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Graph Chart Writing

01 The pie-chart below shows the sources of US Electricity, 1970. Now write a paragraph
describing the information of the following chart/graphs.

[DB ’17]

Ans : Sources of US Electricity, 1970

The pie chart shows how electricity was generated in the US in 1970. It clearly shows that coal
and gas provided the most of electricity produced that year. Only coal accounted for almost half
of US electricity production, at 46%. This was almost twice as much produced by natural gas,
which provided just over 24.3% of power. Renewable sources of electricity, such as hydroelectric
power, supplied less than 16.2% of electric power. A small proportion 12.1% come from oil fired
power station. By far the smallest sector was nuclear power which accounted for less than 2% of
US electricity supply. In fine we notice that coal and gas dominated power production in the US.
Hydro-electric power station, nuclear facilities and oil burning turbines produced just over a
quarter of US power needs.

02 The chart/graph shows the gradual rise in the internet users in Bangladesh. Now, write
a paragraph analyzing/describing the graph and give a suitable title to it.

[RB ’17]

Ans : The Internet Users in Bangladesh

The graph above clearly shows the number of internet users in Bangladesh. It shows that the
number of internet users has increased to a large extent. The graph shows the rise in the internet
users from 2000 to 2009. In 2000, the number of the internet users was .003 lac whereas in 2002,
it rose to 1.50 lac in number. In the next year, the number of the internet users reached to 2.43 lac
and it reached to 3 lac in 2005. In 2007, the number of the internet users rose to 5 lac.

In 2008, the users of the internet were 5.56 lac which rose to 6.17 lac in the next one year. From
the above graph, it is crystal-clear that more and more people are being interested in using
internet keeping pace with the developed countries. It would not be wrong to say that the day is
not far away when almost everyone will use the internet in their daily activities.

03 The chart below shows the sources of air pollution in a city. Describe the chart in 150
words. You should highlight and summarise the information given in the



Ans. Air Pollution in a city

The pie chart is about air pollution in a city. The chart is divided into 5 parts. It shows the
sources that cause air pollution in various degree. The chart also shows the percentages of
liability of these sources for air pollution. We know that the vehicles running in the city emit
gases and pollute air. It is 60 percent liable for air pollution. Actually, this source is the main
culprit for air pollution. Then it is industries and factories. At the time of power generation,
industries and factories emit gases and cause air pollution. It is 17 percent liable for air pollution.
Power plant centres also emit gases and they are 14 percent liable for air pollution. Heating and/
or air-conditioning are/ is 6 percent liable for it. However, last of all, water disposal bears the rest
3% liability for air pollution. This is the calculation of total 100 percent liability of air pollution.
In fact, all these sources of air pollution are the key elements of our modern urban life. So, air
pollution is the curse of our modern urban life.

04 The graph below shows the number of people living below the poverty line. Now, write
a paragraph based on the information given in the graph and give a suitable title to
it. [JB ’17]

The Number of People Living below the Poverty Line (%)

Ans : The Number of People Living below the Poverty Line

Bangladesh is a developing country and almost 50% people here live below the poverty line. The
above graph shows the rate of people living under the poverty line from 1995 to 2010. The graph
shows that in 1995, population below the poverty line was 35.6% and between 1995 and 2004, it
came up to 38%. It was unfortunate that population below poverty line in 2004 became 45% and
this rate was 44% between 2004 and 2008. But again the situation began to improve.

The rate came down to 36.3% in 2008. Between 2008 and 2010 the rate was 32%. The 35.6%
rate of 1995 came down to 31.51% in 2010. During these 15 years, the number of people living
below the poverty line came down to a great extent. People struggled against poverty and worked
hard to improve their condition in these 15 years. Yet, the improvement attained in these years is
not so much satisfactory as we expect.

05 The pie chart below shows the time allocation of a student’s daily activities. Describe
the chart in 150 words. You should highlight and summarize the information in the chart.

[CB ’17]

Ans. Daily activities of a student

The pie chart shows six daily activities of a student. In general, the chart describes the percentage
of time doing different activities in a day by a student.
From the chart it becomes clear that the student spent 20% time of a day by studying. He/she
spent 12% time of a day as a part of recreation. And the chart shows that the student allocated
5% time of a day for playing. He/she spent 25% time of a day in college. For sleeping the student
spent 30% time of a day. And 8% time of a day is allocated for other activities.

The above chart indicates that the student spent more time in sleeping than study, play, recreation
and other activities. Again he/she allocated more time in study than play, recreation and other
activities. And he/she has to spend more time in college’s activities than playing, recreation,
studies and other activities. He/she allocated very short time for other activities.

06 Look at the chart below. It is about the choice of profession by different educated
people. Now describe the chart in your own words.

[CtgB ’17]

Govt. Job Farming Business Intellectual work

80% 4% 10% 6%

Ans : People of Different Professions

This is a simple chart which shows the tendencies of our educated people towards the choice of
profession. In the chart we see that most of the educated people in our country want to get a
government job. The percentange of such people is 80%.

Although ours is an agricultural country, according to the chart, only 4% of the educated youths
like farming while 10% of them are desirous of taking up business as their profession.
Intellectual work is very significant for a nation. From the chart, we see that only 6% youths
select it as their profession. However, government job is overestimated while farming and
business sector are underestimated in our country.

