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Trace the turbulent history of Britain's monarchy from 1066 to the present day



Welcome to
Book of

The date is 14 October 1066, and the battlefield at Hastings lies
bloodied, littered with the remains of Harold II’s ruined army,
with Harold himself defeated by an arrow to the eye. William the
Conqueror has just earned his famous title, and with it, the crown
of England. This is where our story begins – the fascinating tale of
Britain’s monarchy. In this new edition of Book of British Royals,
you’ll discover incredible facts about every king and queen of
Britain from 1066 to the present day, and uncover the truth
behind royal scandals, conflicts and triumphs. From the bloody
battles of Hastings, Bosworth and Agincourt, to the treacherous
political courts of the Tudors and Stuarts, trace the turbulent
history of Britain’s royal bloodline from its beginnings right up to
the present, longest-reigning monarch with Queen Elizabeth II.
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Part of the

bookazine series
British Royals 96

8 The birth of 52 Henry IV
the British How the Battle of Shrewsbury
finally cemented Henry’s reign
How the union of England and
Scotland shaped the monarchy 54 Henry V
Why the Battle of Agincourt was
a defining moment for this king
12 William I
The famous conqueror, and the
60 Henry VI 32
story of his momentous reign
A shy, charitable king, who was 18
never destined for greatness
16 William II
Discover the story of this hard-
hearted soldier-king 64 Edward IV
Stylish and promiscuous, the king
who began the War of the Roses
18 Henry I
A king who was keen to rule
66 Edward V
A ‘Prince in the Tower’ whose fate
20 King Stephen has never been discovered
The unfortunate king’s history of
usurpation and civil war
68 Richard III
A notoriously ruthless king, and
22 Henry II the last of the Plantagenets
Kicking off the Plantagenet
dynasty with style
74 Henry VII
24 Richard I
The tale of Lionheart’s reign
Bosworth’s victor, Henry laid the
foundations of the Tudor dynasty 146 68
32 King John 80 Henry VIII
The tale of a warrior king with a
The controversial king with a bone to pick with the church
strong legacy – the Magna Carta

38 Henry III 88 Edward VI

Henry VIII’s precious only son,
A boy-king who grew into one of who died all too early
the longest-reigning monarchs

40 Edward I 90 Lady Jane Grey

The tragic tale of the young
A tale of conquest that led to the queen of just nine days
consolidation of democracy

42 Edward II 92 Mary I
How the first Tudor queen gained
One of history’s most unpopular her ‘Bloody Mary’ moniker
kings, and his murderous end

44 Edward III 96 Elizabeth I

A turbulent reign from one of
A mightily successful ruler and history’s great women
military leader

46 Richard II 106 James I

The King of England and
Immortalised by Shakespeare, but Scotland, subject to a failed
consumed by revenge murder attempt

118 Contents


136 George III

A British-born patriot with good
intentions, but poor results

140 George IV
How ‘Georgie Porgie’ followed
the tumultuous reign of his
king father
112 Charles I
How the first king to be convicted
of treason met his end
144 William IV
The true rebel king of Britain’s
history, and his fascinating story
116 Charles II
A controversial ruler with
mistresses and disastrous wars
146 Queen Victoria
The fearsome queen who
consolidated the Empire
118 James II
The ruler whose beliefs meant he
was ousted by his own family
154 Edward VII
Victoria may not have approved
of him, but the population did
120 William III &
Mary II 156 George V
The dynamic duo who took the A monarch whose reign was
throne from the Catholic king defined by the conflict of WWI

124 Queen Anne 162 Edward VIII

A queen who longed for power The king known better for his
beyond her own capability abdication than his short reign

128 George I 166 George VI

The king that couldn’t speak A king who famously conquered
English and warred with the Scots problems with speech

132 George II 170 Elizabeth II

Disliked by his family, George II The current monarch, whose
sought approval from the people reign has been record-breaking

British Royals

The birth
of the
Discover how the union of England and Scotland
shaped the line of succession and the modern
British monarchy

he United Kingdom of Great Britain has through the Act of Settlement that Catholics
not always been united, or known as Great were to be prohibited from inheriting the throne,
Britain for that matter. Prior to 1707, this and so Sophia of Hanover, a Protestant and the
seemingly small island in the North Atlantic granddaughter of James VI and I, would become
had been divided for centuries. England Queen Anne’s heir. Although Anne had many
(including Wales) and Scotland were in fact two direct Catholic descendants, she had no surviving
independent countries, and it wasn’t until the children. Sophia of Hanover was her closest
passing of the Treaty of Union through both protestant relative, which meant in 1714, when
Parliaments in 1707 that the two kingdoms united, Queen Anne died, the House of Stuart dynasty
officially marking the birth of Great Britain, and as came to an end as the House of Hanover succeeded
a result, its monarchy. the throne.
The first sovereign to rule over Great Britain was By this time, however, Sophia of Hanover
Queen Anne. Officially she had reigned as queen of had died aged 83, and so her eldest son George
both countries for five years prior to the Treaty, as inherited the crown and became King George I of
both the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of Great Britain. George’s succession was controversial,
Scotland had shared a monarch since 1603, when as many people hadn’t agreed with the protestant
King James VI of Scotland inherited the English succession that had been outlined in the Act of
throne from Queen Elizabeth I through relation. Settlement, and as a result riots were documented
This was known officially as the Union of Crowns. across England in opposition to his coronation.
It was the Treaty of Union, however, that united the Despite the initial hostility, George I reigned as king
monarchy under one crown, and then eventually up until his death in 1727. During his reign, Britain
one government. began to modernise and a cabinet government was
Due to the treaty, Queen Anne was the first and formed, which meant that the monarchy held less Queen Elizabeth II, the current
last monarch from the House of Stuart dynasty power over political affairs. monarch of Great Britain,
leaving Westminster Abbey as
to rule over the United Kingdom of Great Britain. George’s son and heir George II succeeded to part of a procession after her
coronation on 3 June 1953
Six years prior to 1707, in 1701, it had been decided the throne in October 1727 after his father’s death.

The birth of the British monarchy

of Union
How England and Scotland
united to form Great Britain
and the British monarchy
The United Kingdom of Great Britain
was officially formed in 1707, when the
Parliaments of England and Scotland
passed the Treaty of Union agreement.
Prior to this date, England (including
Wales) and Scotland were independent
countries that had two separate
governments. The Treaty of Union was
designed to merge the Kingdoms of
England and Scotland together, creating
the United Kingdom of Great Britain.
Negotiations to unite the countries
began in 1705 under the reign of the
English and Scottish monarch Queen
Anne, although there had been several
failed tempts prior to this date. 31
commissioners were appointed by each
Parliament to negotiate the terms, and
talks began on 16 April 1706 at the
Cockpit-in-Court in London. After a
few days, the Treaty was finalised on
22 July 1706, and two separate acts of
union were to be passed through each
government before it was put into effect.
The first act of union, known as the
Union with Scotland Act, was passed
by the Parliament of England in 1706,
with the second, the Union with England
Act, being passed by the Parliament of
Scotland shortly after in 1707.
The treaty itself consisted of 25
articles, with two stating that one
monarch was to rule over Great Britain
and a single unified Parliament of Great
Britain was to be formed. In addition
to this, agreements regarding trading
between England and Scotland were
set, alongside the decision to introduce
a common currency. On 1 May 1707,
England and Scotland officially united.
The union between Great Britain
and Ireland, however, did not occur for
another 93 years. It was during the reign
of King George III that in 1800, Great
Britain and the Kingdom of Ireland united
to form what is now known as the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
To signify the union, the Union Flag
incorporated the St Patrick’s Cross.

The official copy of the Treaty of

Union, ratified by the parliaments of
England and Scotland in 1707

British Royals

Crowned golden lion

George II’s own son and heir apparent, Frederick Royal coat of arms Tying the royal coat of arms altogether at the top is the royal helm,
Louis, Prince of Wales, was next in line to become How the royal coat of arms crest and mantling, which appear directly above the shield. A
crowned golden lion faces sideways, looking out, at the very top.
king. Frederick, however, died unexpectedly in represents the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and its monarchy
1751. This mean that in 1760, after King George II’s The shield
death, Frederick’s eldest son inherited the crown, The central shield represents the different parts of the United
Kingdom. The two opposite quarters that bear three lions stand
becoming George III. for England. The second quarter, which features a roaring red lion,
It was during George III’s reign that Great Britain details the arms of Scotland. And the third, which features a golden
harp, represents the arms of Ireland.
and Ireland united, changing his official title to
King George III of the United Kingdom of Great Arms of Dominion
The royal coat of arms is officially
Britain and Ireland. George III was also the first known as the Arms of Dominion,
monarch of Great Britain since its formation in and is used to identify the current
British monarch. The imagery reflects
1707 to be born and raised in the country he ruled. the history of the country and the
monarchy it represents.
While sovereign, George saw Britain through many
military conflicts, including the Battle of Waterloo
The supporters
in 1815. His early reign was considered successful. The English lion that
appears on the left-hand
However, he is often remembered through history side of the shield is known
for the mental illness that plagued him in later as the Dexter supporter,
while the Scottish unicorn
life, which as a result earned him his nickname on the right is known as
‘Mad George’. During his illness, his son and heir the Sinister supporter. Both
stand on top of the green
apparent, George the Prince of Wales, served as compartment, which shows
Prince Regent – a position that enabled him to the Scottish thistle, Irish
shamrock and English rose.
exercise full power as king while his father was
incapacitated. This period is known as the Regency Mottos
in British history, and Regent’s Park, as well as Below the compartment
appears the sovereign’s
Regent Street in London, was named after him. motto ‘Dieu et mon droit’,
which stands for ‘God and
Upon George III’s death in 1820, his son, the Prince my right’. And around the
of Wales, inherited the throne and was titled King shield, along the blue belt
reads, ‘Honi Soit qui mal y
George IV of the United Kingdom of Great Britain pense’ (‘Evil to him who evil
and Ireland. thinks’), which symbolises
the ancient Knighthood, the
George IV reigned as king for ten years, and Order of the Garter.
upon his own passing, had no legitimate issue to
inherit the throne. His younger brother, William IV,
who was third in line to the throne during George Scottish royal coat of arms
III’s reign, became King. William himself reigned Scotland has its own version of the lion, as opposed to a gold one, appears on
for a relatively short period of time (1830-1837), and royal coat of arms. This features two top holding a banner that reads ‘In Defens’
also had no surviving legitimate children at the representations of Scotland as apposed to (‘In defence’). The motto of the Order of
one, and the unicorn appears as the Dexter the Thistle sits along the compartment and
time of his death. He was succeeded by his young
holding the Scottish flag, while the lion is reads ‘Nemo me immune lacessit’ (‘No one
niece Victoria, Prince Edward, Duke of Kent and the Sinister holding the English flag. A red attacks me with impunity’).
Strathearn’s daughter, who was only 18 at the time.

Anne George III William IV

Name: Anne Name: George William Frederick Name: William Henry
Birth/death: 6 February 1665 – 1 August 1714 Birth/death: 4 June 1738 – 29 January 1820 Birth/death: 21 August 1765 –
Reign: 1 May 1707 – 1 August 1714 Reign: 25 October 1760 – 29 January 1820 20 June 1837
Dynasty: House of Stuart Dynasty: House of Hanover Reign: 26 June 1830 – 20 June 1837
Queen Anne had reigned as Queen of England and George III became King of Great Britain in 1760, after Dynasty: House of Hanover
Scotland since 1702. However, the signing of the inheriting the throne from his grandfather King George King William IV was the third son of King
Treaty of Union in 1707 meant she became the first II. During his reign, Great Britain and Ireland united to George III; he inherited the throne from
monarch of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. officially form the United Kingdom of Great Britain and his eldest brother, King George IV, who
Ireland, and in 1815, Britain defeated Napoleon at the had no legitimate issue at the time of
Battle of Waterloo. his death. Upon William’s death in 1837,
his 18-year-old niece Victoria inherited
the throne.

Monarchs of a united Great Britain

George I George II George IV
Name: George Louis Name: George Augustus Name: George Augustus Frederick
Birth/death: 28 May 1660 – 11 June 1727 Birth/death: 30 October 1683 – 25 October 1760 Birth/death: 12 August 1762 – 26 June 1830
Reign: 1 August 1714 – 11 June 1727 Reign: 11 June 1727 – 25 October 1760 Reign: 29 January 1820 – 26 June 1830
Dynasty: House of Hanover Dynasty: House of Hanover Dynasty: House of Hanover
King George I was the first monarch from the House of George II was the last British monarch to be born King George IV inherited the throne from his
Hanover. He inherited the throne from Queen Anne, due to outside of Great Britain. He ascended the throne father George III after serving as Prince Regent
the Act of Settlement in 1701, which stated only Protestants upon the death of his father George I. His eldest for nine years previously, due to his father’s
could reign. By the time of Queen Anne’s passing in 1714, son and heir apparent Frederick died, leading to his mental illness. George IV’s only legitimate issue,
George I was her closest protestant relative. grandson George III inheriting the throne. Princess Charlotte of Wales, died in 1817.

The birth of the British monarchy

Queen Elizabeth II became the longest reigning

British monarch in September 2015 when she
surpassed the previous record, held by Queen
Victoria. Victoria inherited the throne in 1837 and
reigned for 63 years until her death in 1901. She
remains one of the most famous British monarchs
in history. During her reign, also known as the
Victorian era, Great Britain modernised, thanks to
the industrial revolution and changes to politics,
the military, science and culture. Victoria was
also the last monarch to reign from the House of
Hanover. Her son and successor King Edward VII
reigned (1901-1910) customarily under his father’s
dynastic name, the House of Saxe-Coburg and
Gotha. In 1917, however, seven years after Edward
VII’s son George V inherited the throne, the house
name was changed to Windsor as result of World
War I (1914-1918) and anti-German sentiment.
The current British monarchy still reigns under
the House of Windsor name today, and it was
first inherited by George V’s son and successor,
Edward VIII, in 1936. As the only monarch since
the union of Great Britain in 1707 to abdicate the
throne, Edward VIII reigned for less than a year.
His decision to abdicate was a result of his wish
to marry the divorced American socialite, Wallis
Simpson, which at the time caused outcry and
conflicted with his role as the Head of the Church
of England. Upon Edward’s abdication, his brother
Albert ascended to the throne, and was formally
styled King George VI.
Due to George VI’s succession, his eldest
daughter Elizabeth became heir apparent to the
throne. In 1952, she became Queen Elizabeth II
upon her father’s death. Elizabeth II is the current
monarch of Great Britain and the longest reigning
sovereign in British history. In 2012 she celebrated
A portrait of King George III. He reigned from
1760-1820, but suffered from mental illness, her Diamond Jubilee, after 60 years as Queen, and
resulting in a regency being established in 1811
she celebrated her 90th birthday in 2016.

Victoria Edward VIII George VI

Name: Alexandrina Victoria Name: Edward Albert Christian George Name: Albert, Frederick Arthur George
Birth/death: 24 May 1819 – 22 January 1901 Andrew Patrick David Birth/death: 14 December 1895 –
Reign: 20 June 1837 – 22 January 1901 Birth/death: 23 June 1894 – 28 May 1972 6 February 1952
Dynasty: House of Hanover Reign: 20 January 1936 – 11 December Reign: 11 December 1936 –
Reigning for over 63 years up until her death 1936 6 February 1952
in 1901, Queen Victoria was the longest- Dynasty: House of Windsor Dynasty: House of Windsor
reigning monarch until Elizabeth II. Victoria Edward VIII was the only British monarch George VI reigned as King of Great Britain
was known as the ‘Grandmother of Europe’ to abdicate, after Parliament opposed his until his death in 1952. During his reign, Great
after most of her children were married off Britain went to war with Nazi Germany, Ireland
intent to marry Wallis Simpson.
into European royal families. declared itself a republic, and the British
Empire transitioned into the Commonwealth
of Nations.

Edward VII George V Elizabeth II
Name: Albert Edward Name: George Frederick Ernest Albert Name: Elizabeth Alexandra Mary
Birth/death: 9 November 1841 – 6 May 1910 Birth/death: 3rd June 1865 – 20th January Birth/death: 21 April 1926 – present day
Reign: 22 January 1901 – 6 May 1910 1936 Reign: 1952 – present day
Dynasty: House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha Reign: 6th May 1910 – 20th January 1936 Dynasty: House of Windsor
Queen Victoria’s eldest son and heir inherited the Dynasty: House of Windsor Queen Elizabeth II is the current
throne after her death, becoming King Edward VII. During George V’s reign, the First World War monarch of Great Britain and Head of
Due to his mother’s long reign, he was the longest broke out. While other empires fell, he was the Commonwealth. She is the longest
serving heir apparent in British history, until 2011 able to expand the British one. In 1917, due to reigning monarch of the United Kingdom,
© Corbis

when Charles, Prince of Wales, surpassed it. ill feeling as a result of the war, he changed the after over 65 years on the throne.

British Royals


William I
From the illegitimate son of a duke to the holder of
the English crown, William I conquered detractors,
kings and even the odds to become one of Britain’s
most memorable rulers

n 1028, William was born into a period rife with to two considerably powerful supporters – namely
violence and disorder. Despite every nobleman his great-uncle Archbishop Robert and the king
owing fealty to the King of France, many duchies of France, Henry I. Such influential allies enabled
and fiefdoms were in constant flux as political William to retain the fealty over the Norman nobles
alliances chopped and changed at a moment’s he’d inherited from his father, but such support
notice. France itself had been at war with its rival was not meant to last. With the king preoccupied
Flanders for years, creating an intense air of with the costly conflict with Flanders, and
conflict across much of Western Europe. Archbishop Robert passing away in
William’s social status was also of March 1037, William’s duchy soon
some contention. His father, Robert Blood ties were descended into chaos.
I, Duke of Normandy, never Eventually a group of William’s
married his mother, Herleva of
common in the detractors formed an uneasy
Falaise, so the young Norman royalty at the time. alliance and led a revolt against
was born a bastard. However, Edward the Confessor him. Led by his cousin, Guy
William would be Robert’s of Burgundy, the revolters
was William’s first
only child, so the presence of attempted to capture the duke
his father’s blood was strong cousin, once at Valognes, a commune in WILLIAM OF NORMANDY
enough for the duke to name him removed northwestern France – however, Normandy, 1028–1087
as his heir. So serious was he about the duke escaped and sought refuge
it that he gathered a group of Norman with the French king. The duke may Whether he’s
magnates in January 1034 to swear fealty have been young, but the title of king was remembered as
to William as Robert’s true successor. Soon after, quite the trump card to play.
Brief William the Conqueror,
Bio or by the lesser-known
Robert left on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Over a William returned to Normandy in the early moniker William the
year later, Robert fell ill on his return from the Holy months of 1047 with King Henry at his side and Bastard, he was one of Britain’s
most influential monarchs. With
Land and died in Nicaea, Greece. And so, at the age their armies consolidated into one considerable Viking blood in his veins, he
of eight, William inherited one of the most powerful force. The rebel army outnumbered William’s, but united his Norman homeland
political positions in France. it lacked the leadership provided by the king’s own with the feudal fiefdoms of
England, but faced a battle to
The first few years of William’s tenure as Duke of elite. The Battle of Val-ès-Dunes descended into maintain his new crown.
Normandy were surprisingly smooth, mostly due a number of skirmishes, but the rebel army soon

William I

his influential
position in the history
of the monarchy, no
authentic portrait
of William is in

During his reign, William crossed

the Channel about 19 times

British Royals

“William’s forces were able to rout

Harold’s men like cattle. And after nine
or so hours of battle, the fight was over”
broke apart and William finally established his Harold had just returned from repelling another
authority over the Duchy of Normandy. invasion by the King of Norway, Harold Hardrada,
When William finally turned his attention to and had rushed back to the capital after hearing
The White Tower is the central structure the kingdom across the Channel, his claim held of the Norman incursion. William told Harold that
of the Tower of London and was started by more merit than most. The English monarch at his claim to the throne was invalid and that he
William the Conqueror
the time, King Edward I, had named William as should relinquish the throne immediately or allow
his successor (they were, in fact, distant cousins) the pope to make an absolute decision. Harold,
Life in the time and a chance meeting with the most powerful earl unsurprisingly, declined and the two leaders met

of William I in England, Harold Godwinson, in 1064/5 also

secured his support should the duke
in Hastings on 14 October 1066.
The Battle of Hastings was a bloody
move to inherit the throne. According affair. Reports and speculations
A nation divided to William of Poitiers, a French from historians differ on the size
When William became king, he discovered
priest who served as the official of Harold’s army but a majority
a government far more complicated than
chronicler of William’s invasion,
Reports state that agree that it was roughly the
Normandy’s own. The country was divided
into shires and counties, with these territories the duke had the backing of William was around same size as William’s. The only
further divided into wapentakes (an old Norse almost all the lords and earls 5’10”, which was real differences? Diversity and
word that refers to small meeting places). in Normandy as well as the exhaustion. Despite a brief stop
incredibly tall for a
backing of the Holy Roman in London, Harold had marched
Strength in stone Emperor, Henry VI. He even had
man of this time a great deal of the army he used
During his early reign, William commissioned
the support of the pope, if Politer’s to defeat Harold Hardrada in the
a number of castles, keeps and mottes (a
wooden or stone structure erected on raised
claims are to be believed. Either way, north down to the south in just two
earth). One of the most memorable of these over a period of around seven months, weeks. Despite their training, the men
was the White Tower, which remains the he gathered a fleet of 600 ships with roughly were fatigued and in no state to face a fresh
central structure of the Tower of London. 7,000 men (2,000-3,000 of these were cavalry). It Norman contingent. Harold’s forces were almost
was an impressive force designed for one thing: to entirely made up of infantryman, which was likely
The hunting king conquer a kingdom. the deciding factor in the battle. With plenty of
According to the medieval chronicler William
William finally made landfall on 28 September archers and cavalry, William’s forces were able to
of Malmesbury, William depopulated large
swathes of land in the south of England in 1066. They had arrived at Pevensey in the south rout Harold’s men like cattle. And after nine or so
1079 (36 parishes to be precise), to create the of England, but William soon sent an envoy to hours of battle, the fight was over. Harold was dead
royal New Forest for hunting. London to speak with the Anglo-Saxon king. and William was now the de facto King of England.

Forging ties
With his alliances and political standing in Defining moment
Normandy, William forged long-lasting ties
between England and France that lasted for William is double-crossed
much of the Middle Ages (despite political and January 1066
military clashes). His Viking roots also created In the years leading to his death, Edward the Confessor
a closer bond with Scandinavia. named William, the Duke of Normandy, as his future
successor. However, although William did visit England
a couple of times in Edward’s final years, it was difficult
The royal family for him to leave the delicate political ecosystem back
William had nine legitimate children with in Normandy. When the king died, Harold Godwinson
his wife, Matilda of Flanders. His sons were (sometimes simply referred to as Henry Godwin) took
Robert, Richard, William and Henry, his advantage of William’s absence and, against the late king’s
daughters were Adeliza, Cecilia, Matilda, wishes, claimed the crown for himself. The Godwins were
Constance, Adela and Agatha. one of, if not the, most powerful and influential families in
England at the time. Henry would be the last Anglo-Saxon

Timeline king of England.

l William is born l Inheriting the duchy l William and l The invasion begins
While the exact date When he was round Godwinson meet After assuring his
of his birth remains the age of seven Harold Godwinson, who later affairs were in order
an issue of contention or eight, William’s became King Harold II of in Normandy, William
among historians, we father Robert passed England, was shipwrecked arrived at Pevensey in the
do know that he was away. With his off the coast of Normandy. South of England with
born in Falaise. He death, the title of William and Henry met a large invasion force.
was the only son of duke and its political during this time and Henry Once all of his troops had
Robert I and Herleva responsibilities fell to endorsed William’s claim to disembarked, William led
of Falaise. the young boy. the English throne. his force into Hastings.
1028 1035 1064 28 September 1066

William I

Following his coronation on 25 December 1066, The Harrowing of the North, as it came to be
William discovered that presiding over a duchy known, was just one of the many conflicts William
was a world away from ruling a kingdom. Defeating had to deal with throughout his 21-year reign.
Harold at Hastings and taking the capital should He was continually dealing with issues with his
have cemented his position, but William’s arrival neighbours (such as his clashes with the king
was more than just the ascension of a new king – it of Scotland in 1072), rebellions among his own
was the end of the Anglo-Saxon era. gentry (namely the Revolt of the Earls in 1075) and
William was careful not to upend the social even quarrels with his own children. Between his
equilibrium of England’s nobility, but a backlash native duties as Duke of Normandy, and as King of
was inevitable. William fought to contain a series England, William was forced to solidify his legacy
of revolts in Dover, Exeter, Hereford, Nottingham, with political marriages, truces and military force.
Durham and York, but it was the revolt led by By the time of his death on 9 September 1087,
Edgar the Atheling that was the most severe – William had maintained his authority over both
not only in its potential threat, but also for how Normandy and England for over two decades. He
aggressively William dealt with it.
The revolt centred on Edgar the Atheling, the
built over 50 castles and fortifications during his
reign, determined not only to remind the people
The Domesday
only remaining individual with a legitimate claim of the land who their monarch was, but to protect Book
to William’s seat of power. And when Sweyn II, the nation from the very act he’d taken the throne In the years that followed the taking of
King of Denmark, offered his support in 1070, the with. While his acts of domestic growth and the English crown, it became clear that
official records relating to population and
Norman grip on the north was broken. The region merciless violence have been largely overshadowed
landholding were nearly nonexistent.
began to destabilise with revolts and civil unrest, by his invasion, the man himself remains a Almost 19 years after his invasion, while
and Edgar and Sweyn’s forces soon took the key defining figure on those storied pages. spending Christmas in Gloucester with his
stronghold of York. William immediately marched advisors, William decided a census was
from Nottingham with his own forces to settle the needed. It seems likely it was planned as a
rebellion, but by the time he got there the revolt way to determine how to restructure taxes
had all but dissolved. Edgar fled to Scotland and across the nation. The Domesday Book (or
The Great Survey as it was known then)
Sweyn left suitably paid off by the king. However,
was split into two documents; the ‘Little
William was far from a mood to grant clemency. Domesday’ (which covered Suffolk, Essex
He and his troops scoured the land from York and Norfolk) and the ‘Great Domesday’
to the borders of Scotland in Northumbria. So (a larger document that covered the
severe was the devastation that William enacted rest of the country). Interestingly, these
on the north that the Domesday Book (which was documents did not cover the entire
nation. This was for many reasons – for
conducted in 1086) revealed that around 100,000
example, Westmorland and Cumberland
people died from starvation alone following were absent as both formed part of the
William’s ‘harrowing’. Considering the census Even though King Harold’s forces had defeated Kingdom of Strathclyde until they were
revealed the population to be 2.5 million, such a one invasion and marched hundreds of miles from conquered by his son, William II, in 1092.
Newcastle to the south, they still fought valiantly in the Elsewhere, London and Winchester were
figure shows just how far the new king would go to
face of William’s superior cavalry and archers
burn his legacy into England’s history books. left out because of their special tax status,
while the County of Durham was omitted
because the Bishop of Durham held
ecclesiastical rights to tax that county.

Defining moment Defining moment l The Great Survey

In order to determine
The Battle of Hastings 14 October 1066 Harrowing of the North 1070 the true worth of his
Prior to the main battles with the invading Normans, King Harold had already William had defeated or outlived most of the legitimate English kingdom (and
exhausted his military forces defeating another invading force led by Norwegian claimants to the English throne, but one still remained. to unravel the holdings
monarch Harold Hardrada at Stamford Bridge. Interestingly, King Harold Edgar the Atheling had a great deal of support in the north and lands of his earls)
knew that William was coming before Hardrada’s Scandinavian force arrived, of England and when Sweyn II of Denmark landed in 1069, William commissioned a
however, the Norman forces remained moored off the coast for almost seven Edgar’s claim became a real threat. In 1070, he paid the countrywide consensus.
months before disembarking. Accounts relating to the size both forces differ Danes to leave and began to attack the land around Edgar’s While not every part of
the nation was covered,
greatly, but it’s assumed they were leading armies of between 7,000 and 10,000 supporters. Over the next few months he destroyed
it still serves as the
men. William’s forces are ultimately successful, using the considerable number livestock and farmland, and killed (according to reports) most detailed record
of cavalrymen and archers to wear down the English contingent. King Harold thousands of men, women and children. William’s aim from the Middle Ages.
died on the battlefield after taking an arrow to the eye. was to ensure they would never, ever revolt again. 1086

l William takes London l Crowning a new king l Returning to Normandy l Hereward the Wake Death of a king l
Despite defeating the king and With most of Harold’s After his coronation, William Despite promising to leave Despite the relative
the remainder of his standing supporters either dead returned to Normandy to England for good, Sweyn II of military success of his
army, England was far from or in flight, William was ensure his lands were intact. Denmark returned a few months reign, his final days were
won. Earls and lords loyal to the crowned King William I of While there, he had a number later and joined the growing remarkably uneventful.
English king barred William’s England. One of his first of new monasteries built. uprising led by northern theign While on a military
entry into Winchester and actions was to reaffirm He also met with most of his Hereward the Wake. William expedition against France,
London but the Norman usurper the titles and lands of nobles and earls, all of whom forced Sweyn to leave yet again William either fell from his
soon overwhelmed them and many earls but strip those were eager to learn of possible and soon brought this, the last of horse or became ill and
took control of the royal treasury. of Harold’s supporters. new wealth and holdings. the northern revolts, to an end. died soon after.
October-November 1066 25 December 1066 1067 1070 9 September 1087

British Royals

not the eldest
heir of William
I, William II was
the Conqueror’s
favourite and as such

Normandy, 1056-1100

William II, third son

of William I, was
Brief known as William
Bio Rufus, William the
Red and the Red King,
due to his ruddy complexion.
An outspoken king, he used
force to influence Scotland and
control Normandy. Heavy taxes
and a turbulent relationship
with the church led to
resentment within his kingdom.


William II
The ruddy-cheeked king who history remembers
as a forcible soldier, a hard-hearted ruler and loathed
by his highly-taxed subjects

londe, red-cheeked and well-set, William II, older brother, Robert, who’d previously rebelled
born in Normandy in 1056, was the third against his father, was bequeathed the Duchy of
son of William I (William the Conqueror) and Normandy as tradition dictated.
Matilda of Flanders. His ruddy complexion William I’s decision to effectively divide his
was the focus of the various nicknames kingdom in two might have seemed like a good
inspired during his 13-year reign, most notably idea at the time, but it troubled many nobles who
William Rufus, William the Red and the Red King. owned land on both sides of the channel. They
William II’s ascent to power in 1087 is perhaps were all too aware of the bitter rivalry between the
one of the most flagrant displays of favouritism ever brothers, which began in, and had snowballed since,
practised by a sovereign, as before his father William childhood. Knowing it impossible to keep favour
I (William the Conqueror) died, he arranged for his with both rulers, the lords followed the leadership of
third and favourite son, William II, to succeed him as Bishop Odo of Bayeux (half-brother of William I) and
King of England. This was a decision the Conqueror sided with Robert, who was the more amiable and
felt was his right as he had won the country by war. perceived weaker of the two, in the hope of uniting
William I’s eldest son and William II’s only surviving the kingdom once again. The rebellion collapsed in

William II

assortment of other barons to depose the king in

place of Stephen of Aumale. Robert was defeated and
imprisoned, whereas his co-lead conspirator, William
of Eu, was castrated and blinded.
As well as his conflicts with his brother and
nobles, as well as France and Scotland, William was
also vilified for his discord with the church. Among
other quarrels, he left bishop positions vacant so
that he might take the revenues for himself, and his
turbulent relationship with the very popular Anselm
Archbishop of Canterbury, who was considered one
of the greatest theologians of his generation, led to
The nicknames Red King and Rufus referred
a long period of animosity between the church and to William’s ruddy complexion and red
state, souring public opinion against the king. cheeks, not his hair, which was blonde

The Rufus Stone in the New Forest Resentment continued to fester across William’s
marks the place of William’s death kingdom, a problem he seemed not too bothered
about. In 1096, he remained unaffected as he made
Life in the time
1088, less than a year into their respective reigns, it a whole lot worse. The king’s brother Robert had of William II
when Robert failed to show up to support the become inspired to join the First Crusade, a military
English rebels, so William won them over with silver expedition by Roman Catholic Europe to regain the Fabulously flamboyant
The court of the Red King, who was rumoured
and promises of a better government. William, ever Holy Lands taken in the Muslim conquest of the
to be homosexual, was described by 12th
the firebrand, laid claim to Normandy in 1091 and Levant (632-661). Finding himself without the funds Century historian William of Malmesbury
waged war against the sibling who he defeated, to raise an army, Robert mortgaged the Duchy of (1095-1143) as being ”filled with ’effeminate‘
forcing him to cede a portion of his land. After the Normandy to his bemused younger brother, who young men in extravagant clothes mincing
conflict, the pair were able to kiss and make up, and became regent in Robert’s absence. To pay for this about in ’shoes with curved points‘“. As well
William even agreed to help Robert regain control of exchange, William levelled a heavy and much- as curved-toe shoes, fur-lined cloaks and long,
areas of his land lost to France. resented tax on his English subjects, helping ornamented and embroidered tunics were
popular among men of money at this time.
It wasn’t only in the south that William to cement his legacy as a cruel and
was forced to engage in battle unpopular leader.
during that year, as later in 1091 he The king, who was a huge fan
Take him to the Tower
In 1078 the White Tower, (at the Tower of
successfully stopped a Scottish William died of hunting and feasting, met his London), was built. Commissioned by William
invasion led by King Malcolm III, in mysterious end on 2 August 1100 (aged the Conqueror, the monument was seen as a
who was then finally forced to 43/44). While out hunting deer symbol of oppression by London’s residents,
circumstances, when a and acted as a constant visual reminder of
pay homage to the English King in the New Forest, a rogue arrow
and accept his overlordship. A rogue arrow killed him pierced his chest. It is claimed their country’s defeat to the Normans.
year later William decided to while out hunting in that his body was abandoned by
Learning and literacy in
annex Cumbria from Scotland and the New Forest the nobles in his hunting party,
the 12th Century
ordered the construction of Carlisle and was later stumbled upon
While the majority of people living in England
Castle. In 1093 Malcolm retaliated by peasants who took it by cart to
during William II’s reign were illiterate,
by invading and ravaging Northumbria, Winchester Cathedral, where it would go education took a dramatic leap forward at
but met his end, along with his son Edward, on to be buried. this time. Although Oxford University has no
at the Battle of Alnwick after being overpowered by It was accepted as an accident, but some theorised known date of foundation, there is evidence
William’s stronger and better organised army. William of an assignation as Sir Walter Tyrrell, who was that shows teaching took place at Oxford
was then free to wield his influence in Scotland considered an accomplished bowman, immediately in some form during 1096. This makes
the institution the oldest English-speaking
unrestricted by using the succession of subordinated fled to France. William’s younger brother Henry
university and the second-oldest surviving
Scottish kings as vassals. In 1095 Robert de Mowbray, was also with the hunting party and rode straight university in the world.
the man who had helped lead William to victory to Winchester to seize the treasury. He had himself
against the Scots, sparked a rebellion with an elected the following day. Medieval yellow pages
The first widespread compilation of land and
property took place across England after
William the Conqueror’s successful invasion,
The curse of the New Forest resulting in the 1086 Domesday Book. It was
The curse of the New Forest didn’t just claim William II’s commissioned so the new ruler could astutely
life; in fact, three descendents of the New Forest’s ‘creator’ assess all his new possessions. Interestingly,
William the Conqueror died in its leafy glades. The first was some towns, such as London and Winchester,
his second eldest son Richard who is said to have become were not included in the Domesday Book due
sick from the foggy ‘pestilent’ air. The next was William II in a to their tax-exempt status.
hunting “accident”. The third was Richard, William I’s grandson,
who accidently hanged himself when his horse ran under a It’s all about the Crusades
low hanging tree branch. At the time many suggested it was Anyone who was anyone with a burning
a form of karmic retribution or curse, as the king had razed loyalty to the Roman Catholic church joined
entire villages across Hampshire to create his new hunting the First Crusade. This was a widespread
forest “Nova Foresta” at the expense of more than 36 parish pilgrimage that saw tens of thousands of
churches, 20 small hamlets and several isolated farmsteads, William was killed Europeans travel to the Middle East to regain
in the New Forest
leaving hundreds of people homeless. the Holy lands taken by the Muslim conquests
of Levant some 400 years earlier.

British Royals

Henry was
one of the most
well-educated kings
England had ever
known, earning him
the ‘Beauclerc’
England, 1068-1135

Henry I, fourth and

youngest son of
Brief William I, is celebrated
Bio as the most effective
of all the Conqueror’s
sons. He righted the wrongs of
his brother by strengthening
the crown’s executive
powers, modernising royal
administration and establishing
a professional bureaucracy on
both sides of the channel.


Henry I
Despite proclaiming himself king while his brother’s body
was still warm, Henry I proved himself a worthy monarch

hether King William II died as the result threat by imprisoning Henry. After the conflict
of a mistimed or a well-timed hunting Henry was released and allowed to return home –
arrow is a mystery. What we know is albeit stripped of his title. So when William
that just moments after it happened, invaded Normandy in 1091, Henry made sure he
his younger brother Henry raced to pledged allegiance to Robert, but later lost his
Winchester to seize the treasury and declare favour when he out-shadowed him in combat.
himself king, over his oldest brother Robert. Consequently, both sovereign brothers overlooked
The Norman brothers Robert, William and Henry Henry when they reconciled and drew up a treaty
were renowned for their rivalry, but the real trouble that saw the other as their rightful heir of their
began when their father, William the Conqueror, respective kingdoms. Deciding he was better off
died and left Normandy to his oldest son, Robert, on his own, Henry fought against both brothers in
and England to his next surviving son, William. the years that followed, taking land for himself in
Henry, the fourth and only other remaining son, Normandy. Sensing an opportunity for conspiracy,
was simply given money to buy land and he William sent money to his younger brother to
chose Cotentin in Western Normandy, where he strengthen his campaign against Robert. Henry
established himself as the count. visited William often at court and fortuitously was
When Robert decided to challenge William’s present when he died, making him able to claim
claim to the English throne, he neutralised further the throne for himself.

Henry I

With Normandy now under his control, Henry

was proving himself a powerful and decisive
leader on both sides of the channel. In England
he strengthened local government, sent judges
off around the country to reinforce the law and
created institutions such as the Royal Exchequer.
In Normandy, Henry governed through a growing
system of justices and an exchequer. His preference
to promote ‘new men’ who were intelligent and
had risen through the ranks, as opposed to those
of high status, proved the administration’s making.
Henry reversed many of William’s less popular
Henry knew that, while claiming it had been policies, making wide-ranging concessions in his
relatively straightforward, holding on to the Charter of Liberties and returning to the gentler
throne would be a great deal more challenging. customs of Edward the Confessor. He was able to
As the youngest son, Henry was not expected to soothe the wounds inflicted on the church by his
become ruler, so had been permitted time and older brother, restoring a sense of peace. Historical biographers refer to the
opportunity to invest in his education. Henry used While Henry’s professional life went from raven-haired king as short, stocky and
his sharpened mind to secure the barons as allies strength to strength, his personal life suffered a
by granting favours, promising a better-orchestrated tragic blow. In 1118 his wife died, followed two
government and pledging to restore peace to
England. In a show of respect for his new people, a
years later by their son, William. Prince William
was on-board a vessel known as The White Ship,
Life in the time
few months after he came to power, Henry travelling back to England, when it hit of Henry I
married the Saxon Princess Edith, some rocks outside a Norman harbour
daughter of King Malcolm III (who and sank. Some 300 crew members A friendly Viking invasion
was killed by his brother’s army and passengers, including an During the autumn and winter months of the
Henry, the fourth year 1107, Norwegian King Sigurd the Crusader
during the Scottish invasion in illegitimate son and daughter of
1093). The union also helped to and youngest son Henry’s, also drowned.
and his army travelled through, and stayed
in, England during their southward journey to
soothe tensions between the of William the Finding himself without a Palestine. They were on their way to join the
two neighbouring countries. Conqueror, was the legitimate son, Henry’s thoughts pilgrimage of Roman Catholic fighters in the
Edith became known as turned to the succession First Crusade.
Matilda, Henry’s mother’s name,
only heir to be born and he married Adelicia of
to please the Norman Barons, and in England Louvain. When the union proved Joined at the hip, literally
together the pair had two children, childless, Henry summoned his In 1100, supposedly the world’s first recorded
conjoined twins were born, sparking interest
Matilda in 1102 and William in 1103. only legitimate child, Matilda, and
in the pair. Mary and Eliza Chulkhurst, known
In 1101, Robert resurfaced from the his grandson Henry (later Henry II) back as the Biddenden Maids were joined at the
First Crusade and attempted to seize the crown to England and willed his barons to accept her as shoulder and the hip. According to legend
yet again. The invasion was thwarted and the his heir. The problem wasn’t only that Matilda was Mary died suddenly aged 34, followed by Eliza
brothers compromised, signing the Treaty of Alton, a woman; those at court were upset that Matilda, six hours later after refusing to be separated.
in which Robert recognised his younger sibling as who was the widow of Henry V, Holy Roman
the true King of England in exchange for Norman Emperor, had married George Plantagenet of the Family of sinners
territories. Peace didn’t last long and just five years House of Anjou, rivals of the house of Normandy. Throughout his reign, Henry I went to great
later news of Robert’s chaotic reign reached Henry’s Although the barons swore their allegiance in 1131, lengths to right the wrongs his family had
court, prompting him to invade. The war ended in they weren’t convinced. When Henry died after a inflicted on the church, including ordering the
Henry’s favour at the Battle of Tinchebrai. Henry week of food poisoning in Normandy in 1135, the construction of new churches and abbeys. At
the founding of Reading Abbey in 1121 (which
decided to stop Robert once and for all, imprisoning throne was seized by Henry’s nephew, Stephen of
was to become his final resting place), Henry
him in Cardiff Castle for the rest of his life, which Blois. This sparked a succession crisis and a civil said “for the salvation of my soul, and the
turned out to be nearly three decades. war known as The Anarchy. souls of King William, my father, and of King
William, my brother.”

