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Copyright © 2023 by Marketing Secrets, LLC

All rights reserved.

Written by Russell Brunson

Editorial Work by Julie Willson and team
Cover Art by Leon Dorado
Layout and Design by Amanda Freund-Broerman

This book is not designed to be a definitive guide or to take the place of advice from qualified professionals.
There is no guarantee that the methods suggested in this book will be successful, owing to the risk that is
involved in business of almost any kind.

This Publication is for research purposes only. All of the webpages and advertising are copyrighted by
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Any earnings, income statements or other results, are based on our own testing and are only estimates
of what we think you could earn. There is no assurance you will do as well as stated in any examples. If
you rely upon any figures provided, you must accept the entire risk of not doing as well as the information
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Readers are highly encouraged to evaluate the risks of investing money into marketing plans and to seek
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using the methods described herein.
FOREWORD ...........................................................................................................6
by Steve J. Larsen

1. THE LINCHPIN ..............................................................................................10 5. DRAMATIC DEMONSTRATION #1..............................................................114

The Simple, Overlooked Secret in My Funnels That Took ClickFunnels from Your Dramatic Demonstration #1 (Challenge or Webinar)
Startup to 9 Figures a Year… (In Just 3 Short Years) Sells Your Bulk Continuity + Offer (Your SLO!)

2. CONTINUITY .................................................................................................26 6. DRAMATIC DEMONSTRATION #2..............................................................132

Without CONTINUITY You Don’t Have a Business Your Dramatic Demonstration #2 (Live or Virtual Event)
Sells Your High-Ticket Offer
3. THE MIFGE......................................................................................................70
Your MIFGE Builds Your Continuity 7. THE LINCHPIN VALUE LADDER..................................................................152
From a Framework to a Value Ladder…Putting It All Together
4. THE ATTRACTIVE CHARACTER FLYWHEEL.................................................90
Your Attractive Character Flywheel Promotes 8. YOUR NEXT STEP........................................................................................158
Your MIFGE and Dramatic Demonstrations Want Help Creating Your Linchpin Value Ladder?
FOREWORD By Steve J. Larsen

“Mr. Larsen, you have no recurring revenue and What was even more painful was knowing that
YOU are the business.” I had a little nagging voice in my head that
kept saying, “go build continuity and build up
When I was only three years into my business, recurring revenue” but I never did it.
I had sold around $8,000,000 of my own offers
online, and a real business valuation service So how could I have built it all wrong then?
was pouring over financials and market data Turns out I missed a few of the more subtle
to see how much money my little empire was parts of the Value Ladder, which is easy to do.
actually worth. After a several week waiting
game, the answer struck my core with a nasty Let me explain.
disgust I’ll never forget. Ready?
The first time I heard Russell Brunson say
My business was worth barely $500k. “Value Ladder” was about 10 years ago, and
it changed my entrepreneurial life. I felt like
“What?! WHY!? Look at the sales!! Look at the I suddenly had the language to describe What I really missed in those earlier years can more rungs on the ladder. We all have 1,000
audience! How can a business around $8 million the marketing plans in my head. It changed be shown in how most people draw a Value ideas each day, so it’s easy to start shifting
in sales be worth only $500k?!” I was enraged. everything for me. At the time, I was getting Ladder. If you haven’t seen one before, it looks away from a completed Value Ladder and
a marketing degree, which never delivered like three or four stair steps and visually shows instead just add infinite steps so your ideas
But the answer was the very first line above, as much marketing clarity in my classes as how you’ll ascend your customers. The real have a place to live. Their Value Ladders kind
which was one of the biggest business gut the Value Ladder did. The concept is now an problem is that’s where people usually stop of end up looking like the opening scene in Ace
punches I’ve ever experienced. “Mr. Larsen, industry standard of how we communicate drawing. However, it’s not complete. That’s not Ventura Pet Detective, where he’s sending a
you have no recurring revenue and YOU are the marketing. the Value Ladder unless the other part is there. slinky down hundreds of steps.
business.” What most people don’t draw is the part in the
The Value Ladder concept has become such red box. It’s missed frequently, and the three No judgment. Been there, done that. But take a
I don’t think anyone would say millions in sales is a powerful and universal way to express little arrows symbolize the part I was missing moment to turn up the “real talk” dial and lean
a failure, but I also clearly saw how devastating it entrepreneur and marketing ideas that even too: continuity. in a bit, because NOT creating and focusing on
is to build a business with YOU as the continuity, those who try to compete with Russell online continuity in my early business life is the single
rather than build a business with its own use his own model to attempt to poorly Somewhere along the line, our internet greatest business regret I have. No contest.
continuity. Make sense? I’d been doing it wrong. I outwit him. marketing industry kind of forgot about those How I wish I had done things differently…
didn’t have a business; I had a promotion. little “continuity arrows” and instead just drew

6 7
That’s why the Linchpin is so powerful and to constantly come up with new offers PLUS because I study Russell. I’ve been in his office
sorely needed. all the marketing AND the delivery. Now, I many times and watched as his gift unfolds
could use my energy to actually grow the same massive amounts of information, and then
The Linchpin is the difference between having business, instead of giving birth to a new one. pops out simplicity with a stick figure doodle.
an actual business and having just one-off sales I had both cash flow and mental space to Then a whole market will shift.
streaks. It guides the entrepreneur’s visionary make continuous improvements to my core
thoughts into a productive revenue model and continuity. Like many entrepreneurs, I see the work we
ensures that all ideas anchor back to solving do to help others as near-sacred. I’ve known
real business needs. Without that, it’s easy to I’ve found a lot of business simplicity in Russell Brunson personally for 8 years. His
start running your business based on the idea- using the Linchpin too. Most know my crazy work ethic and drive is unparalleled. His
of-the-day. I’ve found that the Linchpin really beginning, that I went through 34 product mission is not about riches. He already did that.
helps solve any tensions between the visionary failures before one actually worked. On the A lot and then more. He shows up over and
entrepreneurs and the rest of their teams too, 35th attempt, I was so excited it finally worked over because he likes to solve entrepreneur
because now everyone can point back to the that I think I got a little addicted, and over the problems at a large scale, and this book is no
same drawn vision. next four years I created and released over different.
55 different offers of my own. I very much
I hope that as you read this book you see all get having a lot of product ideas, but the Most don’t know that Russell Brunson
the other business questions the Linchpin also entrepreneurial angels sang on the day that I pioneered the Value Ladder concept as a
solves. There’s a lot. deleted 52 of them. Why? whole. Now, with this book, he’s returning with
the Linchpin to fill in the model.
For example, every business, whether you’re I bring this up only because I’ve seen
a Fortune 500 or a living room start-up, is thousands of Value Ladders representing The book you’re about to read could’ve also
constantly hungry for two things: daily cash flow hundreds of markets, and as you read this been called: Russell Brunson’s Personal
and daily lead flow. The Linchpin solves both. book, it’s going to feel easy to get more Lessons From Executing His Own Secrets
ideas than the Linchpin model holds. GOOD! Trilogy. Get a pen and buckle up, because it
The game is about increasing your control over Let what you’re about to read force you to turns out that Russell Brunson actually has
cash flow and lead flow as much as possible. keep, combine, or kill your offer ideas. It’s more secrets to share, and you’re holding
And although the big cash days are nice, it’s about creating better offers, not necessarily them. Get to it.
really about cash flow. That’s what I was more offers.
missing in my business.
Finally, remember, just because it’s a good idea
It’s ironic how few internet entrepreneurs doesn’t mean you should do it (I’m not one to
actually have continuity, considering that talk there), but let the Linchpin guide the offers
the dream of a laptop beach lifestyle is the you choose to build so they’re in one ascending
reason that got many of us started. However, theme. The Linchpin is about creating one
it’s very hard to grow a healthy business theme that your offers all attach to. For
without knowing how much money is coming example, it’s very common for an entrepreneur
in tomorrow. Truly, cash flow is king. to hand me their Value Ladder plans to critique
only for me to hand it back and point out, “This
If you’re thinking, “Well I just need leads, Steve!” isn’t a Value Ladder. This is three individual
Ok, but even if the dreamiest of customers is businesses that are all referring traffic to each
buying from you today, do you know you will other. A Value Ladder is one business theme
attract a new lead tomorrow, in a process that with three offers all leading to continuity.” The
doesn’t require you? The Linchpin solves both Linchpin solves this by helping the entrepreneur
of your cash flow and lead flow problems. focus on creating one strong theme throughout
the product line of a company, rather than lots
I also found that focusing on continuity of unrelated offers.
allows entrepreneurs to dramatically increase
customer experience. It was a surprising Read this book in its entirety. Be a thorough
benefit that I saw for myself. I no longer had student. I haven’t read a lot of guru’s books

8 9
Chapter 1

The Simple, Overlooked Secret In My Funnels That Took Clickfunnels From
Startup To 9 Figures A Year… (In Just 3 Short Years)

A lot of people talk about how ClickFunnels just a way to build your company and structure The concepts you’ll learn aren’t difficult. In fact, As you will soon see, the actual Linchpin is a
grew from start-up to over 9 figures in just three your funnels, it is THE WAY. It’s the model that all they are simple. Especially if you already have mindset shift on where your self-liquidating
years, and they all point to different reasons of our coaching clients inside of the Two Comma an existing business, you’ll notice that it’s a few offer is placed, and then where you put just
why. Some attribute it to the software, others Club X Coaching Program follow. It’s the model small tweaks to how you look at your business one simple button, in a very specific place, on
because of the community, and others think that we coach all of my Inner Circle members in and how you structure your business. After you your thank-you pages.
it’s because of our books or one of our funnels. during our mastermind meetings. It is the model make these small changes, you will have the
While all of these things are HUGE contributors that every one of my companies follow, and if ability to scale quickly. I know that many of you That’s it!
to our success, I am fully aware that there was something doesn’t fit into this Linchpin model, already do webinars or challenges. You may
one small tweak we made to our funnels, about then we don’t do it. Yes, it’s that important. already have a live or virtual event. The goal of But I don’t want the simplicity of the model to
three weeks after we launched, that instantly this book isn’t to have you stop doing what’s cause you to overlook its power. I’ve shared this
10Xed ClickFunnels almost overnight and was This is what the framework of the Linchpin looks working. Instead, it’s to show you how to add idea with dozens of my friends over the years,
the key to our rapid growth. like, and we’ll break it down in this book. in a few of the other pieces that you’re likely and almost all of them have discounted it, not
missing, and that you will need for a scalable used it, and wondered why we are still growing
This book will walk you through the model that business, and to tie them all together with a so rapidly almost 10 years later! These simple
we now affectionately call “The Linchpin.” It’s not simple linchpin. Following this model will allow changes will work to scale any business, but it
you to grow and scale your company 10X faster. will require you to look at it through a different
lens, with an open mind.

10 11
You’ve probably seen other SLOs like these:


• After you register for a free challenge: Upgrade to VIP for just $47!

• After you register for a free webinar: Get a special ebook for just $37!

The first (and the most) foundational principle you need to understand in order to be successful • After you register for a free summit: Get lifetime access to the recordings for just $47!
with the Linchpin framework is that you need to move where the SLO is located. I taught about
the concept of an SLO in my book, Expert Secrets.

An SLO is a low-priced offer on the thank-you page (often $37-$97) after somebody gives you
their email address and is created to help liquidate your ad costs.

Typically, the SLO is placed on the thank-you page after someone registers for a free challenge,
webinar, summit, or virtual event. We don’t get paid until after the event is over, so the SLO
allows us to put the money we make on the SLO back into ads.

For example, after someone registers for my free Secrets Masterclass, they see my SLO on the
thank-you page that invites them to get a free copy of my DotComSecrets book. The average
person who requests my free book ends up paying $9.97 for shipping, and then we take them
through a funnel where we upsell the audiobook and a course. I usually make over $50 on
average for each person who orders a copy of my book.

a l ow-pr
O is
An SL ank-y
e t h
on th
offer 7-$97
$ 3
pa g e s you
e b o d y give
after d is
a d d r ess an
their at e
h e l p liquid
ed to
c r e at
u r a d c o st

12 13

What if, instead of putting

a $37 SLO on the thank-you
page…what if we put a free 14-
day trial on the thank-you page
instead and encouraged people
to create a free trial BEFORE
the webinar started…and our
new goal was to see HOW MANY
TRIALS we could give away
during the signup process.