07 The pie chart below shows the percentages of types of transportation used by 800
students to come to college. Describe the chart in 150

[SB ’17]
Ans : Types of Transportation Used by Students (%)

The pie chart provides information about the percentage of types of transportation used by 800
students to come to college. In the chart we can notice that 45% of the students use bicycle to
come to college. The chart shows that there is a downfall in students’ tendency to use car. Only
10% of the students use car to come to college. 30% of the students come to college by bus. And
15% of the students come to college on foot.

So, from the chart we can say that there is a steady rise in students’ tendency to use bicycle. But
on the other hand the rate of students who use car is very poor.

08 Write a paragraph on how a family’s household income is distributed into different

categories describing the information of the following pie chart.

[BB ’17]

Ans. A Family’s Household Expenditure

The pie chart shows the rate of different categories of the distribution of a family’s income. They
use 25% income for food, 13% for clothes, and 22% for education. For power, transport and
other daily uses, 5%, 12% and 8% are the percentages of use of income respectively. 15% money
is saved.

So the largest portion of the family’s income (60%) is used for essentially needed things e.g.
food, clothes and education. Other relevant necessities like power and transport cost them 17%
of the income. Other expenditure is 8%. Only 15% money is saved.

The situation tells us that the total income of the family is not too much to have beyond an
average life standard.

09 The graph below shows Ritu’s time spending on various activities. Describe the chart
in 150 words.
Ans : Ritu’s Time spending on Various Activities

The graph shows Ritu’s time spending on various activities. The graph shows that there is a rise
in Ritu’s tendency to spend time in college. She spends 25% of the time in college. She also
spends 25% of the time in sleep. It is observed that she spends 19% of the time in playing.

The chart shows that Ritu spends only 6% of the time in taking meals. It is found that she spends
only 10% of the time in doing homework. The graph shows that she spends 15% of the time in
entertainment. So from the graph it can be said that the picture is good in terms of Ritu’s
attraction to college. Unfortunately Ritu has less attraction to homework.

10 The pie chart below shows the passing rate of different subjects in class XI in the first
terminal exam of 2016 in Govt. H.C Girls’ College. Write a paragraph on the pie chart and
give a title to it.

Ans : Statistics of Passing Rate

The pie-chart shows the passing rates of four different subjects- Bangla, Computer, English and
Mathematics in Class XI in the first terminal exam of 2014 in Govt. H.C Girls’ College. From
the chart we find that the passing rate is satisfactory in Bangla. It is almost 100%. Next to it is
English which is 90%. The lowest passing rate is found in Mathematics. It is 20% only. It is not
satisfactory. The second lowest passing rate is found in Computer. It is 65%.

11 The graph below shows ‘Infant Mortality Rate’ from 2005 to 2012. Describe the graph
in 150 words. Infant mortality rate (death 1,000 infant)
Ans : Statistics of Infant Mortality Rate

The graph shows the gradual reduction of the infant mortality rate in Bangladesh. The graph
shows that the infant mortality rate was 62.6 in 2005. Then in 2006 it shows that the reduction of
infant mortality rate was 60.83. Again in 2007 we find further improvement in infant mortality
rate which was 59.12. Again, the graph indicates the decreasing infant mortality rate that was
57.45 in 2008. Next we can see a sudden increase in infant mortality rate as 59.02 in 2009. Then
the graph upholds the reduction at infant mortality rate of 52.54 in 2010. Subsequently, it
pictures the lower rate of infant mortality rate by 50.73 in 2011. In fine, we catch sight of the
infant mortality rate of 48.99 in 2012. At last the government as well as the conscious people
should come forward to diminish infant mortality rate by this time from our country.

12 The graph below shows the kinds of movies liked by some of your classmates. Describe
the graph in 150 words. You should highlight and summarize the information given below.

Ans : The Kinds of Movies Liked by My Classmates (%)

The graph provides information about the kinds of movies liked by some of my classmates. In
the graph we see that about 11% of my classmates like comedy movie. Above 40% of my
classmates like horror. Less than 10% like drama and 50% like sci-fi.

From the chart we can say that the first choice of my classmates is sci-fi and the second choice is
horror movie. Then it is comedy. It is their third choice. However, it is observed that classmates
are not so interested in drama. Among the 4 items its position is the last of all.
13 The graph below shows the results of HSC exam of XYZ College from 2008 to 2012.
Describe the chart in 150 words. You should highlight and summarise the information
given in the chart.

Ans : The results of HSC Exam (2008-2012)

The graph shows the results of HSC exam from 2008 to 2012. In 2008 we observe that the
percentage of pass was about 78% and the percentage of GPA 5 holders was about 25%. In 2009
we see that more than 80% students passed the exam. The percentage of GPA 5 holders was
about 24%. The passing rate gradually increased. In 2010 about 85% passed while about 25%
students got GPA 5. In 2011 the rate of GPA 5 holders decreased. The percentage was about
22%. On the other hand about 98% passed the exam. In 2012 the rate of pass and the rate of GPA
5 holders tremendously increased. 100% students passed the exam while about 42% students got
GPA 5.

From the graph we can say that the total picture of the results of HSC exam is satisfactory.

14 Look at the chart below. It shows some information about some countries including
Bangladesh. Now describe the chart in your own words.

