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2018 - 6th year

Grammar Summary for Reference &


Prof. Patty De Franco

Email: [email protected]

Patty De Franco


Prof. Patty De Franco - 2017



Zero conditional Situations that IF + SIMPLE PRESENT If you mix red and yellow, you
are always true. MAIN CLAUSE + get orange.

First Possible IF + SIMPLE PRESENT If you like Brit pop, you will
conditional situations in the MAIN CLAUSE + love Oasis.

Second Unreal IF + SIMPLE PAST If I were a fish, the cat would

conditional situations. MAIN CLAUSE + eat me.
Hypothetical, WOULD/WOULDN’T + If I had time, I would go to
imaginary INFINITIVE the gym.

Third Unreal IF + PAST If I had known your number,

conditional situations in the PERFECT/PAST I would have called you.
past. Imaginary PERFECT CONTINUOUS I would have gone to the
situations in the MAIN CLAUSE + party if I had been invited.



Mixed Unreal IF + PAST If the guy hadn’t committed

Conditionals situations in the PERFECT/PAST that crime, he wouldn’t be in
present and in PERFECT prison now.
CLAUSE WOULD + If you were a bit more
INFINITIVE responsible, you wouldn’t
In one part of --------- have lost your job.
the sentence, we IF + SIMPLE PAST,
use the 3rd MAIN CLAUSE +
conditional WOULD HAVE +
structure, and in PARTICIPLE ,
the other, we use
the 2nd
structure and
vice versa.


Linkers are words that we use to join sentences. They are also called connectors.
They are classified into Linkers of purpose, contrast, consequence, reason, etc.

Contrast Structure

although Although I felt tired, I went on working.

though I continued working though I felt tired.
even though Even though I felt tired, I continued working.
however/nevertheless I felt tired. However/Nevertheless, I continued working.
despite Despite feeling tired, I continued working.
Despite the fact that I felt tired, I continued working.
Despite my tiredness, I continued working.
in spite of In spite of feeling tired,...
In spite of the fact that I felt tired, ...
In spite of my tiredness, ...

because/since/as I called him because I wanted to hear his voice.

Since I wanted to hear his voice, I called him.
As I wanted to hear his voice, I called him.

because of I went to bed because of my terrible headache.

due to/ owing to Due to/Owing to my terrible headache, I went to bed.

so I wanted to hear his voice, so I called him.

as a result I wanted to hear his voice. As a result, I called him.

in order to/in order not to I didn’t make any noise in order not to wake the baby up
I came back to my hometown in order to see my old friends.
so as to/so as not to I didn’t make any noise so as not to wake the baby up.
I came back to my hometown so as to see my old friends.
so that + modal verb I didn’t make any noise so that the baby wouldn’t wake up.
(could/can/would) I came back to my hometown so that I could see my old friends.

to infinitive (only I called him to hear his voice.


Let’s analyse this problematic area.

a. Be used to something/be used to doing something.

It refers to a state. A person is adapted, accustomed to a situation.

I am accustomed to getting up early because I have done it all my life.

I am used to getting up early because I have done it all my life.
(I have no problems with it.)

She is used to explaining the grammar one hundred times. She’s a teacher.
(She has no problems with it)

The verb ‘to be’ can be used in ANY TENSE.

When she was a little child, she was used to spending her time alone because both her
parents worked a lot. (She had no problems with it)


When she was a little child, she used to spend her time alone because both her parents
worked a lot. She suffered a lot because of this. She didn’t want to be alone.

b. Get used to something/get used to doing something

It refers to a process. It might take some time to adapt to a new situation.

My son changed school last month. He’s getting used to his new school and his new friends,
fortunately. (He’s going through a process, little by little)

The doctor told me that I can’t eat salt. My blood pressure is too high.
I can’t get used to eating without salt. The food tastes disgusting!

My mother is a diabetic patient. She can’t eat sugar.

At first, it was difficult for her. But she got used to her new diet soon.

When you are paraphrasing, you MUSTN’T INCLUDE the words ‘adapt’, ‘accustom’ in
your new sentence because it is redundant.


This is an advanced comparative form.

We use the article ‘the’ + a comparative adjective, when we have an adjective.

If we don’t have an adjective, we use the words ‘the more’ + noun.

Have a look at the example.

If she works hard, she will make a lot of money.

(adjective) (noun)

The harder she works, the more money she’ll make.

(comparative) (the more + noun)

If you come soon, it’ll be better.

The sooner you come, the better it will be.
The sooner, the better.
If you eat a lot of junk food, you’ll get really fat.
The more junk food you eat, the fatter you’ll get.

The more you talk to him, the less he listens to you.

The faster you finish, the sooner you can leave.


When a person is speaking, the person uses some words. This is called DIRECT SPEECH.

When I tell another person what somebody said, I have to use REPORTED SPEECH.

If a person told me yesterday these words:

‘I really hate you and I don’t want to see you any more.’

I go to my friend and I say: You know what he told me?????

He said that he really hated me and that he didn’t want to see me any more.

In the DIRECT SPEECH, the person used the present tense, but when I report what the person

Here you have a table with the changes.


Present Simple Past Simple
Present Continuous Past Continuous
Present Perfect Past Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous
Past Simple Past Perfect
Past Continuous Past Perfect Continuous
Past Perfect Doesn’t change
Past Perfect Continuous Doesn’t change
Future will would
Future is/am/are going to was/were going to
Modal verbs (should, would) Don’t change
Must Had to

Other changes:
Here there
This that
these those
come go
yesterday the previous day, the day before
ago before
last year/week etc the previous year/ the year before
tomorrow the following day
next Sunday, etc the following Sunday
at the moment, now at that moment

Now, the structures and the verbs that we need.

A) Statements SAID TO ME/TOLD ME THAT...

‘It’s cold here.’ He said.
He said that it was cold there.
He told me that it was cold there.

B) Imperatives, commands, orders. TOLD ME/HIM TO DO SOMETHING.

‘Turn on the lights’ he said
He told me to turn on the lights. (Pay attention, the verb is in the INFINITIVE FORM)
In questions, there are two forms.

a) Yes/no questions.

‘ Do you smoke?’ she asked.

She asked if/whether I smoked.
She wanted to know if/whether I smoked.

b) Wh- questions.

‘When did you arrive?’ she asked.

She asked me when I had arrived.
She wanted to know when I had arrived.

c) Indirect questions

‘What time does the match start?’ she asked.

She asked what time the match started.
She wanted to know what time the match started.


D) Reporting verbs (Upper Intermediate)

We can use reporting verbs in order not to repeat all the words that the person said. There
are many reporting verbs, and each verb follows a pattern.

Direct Speech: ‘I’m sorry I told you a lie’ she said.
Reported Speech: She said she was sorry she had told me a lie.
Reporting Verb: She apologized for telling me a lie.

Common reporting verbs and patterns

+ to + infinitive + person + to + + -ing form

offer ask apologize for
refuse invite accuse (sb) of
threaten encourage admit
agree advise deny
promise remind insist (on)
warn recommend
tell regret
persuade suggest
convince blame (sb) for
+ to do/not to do me to do/ me not to do doing/not doing

• After admit, agree, deny, insist, promise, recommend, regret and suggest, you
can also use that + a clause.
• After insist, explain, use that.