Typically, the offer we pitch is a more expensive We did about a dozen webinars this way, If we did that, and our goal
offer (usually $297, $997, $1,997, or more) and I was excited because we started to
at the end of a challenge, webinar, summit, make money, but my business partner Todd was trials, then we could start
or virtual event. If the SLO covered all of our Dickerson was upset because he didn’t want to look at the $997 offer as
ad costs, then what we sell at the end of the to be in a business where we were only getting the SLO! Every penny we make
presentation is pure profit! paid when I did a webinar. He came from the
software world, and he wanted to build up a from the $997 offer, we dump
When we first launched ClickFunnels, this was company with residual, recurring income. back into ads to get more
the model that we used:
During a late-night discussion after one of our
people to register for the
• Step #1: We promoted a free webinar. webinars, Todd had an idea... webinar and create free trials!
• Step #2: People would register for the —Todd Dickerson
webinar, and on the thank-you page
I would sell them a $37 offer to help
cover our ad costs (SLO).

• Step #3: At the end of the webinar,

I would sell access to ClickFunnels
for 12 months for $997. (After the 12
months was over, we would start billing
them $97 a month for continued access
to our software.)

14 15
Boom…that was the idea.
So simple. So Powerful.

And so we tried it. The next webinar, I got rid of the existing SLO and added in a free 14-day

ClickFunnels trial on the Thank-You page. This simple button, and a shift in our mindset, was the
key to our success. The button became the linchpin that tied this all together!

I then filmed a quick video that said:

“Thank you for registering for the webinar! During the live training, I’m going to show you how
to use a new tool called ClickFunnels! You will need an account during the class, so I want to
give you a free 14-day trial. That way you can play with it now and have it for the webinar! After
the webinar, if you decide you don’t want it, you can cancel your account, but you’ll need it for
the class, so go and get your free account now!”

We had no idea that Todd’s weird idea—moving the SLO and adding this one little button—would


be the key to us scaling ClickFunnels from a new start-up into a $100 million/year company in
just three short years!

SO SIMPLE. (Thanks Todd!!!)


16 17

1. Webinar Registration Page: They registered for the webinar.

2. Webinar Thank-You Page: After registering, some clicked the button and got a
free 2-week trial of ClickFunnels while they waited for the webinar to start.
3. Webinar Offer: They attended the webinar and some signed up for the $997 Offer.
4. Trialers And Yearly Buyers Continue On Continuity:

· Trialers were put into our continuity and some continued at $97/month after
their free 14-day trial ended.

· Those who bought a year’s access were put into our continuity and some
continued at $97/month after their bulk 12-month membership ended.

18 19
We ran this new model hard for the next 12 months. I was doing 2–3 webinars a week,
and we were re-investing all of the money we made from the sales during the webinar
(our new $997 SLO) back into ads for the next webinar.

After 12 months, we sat back and calculated how this Linchpin had affected our bot-
tom line, and the results were amazing.

Over that 12-month period:

• 2,500+ members bought our offer at $997!

· In just one year, we made almost $2,500,000 in sales!

Now, that by itself is pretty amazing, but remember that we didn’t keep that
$2,500,000…we put it back into ads to keep getting people to register for the webinar.
The real magic came when we realized this:

• After the trials ended, we had 7,500+ members stay on at $97/month.

· That produced almost $750,000/month revenue.

· That meant we had almost $9,000,000 in projected ARR (annual recurring

revenue) from the trialers’ monthly subscriptions!
($750,000 x 12 months = $9,000,000)

That was $9 million (more than 3.6 times MORE money than we made from the
$997 offer) that we would have lost had we not done the Linchpin model!

Not to mention the 2,500 people who did buy the yearly account…a huge percentage
of them continued into monthly recurring when their 12-month account was over!

20 21
Once we saw the numbers, we realized that we had stumbled upon something amazing!

I saw the power of monthly recurring revenue. Sure, the webinar sales created a chunk
of cash flow…but the REAL MONEY was made in the continuity.
One thing to note—that many people who first attempt the Linchpin miss—is that the thing I’m
This is what the core framework inside of the Linchpin looks like. selling at the end of the webinar or the challenge isn’t just a random product or course; it’s
actually an offer that is wrapped around 3, 6, or 12 months’ access to our continuity program.

I call this Bulk Continuity because we give them bulk access to a few months of the continuity
T h e L in c h p in
inside of the special offer. It’s one of the keys that I’ll explain in more detail later in the book.


You can see

L in c h p in m o d
h o w it
el here.
f it s in to the whole Ultimately, the business
that can spend the most to
acquire a customer wins.
—Dan Kennedy “

22 23
In the past, as I’ve taught this concept, there Coaching Program, I typically spend a lot of
are two things that often come up. First, many time unwinding what people have created. I
people think that they have to create ALL of tell them that they have to “kill some of their

their products or services in their Value Ladder babies” (in other words, kill some of their
before they can start (which isn’t true), or favorite offers) to be successful, and then we
they have so much fun creating products and simplify their Value Ladder.
services that soon they have hundreds of offers
If you’ve read my first book, DotCom Secrets, then you know all about a concept I call the Value and levels, and their Value Ladder becomes a After I first showed the Linchpin framework, I
Ladder! The basic principle is that when you increase the value of something you offer, you can value maze. realized it had the power to fix our customers’
also increase the price. In most businesses, you bring someone in on a lower level of your Value value mazes! In fact, Steve J. Larsen said:
Ladder with an offer (like a free book or report) where they get some value. If they get value from Both of these keep some people from
that interaction, then they will naturally want more, and they’ll start to ascend up your Value success. In fact, in my higher level Inner Circle
Ladder, buying other products and services.

The Linchpin is basically the

Value Ladder with rules.”
—Steve J. Larsen

The Value Ladder is an organized way to

It doesn’t allow you to create a bunch of offers that will confuse your customers. Instead, it puts
move your customers through your offers. rules and restrictions on your Value Ladder to make it flawless—the perfect model—and it shows
As customers ascend your Value Ladder, you what you need to create and in what order!
you’ll provide them more value, so your
I’ll show you later how to put your offers into the Linchpin framework and how to ensure your
offers will increase in price. Value Ladder doesn’t become a value maze!

24 25
In the next few chapters of this book, I am The numbers on the Linchpin framework
going to break down each step, or phase, in below represent the order in which you will
the Linchpin framework. create the parts of the framework. As you will
learn in the next chapter, the main goal of the
The Linchpin framework helps you structure Linchpin is to build up your continuity revenue.
the offers in your Value Ladder for maximum Everything else is an appendage to building
profit and scalability. In other words, it’s your continuity income.
basically your Value Ladder with rules.
This is the path that we’ll cover during the rest
of the book. STAGE 1: THE MIFGE (Steps 1–3)
1. Create Your Continuity Or Subscription Program
You’ll create a continuity program to get paid on a recurring basis.
2. Create Your MIFGE (Most Incredible Free Gift Ever)
You’ll create an irresistible offer that includes a free trial of your continuity.
3. Launch Your MIFGE To The World You’ll use the Attractive Character Flywheel
to sell your MIFGE.


4. Create Your Bulk Continuity + Offer
You’ll create an offer that includes free Bulk Continuity (usually 6 or 12 months).
5. Create Your Dramatic Demonstration #1
You’ll create a challenge or webinar to sell your Bulk Continuity + Offer (plus you’ll
put your MIFGE on the thank-you page of your challenge or webinar to get more
6. Launch Your Dramatic Demonstration #1 To The World
You’ll use the Attractive Character Flywheel to fill your Dramatic Demonstration #1.


7. Create Your High-Ticket Offer
You’ll create a High-Ticket Offer (that includes Bulk Continuity + more).
8. Create Your Dramatic Demonstration #2
You’ll create a virtual or live event to sell your High-Ticket Offer.
9. Launch Your Dramatic Demonstration #2 To The World
You’ll use the Attractive Character Flywheel to fill your Dramatic Demonstration #2.

26 27
You might say to yourself, “Isn’t this out of We’ll dive deeper into each part of the
order? Why do the numbers go backward?” Linchpin framework in this book, but for
Just as you can’t drive traffic to a sales page now, just remember that the Linchpin…
you haven’t created yet, there’s a certain order
to follow to build out your Linchpin framework. …is the best way to scale your business
because your SLO becomes what
You do not need to build out the entire Linchpin everyone else uses for their main source
framework before launching it. In fact, we of business revenue.
recommend you build it in stages and then
…keeps you and your team focused on
launch each stage in the order below. Even if
growing your continuity.
all you do is finish Stage 1, you can still have
a successful business. Each stage builds on …builds your continuity which is the
the next, so the more stages you complete, the only actual tangible, sellable asset in
more successful your business will be. your business long-term.

I’m not in the author business.

I’m not in the event business.
I’m in the continuity business.
Everything else is an appendage
that gets more people into the
continuity and gets them to stick
longer and become raving fans.
That ’s the only goal at the end of
the day. —Russell Brunson

28 29
Chapter 2

Without CONTINUITY You Don’t Have A Business
Based on this statement, most entrepreneurs
that I work with, even the very successful
ones, don’t actually have a real business.
They may sell high-ticket products, run live
events, or sell a lot of one-time products, but
because their business isn’t creating residual,
what David Frey was saying. Every promotion’s
goal was no longer just to make some quick
money, but instead they were designed and
orchestrated with one goal in mind: How do we
get more people into continuity or membership
by creating this product or doing this event?
continuity income, they don’t actually have a
business. They have a promotion. My focus went from just making money once
(a promotion) to building long-term residual
For over a decade, I was in the same boat. Every income (a business). When I first started
few months we launched a new offer, a new working with Dan Kennedy and Bill Glazer in
event, a new promotion, and while oftentimes their mastermind group, Bill told me something
we had 7- and 8-figure promotions, when the so powerful about their entire business model.
marketing ended, so did the cash flow. Although they had dozens of books and
courses, as well as live events and tons of
It wasn’t until we launched ClickFunnels—and other ways that they made money, he told me:
I started to see the compounding effects of
focus on continuity—that I finally understood

We’re in the two-things

STEP 1: Create Your Continuity Or Subscription Program business: the business
You’ll create a continuity program to get paid on a recurring basis. of ‘getting members’ and
‘keeping members.’
The entire premise of the Linchpin model is based on a statement that I heard from one of my —Bill Glazer
friends and mentors, David Frey. He said:

If you don’t have

continuity…then you
don’t have a business.
—David Frey

30 31
By putting extreme focus on your continuity and Once I learned this principle, I realized
getting new members into it each day, you have your business should only have ONE
the ability to give yourself a raise every day! goal: Get people into your continuity
program and help them stay. Continuity
Do you know how nice it is to wake up every day, is the key!
check your Stripe app on your phone, and see
how much you made the day before…knowing
Continuity or subscription programs are often
that if you want to, you don’t have to work that
called memberships. To create a continuity
day, or that week (or even year!?). THAT’S the
program, you offer a product or service to your
power of building your continuity income!
members on a consistent, repeatable basis. In
return, your members pay you on a recurring
I still remember the day I realized that by
schedule (often monthly). Usually, membership
leveraging the power of residual, continuity
payments are automated so your members’
income, I could basically purchase whatever I
credit cards get charged the same amount each
wanted and let my members finance it for me.

month (or whatever recurring schedule they’re
on) until they cancel.
For example, let’s say that I want to purchase
a new million-dollar cabin by the lake. With a
And because I know someone is wondering

30-year mortgage and 20% down, my monthly
about this…NO. You should NOT sell lifetime
payments would be about $4,500 a month.
access to your continuity. There are places
That may seem like a lot, until I start thinking
in the Linchpin where you will sell bulk
about it in terms of membership. If I have
subscriptions (6-month or yearly accounts),
a continuity program that people pay $97
but NEVER sell lifetime access. Plus, having

a month to be part of, I only need to get 47
consistent, recurring revenue is the one
people to sign up, and their fees will more than
thing that makes your company desirable to
cover the mortgage payments!
investors. So, if you ever plan on selling, you’ll
want to build your continuity.
Want a new car? How many members will it
take to finance? You could get a nice Lexus for
20 members or even a Lamborghini for around
50 members.