Bangladesh Sri Lanka India China

Land area 1,44,000 sq km (apx) 65,600 sq km 3,27,590 sq km 9,600,00 sq km

Population 150m 20m 1.15b 1.33b

Density of population 1000 332 382 143

Birth rate (per 1000) 20.1 17.42 22.22 12.29

Death rate (per 1000) 6.1 5.92 7.48 7.03

Growth rate 1.40% 0.7% 1.41% 0.5%

Ans : Demography of Four Countries

The chart presents some important information about the four countries of the world namely
Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India and China. The pieces of information are about land area,
population, density of population, birth rate, death rate and growth rate. If we see the land area,
Bangladesh is larger than Sri Lanka, smaller than India and China is the largest. Population is the
highest in China but its population density is far less than of Bangladesh. Actually Bangladesh is
the first in this respect. The birth rate of India occupies the first place among these countries
while Bangladesh is second in this respect and China is the last. Death rate in India is 7.48 while
in Bangladesh 6.1, in Sri Lanka 5.92 and in China 7.03. So, it is the highest in India. The birth
rate and the growth rate are also the highest in India. It is 1.40% in Bangladesh. China is the last
in this respect.

15 Write a paragraph on “The amount of production of winter vegetables” describing the

information of the following graph.

Production of winter vegetables (number in thousand tons)

Ans : Production of Winter Vegetables

The above bar-chart shows the amount of production of winter vegetables (in thousand tons). We
can notice from the chart that among all winter vegetables, cabbage gets the highest production.

The amount of cabbage produced each year is 119 thousand tons. Cauliflower obtains the second
position in amount. It is about 82 thousand tons each year. Cucumber is in the third position in
the amount of production. We get 22 thousand tons of cucumber each year.
Again the lowest production of vegetables goes to Chichinga. It amounts in 12 thousand tons.
The second lowest amount of production goes to Puisak. It is 18 thousand tons in amount.

16 The bar graph shows the growth of the world population. Now, write a paragraph in
150 words describing the bar graph.

Ans : World Population Growth

The bar graph shows the growth of the world population between the year 1750 AD and 2000
AD. In the year 1750 the world population was 800 million. By the year 1800 the population
rose to 1000 million.

So it is found that in the 50 years between the year 1750 and 1800 the increased population is
200 million. And in the year 1850 the population rose to 1250 million. In these 50 years the
growth is 250 million. In another 50 years world population reached to 1500 million. Again in
1950 world population rose to 2000 million. But finally in 2000, world population rose to 6000
million. In these 50 years world population increased 4000 million!

So, it is seen that population is growing always.

17 The chart below shows the flow of remittance in Bangladesh during the period
2009-2012. Now describe the chart in your own English and give it a title.

Year Amount of remittance (in millions) Number of Immigrants

2009 $3,177.85 2,54,110

2010 $4, 561.62 2,70,550

2011 $4, 255.19 2,52,000

2012 $5, 001.20 3,80,710

Ans : Flow of Remittance in Bangladesh

The above mentioned chart shows the flow of remittance in Bangladesh during the period
2009-2012. It is clear that the highest number of migrants who sent the highest amount of
remittance came in 2010.

We see from the chart that the amount of remittance was $3,177.85 million and the number of
migrants was 2,54,110 in 2009 and steadily increased to $4,561.62 million and 2,70,550 in 2010.
But decreased in the next year to $ 4,255.19 million and 2,52,000 in 2011. In 2012 the amount of
remittance increased to $ 5,001.20 million while the number of migrants increased to 3,80,710.

In conclusion, it can be said that the flow of remittance is on the increase in our country which is
a good sign for our economy.

18 Look at the chart below. It is about using various mobile phone features in South
Korea. Describe the chart in about 150 words. You should highlight and summarize the
information given in the chart.

2006 2008 2010

Make calls 100 100 99

Take photos 66 71 76

Send & receive text messages 73 75 79

Play games 17 42 41

Search the Internet no data 41 73

Play music 12 18 26

Record video no data 9 35

Ans : Percentage of mobile phone owners using various mobile phone features

The chart provides information about using various mobile phone features in South Korea. In the
year 2006, 100% of the mobile phone owners made calls while 66% took photos, 73% sent and
received text messages, 17% played games, 12% played music. But there is no data about the
mobile phone owners who searched the internet and recorded video. But in 2008 percentage
increased. In 2008, 100% of the owners made calls while 71% took photos, 75% sent and
received text messages, 42% played games, 41% searched the internet, 18% played music, 9%
recorded video.

In 2010 we find some changes. In case of making calls the rate slightly decreased. 99% of the
owners made calls while 76% took photos, 79% sent and received text messages, 41% played
games, 73% searched the internet, 26% played music, 35% recorded video.

From the chart we can say that making phone calls is the best feature of mobile phone.

19 The following bar chart shows the percentage of early marriage in Bangladesh, India
and Nepal in different decades. Now write a paragraph on “Statistics of Early Marriage”
depending on the chart given below.