Gerunds (going) Infinitives (to go) Bare Infinitive (go)

1. After a preposition. 1. After an adjective 1. After modal verbs
I am tired of doing so I am happy to be here. can – could – will – would –shall-
much homework. should- must-
I should go now.
You mustn’t speak in class.
2. When the verb is the 2. To express purpose 2. After the verbs let and make
subject of the sentence My parents let me go out at night.
Smoking is bad for your I went to the shops to She always makes me cry.
health. buy some milk.

3. After certain verbs: 3. After certain verbs:

enjoy, fancy, hate, keep choose, decide, expect,
on, imagine, love, mind, manage, need, plan,
miss, practise, stop, look promise, refuse, seem,
forward to, avoid, be used tend, want, would like
to, get used to, can’t
stand, etc.


Sometimes a verb can be followed either by a gerund or and infinitive.

The meaning changes.

a. remember
I remember going to the countryside when I was a child. (memory, I did it)
Please, remember to bring the documents. (I must remember first, then bring the

b. forget
I forgot to do the composition. (I didn’t do it because I forgot)
I will never forget meeting each other for the first time. (we met, I will never forget it)

c. try
I tried to explain but she didn’t listen to me. (I made an effort.)
Why don’t you try listening to some soft music? You will relax. (It might help you)

d. need
I need to clean my trainers. They are filthy. (I have to do it.)
My car needs cleaning. It’s filthy. (Somebody will do it. )

e. stop
I stop smoking two years ago. (I gave up, I don’t do it anymore.)
Let’s stop to have some coffee. (We stop for a moment, then we continue)

After the verbs start, begin and continue, you can use gerund or infinitive.
The meaning doesn’t change.


We use the passive voice to make sentences more formal. Using the passive voice sounds more
natural in English. This language is found in newspapers, magazines, articles, etc.

The passive voice has only one structure, which is really easy to remember:


The problem is that we have to change the form of the verb to be all the time.


Present Simple is made A film is made.
Present is being made A film is being made now.
Present Perfect has been made A film has been made.
Past Simple was made A film was made last year.
Past Continuous was being made A film was being made.
Past Perfect had been made A film had been made.
Future will will be made A new film will be made.
Future going to is/are going to be made A new film is going to be made.
Modal verbs should be made An exception should be made.
would be made
can be made
must be made The situation must be considered.
has to be made
might be made


Active Voice. Paul Sheldon is going to write a new novel soon.

What is he going to write? A new novel

Passive Voice: A new novel is going to be written by Paul Sheldon soon.

Active: Parents shouldn’t give money to their kids if they are irresponsible.

Passive: Kids shouldn’t be given money if they are irresponsible.


Active: The manager paid the salaries yesterday.

Passive: The salaries were paid yesterday by the manager.

Active: They are selling the tickets for the match now.

Passive: The tickets for the match are being sold now.


The following are advanced passive forms.

We use the passive voice to change the focus of the sentence.


We don’t care about WHO the person who does or did an action is. We focus on the action


Active: They say that prices will go up

Impersonal Passive: It is said that prices will go up.

Active: People are saying that prices will go up.

Impersonal Passive: It is being said that prices will go up.
We keep the tense from the active voice. If the active voice is in the simple present, the
passive voice is also in the simple present. If the active voice is in the present perfect, the
passive voice is also in the present perfect.
Other verbs:
Know, understand, tell, think, believe, expect, announce, report, prove, etc.


The subject of the sentence is not ‘it’. It is ‘something’ or ‘somebody’.


Active: They say that all teenagers are lazy and irresponsible.
Passive Infinitive: All teenagers are said to be lazy and irresponsible.

Active: People reported that the two women speak Chinese.


Passive Infinitive: The two women were reported to speak Chinese.

Now let’s see one example of both Passive Infinitive and Impersonal Passive.

Active: People believe that the president will resign soon.

Impersonal Passive: It is believed that the president will resign soon.
Passive Infinitive: The president is believed to resign soon.


The subject of the sentence is not ‘it’. It is ‘something’ or ‘somebody’.


Active: They say that those kids vandalized the school. .

Passive Infinitive: Those kids are said to have vandalized the school.

Active: People reported that the two women killed the man..
Passive Infinitive: The two women were reported to have killed the man.

Now let’s see one example of both Passive Perfect Infinitive and Impersonal Passive.

Active: People believe that the president was assassinated.

Impersonal Passive: It is believed that the president was assassinated.
Passive Infinitive: The president is believed to have been assassinated.


In English, we have many verbs which take two objects.

They gave a present to my daughter.

(1) (2)

We can make two different passive sentences, just to change the focus.
(1) A present was given to my daughter.
(2) My daughter was given a present.

The Firm offered Mitch a very good job.


(1) (2)
(1) Mitch was offered a very good job by the Firm.
(2) A very good job was offered to Mitch by the Firm.
Similar verbs are:
Ask, show, teach, tell, offer, promise, send, show, etc.


When you arrange for another person to do something for you; you don’t do it yourself.

I’m painting my house. (I’m doing it myself.)
I’m having my house painted. ( a painter is doing the job.)


Somebody made these copies for me.

I had these copies made for me.

Somebody is going to clean my bedroom.

I am going to have my bedroom cleaned.

Somebody has repaired my car.

I have had my car repaired.


When we want to tell other people what they should do, we use different forms.

a. It’s high time + subject + past tense. (formal)

It’s high time the government did something about the homeless.

b. I’d rather + subject + past tense. (would rather)

I’d rather you washed the dishes today. I’m tired.
I’d rather you didn’t smoke in here. There’s a baby.

c. You’d better + bare infinitive. (had better)

You’d better concentrate now.
You’d better not go with them.

d. It’s about time + subject + past tense. (informal)

It’s about time you started helping at home.

e. If I were you, I’d + infinitive

If I were you I’d read all the material.
If I were you, I wouldn’t eat so much mayonnaise.

f. should + infinitive
You should read all the material. That’s my piece of advice.
You shouldn’t buy things that you’re not going to use!


Tense Use Structure Time expressions and

Routines, habitual I go, she goes. Adverbs of frequency (usually,
Simple Present actions. Auxiliaries never, hardly ever, always,
do/does/don’t sometimes, often)
doesn’t Everyday, twice a week, once a
Do you study month, etc.
Does she have a
Present Actions that are I am working Today, now, at the moment, right
Continuous happening at the She is working now.
moment of They are working
speaking I’m not working
She isn’t working
Are you working?
Present Perfect • Experiences I have studied. just /already /yet/ever/never
• Unfinished Have you recently/since/for
actions studied? I have already finished.
• Recent past I haven’t studied. Have you finished yet?
She has studied I have just finished.
Has she studied? Have you ever eaten Chinese food?
She hasn’t I have never travelled abroad.
studied. I have lived here for the last five
I have lived here since 2004.
Present Perfect • Unfinished I’ve been studying recently, for , since, lately, for ages.
Continuous actions in all day long. I have been waiting for you for ages!
progress I haven’t been Where have you been?
• Recent actions studying recently.
in progress What have you
with been doing
consequences recently?
in the present.
Past Simple Finished actions in I went to the yesterday, ago, last
the past. cinema. week/Sunday/month/year/night
Consecutive Did you go to the
actions. cinema?
One action that Where did you go
interrupts another yesterday?

action in progress I didn’t like the

in the past. film.

