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The prophecies of Bhavishya Malika, the end

of the Kali Yuga, and the Kalki Avatar
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was none other than the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna, who
appeared in this Kali-yuga in the year 1486 AD to inaugurate the yuga dharma for this age –
Sankirtana, the congregational chanting of the Holy Names of the Lord. During the time of Sri
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, five renowned saints in the Vaishnava tradition were collectively
called the "Panchasakha." Those five great saints named 'Panchasakha' are Shishu Ananta
Das, Achyutananda Das, Jagannath Das, Balaram Das, and Jashobanta Das. They were
prominent in medieval Odisha and profoundly influenced Odia's spirituality and literature.
The Panchasakha tradition emerged when Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was propagating devotion
in Bengal. Before the arrival of Sri Chaitanya in Odisha, the Panchasakha had already
propagated devotion to Radha and Krishna, advancing the tradition the Bhakti poet Jayadeva
established through his work "Geet Govind."

All of these five Mahapurush (great men) became disciples of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Sri
Chaitanya bestowed upon them the title of "Panchasakha," stating that the Panchasakha
were like his five souls and, in every sense, were not any less than some of the incarnations
of Lord Vishnu.

Between 1450 and 1570, the Panchasakha transformed ancient Hindu scriptures into simple
prose that conveyed spiritual concepts so that the common person could understand and
benefit from them. They authored various categorized books like "Pothi," "Malika," "Tika,"
and "Geeta," among others, contributing to the upliftment of society by transcending caste
distinctions and promoting devotion to the Lord. Their invaluable contributions played a
significant role in Odisha's literary and spiritual development.
1 Bhavishya Malika – An overview

The history of Panchasakha dates back to ages. At the end of each era, they take birth as
incarnations of the Lord's aspects and come to Earth to contribute significantly to the
establishment of the Lord's dharma. After providing their invaluable contributions to the
Lord's mission, they return to the spiritual realm of Goloka. In the Satya Yuga, the
Panchasakha took the forms of Kripajala, Narada, Markandeya, Garga, and Svayambhu. In the
Treta Yuga, they appeared as Nala, Neela, Hanuman, Jamvanta, and Sushena on Earth. At the
end of the Dvapara Yuga, as Lord Krishna was departing from this earthly realm,
Nilakantheshwar Maharaj manifested and disclosed to Lord Krishna that His companions,
Daam, Sudaam, Subala, Subahu, and Shrivatsa, would reincarnate again in Kali Yuga in the
human form. In Kali Yug, they would be recognized by the names Achyutananda Das, Balaram
Das, Jagannath Das, Jashobant Das, and Shishu Ananta Das. These five saints were the dearest
associates of Lord Krishna during the Dvapara Yuga, and they returned in Kali Yuga to
accompany the avatar of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in His mission.

Indeed, these Panchasakha authored various books in Kali Yuga, with the "Bhavishya Malika"
being one of the most prominent among them. It's worth noting that the "Bhavishya Malika"
is not a single book but rather a collection of books, amounting to approximately 185,000
individual works. This extensive collection was primarily written in the Odia script on palm
leaves due to the lack of paper and ink about 600 years ago.

Much like how in the Treta Yuga, the sage Valmiki composed the Ramayana even before Lord
Rama's incarnation, and in the Dvapara Yuga, Maharishi Vyasa wrote the Srimad
Bhagavatam before Lord Krishna's avatar, in a similar fashion, in Kali Yuga, before the
incarnation of Lord Kalki, Lord Jagannath guided the Panchasakha to compile the "Bhavishya
Malika" collection of scriptures.
2 Bhavishya Malika – An overview

Before the arrival of the tenth and final avatar of Lord Vishnu, the 'Kalki Avatar,' the
Panchasakha with the purpose to congregate the devotees from all four ages (Yugas),
authored the 'Bhavishya Malika' scriptures. These books were meant to awaken the latent
consciousness of devotees, guiding them from the path of unrighteousness to righteousness.
Within the 'Bhavishya Malika,' the Panchasakha meticulously examined future events
spanning from Kali Yuga to Sangam Yuga and further into Satya Yuga, providing in-depth
insights into these occurrences.

In accordance with many scriptures and puranas of Sanatan Dharma, Kali Yuga is believed
to have a duration of 432,000 years. This perspective is also echoed in the Srimad
Bhagavatam, one of the prominent puranas. However, the "Bhavishya Malika" books
authored by the Panchasakha offer a different interpretation.

The Panchasakha, in their separate "Malika" books, repeatedly mention that although the
entire duration of Kali Yuga is indeed 432,000 years, due to the weight of numerous sinful
actions committed by humanity, its actual duration will be reduced to just 5,000 years. This
prophecy is presented in one of their books, "Bhakta Chetavani," as follows:

"Chari lakṣa je battiśi sahasra,

kaliyuga ra aṭa’i āyuṣa,

Pāpa bhārāre āyu kaṭijiba,

pānca sahasra kali bhoga hoiba."