Ans : Statistics of Early Marriage in Bangladesh, India and Nepal

The chart provides information about the rate of early marriage in Bangladesh, India and Nepal
between 1980 and 2010. In the chart we can notice some changes in the rate of early marriage in
different years. In 1980 the rate of early marriage in Bangladesh was 30% whereas for India it
was 35%. In Nepal the rate was less than 35%. In 1990 the rate of early marriage in Bangladesh
and Nepal was the same. It was 30% for the both countries. But for India it was still 35%. In
2000 the rate for Bangladesh and India increased but for Nepal the rate decreased. In this year
the rate for both countries increased to 40 and 45% respectively. But in Nepal it was 15%. Again
in 2010 the rate of early marriage in Bangladesh did not change. But in Nepal the rate again
slightly decreased than the previous year. And it was about 13%.
From the chart we can say that the rate of early marriage in Bangladesh and India is gradually
going up while it is gradually going down in Nepal.

20 Look at the following graph. It shows the grade of students of a class. Now describe
the graph.

Ans : Proportion of Students

The graph provides information about the grade of students of a class. The chart shows that over
all almost 38% of the students passed. More than half of the students obtained a very good grade,
with 6% getting a distinction and 33% getting a merit grade. While 21% of the students failed.

So according to the graph we can see that the result of the class is excellent. If the teachers take
extra care about the students who failed, they will be able to pass the exam.

21 The graph shows yearly Imports and Exports (Billion Dollars) of a country. Describe
the graph in 150 words. You should highlight and summarize the information given in the

Ans : Imports and Exports

The bar chart shows the change of imports and exports from 2009 to 2011.
In 2009, the amount of exports was 15.07 billion Dollars, while the amount of import was 19.76
billion Dollars. In 2010, the export money increased to 16.24 billion Dollars and the import was
of 21.34 billion Dollars.

At last in 2011, the amounts of export and import money were 23.86 and 31.75 billion Dollars

So both the export and import increased through these years.

22 The box below contains some jumbled information about an NGO. Use the
information to write a passage.

trained teachers since 1972


neglected children servants


about 20,000 students technical training

street urchin since programme

general education 1972 hotel boys


employment programme

3 shifts

UCEP training cell upto class VII

Under privileged Children’s Education Programmers

Ans : The Activities of UCEP

The box contains some jumbled information about an NGO. It shows the different activities of an
NGO based institution UCEP.

From the box we are informed that the trained teachers serve their duty as a teacher in UCEP
since 1972. They trained neglected children, servants, hawkers. They maintain about 20,000
students in providing technical training programme. Since 1972 they serve general education
programme for the street urchins. They maintain their activities in three shifts. Hotel boys also
attend their activities. UCEP training cell organizes employment programme for the trainee. And
their training activities make one trainee active from all sides. They need not worry about
employment as it is arranged by the UCEP. Their training activities are confined upto class VII.

We get a clear idea and picture of different activities of UCEP through the jumbled information
of the box.

23 The graph below shows the percentage of smokers of an upazilla of Bangladesh from
2000 to 2012. Describe the chart in 150 words. You should highlight and summarize the
information given in the chart.

Ans : Rate of smoking people (%)

The graph provides information about the rate of smokers of an upazilla of Bangladesh from
2000 to 2012. In the graph we can notice some changes in the rate of smokers. In the year 2000,
32% people smoked while 27% people in 2002, 24% in 2004, 18% in 2006, 15% in 2008, 10%
in 2010 and 4% in 2012 respectively.

In 2000, 32% people smoked. This rate steadily declined throughout the period, reaching just 4%
by the year 2012. So, we can say that it is a good news for us. It is said that a non-smoker lives
longer than a smoker. So, to live longer and to lead a healthy and happy life all should avoid

24 This is the result of Swadhin in his term-End exam. Now, describe the chart in 120
Ans : Swadhin’s Scores in the Examination

The above graph shows the individual marks Swadhin got in each subject in the term-end
examination. According to the graph, Swadhin got 80 marks in Bangla, 82 marks in English, 95
marks in Mathematics. He obtained 100 marks in Higher Mathematics and it is really a
wonderful score and definitely better than others. He obtained 70 marks in Biology and 80 marks
in Chemistry. In Physics he got 75.

There are 7 subjects in the graph and his total obtained score is 582. We can easily find it that
Swadhin’s average score is a little more than 83.

We know that 80% marks indicate GPA-5 or A+. So Swadhin got A+ in his term end

25 The graph below shows ‘Literacy Rate’ from 1995 to 2010. Describe the graph in 150
words. You should highlight and summarize the information given in the graph.

Ans : Literacy Rate of Bangladesh

The graph shows the ups and downs of literacy rate in Bangladesh from 1995 to 2010.
From 1995 to 2000, the literacy rate develops from 38.1% to 56%. Then in 2001 and 2003 the
rate collapses. From 56% (in 2000), the rate falls to 47.9% and 43.1% in 2001 and 2003
respectively. Then by 2010, the rate again rises to 56.8%.

So it is evident that the literacy of Bangladeshi people achieved a remarkable progress in the last
five years of the 21st century.

26 The graph below shows the population growth rate of Bangladesh. Now, write a
paragraph based on the information given in the graph and give a suitable title to it.

Ans : Population Growth Rate in Bangladesh

It is known to all that population growth is a burning question for Bangladesh. The above graph
shows the population growth rate of Bangladesh from 2005 to 2012. The graph clearly shows
that our country has succeeded to reduce the growth rate of our population in these years. In
2005, the population growth rate of Bangladesh was 2.09 and it did not improve in the next one
year, Then, the growth rate began to reduce in the following years. In 2007, the rate reduced to
2.06 and it was 2.02 in 2008.

