. We do not, however, attempt to give a detailed account of all
the regional and social differences in pronunciation to be found in British
Isles English. In particular, we do not attempt at all to describe accents
associated with traditional dialects, spoken by older people in rural areas (for
these, see Wakelin 1977 and Kortmann and Upton 2008). We concentrate
instead on urban and other regional accents of the sort most widely heard
around Britain and Ireland, and which are most likely to be encountered by
visitors from overseas. More detailed discussion of phonological features can
be found in Chapter 5. Intonation is also dealt with briefly in cases where it
deviates markedly from the general RP-like pattern.

Regional accent differences

The vowel /L/
(a) One of the best-known differences between English accents is one of
phoneme inventory – that is, the presence or absence of particular phonemes
(see page 40). Typically, the vowel /ʌ/ does not occur in the accents of the north
and midlands of England, and in some accents of the Republic of Ireland. In
these accents, /ʊ/ is to be found in those words that elsewhere have /ʌ/. The
vowel /ʌ/ is relatively recent in the history of English, having developed by
phonemic split from the older vowel /ʊ/. Accents of northern England and
the Republic of Ireland have not taken part in this development. The result
is that pairs of words such as put~putt or could~cud, which are distinguished
in Welsh, Scottish and southern English accents, are not distinguished in the
north and midlands of England, where pairs like blood and good or mud and
hood are perfect rhymes. (There are a few common words, though, which
have /ʌ/ in the south of England but which have /ɒ/ in much of the north of

Regional Accent Variation

England. These include one and none, both of which rhyme with gone rather
than gun in these areas, and tongue, which rhymes with song rather than sung.)
Many northern English speakers, perhaps under the influence of RP, have
a ‘fudged’ vowel which is between /ʊ/ and /ʌ/ in quality in words such as but
(and sometimes in words such as put as well). Generally, this vowel is around
[ə]. This is particularly true of younger, middle-class speakers in areas of the
southern midlands. Some speakers too, of course, hypercorrect (see Chapter
1), such that butcher might be pronounced [ˈbʌtʃə].
We can also note that many (particularly older) northern English speakers
who lack /ʌ/ have /uː/ rather than /ʊ/ in words such as hook, book, look, took
and cook. They therefore distinguish pairs such as book and buck, which in
the south are distinguished respectively as /bʊk/ and /bʌk/, as /buːk/ and
/bʊk/. All English English accents (i.e. those of England) have shortened the
original long /uː/ in <-oo-> words to /ʊ/ in items such as good and hood, and
all seem to have retained /uː/ in words such as mood and food. But in other
cases there is variation: RP speakers may have either /uː/ or /ʊ/ in room and
broom, eastern accents have /ʊ/ rather than /uː/ in roof and hoof, while western
accents, as well as those from parts of Wales, may have /ʊ/ rather than /uː/ in
tooth, and so on.
(b) In descriptions of RP it is usual to consider /ʌ/ and /ə/ as distinct
vowels, as in butter /ˈbʌtə/. This also holds good for accents of the south-east
of England, Ireland and Scotland. However, speakers from many parts of
Wales, western England and the midlands (as well as some northern speakers
– see above) have vowels that are identical in both cases: butter [ˈbətə], another
[əˈnəðə] (see Table 4.1). We might wish to add /ə/ to the inventory of stressable
monophthongs for this set of accents, but given that one of the conventional
defining properties of /ə/ in English is that it occurs only in unstressed
syllables it might be best to view [ə] in stressed syllables as a realisation of /ʌ/
that is neutralised with respect to unstressed [ə].

but put Table 4.1 /ʌ/, /ʊ/ and /ə/

RP /ʌ/ /ʊ/
Northern England /ʊ/ /ʊ/
Western England; /ə/ /ʊ/
modified northern I
Modified northern II /ə/ /ə/
Hypercorrect northern /ʌ/ /ʌ/

/a/ and /ɑ/

Another very well-known feature which distinguishes northern from southern
English English accents concerns the vowels /a/ and /ɑ/. In discussing this
feature we have to isolate a number of different classes of words:

Regional accent variation

(1) pat, bad, cap, can, gas, land RP /pat/, etc.

(2) path, laugh, grass RP /pɑːθ/, etc.
(3) dance, grant, demand RP /dɑːns/, etc.
(4) part, bar, cart RP /pɑːt/, etc.
(5) half, palm, banana, can’t RP /hɑːf/, etc.

RP has /a/ in set (1), and /ɑː/ in all other sets. This incidence of vowels in the
different sets is also found in all south-eastern English and in many southern
Irish accents. In the midlands and north of England, on the other hand,
words in sets (2) and (3) have the vowel /a/ rather than /ɑː/, although they
do have /ɑː/ in the classes of (4) and (5). Thus, whereas southerners say /ɡɹɑːs/
grass and /ɡɹɑːnt/ grant, northerners say /ɡɹas/ and /ɡɹant/ (see Map 4.1).
This difference between the north and south of England is due to the
fact that the original short vowel /a/ was lengthened in the south of England
before the voiceless fricatives /f θ s/, and before certain consonant clusters
containing an initial /n/ or /m/. The first change affected most words in
southern English accents, though there are numerous exceptions, such
as daffodil, gaff, Jaffa, raffle, Catherine, maths (but afterm[ɑː]th), ass, crass,
gas, hassle, lass, mass, chassis and tassel, which have /a/ in RP and southern
accents. There are also some words which vary: some southerners have /a/ in
graph, photograph and alas, while others have /ɑː/. Note the pronunciation of
the word contrasted in the recording of RP speaker 1 in Chapter 3: /ɑː/ is the
expected vowel for this word in RP, but the speaker used /a/.
The second change, that involving clusters containing an initial /n/ or
/m/, is rather more complex, and less complete. We can note the following
phonological contexts, and typical southern English pronunciations:

/ɑː/ /a/

– nt plant but pant

– ns dance but romance

– nʃ* branch but mansion

– nd demand but band

– mp example but camp

* Many speakers have [tʃ] rather than [ʃ] here (the former is more likely in branch
than in mansion). Words such as transport, plastic can have either /a/ or /ɑː/.

Some Welsh and Irish accents, like many Australian accents, have
undergone the first change (/ɑː/ before /f θ s/) but not the second: they have
/ɡɹɑːs/ grass but /dans/ dance.
This discussion of the incidence of /a/ and /ɑː/ in words like grass and
dance is not relevant to Scottish and northern Irish accents (except for some
RP-influenced accents – that used by middle-class Edinburgh speakers, for

Regional Accent Variation

example). These accents do not have the /a/~/ɑː/ contrast, having a single
open vowel not only in sets (1), (2) and (3) but also in sets (4) and (5). Pairs
such as palm ~ Pam and calm ~ cam are therefore homophones. The symbol for
the open vowel is conventionally /a/, but its pronunciation in these varieties
may be [æ], [a], [ɐ] or [ɑ]; such variation is licensed by the fact that there is no
second open vowel for it to contrast with.
The homophony of pairs like palm and Pam noted above is also true of
those accents most typical of the south-west of England (see Map 4.1). RP
speakers in this area do, of course, have the /a/~/ɑː/ contrast, as do many
other middle-class speakers whose accents resemble RP. But speakers with
more strongly regional south-western accents do not have the contrast, or
at most have a contrast that is variable or doubtful. It is certain that south-
western accented speakers have /a/ (often pronounced with a half-long [aˑ])
in words of classes (1), (2) and (3) (for class (4), see below). The doubt lies in
what these speakers do with words of set (5). Typically, it seems, words such
as father, half and can’t have /a/. Words such as palm and calm often retain
the /l/, and generally have /ɑ/, as in /pɑlm/. Words that were borrowed into
English more recently – banana, gala or tomato, for example, which have /ɑː/ in
south-eastern and northern English accents and /a/ in Northern Ireland and
Scotland – most typically have /a/ but may have /ɑː/, and are even pronounced
[təˈmɑːɹtəʊ], and so on by some speakers from western England.

/ɪ/ and /i/

Another major north/south differentiating feature involves the final vowel
of words like city, money or coffee (as well as unstressed forms of me, he, we).
In most parts of northern England these items have /ɪ/, as in /ˈsɪtɪ/ city. In the
south of England, on the other hand, these words have /i/, as in /ˈsɪti/; as we
saw in the preceding chapter, this has been called ‘happY-tensing’ (page 48).
The dividing line between north and south is in this case a good deal further
north than in the case of the previous two features, with only Cheshire,
Lancashire and Yorkshire and areas to the north being involved – except
that, again, Liverpool in this case patterns with the southern rather than the
northern accents. Tyneside and Humberside also have /i/ rather than /ɪ/. The
quality of the /ɪ/ vowel in parts of northern England may actually be markedly
more open than the close value suggested by [ɪ], with pronunciations as open
as [ɛ] being heard in Lancashire, for example.
Scottish accents typically have the same vowel in this final position as
they have in words such as gate or face, so that for example racy is [ˈɾese]. In
north-east Scotland, the final vowel in words like racy, city, seedy, jetty and so
on may ‘harmonise’ with the preceding stem vowel, such that it is predictable
which of two subforms [e] and [i] will occur depending on how close the
stem vowel is, and what consonant intervenes; some consonants ‘block’ the
harmony, while others are ‘transparent’ (Paster 2004).
Accents of the Republic of Ireland typically have /i/.

Regional accent variation

Map 4.1 Distribution of /a/ and /ɑː/ in British English

A = /a / in path
Edinburgh B = /ɑː / in path
C = /a /=/ɑː / contrast absent or in doubt
Newcastle upon Tyne

Bradford Hull

Liverpool A

Walsall Norwich



100 miles
100 kilometres

All English accents permit /ɹ/ where it occurs before a vowel, as in rat, trap or
carry. They vary, however, in whether they permit the pronunciation of /ɹ/
after a vowel (post-vocalic /ɹ/), as in words such as bar, bark, firm or butter. RP
does not have post-vocalic /ɹ/, so for these words has /bɑː/, /bɑːk/, /fɜːm/ and
/ˈbʌtə/. Scottish and Irish accents (like most North American accents) typically
do, by contrast, have /ɹ/ in this position. These /ɹ/-pronouncing accents are
known as rhotic accents (or, especially by Americans, as ‘r-ful’ accents); those
which do not permit post-vocalic /ɹ/ are called non-rhotic (or ‘r-less’) accents.
Beyond the UK, non-rhotic accents can be found in many parts of the world,
including Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, West Africa, the southern
United States, New York City, parts of New England and the Caribbean.
Within England and Wales the position of post-vocalic /ɹ/ in regional accents
is quite complex, but we can generalise and say that /ɹ/-ful pronunciations
are being lost – post-vocalic /ɹ/, in other words, is dying out – and that one is
more likely to hear post-vocalic /ɹ/ in the speech of older, working-class rural
speakers than from younger middle-class urban speakers. It is also receding in
urban Scotland, where the speech of young working-class people in Glasgow
and Edinburgh is derhotacising. Map 4.2 shows those areas where post-
vocalic /ɹ/ still occurs in the British Isles.

Regional Accent Variation

Map 4.2 Post-vocalic /ɹ/ in the UK and Ireland

A = post-vocalic /ɹ / present

B = post-vocalic /ɹ / absent



Newcastle upon Tyne


Belfast Middlesbrough

Bradford Hull

Galway Dublin

Walsall Leicester Norwich

A London


100 miles
100 kilometres

This difference between English accents is due to a linguistic change

involving the loss of post-vocalic /ɹ/, which began some centuries ago in the
south-east of England, and has since spread to other regions. This loss of /ɹ/
has also had a further consequence (see also page 47). The consonant /ɹ/ was
lost in these accents before a following consonant, as in cart, but was retained
before a following vowel, as in carry. This meant that whether or not the /ɹ/
was pronounced in words like car depended on whether it was followed by a
word beginning with a vowel or a word beginning with a consonant (or by a
pause). Thus we have

car alarm with /ɹ/ /ˈkɑːɹəˈlɑːm/

but car keys without /ɹ/ /ˈkɑːˈkiːz/

The /ɹ/ in the pronunciation of car alarm is known as ‘linking /ɹ/’, as we saw
in the previous chapter. Originally, we can assume, what happened was that
speakers deleted (or failed to pronounce) the /ɹ/ before a following consonant.
Subsequently, however, this pattern has for most speakers been restructured,
analogically, so that it is now interpreted in such a way that /ɹ/ is inserted
before a following vowel. This means that analogous to:

Regional accent variation

soar /sɔː/ soar up /sɔːɹ ʌp/

we now also have:

draw /dɹɔː/ draw up /dɹɔːɹ ʌp/

It will be recalled that an /ɹ/ which occurs in the latter position – that is
in cases where there is no <r> in the spelling (which of course reflects the
original pronunciation) – is known as ‘intrusive /ɹ/’. Because there is no <r>
in the spelling, intrusive /ɹ/ has often been frowned upon in the past by
schoolteachers and others as ‘incorrect’. However, it is now quite normal in
non-rhotic accents of English in the UK, and in RP it is usual for speakers to

idea [ɹ] of Shah [ɹ] of Iran Hannah [ɹ] is

draw [ɹ] it china [ɹ] ornament pizza [ɹ] and chips

We can say that where one of the vowels /ɑː ɔː ɜː ɪə ɛə ə/ occurs before
another vowel, an /ɹ/ is automatically inserted. This process is so automatic
that speakers are usually unaware that they do it, even if they consider the
habit an unattractive or ‘careless’ speech trait. Generally, too, we can say that
the tendency is now so widespread that if speakers with a south-eastern-type
English accent fail to use intrusive /ɹ/, especially after /ə/ or /ɪə/, it may be
an indication that they are not native speakers. Some more conservative RP
speakers carefully avoid the use of intrusive /ɹ/ within words, and will not say
drawing /ˈdɹɔːɹɪŋ/, as many non-RP speakers do (but might all the same use
/ɹ/ in, say, banana-y (‘tasting like banana’), it being difficult to see how else
it might be pronounced). The stigma attached to intrusive /ɹ/ has receded to
the point where many younger RP speakers appear to have no objection to it
whatsoever, and express surprise when informed that some people consider
it incorrect or ugly (see also page 47, and Foulkes 1998 for further discussion).
Accents such as Scottish accents which have preserved post-vocalic /ɹ/
hardly ever, of course, exhibit intrusive /ɹ/ (the analogical process does not
apply), and Scottish speakers often observe, for example, that ‘English people
say India /ˈɪndɪəɹ/’. English people, in fact, do not normally say /ˈɪndɪəɹ/ if the
word is uttered on its own, but they do pronounce the word this way if it is a
phrase such as /ˈɪndɪəɹ ən pɑːkɪˈstɑːn/ India and Pakistan. Scottish speakers may
occasionally be heard to use intrusive /ɹ/ in phrases like idea of, but it is rare.
It will be interesting to see whether the frequency of intrusive /ɹ/ goes up as
urban Scottish English derhotacises.
Loss of post-vocalic /ɹ/ in RP and many other accents also means that
many words, such as butter, better or hammer, end in -/ə/ (rather than -/əɹ/).
When new words such as America, china, banana or algebra were adopted into
English, there was in these accents therefore no problem. They fitted into
the same pattern and were pronounced with final /ə/ (plus intrusive /ɹ/, of
course, if the next word began with a vowel). However, in accents where

Regional Accent Variation

post-vocalic /ɹ/ was preserved there were no words that ended in -/ə/, other
than proper names such as Hannah or Noah. The problem therefore arose
of how to incorporate these new words into the sound structures of these
particular varieties. In many Scottish accents the solution seems to have been
to end words such as these with /a/ (the vowel of hat) or /ʌ/ (as in hut), as
in for example /ˈtʃaɪna/ china or /əˈmɛɹɪkʌ/ America. In accents in the west of
England, on the other hand, another solution was sometimes adopted and
the new words assimilated to the pattern of butter. We therefore find, in cities
such as Southampton, pronunciations such as /bəˈnɑːnəɹ/ banana, /vəˈnɪləɹ/
vanilla, /ˈmɒltəɹ/ Malta (perhaps by analogy with Gibraltar); this is not the
same phenomenon as intrusive /ɹ/, because in these accents the /ɹ/ occurs
even where there is a following consonant. In Bristol, the solution was to
assimilate them to the pattern of bottle and apple /ˈapəl/. This is the so-called
‘Bristol /l/’ (see page 87), as in America /əˈmɛɹɪkəl/, Eva /ˈiːvəl/, and so on. A
similar, but wholly independent, phenomenon is also reported for south-
east Pennsylvania English (Gick 2002), so it could be argued that there is
something phonetically natural about the insertion of the so-called ‘liquid’
consonants /l/ and /ɹ/ after word-final /ə/ in English.
Note that the actual pronunciation of /ɹ/ also varies quite widely. In
Scotland, Wales and northern England a frequent pronunciation is the
alveolar tap [ɾ]; in the south-west of England, in the Highlands of Scotland
and in Ireland a retroflex approximant [ɻ] is used; and in south-eastern
England the usual form is the alveolar approximant [ɹ] that is also usual in RP.
The alveolar trill [r] is stereotypical of Scottish English, and although it is used
in many accents around Scotland, it now has a somewhat old-fashioned and/
or rural flavour, and is in any case not particularly common even in accents
that feature it (see pages 128, 132, 162). Other variants include the uvular
fricative [ʁ] in rural north-east England, and the labio-dental [ʋ] which is now
very common among younger speakers in England, principally in the south
but increasingly in other areas of the country. See also Chapter 5.

/uː/ and /ʊ/

We have already noted that Scottish and Northern Irish accents have no
distinction between /a/ and /ɑː/. The same is also true, for the most part, of
the similar pairs of vowels /ʊ/ and /uː/, and /ɒ/ and /ɔː/. Thus Scottish speakers
make no distinction between pairs of words such as the following:

Pam ~ palm
pull ~ pool
cot ~ caught

Unlike RP, most urban regional accents of England and Wales do not have
/h/, or are at least variable in its usage. For speakers of these accents, therefore,

Regional accent variation

pairs like art and heart, or arm and harm, are pronounced the same way. The
loss of /h/ is a change that has been ongoing for centuries – there is evidence
that it began perhaps as early as the sixteenth century – and it has been the
target of disapproving criticism for much of that time (Mugglestone 1995;
Beal 1999). /h/ is retained in accents of the north-east of England such as that
of Newcastle, although it disappears quickly as one travels southwards from
there: /h/-dropping is reported for Sunderland, and is virtually categorical in
Middlesbrough and other parts of the Teesside conurbation. Scottish and Irish
accents do not feature /h/-dropping.
An unexpected trend in contemporary London speech and in south-
eastern England more generally concerns the restoration of /h/ in appropriate
contexts. Cheshire et al. (2008) found that young people in Hackney, in north
London, used /h/ in words like heart and harm very much more frequently
than did people of their grandparents’ generation: overall, the young speakers
dropped only one /h/ in every nine cases where the /h/ was potentially
pronounceable, while the elderly speakers dropped /h/ nearly two thirds of
the time.

RP speakers may use the glottal stop (see pages 43–44) word-initially before
vowels, as in [ʔant] ant, or before certain consonants or consonant clusters,
for example [ˈfɪʔnəs] fitness, [ˈaʔləs] atlas, [baʔtʃ] batch, [sɪʔks] six, [ˈsɪmʔpli]
simply (Brown 1990; Fabricius 2002; Altendorf 2003). In most British regional
accents, however, the glottal stop is more widely used, particularly as an
allophone of word-medial and word-final /t/. It is most common in the
speech of younger urban working-class speakers, and is now found in almost
all regions of the UK, with the particular exception of many parts of Wales
and northern Scotland. It occurs much more frequently in some phonological
contexts than others:

most frequent word-final pre-consonantal that man

before a syllabic nasal button

word-final pre-vocalic that apple

before syllabic [l̩ ] bottle

least frequent word-internal pre-vocalic better

As was noted in Chapter 1, it appears that many younger RP speakers are also
adopting [ʔ] in some of the above contexts, despite (or perhaps because of)
the stigma of ugliness, inarticulacy and ‘sloppiness’ that is often attached to
the form. The fact that prominent public figures such as the former Prime
Minister Tony Blair and certain younger members of the British royal family
can be heard to use glottal stops in pre-consonantal, pre-nasal and even word-
final pre-vocalic positions suggests that this stigma is receding, however.

Regional Accent Variation

In some areas, especially the north-east of England, East Anglia, Northern

Ireland and north-eastern Scotland, the glottal stop may also be pronounced
simultaneously with the voiceless stops /p t k/ in certain positions, most
strikingly when between vowels:
flipper [ˈflɪpʔə(ɹ)]
city [ˈsɪtʔi]
flicker [ˈflɪkʔə(ɹ)]

(a) Most non-RP speakers of English, particularly when using informal
styles, do not have /ŋ/ in the suffix -ing. In forms of this type they have
/n/ instead:

singing /ˈsɪŋɪn/
walking /ˈwɔːkɪn/

This pronunciation has also been stereotypically associated (see also

pages 45–46) with older members of the aristocracy, who have often
been caricatured as being particularly interested in huntin’, shootin’
and fishin’. It should be noted that although this habit is popularly
termed ‘dropping [ɡ]’, it is a process of simple substitution of /ŋ/ for
/n/, as nothing is dropped or omitted as such. It is also important to
remember that the phenomenon applies only to /ŋ/ where it occurs in
the -ing suffix and analogous words like ceiling, or in words containing
the morpheme -thing (nothing, anything, etc.). /ŋ/ in words like sing (or
sang, singer, finger) is never replaced by /n/ in any accent.
(b) In an area of western central England which includes Birmingham,
Manchester and Liverpool, words which elsewhere have /ŋ/ and are
spelled with <ng> are pronounced with [ŋɡ], a sequence which has
been labelled the ‘velar nasal plus’:

singer [ˈsɪŋɡə] (rhymes with [ˈfɪŋɡə] finger and [ˈlɪŋɡə] linger)

thing [θɪŋɡ]

(c) A similar pronunciation can be heard in the -thing class words in

London working-class speech, where [k] rather than [ɡ] follows [ŋ]:
for example, [ˈnʌfɪŋk] nothing. Words ending in -ing (running, etc.) are,
however, not affected: the final nasal is either [ŋ] or [n].

At an earlier stage in the history of English, words like rude and rule were,
it is thought, pronounced /ɹjuːd/ and /ɹjuːl/. In modern English, however,
the /j/, where it occurred after /ɹ/, has been lost through a process known
as yod-dropping, and the words are now pronounced /ɹuːd/ and /ɹuːl/. The
same thing is true of earlier /juː/ after /l/: the name Luke, for instance, which

Regional accent variation

formerly had /j/, is today pronounced /luːk/ (except that some – particularly
Scottish – accents still preserve /j/ in words like illumine and allude). /j/
has also been substantially lost after /s/: suitable still contains /j/ for many
RP speakers, and some older, very conservative RP speakers may retain /j/
in suit, but pronunciations like super /ˈsjuːpə/ have long been considered
amusingly old-fashioned. Impersonators lampooning the hyper-conservative
RP speech of the art critic Brian Sewell (pages 46–47) take full advantage of
the comic potential of these affected-sounding pronunciations, one of which
conveniently occurs in Sewell’s own surname. In RP and many other English
accents, though, this simplification of initial /ɹjuː/, /ljuː/, and /sjuː/ sequences
through the process of yod-dropping is as far as the process has gone, and /j/
can still occur before /uː/ after most other consonants.
In certain regional accents, however, the change has progressed a good
deal further. In parts of the north of England, for example, /j/ has been lost
after /θ/, so that enthuse may be /ɛnˈθuːz/. In London, /j/ is very often absent
after /n/, so news may be /nuːz/ rather than the RP-type /njuːz/. Additionally,
as in a number of North American accents, /j/ can also, at least in northern
areas of London, be lost after /t/ and /d/, giving tune /tuːn/ and duke /duːk/
rather than /tjuːn/ and /djuːk/, as in RP.
In a large area of eastern England, /j/ has been lost before /uː/ before
all consonants. The area in question covers Norfolk and parts of Suffolk,
Essex, Cambridgeshire, Northamptonshire, Bedfordshire, Leicestershire,
Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire, and includes the cities of Norwich,
Ipswich, Cambridge and Peterborough. In this area, pronunciations such as
pew /puː/, beauty /ˈbuːti/, view /vuː/, few /fuː/, queue /kuː/, music /ˈmuːzɪk/ and
human /ˈhuːmən/ are quite usual.

Long mid diphthonging

Accents in the south-eastern and southern-central part of England have
undergone a process known as long mid diphthonging (see Wells 1982).
This means that the vowels of bait and boat have a diphthongal character.
Indeed, many analyses of English phonology assume that these vowels are
intrinsically diphthongal and so should be grouped with those of bite and
bout. There is a great deal of variety in how the vowels may be realised, and
it can quite reasonably be said that these two vowels are the most variable
vowels in English. Diphthongs may range from [æi] in bait and [ʌʉ] in boat in
London and the south, through [ɛi] and [ɔu], to [ei] and [ou] in the north of the
affected area. That is, the more southerly the accent, the ‘wider’ the diphthong
(where ‘wide’ means that the start and end points of the vowel are widely
separated from each other in vowel space). In local accents elsewhere in the
British Isles – the far south-west of England, the far north of England, Wales,
Scotland and Ireland – these vowels have retained the older, monophthongal
pronunciations, such as [beːt] and [boːt]. Again, there is variation within the
set of monophthongal forms, whereby (for example) the vowels are markedly

Regional Accent Variation

more open in West Yorkshire ([ɛː] and [ɔː] being typical values) than they are
in Scotland. In certain parts of northern England the vowels, especially that
of boat, may be centralised towards the middle of the vowel space. In some
places, for example in cities like Hull or Newcastle-upon-Tyne, it can be hard
to distinguish between words like joke and jerk, and in Middlesbrough the bait
vowel may be quite [ə]-like, so that wake and work sound similar. The fact that
in the latter accent the vowel in words of the work set is often fronted to a
quality approaching [ɛ] contributes further to this similarity.

Regional accent classification

To summarise the contents of this chapter, we can point out that the way in
which most of the features we have been discussing are regionally distributed
makes it possible to construct a classification of the major accent types to be
found within the British Isles. This is illustrated in Map 4.3, which shows accents
of English divided into their main divisions and subdivisions, although note
must be taken of the fact that the drawing of regional linguistic boundaries is a
notoriously difficult and somewhat arbitrary task, and cases could certainly be
made for different classifications from those we have used here. Note also that
the political frontiers between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, and
between England and Wales, do not coincide exactly with accent classification
boundaries, though that between Scotland and England corresponds closely
with a large number of linguistic discontinuities or isoglosses (Llamas 2010).
Map 4.3 shows a division of English accents into five major groups in
the British Isles: the south of England; the north of England; Wales; the
south of Ireland; and Scotland and the north of Ireland. To help clarify the
geographical positions of the subdivisions of the north of England and south
of England groups, note the position of urban areas as follows:

North-east: Newcastle, Sunderland, Durham, Middlesbrough

Central north: Lancaster, York, Bradford, Leeds
Central Lancashire: Blackburn, Burnley, Accrington
Merseyside: Liverpool, Birkenhead
Humberside: Scunthorpe, Hull, Grimsby
North-west Midlands: Manchester, Derby, Stoke-on-Trent, Chester
East Midlands: Nottingham, Leicester, Grantham
West Midlands: Walsall, Birmingham, Wolverhampton, Coventry
South Midlands: Bedford, Northampton, Milton Keynes
East south-west: Bristol, Gloucester, Southampton
West south-west: Plymouth, Exeter
South-east: London, Brighton, Dover, Reading
East Anglia: Norwich, Ipswich

The five south of England areas (the western south-west, the eastern south-
west, the south-east, the south Midlands, and East Anglia) are distinguished

Regional accent variation

Map 4.3 Accent groups of the British Isles

NE – North-east
CN – Central North
CL – Central Lancashire
M – Merseyside
H – Humberside
NWM – North-west Midlands
EM – East Midlands
WM – West Midlands
SM – South Midlands
ESW – Eastern South-west
and the WSW – Western South-west
north of Ireland SE – South-east
EA – East Anglia

North of
H England
South M
of Ireland



100 miles
100 kilometres
South of England

by having the vowel /ʌ/ in words like putt and cud. Within the southern area,
the two south-western areas are distinguished by having /ɹ/ in bar and bark,
and by lacking the distinction between /a/ and /ɑː/ (see above). They are
distinguished from each other by the absence of long mid diphthonging in
the western south-west. East Anglia has preserved initial /h/, and both East
Anglia and the south Midlands have categorical /j/-dropping.
Accents in the north of England are distinguished by lacking the vowel
/ʌ/ in putt, having /ʊ/ in both putt and put. As can be seen from the map,
the north of England area is divided up into nine sub-areas. These are
characterised by the following features:
(a) /h/ is preserved in the north-east (but not Teesside)
(b) Words such as singer are pronounced with /ŋɡ/ in central Lancashire,
Merseyside, the north-west Midlands and the West Midlands

Regional Accent Variation

(c) Postvocalic /ɹ/ is preserved in a small area of central Lancashire

(d) Words like money have final /i/ in the north-east, Humberside,
Merseyside and West Midlands areas
(e) Long mid diphthonging in bait and boat occurs in Merseyside, the
North-west Midlands, the East Midlands and the West Midlands (just
as it does in the south of England), although it has been spreading into
other areas of England in recent decades
(f) /j/-dropping is found in the East Midlands
Ireland and Scotland lack long mid diphthonging; they preserve /h/ and non-
prevocalic /ɹ/; and, like the south of England, they have /ʌ/ in putt. The north
of Ireland and Scotland also lack the distinctions between /ʊ/ and /uː/, /a/ and
/ɑː/, and /ɒ/ and /ɔː/.
Wales is distinguished by lacking /h/, postvocalic /ɹ/, and long mid
diphthonging (though this can be heard in urban south Wales). Welsh accents
also have /i/ in money, /ʌ/ in putt, and /a/ in path (though see Chapter 5).
For the summary of these facts, see Table 4.2.

Table 4.2 Key phonological characteristics of accents of English in the British Isles

/ʌ/ /ɑː/ /ɑː/ /i/ /ɹ/ /ʊ/ /h/ /ɡ/ /j/ /eɪ/
in in in in in in in in in in
mud path palm hazy bar pull harm sing few gate
Scotland & + – – – + – + – + –
N. Ireland
S. Ireland + + + + + + + – + –
North-east – – + + – + + – + –
Central north – – + – – + – – + –
Central Lancs. – – + – + + – + + –
Merseyside – – + + – + – + + +
Humberside – – + + – + – – + –
NW. Midlands – – + – – + – + + +
E. Midlands – – + – – + – – – +
W. Midlands – – + + – + – + + +
S. Midlands + + + + – + – – – +
E. South-west + – – + + + – – + +
W. South-west + – – + + + – – + –
South-east + + + + – + – – + +
East Anglia + + + + – + – – – +
Wales + – + + – + + – + –

British Isles
Accents and Dialects
In this chapter we look in greater detail at the speech of 23 different areas of
the British Isles. These correspond to the recordings of conversations on the
companion website ( IUUQXXXSPVUMFEHFDPNDXIVHIFT ). The speakers
have quite distinct accents, and have been chosen to provide a sample of
regional variation which is linguistically and geographically representative.
The towns and cities that the first set of speakers come from are:

London (two varieties: the first, traditional working-class London English, is

known colloquially as ‘Cockney’; the second is London English that has been
influenced by West Indian English and Caribbean creoles)
Norwich (East Anglia)
Bristol (the west of England)
Southampton (the south of England)
Pontypridd (south Wales)
Walsall (West Midlands)
Leicester (East Midlands)
Bradford (West Yorkshire)
Hull (East Yorkshire)
Liverpool (Merseyside)
Manchester (north-west Midlands)
Middlesbrough (north-east England)
Carlisle (north-west England)
Edinburgh (central Scotland)
Aberdeen (north-east Scotland)
Belfast (Northern Ireland)
Dublin (eastern Republic of Ireland)
Galway (western Republic of Ireland)

We also investigate the English of five areas where traditional dialects are
spoken. The speakers come from the mainly rural county of Devon in
south-west England, from rural Lancashire in north-west England, from
Northumberland in the far north of England, from the Lowlands of
Scotland (that area lying between and around Glasgow and Edinburgh, but

British Isles Accents and Dialects

also extending up the east coast of Scotland to Fife, Angus and Aberdeenshire),
and from the Shetland Islands in the far northern extremity of the British
Isles. The locations of these areas are shown on the map on the inside front
We treat each area in turn, indicating first the principal distinguishing
features of the particular accent, and making reference where possible
to examples of them in the recording (identified by line number in the
transcript, e.g. l. 10). This is followed by an orthographic transcription of the
relevant recording, and notes on interesting grammatical and lexical features
which appear in the recording.
We should point out here that the recordings were not made by actors or
in a studio. For the most part they are of people talking with friends in their
own homes. In order to obtain ‘natural’ speech, we wanted the speakers to
feel comfortable and relaxed, and to speak as they usually would in friendly
conversation. We think that in general we have achieved this. Some of the
recordings date back to well before the publication of the first edition of this
book in 1979, however, and the conditions in which the recordings were
made mean that there is sometimes considerable background noise, and there
are occasions when speakers get excited, are interrupted, turn away from the
microphone, or rattle a teacup in its saucer, and for this reason it is not always
absolutely clear what has been said. Some recordings have been electronically
filtered so as to reduce the levels of background noise, but there are limits
to how much noise can be removed without affecting the intelligibility of
the speaker’s voice, or otherwise creating distracting changes in the sound
The recordings for each of the first 19 areas begin with the reading of a
word list designed to bring out the principal differences between British Isles
accents. For comparison, the very first recording on the website is of an RP
speaker reading the list. The list, together with the RP pronunciation of it,
is given on page xi (and is referred to subsequently as WL, with the number
identifying the word. WL 5, for example, is the word putt).
In the following sections we will repeatedly want to talk about the qualities
of different vowels. In working-class London speech (‘Cockney’), for example,
although the vowel /ʌ/, as in cup, is to be found in the same set of words as it is
in RP, its realisation – that is, the actual sound made – is consistently different
from the equivalent RP vowel. To show these differences (which, of course,
can be heard in the website recordings) we make use of vowel charts of the
kind introduced in Chapter 3.

1 London (‘Cockney’)

1 London (‘Cockney’)


s Essex

r tf



Surrey Kent

West Sussex East Sussex

Map 5.1 London

1.1 The traditional working-class London accent informally termed

‘Cockney’ is, of course, a southern accent.
(a) /ʊ/ and /ʌ/ are both present and distinguish between, for example,
put and putt (WL 4, 5; see pages 59–60). /ʌ/ is realised as [a ̙] (Figure
5.1, a clear example being blood, l. 10).
(b) /a/ and /ɑː/ are distributed as in RP (WL 21–6; see pages 60–62). /a/
is realised as [ɛ̞], or as a diphthong, [ɛi] (Figure 5.1; WL 21; bag, l. 35).
(c) Unlike RP, the final vowel of city, etc., is /i/ and not /ɪ/ (WL 19, 20).

1.2 /h/ is almost invariably absent. When it is present, it is likely to be in a

stressed position (happened, l. 26).

1.3 The glottal stop, [ʔ], is extremely common in London speech. As well
as in the environments in which it occurs in RP (pages 43–44), it is also
(a) accompanying /p/ between vowels (paper, l. 2)
(b) representing /t/ between vowels and before a pause (WL 1–6 etc.;
butterfly, l. 18; wet, l. 3).

(a) The contrast between /θ/ and /f/ is variably lost through the process
known as (th)-fronting, which collapses the distinction between
labio-dental and dental fricatives (see page 44):
initially thin /fɪn/
medially Cathy /ˈkafi/
finally both /bəʊf/

British Isles Accents and Dialects

(b) Similarly, the contrast between /ð/ and /v/ is also often lost:
medially together /təˈɡɛvə/ (1. 20)
finally bathe /beɪv/
Initially, /d/ or zero is more likely to be heard for /ð/:
For example the (l. 4) is /d/
they (l. 11) is /eɪ/

Figure 5.1 Phonetic qualities of certain London vowels

(a) When /ɔː/ is final it is realised much as the vowel of pore in some RP
speech; when /ɔː/ is non-final, its realisation is much closer, at [oː]
(Figure 5.1; cf. WL 45, 48).
(b) As a result of this difference, a distinction (which is absent in RP) is
made in the speech of London and of areas to the south of the city
between pairs of words like:
paws [pɔəz] and pause [poːz] (WL 48, 49)
bored [bɔəd] and board [boːd]
The distinction is made on the basis of the presence or absence of a
morpheme boundary (i.e. whether there’s an inflectional ending
on the word). Where, for example, plural (two saws), third person
singular (she saws the wood), or genitive –s (the saw’s blade) is added
to a word-final /ɔː/, [ɔə] is still found, rather than [ɔː].