Best-selling novels
William Clito: the true heir? During this period, William of Malmesbury, the
When Henry imprisoned his older brother Robert in most respected historian of the 12th Century,
Cardiff Castle for attempting to take the English crown finished his first version of his historical
for the umpteenth time, Robert’s son William Clito was accounts of England Gesta Regum Anglorum
understandably resentful. So like father, like son, William (Deeds of the Kings of the English) and Gesta
decided to rebel, once in 1116 and again in 1119, supported Pontificum Anglorum (Deeds of the English
by several Norman barons who disliked Henry’s ‘new men’ Bishops) in 1125.
officials and high taxes. Henry proved victorious at the Battle
of Bremule and a peace settlement was agreed upon in Cathedral set backs
1120 with the French king’s backing, accepting Henry’s son, Work on St Paul’s Cathedral began at the end
William Adelin, as Duke of Normandy. Dispute over the throne of Henry’s father’s reign in 1087 and took over
reignited when Prince William drowned, resulting in more 200 years to complete. In 1136 a fire delayed
quarrels and rebellions. William Clito died without an heir when construction. The cathedral was formally
William Clito, Count of Flanders, mortally
a wound he received from a foot soldier turned gangrenous. wounded during the siege of Alost finished in 1314 but was completely gutted in
during The Great Fire of London in 1666.

British Royals

rebuked the slur
of ‘oath-breaker’ by
saying that he only
swore to protect the KING STEPHEN (OF BLOIS)
stability of the France, 1097-1154

King Stephen’s reign
is a tale of one-
Brief upmanship, double-
Bio crossings, promises
and broken promises
that ultimately divided and
destroyed much of the kingdom
he had sworn to protect. The
Anarchy civil war, which became
synonymous with his time at
the helm, played out like a game
of chess against his powerful
opponent Empress Matilda,
daughter and heir of Henry I, for
nearly two decades.


King Stephen
King Stephen’s usurpation tore the country apart with a 19-year civil war.
But with little gained and Henry I’s succession restored, was it worth it?

orn in Blois, central France, at the end of making the couple one of the wealthiest in the
11th Century, Stephen was the fourth son whole of England.
of the Count Stephen-Henry of Blois and Before his death, Henry I made his nobles,
Adela, daughter of William the Conqueror. including Stephen, swear an oath to ensure that his
Adela, who was incredibly politically astute, daughter Matilda, the former Holy Roman Empress,
allied with Henry I during his military campaign succeeded him. It wasn’t just because Matilda
in Normandy to quash their brother Robert’s son was a woman that they were reluctant to observe
William Clito and his rebellion. Stephen, who had this oath: the Anglo-Norman elite also resented
shown great promise as a swordsman, accompanied the Empress’s second marriage to Angevin ruler
his uncle in the ensuing battles. To reward his Geoffrey, Count of Anjou, a long-standing enemy
courage, Henry later gave Stephen a knighthood whose lands bordered the Duchy of Normandy.
and invited him to the English court, where he At the time of his death, Henry was deep in the
rose through the ranks at great pace, receiving Duchy attempting to thwart an attack by rebels
notable land and honours (estates). The king also supported by his daughter and her husband, who
arranged a great marriage for Stephen with the resented not having the land prematurely. Henry’s
incredibly wealthy Matilda of Boulogne, which saw death put the empress in a tricky situation as she
him inherit yet more land in Kent and Boulogne, was effectively now supporting rebels against her

King Stephen

succession of bordering strongholds and territories.

Geoffrey of Anjou reignited his campaign to take
Normandy, and at home, many hard-done-by
barons began to play with the idea of defecting to
the empress’s side. The first of these was Robert,
Earl of Gloucester, one of Henry I’s illegitimate sons,
attributed with giving the civil war momentum, so
that when the empress landed in England in 1139,
she had fledgling support from a growing number
of allies. Stephen surrounded her at Arundel, but
foolishly escorted her to Bristol where she caught
Henry and Stephen agree a truce across the Thames up with her ally Robert. From there, they rallied
support and took control of western England.
own crown, which left her now scheming cousins The next chess-like move saw the empress
– Stephen, who was in Boulogne, and his older declared queen after her forces captured Stephen
brother Theobald, in southern Blois – to make a at the Battle of Lincoln in 1141, imprisoning him
play for the throne. in Bristol Castle. He was released in exchange for
Stephen, who was well liked and – perhaps more Robert of Gloucester, who was captured by the
importantly – incredibly wealthy, was the first to king’s wife and forces at the Rout of Winchester.
reach England. His younger brother Henry of Blois The war dragged on with more sieges and Stephen was imprisoned
in Bristol Castle in 1141
had become a powerful ecclesiastic in England rebellions in both England and Normandy, creating
thanks to his uncle, King Henry I, who had blessed long periods of stalemate, and it wasn’t until 1145
him with the richest abbey and bishopric.
This gift had made him one of the
that the empress was defeated at the
Battle of Faringdon, abandoning her
Life in the time
wealthiest men in the country. After cause and fleeing England. Two of King Stephen
Stephen, supported by Henry, was Stephen was freed years later her son Henry (later
therefore in a prime position to
from Bristol Castle by Henry II) took up the campaign The White Ship disaster
pay many powerful barons for but after running out of money In 1120, Stephen narrowly escaped death when
their fealty, get the church and his wife and William had to return home, paid for by he disembarked the doomed White Ship at
the last minute, reportedly due to concerns
eventually the Pope onside and of Ypres in 1141, he King Stephen. Far from giving
of overcrowding or illness on board. Moments
sway public support to proclaim threw himself a second up, he returned to England in later the vessel hit rocks outside the harbour,
himself king. Meanwhile, across 1149 and subsequently 1153, taking 300 people, including Henry I’s only
the Channel, the Normans were
coronation to capitalising on new support in legitimate son William, to a watery grave.
busy declaring Theobald king, celebrate north and east England. A truce
but when news came of Stephen’s was called during a bout of bad Two queens
coronation, support for the older brother weather, and Henry levied support in After Stephen was imprisoned in Bristol Castle
dissolved at the prospect of yet another divided the Midlands and Southwest. The two rivals later in 1141, England was effectively ruled by
and warring kingdom. met on opposite sides of the river Thames at two queens: Empress Matilda with the chief
support of Robert of Gloucester and, on the
The early years of Stephen’s reign were a relative Wallingford, but avoided engaging in open battle.
other side, King Stephen’s wife Matilda, Queen
success; he created a new royal charter confirming The sudden death of Stephen’s son and Consort of England, and her advisor William of
his earlier promises to church, and reversed some intended heir Eustace, later in the year, hastened Ypres. The two camps bargained relentlessly
of Henry’s less popular policies. He held good negotiations. Peace was restored when Stephen with nobles to strengthen their support.
relations with the church and his barons, stabilised agreed to the Treaty of Winchester, which allowed
the northern border (thereby halting an invasion him to remain as king for the rest of his life in For money, not love
by the Scottish King David I), contained Geoffrey exchange for acknowledging Henry as his rightful To help win his wars, Stephen paid an army of
Flemish mercenaries to campaign on his behalf
of Anjou’s attacks on Normandy, and made peace heir, renouncing his surviving son William’s claim.
in Normandy. Eventually, however, there was a
with France through Louis VI. Stephen had less than a year to finally enjoy being great deal of infighting between the supposed
Harmony was short-lived, however, and in 1136, king. He died in Dover of a stomach complaint, allied forces of the Flemish and Normans,
cracks started to show. First, Owain Gwynedd during a tour of England where he had been which caused the latter to defect, forcing him
of Wales defeated the English, rapidly taking a resolving conflicts caused by the civil war. to sign a truce with Geoffrey of Anjou.

Temper, temper
In 1152 during a lull in combat, Stephen,
Stephen’s early life and perhaps devastated by his wife Matilda’s
family members death, reached a low point with the church.
Stephen’s father died when he was a young boy, and had Stephen decided to imprison Archbishop
earned the reputation of being a coward during the First Theobald after he was refused permission by
Crusade, while his mother was considered a pious, strong, the Pope to crown his son Eustace early.
brave and intelligent woman. As well as one older sister,
Stephen had three older brothers: William who is thought So close, but so far
to have been intellectually disabled, Odo who died in his Despite finally gaining the upper hand in 1141
adolescence and Theobald. Five younger sisters, plus brothers when her forces captured Stephen, Empress
Philip and Henry followed Stephen. Breaking with tradition, the Matilda was never crowned Queen of England.
close-knit family were raised in their mother’s household rather On the way to her planned coronation, she
than being sent away to be mentored by relatives. faced a surprise uprising of citizens, forcing her
to flee to Oxford.

British Royals

was the first
monarch from the
house Plantagenet.
The family would rule
the kingdom until the
death of Richard
III in 1485

England, 1133-1189

The grandson of
Henry I, Henry II spent
Brief his entire 35-year
Bio reign hoping to rule
his kingdom with the
same political pragmatism as his
namesake. Ruthless and driven,
Henry II was one of the most
proactive monarchs in history.
He succeeded in re-establishing
royal administration in England
and Wales, gaining control
over large provinces in France
and making changes to the
legislation that would later form
the foundations of Common
English Law.


Henry II
Fiery yet shrewd, the first of the Plantagenet kings helped rebuild a
tattered realm while defying rulers, popes and even his own heirs

orn in Le Mans, France, in the spring of 1133, While the conflict raged in England, the young
Henry was the eldest child of Geoffrey the Henry was fast taking to the life of a French
Fair, Count of Anjou, and Empress Matilda, nobleman. Tough and resilient, yet intelligent
daughter of Henry I of England. Thanks and pragmatic, Henry had already gained a vital
to her ties to the English crown (as well as understanding of building political relationships –
her former marriage to the Holy Roman Emperor, he was already on good terms with the normally
Henry V of Germany), Henry’s mother was one of prickly bishops of Normandy and understood the
the most powerful women in Europe. However, importance of paying homage to those in higher
when the English king’s eldest son and heir, positions of power (despite the fact that Anjou had
William Adelin, died at sea in 1120, it threw the become almost entirely independent of France).
line of succession into turmoil. In the confusion, When his father passed away a few months
Matilda’s cousin, Stephen of Blois, installed himself later, Henry became the Count of Anjou, a position
as the sovereign, which succeeded in plunging the that was further bolstered by the lands of Eleanor
country into a civil war. of Aquitaine, whom he married on 18 May 1152.

Henry II

“By the time of his death in 1189, Henry had

laid the groundwork for a new age of law”
Eleanor had been the wife of King Louis, but she taken lands outside their borders. With Henry now
had failed to provide any sons, so the zealous reaffirming his lands in England and Normandy,
French monarch had had the marriage annulled. those territories were soon returned.
Henry and Eleanor unified the houses of Aquitaine While Henry had enjoyed successes reaffirming
and Plantagenet eight weeks later, a move that sent his kingdom elsewhere, he faced a far more difficult
her ex-husband into fits of rage. challenge bringing the clergy to heel. With the
In retaliation, Louis organised an alliance death of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Henry Following clashes with his son Richard,
appointed his childhood friend Thomas Becket Henry eventually collapsed from fever and
between Stephen, Eustace, the Counts of was buried in Fontevraud Abbey in France
Champagne and Perche (both of whom saw in the role, intending to use this ally as a proxy in
the potential benefits of splitting Henry’s lands his relationship with the church. However, Becket
between them), as well as Henry’s own young had no intention of being Henry’s whipping boy Life in the
brother, Geoffrey (who believed that his older
sibling had cheated him out of rightful lands and
and refused to change ecclesiastical law to meet
the king’s will. Henry did not react well. In 1163, time of
titles). The borders of Normandy were suddenly
at war as Henry moved to defend his lands. The
Henry had charges of royal contempt drawn up
against him and Becket fled the country. When
Henry II
conflict could have been incredibly bloody, he returned in 1170, he sought to make Money, money, money
but Louis VII later withdrew from peace with the fiery king but ended Once Henry had ascended to the throne in
illness and the campaign fell to up being murdered soon after by 1154, he was determined to improve the dire
pieces soon after. four knights who wished to curry state of England’s finances. Decades prior, his
Back in England, King Much like future favour with Henry.
grandfather, Henry I, had helped invigorate
the kingdom with a fresh influx of trade and
Stephen had been fighting monarch Henry VIII, Despite such overwhelming commerce. While Henry II’s efforts weren’t
his own civil war for years, odds against him, Henry’s
Henry II was a redhead quite as successful, he did make a positive
a conflict that only served powerbase was stronger than impact on England’s financial welfare.
to diminish his position as with a hellish temper ever. The French king had
monarch. He was keen to bring to match been cowed and England was Church and crown
the conflict to a close, but would once again an imposing military Under the rule of his predecessor Stephen of
defend his own claim to the crown and political beast. But for his Blois, relationships between the crown and
to the bitter end. Upon landing on victories in rebuilding his kingdom, the papacy were at an all time low. In his early
years as a duchy in France, Henry enjoyed
English soil in 1153 intent on taking the Henry’s refusal to recognise his own
a relatively peaceful relationship with the
crown for himself, Henry wisely chose to form an children with titles of worth would finally be his bishops. However, his appointment of friend
alliance with Robert de Beaumont, Earl of Leicester. undoing. His cold relationship with son Richard Thomas Becket as Archbishop of Canterbury
With Leicester’s considerable northern support saw the disgruntled heir form an alliance with would backfire causing an even greater divide.
– and the timely death of Stephen’s son, Eustace – Philip Augustus, the new French king. With a new
the two would eventually broker a truce that saw powerful ally at his side, Richard began claiming The effects of war
Stephen recognise Henry as his heir. Henry’s continental lands as his own. Henry When Henry took the throne in 1154,
Henry was crowned Henry II of England on 19 attempted to form a treaty with his disenfranchised England had suffered greatly from the civil
December 1154. With Queen Eleanor at his side, child, but the shock of his betrayal would prove too war between its usurping leader Stephen
of Blois and the supporters of his rival,
Henry set about repairing the damage of Stephen’s much for the aging monarch.
Empress Matilda (Henry’s mother). Known
six-year reign and the civil conflict that had By his death on 6 July 1189, Henry had laid the as The Anarchy, it had nearly bankrupted the
characterised it. He was also driven by a furious groundwork for a new age of law and the judicial economy and devastated much of the land.
desire to return his ancestral homeland to the glory process by having an army of sheriffs enforce the
days of his grandfather, so he began reclaiming king’s laws across the land. Legislation was drawn Public opinion
lands and castles lost during his predecessor’s up to provide greater clarification on ownership of Despite the reforms he ultimately made to
reign, destroying those erected by his enemies, and property and the punishment of civil crimes. And legislation and the positive position he left
reforming the political strength of the kingdom. while his son Richard would eventually ruin many England in on his death in 1189, Henry II
In the turmoil of the civil war, the Scottish king, of his father’s achievements, Henry II remains one proved to be a relatively unpopular king. This
was less of a reflection on him as an individual
Malcolm, and a number of the Princes in Wales had of history’s most progressive monarchs.
monarch, but of the civil unrest the country
had endured following the death of his
grandfather Henry I.
The Great Revolt
In 1153 King Henry faced one of the greatest threats to his entire reign: the Law of the land
Great Revolt of 1173-1174. It was masterminded by some of his own sons, his wife Under Henry II’s reign, the legal system saw
and a group of rebellious barons, as well as having the full support of Scotland, something of a renaissance. Henry was keen
Flanders and France. It saw invading forces clashing with Henry’s army, but it to resolve the disputes that remained from
would be an act of public humility that would finally dismantle the uprising. On The Anarchy and pushed through legislation
the grave of Thomas Becket, his once trusted ally, Henry proclaimed the revolt that gave more power to local courts. He
to be divine penance for his past actions. The forces attempting to invade both cracked down on crime and civil unrest, which
England and Normandy remarkably fell apart soon after and the kingdom was led to the creation of General Eyre, a group of
safe once more. justices who travelled each part of the country
to resolve cases.

British Royals


Richard I
Born to royalty but educated in the charnel gutter
of war, Richard embodied the religious fanaticism of
the time in his quest to claim the fabled Holy Land

or almost a year the mighty city of Acre held They call this one, this man-mountain stepping
firm. Despite wave after wave of Christian off his ship onto the dusty dry shore, the Lionheart,
knights pouring all their religious fervour and and he is here to kill them all in the name of his
military might into its ancient walls, it had god and glory. The passage had been long and
held back the tide and somehow halted the painful, featuring storms, shipwrecks and a mad
progress of the foreign hordes that now threatened despot who threatened to derail the Third Crusade
to overrun the entire Near East. before it had even begun. No matter, King Richard
More and more men came; the attacks the Lionheart and his army had survived
were relentless. When the first army the trip across the Mediterranean Sea
had been held at bay, the city’s and reached the Holy Land. After
inhabitants thought they were
Despite being months of pursuit and planning,
safe, that the invasion was King of England, they were primed to fulfil their
defeated. However, then yet it’s thought that mission, Richard’s mission,
another army landed and the Richard didn’t speak God’s mission, to take the Holy
city’s main artery, its port, was Land and cut a path to the
taken. The city’s defences were English, and only holiest of all cities, Jerusalem.
tested once more, with an even spent six months in To the disgrace of all of
more ferocious attack battering his nation Christendom, Jesus’s city had
at the doors and calling for blood. fallen four years previous to the
Luckily for those within, once more Saracen Ayyubid hordes, which was
the city held off the mass of warriors, its now not only ruled by Christianity’s arch-
infidel leaders repelled. nemesis Saladin, but also defiled by their very
Then, with the new year’s sailing season, another presence within its hallowed walls. The city, which
invader arrived by sea with a fresh bloodthirsty had been safely held in Christian hands for almost
army. He was followed in May by yet another, with 100 years since the First Crusade had established
tens of thousands of soldiers joining the infidels’ the Kingdom of Jerusalem in 1099, had been
camp outside the walls, swelling their numbers. ordered to be retaken by none other than the Pope
They attacked again and the losses on both sides in Rome. Richard, a devout and deeply religious
were massive. The lack of food and supplies king, had heeded the call. Here he now stood,
in the city, and the spread of disease ready to do his duty to the one true god.
within the invaders’ camp drove Conquering Acre was merely the first
both sets of warriors to extremes, step in wrestling Jerusalem from
stoking the fires of faith that lay Saladin’s grip.
within their hearts to pursue After a particularly So far the city’s capture and
bolder acts of violence. fantastic feast, Richard wider crusade had been in the
Today is the eighth day of hands of a number of other
June 1191 and, as Acre slowly
impulsively knighted leaders. These included Guy
suffocates in the oppressive his cook of Lusignan – a proud Poitevin
heat of the Levant’s summer knight and the supposed rightful
months, yet another fleet is king of Jerusalem through his
landing in the city’s once-prosperous marriage to Sibylla of Jerusalem –
port, this time with one of the biggest and King Philip II of France, who had
forces the city has ever seen. If the ruler of helped raise the ‘Saladin tithe’ to pay for the
Acre, the great Saladin, doesn’t send meaningful crusade. The Duke of Austria, Leopold V, had
reinforcements soon, the city will fall and the gates overall command of the imperial forces. There had
to the Holy Land will be wrenched open. been yet more leaders at the siege’s instigation

Richard I

English, 1157-1199

King of England from

the 6 July 1189 until
Brief his death, Richard I
Bio was the third of five
sons of King Henry
II of England and Eleanor of
Aquitaine. At 16, Richard took
control of his own army and
thanks to a series of victories
over rebels threatening his
father’s throne, developed a
reputation as a great military
leader. Following his father’s
death and his own coronation
he launched the Third Crusade.

British Royals

Crusaders Battle of Arsuf

NUMBER OF TROOPS: 7 September 1191

A major battle in the Third
Crusade, Arsuf saw Richard
and Saladin face off 10

01 The Wood of Arsuf
After taking Acre, Richard set out for his
next target, Arsuf. To get there, he had
to move south along the coast of the
Mediterranean Sea and then traverse the
Wood of Arsuf, one of the few forested
regions in all of the Levant. Saladin knew 02
this and after tracking and harassing
Richard’s slow-moving baggage train and
infantry, decided the woods would be the 06
LEADER ideal position to strike.


Excellent on the battlefield, Richard the
Lionheart was a brutal killer and a gifted
tactical thinker, leading an army of religious
fanatics with ruthless efficiency. 02 A narrow plain
Strength Amazing warrior and powerful Richard, wary of an assault on his convoy,
proceeded slowly through the Wood of Arsuf, 03 Scouts at dawn
military leader. Moving out of their camp at dawn on 7
Weakness Politically and making the first 10km (6mi) without incident.
Saladin had already identified a striking September 1191, Richard’s scouts reported
economically reckless as king. Saladin’s scouts could be seen. Richard
point however – a narrow clear plain in the
realised that this meant Saladin’s full army
KEY UNIT forest approximately 9km (5.5mi) from Arsuf.
Saladin intended to engage in skirmishes was nearby and started to arrange his army.
Men were deployed at the fore and rear of the
TEMPLAR KNIGHT along the length of the convoy and then hit
its rear with a decisive attack. convoy column, with the van – the foremost
The most skilled division – made up of the Knights Templar
Christian fighting unit under the command of their 11th grand
to take part in the master, Robert de Sable.
Third Crusade, the
Knights Templar were
wealthy, well-trained
and fanatical fighters,
driven by a holy 04 Saladin attacks 05 Crusader flanks hold
purpose. As soon as Richard’s convoy reached the plain Saladin’s Saladin’s chief tactic was to break the flanks of the
Strength Well- forces attacked. At the front, Saladin sent a dense swarm crusader column and ordered incursions of javelin
equipped and of skirmishers, while behind them streamed squadrons of throwers and mounted archers to perform lightning
trained in hand-to- heavy cavalry and foot and horse archers, splitting so that strikes along their flanks and retreating before crusader
hand combat. the army attacked from the centre, left and right. crossbowmen could retaliate. The flanks held, though.
Weakness Few
in number and
fanatically religious,
leading to recklessness. the summer previous but illness and disease had and, when unleashed, brought the siege into a
claimed many over the winter months, with deadly endgame.
Frederick of Swabia and even the holy Colossal boulders rained down upon
KEY WEAPON Patriarch Heraclius of Jerusalem all
passing from this mortal world into
Acre’s walls, smashing against them
with thunderous brutality. Corpses of
BROADSWORD the next. animals and Muslim soldiers littered
The most popular hand-to-hand weapon
The siege itself had stalled, so the city’s streets, spreading disease
of all Christian knight orders, including
the Knights Templar and Knights every passing week threatened to and sapping the morale of the
Hospitaller, the broadsword was a well- allow Saladin to outmanoeuvre the terrified residents. Most fearsome of
balanced and deadly weapon capable of crusaders. Richard, being the honed all though, flaming balls and arrows
stabbing and cleaving.
and experienced military leader that 5) of
set ablaze anything that wasn’t made
Strength Great all-round weapon that Cou nte r sea l (119
also allowed shield use. he was, realised this and gave orders Richard I of England
out of stone, causing panic to quickly
Weakness Could be out-ranged with for vast siege engines to be built, ones that spread among Acre’s populace. The surviving
two-handed swords and spears. could bring down the city’s walls. These engines, Muslim soldiers defended bravely, but the sheer
once completed, towered over the Christian knights carnage and chaos the machines and men of war

Richard I

10 Ayyubid army scatters 09 Templars let loose Muslims

Its right wing smashed, the Ayyubid army soon routed, scattering Freed from the tactical order to
back into the hills and forests south of Arsuf. Richard, realising the
pursuing knights could be ambushed in a surprise counterattack, drew
defend and maintain discipline, the
crusader knights took the fight to the NUMBER OF TROOPS:

the warriors back into an orderly formation at Arsuf and ordered them Saracens, unleashing their hatred and
to pitch camp at the now-secure fortress. Saladin was forced to retreat combat prowess in one brutal wave
with his reputation as an invincible leader tarnished. of death. The right wing of Saladin’s
army couldn’t sustain the assault and
collapsed almost immediately, with
Richard himself weighing into the heart
of the fighting. As a bloody revenge
for the day’s attacks was complete, the
Knights Templar set off in pursuit of
the fleeing Saracens.


08 Counterattack
slams home
Garnier de Nablus disobeyed orders
in counterattacking, but with the
Hospitaller charging, Richard knew
they needed support and ordered his
army to engage with them. The full

05 09
weight of the crusader army therefore
suddenly switched emphasis from LEADER
08 defence to attack, ramming into the SALADIN
Ayyubid army with immense ferocity. He attained his exalted position as leader
of the Ayyubid army and founder of the
Ayyubid dynasty and was a wise and
experienced military commander.
Strength Respected tactical thinker and
powerful politician.
03 Weakness Hands-off leader with little
personal combat prowess.

06 Hospitallers come
under attack
Saladin shifted the focus point of his
07 Knights break rank
army to the rear of column, engaging
the Knights Hospitaller. Saladin Richard reached Arsuf in the middle of the afternoon, KEY UNIT
joined the assault along with his with the besieged Hospitaller vanguard retreating into the MOUNTED ARCHER
brother to inspire his men to make a fortress city. Line discipline was finally lost and a melee The light cavalry of Saladin was feared
breakthrough. Richard held the convoy began. Seeing his men in trouble, the grand master of the throughout the world due to its acute
together despite some losses and Knights Hospitaller, Garnier de Nablus, broke ranks and ability to strike quickly and at range,
edged them toward Arsuf. charged the Saracens. with skilled marksmen riding the world’s
fastest horses.
Strength Fast units that excelled in
ambush and hit-and-run attacks.
now levied on the city was too much and, after Austria fluttered in the light breeze. With Acre Weakness Easily cut down by knights in
a month of death and destruction, the remaining down, Richard knew that only the city of Jaffa hand-to-hand combat.
Muslim garrison within the city surrendered, which to the south stood in their way of making a
was a direct violation of Saladin’s orders. direct assault on Jerusalem, so he began making
On receiving the news of Acre’s fall, Saladin
immediately set out for the city. On his way
preparations for the continued crusade, as well
as for the reparation of the sacked city. These
he received news that Richard had taken the preparations were swiftly interrupted by an
Saladin’s mamluk infantry and his light
surrendering Muslim garrison of 2,400 men captive argument that developed between the conquering cavalry units excelled in bowmanship, with
and was offering their return for a ransom. Saladin, leaders as to how the city should be divided up their short bows used to swarm arrows on
known for his loyalty to his men and his wisdom, and to how the spoils of their victory should be crusader forces at every opportunity.
agreed to the ransom, which not only included apportioned. This quarrelling led Richard to strike Strengths Fast to fire and reload with
good stopping power.
monetary compensation but also the release of all down the Austrian standard from above the city’s
Weakness Could be outranged by the
of his Christian prisoners. walls, slighting Leopold, as the king of England longbow and all-but-useless in hand-to-
In Acre the banners of the Kingdom of sided with Guy of Lusignan rather than Philip hand combat.
Jerusalem, France, England and the Duchy of and Leopold over who should become king of

British Royals

Lionheart’s crusade
The Third Crusade faced challenges even before reaching the Holy Land

04 Battle of Arsuf
Arsuf – 7 September 1191 05 Richard bows out
Richard and the crusaders move out to
Vezelay capture Jaffa. However, Saladin intercepts
Jaffa – 8 August 1192
After taking Jaffa and then launching
Richard near the fortress city of Arsuf, two failed advances on Jerusalem,
pursuing him right up to the city, but the crusaders split in two, leaving
Richard wins the engagement.
Genoa neither capable of taking the city.
Richard finds Jaffa back in Saladin’s
hand, but reclaims it in battle.

01 Rome

02 Tripoli
02 The mad despot 03 Acre under siege Acre
01 A papal decree Cyprus – 8 May 1189 Acre – 28 August 1189 03
Rome – 29 October 1187
Pope Gregory VIII decrees the fall of the
On his way to the Holy Land,
Richard’s fleet is hit by a storm
The prolonged siege of the
Muslim-held city and port of Acre 04
Kingdom of Jerusalem is punishment and runs aground on Cyprus. sees thousands of crusaders and
for Christian sins, before issuing a papal
bull calling for the Third Crusade. France
The island’s despot ruler seizes
the ships, cargo and occupants.
Saracen soldiers killed. Following
the Lionheart’s arrival at the 05
and England heed the call, imposing the Richard takes Cyprus by force, siege on 8 June 1191, the city’s
‘Saladin tithe’ to fund the mission. freeing the enslaved subjects. prolonged defence falters.
The city of Acre as
it looks today

Jerusalem when the city was taken. Philip and leaving in late August for their European homes.
Leopold preferred fellow crusader and Italian For Richard, though, such betrayal of faith was
nobleman Conrad of Montferrat, with Phillip so unimaginable, and after calling on the Philip to do
angry he threatened to return to Europe. right in the eyes of god, managed to persuade him
This cauldron of scheming and disagreement to leave behind 10,000 French crusaders along
was tipped over the edge when Saladin delayed with the necessary funds to pay for their upkeep.
in paying the garrison’s ransom. An already irate The Lionheart was now the central remaining
and disgruntled Richard deemed the lateness a commander of over 20,000 crusaders, knights and
massive slight and ordered every single one of the soldiers alike and, burning with glorious purpose,
garrison to be executed. Saladin reached ordered the continuation of the crusade,
the city just as the decision was made, with the bulk of the crusading army
but could only watch as man after marching out of Acre in August’s
man was publicly executed, final days. This was no doubt
their heads lopped from their The number of who was now leading this
shoulders atop the city walls. Muslim prisoners holy crusade. The city also lay a mere 65 kilometres (40 miles)
Thousands died. The enraged Richard had executed The next city on the from Jerusalem, making it the ideal coastal base
Saladin replied like-for-like, crusaders’ relentless march for crusaders. Before it could be taken, though, the
in the city of Acre crusaders needed to get there in one piece. Richard
executing the 1,000 Christian to Jerusalem was Jaffa, an
prisoners in his custody. totalled around 2,700 important port that provided knew Saladin was somewhere in the nearby
Whatever deal could conceivably passage into the southern area and, aware of his enemy’s skill in arranging
have been reached between the Mediterranean Sea. As long as Jaffa ambushes, ordered his troops to march down the
rival leaders now lay in bitter ruins, remained untaken Saladin had a Mediterranean coastline, with the baggage train
seemingly as irrevocably dead as the natural avenue to pour more of his troops protected by being nearest to the coast. This tactic
unfortunate prisoners. into the region from his impregnable stronghold prevented Saladin from attacking on one flank, as
Angered and frustrated with Richard and Guy, of Egypt, but if it fell to the crusaders Saladin Richard also got his fleet to sail down the coast
Philip and Leopold finally decided that their would be forced to move men over land, a far less in parallel with them, shutting off the sea as an
participation in the Third Crusade was at an end, effective and more time-consuming proposition. avenue of possible attack.

Richard I

However, to the north of Jaffa lay the Wood of

Arsuf, one of the only forested areas in all of the
Levant. The woods ran parallel to the coastline Anatomy of a Templar knight
for over 20 kilometres (12 miles) and had to be
The key kit and weapons carried by the most elite of Christian warriors
traversed by Richard’s army if they were to reach
Jaffa. After harassing Richard’s troops with small
hit-and-run attacks within the woods, Saladin Helmet Jerkin
sanctioned a full-scale assault on the crusaders, Decapitation resistance A guaranteed chafe-free experience
which led to the largest pitched battle of the Third The great helm was the Unseen, however often critical in keeping
mainstay of the Templar a Knight Templar breathing, was the
Crusade. Saladin knew the battle would be decisive,
Order and offered excellent haubergeon, a padded jerkin that sat against
but couldn’t possibly have foreseen how disastrous his skin. The jerkin extended over much
protection against blows,
for him it would be. As the Sun went down on 7 as did the sugarloaf of the upper body and was the last line
September 1191 the Saracen army had been routed helmet. Due to narrow of defence from enemy blows. In colder
in a decisive counterattack led by Richard’s Knights viewing corridors and high climates, it also helped keep the warrior
Hospitaller. Saladin retreated to regroup what was temperatures experienced warm – not an issue in the Holy Land.
left of his battered army and lick his wounds. in the Holy Land, many
opted for more lightweight
The crusaders made a beeline for Jaffa, swiftly
alternatives with open faces.
besieging and taking it. Despite some disagreement
with the other crusader leaders, Richard – with
Jerusalem almost in sight – decided to open
negotiations with his enemy. Saladin,
who was being questioned by some
of his subjects following the defeat
Around 8,000
at Arsuf, agreed to the negotiations
and sent his brother, Al-Adil to Jaffa English knights and
to lead the talks. Despite headway soldiers journeyed to
being made – at one time Richard’s the Holy Land for the
sister Joan was being talked about
as a potential bride for Al-Adil with
Jerusalem as a wedding gift – the talks
ultimately broke down.
The breakdown of the talks caused unrest
in the crusader ranks, with arguments arising
about the best way to proceed toward their goal. Broadsword
Richard, growing tired of the constant in-fighting, Designed to hack and slash
acted decisively and ordered the army to move As standard for western Surcoat
on Jerusalem in November, first moving through knights, the typical Knight It ain’t half hot in
Templar was armed with a the Holy Land
Ascalon and then Latrun. The Christian army was Above the knight’s
broadsword, however when
soon at Beit Nuba, a mere 20 kilometres (12 miles) fighting on horseback spears chainmail sat the
from Jerusalem. The news quickly spread of the were also used. Sometimes, visible surcoat. This
crusaders’ progress and the morale in the Muslim two-handed broadswords white garment not
garrisons within the city crumbled. Saladin’s forces were opted for while only kept the Sun off
fighting on foot, but while their metal armour,
had been crushed, Acre, Arsuf and Jaffa taken and
they granted extra reach also displayed the
Jerusalem looked set to be next. Victory for the symbols of the Order.
and cleaving power, they left
Third Crusade seemed inevitable. the knight shieldless.
At this vital point hesitation crept into the
crusader ranks, though. Saladin had proven
himself a worthy and tricky foe and, not knowing
the extent to which his forces had been depleted,
Richard feared that a retaliation attack, most likely

“Saladin could only

watch as man after Chainmail
Thy enemy’s blade shall not pass
The first and best line of defence
man was publicly The primary form of defence against
enemy strikes, the hauberk, a long-
Adorned with the Christian cross of their
order, the Templar shield was large and
executed, their sleeved shirt of chainmail fitted with
chain covers for the hands and a
long, with a teardrop design protecting
their entire torso and upper legs. It was
heads lopped from chain coif hood for the head, was a
knight’s armour. The chainmail would
constructed from wood and had a metal
rim, the latter helping to protect against it

their shoulders atop be partnered with iron chausses to

protect their legs.
splitting under the weight of sword blows.
It had a leather handgrip at the rear.

the city walls’”

British Royals

another large-scale ambush, was very near. In

addition, the weather in the winter months
had taken a marked turn for the worse,
with heavy rain and hail leading to
poor conditions under foot. These
factors caused Richard to pause Some 2,000
for thought rather than make
straight for the holy city and he
Christian soldiers
consulted his fellow crusaders. fought as part of the
It was agreed that if they started Third Crusade’s last
besieging Jerusalem and were hit
battle at Jaffa
with a relieving force from Saladin,
the poor conditions would lead to a
massacre. As such, Richard ordered a
retreat back to the coast. The attack would
have to wait.
The invading army spent the rest of the winter
months in Ascalon before continuing hostilities
in the spring of 1192. Saladin, who had been
forced by his emirs (commanders) to disband
much of what was left of his army – the emirs
favouring consolidation rather than open hostilities
– launched no major attack. However, bands of
Saracen troops constantly plagued the crusaders,
with a series of small fights and skirmishes slowly
eroding the crusader army’s numbers and morale.
This came to a head on 22 May when the fortified
town of Darum fell to the crusader forces after
Crusading king or bloody murderer?
five days of bloody fighting. The crusaders had Historian Douglas Boyd gives his verdict on the Lionheart
won great battles in the Holy Land but no more Despite Richard’s leading role in the Third Crusade, the opinion of Victorian historian Bishop William Stubbs
armies were journeying across the Mediterranean was that this king was “a bad ruler, whose love of war effectively disqualified him from being a peaceful one;
his utter want of political common sense from being a prudent one.” Stubbs called him “a man of blood, whose
to bolster their forces; those men who fell in battle
crimes were those of one whom long use of warfare had made too familiar with slaughter, and a vicious man.”
weren’t going to be replaced. Richard’s crusade was Respected historian of the crusades Sir Steven Runciman balanced the two sides of Richard’s character: “He
faltering, its primary purpose slipping away like was a bad son, a bad husband and a bad king, but a gallant and splendid soldier.” While Richard consistently
sand in an hourglass. displayed supreme physical courage, gallant and splendid are not adjectives one would use today of the man
The crusading king of England managed to who slaughtered 3,000 prisoners at the siege of Acre and nearly bankrupted the kingdom twice in his ten-
marshal his remaining forces together for one last year reign. The enduring legend of Richard as a heroic Christian warrior is due to the brilliant public-relations
campaign of his mother, Eleanor of Aquitaine, to raise the ransom when he was taken hostage returning to
advance on Jerusalem, marching inland in June
England after the events of the Third Crusade.
of that year. This time, far from being checked at Douglas Boyd is the author of Lionheart: The True Story Of England’s Crusading King, published by The
Beit Nuba, the crusaders actually came within sight History Press.
of the hallowed city. The time, it appeared, had
finally come. Richard was to return Jesus’s city to
its rightful owners and reinstate Christianity as the
dominant religious and military power in the Holy
Land. However, as the tired, dusty and bronzed
“Richard believed the best way to take
warriors stood there watching the distant city from
afar, once more the poison of dissent started to
Jerusalem was not besiege it but to
seep among its leaders.
Despite standing before the city, months of
attack Saladin directly in Egypt”
resentment over the course the Crusade had taken themselves, with the knights and soldiers now thousands of Muslim soldiers driven berserk due to
boiled over among the military commanders, breaking previous allegiances and siding with the massacre at Acre.
with debate over the best military course of action either one side or the other, splitting the crusader With the lives of the surviving crusaders very
descending into personal attacks and squabbles. army in two. firmly in his hands – after all, it had been Richard
The majority of the leaders, including Richard Neither of the two forces were now powerful who ordered the Acre executions – a return to
the Lionheart, believed that the best way to take enough to assault a city, let alone Jerusalem, and England would have to wait. With a band of 2,000
Jerusalem was not besiege it, but to attack Saladin as such Richard was forced to order a retreat. While surviving knights and soldiers, Richard launched
directly in Egypt, thereby forcing him to relinquish progressing back toward the coast, angry with one final assault on Saladin, approaching Jaffa
it of his own free will as a bargaining chip to the French, Richard decided to return to England. by sea in a surprise attack. The Ayyubid soldiers
prevent his own fall. However, just as he was approaching Jaffa, news who had only just taken the city were completely
However, the leader of the surviving French arrived via a scout that the city had fallen to unprepared for the attack and were soon overrun,
crusaders, the Duke of Burgundy Hugh III, believed Saladin, who had personally overseen the assault. with a combination of knights and crusader
the only course of action was an immediate and Furthermore, the scout reported that the lives of all crossbowmen decisively breaking their resistance.
direct assault on the city. News of the split in the people there were under a very real threat as The attack was so brutally effective that Saladin
the leaders’ plans filtered down to the crusaders the Muslim ruler had lost control of his army, the was forced to flee from Jaffa to the south.

Richard I

Richard the Lionheart’s forces

on the march toward Jerusalem

Why was Jerusalem This would be the final battle of the Crusade control but from now on, Christian pilgrims and
for Saladin and Richard. Following Jaffa’s second traders would be permitted to visit the city, with
so sought after? fall, the region entered a limbo-like stasis, their rights protected by law.
The geographical region of Palestine, between with the Christian crusaders and For Richard, the treaty was to
the River Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea, Muslim Ayyubids sapped of any be his last act in the Holy Land,
was referred to as the Holy Land by Christians
further will for bloodshed. The Richard the with the king setting out on his
and Muslims alike. Both religions claimed
ownership due to their faith, with the city of fighting had gone on for three return to England immediately
years and large parts of the
Lionheart remained after. His return journey,
Jerusalem held in particular esteem. Both Islam
and Christianity were Abrahamic monotheistic area lay in ruins. Tens of in the Holy Land for though, would not be as
religions and as such, both sides considered the thousands of men, women and a grand total of 17 straightforward as the one
other to be unbelievers in the one true god and children had lost their lives over, with a series of events
considered their presence heretical. months during the
and, despite some areas of the leading to his own capture,
By the Third Crusade, Jerusalem and large
Levant changing hands, nothing Crusades temporary imprisonment and
parts of Palestine and the Levant region had
changed hands again and again, with conflicts had changed. Jerusalem remained yet more battles. However, the war
© Joe Cummings; Getty; Alamy; Thinkstock

destabilising the region. Richard, coming from under Muslim control, Saladin was he would go down in history for was
the Christian West, therefore perceived the ruler of the Ayyubid Empire and Richard his quest for the Holy Land – a journey
fall of Jerusalem to Saladin’s forces in 1187 as the Lionheart was still the fierce warrior king full of bloodshed, plunder and religious fanaticism.
a direct attack on his faith. From Saladain’s It ensured his legacy would forever be debated
without a firm foothold in the Holy Land. What
point of view he was merely taking back the
had changed, though, was Saladin and Richard’s between those who see him as a crusading king
spiritual heartland of his own faith; one that had
previously rested in the hands of infidels. desire for more war and bloodshed, and so a treaty and others who view him as an amoral, cold-
followed. Jerusalem would remain under Muslim blooded killer, a debate that still rages on today.

