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Test Unit 7

Group A
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____
Total: ___/50


1 TRACK 8 Listen to five speakers. For sentences A–F choose speaker 1–5. Put a [X]
in the right place in the table. There is one extra sentence.

A The speaker is surprised by the popularity of online videos.

B The speaker saves time by watching online videos.
C The speaker needs to watch online videos for their job.
D The speaker wishes they didn’t watch so many online videos.
E The speaker comments on other people’s online behaviour.
F The speaker admits that they sometimes steal ideas from online videos.


2 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. The first
letters have been given.

We plan to enrol in a service which offers discounts on cinema tickets.

We plan to sign up for a service which offers discounts on cinema tickets.
1 If you hope to begin working as an actor, you should go to a lot of auditions.
If you plan to s____________ ut
o____________ as an actor, you should go to a lot of auditions.
2 How many people watched the final episode of the show?
How many v____________ did the first episode of the show have?
3 You shouldn’t blame yourself for the failure of the new play.
You shouldn’t b____________
eat ourself
y____________ p
u____________ because the new play
4 The main guitar player of the group has decided to quit.
The l____________ uitarist
g____________ of the group has decided to quit.
5 That film was so scary that I couldn’t stop being afraid for hours.
That film was so scary that it took hours for the fear to w____________ ff

3 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are three extra words.

reviews part connected fiancé imagination

identical attention ridiculous cast

Although the film had great reviews, it wasn’t very popular with the public.
1 The ___________ of the play included several very famous actors.
2 My great aunt never married after her____________ died in the war.
attention span because it’s made up of
3 This show is ideal for people with a short ____________
two-minute skits.
imagination It doesn’t explain why or how everything
4 This novel leaves a lot to the ____________.
5 The young actor is nervous about playing the ____________ of Hamlet in the new

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)
Test Unit 7
Group A
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____

4 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. Use Reported Speech.

Helen pointed out that I was wrong.

her / me that she was the winner.
1 Betty was very surprised when Ivan told ___________
2 The couple explained to the press that they ___________ going to move to a bigger
house in Hollywood.
3 Angie claimed that she ___________ never been to the USA before.
following weekend as she had no other plans.
4 Ann suggested organising a party the ___________
5 Patrick said that he ___________ play the trumpet well. Then he added he was a talented
guitarist, too.

5 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use
Reported Speech.

“Who do you want to be in the future?” the teacher asked us.

The teacher asked us who we wanted to be in the future.
1 “Will you sing in the school concert?” I asked Monica.
if she would sing
I asked Monica _____________________in the school concert.
2 “Mum, please don't change channels!” Mike said.
not to change
Mike asked his mum _____________________channels.
3 “Where did you all meet on Monday evening?” my brother asked.
where we had met
My brother asked me _____________________on Monday evening.
4 “Please help me choose a film to watch with my boyfriend,” Annie asked me.
to help her choose
Annie asked me _____________________a film to watch with her boyfriend.
5 “Has your father used that product before?” the man asked Hank.
if his father had used
The man asked Hank _____________________that product before.

6 Complete the text with the correct form of the words in the box. There are two extra

encourage entertain distract enhance

permit create memory

If you are a major star in the entertainment industry, you probably get a lot of offers to appear
in films and plays. If you aren't a star, you will have to go to auditions.
Going to an audition is like having a job interview, so be professional. If you have a copy of
the script, you could 1_______________
memorise the lines you are going to say so everyone knows
you are prepared. Don't be late, and bring your CV and a few photos.
Try to ignore all of the 2_______________ around you like noises, changing lights and other
people talking, and just concentrate on your role.
Don't be afraid to ask for 3_______________ to start again if you mess up or get totally lost.
Don’t expect any _______________
encouragement from those who are watching your audition. You’ll
find out what they thought when you learn whether or not you got the role. Sowhen you
have finished, just thank everyone, go home and wait for news. Maybe it will be the big
break you’ve been waiting for!

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)
Test Unit 7
Group A
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____

7 Translate the phrases in brackets. Use no more than six words.

I need a new (parę okularów) pair of glasses.

if she had won
1 Pauline asked her agent (czy wygrała) ______________________ the audition.
2 I tried to do some research about that actor, but it turns out that (informacje były błędne)
the information was incorrect
not to switch on the TV before dinner.
3 His mum told Stephen (aby nie włączał) ______________________
4 Sylvia (odpowiedziała, że była) ______________________
answered (that) was / had been too tired to walk home.
5 I enjoy watching historical dramas, but that new (serial kryminalny jest)
crime series is
______________________ exactly what I like.
Do you mind
6 (Czy masz coś przeciwko) ______________________ if we take a few photos of your

8 Read the text. Match sentences A–F with texts 1–5. There is one extra sentence.

A A television that gets to know you.

B A failure to keep up with technology.
C The importance of price
D Good for those with minority tastes
E Watch your favourite programmes anytime
F Lots of programmes – nothing worth watching


1 _____
Television has changed a lot since the days when there were only two or three channels to
choose from. People were happy with that because there was nothing else but, with the
introduction of videos and later, the Internet, television needed to offer something better.
At first, this was done by satellite or cable companies offering hundreds of channels for
a monthly fee. Unfortunately, many of these were poorly made and often more time was
spent changing channels trying to find something interesting to watch than actually
watching something.

2 _____
So, what does the future hold for television? Firstly, more and more people are now buying
smart TVs which are linked to the Internet. This will allow a number of new ideas to be
introduced. One idea is for the television to remember what you have watched and, when
you next switch on, it will tell you about programmes that you might be interested in. We
will also be able to link our televisions to our friends’ televisions and find out what they are
watching so we can watch the same.

3 _____
This idea, though, still assumes that television will work as it does now, with programmes
appearing at a certain time each week. Many companies offer a catch-up service where
you can watch programmes from the previous week that you have missed but do we need to
miss programmes at all? There are now online television providers who allow you to watch
what you like, when you like. You can watch a whole series in one night. This is great for
people who hate waiting to find out what is going to happen next.

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)
Test Unit 7
Group A
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____

4 _____
A big advantage of not having specific times for programmes is that no-one can complain
that ‘there’s nothing worth watching this evening’. Just because some of the programmes
aren’t for you, it doesn’t prevent you from watching what you want. This means that
television companies can show programmes for everyone, from popular series to
documentaries that only a handful of people will be interested in. So, there will always be
something to watch, whoever you are.

5 _____
One big problem faced by all television channels is the rise of so many free video channels
on the Internet. Why should people pay to watch television when they can spend their
evenings watching almost anything for free? This means that, if the service is too
expensive, no-one will sign up for it. Of course, if it is too cheap, the company won’t be
able to afford to buy or make enough programmes. It is, perhaps, a bigger problem for
television companies than keeping up with the latest technological advances.

9 Do the exam task.

—>NAPISZ O SWOIM ULUBIONYM SERIALU (fabuła, opis, aktorzy)
Niedawno obejrzałeś/obejrzałaś finałowy odcinek popularnego reality show. Napisz do
szkolnej gazetki artykuł, w którym ocenisz przebieg odcinka oraz zaproponujesz nowe
pomysły, które producenci programu mogliby wykorzystać w przyszłości.

Wypowiedź powinna liczyć od 200 do 250 słów i spełniać wszystkie wymogi dotyczące
formy wskazanej w poleceniu.


© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

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