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1. Technology

 There are intelligent robots mentioned by Alvita and Montano in their play within a play
(P. 8).

 The two students too mention technology for cleaning the air and carbon emissions (P.

 Alvita and Montano discuss the role of digital pigeon holes (P. 10).

 The Samaritan app has been online for a month now. It has already been taken over by
the national information and communication technology cooperation (P. 18).

 Alvita talks about people taking photos and videos of illegal activities that degrade the
environment after which they are posted on the digital pigeon holes (P. 11).

 Alvita suggests in a play within a play that drugs are generated to regenerate body cells
and no one could grow old instead young and beautiful and 250 years (P. 8).

 She also shares that there are self-driven vehicles ferrying robot to various destinations
to attend meetings and transact businesses (P.9).

 The robots will be venturing outside the earth and spend a lot of time conquering new
parts of the words (P.8)

 Intelligent robots were made to replace judges and the police to enhance justice and
there will be no discrimination.

 Machines were doing all the work for us, whole factories, hotels, and hospitals were
being run entirely by intelligent machines and robots(P.9)

2. Hope and optimism

 Alvita talks about people taking photos and videos of illegal activities that degrade the
environment after which they are posted on the digital pigeon holes (P. 11).

 Alvita suggests in a play within a play that drugs are generated to regenerate body cells
and no one could grow old instead young and beautiful and 250 years (P. 8).

 She also shares that there are self-driven vehicles ferrying robot to various destinations
to attend meetings and transact businesses.

 The robots will be venturing outside the earth and spend a lot of time conquering new
parts of the words (P.8)
 Intelligent robots were made to replace judges and the police to enhance justice and
there will be no discrimination.

 Machines were doing all the work for us, whole factories, hotels, and hospitals were
being run entirely by intelligent machines and robots (P.9).

3. Bad governance and negligence by the leaders

 Alvita says that resources are there, however, they should be well used and put to the
right channel and for the correct purpose (P. 10).

 People cannot afford medicine and good food at all and suffer from malnutrition (P. 7).

 Crime is too high with people being slaughtered like chicken (P. 7).

 Law enforcers and judges serve those who grease their hands, hence people lack an
avenue for protection and justice hence seek a private one or take law into their own
hands.(P. 7).

4. Corruption, Impunity and Blackmail

 Law enforcers and judges serve those who grease their hands, hence people lack an
avenue for protection and justice (P. 7).

 Mossi tells the principal that it is in her powers to find a way around (P. 17).

 He says that his decision supersedes those of any education officials anywhere in the
country (P.17).

5. Environmental degradation and Climatic change

 Alvita talks about people taking photos and videos of illegal activities that degrade the
environment after which they are posted on the digital pigeon holes (P. 11).

 Montano predicts the future world where the cities have a bad stench because cleaning
water was very scarce after the climatic change (P. 6).

 Montano too shares that there are unpredictable weather patterns, it hardly rains (P. 6).

 Montano says that people begun to eat strange things like insects, crawling creatures,
rodents and sea creatures (P. 6).

 Once the weather patterns change, life expectancy drops drastically (P. 7).

6. Hopelessness and Desperation

 People cannot afford medicine and good food at all and suffer from malnutrition (P. 7).

 Montano shares that millions of young people were loitering aimlessly in the streets and
villages without gainful employment. All of them were poor hungry and angry (P. 5).

 Montano too says crime is too high with people being slaughtered like chicken (P. 7).
 She further shares that law enforcers and judges serve those who grease their hands
hence people lack an avenue for protection and justice hence seek a private one or take
law into their own hands (P. 7).

7. Poverty and unemployment/joblessness

 Montano shares that millions of young people were loitering aimlessly in the streets and
villages without gainful employment. All of them were poor hungry and angry (P. 5).

 Montano tells Alvita that their country has been producing graduates every year that
the jobs it is able to create (P. 5).

8. Education

 Sagrada secondary school is an institution where education is offered. It has students

like Alvita and Montano who are creative and innovative. They are mentored by Nicole.
There is a deputy by the name Carmona and the principal Narine who supports their
program. Montano tells Alvita that their country has been producing graduates every
year that the jobs it is able to create (P. 5).

Act I Scene II - The Rift

1. Role of Media

 The media has played a major role in enlightening the public on the rot in the
municipality. Newspapers like, The Caribbean Watch, The Sentinel, The Insight and The
Spotlight clearly uses The Samaritan app to come up with the rot affecting the
Municipality (P. 21)

 Jaden says that he has read the Caribbean Watch, and The Spotlight to understand the
App better (P. 23).

2. Poor leadership

 Mossi’s leadership is one that cannot be envied by anyone willing to be a good leader.
Every sector is stinking; he is surprised that a teacher in Sagrada secondary school has
organized a skit that is displaying rot in Maracas municipality. He learns later that other
leaders have been stealing money from the municipality. This puts him in conflict with
other leaders like Ted and Seymour (P. 35 and 36).

3. Corruption

 The aim of the App is to promote the public good by exposing corruption and other
services (P. 23).

 There is public outcry over companies that bill the municipal council huge sums of
money every month without rendering the services (P. 24).
 There are issues such as grabbing of public land, inflation of the cost of municipal
tenders, undertaking shoddy public works (P. 25).