Past Continuous Action in progress The sun was when, while.

in the past, usually shining and the I was having a bath when the
interrupted by wind was telephone rang.
another action, blowing. She was reading a book while I was
also in the past. What were you cooking.
doing yesterday at
I wasn’t doing
anything wrong!

Past Perfect Past action which When I looked already/yet/just/since/for

happened before into my bag, I
another past realised that I had just prepared dinner when he
action. somebody had came home.
stolen my money.

Past Perfect Past action in They were tired for a long time, for some time, for
Continuous progress which because they had ages,
happened before been working all
another past they long.
Future will • Promises I will love you for tomorrow, next Sunday, next year,
• Offers ever. etc.
• Decisions at I will bring a glass
the moment of of water for you.
speaking I’ll call him now.
• Predictions I think it will rain
without tonight.

• Predictions I’m going to study tomorrow, next

Future Be Going with evidence medicine. year/Sunday/month/week, etc.
to • Plans It’s going to rain.
The sky is cloudy.

Present Arrangements and I’m meeting John this afternoon/evening/tonight, etc.

Continuous plans this afternoon.

Simple Present Timetables

(future The match starts
meaning) at 9. p.m.
The train leaves at

Future Actions in I can’t go out this I hope I will be living in my own flat
continuous progress in the weekend because soon.
future I will be studying What will you be doing tomorrow at
all the time. 11?
This time next month, this year,
Future Perfect Finished actions in By the end of the In two years’ time.
the future year I will have by Monday
finished all my by the end of the month/year

Shall • Offers – in Shall I bring you a

questions glass of water?
• Suggestions Shall we go for a

Future time As soon as she After the words: as soon as, when,
clauses arrives, tell her until, after, before,
that I want to talk
to her. We use a present tense, because the
When he finishes, future meaning is implicit in the
tell him to come. introductory words.
I will be here until
you come back.



We can express wishes about a present or a past situation.

A) Expressing wishes about a present situation.

Situation: I have a big nose. I don’t like it. I hate it.
I say: I wish I had a small nose. I wish I didn’t have a big nose.
If only I had a small nose. If only I didn’t have such a big nose!



B) Expressing wishes about a past situation.

Situation. The party was amazing. I didn’t go.
I say: I wish I had gone to the party
If only I had gone to the party!



C) Expressing wishes about other people/things

Situation : The people at the office always ask me personal questions. It’s so annoying for me!
I say: I wish the people at the office wouldn’t ask me personal questions.


D) Expressing wishes about something present that I or WE can’t do
Situation. I have no money. I can’t go on holidays.
I say: I wish I could go on holidays.


We express criticism when we criticize a past action. We can criticize our own past actions, or

somebody else’s past actions.

Situation. I didn’t study for the test. I failed.

I say: I should have studied.

Situation: I told her she was stupid.

I say: I shouldn’t have said to her that she was stupid.



We can make speculations about present, future and past situations. There are only three forms.





MUST + INFINITIVE MUST HAVE + Something that you know is true/was
Expressions: I’m sure, I’m positive,
I’m certain.

MIGHT/MAY/ + MIGHT/MAY + HAVE Something that is possible, likely. You

Expressions: It’s likely, It’s probable,

CAN’T + INFINITIVE CAN’T/COULDN’T Something that is impossible.

HAVE + PARTICIPLE Expressions: I’m certain, I’m sure,
I’m positive sth isn’t true. It’s


She must be a teacher. She is teaching the first conditional in that classroom.
She can’t run very fast. She is 84 years old.
She might be the director’s daughter, but I am not sure.
She might not speak Spanish very well, she is Chinese.
She must have been an excellent doctor. Everybody admired him.
She can’t/couldn’t have been an honest person. He has been in prison twice.
They might have read the novels, but I am not sure.
They might not have read the novels, they look nervous


• So + adjective

• So much + noun
• So many + noun
• Such + a/an + adjective + noun
• Such + adjective + plural noun


She was so beautiful that all the guys were in love with her.
There was so much work to do that I couldn’t have lunch.
There are so many things that I don’t understand!!
She was such a beautiful girl that all the guys were in love with her.
They were such fantastic singers that everybody wanted to listen to them.



a. What is used at the beginning of a sentence to give emphasis.

What I really like about her is that she is so sympathetic.

What I like best about him is his loyalty.
What I really hate is people who smoke.

b. Other uses
I didn’t know what to do.
I don’t know what you’re talking about.

To make a comment. In written English, we use a , before the word which

The train was really delayed, which was making us impatient.

The government ignores homeless people, which is a shame.

Upper - Intermediate Practice

6th year TEENS.


1. Make 2nd or 3rd conditional sentences.

1. I am irresponsible. I am always getting into trouble.

If ............................................................................................................................................
2. I didn’t ask for permission. My father got furious.
If ............................................................................................................................................
3. My mother didn’t feel well. They came back home earlier than planned.
If ............................................................................................................................................
4. My sister cried because I didn’t pay attention to her.
If ............................................................................................................................................
5. My father is disappointed because I am not a good boy.
If ............................................................................................................................................
6. We drank a lot. We all did crazy things.
If ............................................................................................................................................
7. We haven’t got a good map. We’re lost.
8. We didn’t have any matches. We couldn’t light a fire.
9. I didn’t wait another minute. I didn’t see you.
10. You left the door open. The cat got out.
11. I don’t speak French fluently. I won’t get the job.
12. He fell. He wasn’t wearing mountain boots.
13. I don’t know the answer. I can’t tell you.

14. He’s so obstinate. I argue with him all the time.

15. I can’t drive. I depend on public transport.

16. She didn’t shout. People didn’t realize she was there.
17. I run five kilometres a day. That’s way I’m so fit.
18. She told me lies. That’s why I got furious.
19. I work 14 hours a day. I feel exhausted at the end of the day.
20. I didn’t pay attention to the teacher’s explanations. That’s why I couldn’t answer any
21. I usually revise for my exams, otherwise I can’t remember anything.
22. She wore the wrong outfit. That’s why she was so out of place.

2. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form to make 3rd conditional sentences.

1. You ......................................... (laugh) if you ................................. (see) what happened.

2. It .................................... (be) cheaper if we ....................... (buy) the tickets on the Internet.
3. We ................................... (win) if our best player ........................... (be) injured.
4. If you ........................... (ask) me yesterday, I ................................ (change) my plans.
5. You ............................. (enjoy) the weekend if you ........................... (come) with us.

3. Make 3rd conditional sentences.

1. You reminded me. I didn’t forget.

2. This happened because you weren’t careful.
3. They were not killed because they wore their seat belts.

4. We missed the bus. We were late.

5. It rained. We didn’t go to the beach.
6. You told me it was him. That’s why I recognized him.
7. I bought it. I didn’t know you wouldn’t like it.
8. You didn’t see them. You should have arrived two minutes earlier.
9. You forgot the map. We got lost.
10. You helped me, that’s why I finished on time.


Write conditional sentences according to the prompts.