This verse suggests that despite the originally prescribed duration of 432,000 years, Kali
Yuga's span will be shortened to 5,000 years due to the immense burden of sinful actions.
3 Bhavishya Malika – An overview

In his other work, "Uddhav Bhakti Pradaini," Mahapurusha Achyutananda Das elaborates on
the extensive conversation between Uddhava and Lord Krishna. In this dialogue, Lord
Krishna discusses the 35 different heinous sinful activities that will occur in Kali Yuga and
how each of these sinful acts will diminish the duration of Kali Yuga. Uddhava is informed by
Lord Shree Krishna that after 5,000 years of indulgence in Kali Yuga, He will leave His abode
in Jagannath dham (Shree Jagannath Temple in Puri, Odisha) and appear on Earth in human
form. His mission will be to eradicate adharma (unrighteousness) and sin from the world
and reestablish truth, righteousness, and justice.

According to "Bhavishya Malika," as a warning to the devotees, several signs will appear from
the Jagannath Temple in Puri, Odisha, towards the end of Kali Yuga. These signs will serve as
evidence confirming the conclusion of Kali Yuga and the arrival of Lord Kalki's incarnation.

"Bhavishya Malika" predicts that when Lord Jagannath, who originally resides in a non-
manifest form, assumes a human form, a fire will break out in the gem-studded chandua
(canopy) placed over the deities in the Jagannath Temple. This event, as foretold, occurred
around 2004-05.

Another significant indication pertains to the presence of ominous birds perching atop the
temple. It is a known fact that birds are rarely seen flying over the Jagannath Puri Temple,
and this phenomenon has puzzled scientists and researchers. However, according to the
Bhavishya Malika, towards the end of Kali Yuga, several times, inauspicious birds like
vultures, eagles, or hawks will sit on the 'Patitapavana Bana' (flag) atop the temple. This has
happened numerous times in recent years, including sightings on August 11, 2018,
December 26, 2018, and July 23, 2020. On December 7, 2021, a group of such ominous birds
circled around the Jagannath Temple's flag. This phenomenon was once again witnessed on
4 Bhavishya Malika – An overview

August 17, 2022. Moreover, in May and June 2023, the residents of Puri once again observed
this unsettling event when these birds perched on the temple flag.

The flag hoisted on the top of the Neela Chakra of Jagannath Temple is known as
Patitapavana Bana. The event of the "Patitapavana Bana" (flag of Lord Jagannath that can
even purify the sinner) being blown away by the wind is another sign described in
"Bhavishya Malika." This phenomenon occurred on May 2, 2019, when strong winds caused
the flagpole to fall into the sea, just a day before the extremely severe cyclone 'Fani' hit the
coastal areas of Puri. Similarly, a similar event took place on May 18, 2020, just two days
before Cyclone 'Amphan' struck the Odisha coast. These occurrences align with the
predictions made in "Bhavishya Malika" and are considered significant omens signifying the
end of Kali Yuga.

The burning of the flag atop the Jagannath Puri Temple is considered one of the signs
indicating the end of Kali Yuga. Traditionally, during every Ekadashi, a lamp is lit near the
Nila Chakra (Blue Wheel, which is made of eight metals.) On March 19, 2020, during the
auspicious Papamochani Ekadashi, a lamp was lit near the Nila Chakra, atop the temple.
Strangely, on that occasion, the Patitapavana Bana caught fire when it came into contact with
the lamp. This event is seen as a significant omen, reinforcing the predictions of the
approaching end of Kali Yuga as mentioned in "Bhavishya Malika."

The repeated falling of stones from the Jagannath Puri Temple and its premises is another
significant omen of the end of Kali Yuga. This phenomenon has been occurring since 2005.
Stones falling from various parts of the temple have been witnessed multiple times. On
November 1, 2011, a stone fell near the Nila Chakra area, which is an important part of the
temple. In 2015, a stone weighing around 30-40 kilograms fell near the western part of the
temple, close to the Bimala Temple. More recently, on August 3, 2022, a piece of plaster
5 Bhavishya Malika – An overview

weighing approximately 1.5 kilograms fell from the ceiling of the temple's sanctum
sanctorum. On October 23, 2022, a stone fell near the Natamandap and Jagamohan, and
another stone, weighing 2-3 kilograms, fell from the third layer of the Sakhi's idol near the
South-East corner of the temple premises. These occurrences are seen as significant signs,
foretelling the approaching end of Kali Yuga, as predicted in "Bhavishya Malika."

The holy Banyan tree, also known as Kalpavata, located inside the courtyard of Shree
Jagannath temple, is like Lord Jagannath himself in the form of a tree. Kalpavata is compared
to the body of God, and it is proclaimed that even a small outer piece of bark being broken
from the tree can cause extreme discomfort to God. The Neelachakra, also known as the
Nilachakra, is a large, disc-shaped wheel located on top of the Jagannath Temple in Puri,
Odisha, India. The Neelachakra is made of an alloy known as "astadhatu" (eight metals),
including iron and copper and weighs approximately 2200 kg. On May 3, 2019, the
devastating cyclone 'Fani,' which struck the Puri coast, not only deformed the ‘Neel Chakra’
(atop the Jagannath Temple but also wreaked havoc on the ancient Kalpavata (sacred banyan
tree) located within the temple complex, confirming yet another significant sign of the end
of Kali Yuga, as described in books written 600 years ago.

