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Instruction: Answer all questions in sections A and B
SECTION A (Objective Test: Choose the correct option from a –d)
1. Animals that transmit disease causing organisms (pathogens) from an infected person to an
uninfected person without been infected is called______ A. worms B. Pathogens C. Vectors
D. Epidemic
2. The diseases that occur in many countries of many continents at the same time is _____ A.
Epidemic B. Endemic C. Pandemic D. Sporadic
3. Pathogens found in food and water can cause the following disease except _____ A. Typhoid
B. Cholera C. Mouth odour D. Dysentery
4. ............ means illness of the body or mind A. Sport B. Swimming C. Disease D. Game
5. Which of these diseases cannot be spread by an insect? A. Cholera B. Malaria C.
Trypanosomiasis D. Night blindness
6. Children are immunized against the following diseases EXCEPT A. AIDS B. Measles C.
Small pox D. Poliomyelitis
7. Which of the following is not an importance of physical fitness A. Prevention of early fatigue
B. Reduce excess fat C. Maintain good height D. Maintain good posture.
8. Which of the following activities is good for an elderly person? A. Running B. Swimming C.
Walking D. Running.
9. All round fitness of an individual implies that one is ______ fit. A. Socially B. Mentally C.
Totally D. socially.
10. The following are precautions while performing exercise except A. One must know his
limitation B. Activities must continue when fatigue set in C. Target should be set on each
activity D. There must be general warm up before activity start.
11. Dancing is an aspect of physical education used for A. Acquiring styles B. Body control C.
Relaxation D. Self -expression.
12. All the following are field events except A. Hurdles B. Discus C. Long jump D. Shot put.
13. All these are throwing events except A. javelin B. Discus C. Sprint race D. Shot put
14. All the following are types of putting the shot except A. Standing put B. Glide put C. Throw
put D. The side shift.
15. The weight for female shot put is ______ A. 7kg B. 5kg C. 4kg D 3kg.
16. Which of the following instrument is used to determine athlete performance in shot put? A.
Recording sheet B. Rake C. Measuring tape D. Red flag
17. Which of the following is not a function of food to the body? -----A. Development B.
Energy C. Growth D. Retardation.
18. Lack of protein in the body can lead to ----------- A. Kwashiorkor B. Obesity C. Dysentery D.
19. What is the substance which when taken into the body yield materials for energy, growth and
repair worn out tissue of the body A. Chemical B. Food C. Drug D. Drinks
20. The classes of food is grouped into--------- A. 10 B. 6 C. 8 D.4
21. All the following are concerned with nutrition EXCEPT.......... A. How food is used by the
cells for proper functioning B. Composition of food C. How food is digested D. How food is
prepared by the body.
22. Which of the following is a benefit of recreation? A. Can be regarded as a job B. It eliminate
boredom and stress C. is performed during leisure hours D. Is voluntary
23. Which of the following disease does regular exercise correct? A. Goitre B. Kwashiorkor C.
Obesity D. Rickets
24. Which of the following is concern with the development of the muscles of the legs, arms and
abdomen? A. Emotional B. Physical C. Psychological D. Social
25. The air we breathe in during physical activities is called A. Ammonia B. Carbon dioxide C.
Oxygen D. Nitrogen
26. Which of these exercises is good for strengthening the abdominal muscles? A. Cartwheel B.
Press-up C. Pull up D. Sit up
27. One of the method of preventing measles is by-------------A. Sleep under mosquito net B.
Attacking the vectors C. Attacking the secondary host D. Vaccinating young children.
28. The science and the study of diseases are called _____ A. Pothology B. Pathologym C.
Pathology D. Pathogenic
29. _____ are diseases that can be transferred from one person to another A. Communicable B.
Touchable C. Casual D. Causative
30. The ways by which pathogens gain entrance into the body are the following except through
_____ A. Eye B. Mouth C. Intestine D. Skin
31. The modes through which Disease can spread are these except_____ A. Non – contaminated