(a) When /l/ occurs finally after a vowel, e.g. Paul (WL 30), well (l. 18);
before a consonant in the same syllable, for example milk; or as a
syllable in itself, for example table, it is realised as a vowel. Thus:
[poʊ, wɛʊ, mɪʊk, ˈtæɪbʊ] (note that the quality of this vowel can vary
somewhat – [ɤ] and [o] are also possible). When the preceding vowel

1 London (‘Cockney’)

is /ɔː/, there may be complete loss of /l/. Thus Paul’s may be [poːz],
that is identical with pause.
This phenomenon is called /l/ vocalisation, and although it
is a long-standing feature of London English it is found in other
British accents too, including those spoken in the ‘Home Counties’
– the counties adjoining London – and much further afield, as for
example in Glasgow (Stuart-Smith et al. 2007). The feature appears to
be spreading fairly rapidly into urban varieties around the country,
as documented by Johnson and Britain (2007), as long as it is already
possible in the affected accent to have the ‘dark’ allophone of /l/ in
syllable-final position (see page 46).
(b) The vowels which represent /l/ can alter the quality of the vowels
preceding them in such a way as to make homophones of pairs like:

pool pull (WL 28, 27)

doll dole (cf. doll, pole, WL 31, 29)
peal pill

This tendency also appears to be spreading.

1.7 Certain diphthongs are markedly different from RP in their realisations

(compare Figure 5.1 with Figures 3.3 and 3.4).
(a) /eɪ/ is [æɪ] (WL 40; paper, l. 2)
(b) /əʊ/ is [ʌʉ] (WL 12; soaked, l. 9)
(c) /aɪ/ is [ɑɪ] (WL 9; inside, l. 3)
(d) /aʊ/ may be [æə] (surrounded, l. 52), and may trigger intrusive /ɹ/
insertion (see page 47), as in how [ɹ] about or now (l. 55).

1.8 -ing is /ɪn/:

(a) laying, (l. 51) (see page 68)
(b) In nothing, something, and so on, -ing may be pronounced [ɪŋk]
(anything, l. 5; see page 68)

1.9 Initial /p t k/ are heavily aspirated, and more so than in RP. In the case
of /t/, there is affrication (the tongue tip/blade leave the alveolar ridge
slowly, so that a short [s] is produced before the vowel begins). Thus tea,
l. 5, is [tsɪi].

1.10 The labio-dental approximant [ʋ] can also be heard in the recording
(e.g. reading, l. 2, radiators, l. 6). This pronunciation has been a feature of
London English for some time (see Foulkes and Docherty 2000) but has
in recent decades spread widely throughout England, and there are signs
it is spreading beyond into Wales and Scotland. It can be heard in some
of the other recordings on the website.

British Isles Accents and Dialects

The recording
The speaker is a working man of about 50 who has lived all his life in London.
His accent is quite strong, though certain features, such as the use of /f/ for
/θ/, are not so obvious. He is talking about his time in hospital just before his
release after an operation.
The reader of the word list is younger, and her accent is not as strong as
that of the older male speaker. Notice the variability in the realisation of final
/t/, which is sometimes [ʔ] and sometimes [t].

I came back to the bed, like, after breakfast. I was just like laying on it
a bit and reading the . . . the paper. And I don’t know, I thought
suddenly I feel wet in my pyjamas. And I looked inside, and put my
hand in. I . . . it is wet. Well, how . . . how the dickens? I ain’t spilt any
5 tea or anything down there. So I thought well, I know, I’ll go out in
the ablution place, like, there . . . they’ve got some little radiators, all
little individual places got a little radiator, put my pyjamas on there to
dry, I just thought it was some water. Of course, when I got out there
the dressing that was on me, that was soaked in a . . . yeah, like a . . . a
10 watery blood. So, of course I went and saw the sister, and er . . . they
put another dressing on it. They put another dressing on it . . . it
wasn’t . . . wasn’t long before that was soaked and all, Fred. Wasn’t
long before that was soaked. So of course I went and had another one
done. So I said to the . . . the nurse, I said . . . guessed to what it was,
15 it was like where they . . . they’d taken the tubes out, and I said to her,
‘Have they opened up?’ She said, ‘No, there’s nothing, like o . . . a . . .
actually open, it’s seeping.’ It was seeping through, yeah. Well . . . I
said, well, I said, ‘If you put s . . . some, like, little butterfly stitches
over that first of all . . . out of . . . er . . . er . . . plaster, like, you know
20 . . . hold that together first of all, then put a dressing and a big plaster
on it,’ so she done that. But it still didn’t . . . yeah, it still seeps through.
And of course I’m going to get worried, and when . . . when she done
it, like, the third time . . . took it off, I’m laying there, I could see it, it
was running away from me like tears. But yeah . . . but anyway . . .
25 yeah . . . well, that’s what I said. And of course, what . . . what had
happened, also, that was the Saturday, wasn’t it? Yeah, I, er . . . had
my pyjamas. I’d . . . I’d just changed my pyjamas. So I said to Rene, I
phoned Rene there, and I said, ‘Could you bring me another one of
my old pairs of pyjamas?’ I said, cos, I said, some stain had come
30 through it, you know, how . . . round the waistband and that. So she
brought me in a new pair of ’jamas in the afternoon. I went and
changed them and . . . and that. But blimey, before she went home,
they were worse than the other pair, weren’t they? It’d come through
and it had soaked right through and down the leg, and the other pair
35 had dried off a bit in the bag so I thought, well, I’ll have to keep them,

The recording

so . . . I did get it done again and, er . . . I changed into pyjamas. Well,

of course when it come to the Sunday, I’m going home Sunday, made
arrangements for . . . she’s going to pick me up about ten. So of course
I had to see the . . . the sister, and, er . . . she said, ‘I’d like the doctor
40 to see that.’ Well, time’s going on, so I phoned Rene in the morning
and said, ‘Don’t pick me up at ten, make it nearer twelve,’ sort of thing
. . . it’d give me a chance. And, er, anyway, it was . . . was a long while
before this doctor come up. It was only, like, the young one, see,
weekend one. But anyway, the sister, she was getting a bit worried.
45 She said, ‘He don’t seem to be coming.’ So she had a look, and she
said, well, if it was my decision she wouldn’t let me home. And, er . . .
yeah, I more or less pleaded with her. I said ‘Well, they’re coming
here in a little while.’ I said, ‘If you’d’ve told me before,’ I said,
‘I would have made arrangements and cancelled it.’ Anyway, she
50 was still worried, so she went and she found this young doctor.
He come along . . . still laying there, you know, on my bed, sort of
thing, surrounded . . . Eventually he comes ten to twelve, and he
has a look and . . . he’s, like, with the nurse there, he wasn’t with the
sister. But anyway he said, er . . . ‘Well,’ he said, ‘it don’t seem to
55 be weeping now.’ He said, ‘I don’t think it’ll weep any more,’ he
said, erm . . . he said, ‘Well, I’m going to let you go home,’ and he
said, er, he said, ‘they’ll have to be dressed twice a day,’ he said.
And, er, he said, ‘Twice a day,’ he said, ‘while it’s . . . comes away a
bit wet,’ he said, ‘and once a day’, he said, ‘when it’s dry,’ sort of
60 thing.

1 The past tense of come is variably came, e.g. l. 1, and come e.g. l. 37, 44, 51 (see
page 28).
2 The past tense of the full verb do is done (l. 21, 22; see page 29).
3 First person singular, negative, of the auxiliary have is ain’t (l. 4; see page 26).
4 Third person singular, negative, of the auxiliary do is don’t (l. 45; see pages
5 The use of lay for standard English lie (l. 1) is not restricted to any region, and
Standard English speakers often seem to have to concentrate hard to produce the
appropriate form.
6 Items like and all (meaning, as well) (l. 13), like (throughout), and that (l. 32)
are also not restricted to any particular region, and are best regarded simply as
features of colloquial speech.
7 Exclamations like how the dickens (l. 4) and blimey (l. 32) are colloquial, found
in a number of regions of Britain, but are now used more by older people than
younger ones.
8 cos (l. 29) represents /kɒz/, a colloquial form of because.

British Isles Accents and Dialects

2 London West Indian

London is one of the world’s most ethnically diverse cities, and has a large
black population. Immigrants from the Caribbean – in particular Jamaica,
Barbados, the Leeward and Windward Islands, Trinidad and Tobago, and
Guyana – came to Britain in sizeable numbers in the decades following the
Second World War, many of them settling in London. Over 10 per cent of
the population of some London boroughs (Lewisham, Lambeth, Brent and
Hackney, for example) are of black Caribbean ancestry. The English spoken by
people of West Indian descent in Britain has been influenced by the varieties
of English and English-based creoles of the Caribbean region, in particular
Jamaican Creole, by virtue of the much larger numbers of immigrant
Jamaicans versus people from other parts of the Caribbean (e.g. Sebba 1993).
In London, features of West Indian English have been mixed with traditional
working-class London English (‘Cockney’; see the preceding section),
producing a recognisable London West Indian ethnolect, some properties of
which are discussed below (see Wells 1973). It should be noted that the variety
is not used exclusively by speakers of Caribbean descent, in that children of
other ethnicities growing up in areas of the city which have large West Indian
communities are exposed to the ethnolect on a daily basis, and are likely to
develop at least some active competence in speaking it (Rampton 1995, 2010).
There is evidence that earlier London West Indian has coalesced with other
types of mixed youth language in London, to form what some observers have
called 'Multicultural London English', which has emerged in the multilingual
and multiethnic environment of the East End since the 1980s (Cheshire et al.

2.1 As with the previous entry, /ʊ/ and /ʌ/ are present, distinguishing put
and putt. Unexpectedly, the speaker does not contrast put and putt in
her reading of the wordlist (WL 4, 5) but this is without doubt a simple
reading error. /ʌ/ is realised as [ʌ] (touch, l. 1; buff, l. 2) throughout the
sample of her spontaneous speech.

2.2 /a/ and /ɑː/ are qualitatively distinct and distributed as in RP (WL 21–26;
see pages 60–62). /a/ is realised as [a] (WL 21; gassed, l. 5, Hackney, l. 7). /
ɑː/ is [ɑː] (WL 17, 22–26; classroom, l. 9).

2.3 The final vowel of city, and so on, is /i/ and not /ɪ/ (WL 19, 20). For
the speaker in the London West Indian recording it is tenser and more
monophthongal than for the working-class London speaker in sample 1
(e.g. ready, l. 21), and it can be quite long (e.g. Hackney, l. 7). It is in fact
longer than the stressed vowel in both city and seedy in the wordlist
reading (WL 19, 20).

2.4 /h/ is present in relevant words much of the time (WL 21, 24; haven’t
heard, l. 6; Hackney, l. 7, 30, 31; hugged, l. 16). It is dropped in the phrase

2 London West Indian

come here (l. 14–15), but is pronounced emphatically as the uvular

fricative [χ] in whole (l. 48).

2.5 The glottal stop, [ʔ], is extremely common as a realisation of /t/ in

London West Indian-accented speech in intervocalic (e.g. out of, l. 1;
hated, l. 40; forty, l. 51) and syllable-final positions (e.g. get through,
l. 18; went into, l. 22; settled, l. 23). It also occurs as a realisation of /k/
(e.g. like bigger, l. 33, actually [ˈaʔtʃəli], l. 40). It also serves to separate
vowels in hiatus contexts (adjacent vowels occupying separate syllables),
for example maybe I, l. 3; the only, l. 8; they’re all, l. 20; to instil, l. 43.

2.6 /k/ is sometimes produced with a conspicuously backer place of

articulation than is typical for British English. Adjacent to a back vowel
such as /ɑː/, it can be [q], as in card [qχɑːd] (l. 35); can’t (l. 39); see Cheshire
et al. 2008). It is occasionally also realised as an ejective stop [kʼ] (like,
l. 26). The latter phenomenon is not unique to the variety, however.
It is quite commonly heard on /k/-final items in wordlist readings in
different accents of British English (Ogden 2009).

2.7 As in working-class London English, the dental fricatives /θ/ and /ð/ are
frequently realised as [f] and [v] respectively (e.g. something, l. 10; nothing,
l. 26; thought, l. 28; breathing, l. 55; with, l. 45). /ð/ may alternatively be
realised as [d], as in there’s (l.5), they’re (l. 20), or this (l. 40). The parallel
realisation of /θ/ as [t] is stereotyped in West Indian English, but no
examples are found in the website recording. /t/ is noticeably dental ([t ̪ ])
rather than alveolar in several /t/-final words in the wordlist reading
(e.g. pit, WL 1; meat, WL 51; mate, WL 52).

2.8 In common with other non-standard varieties, the -ing suffix may be
either [ɪŋ] or [ɪn], but in –thing forms the pronunciation [ɪŋk] is common
(e.g. something, l. 56).

2.9 /l/ is frequently vocalised in coda positions (control, l. 28; instil, l. 43), but
may be a more standard dark [ɫ] (e.g. handle, l. 45). The speaker produces
an oddly exaggerated clear [l] in the /l/-final items in the wordlist (WL
27–31), perhaps because she associates the form with clearer, more precise
articulation of the sort appropriate when reading isolated words aloud.

2.10 In spite of the fact that some of the varieties of West Indian English
that have influenced London West Indian English (notably Barbadian)
are rhotic, London West Indian English is fully non-rhotic. In pre-
and intervocalic positions /ɹ/ is generally [ɹ], but for many speakers is
labiodental [ʋ] (as in ridiculous, l. 40). In linking /ɹ/ sites a rhotic consonant
is frequently avoided; as in other contexts where heterosyllabic vowels
are adjacent, [ʔ] is often used instead (for ages, l. 6; Year Eight, l. 51; hear
anyone, l. 59). [ɹ] is also possible in linking /ɹ/ contexts, however (e.g.
unaware of, l. 4).

British Isles Accents and Dialects

2.11 The /əʊ/ vowel has a fronted offglide: [əʉ] is found in WL 12, 38, 39 and
in know (l. 24).

2.12 Note that the speaker misreads the word bear (WL 15). The expected
form is [ɛː] or [ɛə] (cf. fair, WL 37).

The recording
The speaker is a woman in her late twenties whose accent is not particularly
strong, but whose phonology is clearly different from that of the London
speaker in the previous sample. She talks with friends about her experiences
as a drama teacher in London schools.

What do we say if someone’s attractive? Oh my gosh, I’m out of touch.

Oh my God! It’s like, we say that person is… I think we still use ‘buff’.
Or maybe I still use ‘buff’. [companion: No, you still use ‘buff’] There
must be a new word that I’m just unaware of. Like, if someone’s talking
5 rubbish, we say, ‘Oh, they… they’re gassed up.’ There’s some words I
haven’t heard for ages. And there’s some words, like, they’ve changed.
I need to go back to Hackney! [companion: No, mate] Those kids were
stressful, man. That was the only time that I ever cried. I got so stressed
I just left the classroom, yeah? I said, ‘One minute, I need to get
10 something.’ Cos I knew I was going to cry, yeah? And I thought,
‘There’s no way…’ So I thought, ‘OK, I need to get out of here.’ I
breezed outside, and I saw my… my tea… my PE teacher friend, and I
was like [draws deep breath] and he was like, ‘What’s wrong?’, and I
was like [sobs]. And he was like, ‘Come here, come here, come here,
15 come here, come here,’ and like he pulled me in some corner, and he
hugged me, and I was like, ‘The Year Ten class, they’re just stressing
me!’ He’s like, ‘OK, don’t worry, don’t worry, don’t worry, like, we’ll
get through it, we’ll get through it.’ And I was like [sighs]. And like he
proper… he’s like, ‘Don’t worry, I’ll go and check on the class. Sort
20 yourself out, I’ll go and make sure that they’re… they’re all right, and
then come back when you’re ready, come back when you’re ready.’ I
was like, ‘OK, cool.’ So he went into my drama class and just kind of
settled the kids down, and I went to the toilet and was like, ‘Right.
They cannot know that I’ve been crying. They cannot know that I’ve
25 been crying.’ So like, ‘Miss, where have you been?’ I was like, ‘I went
to the toilet.’ Like, nothing! Because I’m thinking, you know you have
to a proper like… they would never know that I was actually crying,
because I was actually crying, because I thought, ‘I cannot control
these… animals!’ Cos that’s what they were behaving like. They were
30 actually the worst kind of kids. I can’t work in Hackney. I’ve seen jobs
going in Hackney, I think, ‘No, no. South London, OK. East London,
no.’ [laughs] No.

3 Norwich

[describes when she announced she was leaving the school she
had been working in]

The girls were crying, like these tough girls, yeah, who were like bigger
than me, half of them, who, like, were so difficult to teach, when I left
35 they came to the office and they were crying. Some huge card with
‘Miss Brown blah blah blah.’ I was like, ‘You made my life hell! In fact
I didn’t even think you cared.’ They were like, ‘Miss,’ like, ‘you’re the
only one who cares about us, blah blah blah blah,’ like, you know, ‘you
can’t leave, duh duh duh.’ And they were crying. I was like… I could
40 not believe it. ‘This is like… this is ridiculous! You actually hated me!
That’s what I thought. When I leave, you’re crying?’ Like, ‘I don’t get
that. If you like a teacher, surely you would behave.’ And although I
managed to instil some discipline in them for the time that I was there,
it was only one Year Ten class that was actually the really terrible class.
45 The other classes I managed to get a handle on. They got upset with me.
Like, I would do with my Year Eights, yeah, I had one class that…
which… were just wild. So to train them up, I was just like, ‘Right. If
you’re… if anyone acts up, it’s a whole class detention after school.
One hour. You’ll practise lining up outside my room in silence, come
50 into my classroom in silence, and sit in a circle.’ [companion: yeah, sit
down] I did that for forty-five minutes with my Year Eight class one
time, right? This is how I think… you know how you have to get sick
like that? [companion: yeah, you have to get properly into that] I
said, ‘If I hear anyone breathe, you’re going back outside.’ And it was
55 literally, ‘I heard someone breathing.’ [companion: out!] ‘Out!
Everybody out!’ But I tell you something: after that week, yeah? The
following week? Good behaviour. They line up outside my classroom in
silence, they come in, I’m like, ‘Is someone…’ And when I get to my
door, if I hear anyone talking, ‘Is someone talking? Do we need another
60 hour detention for the whole class for us to practise again how to line up
outside my classroom, how to get into my… ?’ And you have to do it,
otherwise you will not get the respect from the kids.
1 The speaker makes very frequent use of like for a variety of functions. In
particular, she uses it as a quotative in the be like construction, as an alternative
to say (l. 36, 37; see page 24).
2 Get sick (l. 52) in this context means to behave obsessively or irrationally.

3 Norwich
3.1 The speech of Norwich in particular, and East Anglia in general, is
(a) /ʊ/ and /ʌ/ are both present (WL 4, 5)
(b) /a/ and /ɑː/ are distributed as in RP (WL 21–26)

British Isles Accents and Dialects

(c) The final vowel of city, and so on, is /i/ (WL 19, 20). Norwich English
differs from the accents of London and the Home Counties (see page
77) in that it lacks /l/ vocalisation. Instead, [ɫ], with the back of the
tongue raised towards the soft palate, is used (WL 27–31).
3.2 In Norfolk and neighbouring areas (see pages 68–69) /j/ is variably lost
after all consonants (humorous, l. 1).

3.3 An older English distinction, lost in RP, is maintained. Thus words

which are homophones in RP are quite distinct in Norwich:
/uː/ /əʊ/
moan mown
sole soul
nose knows (WL 38, 39)

3.4 For some speakers, words like moon and boot have the same vowel (/uː/)
as moan and boat, such pairs being homophonous (WL 11, 12).

3.5 The distinction between /ɪə/ and /ɛə/ found in traditional RP is not
present, and so, for example, both beer and bear are pronounced /bɛː/
(WL 14, 15; hear, l. 19, 20; here, l. 16).



Rutland Norwich

rth Suffolk
No Central
Milton Beds

Herts Essex Sea

Map 5.2 Norwich

3.6 While /h/ has been preserved in rural East Anglia, it has been partly
lost in Norwich. Thus in the recording it is generally present in stressed
words, for example humorous (l. 1) and husband (l. 22), but is sometimes
missing in unstressed words. Note (l. 26–27) that, within a second, he is
produced first with /h/ and then without.

3.7 Certain words which have /əʊ/ in RP may have /ʊ/, for example home
(l. 27) and suppose (l. 40).

The recording

3.8 Words like room and broom, and (as in other eastern accents – see page
60) roof and hoof, have /ʊ/ rather than /uː/.

3.9 Stressed vowels are long, while unstressed vowels are much reduced,
giving a distinctive rhythm to East Anglian speech. Associated with the
reduction of unstressed vowels is the loss of consonants such as the loss
of /v/ in side of it (l. 15).

3.10 off is /ɔːf/ (l. 23).

3.11 The glottal stop [ʔ] variably represents /t/ between vowels, and also
accompanies /p t k/, particularly between vowels, for example bottom
(l. 18), dirty (l. 23), city (WL 19).

3.12 -ing is /ən/.

3.13 The speaker uses [ʋ] in right (l. 11, 40), though for her this is clearly a
sporadic feature.

The recording
The speaker is a woman about 50 years old who has lived in Norwich all her
life. Her accent is quite strong. She recalls how she first met her husband.
The reader of the wordlist is a younger woman whose accent is less marked
than the other Norwich speaker.

I’ve got something humorous happened to me, one thing I’ll never
forget. We . . . well the . . . this is the . . . this is when I first met my
husband . . . cos I generally . . . you know, my daughter always laugh
about that. We went and had a drink, erm, one night. I don’t know if
5 you know the Blue Room near the, erm . . . Well, we went in there one
night to have a drink. There was, erm, two girl friends and me – this
was before I’d married, see – and, well this was the night, see, when I
met my husband. And, erm, you know, they was like buy . . . the
fellows was buying us drinks and that, see, and, er, my friend and her
10 sister, oh, she say, well, we don’t want to go with them, she said, let’s
give them the slip. Right. Well, we ran up, er, Prince of Wales Road,
and opposite the . . . well, that’s . . . that was the Regent then, that’s the
ABC now. There’s a fruiterers, Empire Fruit Stores, I don’t know if
it’s still there, is it? Well, there was this here fruits . . . er, fruitstore and
15 that, and they had a passageway at the side of it, see. Well, my friends
said to me, oh, they said, Flo, we’ll get in here and give them the slip.
I went to go in first, thought that was a long passage and that wasn’t.
They had 40 steps and I fell right to the bottom. Yeah. And there
was me, see, and we . . . and we could hear . . . you know, they could
20 hear these here fellows come run . . . running up behind, see, so my
friends said, oh quick, Flo have fell down a lot of stairs. Well, the one
what’s my husband, he said, let her lay there, he said. We’ve been

British Isles Accents and Dialects

treating you all night, they said, and you do us the dirty and run off!
And they let me lay there. Well, any rate my friends, they managed to
25 stumble up. I had two big bumps on my head, I had a black eye, and
course, erm, the . . . erm . . . see, my husband-to-be then, he . . . well,
he let me lay there. Well, when I got home, see, my father said to me,
the first thing, whatever you done? I said I got knocked down by a
bike. That was the first thing that come into my head. Yeah. And I . . .
30 I gen . . . generally tell my daughter about that. I said . . . she say that’s
what you get, Mum, she say, for making a fellow, she said, letting a
fellow, she said, buy you the drink and then, she said, run away from.
I say yeah, but that, you know, that’s sort of like, er . . . well then he
come round the next night to see how I was, and that’s how we got
35 acquainted. He said, that’ll teach you. He said that’ll teach you, he
say, er . . . taking drinks off anyone, he said and try, he said, you
thought, he said, you were going to slip off, he said, erm . . . he said,
did you know there was any steps? And I said, no I didn’t. I thought
that was a long passage, see, and there was just, there was 40 steps
40 that go right down, I suppose, to . . . and lead into a door at the back
of this here fruit shop.

1 The third person singular, present tense is not marked by -s. Thus: laugh (l. 3),
say (l. 10, 30, 31; see page 29).
2 The absence of -s applies also to auxiliary have (l. 21).
3 Introduction of a relative clause by what (l. 22; see pages 30–31).
4 lay (l. 22): Standard English lie (as in the London recording).
5 that is used where standard English would have it (l. 17).
6 Note intrusive /ɹ/ in by a bike [bəɹə ˈbɑɪʔk] (l. 28–29; see pages 64–65).

4 Bristol
4.1 The speech of Bristol, and the south-west generally, makes a distinction
between pairs like put and putt (WL 4, 5). The vowel of putt, however, is
[ə], and it seems that, unlike in RP, there are not two distinct phonemes
/ə/ and /ʌ/ (see page 60).

4.2 There is no /a/ ~ /ɑː/ contrast (WL 21–6). /a/ is realised as [a] (Figure 5.2
and Map 4.1).

4.3 There is post-vocalic /ɹ/ (see page 63 and Map 4.2). /ɹ/ is quite retroflex in
quality (see page 66): that is, it is articulated with the tip of the tongue
bending backwards towards the hard palate (WL 14–18, 34–37, 42–44;
note contrast with 45) and may justifiably be symbolised [ɻ]. Note that
since this accent is rhotic, the equivalents of the RP diphthongs /ɪə/, /ɛə/,
and /ʊə/ are /ɪɹ/ (WL 14), /ɛɹ/ (WL 15), and /uɹ/ (WL 42) respectively. See
also Section 4.13, below.

4 Bristol



Bristol Channel


Devon Dorset

Map 5.3 Bristol

4.4 A feature of speech known as ‘Bristol /l/’, which is confined to the

immediate area of Bristol, is the presence of /l/ following word-final /ə/.
Thus America may be /əˈmɛrɪkəl/ and Eva /ˈiːvəl/. In such cases Eva and
evil are homophones. Bristol /l/ is not common, however, is generally
stigmatised, and cannot be heard on our recording (see page 66).
Note that although this ‘intrusive’ /l/ is an unusual phenomenon, it
is not unique to Bristol: Gick (2002) reports a similar but apparently
unconnected feature in the English of southern Pennsylvania.
4.5 Notice that dark [ɫ] (see page 46) is very dark (heavily palatalised): that
is, the raising of the back of the tongue to soft palate is very marked.
4.6 There is a tendency in Bristol, though it is probably less common than
in London, for the contrast between /θ/ and /f/ to be lost through (th)-
fronting. Again, however, there is no example of this in our recording.
4.7 The glottal stop [ʔ] may represent [t] before a pause, for example Pete
[pʰiːʔ] (l. 16), but note that in l. 11, Pete is [pʰiːt]).
4.8 The diphthongs /eɪ/ and /əʊ/ are rather wide, at [ɛɪ] and [ɔu] (Figure 5.2
and WL 8, 40, 41 and 29, 38, 39).
4.9 -ing is /ɪn/.
4.10 As in London speech, in words like anything, something, -ing may be /ɪŋk/
(l. 3, something).
4.11 (a) By comparison with RP, short vowels are often of longer duration.
Thus: job [dʒɑˑb] (l. 26), mad [maˑd] (l. 11) and bucket [ˈbəˑkɪˑʔ] (l. 40).
(b) In certain words a ‘fuller’ vowel is used in an unstressed syllable
than is the case for the equivalent in RP, for example /ˈɡʊdnɛs/ (l. 26)
as opposed to RP /ˈɡʊdnəs/ or /ˈɡʊdnɪs/.

British Isles Accents and Dialects

(c) Similarly, a vowel followed by a consonant is found where in RP

there is a syllabic consonant, for example [ˈbəʔən] as opposed to
[ˈbʌtn̩ ] button.

Figure 5.2 Phonetic qualities of certain Bristol vowels

4.12 /h/ is variably absent. Thus in l. 3 it is present four times in succession

(He’d had his fixed, he said), but is absent on the next occasion (l. 4),
where had is [ad].
4.13 /ɹ/ is [ʋ] in every (l. 2).

The recording
The speaker is a housewife, about 30 years old. Though she quite clearly
comes from the Bristol area, her accent is less broad than most on the website.
As mentioned above, local features of pronunciation seem to become more
frequent when she becomes excited.

You know our overflow . . . well, a fortnight ago, next door neighbour
said to us – mind, his overflows every day – . . . could Pete do
something about it. He’d had his fixed, he said. So Pete came in and
went up and had a look. It’s . . . it’s the . . . erm . . . you know, the
5 immersion heater system. I think it’s where the ball thing doesn’t
close up properly, so the water drips out the overflow. Pete came up
and had a go at it, and ever since then, two days apart from yesterday,
is the only time ours has dripped out at all. Every day of the
week theirs has dripped out. So yesterday afternoon Pete comes
10 home from fishing. I’m sure he waited for Pete, because he knows
Pete won’t say anything, see, cos I was mad. And, er, Pete comes
in, and I heard all these doors going, and I went out and the hot
water tap was on. So I said who’s turned the hot water tap on?
Pete said, he’s just asked me again, can I do something about our

5 Southampton

15 overflow. So I said well, you did tell him that his hasn’t stopped since,
he said. No, says Pete. And this morning I come down, and blow me
if this isn’t . . . isn’t overflowing again, this one. I mean, would you
have the cheek to tell a neighbour to mend something when your own
wasn’t fixed? Well, it’s our water that’s making his wall damp. Not his
20 own water, mind, that flows out every day of the week. Just mine
that’s done three times in a fortnight. [comment from companion]
Oh, no, that was the guttering. Us, thinking we were being good,
cleaned ours out regularly, but all we really did, see, it built up, the
water then stayed in ours because it didn’t go over the top of the dirt.
25 That is . . . that’s been perfectly all right, even with the heavy weather,
thank goodness. Point is, really, it’s quite a simple job to fix it. Pete’s
Dad said really all you need is a new washer. Well, if he can just take
the arm off, replace the washer and put it back, that’s good, but if
anything goes wrong I’ve then got to let the fire out, because I can’t
30 have the fire going if the water can’t be replaced. And so what is really
a simple job, knowing us, could take all day. So I’d rather it dripped
out there a bit longer. He reckoned he had somebody in, but, I mean,
if I had somebody in I would expect the job done properly. I mean,
fair enough, Pete’s just bent our arm. Well, he said it’s the new
35 washer, but course it was doing a new washer down at the church that
Pete’s dad chopped all his hand the other week and had to have a
week off work. And it’s thinking of things like that that can happen to
people who don’t usually have calamities that makes me a bit worried
about letting Pete do ours. It was this morning . . . I went out this
40 morning to fill my coal bucket, it wa . . . well, I don’t . . . I don’t feel I
should complain, because mine does drip out now and then, but
knowing his does it every day . . . I mean, it’s a bit off isn’t it, Jill?

1 Notice the infrequency of fillers like kind of and like.
2 drips out the overflow (l. 6) cf. Standard English, out of the overflow (see pages
3 course (l. 35) = of course.

5 Southampton
Southampton sits at the boundary between the south-east and the south-
west of England, and the variety of English spoken there shares features with
the accents of both the south-eastern and the south-western dialect areas.
Virtually no published research on the variety exists, although Wallace
(2007) has carried out a detailed study of the distribution of selected lexical,
grammatical and phonological features in Southampton English. In her
discussion of the links between linguistic behaviour and local identity in the
city, she says, ‘‘The majority of those interviewed do not believe the area to be

British Isles Accents and Dialects

in either the East or the West, and informants appear to resent the attempts
of others outside the area to assign the Southampton area to one of these
regions. […] inhabitants’ sense of identity appears to be borne [sic] out of not
wishing to be labelled as south-eastern or as south-western, but rather to be
acknowledged as Southern. The mixture of south-eastern and south-western
forms in the Southampton area accent is used to express this Southernness’’
(Wallace 2007: 297–8). Variables which function to index these identity
choices are listed below.

5.1 Southampton English is traditionally rhotic, and for this reason we group
it with the East south-west accents (those of Bristol and Gloucester, for
instance; see also Altendorf and Watt 2008). The pronunciation of /ɹ/
in the variety is generally [ɹ] but may also be markedly retroflex [ɻ] (see
page 66). However, the speaker in the wordlist recording uses non-rhotic
pronunciations of beer, bear, bird and so on (WL 14, 15, 16), and in this he is
fairly typical of a Southampton speaker of his age. Rhoticity is commoner
among male and older speakers than female and younger ones, but in
Wallace’s sample rhotic pronunciations account for less than half of
candidate forms (third, farm, etc.) even in the speech of the older group (59
years or over). Rhoticity is all but absent among speakers under the age of
30, which – if urban Southampton speech is representative of Hampshire
English more generally, which is open to question – would push the
boundary between the rhotic and non-rhotic areas of southern England
further to the west. The female speaker in the sample of spontaneous
speech is fully non-rhotic, though there is arguably the suggestion of a
post-vocalic /ɹ/ in her pronunciation of board (l. 46).

5.2 /l/ is frequently vocalised (WL 27–31). The feature appears to have
been present in Southampton for some time: Wallace (2007: 218) notes
that it is attested in Survey of English Dialects records for Hampshire,
meaning that it has been present in the area for several generations. It is
apparently on the increase, as in other parts of the UK.

5.3 The qualities of vowels preceding /l/ may be neutralised. In the wordlist
reading, the vowel in pull (WL 27) is to all intents and purposes identical
to those in pool (WL 28) and Paul (WL 30), while the vowels of pole (WL
29) and doll (WL 31) do not differ in any auditorily obvious way (cf.
London English; see pages 76–77).

5.4 The glottal stop [ʔ] as a realisation of /t/ is very common (WL 1–6, 11–
13, etc.; sit on, l. 15, 21). The female speaker also inserts [ʔ] between I and
am in I am now (l. 1) rather than using the glide /j/, perhaps because I in
this case is realised as [a]. The glottal stop occurs as a realisation of /k/ in
like on several occasions (e.g. l. 9).

5.5 /h/ is present in both the wordlist (hat, WL 21) and spontaneous speech
samples. In this respect the speech of the two young people in the

5 Southampton

recordings differs from the traditional speech of Southampton, and

from that of southern England in general.

5.6 /ŋ/ is variably [ŋ] and [n] (e.g. sailing, l. 2; going, l. 22; depending, l. 23;
sailing, l. 26). On two occasions [ŋɡ] can be heard in dinghy (ll. 12, 29)
but the speaker also uses [ŋ] in the same word (l. 13).

5.7 Some (th)-fronting can be heard in the spontaneous sample (e.g. with,
l. 8; both, l. 40).

5.8 As we saw for the London West Indian English speaker (see Section 2 of
this chapter), word-final /k/ is sometimes realised as an ejective [kʼ]. The
speaker in the spontaneous speech sample uses it from time to time in
the discourse marker like (e.g. l. 3).

5.9 /ɑː/ is realised with a front vowel ([æ̞ ː] in dance, daft and half (WL 22,
23, 24), but unlike in northern England the vowel is long, as in North
American or Australian English (see also the entry on Welsh English,
below). The vowel has a backer quality, [ɑ̟ː], in bard (WL 17), father (WL
25) and farther (WL 26), in the first and last cases probably because it is
adjacent to /ɹ/, although in the case of the (non-rhotic) wordlist reader
this is not overtly pronounced.

5.10 The /ʌ/ vowel is distinct from /ʊ/. Both speakers in the recordings have
fairly open vowels [ɐ̝ ] in putt (e.g. WL 5), while /ʊ/ in put (e.g. WL 4) is
schwa-like in quality (cf. Bristol English; see the preceding section).

5.11 /uː/ may be fronted and diphthongised to [ʊ̟ʉ] (e.g. boot, WL 11).

5.12 The second element of /əʊ/ may also be fronted, giving [ʌʉ] in e.g. boat
(WL 12).

5.13 /eɪ/ is a wider diphthong than in RP, at [ɛɪ] (WL 8, 40, 41, 52).

5.14 For the female speaker, /ɜː/ in words such as person (l. 8, 19, 20) and turn
(l. 24) has a quality that is more open ([ɐ̝ː]) than that found in traditional
RP. It is [ɜː] for the wordlist reader (WL 34–36).

5.15 The centring diphthongs /ɪə/ (beer, WL 14) and /ɛə/ (fair, WL 37) are
smoothed to [ɪː] and [ɛː], respectively. In the wordlist reading the vowel
of poor (WL 42) – [ʊː] – lacks all but the slightest offglide, but it is
nonetheless distinct from pour, pore and paw, which are homophones at

5.16 The diphthong /aɪ/ (WL 9, 46, 47) may be [ɒɪ] in Southampton (Wallace
2007: 19), another feature that justifies Southampton English’s inclusion
among the dialects of the south-west zone. The wordlist speaker uses an
unrounded [ɑɪ], however, keeping buy (WL 9) and boy (WL 10) clearly
distinct from one another.

British Isles Accents and Dialects

5.17 The female speaker in the spontaneous speech recording uses a

great deal of creaky voice towards the end of breath groups or turns.
Good examples can be heard in out in that (l. 4) and Isle of Wight or
something (l. 4–5). This habit is far from localised to Southampton: it
is characteristic of the spoken English of young people, in particular
young middle-class women, in the UK and beyond.

WALES Oxfordshire




Devon Dorset

English Channel

Map 5.4 Southampton

The recording
The wordlist speaker is a young man in his early twenties, while the female
speaker whose speech is transcribed below is in her mid-teens.

