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UPEM Gauss’s Law Chapter-22

Chapter-22: Gauss’s Law

Topics in the material

1. Learning Goals

2. Calculating Electric Flux

3. Gauss’s Law

4. Applications of Gauss’s Law

5. Test your understanding: TYU-22.2, TYU-22.3, TYU-22.4

6. In-class problems: 22.2, 22.3, 22.5, 22.9

7. Assignment problem: 22.14, 22.22


By studying this chapter, we will learn:

 To calculate the amount of charge within a closed surface from the type of the electric
field on the surface.
 The definition of electric flux, and the method to calculate it.
 The Gauss’s law in electrostatics.
 The use of Gauss’s law to calculate the electric field due to a symmetric charge

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UPEM Gauss’s Law Chapter-22

Charge and Electric flux

Positive charge inside a box Negative charge inside a box

Positive charge within the Negative charge
box produces outward produces inward
electric flux through the flux, i.e the flux is
surface of the box, i.e the negative if the field
flux is positive if the field line crosses a closed
line crosses a closed surface from outside
surface from inside to to inside.
outside. • More negative charge more inward
• More charge inside the box means more flux • Doubling charge within box doubles
exists flux.
• Doubling charge within box doubles flux. • Doubling size of box does NOT
change flux.
• Doubling size of box does NOT change flux.
Zero net charge inside a box

Case-I: No net electric flux through surface of box

Case-II: Inward flux cancels outward flux

Case-III: Inward flux cancels outward flux

The net electric flux through the surface of the box is directly proportional to the
magnitude of the net charge enclosed by the box. This is independent of the size of the box.

Calculating electric flux in uniform fields

The product of an area and the component of E that is perpendicular to the
It can be written as:

φ E = E . A = E A cos θ = E  A

E  = E A cos θ = Component of E perpendicular to the area,

E and A are parallel (the angle between E and A is θ = 0 ).
The flux φ E = E . A = E A cos θ = E A

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UPEM Gauss’s Law Chapter-22

E and A are perpendicular (the angle between E and A is θ = 900 ).
The flux φ E = E . A = E A cos 900 = E A(0) = 0

Flux of a Non-uniform Electric Field

Let the electric field varies from point to point and is not uniform over the area A. Or a part of
A is curved surface. Then the electric flux is given by

φE =  E . dA =  E cos θ dA
Gauss’s Law:
Gauss’s law states that the total electric flux through any closed surface is equal 1/ε0 times the
net electric charge inside the surface.
φ E = enclosed
q enclosed
In general it can be written as φ E =  E . dA =  E cos θ dA = ε0

Let us consider a single positive point charge +q. The field lines radiate out equally in all
directions. We place this charge at the center of an imaginary spherical surface with radius R.
The magnitude of the electric field at every point on the surface is given by

1 q
4 π ε0 R 2
At each point on the surface, is perpendicular to the surface, and its
magnitude is the same at every point. The total electric flux is:
φ E = E A cos θ = E A ( θ = 0)
 1 q 
φE =  2  
4 π R2 =

 4 π ε0 R  ε0
• The flux is independent of the radius R of the sphere.
• It depends only on the charge q enclosed by the sphere.

Again the Gauss’s law also agrees with negative charge enclosed inside the surface
If q enclosed =  q , then
q enclosed -q
φE = =
ε0 ε0

If q enclosed = 0 , then the total flux through the Gaussian surface is zero  φE = 0  , even though
some areas may have positive flux and others may have negative flux.

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UPEM Gauss’s Law Chapter-22

Applications of Gauss’s Law:

1. Field of a charged conducting sphere:
Case-I: The Point is outside the sphere
Let us consider a spherical charge conductor with of uniform charge density. ‘q’ amount of
charge is enclosed in the sphere.
R = radius of the sphere and ρ = density of the material of the charged conductor
Let us consider a point outside the sphere. Let us construct a Gaussian surface passing
through that point. Here, the Gaussian surface is a sphere of radius ‘r’. Here, r > R.
The electric field has the same magnitude at every point of the surface and is directed
E and A are in the same direction i.e θ = 0.
So, the electric flux through the closed surface is:
φ E = E . A = E A cos 0 = E A ----------(1)
From the Gauss' law we have, φ E =          (2)
Comparing eqn (1) and (2) we get
q q
EA =  E =
ε0 ε0A
q 1 q 1 q
 E =  E =  E out =    (3)
ε0  4πr 2  4 π ε0 r 2 4 π ε0 r 2
Thus, the electric field outside the sphere is E out α
Case-II: At a point on the surface of the sphere
Here, the Gaussian surface is a sphere of radius r = R.
Putting this value in eqn (3) we get,
1 q
E surface =      (4)
4 π ε0 R 2