 Corruption and abuse of office in the municipality is being fought by the Samaritan (P.

 Seymour suggests to Mossi, Ted and Basdeo, “justify relocation of funds on need to
address environmental degradation. This money can be used to fight their cases that are
without doubt coming. They have to get money to fight the cases and enough of it (P. 31
and 33).”

 The members of the Municipal council of members have unnecessary meetings and sign
seating allowances that they do not deserve to receive (P. 34).

 Mossi said you have in the past forced my hand into misallocating funds by making
unreasonable demands like travel allowance, sitting allowance, unnecessary loans and
mortgages (P. 34).

 Jaden suggests that all they need is to give the reporters and the editors more boxes of
chocolate (P. 22).

 Seymour says, “what you need to do is to obtain some cash, identify the most active in
posting information and pay them to stop it (P. 24).”

 Mossi condemns Ted and Seymour that since they cannot account for the possessions
they have acquired so fast that they have big vehicles and are wealthy (P. 35).

4. Technology

 Harvester talks about The Samaritan as a mobile application (P. 23).

 There is cyber bullying and sharing of pornography material in school (P. 27).

5. Blackmail and impunity

 Seymour tells Mossi to budget using a supplementary plan. When he refuses referring to
the coercion they have put him into in past, Seymour insists that he is part of the crimes
that have been committed under his watch and he is aware of the money Mossi has
stolen. Therefore, he has to be wise and come up with a supplementary estimate of
expenditure (P. 33-34).

 Mossi reminds Ted and Seymour how poor they were and when Ted responds to him he
says that Mossi will take responsibility of all the rot in the Municipality. Seymour also
tells him, he won’t get away with it, they will mobilize the members of the council
chamber against Mossi (P. 36).

 Mossi threatens others that being Mossi-oa-Tunya the smoke that thunders, he does
not stop at anything and can do what he wants to anyone (P. 36).

 He also tells Seymour that he will arrest and have him persecuted (P. 34 -35).
6. Misuse of power and intimidation

 Bembe suggests that they can all the journalists or threaten some of them (P. 22).

7. Climate change and Environmental degradation

 Seymour says, “Waste disposal system in our town is in a terrible state. There is garbage
all over the place and the drains are broken. It is a serious health hazard (P. 33).”

Act I Scene III-Strategies

1. Abuse of power or office and misappropriation of funds

 Mossi abuses power. He is a Mayor who has gangsters. He has a black man in charge of
the Red Eagle Gang (P. 45).

 Harvester says that he is accused of many crimes including abuse of office. His latest
accusation was banning the use of apps and directing the ICT officer to take steps
against suspect innovations (P. 38-39).

 Mossi claims he is accused of many crimes, particularly municipal capture (P. 39).

 Mossi orders that all the newspapers I ordered the purchase of all the newspaper the
other week using public funds following your instructions (P. 40).

 Mossi tells Bembe to “Make the municipal headquarters a no go zone for them
tomorrow, get the ghettoboyz and some undercover police to support your youth
network pay the youths, buy tyres, mattresses, socks and polythene papers. I want all
these to be burnt in every corner of town (P. 45).”

 Bembe suggests that they get someone to steal the school generator and pin in on
Nicole then tell the judge to put her in (P. 47).

2. Police Brutality

 Inspector Bembe displays ruthlessness. He says that he has a way of making people
switch allegiances on people like Nicole in case they do (P. 45).

3. Corruption and collision

 Mossi says the courts and undependable. He says, I find our court undependable; they
follow the money, more often than they follow justice (P. 44).

 Bembe claims he is blamed of corruption. He says, “I am accused of countless cases of

corruption, violation of human rights, drug peddling and extortion (P. 38).”

 Harvester shares, “The police officers collect money from motorists, give the municipal
leaders and keep for themselves (P. 41).”

 Mossi claims that he is accused of many crimes, particularly municipal capture (P. 39).
4. Greed and Hypocrisy

 Ramdaye has ruined the lives of countless people through his greed (P. 42).”

 Mossi instructs Bembe to deny ever having rejected to reward the student’s app at
Sagrada Secondary school. He should indicate before the public that they are finalizing
arrangements to give the prize and also mainstream the use of the app in the running of
the municipality to enhance transparency and accountability.
He also tells Harvester to give the impression that the municipal council is running
normally. They should as well hype the message that the allegations on the app and
newspapers are lies manufactured by political opportunists and election losers (P. 43).

5. Betrayal and blackmail

 The deputy to the Mayor and Ted are said to be mobilizing members of the chambers to
open a debate that will result in a vote of no confidence against the mayor (P. 44).

 Bembe tells Harvester they should get some information on Justice Jaden and have it
uploaded if he refuses to comply (P. 48).

6. Egocentrism and selfishness

 Ted, The deputy to the Mayor, Mossi and all other leaders of the Municipality are quite
selfish that when they sense trouble they fight to protect themselves and not the rest of
their allies in corruption, misuse of power and abuse of office.

7. Impunity, Cruelty and use of militia groups

 Bembe suggests that they get someone to steal the school generator and pin in on
Nicole then tells the judge to put her in (P. 47).

 There is the Ghettoboyz which is controlled by Bembe and The Red Eagle which is
controlled by Mossi (P. 45).

