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Daet, Camarines Norte


Bayani Love’s Hero Z

A Reflection Paper

The musical play Bayani Love’s Hero Z depicts the important historical events in our history when
our country was once under the Spanish colonization. It highlights our well-known national heroes namely
Andres Bonifacio, Dr. Jose Rizal, Sultan Kudarat and Apolinario Mabini and how they fight and defended
the freedom of our country and how they fell in love in the process. Many of the scenes they present in the
play are confidential happenings which are not known by many as it is not told by our ancestors nor written
or covered in history books. The play also covers the different Filipino cultures and practices that most of
the youths today do not practice. It also presents varieties of scenes which portrayed how different the life
before compared to what we have in this modern time. Back then, Filipinos do not have their own freedom,
all of their actions are limited, forced into harsh labor and obligated to pay taxes double of the original fee.
Thus, in general the play depicts how miserable the life of Filipinos during the colonization of Spaniards,
compare to the life we have now and how our heroes fight for our country so that we can have the freedom
that we have today.
The play made me realize the true definition of what Dr. Jose Rizal said that “Ang kabataan ang pag-
asa ng bayan”, just like how the four young men Andy, Jayriz, Kudz and Pol fight for the rights of the
people in Town Z. The characters in the play represent the four heroes of our country. Andy represents
Andres Bonifacio, Jayriz represents Dr. Jose Rizal, Kudz represents Sultan Kudarat and Pol represents
Apolinario Manibi. These four men fight for Town Z and its people against the tyrant ruler Boss Tsip. The
play serves an eye opener for every one of us that most of the youths today does not even aware and know
the Philippine history, how we are free from colonization and have our own sovereignty it is because of what
our national heroes did for our country. But let us not deny the fact that most of the youths todays do not
even know who they are and how they greatly contribute in claiming our sovereignty from colonization.
Moreover, most of us prefer to learn foreign language and adapt cultures from other countries in wherein
they cannot even speak our own language which is “Filipino”. Most of us Filipino people prefer to fly and
work abroad because it guarantees a good and stable life there. That as if all of the efforts of our national
heroes were nonsense to them.
We all know that Philippines is not one of the richest country that is why I understand that a lot of
Filipinos leave our country to find jobs and have better live in other foreign countries. We cannot blame
them for working in foreign countries because they only doing that to give their families a good and better
life. I know the only permanent thing in this world is change but change can also bring something good.
Creating change always starts with us and change can starts among the youths because they are capable of
doing so. We, Filipinos are the first to act, initiate and create change. Everything depends on how we will
think, act and how much sacrifice we are willing to do for our country which we are born. But how can we
do it if some of us do not have enough knowledge about what our country have been through if youths do
not have the knowledge about our history and its heroes who sacrificed a lot for its freedom. If these youths
continue the feign ignorance of history of our country, then the country’s history has a high tendency to
come up to an end because most of us do not have interests on it anymore. For me, the play popped the
bubble in my mind, making me realize that the future will always depends on us. But on the contrary, most
of us care about is how to leave the country to find jobs into well-economic countries or have the best life
somewhere else but not in the Philippines. Everyone and everything has its own flaws, so instead of leaving
it like that, why not initiate the act and make it the better one.
Our country, the Philippines has its own amazing and unique beauty that is why Dr. Jose Rizal,
Andres Bonifacio and other well-known national heroes fell in love with it and chose to sacrifice their lives
for its freedom. I’m not saying that we need to die for the Philippine to be able to say that we did something
for our country. All we need to do is to believe that there is still a chance to make things good and better. As
a Filipino, we should be the one in front to fight for our country not the foreign people. We should be the
one practicing our own culture and tradition. We should be the one to be proud that we are born Filipinos. If
we can love other countries cultures and how they dress, other countries language, other countries way of
living, why cannot we love our own? All we just need to do is to learn and love our own country even it has
flaws and endowments because no one can appreciate more our country but us, we the Filipino citizens.

Rofa-May M. Robas Prof Ed B

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