Well, I used to be more than I am now, like, I… er, I’m not really… I
used to be into sailing, erm, and have done courses, but now I’m more,
like, into power boats, cos that’s what my dad does. And we’ve got one,
so sometimes we go out in that, erm, to like the Isle of Wight or
5 something, erm, or he’s got, like… cos it’s not his company, the… the
company that like sort of he works for, erm, they have like RIBs,
obviously, like what they teach on, and sometimes, erm, cos my dad’s
friends with the… you know, all the people he works for, the person
who owns it, like, lets him take the RIB out for the day, and he… he
10 takes us, like, all out, erm, and usually some friends, over to, like, the
Isle of Wight or something, which is really fun. [Interviewer: What’s
a RIB?] A RIB is like, erm… I don’t know, do you know like a dinghy?
You know a little dinghy? But it’s, like, from there to… that wall to that
wall, like a really big version, and it’s got like… the ring around it is

The recording

15 massive, and it’s like really strong so, like, you can sit on it and stuff and
it doesn’t… doesn’t pop, like, very easily. And it’s really fast and it’s really

[asked about her sailing experience]

Er, well, you sit on one side of the boat, and then you hold onto… well,
one pers… you got to really have two people. One person holds onto,
20 like, the rope, and then the other person controls, erm, the rudder, which
is… you move it so you know which direction to go, and then, erm, as
you’re just going along you sort of just hold onto the rope so the wind…
and you pull it if it needs to go tighter, depending on the wind, or
whatever. Erm, and then when you turn you both have to switch sides
25 so that the sail is the other way. The other person obviously has to switch
ov… the weight is more equal, but that’s for the smaller sailing boats
and for the big… You… you can get massive ones, obviously, where
you can sort of… you steer them like that, but then you still have a sail.
So… I’ve only been on… like… like a dinghy, which is like a small
30 one, erm, and that’s usually just sort of two, three of us. Erm, and also,
erm, the school gave us, like, a free, like, two-day course down at the
marine college in Warsash, so not far from where I live. And, erm, some
of my f… me and my friends put our name down for it, so there was
like a group of us, just a small group, and me and two of my friends,
35 like, got, like, chosen to do it. And, erm, it was really fun, and… erm,
but I was really like, this was the first time I had done that sort of thing,
and so, erm, I was really just going for it and not caring if I capsized,
cos I… I don’t really care about that sort of thing, but my friends kept
getting, like, scared, cos they were more, like, careful. So I ended up
40 having to do both of them by myself, and… oh, it was all right, cos you
get to wear… you wear a wetsuit, so to begin with it… it get… it’s cold,
but then it warms up because it’s, like, insulated, so… Yeah, just a little
bit, but that’s sort of like… we do it purp… I did it on purpose, cos it’s
just sort of fun. And then you kind of… you swim round, and then
45 stand on the… there’s like a… I can’t remember what it’s called. Er,
a board, that goes through the middle, erm, and you just kind of stand
on it, and it sort of brings the boat back up and you just get back in.

[asked if her family also sails]

They go on our boat when, erm, we go out on it, but my brother does
Sea Scouts as well. It’s, er, a group of like… it’s usually… it used to be
50 boys, but now it’s like… they let girls in as well, and, erm, it’s just…
it’s like a sailing club and you go out, and you go out once a week, and
you do… you can do, like, things off the water, you go on like hikes
and stuff for like Duke… is it like Duke of Edinburgh, or something?
Yeah. Erm, and you can go out on like the power boats, or sailing, or

British Isles Accents and Dialects

55 it’s just sort of like a… if you’re into that sort of thing, it’s like a club
for that.

1 RIB (l. 9) = rigid inflatable boat (or rigid-hulled inflatable boat).
2 Duke of Edinburgh (l. 53) = the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme is a youth
charity that gives young British people the opportunity to develop life and
leadership skills, often via challenging outdoor activities.
3 Like occurs very frequently indeed in this talker’s speech, but she is unlikely
to be unusual among her peer group in this respect.

6 South Wales (Pontypridd)

6.1 In South Wales the distribution of /a/ and /ɑː/ is generally as in the
north of England (see pages 60–63 and Map 4.1). The contrast between
the vowels, however, is usually one of length only. Thus cat [kʰat] and
cart [kʰaːt] (WL 21, 26).
6.2 (a) There is no post-vocalic /ɹ/, except in the speech of some native
speakers of Welsh (Map 4.2).
(b) /ɹ/ is normally an alveolar tap [ɾ] (see pages 46, 66). That is, the tip of
the tongue makes a rapid tap against the alveolar ridge (e.g. tramline,
right, l. 2).
6.3 As in Bristol, there is no /ʌ/ ~ /ə/ contrast. Words like putt (WL 5) have
/ə/, contrasting with /ʊ/ in put (WL 4).
6.4 Words like city and seedy have /i/ as the final vowel (WL 19, 20).
6.5 /l/ is clear in all environments (WL 27–31).
6.6 In words like tune, few and used, we find the diphthong /ɪu/ rather than
/juː/ (used, l. 1). This diphthong is preserved even after /ɹ/ and /l/. Most
speakers therefore make a distinction between pairs such as blew /blɪu/
and blue /bluː/ or threw and through. Blew and blue are contrasted in the
short exchange at the end of the wordlist (see pages 68–69 and Figure
6.7 Between vowels – when the first vowel is stressed – consonants may be
‘geminated’ (doubled). So city (WL 19) is [ˈsɪtːi].
6.8 /h/ is usually absent, but may be present in stressed positions such as
him, l. 25.

The recording

Cardigan Bay


Pembrokeshire Carmarthenshire


Bristol Channel

Map 5.5 South Wales

6.9 (a) /eɪ/ is narrow, and may be a monophthong [eː] (Figure 5.3; WL 8, 40,
(b) In certain areas of Wales a distinction is made between pairs of
words like daze /deɪz/ and days /dɛɪz/. /ɛɪ/ occurs where there is <i>
or <y> in the spelling. The speakers in the website recordings do not
make this distinction.

6.10 /əʊ/ is narrow, and may be a monophthong [oː] (WL 12, 29, 38, 39). This
tendency may result in such pairs as so and soar being homophones.

6.11 The vowel /ɜː/, as in bird (WL 16), is produced with the lips rounded,
approaching [øː] in quality (Mayr 2010).

6.12 Intonation in Welsh English is very much influenced by the Welsh

language. Though quite noticeable in the recording, it is less striking
than in the speech of many Welsh people, including those whose
first language is English. Welsh, which is spoken to a greater or lesser
degree by around one-fifth of the population of Wales (about 600,000
of 3 million people), is learned as a first language normally only in the
west and north-west of the country.

The recording
The speaker is a young man from Pontypridd, whose accent, though quite
obviously Welsh, is not particularly marked. He is talking about an accident
that happened to someone as a child.
The wordlist reader is a young woman from Neath, near Swansea. Again,
although she is clearly Welsh, her accent is not very strong.

British Isles Accents and Dialects

Figure 5.3 Phonetic qualities of certain South Wales vowels

At the end of the wordlist there is the following exchange to demonstrate the
difference between blew and blue:

Q: What did the wind do yesterday?

A: Erm . . . the wind blew /blɪu/ strongly.
Q: All right . . . and what colour are your jeans?
A: My jeans are blue /bluː/.

The tramlines . . . ah, they used to have, erm . . . from the pit there used
to be a tramline right to the top of the mountain . . . used to work on
a, a pulley sort of system, I should think. I was too young to know
then. They used to have about fifteen to twenty big pit drams on this
5 wire rope, and I would say it must have stretched, bottom to top,
about three and a half, maybe four miles, and of course we’d winch
up on it, pulled up, cos all the kids would be running up, jumping on.
And, er, I would say, well, there was one boy, how old is Gerin?
Must be about thirty-eight. He’s . . . jumped on and he fell off and it
10 cut his leg clean off. But they’re big metal drams, they weigh in . . .
well, they must weigh about a ton with nothing in them. So you can
imagine when they’re full. And of course when they come down the
journey again, they’re coming down at a fair speed, cos they let them
go down quite a bit and then they got the . . . an automatic brake, I
15 think, it slows them down. And they used to come down there. We
used to jump on them on the top, and ride down. Things you do
when you’re young . . .

[asked how old the injured boy was at the time of the accident]

About ten, twelve. See, he won’t . . . he’s got a false leg but he won’t
wear it. When he wears it, you know, he . . . When he first had it he
20 used to wear it. And, er, he was qu . . . quite a big boy, as all
Welshmen are, they’re all broad. But he must be up to something like

7 West Midlands

twenty-eight stone, and he’s really fat. It just hangs off him. He sits
and watches television, and he has two pound of apples and, er, say a
pound of chocolate. His mother makes sandwiches, she makes a loaf
25 of bread, you know, just for him, for sandwiches, as a snack. Well,
most of the boys who drink with him in the club, erm . . . were with
Gerin when he done it, when he done it. They used to . . . all used to
ride up on the . . . the journey up. I should think every boy in Cil has
done it.

[asked if he himself had ridden on the drams]

30 Oh, aye, regular. You’d always be warned – don’t ride on the drams.
Yeah, all right. Straight down the bottom and wait for them to come
up, and you’d . . . you’d run up alongside them and just jump on. The
most dangerous thing about that was, er, with the rope, the metal
rope, which was about two inches in diameter, and it used to whip.
35 And of course you imagine a steel rope whipping. You . . . well, it’d cut
a man clean in half. Well, you never see the dangers when you’re
young, do you?
1 Two pound of apples (l. 23): see page 33.
2 Done as past tense of do (l. 27): see page 28.
3 Aye = yes (l. 30): common in the north of England, Scotland, Ireland and

7 West Midlands
This is the accent spoken in Birmingham, Wolverhampton and a number of
other towns in that area.

Cheshire Derbyshire
ir e


Birmingham ire
re n
hi to

s p
ck am

wi th

ar r

W No


Map 5.6 West Midlands

British Isles Accents and Dialects

7.1 The accent of the West Midlands is northern in that:

(a) /a/ is found in words such as dance, daft and so on (see pages 60–62;
WL 21–26)
(b) Pairs of words like put and putt are not distinct, /ʊ/ being the vowel
in both (see pages 59–60; WL 4, 5).

7.2 The accent nevertheless has certain southern characteristics:

(a) The final vowel of city and seedy, and so on is /i/ (see page 62; WL 19,
20; cf. Liverpool), although the vowel in West Midlands accents is
frequently realised as a diphthong which may be as wide as [ɜi] (see
(b) The diphthongs /eɪ/ and /əʊ/ are wide, being realised as [æɪ] and [ʌʊ]
(Figure 5.4; WL 8, 40, 41 and 12, 29, 38, 39).

7.3 /i/ is [ɜi] (Figure 5.4; WL 19, 20).

/uː/ is [ɜu] (Figure 5.4; WL 28).
7.4 /aɪ/ is [ɔi] (Figure 5.4; WL 9, 46, 47).
7.5 /ɪ/ is very close, at [i] (Figure 5.4; WL 1, 19).
7.6 /ɜː/ and /ɛə/ are merged as [œː], for example bear (WL 15) and bird (WL
16). The speaker attempts to make a distinction on the wordlist between
fur (WL 36) and fair (WL 37). This merger is not found throughout the
West Midlands.
7.7 /h/ is usually absent.
7.8 -ing is /ɪn/ or [ıŋg].
7.9 Note that one is /wɒn/ but won is /wʊn/ (l. 25; see pages 59–60).
7.10 The glottal stop [ʔ] is infrequent in the speech of older speakers such
as the Walsall man on the website, but is now extremely common in
that of young speakers in the Birmingham area and the West Midlands
region more generally (Mathisen 1999; Asprey 2008).

Figure 5.4 Phonetic qualities of certain West Midlands vowels

The recording

The recording
The speaker, a caretaker, is from Walsall and has a very distinctive West
Midlands accent. After saying something about his evening habits, he goes
on to talk about his footballing days, and then about the problems of Walsall
Football Club.

I don’t go out much, not in the week, you know. I go out one night a
week, and if the wife isn’t bothered, I won’t, you know, I don’t bother.
Well, the wife and the daughter generally go out together and I’ll stop
in, you know, with the lad. But, er, as g . . . the wife and the daughter
5 they’ve booked up a show what the women have got up or summat,
eight fifty to see that man who works . . . impersonates a woman.
What’s his name? Him who impersonates the women on the

The other night I couldn’t get in . . . interested in it about ho . . .

10 homosexuals, you know. And I said to my wife, I says, er, you coming
to bed? Her says, no, I’m going to see the finish of this. I says, all right
then, goodnight, and I went up to bed. I mean . . . I’m not, you know,
like that.

I used to be keen. I used to be a good footballer myself. Yeah.

15 Good years and all those, you know, they was high class teams. I mean
you played for the honour then, I mean, you didn’t get nothing
out of it.

No, no, well, er, me and the captain of Guest Keens, we had a trial for
Walsall and, er, we came up the one week, and they says come the
20 next week and play again, see. Well, in the meantime we’d got an
important match for the works team, cup final, and the captain says,
‘Are you going to Walsall?’ I said, ‘No, the works team’s more
important to me,’ see. Course we didn’t go, and we had a nasty
postcard off Walsall FC about it, cos we didn’t turn up.

25 Well, I won the one cup for them, really, in, erm, 1948. Er, we was, er,
winning one-none half time, and the second half I got three goals, and
we won four . . . a . . . an they s . . . and they made me go and have the
cup, cos they said, ‘You’ve won this cup and you’re going to have it,’
and I . . . I . . . was present . . . presented with it, you know.

30 I could have done, yes, if I’d have stuck to it, you know, but, er, well,
when, you know . . . No, no . . . but I mean, you didn’t get a lot then if
you played professional. I mean, it was a poor wage then, years ago.
But it . . . it was an honour to play. They didn’t play for the money
like they do today. Well, they’ve got to make it while they’re fit, cos
35 you never know what’s going to happen.

British Isles Accents and Dialects

Well, Dave Mackay was on the wireless this morning before I come
out, you know, and they was interviewing him, the reporter, and he
said he . . . he couldn’t understand it why they couldn’t score at home,
I mean, but win away, you know. Played for Derby, halfback, didn’t
40 he? Yes, I do. I always like to see them win, and that, but, er . . .
summat’s lacking there, definitely.

Well, Walsall can if they dish the football up. Course they couldn’t
keep me away years ago. I used to go to every . . . well, I would think
it’s been about six or eight years, when they played Sunderland down
45 here in the cup, and Liverpool. I paid a man to do my job here of a
Saturday afternoon to go and see the two matches. And when I come
back – I was away, say, two hours – I’d still got the same work to do.
Nothing had been done.

Well, er, they never spent no money, but they got local talent. They
50 got a lot of local talent what come up, you know, like, out of the
amateur sides. That’s where they go wrong, they don’t go to the
proper matches, er, like Shrewsbury. Now, Chick Bates, they had him
from Stourbridge for about two hundred and fifty pound fee. He’s
scoring two or three goals a match now. I mean, Walsall could’ve
55 done with a man like him.

1 There are examples of multiple negation (see pages 25–26):
You didn’t get nothing out of it (l. 16–17).
Well they never spent no money (l. 49).
2 Past tense of come is come (l. 36, 46, 50).
3 I says (l. 10) is ‘historic present’ (see page 30).
was is the past tense form of be, not only for the third person singular:
We was winning (l. 25–26).
they was interviewing him (l. 37).
4 What introduces a relative clause (see page 30):
they got a lot of local talent what come up (l. 49–50).
5 summat (l. 5) = Standard English something.
6 not bothered (l. 2) = not keen.
the lad (l. 4), i.e. his son (cf. the wife).
FC (l. 24) = Football Club.
wireless (l. 36) to mean radio is not regional but now very old-fashioned. The
default meaning of wireless today is the type of internet connection.
7 postcard off Walsall FC (l. 24) = Standard English: postcard from Walsall FC
(see pages 33–34).
8 you is /jau/.
9 Dave Mackay (l. 36) is a former Scottish international footballer, and was
manager of Walsall FC at time of recording.
10 her (l. 11) = she.
11 The definite article before a vowel is /ð/ e.g. the amateur (l. 50–51).

8 Leicester

8 Leicester
Leicester is geographically very close to Walsall – they are only 50 miles (80
km) apart – but the dialects fall into the East Midlands and West Midlands
groups respectively (see Map 4.3 on page 71).

8.1 The accent of Leicester is northern in that:

(a) Words like dance and daft have /a/ (WL 22, 23; see pages 60–62).
(b) There is no distinction between pairs of words like put and putt: both
have /ʊ/ (WL 4, 5; see pages 59–60).
8.2 Traditionally, the accents of the East Midlands area pattern with the
southern English accents, in that the final vowel in words like city and
seedy is /ɪ/ rather than /i/. The speaker on the website, however, is typical
of young people in southern England who now generally have /i/ in
these words (WL 19, 20; see page 62). /j/-dropping in words like few is
also a traditional feature of East Midlands accents, though it cannot be
heard in the website recordings.

8.3 /eɪ/ and /əʊ/ are somewhat wider diphthongs than is the case in RP: [ɛ̝i]
and [əʉ] are typical values.

8.4 The vowels /ɑː/ and the first element of /aɪ/ are quite back and often
somewhat rounded at [ɑ̹ː] and [ɑi] or [ɑ̹i], as in bard (WL 17), tide and tied
(WL 46, 47).

8.5 In words like cases (l. 10), the second vowel is [ə] rather than the [ɪ] that
is found in RP and many other accents.

Cheshire Derbyshire Notts

Derby Nottingham
Stoke-on- Lincolnshire
Telford &
Staffordshire Leicestershire
Wrekin Rutland
Leicester Peterborough

Shr ire
Solihull sh
re n
hi to

s p

ck am

ar th Central






st ers Bucks

uce Oxon
r tf


Map 5.7 Leicester

British Isles Accents and Dialects

Figure 5.5 Phonetic qualities of certain Leicester vowels

8.6 As is increasingly the case for young people all over the British Isles,
the speaker can be heard to use [ʔ] for /t/ in all phonological contexts
(see pages 43–44). Examples are airport (l. 3), what hour (l. 3–4), out about
(l. 4), city (l. 8), bottle (l. 17) and so on.

8.7 Glottalisation (page 43) of final /p t k/ in final position is variable:

compare pit and pat (WL 1, 3) with pet and bout (WL 2, 13; see page 67).

8.8 The labio-dental [ʋ] can be heard occasionally, for example in train
(l. 21), drinking (l. 27). See page 6.

8.9 /l/ is frequently vocalised by this speaker, for example pills (l. 17).

8.10 -ing is very frequently /ɪn/, as in tiring (l. 2), lugging (l. 12).

8.11 The speaker uses [ɾ] for /t/ in intervocalic position, such as in at about
(l. 43–4). This feature, known as /t/ flapping (Wells 1982: 248–249),
is commonly associated with North American English and to a lesser
extent Australian English, but is frequent in certain varieties of British
English too. The Liverpool speaker (Section 11) can also be heard to use
it, for example, and it is a normal feature in Northern Irish English. It is
also reasonably common in the speech of younger RP speakers.

The recording
The speaker is a young man in his twenties from Ashby-de-la-Zouch, a market
town in north-west Leicestershire approximately 20 miles (32 km) from the
city of Leicester itself, but the differences between Ashby and Leicester in
terms of accent are minor, particularly for someone of the speaker’s age. He
talks about a recent trip to Ireland.

You know, I went to Ireland for Ross’s wedding. It was like . . . it was
a bit tiring, but we like went there . . . yeah, we got there on the

The recording

Thursday cos your dad took us to the airport, like, God knows what
hour of the morning. Well, we ended up flying out about eight o’clock
5 I think. We got into Dublin for nine. By the time we got through the
airport and everything else, cos we . . . like we got through the airport
and we got the bus from the airport to the bus . . . to . . . to the train
station in the city centre. By the time we got there we were waiting
round . . . we’d just missed the, like . . . the first train to where we were
10 going. And we had, like, loads of cases, so we couldn’t be bothered to
sort of go out and take a walk round the city and that, cos we just
thought, well, to be honest, I don’t really fancy lugging my case all the
way round. So we ended up . . . just sat in this pub in the train station
for about two hours. We had summat to eat, and then got on the train,
15 and I just passed out. That was it, good night. Cos it was about eleven
o’clock, and I was on the train just going like . . . I felt like I’d had a . . .
a bottle of sleeping pills or . . . When we got there, it was ridiculous,
cos everyone was trying to phone me, and my phone was just going
through to its answerphone. And so then, oh my God they’ve missed
20 the train. God, everyone thought . . . everyone was like going, where
you been, where you been? On the train. It was a good holiday
though. We just got . . . well, got leathered Thursday night, we took a
hundred and fifty quid with us each, and then I had my credit card
and Alex had her credit card, so like trains and, like, just . . . er, hotels,
25 and all of that like . . . we paid just under ten euros for a drink, well,
for a round. The Friday was even worse, the day of the wedding. We
got . . . started drinking at twelve, had a few drinks, went to the
church, ceremony rah rah rah rah rah, went back to the hotel . . . cos
we . . . me and Alex stayed in like the B and . . . like a B and B down
30 the road, which was actually a bit of a mistake, to be honest, because
we were sort of like quite out of the way. Taxi there, taxi back. And
when we came back it was like . . . we just went into the bar, and it was
drink drink drink, went in . . . and we were . . . it was quite fortunate,
because you sort of had free . . . you . . . you got a few drinks free
35 during the meal and that, but between twelve o’clock when we
started, and when we finished about five next morning, it was, like,
we’d clocked up . . . we must have spent about . . . between us
probably about two hundred quid or something. I looked at my wallet
the next day. I was like, ‘I should close that and leave it well alone.’
40 We got back about . . . we must have got back about half-five in
the morning, or something. Then we had to get . . . then we got a
lift back to Dublin, because we thought . . . instead of staying down
there, cos . . . the trai . . . the train the next day was at about seven in
the morning, and to get to the train station and everything else, we
45 would have missed . . . we would have missed the flight, basically,
because there wasn’t a train early enough to get back, you know. So

British Isles Accents and Dialects

we go . . . we got a lift back to Dublin the next day, well, on the

Saturday, even, and we stayed in a hotel, and that was, like, that
was nice.

1 leathered (l. 22) is a slang term meaning drunk, and is not confined to
2 summat (l. 14) is /ˈsʊmət/ (cf. West Midlands, Section 7).
3 The speaker makes frequent use of like as a pause filler, intensifier and
quotative (page 24).
4 [mi] (l. 23) = my.
5 Rah rah rah rah rah (l. 28) is being used to indicate that the language used
during the wedding ceremony was of a predictable, formalised nature and
that the speaker had not really listened to what was being said.

9 Bradford
9.1 The accent of Bradford, and of Yorkshire generally, is northern in that:
(a) Words like dance and daft have /a/ (WL 22, 23; see pages 60–62).
For some Yorkshire speakers, /a/ and /ɑː/ are differentiated only by
length. For them the vowels are [a] and [aː] so Pam and palm are
[pʰam] and [pʰaːm]. This, however, is not the case for the speakers
on the website, whose /ɑː/ vowel is a little further back.
(b) There is no distinction between pairs of words like put and putt: both
have /ʊ/ (WL 4, 5; see pages 59–60).
(c) The final vowel in words like city and seedy is /ɪ/ (WL 19, 20; see
page 62).


Irish North Yorkshire

York East Riding
Lancashire of Yorkshire
Bradford Leeds



Map 5.8 Bradford

9 Bradford

9.2 (a) /eɪ/ is either a narrow diphthong or more typically an open-mid

monophthong [ɛː] (e.g. plate, WL 40; mate, WL 52; Figure 5.6). For
some speakers, however, words which have <eigh> in the spelling
(e.g. weight, WL 41) have /ɛɪ/ (cf. Middlesbrough, page 120).
(b) /əʊ/ is also either a narrow diphthong, or an open-mid monophthong
[ɔː] (e.g. boat, WL 12; nose, WL 38; Figure 5.6). When the latter form
is used it can be difficult to tell whether one is hearing, for example,
bought or boat, although /ɔː/ is often fully open and is not always
strongly rounded, such that bought may be [bɒ̜ːt] or even [bɑːt].
Homophonic clash is avoided in these cases by virtue of the fact
that /ɑː/, as in Bart, is – as noted above – likely to be fronted to [aː] for
speakers who might use [ɑː] in bought. For some speakers, moreover,
words which have <ow> or <ou> in the spelling (e.g. knows, WL
39) have /ɔu/, such that nose and knows are not homophonous.
This distinction (also made in Norwich – see page 84) is being
lost, as younger speakers generally use /əʊ/ for both sets of words.
To complicate matters still further, the /əʊ/ vowel is frequently
realised as a centralised monophthong close to [əː] or its rounded
equivalent [ɵː]. Thus, pairs like joke and jerk can sound very similar
if the /ɜː/ vowel of words such as jerk is not itself fronted to a quality
approaching [ɛː] (see further Watt and Tillotson 2001, and the entry
on Hull speech below).
9.3 Pairs of words like pore (with <r> in the spelling) and paw (WL 44, 45)
may be distinguished. Words without <r> have /ɔː/ – the quality of
which, as mentioned in the preceding paragraph, may be as open as
[ɒ̜ː] – while words with <r> have /ɔə/ ([o̞ ə]) (Figure 5.6). This distinction
is also made by some RP speakers, though it is now rare.
9.4 (a) /ɛ/ is [ɛ̞ ], that is it is more open than in southern accents (WL 2).
(b) /uː/ is [uː], as compared with the more central realisation of this
vowel in Lancashire (WL 28; see also Section 21).
(c) /aɪ/ is [aɛ], but may sometimes lose its offglide and become a
monophthong, such that for example white car might be pronounced
[waˈkːʰaː] (WL 46; Figure 5.6).
9.5 In West Yorkshire (which includes Bradford) and other areas of
Yorkshire, /b d ɡ/ become /p t k/ when they immediately precede a
voiceless consonant (i.e. a consonant produced without vibration of the
vocal folds). The devoiced /d/ – that is [d̥ ], which is effectively [t]) – may
then be realised as [ʔ], just as is common for /t/ in comparable positions
in this accent. Thus Bradford is [ˈbɹaʔfəd] or [ˈbɾaʔfəd] (see below), and
could swing (l. 22) is [ˈkʰʊʔswɪŋ].
9.6 /ɹ/ is often realised as the alveolar tap [ɾ] (see pages 46, 66).

British Isles Accents and Dialects

Figure 5.6 Phonetic qualities of certain Bradford vowels

9.7 /t/ in final position may also be realised as a glottal stop [ʔ] (e.g. that,
l. 30; see page 67).
9.8 -ing is /ɪn/.

9.9 /h/ is generally absent.

9.10 make and take are /mɛk/ and /tɛk/ (l. 38).

The recording
The speaker is a man who has lived in Bradford all his life. His accent is quite
marked, but note the variable presence of /h/. He talks about his school-days
and events in his youth.

[asked if there were any schoolteachers he was afraid of or disliked]

Oh, aye, a Miss Ingham. Miss Ingham, when I was a kid, she . . . she
always . . . to me she seemed rather vicious, you know, she’d knee you
with her knee as she came round, you know, you were sat on the chair,
and she’d kick her knee into your back if she thought, you know.
5 Priestley was . . . he was all right but . . . I . . . I think I was scared of
him, really scared, you know, and when he came in – oh! – I couldn’t
think. ‘Oh, he’s coming in!’ And honestly, I couldn’t think when he
were in sometimes, especially if he took us in mental arithmetic. Ooh,
help. And when he took us in ear tests, that were as bad, nearly. He
10 used to . . . He’d tell you, he’d say sometimes, ‘Put two fingers in your
mouth!’ you know, and have you putting two fingers in. ‘Three!’
‘Four!’ ‘Five!’ ‘Put your foot in!’ Aye, you know, that sort of thing. He’d
make you open your mouth that way. I mean, ‘You couldn’t sing with
your teeth,’ he said, ‘like that, you know. Aye. You’ve got to open your
15 mouth to sing.’ And he used to open his, and he’d about two teeth in
the middle, sort of thing, what . . . All of us kids, you know, looked and

10 Hull

he seemed to have three or four, you know, missing or more, happen,

just two good . . . Oh aye, he were a lad, I tell you. As I say, he used to
put such a fear into me I couldn’t think. I remember that quite well.
20 Aye. Oh, wasn’t I glad when he went out.

Well, one of the funniest when I . . . was playing on a swing bridge,

you know, and, er, you were seeing how far you could swing the
bridge out, and then, er t’swing bridge at Seven Arches. Swinging it
out, you know, and you jump and see how far you can go on it. And
25 then one of them jumped into the canal, you see. He fell in. But that
didn’t finish, you see. We were . . . thought of making, er . . . dry his
clothes. So they made a fire, took his clothes off, you see. And they
couldn’t get any slow-burning stuff, it were all quick-burning stuff,
you see. And then they were all running round with bracken and
30 things like that, making a big fire, and one kid . . . holding his shirt,
you see, up to t’fire, and it caught fire. Burnt his shirt! Oh, the things
like that, you know, what you did as kids. Aye. We were caught red-
handed in this field, you know. ‘What are you doing in here?’ Well,
my brother just looked and says, ‘What’s up with you?’ he says, ‘this
35 is Farmer Budd’s field.’ We had no idea whether it were Farmer
Budd’s one or not, you know, but this chap thought . . . He were, er,
just, er, a chap that was keeping us out, you see, and . . . You know,
our Clifford had just the presence of mind to say . . . make out that he
knew the farmer, which we didn’t.

1 Past tense of be is were (l. 8) for all persons.
2 You were sat (l. 3) = You were sitting. I was sat, I was stood are widely used
in parts of the north and west of England, rather than I was sitting, I was
3 he’d about (l. 15). This is the full verb have (see pages 22–23).
4 the may be [ʔ] (e.g. to t’fire, l. 31). This phenomenon is known as definite
article reduction (DAR), and is extremely common in Yorkshire dialects,
to the point that it is a very well-known and stereotyped feature of these
varieties, although it is present in other northern English counties too. Note
that the range of phonetic forms which may exemplify DAR is quite wide; [ʔ]
is just one of several variants. See further Jones (2002), Crisma (2011).
5 always (l. 2) is /ˈɔːləz/, a form found in other accents.
6 kid for child (l. 30) is colloquial and not restricted to any particular area.
7 happen (l. 17) = perhaps.

10 Hull
10.1 Hull – or Kingston-upon-Hull, to give the city its full designation – is the
largest urban area in the Humberside dialect zone (see Map 5.9). Hull
speech differs from that of Bradford, in West Yorkshire, in several ways.

British Isles Accents and Dialects

The tenseness and closeness of the final vowel of city, seedy and so on in
Hull speech has already been noted (page 72, and Table 4.2); as well as [i]
it may often be realised as a diphthong with a fairly central onset, close
to [əi], as in the West Midlands (Section 7). An example of the latter in
the recording is happy (l. 27). Other features are listed below.
10.2 The accent is typically northern in that dance, daft, half and so on take
/a/ (WL 22, 23, 24; see pages 60–62). The speaker on the recording
exemplifies the fact noted in Section 9 above that in Yorkshire English
/a/ and /ɑː/ may be distinguished by duration alone, rather than by
vowel quality: his can’t (l. 10) is [kʰaːʔ], for example, and bard (WL 17)
is [baːd]. He misreads farther (WL 26) as further, unfortunately, so direct
comparison of the speaker’s pronunciation of father (WL 25) and farther
is not possible.
10.3 /ʌ/ is absent; put and putt (WL 4, 5) both have /ʊ/ (WL 4, 5; see pages
59–60). Note that one in one-off (l. 21) is [wɒn] rather than [wʊn] (see
pages 59–60). As in other areas of the north of England, middle-class
Hull speakers may use [ə] for /ʊ/ in cup, bus and so on, as a ‘fudged’ form
somewhat closer to the RP vowel in these words (Williams and Kerswill
10.4 /eɪ/ is typically [ɛː] (e.g. bay (WL 8)) or can be a little closer at [e̞ ː] (e.g. mate
(WL 52)), but may be [ɛɪ] in eight, eighty, weight and a handful of other
words (the speaker does not demonstrate this contrast in his wordlist
reading of plate and weight, WL 40 and 41, however. Compare Bradford
and Middlesbrough English, page 120). As in Bradford, Manchester and
Lancashire English, the vowel of make and take may be short [ɛ], as per
the speaker’s pronunciation of take (l. 23).
10.5 /əʊ/ is highly variable. It is generally around [ɔ̈ː], though the fronting
of the latter monophthong fully to [əː] is probably the most highly
stereotyped feature of Hull English, giving rise to joke spellings on
websites and newspaper columns such as ner smurkin’ (no smoking),
Kirka-Curler (Coca-Cola), Pearl Tax (poll tax) and the like. The speaker
uses a vowel quality that is appreciably fronter than the fully back
rounded monophthongs that are typical of Yorkshire English (boat, WL
12). The vowel in joke (l. 1) and no (l. 3) is [ö̝ ], while that in so (l. 7) is [ɵː].
10.6 /ɜː/ in bird, fir, fern and fur (WL 16, 34, 35, 36) is [ɛː], as in Liverpool
(Section 11). Note also that, as in Liverpool as well as in other parts
of northern England, there is often no systematic difference in
vowel quality in pairs of words like fir/fur (WL 34, 36) and fair (WL
37); compare also bear [bɛː] (WL 15) and bird [bɛːd] (WL 16). It seems
probable that the fact that /ɜː/ is realised as [ɛː] is connected to the
fronting of /əʊ/. As /əʊ/ fronted into the central area of the vowel space,
the long central vowel of words like bird or fur may have been displaced

10 Hull

forwards so as to avoid homonymic clash. This chain shift does not

appear to have progressed further, however, so that, as noted above, the
same vowel – [ɛː] – may be found in bird and bared, distinguishing these
words from bed only by virtue of vowel duration. Served (l. 5) closely
resembles the pronunciation of saved in other parts of Yorkshire.
Similarly, with /əʊ/ being potentially quite open when it is not
fronted, the risk of clash with /ɔː/ is avoided because of the openness
of the latter vowel, which is typically [ɒː] (as in pour, pore and paw; WL
43–5) or a fully unrounded [ɑː] (course, l. 26).
10.7 /aɪ/ may be produced as a monophthong [ɐː] before voiced consonants,
as in Live (l. 1), surprised (l. 39), mine’s (l. 39), time (l. 40) and so on.
Compare this pronunciation with that of /aɪ/ in licence (l. 13), which is
[ɛ̞ i]. The word highlight (l. 37) illustrates both forms side by side.
10.8 Pre-aspiration of /k/, as in for example back [baʰk], is a notable though
not unique feature of Hull English (Williams and Kerswill 1999). There
are no clear examples of this phenomenon in the recording, which is
not surprising as it is a characteristic more closely associated with the
speech of women, especially younger ones, than with that of men.
It also occurs on /p/ and /t/. Pre-aspiration of the voiceless plosives
is present in varieties in other parts of eastern England (e.g. Teesside,
Tyneside), in the Scottish Central Belt and in the Gaelic-speaking areas
of north-western Scotland.
/k/ is realised as [ʔ] in look (l. 3) and breakdown (l. 21), and as [x] in
exactly and week (both l. 37).
10.9 /t/ is otherwise highly variable. In /t/-final wordlist items (WL 1–6) it
is released with a marked degree of homorganic fricative noise ([pʰɪts],
etc.). It is very frequently glottalled (e.g. that, l. 3; highlight, l. 37) and
(t)-flapping is also common, for example put it (l. 1).
10.10 The speaker exhibits a limited amount of (th)-fronting (e.g. think, l. 6).
10.11 /h/-dropping is common (e.g. hisself, l. 28; happy, l. 34).
10.12 Hull English is non-rhotic, although pockets of rhoticity remained in
East Yorkshire until comparatively recently (Wells 1982: 368). The use
of a strongly retroflex [ɻ] in her stupid (l. 19) probably reflects a last-
second change in the speaker’s choice of words (he perhaps originally
intended ‘her NLP course’).
10.13 As elsewhere in Yorkshire, /l/ is generally quite dark in both syllable
onset and coda positions (Lambing Live, l. 1; WL 27–31).
10.14 Words ending with the contracted -n’t negator morpheme (can’t, won’t,
wouldn’t, etc.) can be further contracted in Yorkshire English through
elision of final consonants. Where a separate /n/ articulation is deleted
the nasality may be retained on the preceding vowel. Thus, isn’t, can’t

British Isles Accents and Dialects


Irish North Yorkshire

York East Riding
Lancashire of Yorkshire



Map 5.9 Hull

and don’t can be [ɪnʔ], [kʰaːʔ] and [dēːʔ], for example, while wouldn’t may
be [wʊnʔ]. This phenomenon is known as secondary contraction (Beal
2008: 384). The Hull speaker has [wö̝ ʔ] for won’t (l. 9) and [do ː̈ ̞ ʔ] for don’t
(l. 32), among other examples.

The recording
The speaker is a man in his mid-fifties who has lived in Hull all his life. He
was born in the western part of the city, but has lived in the eastern part
for around 20 years; local people say there is a linguistic difference between
the two. He talks about programmes he has recently watched on TV, and
awkward situations at his workplace.

