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A Series of Expected KCSE Model Set Of Questions

Anticipated in the Final Examinations.

Compilation of Possible Excerpts Based Questions Likely

to be administered in English Paper 2.


For Marking Schemes

Mr Isaboke 0746-222-000 / 0742-999-000

[email protected]


Read the following extract from the play “The Samaritan” by John Lara and then
answer the questions after. (25 marks)
Seymour: (Springing to his feet with clenched fists) That cannot be possible. Nobody can write
that kind of thing about me in this world!
Harvester: (Looking at Ted and Seymour) Copies of indisputable documentary evidence to that
effect were all over today’s newspapers and are being shared in all media platforms.
Seymour: (Resuming his seat and swearing with trembling voice) Those are fake documents!
These are all barefaced falsehoods! And I can assure you one thing: Those behind
the allegations now have their appointment with fate! Certainly!
Ted : (Sitting properly and looking up for the first time) Supply of air? I am beginning
to think this is serious. Could we end up in Baneta Express Prison?
Harvester:(Turning pages of his note book)But that is only one of the allegations ,there are
many more ,including drug trafficking, grabbing of public land, inflation of the cost
of municipal projects, use of proxies to secure municipal tenders, undertaking shoddy
public works, murder and gang warfare. The information is very detailed on the people
and companies involved .
Mossi: There is a lot of personal information on municipal leaders on that evil
thing , too; including lifestyles of individual municipal officials, where they
live, the kind of houses they live in, their businesses, the vehicles they own,
other properties in their possession, when the properties were acquired, and
a lot of other personal details I don’t want to mention here. (Looking at Bembe)
There was a lot of talk yesterday on the Madingo Golf Club, with everyone
Wondering where you got the money to put it up.
Bembe: (Sitting up with an expression of horror on his face) The Madingo Golf Club? No!
I have always been very discreet about my private affairs! How did they get the
Information it is mine?
Mossi: You see, there is hardly anything on earth you can do without somebody knowing
About it. You should also remember that those we regard as our friends are
Sometimes wolves in sheep’s clothing. And they may have a lot of information
about us,which could be damaging!
Bembe: This might be our worst nightmare!
Mossi: What worries me most is the recent formation of a lobby group, an amorphous
virtual group, comprising mostly of lawyers, calling itself The Samaritan. It is calling
upon the people to volunteer as witnesses and help in the prosecution of those
involved in corruption and abuse of office in the Municipality. They are also
planning to petition the Local Government Minister ,the Prime Minister, and the
Chief Justice to take action. The situation is not pretty at all.

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Ted: (Looking at Justice Jaden)Can such online allegations form a strong basis for prosecution
and conviction?
Jaden: (Adjusting his eyeglasses) Yes, they can; provided there are valid documents supporting
the allegations.
Bembe: (Throwing his hands in the air) I think we have no choice other than ban that thing
within Maracas Municipality! The Municipal Council needs to pass a by-law to that
effect urgently. I will enforce it immediately!
Jaden: (Adjusting his eyeglasses and then his tie) I think we need to be careful and strategic.
On what basis do you ban it? And how can you police the use of mobile phones to ensure
the ban is effective?
Seymour: We can think creatively about that. For example, we can claim that municipal
authorities are concerned that suspect Apps, particularly spy Apps, are finding
their way into our municipality. This may lead to theft of confidential
information such as bank account details. We can also cite issues of cyberbullying
and the sharing of pornographic materials in schools.
(Extracted by Mwalimu Consultancy Ltd. Tel 0746 222 000)
a)What is Seymour referring to at the beginning of the excerpt ? (2mks)

b)Identify and illustrate two aspects of style in this excerpt. (4mks)


c)Discuss two themes evident in this excerpt (4mks)


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d)Discuss one character trait of Seymour and one character trait of Mossi as presented in this
excerpt. (4mks)

e)From your knowledge of the rest of the play, what two things does Mossi suggest could be done
to control the use of the Samaritan App? (2mks)

f) From your knowledge of the rest of the play , briefly explain the origin of the Samaritan App.

g) Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the excerpt (5mks)
i)Supply of air …………………………………………………………………………………
ii)inflation …………………………………………………………………………………………
iii)discreet …………………………………………………………………………………………

