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USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev. Sum19) Name: Brooke Pruim Grade Level Being Taught: 1st Subject/Content: Writing Group Date of Lesson: November 3rd Size:18 ‘Assessment Plan- Howwillyau now students have mastered your objectives? Describe your assessment plan {created rubric that will demonstrate a summative assessment. will collet all the papersat the end of the lessons and grade them according to the rubric How does it align with your objective? I created a summative assessment based off the objectives criteria. For example, one of my abjectves ‘that student will accurately state their opinion an which state season isthe favorite then chose that 0 be the first box in my rubric. USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev. Sum19) Name: Brooke Pruim Grade Level Being Taught: 1st Subject/Content: Writing Group Size:18 Date of Lesson: November 3rd Tg your assessment Formative or summative? Why dia you make iat assessment decision? I chose to daa summative assessment] chose this because all my students should be writing full sentences “Assessment Scoring/ Rubric ‘What are theerteriaforhow you will assess student learningy/student work? ifyou're | [Content Topo 7a paints Opainte using a rubric, include your rubrie | | State opinion Opinion on favorite | Opinionis onfavorte | Opinions onTavorte here season is clearly stated season is mostly clearly stated Season is mostly not clearly stated "Twa relevant reasons with two supporting, ‘examples. "Twa related reasons are written with corresponding examples One or two rated ‘with two or one | corresponding examples, ‘One to zero reasons are writen with one to zero corresponding examples Toncluding sentence ‘Asentence that provides readers with a sense of closureis| “Asentence that mostly provides readers with a fe of closure is ‘sentence that mowty does not provide readers with a sense of| spelling demonstrated with minimal errors demonstrated with 4 or Five errors inched. included, closure, Proper use of tandard_| Proper grammar, Proper grammar, Proper grammar, English grammar, | punctuation, punctuation, punctuation, ppanctuation, capitalization, and | captalization,and_—_| capitalization, and capitalization and | spelingis spelling s spelling is rarely or not demonstrated, I wil also be doinga formative assessment with a checklist to check students understandings. USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev. Sum19) Name: Brooke Pruim Grade Level Being Taught: 1st Subject/Content: Writing Group Date of Lesson: November 3rd Size:18 Part 2: Lesson Implementation Management & Environment = How will you arrange yoursef and the students (Tocation in Use classroom, sealing)? (integrated throughout your Students willbe placed on the carpet while I reada book, show a video, and do a think aloue. step-by-step plan): Students will then be sent back to ther regular seat. ‘© What processes & procedures will ou use? How and when will you communicate those to studens? ‘Students know that when they come tothe carpet that they need to be qulet and listen. wil ‘communicate a level zero with them throughout the lesson ‘© What expectations will you havefor the students? How and when wll you communicate those to students? expect students to uy thelr best and fil out thelr worksheets. will communicate thisafter thinking aloud, ‘© Whatstratepies will you use if students donot meet your expectations? Are there specific students who require amore extensive management plan? What wil that consist of? Students willbe given many warnings If students are defiant, hey will receive a pink slip. When they ge this pink sip, hey willbe given an opportunity to redeem their behavior. I they continue to misbehave, they will go home withthe pink slip. ‘© What wall students do if they complete the task quickly? They will be allowed to addto their story and read books Materials "Twa worksheets (one will befor the Els) have one for my students who are on grade evel and T have (What materiais will you use? Why | one for my ELL students who strugele to write, did you choose these materials? Projector-1am using this for my ELL students so they Include any resources youused. ican also include people!) nhavea visual representation,

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