We switched on Lambing Live and… as a joke I put it on because I

knew it wouldn’t interest Vicky at all. So I put it on and I said, ‘Oh,
look, little lambs! Lambing Live, let’s watch that.’ And she said, ‘No,
can’t watch Lambing Live, because it’s about the beauty of animals
5 being born, and being prepared for the dinner table, served up with
roast potatoes and mint sauce.’ So… and I think they actually said that
on Lambing Live at the beginning. So she couldn’t watch it because
they’ve got love…lovely little faces, and all they’re being prepared
for is us to eat. And that’s why she’s a vegetarian. She won’t eat them.
10 So we didn’t watch it, because it’s cruel and she can’t see the point.
So that’s really it as far as Lambing Live’s concerned. The Tudors.
The end of The Tudors. That was sad. Erm… but you don’t know how
much artistic licence they’re taking in that programme, because
there’s a lot of conversations that take place in there that you’ve got to
15 wonder would that have actually have happened like that in the Tudor
times? Yeah, so you don’t know.

The recording

When I got to work this morning I had my day mapped out for me by
[name deleted], and tomorrow, and Friday. But [name deleted] come
in early to… before she went on her stupid NLP course. We can’t
20 expect them to do this on a regular basis. They must… it must be just
a one-off, a breakdown somewhere in the system. So she wanted me
to go and talk to them, take photos, go through the usual procedure,
what you would you do if you was a proper enforcement officer, and
be very strict with them, but obviously not telling them that I can’t
25 actually do anything. So it’s a game of bluff. So then she cleared off
to go on her course, after leaving me with all that to deal with, [name
deleted] come in. I told him I couldn’t go. So he wasn’t very happy,
and he said he’d go hisself. But then he said, ‘We’ve had this before.
When it’s somebody in Hull, based in Hull, we haven’t got any
30 jurisdiction. It should be left to the Hull people.’ ‘So that’s why I’m
going.’ He says, ‘Yeah, but I think it’s come up before, and we don’t
have any jurisdiction.’ So I reminded him that I didn’t actually have
any jurisdiction anyway. It was just a formality. And he sort of give
in, because he obviously wasn’t very happy that I wasn’t going to go to
35 [name deleted]. So we’re saving that one till Friday afternoon. Then
I can go get some fish and chips. Erm…

[interviewer: From the best fish and chip shop]

Exactly. Best one in the UK. So that’s the highlight of my week,

really. Oh yeah, and somebody’s changed the name plates on the
board downstairs. That surprised me, because mine’s on the bottom,
40 middle one, and when I came down the stairs at dinner time it’d been
moved to the bottom first one, and [name deleted]’s place had been
put in where mine used to be. She’s obviously anticipating a future
move. And I went down and had a look, and it was all nice and clean,
and lovely little corner, and I thought, ‘Ee, I could just come back and
45 sit in my corner. It’s great.’ But no, I’m right in the middle of the
office now.

1 NLP (l. 19) = Neuro-Linguistic Programming, ‘a model of interpersonal
communication chiefly concerned with the relationship between successful
patterns of behaviour and the subjective experiences (esp. patterns of thought)
underlying them’ (Oxford English Dictionary online). The field has rather little to
do with neurolinguistics in the technical sense of the term.
2 you was (l. 23) – see page 36.
cleared off (l. 25) = left.
come in (l. 27) = came in (page 28).
hisself (l. 28) = himself (page 32).
give in (lines 33–34) = gave in (page 28).
3 Ee (l. 44) = an exclamation of surprise, or which otherwise draws the listener’s
attention to something the speaker is about to say. Common throughout

British Isles Accents and Dialects

Yorkshire (in which it is stereotyped in the phrase ‘Ee by gum’, a mild oath), and
in north-east England.

11 Liverpool
The accent of Liverpool is limited to the city itself, to urban areas adjoining
it, and to towns facing it across the River Mersey (although its influence may
be detected in other neighbouring accents, including those spoken for a
considerable distance along the coast of north Wales; Cremer 2007). While
the accent is northern rather than southern in character, it differs in a number
of ways from other northern urban varieties, including those of Lancashire,
the county in which Liverpool formerly stood. Some of the differences show
the influence of the large numbers of Irish people, especially from southern
Ireland, who in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries settled in Liverpool
in very large numbers.
11.1 The Liverpool accent is northern in that:
(a) There is no contrast between pairs of words like put and putt, both
being /pʊt/ (WL 4, 5). There is no /ʌ/ vowel.
(b) /a/ occurs in words like dance, daft and so on, which in RP have /ɑː/
(see pages 60–62; WL 21–6).



Liverpool Manchester




Map 5.10 Liverpool

(c) Words like book and cook have the vowel /uː/ (see page 60; there are
no examples on the website). The vowel quality is generally quite
fronted and diphthongal; [ɨʉ] is a pronunciation that can commonly
be heard.
11.2 Unlike in other northern urban accents, but in common with Newcastle,
the final vowel of words like city and seedy is /i/ (see page 62).

11 Liverpool

11.3 There is no contrast in Liverpool speech between pairs of words like

fair (RP /fɛə/ ~ /fɛː/) and fir (RP /fɜː/) (WL 34–37). The most typical
realisation of the vowel is [ɛː], but other forms, including [ɜː], are also
11.4 (a) /p t k/ are heavily aspirated or affricated (cf. London, page 77). Thus:
can’t (l. 5) [kxɑːnt]
straight (l. 11) [stɾeɪts]
back (l. 17) [bakx]
In final position, /p t k/ may be fully spirantised, that is realised as
the homorganic fricatives [ɸ s x].
(b) Related to this phenomenon is the relative infrequency of glottal
stops in Liverpool speech.
(c) Between vowels, the first of which is short, /t/ may be realised as
[ɾ] through /t/-flapping (see page 102), e.g. l. 21, [ɡɒɾəˈdʒɒb] got a
job. Alternatively, this alternation can be argued to arise from the
application of the so-called T-to-R rule, whereby intervocalic /t/ is
realised as a rhotic segment, which may be [ɾ] or [ɹ]. T-to-R cases in
which /t/ is realised as [ɹ] are limited to certain lexical items such
as matter, what, but and get, but [ɾ] has much more relaxed lexical
constraints on its distribution (Clark and Watson 2011).
11.5 /ɹ/ is usually a tap, [ɾ] (see page 66) (e.g. three, l. 61; real, l. 4; cigarettes,
l. 6).
11.6 /h/ is usually absent, but is sometimes present (e.g. l. 40, him and her).
11.7 /eɪ/ and /əʊ/ are narrow diphthongs (WL 8, 40, 41 and WL 12, 38, 39)
(Figure 5.7).
11.8 Initially, /ð/ may be [d] (e.g. l. 10, [dɛː] there).

Figure 5.7 Phonetic qualities of certain Liverpool vowels

British Isles Accents and Dialects

11.9 (a) The suffix -ing is /ɪn/.

(b) Words like singer and thing (see page 68) have [ŋɡ]. A clear example,
because it precedes a vowel, is thing, l. 18.

11.10 All the features mentioned so far have covered particular segments
of speech. But there is another feature, velarisation, which is present
throughout Liverpool speech and which gives it a distinctive quality.
Velarisation is the accompaniment of other articulations by the raising
of the back of the tongue towards the soft palate, as in the production
of dark /l/.

The recording
The speaker is a middle-aged barmaid who has lived all her life in Liverpool.
She talks about pubs she knows, and people who work in them. The wordlist
reader is younger and has a less pronounced accent.

Yeah, she’s gone to America for three weeks, so we all go sad . . . dead
sad again next week. She comes over . . . I’ll go polishing everything
next week. She’s a good manager, like, isn’t she? But, er . . . she’s a
real Annie Walker, you know. Everything’s got to be so. She’s . . . once
5 you get to know her, she’s great. But you can’t drink, and you can’t
have a smoke. We’re all walking round with four lighted cigarettes in
our hand and having a drink off everyone that gives us one. Yeah,
we’re in charge, yeah. At least, he’s, er, in charge of them all, and I’m
the monitor. I’m, er . . . when he’s not there, I’m in charge. But, er, it’s
10 . . . I tell you what, if she left I wouldn’t go out there. Cos, you know,
I do really like working for her. She’s straight, and she trusts you, and
that’s imp . . . that’s the main thing, like, isn’t it, you know? She is . . .
she’s great. I don’t think she’s ever laughed till I went there . . .

Cos as I say, when you do your work you don’t need, erm, a boss, do
15 you? That’s what I say. You know, this . . . this manager’s made up.
He said, erm . . . he’s never co . . . he’ll give us the tills, then he comes
back about four o’clock, and we’ve all locked up and gone, everything
for him. He says, one thing about it, he says, ‘I haven’t got to stand
over youse.’ Only the night time, you know. Course, where it is, on a
20 night they have a lot of, er, you know, some that’ll come a couple of
nights, all these part-time students, and some of them, er . . . got a job,
and going to Spain, and . . . they’ll want a few bob extra and then they
just leave it. I don’t know whether they tap her till or what they do,
but . . . he . . . he has to be there for them of a night time. Yeah, but
25 it is, it’s, er . . . and it’s a pub that you wouldn’t be frightened to
bring anybody into, isn’t it? Oh no, it’s beautiful . . . er, yeah. True,
yeah. Oh, well, you . . . you say . . . I say bye-bye in there, say ta-ra up

The recording

Mind, she’ll be round there drunk now if you went into the Winifred
30 for a drink. Th . . . I’ve never seen barmaids like them. They go round
well away, shouting and everything, and . . . and the boss and the
manageress are standing watching them. But they must be all right,
kind of thing, or otherwise they wouldn’t put up with it, would they,
like? True, yeah. Yeah. Well, this is it. Mind you, there’s been three
35 man . . . three managers, er, sacked from there for bad takings. So they
can’t be, er, all that good. And two of them is . . . two that’s been
through each . . . one that’s, you know, er, been sacked. But then, after
that there was, erm, a stout one named Jean. And John. She was, er,
an Australian, I think. Yeah, and . . . She was here that long waiting for
40 a place that I took her in for three weeks. Him and her. And they were
. . . she was a great person. I was made up because I didn’t take no
rent off her, Stan, cos I was . . . every halfpenny she had had gone
paying for storage of furniture, and she had dogs, and . . . all that, so I
just let her live here, like. But she used to have a caterer in there as
45 well, like Mrs. Crighton. When I come home I’d have a three-course
dinner, and I couldn’t leave a handkerchief down it was washed and
ironed. I was made up because I didn’t have to do nowt to help her.
But, anyhow, he . . . he finished up, erm . . . er, a night watchman on
Runcorn Bridge. That’s the only place she could get a house, was
50 Runcorn. It was a shame, like, with the money she had, and she was
in . . . born in New Zealand, and everything, and, er, staff pulled her
right down. It is. She said to me, she said, ‘Bridie,’ she said, ‘they
didn’t take it in handfuls, they took it in fistfuls.’ And she was a really
good manager t . . . to them, you know. You know, especially
55 Christmas, she wouldn’t buy them a box of handkerchiefs, or
something like that, be a suit. Or a dress. And buy all their children.

But yet they done all that on her like, you know. Yeah. Wouldn’t be
Mrs. Crighton. She’d only l . . . find her once and that would be your
lot, you’re through the door.

1 There is multiple negation (see pages 25–26):
I didn’t take no rent off her (l. 41–42)
I didn’t have to do nowt to help her (l. 47)
2 Past tense of come = come (l. 45); past tense of do = done (l. 57; see page 29).
3 youse (/juːz/ when stressed, and /jəz/ when not stressed) is the plural form of
you. It is fairly common throughout non-standard varieties of British and Irish
4 The speaker makes a distinction between bye-bye and ta-ra, both meaning goodbye
(l. 27). She uses the former in settings she regards as socially superior.
5 Annie Walker (l. 4) was a well-known character in the ITV soap Coronation Street.
She was a pub landlady who was strict with her staff.

British Isles Accents and Dialects

6 There are some perhaps unfamiliar lexical items:

bob (l. 22) = a shilling (12 pence) in pre-decimal currency. The term continued to
be used after decimalisation in 1971, and in fact the shilling piece was used for
some years after this as the equivalent of five new pence.
made up (l. 41) = very pleased.
tap (l. 23) = take money from.
well away (l. 31) = drunk.
where it is (l. 19) = the thing is.
7 like (l. 3), you know (l. 4), kind of thing (l. 33) are common colloquialisms in all
varieties of British and Irish English.

12 Manchester
Manchester is geographically close to Liverpool – the two cities are separated
by only about 30 miles (48 km) – but the accents are nonetheless markedly
different from each other. Manchester English has been much less heavily
influenced by Irish English than has Liverpool English, and the accent of
Manchester bears much more similarity to those spoken in Lancashire and in
southern Yorkshire than does Liverpool speech.

12.1 Manchester English is northern in that it lacks /ʌ/ (put and putt are
homophones, both containing /ʊ/), and /a/ is found in words like dance
and daft, rather than /ɑː/ as in RP and southern varieties.
12.2 As in Liverpool and elsewhere in northern England, the vowel in
cook, look and so on may be /uː/ rather than /ʊ/. The speaker has /ʊ/ in
cookbook (l. 2) and look (l. 32), however.
12.3 Unlike Liverpool, but in common with other parts of northern England
(Lancashire, Yorkshire, Derbyshire, etc.), the final vowel of words like
city, seedy or hazy is lax, and may be markedly more open than [ɪ]; [ɛ] is
a frequent pronunciation (WL 19, 20).
12.4 /h/-dropping is frequent in spontaneous speech, for example horrible
(l. 3), house (l. 15), hanging (l. 24).
12.5 Like Liverpool, Lancashire and West Midlands varieties, /ŋ/ is usually
[ŋɡ] (e.g. thing, l. 21; along, l. 21), but may also be [n] (e.g. thinking, l. 30).
12.6 /l/ is dark [ɫ] in both onset and coda positions, and in the latter context
may be vocalised (e.g. meal, l. 2). In some cases the /l/ is extremely dark
in initial position, and may be practically vocalised, e.g. Lake (l. 19), in
which /l/ resembles [w].
12.7 /t/-glottalling in pre-consonantal and intervocalic positions is very
common (got out of, l. 2; butties, l. 14; naughty, l. 17). There is an example
in the recording of ‘Yorkshire devoicing’ in told me (l. 7), where /d/
is realised as [ʔ]. Note that secondary contraction of -n’t forms is also
apparent in the talker’s speech, for example can’t (l. 27) is [kʰaːʔ] and

12 Manchester

couldn’t (l. 36) is [kʰʊnʔ]. Something similar can be heard in wanted

[ˈwɒʔɪd] (l. 37).
12.8 Definite Article Reduction is attested for Manchester but is not present
in the recording, with the possible exception of at the bottom all of the
(l. 38).
12.9 The speaker exhibits a high degree of (th)-fronting (Smith, l. 2; thing,
l. 19; another, l. 25).
12.10 Manchester English is fully de-rhotacised, and in this respect contrasts
with rhotic varieties spoken in nearby parts of central Lancashire
(cf. Section 21, pages 149–153). /ɹ/ may be tapped, particularly
intervocalically but also in word-initial consonant clusters. Examples
of [ɾ] as a realisation of /ɹ/ in the recording are story, (l. 7); encourage
(l. 17); outdoor (l. 20); throw (l. 34); and scariest (l. 39).
12.11 /eɪ/ (WL 8, 40, 41, 52) is a narrow diphthong [ei]. In take (l. 18) the vowel
is short [ɛ].
12.12 In /ɔː/ items lacking a historical /ɹ/ the vowel may be as open and
unrounded as [ɑː] (e.g. Paul, caught; WL 30, 33). Paw (WL 45) is thus
not homophonous with any of poor, pour, pore (WL 42–44), which are
homophonous with each other. Similarly, pause and paws (WL 48, 49)
are homophones at [pʰɑːz].

12.13 The /ɪə/ and /ɛə/ vowels of beer (WL 14) and bear/fair (WL 15, 37) are
smoothed to [ɪː] and [ɛː], respectively.

12.14 /uː/ is fronted and often markedly diphthongal, for example pool (WL
28), shoes (l. 14–15).

12.15 /ɑː/ is fronted to [aː] (half, WL 24; father, WL 25; starts, l. 26).

12.16 /ɜː/ is also fronted (WL 16, 34–36), but not to the extent found in
Liverpool or Hull (see Sections 11 and 10).

12.17 The unstressed final vowel of words such as better or pasta (and
analogous constructions like passed her), and so on, often has a more
retracted and lowered quality than that of the equivalent vowel in RP.
It may reach [ɒ]. This pronunciation is one of the principal stereotypes
of Mancunian speech. Summer (l. 18) is thus [ˈsʌmʌ]. The final vowel of
father, farther (WL 25, 26) is [ʌ] rather than [ɒ].

12.18 The intonation pattern of Manchester English is not characterised

by the high-rising terminal pattern frequently observed in Liverpool
speech, but a commonly observed property of the accents of both cities
is a conspicuously nasalised voice quality. The speaker in the recording
exhibits this nasalised articulatory setting.

British Isles Accents and Dialects

The recording
The speaker is a woman in her twenties from a working-class housing estate
in Manchester.

I was at my friend’s last night, and, erm, her boyfriend was saying how
she’d made this meal that she’d got out of a Delia Smith cookbook or
something, and it was horrible, like. He said it was disgusting and he
was trying to figure out whether he could sneak it into the bin without
5 her seeing, or, erm, just be honest. But in the end she said, ‘This is
disgusting, innit?’ And he said, ‘Yeah, yeah, shall we throw it away?’
But it reminds me of a story my dad told me that when he first started
going out with my mum, erm, my m… great-gran, so my mum’s
grandma, erm, made him some salmon sandwiches, and, er, he said they
10 just looked disgusting, like, he saw the salmon and it looked really old.
And, erm, he just really didn’t want to eat it. It knocked him sick. So
great-gran brought over these salmon sandwiches, and like, instead of
just trying to sneak them in the bin, or… or just eat them, or anything,
he hid them in his shoes. So he took off his shoes and put these butties
15 in his shoes, and then when he was leaving the house just had to sort of
like stand on them. I just find the whole idea of it completely ridiculous.
One thing we do with the naughty kids, erm, to encourage team building
and stuff, every summer we take, say, ten, the ten best kids from the
project, to this thing in the Lake District where they do, er… it’s called
20 Outward Bound, and they do like all outdoor activities with them.
And I went along last year with them. And we did this thing where you
had to go up this pole, it was like twenty-foot pole, like a telephone pole
sort of thing, climb to the top, er, and then jump through this trapeze
which is just hanging in the air, you’d… you’re all, you know, you’re
25 tied up so you’re not going to fall, but… And then another kid goes up,
and she starts crying as soon as she gets to the top, she starts crying,
going, ‘I can’t do it! I can’t… I can’t do it!’ Erm, and I were… I was
thinking, you know, ‘What’s… what are you worried about? You’re
harnessed up, if you fall you’re going to be caught. It’s irrational.’
30 Anyway, then I go up, and I’m thinking, ‘Right, what I’m… what I’m
going to do, I’m going to just race right up to the top, and not… not
look down at all, and then before I know it I’ll be up at the top, and I
won’t be worried about it.’ So I do that, go straight up, get to the top of
the pole, look down and nearly throw up all over the place, because it
35 was just so scary just being up there, and being, like, ‘Jesus! This is…
I, erm, underestimated this!’ Anyway, I couldn’t stand up on top of it,
I couldn’t stand up, and I just wanted to get down, so I just sort of dived
down. So at the bottom all of the… all the kids were laughing and
applauding and that. But that’s probably the scariest thing we done…
40 we did there.

13 Middlesbrough

1 Innit (l. 6) = isn’t it. For many young British speakers innit is an invariant tag,
which means that it is used in any context, including contexts where Standard
English would demand agreement between the main verb and that used in the
corresponding tag. For example, in Standard English the tag used with main verb
have or have got (e.g. You have a new phone) would be have in its negated form (i.e.
haven’t you?), or do (i.e. don’t you?). However, invariant innit could be used not just
in these contexts – e.g. You’ve got a new phone, innit? – but in fact with any main
verb (They’re going to the cinema tonight, innit? or You ate all the pizza, innit?). It
has been suggested that the form has its origins in the British Asian community,
among whose speakers the form is very common, but it has spread much more
widely than this. Although invariant innit is directly analogous to the invariant
French n’est-ce pas? and German nicht wahr?, it has drawn fire from conservative
‘language mavens’ as indicative of grammatical or even mental deficiency on the
part of the speaker. See further Columbus (2010).
2 knocked him sick (l. 11) = made him feel sick.
butties (l. 14) = sandwiches.
throw up (l. 34) = vomited.
3 Note that the speaker amends her use of non-standard done to standard did in
l. 39–40 (see page 29).

13 Middlesbrough
Middlesbrough is a nineteenth-century new town that grew very quickly
from a rural hamlet to a large industrial town as a consequence of the
establishment of various heavy industries (in particular, steel-making and
chemicals). The demand for labour created by these industries was met by the
influx of workers from all over northern England, from Wales, and notably
from Ireland. At one time during the Victorian period, Middlesbrough was
second only to Liverpool among English cities in terms of the proportion of
the population that was Irish-born. For much of its history Middlesbrough fell
within the North Riding of Yorkshire but more recent boundary changes have
meant that the town was located at the southern boundary of the North-East
region. Although Middlesbrough English is grouped with Newcastle-upon-
Tyne, Sunderland and Durham as a north-eastern variety, it has linguistic
features that reflect the town’s history and, as such, it is understandable that it
is often confused with Liverpool English and with Welsh English by listeners
who are not familiar with it. See further Kerswill and Williams (2002); Beal
et al. (2012).

13.1 Middlesbrough English is northern in that it lacks a separate /ʌ/ phoneme

– put (WL 4) and putt (WL 5) are homophones – and because dance (WL 22)
and daft (WL 23) have /a/ rather than /ɑː/. Note, however, that half (WL
24) has /ɑː/, as does a very limited set of words that includes master and
its derived forms (mastered, mastery, etc.) and plaster and its derived forms
(plasterer, plastering, etc.). This is a feature Middlesbrough English shares

British Isles Accents and Dialects

with other north-eastern varieties, but not with Yorkshire English. The
occurrence of /ɑː/ in the master set is lexically idiosyncratic, rather than
being determined by phonological context; faster, caster, blaster, disaster and
phonologically analogous forms such as castor, pastor, pasta, and so on, take
/a/, as they would in Yorkshire. The use in Middlesbrough of the ‘southern’
vowel in master and plaster is sometimes misinterpreted by outsiders as an
attempt to sound ‘posh’. /ɑː/ words such as started (l. 3) have [aː], as in Hull
and Bradford, rather than the [ɑː] or [ɒː] qualities heard in Newcastle.
13.2 /h/ is regularly dropped in spontaneous speech, though the speaker in
the recording does not do so very much (e.g. hadn’t, l. 32; had, l. 41).
13.3 Although Middlesbrough English is categorically non-rhotic, intrusive
/ɹ/ tends to be avoided, as in Newcastle English (e.g. drawing is [ˈdrɔɪŋ],
l. 11); see page 47). Linking /ɹ/ is common, however (e.g. particular area,
l. 14; year ago, l. 55). The alveolar tap [ɾ] is used in onset clusters (e.g. brown)
and intervocalically (e.g. very) by some older speakers. It can be heard in
threads (l. 17). T-to-R is common, but is not present in the sample.
13.4 There is a slight distinction between clear and dark /l/ but both variants
are towards the darker end of the spectrum (e.g. WL 30, 31; left school,
l. 1; samples, l. 50). This contrasts with Newcastle English, in which /l/
tends to be clear in both onset and coda positions. /l/ is very rarely
vocalised in Middlesbrough English.

13.5 The final vowel of city (WL 19) and seedy (WL 20) is /i/.

13.6 The voiceless plosives /p t k/ are highly variable. In intervocalic position,

all three plosives are frequently realised with glottal reinforcement, as
in Tyneside English, such that paper, later and baker are [ˈpʰɛ̝ːʔ͡ pə̟ ˈlɛ̝ːʔ͡ tə̟
ˈbɛ̝ːʔ͡ kə̟ ] respectively (e.g. happy, l. 48; putting, l. 15; work as, l. 57). All
three plosives may alternatively be produced as glottal [ʔ] ([ˈpʰɛ̝ːʔə̟ ], etc.;
e.g. British, l. 39). /t/ is regularly affricated to [ts] (fitter, l. 4; WL 3, 4, etc.)
and may be fully spirantised to an [s]-like quality, as in Liverpool and
Irish English (Jones and Llamas 2008). It may also be pre-aspirated, as
in Hull and Tyneside. In meat (WL 51) it is an affricated ejective [tʼsʼ].
Likewise, /k/ may be pre-aspirated, affricated or spirantised to [x]. The
last of these variants is common in the sample (actually, l. 2; expecting, l.
47; looking, l. 66; working, l. 67).

13.7 /eɪ/ and /əʊ/ tend to be realised as the open-mid monophthongs [ɛː] and
[ɔː], respectively (bay, WL 8; plate, WL 40; boat, WL 12; nose, WL 38). Both
may be somewhat centralised towards schwa (lathes, l. 5; although, l. 60;
knows, WL 39). The vowel of eight (and eighty and eighteen) is different
from that typically found in ate, creating a minimal pair (1988, l. 49;
eighteen, l. 53). It is therefore true to say that Middlesbrough English’s
vowel system features an extra phoneme found only in this extremely

13 Middlesbrough

small set of words. Note that weight (WL 41) is homophonous with wait;
the distribution of the phoneme is lexically rather than contextually

13.8 /ɜː/ may be as front as [ɛː], as in Liverpool and Hull (compare the vowels
of bear and bird, WL 15, 16; learn, l. 9). Similarly, /ə/ in letter, etc. may
be close to [ɛ] in quality. The vowel of year may be realised as anything
from [ɜː] to [ɛː] (e.g. l. 7), but this is not true of other words in the /ɪə/ set,
the vowel of which varies between [iə] and [iɛ] (beer, WL 14). See Beal et
al. (2012). Although /ɛə/ is smoothed to [ɛː], as in bear and fair (WL 15,
37), smoothing of /ɪə/ and /ʊə/ (and triphthongs such as that in fire) is
not common; poor (WL 42) is [pʰʉʌ], for example.

13.9 /iː/ is a closing diphthong [e̝i] in machines (l. 5), steel (l. 6) and so on.

13.10 /aɪ/ is a wide diphthong [aɪ], the first element of which does not vary in
height and fronting according to the following consonantal context, as
in Tyneside English. It is markedly more monophthongal before nasals
than in other contexts (e.g. time, l. 54). The vowel of the possessive
pronoun mine (as in It’s mine) is frequently monophthongal, while that
in mine (as in a coal mine) would only be produced with a diphthong.

13.11 Prosodic factors (rhythm and intonation) may contribute to the

perceived similarity of Middlesbrough and Liverpool English. As
suggested by Kerswill and Williams (2002), differences between Teesside
and Tyneside English with respect to typical intonation patterns may
for some listeners be sufficient to override the similarity resulting from
the segmental properties that Middlesbrough English and Tyneside
English share. This issue awaits further research.

Borders North
Dumfries & Northumberland
Galloway Newcastle
Gretna upon Tyne

Carlisle Sunderland



Sea North Yorkshire


Map 5.11 Middlesbrough

British Isles Accents and Dialects

The recording
The speaker is a man in his mid-forties. He talks about his career in steel-

Er, when I left school I got an apprenticeship with Redpath Dorman Long,
who were a big engineering company, er, actually built Transporter Bridge
and, er, lots of other famous bridges and structures. Er, I started as an
apprentice fitter and turner, er, doing basic metalwork and learning the
5 machinery of lathes, milling machines, and different other machines that
all, erm, helped gauge and bend different types and gauges of steel. The
first year was at a training centre, the TTE, in Billingham, er, where we did
broad-based training. I learnt a host of different skills, er, basic fitting,
basic electrics, the lathe work which I was later to go on and, er, learn in
10 more detail, and, er, a few other different things. Electronics, and a bit of
technical drawing. Er, what we used to do was, er, have a few weeks at
different things, and find out where your skills were, and, er, whichever you
were the strongest at, you went on to continue your… the rest of your three
or four years’ apprenticeship in that particular area. Mine was, er, on a lathe,
15 which is, er, putting round bar into a machine that spins round at… at fast
speeds, and, er, putting a cutting tool to it, and, er, making different shaped
threads, and different shaped mechanical objects all to be, er, mainly related
to bridge building and engineering. And I learnt the basics of that for the
first year, like I say, at the en… at the engineering, er, place in Billingham,
20 at the training centre. Er, after that first year was up, er, I actually went in to
work at Redpath Dorman Long, which is, er… which was situated where
Middlesbrough Football Ground is now. Unfortunately it’s been, er, knocked
down, quite a few years ago. But, er, that was where I was to spend the next
two years of my working career, er, learning the proper job on the full-size
25 machines, and learning the sort of work I would be doing when I eventually
came out of my time, gathering different skills, mainly, erm, cutting large
threads on large machines, that was the basic, er, thing I used to do. Anyway,
it was then my third year, and, erm, Redpath Dorman Long started getting
trouble with orders, and, er, we’d… we realised that there was less and less
30 work on the shop floor, and eventually we were given, er, the sad notice that,
er, the place was to close. Er, unfortunately for me I couldn’t finish my
apprenticeship because I hadn’t gained all the necessary skills, so I’d only
done three years out of the four years necessary. Erm, I couldn’t really get
another placement because it was sort of a dying trade, so just had to cut my
35 losses and, erm, start looking for other work. So that was basically three
years wasted, I felt. Anyway, I decided to go back to college, where I tried
to get some better O-Level qualifications in maths and computers, because
I thought that might be a good way to go. I was halfway through that course
when a friend told me there was going to be some jobs at British Steel. And
40 he told me to apply, which I did. Erm, did a bit of homework on the actual

14 Carlisle

plant where the job was for. Fortunately, I had a friend who worked at that
particular plant, and, er, he give me some general knowledge on the sort of
work that they did, and what might be expected of me, and I believe that
helped me when I, er, came to the interview situation to, er, to get my job.
45 Erm, there was quite a few applicants for the job, and there was only a few
places. I did get told there were seventeen hundred for two jobs, so I wasn’t
expecting anything, really, but, er, I was fortunate enough to, erm, to get one
of the places, which I was quite happy about. So I started British Steel in
1988 as a casting operator, basically controlling the flow of liquid steel,
50 monitoring the temperature, taking liquid samples, sending them off to, er,
to be analysed, to make sure, erm, all the quality of the steel was right for
whichever particular grade we were making. And I spent a good seventeen,
eighteen years doing that job, which I really enjoyed, doing shift work, er,
twelve hour shifts. Quite strenuous at times, but, er, quite a lot of time off,
55 and I really enjoyed it. Unfortunately, about a year ago, again got some sad
news that, erm, British Steel was going to be closed down. Er, so again I
found myself in a position where I was not going to be out of work as such,
but going to be losing the job that I liked. Er, fortunately for me, I managed
to, erm, get another job within, er, within British Steel. It was actually on the
60 coke-making side. So although steel-making had stopped at, erm, Teesside,
we were still making coke to supply other furnaces around the world. Erm,
so basically I’m just involved in working round the coke ovens now, and
doing the basic operations around there. I’ve been doing that job for a year.
And we’ve just been told recently that steel-making is to re-open on Teesside,
65 and, er, I’ve been approached to go back into my old position, a position that
I… I know well, and that I’ll… I know I’ll relish going back to. So I’m looking
forward to stopping working at the coke ovens and… and to start doing my
old job again, hopefully in the very near future.

1 Give (l. 42) = gave. See page 28.
2 Round bar (l. 15) is a mass noun (cf. e.g. dowelling), so it is not the case that an
indefinite article could occur here. Definite Article Reduction is not attested in
Middlesbrough English either.

14 Carlisle
Carlisle, in the far north-west of England close to the Scottish border, is
comparatively isolated from other urban centres on the west side of Britain
such as Glasgow, Manchester and Liverpool, each of which is approximately
100 miles (160 km) away. Newcastle-upon-Tyne is much closer (60 miles/100
km), however, and it is therefore not surprising that people in Carlisle report
feeling more affinity with Newcastle than they do with other cities of the
‘north-west’, in spite of Newcastle being on the far side of the Pennine Hills.
The Pennines are modest in terms of height but until the coming of the

British Isles Accents and Dialects

railways they presented a genuine obstacle to movement across this part

of northern England. The similarities between the accents of Carlisle and
Newcastle are frequently remarked upon, although the boundary between
the traditional Cumbrian and Northumbrian dialects follows the Pennine
watershed quite closely. It is therefore possible that east–west contact over
recent generations has resulted in a reduction in the phonological differences
between Carlisle and Newcastle English, more likely through convergence of
Carlisle speech on that of Newcastle than via a two-way process. The influence
of Scottish English must also be taken into consideration, especially because
Carlisle changed hands between Scotland and England several times during
the mediaeval period. See further Trudgill (1999); Montgomery (2007); Watt
et al. (2010); Jansen (2011).

14.1 Carlisle is a northern English variety in that the vowel of dance and
daft (WL 22, 23) and words such as after (l. 12), past (l. 20) and last
[l. 32] is /a/ rather than /ɑː/. The latter vowel occurs in half (WL 24),
however, as per Newcastle and Middlesbrough English. It is safe to say
that for the speaker in the recording /ʌ/ is not consistently present
– she uses [ʊ], or a value between [ʊ] and [ə], in brother (l. 11), Mum
(l. 12), buzzer (l. 23) and busloads (l. 39) in her spontaneous speech
– but [ə] in putt (WL 5). This is probably to do with the rather self-
conscious and careful style in which she produces the wordlist (see
Wells 1982: 356–357); note, for example, the high frequency of post-
vocalic /ɹ/ in the wordlist reading as compared with her spontaneous

14.2 Rhoticity in Carlisle English is a relic feature which has all but
disappeared from the speech of people younger than the elderly
woman in the recording (Llamas 2010). It is only occasionally to be
heard in the spontaneous speech sample (e.g. were quite, l. 21), in which
the speaker produces the same devoiced and spirantised variant [ɹ̝̥] that
can be heard with some frequency in the wordlist reading (WL 34, 36,
37, 43, 44). Elsewhere she uses a fully voiced approximant [ɹ] (WL 16,
17, 26), a weakened version of this (WL 18), or a completely /ɹ/-less
pronunciation (WL 14, 15, 35, 42; starter, l. 2; Walter, l. 5, etc.). Compare
father (WL 25) with farther (WL 26), and note that in the latter word
the speaker produces the first but not the second syllable with a post-
vocalic /ɹ/. It is possible that this is a disambiguation strategy, given
that two near-homophones are presented in sequence; this may also be
true of pour and pore (WL 43, 44), as a means of distinguishing them
from paw (WL 45).
The alveolar tap can be heard in intervocalic positions in Maryanna
and our Alice (both l. 5) and Victoria (l. 35). Intrusive /ɹ/ is generally
avoided. Linking /ɹ/ is normally used (as in our Alice, l. 5) but is absent
in buzzer and (l. 24–25).

14 Carlisle

14.3 /h/ is generally present, as in Tyneside and elsewhere in the far north of

14.4 /l/ is moderately clear in both onset and coda positions. In the latter
contexts it is conspicuously clear in the speaker’s wordlist reading (WL
27–31) and in felt, guilty (both l. 19), until (l. 20) and people (l. 25).

14.5 /t/ is frequently affricated to [ts] by the speaker in the recording (WL
2–4, etc.; two-up, l. 6; street, l. 15). There is sporadic use of the glottal
stop [ʔ] pre-consonantally (street, ll. 14, 30; Denton, l. 27; absolutely,
l. 30).

14.6 The speaker also occasionally produces /k/ as an affricate, [k x], e.g.
coming (l. 16), factory (l. 23).

14.7 The vowel of city and seedy is /i/. It may be short and [ɪ]-like (seedy,
WL 20) but is generally longer and tenser (city, WL 19), and may be
diphthongal [e̝i] (e.g. Willie, l. 4).

14.8 /uː/ is fronted to a close central position, and tends to be somewhat

diphthongal (pool, WL 28; boost, l. 34; see Jansen, 2012). It is lowered
somewhat before /m/ in room (l. 11–13). /iː/ is similarly diphthongal; the
vowel in meet and meat (WL 50, 51) is [ɪi].

14.9 /ʊə/ is [uə] (WL 42). Note the use of this vowel in our (l. 4), as is traditional
in Cumbrian speech (and that of other parts of northern England).
The speaker then changes her pronunciation to a more standard-like
triphthong [ɐʊə] for the names listed in l. 5 (see note 2, below).

14.10 Some fronting is possible for /ɜː/ (e.g. early, l. 8).

Borders North
Dumfries & Northumberland
Galloway Newcastle
Gretna upon Tyne

Carlisle Sunderland

Cumbria Middlesbrough


Sea North Yorkshire


Map 5.12 Carlisle

British Isles Accents and Dialects

14.11 /əʊ/ is a closing diphthong, the first element of which varies between
[ə] (pole, WL 29) and [o̟ ] (boat, WL 12; rope, l. 14; hope, l. 37), or a close-
mid back monophthong [oː] (hoping, l. 34).