Thus Esurface = constant

Case-III: The Point is inside the sphere
Inside the sphere, q enclosed = 0
So, from the Gauss' law we have,
q 0
φE = = = 0  EA = 0  E = 0
ε0 ε0
Thus, Einside = 0
The figure shows ‘E’ as a function of the distance ‘r’ from the center of the sphere.

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UPEM Gauss’s Law Chapter-22

 Outside the sphere, the magnitude of the electric field decreases with the square of
the radial distance from the center of the sphere:
 Inside the sphere, q enclosed = 0 , and Einside = 0

2. Field of a uniformly insulating charged sphere

Positive electric charge ‘q’ is distributed uniformly throughout the volume of an insulating
R = radius of the sphere and ρ = volume charge density ( charge per unit volume )

Case-I: The Point is outside the sphere

Let us consider a point outside the sphere. Let us construct a Gaussian surface passing
through that point. Here, the Gaussian surface is a sphere of radius ‘r’. and r > R.

This surface encloses the entire charged sphere, so, q enclosed = q

The electric field has the same magnitude at every point of the surface and is directed

E and A are in the same direction i.e θ = 0.

So, the electric flux through the closed surface is:

φ E = E . A = E A cos 0 = E A

From the Gauss' law we have, φ E =

Comparing the above two equations we get

q q
EA =  E =
ε0 ε0A
q 1 q 1 q
 E =  E =  E out =      (1)
ε0  4πr 2  4 π ε0 r 2 4 π ε0 r 2
Thus, the electric field outside the sphere is E out α

Case-II: At a point on the surface of the sphere

Here, the Gaussian surface is a sphere of radius r = R.
Putting this value in either eqn (1) or eqn (2)we get,

1 q
E surface =      (2)
4 π ε0 R 2

Case-III: The Point is inside the sphere

The amount of charge enclosed within the Gaussian surface depends on ‘r’. To find E
inside the sphere, we choose

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UPEM Gauss’s Law Chapter-22

Let VR = volume of the sphere of radius R

Vr = volume of the sphere of radius r
qr = charge enclosed in the Gaussian sphere of the sphere of radius r
Since the sphere has uniform charge density, we have,
ρ = Uniform (i.e constant)

Charge q
 = Constant  = Constant
Volume V
q q V 
 = r  qr =  r  q
V Vr V
 4 3 
 πr   r3 
 qr =  3  q  q r =  3 q
 πR 3  R 
3 

Gauss' law we have,

q net qr qr
φE =  E inside A =  E inside =
ε0 ε0 ε0A

 r 3

R  q

 q
Einside = 

3 
Einside = r --------(3)

ε 0 4πr 2   4πε 0 R 
Thus, Einside α r

The figure shows ‘E’ as a function of the distance ‘r’ from the center of the sphere.

 Outside the sphere, the magnitude of the electric field decreases with the square of
the radial distance from the center of the sphere E out α 2 :
 Inside the sphere, E varies linearly with ‘r’ Ein α r
 On the sphere, Eon is constant and doesn’t depends on ‘r’

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UPEM Gauss’s Law Chapter-22

Conceptual Problem
Test Your Understanding: 22.2

Rank the following surfaces in order from most positive to most negative electric flux.