8. Role of Media

 Harvester and Mossi suggests that they assign the media people to dig up damaging
information about Hon Basdeo (P. 48).

 Bembe too suggests that they seek information on Jaden then upload on the Samaritan
(P. 48).

Act II Scene I - Fear

1. Determination and Resilience

 Nicole insists that the Mayor cannot make her chicken out by stopping the Samaritan
App. She assures the students to continue with the app and says, “sometimes it is good
to stand out ... for a better tomorrow for all of us (P. 52).”

 Nicole tells the students that they should stand firm with the App and they should
demand that the leaders do the right instead of being afraid and be discouraged (P. 53).

2. Hypocrisy

 Nicole says that the people in the municipality are like the Jewish man in many ways.
They are beaten, stripped, robbed and left for the dead, but the leaders and public
officials cannot come to their aid. They only talk about pursuing public interest without
ever being genuinely committed to it (P. 51).

 In reference to the biblical allusion, it is shown that a priest was hypocritical because he
passed by saw the injured man lying by the roadside, even though he is a religious man
he did not help the injured man (P. 50).

3. Fear

 Montano says that they fear the app will get Nicole into trouble. The students fear that
Nicole will soon be in trouble in case she pursues the Samaritan App after the Mayor
gave an ultimatum (P. 49).

 Nicole tells the students not to be afraid about the leaders and instead make them do
what is right (P. 53)

4. Love and Devotion

 Alvita and Montano love and are loyal to their teacher and that is why they are worried
and concerned about her wellbeing. Montano tells Nicole The Mayor gave her an
ultimatum during the closing day the previous year, therefore they fear The Samaritan
might get her into trouble (P. 49).

 Alvita tells Nicole that in case they transfer her from the school they would follow her to
wherever she goes (P. 52). This shows that they are affectionate about her.

5. Role of the youth in the society

 Alvita and Montano create The Samaritan App which is a good platform to put on the
spotlight the rogue leaders. Nicole believes that the App will help and should not be
killed (P. 53).

 Nicole assures Alvita and Montano that The Samaritan will change the course of history
in the municipality (P. 52).

 Nicole reminds the two students to stand firm and youths and remind the leaders about
their duties (P.53).

6. Selflessness
 Nicole is optimistic of the platform ‘The Samaritan App’ since it will give each one of us
an opportunity to speak against the wrong doing and to share ideas that will make life
better for all of them she points out that if they only care about themselves then the
municipality will not prosper (P. 52).

 She emphasizes that they must do the right things in the right way for the progress of
the municipality (P. 52).

7. Optimism/ Hope

 Even though Montano and Alvita are apprehensive about possible danger of The
Samaritan App resulting from recent ultimatum the Mayor gave their teacher, Nicole
tells the students not to worry because everything will be well (P.50).

 Nicole is confident that The Samaritan will bring a better tomorrow. She tells her
students that she is sure The Samaritan will change the course of history in the
Municipality (P.52).

 Nicole also hopes that the students should be encouraged or not fear pursuing the
project of the Samaritan App, because they will be finally successful (P.53).

8. Technology

 The presence of the Samaritan App and the discussion revolving around it gives the
aspect of technology.

9. Role of the Media

 The Samaritan has been all over the TV channels, newspapers, and radio over two
months (P. 52).

10. Corruption, egocentrism and selfishness

 Nicole finds irony in the life of the leaders. Even though the salaries their leaders are
paid cannot afford quite a flashy life, the leaders have flaunty lifestyle, they own big
vehicles, huge houses and have plenty of money (P.53).

 Nicole says the Municipality is like the Jewish man in many ways (P.51).

Act II Scene II - Mayor’s Visit

1. Misappropriation of public funds

 The contractors are paid money for quality work, yet they do shoddy work for example
the roads are left in very poor conditions like an abandoned battle field where bombs
are detonated (P.62).
 Mossi reveals to Nicole that many of the people in charge of tenders give to contractors
who do shoddy work and misappropriate funds (P. 62-63).

 Mossi also says that he is accused of inflating the cost of projects and presiding over
shoddy municipal work (P. 62).

 Ted, the Municipal secretary for the Department of Health and Environment is said to
have eaten the whole hospital (P. 63). He also ensured that companies associated to his
relatives and friends won tenders and he conspired with them to steal all the money
they and budgeted for the health centers (P. 64). They only put on cite offices that
looked like cowsheds.

 Anyone can build anything as long as they part with a dollar when they see they meet
The Secretary to the Municipal Department of Planning and Development, Seymour (P.

 Mossi says a section of the Municipal leaders demand that he approves a budget of
reallocating funds so as to give each council member money to fight court cases that
might come up against them (P.68).

2. Greed and corruption

 Mayor attempts to bribe Ms. Nicole and the students to withdraw the Samaritan App
since it was exposing a lot of ills about the municipality leaders. He tells her to name the
amount she needs.

 Seymour is corrupt; he delays in issuing building approvals in Maracas municipality. The

Mayor says that one cannot get a building approval unless one parts with some dollars.

 Hon. Ted embezzles funds the Mayor accuses him of eating the whole hospital; he refers
to him as “the bat”. He does so by giving tenders to his relatives and friends. They only
put up some site offices that look like cowshed.