You can create just one continuity program

or blend several together if you like.
o p l e into yo
Get p e
t y p r ogram
u i
contin y.
l p t h e m st a
and h key!
n u i t y is the

32 33
• Examples: ClickFunnels and Salesforce • Examples: NO B.S. Magnetic Marketing Newsletter and Sports Illustrated

• PRO TIP: Software is the most “sticky” of all memberships, meaning members stay • PRO TIP: Print newsletters are often seen as more valuable than digital newsletters
longer in a membership that includes software. If you’re able, find a way to add software to because they’re tangible. Also, your members are more likely to consume and keep them.
your continuity program.
• Here’s our example of the NO B.S. Magnetic Marketing Print Newsletter.
• Here’s our example of ClickFunnels.

34 35
• Examples: LadyBoss and Au Bone Broth • Examples: Netflix and Disney+

• PRO TIP: Supplements are perfect for a continuity program because they need to be • PRO TIP: Membership sites are the easiest to create. They’re also easier to sell than a
replenished on a regular basis. When you offer your customers the convenience of not course. If you have a course, you might think about turning it into a membership by dripping
having to remember to re-order, it’s a win-win for you both. the content out slowly, once a month.

• Here’s our Au Bone Broth “Subscribe & Save” option. • Monthly Deliverables: A membership site is all about mastery, so don’t overwhelm your
members with too much content.

• Here’s an example of our Two Comma Club X membership site.

36 37
• Examples: Mark Rober’s Build Box and BarkBox

• PRO TIP: Instead of selling one-off physical products, you can place them into a subscription box
and mail them out monthly.

You already know we have ClickFunnels,
but we have several other
businesses that have continuity

programs as well, and we use
membership sites for all of them.
• Examples: Gyms and Amazon Prime

• PRO TIP: If your continuity program doesn’t fit into the categories above, that’s okay! It
might be a service-based continuity program or other continuity.

38 39
• Gold: $97/mo. TWO COMMA CLUB X
• Diamond: $297/mo.
• Funnel Builder: $1,000–$2,000/yr.

• Certification: $997/mo. (or $9,997/yr.)

• Two Comma Club X: $2,500/mo. (or $25,000/yr.)

40 41
• Inner Circle: $50,000/yr.

• Category Kings: $150,000/yr.

• Atlas: $250,000/yr. But WHAT should you put into your membership site, you ask?

Contrary to what you might think, you don’t want to give them MORE. As Stu McLaren says:

The #1 reason people leave

memberships is because of
overwhelm. —Stu McLaren

You don’t want to dump all your content or training materials into one area and give them access
to all of it.

Our favorite way to add content into our member’s areas is based on Dan Kennedy’s Selling
Opportunities framework. He explains that you have several opportunities to transform your
members inside your continuity program, and that we should focus on selling upgrades, not
fixes. The three selling opportunities we use include Repair, Improvement, and Replacement.

42 43
• Repair (fixing something that was broken): We’re helping a member
implement the concept we taught in the masterclass.

· In our member’s area, this area is called our Member Makeover.

• Improvement (making something a little better, faster, easier): We’re

helping our members improve and become better inside the new

· In our member’s area, these areas are called our Masterclass

(where we teach a new concept in 30 minutes each month) and
Backstage Pass (where we show behind the scenes of what we’re
doing in regard to that month’s masterclass concept).

• Replacement (replacing whatever they were doing with a new way of

doing something, that is the new opportunity): This is the BEST choice,
and we cover this in greater detail inside my book Expert Secrets.

· In our member’s area, this area is called our Success Path: The
Linchpin, where we dive deeper into each step in the Linchpin
framework and give the step-by-step instructions on how to
implement it for your business.

44 45
1. New Opportunity
You’ll create a Success Path with your new opportunity (that is the
framework that produces your members’ desired result).
2. Consumption
You’ll help your members consume the content by adding a members-
only podcast.
3. Monthly Improvement
You’ll help your members improve each month by giving them a
Masterclass training on a certain topic from the Success Path and a

Backstage Pass to show how you’re implementing that topic.
4. Monthly Repair
You’ll help your members fix what they implement from the

Masterclass training in a Member Makeover.
5. Library / Archive
You’ll help your members gain mastery by offering carefully curated
deep-dive trainings, courses, files, and templates in your library /
6. Community
You’ll help your members gain connection by creating a group for
them to talk to each other.
There are 7 core elements 7. Ascension
You’ll ascend your members into higher membership levels with you
to a successful continuity program by inviting them to join and ascend your Value Ladder.
and membership site that will help your members
find success and stay in your continuity.

Let’s d
ive deep
into ea er
ch elem

46 47
You’ll create a Success Path with your new opportunity (that is the framework that
produces your members’ desired result).

Your Success Path is your framework. So, what’s a framework? Brooke Castillo
explained it best:

Your framework is your map from

where someone is to the result they ’re
trying to get. It’s the step-by-step
process you’re taking someone on.
—Brooke Castillo

Inside the Two Comma Club X member’s area, you’ll see how we’ve laid out the
Success Path.

48 49
You’ll help your members consume the content by adding a members-only podcast.

If your members don’t consume your content, they won’t stay for very long. There’s lots
of different ways you can encourage them to consume your content, including sending
them login emails and email sequences that push them back into your content.

Our favorite way, though, is a members-only podcast, where your content is pushed directly
into their favorite podcast app. ClickFunnels can take all the content in your modules
and turn it into an RSS feed. A member can subscribe to that and start listening to it on
their drive, on their way to work, or when they’re working out. Then, if they cancel their
membership, the RSS feed stops working.

Inside the Two Comma Club X member’s area, you’ll see how we’ve set up our
members-only podcast.

50 51
You’ll help your members improve each month by giving them a Masterclass training
on a certain topic from the Success Path and a Backstage Pass to show how you’re
implementing that topic.

Just as Dan Kennedy explained, we should help our members improve and become
better inside the new opportunity. So, each week, I create new content for my
membership, in addition to the content in the Success Path. This way, members can go
deeper on subjects and always feel like there’s something new and exciting coming up.

In our member’s area, we offer two trainings each month to help them improve on
what they’re learning in our Success Path.

• Masterclass: I teach a new concept each month in a 30-minute video.

• Backstage Pass: I show behind the scenes of what we’re doing in regard to the
monthly masterclass topic.

Inside the Two Comma Club X member’s area, you’ll see how we’ve added two areas
for our monthly improvement called Masterclass and Backstage Pass.

52 53
You’ll help your members fix what they implement from the Masterclass training in a
Member Makeover.

In addition to offering monthly improvement, Dan Kennedy explains we should also be

offering monthly repair to help our members fix something that is broken.

In our member’s area, we offer one training each month to help one of our members
repair something they implemented from that month’s masterclass.

Member Makeover: We help a member implement the concept correctly.

Our content calendar is below, showing how we produce one new piece of content
for each week of the month, except on Week 4. Giving your members a break from
content will help them to implement what you’ve just taught them. If you can’t imagine
producing a new piece of content every week, remember that you can batch your
content. You can film all three pieces at once, or you can even produce several months’
content at once. Just choose a strategy that works for you and start filming.

Week 1
Teach a new concept in 30 minutes.

Backstage Pass
Week 2 Show behind the scenes of what
you’re doing in regard to that month’s
masterclass concept.
Member Makeover
Week 3 Help a member implement the
Implementation Week
Week 4 Let your members get caught up
(don’t add content to Week 4).

Inside the Two Comma Club X member’s area, you’ll see how we’ve added the area
for our monthly repair called Member Makeover.

54 55
You’ll help your members gain mastery by offering carefully curated deep-dive training,
courses, files, and templates in your library / archive.

To encourage mastery in your frameworks, you should add a library or archive of all
your content that they can consume at their own pace after they have completed the
Success Path. It also allows you to not repeat yourself, so if you’ve already gone deep
on a certain topic, you can refer your members to that specific training in the library.
We also put other training, contracts, swipe files, courses, and more in the library so
your members can go deeper on each specific topic.

NOTE: This is NOT a place where you should dump every video, training, or file you’ve
ever created. The library should still be a carefully curated area of your best content
where your members can dive deeper and gain mastery in a certain topic.

Inside the Two Comma Club X member’s area, you’ll see how we’ve added the
area for our library.

56 57
ELEMENT 6: “People come for the content and stay
for the community.” —Stu McLaren
You’ll help your members gain connection by creating a group for them to talk to
each other.

As Stu McLaren says:

People come for the content

and stay for the community.
— Stu McLaren

To help your members connect (and answer each other’s questions), you can create
a group where they can chat with each other. ClickFunnels even has a community
feature built directly inside the member’s area so your members can have community
and training in one place.

Having a community is another way to make your continuity program sticky so they
stay. They keep coming back because they don’t want to miss out on what’s said, and
they build friendships in the community as well.

Inside the Two Comma Club X member’s area, you’ll see how we’ve added the tab for
our community.

58 59
You’ll ascend your members into higher membership levels with you by inviting them
to join.

We learned all about ascension from Dan Kennedy and Bill Glazer whose entire
business was an ascension ladder. Their entire goal was:

How do we get our members to

ascend to the next level so we
can increase the amount of money
every member spends over time?
—Dan Kennedy & Bill Glazer

Their members could go from Gold to Diamond to Diamond Plus to Peak Performers to
Platinum to Titanium, and each of those levels cost more money than the one before it.

After buying Magnetic Marketing, we added internal ascension into our Magnetic
Marketing brand.

• Level 1 - Gold: $97/mo.

• Level 2 - Diamond: $297/mo.

So, if you’re a Gold member, you’ll get sent to a landing page that will show you all the
amazing benefits of upgrading to a Diamond member.

60 61
Your Bulk
Type of Your MIFGE
Your continuity program should be designed Continuity + Your High-Ticket Offer builds:
to get your dream customers to their dream
Offer builds:
Offer builds:
result. As they move through your Value
Ladder, they’ll pay more to get additional help
from you to achieve that result. Level of
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 (pick one)
Most of you will start out with (and maybe only
ever have) just one level of your continuity. And How They Exclusive
that is totally fine…for now. On Their Own In A Group With Coaching
Get Support Mastermind

If you remember, we showed these continuity People will spend more

levels inside the Linchpin framework. money for the same content Example $97/mo. or $297/mo. or $997/mo. or $2,500/mo. or
packaged in a different way. Pricing $997/yr. $2,997/yr. $9,997/yr. $25,000/yr.
It’s important to remember that the reason
you have different levels in your continuity —Russell Brunson
is that all the other pieces of your business
still fit into the Linchpin framework. So, each
of your three offers shown in the Linchpin Many people
framework (as seen below) point back to and have a $997 or
build your continuity.
$1,997 product
or course that
We’ll talk more about all three of these offers Many people
they sell after Many people
soon, but for now, here’s an overview of how Many people have a $25,000
a challenge or have a $10,000
each offer builds each level of your continuity. have one-time, or $50,000 offer
webinar. Instead offer to get
low-ticket to work with
of selling that coached for
products or them for a year.
one-time offer, a year. If you
services, but you If you reframe
you should reframe your
should include your $25,000
$10,000 offer to
(for free) a trial include (for free) offer to be a
being a $997/
What to of your continuity bulk access (like $2,500/mo. (or
mo. (or $9,997/
Include inside that offer. 6 or 12 months’
yr.) offer, where
Then, once their access) to your offer, where they
they continue
trial has ended, continuity inside continue with
with you after
they continue on that offer. Then, you after the first
the first year at
at $97/mo. (or once their bulk year at $2,500/
$997/mo., then
whatever price access has mo., then your
your offer turns
your Level 1 ended, they offer turns into
into (and builds)
Continuity is). (and builds) your
continue on at your continuity.
$297/mo. (or
whatever price
your Level 1
Continuity is).