(i)  
a flat rectangular surface with vector area A = 6 m2 ˆi in a uniform electric field
E =  4.0 N/C  ˆj

(ii)  
a flat circular surface with vector area A = 3 m 2 ˆj in a uniform electric field
E =  4.0 N/C  ˆi +  2.0 N/C  ˆj

(iii)    
a flat square surface with vector area A = 3.0 m2 ˆi + 7.0 m 2 ˆj in a uniform electric
field E =  4.0 N/C  ˆi -  2.0 N/C  ˆj

(iv)    
a flat oval surface with vector area A = 3.0 m2 ˆi - 7.0 m2 ˆj in a uniform electric
field E =  4.0 N/C  ˆi -  2.0 N/C  ˆj

Answer: (iv), (ii), (i), (iii)

In each case the electric field is uniform, so the flux is φ = E . A
 = Ex Ax + Ey Ay + Ez Az
i) Ex = 0, Ey = 4, Ez = 0; Ax = 6, Ay = 0, Az = 0;
 = Ex Ax + Ey Ay + Ez Az = 0
ii) Ex = 4, Ey = 2, Ez = 0; Ax = 0, Ay = 3, Az = 0;
 = Ex Ax + Ey Ay + Ez Az = 6
iii) Ex = 4, Ey = -2, Ez = 0; Ax = 3, Ay = 7, Az = 0;
 = Ex Ax + Ey Ay + Ez Az = -2
iv) Ex = 4, Ey = -2, Ez = 0; Ax = 3, Ay = -7, Az = 0;
 = Ex Ax + Ey Ay + Ez Az = 26

Test Your Understanding: 22.3

Figure shows six point charges that all lie in the same plane. Five
Gaussian surfaces— S1, S2, S3, S4, and S5 —each enclose part of this
plane and figure shows the intersection of each surface with the
plane. Rank these five surfaces in order of the electric flux through
them, from most positive to most negative.

Answer: S2, S5 , S4, S1 and S3

Surface S1 encloses no charge,

Surface S2 encloses 9.0 C + 5.0  C + (-7.0  C) = 7.0  C,

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UPEM Gauss’s Law Chapter-22

Surface S3 encloses 9.0 C + 1.0  C + (-10.0  C) = 0 ,

Surface S4 encloses 8.0 C + (-7.0  C) = 1.0  C,
Surface S5 encloses 8.0 C + (-7.0  C) + (-10.0  C) + 1.0  C + 9.0 C + 5.0 C = 6.0  C

Test Your Understanding: 22.4

You place a known amount of Charge ‘Q’ on the irregularly shaped conductor shown in the
figure. If you know the size and shape of the conductor, can you use Gauss’s law to calculate
the electric field at an arbitrary position outside the conductor?

Answer: no

You might be tempted to draw a Gaussian surface that is an

enlarged version of the conductor, with the same shape and placed
so that it completely encloses the conductor.

While you know the flux through this Gaussian surface (by Gauss’s
law, it’s E = Q /ε0 ), the direction of the electric field need not be
perpendicular to the surface and the magnitude of the field need not
be the same at all points on the surface. It’s not possible to do the
flux integral and we can’t calculate the electric field. Gauss’s law is
useful for calculating the electric field only when the charge
distribution is highly symmetric.

In Class Problems
Example:22.2: Electric flux through a cube

An imaginary cubical surface of side L is in a region of uniform electric field E . Find the
electric flux through each face of the cube and the total flux through the cube when

a) it is oriented with two of its faces perpendicular to E (Fig. 1) and

b) the cube is turned by an angle about a vertical axis (Fig. 2).


a) Figure-1 shows that each unit vector points outward from the
cube’s closed surface.

The angle between E and n̂1 is 1800,

The angle between E and n̂ 2 is 00,

The angle between E and each of the other four unit vectors is 900,

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UPEM Gauss’s Law Chapter-22

Each face of the cube has area L2, so the fluxes through the faces are
φ E1 = E . A = E . nˆ 1 A  E L2 cos 1800 = -E L2

φ E2 = E . A = E . nˆ 2 A  E L2 cos 00 = + E L2

φ E3 = φ E4 = φ E5 = φ E6 = E L2 cos 900 = 0

The flux is negative on face 1, where E is directed into the cube,

The flux is positive on face 2, where E is directed out of the cube.
The total flux through the cube is
φ E  φ E1  φ E2  φ E3  φ E4  φE5  φE6
   
φ E  -E L2  +E L2  0  0  0  0
φE  0
b) Figure-2 shows that
E is directed into the faces 1 and 3. So the fluxes through
them are negative.
E is directed outward from the faces 2 and 4. So the fluxes
through them are positive.