1. I ate too much last night. I’m not feeling very well now.

2. She’s got a fast car. She got here in less than two hours.

3. You only had a sandwich at lunch time. You’re hungry now.


4. You didn’t ask anyone for directions. We’re lost!


5. She loves him a lot. She forgave him.



1. She didn’t study hard. She won’t pass the exams.


2. You didn’t wake me up. Now I’m late for my appointment.


3. She isn’t well-qualified. She didn’t get the job.


4. We didn’t go to the restaurant. We don’t like fast food.


5. I don’t know them very well. I didn’t go to the party.


6. The driver isn’t careful. He crashed his car into a wall.


7. I didn’t buy tickets. We can’t go to the concert now.


8. He didn’t reserve a table. He has to wait for an hour.


9. Sue forgot to go to the bank. Now she can’t go shopping.


10. He committed a serious crime. He’s been in prison for the last two years.


1. You got up late. Now you are late for your meeting.
2. She isn’t hard-working. She didn’t pass the exam.
3. We didn’t go to the concert. We don’t like rock music.
4. She didn’t bring any money. Now, I have to pay for her.
5. I don’t know this city very well, so I didn’t go anywhere last night.
6. He isn’t at the conference because he wasn’t told about it.
7. They didn’t ask for directions. They are lost now.
8. He committed a serious offence. He is in prison.
9. He is feeling sick. He ate a lot last night.
10. That boy is so impolite. He insulted the teacher yesterday.

11. I didn’t remember his name. Now I feel embarrassed.

12. He is doing drugs. All his friends left him aside.
13. She was such a mysterious woman. Everybody remembers her now.
14. She feels depressed because she was sacked yesterday.

5. ALL CONDITIONALS. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. All
conditional types. Sometimes more than one type is possible.

1. She ....................................... (come) to dinner if we.................................(invite) her.

2. If you ........................... (lock) the door, the burglars...........................(not/get) in.

3. Joan ....................................(be able to) come to the party if she wasn’t working.

4. Paul...............................................(ruin) his shirt if he climbs that tree.

5. If Mark ..........................................(be) younger, he could join the army.

6. She would have stayed at home if she ................................(know) there would be so much

7. If you ....................................................(put) your keys in your pocket, you wouldn’t have lost

8. She will be here at eight unless she............................................ (lose) her way.

9. If I were you, I ............................................(not/go) out in this weather.

10. Emily ..........................................(call) me if she had changed her mind.

11. If you like Tom Cruise, you .................................................(love) this film.

12. Dave............................................(be) home at six o’clock, if he catches the five the o’clock

13. She didn’t phone me. I feel disappointed.

If she ........................................... (phone) me, I .................................... (feel) disappointed.

14. I don’t know the answers. I am not able to help you.

If I ................................ (know) the answers, I .....................................(be able to) help you.

15. The conditionals are difficult. I hate them.

If the conditionals .............................................. (not be) so difficult , I ..............................
(not/hate) them.

16. The teacher thinks we are really smart because we just got tens in our tests.
If we ....................................... (not get) just tens in our tests, the teacher .......................... (not
think) we are so smart.

17. Don’t touch the oven. You can get burnt.

If you ......................................... (touch) the oven, you .................................... (get) burnt.
18. I smoke a lot. I can’t breathe well.
If I ......................................... (not smoke) ............................, I .............................. (breathe)

19. I am a man. I can do one thing at a time.

If I .............................. (be) a man, I ........................ (can) do ....................................... at a time.

6. Right or wrong? Correct what is wrong.

1. I would have bought you a diamond ring if you had told me you liked jewels.
2. If you weren’t such an irresponsible person, you would have been promoted.
3. Unless you don’t come early, you won’t be able to get a seat tonight.
4. If you drink a lot, you get drunk, obviously.
5. If animals are able to speak they would tell us how complicated we are.
6. Call me tonight if you will want to go out.
7. If you had been thought before having your tattoo done, you wouldn’t regret it now.
8. I wouldn’t have spent the whole day cooking if you would have told me that you were not
coming to have dinner.
9. If I am a bit taller I will join the basketball team at university.
10. I would be a good swimmer now if I weren’t afraid of water all my life.


Express wishes or criticism, accordingly.

1. I had a party without my parents’ permission.

I should...................................................................................................................................
I wish …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. I took my father’s car without his permission. Now I have lots of problems!
I wish ..............................................................................................................................
I should ………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. We drank a lot. I have a headache now.
We should ..............................................................................................................................
If only………………………………………………………………………………………………………

4. I am an irresponsible person.
If only ....................................................................................................................................

Rewrite the sentences using the words given.

1. I think that not accepting their offer was a big mistake. How stupid I was! (should)
I ............................................................................................................... their offer.

2. She went out without her parents’ permission. They got furious. (should)
She ................................................................................................................ her parents’

3. The city is filthy. The local government does nothing about that. (wish)
I .............................................................................................................................................

4. I can’t find my keys! I can’t enter my house! (only)

If only .....................................................................................................................................

5. I didn’t go to university when I had the opportunity. Now I regret it. (wish)
I wish .................................................................................. when I had the opportunity.

6. My boyfriend is so mean. He never buys me presents or flowers or chocolates. I hate him.

I wish .............................................................................................................. so mean.

Rewrite these sentences.

1. I live in a big city. (and I don’t like it)

I wish_____________________________________________________________

2. I have to go to work tomorrow (but I’d like to stay in bed)

He says: “If only_____________________________________________________”

3. I have eaten too many sweets and now I feel sick.

The child says: “I wish________________________________________________”

4. When I was younger, I didn’t learn to play any musical instrument. (Now I regret it)
I regret__________________________________________________________

5. There was a good job advertised in the newspaper. I decided not to apply for it. Now I think
that my decision was wrong.
I should ___________________________________________________________
If only ____________________________________________________________

6. This hotel is absolutely horrible. The service is awful. The food is disgusting and the rooms
are full of insects!
I regret __________________________________________________________


Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice. Start with the words given.

1. They reported that the murderer is a local man.

It ......................................................................................................................a local man.

2. It is thought that the terrorists planted a bomb in a church.

The terrorists ..................................................................................................... in a church.

3. Someone has suggested that the girl was kidnapped when she was going out of school.
It ............................................................. the girl was kidnapped when she was going out of

4. People are saying that the criminal killed two policemen.

The criminal ...........................................................................................two policemen.

5. Everybody knows that the students cheated in the exam.

The students .....................................................................................................................

6. People expect that prices will go up next month.

It ........................................................................................... prices will go up next month.
Prices ........................................................................................... next month.

7. People have always considered difficult to learn a new language.

Learning a new language.................................................................................... difficult.
It .......................................................................................... difficult to learn a language.

8. It is being said that she had a romance with the president.

She .....................................................................................................................................

9. The police reported that the number of crimes in this city is increasing.
It .............................................................. the number of crimes in this city is increasing.

10. They are saying that they will give a prize to the young writer.
It ................................................. they will give a prize to the young writer.
It ............................................... that the young writer ........................................................

11. The government has offered a grant to the best students in the city.
The best students in the city ...............................................................................................

A grant ...............................................................................................................................

12. People say that she took the money from the drawer.
She ..........................................................................................the money from the drawer.
13. People say that women have a sixth sense.
It .........................................................................................................................................
Women ................................................................................................................................