62 63
When you’re ready to create more levels in
your continuity (or figure out how your cur-
For instance, if you want to create three levels
in your continuity, you could sell the following CLICKFUNNELS LINCHPIN VALUE LADDER
rent business fits into each level), here’s some offers at each level:
ideas to help you brainstorm what to include
at each level. • Level 1 (MIFGE): $97/mo.
(Do It Yourself) Notice that we have 3 offers on the Linchpin Value Ladder, and they ALL build our continuity:
What’s the core problem you solve for your They’re going through your frameworks
on their own. The continuity / member- • Our MIFGE (Your First Funnel) builds our Level 1 Continuity.
dream customers? Remember, whichev-
er business can solve the problem the best ship includes the training on your frame- • Our Bulk Continuity + Offer (Funnel Builder Secrets) builds our Level 2 Continuity.
WINS, so get really good at solving problems. works.
To create different levels in your membership, • Our High-Ticket Offer (Certification or Two Comma Club X) builds our Level 3
• Level 2 (Bulk Continuity + Offer): Continuity.
you just need to decide how you will help your $297/mo. (In a Group Setting)
members achieve that dream result at each They get all the tools. They’re going
step of your Value Ladder. Again, you’re not selling a different opportunity at each level. You’re selling the same
through the program and getting help vehicle…but as they move up your Value Ladder, you give them more value, tools, training,
from other members. and support to find success and achieve their dream result.
Remember, the frameworks you teach remain
the same, it’s just HOW they consume it that is • Level 3 (High-Ticket Offer):
different at each level.
· $997/mo. (With Coaching)
During Funnel Hacking LIVE, Bill Allen taught They get the best service. They’re fully
us that one of the best ways to distinguish the supported with coaches, mentors,
levels of your membership is to understand and friends. At this level, you might
what your customers need at each level. He decide to do Certification or a
suggested we offer different levels for: coaching group with events.

• Tactics · $2,500/mo. (Exclusive Mastermind)

They get time with the Attractive
• Coaching (Includes Tactics) Character plus hot seats and master-
minding with members at their same
• Community (Mastermind) level. These usually have prerequi-
• Contribution (Purpose) sites in order to apply.

Another way to think of levels is to think of Now let me show you how we use the Linch-
flying. You can either fly coach, first class, or pin framework in our Value Ladder at Click-
in your own private jet! With each level on your Funnels today.
Value Ladder, your customers should feel like
they speed up the process to success!

Remember, the frameworks

you teach remain the same, it’s
just HOW they consume it that
is different at each level.

64 65
Because we’re a software company, we also
have three different tiers of our software. I’m
You’ll notice that:

• The tier on the left (with the least

showing you this chart so you can see how
you can compare and contrast your different number of features) isn’t shown on our
levels of membership (with pricing options) if Linchpin Value Ladder.
you have a software company and you want to Here’s another example of how you could structure your offers for each level of your
• The tier in the middle (with more membership.
show the different features at each level. features) is shown as Level 1 of our
Linchpin Value Ladder. Notice that we have 3 offers on the Linchpin Value Ladder, and they ALL build our continuity:
• The tier on the right (with the greatest • Our MIFGE (NO B.S. Letter) builds our Level 1 Continuity
number of features) is shown as Level 2
of our Linchpin Value Ladder. • Our Bulk Continuity + Offer (Diamond Upgrade) builds our Level 2 Continuity

• Our High Ticket Offer (Mastermind) builds our Level 3 Continuity

Everyone will structure their membership levels differently, from how much they
charge to what’s included at each level. Use our examples as a suggestion, but
not the rule

66 67
Value Ladder Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Bulk Continuity High-Ticket
+ Offer Offer
Kinda Like
Coach First Class Private Jet Membership
$97/mo. $297/mo. $997/mo.
$97/mo. $297/mo. $997/mo. Free + $29.95 s&h, $9,997/yr. or $997/
Pricing: Offer Price then $97/mo.
Linchpin Bulk Continuity High-Ticket
MIFGE 12 Months’ Access
Offer + Offer Offer
12 Months’ Access to Membership Site +
to Membership Site + Course + Facilitated
Success Path Free Gift + 30-Day
✓ ✓ ✓ INFO Course + Facilitated Group Coaching + 2
Trial of Membership
Group Coaching + 2 Free Tickets to Virtual
Free Tickets to Virtual Event + Mastermind &
Monthly Masterclass ✓ ✓ ✓ Event + More Events to Implement
the Program + More

Backstage Pass ✓ ✓ ✓
12 Months’ Access to
What 12 Months’ Access to Software (All Fea-
Member Makeover Free Gift + 30-Day Software (All Fea- tures) + Course +
Each Level ✓ ✓ ✓
SOFTWARE Trial of Software tures) + Course + 2 Coaching & Master-
Could (Limited Features) Free Tickets to Virtual mind Events to Im-
Get for Community ✓ ✓ ✓ Event + More plement the Program
Continuity + More

Course ✓ ✓ 12 Months’ Supply of

12 Months’ Supply of Product + Course +
Facilitated Group ECOMMERCE Free Gift + 30-Day Product + Course + 2 Coaching and Master-
✓ ✓ Trial of Product Free Tickets to Virtual mind Events to Im-
Coaching Event + More plement the Program
+ More
Mastermind ✓
And because I always get asked, “What example after looking at the best continuity
To help you brainstorm what you might want to models. However, it’s not set in stone. Feel free should I sell if I’m a __________________ models. However, it’s not set in stone. Feel
include in each level of your membership, we to change anything (including pricing) to work business?”, we’ve included this chart so free to change anything (including the pricing)
put together this chart. Note that we created with your business. you can see what your offers might look to work with your business.
this example after looking at the best continuity like if you’re an info product, software, or
ecommerce business. Again, we created this

68 69
As you now know, continuity income is the best Recently, I bought Dan Kennedy’s company,
Chapter 3 type of revenue you can have in a business. The Magnetic Marketing. The core of their
problem is that outside of live events (which I company is their $97/month print newsletter.

think are the hardest thing to sell), continuity As we started to work on the transition and
is the second hardest because someone is decide how to re-launch the company, I
making a commitment not just to buy your asked the Magnetic Marketing team that had
thing but to keep buying it month after month been running his funnels in the past, “What
until they cancel. Because of that, you have was the number one thing that you’ve done
to create an offer that is so irresistible that to grow membership to the newsletter over
someone is willing to make that commitment the last decade?”
Your MIFGE Builds Your Continuity to get started.
They smiled at me and said, “The MIFGE.”

STEP 2: Create Your MIFGE (Most Incredible Free Gift Ever)

You’ll create an irresistible offer that includes a free trial of your continuity.

70 71
I said, “The WHAT?!”

They replied, “The MIFGE: The Most Incredible Free Gift Ever.”

All of a sudden it clicked! I remembered that 18 years ago, when I came into
Dan’s world, it was because I bought The Most Incredible Free Gift Ever (yes, it
was even called that!). But I had no idea they had shortened the phrase to MIFGE
behind the scenes, or even that it was as big of a deal as I would soon learn.

The MIFGE (Most Incredible Free Gift Ever) is an offer so irresistible that someone
is willing to try out your continuity program just to get that free offer. It always
includes continuity plus other bonuses. The bonuses can be digital and/or
physical products, and the offer doesn’t have to be 100% free. I’ve seen MIFGE
offers that are $97…I’ve seen some that are all digital that you can buy for $1 or
$7, or others that are free with $29.95 printing & shipping costs. It’s just an offer
so irresistible that someone is willing to try out your continuity program just to
get that irresistible offer.

72 73
For example, one of the best MIFGE offers I’ve ever seen was the football
phone! In the 1980s, Sports Illustrated was struggling to sell their magazine
subscriptions. That’s when they stumbled on a genius idea: Make a phone in the
shape of a football and give it away FREE, and a free copy of the swimsuit issue
when they paid for a year’s subscription of Sports Illustrated.

The football phone proved to be one of the most successful marketing campaigns
ever. Over time, they created other MIFGE offers to get people to buy into their
h you
continuity, including sneaker phones or VHS blooper tapes, and with all those
w i t
R co
campaigns, they sold 1.6 million new subscriptions between 1986–1991.1
Q al
th e
h e o rigin
e t
to se
After I bought Dan’s company, I got a Google Drive with everything he’d ever
e .
created in the last 40 years, which is like treasure hunting. For fun, I typed in
ph o n
p h o ne ad
“MIFGE,” and it popped up 300 results with different ways they’d sold the MIFGE
in the past, through sales letters, faxes, events, postcards, direct mail, inserts in
books…you name it, they’d tried it!

Then I saw that every MIFGE offer included a free trial of their continuity, their
NO B.S. print newsletter. Seeing this, our #1 focus, after we bought the company,
was to create a new MIFGE offer and launch it to get new members, as well as to
reactivate old members.

ou exact
es how y r
Let m offe
his M
how t s...

1. Malinowski, Erik. 2015. “The Funky Little Football Phone That Sold a
Million Magazines.” Rolling Stone, October 28, 2015.
t h e - f u n k y- l i tt l e - fo o t b a ll- p h o n e - t h a t- s o l d - a- m i ll i o n -

74 75
NO B.S. Letter
When we created the MIFGE for Magnetic Marketing, I knew that the majority of the
initial traffic for the launch would come from my list and Dan’s list. So, we created an
irresistible offer that would have something exciting for both audiences.

In this offer, we put together both physical and digital products (plus a FREE 30-day
trial of the NO B.S. Letter) that they’ll receive FREE (+ $29.95 for printing, shipping,
and handling). After the 30-day trial, they continue with their NO B.S. Letter member-
ship at just $97/month. You can see it in action at

Just 14 days after we launched the MIFGE, we added almost 4,000 new people to the
$97/month print newsletter (4,000 people x $97/month = $388k/month). If you mul-
tiply that by 12, you get $4,656,000/year!

I bet you’re thinking, “I need a MIFGE in my business, too!”

76 77
After seeing Magnetic Marketing’s MIFGE crush it, we created our own MIFGE for
ClickFunnels! You’ll see we have a huge offer put together of both physical and digital
products (plus a FREE 30-day trial of ClickFunnels) that they’ll receive FREE (just
cover $29.95 for printing, shipping, and handling). After the 30-day trial, they continue
with their ClickFunnels membership at just $297/month. You can see it in action at

It used to cost us $150-$200 to acquire a customer who got a free trial on, so it would take us 30–60 days to break even. Now, we drive traffic to
this MIFGE, and it only costs us $100 to acquire a free trialer. Even better…the Average
Cart Value is over $100 for every single person who takes the MIFGE (because we also
have an order form bump, upsell, and downsell), and so we’re usually at break even by
day one!

78 79
Here’s an example of the 100% digital MIFGE we created for ClickFunnels. You’ll see
we have a huge offer put together of digital-only products (plus a FREE 14-day trial of
ClickFunnels) that they’ll receive completely FREE. After the 14-day trial, they contin-
ue on with their ClickFunnels membership at just $297/month. You can see it in action

Because this is a 100% digital-only product, we don’t have any overhead to fulfill it.

80 81
Not only can you use a MIFGE to get people onto your continuity, you can also use one
to ascend your members into higher levels of your membership. For example, when
someone upgrades from Magnetic Marketing’s Gold level ($97/month) to Diamond
level ($297/month), they’ll get a free physical copy of Dan Kennedy’s 443-page
Diamond Faxes book. Because this is the only place they can get that book (and it
includes continuity), the offer becomes a MIFGE Upgrade. You can see it in action at

After offering this new upgrade MIFGE, we had over 300+ people upgrade during the
launch week from $97/month to $297/month to get Dan’s Diamond Faxes book as well
as the higher level of continuity!

82 83
To teach you how to create a MIFGE, you need to understand three core parts of a
MIFGE in relation to my Hook, Story, Offer framework that I teach in all three of my
books—DotComSecrets, Expert Secrets, and Traffic Secrets.

• MIFGE Hook
You’ll create a hook to promote your Most Incredible Free Gift Ever.

• MIFGE Story
You’ll develop a story about why the offer matters right now.

• MIFGE Offer
You’ll create an offer that includes your continuity + bonuses (digital and/or

You’ll create a hook to promote your Most Incredible Free Gift Ever.

Do you remember the story of the football phone? Sports Illustrated created a
hook that said, “Here’s the unbelievable catch: The football phone is FREE if you
get Sports Illustrated at their biggest Christmas savings ever, a year’s subscription
at almost 65% off the cover price.”

For Magnetic Marketing, my hook is to “Get Over $19,997 Worth of ‘PURE’ Money-
Making Information for FREE” when they get a 30-day trial of the NO B.S. Letter.

Notice how all of the important information about the offer is above the fold. I call
that going right for the jugular, because you don’t want to dance around it. It’s an
irresistible offer, and you want to lead with that right away.

84 85
You’ll develop a story about why the offer You’ll create an offer that includes your
matters right now. continuity + bonuses (digital and/or physical).