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Read the following extract from the play “The Samaritan” by John Lara and then
answer the questions after. (25 marks)
Seymour: Money, money, money! And more money.
Ted: You mean we give money to the two students and the teacher?
Seymour: No, mobilise enough money to fight any cases that might be brought up against us
and if necessary, enough for dealing in other ways with those who insist on
pursuing us.
Ramdaye: Good idea, but I have loans and projects. I don't think I can raise any money now.
Bembe: I, too, just finished the Madingo Golf Club recently. I am as broke as a church
Ted: I cannot raise a meaningful amount, either.
Harvester: If that is the case, they why can't we find a way of averting the court cases from
coming up in the first place?
Bembe: How will that work?
Harvester: We will announce a grace period within which everyone in the Municipality should
come clean, confess their mistakes. Give back what they have acquired irregularly,
forgive one another and then open up a new chapter of honesty in the\ conduct of
our municipal affairs.
Ted: (Chuckling) That has never happened anywhere in the world!
Harvester: It can be our local initiative. I know the truth can set us free.
Harvester: Isn't restitution an admission of guilt? How can I incriminate myself? And in any
case, what if you are accused of crimes other than acquiring wealth irregularly?
Ted: I doubt whether restitution is a good idea.
Ramdaye: That takes us back to the idea of raising money to fight the cases. We may have to
procure loans or sell some of our properties.
Seymour: Since we all do not have money, why can't we find a way of getting that money
from the Municipal Fund?
Mossi: Municipal Fund? How?
Seymour: We just need to do some reallocation of budget line items.
Ted: I agree. We must set aside some money to take care of investigators, lawyers,
prosecutors and judges if things go wrong.
Seymour: You see, the waste disposal system in our town is in terrible state. There is garbage
all over the place and the drains are broken. As we speak, it is a serious health
hazard. We can justify reallocation of funds on the need to address this problem. In
reality, we will use some of the funds to fight off cases that are without a doubt
Mossi: (Surprised and in disbelief) What?

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(a) Briefly explain what happens just before the events in the excerpt. (3 marks)

(b) What does Hon. Seymour imply when he says they need to mobilise enough money, if
necessary, enough for dealing in other ways with those who insist on pursuing them? (2 marks)

(c) Identify with appropriate illustrations two character traits of Hon. Seymour brought out in the
excerpt. (4 marks)

(d) (i) I doubt whether restitution is a good idea. (Rewrite in the reported speech) (1 mark)

(ii) It can be our local initiative. (Add a question tag) (1 mark)


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(iii) We just need to do some reallocation of budget line items. (Rewrite in the passive) (1 mark)

(e) Discuss two thematic concerns of the writer raised in the excerpt. (4 marks)

(f) Pick out and illustrate two stylistic devices used in the excerpt. (4 marks)

(g) Explain the meanings of the following words used in the excerpt. (3 marks)

(h) Briefly explain what happens shortly after the events in the excerpt. (2 marks)

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Read the following extract from the play “The Samaritan” by John Lara and then
answer the questions after. (25 marks)
Ramdaye: Aaa, aah, aah, aah that was sericus mayhem! It never occurred to us that Mayor
Mossi would violently disrupt our meeting. The message is now very clear: he will
not allow any meeting to discuss his ouster.
Seymour: It certainly was. The hooligans were very brutal. (Demonstrating) But I drew my gun
and refused to run away. I dared them to touch me!
Ted: One of them aimed a rock at my head. I never though anybody could handle such a
huge stone. It flew past my head like a rocket-propelled grenade. It missed my head
by the thickness of a pig's bristle!
Seymour: (Looking at Hon. Ramdaye) I was shocked you could run as you did, at your age!
You whizzed past me like an express train! I never thought you would ever come to a stop!
Ted: I doubt they were just hooligans.
Seymour: Yes, their organisation and speed suggest there is more than meets the eye. It was
like a military operation.
Ted: And there was smoke all over: burning tyres, papers, mattresses and sacks, combined with
tear gas smoke. Sadly,we never anticipated this. I think the Mayor is a good
Ramdaye: He is called Mossi-ca-Tunya, the smoke that thunders! He is a master schemer and
a go-getter!
Seymour: It is very clear that we at war. We need to carry on with our plan, to the last detail.
We will not be cowed! We must mobilize the entire Municipal Council to pass the
no confidence motion against him. (Looking at Hon. Ted) And, to get down to
business, you remember we tasked you to talk to Councillors and Aldermen and
assess whether they will support the no confidence motion.
Ted: Yes, you did, and as you know, our political landscape comprises Councillors and
Aldermen of mixed ethnicity as well as those of the Afro and Indo descent.
Ramdaye: Oh, yes, it does. So?
Ted: I was on the phone almost all night and very little support was forthcoming. I assumed
wrongly that we could whip up racial and class prejudice to get many of them to support
us. How mistaken I was! After talking to them, I realised that our chamber members are of
different categories that we must keep in mind even as we seek to woo them to support our