British Royals


Reviled and revered in equal measure, King
John I of England remains one of history’s most
provocative rulers. But was he as ‘bad’ as his
enduring moniker suggests?

uch like the equally controversial king stature, Henry also promised him the castles of
Charles I, who would throw his nation Mirabeau, Chinon and Loudun. This move to
into the most devastating civil war in legitimise John as part of royal strata did not best
English history, John Lackland was never please his oldest brother and heir to the throne,
meant to be king. He entered the world Henry the Younger. The disgruntled heir apparent
on Christmas Eve 1167, the youngest legitimate son fumed at the idea of lands and castles that should
of Henry II of England and Eleanor of Aquitaine. eventually pass to him being divvied up among his
His parents held sway over one of the most siblings. Yet, despite gaining a potential foothold in
intimidating power bases in the world, the the politics of Medieval Europe, John’s run of
Angevin Empire, covering half of France good fortune ran out when Alais died
and all of England. before they could marry. As fast as
Even from a young age the One of the it had formed, John’s potential
prince was a cynical and, at inheritance was obliterated.
clauses of Magna
times, ruthless character. His In 1173, the disenfranchised
tutors would remark on his Carta stated that a Henry the Younger, backed
restless energy and common widow could not be by his mother Eleanor, made
fits of rage, personality traits forced to remarry a vie for power. With his
that also often flared up in his brothers Geoffrey and Richard
father. However, unlike the king,
against her own encouraged to join him, the
these flaws were rarely kept in wishes move sparked a brief series of
check, their dark presence forming rebellions between 1173 and 1174.
into cruelty and malice towards those Henry II would eventually bring the
around him. As his childhood began to fade rebellions to an end, but the uprisings proved
away, his distrust of others grew, along with a deep just how cannibalistic a royal family could become
sense of paranoia. if the balance of power was shifted too far.
Despite his son’s poor standing in the line of Henry the Younger, for all his posturing, would
succession, Henry was far from uncaring towards retain his place as the English king’s heir apparent,
his prospects. In 1171, Henry organised a betrothal but it would be John that would benefit most
between John and Alais, the daughter and heiress from the conflict. As the revolts were raging across
of Count Humbert III of Savoy. the region, the young John joined the king at his
As part of the deal, John would acquire the side. Despite his rebellious nature, John clearly
future inheritance of Savoy, Maurienne and the understood the importance of showing allegiance
count’s other lands. In order to bolster John’s to his father. Within months of the rebellion’s

King John

The best and worst

of British kings and
Alfred the Great 871-99
A precursor in some respects to the
domestic resolve and foreign success
of future kings Henry V and Edward III,
Alfred not only defended his kingdom
from a number of Viking invasions
but also helped revolutionise England’s
military structure and legal system.

Henry V 1413-22
Immortalised by Shakespeare, Henry V
was a rare commodity in the pantheon
of Medieval rule. A fair yet direct
monarch, Henry’s reign was a relatively
peaceful one domestically – which
allowed him to wage a military career
so successful he was named heir apparent
to France.

Elizabeth I 1558-1603
When Elizabeth took to the throne in
1558, she inherited a realm deeply
fractured by the reformation of her
father and the Protestant purge of
her sister. Yet, for all those pitfalls,
Elizabeth helped usher in a climate of
religious reconciliation and a golden age
of economic and artistic growth.

Edward III 1327-77

Despite inheriting a kingdom wrought
with problems following his father’s
disastrous reign, Edward III managed
the impossible. A series of successful
campaigns re-established England as a
military stronghold and his overhaul of
parliament changed the country forever.

John I 1199-1216
He may not have been the worst monarch
in England’s history, but a mixture
of cruel personality traits, a military
campaign that weakened England’s
hold over Europe and the refusal to
honour Magna Carta, which led to civil
unrest, saw him earn the moniker ‘Bad
King John’.

Mary I 1553-58
A palpable air of religious zeal will forever
typify the brief reign of Mary Tudor.
Her desire to return England to the
Old Faith was so blind in its intent
that it led England into a disastrous
alliance with Spain and a fever of public
burnings so vicious it made Catholicism
shorthand for persecution.

Charles I 1625-49
The almost polar opposite of his father
James I, Charles was an introverted
monarch easily manipulated by his
wife, Henrietta Maria, and his Privy
Council. His unwillingness to appease
the rise of parliament as a political
entity led to a civil war that nearly tore
the country apart.

British Royals

beginnings, the king could often be found

proclaiming that John was his favourite child, and “When Richard failed to return from
began granting the young prince lands and titles
across England and Normany. In 1175, King Henry the crusade, John started spreading
took this one step further by arranging a new
betrothal, this time to Isabella of Gloucester, the propaganda that the Lionheart had died”
wealthy daughter of the Duke of Gloucester.
In 1177, when John was a mere ten years old,
Henry decided that he would grant his youngest
son a position of tangible power and appointed
him Lord of Ireland. When John arrived on Irish
soil eight years later with a contingent of 300
knights and a council of administrators, he found
a country still sore from the strains of an Anglo-
Norman occupation. This was a scenario that the
18-year-old John would only make worse – as soon
as he landed he went about insulting most of the
Irish nobles he met, belittling their long beards and
clothes, and failing to make valuable allies with the
Anglo-Norman settlers. Before the year was over,
John had been driven out, his first attempt at power
ending in abject humiliation.
Elsewhere, the House of Plantagenet was in
disarray. Henry the Younger, now Junior King of
England, and his younger brother Richard, who had
supported him in his rebellion against their father,
had come to blows over the future of the kingdom.
But Henry the Young King would succumb to
dysentery in 1183 aged 28, with his father officially
recognising Richard as his legitimate heir. As part

of this reshuffling of positions, John’s older brother propaganda that the Lionheart had died in battle,
Geoffrey would retain power in Brittany and John and went about presenting himself as the only true
would be made Duke of Aquitaine. claimant to the crown.
Three years later, Geoffrey was killed in a In reality, Richard had been taken hostage by
jousting tournament, bringing John one step closer Holy Roman Emperor Henry VI. Knowing that
to the throne. With their father in ill health, and his his brother still remained immensely popular
own desire to lead a new crusade in the Holy Land with the nobility, John had no choice but to pay
growing with each passing season, Richard feared the extortionate ransom to release the king. Upon
Henry would appoint John king in his absence, his release in 1194, Richard openly forgave John
so he formed an alliance with the French king for his attempts to overthrow him but stripped
Philip II in 1187 and waged war against his father’s him of all his lands, with the exception of his
remaining forces. John initially remained faithful lordship in Ireland. It was a prime example of the
to his father, but eventually switched sides when relationship that existed between the two brothers
Richard’s resilience began to win out.
Henry II, King of England, died on 6 July
1189 and Richard ascended the throne soon
after. The next decade saw John embrace the
ruthlessness that had typified his youth. While
Richard conducted the Third Crusade from 1189
to 1192, John conspired to replace the man
who governed England in his absence,
Richard’s steward and justiciar, William
Longchamp. Richard’s justiciar was
unpopular with the people and the
nobles alike, so John positioned
himself as an alternative steward
of the English throne. When
Richard failed to return from
the crusade as expected,
John began spreading

King John

– one the dashing

absentee king riding King John’s
the wave of adulation
that came with new
road to ruin
foreign conquests, the
other a paranoid bureaucrat more
concerned with the machinations
of his kingdom’s inner workings.
Still, John remained relatively
loyal to Richard for the remainder of the 3 Berwick-upon-Tweed
December 1215 – Spring 1216
With the rebels on the back foot, they turn to their
Lionheart’s reign until his death on 6 closest ally of power, Alexander II of Scotland. He
begins capturing towns, so John marches to meet
April 1199. him, burning Berwick-upon-Tweed to the ground.
John ascended the English throne
and became the head of the Angevin
Empire at the age of 32, but his
succession wouldn’t be without
obstacles. Arthur of Brittany, the eldest
son of his brother Geoffrey, had a stronger 7 Newark Castle,
Nottinghamshire October 1216
After marching into rebel-held East Anglia in
claim to the throne, but Richard had openly September 1216, John is believed to have contracted
named John as his heir in the final years of his dysentery while resting in King’s Lynn. By this time,
John’s forces have entered into a stalemate with
the rebels. The king’s health finally fails him after he
reaches Newark Castle.

4East Anglia Feb 1216

Having driven the Scots out of much of the
north at the close of 1215, John now rides to meet
and crush further uprisings by barons in East Anglia,
where a majority of those that oppose the king
own land. The king subdues much of the chaos but
London remains in rebel hands.

2 London/
East Anglia
November 1215
Despite discouragement
from his father and the
pope himself, Prince Louis
agrees to help the rebels
and sends a contingent of
French knights to help the
rebels maintain control
of London. Instead of
pushing to take London,
John loses the advantage
and instead harries rebel-
controlled towns.

reign. Unfortunately, as with every succession in

the Middle Ages, even the smallest claim to the
throne had the potential to divide a kingdom.
John’s coronation took place in Westminster on
27 May 1199, with the majority of the nobility in
England and Normandy backing his claim and
recognising his kingship. Arthur, on the other hand,
had the backing of Breton, Anjou and Maine nobles,
as well as the support of Philip II. The shrewd
French monarch was doing everything he could to
undermine the Angevin Empire that John’s father
had worked so hard to maintain.
John would, after fortifying defences along
the borders of Normandy and renewing alliances
with Count Baldwin of Flanders and Renaud 6Corfe
August 1216
5 Dover, Kent
May 1216
With John’s naval forces severely
1 Rochester Castle
November 1215
With the king refusing to abide
of Boulogne, eventually hold back Arthur and diminished by storms, Louis’ by Magna Carta, which he had
With Louis now controlling a
Philip’s advances, forcing a truce in January 1200. third of the country, including forces arrive and lay siege to been forced to sign in June, a
London, John is forced to Dover Castle and Windsor Castle. group of disaffected barons defy
The treaty would become one of John’s defining consolidate his forces in Dorset, After three months Louis is his rule and offer the throne
moments as a ruler. As part of the agreement, where he plans to retake the forced to call a truce and move to the heir apparent of France,
south from the French usurper. ahead to London. Prince Louis.
Philip renounced his support of Arthur’s claim

British Royals

and recognised John as the rightful successor placing an interdict that forbade church services
of Richard and ruler of his Angevin lands. In from taking place in England for six years, as well
turn, John agreed to break his alliance with as excommunicating the troublesome king for his
Flanders and Boulogne and accept Philip as the continued belligerence.
unchallenged overlord of his French holdings. With the immolation of the Angevin Empire still
Such a move was incredibly unpopular across fresh in the mind of the nobles and barons, and the
England and the Angevin territories, earning him nation in a state of religious turmoil, John wisely
the title of ‘John Softsword’ among his people. agreed a treaty with the pope in 1213. However,
The peace would last a mere two years. John unfortunately for John, the damage had already
had become obsessed with the 12-year-old been done and the disgruntled barons had had
daughter of Count Aymer of Angouleme, Isabella. their fill of a king who would answer to no one but
He had his marriage to Isabella of Gloucester himself. Faced with the prospect of an armed revolt
annulled and married the girl in August 1200, that could tear the kingdom asunder, John had
sparking the old conflict anew. Isabella had been no choice but to sign a renewed version of Henry
promised to the powerful French noble Hugh de I’s Coronation Charter on 15 June 1215. Known as
Lusignan and the jilted ex-fiancé turned to the Magna Carta, the document reiterated the king’s
manipulative Philip II for help. responsibility to his subjects and his lands. Rather
John was summoned to the French court to than being designed to bind the king, Magna Carta
answer for his actions (including the rumours was created with the aim of upholding the liberties
that he’d captured and murdered his nephew and of England’s citizens.
former rival, Arthur of Brittany). John, ever the Such a moment was meant to be one of peace,
firebrand, refused to cooperate with the request a triumph for civil liberties among the seemingly
and Philip stripped him of almost all his foreign endless strife that had dogged England since
Richard the Lionheart’s death and his malicious
brother John’s ascension. But, as it emerged, the
cunning king had only signed the treaty to placate
“He was a shrewd
his nobles.
After all his clashes with the Vatican, John now
administrator who
turned to the new pontiff, Pope Innocent III, for
help. John placed himself at his mercy, proclaiming
knew the only way
the charter an infringement of the 1213 agreement to fund his wars on
that deemed the pope as John’s feudal lord. Pope
Innocent was inclined to the continent was
agree, calling the
charter “not only to levy taxes
shameful and
on the

lands and proceeded to invade Normandy.

Chateau Gaillard, John’s nigh on impregnable
castle, fell following a long and bloody siege in
1203, and most of Normandy fell soon after. His
funds exhausted, John was forced to flee back
to England, the Plantagenet’s hold over Europe
finally broken.
The king soon turned his attention to more
domestic matters of state, a role that his father
had revelled in during his younger years.
Unlike his father, John paid little heed to the
nobles and leaders that he crossed as part of his
administrative duties as king, but
he did excel at the bureaucratic
management of his kingdom. His
interference in the election of the
new Archbishop of Canterbury in
1205, however, would provoke the ire
of the pope himself, with the pontiff

King John

but illegal and unjust.” He then excommunicated

the barons involved in forcing John to sign,
plunging the country into the civil conflict known Magna Carta: The abridged version
as the First Barons’ War. So why did only the Don’t have time to read all 63 clauses of the Magna Carta? Well, worry not because we’ve
barons, members of England’s elite class, decide to extracted the main points for you. These easy-to-digest snippets will give you everything
rebel against the king? The answer lies in John’s you need to know about the ground-breaking charter
approach to taxation. For all his faults he was a
shrewd administrator who knew the only way to ‘The guardian of the land of an heir who is ‘All merchants may enter or leave
fund his exhaustive wars on the continent was to under age shall take from it only reasonable England unharmed and without
levy taxes on the rich. revenues, customary dues, and feudal services. fear, and may stay or travel
The most lucrative tool that John used to gather He shall do this without destruction or damage within it, by land or water,
to men or property.’ for purposes of trade, free
funds was ‘scutage’. All barons were sworn to serve
from all illegal exactions,
in military campaigns as part of their royal fealty, No one can make money from in accordance
but these moneyed individuals could pay a feudal other people’s property. with ancient and
aid that released them from performing this duty lawful customs.’
if they did not wish to fight. This tax remained ‘Inquests of novel disseisin, mort d’ancestor,
relatively unchanged throughout the reign of and darrein presentment shall be taken only in Merchants
John’s brother Richard I, but his successor went their proper county court.’ can travel
and trade
on to increase it from one marc (the standard unit Property disputes should be freely.
of taxation used at the time, roughly equivalent to settled in court.
two thirds of a Medieval pound and about £4,000- To no one will
£5,000 in modern Sterling) to a staggering two ‘No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, we sell, to no
marcs. The fact that John forced this tax through or stripped of his rights or possessions, or one will we
even when the nation wasn’t at war proved to be outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing refuse or delay,
in any other way, nor will we proceed with right or justice.
the splinter that would eventually lead his gentry
force against him, or send others to do so,
to revolt. except by the lawful judgement of his equals or No one is
The rebellion lasted for two years, fuelled by by the law of the land.’ above the
the barons’ desire to finally bring their wayward law.
king to heel and by the support of Prince Louis, Everyone has the right to a
the heir apparent of Philip II. Ironically, it was a fair trial.
conflict neither side particularly wanted to fight
for. The barons certainly had no desire to throw
their nation into turmoil – the fact that they
were forced to turn to an overzealous prince to
escalate matters proves that the gentry had been
backed into an awkward political corner. In fact,
Louis’ presence in England and the presence of
a formidable French invasion force ended up
posing as much of a threat to the infrastructure of
England as John did.
By the time of his death in October 1216,
reportedly from dysentery, the same illness that
claimed his eldest brother Henry, John had left
the kingdom he inherited a shadow of its former
self. The Angevin Empire of his predecessors had
all but collapsed under the weight of poor political
decisions and failed military campaigns, and
England’s standing with its neighbours and rivals
was significantly diminished. Its funds had been
drained and his inadequacies as a leader and a
commander had left a once powerful nation wide
open to invasion.
Yet, for all of his mistakes, most fuelled by his
telltale ruthlessness, John did have some markedly
“Rather than being
positive impacts on his realm. Record keeping and
administrative duties maintained in his father’s
designed to bind the
reign flourished under John’s stewardship, as did
the judicial system. John showed a great interest
king, Magna Carta was
in the proliferation of justice, with the royal courts created with the aim of
becoming more involved in regional cases than
ever before. Sadly, any such improvements that he upholding the liberties of
may have made to Medieval life have long been
buried beneath the actions of men who were too England’s citizens”
flawed to rule.

British Royals

was crowned
twice – first in 1216,
and again in 1220 to
HENRY III reaffirm his right to rule
England, 1207-1272 and strengthen efforts
Henry’s reign began
to rebuild the
with a baronial revolt, kingdom
Brief and, seemingly
Bio destined to repeat
his father’s mistakes,
nearly ended with one too.
With his rule initially governed
by council, Henry was unwilling
to take full control of his
kingdom until later in his reign,
allowing those that should have
supported him to gain power at
his expense.


Henry III
How a boy king whose reign was plagued by rebellion went
on to become one of England’s longest-reigning monarchs

pon King John’s death in 1216, his nine-year- scandalously impious, Henry was renowned for
old son, Henry III, inherited a kingdom in his religious conviction, holding lavish religious
chaos. The First Barons’ War was still in ceremonies, giving generously to the church
effect, with rebel barons in open conflict with (particularly during his wife Eleanor’s five
supporters of the crown, and Prince Louis of pregnancies) and adopting Edward the Confessor as
France occupying London. With Henry too young his patron saint. Henry believed that he should rule
to reign, John had appointed a council of nobles to England in a dignified manner through peace and
help him reclaim the kingdom, and this regency order, just as Edward had before him. As a king,
government would steer Henry’s rule for much of though, his rule would mirror that of his father
his first 20 years as king, bringing the First Barons’ a great deal more than most would have liked.
War to a close in 1217 and working to reinstate Conflict in France over the remaining English-held
royal authority for many years after. All the while, territories there led to Henry reissuing the failed
foundations were being laid for parliamentary Magna Carta agreement in 1225 in return for the
institutions that are still in place today. financial support of his barons in raising an army,
As a man, Henry was a marked contrast to a 1230 invasion to reclaim the contested territories
his father; where John was considered to be ended in failure, and conflicting political ambitions

Henry III

ministerial appointments, local administration

and the custody of royal castles, and would be
monitored in turn by Parliament. Henry initially
agreed to the Provisions, but, like his father before
him, sought papal assistance to release him from
the agreement, assistance that came in the form
of a papal bull in 1261 absolving Henry of his
responsibility to uphold the Provisions. Simon de
Montfort and Richard de Clare, radical reformists
and key figures amongst those that had forced
A drawing of an elephant gifted to Henry for his Henry to accept the Provisions, formed their own
menagerie by Louis IX of France, by Matthew Paris, a
Benedictine monk and contemporary chronicler parliament, installing a rival system of government
to Henry’s, but the rebels backed down in the
among his advisors led to discontent from many face of a mercenary army raised by Henry in case
nobles at their treatment by Henry’s government. of open war. De Montfort fled to France, and de
The greatest parallel to his father’s reign came Clare joined the loyalists. Royal order was restored,
with the Second Barons’ War in 1264, a result albeit briefly with Henry’s influence weakening
of years of financial pressure placed on the once more under the combined effect of Welsh
barons by their king. Funds raised to support unrest on the borders and the papacy reversing its
a planned crusade were spent instead quelling decision on the Provisions of Oxford. Upon his death, Henry’s reign had lasted for
revolt in Gascony in 1252 when the populace By 1263, civil war was a threat once more, with 56 years and 29 days, the fourth longest in
English history
rebelled against the king’s lieutenant, Simon de de Montfort returned from France and quick
Montfort. An agreement in 1254 with to gather the unhappy barons under a
Pope Innocent IV that would have
seen Henry’s second son Edmund
coalition banner against the crown in
the Midlands. The Second Barons’
Life in the time
crowned as King of Sicily
Henry kept War officially began in April 1264, of Henry III
turned sour after Innocent was with Henry and Edward, his
succeeded by Alexander IV. The a menagerie of exotic heir, marching on de Montfort’s A short and brutal life?
deal involved Henry financing creatures at the Tower of Midlands power base before Average life expectancy at birth in the 13th
Century was just 30 years, largely due to
the papacy’s wars in Sicily London, including a lion, turning southeast. De Montfort high incidences of infant mortality, though
in return for the crown. By gave chase, defeating Henry at
1258, Alexander threatened to
leopards, a polar bear the Battle of Lewes, capturing
making it to 20 years old vastly improved an
individual’s chances of surviving to see their
excommunicate Henry for failing and an elephant the king and forcing him to 40th, and even perhaps 50th birthday.
to meet his financial obligation pardon the rebels and reinstate
towards the Sicilian campaign. Unable the Provisions of Oxford. Disorder A parliamentary affair
to convince Parliament to supply all the reigned in the wake of de Montfort’s During Henry’s reign, the role of parliament
funds he needed, Henry turned to the senior clergy, victory, however, and Edward was able to form a in the country’s governance evolved a great
deal, growing from a nominal council able to
forcing them to sign over thousands to help settle new army in May, eventually bringing de Montfort
exercise a degree of restraint upon the king’s
the debt. Earlier attempts to influence the Holy to battle near Evesham in August 1265. The rebel proposals, to a formal and independently
Roman Empire’s elections, in order to have his forces were outnumbered, outmanoeuvred and powerful entity whose support could be
brother Richard crowned King of the Romans, only subsequently massacred, with de Montfort killed essential to a successful reign.
added to Henry’s debts. With the barons and the and his body mutilated by the royalists. Henry
church dissatisfied at being constantly asked to foot was freed by his son, and the restoration of royal Population boom
the bills for Henry’s continued spending, conflict power brought with it hard justice – all those that From the 11th to 13th Centuries, England’s
was inevitable and building pressure on Parliament had taken part in the rebellion were disinherited population is thought to have grown from
to reform led to the passing of the Provisions of at the next meeting of Parliament. With baronial around 1.5 million to between 5 and 7 million,
a considerable increase as there were no
Oxford. This plan of reform, decided by a royal opposition ended, Henry was able to spend his
medical breakthroughs or major immigration
commission, resulted in Henry being forced to remaining years delivering a largely peaceful occurring. During Henry’s reign, the population
accept the formation of a new baronial council of and orderly rule of which his idol, Edward the may have grown by as much as 1.2 million,
15 members. The new council would supervise Confessor, might have approved. though reliable contemporary sources are rare.

Friends in high places

Papal support was a valuable resource
A lost inheritance throughout the Middle Ages, and making
Henry considered the Angevin lands in France, lost during his an enemy of the church inevitably also
father’s reign, to be legally his and reclaiming these territories meant making an enemy of those countries
was an important concern for the young king. Following the that supported the church. The threat of
death of Louis VIII and the coronation of 12-year old Louis IX, excommunication was a powerful tool for
Angevin nobles in France revolted against the French crown, bringing an unruly baron, or even king, to heel.
pledging their support to Henry if he would take back the
Angevin provinces. Henry invaded in the summer of 1230, A French connection
marching south to Poitou, but the guidance of his advisors The official language at Henry’s court was
resulted in an ineffectual and costly military campaign. French: Henry’s Angevin heritage and family
The lost territories remained under French rule, and Henry traditions were important to him, and he
returned home defeated. hoped that his court would help bring his
English and continental nobles together.

British Royals

Edward I wasn’t
the first Edward to
rule England but the
third. Kings were only
numbered after the
Norman conquest
of 1066

England, 1239-1307

primarily for his
Brief brutal conquests of
Bio Wales and Scotland,
Edward I – also
known as ‘Longshanks’ and
‘Hammer of the Scots’ – was a
master statesman and unlikely
reformer who enshrined the
Magna Carta in law and paved
the way for a representative
English parliament.


Edward I
Conqueror of Scotland and Wales and unlikely father of democracy,
Edward I was the savage warrior king who laid down the bloody
foundations of the United Kingdom

ne of the greatest monarchs of the who was at times capable of great cruelty and even
Plantagenet dynasty, Edward I – also known self-destructive obsession.
by his forbidding nickname, the ‘Hammer Henry III ensured that his son had the best
of the Scots’ – proves that a great king isn’t possible education available to a European prince –
necessarily a good person. Very much his giving him England’s French domain of Gascony in
father’s son, he inherited from Henry III not only 1254, along with other territories, to rule and hone
a drooping left eye and unpredictable Plantagenet his skills – but the real life lessons came from the
temper, but also a series of life lessons that shaped old king’s weak and indecisive rule. His religious
his reign. Over a reign of 34 years and seven conviction had made him too biddable to the
months, Edward I brought order to a chaotic pope in Rome and his secular power too had been
political system, created a uniform system of justice usurped by a snake pit of powerful English barons.
for his entire kingdom, and led an orgy of conquest Already more comfortable solving problems with
into Wales and Scotland. Edward I was indeed one a mailed fist, aged 24 the hot-headed prince got
of the fathers of modern Britain, but a stern one his first taste of blood – and of the true extent of

Edward I

Henry III’s failings – at the Battle of Lewes on 14 Resistance to English interference arose in the
May 1264. In one of the key engagements of the form of the charismatic William Wallace and on
Second Barons’ War against the crown, Edward had 11 September 1297 the Scottish rebels trounced a
successfully routed the rebel cavalry and chased larger English army at the Battle of Stirling Bridge.
them miles off the battlefield. The thrill of victory As if stung by this defeat, Edward I assembled
was short-lived; returning to the field, he discovered an army of 15,000 men. Heavily outnumbered,
that the king’s forces had surrendered to the Wallace led his forces in a gruelling guerrilla war
upstart earl, Simon de Montefort, and Edward was amid the heather, but was eventually forced to
held hostage. The humiliation wouldn’t stand, and engage in open battle at Falkirk on 22 July 1298.
after escaping captivity he defeated his tormentor Wallace’s rebel army was crushed, leaving Edward
at the Battle of Evesham, leaving the traitorous earl in control of southeast Scotland.
mutilated on the battlefield. In the castles and palaces, the clash was no
Edward had entered the Second Barons’ War less unpredictable thanks to the shifting loyalties
as the loyal son to a weak king, and emerged one of the Scottish nobility. Robert the Bruce sided
of the most powerful men in England – a clear with the English in 1302, William Wallace was
monarch-in-waiting – as the weak king got even betrayed and executed in 1305 and then, just as
weaker with age. Still enthralled by the taste of all seemed peaceful, Robert the Bruce declared
blood and the lure of chivalry, Edward joined the himself King of Scots in 1306 and turned against
Ninth Crusade in June 1268, although his passage England. Edward I, despite his increasingly poor
was delayed by lack of money until 1270. Chalking health, responded as he knew best – with war. He
Known as Edward Longshanks, meaning
up victories – not least of which was the seizure of drove Robert the Bruce from his throne and into ‘long legs’ or ‘long shins’, when the king’s
Nazareth, the Biblical birthplace of Jesus Christ – hiding with a series of thunderous assaults, but on tomb was opened in 1774 his body was
measured at 6ft 2in tall
Edward’s blaze of holy glory was cut short 10 May 1307 Robert the Bruce delivered
when he was attacked by an assassin his first major victory against the
with a poisoned dagger. Scarcely
Following his
English at the Battle of Loudoun Life in the time
had he begun to recover when
he discovered that his father invasion, the title of
Hill. Two months later, weak with
dysentery, Edward I died in the of Edward I
had died on 16 November 1272. Prince of Wales was arms of his pages at his camp
Returning home at a leisurely near the Scottish border. Once Mother of parliaments
pace thanks to his injuries, conferred to Edward I’s so powerful, ferocious and With its origin in the word ‘parlay’, the
Edward was crowned Edward I son Edward Caernarfon sharp of claw, this old lion had Parliament was traditionally an infrequent
consultation between nobles and the king.
on 19 August 1274. in 1301, starting choked on his final meal. Edward I held them more frequently and
An invasion of Wales followed Various legends swirled
the long tradition summoned not just lords, but two knights
with campaigns in 1277 and then around his dying wish – that his from each county and two representatives
1282-3, ending the independence of heart should be carried to the Holy from each borough.
the nation. What began with sword and Land with the Crusaders to rage against
shield ended with bricks and mortar as new castles the infidel one last time, or that his bones should Law and order
– built in the oppressive Crusader style – sprung accompany all further wars with Scotland. Edward I created statutes to process
everything from settlement of debts to land
up and English settlers moved into fortified towns His son, Edward II, did neither. As Edward I
ownership and released travelling judges –
that cracked apart Welsh resolve and identity like had been to Henry III, Edward II wasn’t blind eyres – across the country to review the rights
hammer blows. to his father’s faults and in August the young and holdings of nobles. He also held inquests
Just as Wales had seen England grow from king abandoned the campaign against the Scots, into the abuses of power in the Second
overbearing neighbour to occupying power under returning to London for his coronation and to Barons’ War.
the reign of Edward I, so too would Scotland. After lay the old warlord to rest in a sarcophagus of
a dispute over succession to the Scottish throne Purbeck marble. Magna Carta
Edward I restored the Magna Carta (and the
arose, Edward was asked to mediate over the 13 “I am more afraid of the bones of the father
Charter of the Forest, which covers the use of
hopefuls and picked the easily pliant John Balliol as dead,” admitted Robert the Bruce, “than of the public land), limiting the power of the king. It
King of Scots in 17 November 1292. From thereon living son; and, by all the saints, it was more is this version of the document that remains
Edward I behaved as though Balliol were another difficult to get a half a foot of the land from the old in statute today, underpinning the political
cringing courtier and Scotland another rural estate. king than a whole kingdom from the son!” system of the United Kingdom.

Return to Camelot
Edward I was a great believer in the ideals of
Edward the romantic chivalry – even if his campaigns in Wales and
For all his fearsome reputation, Edward I was devoted to his Scotland didn’t always live up to them – and
wife, Eleanor of Castile, whom he married in 1254. Unlike other he built castles in Wales to correspond with
kings, Edward had no affairs or illegitimate children and she locations in Arthurian legend. He even held
accompanied him on his military campaigns. It’s been said she Round Table festive banquets to celebrate
sucked the poison from his wound when he was attacked by his conquests.
an assassin in the Crusades, but this tale has been discredited.
After her death in 1290, Edward I planted 12 stone crosses Assassins
marking her funeral processions from Lincoln to London, from The Hashāshīn – or Assassins – were a secret
which Charing Cross takes its name. order based in Syria and Persia who undertook
In 1291 he wrote to a French abbot seeking prayers for the assassinations during the Crusades. Edward I
“dead we cannot cease to love.” was just one of many Crusader leaders to feel
the prick of their daggers.

British Royals

He succeeded
Edward I as
king because his
three older brothers
Wales, 1284-1327 John, Henry and
Alfonso had died
Few kings have been
as lambasted as
in childhood
Brief Welsh-born Edward II,
Bio whose weak reign
lasting just short of
two decades ended with his
bloody disposal. He appeared
to spend much of his time
annoying his barons, failing to
put up a decent fight against
the Scots and the French, and
courting his favourites.


Edward II
This much-loathed king had an equally hated favourite, saw
Scotland slip from his grasp and ultimately met a murderous end

dward I had proven himself to be a very young Prince Edward’s household, some of the In a bid to resolve long-running tensions between
effective king, suppressing numerous English nobleman’s martial skills would rub off. It the French and English crowns which had been a
rebellions and waging a good many bloody didn’t. Instead, Edward II became very attached legacy of his father, Edward II married the daughter
wars. He had become one of Scotland’s to Gaveston who, as a consequence, was exiled to of the French King Philip IV, Isabella of France in
greatest adversaries and he had annexed France for being a bad influence. 1308. It led to Gaveston being banished to France
Wales in a bid to bring stability and control to his So when Edward II became king – his three elder for a second time on the insistence of both the
realm. But when he died in July 1307 and his son, brothers having died – he was left in a difficult barons and the French royals in an attempt to put
Edward of Caernarfon, became king at the age of position. The war with Scotland was still ongoing, distance between the two men. The exile didn’t last
23, there was a real danger that much of that hard debts were running high and relations with France long and Gaveston was brought back in 1309.
work would be undone. were hostile. Yet rather than gather together the With tensions continuing to run high and
For while Edward II had accompanied his father best possible people to help him sort these issues, opposition to the king barely diminishing, the
on his campaigns and had, in 1301, been bestowed one of his first moves was to recall Gaveston and nobles issued the Ordinances of 1311. They sought
the title of the first Prince of Wales, he was a more give him the earldom of Cornwall. Since this was a to restrict the king’s power over finances and
cultured man who did not share the same appetite title that had always been given to royalty, it caused appointments. They also ordered Gaveston be
nor aptitude for battle. His father had noted this an uproar. Gaveston had become Edward II’s banished for a third time. Edward II agreed – but
and hoped, in assigning Piers Gaveston to the favourite and the barons did not like it one bit. it was a bluff. Gaveston was brought back again,

Edward II

Edward II, as depicted in Cassell’s History of

England, published around 1902

with the king not only insisting that it had been

unlawful to banish him but restoring his own
heading up the barons and power was shifting.
An attempt to put aside their differences in 1318 Life in the time
power. This angered the barons, who gathered their was marred by Edward II’s new favourites, Hugh le
own armies. Despenser and his son. And then, in 1320, the Scots
of Edward II
In 1312, Gaveston was besieged in Scarborough signed the Declaration of Arbroath and asserted Medicine was
Castle. After surrendering, he was taken to their independence. Although Edward II did not positively medieval
Deddington in Oxfordshire, but he was recognise it, he signed a 13-year truce with Becoming severely ill during the time when
then seized by the Earl of Warwick, Robert the Bruce who, by this point Edward II reigned was almost a direct route
Guy de Beauchamp. Paraded was seriously ill. to the grave. Only the wealthy had access to
through the streets of Warwick His Not that it solved any of the trained doctors and even they would tend
to diagnose on the basis of examining blood,
and imprisoned in the castle, 19-year reign king’s problems. Civil war had
stools and urine. Poor people had to rely on
Edward II’s favourite was tried, came to an end when broken out in 1321, triggered passed-down traditional ‘cures’, accompanied
taken to Blacklow Hill outside by tensions between the by a pleading prayer.
of the town and beheaded. The
he was betrayed by Despenser family and the
king vowed revenge. his own wife, forced barons. Lancaster led a group People were more
Two years later, Edward II to abdicate and of the Despensers’ enemies into cultured in those days
sought to resolve the ongoing war murdered battle, seizing land. He was joined Although Edward II enjoyed the company
with Scotland. Edward Bruce, the by Roger Mortimer of Wigmore, of the lower classes, he loved music, sailing,
brother of Robert the Bruce who had who led the Marcher lords in a dancing and plays, and the time in which he
lived was certainly cultured. In 1308, Italian
seized the Scottish throne in 1306, had revolt. Edward II’s men fought back and
poet Dante began to write his epic The Divine
besieged Stirling Castle and this forced England’s Lancaster was defeated at Boroughbridge in 1322. Comedy, which has come to be seen as one of
hand. Around 2,000 cavalry and 15,000 infantry Lancaster was executed, but Mortimer escaped the greatest works of literature.
were assembled against the Scots, but the resulting from the Tower of London and fled to France.
Battle of Bannockburn in June 1314 proved too At the same time, tensions with France began Food was rather scarce
much. Over two days, Robert the Bruce’s men flaring again and in 1325, Isabella was sent across Poor harvests took their toll throughout the
put up a fierce fight and pushed the English back. the sea to help resolve them. Instead, she refused early part of Edward II’s reign, leading the
masses towards hunger, but things got worse
Humiliated, Edward II was unable to prevent to return and allied herself with Mortimer, who
when crop failures between 1315 and 1322 led
subsequent Scottish raids in the north of England, also became her lover. Together, they led an army to famine. Peasants even feasted on seeds
nor the invasion of Ireland. to capture Edward II, forcing him to become the that were intended for planting in the spring
It was a terrible time for the king. A shortage of first English royal to abdicate, in his case in favour and tens of thousands of starved to death.
food caused by terrible weather that devastated of his 14-year-old son, Edward III. Imprisoned and
crops caused support for him to fall further. tortured in the most grotesque of manners, he was Death was an obsession
Edward’s cousin, Thomas of Lancaster, was murdered in Berkeley Castle in 1327. for many
One of the most popular stories of the day
was a tale that most likely came from France.
It told of three corpses meeting three living
princes, warning that life would soon come
War of Saint-Sardos to an end for them. Death was a regular plot
A conflict between the kingdoms of England and France ran
driver in stories of the early 1300s.
from October 1323 to September 1335 and it proved to be a
bitter blow for Edward II’s reputation. Edward was the Duke
of Aquitaine in France, but a dispute in the ancient region with Inflation reached its
King Charles IV of France flared. The French were interfering greatest ever rate
in the governing of Aquitaine and had agreed to build a royal The pound sterling was established as
bastide in Saint-Sardos. When a French sergeant looked to England’s main currency, but there was trouble
seize the site, he was hanged by a local landowner. The French ahead. Inflation rocketed to a staggering
believed Edward II had ordered the killing, something he 100.4 per cent in 1316. With half of the
denied. But the diplomatic gloves were off. Charles IV would pound’s value lopped off, great hardship
go on to conquer the Duchy of Guyenne in a battle that lasted was caused among an already embattled
six weeks. It was a precursor to the Hundred Years’ War. King Charles IV of France population. 20 shillings made up a pound, with
12 pence equalling one shilling.

British Royals

the occasional
military (or political)
setback, Edward III
enjoyed a great
deal of popularity
for much of
his reign

England, 1312-1377

Much like his ancestor

Henry II, Edward was
Brief famed for his military
Bio successes and the
restoration of royal
authority. His 50-year reign saw
impressive highs – including the
country transforming into one
of the most formidable military
powers in Europe – and crushing
lows, such as the grip of the
merciless Black Death.


Edward III
Headstrong and ferocious, both as a domestic ruler and
a military leader, the warrior king of House Plantagenet
moulded England into one of Europe’s first true superpowers

ing Edward III was one of the most proactive great deal of his reign battling a political rivalry with
and – more importantly – successful rulers his own gentry and the birth of a strong male heir
England and its surrounding realms have helped fortify his position, at least for a time. In 1325,
ever known. His half-century of rule saw Edward II was required to pay homage to the French
plague, wars, political intrigue and judicial king, Charles IV. Uneasy at leaving the country
upheaval that collectively transformed our small during an ongoing and costly war with Scotland, the
island into a military powerhouse. It was quite the king sent his 13-year-old son and his wife Isabella
dramatic period of English history and Edward’s on behalf of the crown. However, Isabella conspired
road to kingship was just as theatrical. with the exiled Roger Mortimer (a former earl who
Born at Windsor Castle on 13 November 1312, had led the unsuccessful Despenser War against
Edward was the only child of King Edward II and Edward four years earlier) to usurp the king and set
his wife, Isabella of France. His father had spent a up Prince Edward in his place.

Edward III

While the young Edward was now king, he was king, but it served as one of his first tastes of a
really nothing more than a political pawn for his parliament willing to stand up to the absolute rule of
mother and Mortimer. In order to gain French its monarch.
military backing for an invasion, Isabella organised Edward was steadfast in his desire to expand
an engagement to the 12 year-old Philippa of England’s hold over French territories. Victories over
Hainault and soon Mortimer arrived on King Philip VI at the Battle of Crécy (as
English soil with an army behind well as putting down a campaign by
him. Edward II stood down as king, King David II of Scotland) rocked
Edward III is
with Mortimer ruling as the de France, and it wasn’t until the
facto leader while the young one of only five Treaty of Brétigny that Edward
Edward came of age. Mortimer monarchs to have finally renounced his claim on
was monarch in all but name reigned for over 50 the French throne. So dominant
and his unpopularity grew as was England at this time that Such was Edward’s impact and legacy on
he gathered titles and lands for
years – also including Edward claimed full sovereignty
the kingdom that his tomb – and this bronze
effigy – remains in Westminster Abbey
himself. The situation reached his great-grandfather over the lands he’d conquered
Henry III
a head on 19 October 1330 when
the young king and a group of his
in France (which amounted to
almost a third of the country). Life in the
most trusted allies entered Nottingham
Castle through an underground passage
The decade of the 1350s saw
something of a boom in legislative activity.
time of the
and arrested Mortimer. Finally, the time for Edward’s Edward’s frustration with the murkiness of England’s 50-year king
personal reign had begun. judicial system was just the impetus he needed
Edward’s rule started the way it would continue to streamline the political landscape. This was Death, triumphant
for 50 years: at war. His father had continued to especially important in light of the Black Death, a While Edward III did many things to put
England back on the political map, nothing
pay homage to the French king for most of his bubonic plague which killed more than a third of the
could have prepared the nation for the Black
reign, but all that was about to change. As a man, country’s population. He initially attempted to deal Death. It ravaged Europe from 1346 to 1353,
Edward was headstrong and direct; as a monarch, with the shortages of labour with legislation that killing between 75 and 200 million people
this made him very dangerous indeed. Edward made work more palatable, but it wasn’t enough to across the continent. In England, the disease
decided to make a claim for the French throne, settle the problem. However, his removal of papal wiped out over a third of the population.
citing his blood connection to Philip IV. The French benefices, his reformation of laws surrounding
responded by rejecting the claim under Salic Law treason and the increased power provided to the A new form of government
(a manuscript from the Middle Ages that defined roaming justices of the peace had a profound effect During Edward’s reign, the English Parliament
began to take a very familiar shape. The
the foundations of French legislation, including the that echoed long after his death.
institution became bicameral in nature, which
rules of succession). This butting of political While the majority of Edward’s reign meant that Parliament divided into two
heads would form the origins of the was energetic and filled with military separate assemblies, the House of Lords and
Hundred Years’ War, a conflict that conquests, the latter part of his rule the House of Commons. Such features as the
would draw most of Europe into its Upon his strayed into the opposite. Bored role of speaker and Parliament’s ability to
numerous battles. death on 21 June by the machinations of domestic impeach were also introduced in this period.
While the conflict would 1377, Edward was kingship, the aging Edward relied
ultimately go England’s way, more and more on his most Order of the Garter
funding a rebuilt navy and
succeeded not by prominently active children,
Edward had planned to introduce a setup
similar to Arthur’s symbolic Round Table,
constant military campaigns his son, but his ten- Edward the Black Prince, Lionel but the idea soon fell through. In its place,
placed considerable strain on year-old grandson Duke of Clarence and John Duke the English king established the Order of the
England’s economy. Edward Richard II of Lancaster. In the hands of his Garter, an honorary cabal reserved only for
needed cash to keep pressing the sons, England lost a significant the most chivalrous gentleman (and ladies)
French, but he found the coffers had amount of its lands in France, a fact in the land. New appointments are always
announced on St George’s Day.
almost run dry. Edward would eventually that made them very unpopular with the
gain the funding he needed, but it came at a price: English public. Ironically, while he lived through
Laws of the land
in April 1341, Parliament drafted a new grant of most of these disasters until his death in 1377, The substantial loss of population caused
taxation, but in return Edward had to accept certain Edward’s descent into obscurity only served to by the infamous Black Death caused a crisis
limitations on his spending. Such rules irked the preserve the legacy of his earlier reign. within England’s economy, with a dramatic
decrease in the supply of labour. This resulted
in the Statute Of Labourers 1351 being passed
in order to suppress the workforce. The new
law prohibited increases in wages and the
The Hundred Years’ War movement of workers from their home areas
Despite its title, the Hundred Years’ War lasted far longer
in search of better conditions.
than a century – in fact, it lasted for another 76 years after
Edward’s death in 1377. The conflict began with the breaking
of a centuries-old agreement that began with William the Keeping the peace
Conqueror’s accession to the English throne. As ruler, Edward Justice of the peace – a role created during the
held the Duchy of Normandy and the lands of Aquitaine, but time of Henry II – saw its most formative years
these lands came with the stipulation that homage be paid to under Edward III. Justices were the eyes, ears
the French king. When Edward refused to respect this deal, and word of the king and these men travelled
Philip VI of France declared war and the Houses of Plantagenet to the kingdom’s far corners to enact the law
and Valois became embroiled in a brutal military struggle in his name. Under Edward’s influence, justices
comprising a series of conflicts. could not only make arrests but also try
suspects for felonies.