We find a significant change in the growth rate of population in 2009. It reduced to 1.29 in this
year. The growth rate again rose to 1.55 in 2010 and 1.57 in 2011. In 2012, it rose to 1.58.
Bangladesh could not improve its population growth rate in the last three or four years. The
whole graph shows a picture of the rise and fall in the population growth rate. But it is also true
that our government including some renowned NGOs is working hard to improve the situation of
population growth rate.

27 Look at the chart below. It is about the importance and usage of English. Now describe
the chart in your own words.
Using English as a Using English as a Usage of English in various Information in the world
first language second language organization worldwide computers

58% 50% 33% 80%

Ans : Importance & Usage of English

The above mentioned chart shows the importance and usage of English. The first one means the
number of people of using English as a first language. The percentage is 58. If it is calculated
properly it will show that about 350 million people speak English as a first language. And for the
second one about 300 million people use it as a second language. The next percentage shows the
usage of English in various organizations worldwide. It means that it is the official or
semi-official language in 33% international organizations. The last one is about how much
information is stored in the world’s computers in English. The percentage is 80%. It means that
almost all kinds of information are available in the world’s computer in English.

28 The graph below shows the minimum temperature (in Celsius) at Chittagong and
Rajshahi in the years between 1997 and 2001. Describe the chart in 150 words. You should
highlight and summarise the information given in the chart.

Ans : Temperature Analysis of Chittagong and Rajshahi

The above chart shows the temperature of Chittagong and Rajshahi during the period of 1997
and 2001. In the graph, it is clear that the temperature of Chittagong fluctuates less than that of

From the chart, we can see that in 1997 the minimum temperature in Chittagong was 14°C while
in Rajshahi, it was 6°C. In the next year the minimum temperature in Chittagong does not
change but it increases by 2°C in Rajshahi. Again, in 1999, the temperature in Chittagong
increases to 15°C while it increases to 11°C in Rajshahi. In 2000, the temperature of Chittagong
lessens to 14°C as in Rajshahi remains unchanged. Finally, in Chittagong in 2001, the
temperature decreased by 2°C. It dropped by 1°C in Rajshahi.

In fine, if we analyse the five years temperatures of both the cities, we find the lack of
consistency in the rise and fall of the temperature. But the rise and fall of temperature are not
unusual; rather, it is the normal up and down of temperature.

29 The graph below shows total candidates in H.S.C exam 2016. Describe the graph in
150 words. You should highlight and summarize the information given in the graph.

Ans : Statistics of HSC Candidates

The Graph provides information about the total candidates in HSC exam 2016. In the graph we
see that there were about 30,000 male candidates and about 19,000 female candidates in science
group. Again, there were 20,000 male candidates and 40,000 female candidates in Humanities
group. In Business Studies there were about 62,000 male candidates and 42,000 female

From the graph we can say that the number of male and female candidates in Business Studies
was the highest.

30 The bar-chart below shows young people’s changing attitude to pastimes. Now write a
report using the information given below and give a title to it.

Ans : Young People’s Favourite Pastimes

The graph shows the change in young people’s trends towards favourite pastimes. It is vivid that
there is a steady rise in young people’s tendency to watch TV but there is a sharp rise of users of
online and computer.

In 1990, 41% of teenagers liked watching TV which increased to 48% in the next ten years and it
further increased to 52% in the next decade. Unfortunately, the picture is grim in terms of young
people’s attraction to open field games and sports. When 50% of youngsters opted for games and
sports in the 90s, 12% withdrew themselves from it after a decade making it 38%. Unfortunately,
the falling tendency persisted on during the next ten years and by 2010 it came to 25%. Though
the young people have dissociated themselves noticeably from games and sports, there is a sharp
and solid increase in their association with online or computer assisted programmes.

In 1990 when the users of online or computer for pastimes was only 9%, in 2000 the number
nearly doubled and reached 14% with a rapid increase in the next ten years when it shot up to

In conclusion, the graph shows that our young generations are stepping to an e-world.

31 The graph below shows the arrival of tourists from different countries in Bangladesh
from 2004 to 2008. Describe the chart in 150 words. You should highlight and summarise
the information given in the chart.

Ans : Arrival of Tourists in Bangladesh

The chart shows the number of visitors from different countries to Bangladesh. It is clear that the
highest number of tourists come from the UK though it is declining now.

We see from the chart that tourists of Australia visiting Bangladesh were 2684 in 2004. It
decreased to 2091 in 2005 but it steadily increased to 3409 in 2008. From Japan, the numbers of
tourists were 7808, 7055, 8000, 7090 and 7325 in the years of 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008
respectively. The French are less in number to visit our country. The number is seen 2263, 2457,
2336, 2289 and 2589 respectively. A huge number of British and American tourists come to visit
Bangladesh every year. The British tourists are seen to be 19605, 22510, 29106, 34087 and
28905 in number in the respective years of 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008. The number of
American Tourists is seen 11358 in 2004, 9557 in 2005, 11924 in 2006, 13394 in 2007 and
13622 in 2008.

In fine, we see that the lowest number of tourists come from France and Australia.

32 The chart below shows the number of the Bangladeshi employees abroad by
profession. Write a paragraph for the Ministry of Labour and Employment describing the
information shown below and give a title to it.