14. People expect that he will win the race tomorrow.

It ............................................................................................................................................
He ..........................................................................................................................................

15. Somebody says that she can speak five languages.

It ............................................................................................................................................
She .........................................................................................................................................

16. The police believe that the jewels will be found soon.
It ............................................................................................................................................
The jewels ..............................................................................................................................

17. People are saying that the elections were a fraud.

It ............................................................................................................................................

18. Many people think that they will give her a prize.
It ............................................................................................................................................

19. They have announced that the world leaders got to an agreement.
It ............................................................................................................................................

20. People know that she is hiding somewhere.

It ............................................................................................................................................
She .........................................................................................................................................

21. People hope that the heavy rain will stop soon.
It ............................................................................................................................................
The heavy rain ......................................................................................................................

22. Many people feel that the situation will change.

It ............................................................................................................................................
The situation ..........................................................................................................................

23. They have reported that he is still committing crimes.

It ............................................................................................................................................
He ..........................................................................................................................................


1. Complete the sentences using modal verbs of deduction/speculation.

1. I’m sure she isn’t American. She doesn’t have an American accent.
She ……………………………………….……………………………. American.
2. I’m not sure if she’ll like the present.
3. The lights are on, so I’m sure he is at home.
He ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
4. I think perhaps this is their house.
This ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

2. Make your own speculations. Use the words in brackets.

1. He hasn’t seen me for ages. (not/remember me)

2. He sometimes sends me emails. (have Internet at home)
3. He is joking all the time. (not/serious)

4. He’s interested in History. (like this book)

5. He sometimes works late. (not at home/yet)
6. He gets up very early. (in bed/already)

7. He’s only thirteen. (not at university)

8. He’s not fit enough. (not a good sportsperson)
9. He never opens his mouth. (very shy)
10. He retired 10 years ago. (over 60)

Rewrite the following sentences.

1. I’m sure she has gone on holiday.
She ........................................................................................................on holiday.
2. It’s likely she has forgotten about the meeting.
She ............................................................................................about the meeting.
3. I’m certain he doesn’t know the secret.
He ......................................................... the secret.
4. I’m certain Mike hasn’t got a new car.
Mike .................................................................... a new car.
5. Perhaps he will be home soon.
He ............................................... home soon.
6. Perhaps we won’t stay in a hotel.
We ................................................. in a hotel.

7. I’m sure Susan has paid the phone bill.

Susan .......................................................... the phone bill.
8. I’m sure they don’t live here.
They ...................................................... here.
9. It’s possible she has been delayed in traffic.
She ............................................................. in traffic.
10. I’m sure they left the party early.
They ....................................................................... the party early.
11. I’m certain he didn’t call me.
He .......................................................... me.
12. It’s likely they have gone to the cinema.
They ........................................................................ to the cinema.
13. Perhaps they are asleep already.

They .............................................................. already.

14. I’m certain Marie sent you a birthday card.
Marie........................................................................ you a birthday card.

15. I’m sure she has been keeping secrets from me.
She ..................................................................................... secrets from me.
16. I’m certain she is looking for a new job.
She .................................................................................. a new job.
17. It’s likely he hasn’t been promoted.
He ................................................................................................
18. It’s possible she called while we were out.
She ...........................................................................................while we were out.
19. It’s likely we will go shopping this afternoon.
We ........................................................................................ this afternoon.
20. I’m sure David didn’t go to the supermarket.
David .................................................................................... to the supermarket.
21. I’m certain he is working at the library.
He the library.
22. Perhaps he is outside in the garden.
He ............................................................ outside in the garden.
23. It’s possible they didn’t receive our message.
They ............................................................................................ our message.
24. Perhaps she is visiting a friend.
She ....................................................................................... a friend.

Would rather, had better, it’s high time, wishes, conditionals

A - Correct the mistakes.

1. We would better go soon. .........................................................................................

2. It’s high time you tidy your bedroom.......................................................................
3. We’d better to do the washing up............................................................................
4. I’d rather the guests come at eight o’clock.............................................................
5. Unless you don’t study, you won’t pass the exams.................................................

6. I wish we would afford a new car............................................................................


7. If you will need any help, just call me. ..................................................................

B - There’s one extra word in each sentence. Which are they?

1. You’d better to apply to a university in your country..............................

2. As long as you will book early, you won’t have a problem finding a seat.........................

3. I wish if someone would do something about it.............................

4. John would rather his sister had made less noise every time she comes back from a


5. It’s high time Paul had stopped acting like a child.................................

6. They won’t let you in unless you will wear a suit and tie...........................

7. Unless you not ask him, he won’t come................................

8. Even if he offered to lend me the money, or I wouldn’t take it............................

9. I prefer playing cards than to playing board games.................................

10. Emma would rather to study Medicine than Chemistry................................

11. If they will practise hard, they may win the match....................................

12. You’d better do not be late for your interview....................................

C - Underline the correct tense.

1. I’d rather you did/had done your homework before you go out.

2. Supposing you had heard/had been heard telling me, what would have happened?

3. I wish I went/had gone to the library yesterday.

4. I would have made a cake if I know/had known you were coming.

5. It’s about time we employed/had employed some new staff.

6. If she had won/won the competition, she would have had a party.

7. I’d rather you didn’t interrupt/hadn’t interrupted me when I’m talking.

8. Suppose you saw/had seen a crime being committed, what would you do?

9. If only you told/had told me, I would have understood.

10. It’s high time you learnt/had learnt how to drive.

11. I’d rather you hadn’t misbehaved/didn’t misbehave at the party last night.

12. If you met/had met John now, you wouldn’t recognise him.

D - Paraphrasing

1. You will be late for school unless you leave now. (if)

2. I don’t think it’s a good idea to buy that jacket. (were)


3. I want to have a party, but my flat isn’t big enough. (wish)


4. You shouldn’t go out tonight; you have to go to school tomorrow. (better)


5. John would prefer to eat pizza rather than chips. (rather)


6. Jane regrets spending all that money on new clothes. (wishes)


7. Colin wishes he hadn’t missed the bus; now he is late for work. (missed)

8. You should write a letter to your boss. (better)


9. Why don’t you wipe your feet when you come back from the park? (would)

10. Sam would prefer to go out rather than stay at home. (rather)

11. If you don’t practise daily, you will never learn to play the piano. (unless)


1. Use “the” and a comparative to paraphrase these sentences.

a) If I walk fast I get out of breath.

b) If the house is tidy it’s nice to live in.

c) If you do a lot of practice you’ll play the piano better.

d) If we work hard we’ll finish sooner.
e) If we run fast we’ll get there quickly.
f) If we go to bed early we’ll get up early.
g) If the music is loud he’ll complain a lot.


Underline the correct word(s).

1 I like maths, even though / despite I’m not very good at it.

2 I went to the library to / for look for a book about art.

3 I phoned my boss in order to / so that he would know I wasn’t coming.

4 In spite of / Although the heavy traffic, we got to the airport on time.

5 I lent Jane some money, even though / despite I didn’t have much.

6 We took a taxi so as not to / to not be late.

Rewrite using a linker from the box.

in order not because of although in spite of so as to

1. We drank a lot of beer. As a result, we did crazy things.

We did crazy things .............................................................................................................