British Royals

France , 1367-1400

Richard became king

aged ten and early on
Brief in his reign displayed
Bio bravery to help end
a rebellion, but his
policy of giving patronage to his
own men caused friction with
the nobles and he briefly lost
control of the country. A fragile
peace followed, but he had not
forgotten those who opposed
him and his desire to bring them
down ultimately led to him
losing his crown.

Richard II


Richard II
The king whose thirst for revenge led to him losing
his crown and his life

oldiers barged into the house where the Born in Bordeaux in 1367, Richard inherited the
former chief justice of England, and one of throne from his grandfather Edward III – since his
the monarch Richard II’s favourites, Robert father, Edward ‘the Black Prince’ had already died
Tresilian, had been hiding and arrested in 1376 – when he was just ten years old. As such,
him at sword point. Tresilian had already for the early parts of his reign the country was
been judged guilty of treason in absentia and his effectively run by a series of councils, but by the
poor disguise didn’t fool the soldiers; they had early 1380s the king was becoming increasingly
their man. This key player in the government of involved. Richard would prove himself to be
Richard II, a man upon whom had been bestowed a capable king early on in his reign with his
much royal patronage, was hanged on 19 response to a situation that all high-born
February 1388. With the former chief and of power feared – a peasants’
justice executed along with Sir revolt. Led by Wat Tyler, the 1381
Nicholas Brembre – another man His uncle, the revolt was triggered by the
of the king – and others fleeing Duke of Gloucester, crown’s demands for a poll
overseas in exile sentenced to tax to help pay for the costly
a similar fate if they ever again had a key role in Hundred Years’ War with
stepped afoot on the land of sentencing many of France. With many in England
their birth, it seemed that the Richard’s favourites struggling to feed themselves,
power base of King Richard II the demand for even more
had been eradicated.
to death money was the tipping point and
After this cull, the king – in a large group of dissenters actually
public at least – seemed to adopt entered London where they looted,
a conciliatory position. He claimed the damaged buildings and killed anyone
problems that had led to such divisions between associated with the government.
himself and his leading nobility that caused Richard II, then aged 14, initially retreated for
many of his leading figures in government being safety to the Tower of London, but with many of
executed or exiled was the result of bad advice the royal forces in northern England or abroad he
from councillors. He would now rule with the men knew he needed to end the rebellion. As he didn’t
that his nobles suggested as being key parts of the have the military strength to do this, diplomacy
King Richard II riding apparatus of the English government and peace would have to suffice. The young king met with
into London during the could return to England. In private, though, Richard the rebels and agreed to their demands (which
Peasants’ Revolt
neither forgave nor forgot. included abolishing serfdom) and the following day

British Royals

“After an altercation broke out, Wat Tyler to rule with the nobles – or at least give them the
impression that the king was doing so.
was stabbed to death by the lord mayor Rather than rule with his nobles, though, Richard
preferred to bestow patronage and power to a small
of London, William Walworth, who feared group of men, many of whom were in his royal
household. To these figures, mostly knights and
for the safety of the king” minor nobility, he gave land, money and positions
of influence in government. Michael de la Pole, the
spoke with Wat Tyler just outside the city’s walls. year, some 1,500 rebels had been killed. The king son of a merchant, rose to become chancellor of
However, after an altercation broke out, Tyler was had passed his first test and proven himself to be a England, one of the most important and influential
stabbed to death by the lord mayor of London, brave and intelligent ruler, but in just six years’ time positions in the whole land, while the minor
William Walworth, who feared for the he would lose control of his kingdom. nobleman Robert de Vere became Duke of Ireland.
safety of the king. Seeing their leader The crown that Richard inherited These were positions that the nobility of England,
killed, the rebels seemed likely to Richard in 14th Century England, and the great men with their own land and armies and
storm the city again, but Richard was buried the power that came with it, ancient history, believed were theirs by right.
rode over to them and managed was different to that of his The king’s military failures in France and
to defuse the situation. This
in a church in predecessors. The Magna Scotland only added to the bubbling resentment
gave the city’s militia time Hertfordshire, but his Carta of 1215, signed by King felt by the barons and earls at their marginalisation
to organise themselves and bones were later moved John, had put into law the from power. The Hundred Years’ War was a conflict
‘persuade’ the rebel forces to Westminster rights of the nobles and barons that Richard inherited, but his policy of seeking
to disperse. Other rebellions and by the late 1300s it was peace not only robbed the nobles of potential glory
occurred throughout the country
Abbey as a sign no longer possible for a king to and riches but failed; France regained territory
– notably in East Anglia – and the of respect govern solely by himself with no previously held by England and even threatened
king mobilised around 4,000 troops consideration as to the thoughts and invasion of the island nation. While Richard
to restore law and order. The revolt’s aims, feelings of his leading citizens. Of course, looked – unsuccessfully – for peace in France, closer
which Richard had only agreed to in order to buy the king was still the pre-eminent figure in the to home he was no such pacifist and military
time, were studiously ignored and by the end of the land and had the most power, but it was necessary campaigns in Scotland and Ireland brought little
tangible rewards for the money and effort they cost.
Described as handsome, tall (when his grave
was dug up he was discovered to be over six feet
tall) and refined, Richard may have looked the
part but his actions were leading the country
steadily towards crisis. Money was raised through
Parliament for an army to attack Scotland to break
one half of the ‘auld alliance’ between that nation
and France. Richard led this force of 14,000 men
himself, but the Scots refused to meet in battle and
the king returned having achieved little. The threat
of a French invasion continued to loom ominously
in the background and matters weren’t helped for
Richard when his uncle, John of Gaunt, left the
country to pursue his claims to Castile in modern-
day Spain. The king had an uneasy relationship
with his uncle, who was one of the most powerful
men in the kingdom, but John had always been
loyal. In his absence Richard had lost his most
influential and respected supporter and when the
chancellor de la Pole demanded more money from
Parliament, the fragile accord between the king and
the leading men of the country shattered into tiny
fragments; Parliament refused and insisted on the
removal of de la Pole from his position and even
demanded his impeachment.
After initially dismissing Parliament’s request
out of hand – Richard initially said he would not
dismiss so much as a scullion (a servant) from
his kitchen on Parliament’s command – he soon
realised that he had been outmanoeuvred and he
had to give into the demands of the ‘Wonderful
Parliament’ of 1486. He grudgingly relieved de la
Pole of his position and slinked, full of resentment,
King Richard II of England out of the capital to embark on a tour of the
rides over to placate the country. While he no doubt wanted to get far away
rebels after Tyler’s death
from the men who had humiliated him, the tour

Richard II

Henry Bolingbroke, the only son of John of

Gaunt, returned to England in 1399 to claim
the throne as Henry IV

Life in the time

of Richard II
Duelling for honour
Honour among knights and noblemen was
extremely important and often the way that
disputes wold be settled was by a duel. In
1398 a remark made by Bolingbroke, the
future Henry IV, was believed to have been
treasonous by the Duke of Norfolk so the two
agreed to a duel, but Henry was banished to
France to avoid bloodshed.

Two popes
In 1378 a papal schism began that would split
the catholic church and see two rival popes;
Urban VI in Rome and Clement VII in Avignon.
Both these popes were supported by different
countries and the conflict was eventually
resolved in 1418 with the Council of Constance
which saw the election of Pope Martin V,
although tensions continued afterwards.
also had a more practical purpose: to try to shore demands and it was around this time that Robert
up his support throughout the nation and ensure Tresilian, the chief justice, was found hiding in A peasant’s life
that, if it came to it, plenty of nobles and barons a house in a ramshackle disguise and was taken In England during the Middle Ages, most
would offer him military support. to be hanged. Many of the king’s men were peasants held very few rights and lived in
serfdom – this is where they worked a lord’s
A battle between these two opposing sides did either killed or exiled as his circle of favourites
lands for the right of protection and to farm it
take place in 1387 but, for Richard at least, it was was ruthlessly broken up in what was called the themselves. Following the Black Death, many
as an anticlimax. The king had instructed Merciless Parliament of 1388. Despite peasants had been paid to work on the land
one of his favourites, Robert de Vere, having his power base shattered, and seen their status improved, but they were
to raise an army and come to his the authority the King of England worried these new rights would be taken away
Richard and were prepared to fight to keep them.
aid, but this force was met by wielded was still strong and
men loyal to Parliament on
was born on the when, in 1389, the steadying
one of the bridges of the river religious feast day hand of John of Gaunt returned The Hundred Years’ War
This conflict, which actually lasted 116 years,
Thames in what is called the of Epiphany – thought and Richard declared himself
began in 1337 when Edward III declared
Battle of Radcot Bridge; in truth, old enough to rule without
to be a good omen, so himself king of France. Richard did not win any
it was barely a skirmish. The advisors and secured a peace major battles in the conflict and the taxation
men who had been summoned great things were treaty with France, the signs required to pay for the war was one of the
to Richard’s aid found they would expected of him were positive. It looked as if reasons for his unpopularity. In 1396 he signed
be unable to cross the bridge and the conflict that had disturbed a 28-year truce with Charles VI and married his
had no hope of winning against the the country could just be a blip in seven-year old daughter to forge an alliance.
troops commanded by Henry Bolingbroke Richard’s rule, but this was a mere illusion
(this would not be the last time that he played a – Richard believed that God had placed him on Great men
key role in Richard’s life) and so their options were Earth to rule and he never forgot how Parliament While the king was the ultimate authority,
to surrender or flee. The 16th Century chronicler had challenged his authority or executed and during Richard II’s reign there were many great
men who had considerable land, power and
Raphael Holinshed wrote that only three people exiled his chosen men. He would bide his time
access to troops. Five of these men – the Duke
were killed at the battle and de Vere escaped and before he reminded them of the supreme authority of Gloucester and Earls of Arundel, Warwick,
went into exile in France. of the king. Derby and Mowbray – formed the Lords
The king now had no choice if he wanted This fragile peace was built on a house of cards Appellant and effectively ruled England for a
to keep his crown but to agree to Parliament’s and by the end of the 1390s came crashing down brief period in 1388.

British Royals

Richard II
The great bard is believed to have written
his play Richard II in 1595 when Queen
Elizabeth I was the monarch of England.
The work only encompasses the last two
years of Richard’s reign, from 1398 to
1400, and is loosely based on the actual
events, with the main source believed to
be Raphael Holinshed’s Chronicles. As with
all Shakespeare plays, it is primarily a work
of fiction and the context of when it was
created is important. The play was written
towards the end of Elizabeth I’s life and
reign and so was influenced heavily by
the idea of succession and the authority
of rulers. It has been claimed that the
queen complained that the play was being
performed numerous times in streets The king
and houses, which would indicate that
she thought that the people were already
Richard’s body was brought to
St Paul’s, London, where it lay
was handsome
preparing for the next ruler while she was in state for two days and, at over six feet
still on the throne.
Shakespeare’s interpretation of tall, well above the
Richard II is perhaps the most widely around all of the main players. average height for imprisoned as Richard II once
known as he is a monarch not often
studied or examined. The play depicts him
The king began to rule in an the time again began to build up a power
increasingly tyrannical manner, base of those whose loyalty lay
as a king who believes that God put him on
the throne, and a man who went too far by abusing his power to grab land for exclusively with him.
taking land that didn’t belong to him and himself and his followers and, in 1397, The king finally went too far when on
seeking revenge on those he thought had he had three of the leading men arrested 3 February 1399 John of Gaunt, his uncle and
wronged him. So, it isn’t actually too far – officially it was because of a plot, although one of his most loyal supporters, died. John’s son,
removed from the truth. no evidence was found, but in reality this was Henry Bolingbroke, had been banished to France,
all about revenge; the three men – the Duke of in part because Richard saw him as a threat. Henry
Gloucester and the Earls of Arundel and Warwick was from the house of Lancaster and his father had
– had been key components of the parliament that controlled some of the largest landholdings in the
had dared to take him on. They and others who country. However, rather than let Henry return to
had opposed him were either executed, exiled or England and inherit what was his, Richard decided

Defining moment
Peasants’ Revolt 1381
Heavy taxation, partly caused by the Hundred
Years’ War, and a general dissatisfaction with
living standards, leads to a serious popular
uprising known as the Peasants’ Revolt. A large
body of people led by Watt Tyler and others
march on the capital and kill those associated
with the government, including the archbishop
of Canterbury and the treasurer of England.
Shakespeare’s play is based loosely on Richard’s actions during this crisis are brave, as
the events of Richard II’s reign he rides out to meet the rebels and calm them by
agreeing to their demands. When the immediate
crisis has been averted, the rebels are dealt with
severely and none of their requests is met.
l Birth of a king l Passing of the l A new monarch l The king weds l Wonderful Parliament l Tour of the country
Richard is born in Black Prince Edward III dies Richard marries Anne Not wonderful for Richard leaves
Bordeaux, France to Richard’s father aged 65 after of Bohemia, daughter Richard, Parliament had London to travel the
Edward – a skilled Edward dies after a long illness of the Holy Roman grown tired of the king country to shore up
military commander contracting an illness which had left Emperor Charles IV. giving patronage to his his support after his
known as the Black while on a military him inactive for a The marriage is for own men and the high defeat to Parliament
Prince – and Joan of campaign in modern- number of years. diplomatic reasons, levels of taxation and so and to ensure that, if
Kent, described as “the day Spain, meaning His grandson but Richard appears refused a request from required, the nobles
most beautiful woman in that Richard is now is crowned to have genuine the chancellor to levy would provide him
all the realm of England.” the heir to the throne. Richard II. affection for his wife. more money. with military support.
1367 1376 1377 1382 1386 1387

Richard II

to seize the land for himself and his supporters.

This showed to the nobility of England that if the
king would do this to such a powerful family then
none of them was truly safe.
Henry returned to England with a
small force while Richard and most
of his knights were in Ireland Richard had
and, while at first Henry insisted
that he was only interested
no children with
in reclaiming his birthright, his first wife and his
it soon became clear that second wife was only
Richard had little support and seven years old when
Henry’s campaign was gathering
momentum. When the king
they married
landed in Wales in July it was clear
his kingdom had been lost; neither the
nobles nor the people would fight for him.
Richard met with Henry and promised to abdicate
if his life was spared; he was soon transported to
the Tower of London and Henry Bolingbroke was
crowned Henry IV on 13 October 1399. The country
had a new king.
The man who had once been ruler but had
thrown it all away by pursuing vengeance was
transported to Pontefract Castle in Yorkshire and
placed under close guard. Richard may well have
eventually been allowed to live out the rest of his
days in exile but when a plot to reinstate him to the
throne by his closest supporters was discovered,
it was clear he was too dangerous to be left alive.
Historians disagree on the exact nature of his
death, with opinion being divided as to whether he
was starved to death or murdered in his cell, but it
is thought that he died in early 1400. Richard had
believed in the ultimate authority of the king, but
this very belief led to him eking out his final days A depiction of the dramatic
death of Richard II
in a dank, dark cell far away from the throne.

Defining moment Defining moment

Battle and defeat 1387 Losing a kingdom 1399
All trust between Parliament and Richard has now After the death of John of Gaunt, one of the
evaporated and so the king instructs Robert de country’s most powerful landowners, Richard
Vere to raise troops and march to London. This takes the estate of the duchy of Lancaster.
small force is met on one of the bridges crossing the Following his actions in the Revenge Parliament,
river Thames by some men commanded by Henry many of the nobles are wary of the king and
Bolingbroke, who will later become Henry IV. When they see that if he can take the land of one of the
the force loyal to the king sees that they will not be country’s most prestigious estates then the same
able to cross the bridge, most of them refuse to fight. thing could happen to them. John of Gaunt’s son
De Vere manages to escape to France, but the defeat Henry Bolingbroke has previously been in France,
for Richard leads to control of the county briefly but returns with a small force to claim what is
passing to five great magnates known as the Lords rightfully his. Henry receives support from other
Appellant, and the Merciless Parliament where many nobles and, with the king and most of his knights
of the king’s key men are killed or exiled. in Ireland, is able to claim the crown for himself.

l A new dawn? l Peace with France l Revenge Parliament l Surrender Ignominious end l
Now aged 21, Richard The English king meets Proving that he has not Richard gives himself Richard is taken to Pontefract
declares himself to with Charles VI of forgotten Parliament’s up while staying in Castle as a prisoner, but
be ready to govern in France and they agree actions in the Wonderful Flint Castle in Wales when a plot by his supporters
his own right without to a 28-year truce. and Merciless Parliaments, and is imprisoned at to kill Henry and restore him
© Alamy, Corbis; Thinkstock

advisors and blames the Anne, Richard’s first Richard exiles and murders the Tower of London to the throne is uncovered
problems on the past in wife, died in 1394 and many leading nobles who on 1 September. Henry it’s clear he is too much of a
the bad advice he had as part of the accord had previously opposed him. Bolingbroke is declared threat. There is still debate as
been given. A fragile he marries Charles’s Their lands and wealth go to king and the fourth of to the exact manner and date
domestic peace emerges. daughter Isabella. the king and his leading men. his name. of Richard’s death.
1389 1396 1397 1399 1400

British Royals

Rebel sigil Royal forces

Much of Hotspur’s forces – most The victory at Shrewsbury was
noticeably the archers – were a decisive one for King Henry,
recruited from Cheshire, an area marking the end of the biggest
hostile to King Henry due to its challenge to his reign and giving his
loyalty to the former king Richard II. rule a welcome degree of credibility.

Ruthless fighting
The fighting between the two sides
was brutal and fierce, with former
allies being forced into battle with
each other. Amid a near constant
hail of arrows, the death toll was
heavy on both sides.

Henry IV

Hotspur was killed after being
brought down in a last-ditch charge
aimed at killing the king. In the
melee that followed, no one knows
who struck the decisive blow.


Henry IV
The story of a king on an unstable throne and how
the close-fought Battle of Shrewsbury eventually
legitimised his rule

erhaps ironically considering that his reign force of archers – and marched south towards
began with the seizure of the crown from the Shrewsbury, where he planned to meet forces led
sovereign monarch, Henry IV of England’s by Northumberland and Glendower. However,
kingship was an insecure one. He was beset Henry heard about the attack, and immediately
by rebellions from those who were either mobilised his forces, sending a small force ahead
dissatisfied with his rule, believed themselves to to hold the town, along with a group led by Prince
be more credible claimants to the throne, or who Henry, while the rest of his army marched towards
saw the precedent that he started as part of a new Shrewsbury from the east. When Hotspur arrived,
status quo; one that allowed for the strongest to not only did he find the town held against him,
seize power, with birthright having been reduced but with the king coming from the east, he was
– by virtue of Henry’s original rebellious act – to a caught between the town, the nearby river and an
mere technicality. army, effectively cutting him off from Glendower’s
The event that came the closest to putting a reinforcements and leaving him with little choice
premature end to Henry’s rule was the Battle of but to choose a place of attack.
Shrewsbury, the culmination of a rebellion by the With the primary aim of the rebels being to
Percy family: chiefly Thomas Percy, the Earl of kill Henry himself, he disguised two knights in
Worcester; his elder brother Henry Percy, the Earl of his own attire as diversions. Even with this clever
Northumberland; and his nephew, Henry ‘Hotspur’ precaution, however, the battle was closely fought,
HENRY IV Percy. Having assisted Henry with his successful with the rebels getting the better of the early
England, 1367-1413
overthrow of Richard II in 1399, the Percys found stages thanks to the devastating attacks from their
The tenth king of
themselves increasingly dissatisfied with Henry’s archers, which decimated and scattered the royal
England from the rule, in large part to his refusal to lend them vanguard. Despite this, a two-pronged attack from
Brief House of Plantagenet, sufficient funds to defend their lands against the father and son turned the battle in their favour,
Bio Henry seized control Scots in the north (due to the parlous state of the forcing Hotspur into a desperate last-ditch charge at
from Richard II but royal treasury) or to grant them additional titles or the King that resulted in his own death.
found his own reign plagued lands, with one noteworthy sticking point being With the rebel leader dead and his surviving
by other upstarts eager to do
when the king gave the justiciarship of Wales – forces fled, the most serious challenge to Henry’s
for him what he had done for
the previous king: depose him, previously in the possession of Northumberland rule was at an end. His rule had been legitimised,
preferably violently. In the and Hotspur – to his son, Prince Henry, the future and his son’s military prowess, later to achieve
Battle of Shrewsbury he saw Henry V. legendary status at the Battle of Agincourt,
off a challenge from the fiery Allying themselves with Owen Glendower, the became clear for everyone to see. The Earl of
young Henry Hotspur, the son Welsh leader who was in open rebellion against Northumberland would later make another attempt
of Henry Percy, the First Earl
English rule at the time, Hotspur gathered his at rebellion in the Battle of Bramham Moor in 1408,
of Northumberland.
forces from nearby Cheshire – including a large which also resulted in his defeat and death.

British Royals

Royalists Battle of Shewsbury

21 July 1403
TROOPS 14,000 Inside Henry IV’s decisive victory against the rebels

INFANTRY 12,000 01
01 Spies observe Hotspur
ARCHERS 2,000 at Berwick Field
Hotspur based his army on a low hill in a
predominantly open area sown with peas.
The pea stems were wound together in
order to trip up advancing horses and men.

02 The king marches

Henry and his army marched
in formation, divided into
two battalions: the vanguard
(including the archers) were led by
the Earl of Stafford, with the king
in charge of the main army, and
his son Prince Henry joining with
another force from the south.

HENRY IV OF ENGLAND 03 Final attempts

at negotiations
LEADER Henry offered the rebels a
Having usurped Richard II as king of chance at safe conduct if
England, Shrewsbury would prove to they could work things out,
be the biggest challenge to his rule. but the Earl of Worcester,
Strengths Strong and capable. sent in Hotspur’s stead,
Weakness Unable to mobilise as refused to negotiate. 02
many men as he’d have liked.


KEY UNIT assault
One of Henry’s strategies was an
attempt to focus enemy attention The Stafford-led Royal
elsewhere, prompting him to vanguard led the assault.
disguise two knights as him. Despite incurring heavy
Strengths An effective decoy for casualties from the rebel
the king. archers, the vanguard
Weakness Only effective as long managed to engage
as they’re alive; potential for enemy them in contact after the
to see through the ruse quickly. archers ran out of arrows,
thus sapping their
strength. Regardless, the
king’s men were beaten
back and retreated, with
Stafford being killed in
the process.

SWORD 05 Henry attacks

KEY WEAPON With much of the vanguard either killed or 06 Prince attacks on flank
The standard weapon for the royal deserted and the rebel forces pressing the attack, At the same time as the main assault, the king ordered Prince
infantry, it was interchangeable with it fell to Henry to lead the assault. On his mark, his Henry to attack Hotspur’s army on the flanks in order to divert
other pole-type weapons, like bills trumpeters gave the signal for the main bulk of his the destructive archers from the main force. The attack went
or daggers. army to charge, with Henry leading the assault, well, weakening Henry’s forces and decimating the archers.
Strengths Highly versatile. meeting the rebel forces at the bottom of the slope. However, the prince was grievously injured when an enemy
Weakness Required high amounts The fighting here was especially fierce, with the arrow struck him in the face and penetrated his skull just below
of skill to wield effectively. king being the main target of the rebels’ attacks. his visor, although he would ultimately recover from this wound.

Henry IV

10 Rebels retreat
Leaderless and conscious of the lack
of mercy they would receive in a land Rebels
in which they were now defeated
traitors, the rebel forces fled, with the
wounded left behind being dispatched
TROOPS 14,000
10 by the royalist forces.
09 Hotspur killed
Although they mowed down
many men, Hotspur’s charge
was gradually slowed among
the masses, and he was cut
down from his horse and
killed. The rebels initially
thought they’d killed the king
07 after slaying his standard
bearer, but Henry revealed
himself to proclaim that
08 “Harry Percy is dead.”
The primary leader of the rebel
05 forces, Hotspur led his forces into
04 battle against the king.
Strengths Well-trained archers.
Weakness Lacking expected
03 support from Glendower and

Large quantities of archers
comprised both forces, but it was
arguably Hotspur who used his to
the most effect.
Strengths Devastating in their
large numbers.
Weakness Vulnerable once arrows
have been used up.


07 Hotspur charges towards the king 08 Dunbar orders king
© Alamy; Sayo Studio; Look and Learn

A weapon that has lived on in

With his forces rapidly diminishing and archers faltering under to fall back folklore, at short range arrows could
the two-pronged assault from the royalist forces, Hotspur In the nick of time, Henry’s close ally, the Earl penetrate armour, and had a killing
decided that desperate times called for desperate measures. of Dunbar, realised what was about to happen. range of about half a mile.
After gathering 30 of his most trusted men, including the Earl Subsequently, he shouted at the king to fall back, Strengths Long range and difficult
of Douglas and his uncle, the Earl of Worcester, they mounted which he did, in the process narrowly avoiding to defend against.
their horses and charged directly at Henry’s men, with the aim of being caught up and killed in the inexorable Weakness Requires large supply
cutting the king himself down. charge of Hotspur and his men. of arrows.

British Royals


Henry V
Discover how the Battle of Agincourt proved to be
King Henry V’s defining moment

hile his father, Henry IV, had been estimated to have been killed according to various
preoccupied with consolidating – and accounts, with about 1,500 noblemen taken prisoner,
in the process effectively legitimising while the English forces’ casualties are numbered
– his rule, his son, King Henry V of at around 112, with high-ranking noblemen like the
England, saw the opportunity to expand Duke of York and the Earl of Suffolk being counted
England’s empire by taking back lands which he among the dead. Even more French prisoners were
believed belonged to him, starting with France. originally taken, but in a show of calculated – but
In 1415, he proposed to marry Catherine, the arguably justifiable – ruthlessness, Henry had
daughter of the French king Charles VI, in addition ordered many of them to be put to death in order
to audaciously demanding the handover of the to avoid the possibility of them linking up with the
Plantagenet lands of Normandy and Anjou as his remnants of the French forces.
dowry. Unsurprisingly, Charles refused this offer Proving that this was no fluke, Henry followed
from the upstart young king, with one account up this stunning victory with the conquest of
claiming that he sent the young Henry a case of Normandy – a campaign that lasted for three years.
tennis balls – the upshot being that his time would By June 1419, Henry controlled most of Normandy.
be better spent playing games than attempting to Agincourt had not only been a military triumph;
invade France. it had been a moral victory too, galvanising the
Unperturbed, Henry set sail for France, English both abroad and at home.
determined to capture the throne for himself. As Facing defeat, Charles agreed to the Treaty of
well as the prospect of regaining the lost lands Troyes, which formally recognised Henry as the
of his ancestors, success abroad would have the heir to the French throne – at the expense of his
effect of galvanising support back home, and in own son – and finally allowed Henry to marry
the process focus attention away from his cousins’ Catherine. Flushed with success, in February 1421
royal ambitions. he returned to England for the first time in three
His success was almost instant. Upon landing, and a half years as a hero. His successful conquest
he captured the port of Harfleur, although while of much of the his country’s hated enemy had
on the way to the port of Calais, he found his path made him a hero back home, and the Battle of
blocked by an army that substantially outnumbered Agincourt in particular would forever serve as a
his own. Faced with this much-larger French army, poignant example of his strength and ingenuity
he nonetheless put his tactical acumen to good use, in battle – yet another example of the plucky
decimating the French forces via the use of vast underdog spirit and ability to triumph against the
quantities of longbow archers to devastating effect. odds that future British forces would demonstrate
Between 7,500 and 10,000 French soldiers are again and again.

Henry V

Front line King Henry Crown Prayer

The English front line consisted Unlike the French king, Henry Unlike his father, who used decoys While lined up for battle,
mainly of dismounted knights and personally led his troops into battle. at the Battle of Shrewsbury years Henry led his troops in
men-at-arms. Out of shot, archers He was a king first and foremost earlier, Henry’s affixing of a crown prayer, asking for God
were posited either side, hiding in the but never stopped being a warrior – on top of his helmet made sure to grant them victory
woods that bordered the battlefield. even on his deathbed he insisted on he stood out. The crown was against the French forces.
being carried to the next siege. damaged in the battle after he took
an axe blow to the head.

England, 1386–1422

The hero of the Battle

of Agincourt, Henry V
Brief believed that France
Bio was legitimately
his and set out to
get it, despite being heavily
outnumbered. He achieved a
decisive victory, winning lands
and the hand of the king’s
daughter in marriage, but his
early death curtailed his vision
of an entirely English France.

British Royals

English Battle of Agincourt

25 October 1415
Troops 6-9,000 How did the defining battle of the Hundred
LongboWmen 5,000 Years’ War develop?

KnigHTs/men-aT- 01 Camping for the night

arms 1,000 On 24 October, about 30 miles from Calais in the
town of Frévent, English scouts reported that an
immense French army was blocking the road
ahead. Seeing that they could not pass without
meeting them in battle, Henry ordered his forces
to camp there for the night.

02 Taking their positions

The English positioned themselves across
the road to Calais in three groups of
knights and men-at-arms: the right side led
by Lord Camoys, the left by Sir Thomas
Erpingham and the Duke of York in the
centre. The French had the Constable 08
of France leading the first line, the
Dukes of Bar and d’Alencon the 07
second and the Counts of Merle
KING HENRY V and Falconberg in charge of
the third.
The King was a skilled battle
commander, leading his troops into
battle and fighting alongside them.
Strengths Brave and experienced
military leader.
Weakness His forces were
numerically inferior to those of the
French aggressors.


Key uniT 03 Forward banners
The effectiveness of the English Bored of waiting for the French to
longbowmen played a massive part begin the attack, Henry ordered
in the success of the battle. his troops to advance. Once within
Strengths Long range and difficult range of the French archers, the
to attack. English troops halted, the divisions
Weakness Relatively poorly closed, and the archers set a series
armoured and vulnerable if attacked. of pointed stakes in the ground,
forming a fence. Within the woods
surrounding the two armies, Henry
directed groups of archers and men-
at-arms to move through the trees to
get closer to the French.
05 French attempt to 06 Archers join the
LONGBOW move forward fray and flanks
Key Weapon After the shock of this assault, the French With the battle continuing
The longbow’s six arrows per minute 04 Arrows away forces tried to advance in order to take along the fence of stakes, the
could wound at 400 yards, kill at Shortly after, Henry gave the the battle to the English. However, having English archers abandoned their
200 and even penetrate armour at order for his archers to shoot already suffered massive casualties, they positions and joined the knights
100 yards. the French, who were massed were impeded by the dead and dying horses in fighting against the French
Strengths Accurate and destructive together in a big, unwieldy and men already shot down in front of cavalry forces – most of which
in large numbers. group. Taken by surprise, the them. Reduced to walking pace, they were had been forced to dismount
Weakness Finite number of arrows French forces incurred very easily picked off by the English archers – which were reinforced by
available to them. heavy casualties. concealed in the woodlands on the flanks. soldiers attacking on the flanks.

Henry V

10 French camp ransacked 09 Local French force

With the battle over and any local resistance attacks baggage France
crushed, the English troops ransacked the largely Although the main battle was over,
abandoned French camp, having secured a victory
Troops 12-36,000
it threatened to reignite when a local
that would live on in legend. French force circumvented the forest and
attacked the English baggage. Fearing
the substantial amount of prisoners
would rebel and join this assault, Henry
CaVaLry 1,200
ordered them executed – which many
were, until the attack was repelled.
KnigHTs 8,800



The former Constable of France
co-commanded the French army
alongside Jean le Maingre.
Strengths Experienced soldier.
Weakness Low social rank, so
orders were ignored by noblemen.


Key uniT
Much of the French forces consisted
of heavy infantry, making them
tough adversaries in open combat.
Strengths Heavily armoured and
effective at hand-to-hand fighting.
Weakness Slow, cumbersome and
easy to pick off by enemy archers.

07 French second
line moves forward HORSES
The French second line, led by Key Weapon
D’Alencon, moved forward in Large numbers of knights on
earnest to assist the beleaguered 08 Third line retreats horseback often presented a fearful
© Loook and Learn; Sayo Studio

first line, but was overwhelmed in Seeing the fate that had met the first and second waves, the third line of the French sight for their opponents.
a similar fashion. Seeing the futility forces waited on the edge of the field, pondering whether to join. After being greeted Strengths Fast and powerful
in continuing, he attempted to by a messenger sent by Henry, who informed them that if they joined the battle, opponents in battle.
surrender to Henry, but was killed none of them would be spared, they made their decision. Unsurprisingly, considering Weakness Cramped and boggy
before he could reach the king. their options, they left the battlefield. location made them useless.

British Royals

1422-1461 & 1470-1471

Henry VI
Gentle Henry VI witnessed the end of the house of
Lancaster and the rise of the house of York

ome kings were born warriors, others were Henry’s appointed council ran England rather
seasoned in battle, but there have been a effectively for nearly 16 years on his behalf, before
few, like Henry VI, who weren’t just ill-suited he took over the reins in 1437. At the start, as
for conflict, they also weren’t suited for the throughout his reign, he was never seen as a
crown. As an obsessively pious, honest, quiet natural leader and his shyness and charitable spirit
and gentle man, Henry VI failed to inspire that were perceived as weaknesses by his critics. His
all-important conquering spirit that had come so religious ethics and strong moral compass gave
naturally to his predecessors. Henry distaste for war, and it was at this time
Henry VI, born 6 December 1421 in Windsor that the Hundred Years’ War against the House of
Castle, was the only child of King Henry V Valois in France began to lose momentum
and Catherine of Valois. The infant on the English side while the French
was handed the mantle of king were starting to make a powerful
at just nine months old on Henry was resurgence. In 1445, as a more
1 September 1422, and once considered shy. He peaceful step forward, a 23-year-
news had spread across the old Henry married 15-year-old
channel that his mother’s father
shunned music and French noblewoman Margaret
King Charles VI had died, he sport, preferring to bury of Anjou, the famously beautiful
was also proclaimed King of his nose in scriptures niece (through marriage) of
France. After swearing an oath and ancient Charles VII. Although not
of loyalty in 1423, Henry’s nobles known by the English Parliament
established a regency council
chronicles and public at the time, the union
to govern until he came of age. had come at the expense of the
Henry V’s brother John, the respected French territories Maine and Anjou, a
Duke of Bedford, was appointed as senior very controversial decision that would later
regent of the realm and the supervising authority spark discontent at court, particularly from Henry’s
on the ongoing conflict in France. In John’s uncle, the Duke of Gloucester and Richard, Duke
absence Henry V’s other surviving younger brother of York, who were already vocal opponents of
Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester was appointed Henry’s decision not to pursue the war in France.
protector and defender of the realm in England. In 1446 the exchange of Maine and Anjou became
Just before his eighth birthday, Henry was crowned common knowledge and the earl of Suffolk, who
King of England, in retaliation to the French had negotiated the marriage arrangement, bore
crowning his rival, Charles VII Valois, in Reims. It the brunt of the public’s wrath. Possibly due to
wasn’t for another two years, however, that Henry Henry believing rumours that his uncle (and then
was taken to Paris and crowned King of France at heir) was plotting against him, Suffolk had the
Notre-Dame Cathedral. Duke of Gloucester arrested for treason, but he

Henry VI

failed to show a
prolonged interest in
government, allowing
his wife and closest
advisors to make
decisions on his

Henry VI’s shyness and charitable spirit

were observed as weaknesses by his critics,
as was his distaste for war

Life in the time

of Henry VI
Meanwhile in Scotland
In April 1424 the ransomed James I of Scotland
finally returned home to claim his throne after
being detained at the English court for 18
years. During his time as hostage he received
a solid education, became an accomplished
musician and poet, as well as excelling as a
skilled sportsman.

French resistance
Joan of Arc cemented her place in history,
becoming the heroine of France and a Roman
Catholic saint, by taking part in the siege of
Orleans after receiving visions of several saints
telling her to recover France from the English.
Sadly for her, the English captured, tried and
burnt her at the stake in 1431, aged around 19.

The end of one war...

From 1337, the house of Plantagenet, rulers
of England, fought a series of wars against
the house of Valois for control of France.
The 116-year conflict, which became known
as the Hundred Years’ War, finally ended on
19 October 1453 after the French reclaimed
Bordeaux, leaving England with only Calais and
the Channel Islands.

HENRY VI …and start of another

Just two years after one huge war ended,
England, 1421-1471
another began. The Wars of the Roses was
a series of dynastic battles for the throne of
As an obsessively
pious, benevolent England, between two rival branches of the
Brief and peaceful man, house of Plantagenet – Lancaster and York –
Bio Henry VI was not ending 32 years later in 1487.
suited for war. Sadly
for him, as the last of the
Lancastrian rulers, his reign was Colours of war
dominated by conflict. Periods The Yorkists invented their white rose first, as
of mental instability consumed a symbol of light, purity and glory, whereas
the king, requiring his wife the Lancashire red rose was adopted later,
Margaret of Anjou to take following the Battle of Bosworth in 1485
control, an important factor
where the last Yorkist king, Richard III, was
that contributed to his and his
house’s downfall. defeated. Henry VII then combined the two
symbols to make the Tudor rose.