Ans : Bangladeshi Employees Abroad

The above chart shows the number of the Bangladeshis employed abroad by profession. It can be
clearly seen that the skilled manpower far outnumber the professionals and the semi-skilled.

In the years of 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 and 2000 the number of professionals employed abroad is
3188, 3797, 9574, 8045 and 10669 respectively. On the other hand, the number of skilled
Bangladeshis employed abroad is 64301, 65211, 74718, 98449 and 99606 in the respective years.
Again, the number of the semi skilled Bangladeshis employed in different foreign countries is
34689, 19355, 51590, 44947 and 26461 in the respective years of 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 and
2000. The chart clearly shows the types and numbers of Bangladeshi employees employed
abroad during the mentioned five years. We see that the number increased one year and
decreased another year.

In conclusion, it is very clear that the demand of skilled professionals is increasing every year
marking the decrease of semi-skilled employees.

33 Write a report for football fans describing the information given in the graph below.

Rates of football fans in Dhaka-men and women

Per 1,000 People

Ans. Football fans-men and women

The graph compares the rate of football fans in men and women in Dhaka between the years
1960 and 2000. It can be clearly seen that the rate of football fans for both men and women is
currently declining and that fewer women have liked football throughout the period.

In 1960, 600 men in every 1000 were football fans. This number decreased gradually to 500 by
1975 and continued to decrease but more steeply to 250 in 2000. In contrast, the rate of football
fans in women in 1960 was very low at only 80 in every 1000. By 1965 this increased to 170,
and increased again but more steeply to 320 in 1975. The rate of female football fans then
remained stable at 320 until 1985 at which point the figure began to decline and had dropped to
200 by 2000.

In conclusion, we can see that the rate of football fans in men dropped throughout the whole
period but was always at a higher level than the female figures. The rate of football fans in
women increased until 1975 but then decreased for the rest of the period.

34 The bar-chart below shows elderly people’s changing attitude to pastimes. Write a
report using the information given below and give a title to it.

Ans. Elderly People’s Changing Attitude to Pastimes

The graph shows the change in people’s trends towards favourite pastimes. It is noticeable in the
graph that elderly people are increasingly taking watching TV as their pastime.
There is a steady rise in elderly people’s tendency to watch TV. In 1990, 32% elderly people
liked to watch TV which increases to 41% in 2000 and 49% in 2010. Playing cards is also a
favourite pastime of the elderly people. We also see the rise in this tendency to play cards. While
34% people used to play cards in 1990, it increases to 36% in 2000 and 39% in 2010. We find a
different picture of elderly people in their drawing room chats. They are withdrawing themselves
from drawing room chats day by day. In 1990, 17% of them liked drawing room chats but the
percentage decreases in the next two decades. In 2000, it decreases to 12% and it decreases to
6% in 2010. We also see their decreasing interest in other types of pastimes. In 1990, 17% of the
elderly people liked other types of pastimes but the percentage decreases to 11% in 2000 and 7%
in 2010. So, we can see the changes of the elderly people in their pastimes.

To conclude, watching TV has become the most enjoyable pastime for them.

35 The graph below shows the population density in Bangladesh (per square kilometre).
Now, write a paragraph based on the information given in the graph and give a suitable
title to your paragraph.

Ans. Population Density in Bangladesh

We know that Bangladesh is a small country with a huge population. The severe population
density in Bangladesh is a matter of concern for the people of the country. The above graph may
aggravate the agony of the concerned authority and the people of Bangladesh. We see from the
graph that 1002.22 people lived per square kilometre in 2005. In 2006, we see an increase in
density. It rose to 1023.37 in this year. Again, it rose to 1044.78 in 2007 and in 2008 it reached to
1066.3. In the same way, it saw the upgrade picture of population density rate in the following
years. It was 1083.7 in 2009 and in 2010, it reached to 1084.17. The density rate kept increasing
in the next two years. In 2011, we found a remarkable increase in the density rate of 1101.2 and
in 2012, it rose to 1118.65. So, the total picture shown in the graph is really agonizing. If we fail
to improve the situation, there will have no land for growing crops in the country and the
government will fail to feed the ever growing people of the country.

36 Write a paragraph describing the information of the following graph/chart and give a
title to it.
Ans. Attendance Rate of Protik

The chart shows the information about the monthwise attendance of Protik. And it indicates that
the highest attendance rate of Protik is in the month of April.

From the given chart we see that Protik attended college for 25 days in the month of January.
And he went to college in the month of February for 23 days which is two days less than that of
January. The chart provides information that Protik’s attendance rate for the month of March is
25 days and it is similar to the attendance of the month of January. His highest attendance rate is
28 days for the month of April. He went to college for 22 days for the month of May. He
attended college for 24 days in the month of June and for 22 days in the month of July. His
second highest attendance rate is in the month of August and it is 26 days.

So, from the chart we see the lowest attendance number is 22 which shows for the months of
May and July. We come to a conclusion that Protik maintains an average attendance rate from the
month January to August.

37 The pie-chart below shows the percentage of the types of books in a college library.
Write a report based on the given data.

Ans. The Percentage of Books in a College Library

The graph shows the percentage of the types of books in a college library. It gives us a clear
information about the highest number of books in the library.

In this graph, we see that the highest number of books in the library is English with 25%. Science
is a close second with just 4% less and Math comes as third following Science with just 3% less.
Then fourth comes Bangla with 16%. Then fifth subject named History comes with 14% of all
the books in the college library. Finally, the percentage of other books is only 8%.