14.12 /aɪ/ is also typically a closing diphthong [aɛ] or [æe] (kind, l. 18; time,
l. 22), but may be more monophthongal in, for example, while (ll. 8, 11).
My may be reduced to [mə] (ll. 7, 8).

The recording
The speaker is a local woman in her eighties.

They’d lived there for a long time. Nowadays it’s people come in as
starter houses and move out. But there were families that lived here,
you know, for quite a lot of years. I don’t know whether you’d believe but
next door to us there was our John Willie, there was our Theo, our
5 Laurie, our Walter, our Ada, our Maryanna, and our Alice. And they
all lived in the, you know, two-up… [Interviewer: Two-up two-
down]. Two-down, yes. There were my mum and dad, and then for a
while my… my brother was here, but, erm, he left fairly early to go
into the Fire Service and he had… er, had to live sort of in Fire
10 Service lodgings in those days before they did the Fire Service houses
for them. For quite a while, Dad and my brother shared a room, and
Mum and I shared a room. And then after Sid left, well, you know,
they had their own room together. The… the children from around, we
all played together in the street. We could have a skipping rope across
15 the street, you know, there was so little traffic. And, er, I can remember
the policeman coming round on the beat. They always seemed to be
such big men then, you know, huge men with big moustaches, and, er…
Old Arthur was quite kind to us but we… whatever we were doing we
sort of felt slightly guilty. ‘Oh, here’s the bobby,’ you know, ‘here’s
20 the bobby.’ We sort of stood to attention till… until the bobby went past.
Yeah, they were quite… we seemed to think of them as quite kindly men,
but behave yourself at the same time, you know.

Well, the buzzer used to go for the factory. We used to hear the buzzer
and then the feet would go pattering past. And at lunchtimes, because
25 there were people coming from Carr’s over there, and there were people
coming from the other factory down there – you know, it’s now Linton’s
Tweeds and Dixons Chimney – the factory there, the factory in Denton
Holme, and they were all sort of because th… there weren’t the canteens
then, you know, people still came home, dashed home. How they did it…
30 This street used to be absolutely crowded, you know, go… and of course
Linton’s, who are there, still do very good tweeds. They supply Chanel,
and Jean Muir, and, you know. I think that the last big thing was when,

15 Edinburgh

er, Mr. Obama’s wife had a… a coat made of Linton tweed. They were
hoping that that might boost things. I don’t know whether it actually did.
35 And also Victoria Beckham: she had some, er, of the tweed delivered.
And again, there were big hopes that that would fall… I don’t know
whether it has yet or not, but it was always a hope, you know. But they
do some beautiful tweeds still. And they have exhibitions. You
sometimes hear of busloads going there, you know, just to have a look
40 round.

1 Starter houses (l. 2) = inexpensive homes for first-time house buyers.
2 Our John Willie (etc.; ll. 4–5) = ‘our’ preceding a personal name is used throughout
northern England and Scotland to indicate a close family relationship (among
siblings, or where parents are referring to their own children). This was presumably
useful in communities in which a relatively narrow range of first names was given
to children, and in which families were generally larger than in contemporary
British society, but it is still normal usage in many areas. Our kid is ‘my younger
brother’, or occasionally an older one; it can also mean a younger sister in some
places. Our lass means the speaker’s wife or girlfriend, rather than a sister.
3 A two-up (short for ‘two-up-two-down’, ll. 6–7) is a very typically British style of
small house, most often in a terrace of traditional brick-built houses. As the name
suggests, a two-up has two rooms upstairs and two on the ground floor.
4 Bobby (l. 19) = policeman. Named after Sir Robert Peel, Prime Minister in the
1830s and 1840s, who helped found Britain’s first police force in 1829. The term
peelers, also meaning ‘police’, has the same origin.

15 Edinburgh
The vowel systems of Scottish English accents are radically different from
those of English in England, and it is therefore not especially helpful to
describe them in terms of differences from RP. Scottish Standard English
speakers (see pages 13–14) most usually have vowel systems approximately as
given below (with words in which these vowels appear).

/i/ bee beer /ʉ/ pull put

seedy meet boot poor

/e/ bay plate /ɪ/ pit bird /o/ pole boat

weight fir city board nose
their mate knows

/ɛ/ pet fern /ʌ/ putt fur /ɔ/ cot caught

there paws pause
paw pot
Paul doll

British Isles Accents and Dialects

/a/ bard hat

dance daft
half father
/ae/ buy /ʌʉ/ bout /ɔe/ boy

Figure 5.8 Phonetic qualities of certain Edinburgh vowels

It will be noted that:

15.1 Vowels such as RP /ɪə/ and /ɜː/ do not occur (though see 15.3, below).
This is because Scottish accents are rhotic – that is, they preserve post-
vocalic /ɹ/ (see pages 63–66), the loss of which in English English led
to the development of these newer vowels. Pairs of words like bee and
beer (WL 7, 14) thus have the same vowel, but are distinguished by
the presence or absence of /ɹ/. The /ɹ/ may be realised as a tap [ɾ] (see
page 66), an alveolar approximant [ɹ], a retroflex approximant [ɻ], and
occasionally a trill [r], though the last of these is not as common in
Scottish English as the stereotyped or ‘stage’ form of the accent would
lead one to believe. Rhoticity is being lost in urban areas of Scotland
among working-class speakers, however, such that in Glasgow one can
hear car as [kʰaː]; a rather weak uvular approximant may also occur in
final position, thus [kʰaːʁ̞ ] (see Stuart-Smith 2003; Lawson et al. 2011).

15.2 Pairs of words such as cot ~ caught (WL 32, 33), pull ~ pool (WL 27,
28), and Pam ~ palm are not distinguished (page 66). Length is not
generally a distinctive feature of Scottish vowels. Monophthongs tend
to be ‘pure’, in the sense that there is no trace of diphthongisation,
although for many middle- and upper-class speakers /e/ and /o/ may be
markedly diphthongal, having values very similar to those found in RP.
The wordlist reader has [ei] in bay, plate and weight (WL 8, 40, 41) but [e]
in mate (WL 52), and has [o] for /o/ throughout (WL 12, 29, 38, 39).

15 Edinburgh

Perth and
North Sea

Glasgow Edinburgh

Firth Lanarkshire
Scottish Borders
of East
Clyde Ayrshire

Ayrshire Dumfries and Galloway ENGLAND

Map 5.13 Edinburgh

15.3 For many Scottish speakers, words such as fern, fur and fir have
different vowels. Different accents differ as to how far they preserve
this distinction (WL 34, 35, 36), and in urban areas of Scotland the
trend appears to be one involving the collapse of these vowel qualities
towards an RP-like [ɜː], though generally the post-vocalic /ɹ/ is retained
(see 15.1, above).

15.4 A distinction is made between pairs of words like tide ~ tied (WL 46, 47)
and booze ~ boos, the second vowel in each case being longer. The basis
for the distinction is that the second word in each pair has a word-final
vowel plus an inflectional ending: tie + d (cf. London pause ~ paws,
page 76). This alternation is the consequence of a complex vowel length
conditioning system generally known as the Scottish Vowel Length
Rule (formerly Aitken’s Law; see Scobbie et al. 1999).

15.5 A distinction is made between pairs of words like which /ʍɪtʃ/ and witch
/wɪtʃ/. /ʍ/ is effectively a voiceless [w] produced with audible friction at
the lips, and is rather like the sound made when blowing out a candle.

15.6 Two accents – Edinburgh and Glasgow – are used here to exemplify
the English of urban central Scotland. While there are considerable
differences between Edinburgh speech and the speech of other Scottish
cities (such as Aberdeen – see Section 16) the accents of Edinburgh and
Glasgow are sufficiently similar to act as a good guide as to what to
expect in central Scotland in general. In listening to accents of Scottish
English, the following points should also be noted.
(a) /ɪ/ tends to be central [ɪ ]̈ or [ə]. As the symbol suggests, /ʉ/ is
markedly fronted, and may reach [y].

British Isles Accents and Dialects

(b) [ʔ] is a frequent realisation of /t/ (see page 67; better, l. 9; that, l. 11).
(c) /h/ is present.
(d) -ing is /ɪn/.
(e) While the accents of Edinburgh and Glasgow are broadly similar in
terms of their segmental characteristics (i.e. the individual speech
sounds used), they are markedly divergent in their intonation
patterns. Edinburgh English is fairly similar to RP in terms of
intonation, in that stressed syllables are signalled by a rise in pitch.
Speakers from Glasgow, however, tend to mark stress on syllables
using a fall in intonation (this is true also of Belfast English: see
Section 17, below).

The recording
There are two main speakers on the website. The wordlist reader is from
Glasgow and was studying at an English university at the time of recording.
Although her accent clearly identifies her as Scottish, it is by no means
especially strong.
The second speaker is from Edinburgh, and his accent is rather stronger
than that of the wordlist reader (he has, for example, glottal stops representing
/t/ between vowels). He talks about a certain area of Edinburgh as it was when
he was young.

They were high tenement buildings and, er, many, er, sub-let houses,
you know, broken up, er, bigger houses into . . . the room and kitchen
was about the average house in these days, what we called the room
and kitchen, with perhaps a toilet inside or outside on the landings,
5 but there was no such things as bathrooms in these days in these
areas, you know?

Adam Street, which was in the centre of that area, there was some
very very good houses, rather old-fashioned, but quite good houses
with fairly big rooms and that, and these were sort of better-class
10 people, er, people with maybe . . . s . . . minor civil servants and things
like that, you know, that had . . . be able to afford dearer rents and that
in these days, you know? But the average working-class man, the
wages were very small. The rents would run from anything from
about five shillings to seven shillings, which was about all they could
15 have possibly afforded in these days. It didn’t . . . it didn’t re . . . matter
how many a family you had, er, if it was two rooms, well, Devil take
the hindmost! [laughter] Aye, and you couldn’t get out of your
environment, you see, you just had to suffer it and make the b . . .
most of it. And they all survived, that was the great thing. [laughter]
20 No, I think they were better fed than these days, you know. The . . . at
least, the quality of the food was better, I think, and the meat . . . No,

16 Aberdeen

that’s correct . . . it was, er . . . pretty coarse meal, and all that sort of
thing, and everything was much more, er, farm produce was much
more naturally grown, and things like that. So that . . . very big
25 families, you know, the . . . the average family was n . . . nothing under
five children in a family . . . very, very rarely. Oh, you’d have them
anything up to nines. Nine in a family living in two rooms. There was
no segregation, or anything like that. The only hope was that
somebody would get married or something like that, you know. Th
30 . . . it was some great stories in that area, you know, it was some really
. . . people were . . . they were quite, er, amusing that the, er, how they
overcame their difficulties, you know. They could improvise, if . . . I
remember a very funny thing, though I don’t . . . I was quite young at
the time, but there was a place in the Pleasance, off the Pleasance,
35 called Oakfield Court, and it was a very, very rough quarter.
Everybody fought with each other in . . . in circulation. Er, one fought
one one week or . . . It was just drink and a fight, you know, er, very
clean fighting, that, er, when they got into a good mood, they had
what they called a party called a ‘surpriser’. And they . . . somebody
40 took the bed down in one of the houses and, er, moved the furniture
out into the street and all that, and they got two or three bottles of
beer and had a party, and, er, they were very lucky if it lasted to the
fight started again. [laughter]
1 with is consistently /wɪ/. In more prestigious Scottish speech, with is /wɪθ/
rather than /wɪð/.
2 this and these with time reference may be found in Scottish English where
that and those are used in Standard English English (l. 3).

16 Aberdeen
The English of Aberdeen is still heavily influenced by the conservative ‘Doric’
dialect of Scots (see Section 23, below) which is spoken throughout the north-
eastern part of Scotland. In Aberdeen city itself, however, the accent used
by many younger speakers approaches those of the central belt cities of
Edinburgh and Glasgow. Young middle-class Aberdonians can be very hard to
distinguish from their middle-class contemporaries from other parts of urban
Scotland. This is not surprising given the numbers of incomers to Aberdeen
from elsewhere in Scotland – and, for that matter, from elsewhere in the UK,
and from North America – as a result of the sudden expansion of the city in
the 1970s with the discovery of oilfields in the North Sea. As with Glasgow,
the English used in Aberdeen is probably best viewed as lying towards the
middle of a spectrum ranging from Scottish Standard English at one extreme
to broad Doric Scots at the other, with no clear demarcation between the two
(see McClure 2002). It would be difficult to sustain the argument, as some

British Isles Accents and Dialects

have tried to, that Aberdeen is a ‘Scots-speaking city’. Towns and villages
in Aberdeen’s hinterland (e.g. coastal towns such as Stonehaven, Peterhead
and Fraserburgh, or those in the inland area known as the Garioch, such
as Inverurie) can more plausibly claim to be places where traditional Scots
dialect is still spoken.

North Sea



Perth and Kinross Angus

Map 5.14 Aberdeen

16.1 The accent is consistently and markedly rhotic. Variants of /ɹ/ used
by the speakers on the website include [ɾ], for example in Torry (l. 2),
brought (l. 2), three (l. 2), horrified (l. 5); [ɻ], as in top-floor (l. 7), cards
(l. 41), beer and bear (WL 14, 15), and the alveolar trill [r] in bird (WL 16),
fir (WL 34), and fur (WL 36). Note that the wordlist speaker devoices
some of these. As mentioned above, trilled [r] is not quite as common in
Scottish accents as many people believe: it is generally associated with
emphatic pronunciations, and its frequency in the wordlist probably
stems from the fact that the reader is speaking carefully.

16.2 There is uvularisation of second /ɹ/ in father (WL 25). Wells (1982: 411)
remarks that the use of uvular [ʁ] is surprisingly common as a ‘personal
idiosyncrasy’ in north-eastern Scotland, but that it is not sufficiently
common that we can regard it as a feature of north-eastern Scottish
accents per se. Uvular /ɹ/ is, nonetheless, said by people in Inverurie
(around 15 miles/25 km west of Aberdeen) to be a feature of local
speech in the town that can be heard fairly frequently.

16.3 /l/-vocalisation is common (e.g. Paul, WL 30).

16.4 [ʔ] is very common in casual speech among younger Aberdonians, for
example brought up (l. 2), better (l. 12), eight (l. 14), right (l. 16). Glottalling
of /p t k/ in intervocalic positions in words like paper and butter can

16 Aberdeen

sometimes be heard, giving pronunciations with qualities reminiscent

of those found in Northumbrian English (see Section 22, below).

16.5 There is comparatively little aspiration on word-initial /p t k/. Examples

are heard in top (l. 7), people (l. 24), cars (l. 38), pit (WL 1), pot (WL 6).
Presumably so as to ensure contrast between the voiceless stops and the
voiced ones, /b d ɡ/ are often pre-voiced (e.g. bee, bay, WL 7, 8; doll WL
31), as per French or Spanish (see further Watt and Yurkova 2007).

16.6 A stereotypical feature of Aberdonian speech, and north-eastern

Scottish English more generally, concerns the realisation of /ʍ/ as [f] or
[ɸ]. This, in combination with various differences in the vowel system,
yields north-eastern Scots pronunciations such as /fuː/ for who, /faɹ/
for where, and the characteristic /fɪt/ for what; the phrase ‘furry boots?’
is jokingly said to be how Aberdonians say ‘where abouts?’. Examples
of the phenomenon in the main recording are when (l. 46) and what
(l. 58). See also Brato (2007).

16.7 Vowels which have undergone merger to /ɜː/ in RP remain contrastive

in the speech of older Aberdonians: compare the vowels of fir /fɪɹ/, fern
/fɛɹn/ and fur /fʌɹ/ (WL 34, 35, 36). These contrasts, as elsewhere in
Scotland, are tending to collapse towards /ɜɹ/ in the speech of many
younger Scots, however (see page 128).

16.8 /a/ is often very back: after (l. 2), married (l. 6), flat (l. 7), wax (l. 55); see
Figure 5.9. The wordlist reader – uncharacteristically for this accent –
has [ɑ] in dance, daft and half (WL 22, 23, 24), though there is no other
evidence that he might have a distinction between /a/ and /ɑː/ of the
sort found in English English accents.

16.9 /ʉ/ is often much further back than in Edinburgh or Glasgow English:
the [u] in pool (WL 28), move (l. 8), and through (l. 11) approaches a
quality in the region of Cardinal Vowel 8. There are other cases in

Figure 5.9 Phonetic qualities of certain Aberdeen vowels

British Isles Accents and Dialects

which the vowel has much fronter quality at [ʉ̟] or even [y], for example
two (l. 26).

16.10 Both elements of the diphthong /ʌʉ/ are backer than in the accents of
central Scotland (now, l. 6; downhill, l. 19).

16.11 -ing is often /ɪn/, for example living (l. 2), cutting (l. 10).

16.12 that very often lacks any initial consonant, so that the phrase that’s that
may be pronounced [aˍtsaˍt]. An example of this in the recording is in the
phrase like that (l. 4).

16.13 all is [aˍ] (e.g. l. 4).

16.14 houses is /hʌʉsɪz/ (l. 26), with a medial /s/ rather than /z/.

The recording
The accent is represented by two speakers. The main speaker is a woman in
her forties, while the wordlist reader is a man of about the same age. Both
have lived all their life in Aberdeen or in towns close to the city.

Well, I was born in Footdee, which is across the River Dee from
Torry, where I was brought up after I was three. And . . . just living
beside the seaside, really. Ideal childhood. Went to school there,
things like that. We used to roam, climb the cliffs, all the things you
5 werena supposed to do, you would be horrified at your ain kids
daeing now. Well, when I got married at nineteen, we did ha . . . our
very first flat was a top-floor tenement flat in Torry, again. We didna
move very far. And, er, it was an old-fashioned flat, you know, the
toilet was on the stairway between the two flats. And at that time they
10 were cutting back on all the grants that you could get to redevelop
older properties, so when the grant fell through we decided we were
better just to buy new. So we moved out to Ellon and we bought the
last plot up in Ness Circle. And we’re now on our third house in
Ellon. We’ve been here for eight years now.

[asked how Aberdeen has changed in recent decades]

15 Well, like in the eighties when it was all oil office buildings and things,
they were sort of throwing up skyscrapers left, right and centre, we . . .
and filling them with office space which . . . half of that’s vacant now.
And a l . . . as the oil kind of tailed off a bit the shops started to go
downhill, but now it’s sort of reviving itself and getting its act together.
20 But it’s still sort of behind the times. There’s nae . . . not a lot of
pedestrianised areas, or . . . you know, other big cities you can go and
roam about and it’s easy . . . easily accessible, where it’s not really in
our main s . . . main street.

The recording

[asked how Footdee has changed since her childhood]

Oh yes, it’s all very trendy now. Yes, it’s all foreign people that live
25 there now. [laughter] Erm . . . yeah, they were, erm, great thick walls,
cottage-type houses, maybe two storeys at the most, mostly in rows
for protection against the wind, really, more than anything. But still
where . . . near enough the sea that the waves would hit the roof in the
winter. Scary.

[asked about life in rural Aberdeenshire in winter]

30 Aye, well, we were once coming back from Aberdeen in the winter
when the winters were really bad, and you’d no sense of where the
middle of the road is or anything. And before it was all dual
carriageway and everything it was quite a windy road. And I can
remember struggling to get round this hill bend, and actually
35 discovering we were on the wrong side of the road when we we got to
the top of the bend. And we’d nowhere to go. You couldn’t . . .
couldn’t just pull over left, cos the snowdrifts were so bad. So, l . . .
like, both sets of cars are sliding sort of sideways together. We never
actually hit, but it was like slow motion, like, ‘This is it!’ a sort of. . .

[asked about leisure pursuits and her work as a childminder]

40 Leisure time, well, I do a lot of cross-stitch, and I like to make . . . I do

papercraft things, cards . . . I like doing that, it’s nice and relaxing. I
know that Lisa’s an age she can fit in with that, she quite likes all that
arty kind of things as well.

I always liked young children. Nae so keen on teenagers, but . . .

45 unfortunately mine are heading that way! But, erm, before I had my
own children, when you think you know all the . . . the theory of it,
once your own come along that goes right out the window. So I
decided no, I c . . . I could do this a lot better than retail, so. . .
When . . . well, Ross was six and Lisa would be nearly three, we were
50 selling the flat to buy this house here. So everything’s spick and span
for this first viewing, and we would have an early tea because this
gentleman was coming at seven o’clock, and we wanted everything
tidied away, and . . . no smelly kitchens. So we were going great guns.
Kids were very quiet. I stuck my head in the living room door to find
55 wax crayon written all over an oatmeal-coloured carpet, and my two
sitting there with the wax crayons writing into the carpet. No paper in
sight. So I’m saying, ‘Try and be calm. Right, how are we going to do
this?’ ‘What do you think you’re doing? You’ve got every colour of
wax crayon on that carpet!’ ‘No,’ says my son, and produces a white
60 crayon from behind his back, telling me the white crayon doesn’t
work. But however, with a lot of scrubbing and an iron and a piece of

British Isles Accents and Dialects

brown paper, with the children plunked on the top bunk-bed

meanwhile, we got it cleaned up before this chap would come. In the
end, after all that fuss, he didn’t buy the flat. But never mind, we got
65 there in the end.

1 ain (l. 5) = own.
2 daeing (l. 6) = doing.
3 Note the speaker’s use of that + plural noun phrase in that arty kind of things
(l. 42–43); see page 33.

17 Belfast
In the northern part of Northern Ireland speech is quite similar to that of
Scotland, which is where large numbers of settlers to Ulster came from during
the ‘Plantation’ of the early seventeenth century. Many of these settlers would
have spoken Scots, and a form of the language known as Ulster Scots – or
‘Ullans’, by analogy with ‘Lallans’, the name sometimes given to the Lowlands
Scots dialect of Scotland – is still spoken in the province today. Indeed, it has
official status in Northern Ireland alongside English and Irish. In the south
of the province, on the other hand, the local variety derived originally from
those of the West Midlands and the south-west of England. Belfast speech
combines features from both north and south.

17.1 As in Scotland, there is post-vocalic /ɹ/ (see pages 63–64). /ɹ/ is realised
as a retroflex, frictionless approximant [ɻ] (see page 66). It is similar to
word-initial /ɹ/ in RP, except that the tip of the tongue is pulled back
somewhat further.

Atlantic Ocean



Strabane Magherafelt

Omagh Belfast



u n Craigavon Ards


Armagh Bainbridge
Newry &

Map 5.15 Belfast

17 Belfast

17.2 (a) The vowel system is similar to that of Scottish accents:

/i/ bee beer /ʉ/ put boot
seedy meet pull pool
meat poor
/e/ bay bear /ɪ/ pit fir /o/ boat board
plate weight bird city pole knows
mate fern fur nose pour
/ɛ/ pet /ʌ/ putt /ɔː/ Paul paw
doll pause
/a/ pat bar /ɒ/ cot
hat dance
daft half
father farther
/aɪ/ buy /aʊ/ bout /ɔɪ/ boy
(b) Vowels are short before /p t k tʃ/, and long before other consonants
or when final (cf. the Scottish Vowel Length Rule, discussed on pages
(c) In Belfast speech the actual realisation of a vowel may vary
considerably according to the sound which follows it. For example,
/a/ in daft has a realisation not very different from /ɑː/ in RP,
while in bag it may be [ɛ] (Figure 5.10; the latter is, probably for
unconnected reasons, also true in traditional Northumbrian speech.
See Section 22). Since the vowel in beg may also be [ɛ], the two
words may not always be distinguished. This raises the question of
whether it would be better to consider the vowel in bag to be /ɛ/
rather than /a/. For various reasons we have chosen not to do this,
but the reader should be aware that the analysis of vowels could
have been somewhat different from the one we propose (cf. /e/ vs.
/ɛ/, and /o/ vs. /ɔː/).

17.3 The intonation of Belfast English, the speech of people from Northern
Ireland generally, is (loosely) characterised by rising tones on
statements, rather than falling ones, as is the case in RP. According to
Rahilly (1997), this means that the typical pitch pattern of an utterance
such as It has changed out of all recognition now since our day, in which
we can identify two particularly strongly stressed syllables (the third
syllable of recognition and our), will be one involving an abrupt lowering
of pitch on these stressed syllables, followed on the next syllable by a
sharp rise to a substantially higher pitch. This is much the same pattern

British Isles Accents and Dialects

as can be found in Glasgow English. See further Grabe et al. (2000);

McCafferty (2006); Hickey (2008).

17.4 The following notes on vowels should be read in association with Figure

Figure 5.10 Phonetic qualities of certain Belfast vowels

(a) /e/ is normally realised as a diphthong varying between [ɛə] and [iə],
but in words like bay (WL 8) and say (l. 12) the vowel is a monophthong,
[ɛː]. In plural and possessive forms of these words, too, the vowel is
[ɛː] (e.g. days, l. 40), and days therefore contrasts with daze.
(b) /ɪ/ is fairly central, [ɨ]. Although fir, fur, fern and fair may sometimes
have different vowels, they all tend to be pronounced with [əɻ],
which is probably best analysed as /ɪɹ/.
(c) /ɔː/ and /ɒ/ contrast only before /p t k/, as in caught and cot (WL 32,
(d) As was mentioned above, realisations of /a/ may vary considerably.
Before certain consonants (e.g. /f/ and /s/ in daft, WL 23, and class,
l. 14) there is a back or central realisation. Before other consonants
the vowel is front, and before /ɡ/ and /ŋ/ may be raised to [ɛ]. (There is
no example on the recording with /ɡ/ or /ŋ/, but back, l. 10, is [bæk].)
(e) /aɪ/ is variable, but is often [ɛɪ] (WL 9, 46, 47).
(f) /aʊ/ is very variable. Typical realisations are [æʉ] and [ɛi] (WL 13;
house, l. 1; down, l. 5). The phonetic similarity of the /aʊ/ diphthong
to /aɪ/ is probably the best-known feature of Northern Irish English
among speakers of other varieties in the British Isles, and when
imitating the accent the phrase How now brown cow, pronounced
[haɪ naɪ bɹaɪn kaɪ], is often chosen.
17.5 In some rural areas of the province, /j/ may be found after /k/ and /ɡ/
before front vowels in words like car, [kjaɻ]. This phenomenon is now
vestigial in Belfast, and there are no examples in the recording.

The recording

17.6 Between vowels /ð/ may be lost, so mother may be [ˈmɔ̈ːəɻ] and another
17.7 -ing is /ɪn/.
17.8 /h/ is present (see pages 66–67).
17.9 Certain words which have /ʊ/ in RP and other accents may have /ʌ/ in
Belfast speech: for example wood may be pronounced [wʊd] or [wʌd].

The recording
The main speaker is a middle-aged woman with a distinctive Belfast accent.
The man who asks her questions is younger, and his accent is less broad. The
woman talks about her past and about the fighting in the city during the time
of the ‘Troubles’.

. . . born in this house . . . and still in it . . . Raymond.

– You were born in this house?

I was born in this house, yes . . . born . . .

– So then you haven’t lived in any other parts of Belfast, just this part?

5 Oh aye . . . when I was about eight years of age my mother went down
to the Ormeau Road to live, in Powerscourt Street. But then . . . you
see my Uncle Tommy’s lived here, and his wife died. And he got
married again, my mother come back to my granny. Her, er, mother,
and we’ve been there ever since again, that was in . . . during the . . . the
10 war, 1941 or something, we come back here, you know? So, counting
all round, we weren’t so long on the Ormeau Road, really, you know.
I’d say about ten years, maybe twelve years, you know, no longer.
And then, when I was about s . . . sixteen or so, my grandmother got
me into a place called Carson’s, a very high-class bakery shop.
15 – Was there any time when you yourself were sort of in danger
around there . . . when you had any . . . can you remember any time
when you were frightened?
I wouldn’t say in danger, really, Raymond. We heard shooting and
all going on when we were in work, you know. Well, then they had a
20 gun battle . . . Belvoir . . . There was trouble down there really, you
I think they had to close up for a couple of days, really, you know,
until it died down. But there was a fellow, one of the terrorists, was
shot on the roof, really, you know.
25 – Yeah, did you know any of the people that you knew in Inglis’s who,
sort of, were shot, or anything like that? Or had, er . . .

British Isles Accents and Dialects

No, only just round about that didn’t work in Inglis’s, really, you
know. The time the Republican, er . . . Remember the time they had a
. . . a bit of a feud between the two sides? Republican and the . . .

30 – The Provisionals?
Aye, it was the Provisionals and another . . . with Bernadette Devlin
was over . . . now there was . . . the initials, I just can’t remember, the
initials, you know what I mean? Social something, you know . . . just
forget what the initials . . . Well, they had a bit of a go at each other,
35 you see, and there was shooting and . . . I remember one time when I
was in work at that time . . . and, erm, everybody was lying low at the
time, you know, I mean they were all disappearing. And I think half of
Inglis’s disappeared for a few days. Even the security man
disappeared! They were all went . . . aye . . . and you know, and then
40 in a few days’ time when it was all over they all come trotting back
again, you know? You don’t know who . . . who was who, you know
what I mean?
– But were you never afraid, like, in the middle of winter going down
there . . . an . . . you walked down there, didn’t you? It must have been
45 dark in the early mornings or evenings coming back. It’s a dangerous
place to go now at night, isn’t it? I mean some people wouldn’t want
to go there, you know.
Yes, I know, well . . . I never thought of danger, really, you know what
I mean? It never struck me, you know?

50 – I mean, some people wouldn’t walk in that area.

That’s right, I know. I remember one day there was shooting all
round over something, I don’t know what it was. Oh, down all the
streets there was shots getting fired here, there and everywhere. And I
saw this yellow car sitting up Cromac Street, and a fellow over the
55 bonnet of it. I said that’s very like Harry Short’s, you know? Anyway,
when I got up it was Harry Short, and all the shooting was going
round him, and there was Harry, his car or something had went
wrong and he was . . . says I, ‘Harry, what are you doing here?’ says I,
‘you could be shot!’ says I, ‘you’re . . . leaning over your bonnet fixing
60 your car!’

– What did he say to that?

He laughed hearty at the idea. But he had to get a tow home by the RAC.
Something went wrong where he couldn’t start his car. He seemed to
be . . . he didn’t know that the shooting was going around him, he was
65 that interested in his car getting started.

18 Dublin

1 come (ll. 8, 10, 40) is the past tense of come (see page 28).
went (l. 39) is the past participle of go (see page 28).
2 says I (l. 58), see page 30.
3 hearty (l. 62), see page 33.

18 Dublin
Although there are similarities between the English of the northern and
southern parts of Ireland – /l/ is clear [l] in all positions throughout Ireland,
for instance – the accents of Belfast and Dublin are very different. One reason
for this is that there was no Scottish influence on the development of Dublin
English. It is also worth noting that in the Republic of Ireland the highest
prestige form of English, and the linguistic model to which many Irish people
aspire, is (unsurprisingly) not a British variety but that of Dublin (see Hickey
1999, 2008).

18.1 In some respects, the English of the Republic of Ireland, except that of
the far north, resembles that of Bristol and other parts of south-west
England. For instance, post-vocalic /ɹ/ (see pages 63–66) occurs, and the
RP vowels /ɪə/, /ɛə/ and /ʊə/ are therefore absent.
18.2 /a/, pronounced [a], and /ɑː/, pronounced [aː], are distinct and are
distributed much as in RP. Note /a/ in matter (l. 16) and /ɑː/ in after (l. 1).
In other parts of Ireland, however, /a/ and /ɑː/ may not be distinct, as
per Northern Irish and Scottish varieties.
18.3 /ɒ/ is pronounced [ɑ], cf. lot (l. 14) and /ɔː/ is pronounced [ɑː].



Galway Offaly

Laois Wicklow


Map 5.16 Dublin

British Isles Accents and Dialects

18.4 /a/ has a back first element [ɑɪ ~ ɒɪ], but is nevertheless distinct from
/ɔɪ/, for example while (l. 25).

18.5 /eɪ/ and /əʊ/ are mostly monophthongs or narrow diphthongs. The
wordlist speaker has fairly marked closing diphthongs in bay, boat, pole,
nose (cf. knows, WL 39), plate and weight (WL 8, 12, 29, 38, 40, 41), while
the main speaker has [ei] in Bray (l. 5).

18.6 There is a strong tendency for /ʊ/ and /ʌ/ not to be distinct in strongly
local Dublin accents, for example /ʊ/ in government (l. 6), but /ʌ/ does
occur, particularly in more educated speech (see pages 59–60).

18.7 /ɜː/ does not occur in lower-status accents. Instead, as in Scottish

English (pages 128), words such as firm (l. 2) have /ɪɹ/, words such as
Germans (l. 21) have /ɛɹ/ and words such as work (l. 2) have /ʊɹ/.

Figure 5.11 Phonetic qualities of certain Dublin vowels

18.8 Irish English has /a/ rather than /ɛ/ in any and anyone (l. 12).

18.9 /θ/ and /ð/ are often pronounced not as fricatives but as dental stops [t̪]
and [d̪ ]. Before /ɹ/, /t/ and /d/ may also be pronounced as dental stops,
so there may be no distinction /θɹ/ ~ /tɹ/, for example true ~ through
[t̪ɹu]. Note the occurrence of dental stops on the recording in third (l. 7),
north (l. 10) and elsewhere.

18.10 /h/ is normally pronounced.

18.11 /p t k/ tend to be strongly aspirated, for example it (l. 33).

The recording
The main speaker on the website is a Dublin man who is talking about
experiences in Canada and the USA, as well as early nineteenth-century Irish

The recording

After a short while they got me into the painters’ union, and I did
clerical work. I was a trainee manager in Ireland for an English firm,
State Express 3335 cigarettes. My father was in the RAF and he was
also in the First World’s War, and I also lived in a British ex-service
5 house in Bray in County Wicklow. When I came down from Canada
I was working for the Canadian government in a clerical position, I
had two daughters and my wife was pregnant for the third, and the
clerical job was paying $80 a week and the painting trade was paying
$134 a week. So I went to night school and I had some Irish-Scotch
10 Americans, the mother from Glasgow, the father from the north of
Ireland. Well, the Finnegan family taught me the greatest
apprenticeship that anyone could ever got. I got a great apprenticeship
off the Finnegans.

I played a lot of that Gaelic football, the Irish football, for years and I
15 was also a soccer player, and I’d been involved in many, many
organisations. As a matter of fact we have a . . . an Easter Sunday
commemoration mass here in the centre that I run on my own every
year. And, er, they . . . the last two years now they done a video tape
on it, about a twenty-five minute tribute to the leaders of 1916. That’s
20 when, you know, they rose up against England at the encouragement
of the Germans. So, the thing was that a lot of people in Ireland
during that period, there was a lock-out in Ireland on all factories and
firms. They were trying to union organise and they just locked them
out. And most of the children at that time had to be sent to England to
25 fellow union members to . . . to feed them, and keep them, while this
happened. The First World’s War started in 1914, and, er, England
were giving a bonus to, er, anyone that volunteered. And the biggest
mistake England made was Lloyd George sending, as they called
them, the Black and Tan. They were the veterans of the First World’s
30 War who come back where unemployment, the economy was bad,
and half of these people ended up in jail. Well, what they did, instead
of letting the regular army quell that, they sent these people over in
1920, in a vigilante uniform, as they say it in Ireland.

1 First World’s War (l. 4): more usually First World War.
2 could ever got (l. 12) = could ever’ve got.
3 off (l. 13) = Standard English from.
4 they done (l. 18) = Standard English did.
5 Lloyd George (l. 28): David Lloyd George was British Prime Minister from
1916 to 1922.
6 come (l. 30) = Standard English came.

British Isles Accents and Dialects

19 Galway
The English of Galway is similar in most respects to that of Dublin, although
it has been much less heavily influenced by the English of England, and
exhibits more evidence of the effects of the influence of Irish (the Celtic
language also known as Gaelic or Gaelge), since in western counties of Ireland
Irish was widely spoken until relatively recent times.

19.1 /l/ is clear in all positions, for example in pool (WL 28), Field (l. 3).

19.2 /t/ is frequently fricated in syllable-final position, for example pet, pat,
put (WL 2, 3, 4), a salient feature of Irish pronunciation that has been
labelled the Hiberno-English slit /t/ (Pandeli et al. 1997). The speaker
in the recording exhibits a very characteristic ‘whistled’ articulation
which can be heard in pet, pot and boat (WL 2, 6, 12). The slit /t/ can
often sound very [s]-like, but direct comparison of hat and dance (WL
21, 22) should serve to demonstrate the clear difference between the
two sounds. /d/ is also subject to this process, for example bird, bard,
board (WL 16, 17, 18).

19.3 /a/ is pronounced with a noticeably closer vowel – [æ̝ ] – than that used
by the Dublin speaker on the website, for example in bad (l. 1), flax
(l. 20), hat (WL 21). /ɑː/ is pronounced [aː] and can be quite distinct
from /a/ – cf. the vowels of half and father (WL 24, 25) – but is close to
[ɛ] in some words, for example arch (l. 8), Armagh (l. 16), farmhouse (l.
16), aunt (l. 17) – see Figure 5.12.