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(a) Briefly recount the events leading to this excerpt. (2 marks)

(b) Why does Hor. Ted doubt the brutal young man who disrupted their morning meeting to discuss
the Mayor's ouster were just hooligans? (2 marks)

(c) Discuss two character traits of Hon. Seymour and one of Ted brought out in the excerpt. (6

(d) What two themes are evident in the excerpt? (4 marks)


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(e) Single out and illustrate two features of style employed in the excerpt. (4marks)

(f) (i) I never thought you would ever come to a stop! (Rewrite beginning: How...) (1 mark)

(ii) One of them aimed at a rock at my head. (Add a question tag)


(iii) Yes, their organization and speed suggest there is more than meets the eye. (Write replacing
the underlined word with a phrasal verb. (1 mark)

(iv) I dared them to touch me. (Report) (1 mark)


(g) Explain the meanings of the following words used in the excerpt. (3 marks)
• Ouster

• Whizzed


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Read the following extract from the play “The Samaritan” by John Lara and then
answer the questions after. (25 marks)
Mossi:(Turning to Bembe) Oh, yes. And remember to get your undercover officers to shoot in the
air now and then. You know... they must know that I leave thunder and smoke in
my wake!
Bembe: Consider that done. But the land? Are you sure about it?
Mossi: Consider it done, too. (After some interval of silence) So those are two problems
solved; your hotel and tomorrow's vote of no confidence meeting. But we still need
to figure out how to deal with The Samaritan.
Mossi:I liked the idea of talking to that teacher at Sagrada Secondary School.
Harvester:Yes, it would be good if we secured an understanding that she will edit or filter some
of the information coming out about us.
Mossi;That would solve the whole problem! Very well, I will go there first thing tomorrow
morning and talk to her.
Harvester: You never know, she might oblige.
Mossi: But I seriously doubt she will. She struck me as a very difficult person, an enemy of
the progress of our Municipality.
Bembe: Let's just try. If she doesn't yield, I will visit her. I have a way of making people
switch allegiances.
Mossi:I doubt it is advisable for you to go there. You might make things worse. You know
sometimes when I think about your approach to problems, I am reminded of what they call
the law of the instrument.
Bembe: What is it about?
Mossi: That if all you have is the hammer, you tend to think of every problem as a nail.
Bembe: In times such as these, every instrument must be put to good use. In fact, I have
been thinking that we should accuse her of some crime, like stealing school furniture or
let's say, a computer, or even a generator and then pin it on her! Then we can tell the judge
to put her in!
Harvester: I don't think that will work. Certainly the judge will not oblige.
Mossi:I think so too. (There is silence. Mossi scratches his head thoughtfully) I think our next
step will be to talk to the Judge. If he can imprison Ramdaye and his team, we will have
killed two hirds with one store: we will have aborted.The no confidence vote and we will
have responded to the people's demand for imprisonment of corrupt leaders! I will talk to

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(a) Place this excerpt in its immediate context. (4 marks)

(b) What two character traits of Inspector Bembe and one of Mayor Mossi come out in the excerpt?
(6 marks)

(c) (i) Certainly the judge will not oblige. (Rewrite adding a question tag) (1mark)

(ii)Yes, in fact, we will get someone to steal the school generator and then pin it on her. (Rewrite
in the reported speech) (1 mark)