Even though you have an irresistible offer, The first thing you should put in your MIFGE is
it doesn’t mean you should go out and start your continuity. You can include a free 7-day,
selling it right away just because it’s an amazing 14-day, or 30-day trial. You don’t want anyone
offer. You’ll want to use a story to put a spin to be surprised that they are subscribing to your
on your MIFGE to help it convert. Here’s a few continuity, so the core thing you’re offering is
options that will help you to tell a story about your continuity.
You might have noticed that we use the phrase “All you have to do is say ‘MAYBE’” on your MIFGE offer.
the sales page. The key with the MIFGE is to delay their decision to say “Yes” right now. PRO TIP: Don’t do forced continuity or put your
So they can say “Maybe,” get a free gift, test drive it, and see if they like it, and if they Why You Created The Offer continuity on upsells or order bumps because
don’t, they can cancel. You can share the story behind why you put this most people don’t read those carefully. You
offer together. For instance, I’ll be launching want to use words like “subscribe” front and
Here are a few of my favorite phrases to use in the messaging on our MIFGE the Secrets of Success MIFGE which includes center so they know exactly what they’re signing
sales pages: manuscripts no one has ever seen before! Now up for, but they want your free gift so bad they
that’s a great story! Also, when we put together don’t mind trying out your continuity, too.
the Magnetic Marketing MIFGE, I shared the story
• When You Subscribe to _______________, You’ll Also Get __________ FREE!
about when I bought Dan Kennedy’s company and WARNING: The problem some people
• We Want To GIFT You Over $________ Worth Of ____________...FOR FREE! found all of his amazing trainings in his archives make is that they try to hide the continuity.
and how I had to get them out to everyone. DO NOT DO THIS. This is the fastest way
• Most Incredible Free Gift Ever
to lose your merchant account, get upset
Why You’re Making The Offer Today customers, and create a ton of headaches
• Most Incredible Bribe Ever to Test Drive ________________
You can use any holiday and create a promotion for you. The key is to sell the continuity.
• Get $__________ Worth of Gifts When You Sign Up For ___________________ around it to make it feel urgent. It’s the same The core thing you’re selling is the
offer, but you’re just tweaking the promotion. An continuity, so don’t put it into the stack
• $_____________ worth of _________________, and you’ll get it all free when easy way to do that is to have the same landing as a tiny bullet point that no one will see.
you join our _______________ today because I want to bribe you to join our page for your MIFGE but to change your ads and Instead, talk about your membership
____________________ social media posts to talk about the seasonal benefits and why someone would want
promotion. Some holidays to create promotions to be a member. Then show them the
• We want to bribe you to join our _________________, so we’re going to around are listed below, but you can use any
put you through this really cool training called _____________to help you bonuses or bribe. I’ve seen too many
holiday or event to promote your MIFGE. people who try to hide the continuity in
_________________________, and you’re going to get a free 30-day trial
of ________________ and a whole bunch of other gifts just for trying out • Your Birthday the fine print lose their businesses. I’m
__________________ also not a fan of plugging continuity into
• Valentine’s Day an order form bump or upsell. I want it
• All you have to do is say “MAYBE” front and center so people know exactly
• Easter what they are subscribing to.
• When you join _______________ today, you’ll get ______________ FREE
• Back to School
• The only way to get ______________ is to join ___________________ You’ll also add in a bunch of digital and/or
• Halloween physical products to increase the value of the
• Thanksgiving offer to push them over the fence to join your
continuity. We’ve found that when we ship a
• Black Friday huge box of books to our customers, not only
do they love getting something in the mail, but
• Cyber Monday it also helps them to stay on the continuity, so
we’re big fans of creating a digital + physical
• Christmas

86 87
• Physical Products
Remember, more doesn’t always mean Ideally, products that are easy to ship,
better. You want everything they get to cost less than $10 each, and stay visible
help them, not overwhelm them. long-term

· Stick Letter (The goal of this

Also, a MIFGE offer shouldn’t be a letter is to get your members to
“complete” product. As Ryan Deiss stick by bringing back their original
has often said, your MIFGE should be excitement and explaining what they
“useful, but incomplete.” All of the get in the membership.)
things in my MIFGE offers are cool, they
have awesome stories associated with · Postcard to upgrade to the next
them, and they are very useful… but the level (Take every chance you can to
complete system, frameworks, training, ascend your members.)
etc… are all found within the actual · Books or workbooks (These are
membership program. Also, because usually kept on tables or counters
your customers and leads are in different and are rarely thrown away.)
places on their journeys, the MIFGE is an
opportunity to get everyone caught up to · Branded clothing like t-shirts or
speed and on the same page. hats (Your customers will wear their
new identity with pride.)
Examples of what you might want in your · Branded swag like backpacks or
MIFGE offer (in addition to joining your canvas tote bags (Your customers
continuity): will give you free advertising.)

• Digital Products
Ideally, products you’ve already created
or could create with minimal effort

· Courses

· Templates

· Swipe files

· Virtual event tickets

m o r e doe
mber r. Yo
Reme e t t e
n b
l w a y s mea they
a h i n g
every not
wa n t t hem,
el p
to h
get em.
w h e lm th

88 89
Yes, there are three steps in this chapter, so • First do an Internal Pressure Launch,
Chapter 4 pay close attention.
• Then continue publishing content with

• Once you’ve created your continuity The Attractive Character Flywheel.
and MIFGE, it’s time to launch your

MIFGE to the world (Step 3) using
the Internal Pressure Launch and the

Attractive Character Flywheel!

• Then in the future, after you’ve created
your Dramatic Demonstration #1, you’ll
come back to this chapter and repeat the There is a simple 3-step process to make
exact same process to fill your Dramatic money:

Demonstration #1 (Step 6).
• Find a Hot Market.
• Finally, after you’ve created your
• Ask Them What They Want.
Dramatic Demonstration #2, you’ll come
back to this chapter and repeat the • Give It To Them.

exact same process to fill your Dramatic
Demonstration #2 (Step 9). The best way to do this is to follow this 30-day
plan to launch your offer to the world, starting
But first, a little clarification about what an with your list:
Attractive Character is. Usually, you need two
types of people to run a business like this. • Week 1: List Building (Prepare
You need an Attractive Character who is the Yourself to Catch Them)
front-facing personality behind the brand, and You’ll curate your personal page on
you need an Integrator / Operator who can Facebook and create a “Coming Soon”
Your Attractive Character Flywheel Promotes Your MIFGE manage all the behind-the-scenes parts. Gen- page.
And Dramatic Demonstrations erally, the roles should look like:
• Week 2 (Days 5–14): List Building (Be
• The Attractive Character is responsible Awesome)
for creating all the content in the member’s You’ll create valuable posts and answer
areas, running challenges and webinars, questions in Facebook groups.
selling the MIFGE, and making videos.
• Week 3: Pre-Launch
• The Integrator / Operator is responsible You’ll increase the desire for your MIFGE
for all the technical aspects of the and continue to build up your early bird
business, including building the funnels, list.
creating the ads, managing the sales, and
• Week 4: Launch
creating the structure for the business.
You’ll launch your MIFGE to your list and
social media channels.
Often, when you’re starting out, you’ll play
both roles, but if you’re not skilled enough to
Now that you know where we’re headed, let’s
play both parts, you should recruit another
dive right into it.
person or two to help you. As your business
grows, you’ll likely bring on even more people
PRO TIP: You can use this Internal Pressure
to fill the individual needs of your business.
Launch to launch any offer you’ve created. So,
if you ever see the word MIFGE, you can simply
To sell your MIFGE or fill any of your Dramatic
replace that word with whatever else you’re
Demonstrations, you’ll want to:
STEPS 3, 6, & 9: Launch Your Offers to the World selling.
You’ll use the Attractive Character Flywheel to sell your MIFGE
and fill your Dramatic Demonstrations #1 and #2.

90 91
(Prepare Yourself to Catch Them)
You’ll curate your personal page on Facebook
and create a Coming Soon page.

In order to build or grow your list, you need to do a few steps first to prepare:

• Change Your Cover Photo On Your Facebook Personal Page

Your personal page isn’t a place to spam your friends and family with business
content, but it definitely is a place to tell the world who you are and what you’re
doing in business. The best place to do that is on your Facebook cover photo. It’s
like a billboard for yourself.

• Create A Coming Soon Page

Follow the instructions in the training to create a Coming Soon page. Make sure
your headline and sub-headline share the benefits that your MIFGE will give
them. NOTE: This is NOT a lead magnet, so there’s nothing you’re giving them
yet. They’re just opting in so they get notified first when you launch your MIFGE.

• Add a Link On Your Facebook Page To Your Coming Soon Page

On this page, you’ll start collecting email addresses that you can later
promote to.

• Change Your Bio To Match Your Positioning Statement

Use this format: I help (niche) to (result) through (new opportunity).

• Start Posting Consistently

Create social media posts that are relevant to your MIFGE and post consistently
(minimum 3X/week; ideally daily) on your personal page. After you tell your story
(in a text post or on Facebook Live) then end with a call to action for them to opt
in to your Coming Soon page.

• Join 5–10 Groups (Each With At Least 100K People)

Search Facebook for the topic that your MIFGE is about and join the top groups
so that you’re in groups with a total of at least 100K people.

92 93
(Be Awesome)
You’ll create valuable posts and answer questions in Facebook groups.

Now that you’re all set to collect email addresses, it’s time to start helping so you can
build your list. You should always be list building…don’t stop!

• Provide Value In The Facebook Groups

After you’ve been accepted, the goal isn’t to spam them with your link, as
you’ll probably get kicked out. Instead, post valuable content, answer three
questions per group (that have a lot of comments in it already), and start having
conversations. DO NOT sell anything.

Once the group members start realizing that you’re posting valuable content,
they’ll usually click on your name to see what you do. Once they land on your
personal page, they can see that you have a Coming Soon page and join to be
notified when it’s live.

A second benefit to this is it allows you to test out your hooks and see what lands.
It also allows you to learn more about your dream customers, their problems,
their dreams, and how you can help them.

94 95
You’ll increase the desire for your MIFGE and continue
to build up your early bird list.

You’ve been building your list, so now it’s time to get it warmed up for your upcoming
MIFGE offer. Here’s our 5-day email sequence that will get them primed to buy! Each
day, you’ll create a Facebook post and send out an email to your list based on the
day’s content below. On Days 4–5, you’ll also post on all your other social media
channels and lists.

• Day 1: Ask Them What They Want

Say something like: “I’m working on this project. You’ve probably seen my posts
sharing about it. I have ________________ coming out soon, and I’m very
excited. I want to make sure this is the best thing in the world. So, what do you
want me to make sure I cover in it so you get all your questions answered and
it’s exactly what you need? What’s your number one question or concern about

Be sure to be as specific as possible (a niche within a niche within a niche) to get

the best engagement on your post.

• Day 2: “Oh My Gosh!”

Thank them for all the responses you got back, and let them know you’re going to
go add it all into the new offer you’re creating.

• Day 3: Hold Me Accountable

Say that you need them to hold you accountable because you want to launch it
the next week and you need their help to complete it. Then invite them to get on
the early bird list (that is on the Coming Soon page) if they aren’t already so they
can get access to the offer a day before anyone else.

To get them on both platforms, your email should link to your Facebook post (tell
them to comment “I’M IN” on the post so it holds you accountable), while your
Facebook post should have a link to join your early bird email list.

• Day 4: Early Bird

Remind them to get on the early bird list.

• Day 5: Closing Early Bird List

Remind them to jump on your early bird list because you’re closing it at the end
of the night.

96 97
You’ll launch your MIFGE to your list and social media channels.

You’ve made it! It’s time to launch your MIFGE to the world! Here’s our 6-day email
sequence that will push them off the fence and into your customer list! Each day
(with the exception of Day 1), you’ll create a Facebook post and send out an email to
all of your social media channels and your lists based on the day’s content below.

• Day 1: Early Bird Launch

Send an email only to your early bird list, letting them know they can get your
MIFGE now, 24 hours before everyone else, because they’re an early bird.

• Day 2: Official Launch!

Promote your MIFGE to everyone. (Include your early bird list for this and each
of the days below.)

• Day 3: Why…
Answer the question: “Why are you doing this?” They might wonder why you’re
giving it free when you could sell it for $1,000. Let them know you’re giving
it away for free because you want them to be part of your membership. You
know they’re going to need XYZ products after they join your membership, so
you thought you would just give them to them now for free so they could find
success quicker.

