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Event Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of "Event Essay" can be both challenging and rewarding. The
difficulty arises from the need to encapsulate a significant event, conveying its essence, impact, and
relevance in a coherent and engaging manner. This type of essay requires not only a keen sense of
observation but also the ability to articulate your thoughts effectively.

Firstly, selecting a compelling event that warrants exploration is a crucial task. Whether it's a
personal experience, a historical moment, or a cultural celebration, choosing the right event sets the
tone for the entire essay. The challenge lies in balancing the significance of the event with its
potential to resonate with the audience.

Once the event is chosen, organizing the essay becomes a nuanced task. Creating a structure that
seamlessly weaves through the introduction, body, and conclusion while maintaining a logical flow
can be demanding. The writer must decide on the key points and details to include, ensuring that
each contributes to the overall narrative without overwhelming the reader.

The descriptive aspect of an event essay requires the use of vivid language to paint a vivid picture of
the experience. Striking a balance between providing enough detail to immerse the reader and
avoiding unnecessary verbosity is a delicate art. It demands a careful selection of words and a keen
awareness of pacing.

Moreover, capturing the emotional impact of the event is essential. Relaying the atmosphere, the
emotions experienced, and the lasting effects on the writer or the participants requires a nuanced
approach to language and storytelling. Balancing personal reflection with broader implications adds
another layer of complexity to the task.

In conclusion, crafting an essay on the topic of "Event Essay" demands a combination of creativity,
organization, and a deep understanding of the chosen event's significance. It's an exercise in
effective communication, where the writer must engage the reader while conveying the essence of
the experience. However, with thoughtful planning and skillful execution, the writer can transform
the challenge into a rewarding opportunity to share a meaningful story.

And for those seeking assistance with similar essays or other writing tasks, various resources are
available, such as , where professional help can be found.

Event Essay Event Essay

Oppressed Group Stress Theory
The theory of oppressed group mentality has been cited for the reason behind lateral
violence (Becher, 2012). This theory states that nurses feel powerless and lack control
over the working environment therefore they take it out on someone they believe to be
beneath them. A novice nurse is the best target for this as they typically have many
questions about the practices and events that happen on the floor. It is easy for a seasoned
nurse to feel superior to that novice nurse. Oppressed group mentality also states that the
person dislikes themselves or their colleagues (Becher, 2012). This in turn makes a nurse
want to feel better about themselves by putting others down.
The hierarchy system is another the most common cause of nurse bullying and
interpersonal communication problems (Granstra, 2015). Typically, a problem nurse has
a higher position of power, whether it be charge nurse or supervisor. A nurse with
seniority is more likely to bully a new nurse due to not being given the power they
believe they deserve. This type of nurse is likely to watch a new nurse fail instead of
helping the nurse become better practiced and educated.
Nurses are known for eating their young. More than 50% of nurse s report being involved
in LV and up to 80% state they have LV in the workforce (Granstra, 2015). LV in the
workforce is going to influence the nurse taking the brunt of the criticism. Depression,
anxiety, sleep disorders are all common effects of poor

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