(iii) But we still need to figure out how to deal with The Samaritan. (Rewrite replacing phrasal
verb in bold with one word) (1 mark)

(iv) If she doesn't yield, I will visit her. (Rewrite replacing "if" with "unless") (1mark)

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(d) Identify two features of style used in the excerpt. (4 marks)


(e) Discuss two themes raised in the excerpt. (4 marks)


(1) Explain the meanings of following words used in the excerpt. (4 marks)
 Filter-

 Allegiance's

 Oblige

 Aborted

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Read the following extract from the play “The Samaritan” by John Lara and then
answer the questions after. (25 marks)
Bembe:You have a reputation for being too strong-willed to be suitable for a school teacher.
You're as stubborn as a mule.
Nicole:What crime is that?
Bembe:Well, it is not a crime as such; but don't you think it is a bad influence to the students?
(Bangs the table violently and shouts an order. Two police officers enter.) Handcuff
her!(There is a commotion as the officers reach out to Nicole. She resists but is
overwhelmed. There is an interval of silence as Bembe begins to rummage through papers
on Nicole's table. Nicole refuses to move and sits down on the floor. The officers drug her
on the door) Stop. (The officers stop. There is silence. Then Bembe moves behind
Nicole'stable and starts pulling the drawers open, one after the other) Where have you
hidden it?
Nicole:Hidden what?
Bembe:The Samaritan! (Nicole is visibly surprised at the answerbut remains silent) I will tell you
this, whenever you see mepersonally involved in an arrest, you must know it's aserious
matter, as serious as death. And you should be afraid. Very afraid!
Nicole:I am not guilty of anything, and I refuse to be intimidated!(Inspector Bembe bangs the
table violently with his gun.Nicole recoils with a start.) Woman! Show sumseriousness!
This is no laughing matter. Are you willing to talk?
Nicole:About what? (There is silence as Inspector Bembe wearshis beret and places his scepter
under his armpits)
Bembe:About The Samaritan.
Nicole:What about The Samaritan?
Bembe:Where is it?
Nicole:I don't understand you?
Bembe:Where is it? (He repeats angrily)
Nicole:(Swinging her head in disbelief) I have no such thing in my possession, but you can
download it from the internet.
Bembe:(Hitting Nicole on the face with a bunch of papers) Now you have to tell those two
students to shut that thing off. Alright?
Nicole:Why should I?
Bembe:Because it is the right thing to do!
Nicole:I have no right to dictate what they do with their App.
Bembe:Then you have to shut it down yourself! We believe The Samaritan is your brainchild!
The two students are just a cover-up! And the App is a grave danger to society!

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Nicole:Mr. Inspector, when The Samaritan helps us fight environmental degradation by exposing
the culprits, is that dangerous?
Bembe:Fighting environmental degradation is none of the school's business! We have competent
agencies employed to do that! Teach the authorized curriculum.
Nicole:When it helps us to know who supplies air to the Municipal Council instead of goods and
services, is that dangerous?

(a) Briefly outline the events preceding this excerpt. (3 marks)

(b) In the light of what has been happening in the text, why does Inspector Bembe tell Nicole that
she has a reputation for being too strong-willed to be suitable for a school teacher? (2 marks)

(c) Discuss two thematic concerns of the writer raised in the excerpt. (4marks)

(d) Identify one character trait of each of the following characters:

(i) Inspector Bembe

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(ii) Nicole

(e) (i) Because it is the right thing to do! (Rewrite replacing "Because" with another subordinating
conjunction) (1 mark)

(ii) You're as stubborn as a mule. (Rewrite adding a question tag) (1 mark)


(iii) You're just confirming some of the other accusations that have been made against you.
(Rewrite replacing the underlined word with a phrasal verb) (1 mark)

(f) Pick out two stylistics devices employed in the excerpt and illustrate them. (4 marks)

(g) (i) We believe The Samaritan is your brainchild! (Rewrite in the passive voice) (1 mark)

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(ii) Then you have to shut it down yourself! (Rewrite ending with "then") (1 mark)

(h) Explain the meanings of the following words used in the excerpt. (3 marks)
• Download -
 Brainchild
• Grave

This is a Property of Mwalimu Consultancy Ltd.

Mr Isaboke – 0746-222-000. Regards.