• Day 4: Facts & Figures

All of the emotional buyers bought on Days 1–3, so now it’s time to explain
logically why they should buy it now.

• Day 5: Closing Cart

Kevin Richards, the COO of ClickFunnels, says, “The only reason we open the
cart is so we can close the cart.” Let them know that you’re closing the cart soon
because it’s time for you to go help everyone who joined, and you’d love to help
them, too.

• Day 6: Last Call!

Whatever sales you make on Day 1, you’ll usually match on the last day. Be
sure to bombard your lists and social media channels at least three times on
the last day.

98 99
While there are many things you can do to drive traffic to your funnels, I’m going
to focus on the most important tasks that produce the biggest return for your
time. These are the tasks that, after they are done consistently over time, will
create so much traffic to your funnels it will be impossible to turn it off.
A flywheel is “a heavy, revolving wheel that stores kinetic energy to increase the • Daily Emails
machine’s momentum and provide greater stability” if power interruptions occur.2 You’ll create a daily email to stay in connection and communication with
your list.
But in the case of ClickFunnels, it’s our proven process to get consistent traffic
into your funnels even when your traffic sources might change over time or even • Dream 100 / Collabs
go away. At any moment, Facebook or Google or YouTube can decide to shut down You’ll do joint ventures, partnerships, and collaborations with others who
your ads or ban your account, and you need to have enough momentum already have a list.
created from as many traffic sources as possible that you can ride out any ups and
downs in the future. • Organic Content (Twitter / Reels / TikTok / Shorts)
You’ll create short, organic content to increase your chances for semi-viral
We all know that the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, but the second-best and viral posts.
time is right now. That’s exactly how we want you to think about your Attractive • Attractive Character Ads
Character Flywheel. Regardless of what you’ve done in the past, you are starting You’ll create content as the Attractive Character to turn into paid ads.
right now to build your traffic for the future.
• Your Show (Blog, Vlog, Podcast)
You’ll publish consistently to keep your followers warm.

2. 2018. “Flywheel.” Last modified May 21, 2018.

100 101
After they complete all our Soap Opera Sequence emails, they drop into our daily broadcast
You’ll create a daily email to stay in connection emails, which we call our Seinfeld emails. Seinfeld emails are a concept we learned from Ben
and communicate with your list. Settle. He sends out an email to his list every single day, and at the bottom of every email, he
includes an invitation to join his newsletter, which is a monthly continuity.

Each day, we write an email, and we can drive traffic to whatever offer we want. You can write an
These are the two types of email sequences we suggest you send out. email every day (minimum 3–5 times per week) and push them to your offer.

SOAP OPERA SEQUENCE We make more money from our own email list than we do on paid ads. You can pay for ads, but
I learned about the Soap Opera Sequence emails from André Chaperon. He suggests we make sure those ads are going to landing pages that build your email list so you own your own
use our emails to tell a story to connect with our followers. The key is to always include traffic.
a hook at the end of each email that sets up the next day’s email, hooks them with a
cliffhanger, and entices them to open up your email the next day to keep reading, hence
the term: Soap Opera Sequence. Each email closes the loop from the day before and
opens a new loop that won’t be closed until the next day.

Any time your customers interact on your funnels or come into your world, they should
be put on a specific 3- to 5-day Soap Opera Sequence which warms them up and invites
them to take the next step with you up your Value Ladder. Here’s some examples:

• When someone joins your list:

You should send them emails thanking them, welcoming them, and inviting them
to take their next step with you.

• When someone opts in for a product funnel:

You should send a specific email sequence designed to help them buy after a set
number of days.

• When someone buys a product:

You should send them emails thanking them, giving them access to what they
bought, and inviting them to take their next step with you.

For your offers, you should create (at a minimum) a Soap Opera Sequence for:

• When someone joins your list (be sure to invite them to buy the offer).

• When someone buys your offer (after you give them access, you can ascend
them to your next offer).

102 103
You’ll do joint ventures, partnerships,
and collaborations with others who have a list.

The Dream 100 is all about asking the questions: Who has the attention of my dream
customers…and how do I get in front of them?

Before we launch anything, we sit down and think about who our Dream 100 are (in
other words, who is the most likely to promote our offer). We create a huge list of
influencers and business owners who have lists on different platforms, then we start
building relationships in the hopes that, sometime down the line, they’ll be willing to
promote for us because we can work with them and give them a commission off all the
sales that come from their followers.

It’s also a numbers game, so you might reach out to 100 people, have 30 that say they
will, and 10 actually promote.

Just because someone has a huge audience doesn’t mean their collaboration will
result in huge sales for you. Their audience might not be a good fit, they might not
be conditioned to buy, or the influencer might not promote in the way you hoped
they would. Sometimes the smaller influencers have a better relationship with
their followers and turn out to be the best partners. When picking your Dream
100, go for the big fish and the little fish, too.

You’ll need to do research and start writing down as many people as you can think
of that might promote for you, then you’ll need to start building relationships with
people now that you think might promote in the future. If you’re not able to get any
partnerships yet, that’s okay because you can always buy ads and target your Dream
100’s followers.

104 105
You’ll create short, organic content to increase
your chances for semi-viral and viral posts.

While I wasn’t focused on growing our organic presence in the past (because we grew
our company primarily through paid ads), I’m now focusing more on organic after
seeing how Alex Hormozi’s social channels exploded once he focused on organic, too.
He gets 50,000–60,000 views on each piece of content he puts out, so if you’d like that
kind of traffic, you should model his framework to get the maximum engagement and
exposure on your content:
1. Test out your hooks on Twitter first.
2. The ones that get the most engagement become your content inspiration, so
you take that hook and film yourself talking about it for 15–20 minutes.
3. Then take that long-form content and post on:

• YouTube

• Podcast

• Blog
4. Then cut up each of the long-form content into at least five short, 15–30 second
video clips and post on:

• YouTube Shorts

• Instagram Reels

• TikTok

• LinkedIn

106 107
You’ll create content as the Attractive Character to turn into paid ads.

You’ll want to create video ads to promote your offer. They’re not long; they might be
just 15-, 30-, or 60-seconds each. Then you’ll also create other ads without your face
in them. You’ll test your ads and keep the ones that give you the highest ROI (return
on investment).

PRO TIP: Anything you do in your daily life can be turned into an ad!

108 109
You’ll publish consistently to keep your followers warm.

Every day, you should publish on the platform that you feel the most comfortable with.
For instance:

• If you’re comfortable with writing, then you should create a blog.

• If you’re comfortable with speaking, then you should create a podcast.

• If you’re comfortable with being on camera, then you should create a daily vlog.

If you film a vlog, you can publish the video, the audio as a podcast episode, and
transcribe it for a blog—three for one! So even if you’re not 100% comfortable being on
camera (who is?), I encourage you to still try it out. You’ll get better the more you do it.

I truly believe that if you publish every day for a year, you won’t have money problems
a year from now. Why? Because publishing consistently has a lot of benefits, like:

• It gives you time to find your voice.

• It gives your audience time to find you.

So, what should you talk about every day? Here’s a few ideas:

• Document your journey:

Talk about what you’re doing that day to go toward your goals.

• Test out your stories:

Try different hooks and endings and see which version of your story lands best.

• Answer questions:
Each day you can answer one question your followers have.

110 111
Continue to publish daily and build your Attractive Character Flywheel so you
can get more traffic into your funnel(s). Then evaluate your results, test things
out, and improve it so you get a higher ROI.

You can also drive traffic to any of your funnels and offers using Facebook ads and
social media posts. Don’t forget to add your MIFGE offer to the thank-you pages
of your current offers!

• Lead Page / Optin Page > Thank-You Page with MIFGE Offer

• Challenge Registration Page > Thank-You Page with MIFGE Offer

• Webinar Registration Page > Thank-You Page with MIFGE Offer

• Book Sales Page > Thank-You Page with MIFGE Offer

• Summit Registration Page > Thank-You Page with MIFGE Offer

• Etc.…You get the idea!

Don’t move on to the next step in the Linchpin framework until you’re getting
consistent, repeatable sales in first your MIFGE, then your Bulk Continuity + Offer,
and finally your High-Ticket Offer.

112 113
After you launch your MIFGE, you’re ready to Remember that your Bulk Continuity + Offer
Chapter 5 create your Bulk Continuity + Offer and your will be the offer in the middle of your Value
Dramatic Demonstration #1. Ladder, and it will fill your Level 2 Continuity.

Your Dramatic Demonstration #1 (Challenge or Webinar) Sells Your Bulk
Continuity + Offer (Your SLO!)

STEPS 4 & 5: Create Your Bulk Continuity + Offer…

and Dramatic Demonstration #1
You’ll create an offer that includes free Bulk Continuity (usually 6 or 12 months)...and you’ll cre-
But first, I’d like to go over the foundational principle of the Offer that I explain in my book,
ate a challenge or webinar to sell your Bulk Continuity + Offer (plus you’ll put your MIFGE on the
DotCom Secrets.
thank-you page of your challenge or webinar to get more members).

114 115
When you’re trying to sell the same product (or commodity) as someone else, the only An Offer is a stack of digital and/or physical goods and/or services that will help your dream
advantage you have is to be the cheapest. And that’s how most people compete: by lowering customers get better results than if they only bought the product. Because of the combination
the price. But when everyone is competing on price, it’s a race to the bottom. of items in your offer, you add more value than anyone else and no one else can compete on
price because they can’t sell a similar offer as you.
Dan Kennedy once said:
Generally, the goal of any offer is to:

• Increase the perceived value of what is being sold.

• Make the thing being sold unique to you and only available within this special offer.

There is no strategic advantage

of being the second lowest
An Off
price leader in town, but there er is a
sta c k
and/or of dig
is a huge strategic advantage physic ital
al goo
of being the most expensive. servic ds and
es tha /or
—Dan Kennedy t will
dream help y
c u st o m our
ers ge
r e s u lt t bett
s than er
if t hey
bought o n ly
the pr
of th Becau
e com se
b i n at i
in you o n of ite
r off ms
er, yo
value u add m
than ore
If you fight on price, you lose your margins, you can’t pay for advertising, you can’t pay for and anyone
no on else a
hire the best team, and you can’t provide the value your dream customers deserve.
e else nd
can c
price ompet
On the other hand, when you build an offer that is perceived as inexpensive to those customers becaus e on
e they
because you’ve created so much value (and a lot of times the price is more expensive than the
a simil can’t
ar off sell
er as
competition), then you are able to serve them at the highest level. This is a big mindset shift
that you need to make to become successful. you.

The solution is to de-commoditize what you’re selling, or in other words, add more products or
services to what you’re selling so it’s no longer a commodity…it’s now an offer.

116 117
Remember, your Bulk Continuity + Offer is your new Self-Liquidating Offer or SLO, so all the The first item in your offer stack is your Bulk Continuity offered for free…when they invest in your
money you make on this step is meant to go back into ads. offer. When you sell it, you’ll say something like, “We’ll give you ___ months of ______________
for FREE, when you invest in this ______________. Plus, you’ll also get this bonus, and this
bonus, and this bonus.” (Then the continuity will renew at the monthly (or yearly) rate after the
bulk period has ended.)

Here is an example of the slide where I offer my Bulk Continuity for free (when they invest in my
core offer).

118 119
Bulk Continuity High-Ticket
Here is an example of my offer stack for the ClickFunnels offer. MIFGE
+ Offer Offer

$97/mo. $297/mo. $997/mo.

Free + $29.95 s&h, $9,997/yr. or $997/

Offer Price then $97/mo.