So the fluxes through the faces are

 
φ E1 = E . A = E . nˆ 1 A  E L2 cos 1800  θ = - E L2 cos θ

φ E2 = E . A = E . nˆ A  E L cos  0 + θ  = + E L cos θ
2 0 2

φ E3 = E . nˆ A  E L cos  90 + θ  = - E L sin θ
2 0 2

φ E4 = E . nˆ A  E L cos  90 - θ  = + E L sin θ
2 0 2

φ E5 = φ E6 = E L2 cos 900 = 0
The total flux through the cube is
φ E  φ E1  φ E2  φ E3  φ E4  φ E5  φ E6
       
φ E  -E L2 cos θ  +E L2 cos θ  -E L2 sin θ  +E L2 sin θ  0  0
φE  0
From the results of (a) and (b) it is clear that if a closed surface does not contains any
electric charge, then the net flux through it due to a uniform electric field is zero.

Example:22.3: Electric flux through a sphere

A point charge q = +3.0 μC is surrounded by an imaginary sphere of

radius r = 0.2 m centered on the charge (shown in the adjoined figure).
Find the resulting electric flux through the sphere.

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The sphere is centered on the point charge.

The magnitude of the electric field at every point on the surface is given by
1 q
4 π ε0 r 2
At any point on the spherical surface E is directed out of the sphere perpendicular to the surface.
So, angle between E and dA is θ = 0
So and the flux through a surface element dA is

φE =  E . dA =  E cos θ dA = E  cos 0 dA   dA 
 E 4πr 2 
φE =
1 q
4 π ε0 r 2  0
A =
1 q
4 π ε0 r 2 
4πr 2 
q 3.0 x 10-6 C
φE =   3.4 x 105 N.m 2 .C-1
ε 0 8.85 x 10 C .N .m
-12 2 -1 2

From the above it is clear that the flux of is independent of the size of the surface. This result
also holds true for a cube. In fact, the flux through any surface enclosing a single point charge is
independent of the shape or size of the surface.

Example: 22.5: Field of a charged conducting sphere

We place a total positive charge ‘q’ on a solid conducting sphere with radius R. Find electric
field at any point inside and outside the sphere.

Solution: Application no. 1 of Gauss’s law in the material

Example: 22.9: Field of a uniformly charged sphere

Positive electric charge Q is distributed uniformly throughout the volume of an insulating

sphere with radius R. Find the magnitude of the electric field at a point a distance from the
center of the sphere.

Solution: Application no. 2 of Gauss’s law in the material

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UPEM Gauss’s Law Chapter-22

Assignment Problems

22.14 A solid metal sphere with radius 0.45 m carries a net charge of 0.25 nC. Find the
magnitude of the electric field
a) at a point 0.10 m outside the surface of the sphere and
b) at a point inside the sphere, 0.10 m below the surface.

Solution: Radius, R = 0.45 m, Net charge, Q = 0.25 nC = 0.25 x 10-9C

a) Here, r = 0.45m + 0.10m = 0.55m

 0.25 x 10 C   7.44N/C

E out =
1 q

= 9 x109 N.m 2 .C-2 
4 π ε0 r 2  0.55m 

b) Here, r = 0.45m - 0.10m = 0.35m

Inside the conductor E = 0.

22.22 A point charge of -2.0 μC is located in the center of a spherical cavity of radius
6.5cm inside an insulating charged solid. The charge density in the solid is
ρ = 7.35 x 10-4 C/m3.Calculate the electric field inside the solid at a distance of 9.5 cm
from the center of the cavity.

Solution: Radius, r = 6.5 x 10-2 m, charge at the center of the cavity= = -0.2 μC = - 0.2 x 10-6C
ρ = 7.35 x 10-4 C/m3.
Radius of the Gaussian sphere = R = 9.5 x 10-2 m

The charge within the solid is

4 

q solid = ρ V = ρ  π R 3 - r 3 
3 

 4 
   
π 9.5 x 10-2 m - 9.5 x 10-2 m  =
1 q

3 3
 q solid = 7.35 x 10-4 C/m3
3  
 4 π ε0 r 2
 q solid = 1.794 x 10-6C
Total charge inside the Gaussian sphere = q = - 0.2 x 10-6 C + 1.794 x 10-6C = 0.2059 x 10-6 C

 0.2059 x 10 C   2.05 x10 N/C


The electric field = E =

1 q

= 9 x109 N.m 2 .C-2  9

4 π ε0 r  9.5 x 10 m 
2 2

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