2. I acted very irresponsibly. My father forgave me.

My father forgave me ..........................................................................................................

3. I decided to pull my socks up. I don’t want to have more problems with my parents.

I decided to pull my socks up...............................................................................................


4. Although I love my girlfriend, I’m going to break up with her.


5. Some of my friends stayed at home. They wanted to help me to clean up the mess.

Some of my friends stayed at home .....................................................................................


1. I wrote down his name. I didn’t want to forget it. (in order not/so that)
2. I got up very early. I didn’t want to miss the bus. (so as not/so)
3. I didn’t study much. I failed the exam. (since/as a result)
4. I was sacked. I had stolen the money. (as a result/ because)
5. I turned off the television. I wanted to concentrate more. (so as to/so that.../as)
6. My son got awful marks. I don’t let him go out this week. (because of/because)
7. I drive carefully. I crashed my car. (in spite of/although)
8. I don’t like cooking. I can prepare excellent lasagne. (even though/despite/though)

Re write the sentences. Don’t change the meaning.

1. SPITE – The weather was awful. However, we insisted on going climbing.


2. ALTHOUGH – People still think that petrol is a never ending fuel. However, one day it will


3. IF- I don’t care about the environment. I am not ecology conscious.


4. TOO – It was really windy. It was impossible to go for a walk.


5. SUCH - The day was really hot. Nobody wanted to move.



a. Complete with so, or such a/an

1. I’m worried about Ally. She works................ hard!


2. Why did you buy ......................... expensive computer?

3. I like this restaurant. They always serve ..................... fantastic pizzas.
4. I didn’t know Alex was ......................... good student.
5. There were .................... many people at the talk! I felt really nervous.
6. I’ll be sorry to lose him. He’s been ..................... good client.
7. We didn’t expect the results of the exams to be ................. good in March.
b. Write one sentence with so or such (a/an)

1. It was a boring film. We left the cinema in the middle.

2. Her French accent is very good. She sounds like a native speaker.
3. He’s made a lot of money. He doesn’t know what to do with it all.
4. I was exhausted. I went to bed early.
5. The hotel was awful. We complained to the manager.
6. He’s boring. No one wants to sit next to him.
7. These students are really lazy. They won’t pass their exams.

Rewrite the following sentences. Don’t change the meaning.

1. My sister is really moody. You never know how she’s feeling!

(such) ..................................................................................................................................

2. My house is really big. There’s room for three families to live in it.
(enough) .............................................................................................................................

3. The air is contaminated here. People can’t breathe.

(too) ...................................................................................................................................

4. Although she studies really hard, she gets low marks.

(spite) .................................................................................................................................

5. Those men were really weak. They couldn’t move the piano.

(enough) .............................................................................................................................
(such) ..................................................................................................................................

Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets in the correct future form.
1. I can’t believe that in June we_______________________ married for 20 years! (be)
2. We ___________________ back before six unless we catch the earlier tr4ain. (not be)
3. Oh no! Look at that traffic jam! We ______________________ late! (be)
4. What do you think we _______________________ this time next year? (do)
5. I’ll tell you what the plans are as soon as I ___________________ them. (know)
6. By the end of this course you _______________________ 1,000 new words. (learn)
7. I can’t meet you at 9.00. I _________________my physics exam. It starts at 8.30. (do)
8. _____________ you___________________anywhere interesting this weekend? (go)
9. If we don’t hurry up, by the time we get there the concert _________________.(start)
10. Don’t forget we _______________ dinner at your sister’s this evening. (have)
11. I ___________________ all my homework after dinner – I promise! (do)
12. Do you think the flight __________________ on time? It took off a bit late. (arrive)
13. You’re sure to recognize me at the station. I ___________________ a pink tie. (wear)
14. When ___________________your car? It looks really dirty. (wash)
15. Don’t phone me between 5 and 7. I ____________________ the cup final. (watch)
16. Don’t worry about your dog. I _________________ it while you’re away. (look after)

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.

1. I’ll go to the dentist if I ................................. (have) time.

2. A What do you think you ......................................... (do) this time next year?
B I’ll probably be at university.

3. A This time tomorrow we ........................................... (finish) the exam.

B I can’t wait!

4. A We’re going to be late.

B Do you think so? OK. I ........................................ (call) a taxi.

5. A I ............................................ (fail) the exam next week. I haven’t done any work.
B Never mind. You can take it again next year.

6. A David was really angry about what I did.


B Don’t worry. By Monday he ............................................. (forget) all about it.

7. A Don’t come round in the afternoon as I ......................................... (be) at the doctor’s

B All right. I’ll come in the morning.

8. I’ll phone you as soon as she ........................................... (arrive).

9. We’ll come for a walk tomorrow if we ........................................(not work).

10. A Are you coming to the meeting in the afternoon?
B No, I can’t. I ..........................................(go) out for a long lunch with the boss.

Read about comedian Rowan Atkins. Complete the gaps with the correct tense.

‘Rowan 1. ........used to be......... (be) shy with a rubbery face, just like the one he has now,’ says
his former headmaster. ‘The other boys 2. .................................. (make) him pull funny faces.
I’m sure they 3. ........................................ (be) imitations of me and my colleagues.’ Adds
headmaster Grove.
Rowan was born in 1995, the youngest of three sons. By the time he was thirteen, he
4. ............................................................. (win) a scholarship to a private school. After he
5. .................................................. (study) there for a while, he got involved in acting. By the time
he was seventeen, he 6. ..........................................................
(already/act) in a play in Edinburgh Festival. His teachers 7.
.................................................................. (predict) a future in acting,
but despite this, Rowan still 8...................................................... (not
plan) a career in entertainment.

He eventually 9. ............................................................. (go) to Oxford to do a science degree. He

10. .................................................... (previously/study) electronic engineering at New Castle
University and 11. ............................................... (believe) that was where his future lay. But
while he 12.................................................. (study) at Oxford, he met a group of friends who are
his partners to this day.
A happy accident finally unlocked Rowan’s talents while he 13................................................
(practise) a script in 1976. He 14................................................ (play) around pulling faces for
ten minutes in front of a mirror when he realised what he 15.............................................. (do). ‘I
discovered my face, he said later. John Lloyd, a BBC producer, says, ‘It was one of those things
which happen very rarely in your life, when you realise you are in the presence of genius. I
16.......................................... (convince) he would be more famous than Chaplin.


1) Tick (✓) A, B, or C to complete the sentences.