19.4 Horse is /haɹs/ (ll. 3, 5).

19.5 /eɪ/ and /əʊ/ are monophthongs [e̞ː] and [o̞ː], for example in race (l. 2).




Atlantic Ocean


Map 5.17 Galway

The recording

19.6 There is no distinction between the vowels of put and putt (WL 4, 5), as
both contain /ʊ/, but the words are nonetheless distinct on the wordlist
recording by virtue of the fact that the speaker uses very different
realisations of /t/ (one fully fricated, the other with a stop + release
sequence). Other examples are months (l. 12) and dust (l. 14), and coming
(l. 33).

19.7 -ing is /ɪn/, e.g. racing (l. 3).

Figure 5.12 Phonetic qualities of certain Galway vowels

The recording
The speaker is a man in his sixties who has lived all his life in County Galway.
He recalls events in the life of his father, who had been a policeman.

But he ha . . . he had two bad knocks. He had a very bad knock back
in 1953 or ’52. They used to race . . . a race meeting in Clifden,
out in Woods’s Field. Pony racing, you know. There was a horse up . . .
while everybody was at the races, anyway, there must have been
5 some kids messing around. But anyway, there was a horse being fed
up there, so, er, what they did was tied a big sheet of galvanised
onto the tail of the horse, and ran . . . it might have been tinkers, I
don’t know what the hell – and then chased him off down the arch.
And my father was on duty at the time. And whatever way he tried to
10 stop the horse with his coa . . . with his coat. The horse swung around
and the sheet of galvanised caught him in the small of his back. And,
jeez, he was . . . he was for months in hospital down here. His back
was gone. But anyway, he res . . . resumed duty again, anyway. He
got . . . he got an old medal for that. And no dust. All they had was
15 bills.

[talks of visiting relatives in Northern Ireland as a child]

British Isles Accents and Dialects

Up in Armagh. Yeah, jeez, we loved it. Big farmhouse, you know. And
then, let’s say, my aunt had another big farm up behind us. And, you
know, you used to run up the fields, you know, we’d be with the
cattle, and killing pigs, and what not. And then there used to be
20 thrashing – you know, cutting the the flax. Flax was a big thing at that
time, back in the Fif . . . Forties and the Fifties and the Sixties.
I must tell you a good one now, and . . . My . . . my father, even though
he was a sergeant in the Guards, we . . . we . . . we went from Clifden
one time, to . . . to, er, the North. Three of us. So the youngest, Brian,
25 stayed at home with mother. So it was a TD in Clifden, Fine Gael TD,
he said he’d bring us to the station in . . . in Dublin. So anyway, the
three of us are in the back of the car. Before we were leaving, anyway,
my father, he made us a big box of sandwiches, you know. And he says
‘Don’t eat them all now,’ he says, ‘because there’s, er . . . there’s two big
30 salmon in the bottom of the box to bring up to the uncles.’ And, like,
it was a long day going up to Dublin and then up to . . . up to Newry,
and that time you’d stop at the . . . at the border, and the RIC used to
come in, the Special Branch coming in and checking who you are and
had you any guns, or anything like that, because there was a lot of
35 trouble up there, even that . . . that time. But it . . . we were oblivious
to all that, you never . . . but we had the big box of sandwiches, we only
ate a few of them. But as it transpired, anyway, we . . . we had to hand
over the box of sandwiches as a . . . there was three bottles of poteen
under the sandwiches [laughter] that he’d sent up to Peter and Patrick
40 and the boys.

[asked if life was easier for children at the time under discussion]

Ar, it was. There was always an old few bob. Even when we were in
. . . reared back in Invern, like, you know, we’d be out in the curraghs,
out fishing and everything like that, with the neigh . . . the neighbours
and everything, and, jeez, it was a fantastic life.

1 bob (l. 41) = a shilling, in pre-decimal currency. It is not confined to Ireland
(it is used by the Liverpool speaker on the website, for instance).
2 curraghs (l. 42) or currachs = small boats made on a frame of wickerwork (cf.
3 Fine Gael (l. 25, Irish ‘tribe of the Gaels’) = Ireland’s largest political party.
4 galvanised (l. 6) = a sheet of zinc-coated iron.
5 jeez (l. 16) = a mild religious oath (shortening of Jesus).
6 poteen (l. 38) (Irish poitín, ‘little pot’) = Irish whiskey, often distilled illicitly.
7 RIC (l. 32) = Royal Irish Constabulary.
8 TD (l. 25) stands for Teachta Dála (Irish ‘deputy of the Dáil’, the Dáil being
the lower chamber of the Irish parliament), a role equivalent to that of MP
(Member of Parliament) in the UK.
9 tinkers (l. 7) can refer to itinerant craftsmen, but here probably means
Romani or travelling people more generally.

20 Devon

20 Devon
We conclude this section of the book with an examination of five traditional
dialects of English which are very different from Standard English and RP (see
page 34). Varieties of this type are perhaps less likely to be encountered by
non-native learners, but they are nevertheless of considerable interest.
The first traditional dialect is that of a rural area of Devon, in the south-
west of England. The accent of this area is reasonably similar to that of Bristol,
but there are some very clear differences.

c es

Celtic Sea

Devon Dorset


English Channel

Map 5.18 Devon

20.1 Devon lacks long mid diphthonging, so that /eɪ/ is [eː], e.g. face (l. 2),
and /əʊ/ is [oː] or [uː], for example local (l. 3).

20.2 /uː/ is a front vowel approaching [yː], for example improve (l. 46).

20.3 At the beginning of words, /f θ s ʃ/ may be /v ð z ʒ/, for example zy /zaɪ/

(l. 17), see /ziː/ (l. 22), thing /ðɪŋ/ (l. 37).

20.4 As far as grammar is concerned, the following can be noted:

(a) The present tense of be is be for all persons (see page 36), for example
ponies be (l. 28).
(b) isn’t and wasn’t are pronounced idden [ɪˈdən] and wadden [ˈwɒdən], for
example isn’t (l. 14).
(c) The pronoun system is as discussed in Chapter 2, page 35. He is used
for count nouns, including female animals: he’s a yow (l. 9), he got
(l. 5). The object form of he is en, as in when you see en (l. 22). Object
forms may be used where subject forms would be expected: us would
call em (l. 1–2), whadd em [= what do they] (l. 36). Subject forms may
be used where object forms would be expected: from they (l. 33).
(d) seed = Standard English saw (l. 19); tis = it’s (l. 29).
British Isles Accents and Dialects

The recording
The speaker on the recording is a farmer in his fifties, talking about various
aspects of farming and rural life.

Well now, there’s some Scotch blackface sheep, that is. Us would call
em possibly yows, or a ram, but that’s Scotch blackface. That idden a
local breeds. No. Now the local breeds, you see, there was the
Widecombe whiteface. Now, Widecombe whiteface was a, is a curly-
5 coated sheep and he, he got, erm, he got horns, the ram carries horns,
but the yow don’t, and that was very much a local breed that was sold
here at, er, Widecombe Fair each year. Then there’s the greyface
Dartmoor. Now, the greyface Dartmoor haven’t got no horns, whether
he’s a ram, or whether he’s a yow, a bigger sheep than the whiteface,
10 still big heavy curly coat, something like a Devon longwool, but this
was brought in, these here Scotch sheep was brought down to, to
Dartmoor . . . oh beggar . . . oh back, fifty years ago, I suppose or
something as old as that. So, then, very much a breed here on the
moors now. And there’s a lot of fuzz there in the pictures, idden there?
15 Lot of fuzz, idden it? Eh? Yeah . . . Beggar me, there idden a lot of grass
there . . . ain’t enough grass to starve a rabbit, look like it!
That’s a zy, yeah, now that’s a zy, and the interesting thing is that that is
a manufactured snead. Now all zies got a snead. Snead’s the handle!
Snead’s the handle. And years ago you used to cut a snead if you seed
20 the right-sized, the right-shaped stick, you see, and there is a
Devonshire saying is ‘when is the right time to cut a shovel-stick?’
And the answer is ‘when you see en!’ So, so, you, it’s the same with a
snead. He got to have a right . . . he got to have the right curve in it,
see. No, no, generally halse, generally halse or ash, generally. Yeah, I
25 should think that’s ash, but generally halse or ash. Because it tends to
grow, but the right way with not too many natches in it. You don’t
want too many natches in it.

No, proper Dartmoor ponies be either a nice sort of dark, bit darker
than chestnut, see, or black, but this here stuff, see, tis, that idden,
30 erm, that idden proper Dartmoor ponies. [indistinct] The National
Park, they’ve got a sort of scheme going now, I believe, that with a
little bit of sort of encouragement, trying to keep . . . keep people to
sort of stop breeding from they, see, but breed from the proper
Dartmoor ponies, and . . . and the Dartmoor ponies be hardier than
35 those ponies, see, and that’s why years ago you didn’t get half the
trouble with these here Dartmoor – erm, whadd em call em? – erm,
the Pony Protection Society, and that sort of thing, kicking up a
shindig about the fact that the ponies be up a-starving on the moor,
because the true Dartmoor pony, he was hardy, hardy, see? He could

21 Lancashire

40 weather the weather. And us used to get worse winters then than us do
now, but he would, he would bide up on the moors. And he’d . . . he’d
dig away the snow, see, and get at the fuzz bushes and the heather and
eat grass in under the fuzz bushes and he’d live happy, happy as
glory. And then, course, when it got that the riding ponies was all
45 the craze, they started breeding in this sort of stuff and trying to sort
of improve em a bit. You get piebalds, cos they like . . . the kiddies like
the piebalds, and the screwballs, and that sort of . . . but, no, that’s
ponies, yeah.

1 yows (l. 2) = ewes.
2 fuzz (l. 14) = furze (gorse).
3 zy (l. 17) = scythe.
4 halse (l. 24) = hazel.
5 natch (l. 26) = notch.
6 shindig (l. 38) = fuss.
7 bide (l. 41) = stay.

21 Lancashire
While the accents of Lancashire are in the main fairly similar to some already
described in this book (specifically, those of Yorkshire, Manchester and
Carlisle) the accent chosen for this entry differs from most others spoken
in England by virtue of it being strongly rhotic. This feature is localised
in the county to a small area to the north and east of Manchester, which
includes towns such as Accrington and Rochdale; Wells (1970) extends this
zone northward as far as Blackpool and Preston, and to the south as far as
Oldham, on the outskirts of Manchester. Manchester and Liverpool English
are categorically non-rhotic, and in the north-west of England post-vocalic /ɹ/
is not encountered again until one is close to the Scottish border (see Section
14 on Carlisle English, and Barras 2010).

21.1 /ɹ/ in this variety is mostly [ɹ], but can be retroflex [ɻ] in heavily stressed
syllables (WL 14–18, 25, 26, 34–37, 42–44; were, l. 1; here, l. 2; slipper, l. 2;
fair, l. 3, etc.). Intrusive /ɹ/ is, contrary to the normal pattern for speakers
of rhotic accents, attested for rhotic Lancashire speakers (Barras 2010),
and hyperdialectally rhotic forms such as lager [ˈlaɹɡɚ] and sauce [sɔɹs] are
reported to occur in Accrington by Vivian (2000, cited in Britain 2009).
21.2 /l/ is dark in all positions (e.g. left, l. 1; WL 27–31), and may be vocalised
in syllable codas (well l. 1; people, l. 2; wheels, l. 18; world, l. 60).
21.3 /h/ is dropped in the great majority of cases (e.g. hard, l. 7; happened,
l. 13; hopeless, l. 23; it is dropped even in hat (WL 21) and half (WL 24)
in the wordlist reading). Note that because /h/ is absent in the phrase
an hoist boy (l. 33), the indefinite article used here is an.

British Isles Accents and Dialects

21.4 /j/ is dropped after /n/ in knew (l. 4) and Newchurch (l. 13), but not in,
for example, spewed-out (l. 19).
21.5 /t/ is frequently glottalled (get them, l. 7; cotton, l. 11; lot of, l. 44). It may
also be flapped, for example in what happened (l. 13), bad at it (l. 33–34),
but he (l. 41), etc.
21.6 /ŋ/ is frequently [n] (boring, l. 34; fascinating, l. 35).
21.7 Being a northern variety, Lancashire English patterns with Manchester,
Liverpool, Bradford, Hull and so on, in lacking an /ʌ/ phoneme distinct
from /ʊ/ (WL 4, 5; just, l. 4), and in terms of the lexical distribution
of /a/ and /ɑː/ (WL 22, 23; after, l. 10). As in other northern varieties
described in this book, /ɑː/ is a fully front [aː] which differs from short
/a/ in length more than quality (WL 24; note that father, WL 25, has
short /a/ rather than /ɑː/). /ɑː/ is [aː] even when it occurs before [ɹ],
which tends to cause the preceding vowel to retract somewhat in some
rhotic varieties. Examples are farther (WL 26), cartons (ll. 50, 51) and
hard (l. 59).
21.8 As in Manchester, the final vowel of city, seedy, and so on, is short and
lax, and varies between [ɪ] and [ɛ] (WL 19, 20; factory, l. 2; valley, l. 9;
Charlie, l. 37; permanently, l. 41).
21.9 /uː/ is fronted and diphthongal [ʊ̟ʉ] (WL 11, 28); Boot, l. 13; Shoe, l. 14).
Books (l. 43) has /ʊ/ rather than /uː/.
21.10 Vowel shortening can also be heard in /ɜː/ items such as first (l. 13),
though this effect is offset by the presence of the post-vocalic /ɹ/. It is
more noticeable in non-rhotic Lancashire English, in which work may
be [wək], for example.
21.11 /eɪ/ is an open-mid monophthong [ɛː] (WL 8, 40; the vowel in the latter
word is also somewhat centralised, perhaps because of the adjacent
dark [ɫ]; made, l. 15; away, l. 25; wage, l. 31). Weight (WL 41), with the
diphthong [ɛi], does not rhyme with plate (WL 40; ditto, eighty and
straight, both l. 1). Take and make may have a short [ɛ] (take, l. 21).
In parallel with /eɪ/, /əʊ/ is generally [ɔː] (e.g. most, l. 2; sole, l. 20; WL
38, 39). Boat (WL 12) is very like RP bought; pole (WL 29) is distinct from
Paul (WL 30) in this variety in that the vowel of the latter is a more
open [ɑ̹ː]. It in turn contrasts with the vowel of doll (WL 31) by virtue of
its length, as is also the case for cot and caught (WL 32, 33).
21.12 In /aɪ/, a short lax offglide is dominated by a long nucleus [ɐːɪ],
particularly before voiced consonants (WL 9, 46, 47; five, l. 1; right, l. 8;
time, l. 8).
21.13 The nucleus and glide of the /aʊ/ diphthong are both fronted, [æʉ] (WL
13; down-time, l. 44; nowt, l. 45).

The recording

21.14 The vowel of unstressed -ed and -es suffixes is /ə/ rather than /ɪ/ (e.g.
Limited, l. 14).
21.15 Secondary contraction of -n’t forms is common, such as couldn’t [kʰʊnʔ]
(l. 4), didn’t [dɪnʔ] (l. 5).
21.16 ‘Yorkshire devoicing’, that is devoicing of voiced consonants preceding
voiceless ones, as in Bradford (page 105), occurs sporadically in the
sample, for example need qualifications, l. 6; filled cartons, l. 53. It is
possible that ‘the’ has been elided between these words via Definite
Article Reduction. See page 107).
21.17 The dentalisation of alveolar consonants in the sample of spontaneous
speech is probably idiosyncratic to this particular speaker.


Sea Accrington

Liverpool Manchester




Map 5.19 Lancashire

The recording
The speaker is a man in his forties from Rawtenstall, a mill town in the
Rossendale valley between Accrington and Rochdale. The wordlist speaker, a
different person, has the same demographic profile.

Well, I left school when I were sixteen. It were 1985, and I went straight
into the slipper factory, along with most of the other people round here.
We were… people did tell us, to be fair to them, to get qualifications,
but you just couldn’t see the relevance to them. You knew you were
5 probably going to be working in a slipper factory, and you didn’t
need qualifications for that, so it didn’t seem… there didn’t seem much
of a point, you know, working hard at school and trying to get them. At
that time there were thousands of jobs in slipper factories as… right
across the valley, and there were still about a dozen big s… big mills

British Isles Accents and Dialects

10 left, er, that did them. [coughs] For some reason after the… I think it
were after the Second World War, all the cotton-weaving sheds round
here converted into slipper factories. I don’t know why slipper factories,
but that’s what happened. So… first job I got were at Newchurch Boot
and Shoe Company Limited, even though they didn’t make boots or
15 shoes, they only made slippers. And I were the hoist boy, and… and
that meant these racks, which were about six foot by six foot by two
foot, and they were shelves full of slippers, and these racks were on
wheels. Er, they used to come down to me from, er, some people
who’d… who’d had to cut a little bit of spewed-out rubber off the front
20 and the back of the sole, and they brought the racks down to me, and
then I had to take them up in a hoist to the third floor, to the checkers,
and then after they’d been checked I had to take them down to the
second floor to the packers. And I were pretty hopeless at that job, and
there were always a gridlock at the bottom of the hoist. There were
25 always somebody shouting for me to come and clear it away.

Er, everything in them factories were piecework, er, which meant you
got paid for what you did. Er… all… everything went in dozens, so
there’d be a… a dozen uppers, you know, the top half of the slippers,
working its way round the factory, and everybody who did summat to
30 that dozen took a ticket off. And that ticket were their wage, and at the
end of the week they handed that in, and that’s what they got paid on.
Er… so tickets were currency in that respect. After I’d been an hoist boy
for a while, probably to get me out of the way of it, because I were bad
at it, I were made into a packer. And it sounds like a really boring place
35 to be, but it were a… a fascinating place to work. There were four old
blokes used to work there, and one of them took me under his wing.
Charlie. He used to… he’d w... his wife had died, and after work every
day he used to go straight to the pub, and from the pub he used to go
straight to the Social Club where he were on the committee, and he’d
40 stay there till one, two o’clock in the morning, go to bed and then come
in the next morning. And he… he stunk of ale permanently, but he were
a lovely fellow, and I think he tried to, er, to take me under his wing,
and tried to educate me a bit. He used to give me a lot of books, because
we had a lot of down-time sometimes in packing. When the orders were
45 a bit slow you might have nowt to do, sometimes for days on end. So we
used to read books and things like that. I hadn’t been much of a book
reader up till then, really. Er, another funny thing in… with them packers
– they were all funny characters. You weren’t allowed to have a
calculator, and there were really complicated formulas you had to do to
50 work out, er, you know, how many cartons had gone in, er, how many
boxes had gone in cartons that’d make up an order. Er… but you just had
to fill it all out in pencil on this form, and… and also the way you put,

22 Northumberland

the way you filled cartons were complicated. There were about ten carton
sizes and about six shoe sizes, and they all had different combinations to
55 fill them up. The cartons would be about three foot by four foot by five
foot, something like that, and you had to know, er, if it were a size X
carton, you had to know how many sixes and sevens boxes you could
get in it, and… and how they stacked, whether they went endways,
widthways, so it… it were… it were hard. Er, it were a complicated
60 place to work. We sent slippers all over the world at that time,
unbelievably. We used to send them to India, Iran, everywhere. In fact,
we had to re-do an order once, cos a ship sank, er, with the order in. We
had to do it again. That’s what they told us, anyway.

1 The use of were where Standard English has was is very common throughout
northern England. The speaker in the recording is a very consistent were user;
was does not occur even once in the above extract. See Tagliamonte (1998);
Beal (2008b).
2 Definite Article Reduction (DAR), whereby the definite article ‘the’ is
reduced to a consonant such as [t] or [ʔ], or omitted altogether, is common
throughout much of the north of England but is more frequent in this
sample than in any other recording accompanying this book. See further
Jones (2002), Lodge (2010).
3 Six foot (l. 16). As noted on page 33, this is one of a set of nouns for which
even in Standard English it is not obligatory to use the plural form.
4 Them factories (l. 26) = those factories. See pages 32–33.
5 Summat (l. 29) = something.
6 Blokes (l. 36) = informal equivalent of ‘men’.
7 Stunk (l. 41) = stank (see pages 27–28).
8 Down-time (l. 44) = idle time.
9 Nowt (l. 45) = nothing.

22 Northumberland
The speech of Northumberland is represented here by a traditional dialect
speaker from Tyneside, the urban area which dominates this region.
Northumbrian speech is similar in several respects to that of Scotland, owing
both to the common ancestry of Northumbrian and Scottish dialects, and to
prolonged cross-border contact between southern Scots and Northumbrians
(Beal 1993, 2008a). Traditional Tyneside speech is known as ‘Geordie’, as are
inhabitants of the Tyneside conurbation. The reason this nickname is applied
to Tynesiders and Tyneside speech is not certain, but Geordie is a diminutive
form of the name George in northern England and in Scotland, so it is
probable that it has come to be attached to Tynesiders in the same way that
‘Jock’ (= Jack) is a nickname for anyone from Scotland, or ‘Paddy’ (= Patrick)
for an Irish person.

British Isles Accents and Dialects

Scottish Borders

Dumfries and Northumberland

upon Tyne

Irish Durham
Sea Cumbria

Map 5.20 Northumberland

22.1 (a) As in other northern English (but not Scottish) accents, pairs of
words like put and putt are not distinguished, /ʊ/ occurring in both
(see pages 59–60).
(b) The final vowel in words like city and seedy is /i/; see page 62.
(c) As has been seen, /eɪ/ and /əʊ/ are wide diphthongs in the south of
England, narrow diphthongs further north, and monophthongs in
northern Lancashire and Yorkshire. On Tyneside they may be either
close-mid monophthongs [eː] and [oː], or centring diphthongs, [ɪə]
and [ʊə]. But notice that roll (l. 61) has [ou]. Closing diphthongs of
this sort are increasingly common among middle-class Tyneside
speakers (Watt 2000, 2002).

22.2 (a) Again as in other northern accents, words like dance and daft have
/a/ (WL 22, 23).
(b) Words like farm and car have /ɑː/. This vowel may often be slightly
rounded, or even [ɒː].
(c) Words which have /ɔː/ in RP are divided into two sets in traditional
Tyneside speech:
(i) Those which have -al- in the spelling have /aː/, for example
talking (l. 59), all (l. 56).
(ii) Those which do not have -al- in the spelling have /ɔː/, as in RP
(WL 18, 33, 44, 45; morning (l. 18)).
(d) Words which have /ɜː/ in RP have /ɔː/ in a broad Tyneside accent.
Thus first (l. 11) and shirt (l. 34) are /fɔːst/ and /ʃɔːt/, and therefore
homonyms of forced and short. This feature – the result of a backing
process termed burr retraction (see 22.11, below) – is becoming less
frequent in Tyneside speech, however (Watt 2002; Maguire 2008).

22 Northumberland

Jokes based on the lexical distribution of these vowels include

the story of the Geordie with a bad leg who, after the doctor has
bandaged it and asked him if he can now walk, retorts, ‘Walk? Ah
can hordly waak!’ (i.e. ‘Work? I can hardly walk!’)
By comparison with RP, then, the traditional accent of Tyneside
lacks one vowel, /ɜː/, but has one extra, /aː/.

22.3 (a) Wordfinal -er(s) or -or(s) is [ɐ(z)] (tanner, l. 5).

(b) /ɪə/ is [iɐ] (WL 14; here (l. 3)).
(c) /ʊə/ is [uɐ] (WL 42).

22.4 /aɪ/ is usually [ɛi] (e.g. right (l. 48)) but before certain voiced consonants,
for example /v ð z/, it is [ai]. Thus knife has [ɛi] but knives [ai]. This is
very similar to the effect of the Scottish Vowel Length Rule (see pages
127–130) on the /aɪ/ diphthong in Scottish English. See further Milroy
(1995), Llamas et al. (2011).

22.5 /l/ is clear in all environments (WL 27–31).

22.6 /h/ is generally present. As mentioned on page 67, Tyneside English is

the only urban variety of British English to retain /h/ consistently.

22.7 -ing is /ɪn/ (shilling, l. 2).

22.8 Between vowels, /p t k/ are usually glottalised. City may be transcribed

̑ or [ˈsɪd̰i], where the /t/ is produced with (creaky) voicing
̑ (see page 68).
throughout its length; happy (l. 30) is [ˈhapʔi]

22.9 (a) Just as in Scottish English, words which in RP have /aʊ/ may in
Tyneside English have /uː/, for example about (l. 4), out (l. 7).
(b) (i) Knows is [naːz] (see l. 33 for contrast with nose).
(ii) Was, when stressed, is [waz], thus rhyming with as; what is
[wat] (rhyming with that); who (l. 67) is [we].
(iii) Again, as in Scottish English, no, do (l. 29) and nobody (l. 67)
have [e].
(iv) As in Scotland, Tyneside pronunciations of wrong and long may
have /a/ rather than /ɒ/, for example long (l. 61) is /laŋ/.
(v) Father (l. 68) is [ˈfaðɐ].

22.10 Yourself (l. 9) is [jəˈsɛl].

22.11 In parts of Northumberland and Durham /ɹ/ may be the uvular

fricative [ʁ]. The production of the sound involves the back of the
tongue and the uvula, as per French or German, rather than the tip
of the tongue and the alveolar ridge as per [ɹ] or [ɾ]. The recorded
speaker’s /ɹ/ is variable. An example of uvular [ʁ] is found in remember
(l. 4) (see page 66) or Durham (l. 39). This feature, known as the
Northumberland burr, is now recessive except among older people
in rural areas of Northumberland, and is now virtually never heard in

British Isles Accents and Dialects

urban Tyneside; Beal (2008a) claims it to be little more than a ‘party

trick’ in contemporary speech.

The recording
The speaker is a man of about 50 who has lived almost all of his life in and
around Newcastle. He reminisces about the old days.

I’ll tell you what, I often tell it at work. You know, they’d say to you,
‘Hey, Jimmy, lend us a shilling, man’. ‘What?’ ‘Lend us a shilling.’ And
I’d say to them, ‘Come here a minute, I’ll tell you.’ I says, ‘I can
remember when I used to shove a bairn about in a pram for a tanner
5 a week. Lot of money, a tanner then a week.’ And I says, ‘I’ve been
pushed for money ever since!’ So they divven’t come back. Put them
out the road. Wey lad, get away, go on. ‘Aye,’ he says, ‘for a tanner. By,
you can do a lot with a tanner. You can gan to the pictures, get
yourself a penny fish and a haiporth of chips, by God, yeah, and
10 maybes a packet of Woodbines for tuppence, and a match in, for to
get your first smoke.’ Bah! I once ge . . . remember getting some Cock
Robins . . . they cock-robinned me, I’ll tell you. I was at Newburn
Bridge . . . that’s it, you can see Newburn, it’s across there. And I was
smoking away, faking, you know, instead of just going [smacks lips]
15 . . . swallowing down, you know, I was sick and turned dizzy.
[laughter] I didn’t know what hit us with these Cock Robins. Bah, but
they were good ones.

This old woman says to me one morning, ‘Sonny.’ Sonny? Why, you
never said ‘sonny’ them days, you know. She says, ‘Would you like to
20 run a message for Mr. Penn and for me?’ I says, ‘Yes, I will do.’ She
says, ‘Go up to the shop and get him an ounce of tobacco.’ ‘Oh,’ I says,
‘thank you very much.’ So I gans twaddling up the shop. When I gans
back she give us thruppence – mind thruppence, you know, that’s
about forty . . . forty-two year ago, you know, Reg. Thruppence then
25 was a lot of money. I was there every day knocking at the door to see
if she wanted any more messages! [laughter] Aye, thruppence. ‘Wey
lad, aye, I’m getting thruppence off that woman.’ ‘What for?’ ‘Wey,
getting some baccy.’ Wey, lad . . . Thruppence? What a lot of money
that was. Oh dear me, oh, we used to do such things then, y . . .

30 We used to do some queer things then, but we were happy, man. Aye,
we were happy. Once a rag man says to me, ‘Hey, sonny!’ ‘What?’ He
says, ‘Your hanky’s hanging out.’ Hanky? Wey, you never had a
hanky then. You used to wipe your nose like that, you know. It was
my shirt-tail hanging out of a hole in my pants! [laughter] ‘Aye,’ he
35 says, ‘your hanky’s hanging out.’ Wey, you never had a hanky then.
Bah! You used to gan to school. They used to line you up at school

The recording

there. ‘You want a pair of shoes, I think. You want a pair of shoes.’
Wey, you never seen them, you know, it was just a day out from
Durham County for somebody [indistinct] road. Them were the days,
40 huh.

Then I went from there . . . and there’s a house up there just beside
those two wireless poles. I went from there to there, and then I went
and got married, and I went and lived there with Florrie, and, er, I was
like a bit gypsy. I was in Blaydon first, and Greenside I was, in
45 Blaydon and Greenside. That’s what the doctor says. He says, ‘Jimmy,
you’ve a little bit gypsy in you,’ he says, ‘we divven’t know where you
live.’ Then I shifted from there to Crawcrook and from Crawcrook to
Blaydon. Aye, that’s right, aye. We sold the house at Crawcrook and I
went to Coventry, and when I come back I stopped with Florrie, and
50 then I got a council house into here. I’ve been in here about twelve
year, hin. Oh, if I gan out here I gan out with a stick, George, a stick
in a big box. That’d not be very long, would it? The box, about five
foot ten, that the measurement of us. When I get stiff, when I gan stiff
about five foot ten.

55 But you used to get summers, didn’t you? Mind, you used to get the
winters and all, pet. Oh, dear me, ow the winters. You couldn’t stand
the winters now. Youse lot couldn’t stand it, could they? Course we
used to get the grub, you know. There was a fell . . . there was a fellow
at, er . . . when I’m talking about grub . . . he used to make leek
60 puddings. You’ve heard of leek puddings, you know? Right. But he
used to make them about a yard lang, see? Put the leek in, and roll the
leek up, see, just like, er, a sausage, see? And this fellow was sitting,
Japer Newton they called him, he had about four sons and a lass, like,
and he was sitting at the end of the table, like, all sitting with their
65 tongues hanging out, you know, George. He was sitting at the end
with a s . . . a big leek pudding. He says, er, ‘Who wants the end?’ So
nobody spoke, see? So he says again, ‘Who wants the end, you
buggers!’ Ted says, ‘I’ll have the end, father,’ so he cut the bugger in
two. [laughter] Aye, he cut it in two, a great big leek pudding about a
70 yard lang, cut it in two! Dear me.

1 us (l. 2) = me (also 1. 16).
2 I says (l. 3): see page 30.
3 bairn (l. 4) = child, as in Scotland.
4 tanner (l. 5) = six pence, in pre-decimal currency (not limited to Tyneside).
5 I’ve been pushed for money (l. 5–6) = I’ve been short of money.
6 divven’t (l. 6) = didn’t, don’t or doesn’t.
7 wey (l. 7, 26, etc.) = exclamation common on Tyneside (like why in other

British Isles Accents and Dialects

8 gan (l. 8, 22) = go.

9 haiporth (l. 9): contraction of halfpennyworth (not limited to Tyneside).
10 maybes (l. 10): maybe.
11 Woodbines (l. 10). Formerly a common and inexpensive brand of cigarettes.
12 for to (l. 10) = to (also found in Scottish and Irish English.)
13 Bah! (l. 11) exclamation, not limited to Tyneside.
14 Note the two pronunciations of sonny (l. 18), the first being an imitation
of the woman’s accent, RP or something approaching it, which the speaker
clearly thinks was ‘posh’.
15 Them (l. 19) is used as demonstrative adjective.
16 give (l. 23) as past tense of give (see page 28).
17 thruppence (l. 23) = three pence (not limited to Tyneside).
18 baccy (l. 28): colloquial form of tobacco.
19 hanky (l. 32): colloquial form of handkerchief.
20 seen (l. 38) as past tense of see (see page 28).
21 Durham County (l. 39) = Durham County Council.
22 them (l. 39) as demonstrative pronoun (see pages 32–33).
23 come (l. 49) as past tense of come (see page 28).
24 twelve year (l. 50–51) (see page 33).
25 pet (l. 56): term of endearment much used on Tyneside. Hin (l. 51), short for
hinny (possibly from honey), has a similar meaning.
26 youse (l. 57) = you (cf. Liverpool, page 115).
27 grub (l. 58): colloquialism for food.
28 lass (l. 63) = girl (used throughout Scotland and northern England).
29 bugger (l. 68): term of (often friendly) abuse, common in most parts of
Britain, as well as a taboo word. In l. 68 bugger also refers to the leek pudding.

23 Lowland Scots
Of all the varieties of English spoken in the British Isles, Lowland Scots –
sometimes also known as Lallans (from ‘lowlands’) – is probably the most
unlike Standard English and RP. Note that there is dispute about whether Scots
should, or can, be regarded as a variety of English at all (see, for instance, Kay
1993; McClure 1997; Millar 2010). However, we take the position that because
even quite a broad variety of Scots will – albeit perhaps with some effort – be
intelligible to people from parts of the British Isles outside Scotland, it does
not gain us anything by classifying Scots as a language separate from English.
Readers might like to see how they fare listening to the sound clips given at; according to this website, if the majority of the language
used is intelligible to the listener, that means he or she can understand Scots.
Describing Scots as a dialect of English is problematic in a number of
ways, however. Historically speaking, it would be more accurate to say that
Scots and English are dialects of a language that is the common ancestor of
both, because both derive from a West Germanic dialect that was imported to
Britain from northern Germany and Denmark in the mid-fifth century. The
history of Scots is just as long as the history of English in these islands, so it

23 Lowland Scots

would not be accurate to say that Scots is a dialect of English in the sense that
it is a later offshoot of English. The clarity of this situation is not helped by
the fact that Scots was known as Inglis (= English) for several hundred years,
so as to differentiate it from Gaelic (or Irish, or Erse, as it was known). The
term Scottis took hold in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries (see Jack 1997;
Corbett et al. 2003), but even today many Scottish people are not altogether
sure what distinction is intended by the use of the term ‘Scots’ versus ‘Scottish
In this section we confine ourselves to the urban varieties spoken in
Edinburgh and Glasgow. Rural varieties, which are spoken by a much smaller
number of speakers, diverge more markedly from English than urban Lowland
Scots does, and they therefore present considerably greater difficulties to
foreign learners who might encounter them. Native speakers of English, even
from other parts of Scotland, will sometimes have trouble understanding
local people in areas like Aberdeenshire if they hear the dialect in the form
that locals would use among themselves.
As we have already seen, the vowel systems of all varieties of Scottish
English are radically different from those of England (see Section 15). The
traditional dialects spoken by urban working-class Lowland Scots speakers in
our recordings, however, have the following additional features:

23.1 /ʉ/ may often occur in words which in RP have /aʊ/. House, for instance,
may be /hʉs/ (alternatively pronounced [hys] or [høs]), and is often
written as hoose or hous in Lowland Scots dialect literature. An example
in the recording is round about (l. 36)

23.2 Instead of having coat /kot/ and cot ~ caught /kɔt/, as described in Section
15, working-class Edinburgh and Glasgow speakers may have coat ~ cot
/kot/ and caught /kɔt/. That is, pairs like socks and soaks, clock and cloak
may be homophones, for example brought (l. 33).

23.3 A number of words which have /əʊ/ in RP and /o/ in Standard Scottish
English have /e/ in Lowland Scots. Thus home is /hem/, bone is /ben/,
stone is /sten/ and no is /ne/. This is often reflected in Lowland Scots
dialect writing by spellings such as hame, bane, stane, nae and so on.
The same vowel also occurs in do /de/ and to /te/. Examples are stones
/stenz/ (l. 30) and no /ne/ (l. 20).

23.4 Many words containing /a/ in Scottish English may instead have /ɛ/, for
example /ɛrm/ arm or /ɡrɛs/ grass. Examples on the website recording
are harm (l. 41), married (l. 49).

23.5 Words such as long and strong have /a/ rather than /ɔ/ (cf. Section 22),
for example wrong /ɹaŋ/.

23.6 In the west of Scotland, including Glasgow, words such as land and
hand can have /ɔ/ rather than /a/, for example handy (l. 46).

British Isles Accents and Dialects

23.7 Past participles of verbs typically end in /t/ where Standard English
would have /d/, for example married (l. 49), feared (l. 44).

Perth and
North Sea

Glasgow Edinburgh

Firth Lanarkshire
Scottish Borders
of East
Clyde Ayrshire

Ayrshire Dumfries and Galloway ENGLAND

Map 5.21 Lowland Scots

The recording
There are two speakers on the website. The first is an Edinburgh schoolboy
talking about gang fighting. The second is an older Glasgow woman talking
about her youth.