In a word, it is clear that the highest number of books in the college library is English books.

38 The graph below shows the results of 1st Term Exam-2017 of Class-XI, Section-B.
Describe the graph in 150 words.

Ans. Different GPA Holders

The graph shows the rate of examinees of different GPA holders at the 1st Term Examination of

The percentage of failures is at the top. 67.20% students have failed in the examination. The
holders of less than GPA 5.00 and more than 4.50 are at the second position. Their percentage is
16.50%. The holders of GPA between 3.00 and 4.00 are at the third position. They are 9% of the
total. The GPA 5.00 achievers are at the next place in percentage. They are 4.50%. The
percentage of GPA 4.00-4.50 is at the bottom of the chart. Their percentage is 3%.

The total picture of the result of the students is frustrating. The percentage of failing is very high
and the failures are the majority in the entire class. And only 4.50% have achieved the best
possible result.

39 The graph below shows ‘Death Rate’ from 2005 to 2012. Describe the graph in 150
Ans. Ups and Downs of Death Rate

The bar chart shows the increase and fall of death rate per 1000 people since 2005 till 2012.

The death rate is 8.4, 8.27, 8.13 and 8 (per thousand) in 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 respectively.
In 2009, the rate is 9.23 per thousand. And the last three years have seen the death rate to be
5.71, 5.75 and 5.71.

The chart clearly shows the wane of death rate from 2005 to 2008. In 2009, the death rate
shockingly increased to 9.23 per thousand. And from 2010 to 2012, the death rate fluctuated
between 5.71 and 5.75 per thousand.

So the death rate, which was on the wane from 2005 to 2008, made a high jump in 2009 and
thereafter was fluctuating.

40 Write a paragraph describing the information of the following chart :

Ans. Activities of International Labour Organization

ILO stands for International Labour Organization. It defends the basic rights of trade union all
over the world. Its main attempts are to ensure the working standards of the workers worldwide.
It has formulated a Committee on Freedom of Association which contributes to enable workers
to bargain collectively to fulfill their demand. The committee plays a great role to maintain good
relation among the labourer communities all over the world. It accepts any logical complaints of
both trade union and other workers.
41 The scatter graph has been given below. Look at the graph very carefully and explain
who is represented in the bus stop queue by each point on the basis of their probable age,
height and position.

Ans. People in the Bus Stop Queue

The graph provides information about the probable age, height and position of the people in the
bus stop queue. In the graph we observe that Errol is the tallest of all. His position in the queue is
5th. And his probable age is about 55. In the graph we also notice that Cathy is the smallest of
all. Her position in the queue is 3rd. Her probable age is about 6. Dennis and Brenda are almost
the same in height. But Dennis is older than Brenda. The position of Dennis is 4th while the
position of Brenda is 2nd. Again in the graph we notice that Alice is taller than Freda Gavin. The
position of Alice in the queue is first but the position of Freda Gavin is 6th. The probable age of
Alice is about 40 but the probable age of Freda Gavin is about 25.

From the graph we can say that Alice is in the first position of the queue. But on the other hand,
Freda Gavin is in the last position of the queue.

42 Look at the pie chart below. It is the result of a survey on supporters of different
games. Now describe the chart in your own word :

Ans : A Survey on Supporters of Different Games

The chart provides information about the result of a survey on supporters of different games. The
chart shows that there is a great rise in supporters’ tendency to support football.
55% of the supporters support football. The rate of the supporters of tennis and golf is the same.
The chart also shows that 20% of the supporters support hockey whereas 25% support cricket.

From the chart we can say that the picture is pleasant in terms of supporters’ attraction to
football. Unfortunately the picture is grim in terms of supporters’ attraction to tennis and golf.

43 The line graph shows estimated sales of Gold for twelve months in 2016 in millions of
Dirhams. Write a description of the graph.

Dubai Gold Sales 2016

Ans : Analysis of Dubai Gold Sales, 2016

The graph provides information about the estimated sales of gold for twelve months in 2016. The
graph shows that in January the estimated sales of gold was 200 million of Dirhams while in
February was more than 200 million of Dirham. In March the estimated sales of gold was about
350 million of Dirhams while in April was more than 200 million of Dirhams. It is observed that
the estimated sales of gold in the month of May was exact 200 million of Dirhams. But in June
the estimated sales of gold was less than 200 million of Dirhams. The lowest selling rate was in
July which was less than 200 million of Dirhams.

In August the estimated sales of gold was 200 million of Dirhams. The estimated sales of gold in
September was acutely the same as that of July. The estimated sales of gold in October were
again the same as that of November. Finally in December the estimated sales of gold was 200
million of Dirhams.

44 The graph below shows the number of mobile phone users in Bangladesh. Now, write a
paragraph based on the graph and give a suitable title to it.

Mobile Phone Users in Bangladesh

Ans : The Number of Mobile Phone Users

The use of mobile phone is not a fashion now; rather, it has become a daily necessity for
everyone. From the above graph we can see that the number of mobile phone users increased
rapidly and is still increasing very fast. The graph shows the number of users from 1998 to 2011.
In 1998, only .0241 crore people used mobile phone which rose to .0283 in 2000. Again, the
number of mobile phone users rose to .1365 crore in 2003. The most remarkable change in the
users of the mobile phone occurs between 2005 and 2007. The number of mobile phone users
jumped to 3.43 crore in 2007 while the number was only .9 crore in 2005. Again, the number of
the mobile phone users rose to 5.04 crore in 2009 but again the number unbelievably jumped to
8.5 crore in 2011.