Example: Our new kitchen and bathroom ________ this week.
A are installing B are being installed ✓ C are installed

1 If I ________ you by Sunday, go to the match without me.

A ’m not phoning B haven’t phoned C won’t phone
2 If you like crime stories, you ________ the book I’m reading.
A had love B love C ’ll love

3 The burglars ________ to prison for a very long time.

A were sending B will be sent C will send

4 The man ________ to prison for several years.

A will go probably B will likely go C will probably go

5 It ________ that the murderer escaped in stolen car.

A is believing B is believed C believes

6 They ________ building the new shopping centre by the end of the year.
A ’ll be finish B ’ll have finished C ’ve been finished

7 By the time you read this message, ________ on the beach in Spain.
A I’m going to lie B I’ll be lying C I’ll lie

8 Six paintings ________ from the art gallery late last night.
A are being stolen B were stolen C have been stolen

9 The bank ________ three times this year.

A has been robbed B is robbed C has robbed

10 I’ll come with you to Dan’s party if I ________anything else to do.

A wouldn’t have B don’t have C won’t have

11 Don’t come round at the weekend because I ________ for my exams.

A ’ll have studied B ’ll study C ’ll be studying

12 If you ________ red and white, you get pink.

A will mix B mix C are mixing

13 This time next year, Sue and Jeff ________ for 50 years.
A will be marrying B will have been married C will be married

14 We ________ to France next weekend. Do you want me to bring you anything back?
A ’ll be gone B ’ll have gone C ’ll be going

15 The thieves are thought ________ at least five million dollars.

A to have taken B to take C that they have taken

16 We ________ the exam by three o’clock, so I’ll meet you at 3.30.

A ’ll have finished B ’ve been finishing C ’ll finish

17 If you ________ a tiger, you can’t imagine how scary they are.
A ’ve never seen B will never see C don’t see

18 Take some sandwiches as you’re ________ hungry on the journey.

A probably to get B likely get C likely to get

19 You won’t get in to university ________ you pass your exams.

A unless B after C in case
20 Take your coat with you ________ it gets colder later.
A in case B until C unless

21 I played really badly in the match! I wish I ________ good at sport.

A had been B was C would be

22 The company are expanding ________ increase their market share.

A for B so that C in order to

23 I wish my brother ________ so untidy! His room is always in a mess.

A weren’t B wouldn’t be C hadn’t been

24 I borrowed some money ________ I could buy some new jeans.

A so as B so that C for

25 I wish I ________ to that new hairdresser’s. They cut my hair really badly.
A wouldn’t have gone B hadn’t gone C didn’t go

26 ________ the rain, we had a great time.

A Although B In spite of C Even though

27 I wish I ________ the piano. I think I might have lessons.

A had played B could play C would play

28 ________ that I don’t like parties, I quite enjoyed myself.

A Despite the fact B Although C Even though

29 I like physics, ________ I sometimes find it difficult.

A in spite of B though C despite

30 Sam arrived at nine o’clock ________ a meeting with his tutor.

A for B so as to C to

31 Ben left work early ________ miss the start of the show.
A to not B so as not to C in order not

32 I wish I ________ to the concert last night. It sounds like you had a great time.
A had gone B went C would go

33 I ________ Susan likes the CD I bought her for her birthday.

A wish B would C hope


Spot the mistakes and correct them. Some sentences have more than one

1. She told to make an effort and try to understand the problem.

2. The boss remind him not to be late because of the meeting was very important.
3. She told us to stopped playing and starting working.
4. The officer warned him parking in the right place or he would fine him.
5. I had being looking for the documents for ages, then I realised I had threw them away the
night before.
6. Some students are going to given a prize for their perfect attendance during the school year.
7. They had been argueing for more than two hours when eventually they agreed with going to
sleep and continue the following day.
8. I’m not sure now but I think I remember to be told to bring a photocopy of my ID.
9. The man braked the car abruptly so as to avoid to crash in a tree.
10. Despite he was hungry, the child refused not to eat his vegetables.
11. The more she works, the most money she will earn.
12. I’m going to have redecorated my new house.
13. She might have not spoken to him about the problem.
14. She apologized that she hadn’t studied.
15. They went sailing in spite of the weather was awful.
16. You should spoken to your boss about what happened.
17. Teenagers are said that they enjoy dancing and going out a lot.
18. That is so a stressful job that nobody wants to work there.
19. It took me a long time to get used to live in a flat.
20. Generally speaking, people has a negative attitude towards politics.

Each sentence has a word that shouldn’t be there. Spot it and cross it out.

1. I will call you as soon as I will come home.

2. I have to tell you something very much important.
3. They usually ask a lots of questions.

4. We started working despite of not having all the necessary information to write the report.
5. My nephews are such an impolite children that it’s impossible to control them.
6. I think that learning English is much more easier than learning French.
7. The men are said to be practical and sensible, but I don’t agree.
8. In some countries in the world people eat insects; which it is disgusting, I think.
9. The meal was so really good that we all want to come back to that restaurant soon.
10. We were able to enter to the restaurant after having waited for more than one hour.
Paraphrasing I

1. My mother is always telling me what to do, I can’t stand it. WISH


2. They produce 25,000 new cars every day in the USA. ARE

3. She started cooking two hours ago. HAS


4. I shouldn’t have said that, it was a mistake. WISH


5. His leg was injured, but he carried on walking. ALTHOUGH


6. They opened a new restaurant. WAS


7. It’s a pity that we don’t have enough money for the trip. HAD

8. The front door was locked. SOMEONE


9. They say he’s living in the west. TO


10. Many people think that the aborigines are primitive and inferior people. BE

11. Tourists keep coming here despite the terrible weather. ALTHOUGH

12. Even though they quarrel regularly, they still say they love each other. DESPITE

13. I’ve never met such an interesting person. MOST


14. Three years ago he started working for a company. HAS


15. People saw David drinking in Coyote. SEEN



16. A man from our village was on TV last night. I teach his children. WHOSE

17. He was a really good actor. Everybody admired him. SUCH


18. The engineers are building two tunnels. BEING


19. ‘Stop shouting’ the headmaster said to the children. TO


20. It’s impossible that they spoke last night. He was with me. HAVE

Paraphrasing II

Use the words given to rewrite these sentences. Don’t change the meaning.

1. I’m sure that he gave a very good impression to them because he was hired immediately.
He .................................................................... a very good impression to them because he was
hired immediately.

2. She said that she was in love with him. However, the counsellor advised her to get divorced.

3. I’m sure that she didn’t tell you anything about her problems. She promised not to do it.
She ........................................................... anything about her problems. She promised not to do

4. I got married when I was only 20. Now I regret it. (should)
I ........................................................................... when I was only 20.

5. The manager chose the oldest candidate. He had a lot of experience in the job. (because
The manager chose the oldest candidate ................................................................................

6. I usually arrive home early. I want to have a shower and go to bed. (so that)
I usually arrive home early ........................................................... a shower and go to bed.

7. My friend is so fashionable that she spends fortunes on clothes and shoes. (such)
My friend is ............................................................................. she spends fortunes on clothes and

8. I booked a holiday in Bahamas. I want to relax and have some fun. (order)
I booked a holiday in Bahamas ......................................................................................

9. He is ugly and bad-tempered. But I love him anyway.


Despite the fact ...............................................................................................................

10. If you are fashionable, you spend a lot of money on clothes. (the... the)
The ...................................................................................................................................

11. It is said that the new president is a vegetarian.

The new president ..................................................................................... a vegetarian.

12. I didn’t go to the meeting because nobody had told me about it. (if)
I ...........................................................................................................................................

13. It has been reported that the union traders continue demonstrating.
The union traders ..................................................................................................................