Several other signs mentioned in the Bhavishya Malika have been observed to manifest from
the Jagannath Temple in recent times. One of these signs is the recurring occurrence of
bloodshed within the temple premises for various reasons. In summary, nearly all the signs
described in the Malika books have been witnessed over the past 15-20 years.

Furthermore, the Malika clearly states that during the final phase of Kaliyuga, there will be a
person named "Narendra" who will be the ruler (Prime Minister) of India. Simultaneously,
the responsibility for the state of Odisha will be entrusted to Shri Naveen Patnaik, the son of
Shri Bijayananda (Biju Patnaik).
6 Bhavishya Malika – An overview

Mahapurush Achyutananda Das, in his scripture "Gupta Gyan," provides another sign related
to the end of Kaliyuga and the incarnation of Lord Kalki.

dibya siṁha aṁke bābu saraba dekhibu,

chādi cakā galu boli niścaya jāṇibu,

nara bāluta rūpare āmbhe janamibu।

In the aforementioned Odia verses, Mahapurush Achyutananda Das states that during the
reign of Shri Divyasingha, the establishment of dharma will occur. It will be during that time
that Lord Vishnu will leave His Jagannath abode and incarnate as a human child.

The great sage Jagannath Das, born on Radha Ashtami in Kapileshwarpur near Puri, has
provided a sign of the end of Kaliyuga in his book 'Kali Malika' as follows:

puruṣottama deba rājā ṭhāru,

unabiṁśa rājā heba seṭhāru।

seṭhāru puṇa rājā nāhiṁ āu,

akuli hoibe kulaku bahu।।

The aforementioned Odia verses state that the great sage Jagannath Das wrote 600 years ago
that a total of 19 kings, including the first king, Shri Purushottam Dev, would become rulers
of the Jagannath Temple in Puri at different times. The sage further wrote that there would
be no king after the nineteenth king, as there would be no one to continue the royal lineage.
This means that they would be without sons.

According to the tradition of King Indradyumna, various kings ruled Puri at different times.
Starting with King Shri Purushottam Dev, currently, Shri Divyasingh Dev (the fourth) is
7 Bhavishya Malika – An overview

carrying out the responsibilities of a ruler in Puri. Shri Divyasingh Dev was born in 1953 and
became the king of Puri in 1970 at the age of 17, following his father's death. He has no sons,
only four daughters. According to the great sages, Shri Divyasingh Dev (the fourth) will be
the last king of Puri, and during his reign, the birth of Lord Kalki and the establishment of
religion will take place.

All of these signs were written by the Panchasakha to make it clear to the devotees that the
end of Kali Yuga has arrived, and Lord Vishnu, equipped with 64 arts, has descended as the
tenth and final avatar to destroy adharma (unrighteousness) and establish dharma
(righteousness) on Earth.

In the Bhavishya Malika, there is detailed information about the Kalki avatar. In earlier times,
Maharshi Vedavyasa described in the Shrimad Bhagavat Mahapurana that the birthplace of
Lord Kalki is identified as 'Sambal Gram' (village of Sambal). He wrote:

“śambala-grāma-mukhyasya brāhmaṇasya mahātmanaḥ

bhavane viṣṇuyaśasaḥ kalkiḥ prādurbhaviṣyati”

In these verses, it is prophesied that Lord Kalki will take birth in the home of a revered
Brahmin who fervently praises Lord Vishnu in the village of Sambal.

Later, in the 'Vanparva' of the Mahabharata, Maharishi Vyas made a slight modification and
referred to the birthplace of Lord Kalki as 'Sambhut Sambal Gram.'

kalki viṣṇuyaśā nāma dvijaḥ kālapracoditaḥ।

utpatsyate mahāvīryo mahābuddhiparākramaḥ।।

sambhūtaḥ sambhalagrāme brāhmaṇāvasathe śubhe।
8 Bhavishya Malika – An overview

manasā tasya sarvāṇi vāhanānyāyudhāni ca।।

upasthāsyanti yodhāśca śastrāṇi kavacāni ca।

In other words, during the culmination of the age, inspired by divine providence, a powerful
child named 'Kalki' will manifest in the village of Sambal, a settlement that will be established
as a haven for Brahmins devoted to worship and rituals. This remarkable soul will possess
exceptional wisdom, valor, righteousness, and an unwavering commitment to the welfare of
the people. With but a thought in his mind, he will be instantly equipped with divine vehicles,
weaponry, warriors, and protective shields.