B. Contaminated food C. Insect bite D. Dirty water
32. Digestion of food is aid by one of the following A. Power B. Energy C. Digestion D. Water
33. The following are milk and milk producers group except A. Youghurt B. Soya milk C.
Banana D. Iced cream.
34. The two main sources of energy in the body are A. Fats and carbohydrate B. Fats and
vitamins C. Protein and carbohydrate D. Mineral and water
35. The breaking down of food materials in digestion is ----------- A. Nutrition B. Protein C.
Metabolism D. Organic food
36. Egg is high rich in --------- classes of food A. Fat B. Water C. Protein D. Vitamin
37. The meal that contains the various classes of food in the right proportion is ---------- A.
Calories B. Over balanced C. Balance diet D. Vitamins
38. The following are vitamins except------------- A. J B. K C. E D. B
39. Which among the list is not a source of carbohydrate? A. Cocoyam B. Potato C. Plantain D.
40. What is the main function of carbohydrates in the body? -------- A. Makes the food palatable
B. Provides body with temperature C. Provides energy for our daily physical activities D.
Replaces worn out tissues.
41. The class of food that protects the body from diseases is called-------------A. Carbohydrates
B. Fats and oils C. Proteins D. Vitamins.
42. The following habits promote a healthy living except A. Personal hygiene B. Poor
environmental sanitation C. Regular exercise D. Rest and sleep
43. Which of these sports is not a contact sport? A. Judo B. Boxing C. Table tennis D. Karate
44. The following are benefit of non-contact sports except, -------- A. Bring about critical and
constructive thinking B It relaxes the muscles of the body C. There is greater control over
injuries risk D. It waste time
45. Which of these is NOT a skill in swimming? A. The Stance B. Front crawl C. Breast stroke
D. Butterfly
46. The following are safety measures in gymnastics except A. Do not perform on a slippery
ground B. Warm-up properly before performing any exercise C. Apparatus must be arranged
and inspected before use. D. Activity must continue when fatigue set in.
47. Which of these is NOT a method of sewage disposal--------- A. Water system B. Sewage
system C. Pit hole latrine D. Open dump
48. Which of the following is a disadvantage of compositing? A. Turning may be laborious and
odour offensive B. It serves as manure C. It is the cheapest means of enriching soil fertility D.
It involve money.
49. The process of conscious protection of the community from public health problem is called
A. Sewage B. Refuse C. Pit latrine D. Sanitation
50. The following are method of refuse disposal EXCEPT A. Sanitary land fill B. Pit hole latrine
C. Open dump D. Incineration
51. Gymnastics are sporting activities designed to develop the following EXCEPT A.
Coordination B. Flexibility C. Strength D. Speed
52. ------------- is the proper removal of liquid waste from an environment. A Sewage disposal B.
Refuse disposal C. Open dump D. Cleaning the environment.
53. Sewage simply means-------------- A. Liquid waste B. Non soluble waste C. Rubbish D. Solid
54. A place that looks like a house where refuse are deposited and burnt is called A. Pit latrine B.
Incinerator C. Refuse home D. Dirty house.
55. The process of removing contaminates from sewage to produce suitable liquid and solid for
discharge and reuse is called…………….. A. Sewage management B. Sewage disposal C.
Sewage treatment D. Sewage regulation.
56. Which of the following is NOT an example of Non-contact sports? A. Chess B. Swimming C.
Soccer D. Snooker
57. A vaccine is introduced into a body to ------ A. Destroy all the diseases Causing organisms in
the body B. Stimulate the body to produce antibodies C. Enhance the production of red blood
vessels D. Isolate the diseases causing pathogens from the blood
58. Disease spread by skin contact is called _____ disease A. Lice B. Cholera C. Catarrh D.
59. The disease that cannot be contacted from one person to another is known as A.
Communicable B. Non communicable C. Modified D. All of the above
60. There are _____ types of immunity A. 7 B. 5 C 8 D. 2