Paraphrasing III

1. If they don’t give me another opportunity, I will have to re- attend the course.

2. I didn’t study, that’s why I failed the exam.

I wouldn’t_______________________________________________________

3. It was a mistake to sit the exam without studying.

I wish __________________________________________________________

4. I didn’t have any help to prepare the exam

I should____________________________________________________________

5. I can’t do what I want. I won’t be able to go out with my friends for a month.
If only___________________________________________________________

6. He’s got a really bad temper. That’s why nobody likes him.
(Because of) ___________________________________________________

7. I’ll take a taxi in order not to arrive late to the meeting.

(so as not to) ________________________________________________________

8. Although he’s an extremely intelligent young man, he gets bad marks.

(In spite of)________________________________________________________

9. I went to the garage. I will have my car repaired there.

(to) ___________________________________________________________

10. The exam was really difficult. Nobody could solve exercise three.

Gerunds & Infinitives. Put the verbs in the right form.

1. ........................................................ on your own can be dangerous late at night. (walk)

2. He can’t afford ....................................................... the fine. (pay)

3. After ....................................... in prison for 20 years he found it very

hard................................ in the real world. (be, live)
4. The police accused me of ................................................... at a red light. (not stop)
5. When I realized that my wallet had been stolen I didn’t know where ...................... (go)
6. It’s important ........................ your doors and windows before you go on holiday. (lock)
7. Psychologists think that ............................................... violent videos makes some children
become interested in ..................................................................... crimes. (watch, commit)
8. When I saw the burglar I didn’t know what .............................................................. (do)
9. I really don’t know how ............................................................. this! (explain)
10. He’s looking forward to .................................................................. out of prison. (come)

1. We didn’t mean ........................................... (interrupt) you.

2. Being a doctor means ............................................ (work) long hours.
3. She tried ............................................... (finish) her homework, but it was too difficult.
4. You should try .......................................... (eat) more fruit. It’s good for your health.
5. He regrets ................................................... (argue) with his best friend.
6. We regret .................................... (inform) you that tonight’s performance will be cancelled.
7. Oh, no! I forgot .......................................... (lock) the front door.
8. I’ll never forget ......................................... (meet) my favourite film star.
9. Claire likes .....................................(ski). She says it’s very exciting.
10. I like ................................... (go) to the dentist every six months.
11. I must remember ......................................... (send) these e-mails today.
12. I remember ....................................................... (read) the book, but I don’t know who wrote
13. We stopped .............................. (buy) some food before continuing our journey.

When one verb follows another, the first verb determines the form of the second.
This is either the gerund or the infinitive (with or without ‘to’). Here is a list of the
most common first verbs. What’s the form of the second verb? Put them in the right

avoid be able can choose decide enjoy expect fancy hate keep on imagine
let (me) love make (me) manage may might (don’t) mind miss must need
plan practise promise refuse seem should stop tend want would like

....................... to go ........................ go ........................ going


Remember that there are other times when you need to know whether to use a
gerund or the infinitive. Put the verbs in the right form.

1. .............................................. on your own can be dangerous late at night. (walk)

2. He can’t afford ....................................... the fine. (pay)
3. After ................................... in prison for 20 years he found it very hard.......................... in
the real world. (be, live)
4. The police accused me of ................................ at a red light. (not stop)
5. When I realized that my wallet had been stolen I didn’t know where ...................... (go)
6. It’s important ..................... your doors and windows before you go on holiday. (lock)
7. Psychologists think that ...................... violent videos makes some children become
interested in .......................... crimes. (watch, commit)
8. When I saw the burglar I didn’t know what ..................................... (do)
9. I really don’t know how ............................... this! (explain)
10. He’s looking forward to ......................... out of prison. (come)

2. Complete the gaps using the correct form of the verbs in CAPITAL

1. It’s very expensive …………………………………..………….. a flat in the centre. RENT

2. She’s worried about …………………………….……… …………… the exam. FAIL
3. ……………………………………………………………. an only child is a bit boring. BE
4. It’s easy ……………………………………………. the way if you look at the map. FIND
5. He’s terrible at ………………………..……….. languages. LEARN
6. He’s gone to the US ……………………….……………. in his uncle’s store. WORK
7. My teacher makes us ………………………………….………………. a lot. STUDY
8. John and Sue are planning ………………………………………….. soon. GET MARRIED

9. Carol left without ……………………………………………….goodbye. SAY

10. ………………………….. by plane is quite expensive. TRAVEL
11. I’m trying ………………………………….. a new flatmate. FIND
12. It’s difficult …………………………………when you’re worried. SLEEP
13. I went to the supermarket……………………….. some vegetables. GET
14. She doesn’t mind ………………………… but she hates …………………………….. COOK, SHOP
15. Mark’s good at ……………………………………. He’d like ………………………………. an architect.


1-They weren’t _____________________ to open their presents until Christmas morning.

2- Will you _________________________ me go to the party if I promise to be home by

12.00 pm?

3- I am never ____________________________ to do anything I want. It’s not fair.

4- The police tried to __________________________ him tell them where his friend was,
but he didn’t say a word.

5- Don’t ________________________ him escape! It is he who stole the money!

6- The authorities ___________________________ him pay for the damage he had

caused to the car

7- I am afraid that you’re never going to be __________________ to have a party in this

house again.

8- After five years in prison, the man was ________________________ to go home.

9-After five years in prison, they _____________________________ the man go home.

10-The judge ______________________ him spend five years in prison before letting him
go home.

2. Paraphrasing

1- My parents didn’t use to let me go dancing when I was young. (be allowed to)

2- The teacher lets us speak Spanish. (be allowed to)


3- My daughter isn’t allowed to stay up late at night. (let)



4- The students have to wear a uniform at school. (make)


5- I have to help with the homework every day. (make)

My mother________________________________________________________

6- Jo can’t go out during the week. (let)

Jo’s parents_______________________________________________________

7- I had to open my suitcase at the customs. (make)

The customs officer__________________________________________________

8- Do you let your kids watch television late at night? (be allowed to)

9-When I was a child, I had to take out the rubbish and make the beds. (make)When I was a
child, my mother___________________________________


a) Right or Wrong? Correct the wrong sentences.

1. When I was a child I was playing in the street a lot.

2. She used to have short hair but now it’s long.

3. Nowadays at weekends I use to stay at home.

4. You didn’t used to smoke, did you?

5. Where did you use to live when you were a child?

6. There use to be a cinema there but it closed down.

7. He doesn’t like taking his car abroad because he’s not used to drive on the right.

8. I don’t like the flat I’ve just rented. It’s tiny, and I can’t get used to living with so little space.

9. How long did it take you to get use to work nights?

10. I had too much lunch. I’m not used to eating so much at midday.

b) Complete the sentences with used to/didn’t use to, (don’t) usually, be/not be used

to, or get used to.

1. Foreign visitors to Spain find it difficult to ................................. having dinner at 9.30 pm.

2. Before I ....................................... like living alone, in fact I hated it. Now I, and I prefer being on my own.

3. I didn’t recognize you! You .................................... wear glasses, do you?

4. I’m a farmer, so I ........................................... getting up early. I’ve been doing it for years.

5. New parents often take a long time to ......................................... living with a small baby.

6. I always ......................................drink a lot of coffee, but now I only drink herb teas.

7. I ........................................... work by myself until I joined this company, so I

............................................ working in a team. I find it quite difficult.

8. I don’t think I’ll ever in the city. I’ve always loved the country.

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