Through the verses mentioned above, Maharishi Vyasa conveyed that Lord Kalki will take
birth in 'Sambhut Sambal Gram,' signifying a place that has been established for Brahmins to
conduct their sacred rituals and worship. He mentioned that in this very Sambal Gram, Lord
Kalki would take birth in the residence of a highly revered Brahmin residing in the village of
Sambal, who devoutly extols the glories of Lord Vishnu.

In the Bhavishya Malika scriptures, the Panchasakha have identified the settlement of
Brahmins situated near the banks of the Vaitarani River in Odisha's Jajpur district, to the east
of Maa Biraja Temple as the birthplace of Lord Kalki. The name Jajpur is derived from the
name of the 10th-century Somavanshi king, Raja Jajati Kesari, who founded and established
this city as his capital. He later changed the city's name from Jajanagar to Jajpur. Raja Jajati
Kesari brought around 10,000 Brahmins from Kannauj in Uttar Pradesh to Jajpur to conduct
the Ashwamedha Yagna. The Dashashwamedha Ghat on the banks of the Vaitarani River
commemorates this significant event. Moreover, the Brahmin settlement located to the east
of the Biraja Temple in Jajpur district is referred to as "Sambhut Sambhal Gram" in the
Mahabharata's 'Vanparva' by Maharishi Vyasa, alluding to this sacred site as "Sambhut
Sambal Gram."
9 Bhavishya Malika – An overview

The mention of Jajpur is also found in ancient narratives and scriptures of India, where it is
referred to as Biraja and Vaitarani Tirtha. The Kapil Samhita, Brahmanda Purana, Vayu
Purana, Brahma Purana, Tantra Chintamani, and Chaitanya Charitamrita all describe Jajpur
as a highly sacred pilgrimage site. Information from the Mahabharata's 'Vanaparva' tells us
that during their pilgrimage, the Pandavas took a holy dip in the Vaitarani River at this very
Biraja site, accompanied by the Lomash Rishi.

In ancient times, Lord Brahma himself performed a yajna (sacrificial ritual) at the
Brahmakunda in this place. Following the yajna, Mother Parvati emerged from the yajnavedi
(sacrificial altar), and she instructed Lord Brahma to establish her as 'Biraja' in this region.
According to the Skanda Purana, this location purifies the Rajoguna (one of the three
qualities or Gunas in Hindu philosophy) of pilgrims and therefore is referred to as Viraja or
Biraja Kshetra. Additionally, the Tantra Chudamani states that Goddess Sati's navel fell at
this very location, making the ancient Maa Biraja Temple a significant Shakti Peetha (a sacred
shrine dedicated to the Goddess Shakti).

Due to the belief that Gayasur's navel also fell in this area, it is sometimes called Nabhigaya
Tirtha as well. This place is renowned for performing pindadaan (offering to the deceased
ancestors) and tarpan (a ritual offering to ancestors), akin to the world-famous Gaya in Bihar.

Jajpur is often referred to as the region with 'one less than one crore (one less than ten
million)' Shivalingas. It is said that when excavating in the Biraja area, a Shivalinga can
always be found. The presence of numerous Shiva temples in the city and a series of
Shivalingas in the Birja temple further affirm Jajpur's importance for Shiva devotees.
Estimates suggest there are approximately 200 ancient Shiva temples in the Biraja area, even
if we don't account for the dilapidated structures.
10 Bhavishya Malika – An overview

The Panchasakhas have mentioned the birthplace of Lord Kalki with great clarity in various
Malika books. Mahapurusha Achyutananda Das, while quoting the Lord's words himself,
writes in his Malika book, "Brahmakalpa Samhita."

muṁ jāta biṣṇujaśā gharē, martyamaṁḍala ōdiśārē।

In other words, I will be born in the home of a devotee who sings the praises of Lord Vishnu,
in the land of Odisha, in this impermanent world.

Mahapurusha Achyutananda Das reiterates the Lord's words in his treatise "Brahma
Saraswata Patala"

āmbhē naradēha kalakī hōibu utkala dēśarē jāīṁ,

sēṭhārē mahimā prakāśa karibu munigaṇa madhyē rahi।

In other words, I will go to Utkala (the ancient name for Odisha) and take on a human form
to manifest as the Kalki avatar. There, I will reside among the sages and seers and reveal my
divine glory.

In the scripture "Tatvabodhini," he writes –

jājanagrē prabhu janama hēbē, janama hōibē brāhmaṇa bhābē।

Meaning, the Lord will be born in a Brahmin family in Jaajanagr (present-day Jajpur).

Mahapurush Achyutananda Das also describes the birthplace of Lord Kalki in his scripture
"Bigyan Kalpa."

jājanagrē mahāprabhu janama hōibē, garudaku saṁgē ghēni līlā jē karibē।
11 Bhavishya Malika – An overview

In other words, Mahaprabhu Kalki will be born in Jajjangra and engage in divine plays with

Mahapurusha Achyutananda Das left no doubt about the birthplace of Lord Kalki in his
religious scripture 'Biraja Mahatmya.' He wrote that -

śuṇa bāra suta, nihāra bacana, ē aṭē acyuta ṭhāra,

nābhigayā tīrthē, harihara kṣētra, grāmaṭi sambala pura।

The Lord, while describing His birthplace, says that there is a village called Sambal in
Nabheegaya, where the Harihar region is situated, and that is where I will be born.

