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Agent Decker Player Aid v.2.5 Feedback: mgonzalvez@gmail.


Top of Play Area Place two tokens on zero spaces of Alarm Counter.
Arrange Mission Deck, face-up, in alphabetical order using letters printed on each card.

Middle of Play Area Shuffle Obstacles Deck, deal six cards starting from right to left.
Game This forms the Line.
Read and resolve card effects as you place them.

Bottom of Play Area Shuffle the eight basic cards.

Draw a starting hand of four cards.

Turn Order
Play cards from your hand to your Play Area.

Spend Stealth and/or Fighting Disarm an Obstacle. Remove it from the Line.
points, to interact with Obstacles.
If it says “Keep”, you may equip and use right away,
adding it to your Play Area.

Otherwise, add it to your Player discard pile.

Phase Knock out an Obstacle. Flip the card face down in the Line.

When forced out of the Line, discard without raising

Alarm level.

Read and resolve Player Card Item (Keep) cards Place in Equip Area, use effect once per turn, discard
effects. after use (if directed by card text).
Draw X cards If Player Deck runs out, shuffle discard pile to refresh
Player Deck.

Check if played cards fulfill If yes, you completed the mission! Add current mission Obstacle Cards to Obstacles Deck.
current Mission Goal (equipped Equip the Mission Card. Shuffle Obstacles, reset Alarm, note Alarm level.
Items count as played).
Check Shuffle all Player Cards (except equipped Items), draw a
Phase fresh hand of cards.

If you complete all Missions, you win! Total Alarm = your score.

Always discard the last Obstacle If face up, raise the Alarm the number If Alarm Level reaches 50 before completing a Mission,
Card in the Line (the card of points on the card. the guards catch you! Game over!
Line furthest to the right). If face down, discard and ignore card
Scroll Type and Effect - do not raise Alarm.
Shift all Obstacle Cards in the From right to left, read and resolve card effects.
Line to the right.

Draw new Obstacle Cards until As they are drawn, read and resolve card effects.
the Line is back up to six cards.
Refresh If there are not enough Obstacles to form a six-card Line, you ran out of time! Game over!
Draw a new hand of Player If you need to draw more cards than remain, shuffle the Player discard pile to form a fresh Player
Cards for next turn. deck.

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