 Seymour bribed people to get into office hence they voted him unanimously (P 67). He
also bought a degree certificate downtown so that he can vie for leadership (P. 67)

 Anyone can build anything as long as they part with a dollar when they see they meet
The Secretary to the Municipal Department of Planning and Development, Seymour (P.
65-66). Seymour does not care whether people adhere to proper building standards

 Nicole tells the Mayor that the leaders who are criminal should be judges in court and
Mossi says judges are worse than temple robbers because they are part of the syndicate
involved in corruption (P.67).

 All the Municipal leaders eat the whole loaf together with the wrapping where possible
and even the vendor (P.69).
 Mossi says Hon. Ramdaye’s entire family including, in-laws, outlaws, great grandparents,
children and wife are doing all the Municipal projects under Ramdaye’s department

 Mossi also claims that Justice Ian Jaden has also granted his wife, relatives to conduct
business with the municipal (P. 69).

 Ramdaye, who is in charge of the construction of roads, does shoddy work yet he is paid
well for the job (P.62).

 People of Maracas municipality suffer because of the conman ship behaviour portrayed
by Ramdaye of printing fake title deeds and selling the same piece of land to different
people (P.63).

 Hon. Ted also is greedy and selfish when he constructs some site offices that look like
cowshed and pockets the rest of the money (P. 64).

 Health facilities meant to benefit the community are not constructed and money is
pocketed by people like Hon. Ted (P.64).

 Seymour does not care whether people adhere to proper building standards (P.66).

 Nicole tells the Mayor that the leaders who are criminal should be judges in court and
Mossi says judges are worse than temple robbers because they are part of the syndicate
involved in corruption (P.67).

3. Crime and Lawlessness

 Hon. Seymour has a criminal gang ‘Black Swan gang’. The Mayor fears Seymour because
he is very dangerous in town Seymour has a hand in them.

 Seymour sells drugs and he is responsible for Narcotics trafficking making children to
drop out of school. Some have died and others roam in the streets aimlessly.

 Almost all the leaders are criminals in drug trafficking, murder, and corruption that
destroys lives and loots from the people.

4. Abuse of office, misuse of power and Negligence of duty

 The Mayor’s deputy uses his position to ensure that only his companies or those of his
relatives win tenders for road construction in the municipality (P.62). The deputy
doubles as a municipal secretary for the Department of Physical Infrastructure.

 Ted, the Municipal secretary for the Department of Health and Environment is said to
have eaten the whole hospital (P. 63). He also ensured that companies associated to his
relatives and friends won tenders and he conspired with them to steal all the money
they and budgeted for the health centers (P. 64). They only put on cite offices that
looked like cowsheds.
 People of Maracas municipality suffer because of the conman ship behaviour portrayed
by Ramdaye of printing fake title deeds and selling the same piece of land to different
people (P.63).

 Anyone can build anything as long as they part with a dollar when they see they meet
The Secretary to the Municipal Department of Planning and Development, Seymour (P.
65-66). He also delays unnecessarily in issuing building approvals in the municipality and
is a self-seeking secretary.

 Seymour does not care whether people adhere to proper building standards (P.66).

 Nicole tells the Mayor that the leaders who are criminal should be judges in court and
Mossi says judges are worse than temple robbers because they are part of the syndicate
involved in corruption (P.67).

 Mossi says Hon. Ramdaye’s entire family including, in-laws, outlaws, great grandparents,
children and wife are doing all the Municipal projects under Ramdaye’s department

 Mossi also claims that Justice Ian Jaden has also granted his wife, relatives to conduct
business with the municipal (P. 69).

 Narine tells Mossi she had sent a copy of the letter a month ago, the Mayor says his in-
tray is full of letters he because he has always been busy. Given that it is his duty to read
every letter daily, it shows that he is not working at all (P.58).

5. Selfishness / Egocentrism and nepotism

 Mossi fears what could happen in case an Earthquake strikes the buildings constructed
in the municipality (P.66).

 Ted, the Municipal secretary for the Department of Health and Environment is said to
have eaten the whole hospital (P. 63). He also ensured that companies associated to his
relatives and friends won tenders and he conspired with them to steal all the money
they and budgeted for the health centers (P. 64). They only put on cite offices that
looked like cowsheds.

 People of Maracas municipality suffer because of the conman ship behaviour portrayed
by Ramdaye of printing fake title deeds and selling the same piece of land to different
people (P.63).

 Anyone can build anything as long as they part with a dollar when they see they meet
the Secretary to the Municipal Department of Planning and Development, Seymour (P.
65-66). He also delays unnecessarily in issuing building approvals in the municipality and
is a self-seeking secretary.

 Mossi says a section of the Municipal leaders demand that he approves a budget of
reallocating funds so as to give each council member money to fight court cases that
might come up against them (P.68). The reallocation of the budget is meant to cater for
their interests.
 Mossi says Hon. Ramdaye’s entire family including, in-laws, outlaws, great grandparents,
children and wife are doing all the Municipal projects under Ramdaye’s department

 Mossi also claims that Justice Ian Jaden has also granted his wife, relatives to conduct
business with the municipal (P. 69).

6. Intimidation and Fear

 Mossi fears what could happen in case an Earthquake strikes the buildings constructed
in the municipality (P.66).