Mahapurush Jashobant Das, one of the Panchasakha, born in Adhanga under Nilo village of
Jagatsinghpur district of Odisha, wrote in his Malika book –

yēthi madhyarē jē gupata sthāna, nābhimaṇḍala bōli jāra nāma।

dēhabaṁti hōi khēlibē tahiṁ, gōpī gōpāla bhakataṁku laiṁ।।

In other words, the Lord will take human form in a hidden place called Nabhimandala
(Nabhigaya) and perform divine pastimes with His devotees, the gopis and gopas.

In the book "Kalikalpa Gita," Mahapurush Achyutananda Das writes:

biṣṇuśarmāgr̥ hē prabhu hōibē jāta, gayārē saṁbalanagra harihara kṣētra।

Meaning, in Gaya (Nabhigaya), in the Harihar Kshetra, in the house of a devotee who sings
the glories of Lord Vishnu, the Lord will take birth.
12 Bhavishya Malika – An overview

Describing the birthplace of the Lord, Mahapurush Achyutananda Das writes again in his
book "Gurubhakti Gita":

gayārē sambala nagra biṣṇuśarmā ghara, janamiṇa tapasyā karibē cakradhara।

That is, Chakradhar (Lord Vishnu) will be born in the house of a devotee living in Sambal
Nagar, Gaya (Nabhighaya) and singing the praises of Lord Vishnu and thereafter, will
perform penance.

Quoting the words of the Lord, the great man Balram Das, an incarnation of Narada Muni,
one of the Panchasakhas, wrote in his book 'Kali Aagat Bhabishyant' -

śuṇa bāliā tōtē kahi। āmbhē janamibu jēuṁṭhāiṁ।।

tāhā kahibā tōtē śuṇa। jē jājapura bōli grāma।।

Meaning, I will take birth in the place I am about to describe, listen carefully. That place will
be a village named Jajpur.

Mahapurusha Jagannatha Das also wrote about this subject. While transcribing the words of
the Lord in his book "Kali Malika," he writes

āmbha janama aṇatiriśarē। janma hōibu birajā nagrarē।।

padmābatī garbhē janma hōibu। khaṁḍagirirē dhyānarē basibu।।

Meaning, I will take birth from Padmavati's womb in the place of Biraja Nagara and engage
in meditation at a location called Khandaagiri.

Mahapurusha Shishu Ananta Das, one of the Panchasakha, wrote about the Lord's birthplace
in his instructions to his disciple Baranga –
13 Bhavishya Malika – An overview

śuṇa hē bāraṁga kahibā sē raṁga prabhu abatāra sthāna,

śrī birajā kṣētrē janama labhibē anaṁta miśra gr̥ hēṇa।

Meaning, the Lord will be born in the house of Ananta Mishra in Biraja Kshetra.

Writing the Lord's words as they are, Mahapurusha Achyutananda Das wrote in his book 'Jai
Birachita Chautisha':

jētēbēlē nīlācala chādikari jibu।

jājapura bipragharē jāiṁ janamibu।

jagithibu hē।

jē jētē kahilē na śuṇibu hē।

Meaning, after leaving Neelachala (Sri Kshetra), I will be born in the house of a Brahmin in

Through a deep study of the Bhavishya Malika scriptures, it becomes clear that Jajpur in
Odisha is the sacred place where the tenth and final incarnation of Lord Vishnu, Kalki has
taken birth.

Nearly 600 years ago, the Panchasakhas wrote in various books, giving different names to
the birthplace of Lord Kalki. It is referred to as 'Jajnagar' in some books, while in others, it is
mentioned as 'Jajpur'. Some books call it the 'Nabhigaya region,' while others name it 'Biraja
Kshetra.' In some places, 'Satyavatipur' is written, which is synonymous with the famous
Biraja Siddha Shaktipeeth. In several instances, 'Sambal Nagra' is mentioned, and in a few
places, the name 'Harihar Kshetra' is used. Notably, a single temple situated not far from the
14 Bhavishya Malika – An overview

Biraja Temple worships both Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva, which is why this region is also
referred to as Harihar Kshetra.

The birthplace of Lord Kalki is significant, but Jajpur holds importance in various other
aspects. According to the Bhavishya Malika scriptures, in the future, 'Sudharma Sabha' will
be established in Jajpur. Normally, 'Sudharma Sabha' refers to the assembly of Lord Indra in
the heavenly realm. However, this time, it will be situated in Odisha's Biraja Kshetra, i.e.,
Jajpur, under the leadership of Lord Kalki and Goddess Lakshmi. In addition to Lord Brahma,
Narada Muni, and all the deities, this assembly will also include selected devotees of the Lord.
Not only this, but Jajpur's significance is further established by the fact that according to the
Bhavishya Malika, Jajpur will become the capital of the world in the future.