12 Months’ Access
12 Months’ Access to Membership Site +
to Membership Site + Course + Facilitated
Free Gift + 30-Day
INFO Course + Facilitated Group Coaching + 2
Trial of Membership
Group Coaching + 2 Free Tickets to Virtual
Free Tickets to Virtual Event + Mastermind &
Event + More Events to Implement
the Program + More

12 Months’ Access
12 Months’ Access to Software (All
Free Gift + 30-Day to Software (All Features) + Course
SOFTWARE Trial of Software Features) + Course + Coaching &
(Limited Features) + 2 Free Tickets to Mastermind Events
Virtual Event + More to Implement the
When you create your Bulk Continuity + Offer, it might look like: Program + More
• Three, six, or twelve months FREE of your Bulk Continuity.
12 Months’ Supply
• A training component for them to learn how to be successful with the continuity / product 12 Months’ Supply of of Product + Course
/ service (like a course, training, challenge, or program). ECOMMERCE Free Gift + 30-Day Product + Course + 2 + Coaching and
Trial of Product Free Tickets to Virtual Mastermind Events
• Bonuses that will help them find success (like tools, contracts, legal documents, sales Event + More to Implement the
scripts, or templates). Program + More

The offer that you make on your webinar or challenge, in theory, is very similar to the first MIFGE
offer you created, because you’re still giving them a Most Incredible Free Gift Ever—access to 3, 6,
or 12 months of your continuity for free. You’ll notice that you also structure your High-Ticket Offer In the very first chapter, I told you all about my webinar where I sold ClickFunnels. In the offer,
the same way in the next chapters. I FIRST gave them access to a free 6-month subscription to ClickFunnels when they got my
Funnel Hacks course (and more bonuses)...all for just $997! (After the 6 months, they would
continue on at the $297/month level of my continuity program.) Even though this is a newer
version of the same offer, my original offer looked very similar.

120 121
After you create your Bulk Subscription + Offer, you’ll need to
create a Dramatic Demonstration to sell it.

A Dramatic Demonstration is an event that is so “loud” that eventually everyone in your

marketplace will hear about your offer.

Our favorite Dramatic Demonstration funnels are a Challenge Funnel and a Webinar
Funnel because both have a free registration page and time between when they
register and when they start going through the live training. That gap in time makes
the first MIFGE possible, and then sets you up during the training to make your second
MIFGE offer, your Bulk Continuity + Offer. You can choose whichever one you prefer (or
if you’re crazy like me, you can do both!)

I suggest that you run a new challenge or webinar every quarter. With your challenge,
you can simply change the hook and teach a different topic or training to help your
challengers get a different result and/or overcome a different limiting belief.

The key is to structure your presentation in such a way that, in just 90 minutes (for a
webinar) or 5 days (for a challenge), you can create a desire for the thing you want to sell
at the end, and build up the perceived value SO HIGH that, within that short window, you
can get a complete stranger to hand over their credit card and buy whatever products
or services you’re selling them. You do that by creating what is called a “through-line”:
every step, every slide, every moment of your Dramatic Demonstration is architected
to get someone to buy your product or service.

e m o n s t r at i o n i s
tic D
A Drama t u a l ly
o “ l o u d ” t h at e v e n
t is s
event tha tplace w
m a r k e
in your
a b o u t your off

122 123
My favorite framework to walk people through Here’s a high-level overview of The Perfect
during our Dramatic Demonstrations is The Webinar, then we’ll dive deeper into how to
Perfect Webinar. While it was developed use it for a webinar and a challenge. (NOTE:
for webinars, we use the same framework If you want to really go deep and master this
to produce our challenges, too. The Perfect framework, I recommend reading my book
Webinar is our through-line, so let me show you Expert Secrets. This book dives deep into how to
how we use it to sell our Bulk Continuity + Offer. sell using this framework. You can get that book


for free at

THE PERFECT Inside a webinar, you’ll use all the pieces in the same order. Ideally, your webinar

WEBINAR FRAMEWORK should be 90 minutes, so just follow the structure in the picture below to build out
the timing of your webinar.

• Origin Story + New Opportunity + Vehicle False Beliefs

· Origin Story: Tell the story of how you discovered the new opportunity.

· New Opportunity: Show them the new opportunity (that is the vehicle).

· Vehicle False Beliefs: They want the result, but they’re unsure the vehicle will
help them achieve it, so you have to help them overcome their vehicle false beliefs.

• Internal False Beliefs

· They want that new opportunity, but they’re not sure if they can be successful,
so you have to help them overcome their internal false beliefs.

• External False Beliefs

· Even if they do believe they can do it, they’ll blame someone or something else
as the reason why they won’t be successful, so you have to help them overcome
their external false beliefs.

• Stack & Close

· Stack: Show them everything they get with the offer, stacking all the products on
top of each other to increase the value, then show the real price to surprise them.

· Close: Add urgency and scarcity so they have to buy now to get the best offer.

• Logic Repitch

· Use price comparisons and other tools to show that what they’re getting is a
great deal. You can also use that time to answer any frequently asked questions
that usually come up (i.e., more objections and false beliefs).

Now that you know what’s inside of The Perfect Webinar framework, I’ll show you how
to use the framework inside your Dramatic Demonstration #1.

124 125
USING “THE PERFECT WEBINAR” Remember how we told you to add your MIFGE to your thank-you page, after they register

for your challenge or webinar? Everyone else (me included) used to put a low-priced SLO
on the thank-you page, but after we discovered that the real money was made on the
thank-you page…

Inside a challenge, you’ll use all the pieces in the same order, but this time, you’ll Now we put our MIFGE on the thank-you page after they register for our challenge
put each section into a different day as shown on the picture below. or webinar.

Don’t forget that when you’re building out your Dramatic Demonstration #1 funnel, you Here’s how you can promote your MIFGE on the thank-you page:
need to put your MIFGE on the thank-you page after they register for your challenge
or webinar. • If I’m doing a WEBINAR, I’ll start by saying: “On the webinar, I’m going to show
you how to __________. So, click on the button below to get a free ___-day trial of
___________. Check it out, then on the webinar I’ll show you how to find success
with it. At the end, if you decide you don’t like it, you can cancel it….”

• If I’m doing a CHALLENGE, we will wrap the MIFGE offer into a “VIP UPGRADE”
for the challenge saying: “Get a free ___-day trial of ______________ when you
upgrade, and you’ll get a free VIP upgrade, too, so you can have lifetime access to
the recordings plus be part of our VIP-only Q&A Sessions on Zoom so you can ask
our speakers any of your questions….”

While some people will get your MIFGE, some won’t. However, your challenge or
webinar is crucial for your members to go through so they STICK in your membership
because it will help BOTH groups of people to overcome their limiting beliefs, give them
confidence they can be successful with your continuity program, educate them about
how your continuity will solve their problems, and indoctrinate them into your culture.

The very act of

going through
your challenge
or webinar
will help those
who got your
longer in your
and those
who didn’t get
your MIFGE to
BUY your Bulk
Subscription +
Offer and STAY
longer, too.

126 127
Here’s an example of one of our webinar funnels.
1. Webinar Registration Page: They registered for the webinar.
2. Webinar Thank-You Page: After registering, they could get a free 2-week trial
of ClickFunnels (that is the MIFGE) while they waited for the webinar to start.
3. Webinar Offer: They attended the webinar and some signed up for the Bulk
Continuity + Offer.

Examples Of
4. Trialers and Bulk Buyers Continue on Continuity:

• Trialers were put into our Level 1 Continuity, and some continued at $97/mo.

after their free 14-day trial ended.

• Bulk buyers were put into our Level 1 Continuity, and some continued at
$297/mo. after their bulk 6-month membership ended.


128 129
Here’s an example of one of our challenge funnels.

1. Challenge Registration Page: They registered for the challenge.

2. Challenge Thank-You Page: After registering, they could get a VIP Upgrade to get a
free 30-day trial of ClickFunnels (that is the MIFGE) while they waited for the challenge
to start.
3. Challenge Offer: They attended the challenge and some signed up for the Bulk
Continuity + Offer.
4. Trialers And Bulk Buyers Continue On Continuity:

· Trialers were put into our Level 1 Continuity, and some continued at $97/month
after their free 30-day trial ended.

· Bulk buyers were put into our Level 1 Continuity, and some continued at $297/
month after their bulk 12-month membership ended.

130 131
After you’ve launched your MIFGE and Dramatic Demonstration #1, you’re ready to create your
Chapter 6 High-Ticket Offer and your Dramatic Demonstration #2.

Remember that your High-Ticket Offer will be the offer in the back end of your Value Ladder, and
it will fill your Level 3 continuity.

#2 Your Dramatic Demonstration #2 (Live Or Virtual Event)
Sells Your High-Ticket Offer

STEPS 7 & 8: Create Your High-Ticket Offer…

and Dramatic Demonstration #2
You’ll create a High-Ticket Offer (that includes Bulk Continuity + more)...and you’ll create a
virtual or live event to sell your High-Ticket Offer.

132 133
If you’re nervous about selling something high Then you can say, “I thought you would. It just
ticket, just remember that sales is service. If so happens I have a ___________ coming up.
I drive traffic to fill our live and virtual events, and at the end of our events, I you can serve hard, you can sell easy. During it, we will ______________. Would you
offer our members the opportunity to join our high-ticket programs: our Funnel like to join us for that?” Then you can enroll
Builders Certification or Two Comma Club X Coaching Program. Your “right-fit client” wants 2 things: them in your next offer. You’re not creating
new content; you’re just going deeper into the
We have always used our big event, Funnel Hacking LIVE, as the event that we • Speed topics at each level and giving your clients a
offer our highest level of continuity, our coaching program. In the past, though, • Hand-Holding better experience at each higher level.
I didn’t have a good strategy to get our attendees to buy our coaching program.
Every year we tried something new, with varying degrees of success. In fact, one Your High-Ticket Offer should have both. If Here’s an example of how to ascend your
year we even lost money doing the event! Here’s the numbers of how much we you can take your Low-Ticket Offer that has customers:
made at Funnel Hacking LIVE during our first few years: content and introduce a High-Ticket Offer to • Challenge
• 1st year: just shy of $1 million dollars better serve your client, you’ve got a winning
formula for success. · High-level training so your clients
• 2nd year: $1 million dollars can understand what could be
PROVEN PATH IN ACTION possible for them
• 3rd year: almost nothing (1,500 people; lost money at the event)
If you’re concerned that it will be hard to • Course
• 4th year: $12 million dollars
create a High-Ticket Offer or event, here’s a · Week 1: Welcome Week
plan you can immediately implement to walk
So, what was the big difference that helped us go from losing money one year to
your current followers from a Low-Ticket Offer · Weeks 2–7: Deep dive into your
making $12 million dollars the next year? We hired Bari Baumgardner and Blue
to an event where you sell a High-Ticket Offer. training topics
Melnick from SAGE Event Management, and they helped us create a through-line
for the event so that every step, every slide, and every moment of our Dramatic · Week 8: Graduation
Note that every step below should include
Demonstration would be perfectly architected to get someone to buy our products
training on: • 3-Day Event
and services at the end.
• Problem: The problem your client has. · Day 1: Deep dive into Topic #1
Now, I’ll let Bari and Blue share how you should create your High-Ticket Offer and
run your virtual or live event. • Solution: How you’ll solve your client’s · Day 2: Deep dive into Topic #2
· Day 3: Deep dive into Topic #3
• Mindset: The mindset your client
needs to have in order to overcome the • High-Ticket Offer (Could be
problem. (They have to believe they can Mastermind, Coaching, Retreat)
do it before they’ll pay you to do it.)
· Event 1: Retreat for Topic #1
Now here’s what you should create to ascend
· Event 2: Retreat for Topic #2
your clients. At the end of each step, simply
ask, “How many of you would like more?” · Event 3: Retreat for Topic #3

They will likely say, “That’s amazing. I’d like · In between the events: Facebook
more.” group, Monthly Q&A, Hot Seat Deep-
Dive Calls

134 135
We suggest FIRST designing your High-Ticket You can also choose elements for your High-
Offer content so you can then design your Ticket Offer from the ideas below. We suggest
3-day event, course, and challenge from it. You one from each category and possibly 2 more
should have a maximum of 4–6 things in your activities (for a total of 6 deliverables).
High-Ticket Offer. The price should be at least
$5,000. Make sure your High-Ticket Offer has • Activity: Workshop, immersion,
both of these elements: retreat, event

• ACE: • Group: Facebook, Signal, Telegram, Circle

· Accountability: Holding them • Support: Monthly Q&A

accountable to make progress • Monthly Content: Hot seats or laser
· Community: Getting support and coaching

Examples Of
· Enhanced Opportunity: Being
more, doing more, having more, and
making more

• RIM:

· Repetition: A muscle you need to build

· Immersion: Be immersed in a like-

minded community where you’re
reminded every day of success stories

· Modeling Proven Practices: Don’t

reinvent the wheel

Wasn’t that helpful to see how Bari

suggests you craft your High-Ticket Offer?

