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50 Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD

Semester 1 dan 2 Beserta Kunci


25 Contoh soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 2 SD

semester 1 pilihan ganda dan kunci jawabannya
1. This is my...
1. Grandfather
2. Son
3. Aunt
4. Mother

2. This is a...
Sumber: buku Bahasa Inggris Kuasai 1001 Soal Paling Sulit SD
Kelas 2

1. Broom
2. Comb
3. Car
4. Flower

3. Ibu in English is...

1. Mother
2. Father
3. Sister
4. Brother

4. Father in Indonesia is...

1. Ibu
2. Ayah
3. Kakek
4. Paman
5. This ... my sister.

1. Is
2. Am
3. Are
4. An

6. Paman in English is...

1. Uncle
2. Son
3. Aunt
4. Father

7. She is my...

1. Sister
2. Uncle
3. Father
4. Brother

8. This is ... nephew.

1. He
2. My
3. Table
4. Bag

9. Who is he? He is my...

Sumber: buku Bahasa Inggris Kuasai 1001 Soal Paling Sulit SD

Kelas 2

1. Brother
2. Aunt
3. Father
4. Uncle

10. She is my...

Sumber: buku Bahasa Inggris Kuasai 1001 Soal Paling Sulit SD

Kelas 2
1. Sister
2. Father
3. Mother
4. Grandmother

11. Bayi in English is...

1. Baby
2. Son
3. Aunt
4. Mother

12. Nenek in English is...

1. Grandmother
2. Father
3. Sister
4. Brother

13. Saudara perempuan in English is...

1. Mother
2. Father
3. Sister
4. Brother

14. Grandfather in Indonesia is...

1. Ibu
2. Ayah
3. Kakek
4. Paman

15. This ... my brothers.

1. Is
2. Am
3. Are
4. An

16. Anak laki-laki in English is...

1. Uncle
2. Son
3. Aunt
4. Father

17. Kakek in English is...

1. Mother
2. Father
3. Grandfather
4. Grandmother

18. This is ... uncle.

1. He
2. My
3. Table
4. Bag

19. Who is she? She is my...

Sumber: buku Bahasa Inggris Kuasai 1001 Soal Paling Sulit SD
Kelas 2

1. Brother
2. Aunt
3. Father
4. Uncle

20. She is my...

1. Uncle
2. Father
3. Mother
4. Grandmother

21. Bibi in English is...

1. Uncle
2. Son
3. Aunt
4. Father

22. She is my...

1. Sister
2. Uncle
3. Grandfather
4. Grandmother

23. He is ... cousin.

1. His
2. My
3. Table
4. Bag

24. Who are they? They are my...

1. Grandadaughter
2. Grandson
3. Grandparents
4. Grandchildren

25. This is my...

1. Family
2. Classmate
3. Mother
4. Grandmother

1. She is a ... She is wearing the uniform.

2. Where is ... going?

3. ... are you doing?

4. I have two...

5. There ... many books in the library.

6. Which one is not the color of rainbow?

7. Grape is...

8. The color of banana is...

9. Pink ... the color of traffic light.

10. I am watching...

11. Our blood color is...

12. We have breakfast in the...

13. Thank you. The answer is...

14. ... is my sister.

15. She is my ..., she teached me how to learn English.

16. Floor means...

17. Roof means...

18. Wall means...

19. Garage means...

20. She is a teacher. She works in a...

21. He is nursing people. He is a...

22. I ... the music with my ear

23. The lamp ... bright.

24. That ... my bedroom.

25. I drink with...

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