In any case, describing the Lord further, Malika states that He will live life not as an ascetic
but like an ordinary human being. The Lord will engage His beloved devotees in simple
service and spend His days in play and amusement. After His birth, He will reside in Jajpur
for several years, then leave His home and go to a place known as "Khandagiri," a
"Siddhasthal" (an abode of perfect masters,) where He will engage in deep meditation and
perform divine plays with His devotees. Bhagavan Parashuram, residing on the
Mahendragiri mountain in Odisha's Ganjam and Gajapati districts, will impart knowledge of
weaponry and martial arts to Him.

Regarding His birth, Lord Kalki will spend 12 months in His mother's womb, and His birth
will occur at midnight. The Lord will have eighteen marks on His feet, and there will be a
mark of Srivatsa on His chest. However, according to the Bhavishya Malika, only the most
pure-hearted devotees will be able to see these marks. Lord Kalki will engage in childhood
pastimes during His infancy, youthful pastimes in His boyhood, and adolescent pastimes
15 Bhavishya Malika – An overview

during His teenage years. It is in His adolescent years that He will fulfill the establishment of
dharma with His devotees.

Before this, He will establish the "Sudharma Maha-Mahasangha" and later form sixteen
Mandalas, connecting 8,000 devotees with Him.

In Bhavishya Malika, the Panchasakha have also written with clarity about Lord Kalki's
marriage. According to the book, Lord Kalki's marriage will be with Mata Vaishno Devi and
Mata Lakshmi.

Great sage Achyutananda Das writes in his book 'Tera Janma Sharan'

bēni bhārijā mō bhābarē hōibē, nara jakṣa kanyā jahiṁ।

sūkṣmarē sēbā karuthibē niti, nara na cinhibē kēhi।।

In other words, Lord Kalki will have two wives who will serve Him. One (Mata Lakshmi) will
take human form, while Mata Vaishno Devi will serve Him in the form of a Yaksha girl. No
ordinary person will be able to recognize these two mothers.

It is known that during His Rama avatar, Lord promised Mata Vaishno Devi that He would
marry Her when He incarnates as Kalki at the end of Kali Yuga. He also instructed Her to
remain in meditation on the Trikuta Mountain until then. However, according to the
Bhavishya Malika, Lord Kalki's marriage to Mata Vaishno Devi will be of a subtle nature. The
physical marriage of the Lord will take place with Mata Lakshmi in Khandagiri, Odisha,
during a grand ceremony where Lord Brahma, Mata Parvati, Lord Shiva, and Ashtadurga, and
some selected devotees, will be present.
16 Bhavishya Malika – An overview

According to the Bhavishya Malika, in the present time, humanity is going through extremely
challenging circumstances. In the Kali Yuga, the four legs of dharma have been reduced to
just one, and even that one is on the verge of being completely lost with the end of Kali Yuga.
Most people may be unaware that in the coming years, humanity will face great trials and
tribulations. In such trying times, saving their existence will be the greatest challenge for
them. It is well-known that the divine play of Lord Kalki's destruction has already begun
since the year 2020 and will continue until 2027, reaching its final stage. According to the
Bhavishya Malika, after Saturn enters Pisces in 2025, the dance of destruction will
commence, making it extremely difficult for humanity to survive.

Since human civilization has polluted all the five elements (water, air, fire, earth, and space),
in the coming times, humanity will witness both war and the destruction of the five elements,
and nature itself will become helpless. Saint Achyutanand Das writes in the Malikā, "Pātāla
Bāsuki Ṭekiba Muṇḍa, tini thara je kaṁpība Brahmāṇḍa," meaning that frequent and
strong earthquakes will occur, and "tini thara," or three big earthquakes, will take place.
The most significant earthquake will have a magnitude of 16 to 17 on the Richter scale. As a
result, even large buildings will crumble, and the world will witness significant devastation.
Imagining the scenes of destruction will be extremely difficult for humanity.

The scenario of devastation will likely be extremely challenging for humanity. On a single
day, approximately 100 crore (1 billion) people will lose their lives from Delhi to Nepal,
Pakistan, China, Hong Kong, Baluchistan, Afghanistan, Indonesia, and Thailand. Furthermore,
the current geographical landscape of the world will undergo drastic changes. Many
mountains and hills will transform into rivers, and numerous rivers that have completely
dried up will revert to their previous form. According to the Bhavishya Malika, after this
17 Bhavishya Malika – An overview

earthquake, a significant shift will occur in the Earth's axis. The positions of the North Pole
and South Pole will change, and the sun, rising in the west, will set in the east.