The more you charge doesn’t Here’s an example of one of our live event
mean you’re giving them more funnels we use for Funnel Hacking LIVE.
stuff; it means you’re giving them
the right stuff to get them results
faster, simpler, and easier.
People don’t pay you to tell them
everything you know. They pay
you to tell them what they need
to know. —Bari Baumgardner

136 137

As I explained earlier, a live event is one of the hardest things to sell because not
only do people have to buy a ticket for the event, they also have to buy flights and
hotels, too. They have to leave their spouse and children and get a babysitter, and
for some people, it’s just too overwhelming to attend.

Planning a live event is stressful, too. It takes 8 months to fill the event, and
25% of people buy in the last three weeks! Last year at Funnel Hacking LIVE, we
spent $3-$4 million dollars to produce the event, so you can imagine the level
of planning that went into it. Even though live events can be stressful, they’re
incredibly powerful.

Some of the things you can only do in person (and you should do!) are:

• During the first presentation on Day 1, share the IDENTITY of your dream
customer and get them pumped to go on the journey over the next several
days. Create the identity, vision, and belief of where you are all going
together during the event, and help them feel worthy to take that calling. (If
you haven’t listened yet to my “Drifter vs. Driven” speech at FHL in 2022,
search YouTube and watch it. This is a perfect example of this!) Technically
you can also do this virtually, but I listed it here because it’s so important.

• At the end of the first night, give your attendees an opportunity to donate
to one of your favorite charities. This also teaches them the process of
1. Live Event Sales Page: They registered for the live event. buying at a live event, so after you pitch, they’ll know how to buy your High
2. Live Event Offer: They attended the live event and some signed up for our High- Ticket Offer.
Ticket Offer to join our Two Comma Club X Coaching Program for $2,500/mo. or
$25,000/year. • If you’re doing a 3-day event, hold the award ceremony at the end of the
first night, right after the charity drive. This creates a gap between where
3. High-Ticket Buyers Continue on Continuity: they are and where they want to be (on the award stage next year!). It also
High-Ticket buyers were put into Level 3 of our continuity, and some continued at creates the desire to achieve the award, and the belief that they’ll be more
$2,500/mo. after their year membership ended. likely to achieve it if they’re coached (i.e. join your High Ticket Offer).

• Take pictures with the buyers after the pitch. It increases sales dramatically.
That way, they can put the picture on their wall at home and remember the
event and their goals long after the event has finished.

138 139
Here’s an example of one of our virtual event funnels we use for Two Comma Club LIVE:

After COVID-19 introduced us all to Zoom, virtual events started taking off and
people really started liking them. They’re still very popular, and we do a lot of
virtual events.

If you’ve ever wanted to do an event with your followers, but you’re worried about
the cost, a virtual event might be great for you because:

• For You:

· No hotel contracts

· No big AV bill or overhead

· You don’t feel cash-poor

• For Your Attendees:

· No hotel rooms

1. Virtual Event Sales Page: They registered for the virtual event. · No flights
2. Virtual Event Offer: They attended the virtual event and some signed up for our · They don’t feel cash-poor and are more likely to sign up for
High Ticket Offer to join our Two Comma Club X Coaching Program for $2,500/month your programs
or $25,000/year.
3. High-Ticket Buyers Continue on Continuity:
High-Ticket buyers were put into Level 3 of our continuity, and some continued at
$2,500/month after their year membership ended.

140 141

· Content: Give such good content at the beginning that they think,
“That was worth the whole event right there.”
When you think of your “right fit client,” consider these questions: How badly do
· Connection: Build a connection with you, the Attractive Character.
they need you right now? How isolated do they feel? What secrets do you have
You could share your story with a charity and invite them to donate. You
that they need to know, and how much easier would it be to share in a group set-
should also help them build a connection where they believe they can
be successful with what you’re teaching. They should think, I thought it
was impossible. Now I think I could do this.
When you host a virtual or live event, you’re getting leverage because you’re
bringing like-minded people together so you can sell all of them at one time into · Community: Help them build a connection with each other. You could
your high-ticket offer. Your event will 2X, 3X, or even 10X whatever sales you’re use roundtable discussions.
currently doing in your funnels.
· Pain: Give them more content, connection, and community, but
The through-line for a 3-day virtual or live event is the 3x3 PAG (Program At a after so many ahas, they’re feeling overwhelmed, unsure of how to get
Glance) because the structure does the selling for you. started, and they need your help. They feel a gap between where they
are (feeling like they can do it) and where they want to be (realizing all
that they need to do). They’re feeling like they need supporting, trouble-
shooting, and hand-holding to find success.

· Solution: Introduce your product / service as the solution.

· Invitation: Invite them to get your High-Ticket Offer and explain that the
solution is inside the 4–6 things you’ll do together over the next 6–12 months.


· Decision: It’s your duty to help them get out of their own way and do
what they’re meant to do. Tell them to go through all their notes and
decide to do one thing differently.

· Commitment: Tell them to commit to a day to start.

· Celebration: Tell them they should choose how they will celebrate.
Then say, “If, in going through your decision to do one thing differently,
committing to a timeline to start, and choosing how you will celebrate,
you’ve realized that you need help, then my invitation’s still here for you.
Decide to join us. Commit by putting a deposit down. And we’re going
to celebrate at the welcome celebration.” You’re celebrating that they
invested in themselves and that they’re not doing it alone anymore.

142 143
Now let’s take the 3x3 PAG and show you
how to plug each piece into your 3-day event.
• DAY 1 • DAY 3
Your content will seed the deliverables of your offer, and the offer is presented with · Opening Keynote: Romance your · Heart Close (Trifecta)
the Trifecta below. audience
· Help the logical buyer get out of
· Content: Foundations their head and into their heart.

· Meal Break (60 min.) · Let them know that the very reason
they’re saying they can’t is the reason
· Content: Topic 1 (Part 1) they must.
· Content: Topic 1 (Part 2) · “Your job is to make their reason
· Meal Break (60 min.) not to…their reason to.”
—Bari Baumgardner
· Optional: Interactive to create
community · It must be in service to the whole
room (serve first, sell second).

· Overcoming Objections
• DAY 2 · You don’t have the time to do it?
· Keynote That’s why you must do it.
· You don’t have the money?
· Content: Topic 2 (Part 1) That’s why you must do it.
· Meal Break (60 min.) · Your spouse isn’t supportive?
That’s why you need us more
· Content: Topic 2 (Part 2) than anyone.
· Panel / Invitation (Trifecta) · You’re afraid to do it? Isn’t it
· Success Panel for Social Proof time to be done with that and
start moving forward because you
· Invitation to High-Ticket Offer know you’re made for more.
· Meal Enrollment Break (60 min.) · You’re in shame and self-doubt
because you didn’t get it right?
· Laser Coaching and Q&A (Trifecta) Your past failure is not a predictor
of your future success.

· Content: Topic 3 (Part 1)

· Meal Break (60 min.)

· Content: Topic 3 (Part 2)

· Closing Session

144 145
Essentially, your High-Ticket Offer is just another type of MIFGE Like your other offers, you’ll add
so much value into your High-Ticket Offer that it will be irresistible. Your High-Ticket Offer will
also include bulk access to your continuity. For instance, when our customers invest in our Funnel
You’ve seen how the MIFGE fills your Level 1 continuity, and how the Bulk Continuity + Offer Builder Certification or Two Comma Club X Coaching Program, they get 6 months of ClickFunnels
fills your Level 2 continuity. Your High-Ticket Offer (that you’ll sell at the end of your Dramatic Platinum for FREE (plus an Agency account while their certification is active).
Demonstration #2) fills your Level 3 continuity.

146 147
Here is an example of my offer stack for our Funnel Builder Certification program (which we Here is an example of my offer stack for our Two Comma Club X Coaching Program (which we
sell at the end of both our virtual and live events). You’ll see that the “ClickFunnels Agency also sell at the end of both our virtual and live events). You’ll see that the Agency Editions of
Account” is the Bulk Continuity in our High-Ticket Offer. ClickFunnels, Geru, and Funnel Scripts is the Bulk Continuity in our High-Ticket Offer.

148 149
Again, as you’re designing any of your offers, remember to include continuity in all three of your
offers: MIFGE, Bulk Continuity + Offer, and High-Ticket Offer. Here’s one last reference of what
you could include in all of your offers. Remember this is a guide only, and any of it can be changed
to fit your business.

Value Ladder Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Kinda Like
Coach First Class Private Jet

$97/mo. $297/mo. $997/mo.

Linchpin Bulk Continuity High-Ticket

Offer + Offer Offer

Success Path ✓ ✓ ✓

Monthly Masterclass ✓ ✓ ✓

Backstage Pass ✓ ✓ ✓

Each Level Member Makeover ✓ ✓ ✓
Get for Community ✓ ✓ ✓
Course ✓ ✓

Facilitated Group
✓ ✓

Mastermind ✓

150 151
Chapter 7

VALUE LADDER Remember that you won’t complete all three stages of the Linchpin framework at once. Just
create one step at a time, and when each stage is producing consistent, repeatable traffic and
sales, then you can build the next stage.

Now, let me show you how we use the Linchpin framework in our Value Ladder today. As a
reminder, here again is the picture of the Value Ladder from the DotCom Secrets book.
From A Framework To A Value Ladder…Putting It All Together

The Linchpin Framework

Now that you understand the entire Linchpin framework, I’d like to
show you how the framework fits onto a Value Ladder.

152 153
Notice how the steps of the Linchpin framework
fit into the Value Ladder.
You’ll complete the Linchpin steps in this STAGE 3: DRAMATIC DEMONSTRATION #2
order: (Steps 7–9)

STAGE 1: THE MIFGE (Steps 1–3) 7. Create Your High-Ticket Offer

You’ll create a High-Ticket Offer (that
1. Create Your Continuity Or includes Bulk Continuity + more).
Subscription Program 8. Create Your Dramatic
You’ll create a continuity program to get Demonstration #2
paid on a recurring basis. You’ll create a virtual or live event to sell
2. Create Your MIFGE (Most Incredible your High-Ticket Offer.
Free Gift Ever) 9. Launch Your Dramatic Demonstration
You’ll create an irresistible offer that #2 To The World
includes a free trial of your continuity. You’ll use the Attractive Character Flywheel
3. Launch Your MIFGE To The World to fill your Dramatic Demonstration #2.
You’ll use the Attractive Character
Flywheel to sell your MIFGE.


(Steps 4–6)

4. Create Your Bulk Continuity + Offer

You’ll create an offer that includes free
Bulk Continuity (usually 6 or 12 months).
5. Create Your Dramatic
Demonstration #1
You’ll create a challenge or webinar to sell
your Bulk Continuity + Offer (plus you’ll
put your MIFGE on the thank-you page
of your challenge or webinar to get more
6. Launch Your Dramatic Demonstration
#1 to the World
You’ll use the Attractive Character Flywheel
to fill your Dramatic Demonstration #1.

154 155

156 157
Chapter 8

Want Help Creating Your Linchpin Value Ladder?

As I mentioned earlier, over the past few years, If you’d like to have help from me, our coaches,
we have been solely focusing on implementing and this amazing mastermind community,
this Linchpin model in all of our businesses. then I want to invite you to apply to be part
We do it with ClickFunnels. We do it with Dan of this exclusive group of entrepreneurs who
Kennedy’s company, Magnetic Marketing, that are changing the world. We typically only open
we acquired. But we’re also doing it with our enrollment to the 2CCX program during Funnel
supplement companies and our other info Hacking LIVE, but because you bought this
product and coaching companies as well. book and read to the end, I want to invite you
to apply to join and jump to the front of the line.
On top of that, we completely changed the
Two Comma Club X training curriculum to I created a video with members telling you their
solely focus on the Linchpin. We’ve now had 2CCX stories, alongside a simple application.
hundreds of entrepreneurs, like you, who have
plugged into that coaching and mastermind
community, with a focus of launching each
step in the Linchpin, step by step, until they You can apply to be part of this exclusive group at
win their Two Comma Club X award!
After you apply, you’ll get a quick phone call from someone on my team to see if you’re a good
fit for the program. If you are, and you’re ready to start now, you could work directly with me
and my team of coaches within the next few days to build out Step #1 of your Linchpin, your
continuity program.

Thank you so much for reading, and I can’t wait to see the lives you change with your Linchpin!

158 159

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