 Seymour is implicated by Mossi as one who cannot be prosecuted because he is

dangerous. He has a connection with the mysterious disappearance of people in town.
He is also behind the Murderous Black Swan Gang, responsible for shooting and
violence (P.66).

 Mossi also threatens Nicole indicating that in case she does not delete any post in The
Samaritan that casts on him in negative light she will learn of who Mossi-oa-Tunya is
because he is a Mayor and he will do what she cannot discover(P.73).

7. Drug peddling and trafficking

 Mossi says Seymour sells drugs i.e. Narcotic trafficking hence many children have
dropped out of school (P 66-67).

 He traffics drugs all over and that has led to the destruction of lives of many young
people including his own. Some of them have ended up being cabbage and useless (P.67
and 70).

 Seymour’s wife is his own wife is cabbage too.

8. Blackmail

 Mayor Mossi says that a section of the municipal leaders is demanding that he approves
a budget reallocation to give each member money to fight court cases that might come
up against them. In case he fails to do so, they will pass a vote- of- no confidence in him

 Mossi also threatens Nicole indicating that in case she does not delete any post in The
Samaritan that casts on him in negative light she will learn of who Mossi-oa-Tunya is
because he is a Mayor and he will do what she cannot discover (P.73).

9. Ignorance

 Mossi insinuates that the citizens vote the leaders ignorantly without necessarily
considering the leadership qualifications and that is why leaders end up not serving their
interests (P.70).
 They vote in leaders such as Seymour and Ted as a result of their opulence, the bribes
they give them and how they dress in bling blings, satanic chains and other displays
(P.65 and 70-71).

10. Escapism

 Mossi shifts blame by saying that the real culprit behind every problem in the society in
the teaching profession. He says the teachers do not teach the right thing and the
products who conduct mess are products on the school system (P 72).

 He blames the judges too for hawking justice (P.69)

 Though his the key leader of the Municipal he averts blame to his assistance such as the
deputy, Seymour for not doing anything rather than selling drugs (P.70)

 He also blames Ted for his nepotism and corrupt ways that eat into the councils’ funds

 He generally believes the voters are responsible for the poor leadership because they
elected monkeys into the office and when it hollers they need not complain (P.71).

11. Education

 Kids drop out of school because of drugs (P.67).

 Ted is said to have been illiterate and makes no sense on the council floor. He quit
school after kindergarten (P.65).

 Mossi says Seymour is illiterate and he bought a degree downtown to qualify for a
political position (P.65).

 Mossi blames school system for the bad grade of leaders that Maracas has since all the
people go through the hands of teachers before coming to the society (P.72)

 She reports that she takes her work seriously and focuses on the mission of the school
found in providing quality education to the children (P.56).

Act II Scene III- The Political Strategy

1. Conflict

 There is a conflict between the Mayor and Ramdaye and his group. Ramdaye mobilizes
councillors to oust out Mossi from power. The Mayor organises and orders criminals to
cause violence that will prevent such a meeting from happening and keeps his position
(P. 74).

2. Determination
 Hon, Ramdaye, Hon. Seymour and Hon. Ted are determined to remove the Mayor Mossi
from power by mobilising the entire municipal Council to pass the vote – of-no
confidence motion against him (P. 75).

 The whole team goes ahead and talks to their rivals opposition chief, Hon Basdeo to join
them (P. 80).

3. Role of Media

 Basdeo is opportunistic and hopes to use the media networks and have the rally
popularised and that their alliance unbeatable (P. 88).

4. Violence

 The group that attacks Seymour, Ramdaye, and Ted burnt mattresses, tyres, appears
sacks and team gas smoke (P.75).

 The hooligans who attacked them almost hit Ted with a stone, hence they had to run so
fast (P.74).

 Mossi-oa-Tunya is known to be the smoke that thunders (P.75).

5. Corruption and selfishness

 Hon. Ted says political entrepreneurs are very keen in making money. They vote with
the stomach so as to speak. That means they will vote the side that gives more money
(P. 77).

 Hon. Ted also says that they need to pursue or buy a few members in order to meet the
two thirds majority required to remove the Mayor in office (P. 80).

6. Nepotism

 Basdeo says that all the municipal funds are meant to develop the wards occupied by
members of Mossi’s ethnic groups (P.82).

7. Propaganda and Deceit

 Basdeo testifies that politics is not about the truth, instead they have to evoke the
emotions of the people (P.82).

 Basdeo says they should be creative and divide Mayor Mossi’s ethnic groups from other
races by emphasizing the difference. They should claim they have a smell of a beetle
unlike other people who do not. They also believe in Obeah! (p.84).

 They aim to set people against Mossi by finding speakers who are articulate in inciting
people and will indicate how much Mossi is not development minded. They will
mention his failure to build roads too (P.81-82).
Act III Scene I- Ethics lesson

1. Corruption

 Through the rhetorical questions posed by Nicole to her students, we get to know that
corruption is rampant in Maracas Municipality.
For example, the hospitals lack drugs because of theft (P.91).|

 There is soliciting of bribes by the police men/officers before they serve the citizen (P

 Alvita indicates how the people of Babylon engaged in corruption (P. 90)

2. Sexual Immorality

 Through the discussion between Nicole and her students, we get to know that sexual
perversion was rampant in their society of the Babylonians and that is why they
disobeyed the Creator (P. 90).