Answer only one questions from this section

1a. Define Physical Education 1 mark
1b. Highlight 5 safety precaution while performing exercise 2.5 marks
1c. List 5 values of recreation 2.5 marks
1d. Draw and label the table of specification for shot put and discus 4 marks

2a. Define contact and non-contact sports 2 marks

2b. State 5 benefits of non-contact sports 2.5 marks
2c. Itemize 5 determinants of health 2.5 marks
2d. Differentiate between sewage and refuse disposal 3 marks


3a. Define communicable diseases 1 mark
3b. State 5 types of diseases 2.5 marks
3c. Mention 4 common athletics infections 4 marks
3d. Highlight 5 diseases caused by pathogens 2.5 marks

4a. Define food 2 mark

4b. Mention 4 importance of food 2 marks
4c. List the 6 classes of food and explain their functions 6 marks


1. C 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. C 9. C 10. B

11. D 12. A 13. C 14. C 15. C 16. C 17. D 18. A 19. B 20. B
21. D 22. B 23. C 24. B 25. C 26. D 27. D 28. C 29. A 30. A
31. A 32. D 33. C 34. A 35. C 36. A 37. C 38. A 39. D 40. C

41. D 42. B 43. C 44. D 45. A 46. D 47. B 48. A 49. D 50. B
51. D 52. A 53. A 54. B 55. C 56. C 57. B 58. D 59. B 60. D

1a. Define Physical Education?

Physical education can be defined as the education that deals with all round development of an
individual through carefully selected physical activities.
1b. Highlight 5 safety precaution while performing exercise
- One must know his limitation
- Person must not force himself to perform activity he cannot perform
- There must be general warm up before performing activities.
- Students should be allowed to practice for some time before testing.
- Target should be set on each activity
- Activity must be appropriate to the age and weight of the student
- Activity must be stop when fatigue set in

1c. List 5 values of recreation 2.5marks

Values of recreation
1. Judicious use of leisure time
2. It provide forum for fun and enjoyment
3. It provides opportunities for individual expression
4. It helps to develop sports skills
5. It helps in physical development and fitness
6. It develops socially acceptable behaviour
7. It provides opportunities for the release of tension
8. It is for social integration
9. It reduces juvenile delinquency or crime

1d. Draw and label the table of specification for shot put and discus 4marks


MEN 7.26KG

2a. Define contact and non-contact

Contacts Sports
Contact Sports are sports that require physical contact between players such as martial arts Rugby,
Non-contacts Sports
Non-Contact sports are those sports where participants have no possible means of impact, (such as
sprinting, swimming, darts, snookers) where players use separate lanes or take turns of play
2b. Benefit of non-contact sports
 It brings about critical and constructive thinking
 It relaxes the muscles of the body
 There is greater control over injuries risk
 Help in the development of speed and free movement of the body.
 Participating in non-contact sports, could wipe stress and live a healthy life.
 It exercises all parts of the body
 It is for fun and entertainment

2c. Itemize 5 determinants of health 2.5marks

Life style
Health care services
2d. Differentiate between sewage and refuse disposal 3marks
Refuse Waste
Refuse refers to all solid wastes such as pieces of paper leaves, garbage, ashes and dead animals while
Sewage waste
Sewage refers to liquid wastes such as urine, kitchen wastes or water from laundry.

3a. Define communicable diseases 1mark

Communicable diseases: these are diseases that can be transferred from one person to another.
3b. State 5 types of diseases 2.5marks
1. Air borne diseases
2. Food borne diseases
3. Insect borne diseases
4. Contagious and sexually transmitted diseases
5. Water- borne diseases
3c. Mention 4 common athletics infections 4marks
1. Viral hepatitis
2. Leptospirosis
3. Gastroenteritis
4. Bacterial infections
5. Herpes
6. Myocarditis

3d. Highlight 5 diseases caused by pathogens 2.5marks

- Typhoid, Diarrhoea, Tuberculosis, Syphilis
- Chicken pox, Dysentery, Cholera, Measles
- Influenza, Mumps, Common cold

4a. Define food 2mark

Food is any substance which when taken into the body of living organism is capable of
maintaining growth and development. It regulates the body functions and controls harmful or
dangerous substances that might enter into the body.

4b. Mention 4 importance of food 2marks

- Food eliminates hunger
- It provides energy for various physical activities
- It enhances growth
- It is a resistance to disease
- Makes one to recover from illness
- It serves as a source of income.
- For the purpose of adequate nutrition
- For healthy living
4c. List the 6 classes of food and explain their functions 6marks

CLASSES Functions
Carbohydrate Provides the body with
Proteins For growth and repair of
body tissues.
Fats and oils Provides the body with heat
and energy for daily
Mineral salts Proper functioning of the
Water For easy digestion and
maintenance of body fluid.
Vitamins For protection against

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