British Royals

died suddenly in custody. The Duke of York, seen led to a colossal level of discontentment across decades before, was lost, and less than a year later
by many as next in line to the throne, was sent to England. When Suffolk was charged with treason French forces had reclaimed the whole province.
govern Ireland, thereby removing him from court by Parliament, Henry agreed to have his friend An agitated and restless army of men, many of
and disabling his opportunity to conspire. These sentenced to five years’ banishment. However, whom hadn’t been paid, returned home, causing
decisions, plus the breakdown in law and order, Suffolk’s ship was intercepted by a privateering ship
widespread lawlessness across the south that later
widespread corruption, troubled crown finances, in the Channel and he was beheaded as a traitor. ignited a rebellion in Kent, led by John Cade. The
the steady loss of territory in France, and a public By 1449 most of Normandy, which had been rebels successfully duped and ambushed the king’s
hate campaign against the royal favourite Suffolk arduously won by Henry’s father only a few forces in the Battle of Solefields near Sevenoaks,
before eventually breaking into London. The
fracas only lasted a few days, however, as the city’s
residents grew weary of disorder and helped the
king’s army reclaim the city.
By 1453 the struggle of sovereignty was starting
to take its toll on Henry, with the dual reign,
rebellion, conspiracies, infighting, nationwide
discontentment and, to top it all off, the loss of
Bordeaux, England’s only French territory after
Calais. On hearing of the defeat, the king suffered
a mental breakdown, leaving him prostrate and
unresponsive for over 17 months. Historians claim
Henry suffered from hallucinations and religious
delusions, possibly symptomatic of schizophrenia
or a congenital psychiatric condition he may
have inherited from his mother’s father,
Charles VI of France, who was
notoriously also affected by bouts
The king was not of insanity. Although the queen
a man of fashion and her most trusted advisors
and preferred plain had done their best to play
clothes instead of fancy down the king’s condition at the
beginning, alarm bells quickly
ornate robes and rang throughout court when the
upturned shoes king failed to respond to the birth
of his son and heir, Prince Edward.
This was the opportunity Richard
Henry VI with Richard the Duke of York, heir
Duke of York, had been waiting for. On
apparent to the English crown, and Somerset
being made protector of the realm in 1454, he

Defining moment Defining moment

Henry’s coronation Champion of education 1438-41
1429 and 1431 Some kings are power-hungry warlords, others are obsessed
On the 6 November 1429, Henry VI is crowned King with improving with the crown’s finances, but if Henry VI
of England, a month before his eight birthday. The has an overriding passion it is education. One of his lasting
urgency is due to the rival house of Valois crowning legacies is his achievement in propelling education forward in
Charles VII in Reims, France shortly before. Two years his kingdom, first founding All Souls College, Oxford in 1438,
later Parliament decides it is time for Henry to cross followed by Eton College in 1440 and King’s College Cambridge
the Channel and be crowned as King of France. The a year later in 1441. Henry’s wife Margaret shares this passion
ceremony is carried out in Paris’s Notre-Dame on and founds Queens’ College, Cambridge in 1448. Each year on
26 December 1431. Henry is now the sovereign ruler of the anniversary of his death, the heads of the colleges at Eton
two countries, a responsibility that will weigh heavy and King’s lay their respective floral emblems of white lilies and
on him and ultimately take a toll in later life. roses on the spot in Wakefield Tower at the Tower of London,
where legend has it Henry was murdered as he knelt to pray.

l Becoming king l Marriage to Margaret l A power play for the future
War hero King of Anjou In 1452 Henry makes his half-brothers
Henry V dies of Enjoying a springtime Edmund and Jasper Tudor earls. When
dysentery while on wedding at Titchfield Edmund dies, his 13-year-old widow
military campaigns Abbey near Fareham on 23 is pregnant with the future King
in France, leaving April 1445, Henry VI takes Henry VII. Jasper is a loyal servant to
his nine-month-old the beautiful adolescent Henry and Margaret, constantly striving
son and heir Henry Margaret of Anjou – eight to help their son Edward claim the
to ascend to the years his junior – to be his throne. He later helps to win the crown
English throne. wife and queen. for his nephew Henry Tudor.
1422 1445 1452

Henry VI

“Civil war broke out between the Yorkist Shakespeare’s

and Lancastrian factions” portrayal
120 years after King Henry VI’s macabre
death in the Tower of London, famous
allied with Richard Neville, earl of Warwick, later In July 1465, Edward recaptured Henry and English playwright William Shakespeare
known as ‘the Kingmaker’, an incredibly rich and swiftly imprisoned him in the Tower of London. began writing his trilogy of plays about the
powerful man who, due to disagreements with the But Henry’s wife, who was still in exile in Scotland life of the gentle king. As well as featuring
queen, had previously been excluded from court. and then later France, refused to give up. Margaret’s heavily in Henry VI Part 1, 2 and 3, as you
Rumours, thought to be created by York’s chance for revenge appeared when Edward would expect, the king makes a cameo
appearance as a ghost in Richard III.
and Warwick’s supporters, circulated quarrelled with his two strongest allies:
The three plays focus more on Henry’s
that Edward wasn’t Henry’s son. By his younger brother George, Duke of personality, life and the conflicts he faced,
Christmas of that year Henry had Clarence and the ‘Kingmaker’ earl but fail to mention his legendary bouts of
returned to his senses, but it Originally buried of Warwick, over his controversial mental instability. As mental illness was
was too late. Many previously in Chertsey Abbey, secret marriage to Elizabeth considered a great taboo, it’s thought
disaffected nobles had risen Grey (née Woodville) in 1464. Shakespeare’s reason for omitting this
Henry’s body was fact was to avoid the wrath of the volatile
to power in his absence and Clarence and Warwick formed
were now championing a moved in 1485 to a secret alliance with Margaret
Queen Elizabeth I whose family descended
from Henry’s Lancastrian line. Shakespeare
campaign to reinstate the St George’s Chapel, under coercion of King Louis XI instead colours the character of Henry VI
house of York to the throne, Windsor Castle of France in a deal that would as a pious, peaceful man, simply not suited
claiming the Duke of York was a see Henry VI restored as King of to the role of king. Henry is seen to yearn
superior descendant of Edward III. England and Margaret’s son Edward for religion and education, expressing a
Civil war, known later as the Wars marry Warwick’s daughter Anne. desire to be any one else but the monarch.
As the play develops over the three parts,
of the Roses, broke out between the Yorkist Warwick returned to England with a
he is portrayed as progressively weak-
and Lancastrian factions. The Duke of York led powerful army and forced Edward IV into exile. willed king who is easily walked over,
his camp, while Queen Margaret took charge of The earl restored an ailing Henry to the throne in emasculated by his wife and railroaded by
the Lancastrian side. The Yorkists claimed a huge 1470 but due to the king’s severely deteriorated his critics and aggressors.
victory in July 1460 when they captured Henry, mental state, served in his stead. Henry’s return
but the war was far from over and on the last day was short-lived, lasting less than half a year, as
of that year Richard of York was killed at Battle of Warwick overplayed his hand launching into a
Wakefield. Henry was rescued by his troops but war with Burgundy, whose ruler then supported
later deposed in the spring of 1461 by the Duke of Edward IV. Edward returned from exile and on
York’s eldest son, the charismatic Edward of York, 14 April 1471 defeated Warwick at the Battle of
whose forces crushed the Lancastrian army at Barnet. The Yorkists’ final blow was to demolish the
Towton on 29 March; on 28 June he was crowned king’s forces at Tewkesbury on 4 May, where Henry
Edward IV. The former queen fled into exile and Margaret’s only son lay among the dead.
with Henry, who after spending time in captivity Henry was imprisoned once again in the Tower
was now suffering prolonged bouts of insanity. of London, where he suffered a violent death on
Safe behind the Scottish border, Margaret kept the night of 21 May 1471. There is little doubt that
up Lancastrian resistance with many nobles in it was on Edward IV ’s authority, since his younger
Northern counties of England and Wales remaining brother Richard (later Richard III) and other lords
loyal to Henry. were in the building at the time.

l An heir is born l Imprisonment and l Recapture

Henry VI’s son Prince freedom Henry is recaptured
Edward is born on 13 Not a good year for Henry, by King Edward IV
October 1453 at the as he is taken prisoner at and imprisoned
Palace of Westminster. Northampton in July and in the Tower of
Henry is said to be imprisoned until New Year’s London. It is here
largely unaware of Eve, when his wife’s forces during his five-
or unimpressed by finally overpower the year-long stay that
The English king Henry VI in 1445, with
the birth, due to his Duke of York, who is killed Henry’s mental state
his consort Margaret
mental instability. in battle. erodes considerably.
1453 1460 1465

l Mental breakdown l York gets the l No longer a king l Return to power Death l
On hearing the news that upper hand A victory for the Like a puppet on Edward IV returns to
Bordeaux has been taken While the king is suffering Yorkists in March a string, Henry is conquer England in
by the French, Henry VI from a long period of 1461 at the Battle reinstated to the throne 1471. The new king
falls into a 17-month- depression, Richard Duke of Towton allows after Warwick, with imprisons Henry for
long depressive stupor of York is promoted as the Duke of York’s Margaret’s backing, the last time. Henry
that some historians protector of the realm. This eldest son Edward to returns to England and suffers a violent
argue was the first of is his first step of many become King Edward forces Edward IV into death during the
many schizophrenic in taking down the house IV. Margaret and Henry exile. Warwick rules in night of 21 May.
© Alamy

catatonic states. of Lancaster. escape to Scotland. Henry’s name. 1400

1453 1454 1461 1470

British Royals
was a fit, tall
and handsome man
who had remarkable
military acumen,
France, 1442-1483 fashion sense and
a way with
Born in Normandy,
Edward ousted
the ladies
Brief Henry VI by defeating
Bio the Lancastrian faction
and he ruled England
twice – with Henry VI briefly
restored to the throne in 1470-1.
Married to Elizabeth Woodville,
his falling out with the Earl
of Warwick caused him many
problems and his first period of
rule was marked by conflict.

1461-1470, 1471-1483

Edward IV
Edward IV was the promiscuous king who engaged
in the Wars of the Roses, ruled England twice and
put the country in order

dward’s father, the Duke of York Richard With the house of York established on the
Plantagenet, had long asserted his own claim English throne, the Earl of Warwick began to exert
to England’s throne. As a consequence, he his powerful influence over the king. Although
had battled hard against King Henry VI and it Edward was a tall, physically fit man who exhibited
had led to civil war between Richard’s Yorkist great military acumen, it was Warwick who led the
and Henry’s Lancastrian factions in what was to Yorkists into successful battle against Lancastrian
become known as the Wars of the Roses. resistance from 1462 to 1464 and it was he who,
Richard was killed at the Battle of Wakefield in thanks to a victory at the Battle of Hexham, had
1460 and Edward, an able commander, took on captured Henry VI and saw him imprisoned in the
the conflict aided by the Earl of Warwick, Richard Tower of London.
Neville. In 1461, Edward defeated the Lancastrians But Warwick became angry when Edward
at the vicious Battle of Towton and this resulted in married widow and commoner Elizabeth Woodville
Henry and his queen, Margaret of Anjou, fleeing in secret. The discontent grew deeper when
to Scotland. With them out of the way, Edward Edward began to bestow favours on Elizabeth’s
was proclaimed king, aged 18, on 4 March 1461. family. Warwick fell out with Edward, believing
Edward IV was crowned on 28 June that year at the king’s decision to be rash and flying in the face
Westminster Abbey. of attempts to create a strong Yorkist nobility. He

Edward IV

of Tewkesbury in May 1471 and the slaying of

Lancastrian heir Prince Edward. Henry VI was
killed in the Tower of London.
Edward ruled once more and took on the second
part of his reign with relish, bringing greater
prosperity to England. He began the rebuilding of
St George’s Chapel in 1475, the same year in which
he declared war yet made peace with France by
setting in place a lucrative agreement with Louis XI
at Picquigny which earned him £15,000 plus an
annual pension of £10,000.
Edward was also taking greater financial control,
reducing the crown’s debt with astute management
of the royal revenues and the building of close ties
with the merchant community. Under Edward, the
crown did not need to depend on parliamentary
subsidies and it was becoming self-sufficient.
also resented the rise of the Woodville family. To England flourished. Edward patronised William
make matters worse, Edward was not only ruling Caxton’s printing press in Westminster in London Edward IV was proclaimed king at age 18,
well but pulling in the opposite direction and he collected Flemish manuscripts. after defeating Henry VI in battle, but later
fell out with some of his allies
to Warwick’s wishes. Things came What’s more, he heralded a peaceful
to a head in 1467 when Edward time – although his brother, George
concluded an alliance with Edward had a Duke of Clarence, with whom he Life in the time
France’s enemy Burgundy – just
as Warwick was trying to tie up
cultured outlook. had a falling out, was murdered
in the Tower of London in of Edward IV
relations with France. Upon his death, his 1478. Since the Lancastrian line
With Warwick’s power collection of books had been largely extinguished People were reading
William Caxton's printing press was backed
diminished, the earl forged an formed the basis of and there were no further by Edward IV and it was able to churn out
alliance with Edward’s brother rebellions, law and order was a host of books like never before, making
George, Duke of Clarence and
the British Library being established. them cheaper and more readily available.
an army was created to fight But in the 1480s, ill-health struck, Poems, grammars and mythical tales were
against the king. Part of the king’s partly as a result of contentment popular and, as a result, the literacy rates of
army suffered a swift defeat at the Battle which had caused this once slender man Englanders began to rise.
of Edgecote on 26 July 1469 and Edward was to put on a lot of weight. In March 1482 he caught
subsequently captured. For the next few weeks a cold while fishing on the Thames in Windsor and Trade was booming
Although traders within England were already
Warwick tried to rule through the king but it it is believed that it developed into pneumonia.
enjoying a buoyant, more stable economy,
caused unrest, forcing the release of Edward Louis XI took advantage of this and revoked especially in the second half of Edward IV's
by mid-September. The rebellion having failed, Edward’s pension. Had Edward not been so poorly, reign, the king reconfirmed an agreement
Warwick and Clarence fled to France. he would have fought against this move but, on with the Hanseatic League, a sort of medieval
Peace would not last long, though, and Edward 9 April he died aged 40 and his body was buried in Northern European Common Market, and this
would again be troubled when Warwick made the foundations of St George’s Chapel. brought trade concessions.
peace with Margaret of Anjou and returned to Edward was survived by eight of his ten children
England with an army in September 1470. Edward (Margaret of York died aged eight months and They liked to play cards
Just not foreign ones. In 1463, a ban was
had little choice but to flee to the Low Countries. George Plantagenet, 1st Duke of Bedford at two
placed on the importation of foreign playing
Henry VI was then restored to the throne while years). Edward also had several illegitimate children cards because England wanted to protect
Edward sought refuge in Flanders. thanks to his numerous affairs with mistresses. its own manufacturers. Up until that point
He bided his time until he was able to gather While his young son briefly succeeded him in they were being brought in from France.
an army and, with his brother Richard, Duke 1483, as Edward V, all of his children were declared As time went on, cards became crucial to
of Gloucester, he fought a heavy battle in illegitimate by Parliament in 1483. This was at the Christmas festivities.
Barnet, defeating and killing Warwick. This was behest of Richard, Duke of Gloucester, who seized
followed by the defeat of Margaret at the Battle the throne to become Richard III. Life could be torture
Prisoners were not treated well and to extract
confessions from them, torture was routine.
The first recorded use of the rack was in 1468;
the device stretched the imprisoned as they
Wars of the Roses lay on the rectangular wooden frame, so that
Fought between 1455 and 1485, the Wars of the Roses
their cartilage, ligaments and bones would pop
involved the rival royal houses of Lancaster and York
as the torturers pulled hard on the handle.
– identified by the colour of their roses, red and white
respectively. Both factions were descended from King Edward
III but the ruling King Henry VI (a Lancastrian) was unpopular, The English would riot
mainly due to the loss of French lands during his reign. This There was a sense of political injustice in
resulted in a rebellion by supporters of Richard Duke of York; England and riots would break out if there was
in 1461 his son took the throne as Edward IV. Richard III was just cause. When Edward was imprisoned and
the last king from the house of York. Henry Tudor defeated Warwick tried to control England, an uprising
him in 1485, paving the way for the house of Tudor to rule. ensured sufficient pressure was put on the earl
to let him go. Power to the people!

British Royals

never took place,
making him one of
only four uncrowned
English monarchs
since the Norman

England, 1470-1483

Remembered as one
of the two ‘Princes in
Brief the Tower’, Edward’s
Bio reign lasted less
than three months
and was overshadowed by
his uncle’s desire to claim the
crown, culminating in Edward’s
imprisonment in the Tower of
London and, many suspect, the
murder of him and his younger
brother, Richard.

April 1483 - June 1483

Edward V
How a boy king’s short reign, marred by infamy,
treachery and murder, would echo down the centuries

ing for just 86 days of a kingdom that never read and the people he might be surrounded by.
really became his, Edward V could easily Under the guidance of his maternal uncle, Anthony
have become little more than a forgettable Woodville, the king’s regime seemed to produce
footnote in royal history, were it not for his the desired results, with chroniclers of the time
part in a story that would be remembered as reporting the young prince to be polite, charming,
one of the British monarchy’s most infamous and educated beyond his years and well versed in
enduring mysteries. literature. With such a positive foundation laid
The son of King Edward IV and his queen during his childhood, the tragedy of Edward’s story
consort Elizabeth Woodville, Edward’s early years is only heightened when considering the type of
were shaped by a routine of his father’s design. king he might have grown to become.
This dictated everything from the hours in which Granted the title Prince of Wales as an infant,
he was educated to the types of stories he was Edward spent most of his life at Ludlow Castle as

Edward V

Edward IV had been popular with the people,

who were in turn loyal to his son, and acting
against the new king could have turned public
opinion against Richard had he not managed to
calm concern at this apparent and unexpected
grab for power by branding the Woodvilles traitors,
claiming they had been conspiring against him
and the realm’s nobility. Arriving at the Tower of Edward and his brother Richard lived at the
Tower of London until their disappearance
London, Edward took up residence in the Garden
Tower (later renamed the ‘Bloody Tower’), which,
given its role as both a royal residence and a prison
at the time, was in itself no cause for suspicion. His
The mysterious
brother was taken from Westminster Abbey and disappearance
joined Edward in the Tower, where they would
await a coronation that, thanks to their uncle’s of the princes
Richard III declared the princes to be schemes, would never take place.
illegitimate, leaving him as the rightful heir With the princes contained within the Tower of What happened to
London, Richard’s plans to claim his late brother’s Edward and Richard?
No one knows for sure as their bodies were
titular ruler of Wales and the Welsh Marches, and crown proceeded. At a meeting of the Regency
never found, but over the years a number of
it was from here that he travelled to London upon Council in June, Richard had William Hastings, a possible scenarios have been proposed to
the death of his father on 9 April 1483. In his will, close friend of Edward IV who it is thought might explain the fate of the princes…
Edward IV appointed his brother Richard, Duke of have opposed any attempt to disinherit the princes,
Gloucester as Lord Protector to assist the arrested and executed without trial. Claims Richard III killed them
young king until he was old enough were also made in a sermon outside Richard is generally considered the most likely
to take on the mantle of ruler. old St Paul’s Cathedral that the culprit. Despite successfully disinheriting his
Richard’s personal ambitions, Edward’s uncle, princes were not true heirs, nephews of any claim to their father’s crown,
the only way to be sure they could pose no
however, far exceeded the role George, was found owing to the fact that prior
future threat to his rule would have been to
of advisor-to-the-king, and as guilty of treason to his marriage to Elizabeth have them killed. With a clear motive, access
soon as his brother died and Woodville, Edward IV had to the princes and the power to silence any
Edward began the journey to
against Edward IV been contracted to marry Lady that might have objected, the case against
London, he set plans in motion and executed by being Eleanor Butler (née Talbot). Richard is strong, to say the least.
that would ultimately secure the drowned in a barrel of His marriage to Elizabeth was
crown for himself. therefore invalid, rendering Henry Stafford, Duke of
malmesey wine Buckingham, killed them
Upon reaching Stony Stratford their children illegitimate. With
at the end of April, Edward and his no apparent legitimate heir, and As an ally who supported Richard III since the
arrest of Edward’s uncle, Anthony Woodville,
entourage were met by Richard, Henry Edward IV’s second brother George
it’s possible that Stafford killed the boys under
Stafford – Duke of Buckingham and distant cousin having been executed for treason in 1478 – and Richard’s orders. But, as a distant cousin
of the new king – and an armed escort. The attainted so that his heirs forfeited all rights to of Edward V, their deaths might also have
atmosphere was friendly, but the next morning the throne – this suggested that Richard, Duke presented a possible route to succession for
Richard ordered the arrest of Anthony Woodville of Gloucester, was in fact the rightful heir to the Stafford himself. Stafford later rebelled against
and several other members of the young king’s crown. Having considered these claims, Parliament Richard and was executed in November 1483.
group and had them taken north, where they were declared Richard to be the legitimate king and he
later executed at Richard’s command. Edward was crowned Richard III on 6 July. Henry VII killed them
protested, but was taken into custody by his uncle Throughout this period, the princes were seen Henry Tudor defeated Richard III at the Battle
and continued on to London. Edward’s mother, little, with only occasional glimpses of them of Bosworth Field in 1485 and was crowned
king, marrying (and legitimising) Edward IV’s
sisters and younger brother Richard, Duke of York, playing in the Tower’s gardens and the visits of
daughter, Elizabeth. If the princes were still
sought sanctuary at Westminster Abbey upon Edward’s physician, John Argentine, to attest that alive, their legitimacy would also have been
hearing the news of the Duke of Gloucester’s they were still alive at all. But following Richard III’s reinstated, so Henry may have had them killed
actions, fearful that the king’s brother had decided accession, they disappeared from public view to prevent any future challenge to his crown.
to seize the crown for himself and the danger that completely, presumed by many to have become the
posed to their safety. victims of their uncle’s ambition. Sir James Tyrell did it
A trusted subject of Richard III, and the man
portrayed by William Shakespeare as the
organiser of the princes’ murder, James Tyrell
Death in the Tower confessed in 1502 to killing the boys under
Serving as both royal residence and prison over the centuries, Richard’s orders, but the confession is now
the Tower has more than a few bloody tales to its name, with considered unreliable, given that Tyrell was
the Garden Tower in particular, where Edward and Richard being tortured for treason at the time.
lived (and presumably died), later becoming known as the
Bloody Tower. Built in the early 1220s, the Garden Tower They weren’t murdered
also played host to, among others, King Henry VI’s death Some suggest Edward may have become ill and
in 1471 (thought to have been murdered under Edward IV’s died, though if this were the case, Richard III
orders), the alleged suicide of Henry Percy, eighth Earl of would have had nothing to lose by revealing
Northumberland, in 1585, and the poisoning of courtier and this and absolving himself of suspicion in their
poet Sir Thomas Overbury in 1613. disappearance. Other rumours claim one or
both princes may have escaped the Tower.

British Royals


Richard III
The last Plantagenet king to hold the English throne,
Richard III was one of the few individuals who did
as much before his reign as during it

espite a reign that only lasted two years (one 29 March 1461 at Towton. Edward’s army destroyed
of the shortest in British history), Richard the king’s forces and upon hearing the news, the
Plantagenet had a profound effect on the absentee monarch fled to Scotland with his family.
realm. Raised in the feudal conflict that was Richard returned to England shortly after to see
later named the Wars of the Roses, Richard his brother crowned Edward IV. The Yorkists had
spent most of his life battling to both attain power returned to court and young Richard was about to
and defend it, an experience that moulded him be thrust into the middle of a new regime.
into a brilliant strategist and someone who always Edward’s ascension to the throne was hardly
led his military campaigns into battle. Some called the end of the conflict. The Wars of the Roses had
him a cruel tyrant, while others saw him as a really only just begun. After Edward’s coronation in
focused progressive who fought long and hard to 1461, he made Richard Duke of Gloucester as well
strengthen the realm and the House of York’s hold as a Knight of the Garter and a Knight of the Bath.
on the English crown. He’s a monarch surrounded In order to facilitate Richard’s training as a knight
by myth and legend, both in regard to his physical and nobleman, Edward sent him to study under
appearance and whether he had a hand in the his cousin, Richard Neville, the Earl of Warwick.
supposed death of the Princes in the Warwick was one of the most powerful
Tower. Little wonder he has fascinated nobles in England and had been
historians for over 700 years. instrumental in providing the new
Born on 2 October 1452, Richard III had king with the military strength he
Richard was the son of Richard a great deal needed to take the throne.
Plantagenet, third Duke of York of affection for the In exchange for providing
and his wife, Cecily Neville. a place for Richard at his
Despite being fathered by
north of England. He household in Middleham,
a man with a significantly even co‑founded Warwick organised marriages
strong claim to Henry VI’s the Council of for both Richard and his brother
throne, Richard was way down the North George to his own daughters.
the pecking order as the 12th of Edward was against the idea and
13 children. The duke himself was the disagreement drove a wedge
deeply unpopular with the House of between two of the most powerful men in
York’s fiercest rival, the House of Lancaster – this the realm. George would eventually wed Warwick’s
also included Queen Margaret of Anjou, who held daughter Isabel in 1469, leading him to side with
sway over the weak‑minded king. Richard’s father his new father‑in‑law, while Richard refused the
refused to renounce his claim and the dispute arrangement and placed his fealty in the king. That
eventually culminated with a brutal clash at the show of loyalty would bind Edward and Richard for
Battle of Wakefield. Despite leading a sizeable the next two decades as the war began to escalate.
military force, the Duke of York was killed on Warwick would prove to be a chaos factor in the
30 December 1460, alongside his second son (and lives of Richard and the new king. He eventually
fifth child) Edmund, Earl of Rutland. chose to defect and form an alliance with Margaret
With his father dead and disgraced, Richard of Anjou, subsequently organising a number of
was packed off with his brother George to the rebellions to undermine Edward’s reign. This
Low Countries (modern‑day Belgium and the discontent, in both civil unrest and propaganda
Netherlands) while his eldest brother Edward (now in court, eventually forced Richard and Edward to
fourth Duke of York) led a 30,000‑strong army into flee to Flanders in May 1470. Richard accompanied
battle with what remained of Henry’s forces on Edward back to England a year later and the king

Richard III

in 2012 revealed
ten wounds to his
body and eight to his
head (the back of
which had been
shorn off)

England, 1452-1485

His reign on the

English throne barely
Brief lasted two years,
Bio yet King Richard III
remains one of
Britain’s most talked about
monarchs. His accession to the
throne created a conspiracy that
still baffles historians to this
day, while his death signified the
literal end of the Middle Ages
in England. He may have been
immortalised by Shakespeare’s
quill, but Richard’s dramatic rule
was all too real.

British Royals

The Battle of Bosworth Field, near Hinckley

in Leicestershire, was the last great
skirmish of the Wars of the Roses and
effectively brought the conflict to a close

appointed him as his main lieutenant. An already of the realm and his son and heir, Edward. When low‑born family had had a hand in the plot to
driven and aspiring military leader, the young Richard was informed of his brother’s death and his assassinate him and feared that Elizabeth and her
Plantagenet led Edward’s forces in the Battles of new position as regent, he marched alongside the allies would find a way to remove him from the
Barnet and Tewkesbury, where his use of a small Duke of Buckingham in an armed escort bound for equation and assume control over the young king.
but ruthless force led to the deaths of Warwick and London. While on the way, Richard received word Something had to be done.
the Lancastrian heir (and the former king’s son), that a plot was being formed to assassinate him On 13 June, Richard called a council meeting
Edward, Prince of Wales. and remove the threat he potentially posed at the Tower of London. While there, he accused
Edward IV was keen to reward his as the de facto ruler. According to his William Hastings, first Baron Hastings, of plotting
brother’s fierce loyalty and with sources, Anthony Woodville, second to use the princes as a means of usurping Richard’s
Warwick out of the picture, Like many Earl Rivers (Elizabeth’s brother) power and summarily had Hastings executed
Richard inherited most of his of his forebears, was behind the plot, so Richard a few days later. Around this time a clergyman
lands in Yorkshire. He was had him arrested (and later (said to be Robert Stillington, bishop of Bath and
also appointed constable and
Richard was regarded executed) as he made his way Wells) informed Richard that Edward IV’s marriage
warden of the north, positions as a valiant warrior out of the north. to Elizabeth Woodville had been invalid on the
of power that would slowly and often led military In order to protect the young grounds Edward had been contracted to marry
consolidate into a power base campaigns from king, Richard escorted him and the noblewoman Lady Eleanor Talbot. If true, this
close to the one Warwick himself his brother to the capital. At the claim would deem Edward and Elizabeth’s children
wielded before his defection.
the front beginning of June, Richard and the illegitimate, making Richard Edward’s true heir.
Richard rarely left the north for the two young royals arrived in London. By 22 June, sermons were already being
next decade, tired of the politics and Under the guidance of his advisors, preached that the uncrowned Edward V and his
intrigue of his brother’s court in London. The Richard placed the two boys in lodgings in the brother Richard were illegitimate. A few days later,
Lancastrian threat was largely extinguished after Tower of London to keep them safe. However, all the Duke of Gloucester was proclaimed the rightful
Edward’s restoration, the only real claimant left was not what it seemed. In an ironic twist of fate, heir by Parliament and he was crowned King
being Henry Tudor who was exiled in France. Richard was now concerned over the same matter Richard III of England in Westminster Abbey on
Edward fell gravely ill and died on 9 April 1483, that had consumed his former enemy, Warwick: 6 July. In order to solidify his claim to the throne,
but not before he named Richard lord protector the rise of the Woodvilles. He was certain the once in 1484 Richard even had Parliament draw up the

Richard III

Richard was the last British monarch to die

during battle. Exhumation of his remains
suggests he lost his helmet and his skull
was struck multiple times at close range

Five facts from

the reign of
Richard III
A new tongue
One of the most fascinating changes Richard III
made to his court was the introduction of
English as its preferred language. The legacy
of Roman occupation and William I’s Norman
invasion had instilled both Latin and French as
its base lexicon, but Richard was determined
to normalise it to his mother tongue.

Printing popularity
The arrival of printing in England towards the
Richard III (second from the left) and the end of the 1400s had a profound effect on its
Earl of Warwick (far right) were bitter rivals population. Introduced by William Caxton, an
during Edward IV’s conflict-ridden reign English merchant, in 1476, the printing press
allowed the mass production of everything
from literary works to pamphlets. He was also

“In August 1485, news reached the king one of the first to do so in English.

that Henry Tudor had arrived in West Population problems

Abandoned villages, towns and settlements

Wales with an army” were far from an uncommon sight in the mid
to late 1400s. The Black Death had ravaged
England at the beginning of the century,
reducing the population by a third. Continued
Titulus Regius, a legal document that confirmed York (the older sister of the imprisoned, and now famine from failed crops and harvests also
him as the true successor to his brother’s crown. possibly deceased, Princes in the Tower), effectively kept the population at a throttled low.
After decades of warring against one king and forming a union that would end the costly Wars
working with another, Richard was finally the one of the Roses. When Richard discovered that one of Agricultural changes
sat on the throne. However, there would be little his trusted political allies, the Duke of Buckingham, Continued bad weather wrecked many a
time to rest or recuperate. Rebellion was in the air. had sided with the rebels, the king marched to crop in the late 1400s, forcing a significant
change in the way Englishmen worked the
Even though living in exile, the presence of meet them. The uprising had largely fallen apart
land. Landowners struggled to find labour
Henry Tudor loomed large in Richard’s mind. – due to disintegrating support in the wake of to till their land as workers spread to acquire
Despite the battles of Barnet and Tewkesbury military action and a storm that forced Henry smallholdings of their own. This period also
severely wounding the House of Lancaster’s hold Tudor to return to his exile in France – but it was saw the rise of enclosures as many farmers
in England, it still boasted allies and potential an ominous glimpse into what was to come. focused on pasturing.
military outlets overseas and Richard knew it was In August 1485, news reached the king that
only a matter of time before the Lancastrian upstart Henry Tudor had arrived in West Wales with an Livery and maintenance
would rally enough support to land an invasion army of a few hundred men (most of whom were The Wars of the Roses had a huge effect on
and challenge the king for his crown. So it was no French mercenaries, rather than loyal English England, especially among its nobles. The
breakdown of royal authority would lead lords
surprise when Tudor’s name began popping up soldiers). Richard immediately began mobilising
and nobles to offer ‘livery and maintenance’,
amid rumours of a rebellion in late 1483. Reports all of his forces, recalling every loyal noble with a whereby a lower class would receive
suggest conspirators were in support of Henry standing military force to join his march on the protection for wearing their colours (livery)
taking the throne and marrying Elizabeth of Lancastrian incursion. As Henry moved through and bearing arms for them (maintenance).

British Royals

Rebellion Propaganda was a key tactic in the Wars

of the Roses. It was vital in undermining

of 1483 Richard’s reign and amplifying the

significance of his loss at Bosworth Field
A few months after Richard’s coronation, a
conspiracy was beginning to form among
some of England’s most disaffected nobles.
The conspiracy was led by a handful of
individuals, most notably Henry Stafford,
second Duke of Buckingham. Buckingham
had been one of Richard’s most influential
supporters and had been rewarded
handsomely with lands and patronage.
He’d played a part in the coup over the
stewardship of the young Edward V and his
brother, but many historians differ on what
it was that led him to conspire against his
king. Some argue that Buckingham may
have possibly been involved in the princes’
supposed deaths, while others believe that
rumours of their fates turned him against
the Plantagenet monarch. In an ironic twist
of fate, Richard actually sent Buckingham
to investigate rumours of a plot among
his gentry in the south before the duke
eventually chose to join it.
Buckingham began planning a coup
with two of his main conspirators: John
Morton, the Archbishop of Canterbury and
Reginald Bray, a fellow disenfranchised
noble. Their plan was to invite the exiled
Lancastrian claimant Henry Tudor (later
Henry VII) to take the throne with their
financial and military support. It was an
ambitious plan, and the sheer scale needed
for its execution would be its undoing.
Richard was livid when he found out
about Buckingham’s involvement. On
12 October he penned a heated letter to
his chancellor, stating: “resist the malice
of him that had the best cause to be true,
the Duke of Buckingham, the most untrue
creature living.” Whatever Buckingham’s
true motives for joining the rebellion were,
his contribution would ultimately be for
nothing. He was unable to drum up much Defining moment
support from the tenants living on his Richard’s body
Edward IV becomes king
lands (especially in Wales) and considerable
4 March 1461 was buried at
flooding in the south would halt much of
the rebellion’s progress. Henry had also
With the House of York reeling from the loss of Greyfriars, Leicester,
the duke, his eldest son and heir Edward, the Earl
sailed to meet the rebellion, but his ship hit
of March, leads the charge against the Lancastrian but the friary was
a storm, forcing him to return to France.
Richard placed a reward of £1,000 on
forces and the two sides meet at the Battle of destroyed in 1538
Mortimer’s Cross in February 1461. Edward is
Buckingham’s head as the uprising began victorious and marches on London, claiming the during Henry VIII’s
to fall apart and the duke soon fled. He
was eventually caught, tried for treason
throne a month later. After driving back another
force of Lancaster soldiers later that month, Edward
and beheaded on 2 November. is finally able to establish a Yorkist hold on the
most powerful seat in England. With his brother
crowned Edward IV in June, Richard is granted the

Timeline title Duke of Gloucester five months later.

l Richard is born l The duke falls l Gaining northern l Governor of the north l Constable of England
Richard III is born as When Richard is just lands The first real position of Richard’s loyalty to his
Richard of York at eight, his father dies at His brother grants power that Richard gains brother during these
Fotheringhay Castle the Battle of Wakefield, him territories across is the role of governor formative years of
in the county of a decisive clash between the land to preside of the north. Richard rule pays dividends.
Northamptonshire. He Yorkist and Lancastrian over. Edward gives holds a strong affinity for He is granted myriad
is the 12th of 13 children forces. The death of him lordships in that part of the country titles during this time,
born to Richard, 3rd the 3rd Duke sends a Richmond (Yorkshire), and proves popular with including Constable of
Duke of York and his wife shockwave through the Pembroke (Wales) its citizens. England and Lord High
Cecily Neville. House of York. and in East Anglia. 2 October 1462 Admiral of England.
2 October 1452 30 December 1460 12 August 1462 17 October 1462

Richard III

Wales and across the border into England, his

forces continued to swell with a number of “With Richard’s hold on victory
supporters (including influential Welsh landholder,
Rhys ap Thomas), adding more soldiers to his army
beginning to slip, Stanley made his
– by the time he arrived in Leicestershire following
a 200‑mile march, his army was said to have
move. He led his 6,000-strong forces
increased to around 5,000 men.
The king and the pretender met on 22 August
straight into the flank of Richard’s army”
1485 at Bosworth Field, just outside of Market
Bosworth, Leicester (a city with which Richard III performed on Richard’s exhumed remains in 2012
had close ties). The king brought with him revealed that he received a blow to the head from The war with Scotland
10,000-15,000 men and an arsenal of 140 cannons behind, most likely from a halberd or a long sword. One of the most interesting distinctions about
(one of the largest to ever grace a European With the king dead, Stanley took the bloody crown Richard was that the amount of power and
influence he had before he became king. In
battlefield) and the two armies met in a battle from Richard’s body and placed it upon the head of
1461, Richard’s brother Edward became King
of incredible scale. Overlooking the scene was Henry Tudor, proclaiming him England’s new king. Edward VI and in turn granted Richard the
one of Richard’s allies, Sir William Stanley, who The rule of the Plantagenets was over. The age of title of Duke of Gloucester. In the months that
stood behind the king’s forces with a the Tudors had begun. followed, Richard acquired a great deal of land
contingent of 6,000 men, watched It seems as if Richard’s reign was in the north and with his brother relying on

© Classic Image / Alamy; Ivy Close Images / Alamy; 19th era / Alamy; Rasiel Suarez/Wiki Commons; PD; Bill Sibley
him more, he was made governor of the north.
the two armies clash and waited to Established over before it even began, with
This effectively made him the most powerful
see how the conflict would fare. only two short years on the
in 1924, the noble in England.
Despite Richard’s superior throne. Nevertheless, in between
Richard III Society Meanwhile, relations with Scotland were
forces, Henry’s army began to putting down rebellions and rapidly deteriorating. The Scottish king,
turn the tide. With Richard’s aims to re-evaluate the fortifying his kingdom against James III, had learned that Richard’s brother
hold on victory beginning historical interpretation a Lancastrian invasion, Richard had given his permission for the duke to
to slip, Stanley made his was also responsible for a expand his holdings in the north into the south
move. He led his 6,000‑strong
of his actions and number of legislative changes of Scotland. The threat of such a move and
forces straight into the flank demeanour that had a profound effect on his
Richard’s increasing power on the other side
of the border boiled together with Edward’s
of Richard’s army, routing it as subjects. He was the first king of frustration over the failure of the Fotheringhay
Richard attempted to keep the Tudor England to take his coronation oath Treaty (a political arrangement to marry
forces’ advance at bay. With his crown in English, as well as ensuring all laws James’s son to Cecily of York), leading James
hanging in the balance, Richard (who had led his were published in English so that everyone could to declare war in 1480. Edward made Richard
army from the front for the entirety of the battle) read them. He oversaw the enactment of the Land commander of a 20,000-strong army, leading
to years of skirmishes, sieges and showdowns.
spied Henry watching the battle from across Tenure Act that protected landowners from having
Eventually the Scottish king sent his brother,
the field. In a last‑ditch attempt to tip the scales, their lands stolen or sold by others and even the Duke of Albany, to agree a treaty with the
Richard charged across the war zone to meet his introduced the system of ‘bail’ – a factor that forms king in February 1483.
foe but was cut down before he reached him. Tests a well‑known role in our legal system today.

Defining moment Defining moment

Defeat and flight Richard assumes control
13 September 1469 6 July 1483
In November 1467, Richard Neville (Earl When Edward IV dies in 1483, he names Richard as
of Warwick) switches sides and joins the Lord Protector of his 12-year-old son and heir, Edward
Lancastrian against Edward IV. This defection V. Under advisement, Richard moves the princes
has catastrophic results for the king and Richard. to the Tower of London to keep them safe. In the
The king has also become unpopular with large meantime, some of Richard’s allies propose the claim
parts of the nation, leading his brother George that Edward’s marriage was not valid and that the
(Duke of Clarence) to side with Warwick. The Princes in the Tower are in fact illegitimate. It’s not
two eventually flee to France and orchestrate a known if this is a plot engineered by Richard himself
series of uprisings against the king with an aim to undermine his brother’s legacy, but key supporters in
to place Henry VI (a former Lancastrian king) government help to add weight to Richard’s rightful claim
back on the throne. The rebels are successful and to the throne. With overwhelming support he is crowned king
Edward and Richard are forced into exile. in 1483.

l Edward and Richard l Richard’s power grows l Buckingham’s l Tudor propaganda Battle of l
return from exile Following the disgrace Rebellion While Richard would Bosworth Field
Edward and Richard land of the Earl of Warwick, In the first months always find support in The conflict with
in England and reclaim Richard takes control of of his reign, Richard the North of England, the House of Tudor
York. From this northern most of his assets. He confronts a rebellion his Lancastrian enemies culminates in a huge
base, and with Richard also marries Anne Neville led by former ally the continue to undermine battle between the
as his main military which, collectively, Duke of Buckingham. his regime with two sides. Richard
commander, Edward makes him the second Ultimately it fails skirmishes and incessant leads the charge and
defeats the Lancastrians most powerful man and Buckingham propaganda that is cut down. Henry
at the Battle of Barnet. in England. is executed. undermine his rule. Tudor becomes king.
11 March 1471 May-July 1472 October 1483 April 1485 22 August 1485

British Royals


Henry VII
A king who won his crown in the maelstrom of
battle, Henry fought throughout his reign to keep it
and establish the mighty Tudor dynasty

n invasion force set off from France and for safety. He would not set foot in England again
landed in Wales before heading into the for 14 years and this life of constantly being under
heart of England itself. The year was 1485 threat, of never feeling safe, would affect how he
and at the head of this ragtag army was a ruled when he became king of England. In Brittany
man who, for most of his 28 years on Earth (a duchy independent of both France and England)
had been on the run, had been constantly looking Henry was under the protection of Francis II,
over his shoulder and unable to find peace. This who resisted Edward’s attempts to send Henry to
man was called Henry Tudor and when he first set England and in the process probably saved his life.
foot on the wet sand of Wales, he is said to have It was Edward himself who died unexpectedly in
fallen to his knees and uttered, “Judge me 1483 and Richard of Gloucester, who would
O Lord and favour my cause.” It was become Richard III, took control and
unsurprising that he was praying, imprisoned Edward’s two sons in
for the odds seemed stacked the Tower of London. To this day,
against him; his claim to the Henry and debate still rages about what
throne was weak and the Elizabeth had eight exactly happened to them, but
army of the king of England, there was no doubt that Richard
Richard III, was much stronger
children, but only four was now in control of England.
than his own. survived through Richard was now king,
There were two reasons to adulthood but many were unhappy that
why the force landed in Wales Edward’s sons wouldn’t get the
– Henry wanted to remain chance to succeed their father. This
undetected for as long as possible to increasing political division in England
give him time to build up support and it meant that, after years in the wilderness,
was also the land where he had been born in 1457, Henry was thrust back into the political spotlight
at Pembroke Castle. The man who would go on to with many believing he should assert his claim
found the Tudor dynasty was born to an earl and to the throne. This situation was managed with
a countess and had a minor claim to the throne what would become typical political cunning by
through his mother, Lady Margaret of Beaufort, Henry, who announced that if he did return and
a descendant of Edward III. Despite this tenuous become king then he would marry Elizabeth of
royal lineage, by the early 1470s he was the main York and thus unite the two warring houses. When
Lancastrian claimant remaining, as the Wars of the he learned that Richard was exerting pressure on
Roses – a battle for the crown between the houses Francis to release his rival to him, Henry escaped
of Lancaster and York that began in 1455 and saw to France dressed as a servant. It was in Paris that
the fortunes of the two rival houses ebb and flow – his supporters gathered around him and made
had resulted in the deaths of the rest. their plans for an invasion of England and to put
When the course of the War of Roses changed to an end to the Yorkist king who had only been
again in 1471 with the reclaiming of the throne by sitting on the throne for two years. On 7 August
the Yorkist king Edward IV, Henry fled to Brittany 1485 Henry landed at Milton Haven Waterway in

Henry VII

Wales, 1457-1509

The creator of the

Tudor dynasty, Henry
Brief won the crown
Bio in battle against
Richard III. He secured
his crown against numerous
invasions and proved to be an
astute king, although one who
was more feared than loved by
his people. His children included
Henry VIII, one of the most
famous kings of all time.