Speaker 1
Aw, it’s the gangs. They just fight with knives and bottles and big
sticks and bricks. Takes place over at the big railway over there.
They’ve got a gang, they call it Young Niddrie Terror. Round here
they call it Young Bingham Cumbie, and that’s how it starts . . . they
5 start fighting. And they fight with other yins, they fight with
Magdalene. That’s away along the main road there. Magdalene’s just
down that road. And they fight with the Northfields. And they go
away on buses, and go to a lot of other places to fight. [asked how old
the gang members are] Aw . . . about sixteen and that. [asked why
10 boys join the gangs] Don’t know. [asked if gang members live in
the speaker’s neighbourhood] Well, there’s only one person that
lives round here, in this part, and the rest are . . . some of them live
away up the road there, and they’re all round the scheme. Aw, there’s
one of them, like, he . . . he takes a lot of them on, he’s right strong,
15 aye. [asked if he knows this person’s name] Well, they . . . they
have nicknames. I forget his name but . . . his nickname but . . . he is
strong. He fights with all these others . . . he takes about three on at a
time. Because he is big . . . aw, the police come rou . . . round just . . .

The recording

just wh . . . as it starts. See all the police at night, they’re going round
20 the scheme, making sure there’s no fights, and all the laddies just run
away when they see the police. Th . . . they run away and hide, till
they think it’s safe. [asked if the police always catch the gang
members] Not always. They take them away down to the police
station. Well, if there’s any serious injuries on anybody they’ll get put
25 in the children’s home or that. If they’re, like, old enough they’ll get
put there. [asked if he knows anyone this has happened to] No.
Only one person. That was Billy. He was caught just a couple of
nights or so ago. [asked if any younger boys get involved in gang
fighting] Some of them . . . Some. Well, they usually . . . there’s wee-er
30 laddies than me that goes round there and start tossing stones at the
laddies round there. They usually get their . . . get battered fae them,
if they get caught.

Speaker 2
You don’t know the way I was brought up. When I think on it now, I
think that it was kind of strict, because, er . . . it was an awful . . . oh,
35 a terrible lot of them living yet, and they’re in the flats and they’re all
round about, they’ve been meeting me with, ‘Bella, you never . . . got
doing what we did.’ And yet we were happy. We were quite happy in
the house with my mother and father. And we were sitting in that
room with the wee screens, keeking out at them all playing, in the
40 summer at nine o’clock. We were gone to our bed. Never done us
any harm. Now, I think it’s right, to be like that. And we’d to ask my
father if . . . if we’d a boyfriend, we’d to ask my father. He would’ve
died. I went with him for a year afore we got engaged. And I went for
other five year . . . I was feared to tell my father. My mother said
45 ‘Belle, you need to tell your father’. I says ‘You know what he is.’ Cos
I was handy, I was the last lassie, you know, and I done everything.
She says, ‘You’ll need to tell him.’ I says, ‘No.’ But Willy’s mother . . .
he was, er, the youngest, and, ach, there were years atween the one
next to him, they were all married, and she was a widow, and . . . I
50 think they only got ten shillings then for a widow’s pension. Oh, she
would be awful old the now. So we just made it up that we would
stay single like that the now. ‘You help your mother, and I’ll help
mine.’ That the right way? And then he got to know. But my mother
saw . . .

1 All is /a/ (e.g. l. 13).
2 Niddrie, Bingham, Magdalene and Northfields are areas of Edinburgh. A
scheme (l. 13) is a housing estate (housing scheme).
3 yins (l. 5) = ones.
right strong (l. 14) = very strong.

British Isles Accents and Dialects

laddies (l. 20) = boys, youths.

fae (l. 31) = from.
4 think on (l. 33) = think about.
yet (l. 35) = still.
wee (l. 39) = small (wee-er (l. 29) therefore = smaller).
keeking (l. 39) = peering.
5 we were gone to our bed (l. 40) = we had gone to bed.
done (l. 46) = did.
we’d to (l. 42) = we had to.
feared (l. 44) = frightened.
lassie (l. 46) = girl.
afore, atween (l. 43 and 48) = before, between.
awful old the now (l. 51) = very old now.

24 Shetland Islands
The phonology of the speech of the Shetlands is, like the samples in the
preceding section, very far removed from that of RP. English in Shetland
is heavily influenced by the insular Scots dialect of the islands, which in
turn has inherited characteristics of ‘Norn’, a form of Scandinavian that
was spoken in the Northern Isles (the Shetland and Orkney Islands) and in
Caithness (the far northern tip of the Scottish mainland) while these areas
were under Scandinavian rule. The speaker in the recording is from the Isle
of Unst, which is the northernmost island of the archipelago and therefore
the most distant from centres of outside influence, even within Shetland,
and Norn persisted there much longer than elsewhere in the Northern Isles
after the islands were ceded to Scotland. According to Millar (2007: 128), a
church minister sent to Unst in the late sixteenth century had first to go
to Norway in order to learn the language of his parishioners. Numerous
relic forms survive in the lexis of Shetland dialect – among which there are
variations from island to island – and it is often remarked that the sound
of Shetland speech is akin to that of Norwegian or Faroese. Shetland speech
has not been influenced greatly by Scottish Gaelic, a language which was
never natively spoken in the islands. See further Melchers (1991) and Barnes

24.1 The variety is categorically rhotic. /ɹ/ is typically the alveolar tap [ɾ] (e.g.
peerie, l. 2; grandsons, l. 2; three, l. 2; presents, l. 4), but may be trilled [r] at
times (e.g. Germany, l. 1; fruit, l. 40). Like other voiced consonants, /ɹ/ is
generally devoiced in final pre-pausal position, and may also be slightly
fricated (e.g. WL 14, 15, 25, 26, 34, 36, 37, 42–44; were, l. 25; water, l. 13;
scooter, l. 54).
24.2 One of the most characteristic features of Shetland speech is the
stopping of /θ/ and /ð/ to [t] and [d], respectively. This can be heard
in there (l. 2), thinks (l. 11), thy (l. 13), three (l. 19), another (l. 56). The

24 Shetland Islands

pronunciation is reflected in local orthography in forms such as du, dee

(‘you’) or dine (‘yours’; see Melchers 2008). As in Aberdeen, /ð/ is often
dropped in that; examples are in CD that he’s wanting and book that goes
with it (both l. 9). The final dental fricative in with is also frequently
elided (e.g. with [wi] in l. 9).
24.3 /l/ is mostly clear (WL 27–31; well, l. 1; little, l. 40) but may be somewhat
darker in coda positions (e.g. musical, l. 8).
24.4 /p t k/ are typically not strongly aspirated in initial position (the voice
onset time of these plosives is categorised as ‘short-lag’; for example
pit, put (WL 1, 4); painting, l. 5), and their voiced counterparts are often
pre-voiced (bee, bay, buy, boy, etc.; WL 7–10; see Scobbie 2006). Heavily
aspirated /t/ can by contrast be heard in final position in pit, pet, pat and
so on (WL 1–3), and even on word-final /d/ which has been devoiced
(bird, bard, board; WL 16–18). /t/ is glottalled in got a lot (l. 4), and yet
(l. 36) is pre-aspirated [ʰt].
24.5 Devoicing of word-final voiced obstruent consonants (plosives,
fricatives and affricates) is very common, as suggested by examples
cited above and others such as grandsons, is, five (all l. 2), tooted (l. 53)
and so on. It is not confined just to word-final positions, however; in
just and enjoying (l. 7) /dʒ/ is [tʃ], for instance, and /v/ is [f] in lovely
(l. 26), notwithstanding the voiced sounds on either side of them.
24.6 /h/ is consistently present, as it is practically everywhere else in
Scotland apart from in some coastal areas of the northern mainland
(Millar 2007: 61). It (l. 45) is [hɪ ʔ̈ ].
24.7 The speaker has the labial-velar fricative /ʍ/ in <wh>-initial words (e.g.
when, l. 3; what, l. 11; which, l. 24), in contrast to /w/. In the first of these
examples, /ʍ/ is realised as [xw] – phonetically very close to the [kw]
Millar cites for the northern Shetlands (2007: 62) – but it is more often
a regular [ʍ] in the sample. It is difficult to say whether the speaker
has the other ‘extra’ Scottish fricative, /x/, but it seems likely given her
generally conservative phonological profile. The sound is not present in
daughter, as it can be in some Scottish dialects, but it can be heard in the
characteristically Scottish exclamation och (l. 50).
24.8 The vowel system of Shetland English is not readily distinguished from
that of the insular Scots variety spoken there, and major differences
in the lexical distribution of phonemes make it troublesome to align
either set of phonemic contrasts with that of Standard Scottish English,
let alone RP. Reference to the Standard Scottish English phoneme set
is used below to avoid further complication. The list of notable vowel
qualities listed below is by no means exhaustive; for a properly detailed
treatment, the reader should consult Johnston (1997), Millar (2007) or
Melchers (2008).

British Isles Accents and Dialects

24.9 /ɪ/ is a centralised [ɪ ]̈ (WL 1) or a tenser, more peripheral [i] (city is [ˈsiti],
WL 19; the second vowel of English, l. 16, is also [i]). Note that, as in
Aberdeen, /i/ before /k/ in some words (week, speak, etc.) may be [ɪ]
(speak, l. 16). Like may also be found with [ɪ] (l. 47).

24.10 /e/ varies from an RP-like [ɛi] (bay, WL 8) to an open-mid value (e.g.
played, l. 5; page, l. 10), the latter of which may be accompanied by
a centring offglide [ɛə] (great, l. 11). The stressed vowel in painting is
more open still, at [æə] (ll. 5, 6). Make (l. 30; 31) and take (l. 34), as in
other areas of Scotland and northern England, are [mak] and [tak],
while same (l. 17) and came (l. 28) share the same open monophthong,
albeit a longer one. The vowel of plate (WL 40) is [ɪ], but weight (WL
41) is [ɛi].

24.11 /ʌʉ/ (WL 13) is often [ʉː] in high-frequency words; examples are how
(l. 8), out (l. 8) and about (l. 29).

24.12 Tide and tied (WL 46, 47) are distinct from one another, the diphthong
of the first being fronter and shorter than that of the second, owing
to the sensitivity of the Scottish Vowel Length Rule (pages 127–130)
to the presence of syllable-internal morpheme boundaries. The /ae/
diphthong is [aˑi] (WL 9).

24.13 Meet [mit] and meat [mɪt] (WL 50, 51) are distinct. The speaker also
observes that mate (WL 52), which she pronounces [met], can also be
[mɪt] (not in the recording).

24.14 /ʌ/ is either [ɒ] (e.g. putt, WL 5; much, l. 32; money, l. 34) or [ʊ] (son, l. 1;
just, l. 7). The first vowel of brother’s (l. 17) and another (l.56) is [ɪ], as per
other Scottish varieties.

24.15 /o/ tends to be a back rounded monophthong varying somewhat in

height around the open-mid value [ɔː] (WL 29, 38, 39; sofa, l. 14; notes
l. 31; toast, l. 41; open, l. 48) but may also be a centring diphthong [ɔə]
(WL 12; boat, l. 12). Cold is [kault] (l. 46).

24.16 /ɔ/ is open and variably rounded, that is [ɒː] or [ɑː] (WL 6, 30, 33, 45, 48,
49; law’s, l. 1) except before /ɹ/ (WL 18, 43, 44). Daughter has [oʊ] (l. 1).
Cot is distinguished by its shorter length from caught (WL 32, 33). Along
has [a] (l. 10), and doll is [dʌl] (WL 31).

24.17 /ʉ/ is typically [ʉ] (WL 11, 42), but is [u] before /l/ (WL 28). Put (WL 4)
has [ə], however, and pull (WL 27) is [pʌl], as elsewhere in Scotland and
in Northern Ireland.

24.18 <wa>-initial words such as wanting (l. 9) and water (l. 13) have [a]. This
is widespread throughout traditional accents of northern Britain. One is
either [wan] (l. 5) or [in] (l. 11). Us and our may be /w/-initial [wɒs] and
[wəɾ] (e.g. us, l. 33).

The recording

24.19 The lexical subclasses within the RP /ɜː/ set are distinct in Shetland
speech, as in other Scottish varieties (WL 16, 34–36).
24.20 In common with other Scottish accents, there is only one open vowel
phoneme, /a/. However, its quality is variable between a central open
monophthong [ɐ] (WL 21–23), which in half (WL 24) is slightly
lengthened, a fronted and raised [æ] (WL 17, 26; party, l. 3), and [ɛ] in
certain items (e.g. glass, l. 42; this last quality can be heard in this word
throughout Scotland). Had (ll. 3, 4) – or haed – has [ɛ], and father (WL
25) has [ɛi].


Atlantic Ocean

Fair Isle

North Sea
Moray Aberdeenshire


Map 5.22 The Shetland Isles

The recording
The speaker, a woman in her sixties from the Isle of Unst, gives an account of
recent trips she has taken overseas.

Well, I, er, I gaed to Germany, cos my, er, my son and daughter-in-law’s
there, and my peerie grandsons. Max is five, and Leo’s three. Well, he
had his third birthday when I was there, so he had a party. And, er, he
had great time. And he, er, got a lot of fine presents. And he got Play-
5 Doh that we played with one day. And he got finger painting. He just
loved that. He was just painting with his fingers, and… and he was just
enjoy… he was just lost in it, he was just enjoying it. And he’s very
musical. He kens how to work the CD player, and he can get out the
CD that he’s wanting, put him on, get the book that goes with it, and sit
10 and listen and sing along, and turn the page when it comes to the next
one, and he thinks it’s great. And of course he was aye telling me what
to do. He said he had a boat, it was a boat. So I was sitting on the sofa,
and he said, ‘Thy feet is in the water.’ So I had to put my feet up on

British Isles Accents and Dialects

sofa. And then he says it was a… a U-boat, and he was gaeing to

15 Hamburg, because you see Hamburg is no far from them. But he’s
awful funny, he’s very funny. He can speak German and English, which
is very clever, and his brother’s the same. Max goes to the kindergarten at
the school that Martin teaches at. And he… he just lo… he loves it. He’s
been going fae he was three, and he’s five now. So he’s nae… he’s no
20 still in Primary One, but he’s been… this is third year at school. But he
just loves it.

[talks about a trip to Indonesia and India]

And he said, ‘Where are your husbands?’ You ken? They were… could
not understand how two women could travel on their own. Of course they
thought we were filthy rich as well [laughs] which compared with them we
25 likely were. But they could not resist asking, you ken? But oh, it was
lovely. It was really… it was a place I’d always wanted to go to. The one
thing that we hadna been advised about was having American currency in
Bali, ken, cos we came from New Zealand, so, I mean, we werena thinking
about it when we left Britain, you ken? If I was ever going again I would
30 make sure I had Americ… and they didna tell us that in New Zealand
either. And they wouldna take Scottish pound notes, you see, and I had a
fi… an English fiver, so I got him changed, but that wasna very much, you
ken? But they did have… when yon chap said he would need us to pay him
in, er, their money, because he didna have his bank machine thing, ken, we
35 said, ‘Well, you’ll have to take us to a bank machine.’ So, you ken, it’s
thousands of this things, and yet when we worked out what it was it was
about twenty pound, you ken, for a whole day, with a driver and a courier,
you ken?

[asked about her accommodation]

Lovely, yes, yes, beautiful. And the breakfasts were so lovely there. All this
40 fruit, you ken, like little bananas and all this, and we would have a lot of this
fruit. And then you had toast, and stuff like that. It was really good. They
were like gaps, like windows, but it wasna windows. Nae glass in them or
anything. And even at night when you were sitting it wasna cold. That was
amazing. That’s what Mary said when they were on their… well, they gaed
45 to New Zealand. She said it was it being dark and no cold was what she
never could get used to, cos here when it’s dark it’s winter and it’s cold.
And… and even like the night, well, you couldna sit with your frock on
maybe in that, er, with the window o… wide open. We did have a… a car,
you know, a taxi, which was air-conditioned, but of course when you got
50 out of that it was like walking into an oven. Och! But the traffic was v…
very interesting, you ken, all this lorries with just great piles of stuff on the
top and then several little men sitting on the very top. And this taxi driver
just tooted and tooted, and then they got out the road. It was really funny.

The recording

And we saw this motor scooter. It was amazing how many people they
55 could get on a motor scooter. There was a m… er, a father sitting on it,
and he had a child in front of him, and then there was another child
behind him, and then the mother was sitting on the back holding the
baby, you ken? All on one motor scooter! It was incredible. And
there’d be three people on a bicycle. [laughs] And the buses!
60 Goodness me, they were three in every seat, and up the aisle, and on the
roof, and hanging on at the door. [laughs] Oh, it was really funny.

1 Gaed (l. 1) = went (note that it is pronounced [ɡid] here).
2 Peerie (l. 2) = little.
3 The definite article is omitted in ‘had great time’ (l. 4) and in ‘on sofa’ (l. 13–14).
Cf. varieties that feature Definite Article Reduction (DAR); see page 107.
4 Fine (l. 4 is a stronger term of approbation in northern Scotland (including
Aberdeen) than it is elsewhere. One can respond to a host ‘It’s fine’ when asked
how one is enjoying a meal without causing offence; it is equivalent to ‘It’s
delicious’ (as in a ‘fine wine’). Rare is also used in Scotland to denote something
of exceptionally good quality, e.g. They had a rare holiday; The kids were having a
rare time at the play park.
5 Kens (l. 8) = knows. (You) ken is a very frequently used discourse marker throughout
6 That he’s wanting (l. 9). Progressive aspect is used considerably more often in
Scottish English than in varieties spoken in England.
7 Note the speaker’s use of the gendered pronoun him (l. 9, 32) with inanimate
objects, in this case a CD and a banknote.
8 Aye (l. 11) = always. This should not be confused with ay, meaning ‘yes’, although
the two words are now rarely consistently distinguished by spelling.
9 Third person singular pronouns in Shetland speech of the form thee, thou, thy,
etc. are retained; this is a stereotypical feature of the English spoken in the
islands. The incidence of (th)-stopping is very high on these high-frequency
words, giving rise to the spellings di, du, etc.
10 Awful funny (l. 16) = very funny.
11 Going fae he was three (l. 19) = going since he was three (fae = from).
12 Hadna (l. 27) = hadn’t; werena (l. 28) = weren’t (etc.).
13 Yon chap (l. 33) = that man.
14 Thousands of this things (l. 39); all this lorries (l. 51). As in Aberdeen, this and that
are often used with plural count nouns.
15 Och (l. 50) = general exclamation.

Suggestions for using
the book
In what follows we assume that readers have access to the accompanying
website, as being able to listen to the sound files associated with each variety
of English described will greatly enhance the value of the book to the user.
The suggestions that we make here are aimed primarily at teachers and
lecturers, but individual readers working through the book on their own can
also benefit from them. If such readers think of themselves as both teacher
and student, they should be able to do most of the things that we suggest,
doing the exercises and checking their understanding against our transcripts
and analyses.
What is done with the book and recordings will depend among other
things on whether readers are British or Irish, whether they are native
speakers of English and, if not, what the standard of their English is, and the
use to which they intend to put their new knowledge. For this reason alone we
cannot say what should be done. Instead, we can suggest what might be done,
based on our experience of using these materials with students of various
backgrounds. Instructors can then select from our suggested exercises, modify
them, and doubtless add to them, in whatever way they feel is appropriate to
their particular teaching situation.
We suggest a number of activities: working with the main recordings;
completing exercises based on a reading of the book; working with shorter
additional recordings.

Working with the main recordings

Most students in our experience are attracted by the challenge of trying
to understand the recordings on the website. But we think it is important
that the task set them should not be beyond their ability. Instructors will
have to decide how much information and other help they need to give to
particular groups of students. There is no need to use the recordings in the
order in which they appear on the website. As can be seen, we have made a
geographical progression north through Britain, then across to Ireland, and
finally a move from urban to traditional rural varieties, and in general the
accents tended to become increasingly different from RP as we went.
This does not take into account, however, the broadness of accent of our
speakers. For example, the Bristol speaker (whose accent is not especially
strong) may be easier for some listeners to understand than the speaker

Suggestions for using the book

in the first London sample (whose accent is quite strong), even though,
phonologically at least, London speech is closer to RP than is Bristol speech.
One of the most difficult recordings for listeners unfamiliar with British
English will be the one of the Edinburgh schoolboy: segmentally his accent
is very different from RP and indeed from accents of England generally, and
his articulation is lax; his voice quality is also characterized by high levels of
whispery voice and is heavily nasalized.
Students can be given a recording or part of a recording, and be required to:

(a) give the general sense of what they hear

(b) answer comprehension questions set by the instructor
(c) transcribe orthographically passages from the recording. This exercise
compels students to concentrate hard and makes them recognize just
what they understand and what they do not.

In trying to understand what is said, the learners must presumably carry out
some kind of informal analysis. But as an activity in itself, analysis probably
best follows comprehension exercises.

(a) the instructor can ask for general observations on the accent (grammatical
and lexical matters are perhaps most usefully treated separately)
(b) a check can be made to discover how general the noticed features are and
whether they form part of a pattern
(c) the analysis arrived at in the class can be compared with ours.

Where there are differences, the recording can be examined for further
evidence. The stage at which the word list recordings are introduced into these
activities will presumably depend on the nature and level of the students
concerned, as well as on the time available.

(d) for some students it may be appropriate to attempt phonetic or

phonological transcriptions of the recordings.

Exercises based on the text

We have set exercises on all of the chapters of the book which are intended to
help readers to both check and reinforce their learning. Most of the answers
will be found in the text, but we have added notes on one of the exercises (see
page 180).

Chapter 1
1. If English is not your native language, what causes you the greatest
difficulty in understanding spoken British and Irish English? Try to relate
your answer to what you read in Chapter 1.

Working with the main recordings

2. For another language that you know (possibly your own):

(a) can you give examples of:

• differences in pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary between
people in different regions of a country where the language is
• differences in pronunciation and vocabulary between people from
different social classes?
• forms of the language that are generally considered ‘incorrect’?
(b) is there a city or region where the accent or dialect:
• is regarded as somehow inferior?
• is regarded as somehow superior?

On what basis are claims made for these varieties’ inferiority or superiority?
Do you think these claims are valid?

3. In the light of your answers to the previous question, compare the language
you have taken your examples from with British English.

4. What would your response be to the suggestion that the following are
‘wrong’ in some way? (Refer to the IPA chart on p.xiii if you are unsure
which sounds are being referred to using phonemic transcription.)

spud (for potato)

/aʊs/ (for house)
/ɪm/ (for him)
I never (for I didn’t)
I’ve seen him only yesterday
There’s two of us
happen (for maybe, perhaps)
cheers (for thank you)

There are notes on this exercise at the end of the section (p. 180).

Chapter 2
1. Give an example of each of the following in non-standard English:

(a) multiple negation with two negatives

(b) multiple negation with three negatives
(c) another form of negation found only in non-standard dialects
(d) past tense and past participle with the same form (where this is not the
case in Standard English)
(e) present tense, past tense and past participle with the same form

Suggestions for using the book

2. Where are you likely to hear native speakers in Britain saying?:

(a) He smoke a lot

(b) I likes it
(c) He dos (/duːz/) it all the time, do he?
(d) I’ve nae had the chance
(e) Where’s thine?
(f) Give ’n to we
(g) Where’s that pipe? Ah, there he is
(h) Does he not want to go?
(i) He gave it the girl
(j) It needs altered
(k) Give her that apples

Chapter 3
1. Fill in the gaps in the following:

(a) Clear [l] and dark [ɫ] are .................... of the same phoneme. Some RP
speakers use a .................... in place of dark [ɫ] in some environments;
this form of substitution is known as /l/-....................
(b) Some RP speakers make a distinction in pronunciation between saw
and sore. They have one more vowel .................... than other RP speakers.
This is an example of .................... variability.
(c) When different speakers use a different series of phonemes in
pronouncing the same word, we speak of .................... variability.
An example is the pronunciation of the word lure, which may be
pronounced with or without /j/.
(d) When different speakers pronounce the same phoneme in different
ways in the same phonological environment, we speak of ....................

2. Name as many factors as you can think of which help to account for
variability within RP.

3. Give the voiced equivalents of:

/p/ / / /θ/ / /
/t/ / / /s/ / /
/k/ / / /ʃ/ / /
/f/ / / /tʃ/ / /

4. How is the glottal stop distributed in RP?

5. When is /h/ likely to be dropped in RP?

6. Comment on the RP pronunciation of the nasals in the words cotton, tenth,

and emphatic, and in the phrase ten girls.

Working with the main recordings

7. Give examples of linking /ɹ/ and intrusive /ɹ/. For the latter, give examples
of intrusive /ɹ/ occurring (a) across a word boundary and (b) within a word.
8. Fill in the gaps in the following:
(a) The final vowel in words like university and greedy tends in contemporary
RP to have a vowel more like / / than / /. Although the latter vowel
may be taught to foreign learners and is recommended as the ‘correct’
pronunciation in many dictionaries which give guidance as to the
pronunciation of RP, it is now considered rather old-fashioned, or
affected when used by younger people.
(b) In some unstressed syllables (such as the first syllable of believe) there is
a growing tendency for / / to replaced by / /.
(c) There is variability in RP between /a/ and /ɑː/ in such words as
.................... and .................... .
(d) Most words that were once pronounced with /ʊə/ (for example,
.................... and ....................) are now pronounced with / / by most
(e) There is a tendency for the vowel in words like food and tune to be
realized as [ ].
9. Give examples of ‘smoothing’ in RP.

Chapter 4
1. Fill in the gaps in the following:
(a) Typically, speakers in the north of England do not distinguish between
pairs of words like look and luck, having the vowel / / in both. However,
other (particularly older) speakers in northern cities such as Liverpool,
Bradford, Middlesbrough, and Newcastle have / / in look but / / in
(b) In northern English accents, the words brass and plant are pronounced
with the vowel / /.
(c) In most of the north of England, the final vowel of words like city is
/ /. Exceptions to this are .................... , .................... , and ....................
(d) Post-vocalic /ɹ/ survives in the .................... of England, central
...................., ...................., and ....................
(e) Scottish speakers make no distinction between pull and .................... ,
between cot and ...................., or between Pam and ....................
(f) While /h/ is variably absent in most regional accents in England and
Wales, it is retained in the .................... of England, including the city of
2. Describe the use of [ʔ] in different parts of the British Isles.
3. In what ways does the pronunciation of the sound(s) represented in
spelling by <ng> in the words singer and breaking vary in the British Isles?
4. Where are you likely to hear the word beautiful pronounced without /j/?

Suggestions for using the book

Chapter 5
Note: questions relate to the accent and dialect of the city or area referred to
in the section title.

1. Fill in the gaps in the following:

(a) The consonant in the middle of the word water may be realized as [ ],
rather than as [t].
(b) The initial sound in thin and the final sound in breath may be / /,
rather than / /.
(c) The second consonant in bother and the final consonant in breathe may
be / /, rather than / /.
(d) Initial /p t k/ are heavily ....................

2. Describe the difference between the pronunciations of paws and pause.

3. In what phonological environments is /l/ realized as a vowel? What effect

does this vocalization have on preceding vowels?

London West Indian

1. Describe the articulation of /k/ where it follows a back vowel in this variety.

2. What is the name given to the habit of realizing /θ/ as [t] (or [ʔ]) and /ð/ as
[d] in words like nothing and those?

3. How is the ‘velar nasal plus’ typically realized in London English

pronunciations of e.g. something?

1. What is noteworthy about the pronunciation of the word few in Norwich?

2. Give examples of words which are homophones in RP but which are

distinct in Norwich English.

3. Give an example of homophones in Norwich speech which are distinct

in RP.

4. How is <-ing> (in, for example, walking) pronounced?

1. What is the ‘Bristol /l/’?
2. In what obvious ways does the Bristol pronunciation of the word bard
differ from that in RP?

3. Fill in the gaps in the following:

(a) There is no / / ~ / / contrast in Bristol speech. The pronunciation of

daft and hat illustrates this.
(b) The vowel in the word cup is / /. In Bristol there seems not to be a / /
~ / / contrast.

Working with the main recordings

1. On what major consonantal feature does the traditional classification of
Southampton English with the south-western accent group depend?

2. What vowel pronunciation feature can be used to justify Southampton

English’s inclusion in the south-western group?

3. Fill in the gap in the following: where phonetic contrast between vowels
preceding /l/ is lost, the vowels are said to be ....................

4. Comment on /h/-dropping in this variety.

South Wales
1. In what way does /l/ differ from RP in South Wales accents?

2. Fill in the gaps in the following:

(a) The vowels in words like bird exhibits ...................... ......................

(b) Between vowels, when the first vowel is stressed, consonants may be
(c) /a/ and /ɑː/ are distributed largely as in the north of England, but are
normally distinguished by ....................

3. In what ways is Welsh English influenced by Welsh?

West Midlands
1. In which ways can the accent be classified as northern, and in which ways
does it resemble a southern accent?

2. What is the vowel in the word one?

3. Indicate the West Midlands pronunciations of the following vowels on a

vowel quadrilateral chart: /ɪ iː uː aɪ eɪ əʊ/.

1. What are the key differences between East Midlands accents and West
Midlands ones?

2. Give an example of homophones in a Leicester accent which are distinct

in RP.

3. Fill in the gaps in the following: /l/ is .................... in syllable-initial position

in this accent, as in leaf, but is usually .............. or can even be ....................
in syllable-final position, as in feel.

1. Fill in the gaps in the following:

(a) The words gas and grass have the same vowel, which is / /.
(b) The words rush and push have the same vowel, which is / /.
(c) The final vowel in words like city is / /.

Suggestions for using the book

2. Describe the realizations of /eɪ/ and /əʊ/.

3. In what way can a Yorkshire accent generally be distinguished from a

Lancashire accent?

4. Give a phonemic transcription of Bradford as pronounced by someone with

a West Yorkshire accent.

1. What phonetic and phonological features distinguish this (East Yorkshire)
variety from Bradford (West Yorkshire)? Cite three features.

2. What phonological feature is used to contrast pairs like bad and bard, or
pack and park, in Hull speech?

3. Fill in the gaps in the following:

(a) The process which might have operated in Hull English to keep the
vowel of words like jerk and turn separate from that of joke and tone is
called .......................
(b) The short voiceless glottal fricative that often occurs before the stop
closure in the plosives /p t k/ in words such as cup, cut, and luck is
known as .......................

4. What conditions the monophthongization of /aɪ/ in this variety?

1. In what ways is the Liverpool accent northern? In which way does it
resemble southern English accents?

2. In a description of Liverpool speech, what is the significance of pairs of

words like fare and fur?

3. Fill in the gaps in the following:

(a) /p t k/ are heavily ...................... and in final position may even be

realized as .......................
(b) /ɹ/ is usually a ..........................
(c) The word thing can be transcribed [ ].
(d) ...................... is present throughout Liverpool speech, giving it a
distinctive quality.

1. List three respects in which Manchester English differs phonologically/
phonetically from Liverpool English.

2. The final /ə/ in words such as better or father may be [ ].

3. Comment on the realization of /l/ in Manchester English.

1. In what way does the pronunciation of the words master and plaster differ

Working with the main recordings

in Middlesbrough English from its pronunciation in other varieties in

northern England?

2. Give three phrases in which ‘T-to-R’ would be likely to occur in this

variety, on the assumption that the set of affected words is the same as
that in other northern English varieties.

3. With respect to the occurrence of variants of the lateral approximant, how

does Middlesbrough English differ from Tyneside English?

4. Fill in the gaps in the following: Where /t/ is realized as [ts] it is said to be
..........................; where /t/ is realized with an [s]-like quality it is said to have
been ..........................

5. What does the fact that eight and ate form a minimal pair in Middlesbrough
English tell you about the vowel system of this accent?

1. Post-vocalic /ɹ/ does not occur consistently among older Carlisle speakers.
We therefore say that Carlisle English is variably ..........................

2. In what phonological context is the alveolar tap [ɾ] favoured in this


3. Manchester and Carlisle are grouped together (geographically, rather than

linguistically) as being in the north-west of England. What distinguishes
the accents of these cities in terms of the realization of /l/?

4. Identify a vowel feature of Carlisle speech in respect of which it resembles

traditional Scottish and north-eastern English accents.

1. List the vowels of Scottish English as they are described in this book.

2. Assign each of the words in the word list to one of the vowels you have

3. Comment on the following pairs of words: witch~which, pull~pool, tide~tied.

1. What is special about the way in which the first consonant is traditionally
pronounced in words like where, what and when?

2. Fill in the gaps in the following:

(a) /p t k/ in word-initial position are only very lightly .................... . Their

voiced counterparts, / /, / / and / /, may be .................... , meaning
that voicing starts before the stop closure is released.
(b) As in other Scottish accents there is no RP-like / / ~ / / distinction
in the open vowels, but the vowel of words like chap or that is much
further .................... than is typical for, say, Edinburgh speech.

Suggestions for using the book

(c) The vowels of the words fir, fern and fur have not undergone ....................,
a historical change that is evident in RP, but retain their original
qualities / /, / / and / /, respectively.

1. In what ways is the Belfast vowel system different from that of Edinburgh?

2. What determines the length of vowels?

3. What consonant may be lost between vowels? Give an example of a word

in which this may happen.

4. As in Scottish English, which consonant is present, although it is variably

absent in most urban accents of England and Wales?

1. Fill in the gaps in the following:
(a) As in Wales and in Belfast, /l/ is generally .................... in all syllabic
(b) As in Liverpool English, /p t k/ tend to be strongly ....................
(c) The fricatives / / and / / are often pronounced as dental stops.
(f) As in Scotland, Belfast and south-west England, ................... ....................

2. Comment on /a/ and /ɑː/ in Dublin English.

1. What is the Hiberno-English slit /t/?

2. Fill in the gaps in the following:

(a) In Galway English, / / and / / tend not to be distinct, and words

like brother have / /.
(b) The vowel / / in words like mad, happy, etc. is [ ], and is therefore
close to the extent that it can often sound like / /, as in bed.
(c) As in the north of England, / / and / / are not distinct, such that
cud and .................... are homophones.

1. Which voiceless RP consonants may be voiced in Devon speech? In what
linguistic environment?

2. In which way do the vowels in lace and soak differ from their RP equivalents?

3. Fill in the gaps in the following:

(a) Isn’t and wasn’t are pronounced [ ] and [ ].

(b) The present tense of the verb to be for all persons is ....................
(c) Tis [tɪz] is the equivalent of Standard English ....................

Working with the main recordings

1. Fill in the gaps in the following:

(a) The traditional accents of towns like Accrington and Rochdale in

central Lancashire are unusual for varieties spoken in England in that
they are strongly ....................
(b) Today, they share this property only with the accents of the ....................
region of England.
(c) The place of articulation of a variant [ɻ] that appears in strongly
stressed syllables is ....................

2. Give four examples of words (besides those shown in Section 21) that you
might expect to contain hyperdialectal /ɹ/ in this variety.

3. Fill in the gap in the following: Rather than / /, the vowel in the suffixes
–es and –ed is / /.

4. ‘Yorkshire devoicing’ also occurs in the English of other counties. Give a

brief description of what this term refers to.

1. Fill in the gaps in the following:

The accent is northern in that the vowel [ ] occurs in both put and putt, and
[ ] occurs in both daft and dance, but resembles southern accents in that
........................................ .................... .

2. Older forms of the traditional accent of Tyneside lack one vowel, by

comparison with RP. What is it?

3. What is significant about the pronunciation of /l/?

Lowland Scots
1. Transcribe the following words as they would be pronounced in a broad
Lowland Scots accent:

round [ ]
harm [ ]
wrong [ ]
land [ ]
do [ ]
stone [ ]

Shetland Islands
1. What is distinctive about the pronunciation of /θ/ and /ð/ in Shetland

2. Identify another variety discussed in this book in which the phenomenon

asked about in the preceding question also occurs.

3. Fill in the gaps in the following:

Suggestions for using the book

(a) /p t k/ are generally ...................., while /b d ɡ/ may be ....................

(b) Words spelled with <wh-> have the initial phoneme / /, which
in the northern Shetland Islands may be pronounced with the
plosive+approximant sequence [ ].
(c) Preceding /k/, the vowel /i/ may be [ ].
(d) Tied and tide are not homophones, owing to the operation of the
.................... .................... .................... .....................

4. What vowel occurs in <wa->-initial words in the Shetland accent?

Notes to Exercise 4, Chapter 1

All are perfectly appropriate (and so not ‘wrong’) in the right circumstances:
spud is colloquial Standard English; the absence of /h/ is a common feature of
regional accents, including that of London (Chapter 5); in unstressed syllables
/h/ is also frequently absent in RP (Chapter 3); I never is a feature of regional
dialects (Chapter 2); the co-occurrence of present perfect and definite past
time reference seems to be on the increase in Standard English (Chapter 1);
there plus singular verb with plural complement is quite usual in informal
Standard English; happen meaning maybe or perhaps is found in northern
dialects (see Chapter 5); cheers is used very frequently to mean thank you in
informal Standard English, as well as when drinking a toast; it can also mean
goodbye (cf. cheerio, ciao, etc.).