3. Injustices

 In this scene we get to know that people in the municipality of Maracas lack justice in
courts (P 91).

4. Murder

 Murder committed in the society as mentioned by the 4th student (P. 90).

 Alvita too shares that the Babylonians killed one another when they disobeyed God

5. Superstition

 Some students wear a talisman believing it will help them pass exams (P. 91).

6. Religion

 Nicole makes a reference to the bible while teaching ethics to the students. For
instance, she says for anyone to solve problems in the society they should use the good
part of the human heart. As students discuss, they realize that there is good and evil
spirits and disobedience results in trouble (P.88-89).

 They also have a story within a story in reference to the fall of Jerusalem and the
Temple after the siege by the Babylonians in the Ancient Near East. The choice to rob,
worship idols, bribe, act dishonestly, and conduct sexual perversions resulted in loss of
love (P.90).

 The teacher also shares that the spirit of the Beast is always destructive (P.91).

7. Education

 The scene happens in Sagrada Secondary school.

 Students go through a lesson on ethics with close reference to the bible (p. 88-92).

Act III Scene II-The Saga

1. Police Brutality and violence

 Inspector Bembe and his guards harass Nicole in her office. Bembe rummages through
papers on Nicole’s table. When she refuses to move and sit on the floor, the officers
drag her on the floor. Nicole is dragged out of her office (P. 95, 98).

 Inspector Bembe bangs the table violently with his gun when Nicole rejects their
intimidation (P.96).

 An officer drags Nicole on the floor as Nicole refuses to move (P. 96).

 Bembe is agitated and hits Nicole on the face with a bunch of papers (P.97).

 Nicole is dragged out of the office when she resists arrest and demands legal
representation (P.98).

2. Corruption and blackmail

 The leaders at the municipal council are corrupt. Through Nicole we learn that some
have been supplying air to the municipal council instead of goods and services (P. 97).

 Bembe implicates Nicole by saying her phone signal was in the place of murder (P. 94).

3. Abuse/Misuse of Power

 The inspector misuses his power as the police general to harass Nicole. He threatens her
with false accusations so as to intimidate her (P. 94, 95,97,98). For instance he says,
“You should never fight a losing battle (P.93).”

 He also says, I understand that to mean you are ready for a fight. And to get us started
are you aware the signal of your phone was at one time located at the scene of murder?
(P.94). This comes immediately she rejects his insistence that she should stop the app
from working.
 Further conversation shows Bembe telling Nicole, “If you insist this will become the
darkest day of your career (P. 95).”

 Later in the scene Bembe orders the police officers to handcuff Nicole (P. 95).

4. Environmental Degradation

 Through the Samaritan APP we get to know that the people at Maracas have issues with
the environment. Nicoles tells Bembe that the Samaritan helps them fight
environmental degradation by exposing the culprits (P. 97).

5. Technology

 Nicole tells Bembe to download the Samaritan App because she does not possess it

 The mentioning of the signal of a phone is also an aspect of the current technology in
crime investigations (P.94).

6. Hypocrisy

 Bembe tells Nicole that the matter of The Samaritan is weighty and can destroy lives of
many powerful people. They are fighting back and will destroy her life. When in reality
he has been sent to attack and intimidate Nicole against making her give in to their
demands (P.94).

Act III Scene III - The Judge’s Blackmail

1. Militia Groups

 The Red Eagle and the Ghettoboyz are mentioned in the scene. Bembe plans to use
these two groups to counter Ramdaye's team the militia group are brutal. Bembe say
that the ghettoboyz will be armed with broken glasses, nails, swords, spades, scissors,
hoes and daggers (P. 101).

2. Blackmail

 The Mayor informs Jaden the principal judge of Maracas Municipality about his
impending impeachment. The Mayor wants Jaden to use his powers as the judge to
prosecute deputy Mayor, Ramdaye and his team (P. 102,103,104).

 Jaden turns down the request by stating that he cannot do what they are asking him to
do. He further states that, he must make decisions that are within a comfortable
threshold of reasonable professional practice. Mossi and Bembe opt to blackmail
Jaden. They remind him of the prime orchard farm that is owned by his longtime
mistress Ivy. The farm produces rodents that are set loose into the rice and corn farms
(P. 105)
 The prime orchard that the judge is a shareholder is one of the largest corn importers in
Maracas municipality (P. 107).

 The judge becomes afraid for his name to be dragged in dirt. Jaden is commanded to
convict Hon. Basdeo, the deputy Mayor Hon. Ramdaye, to jail Hon. Seymour and Hon.
Ted for supplying air to the maracus municipal (P. 112).

 Jaden is further instructed to ensure that the process to impeach the Mayor from the
office is delayed (P. 103).

3. Favourism and Abuse of power or office

 Favourism is brought out through the prime orchard farm. Ivy uses the influence of the
judge to get a contract of killing rodents and other rats that were ravaging the rice and
corn farms. The Mayor says that since Jaden is a senior officer, he decided to help his
lady (P. 106).

 Judge Jaden uses his position to rule cases in favor of prime orchard farm. When
members of the municipal rejects Ivy’s contract and insisted on competitive bidding, he
advices his mistress to go to court. The matter is brought before him, Jaden rules in
favor of Ivy (P. 106).