Henry VII founded the Tudor dynasty,

which ruled during of the most
famous periods in English history

British Royals

Edmund Tudor,
died three months
before Henry
was born

Henry was crowned king after defeating

Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth

“Henry’s forces were in danger of being usurper and ensuring that everyone who had
opposed Henry could in the future be tried with
overwhelmed when William Stanley treason. His marriage to Elizabeth of York, daughter
of Edward IV, united the warring houses of the
threw his men into battle and instructed white rose of York and the red of Lancaster and led
to the creation of a powerful symbol: the Tudor
them to attack Richard” rose, which incorporated the two colours. He also
commissioned the first ever pound coin, a gold
Wales and said his prayer to God while kneeling on the public glare. Against all odds, the man who sovereign with an image of Henry sitting on a
the wet sand of the beach. had been living in exile for most of his life had throne in all his splendour on the obverse and a
Henry’s invasion force didn’t stay secret for long won. The crown was his, but Henry knew that if Tudor double rose on the reverse.
and soon Richard’s larger army was in pursuit he had won it in battle then he could also lose it in While these symbols were powerful propaganda
and eventually intercepted Henry’s forces south of battle. The struggle to keep hold of his crown and tools, important in trying to legitimise the new
Market Bosworth in Leicestershire. On 22 August establish a legacy had only just begun. Tudor rule, they were nothing compared to the
what would turn out to be the last confrontation All the years that Henry had spent in exile importance of producing a male heir. So when,
of the Wars of the Roses took place as the two had robbed him of an intimate knowledge of the in 1486, Prince Arthur was born to Henry and
rivals met each other on the battlefield. Henry’s workings of a royal court, but had made him a Elizabeth, the new king could breathe a little easier.
forces were in danger of being overwhelmed when sharp observer and his keen mind immediately While the nation rejoiced at the birth of the prince,
William Stanley, who had been watching from the grasped how important appearances were; it was who had been named after the mythical king of
sidelines, threw his men into battle and instructed not enough to just be king – he had to look, act Camelot, there were still those who weren’t buying
them to attack Richard. This action by one of the and sound like a king. It is often said that history is into Henry’s image of the legitimacy of the Tudors.
most powerful men in the land was the decisive written by the victors and following his coronation In 1487 a rebellion began in Ireland around a boy
moment in the battle and the king of England was on 30 October, that is exactly what Henry did. called Lambert Simnel who claimed to be the
cut down, murdered by common men, battered He used his first parliament to change the date Yorkist Earl of Warwick, son of Edward IV’s brother
to death and then stripped naked and taken to that he became king to a day before the Battle of George, Duke of Clarence. The force invaded
Leicester, where his dead body was exposed to Bosworth, thereby making Richard the attempted England but was no match for Henry’s battle-

Henry VII

Columbus’s ‘discovery’ of the New World

would change the face of European politics

Life in the time

of Henry VII
Old enemies
France and England had a long history of
conflict before Henry became king, such as
the Hundred Years’ War of 1337-1453. As Henry
was first and foremost interested in securing
his throne, he mostly pursued a strategy of
peace with France but did launch a small
invasion in 1492 which led to the Treaty of
Étaples, the terms of which helped to swell
Henry’s coffers.

Power of the nobles

In England many noble families were very
powerful and possessed land and armies that
could potentially challenge the king. Henry
used two main tools to limit their power:
taxation and the Court of the Star Chamber.
The court operated unusually quickly for the
time and would act against those so powerful
that ordinary courts wouldn’t convict them.
However, as its actions were carried out in
secret, it could be used tyrannically by rulers.
Bosworth remains as one of the most well-
known battles in English history
The New World
In 1492 Genoan explorer Christopher
Columbus (backed by Spanish money) landed
hardened troops, who decimated the rival army increased. The spying network was increasingly in the New World, an action that would change
at the Battle of Stoke. Simnel, who was merely well funded and Henry’s Privy Chamber, his the world forever. The discovery of a path
a puppet in the plan, was pardoned by Henry. personal space where he worked and slept, became from Europe to this new area would lead to
However, the fact that Henry had been forced into harder to gain admittance to as the number of many of the major European nations trying to
battle to keep his crown was a further indication people whom he trusted decreased. The king colonise it and saw a raft of gold and exotic
goods flood into the continent.
that his place on the throne was not secure. became obsessed with two things: money
Just four years later, history repeated and security. His style of government
itself and Henry had to deal with became increasingly personal,
Money, money, money
Years of war with France had led to England
another rebellion; this time a young with his signature required being in severe debt and Henry worked hard
man called Perkin Warbeck By his death for all substantial financial to build up his own personal finances and
claimed to be one of the Princes he had amassed a transactions. For Henry, that of the nation. He was personally involved
in the Tower whom it was money meant control. in this aspect of government and his trade
fortune that in today’s agreements and policies were designed
thought Richard had killed. When in 1497, Warbeck
This was a serious problem for money would be – who had been a constant to boost finances. By the end of his reign,
tax revenues were significantly higher and
Henry as he knew that much worth approximately thorn in Henry’s side – was Henry VIII inherited a far richer monarchy than
of his support had only come £950 million captured, and executed two many who had gone before him.
because of the disappearance of years later, it was a vindication
the two princes – while Warbeck’s of the king’s refusal to loosen his A new world power
claim was widely discredited, it would grip on government. However, with The marriage of Ferdinand of Aragon and
provide a good excuse for people to rise up Warbeck killed and the king having been Isabella of Castile in 1469 began the process
against him. Henry responded by setting up an on the throne for more than a decade, he could of uniting Spain as one country (although
extensive surveillance network, with spies across begin to focus more attention on matters outside Aragon and Castile remained independent
from each other in some ways) and increased
the country and the continent keeping a close eye of the island nation and look to further legitimise
its power. Spain would emerge as a powerful
on anyone who seemed likely to cause trouble. his dynasty. Marriage alliances were a formidable player on the world and international stage
Henry had always been a suspicious, even diplomatic tool and Henry had given customary and a country that England had to be
paranoid king, and with Warbeck’s claim this only care and attention to whom Arthur would marry. increasingly wary of.

British Royals

The Tudor spy Lord Stanley brings the crown of

Richard to Richmond, from Cassell’s

network Illustrated History of England

John Morton was someone whose

political support was fluid, to say the
least; originally a Lancastrian supporter,
he changed sides to the Yorkists before
allying himself with Henry after his
victory at the Battle of Bosworth. While
Morton’s loyalty could be called into
question, his skills and talent could
not. Henry needed capable men and
appointed him to the prestigious position
of Archbishop of Canterbury. Morton
was then effectively given carte blanche
to set up a spy and surveillance network
which would report directly to the king
and the king alone.
Henry had spies throughout Europe
and also at home and these agents of the
king were instructed to keep a close eye
on those who might pose a threat. This
spy network was especially helpful to
the first Tudor king in the case of Perkin
Warbeck, as it meant that Henry knew
of the pretender’s whereabouts and who
his supporters were, and so could act
accordingly. Indeed, it was through this
network that he learned that William
Stanley – whose army had effectively
won him the crown at Bosworth
– was plotting with traitors and He set
so he was executed and his up the Star
vast estates went to the king.
Henry’s spy network played Chamber – a court to
a key role in enabling him to prosecute the powerful
stay on the throne.
who might have
otherwise gotten
away with their

Defining moment
Invasion of England
Henry and a small invasion force, made up mostly
of foreign mercenaries and exiled Englishmen, land
in Wales and try to muster support. Henry’s army
eventually numbers around 5,000, but Richard III
soon learns of its presence and Henry is forced to
fight at Bosworth Field on 22 August. Richard’s
army gradually begins to grind down the opposition.
However, when nobleman William Stanley instructs
A coin produced his forces to attack Richard, the tide of the battle
turns. Henry is crowned king on the bloody battlefield The battle saw Henry’s 5,000
during Henry’s troops take on an army that was
reign – the king and makes his way from Bosworth to the capital and
almost double in size

had a well-known his new throne.
love of money

l Henry is born l Edward IV l Princes in the Tower l Uniting two l Revolt
The future king is becomes king When Edward dies, houses A group of
born in Pembroke When the Yorkist Richard places his Henry marries Yorkists crown
Castle to Edmund Edward regains two sons in the Elizabeth of York Lambert Simnel as
Tudor and the throne, Tower – they are on 18 January Edward VI and land
Margaret Beaufort. Henry flees to never seen again. 1486. This in England. Henry’s
The only drops of Brittany, where Richard is crowned action unites army defeats them
royal blood in his he will stay for king but his actions the two warring in battle in Stoke
veins are through the best part of mean that many houses of York and so he keeps
his mother’s side. 14 years. don’t support him. and Lancaster. his crown.
1457 1471 1483 1486 1487

Henry VII

He favoured a union with a Spanish princess,

thereby uniting two enemies of France, and as “Henry, who normally had a strong
far back as 1489 (when Arthur was just three) the
treaty of Medina del Campo had betrothed him to
poker-face, could not contain his grief
Catherine, the daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella
of Spain. By the time of Warbeck’s death, Arthur
and shut himself away for six weeks. He
was nearing the age when he could marry and so
preparations for the lavish wedding could begin.
was mentally and physically exhausted”
On 14 November 1501 the two were married by government life he was even more ruthless than Henry ensured Philip had everything he wanted
the Archbishop of Canterbury in St Paul’s Cathedral. before. He saw conspiracy theories everywhere at the royal court, but through this thin veneer it
This was a momentous occasion for Henry; the and decided that if his subjects would not love him was clear that Philip was effectively a prisoner until
wedding legitimised his rule, as it meant a foreign then they would fear him. He used a series of large he agreed to release to Henry’s care the Duke of
power such as Spain saw him as the true king financial bonds on leading citizens and merchants Suffolk, who had been agitating on the continent
and ensured that his dynasty would continue to ensure their good behaviour – for many the cost for a rebellion in England. Philip agreed and
long after his death. The lavish two-week wedding of betraying the king became financially impossible when the boat containing Suffolk arrived, he was
celebrations turned London into a party city and – as well as the Council Learned in the Law, promptly escorted to the Tower of London.
all commented on how beautiful Catherine possibly the most notorious expression of his In his last few years, Henry became increasingly
looked. Henry’s joy would be short- rule. This council had unprecedented ill and withdrew from public life. All eyes turned
lived, though, as mere months later The powers and was answerable only to to his prince and heir Henry, who seemed to be
Arthur contracted an illness and the king. It could overrule normal very different from his father – where the king
died, something that caused legal proceedings to look at any was cold and calculating, the young prince was a
an immense political impact. of his daughter cases it wished and was not fine physical specimen interested in honour and
Worse would come for Henry Margaret to James IV above extorting money, either chivalry. After the paranoid regime of his father, the
when in 1503 Elizabeth died of Scotland meant their as a punishment or simply people were looking forward to a more traditional
nine days after childbirth, with to swell the king’s coffers. king, but if it hadn’t been for Henry VII’s shrewd
the baby also not surviving.
descendants would From 1503 the council was actions, there would have been no crown to pass
Many had supported Henry out have a claim to run efficiently and ruthlessly by down. When in 1509 the light in Henry was fading
of loyalty to Elizabeth and with both thrones Edmund Dudley, who later wrote fast, he could reflect on a job well done: a man who
her joining Arthur in the grave it that the king wanted, “Many persons had spent much of his early life on the run had
seemed that the king’s crown, which he in danger at his pleasure… bound to his won the English crown and been able to hold onto
had worked tirelessly to secure, was slipping grace for great sums of money.” it. His people may have celebrated the passing of
through his fingers like grains of sand. Genuine fear and unease swept the country at the penny-pinching king, but the fact that there
Henry, who normally had a strong poker-face, this repressive regime, but Henry’s dynasty was was no opposition towards his son becoming
could not contain his grief and shut himself away further secured thanks to a stroke of outrageous monarch was probably his greatest achievement
for six weeks. He was mentally and physically good fortune: in 1506 a ship carrying Philip the and one that was won through cunning, hard work,
exhausted, but when he returned to normal Fair of Burgundy was shipwrecked in England. greed, ruthlessness and ambition.

Defining moment Defining moment

Defeat of Warbeck The king is dead, long live the king
1497 1509
Perkin Warbeck is a pretender to the English On 21 April, Henry, who has been suffering from an unidentified
throne who claims to be Richard Duke of illness (now thought to be tuberculosis), dies at Richmond Palace
York, one of the Princes in the Tower. He first and is buried in Westminster Abbey next to his wife Elizabeth.
stakes his claim in 1490 in Burgundy and gains Henry leaves behind a prosperous country with money in the
support from those who oppose Henry’s rule. coffers and a number of successful peace and trade agreements.
In 1491 he and a small force land in Ireland but It is believed that on one of the last nights of his life he calls his
receive little support and return to Europe. In son Henry to him and instructs him to keep the alliance with
1495 he lands in Kent, but is soon forced to flee Spain strong by marrying Catherine of Aragon, the widow of
to Scotland. He is welcomed by James IV, but Arthur. The mere fact that his son Henry enjoys such a peaceful
their attempted English invasion of 1496 soon The pretender Warbeck was accession to the throne, with no hint or rebellion or other
captured in 1497 and executed
fails. Captured after landing in Cornwall in 1497, candidates, illustrates what a good job his father has done to
two years later
Warbeck is eventually executed in 1499. establish the Tudors as kings and queens of England.

l Namesake born l Intercursus l Death of a l Scottish union
Elizabeth gives Magnus prince Henry marries his daughter
birth to their This trade treaty with Arthur, Henry’s Margaret off to the
second son on the Netherlands, a first-born, Scottish king James IV.
28 June. He will key market for the dies just six This is an attempt to end
go on to become export of British months after the fighting between
Henry VIII, one of wool, is seen as his marriage the two nations and the
the most famous one of Henry’s to Catherine of marriage is part of an
British monarchs most important Aragon. He is just agreement called ‘The
of all time. achievements. 16 years old. treaty of Perpetual Peace.’
1491 1496 1502 1503

British Royals

He had grown up
with stories of the
great Henry V – the
hero of Agincourt – and
dreamed of such


Henry VIII
In pursuing dreams of victory in France,
Henry blundered into a Europe in chaos and
condemned England to decades of war

enry VIII was born dreaming of war. When
HENRY VIII he took the throne in April 1509, with his
English, 1491-1547
bride Catherine of Aragon at his side, Henry
knew exactly what kind of king he wanted to
As king, Henry spent
lavishly, courted be. His would be a glorious reign that would
Brief conflict and pursued restore England to the magnificence it deserved.
Bio his own leisurely
His father, Henry VII, had become unpopular by
interests. His most
enduring legacy is that, to levying punishing taxes to restore the country’s
annul his marriage to Catherine finances, but the new king had no intention of
of Aragon, Henry separated
England from the Catholic focusing on matters as petty as the treasury. He
church. However, he is still would be a conqueror.
better known for his six wives By the end of his life, Henry was a bloated and
and how he rid himself of five.
frustrated mockery of the athletic youth that he
had once been. He had grown up jousting, riding
and hunting, and would often participate in
chivalry tournaments in disguise. He had grown
up hearing the stories of the great Henry V – the
hero of Agincourt – and had dreamed of the battles
that years of peace had deprived him of. He was
determined that he would repeat his ancestor’s
triumphs in France and expand England’s territory
beyond Calais – perhaps even as far as Paris. He
wholly believed that France belonged to him and
– fortunately for the English monarch – he did not
have to wait long to stake his claim.
Henry had grown up in years of stultifying
peace thanks to his father’s treaties with France
and Aragon in Spain. Meanwhile, just across the
Channel, the continent was in the throes of war.

Henry VIII

British Royals

The powers of Europe clashed over the possession

of Naples, essentially turning Italy into one big “Wolsey was the perfect right-hand man,
battleground. A quarrel over the region of Romagna
had set Venice against the Vatican, and so Pope able to counterbalance the king’s violent
Julius II rallied France, the Holy Roman Empire
and Spain (under Ferdinand II) in the final weeks rages with his own skilled diplomacy”
of 1508, planning to split the Venetian territories
among them. and most advanced warships. It is important not Cardinal Thomas Wolsey. Wolsey was the perfect
Venice fell, but Julius feared French occupation to underestimate the importance of the pope’s right-hand man for a king like Henry, able to
of Italy. He mounted an impulsive attack on his blessing. He was still a devout Catholic and would counterbalance the king’s violent rages with his
allies which backfired as French forces stormed go on to condemn the Protestant own skilled diplomacy while
south in retaliation. A terrified Julius formed the Martin Luther so harshly that the sharing a similarly rabid ambition.
Holy League, and Spain and the Holy Roman pope would give him the title THOMAS WOLSEY Wolsey was a fixer; he made sure
English, circa 1475-1530
Empire sided with the papacy in 1511. ‘Defender of the Faith’. His religion that whatever Henry wanted,
Henry VIII had now been on the throne for also included the concept of Divine Henry got. What Henry wanted
Cardinal Wolsey
two years with his queen Catherine of Aragon Right; France was his God-given rose to power was France, and so, in April 1513,
(Ferdinand’s daughter) at his side. A strong royal property. The Holy League should due to his ability an army was raised and an attack
to ensure that
family was vital to his dream of a glorious England have been undefeatable. Henry got what
was made on Brest.
and he announced that he would marry her shortly However, the first attack ended he wanted. He This incursion proved even
after his father died. Catherine was fiercely loyal in disaster. An English force sailed Brief was deeply ambitious
and a skilled political
more disastrous than the attempt
and determined to meet her king’s expectations. to Gascony in June 1512, due to Bio operator. He became on Aquitaine, but Henry would
She became pregnant almost immediately but meet up with Ferdinand’s army archbishop of York, not be dissuaded and personally
their child was stillborn. It was a matter of weeks and claim the region of Aquitaine and was made a cardinal and accompanied the English landing
lord chancellor in 1515. He
until Catherine was with child again, and she gave for Henry. Unfortunately, Ferdinand was instrumental in the peace at Calais in June. With his feet on
birth to a son, Henry, on New Year’s Day, 1511. Sadly, decided that he was more process following Henry’s French soil and standing at the
first war in France, and often
Henry would survive for just seven weeks. interested in claiming Navarre for took public blame for Henry’s
head of an English army, Henry
At this point, Henry was a young king just himself and directed his troops mistakes. Wolsey’s ambitions was exhilarated. He made straight
beginning his reign. He was the head of a proud in that direction. Ill-equipped and of becoming pope would for the town of Thérouanne and
be scuppered when Henry’s
royal family and he had shown his subjects that he ravaged by dysentery, the English determination to split from promptly laid siege to it. The Holy
was not the penny-pinching tyrant that his father troops were forced to retreat. Henry Catherine of Aragon destroyed Roman Emperor and fellow Holy
was. The Holy League would enable him to serve was furious but resolute. England’s relationship with League leader, Maximilian, joined
Rome. Scrabbling to reconcile
his God and show France the power of England’s Less than a year later, a second his position in Rome with his him soon afterwards, helping
might. The full force of that might would be invasion plan was underway, duty to his king, Wolsey’s failure to assure Henry that he was on
to deliver papal approval would
delivered by Henry’s expanding Royal Navy, which with much of the organisation prove to be his downfall.
the side of the angels. Finally,
would boast the world’s largest left in the hands of the invaluable Henry tasted glory on 16 August

Debacle at Gascony
June 1512
Ferdinand II of Aragon, depicted here
surviving an assassination attempt in
1492, was a no-show when it came to
marching on Aquitaine with England
Henry’s only concern prior to the the Spanish king’s own interests. The
expedition to Gascony was that he Marquis’s troops quarrelled with the
couldn’t be there. It was the first few Spanish forces that they had been
attack on France during his reign and given and many of his men succumbed
it should have been the first step in a to dysentery. As a result of all this, he
glorious campaign. Henry was all too had no choice but to retreat.
eager to ally himself with his father- Although Henry can’t be blamed for
in-law, Ferdinand II, who had similar the failure of this attack, it shows the
ambitions to claim French territory. Holy League for what it really was. The
Both kings had joined the Holy League, kings were fighting with the pope’s
which had been created in response to blessing and the glory of God, but they
France’s military activity in Italy. The were all out for themselves. Once the
League had decided that Ferdinand fighting started, each monarch was
and Henry should attack together and really only interested in what land
it should have been an impressive they could claim – their allies only
display of force. functioned as a bank and backup.
The Marquis of Dorset was given
control of the English forces and the
invaders were due to march with Verdict
Ferdinand on Aquitaine. However, The forced retreat enraged Henry,
once the Marquis set foot on dry pushing him towards leading his own
land, he discovered that the Spanish attack, and also sowed the seeds of
king had not kept his word. Instead, distrust that would come more
Ferdinand was occupied with his own prominently to the fore throughout his
attack on Navarre, which better served further campaigns.

Henry VIII

Victory at Flodden Field

9 September 1513
With the king’s attention focused on France, English battle lines
the timing was ripe for an attack from the
north. King Louis XII reached out to his ally in Scottish battle lines 4. Arrival of the archers
As the Scottish troops floundered
Scotland and James IV was very agreeable. He in the mire, the battle was decided
wrote to Henry instructing him to abandon his 3. Into the mire when English archers under Sir
war on the French – an instruction that Henry Edward Stanley arrived from the
Following an early Scottish raid, Dacre east. There was nowhere to run
the troops rushed to meet each
Pallin’s Burn l
roundly ignored. The Scottish troops rallied and the massacre had begun.
other. The field quickly turned Branxton l
and marched south to the border, sending into a muddy bog, making agility
word that they intended to invade. Having paramount. Unfortunately the Earl of Surrey
appeased their sense of honour, they waited Scots’ pikes were no match for the
English soldiers’ shorter billhooks.
for the English troops at Flodden. Stanley
Catherine of Aragon was acting as regent Lord Admiral
while her husband was at war in France. Second Final
5. Death of a king
phase In the battle’s final stages, King
Catherine was a woman who believed fiercely Edmund Howard Opening phase James rode out to join the conflict
in duty, honour and loyalty, and the prospect engagement and came close to reaching Surrey.
Lennox Argyle He was hit by an arrow and a
of losing a battle in her husband’s absence was King James billhook and died. His body was
too awful to even consider. taken to Berwick-upon-Tweed but
Together with the Earl of Surrey, Catherine Home his cloak was sent to King Henry.
Errol, Crawford
raised an army from the Midlands to meet and Huntly and Montrose
the Scottish invaders. Surrey met the Scottish
army at Flodden Field and subjected them to a Branxton Hilll
crushing defeat. The number of Scottish dead
numbered in the thousands, and King James IV
himself was among the fatalities. 1. Starting positions
While Henry’s refusal to leave France may 2. Gunning for a fight When the Earl of Surrey
Unfortunately for James, he had arrived he saw King James had
have been the final straw that prompted the placed his light artillery on his fleet taken the higher ground. He Flodden Hilll
attack, he had very little to do with the result and what he was left with was too hoped James would be drawn
of the battle – it was the Earl of Surrey who heavy to manoeuvre effectively. to meet him, but in the end
The English forces did not have Surrey flanked from the east
won the day. The Scottish king fell on the this problem and promptly started and arrived from the north.
battlefield, and his cloak was sent to France as their bombardment.
a trophy for Henry. A decisive victory, but not
one which can be attributed to any military
excellence on Henry’s part.
“ The Scottish king fell on the battlefield,
While the victory would assure Henry of
and his cloak was sent to France as a
England’s military might, it was the start of a
long and costly struggle with the Scots that
trophy for Henry”
would distract him from his goals in France.

The Scottish army outnumbered the

English by about 15,000 at Flodden,
but some clever tactics won out

British Royals

Inside the Mary Rose

Father of the Castle

Royal Navy
The Mary Rose looked like
a traditional warship, with
a low middle between high
‘castles’ on either end, but it
was significantly bigger. The
design added a further tier
of broadside guns, and the
Henry might be known as the founder of the hull grew narrower as it went
Royal Navy but its creation had begun during up in what was known as a
the reign of Henry VII. Five royal warships had tumblehome structure.
been built by the time Henry VIII took the
throne, but the young king wanted more from
his military might.
Henry knew that Scotland had invested in
their own navy and that he was potentially
facing a two-pronged attack by sea. Henry
ordered the construction of two great
warships: the infamous Mary Rose (which
embarrassingly and mysteriously sank while
leading the defence against the French at the
Solent) and the Peter Pomegranate. Henry’s
ambition knew no limits and the English Navy
would be the biggest, the most advanced and
the most fearsome. He equipped his ships
with the latest guns and the heaviest cannons,
while employing new innovations like hinged
gun ports. By the end of Henry’s reign, his
fleet numbered 58.
Enormous gunships aside, perhaps the
most important innovations Henry made to
the navy were on land. He created the first
naval dock in Portsmouth, he gave the Grant Hold
of the Royal Charter to Trinity House (which The hold was where food was stored
and prepared, and the ballast was kept
developed beacons, buoys and lighthouses), to ensure the Mary Rose stayed on an
and he created the Navy Board and the Office even keel. There would also have been
of Admiralty. Henry is known as the father of a bilge pump to expel water, although
it obviously wasn’t enough to keep the
the Royal Navy because he didn’t just bulk up Mary Rose from sinking.
its muscle, he created its backbone.

1513 when the French attacked in the Battle of allowing such a challenge to go unanswered. Holy Roman Emperor (adding Spain and a huge
the Spurs. The light French cavalry were unable An army was raised and met the Scots on 9 portion of Italy to his kingdom). Wolsey, aware
to withstand the combined forces of the invaders September. The English victory was brutally of the financial sinkhole that the wars had been,
and fled. Henry claimed the day as a great victory, decisive and King James was killed. The gleeful worked hard to keep the peace. He managed to put
which was consolidated when Thérouanne queen sent the fallen monarch’s quills to paper with the Treaty of
surrendered on 22 August. The subsequent capture bloody cloak to her husband in THOMAS MORE London in 1518, while friendship
of Tournai was just as important to Henry, and France, with the message: “In this English, 1478-1535 would be forged at the Field of the
he kept that town as an English stronghold while your Grace shall see how I keep Cloth of Gold on 7 June 1520. The
giving Thérouanne to Maximilian as a gesture of my promise, sending you for your Thomas More plan was that Henry and Francis
trained as a lawyer
their allegiance. banners a king’s coat.” Henry was would spend a week enjoying
and nearly became
What had Henry actually achieved? He’d taken conquering his enemies abroad, a monk before the festivities and settling their
two towns from the French, but Paris was a long while his queen was seeing off entering Henry’s differences, while Wolsey met with
employ in 1517,
way away. Nothing he’d done would tip the scales attackers at home. Charles V. It did not go according
in either direction, but this was just the beginning. Sadly for the warrior king, Brief taking on a variety of
roles from interpreter to plan.
Henry was in his element. He was re-enacting peace was just around the corner, Bio to writer and chief For all of Wolsey’s good
diplomat. The two
the glories of Henry V and who knew how far he whether Henry wanted it or not. quickly became close confidants intentions, this attempt at
could go? Even as Henry celebrated his victories in He had been acting as a war chest and More was knighted four friendship was doomed from the
years later, before becoming
France, trouble at home soon threatened to bring to his allies and England’s coffers start. Henry had never wanted
the speaker of the House of
everything to a halt. All too aware of the English were so depleted that there was Commons in 1523. It was his peace to start with, and Francis
forces currently on their soil, the French reached simply no way that he could strong Catholic faith that would had no intention of bowing
prove his downfall. Although
out to King James IV of Scotland and suggested carry on alone. He would have to he was made lord chancellor in down to his English counterpart.
that this might be the perfect opportunity to make peace. The next few years 1529, he rejected the formation Ambitious, stubborn and proud,
mount an attack of their own. James marched presented Henry with a new of the Church of England with the two men were too similar
Henry at its head, so resigned
south to Flodden Ridge with his armies to await potential ally, and a new enemy. soon after. His refusal to accept for any attempts at friendship to
the English. The ambitious Francis I took the the new denomination would work. After the first meeting was
lead to his arrest and eventual
While England may have seemed weak, Queen French crown, while the Austrian concluded, the two kings engaged
execution on 6 July 1535.
Catherine, acting as regent, had no intention of King Charles V was elected in a week of oneupmanship and

Henry VIII the warlord
Henry VIII

Gun ports
Although no one knows
for sure why the Mary
Rose sank, it’s believed
that water came in
through the open gun
ports, possibly due to a
sudden gust of wind. The
great number and weight
of the guns
on the ship meant that
the ports were lower
down and it’s possible
they were not kept shut.

Big crew
Despite its size, conditions
on the Mary Rose would
have been cramped to
say the least. When it was
sent to war, 400 or so
men would have shared
the space, including up to
30 gunners, 200 sailors

© Courtesy of the Mary Rose Trust

and 185 soldiers.
When the ship was rebuilt in 1536 Henry was
determined to arm it to the teeth and equipped
it with the latest weaponry. 24 wrought-iron
guns, which were quick to reload, were joined
by 15 bronze cannons that packed more of a
punch. With 52 additional smaller guns, the
Mary Rose was a serious threat.

competition. It was a week dedicated to flaunting

power and status; the ‘cloth of gold’ referred to “Henry’s ambition to conquer France
the ludicrously lavish tents that were erected
for the event. Henry was determined to prove was hamstrung by the fact that he
his athleticism and joined the competitions, but
Francis had a similar idea. Henry had to suffer couldn’t afford it”
the humiliation of losing to the French king in a
wrestling match, and it is hardly surprising that Henry’s ambition to conquer France and claim showed no interest in sharing his spoils with the
the only result of the meeting was a greater sense the throne for himself was hamstrung by the fact English king. Henry decided that the time had
of hatred. Instead, Henry turned his diplomatic that he couldn’t afford it. He had previously helped come for a full-scale invasion. With nowhere near
attentions to Charles V. to bankroll Ferdinand and Maximilian and he had enough money, Henry and Cardinal Wolsey tried
Henry’s alliance with the Habsburgs had seen them make peace without him. Henry was to create the ‘Amicable Grant’ tax to pay for the
continued throughout the years of peace, scared that Charles might repeat his father’s trick attack, but opposition proved so fierce that Henry
despite one or two hiccups involving marriage and, for his part, Charles had no particular interest was forced to scrap his plans and publicly blame
arrangements. Crucially, Charles and Henry shared in seeing Henry on the French throne. Their Wolsey. The humiliation of backpedalling helped
a mutual loathing of Martin Luther and King mutual distrust would only grow. Henry to realise that he was not going to get what
Francis. His hatred of the French king meant that Trust wasn’t the only problem. In an echo of he wanted. He signed the Treaty of the More with
war was inevitable and Henry eagerly awaited 1513, Henry was distracted by the constant threat Francis’s mother, Louise of Savoy, and turned his
the perfect opportunity to mount another attack. from the north. Whenever he began a campaign in attention towards his family.
When hostilities resumed in 1521, Henry declared France, the Scottish forces would threaten attack, Not surprisingly, Charles’s rejection rankled
that England was now allied with the Holy Roman forcing him to wage a war on two fronts. Henry Henry to the core. The Holy Roman Emperor’s
Emperor and signed the Treaty of Windsor in was enraged and infuriated but he would not give increased presence in Italy once again caused the
1522 to make ‘The Great Enterprise’ official. At up. He mounted another attack in 1523 to support panicking Pope Clement VII to create the League of
this point in his plans, Henry could not afford a the rebelling Duke of Bourbon, but Charles sent no Cognac, which united Venice, Florence and France
full-scale invasion and an attack on Picardy failed help and the English troops were forced to retreat. against Charles. Henry was not a member of this
due to a lack of communication and, perhaps more The line was finally crossed when Charles united front, but offered to help bankroll the feisty
importantly, trust. captured Francis at the Battle of Pavia in 1525 and group. His treaty with Francis in the Treaty of

British Royals

Battle of the Spurs

16 August 1513

The Battle of the Spurs was so named for the

speed with which the French cavalry fled

Henry and his English forces had been laying siege to attacked the invaders’ positions. However, word had battle of his campaign. He celebrated it but the actual
the town of Thérouanne since July 1513. Following the reached the Holy League’s camp of the planned attack gains from the Battle of the Spurs and the subsequent
embarrassment at Gascony, he had finally arrived in and a trap had been prepared, leading to a brutal fall of Thérouanne would impress nothing but his ego.
France to lead his army to great conquest. He camped skirmish. It was an attack that was ultimately doomed At great financial expense, Henry’s dreams of Agincourt
close, but not too close to the city, and laid siege. A to fail, with Henry and Maximilian’s combined forces came a little closer.
stalemate ensued until French action on 16 August coming to roughly 30,000 men. The speed with which
tipped the scales. the surviving French rode away led to the name of Verdict
The French forces had seen Maximilian’s Holy Roman the battle. The victory at the Battle of the Spurs did more
Army join Henry’s and decided that the time had come It was not a significant military victory in any other for Henry’s ego than it did for the outcome of his
to attempt a counterattack. On the morning of 16 term than morale. Henry had been looking for a victory campaign, essentially proving to be an incredibly
August, French light cavalry, a few thousand strong, to claim in France, and this encounter was the first real expensive display.

Westminster on 30 April 1527 was a sign that his

mind was elsewhere. “Overjoyed at having the queen he lusted
Henry was desperate to be separated from
Catherine and marry Anne Boleyn. He had no after, Henry realised that a Europe
interest in a divorce and instead wanted to prove
that it had been illegal to marry his brother’s united against him was dangerous”
widow. This would soothe the good Catholic in
him, but it set him against Charles V, who was to end his marriage had made enemies out of his indeed. He tried to take advantage of the frequent
appalled by what the accusation said about his old allies. Francis offered to plead his case to the arguments between Charles and Francis, but in
aunt, Catherine. However, circumstances were new Pope Clement, but he was more concerned 1538 the excommunication order for Henry was
not in Henry’s favour; Charles had attacked Rome with cementing his own alliance with the Holy See. finally delivered and the pope declared that the
in retaliation for the League’s advances. Pope Anne Boleyn’s pregnancy pushed Henry into taking Vatican would support anyone who deposed the
Clement VII was now his prisoner and Catherine’s decisive action and his marriage to Catherine was English king; his death was something God would
nephew made his influence felt. Clement gained annulled by Thomas Cranmer in 1533. In the eyes turn a blind eye to. Luckily for Henry, Charles was
his freedom in December, but the emperor had of the English court, his secret marriage to Anne busy with the Ottoman Empire and, if Francis
no interest in peace talks with the League. Once was now completely legal. Finally, Henry was planned to attack England, he had no intention of
again, Charles had frustrated Henry’s plans and recognised as Head of the Church and abolished doing so alone. Henry knew that the differences
he declared war with the Holy Roman Emperor in the right of Appeal to Rome. England was no longer between Francis and Charles would prevent them
January. However, England lacked the finances to Catholic and the pope had no more influence over from ever remaining allies for long. He just had to
do any more than declare itself at war; it’s unlikely the king. be patient. Finally, in 1542, they declared war and
that this worried Charles too much. The situation Although he was overjoyed at finally having the Henry could return to the battlefield.
in Europe finally resolved itself in 1529 with the queen he lusted after, Henry realised that a Europe By this point Henry was obese, sickly and prone
Treaty of Cambrai. However, Henry’s determination united against him was a dangerous prospect to violent rages. The war gave him a sense of

Henry VIII

The Siege of Boulogne Charles Brandon, First Duke of Suffolk, was left to
defend Boulogne after Henry returned to England
19 July – 18 September 1544
The Siege of Boulogne would be the into months. Henry wrote to his wife
closest thing to an unqualified victory (number six, Catherine Parr) praising
that Henry would get in all his years of the strength of his opponents, but it
war with France. However, the conquest was only a matter of time before the
of a single city at tremendous expense French were forced to surrender, which
tells us that unqualified is not really they did after Henry’s forces tunnelled
the most accurate adjective to use. beneath the walls.
Henry had been waiting for an excuse However, Henry’s triumph would be
to resume hostilities with France and short-lived. He learned that Charles,
he eagerly joined his old ally (and old fearful of the Ottoman threat and caring
enemy) Charles V when war broke out little about Henry’s personal ambition,
in 1544. He raised a huge invasion force had made his own peace treaty with
to set sail across the Channel. France without England. Henry returned
The English force was split into two;=, home to attend to Scotland, leaving
attacking Montreuil and Boulogne, with Boulogne occupied, and Francis began
Henry himself joining the latter. While preparations for a counterattack.
the attack on Montreuil failed, the Siege
of Boulogne, though lengthy, would Verdict
result in success. The siege began on 19 Henry may have taken the city, but
July and the English forces quickly took the financial cost was enormous.
the lower part of the city. However, they Although Charles’s treaty led to threats
were unable to breach the castle walls of a French invasion, Francis’s attempts
and the siege stretched from weeks ultimately failed.

purpose and Charles was finally back on his side.

For all their past differences, now there were no
personal reasons why Henry and Charles could The Rough Wooing
not resume their alliance. Catherine of Aragon December 1543 – March 1550
had passed away and, by executing Anne Boleyn,
Henry had removed the insult to Charles’ honour. The Rough Wooing was the result of Henry’s failed Towns and villages were to be burned down
Across the Channel, Francis wasn’t sitting idly by attempt to subdue Scotland while he turned his and destroyed, and the king’s strict instructions as
and he knew how to keep Henry distracted. attention to France. Although he might have won a to what to do with anyone who opposed Hertford
huge victory at the Battle of Solway Moss, Henry’s were clear; he was commanded to continue “putting
Scotland had proved to be a continual thorn
hopes that the Scottish would be amenable to peace man, woman and child to fire and sword, without
in Henry’s paw during his attempts to invade proved to be ill-founded. He had given them his terms, exception, where any resistance shall be made against
France, attacking every time his attention was but Henry may as well have given them a blank piece you.” Hertford obeyed his liege’s orders with relish,
focused across the Channel. Having hoped that of paper, as Scotland declared its renewed allegiance sending frequent reports of his conquests back to his
James V would be a more amenable ally than to France. king, and capturing Edinburgh and the nearby port at
his predecessor, Henry was livid when Scotland At the time, Henry was planning his invasion with Leith. However, France did not sit idly by, but instead
Charles V and could not afford to be distracted by sent forces to help Scottish counterattacks. This dual
refused to follow him in separating from Rome.
yet another full-blown conflict with his neighbours campaign of aggression between England and Scotland
When James did not appear at the diplomatic talks in the north. Deciding against open battle, Henry would only be (temporarily) halted by the Treaty of
at York in 1541, outright conflict followed. Following commanded that a force should sail north and show Camp in 1546.
a minor Scottish victory at the Battle of Haddon the Scots how furious he was. It was led by Edward
Rig in 1542, the two armies met at Solway Moss. Seymour, Earl of Hertford, who was told to “Burn Verdict
In a brutal echo of Flodden Field, the Scottish Edinburgh town, so razed and defaced when you have Although it had the immediate effect that Henry
army suffered a humiliating defeat. James V died sacked and gotten what you can of it, as there may wanted, which was to give a show of force and wrath,
remain forever a perpetual memory of the vengeance the Rough Wooing only served to deeper entrench
of fever about two weeks later and Henry, once
of God.” hatred and distrust of the English.
again buoyed by such a decisive victory, turned his
attention to France.
Henry was taking no half measures and invaded
France on two fronts. Stretching his finances as far The invasion of France fell apart when Charles commander show us? It shows him to be a man
as they would go, he sent troops to Montreuil under signed another continental peace treaty that unable or unwilling to grow out of the romantic,
the Duke of Norfolk, while another force attacked excluded England. Francis had no intention heroic dreams of his youth. He was constantly
Boulogne under the Duke of Suffolk. While Norfolk of making peace with Henry and mounted an fighting for the glory that he saw for himself and
failed, Suffolk succeeded. Henry himself arrived invasion in the summer of 1545. It was a very real for England. In his mind, France was English
© Joe Cummings; Look and Learn; Alamy

to take charge of the siege which lasted from July threat but, fortunately for Henry, the attack was a property that no one before him had been able
until September when the city fell. He basked in dismal failure and Francis was forced to retreat. The to claim. He saw himself as the king who would
the glory of a French city claimed, but his elation Treaty of Camp brought an end to the years of war bring it under English rule, and it was a childhood
was short-lived. Henry was forced to turn his in Henry’s reign, as England, France, Scotland and dream that became an adult delusion. By joining
attention back to Scotland, where a rebellion had the Holy Roman Empire agreed to peace in 1546. with allies who had no interest in his dream, and
sprung up. His retaliation was so brutal that it He died a year later, sickly, angry and defeated. reacting rashly to insults, real and imagined, Henry
became known as the ‘Rough Wooing’. So what does Henry VIII’s history as a military spent many years at war with little to show for it.

British Royals

England, 1537-1553 Although
legend has it
Edward VI was Henry
VIII’s third child but
that Edward was
Brief first son, and as such sickly and bookish,
Bio was the first in line
he enjoyed sport and
to the throne. Taking
the crown at the tender age
of nine, much of his rule was military exercise and
dictated by his council, but his
passionate Protestant beliefs
the challenge it
helped continue the Protestant gave him
Reformation. His desire to rule
was growing when he died of
tuberculosis at 15.