Using the test passages

There are thirteen additional recordings to be found on the website. These
are provided to allow readers to test their ability to recognize and understand
regional speech, and should be left until all the transcribed and annotated
recordings have been worked through.
The first ten of the additional recordings, which are very brief, exemplify
some of the accents found in some of the main recordings. Students may be
asked to identify each accent and to justify their choice. They can also be
asked to make transcriptions.
Test passages 11 to 13 are rather longer. These represent accents which,
though they are not dealt with in Chapter 5, can be identified using the
information provided in Chapter 4. It is suggested that the first step should
be to listen to a recording once or twice to get the general sense of what is
being said. Students can then listen again, checking what they hear against
the features found in Table 4.2 (it should be noted that individual recordings
may not contain examples which permit decisions with respect to all of the
features). This should in itself be sufficient to identify the approximate source
of each recording, but other features of pronunciation treated in Chapter 4
may be used to confirm the identification. There are a number of dialectal
features which are also worth noting. It is a useful exercise to compare
each accent with the one(s) treated in Chapter 5 that seem closest to it. As
with previous recordings, students can be asked to provide orthographic

Working with the main recordings

transcriptions in order that they may discover for themselves precisely how
much they do and do not understand.
If you listen to these thirteen tracks in order, you will hear first of all ten
short recordings from a subset of the varieties exemplified in Chapter 5. This
is then followed by the longer recordings of the three other varieties to be
identified. Notes on the three additional varieties are given at the end of this

Notes on test passages 11–13

The following brief notes are not exhaustive, as we have concentrated on the
main identifying features only, in each case.

Test passage 11
This displays the following features: the vowel in blood, up, etc. is /ʊ/ not /ʌ/;
the first vowel in basket is /a/ not /ɑː/; the final vowel in words like journeys is
/ɪ/; /h/ is variably absent; bring is /bɹɪŋɡ/; there is no /ɹ/ in words like poor; a
diphthongal pronunciation of /eɪ/ is found in train, table, strange, etc.; one is /
wɒn/ (see page 60). This is sufficient to identify the speaker as being from the
north-west Midlands (she is in fact from Manchester). The accent in Chapter
5 probably closest to this is that of Bradford; note in particular that in both
accents /ɹ/ is a tap [ɾ], /t/ is often realized as glottal stop [ʔ], and /aɪ/ is realized
as [ae]. There are also some similarities with Liverpool, Lancashire and the
West Midlands. Note the use in the north of Britain of right as an intensifier
(see page 161): right high up = very high up.

Test passage 12
/ʌ/ (realized as [ə]) is found in words like bucket; the vowel in words like plant
is /ɑː/; the final vowel in plenty, properly, etc. is /i/; /ɹ/ is not present in words
like heart; the vowel in make is /eː/, while in day it is /eɪ/ (see page 95); /h/ is
variably absent. This is sufficient to identify the accent as Welsh. In fact it is a
north Welsh accent, the speaker having been born in Bangor but now living
on the island of Anglesey/Ynys Môn (see the map on the inside front cover).
The accent closest to this in Chapter 5 is, not surprisingly, that of south
Wales. Note the following shared features: doubling (or gemination) of the
consonant in open, apple, adding; /ɹ/ as a tap; the vocalic nature of the sound
which comes after /n/ in manure. In contrast to south Wales, however, the
north Wales recording does not exhibit lip-rounding on the vowel in words
like first; /l/ is not clear in all environments; and /t/ is strongly aspirated.

Test passage 13
The vowel in words like son is /ʊ/; the final vowel in wealthy and army is /ɪ/;
/h/ is variably absent, e.g. home, husband; anything and nothing end with /ŋɡ/;
the first vowel in Daisy is a diphthongal realization of /eɪ/. This is sufficient
to identify the speaker as being from the north-west Midlands, as in the
first of this batch of additional recordings. In this case the speaker is from
Derby. Nevertheless, it is possible to distinguish between the two accents. The

Suggestions for using the book

diphthongs /eɪ/ and /əʊ/ are wider in Derby than in Manchester (see page 70),
and /ɹ/ is not a tap in Derby (see page 66). The intonation is also different;
the Manchester intonation is somewhat like that of Merseyside, while the
Derby intonation is more similar to that of the West Midlands. These two
examples will serve to remind the reader that it is possible to make finer and
finer distinctions between accents of increasingly restricted areas. Note the
non-standard spotless clean.

Further reading
For detailed and fairly up-to-date descriptions of RP, the reader is referred to
Clive Upton’s chapter in Kortmann, B. & Upton, C. (eds.) Varieties of English,
volume 1 (Mouton de Gruyter, 2008), or A. Cruttenden, Gimson’s Pronunciation
of English (7th edition, Hodder Education, 2008). More general accounts
of the phonology of RP (and comparisons of RP with the other reference
accents General American and Scottish Standard English) are given in April
McMahon’s An Introduction to English Phonology (Edinburgh University Press,
2002), Philip Carr’s English Phonetics and Phonology: An Introduction (Blackwell,
1999, 2nd edition 2012). Richard Ogden’s An Introduction to English Phonetics
(Edinburgh University Press, 2009) differs from the preceding titles in that it
deals with the phonetics of English using a non-phonemic approach.
For an account of historical changes in English, see Charles Barber, The
English Language: A Historical Introduction (2nd edition, Cambridge University
Press, 2000), Albert Baugh and Thomas Cable, A History of the English Language
(5th edition, Routledge, 2002) or Barbara Fennell, A History of English: A
Sociolinguistic Approach (Blackwell, 2001). David Britain (ed.), Language in the
British Isles (2nd edition, Cambridge University Press, 2005) and Glanville
Price (ed.), Languages in Britain and Ireland (Blackwell, 2000) have entries on
the history of English in the British Isles as well as chapters on other languages
currently and/or formerly used in the UK and Ireland.
To gain an appreciation of how normal conversational English differs
from the careful style of English often most familiar to students, Gillian
Brown, Listening to Spoken English (2nd edition, Longman, 1990), Peter Roach,
English Phonetics and Phonology: A Practical Course (4th edition, Cambridge
University Press, 2009), Joanne Kenworthy, The Pronunciation of English: A
Workbook (Arnold, 2000), or Maria Lecumberri and John Maidment, English
Transcription Course (Arnold, 2000) are useful.
John Wells’s Accents of English (Cambridge University Press, 1982) is now
some 30 years old but it provides a wealth of detail on British Isles accents,
as does Paul Foulkes and Gerard Docherty’s Urban Voices: Accent Studies in the
British Isles (Arnold, 1999). The latter is a survey of research that was current
at the time and can be quite technical in places. Both these books come with
accompanying sound recordings on cassette tape or CD, though these may
now be difficult to obtain except through used book specialists or online via
sites such as James and Lesley Milroy’s edited volume
Real English: The Grammar of English Dialects in the British Isles (Longman,
1993) deals with variation in English grammar, as does Peter Trudgill and
Jack Chambers (eds), Dialects of English: Studies in Grammatical Variation
(Longman, 1991). Trudgill’s Dialects (Routledge, 1994) and The Dialects of
England (2nd edition, Blackwell 1999), and Martyn Wakelin’s English Dialects:

Further reading

An Introduction (Athlone Press, 1977) and Discovering English Dialects (Shire

Publications, 1999), give information on both modern and traditional dialects
and accents. Joan Beal’s An Introduction to Regional Englishes: Dialect Variation
in England (Edinburgh University Press, 2010) is one of the most current titles
in this area.
Bernd Kortmann and Edgar Schneider (with Kate Burridge, Rajend
Mesthrie and Clive Upton), A Handbook of Varieties of English: A Multimedia
Reference Tool (Mouton de Gruyter, 2004) combines printed and electronic
information on the grammars and phonologies of varieties of English around
the world, and includes entries on major varieties of English in the British
Isles. Kortmann and Upton (eds.) Varieties of English: The British Isles (2008) is
the same as the above, content-wise, but in paperback format. A compact disk
accompanies the book.
Several academic journals are dedicated to the study of the English
language in its various forms, including English World-Wide, English Language
& Linguistics, Journal of English Linguistics, World Englishes, English Today, and
American Speech. These are also available electronically through subscribing
libraries. There is an increasing amount of information available online,
though this should always be approached with care, as it is highly variable in
quality, relevance and accuracy. A wide range of electronic resources dealing
with varieties of English in the British Isles and around the world, including
illustrative sound files, can be accessed via the following websites.

Varieties of English

Sound Comparisons: Accents of English from around the world

Studying Varieties of English

Sounds Familiar?

The British Library has also produced an audio CD called Voices of the UK:
Accents and Dialects of English.

Speech Accent Archive

BBC Voices

IDEA (International Dialects of English Archive)

Further reading

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/iː/, 43, 44, 48, 121, 125 /ɜː/, 51, 65, 91, 95, 98, 105, 108, 116,
/i/, 127, 137, 163 121, 125, 128, 129, 142, 150,
/ɪ/, 49, 51, 98, 127, 137, 138, 150, 163 154, 165
and /i/, 48, 54, 62, 72, 75, 80, 83, /ə/, 8, 47, 49, 51, 53, 54, 55, 60, 65,
94, 97, 101, 104, 108, 112, 66, 86, 87, 94, 101, 120, 151
116, 120, 125, 129, 150, 153
/e/, 127, 128, 137, 138, 163 /ʌ/, 11, 50, 59, 60, 66, 71, 72, 74, 75,
/ɛ/, 49, 105, 127, 137, 142, 159 80, 83, 86, 91, 94, 108, 112,
[ɛː], 54, 82, 109, 121, 138 116, 119, 124, 128, 137, 139, 142,
/a/, 49, 55, 60–61, 62, 63, 66, 71, 72, 144, 150, 153, 164
75, 80, 83, 86, 87, 94, 97, 101, and /ʊ/, 11, 59, 71, 75, 80, 86, 94,
104, 108, 112, 116, 119, 124, 97, 101, 105, 108, 112, 116,
128, 133, 137, 138, 141, 144, 120, 124, 142, 145, 150,
150, 154, 155, 159, 161, 164 153
/aː/, 154 and /ə/, 60, 124
/ɑː/, 8, 43, 47, 49–50, 60–61, 63, 65, and /ɒ/, 59–60
66, 71, 72, 75, 80, 81, 83, 86, 91,
94, 97, 101, 104, 105, 108, 112, /ɪə/, 51–52, 65, 84, 86, 91, 116, 121,
116, 119, 124, 133, 137, 141, 144, 127, 141, 154, 155
150, 154 and /ɛə/, 84, 116
[ɐ], 155, 165 /eɪ/, 40, 52, 72, 77, 87, 91, 95, 98, 101,
/ɔː/, 40, 47, 50, 54, 65, 76, 85, 105, 105, 108, 113, 116, 121, 142,
108, 116, 138, 142, 154 144, 147, 150, 154
and /ɔə/, 40, 50, 52, 105 and /ɛɪ/, 95, 105, 108
and /ɒ/, 50, 66, 72, 85, 138 /ɛə/, 49, 52, 54, 65, 84, 86, 91, 98,
alternations with /ɔə/ and /ʊə/, 116, 121, 141
50, 52, 54, 76
/ɔu/, 105 /aɪ/, 40, 52, 55, 77, 91, 98, 101, 105,
/ɔ/, 127, 159, 163 108, 121, 126, 137, 138, 150,
/ɒ/, 40, 50, 87, 137, 141, 155 155
/ae/, 128, 164
/uː/, 51, 55, 69, 84, 91, 97, 105, 116, /aʊ/, 40, 53, 77, 137, 138, 150, 154,
125, 147, 150, 155 158
and /ʊ/, 51, 60, 66, 72, 84, 112, /ʌʉ/, 128, 164
116, 150
and /ɔː/, 66 /əʊ/, 40, 53, 55, 77, 82, 84, 87, 91, 95,
/ʊ/, 11, 50–51, 60, 72, 75, 80, 83, 91, 98, 101, 105, 108, 113, 120, 142,
97, 138, 145 144, 147, 150, 154, 159
/ʉ/, 127, 129, 133, 137, 159, 164 and /ʊ/, 84
[y(ː)], 129, 133, 147 and /uː/, 84, 147


/o/, 127, 128, 137, 159, 164 [ɫ], 39, 40, 46, 77, 81, 84, 87, 109,
/ɔɪ/, 53, 137, 141 113, 116, 120
/ɔe/, 128 [lˠ], 40, 77

/ʊə/, 50, 52, 86, 91, 120, 125, 141, /ɹ/, 6, 41, 43, 45, 46–47, 63–66, 68,
154 71, 72, 81, 86, 88, 90, 91, 94,
/ɪʊ/, 94 105, 113, 116, 120, 124, 128,
129, 132, 136, 141, 142, 149,
/p/, 42–43, 46, 47, 75, 77, 85, 102, 155, 162
105, 109, 113, 120, 133, 137, intrusive, 41, 43, 47, 65, 66, 77, 86,
142, 155, 163 120, 124, 149
/b/, 42–43, 105, 133 linking, 43, 47, 64–65, 81, 120,
/m/, 45, 61, 124 124
[ɱ], 45 post-vocalic, 46, 63–66, 71, 72, 81,
[ɸ], 113, 133 86, 90, 94, 116, 124, 127, 132,
/f/, 38, 40, 44, 45, 50, 54, 61, 75, 78, 136, 149
81, 87, 133, 138, 147 [ɾ], 46–47, 66, 94, 102, 105, 113,
/v/, 38, 40, 44, 45, 54, 76, 81, 85, 147, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 155,
155, 163 162
/θ/, 43, 44, 45, 50, 61, 69, 75, 78, 81, [ɻ], 66, 86, 90, 109, 128, 132, 136,
87, 142, 147, 162 150
/ð/, 44, 45, 76, 81, 100, 113, 139, 142, [r], 66, 128, 132, 162
147, 155, 162 [ʋ], 6, 66, 77, 81, 85, 88, 102
/t/, 6, 8, 41, 42–43, 46, 47, 48, 67, [ʁ], 66, 128, 132, 155
69, 75, 77, 78, 80, 81, 85, 87, /ʃ/, 44, 147
90, 102, 105, 109, 113, 116, /ʒ/, 44, 147
120, 125, 130, 132, 137, 142, /tʃ/, 43, 45, 136
144, 145, 150, 153, 155, 160, /dʒ/, 44, 45, 163
/d/, 42–43, 46, 48, 69, 76, 105, 133, [c], 43
142, 144, 160, 162 [ç], 47
/s/, 38, 42, 44, 47, 50, 61, 69, 134, /k/, 42–43, 46, 47, 77, 81, 85, 90, 91,
138, 147 102, 105, 108, 109, 113, 120,
/z/, 44, 134, 147, 155 125, 132, 137, 138, 142, 154,
/n/, 45, 61, 68, 69, 109, 116, 150 163
/l/, 39, 42, 43, 46, 62, 66, 76, 81, [kʼ], 81, 91
87, 90, 94, 102, 109, 114, 120, /ɡ/, 42–43, 72, 105, 133, 138
125, 141, 144, 149, 150, 155, /ŋ/, 45–46, 68, 71, 77, 81, 91, 98,
163 102, 105, 113, 116, 129, 133,
clear, 39, 40, 46, 81, 94, 120, 125, 138, 145, 150
141, 144, 155, 163 /x/, 109, 113, 120, 163
dark, 39, 40, 46, 77, 81, 83, 87, [q], 81
109, 113, 116, 120, 149, 150, [χ], 81
163 /w/, 6, 47, 129, 163


/j/, 46, 47, 68–69, 71, 72, 84, 90, 94, aren’t, 19, 26–27
138, 150 article, definite, 51, 100, 107, 116,
/h/, 11, 41, 44, 45, 47, 66–67, 71, 72, 123, 150, 153, 167
75, 80, 84, 88, 90, 94, 98, 105, indefinite, 123, 149
113, 116, 120, 125, 130, 139, articulatory setting, 116
142, 149, 155, 163 Ashby-de-la-Zouch, 102
/ʍ/, 129, 133, 163 aspect, progressive, 167
[ʔ], 6, 41, 43–44, 47, 67–68, 75, 78, aspiration, 42–43, 46, 77, 113, 133,
80, 81, 85, 87, 90, 98, 102, 105, 142, 163
107, 109, 112, 120, 124, 130, assimilation, 8, 41, 43, 47
133, 153, 163 Australian English, 7, 18, 61, 63, 91,
Aberdeen, 24, 33, 36, 73, 129, Australian Question Intonation
131–136, 163, 165 (AQI): see High-Rising
Aberdeenshire, 74, 132, 159 Terminal
accent, defined, 3 auxiliaries and full verbs, 28, 30,
continuum, 10 86
Accrington, 70, 149, 151 auxiliary do: see do
Adam’s apple: see larynx aye, 97, 167
adverbs, 15, 33, 141
‘affected’ speech, 48, 49, 50, 51, 69 bairn, 157
affricates, 45, 47, 124, 162 Barbados, 80, 81
affrication, 77, 113, 120, 124 be like: see like, quotative
African languages, 46 Bedford, 70
age, 6, 12, 20, 41, 78, 109, 124, Bedfordshire, 69
133 Belfast, 6, 73, 130, 136
ain’t, 26, 78 bidialectalism, 17
airstream,, 37, 38, 42, 44, 45, 46 bilabial, 45
Aitken’s Law: see Scottish Vowel Birkenhead, 70
Length Rule Birmingham, 12, 68, 70, 98
allophone, 39–40, 46, 67 Blackburn, 70
alveolar, 43, 45, 46, 81, 128, 151 Blackpool, 149
alveolar flap: see flap, alveolar Blair, Tony, 6, 67
alveolar ridge, 38, 46, 77, 94, 155 Bradford, 11, 70, 73, 104–107, 108,
American English, 3, 7, 12, 17, 18, 120, 149, 151
21, 22, 23, 24, 29, 46, 63, 69, breath group, 91
91, 102 Brighton, 70
amn’t, 19, 27 Bristol, 66, 70, 73, 86–89, 90, 91,
Angus, 74 141, 147
antecedent, 25 Bristol /l/, 66, 87
apposition, pronoun, 25 Britain: see Great Britain
appropriateness, 8, 15 British Asians, 119
approximant, 46, 47, 124, 128, 136 British Broadcasting Corporation
lateral, 39, 42, 43, 46, 141 (BBC), 4, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 44


British Isles, 1, 9, 26, 29, 34, 63, 69, demonstratives, 32–33, 35, 131, 136,
70, 71, 73, 74, 102, 138, 157, 158 153, 158, 167
Burnley, 70 Denmark, 158
burr retraction, 154 dental, 43, 45, 46, 75, 81, 142, 151,
Caithness, 161 Derby, 70
Cambridge, 69 Derbyshire, 19, 116
Cambridgeshire, 69 derhotacisation, 63–64, 65, 116,
cardinal vowel system 127–128
cardinal vowel: see vowel, cardinal destressing, 8
Caribbean, 29, 63, 73, 80 devoicing, 45, 46, 47, 105, 124, 132,
Carlisle, 73, 123–127, 149 151, 162, 163
cartilage, thyroid, 38 Devon, 35, 73, 147–149
Celtic, 144 dialect, defined, 3, 13
centralization, 70, 120, 124, 129, Dickens, Charles, 31
150 diphthongs, 4, 41, 48, 51–54, 69,
chain shift, 108 77, 91, 98, 101, 105, 107, 113,
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 26 116, 120, 124, 128, 134, 137,
Cheshire, 62 138, 142, 149, 150, 153, 154,
Chester, 70 164
class: see social class centring, 51–52, 138, 164
clear /l/: see /l/, clear closing, 52, 98, 142, 153
closure, 37, 42–43, 45 closing followed by schwa, 53–54,
Cockney, 6, 73, 74, 75, 80 120, 126
code, 28 direct object: see object, direct
coinings, 47 discourse marker, 167
comparatives, 32 disordered speech, 6
consonant, 37–38, 42, 47, 162 disyllabic, 53
consonant doubling: see gemination divven’t, 157
consonant loss, 85, 109, 134, 138, do, 21, 28–29, 30, 78, 97, 115, 119,
153 143, 157
contraction, phonological, 19 do-support, 22
correctness, 1–2, 5, 8, 15, 17–18, Doric, 131
26–27, 41, 44, 65, 119 double negative: see negation,
count noun, 35, 147, 166 multiple
Coventry, 70 Dover, 70
Coward, Noël, 41, 46 Dublin, 73, 141–143, 144
creaky voice, 55, 91, 154 Durham, 70, 119, 155
creole English, 73, 80 dynamic meaning of verbs, 22
Cumbria, 19, 124, 125
early adopters, 5
dark /l/: see /l/, dark East Anglia, 16, 29, 68, 70–72, 73,
definite article reduction (DAR): see 83–84
article, definite East Midlands, 70–72, 73, 100, 101


Edinburgh, 61, 73, 127–131, 133, Faroese, 161

159 Fife, 74
education, 3, 13, 16–17, 41, 54 flap, alveolar, 46, 102, 109, 113, 149
Eire: see Ireland formality, 8, 16, 41, 42
ejective, 81, 91, 120 Fraserburgh, 132
elision, 8, 41, 84, 85, 109, 150, 153, French, 12, 26, 34, 35, 44, 119, 133,
163 155
ellipsis, 30 frication, 144, 145, 162
emphasis, 28, 47, 51, 80, 132 fricative, 38, 44–45, 46, 47, 75, 109,
en, 35, 147 113, 142, 155, 162
England, 1, 9, 10, 60, 63, 66, 70, friction, 37, 38, 39, 42, 44, 45, 129
77, 89, 124, 127, 144, 158, fudged form, 108
central north, 70–72 Gaelge: see Irish
east England, 60, 69, 89, 109 Gaelic, Irish: see Irish
east south-west England, 70–72, Gaelic, Scottish, 109, 159, 162
90 Galway, 73, 144–146
north, 3, 10, 11, 20–21, 23, 30, Garioch, 132
32, 34–35, 55, 59–60, 61, gemination, 94
62, 66, 69, 70, 73, 91, 94, gender, 31, 109, 167
97, 104, 107, 108, 116, 119, Geordie, 153, 155
123, 124, 125, 126, 149, 153, German, 12, 34, 119, 155
163 Germany, 158
north-east, 31, 36, 66, 67, 68, Giles, Howard, 12
70–72, 73, 111, 119, 153 Glasgow, 6, 32, 63, 73, 77, 123, 128,
north-west, 73, 123, 149 129, 130, 131, 133, 138, 159
south, 16, 19, 20–21, 23, 59, 60, glide, 48, 49, 52, 81, 90, 91, 105,
61, 62, 70, 73, 90, 91, 100, 150
101, 105 glottalization, 43, 55, 68, 102, 120,
south-east, 54, 60, 61, 62, 64, 66, 155
67, 69, 70–72, 89 glottalling, 41, 44, 67, 75, 109, 116,
south-west, 30, 34–35, 36, 62, 66, 124, 129, 149, 163
69, 73, 86, 89, 91, 136, 141, glottal reinforcement: see
147 glottalization
west, 30, 60, 62, 66, 73, 86, 89, glottal stop, 41, 43–44, 47, 55, 67,
107, 147 75, 90, 98, 102, 106, 107, 109,
west south-west, 70–72, 113, 116, 124, 129, 149, 155,
epistemic meaning of verbs, 20–21 163
Erse: see Irish glottis, 43
Essex, 69 Gloucester, 70, 90
Estuary English, 5–6 Grantham, 70
ethnic varieties, 5, 80 Great Britain, 1
ethnolect, 80 Grimsby, 70
Exeter, 70 Guyana, 80


/h/-dropping, 11, 41, 45, 66–67, 72, invariant tag: see tag
84, 94, 105, 109, 116, 120, 149 inventory, 40
Hackney, 67, 80 phoneme, 40
Hampshire, 90 variability: see variability,
happY-tensing, 48, 62 systemic
have, 22–23, 26, 27, 78, 86, 107, Inverurie, 132
119 Ipswich, 69, 70
have got, 23, 119 Ireland, 1, 13, 18, 23, 46, 59, 60, 62,
have to and must, 20–21 66, 69, 70, 72, 73, 97, 112, 119
her and she, 100 Irish, 136, 144, 146, 159
hiatus, 81 Irish English, 10, 12, 60, 61, 63, 67,
Hiberno-English slit /t/, 144 115, 120, 141
High Rise Terminal: see High-Rising isogloss, 70
High-Rising Tone (HRT), 6, 116 /j/-coalescence: see yod-coalescence
historic present, 30, 100, 141, 157 /j/-dropping: see yod-dropping
Home Counties, 77, 83 Jamaica, 11, 80
homonymic clash, 109 Jamaican Creole, 80
homophony, 4–5, 47, 50, 53, 54, 62, jaw opening, 39
77, 84, 87, 91, 95, 105, 109, 116, Jones, Daniel, 38
119, 120, 124, 154, 159
homorganic, 109, 113 /k/-retraction, 81
Hull, 70, 73, 105, 107–112, 116, 119, kid, 107, 127
120, 149 Kingston-upon-Hull: see Hull
Humberside, 62, 70–72, 107
Humphrys, John, 15, 47 /l/-vocalization, 32, 42, 46, 76–77,
hypercorrection, 11, 60, 149 81, 83, 90, 102, 116, 120, 132,
identity, 89–90, labial-velar, 47, 129, 162
indefinite article, this as, 25 labiodental, 6, 45, 75, 77, 81
indirect object: see object, indirect laggards, 5
infinitive, split: see split infinitive Lallans, 136, 157
infinitive, verb: see verb, infinitive Lancashire, 19, 62, 73, 105, 108, 112,
Inglis, 159 116, 149, 153
innit, 119 central, 70–72, 116
intensifier, 24, 104 northern, 153
International Phonetic Alphabet Lancaster, 70
(IPA), 38 language change, 4–7, 14–15
interrogative, 21–23, 27, 28 language mavens, 119
intervocalic, 46, 80, 81, 113, 116, larynx, 38
120, 124, 132 lateral, 43, 46
intonation, 6–7, 37, 59, 95, 116, 121, release, 43
130, 137 Latin, 15
intrusive /ɹ/: see /ɹ/, intrusive lay and lie, 78, 86


learn and teach, 24 Midlands, 20, 59, 60, 61, 73

Leeds, 70 Miliband, Ed, 6
Leeward and Windward Islands, 80 Milton Keynes, 70
Leicester, 70, 73, 101–104 modal verbs, 21–22
Leicestershire, 69, 102 monophthong, 4, 41, 48, 49, 52, 53,
lend and borrow, 24 60, 69, 80, 95, 105, 108, 109,
levelling, analogical, 28–29 120, 126, 128, 138, 142, 150,
dialect, 28–29 154, 164, 165
morphological, 28–29 monophthongization, 41, 49, 52,
social, 6 54, 105
lexical variation: see variability, morpheme boundary, 76, 128–129
lexical morphology, 13, 68
lexis, 13, 14, 16 Multicultural London English, 80
like, 24, 78, 83, 89, 91, 94, 104, 116 must and have to: see have to and
focus, 24, 104 must
pause filler, 24, 89, 104
quotative, 24, 83, 104 nasalisation, 117
Lincolnshire, 69 nasals, 43, 45–46, 110, 120
linking /ɹ/: see /ɹ/, linking Neath, 95
lip-rounding, 47, 50 negation, contracted, 109
liquids, 66 multiple, 25–26, 100, 115
Liverpool, 62, 68, 70, 73, 98, 102, negative concord, 26
108, 112–116, 117, 119, 120, 121, modal, 20
123, 146, 149, 150, 158 neutralization, 54, 90, 142
loan words, 44, 46, 62, 65 never as past tense negative, 29
London, 3, 6, 12, 24, 44, 46, 67, 68, New England, 63
69, 70, 73, 74, 75–83, 86, 87, 90, New York City, 63
129 New Zealand, 7, 12, 63
London West Indian English, 73, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 67, 70, 112,
80–83, 91 119, 120, 123, 154
long mid diphthonging, 69, 71, 72, nonce words, 16
147 non-rhotic accent, 63, 65, 81, 90, 91,
Lowland Scots, 73, 131, 136, 158–162 109, 120, 124, 149
Norfolk, 16, 69, 84
Manchester, 68, 70, 73, 108, Norn, 161
116–119, 123, 149, 150 Northern Ireland, 1, 61, 62, 66, 68,
manner of articulation, 38 70, 72, 73, 102, 136–139, 164
mass noun, 35, 123 Northern Isles, 161
matched guise test, 12 north-west Midlands, 70–72, 73
media, 5, 6, 7, 11, 13, 108 Northampton, 70
merger, 98, 112, 128, 133 Northamptonshire, 69
Merseyside, 70–72, 73, 112 Northumberland, 73, 124, 133, 137,
Middlesbrough, 67, 70, 73, 105, 108, 153–158
119–123 Northumberland burr, 155–156


Norway, 162 plural, unmarked, 33, 97, 153

Norwegian, 162 Polynesian languages, 46
Norwich, 12, 16, 69, 70, 73, 83–86, Pontypridd, 73, 94, 95
105 possessive relative, 31
Nottingham, 70 post-alveolar, 43, 45, 46–47
Nottinghamshire, 69 post-vocalic /ɹ/: see /ɹ/, post-vocalic
Nunes, Neil, 11 prepositions, 15, 20, 33–34, 89
prescriptivism, 27
object present historic: see historic present
direct, 20 present perfect, 14, 27–28
indirect, 20 present tense <-s>, 16, 21, 29–30, 86
off and from, 143 prestige, 3–4, 12, 13, 26, 131, 141
Oldham, 149 Preston, 149
Orkney Islands, 162 pre-aspiration, 109, 120
ought to, 22 pre-fortis clipping, 43
pre-voicing, 133, 163
palatal, 43, 47 pronouns, 20, 41, 45, 120, 147, 167
palate, hard, 39, 86 personal, 20, 31, 35, 147, 157, 167
soft (velum), 39, 40, 43, 83, 87, 114 reflexive, 31–32
palato-alveolar, 44, 45 relative, 30–31, 86, 100
participles, 20, 27–28, 159 prosody, 121
past tense, 27–29, 78, 97, 100, 107,
115, 123, 141, 143, 160 Queen’s English, 12–13
Pennine Hills, 123
Pennsylvania English, 66, 87 Rawtenstall, 151
perfect, 27–28 Reading, 70
Peterborough, 69 Received Pronunciation (RP), ix,
Peterhead, 132 3–5, 9, 10, 11, 12–13, 17–18,
phoneme, 39–40, 59, 86, 120, 163, 37ff., 51, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 65,
164 66, 67, 69, 74, 75, 77, 80, 83, 86,
phonemic split, 59, 120, 128 87, 91, 101, 102, 105, 108, 113,
transcription, 40 116, 127, 128, 129, 133, 137, 141,
phonetic contrast, 39, 86, 91, 94, 147, 154, 158, 162, 163, 164
108, 128, 133, 137 adoptive, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47
transcription, 39–40 advanced, 5, 42
pitch, 129, 137 conservative, 41, 42, 46, 65, 69
place of articulation, 38, 43, 45 general, 42
Plantation, 136 mainstream, 42, 54
plosive, 42, 47, 55, 109, 120, 132, marginal, 54
142, 144, 163 refined, 42
fortis, 43 regional, 42
lenis, 43 u-RP, 42
realised as fricative, 113, 120, 144 Republic of Ireland: see Ireland
unreleased, 43 restrictive relative clause, 30


retroflex, 66, 86, 90, 109, 128, 136, Shetland Islands, 74, 162–167
149 slang, 15
rhotic accent, 63, 81, 86, 90, 117, smoothing, 4–5, 49, 52, 54, 91, 117,
124, 128, 132, 136, 149 120
rhoticity, 46, 81, 86, 90, 109, 113, social class, 3, 5–6, 10–11, 13, 16,
124, 128, 132, 136, 149 26, 41, 43, 46, 68, 108, 128,
rhythm, 84, 121 131
Rochdale, 149, 151 Somerset, 35
Rossendale, 151 South Africa, 63
royal family, 6, 13, 41, 53, 67 south Midlands, 70–72
south Wales: see Wales, south
same-polarity tags: see tag Southampton, 66, 70, 73, 89–94
Scandinavia, 161 Southern Ireland: see Ireland
schwa, 8, 47, 49, 51, 53–54, 60, 91, Spanish, 12, 133
120 spirantization, 113, 120, 124, 144
Scotland, 1, 3, 10, 13–14, 19, 31, 33, split infinitive, 15
34, 35–36, 46, 60, 62, 63, 66, spoonerism, 45
67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 77, 97, Standard English, 3, 12, 13, 16, 18,
109, 124, 127, 128, 129, 131, 19–21, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36,
136, 153, 155, 157, 158, 162, 100, 119, 147, 153, 158
163, 164, 167 Standard English English, 13–14,
central, 73, 109, 128, 129, 131, 131
134 Standard Irish English, 13
north-east, 131, 133, 167 Standard Scottish English, 3, 13–14,
Highlands, 66, 109 127, 131, 159, 163
west, 159 Standard Southern British English,
Scots: see Lowland Scots 3
Scottis, 159 standardization, 17
Scottish Standard English: see stative meanings of verbs, 22
Standard Scottish English stereotype, 45, 66, 68, 107, 108, 111,
Scottish English, 12, 22, 23, 24, 31, 117, 128, 133, 138, 167
32, 33, 34, 59, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, stigma, 6, 19, 45, 47, 65, 67, 87
67, 69, 124, 127, 129, 131, 142, Stoke-on-Trent, 70
155, 158, 159, 163, 167 Stonehaven, 132
Scottish/English border, 10, 70, 124, stop: see plosive
149, 153 stop, glottal: see glottal stop
Scottish Vowel Length Rule, 129, stress, 8, 35, 44, 48, 60, 75, 84, 87,
137, 155, 164 94, 115, 129, 137, 149, 150
Scunthorpe, 70 contrastive, 20
secondary contraction, 109–110, style: see variability, stylistic
116, 151 Suffolk, 69
semi-vowels, 47–48 Sunderland, 67, 70, 119
Sewell, Brian, 46–47, 69 superlative, 32
Shakespeare, William, 26, 32 Survey of English Dialects, 90


Swansea, 95 us, 25, 31, 164

swearing, 15 used to, 22
syllabic consonant, 45, 46, 88 uvula, 155
syllable, 37, 42, 44, 47, 129, 137 uvular, 45, 128, 132
nucleus, 37, 47 uvularization, 132
syntax, 13
T-to-R rule, 113, 120 interspeaker, 7, 41
taboo word, 158 intraspeaker, 7, 8
tag, 36, 119 lexical, 16, 24, 40, 47, 50, 54, 162
polarity, 36 realizational, 40
tap, alveolar, 46–47, 94, 124 stylistic, 7–9, 15–16, 24–25, 68,
Teesside, 67, 71, 109, 121 124
(th)-fronting, 75–76, 81, 87, 91, 109, systemic, 40, 41, 54, 127, 132,
117 136–137, 155, 163
(th)-stopping, 81, 113, 162, 167 unconditioned, 40
the: see article, definite variation, free, 9
thee, 35, 167 velar, 43, 46
thou, 35, 167 velar nasal plus, 68, 71, 77, 91, 98,
thy, 167 114, 116
thyroid cartilage: see cartilage, velarisation, 114
thyroid velum: see palate, soft
tongue, 38–39, 40, 46, 47, 77, 83, 86, verb, full, 28–29
87, 94, 114, 136, 155 regular, 27, 28, 147
traditional dialects, 34, 59, 73, infinitive, 15
147–167 irregular, 27, 28, 153, 158
trill, alveolar, 66, 128, 132, 162 verb-particle construction, 23–24
Trinidad and Tobago, 80 vocal cords: see vocal folds
triphthong, 4, 53–54, 120, 125 vocal folds, 38, 43
Truss, Lynne, 15 tract, 37, 38, 42
turn, 91 vocalization of /l/: see /l/-
Tyneside, 62, 109, 120, 121, 125, vocalization
153–156, 157 voice onset time, 163
short-lag, 163
Ullans, 136 voice quality, 55, 91, 117
Ulster, 136 voicing, 38, 39, 44, 45, 124, 133,
Ulster Scots, 136 150, 163
United Kingdom, 1, 6, 91, 131 voicing effect, 43, 44
United States: see American vowel, 37, 45
English cardinal, 38, 133
Unst, 162, 165 central, 38, 108
uptalk: see High-Rising Tone close, 38–39
u-RP: see Received Pronunciation harmony, 62
(RP) open, 39, 109


reduction, 84–85 West Indian English, 73, 80–81

rounded, 38, 46, 47, 51, 53, 95, West Midlands, 36, 68, 70–72, 73,
108, 163 97–100, 108, 116, 136
unrounded, 38, 51, 52, 55, 108 Wolverhampton, 70, 97
weakening, 8 World War II, 80
vowel duration, 43, 44, 49, 61, 80,
84, 87, 91, 94, 104, 108, 109, yod-coalescence, 47–48
125, 128, 137, 149, 150, 163 yod-dropping, 46, 68–69, 71, 72, 84,
vowel quadrilateral, 38, 74 101, 149
York, 70
Wales, 1, 10, 60, 63, 66, 67, 69, 70, Yorkshire, 10, 11, 32, 34, 62, 70, 73,
72, 73, 77, 94–97, 119 104, 105, 107, 108, 109, 116,
north, 112 149, 153
south, 30, 72, 73, 94–97 East, 107–108, 109,
Walsall, 70, 73, 99, 101 North, 119
Welsh, 94, 95 West, 105, 107
Welsh English, 10, 30, 59, 72, 91, Yorkshire devoicing, 105, 116,
94–97, 119 150
West Africa, 63 you, 35, 100, 115
West Germanic, 158 youse, 115, 157


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