According to the Malikā, there will be a world war towards the end of the Kali Yuga, and it
will play a significant role in the impending destruction. The Panchasakha state that during
the Dvapara Yuga, the Mahabharata war supposed to last for 18 days, but there was an
unfinished battle or "Ek Bela Yuddha," which is destined to take place at the end of the Kali
Yuga, orchestrated by Lord Sri Krishna. Malika mentions that all the major warriors from the
time of the Mahabharata have already been born on Earth. Among them are the five young
warriors – Abhimanyu, Barbareek, Babhruvahana, Eklavya, and Ghatotkacha, who had
various reasons for not participating in the war during their time. These five, along with
other key figures such as the Pandavas and Kauravas, Bhishma, Drona, Karna, Duryodhana,
Shalya, Ashwatthama, and Bhurishrava, will engage in a fierce battle on the side of dharma
against adharma.

According to the Malikā, 13 Muslim nations, including Pakistan, and China, will launch an
attack on India, leading to a regional conflict that will quickly escalate into a catastrophic
world war with the involvement of other countries. In the third world war, nuclear weapons
will be extensively used, although Lord Kalki will prevent the use of nuclear bombs on India,
thus thwarting the schemes of its enemies.

The Malikā further mentions that Russia, Japan, Germany, and France will support India in
this war. Despite severe missile attacks on some major Indian cities, Lord Kalki will
eventually lead India to victory, fulfilling the dream of "Akhand Bharat" or Undivided India.
According to the Malikā, the remaining battle of the Mahabharata will be fought on the soil
of Odisha and will last for a total of 13 months. The battle will conclude with the massacre of
18 Bhavishya Malika – An overview

14 lakh (1.4 million) foreign soldiers by Lord Kalki, and this event is predicted to take place
in the years 2025-26.

The Panchasakha had written about 600 years ago that a large dam named 'Hirakud' would
be constructed in the state of Odisha, which would be destroyed by India's enemies at the
end of the Kali Yuga. Its destruction would lead to severe flooding in six districts of Odisha.
In addition, road and rail links will be cut off. It is well-known that in 1948, construction
work on the Hirakud Dam began in Odisha, and it was completed in 1953. The dam was
officially inaugurated in January 1957 by the then Prime Minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.
With a total length of 26 kilometers, the Hirakud Dam, built over the Mahanadi River in the
Sambalpur district of Odisha, is currently the world's longest human-made dam. This
prophecy's accuracy was confirmed by the completion of the first part of the prediction. The
second part of this prophecy is expected to come true in 2024-25 when, during the India-
China war, the Hirakud Dam will be breached due to a Chinese missile attack, resulting in
flooding in six districts of Odisha.

The prophecies in the Malikā also include a great destruction caused by Agnipralaya (fire
catastrophe), Pavanpralaya (wind catastrophe), and Jalpralaya (water catastrophe). There
will be numerous volcanic eruptions in flat regions, leading to the destruction of countless
buildings as if Lord Indra himself is raining fire. Also, tumultuous winds will wreak havoc on
the world. Coastal areas will experience unprecedented devastation due to water
catastrophes. There will be tornadoes, hurricanes, severe flooding from rivers, and massive
tsunamis, which will pose a severe threat to humanity's survival. Landslides, hurricanes,
river flooding, and the fall of comets and meteors will continue to bring destruction upon
people walking the path of adharma. The melting of the Arctic ice will result in a significant
19 Bhavishya Malika – An overview

rise in sea levels, with the most profound impact on the Atlantic Ocean. This will cause
powerful nations, including the United States and England, to be submerged by up to 75%.

According to the prophecies, during the end times, the world will witness several dreadful
pandemics. 64 Yoginis will bring forth 64 types of diseases. These diseases will be so perilous
that numerous people will succumb to death, and neither doctors will have a cure nor
medicines will be effective against them.

In line with the predictions of the Panchasakhas, the water of the sea will inundate the 22
steps of the Jagannath Temple, and fish will start swimming on those steps. Before that, Lord
Jagannath, along with his elder brother Balabhadra and sister Subhadra, will depart from
Puri to visit the Chhatia Vat Temple. They will stay there for seven days and perform rituals
before returning to the main Jagannath Temple.

According to Malikā's prophecies, there will be a time during the world war when neither
the sun will rise nor the moon, plunging the entire Earth into darkness for seven days and
seven nights. During this time, the world will also endure unprecedented water catastrophes.
As a result, the world will experience profound darkness, and at the same time, a powerful
water deluge will be devastating. There will be a period of great turmoil when wildlife will
disrupt human habitats, and divine forces like Chandi, Chamunda, Dakini, and Pishachini will
engage in fierce battles against the evildoers. During these seven days and nights of darkness,
there will be no electricity or scientific instruments to rely on. At this time, Lord Kalki will
extend the scope of his destructive play, annihilating the wicked.

In brief, within the next 2-3 years, an unprecedented and unimaginable catastrophe is set to
engulf the entire human race. This will mark the end of the Kali Yuga era. All institutions
20 Bhavishya Malika – An overview

today, whether they are schools, universities, hospitals, corporations, banks, or any other
entities, will cease to exist. Even all forms of communication will become inactive.