4. Injustice and selfishness

 Judge Jaden uses his position to rule cases in favor of prime orchard farm. When
members of the municipal rejects Ivy’s contract and insisted on competitive bidding, he
advices his mistress to go to court. The matter is brought before him, Jaden rules in
favor of Ivy (P. 106).

 Jaden recalls that all he did aimed to enrich him and he could retire then use his
property (P.112).

5. Corruption and Impunity

 Jaden uses his position as the judge to accumulate wealth for himself. He says litigants
gave him money to determine cases in their favor. Jaden further states that everybody
else was doing it, using the public office to amass a fortune for oneself (P. 112).

 Ivy and Jaden alongside other investors introduce trained rats in the orchard firms and
later bring cats to kill them. They expose them and parade people to see what they are
doing so that they can be paid. They leave the rats to bear more and fill the farms, eat
everything so that they can import grams and sell to the people (P.107).

 Mossi and Basdeo says, Jaden knew these rats had an attitude meaning he knew where
they came from (P.107).

6. Fear

 The entire Municipal council group fears that they will be put in jail is they do not
comply with the rest in salvaging themselves from possible arrest (P. 99-102).
 Jaden too is scared and even says his ulcers are now more painful than ever after
hearing about the impending case (P.112).

 Bembe believes it is his final days and shares that his stomach is running (P.99).

 Jaden is also haunted at the end of the scene until he testifies that he can feel the smell
of rats (P.113).

7. Materialism

 Jaden and Ivy are interested in money and that is why they target the Prime Orchard
Farm project (P.107).

 Jaden testifies that he wanted to have enough wealth which he could enjoy once he
retires (112).

Act IV Scene I - The Plan

1. Religion

 Harvester claims that he has been doing his Christian duty as a leader to obey Mayor
Mossi; he says that he will be crucified for the things the Mayor tells him to do (P. 115).

 His whole family- wife, children and himself- are fasting and praying, trusting God to get
him out of the mess and that God hasn't failed the innocent (P.115).

2. Abuse of Office and Misuse of Power

 Mayor Mossi has instructed lawyers acting for the municipal council to file cases against
Hon. Ramdaye, Hon. Seymour, Hon. Ted and Hon. Basdeo and jail them as soon as is
legally possible (P.115).

 Harvester testifies that Hon. Mossi has been behind all the wrongs he has conducted
including stealing (P.115).

3. Corruption

 Jaden says that he can't convict Hon. Basdeo and Hon. Ramdaye since he has benefited
from them and had paid him shares of company that the municipal council is suing

 Jaden reveals that judges do not operate in a vacuum. The ethos prevailing in society
influences thinking and action. His ruling are in many respects a reflection of the
prevailing culture in society (P.116).

 Jaden confesses that rodents are tormenting him beyond measure, he has been seeing
rats and other rodents running all over the place even when his eyes are wide open
4. Fear

 Harvester fears that the Mayor will do anything to jail the quartet –Ramdaye, Ted,
Seymour, and Basdeo (P. 115).

 Jaden confesses that the Mayor’s demand to jail the quartet has put him in a dilemma

 Jaden fears that the inspector of police who owns Madingo Golf Club has spat on his
food somewhere in the kitchen (P.117).

5. Greed and Egocentrism/ Selfishness

 Jaden convinces Harvester that if they come together they win against The
Samaritan and he should reach to the accused, share the idea and hold a meeting as
soon as possible in his chambers the following day (P.118-119).

6. Betrayal

 Both Jaden and Harvester break the law and betray the people of Maracus when they
participate in public looting and injustice. They also struggle to cover that up instead of
facing the law.

7. Blasphemy

 Jaden calls Harvester, man of god, yet he is involved in a number of crimes.

 Harvester tells Jaden that he is being crucified and all he has done is due to having a
duty to obey his leader (P.115). On the contrary, God does calls upon us to be wise and
make better judgement.

 He also says that his entire family is fasting and praying in trust that God will get him out
of the mess for he has not known his God to fail him. In reality he had all the sense to do
what was right and failed to do so (P.115).

8. Conflict

 The two parties ruling the Municipal are up in arms and Jaden realizes such a division is
working against them (P.118).

 Jaden experiences an internal conflict for he is told by Mossi to ensure he prosecute the
quartet or else his crime be exposed. He is entangled in their crime and lacks a better
decisions (P.116 ).

Act IV Scene II - Reconciliation

1. Corruption and Selfishness

 Corruption prevails in Maracas and is being perpetrated by people like Seymour who
believe in misuse of municipality resources to get themselves off the hook. Seymour
says that for them to avoid Baneta express prison then they have to get money so as to
fight their way out (P.121).

 Jaden who is a judge displays his corrupt nature when he proposes that the only way to
influence the innovative teacher is by getting the boxes of chocolate as incentives

2. Impunity and Abuse of office

 Jaden displays impunity when he gives alternatives on how to influence the case the
municipal administration is facing. He gives examples like getting friendly people to
lodge the case against them, and determine the case in their favor or even buy time
through endless adjournments (P.124).

 Elsewhere he thinks of the principle of double jeopardy. He says that they should initiate
prosecutions in order to pre-empt any legal moves against them from other quarters

 Basdeo reveals that some of them have skeletons in their closets (P.121).