Read the following extract from the play “The Samaritan” by John Lara and then
answer the questions after. (25 marks)
Nicole: I have been reading the posts on The Samaritan and they are all about leaders, public
officials and even private individuals. You have not been singled out in any way
Mossi:Far from the truth! Take the issue of development, for example. Everywhere in The
Samaritan, I am being accused of inflating the cost of projects and presiding over shoddy
Municipal works. Am I indeed responsible for that?
Nicole:Maybe it is because you are the overall leader. The buck with you, as they say.
Mossi:Oh, yes, it's easy to think so because I am the overall custodian of the public good in our
Municipality. But take any project, such as the construction and maintenance of secondary
roads in our town. Are any roads ever constructed? I will tell you what happens. Only a
few kilometres of road are usually dug up and then levelled. Then the contractor pours old
black oil and claims the road is tarmacked. Today, our secondary roads look like part of an
abandoned battlefield where bombs were detonated. Even tractors can get stuck in those
roads! Yet, the Council pays top dollar for these roads each year! Am I responsible?
Nicole:Tell me, Your Worship.

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Mossi:(Standing up and pacing about the boardroom) It is my Deputy! That irredeemable gossip
and broker! As you know, he doubles up as our Municipal Secretary for the Department of
Physical infrastructure. He uses this position to ensure only his companies or those of his
relatives win tenders for road construction in our Municipality. The same happens with
regard to tenders for the construction of bridges, pavements, drains and watercourses.
Sadly, they don't de de any meaningful work! They simply misappropriate the funds!
Nicole:So what does that have to do with the people?
Mossi:Doesn't bother you that the people overwhelmingly voted for this kind of a person
knowing very well he has never accomplished anything in his life other than swindle the
Nicole:Oh, did they know?
Mossi:Of course, they did! There is hardly any person he has not conned in this town! You
always find him leaning on the street poles in cur town's backstreets, gazing vacantly into
empty spaces like an evil spirit-waiting for fake title deeds to be printed. He prints ten title
deeds for the same plot, and then sells the same plot to ten different people. Yet the people
went ahead and voted for him! Why do the people glorify evil and mediocrity, and then
turn and whine when it hurts them? And you know what?

(a) Place this excerpt in its immediate context. (4 marks)

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(b) Mayor Mossi claims that Hon. Ramdaye has conned almost everyone in their town. Mention
one Council leader who has been conned and explain how. (2 marks)

(c ) Discuss two themes raised in the excerpt. (4 marks)


(d) Identify two character traits of Hon. Ramdaye brought out in the excerpt. (4 marks)

(e) What two stylistic techniques the writer has employed in the excerpt? (4 marks)

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(f) (i) They simply misappropriate the funds! (Rewrite in the passive) (1 mark)

(ii) Only a few kilometres of road are usually dug up and then levelled.(Rewrite in the active voice)
(1 mark)

(iii) Maybe it is because you are the overall leader. (Rewrite replacing "may be" with another word)

(iv) The buck stops with you, as they say. (Rewrite adding a question tag) (1 mark)

(v) Everywhere in The Samaritan, I am being accused of inflating the cost of projects and
presiding over shoddy Municipal works. (Rewrite replacing the underlined word with a phrasal
verb) (1 mark)

(g) Explain the meanings of the following words used in the excerpt. (2 marks)
 Misappropriate
 Inflating

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This is a Property of Mwalimu Consultancy Ltd.

Mr Isaboke – 0746-222-000. Regards.

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[email protected]



 Artist Of The Floating World
 Bembea Ya Maisha
 Mapambazuko Ya Machweo
 Nguu Za Jadi
 Fathers Of Nations
 Silent Songs And Other Stories
 A Parliament Of Owls
 The Samaritan

SERIES 1. FOR MARKING SCHEMES CONTACT 0746 222 000 / 0742 999 000
[email protected]



Bembea Ya Maisha
  
Mapambazuko Ya
Machweo 0746-222-000
  
Nguu Za Jadi
  

Fathers Of Nations
  
Silent Songs And
Other Stories 0746-222-000
  
A Parliament Of
Owls 0746-222-000
  
The Samaritan
  
Artist Of The
Floating World    0746-222-000

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