Edward VI
The story of Henry VIII’s only son, the child king
who left his mark on his kingdom in the face of
power-hungry nobles and religious turmoil

dward VI’s birth was a blessing. For years, In 1544, Henry went to fight in France and
Henry VIII had been desperate for a son to Edward began his education at court. A prodigious
carry on his legacy. Catherine of Aragon had student, Edward’s abilities were impressive and he
not been able to give him this; nor, despite her was encouraged by his stepmother Katherine Parr
many charms, had Anne Boleyn. It would be (whom Henry had left in charge of his household),
Jane Seymour who gave Henry his male successor, but more serious duties loomed. As Henry’s death
but this triumph was tempered with tragedy. Two approached, he created a council to assist his
days after giving birth, the queen fell ill and she young son. It was led by a power-hungry Edward
passed away two weeks later. Seymour, Duke of Somerset, whose role as protector
Despite his pride in his Edward, Henry would be was approved by the council led by the canny Sir
absent for much of his son’s childhood, who would William Paget, ignoring the late king’s will.
remember being brought up “among the women.” Acting more as ruler than advisor, Somerset’s
Much of the familial affection that Edward enjoyed lust for power led to unrest at court and his own
came from his devoted half-sister Mary, daughter of brother Thomas schemed against him by marrying
Catherine of Aragon. Security around the boy was Katherine Parr, attempting to seduce Elizabeth,
incredibly strict (no one ranked lower than a knight and literally bribing Edward to win his affection.
was allowed near him) while an attack of quartan Thomas’s efforts to gain power grew desperate
fever in 1541 created a terrible panic. However, when Katherine died after giving birth and he was
Edward recovered, and by the age of six had begun caught trying to break into Edward’s rooms. He was
to spend more time with his father. executed for treason 20 March 1549, another strike

Edward VI

“Edward was committed to removing any

last trace of Catholicism from England”
against his brother that the already unpopular country was in and studied hard to gain a better
Somerset did not need. understanding of its needs.
The Protestant Reformation had not died with In the summer of 1551 a terrible outbreak
Henry, continuing apace under archbishop of of ‘sweating sickness’ occurred in London,
Canterbury Thomas Cranmer in the face of strong leading to more concerns over the king’s health.
opposition. Cranmer’s introduction of an English Arrangements began for Edward to marry the
Book of Common Prayer and the First Act Of French King Henry II’s daughter Elizabeth but got
Uniformity, banning Catholic mass, in 1549 led to nowhere, while Somerset schemed for his daughter Life in the time
rebellion in Devon and Cornwall. Revolt broke out
in Norfolk over social injustices, and the
Jane to take her place. After years of bickering
with Dudley, Somerset was finally arrested of Edward VI
blame was laid at the feet of Somerset. on conspiracy charges and executed
Into this chaos stepped the Earl of on 22 January 1552. Although
The Reformation continues
Following the death of Henry VIII, the nobility
Warwick John Dudley, who had Seymour Edward held Dudley (now Duke were split between the religious conservatives
been responsible for putting the was able to buy of Northumberland) in high and those who wanted to advance the
Norfolk rebels to the sword. esteem, he took a more active Protestant Reformation. Fortunately for the
Edward’s affections as Protestants led by Thomas Cranmer, Edward
The council rallied to him and interest in ruling after seeing
threw Somerset into the Tower he had little money and his previous guardian so soon showed a keen interest in ridding the
country of any last trace of Catholicism,
while Dudley stepped in to wanted to give gifts violently dispatched. In 1552 the
leading to massive unrest as the new laws
guide the young king. expected at a Tudor second Book of Common Prayer were brutally enforced.
He already had the support was introduced.
of Edward as they shared a However, Edward’s reign was The rough wooing
commitment to the continued about to come to an abrupt end. It wasn’t long before Henry had marital plans
Reformation. He took the title of lord In April 1552 he fell ill with what he for his son. In 1543 he had decided that
president of the council and made an effort described as measles and smallpox. The first Edward would wed Mary, Queen Of Scots, and
signs of tuberculosis appeared at Christmas a treaty was signed on 1 July. By December,
to restore stability. For his part, Edward showed
the Scots had broken the treaty and made an
himself to be committed to removing any last 1552 and by March 1553 it became clear that his
alliance with the French, leading to Henry’s
trace of Catholicism from England, including condition would not improve. Lacking an heir, furious retaliation, the ‘Rough Wooing’.
mass tables, idols and Latin services. After a brief Edward began to work on his plan of succession,
but serious bout of illness in September 1550, his intending to disinherit his sisters Mary and Kett’s rebellion
religious reform continued, creating conflict with Elizabeth. Northumberland arranged a series of When robber barons took the common land
his Catholic sister Mary. Despite their mutual marriages that would see his own son marry Lady relied upon by the peasants of Wymondham, a
affection, their differences were a serious problem, Jane Grey, who had been decided upon as the best group led by Robert Kett marched on Norwich
in the summer of 1549. They gained plenty of
both personally and politically. He sent a letter possible candidate to succeed Edward.
attention and were soon numbered at 15,000
scolding her for hearing mass and for flagrantly Edward’s condition was incredibly painful and rebels. While Somerset dithered, it was finally
ignoring his instructions; this shocked Mary, who his sickness was protracted, but when it looked the Earl of Warwick who led an attack with
believed that many of his actions had been dictated as though the judges of the king’s bench would 13,000 men, killing hundreds and arresting
by his advisors. not approve his succession plan, he summoned Kett, who would later be executed.
Mary arrived at court to plead her case and them and warned them of the trouble that
Edward realised that action needed to be taken. Mary’s accession could cause. After a final public Saving Britain’s economy
When Emperor Charles V threatened war if she appearance, he died on 6 July 1553. Despite the When Northumberland took over as Edward’s
protector, he realised the terrifying shape the
was not given her rights as a Catholic, Edward efforts of his chief advisor and himself, the work
British economy was in. His first step was to
refused to back down despite disagreement from Edward had put into securing England’s Protestant debase the coinage, which bought him time,
his council. Edward understood the sorry state his legacy would soon be undone. but his masterstroke was in employing William
Cecil and Thomas Gresham, who convinced
wealthy trading companies in London to help
support the national debt, before travelling to
The king’s sisters the Netherlands to work the stock market. By
Princesses Mary and Elizabeth doted on their 1552, the economy had been restored.
young half-brother and their love for him was
always clear. It was a difficult time for both Sweating sickness
sisters. Mary’s position was perhaps most ravages Europe
obviously dangerous, as she refused to relinquish The sickness that swept across England and
her Catholic faith and was frequently used as Europe caused widespread panic. It was first
the centrepiece of conspiracies, both real and seen in 1485 before recurring several times
imaginary. Elizabeth’s life appeared quieter, but before the end of the 15th Century. 1528
the amorous attentions of Thomas Seymour put saw the most serious outbreak in years and
her in very real danger when he was tried and Henry VIII was evacuated from London as a
executed for treason. However, despite their result. Its causes were unknown and it wasted
obvious differences, Edward never believed either no time destroying its host body. Even if you
sister to be capable of betraying him. survived it, there was no guarantee that you
would not suffer from it again.

British Royals

Lady Grey’s
body was buried
under the altar of
the Tower’s Chapel
Royal of St Peter ad


England, 1537-1554

The daughter of Henry

Grey, marquess of
Brief Dorset, and Lady
Bio Frances Brandon,
Jane was the great-
granddaughter of Henry VII
and spent a great deal of time
in the court of Katherine Parr.
She was described as beautiful,
intelligent and pious, and her
unwavering Protestant beliefs
made her the perfect candidate
to take the throne.

10-19 July 1553

Lady Jane Grey

An unfortunate case of right place, wrong time befell this
short-lived queen, who served just nine brief days on the throne

ane Grey’s tumultuous encounter with the plot to kidnap Edward VI, the plan was foiled. Jane
throne began when she was just nine years returned to her true love, her studies, at Bradgate
old. Jane had always inhabited a place at the house, her childhood home.
edges of the court, but it was not until she was An advantageous marriage was still inevitable for
nine that she entered the court of Katherine Jane and, soon enough, another suitor appeared in
Parr, Henry VIII’s surviving wife, in spring 1547. Her the strapping form of young Lord Guildford Dudley.
father became Duke of Suffolk and the influence of The son of Edward VI’s lord president the Duke of
the Protestant, academic court moulded the already Northumberland (who would consolidate his power
intelligent Jane (who at such a young age, could by arranging a successful marriage), Guildford’s
already speak and write Latin and Greek) into a high birth and position of influence weren’t enough
devoted religious scholar. to sway Jane. She was adamant that she didn’t
This intense intelligence and fierce religious want to marry him, until her parents forcefully
fervour made Jane seem mature beyond her years, persuaded her. According to them, this was an
but it did not mean she was not vulnerable to opportunity too good to miss: despite Guildford’s
the Machiavellian figures who prowled the court young, petulant and spoilt attitude, how could
pursuing their own agendas. Katherine’s new she spurn the chance to consolidate her claim to
husband Thomas Seymour, one of Edward VI’s the throne, continuing the Protestant line that the
maternal uncles, planned to marry her to the dying Edward VI was so keen to preserve?
young king himself. However, when Seymour was On 25 May 1553 Jane and Guildford were married
beheaded for 33 counts of treason after an alleged at Durham House, London. Guildford was pleased

Lady Jane Grey

that his attempt at the crown was in motion, and soon become her prison. By 12 July news arrived
Jane went back to her parents’ London home. The that Princess Mary was prepared to put up a fight
duchess of Northumberland was impatient, though, for the throne. She had gathered support in East
and convinced Jane that she should prepare herself Anglia and the country’s Catholics were readying
to be crowned. themselves to stand with her. Jane’s father, Duke of
When Edward VI died on 6 July, Jane was Suffolk, planned to suppress the rebellion in East
recovering at the royal manor in Chelsea from Anglia, but Jane wouldn’t let him leave her side and
an illness that she was convinced was a result of so Northumberland was sent in his stead.
poisoning. It was a paranoid start to what would Northumberland was at his lowest ebb, lacking
be a fateful fortnight for the prospective queen. supporters and being out of general favour. He
One of Northumberland’s daughters informed failed in his mission and was brought back to the Blindfolded at her execution, Jane struggled
to find the block on which to lay her head
Jane that she had been chosen by Edward VI as Tower as a prisoner. The tide had turned on Jane
his successor, and she was reportedly so shocked and the crown was now Mary’s for the taking.
by the news that she fell to the ground weeping, Three days later, Mary was proclaimed queen Life in the time
declaring her own “insufficiency”, but praying that
if the position was “rightfully and lawfully” hers,
throughout the country.
At first, Mary would not allow Jane to be of Jane Grey
that she would be granted “grace to govern the executed, driven by her conscience to keep the girl
realm to his [God’s] glory and service.” alive. Jane spent a month in comfortable residence
16th Century education
Education was not compulsory in the 16th
Far from a distressed and fragile girl, Jane with the Tower’s gentleman jailer, Partridge, Century, but was an integral part of life for
pressed on with resolve. She recovered who afforded her dignity and treated royalty and privileged members of society.
from her illness and the very next She was her with respect. All seemed well Jane’s education was particularly thorough,
day processed in state down the considering the tumultuous events covering Latin, French, Greek and Italian, as
river Thames to the Tower, with
named after before, and Jane was grateful to well as needlework, music and philosophy.
Guildford eagerly by her side. No Jane Seymour, Mary for sparing her life. When She was known to be studious and particularly
pious, which was part of what made her an
matter how much he insisted, wife of her great- Jane and Guildford were tried for attractive claimant to the throne.
Jane was adamant that she uncle Henry VIII treason on 19 November, they
would not proclaim him king,
and mother of
were condemned, but both their A legitimate claim
reputedly quipping that “the crown lives spared. Confusion was placed over the next in line to
is not a plaything for boys and girls.” Edward VI In early 1554, however, came the throne, as both Mary and Elizabeth had
Jane later wrote that this was the Thomas Wyatt’s rebellion. Jane’s father been declared illegitimate by Parliament in
moment when she realised the extent foolishly joined the rebel ranks against 1536. When Mary did take the throne, she
passed an act overturning the declaration,
to which her marriage had been a fraud. The the marriage of Mary and Philip of Spain and, in
and so legitimised herself. Elizabeth, however,
persuasion from Northumberland, bullying from the process, gave Mary and her supporters a reason never did so.
her mother and father – it had all been in pursuit of to suspect his motives and fear once again the
the crown for Northumberland and son. She held threat of his daughter as the ‘past queen’. Wyatt’s rebellion
her position steadfastly in the face of the family With this act of rebellion, Suffolk sealed his Jane was considerately treated in the tower
argument that ensued and she refused to concede daughter’s fate. On 12 February 1554, Jane waited until her father sealed her fate by joining
the crown to her husband. until she had seen the disembodied head of her Wyatt’s rebellion. The rebellion was led by
Jane was proclaimed queen at the Cross husband pass in a cart to face her own execution. nobles, including Wyatt, who was from Kent.
The rebellion was in response to the marriage
in Cheapside, while Bishop Ridley of London She was led to the yard on the arm of the Tower’s
of Mary I to Philip of Spain, as the nobles
supported her rightful claim to the throne in a lieutenant, steely-faced and composed. Upon feared that the Spanish influence would seep
sermon at St Paul’s Cross. It should have been a the erected scaffold, she spoke to the gathered into Mary’s rule, but without the support of
jovial time, but the mood was unusually subdued. crowd, imploring them to recognise her as a good the people, the rebellion failed.
The accession was recorded and proclaimed across Christian woman, and to pray for her while she was
the kingdom, but there was no rejoicing. It was still alive. She was given a handkerchief to cover An obsession with time
clear that trouble was brewing. her eyes, and she fumbled to find the block in her Jane Grey reportedly had a fondness for
clocks and watches, as shown by the number
Residing at the Tower of London to prepare for panic. With one swift blow to the neck, Jane and
of timepieces delivered to her while she was
her coronation, Jane was unaware that it would her dalliance with the throne were finished. in the Tower. Many of these were incredibly
ornate, including one described as being of
“sable skin with a head of gold, containing in it
a clock, with a collar of gold, enamelled black,
The nine days queen set with four diamonds, and four rubies.”
Less than 24 hours into her nine-day reign, Jane Watches had been in use since around the
was visited by the lord treasurer, bringing her 1520s, worn at the belt by wealthy women.
a selection of jewels. When she was presented
with the crown for resizing, she hesitated: there The first queen?
would be no turning back once it was on her head. There are three women in contention for the
Jane herself sent for 20 yards of velvet, 25 ells title of ‘first female ruler of Britain’, and Jane
(a contemporary unit of measurement) of fine is one. Some argue that the 12th Century’s
Holland linen and 33 ells of lining material. What Empress Matilda, daughter of Henry I, was the
she did not do, however, was make herself known first, though she was never crowned. Others
to the people. When Mary became queen, Jane give the title to Mary I, perhaps due to the
did not protest or rebel – proof, perhaps, that brevity of Jane’s reign. Indeed, Mary was first
she never wanted the burden of the role that had to reign in her own right, but the fact remains
been forced upon her. that Jane was the first queen crowned.

British Royals

1553-1558 MARY I
England, 1516–1558

Mary I
The first legitimate queen regnant of England, Mary
Few monarchs are
quite as notorious as
Henry VIII’s eldest
daughter. Raised
as a devout Roman
Catholic, her faith burned hot
during the religious upheaval
of the Reformation, leading
to a purge of beheadings and
burnings when she finally took
the crown. Yet despite the
was a devout Catholic whose love for her nation ‘Bloody’ moniker, Mary was a
complicated woman.

became lost in a bloody legacy

f all the dynasties to rule over England authority over the English crown. Henry then
and its territories, few were as varied and appointed himself supreme head of the English
impactful as the house of Tudor. Mary I, church and deemed his union to Catherine void. As
the first English queen to reign in her own a result, she was stripped of her title as queen and
right, was no exception. The eldest daughter demoted to dowager princess of Wales, while Mary
of Henry VIII, she was defined by the turbulent lost her princess status and instead gained the title
religious metamorphosis England experienced ‘The Lady Mary’. With her mother’s marriage to the
in the early 1500s. In a time when religion and king in ruins, Mary was deemed illegitimate and no
politics were inextricably intertwined, Mary would longer the heir apparent to the throne.
become a monarch so driven by her beliefs that The year 1536 was another eventful one for
she would murder hundreds of her own subjects Mary. Her mother Catherine passed away on
in order to restore the sanctity of her own realm. 7 January. A few months later, tired of his second
But who was the woman behind the name ‘Bloody wife’s inability to provide him with a son, Henry
Mary’? Was she really a bloodthirsty tyrant? Or had Anne disgraced and eventually executed
was she a product of a country divided for a multitude of crimes. That year
by the distinctions of its faith? Mary also saw the Pilgrimage of Grace, a
The answers find their roots political movement in the North of
in her early years. Born on loved music England that demanded the Act of
18 February 1516, Mary was the as a child and even Supremacy be repealed and Mary
daughter of Henry VIII and his entertained a group be reinstated as heir apparent
first wife Catherine of Aragon. – the rebellion came to nothing
Henry, a man not to be denied
of French delegates by thanks to the king’s merciless
any desire, desperately wanted playing the virginal reaction, but it proved that
a son and heir to secure the (harpsichord) at the Mary would always serve as a
house of Tudor’s hold on the age of four figurehead for loyal papist plotters.
English throne – however, a series Mary attempted to create some
of miscarriages and the birth of a distance between herself and the
daughter only served to push the king marital affairs of her father in the years that
further away from his Spanish queen. His pursuit followed, but she remained the trump card of many
of Catherine’s maid of honour, Anne Boleyn, a Catholic plot, including a supposed attempted
when Mary was around ten years old, would push marriage to Reginald Pole (an English cardinal
Catherine further out of favour with Henry’s court – who would eventually serve as archbishop of
and the young princess along with her. Canterbury under Mary’s own reign). Mary enjoyed
In early 1533, something happened that few something of a better relationship with her father’s
could have predicted. Having already secretly sixth and final wife, Katharine Parr. Parr did her
married Anne Boleyn in January, and enraged at best to repair Mary’s relationship with the king,
the pope’s refusal to annul his first marriage to with Henry eventually signing a revised Act of
Catherine on the grounds it was unlawful in the Succession in 1544, which restored both Mary and
eyes of God, Henry defied Rome and ended papal Elizabeth as his heirs.

Mary I

her life, Mary
was an avid gambler.
Records of her personal
accounts show she
regularly bet money
on card games

British Royals

As Mary grew older, her

When Spain (the son of Holy Roman
dedication to her faith was Jane Seymour Emperor Charles V and heir to
always strong. Like many, she was pregnant with the Spanish throne). The union
was forced to openly accept Edward, Mary sent was controversial and far from
the king as her supreme ruler, a love match, but it was the
but in secret her Catholic faith
her cucumbers first move that tied England to
never wavered. When Henry to help with her the Roman Catholic territories in
died in 1547 and his only son cravings Europe. As England’s first queen
Edward VI became king, England regnant (a queen made monarch by
was launched into even stricter inheritance, not by marriage), the terms
Protestant reform. As much a puppet for of the marriage were also amended to
his guardians as he was a devout Anglican, Henry’s ensure that Mary’s authority as queen could never
young successor clashed regularly with Mary. The be usurped by her husband. Mary and Philip were
two rarely spent time together but when they married on 25 July 1554, a mere two days after
did, the 15-year-old king was exasperated with his meeting for the first time in person.
Mary’s husband Philip of Spain cared little for her and sister’s barely veiled Roman Catholicism. When Yet organising a political alliance with a powerful
spent little time in England Edward passed away from what was most likely Catholic nation was no mean feat considering Mary
tuberculosis on 6 July 1553, Mary’s right as heir had inherited a Protestant kingdom. Charles V and

War with apparent was struck another body blow when

Edward defied the Act of Succession and named
Prince Philip needed reassurance that England
was indeed committed to restoring the old ways.
France Lady Jane Grey, the daughter-in-law of one of his
guardians, as his rightful heir.
Mary’s English Counter-Reformation began almost
In January 1556, Mary’s husband, Prince
Philip of Spain, became King Philip II Edward had invited Mary to visit him at his
following his father’s abdication. The bedside, but Mary’s advisors warned her that it was
Spanish monarch rarely visited Mary in most likely a trap to imprison her, so she fled to
England, but when he landed on English the pro-Catholic county of East Anglia. With public
soil in March 1557 he came seeking her support slipping following Grey’s ascension, Mary
support for Spain’s war with France. Mary,
and her allies amassed a sizable military force at
keen to preserve ties with such a powerful
Catholic nation, was in favour of joining the
Framlingham Castle in Suffolk and eventually
conflict, but her closest allies persuaded marched on London and deposed Grey and her
her to hold off due to a wave of bad supporters. On 1 October, Mary was crowned
harvests and a tattered economy inherited Queen Mary I of England and, with the natural
from Edward VI’s reign. authority that gave her, she was finally ready to
When Thomas Stafford, a noble who right the wrongs of her half-brother and father.
had already incited a rebellion against Mary
Now that she was queen, there was the
in 1554, invaded England in June with
the blessing and financial backing of the important matter of finding a husband who
French king, Henry II, everything changed. provided the right political stability for England.
The rebellion was put down fairly easily, Keen to return the country to its former Catholic This 1848 print depicts Mary as she signs the death
warrant of her Protestant cousin, Lady Jane Grey
but it was enough to convince Mary to self, Mary became engaged to Prince Philip of
commit to Philip’s campaign. The decision
was a disaster for England, both financially
and politically. Not only did it place strain
on the relationship between England and Defining moment
Rome (since Pope Paul IV was allied with l Act of Succession l Mary proclaimed
the French monarch), it also led to the loss
Act of Supremacy After the aging king queen
of Calais, the last territory England had November 1534 marries Catherine Parr, Following the death
Mary’s father, Henry VIII, has grown tired of bowing to his sixth and final wife, of her half-brother
control of on the mainland of Europe. It he finally relents to Edward VI, Mary has
the will of papal authority in Rome. When Pope Clement
was a terrible blow for the country – so the idea of restoring his named successor,
VII refuses to grant him an annulment for his marriage to his two daughters to
much so that Mary was quoted as saying, Lady Jane Grey,
Mary’s mother, the king has Cardinal Wolsey and Parliament the line of succession imprisoned in the Tower
“When I am dead and opened, you shall
draw up a new act that proclaims the monarch to be, “the behind his son Edward. of London. Citing the
find Calais lying in my heart.” only supreme head on earth of the Church of England.” The Act of Succession Act of Succession,
By breaking away from Rome, Henry begins a systematic 1544 effectively revokes Mary is proclaimed the
Reformation that drains monasteries and funds and lands and Mary’s illegitimacy. new monarch.
14 July 1543 19 July 1553

secures Anglicanism as the one true faith in the kingdom.

l A princess is born l Mary is betrothed l Another engagement ensues l Princess of Wales
Daughter of King Henry VIII In order to establish stable With the potential marriage to Mary is sent to Ludlow to
and his first wife, Catherine ties with France, Henry the French king’s young son in preside over the Council of
of Aragon, Princess Mary betroths the two-year-old tatters, Henry is still determined Wales and the Marches. She is
is born at the Palace of princess to the Dauphin of to use his daughter as a pawn in only really there to represent
Placentia in Greenwich, France, the infant son of another political alliance. Now six the king while his courtiers
London. She is the first the French king, Francis I. years old, Mary is betrothed to preside for her. She is referred
of many pregnancies not Despite the potential marry her second cousin, Holy to as the Princess of Wales at
to end in miscarriage for strength of the arrangement, Roman Emperor Charles V. This this time, but is never officially
the queen. it falls apart three years later. too falls apart a few years later. granted the title by the king.
18 February 1516 1518 1522 1525

Mary I

“Mary demonstrated that a woman could

rule in her own right”
immediately with her first parliament in October people (including two of his own wives) during
deeming the marriage of her late parents valid his reign, according to Holinshed’s Chronicles. It
while passing the First Statute of Repeal (which was more the stark violence of Mary’s executions
essentially negated all the religious legislation during a time when Reformist and Counter-
enacted during Edward VI’s reign). Her father’s Reformist propaganda was flying around Europe
Act of Supremacy was also rejected, with that gave her actions such a lasting infamy. Mary I often indulged herself by buying
expensive dresses from the continent
religious authority removed from the Mary’s reign only lasted five years
crown and returned to Rome. The annual and while it was marred by the
These changes were largely a
cost of the Great
mass burnings of Protestants and Life in the time
popular move since England
had only been a Protestant Wardrobe shot
the largely disastrous alliance
with Spain (which even led to of Mary I
nation for six years, but such through the roof in the the loss of Calais to France in
Irish settlement
legislative restoration also one of the Tudor dynasty’s
early part of her reign During her reign, Mary continued the Tudor
came with a sting in the tail: most embarrassing military conquest of Ireland by establishing a number
the revival of the Heresy Acts. due to her taste for debacles), Mary did attempt of English settlements. These were placed in
These acts deemed anyone lavish materials to make some changes that the Irish Midlands, effectively creating the King
and Queen’s counties. The two main towns
practising any faith other than and dresses ultimately benefited the kingdom.
were named Maryborough and Philipstown.
Roman Catholicism a heretic by Financial reforms included changing
proxy, leading to the voluntary exile of the way the government collected
over 800 nobles who refused to renounce taxes, including the normalisation of import
Rainy season
The five years of Mary’s rule were
their new faith. The Heresy Acts decreed that tax. She even used Philip’s reluctance to include uncharacteristically rainy. Persistent rain for
heretics should be put to death by beheading or by England in Spain’s grip on the lucrative trade with months on end led to oversaturated soil,
being hanged, drawn and quartered; however the the New World to create new trade opportunities which in turn ruined entire crops. This, and
use of burning was also adopted. During Mary’s with the east coast of Africa. damage from flooding, plunged the country
reign, around 290 Protestants were executed – By the time of her death on 17 November into famine.
many of them burnt at the stake – for heresy, 1558, Mary’s attempts to restore England to its
creating an air of aggressive persecution. Catholic roots had left the country in religious
A strained economy
Poor weather conditions and harvests
So was Mary really the bloodiest monarch of and political turmoil. However, for all her violent contributed to an already strained economic
the Tudor line? Despite her dramatic nickname, acts of religious reform, and her poor choice of a climate. Despite the alliance between England
Mary’s brief Protestant purge was a single drop marital alliance with Spain, Mary appears to have and Spain, trade between them was brittle at
compared to the oceans of blood spilled by loved her country deeply. She also demonstrated best. Spain refused to include England in its
her predecessors. Edward VI had 5,500 rebels that a woman could rule in her own right, setting a lucrative hold on the New World.
murdered in the Prayer Book Rebellion in 1549, precedent upon which her half-sister and successor
while Henry VIII executed a staggering 72,000 Elizabeth I would build. Mary and money
Mary made attempts to implement changes
to the state of English currency and taxation.
Prior to her reign, sheriffs had failed to
Defining moment adequately enforce and collect import taxes,
l Marriage to so the queen had new legislation drawn up
Prince Philip England drawn into war that clearly defined new rules for efficiently
Less than a week March 1557 taking incoming resources.
after dealing with the In January 1556, Prince Philip’s father Charles V abdicates from the throne,
conspiracy to place Lady effectively making Philip the new king. Often absent from Mary’s side
Jane Grey on the English
for great periods, the new Spanish monarch finally returns to England
Monastic restoration
throne, Mary marries While the lands confiscated in Henry VIII’s
Prince Philip, the son of in March 1557. Philip has reignited the war with France (following a very
Reformation were not relinquished by the
Holy Roman Emperor brittle peace treaty between the two nations) and is keen to use his alliance
with England to bolster his forces. War is officially declared in June, but crown, Mary was determined to help rebuild
Charles V. Such a marriage
blocks her Protestant half- the conflict causes strain with the papacy as Rome has political ties to the the monasteries that were torn apart decades
sister’s position as heir. French king. The war is a political and economic disaster for England and before. She even used her own finances to
25 July 1554 even leads to the loss of Calais in January 1558. restore a number of sites across the nation.

l Mary is crowned
After riding into London in
l The false pregnancy l Burning Protestants Defining moment
Around September 1554 At the beginning of 1555, the
August with her half-sister Mary’s menstruation cycle restoration of Roman Catholicism The queen is dead
Elizabeth and 800 supporting
nobles, Mary releases the
stops – she then begins gaining
weight as well as dealing with
in England leads to the return of
the Heresy Acts. With religious
17 November 1558
As 1557 draws to a close, Mary appears to fall pregnant yet again. Sadly it
imprisoned Stephen Gardiner, bouts of nausea. Mary takes doctrine on her side, Mary starts
bishop of Winchester, whom this as a sign of pregnancy, executing Protestant nobles. proves to be another phantom term and the queen is forced to make the
she makes lord chancellor. but her belly recedes more Burning at the stake is the most defining decision of her reign. In 1558 she names Elizabeth as her lawful
She is crowned by Gardiner at than a year later. It was a prevalent method and around successor. Mary falls ill during an influenza pandemic that is gripping
Westminster Abbey. phantom pregnancy. 290 are executed in the purge. London. It’s not known whether it was the influenza that took her life or
1 October 1553 Sep 1554 – Oct 1555 February 1555 ongoing complications with ovarian cysts and uterine cancer.

British Royals

British, 1533 – 1603

Elizabeth assumed the

Brief throne after the death
of her Catholic sister
Bio Mary, upon which
she faced an unstable
nation torn apart by religious
conflict. Over the course of
her reign she fought enemies
at home and abroad, uniting
England under one church
and oversaw the exploration of
new lands.

Elizabeth I


Elizabeth I
She fought off foreign invasions and domestic rebellions,
but did she really preside over a golden age?

n 1588, against the advice of her most trusted regarded the king’s divorce of Catherine of Aragon
aides, Elizabeth I rode out on her grey gelding to as illegal. In their eyes, Catherine’s daughter Mary
address her troops gathered at Tilbury in Essex was the only rightful heir to the throne.
in preparation of repelling the expected invasion Although both parents had been desperate for a
force of the Spanish Armada. Looking out at the boy, Anne would be a doting mother to her infant
assembled faces before her, she delivered a speech child, but she was sent to the executioner’s block
that went down in history: “I know I have the body in 1536 after failing to produce a male heir for her
of a weak, feeble woman; but I have the heart and king. Although Henry’s third wife Jane Seymour
stomach of a king – and of a king of England too.” was kind to Elizabeth and Mary, she had her own
The speech would have to be transcribed and child to attend to with the birth of her son and
redistributed for the soldiers who were unable Henry’s heir, Edward. Henry himself would not
to hear the queen but they had all seen their see much of Elizabeth until 1542, when he decided
monarch, armoured and on her steed, ready to the time had come to reacquaint himself with his
stand by them to repel the Catholic invasion. This young daughter. He found her to be intelligent and
image of Elizabeth has been the key to our popular charming, and decided that he would reinstate
perception of her for centuries, but there’s much both Mary and Elizabeth back into his lineage.
more to her. Elizabeth was cunning and capricious, In 1543, Henry married Catherine Parr, his last
but she could be blinded by affection. She was wife, and relations within the royal family warmed,
tremendously clever, with an almost unfailing as Mary took a maternal interest in young Edward,
sense of what her people needed from her, but while Elizabeth enjoyed a sisterly relationship with
had to see off foreign invasion attempts and both. However, when Edward took the throne
homegrown rebellions. While she was sitting on the upon their father’s death, cracks started to form.
throne the country became acquainted with some First, Elizabeth had to contend with the amorous
of its greatest triumphs and darkest hours. attentions of Catherine’s new husband Thomas
When Elizabeth came to the throne in November Seymour, which caused a scandal at court in 1548.
1558, the whole of Europe was on tenterhooks. How Seymour’s intentions were seen as treasonous, and
would the new Protestant queen follow the reign of Elizabeth was reported to be pregnant. The young
her Catholic sister Mary? With an unstable nation princess denied these rumours, confounding her
and conspiracies at home and abroad, the situation interrogator. “She hath a very good wit and nothing
required diplomacy, intelligence and bravery; three is gotten of her but by great policy,” he wrote. This
qualities which Elizabeth had always had in ample practice would serve her well once Mary took the
supply. The unstable situation was nothing new to throne but not all players were as skilled; Seymour
her; Elizabeth’s position had been precarious from was executed the following year.
the moment she was born. The daughter of Henry When the staunchly Catholic Mary refused to
VIII’s second wife, Anne Boleyn, she was deemed convert, Edward began proceedings to remove
as illegitimate by any Catholic nations, who both his sisters from the line to the throne, fixing

British Royals

his hopes on his cousin, Lady Jane Grey, instead. with some Catholic supporters clamouring for
However, the prince was seldom in good health her execution. Elizabeth’s future prospects were
during his short life, so it was no surprise that he looking anything but golden, and the next few
died before the contract could be finalised and months saw her walking a political tightrope.
Mary became the new Queen of England. Just as Mary, desperate to provide her husband and her
Edward had asked Mary to change her faith, the country with a Catholic heir to end the uncertainty
new queen was determined that her sister should surrounding the throne, announced that she was
convert. She acquiesced without enthusiasm, but pregnant, but by 1558, it became clear that Mary’s
it was clear to both Protestants and Catholics that condition was not pregnancy, but a devastating
her true allegiance still lay with her father’s Church illness. Her health broke quickly, and she died on
of England rather than the Pope’s Catholic Church. 17 November of that year after begging Elizabeth
Over the course of Mary’s reign, many conspiracy to keep England Catholic once she took the throne.
plots were designed to get Elizabeth onto the Her wishes would not be fulfilled.
throne. None of them succeeded, but they did Elizabeth’s coronation was a stunning balancing
almost manage to get her killed. act. With countless eyes waiting for any hint of an
In 1554, Thomas Wyatt attempted a rebellion overtly Protestant or Catholic gestures, Elizabeth
following the announcement that Mary would managed to confound them all. Instead, the
marry the Spanish king Philip. The queen’s reprisal emphasis was elsewhere: Elizabeth’s intention to
was brutal and swift, executing not only the restore England to a state of prosperity. The new
ringleaders but Jane Grey as well. Elizabeth claimed queen knew that if she was to have any chance of
ignorance, a trick she managed to successfully surviving her early years she would need trusted
repeat a year later after another attempted rebellion and astute advisors, and chose William Cecil and
in 1555, but her sister’s patience was wearing thin Robert Dudley. Cecil had worked for Edward,
and Elizabeth was placed in the Tower of London, survived the reign of Mary and was fiercely loyal

“She was tremendously clever, with

an almost unfailing sense of what her
people wanted or needed from her”
How good was Elizabeth
at balancing the books?
While the popular image is that Mary left England in Borrowing money in
a sorry state, Leanda de Lisle explains that Elizabeth’s the 16th century
fiscal behaviour was far from immaculate. Mary left Before the English merchant Thomas
England £227,000 in debt, while her sister produced Gresham came to prominence, the
debts of £350,000. “Mary’s reign was not a ‘disaster’. Tudors had borrowed money from
The popular image of Mary – always 'Bloody Mary', the great European banks such as the
rarely Mary I – has been greatly influenced by a Antwerp Exchange. However, these
combination of sexual and religious prejudice,” explains banks charged a high interest rate and it
De Lisle. “Mary I had named Elizabeth as her heir, was generally acknowledged that going
despite her personal feelings towards her sister, and so around Europe borrowing money did
allowed the crown to be inherited peacefully. Elizabeth nothing to improve England’s image as
continued to refuse to name anyone. In 1562, believing a serious power. Money could also be
she was dying, she asked for Robert Dudley to be borrowed from independent merchants,
made Lord Protector with an income of £20,000.” such as Horatio Palavicino, from whom
Elizabeth was notoriously reluctant to engage in Elizabeth was forced to borrow money
warfare because of its costs and risk, but the Spanish late in her reign. Gresham had previously
conflict dragged on for years, while she awarded helped Edward VI rid himself of most
monopolies to her favourites at court and crops failed. of his debts and founded the Royal
“While we remember Elizabeth’s success in repelling Exchange in 1571 to challenge the power
the Armada in 1588," says De Lisle, "We forget that the of Antwerp.
war continued and impoverished the country and the Now that Elizabeth could seek loans
crown, a situation made worse by the corruption of from within her realm, she was able to
court officials including notorious high-ranking figures exert greater pressure to get what she
such as Robert Cecil. People starved in the 1590s and wanted, while Parliament could grant
the elite even began to fear possible revolution.” her more funds if they chose. Royal
revenues were supposed to cover the
Verdict basic expenses of governance, while
Elizabeth was forced to deal with circumstances Parliament could add to the war chest.
beyond her control, such as poor harvests and an Later in her reign, she began to use
ongoing conflict with Spain, but the fact is that she was increasingly severe taxation, which
not the financial marvel many believe her to be. contributed to her decreasing popularity.
Queen Elizabeth I opening the Royal Exchange

Elizabeth I

Picture depicting
the coronation of
Elizabeth I in 1558 Was a religious compromise met?
The Church of England was one of compromise and
middle ground. While Elizabeth was a Protestant,
she didn’t hold the puritanical beliefs of some of
her council members. She introduced the Act of
Portrait of Mary, Supremacy in 1558, which reaffirmed England’s
Queen of Scots, who separation from Rome and established her as the head
was executed after
of the Church. Elizabeth understood the dangers of
being found guilty
of plotting against trying to impose religion and allowed Catholicism to
Elizabeth I continue, provided it took place in secret.
However, Leanda de Lisle reminds us that we should
not forget Elizabeth’s willingness to crack down when
necessary. “Elizabeth’s conservatism and pragmatism Catholic C of E
has seen her described as a religious moderate, in
contrast to the ‘fanatical’ Mary,” she explains. “But as
the new Protestant Queen of a largely Catholic country
1 The services were
held in Latin,
countermanding the
1 The image of the
minister became much
simpler. They were not
Elizabeth was necessarily moderate, and as her reign reformation’s ideal that allowed to wear Roman
grew longer, she proved that, like Mary, she could be everyone should be able Catholic vestments, such
utterly ruthless when faced by a threat. The hundreds to understand. The English as the surplice.
of executions of villagers following the Northern prayer book was banned.
Rebellion far exceeded anything her predecessors had
done in similar circumstances; her later persecution
of Catholics was also relentless and cruel. It is a little- 2 Church furnishings
were restored to their
2 All rood lofts, a
screen portraying the
crucifixion, a common
known fact that she also burned heretics – namely former lavish state and feature in Catholic
Anabaptists – these were far fewer in number than the buildings were now churches, were removed.
Mary’s victims, but then there weren’t that many decorated completely with The Pope was not the
Anabaptists!" She executed both Protestants and Catholic artwork. head of the church.
Catholics for publicly disobeying the laws of the
Church of England. However, events in Europe show
the English Queen in a much more favourable light.
Comparatively, Elizabeth was extremely tolerant. The
3 Catholic Mass was
reintroduced, and
Holy Communion was now
3 The Bishop’s Bible,
which was in English
rather than Latin, was
St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre in Paris showed banned by law. restored, opening it up to
the fervour with which Catholic Europeans detested a wider readership.
to Elizabeth. In contrast, Dudley’s appointment and
favour with the queen had nothing to do with his
Protestants. She was also much more tolerant than
many of her advisors. 4 The clergy were not
allowed to marry.
Priests who had married 4 There was a
general removal of
abilities as a politician. He had known Elizabeth
since childhood and her affection for him had only
Verdict before the new law came 'superstition', such as
Elizabeth successfully found a moderate middle into effect were given a making the sign of the
grown stronger, and rumours abounded that she ground in a very turbulent time during her reign, but choice of two options: cross during communion.
spent the nights as well as the days with him. would crack down mercilessly if the rules she had laid leave their families or lose Simplicity was what the
Cecil disapproved of Dudley and agreed with down were broken. their job. Puritans strived for.
the majority of Parliament that Elizabeth should
marry as soon as possible. The eyes of France and
Spain were fixed on England and it made sense for
the queen to create a marriage alliance with one “ The queen's reprisal was brutal and
of these major powers for her and the country’s
safety. King Philip II made no secret of his desire
swift, executing not only the
to marry Elizabeth, but she had no interest in
marrying Mary’s former husband. Henry of Anjou
ringleaders but Jane Grey as well”
was suggested as a match, but he was still a child. was Elizabeth showing her political astuteness; gave birth to a son, James, but she was desperately
Elizabeth spoke instead of being married to her she knew well that Scotland with a Catholic heir unhappy. Darnley was a violent, drunken husband:
nation, but scandal struck when Dudley’s wife Amy would have too much power, but an heir produced many believed he brutally murdered her secret
died suddenly after apparently falling down the by her favourite and Mary, Queen of Scots could lover, David Rizzio. Darnley would meet his
stairs in 1560. It was rumoured that Dudley had potentially unite the two countries. However, own nasty end a year later, when he was found
committed the deed for his queen, and Elizabeth Dudley refused and Mary had no interest in strangled in the garden of a house. Mary quickly
was forced to expel him from her court. marrying her cousin’s paramour. married the Earl of Bothwell, the man who had
In 1561, Elizabeth’s cousin, Mary, Queen of Instead, Mary married for love, choosing Lord allegedly murdered Darnley, and Scottish forces rose
Scots, returned to Scotland from France. For Henry Darnley. Seeing this may have prompted against her. Imprisoned and forced to abdicate, she
many Catholics, Mary was the true successor Elizabeth to renew her interest in Dudley, which eventually fled to England. Elizabeth agreed to give
and she did little to downplay those clamouring greatly upset the council, in particular the Mary shelter, but her arrival in the north had given
for a Catholic monarch. Her arrival was perfectly ambitious Lord Norfolk. When the tension between Catholics a figurehead and rebellion brewed.
timed, as Elizabeth was on the verge of death due Norfolk and Dudley grew too great, Elizabeth The northern Earls suggested that Norfolk should
to smallpox. However, she recovered and, with understood that she needed to assert her authority. marry Mary: soon, the Northern Rebellion had
the scandal over Dudley dissipating, Elizabeth “I will have here but one mistress and no master,” begun. As the rebel forces marched south, Elizabeth
chose him to be Lord Protector, bringing him she told Dudley. It was both a political statement moved Mary to Coventry and mustered troops of
back into her court, before shocking everyone by and a personal one. The lack of a husband and her own. The southern Earls rallied to her cause,
suggesting a marriage between him and Mary. This heir was only made worse in 1566 when Mary which stunned the rebel forces, who began to

British Royals

retreat. Elizabeth’s victory was quick and decisive,

with 700 men being executed in a brutal display of
power. Norfolk was placed under arrest, but a lack
of concrete evidence postponed his execution, until
he was implicated in the Ridolfi plot, which aimed
to make Spain's Philip II king. Elizabeth ordered and
rescinded Norfolk’s execution three times before
finally deciding that he simply had to die.
If Elizabeth’s position at home appeared shaky
it was positively stable compared to how she
was viewed abroad. The Pope decreed that anyone
who murdered the heretical English queen would
be forgiven, a statement King Philip took to heart.
Not wanting to risk open war, Elizabeth found
other ways to aggravate her enemies. She quietly
patronised the piratical exploits of John Hawkins
and later his cousin Francis Drake. In 1577, when he
planned to travel to South America to raid Spanish
gold, Elizabeth met Drake with Francis Walsingham,
one of her ambassadors to France.
The cautious Cecil had to be kept in the dark, but
she told Drake explicitly that she supported him:
“I would gladly be revenged on the King of Spain

“ The queen rallied troops

Did Elizabeth have a genuine by declaring that she
thirst for new worlds? would fight by their side
Although the expansion of trade into India occurred
during Elizabeth’s reign, in terms of exploration
named after her: Virginia. The first party
launched, and Raleigh would follow. When
to repel anyone who dare
she is best remembered for England’s attempt
to colonise North America. The Spanish and
the nobleman arrived, he saw the settlement
had failed. The English were desperate to
set foot on their land”
Portuguese had already laid claim to much of South leave. Raleigh’s second attempt was intended
America, establishing lucrative trade routes, but for Chesapeake Bay, but the first group, led
North America was relatively unexplored. Elizabeth by John White, returned to Roanoke. Raleigh
was reluctant to fund exploratory voyages for much arrived with his second group and found no
the same reasons that she was reluctant to fund trace of survivors. Elizabeth was disappointed
wars: they were expensive and risky. However, she that these costly ventures yielded no results.
could be won around with the promise of riches There was one purpose to these expeditions, as
from one of her favourites and, when sailor Davy de Lisle explains very simply: “Making money.”
Ingram returned to England with alluring tales of
riches and simple inhabitants, geographer Richard Verdict
Hakluyt began plotting a serious expedition to be The Elizabethan era’s reputation for exploration
led by Walter Raleigh. is largely due to the fact that there was money
With the promise of fortune and the flattery to be made from it. Piratical ventures were
of Raleigh, she agreed to a trip to form a colony profitable; colonisation was not.