3. Power

 Most leaders of Maracas believe in power. They believe power is everything one needs
to have. They even believe that the Innovation Teacher is after power. That one’s she
gets a position in the Municipality then definitely she will drop the Samaritan app.
Seymour suggests that they offer her a high office since it seems that is what she is after
(P. 125-126). Jaden says that they check on her as a team of the municipal leaders and
they may have a helpful impression on her (P. 126).

4. Fear

 Bembe is afraid that he will be prosecuted. He says that he is jittery about it (P.123).

 Ramdaye too shares the fears that a number of people supporting Nicole speaks
volumes (P.125).

5. Role of Media

 Jaden reveals that the Media is relishing their scandals and rot to the public (P. 124-

6. Conflict

 The public at arms and they want to put the leaders to account (P.122).

Act IV, Scene III - Justice

1. Colonialism

 Narine tells Nicole that the struggle for good governance stretches as far back as the
beginning of human history. She further says that their forefathers were slaves to white
people (P. 130).

2. Bad Governance and Misuse of office

 Narine talks about neocolonialism when she says that currently people have been
enslaved by their own people (P.130).

 Inspector Bembe tells Nicole that they must introduce fundamental changes in the way
the municipality is administered. He says that they do agree that serious mistakes have
been made in leadership (P.133).

 Nicole tells the Municipal leaders that they were entrusted with public office to manage
the people’s affairs and lead them to a prosperous future but they turned corrupt and
broke the law in pursuit of personal gains (P.137).

3. Corruption

 Through Basdeo corruption is depicted when he says that Nicole should not expect
truthful and patriotic people in the municipality since they are all self-seekers (P. 136).

 Nicole accuses the leaders of misusing their offices to practice corruption. She tells then
that if they were Good Samaritans they would not have dipped their fingers in the public
tills or broke the law (P. 137).

 The Mayor says that they want change in the municipality where public resource will no
longer be stolen and the police will stand with the innocent. Besides, justice will be for
all and lawmakers will protect and promote public interest. For this we deduce that
corruption is rampant at Maracas (P. 133 -134).

4. Greed for Power

 Greed for power is evident when Basdeo suggests that he should be made a co- Mayor.
He says he will be very close to have equal powers like the Mayor though not really
close but almost there (P. 134).

 Hon. Basdeo is taken aback when Jaden proposes that Nicole is given a contract to be a
Director General of the municipality. Greed is built since Basdeo is eying a top position
of almost having equal powers with the Mayor, definitely this worries him (P.135).

5. Deception, Hypocrisy and Pretense

 The leaders of Maracas deceive Nicole that they really need to bring her onboard out of
the goodwill of Maracas municipality. Jaden tells Nicole, after due deliberations they
agreed to consult her about the possible changes they need to effect to secure the
future of the municipality. The truth is that they are playing power politics, therefore,
they intend to bring Nicole on their side so as to stop the use of the Samaritan APP (P.
 Inspector Bembe deceptively tells Nicole that he is sorry for her arrest and arraignment
in court (P. 131-132).

 The Mayor is also not truthful when he apologizes to Nicole (P. 132).

6. Change and Optimism

 Nicole states to the gentlemen that change is needed in the management of the
municipality. She tells them she is ready to work with like-minded citizens who will
ensure there is transparency and accountability in the management of public affairs

 The Mayor says that the leaders want change in the municipality where public resource
swill no longer be stolen, the police will stand with the innocent, justice will be for all
and lawmakers will protect and promote public interest (P. 133 -134).

 Nicole is optimistic by saying that it will be a new era in which everyone will be a Good
Samaritan and brother’s keeper (P.133).

7. Justice

 The leaders of Maracas are arrested by the head of Anti-corruption Investigations

Bureau to answers charges about a variety of issues. Alvita reminds Nicole of what she
once told them; it is true that no one can escape from the consequences of their actions
(P. 138-139).

8. Hopelessness, disillusionment and despair

 Narine is desperate and thinks better leadership cannot be found at all. After all good
leaders are no longer there and Africans who were once colonized by whites and now
enslaved by their own people (P.130).

 Narine even suggests that she will have no choice but to personally grab Nicole by her
pants and hound her out of her vicinity through the nearest available opening (P.130).

 Basdeo thinks the Municipality can never have truthful and patriotic individuals (P. 136).

 Nicole says there is no hope in the Municipality unless people resist the spirit of the
Beast (P. 136).

9. Escapism

 Narine distances himself from The Samaritan as much as possible. She even threatens
and advises Nicole to leave it so that she restores her peace (P. 126-131).

 The principal welcomes the gentlemen and cheats that she had planned to attend to
crucial school matters, she exits the boardroom and leaves Nicole with the leaders of
Maracas municipality ( P.126).

10. Fear
 Montano and Alvita get to the boardroom while running. Montano tells Nicole that they
should give up on the App because the teacher may be arrested (P.137).

 The entire Municipal team is scared when the police come in and the Mayor hides
behind Nicole whereas other shuffle on their feet in confusion (P.138).

11. Religion

 Nicole urges the Municipality leaders to turn away from their wicked ways and turn a
new leaf that is towards their Creator (P.136).

 Nicole also equates the Municipal to the revival of the dry bones as it is in the Good
book (P.136).

 Nicole also tells the Municipal leaders to be the Good Samaritan and brother’s keeper

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