From the graph, we can easily notice the great rise in the users of mobile phone in Bangladesh.
Besides, we notice in our everyday practical life that the number of the mobile users is increasing
rapidly. The survey from 1998 to 2011 of the graph gives us a hint that the day is not far away
when everyone will possess at least one mobile phone.

45 Read the following chart and write a paragraph on the basis of the information given
in it.

Ans : Causes of Environment Change

The chart is about environment change. Environmental change is defined as a change or

disturbance of the environment caused by human influences or natural ecological process. The
environment refers to the air, water and land in which people, animals and plants live. Human
beings, animals, plants, air, water and soil make up the environment. Their relation to each other
and the surrounding is very systematic. If this relationship is disturbed in any way, the whole
environment will face a destructive change. The destruction of forests may cause drought and
other natural disasters. The emission of carbon-dioxide and the burning of trees create ecological
imbalance. Besides water level rising and global warming and melting of snow hamper the
environment much.

So, maintaining ecological balance is very essential. But we are not careful enough to maintain
this balance. For a safe environment to live in we must plant more trees. Moreover, we must be
careful about the emission of CO2. In fact, it is our responsibility to prevent the environment
from being spoilt.

46 Look at the following graph. It shows a comparative selling rate of four types of books
in Ekushey Boi Mela 2017. Now describe/analyze the graph in your own words.

Different types of books

Ans. Selling Rate of Different Types of Books

The graph presents the comparative selling rates of four types of books in Ekushey Boi Mela
2017. Different types of books such as poetry, novels, history, science fictions etc are exhibited
in the Ekushey Boi Mela.

Different people like different books. From the chart we find that the selling rates of science
fiction book is very good. It sells 3000 books and it is the second largest among the four types.
But the novel tops the selling rates. It sells more than 4000 books. It seems that people like the
novel most. History is the third in the selling rates. It sells 2500 books. Surprisingly enough,
poetry is the lowest among the four types. It sells less than 1000 books.

47 The graph below shows the irregularity of a student named Abir in attending the
classes. Describe the chart in 150 words. You should highlight and summarize the
information given in the chart.
Ans. Abir’s Irregularity in Attending the Classes

The graph on the question paper shows the attendance rate of an irregular student named Abir.

In this analysis based on clear data, the description of his attending the classes from the month of
January to October is exhibited here where it can easily be seen that he was never present in the
class for the whole month. In not a single month, he attended the class for 30 days. In only two
months, he attended the class for 25 days. In only one month he attended more than twenty five
days. In four months out of ten months, his rate of attendance is between the range of twenty to
twenty five days while January is the only month when he attended twenty days. Finally, in the
remaining two months, namely March and July Abir’s attendance was the least that is less than
twenty days but more than fifteen days.

So, to conclude, Abir may be called an average student in terms of his attendance.

48 The chart below shows the benefits of girls’ education. Describe the chart in 150 words.
You should highlight and summarize the information given in the chart.

Ans. Benefits of Girls’ Education

The chart shows the benefits of girls’ education. It exhibits various types of positive aspects of
girls’ education. The chart emphasizes on it for their own betterment.

Education shows them the way to improve their health and fulfill their necessity of nutrition.
When a girl is educated she herself learns how to reduce population growth. When girls
contribute to family income, this contribution as a whole has its own share in the national
economic productivity that can smoothly pave the national development. So, the benefits of
girls’ education are beyond description. Finally, it can further be added that if a girl is educated
accordingly, she will be able to sustain development efforts herself.

None would be needed to rear her up. Therefore, the significance of girls’ education is highly
fruitful, indeed.

49 The graph shows the favourite subjects of 200 students. Describe the chart in 150
words. You should highlight and summarise the information given in the chart.

Preferred Subject of 200 Students

Ans : Statistics of Subject Preference

The graph shows that more than 90% of the students prefer Bangla whereas above 80% prefer
English. 80% of the students prefer science. Again, more than 20% students like History and
20% of them prefer Math.

From the chart we can say that there is a steady rise in students’ tendency to prefer Bangla. But
on the other hand the rate of students who prefer Math is very poor.

50 Look at the graph below. Bangladesh Fruit Export Ltd. exports fruits to different
foreign countries. Now write a paragraph describing export fruits of the company. The unit
shows quintals.

Shows different fruits to different foreign countries

Ans : Fruit Exports of a Bangladeshi Company

According to the chart, 70% mangoes were exported in 2012. The company exported 40%
jackfruits and 35% pineapples that year. In 2013, the company exported 78% mangoes, 45%
jackfruits and 42% pineapples. In the year 2014, they exported 80%, 60% and 41% mangoes,
jackfruits and pineapples respectively. And finally in 2015, they exported 90% mangoes, 70%
jackfruits and 50% pineapples.

So, we can see that exports of both mangoes and jackfruits increased gradually from 2012 to
2015. The export of pineapples grew from 2012 to 2013, and it decreased in 2014. Then in 2015,
it again increased.

This is the complete scenario of the export of fruits of the company in those years.

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