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1. What time is it?

a. Two past nine c. Ten past nine

b. Five past nine d. Nine past ten

2. What time is it?

a. Five past twelve c. Eleven to twelve

b. Five to twelve d. Twelve to eleven

Read the text to answer number 3 to 5.

Andy is a student. He always wakes up at six o’clock in the morning. He always makes the
bed first before go to the bathroom. After finished take a bath, he has breakfast with his family.
Then, he goes to school with his father by car at twenty to seven.

3. What time does Andy go to school?

a. He goes to school with his father c. He goes to school by car

b. He goes to school at twenty to seven d. He goes to school after breakfast

4. When does Andy have breakfast?

a. Before go to bathroom c. At twenty to seven

b. At six o’clock d. After finished take a bath

5. What does Andy do after wake up in the morning?

a. He has breakfast with his family c. He goes to school

b. He makes the bed d. He takes a bath

6. Twenty past five. What is the correct time below?

a. 20 : 05 c. 05 : 20

b. 05 : 04 d. 04 : 35
7. Picture A Picture B Picture C Which picture is A quarter past five?

a. Picture A c. Picture C

b. Picture B d. No one is correct

8. Hanan ………………….. with his mother.

a. has lunch c. reads a book

b. brushes teeth d. gets dressed

9. Dina and Desi ……………………….. together at home.

a. do homework c. play a doll

b. eat dinner d. cook breakfast

Read the text to answer number 10 to 12.

On weekends, Dessy doesn’t go to school. She (10)……………………. (selalu) wakes up at half past five. She
usually (11)…………………………. (mandi) in the afternoon and play computer games all day. She (12) ………..
(tidak pernah) do homework on weekends.

10. a. always b. usually c. sometimes d. never

11. a. brushes teeth b. get dressed c. takes a shower d. washes the dishes

12. a. always b. usually c. sometimes d. never

13. Cahya dan Cahyo are siblings. They always ………………. together after school.

a. playes c. plays

b. play d. playing

14. My father sometimes ……………………… his car on Sunday.

a. washes c. wash

b washing d. washs
15. X : “What do you do every Saturday?”

Y : “I ………………………….. the leaves in my garden.”

a. Sweep c. Sweeping

b. Sweeps d. Sweepes

16. (1) She eats pizza this morning

(2) I always arrive at school on time.

(3) My mother sometimes cooks delicious meal.

(4) Azzam play basketball in the afternoon.

Which of the sentences above using adverb of frequency?

a. (1) and (3) c. (4) and (3)

b. (2) and (3) d. (1) and (4)

17. Amar : “What do you usually eat dinner?”

Fuad : “Well, I ………………… wash the dishes and clean table.”

a. sometimes c. usually

b. never d. always

18. Toni ………………….. arrive school late. It because he goes at school on time at quarter to seven.

a. sometimes c. usually

b. never d. always

19. My uncle sometimes not at home on weekends. He ………………………… go to his parents.

a. sometimes c. usually

b. never d. always

20. (1) Sarah goes home at two o’clock in the afternoon.

(2) After that, she takes a bath at ten to five.

(3) Then, she takes a nap at a quarter past two.

` (4) Sinta wakes up at half past four.

(5) Then she has dinner at half past five.

a. 3-4-5-1-2 b. 1-3-4-2-5 c. 1-2-3-4-5 d. 1-3-4-5-2

B. Fill the blanks with the correct answer!

21. X : “What time is it?”

Y : “ It is …………………………………………………………………………………………”

22. X : “What time is it?”

Y : “ It is …………………………………………………………………………………………”

23. Give the right statement on the sentences below!

Jika benar = True

Jika salah = False

Picture A Picture B
a. Picture A is five past six …………………

b. Picture B is a quarter to twelve …………………

c. Picture C is two past five …………………

d. Picture D is half past three …………………

Picture C Picture D

24. Translate into Indonesia!

a. I do homework at half past six = …………………………………………………………………………………..

b. Rani cooks dinner at twenty past five = ………………………………………………………………………..………….

25. Translate into Indonesia!

a. Janeta and Junior sometimes sleep at ten to four = ……………………………………………………………………….

b. My sister never help mother in the morning = ……………………………………………………………………….

26. Write the right verb on the sentence! (tulis kata kerja yang tepat pada kalimat di bawah ini)

a. Dina usually ……………………………. (study) at school on Monday to Friday.

b. The gardener ………………………….. (water) the flower in the morning.

c. They ………………………………… (go) home together by bus at one o’clock

27. I have a diligent friend. His name is Lusi. Every morning, she always helps her mother.

She cleans the bedroom, sweep the floor, and prepare breakfast. She usually takes a bath at half

past five. Then she always has breakfast with her parent. She is also never late to school.

Write the sentences that use adverb of frequency! (tulis kalimat yang ada adverb of frequency nya)

a. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
b. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
c. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
d. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

28. Write the correct analog time!

a. Half past three = …………………………………………..

b. Five to ten = ……………………………………………

c. Eight o’clock = ……………………………………………

Write the right sentences based on the picture and clock!

(Example : She goes to school at seven o’clock)





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