Readers will be pleased to know that there are ways to avoid this impending catastrophe, as
suggested by the Panchasakhas in their prophecies. To escape this, individuals must strive
to become entirely sattvic (pure) in mind, speech, and actions. This includes giving up all
forms of meat and adopting a sattvic diet. People will need to uphold the values of truth,
peace, compassion, forgiveness, and friendship in their lives. Abandoning the path of
unrighteousness and following the path of righteousness is essential. Daily practice of
Trisandhya (meditation and prayers three times a day) and regular recitation of the Shrimad
Bhagavat Mahapuran will assist people in securing themselves from the forthcoming great
destruction. It is worth noting that it has already been written in Bhavishya Malikā that
following the destruction play of Lord Kalki, 33 crore individuals within India and 31 crore
individuals outside India will survive and bear witness to the era of Satya Yuga.

In the upcoming Satya Yuga, India's governance system will be established by Chandravanshi
Devapi, the eldest son of King Pratipa and the elder brother of King Shantanu, and Maru, the
descendant of King Ikshvaku. Prince Devapi of the Chandravanshi dynasty will rule in
Hastinapura (present-day Delhi), and Prince Maru of the Suryavanshi dynasty in Ayodhya.
These two individuals have been engaged in meditation in a village called Kalapagram in the
northern part of India for the past 5,000 years. Due to suffering from leprosy, the eldest
among all brothers, Devapi, could not ascend to the throne during the Dvapara Yuga and
went to the forest to practice penance. After completing 5,000 years of penance, they will be
summoned by Lord Kalki and will be anointed as rulers.
21 Bhavishya Malika – An overview

They will terminate the democratic system, and Lord Kalki himself will become the king of
the entire world, centralizing global governance. He will coronate over one lakh devotees as
rulers of various small regions worldwide. From the sacred land of Jajpur, they will enlighten
the world with the eternal dharma, re-establish the Ram Rajya (the ideal kingdom of Lord
Rama), and reign for 1,009 years, providing endless happiness to the devotees before
returning to their divine abode.

Friends, we should take the prophecies of Bhavishya Malika and the Panchasakha very
seriously and not ignore them at all. Through the Panchasakha, the words of Lord Vishnu
Himself have been imparted in an abstract form. Notably, the great sage Achyutananda Das,
among his most important books, wrote in "Shibakalpa Nabakhanda Nirghanta":

sītā ṭhākurāṇī asatī hōibē, parbatē phuṭiba kaīṁ।

acyuti bacana tilē na ṭaliba, pāṣāṇara gāra ēhi ।।

Meaning, in the end of Kali Yuga, some people will accuse Mother Sita of impurity, and the
event of lotus flowers blooming on mountain peaks will occur. The words of Achyutananda
Das will never fade, for they are etched in stone.

In another work, "Chakada Madana," Mahapurusha Achyutananda Das wrote:

pr̥ thvī duiphāla hēlē hōiba, pūrba sūrya abā paścimē jiba।
parbata śikharē phuṭiba kaīṁ, acyutī bacana mithyā nuhaṁi।
acyutīra bāṇī aṭē patharara gāra, ānakaribāku nāhiṁ śakati kāhāra।।

In other words, the Earth will split into two parts, the sun will rise in the east and set in the
west, and lotus flowers will bloom on mountain peaks. The words of Achyutananda Das will
never be incorrect. His words are etched in stone, and there is no one in the entire universe
who has the power to alter them.
22 Bhavishya Malika – An overview

If you are a vegetarian, not addicted to any kind of intoxicants, want to witness the
appearance of Lord Kalki, wish to remain safe during the impending cataclysm, and want to
follow the instructions of Lord Kalki to become a witness to the coming Satya Yuga, then for
more information, visit or and connect with
Pandit Kashinath Mishra through his YouTube channel. Remember, the entire process is free
of cost.

It is worth noting that the present great Vaishnava devotee from Odisha revered Pandit
Kashinath Mishra, has been researching the hidden elements of "Bhavishya Malika" for more
than 30 years. He is fully dedicated to spreading it for free, sharing the precise interpretation
of the scriptures.

It's amazing that Mahapurush Achyutananda Das wrote about this topic around 600 years

brāhmaṇa kūlare thiba bhakata , brāhmaṇa jāti re se kāśīnātha।

se kāśī bhakata hoiba jehi, dhaṇḍā bāṇṭiba se hukuma dei।

- Tattva Bodhini, Page- 16, Mahāpuruṣa Achyutānanda

Referring to the great Odiya devotee and the noted Malika interpreter Pandit Shree
Kashinath Mishra, revered sage Achyutanand Das foretells in his treatise that at the end of
Kali Yuga, an ardent devotee of Lord Vishnu will be born in the Brahmin caste and be named
'Kashinath'. This devotee will distribute God's grace and holy basil among the devotees. He
will enlighten the devotees about the upcoming Yuga transformation and the establishment
of Dharma through the immortal and eternal divine speech of 'Bhavishya Malika.'
Additionally, he will provide essential instructions to the devotees.
23 Bhavishya Malika – An overview

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