2. 1585
Following a positive
report, Raleigh dispatches
colonists to settle at
Roanoke in Virginia. By
the time he arrives on a
later ship, the crops have
failed and the English are
desperate to leave.

3. 1587
Raleigh tries again to
establish a colony at
Chesapeake Bay, but
instead the settlers travel 1. 1584
to Roanoke. When Raleigh Walter Raleigh and Richard
arrives, all 150 colonists have Hakluyt convince Elizabeth
disappeared, with only a to fund an expedition to
single skeleton remaining. explore the possibility that
a colony could be founded
on America’s east coast.

Elizabeth I

for diverse injuries I have received.” Having sailed Elizabeth really was in love, but there were genuine Mary Tudor. But while Mary had married, Elizabeth
through the Straits of Magellan and captured a concerns over how the English people would react. did not because she feared revolt by those who
Spanish ship carrying up to £200,000 in gold, “The anxieties Elizabeth expressed to the disapproved of her choice.”
Drake decided to sail across the Pacific, becoming emissary of Mary, Queen of Scots in 1561, that she Although she clearly wanted to marry the man
the first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe. too could not marry anyone without triggering that she had nicknamed her “frog,” the English
Elizabeth gloried in his achievement, and when she unrest in one group or another, only deepened people found the idea of their Virgin Queen
met the Spanish ambassador in 1581, she pointedly following Mary, Queen of Scots’s disastrous marrying a French Catholic absolutely repulsive.
wore a crucifix Drake had given to her from the marriages to Darnley and then Bothwell – which When a pamphlet appeared that condemned the
loot. She dined with Drake on the Golden Hind and ended in her overthrow,” explains Leanda de Lisle. union, Elizabeth decreed that both the author and
knighted him. He had done her proud. “Elizabeth continued to look publicly for a husband his printer should have their right hands cut off.
These piratical exploits stood in sharp contrast to fulfil national expectations that she would Her Privy Council was split in half, with the jealous
to the events of 1572. The St. Bartholomew’s Day provide them with an undisputed heir, and surely Robert Dudley vehemently opposed. Elizabeth was
Massacre in Paris – the assassination of a number she hoped it was not impossible. She was married heartbroken, but she agreed to abstain. She gave
of French Calvinist Protestants – shocked England to her kingdom – a phrase she had learned from Anjou £10,000 to continue his war against Philip
and the ambassador Sir Francis Walsingham
was forced to take refuge. Elizabeth brought him
back to London to become her spymaster, where
he advised that Mary, Queen of Scots was a real
danger. The uprising was not only a shocking scene
for English Protestants; it was also a sign that the
Protestant Netherlands and their booming wool
trade would soon be in danger.
When William the Silent asked Elizabeth for
military assistance, she did not want to be seen
to intervene and give Philip of Spain an excuse
to attack. Walsingham counselled war, while
Cecil continued to preach marriage. So Elizabeth
entertained the idea of marrying the Duke of
Anjou, roughly ten years after it had first been
suggested. Then, he had been an ugly youth
and she had been a beautiful queen. Now, she
was visibly older and the flattery of the French
ambassador and Anjou’s letters began to win
her over. When they finally met, it appeared that

The return of Mary, Queen

of Scots to Edinburgh

Queen Elizabeth I knighting Francis Drake in 1581

British Royals

The Spanish Armada is put into disarray

by English fireships on 8 August 1588

in the Netherlands, but did not see him again. more dangerous than ever. Elizabeth ordered her Elizabeth was always reluctant to sign a death
He tried to take power for himself but failed and imprisonment at the urging of Francis Walsingham, warrant – or at least she was reluctant to be seen
died a year later. When William the Silent was who had no intention of allowing her to live much to sign it. We can’t know how much of Elizabeth’s
assassinated in his own house in 1584 by a Catholic longer. He arranged for a servant, one of his own grief was genuine, but she bitterly resented the
fanatic, it was clear that military intervention could spies, to suggest that Mary smuggle letters in beer circumstances of Mary’s execution.
not be put off any longer and so in 1585, to the barrels, allowing Walsingham to read everything. “Elizabeth was reluctant to be seen to execute
relief of her impatient councillors, she agreed to When Thomas Babingdon wrote to Mary with first the senior nobleman in England, in Norfolk,
send a small force of men. Dudley took command a plan to assassinate Elizabeth and give her the and then a fellow queen, in Mary,” says de Lisle:
in the Netherlands but proved to be incompetent, crown Mary wrote back with her approval; the “That is not to say she regretted their deaths. She
losing territory to Philip’s general, the Duke of spymaster’s trap worked perfectly, and he had would have preferred to have Mary murdered, for
Parma. Mary ensnared his unwitting prey. example, as she made very clear.
was now Walsingham leapt into action and ordered It is also notable that she was quite ruthless in
the conspirators’ executions. Elizabeth ordering the deaths of traitors of humble birth – the
had always been reluctant to execute 900 or so executed after the Northern Rebellion
her cousin, but she agreed to her testifies to that. This was three times the numbers
standing trial. It was no surprise Henry VIII had executed after the far more serious
when the court decided that Pilgrimage of Grace, and ten times the numbers
Mary should be put to Mary executed after Wyatt’s revolt.
death. Elizabeth grieved Mary’s execution provided Philip II with the
for Mary, or at least reason he needed to declare war and his Spanish
lamented her death. Armada co-ordinated with the Duke of Parma’s
The man who had forces in the Netherlands, with the two forces
delivered the warrant meeting before sailing on England. They launched
was imprisoned and on 12 July 1588, their forces possessing more than
stripped of his title. twice the number of English ships, but the English

“ The queen rallied the spirit

of the English troops by
declaring that she would
Mary, Queen of Scots being led to her death
fight by their side”
Elizabeth I

Did England become a

nation to be feared?
Elizabeth’s foreign policy was decidedly more these grounds, which is why her courtiers were so
cautious than expansive. She was desperate to avoid anxious that Elizabeth marry an eligible man from
conflict because it was expensive and the outcome either country. Even after the St Bartholomew’s
always uncertain. However, she had a spirit that Day Massacre in 1572, Elizabeth was reluctant to
could easily be won over by the idea of adventure. be drawn into open war. The piecemeal way in
She delighted in the expeditions of John Hawkins and which she gave the Dutch her assistance shows
Francis Drake, which could be seen to be aggravating her reluctance to engage in open conflict of any
the King of Spain without actually declaring open kind, first offering financial support to the Dutch
conflict. In 1562, she agreed to a military expedition troops, then the Duke of Anjou, before finally
in Calais, which was crushed by Catherine de’ agreeing to send an English force when there was
Medici’s forces, and this failure would influence her no other option. Her cautious attitude towards
military decisions for the rest of her reign. foreign policy doubtless saved the kingdom a lot
“There was no glory in it for Elizabeth as there of money. However, it was taken out of her hands
was for a male monarch,” Leanda de Lisle reveals. when the Spanish Armada sailed on England.”
“She understood the truth of the adage of Mary
of Hungary: that war made it impossible for a Verdict
woman to rule effectively, ‘all she can do is shoulder The victory against the Armada was a shining
responsibility for mistakes committed by others.’” moment but for the most part Elizabeth kept
Her ally and enemy lines were drawn by religion. out of foreign conflict. When she didn’t, she
France and Spain were clearly opposed to England on regularly suffered defeats.

6. Bad weather
Why did the Armada fail? Bad weather prevents the
King Philip amassed his Armada and sent them to the Spanish fleet from organising
Netherlands to join up with his ground troops, led by and the English pursue them.
Their ships are faster and
the Duke of Parma. The English outposts saw the ships much more effective.
coming and alerted the admiralty. The weather was
against the Spanish, as they were blown off course.
While they outnumbered the British fleet by two to
one, the Spanish ships were enormous, built to carry
ships did have some advantages; they were smaller, troops that could board enemy vessels. Their crescent
formation was famous, but it did little against the
faster, and designed to carry guns rather than men.
smaller English ships. When the English sent
The English ships could outmanoeuvre the Spanish fireships into the Spanish fleet, the enemy
fleet in open water and began to engage them in panicked and scattered. They managed to 3. Early warning
small skirmishes. It was at this point that Elizabeth regroup for one confrontation, and lost. The Armada is sighted west
of the English Channel. The
rode out to meet her troops. With the threat of a The Spanish retreated, with many ships English fleet is put to sea
Catholic force at their doorstep, the queen rallied crashing on the rocks of the English and as the south coast warning
beacons are lit. Legend says
the spirit of the English troops by declaring that Irish coastline. that Sir Francis Drake finishes
his game of bowls first.
she would fight by their side to repel the enemy.
This grandstanding was impressive and may
have gone down in history’s annals but was
ultimately unnecessary. The Spanish Armada 7. Ships wrecked
The weather blows the
failed and Elizabeth’s victory was the seal on her Spanish fleet into the North
status. ‘The Golden Age’ had begun, where art and Sea and they are forced to
retreat up England’s east
literature flowered. With England a visibly powerful coast, beyond Scotland and
state, the aristocracy began to patronise the arts down past Ireland. Many
ships are wrecked.
with great abandon.
The famous playwrights of the age enjoyed
4. Rendezvous
patronage, albeit with some caveats. When The Armada sails
Shakespeare wrote Richard II he was encouraged to Calais to meet
2. Delays Philip’s most revered
to remove a scene suggesting the ageing monarch Severe weather general, the Duke of
should step aside. “Elizabeth did not care for plays,” forces Philip to dock Parma. However, he
in Coruna to make is delayed and they
confirms de Lisle: “All too often they were used to repairs to his fleet. are forced to wait.
lecture her on this or that.” He is delayed by
more than a month.
Her crown may have been safe for now, but
she received devastating blows with the deaths
of two of her most trusted advisors, Dudley and 5. Fireships
Spanish commanders
Walsingham. Dudley was replaced at court by 1. Armada sets sail panic when the English
navy sends fireships in
his handsome stepson, the Earl of Essex, and the On 28 May 1588, Philip is ready
among their vessels. They
to begin his invasion of England.
young flatterer quickly became her favourite. He gathers his Armada and they scatter into the English
sail from Lisbon. line of fire but the losses
“Robert Dudley’s death in 1588 signalled the are not too heavy.
passing of the old order, but Elizabeth still hoped
she could continue ruling according to her motto,

British Royals

‘Semper Eadem’ (‘Always the same’)” explains de his father’s old post. When it became known that The arts and literature may have been
Lisle. “As the years began to pass and her servants the Spanish were attempting to rebuild their fleet, flourishing, but those who subscribe to this being
died she either did not replace them or find a Essex led a fleet on Cadiz and decimated their a golden age in England’s history often forget that
near-equivalent to the servant she had lost.” It’s forces. The success gave Essex fame, something even after the defeat of the Spanish Armada, other
a sign of how much she leaned on her old guard which Elizabeth was taken aback by. She tried to uprisings, such as the 1598 Irish rebellion, occurred.
that she continued to place her trust in William curb him, but Essex continued to promote his own The country had long been a problem for Tudor
Cecil, even though he was almost entirely deaf and celebrity. She became frustrated with his behaviour England, which had attempted to impose English
increasingly ill. It was only when he died in 1598 at court, which came to a dramatic head when he values and had seen the Irish as tenants on English
that Elizabeth agreed to appoint Robert Cecil to half-drew his sword on her in a fit of pique. territory. Now, with a Spanish-backed uprising,
Elizabeth needed to take decisive action.
“She wooed her people with smiles, She sent her army at the start of 1599, led by
Essex, who was looking to prove himself once
words of love and great showmanship, more. He was a disaster. Rather than confronting

and so won their hearts” Tyrone on the battlefield, he met him in secret and
returned to England having made a treaty without
the queen’s authority.
When Essex thought Cecil was plotting against
Did peace reign in England? him, he rushed to plead his case. Assuming he
was still the queen’s favourite, he burst into her
The early years of Elizabeth’s reign were extremely Rebellions against bedchamber while she was preparing for the
unstable. The Catholics regarded her as a heretical Elizabeth day. He had seen Elizabeth without her make-up
bastard without a just claim to the throne, and she had to When Elizabeth ascended to the throne she and regal dressing; not as a queen but as an old
prove to her people that she was capable of ruling alone. immediately faced the threat of rebellion woman. She could not afford to be seen like this.
Conspiracies at home and abroad plotted to remove her from the Catholic nobility, who resented
from the throne, and when Mary, Queen of Scots took
The queen dismissed him before summoning
the fact that she was turning away from him later to confront him with his failures and
refuge in England, her Catholic enemies finally had someone the changes made by her sister Mary. The
to rally around. 1569 saw her face the first real uprising strip him of power. Rather than accepting his fate,
first great uprising came in 1569, when the
with the Northern Rebellion. The Earls of Westmorland and northern noblemen took advantage of the Essex attempted rebellion. He assumed Londoners
Northumberland rallied the rebel aristocracy around them, return of Mary, Queen of Scots to England, would back the popular war hero, but Elizabeth
but they were not prepared for the force of her reprisal. and attempted to overthrow her. The Duke proclaimed him a traitor and sent her troops to
In her later years she saw rebellion rear its head again of Norfolk, unhappy with being sidelined by meet him. The rebellion was a failure and Essex
as Essex overstepped his bounds. With famine and the Earl of Dudley, entertained a marriage plot
overcrowded of cities, Elizabeth’s position became unstable was executed as a traitor.
with Mary, while the northern Earls mounted
once again. “Imagine if Elizabeth had died in October 1562 Although the later years of Elizabeth’s reign were
rebellion. It was summarily crushed and
when she had smallpox,” asks de Lisle: “Elizabeth had hundreds were executed. far from golden, she could still rally her people
been on the throne almost four years: only a year short of The Earl of Essex, Elizabeth’s great when needed. The war in Ireland was expensive
her sister’s reign. If she died, as many feared she would, favourite, attempted a rebellion in 1601 after and unsuccessful, while overcrowding and failed
how would her reign have been remembered? Elizabeth’s he was stripped of his powers in an attempt harvests caused agitation. When Parliament publicly
religious settlement was not viewed as settled by anyone to gain power. In line with his apparently
save the Queen. One of her own bishops called it ‘a leaden condemned her for granting monopolies to her
oversized ego, he overestimated his personal
mediocrity’. In military matters, while Mary I’s loss of Calais favourite courtiers, which had led to price-fixing,
popularity, the people’s dissatisfaction with
is still remembered, Elizabeth’s failed efforts to recover their monarch and his Queen’s capacity for
Elizabeth was forced to address them in 1601. She
Calais by taking Le Havre and using it as a bargaining tool forgiveness for one of her former favourites. agreed to put a stop to the monopolies and she
are completely forgotten. The campaign had ended that When Elizabeth was confronted with open reaffirmed her love for England. She won over
August 1562, with the huge loss of 2,000 men.” defiance she rarely hesitated to crush it. She Parliament, there was a good harvest, and a truce
understood when to be brutal and when to was reached in Ireland and Spain. “Elizabeth, old
Verdict charm. With the rebellions against her she was and ill, did lose some of her former grip, but never
Elizabeth’s reign featured numerous rebellions and unforgiving and generally unsparing, meting
uprisings, but this was not unusual for a Tudor monarch, entirely,” states de Lisle. “She had followed Mary
out punishments swiftly and unsparingly to
and given the religious uncertainty in the country at the rebels and traitors. I’s example in wooing the common people from
time, she handled the uprisings quickly and decisively. the beginning of her reign, and they continued to
support her.”

Elizabeth’s golden moments 5. 1587

Elizabeth is
7. 1601
Following famine and
forced to execute controversy over her granting
2. 1566 Mary, Queen of monopolies to her favourites,
Elizabeth announces to a Parliament Scots, which is Elizabeth gives her ‘Golden
desperate to see her choose a husband the final straw for Speech’ to a furious Parliament
that she is married to England. Catholic Spain. and wins them over.
© Joe Cummings; Mary Evasn; Look and Learn; Alamy

1550 1555 1560 1565 1570 1575 1580 1585 1590 1595 1600 1605

1. 1559 3. 1569 4. 1577 6. 1588

Elizabeth is crowned The Northern Rebellion is Francis Drake The Spanish Armada sails for
Queen of England. crushed. Elizabeth brutally circumnavigates the England, but is decisively
Everyone watches to punishes those responsible globe and returns with defeated. Elizabeth delivers
see if she displays a and sends a shocking boats filled with riches her famous Tilbury speech
Protestant leaning reminder to anyone who stolen from the King from horseback, which
but the ceremony would challenge her. of Spain. becomes legend.
is ambiguous.

Elizabeth I

The deathbed
of Queen Elizabeth
in 1603

Having seen off another uprising, the 50-year-old

monarch’s health was failing and after an all-too-
rare period of good health, Elizabeth grew sickly.
She was desperately frustrated by Cecil’s growing
power over her and refused to go to bed as she
realised that the end was coming soon. Elizabeth
finally died on 23 March 1603. Although she had
struggled to change with the times in the face
of younger, ambitious advisors, she had been a
formidable political operator. She had still shown
the cunning and cleverness to understand her
situation, and had never lost the image of a queen
loved by her people.
“That image was not created for her,” explains
de Lisle. “Elizabeth never forgot the events of 1553
when the ordinary people had backed the Tudor
sisters, while the political elite had supported
Jane Grey. Nor did she forget how in 1554, Mary
had made a speech at the Guildhall that roused
London in her defence against the Wyatt rebellion.
Mary had spoken of her marriage to her kingdom,
describing her coronation ring as a wedding band,
and her love of her subjects as that of a mother for
her children. These were the phrases and motifs
Elizabeth would use repeatedly and would become
absolutely central to her reign.
In addition, Elizabeth also had an instinct for the
crowd’s demands. Even her enemies would admit
she had ‘the power of enchantment’. She wooed
her people with smiles, words of love and great
showmanship, and so won their hearts. Elizabeth’s
people would never forget her. When she died and
James I become king, people hugely missed the
Tudor theatre of reciprocal love, of which Elizabeth
had been the last and brightest star.”
Elizabeth’s reign was not the golden age
that legend so often depicts; she faced serious
uprisings during her reign. She was capable of
heartlessness and ruthlessness, and could be
indecisive and impetuous. Under her rule, England
saw famine, rebellion and war. However, there’s no
mistaking her dedication to her country and her
determination to listen to what the people wanted.
She walked a political tightrope, but the English
people loved her, and she, in turn, loved them. In
the hearts and minds of many of her subjects, she
was – and will always be – Britain’s golden monarch.

British Royals


James I
James I, King of England and Scotland, struggled
throughout his reign to create a united and
prosperous realm of Great Britain under a
Stuart dynasty

t was widely hoped by English nothing more than to claim the power
courtiers that King James VI of behind the throne for themselves.
Scotland represented a safe After It was an unforgiving and
pair of hands for the English the events of impoverished life, his strict
monarchy in 1603. Elizabeth Protestant teachings made for a
I had died after nearly 45 years
the Gunpowder bland existence that consisted
on the throne and had left no Plot, James became of rules and punishments.
clues as to who should succeed paranoid, and would, in The sober education James
her. As far as the English court public, wear a padded received in his early years along
was concerned James was the with the impoverishment of
natural choice even if he was the
doublet as a type the Scottish crown meant that
son of that notorious Catholic, Mary of armour when he journeyed south in 1603
Queen of Scots. Unlike his mother, he he was astonished at the comparative
was a Protestant. He had also reigned in abundance of the English realm. He
Scotland successfully for 36 years. Secret meetings quickly took to enjoying his new-found wealth by
between James and members of Elizabeth’s inner lavishing English gifts on his Scottish courtiers
circle had been conducted to see if he would be controversially from the English treasury.
interested in the job; as far as the English were His court became one of the most extravagant
concerned, his credentials were excellent. and audacious institutions in England, James
James’ disruptive and unstable childhood did not care for studying documents or enacting
had forced him to become adaptable in laws. He’d rather go hunting, hawking
dangerous situations, something that or hosting his infamously drunken
served him well when he became banquets. He was a man enjoying
King of England. His mother James his new-found freedom away
had been forced to abdicate the believed in the from the cold monotony of
Scottish throne in 1567 by a divine right of kings, ruling Scotland and he did not The
Protestant uprising, after which
that he was placed on want to make a new prison sexuality of
he was placed in the charge for himself by trying too hard
the throne by God and the king has long
of her enemies to be raised as to rule England. He left it up
a Protestant. Not long into his it was his heavenly to his courtiers to do the day- been the subject of
adult reign as King of Scotland, he duty to rule to-day business, namely an old enquiry; it is widely
was kidnapped by a group of nobles trusted advisor, Robert Cecil, who thought that James
and was compelled to rule through died nine years later from exhaustion.
their influence for a year. These were While James’ new-found extravagance
had relationships
dangerous times for James; he had been little more irritated those who paid the bills, it was instead his with men
than a child and at the mercy of men who wanted religious beliefs that caused the most controversy.

James I

was the first
monarch who
argued for a union
between England
and Scotland. It was
rejected by both

British, 1566–1625

Ascending to the
throne of Scotland in
Brief 1567, James became
Bio the king of a unified
Scottish and English
kingdom after the death of his
cousin, Elizabeth I. He struggled
to continue her legacy and
became increasingly unpopular
with his Catholic subjects
in particular, who made an
attempt on his life in 1605.

British Royals

On 5 November 1605, a group of conspirators been physically harmed during the whole affair,
connected to the Catholic Jesuit community in mentally it affected him greatly. He had always
England acted on a plot to assassinate James by known that he’d had English enemies and now
attempting to blow up Parliament. The conspirators some of them had tried to kill him. From then on
were appalled at James’ overtly Protestant beliefs, he didn’t travel without guards, he wore an extra-
so they decided to kill him in order to install his thick doublet and carried a knife at all times for
nine-year-old daughter Elizabeth as Queen in the additional protection.
hopes that she would become a pro- Four days after the Gunpowder Plot on
Catholic monarch. The plan on the 9 November, James addressed the
face of it made sense: rather than James first session of Parliament with the
just kill James they planned to suffered following preamble, “it may well
kill his entire Protestant party at be called a roaring, nay a firing
the opening of Parliament and
from weak knees sin from fire and brimstone,
thus create enough chaos for and later developed from the which God hath so
a pro-Catholic monarch to be crippling arthritis in his miraculously delivered as
installed in its wake. James was knee joints; he was all.” The sitting MPs heartily
not in the Parliament building agreed. Unfortunately for James
when a suspicious attendant
seen hobbling in it would be about the only thing
discovered Guy Fawkes guarding later years him and his Parliament would
The last King barrels of gunpowder in the cellars. agree on for the next 20 years. They
of Scotland
James was the last Scottish monarch
When news of the conspiracy reached
James, he acted decisively. He was no stranger
argued incessantly over money, religion
and taxation. James was furious. It was his view
to rule a fully independent Scotland to intrigue of this kind and knew what had to be that a monarch be unquestioned by their subjects,
without governing by proxy from other done. He ordered Fawkes to be interrogated using that ruling was his business and not theirs. After a
kingdoms. A Scottish King needed to be the ‘gentler tortures’ which included racking, particularly difficult session, he commented, “I will
strong-willed and able to adapt quickly where Fawkes was tied to a device and stretched not thank where I feel no thanks due… I am not of
especially when dealing with the touchy until his bones were forced out of their sockets. In such a stock as to praise fools… I wish you would
and volatile clan system. James proved
keeping with his style of dealing with matters on a make use of your liberty with more modesty in
himself to be an able negotiator and a
strong leader in this regard; he stopped personal level, he journeyed down to the tower and times to come.”
the country tearing itself apart with interrogated Fawkes himself, asking him how he Parliament held on to its liberty and refused
religious violence and gained universal could conspire ‘such a hideous a treason’. Fawkes James’ proposal for a standard lump sum of money
respect from the numerous clan-based replied: ‘A dangerous disease required a desperate to be given to him to run the country, known as
factions within the Scottish court. Perhaps remedy.’ James was appalled but he admired the ‘Great Contract’ of 1610. The MPs felt James
his greatest achievement was the book
Fawkes’ spirit, noting later that he put on a ‘Roman simply couldn’t be trusted with such a lucrative
he authored called The True Law of Free
Monarchies. In it he outlined a theory of resolution.’ Eventually the King’s torturers broke proposition. James blamed the insolence of the
absolute monarchy by which the King, Fawkes: he gave up his fellow conspirators and they members of the house and listened to his favourites
granted his prerogative powers from God, all suffered a traitor’s death. While James had not in court who sneered at what they saw as common
could create laws and enact commands
without consulting privy counsellors
or Parliaments. This was a radical and
explosive idea in the British Isles, where
Defining moment
the power of Parliament governing in Crowned King of England
partnership with the monarchy was a 25 July 1603
long-respected institution. In Scotland l Flight of Mary James had ruled Scotland as the sixth king of his
the Parliamentary system was easier to Queen of Scots name for 36 years when his cousin Elizabeth I died.
manage because it was smaller and relied After facing a Despite the family tension between the houses of
on business being conducted personally Protestant uprising Tudor and Stuart, he was the closest living relative
from her nobles, of the unmarried, childless queen and became, by
with the King. When James journeyed
Mary is forced default, her heir. Ascending to the Scottish throne
south to claim his English throne he to abdicate and
quickly found that the English Parliament as a child, he becomes somewhat of a puppet
flees south into
prince for the Protestant nobles who support his
was not only far larger but also more vocal England leaving
the young James rule. They ensure that he too adopts the Protestant
in its criticism of the monarch.
at the mercy of faith, and this is a factor in his claim to the throne
her enemies. of England when Elizabeth dies. He becomes

24 July 1567 England’s first King James at the age of 37.

l Birth of James l Crowned King of l Marriage to Anne l Journey south
James is born to Mary Scotland of Denmark After the death
Queen of Scots on 19 The nobles ensure that James marries Anne of Elizabeth I it is
June 1566. James is James is crowned King of Denmark by proxy decided that James
Mary’s only son and of Scotland while he is to strengthen the has the strongest
while this secures the still in his minority so ties of Protestant claim to the throne of
line of succession, his they can influence his monarchies within England and is invited
mother has become upbringing and stop Europe. The couple south. He takes
deeply unpopular him from becoming a would go on to his household and
in Scotland. Catholic like his mother. have seven children. courtiers with him.
19 June 1566 29 July 1567 August 1589 5 April 1603

James I

upstarts impoverishing the crown. In the end he cloud his judgement. The astute negotiating skills Religious intolerance
refused to call another Parliament for four years, he possessed in Scotland had abandoned him and England at the time of James’ reign was deeply
only trying again in 1614 but ending with the same he was now surrounded by less competent men intolerant of the Catholic minority that existed
unhappy results. With no Parliament, there was like Villiers who gave poor advice to the aging King. within the Kingdom. Catholicism or ‘Popery’ as
no money, and James could not champion the It was this poor advice that made James continue it was more commonly referred to was seen
to be in league with the devil and many of
Protestant cause abroad nor could he put his mind to hope for a Spanish match in the closing years
James’ subjects feared a clandestine Catholic
to building his kingdom at home. Deeply resentful, of his reign. A marriage between his son, Charles, conspiracy to take over the country.
he retired to his court, allowed his ministers to run and the Spanish Infanta Maria Anna would be
the country and became increasingly distracted a prestigious prize for James, so in 1623 Charles
with his own personal life. and Villiers boarded a ship bound for the Spanish
The rights of Parliament
After the end of the Tudor dynasty, Parliament
James’ sexuality had always been a subject of mainland with James’ blessing so Charles could had become more powerful through its
court gossip, but by 1620 it was actively destroying attempt to woo the Infanta in person. ability to grant money to an increasingly
the trust between him and his courtiers. It was As soon as they stepped off the boat and impoverished monarchy. Often Parliaments
widely believed by the men closest to James that introduced themselves to the Spanish court, they granting the crown money was dependent on
patronage and influence could only be obtained were arrested and held as ‘guests’. James waited in Parliament being bought off with new laws
favourable to representatives in the chamber.
if you were male and the King took an interest England in anxious anticipation; a Spanish match
in you. The situation was inflamed by men like would solve all of his financial troubles through the
George Villiers, the Earl of Buckingham, who was Infanta’s dowry. When he received news that his The King’s court
The King’s court was made up of the nobility
rumoured to be in a sexual relationship with the favourite and his only son had been arrested by the of the realm and it acted as another organ of
King. A handsome man from minor gentry, Villiers Spanish court, he was furious. After some tentative state that the King could use to govern the
had risen from a knight of a small county to the negotiations, Charles and Villiers were released and country. During James’ reign the court became
second most powerful man in the Kingdom returned to England with their tails between even more important because he used
thanks to James, who once commented, their legs. The Spanish had caused great the presence of both English and Scottish
‘[I] confess to loving those dear to offence in arresting Charles and now courtiers to rule both his Kingdoms.
me… I love the Earl of Buckingham
James he was demanding war.
more than anyone else… Christ had an overly Neither James nor the country Troubles abroad
The prejudice the Protestant population had
had his John and I have my large tongue, which was in any state to wage a war
for Catholics in England was inflamed by the
George.’ Whether sexual in with Spain to save Charles’
was commented on outright hostility experienced by Protestants
nature or not, their relationship honour, and with deteriorating from Catholic countries in Europe. England
grew over the years; James negatively at the time health after a bad case of remained largely untouched by the fighting,
called himself George’s ‘sweet by certain members dysentery James died 27 March however the influence of events abroad had
a dramatic effect on religious prejudices and
husband’ and George was James’ of the English 1625. He passed away deeply
mental attitudes.
‘wife’, among other pet names. unhappy; his dream of a united
As James’ marriage to Anne of
court and prosperous Britain with strong
Denmark resulted in seven children, foreign allies and a humble Parliament The New World
The first permanent settlements in America
the question of whether James was openly hadn’t been fulfilled. He would later be
were established during James’ reign starting
attracted to men as well as/instead of women is still known as the ‘wisest fool in all of Christendom’, with Jamestown, Virginia, founded in 1607.
a matter of debate. extremely able but counselled badly. He left behind The allure of making a fortune in a new
The problem by 1620, at the age of 53, was that an England that had become deeply suspicious of world free from religious persecution was an
he had allowed the men he associated with to the monarchy and its role in governing the country. attractive prospect to many of James’ subjects.

Defining moment Defining moment

The Gunpowder Plot The Spanish match
5 November 1604 March 1623
A plot to kill James while he attends the opening of Parliament is James had always dreamt of an alliance between
thwarted when guards search the cellars of the Parliament building England and the most powerful country in Europe
and find Guy Fawkes guarding barrels of gunpowder. The plan was – Spain. While the difference in religion was seen to
to ignite the gunpowder when James entered Parliament and destroy be insurmountable, England being Protestant while
the English government. Fawkes and his fellow conspirators are all Spain was Catholic, James insisted on pursing a
arrested, tortured and sentenced to a traitor’s death. As a result of the match with his son Charles and the Spanish Infanta,
plot, anti-Catholic violence increases throughout the country. James Maria Anna. Charles travelled to Spain but was
continues to call for religious moderation but has to allow a certain arrested and held temporarily in custody, with his
amount of anti-Catholic behaviour to stay popular with his subjects. travelling companion George Villiers.

l Jamestown l The Great Contract l Dissolved Parliament l King James Bible l Investigation of Death of a Stuart l
established A plan to get the After wrestling with The King James monopolies James dies
The first permanent crown out of debt Parliament for more Bible is published In an effort to break up the aged 58. He
English settlement in through Parliament money to prop up by James and his monopoly of businesses leaves behind
America is established giving James an annual his out-of-control bishops to bring a that are strangling an uneasy
on the coast of Virginia, subsidy is overturned spending, James universal Protestant commerce in London, and reformist
the settlers name it by the members of the dissolves the house faith to the British James calls Parliament to England that
Jamestown after the King house because they and does not call Isles. It is still used as take action but his sour his son Charles
of England and battle to don’t trust James with another session for the basis for global relationship with the house struggles to
keep the settlement alive. the money. four years. Protestantism today. prevents any progress. keep control of.
24 May 1607 February 1610 31 December 1610 January 1611 December 1620 27 March 1625

House of
British Royals

Despite their 100-year reign, the
era was by far the most turbulent 1488-1513
in English history Archibald
James IV, Margaret Tudor Douglas, Earl of
King of Scots b.1489-d.1541 Angus
b.1473-d.1513 b.1489-d.1557

Order of Marriage
Lady Margaret Matthew Stuart,
Douglas Earl of Lennox
1513-1542 b.1515-d.1578 b.1516-d.1571
Mary of Guise James V,
b.1515-d.1560 King of Scots

Francis II of Mary, Queen Henry Stuart, Charles Stuart,
France of Scots Lord Darnley Earl of Lennox
b.1544-d.1560 b.1542-d.1587 b.1545-d.1567 b.1555-d.1576
Briefly Queen Consort of France and
the heiress presumptive to the English
throne, she was forced to flee to
England, where she was implicated in
a plot against Elizabeth I and wa later
executed at Fothringay Castle. Lady Arbella
1 b.1575-d.1615
Anne of Denmark
James VI & I b.1574-d.1619
Henry, Prince of Wales
b.1594-d.1612 2
The prodigal son of King James VI &
I, Henry was very much a Renaissance 1625-1649 Henrietta Maria Frederick V of
the Palatine Elizabeth
prince. It is interesting to consider of France
whether he would have been a more Charles I b.1596-d.1662
b.1609-d.1669 b.1596-d.1632
effective ruler than his younger brother b.1600-d.1649
had he not died of typhoid in 1612.

Philippe, Duc Henrietta
1660-1685 d’Orléans of England
Catherine of Elizabeth b.1640-d.1701 b.1644-d.1670
Charles II
Braganza b.1635-d.1680

Henry, Duke of Gloucester

William II Mary
of Orange b.1631-d.1660 4
b.1626-d.1650 1685-1688 Mary of Modena
Anne Hyde b.1658-d.1718
James VII & II The daughter of an Italian Duke, the
b.1633-d.1701 royal couple’s Catholicism gained
backlash when James became king.
William III
b.1650-d.1702 5 James Maria
Uneasy about Louis XIV 6 Francis Clementina
of France’s dominance
1689-1694 George of Sobieska
1702-1714 Denmark Edward
of the continent, William b.1702-d.1735
III was encouraged to Mary II b.1688-d.1766
invade Britain by the b.1662-d.1694 Anne
government when it b.1665-d.1714
became clear that James
– one of Louis’ biggest
allies – had a healthy
male heir he intended to
raise Catholic.

William, Duke Henry Stuart, Cardinal

of Gloucester York
Charles b.1725-d.1807
b.1689-d.1700 Edward Stuart The last of the Jacobite pretenders,
b.1720-d.1788 he styled himself Duke of York before
assuming the name Henry IX. While
his brother turned to alcoholism,
Henry became a cardinal.
The House of Stuarts

British Royals


Charles I
Discover why Charles I, King of England, became
the first British monarch in history to be tried and
convicted of treason

n 20 January 1649, Charles I stood attempted to put a stop to his lavish
where no English monarch spending, criticised his favourites
had been before him. He Charles at court and continued to raise
faced charges levelled by I was a great questions about his increasingly
his own subjects, who Catholic leaning, Charles decided
accused him of treason against
lover of the arts and to take them out of the equation.
the country he claimed to rule. spent large sums of Parliament was called by
If Charles was found guilty, the money on paintings, the king and Charles saw a
penalty was death. He faced a which plunged simple solution to his problem.
rigged court made up of hand- In 1629, beginning what would
picked enemies of the crown who
England further come to be known as the 11 Years’
demanded that he answer for the into debt Tyranny, the king refused to call
crime of being a “tyrant, traitor and Parliament to session. During this
murderer; and a public and implacable time he levied increasingly extreme taxes
enemy to the Commonwealth of England.” and introduced unpopular measures to the Church
However, Charles had never made a habit of of England that moved it away from Calvinism,
listening to Parliament. Even as he faced the men such as appointing the despised Anglican William
who were waiting to pass their verdict, in his mind Laud as Archbishop of Canterbury. His opponents,
they had no power to do so. He was the king, who were already disgusted by his marriage to the
after all, and the king answered to no one. “I am catholic Henrietta Maria of France, believed that
no less confident,” he told the court, “that he was reintroducing Papal traditions to
no learned lawyer will affirm that an England. But as long as Charles didn’t
impeachment can lie against the need Parliament there was nothing
king, they all going in his name: He married that they could do to stop him.
and one of their maxims is, that Henrietta Maria Everything changed when
the king can do no wrong.” The Charles attempted to introduce
of France, who was a
assembled men before him saw his new English prayer book to
things differently. Catholic, by proxy. His Scotland in 1637. Discord spread
Charles’s refusal to choice of bride greatly and Charles refused to negotiate
acknowledge the authority of angered Parliament as rebellion brewed until The
Parliament wasn’t just a final Bishops’ War finally began in
gesture of defiance; it was a hallmark 1639. Still the king was reluctant
of his reign which he had inherited to call Parliament and attempted
from his father and one of the principal to put down the uprising himself, only
causes of the English Civil War. Frustrated by to suffer a humiliating defeat. He was faced with
the fact that the House of Commons constantly the grim reality that, if he wanted to raise enough

Charles I

British, 1600–1649

The art-loving Charles

presided over a
Brief decadent Baroque
Bio court and was married
to a French Catholic.
This caused a schism with the
increasingly Puritan Protestant
majority, eventually leading to
the political uprising and Civil
War that tore the country apart From 1647
and saw Charles put to death for
treason against Parliament.
onwards Charles
refused to allow
anyone to shave
his face, possibly
out of fear of

British Royals

“ The final line was crossed when was that Scottish rebels were not the only ones
worried about Charles’ drift towards Catholicism.

Charles was refused entry to the After nearly two years, the king had had enough.
He identified the five main troublemakers in
garrison at Kingston upon Hull” the House of Commons, John Hampden, Arthur
Haselrig, Denzil Holles, John Pym and William
Strode and marched into the House on 4 January
money for a force capable of crushing 1642 to arrest them. Humiliatingly, the
these rebels, he needed Parliament’s five men had heard the news and
help. It was with great reluctance As a small had escaped before his arrival. “I
that he ended his 11 years of child Charles see the birds have flown,” he told
independence on 13 May 1640, the assembled members. He
but when they began to criticise
suffered from fled London himself shortly
the king for his spending rather rickets. He was unable afterwards. He could read the
than answering his call for to walk until age four, signs. War was imminent.
money, he dissolved Parliament from which point he The final line was crossed
in a fit of rage. when Charles was refused
Meanwhile, the Scottish rebels
wore reinforced entry to the garrison at Kingston
continued to advance south. boots upon Hull. Enraged, he laid siege
Charles would have to set his pride to the city but was defeated. All that
and his anger to one side. He needed was left now was a formal declaration of
Parliament, and the members knew it. The Long war, which Charles delivered on the 22 August
Parliament was called to session in November 1640 when he raised his standard at Nottingham. It was
and, as Charles watched and listened, Parliament a challenge to all those who would oppose him
aired their grievances from their years spent in and the Parliamentarians accepted. Led by Robert
the cold. They passed a law that ensured that they Devereaux, the Earl of Essex, the Roundheads
would have to be called at least every three years, gathered their troops to meet Charles’s Cavaliers
they made sure that any tax that the king wanted before he reached London. After a skirmish at
to impose needed to be approved by Parliament, Worcester, the first open battle took place on 23
and they passed a law saying that the king could October at Edgehill with both sides claiming
The Divine not dissolve Parliament without their agreement.
Charles’s unpopular friends and appointments also
victory. Bragging aside, actual victories went back
and forth. Charles was forced to take up residence
Right of Kings came under scrutiny, but the issue becoming clear in Oxford and lost his general, but the Royalists
claimed victory at several battles. When Charles
Charles I was unwilling to even consider
Cromwell at the Battle of Dunbar, 1650, declared a ceasefire in Ireland, more troops were
negotiating with Parliament because he
believed absolutely in the divine right of where Parlimentary forces were victorious able to join his cause and the Royalist troops
monarchs. The concept that Kings and gained much needed numbers.
Queens had been chosen by God Almighty Things looked bleak for the Roundheads but
to rule their kingdoms had been around when the Puritanical Oliver Cromwell and his
for some time in various guises, but it was
brought to the forefront during the reign of cavalry won the Battle of Marston Moor on 2 July
Charles’s father James I. He wrote that “The 1644, Parliament found a second wind. In 1645 they
state of monarchy is the supreme thing on passed the Self-Denying Ordinance, which meant
Earth... As to dispute what God may do is that anyone serving in the Civil War could not also
blasphemy, so is it treason in subjects to
serve in Parliament, and won conclusive battles
dispute what a king may do... A good king
will frame his actions according to the law, The court that judged Charles I at Naseby and Langport. In 1646, Charles was
yet he is not bound thereto but of his own was handpicked, with those who captured and handed over to Parliament.
goodwill.” Needless to say, this point of might support him excluded
The king was down, but not out. He may have
view was not popular in Parliament, who from taking part. Some were even
arrested. lost the war but he was still the man chosen by
began proceedings to wrench power back
from the hands of the King. God to rule these people. When he promised the
Scots Presbyterian church reform in December
1647 they agreed to back his counter-revolution.
Royalist uprisings began all over the country, with
l The Bishops’ War l The Short Parliament l The Short Parliament l King’s authority l War is declared l The King is captured
Begins Needing money to After nearly two years of not recognised The Civil War begins The Although the war
Charles attempts to force finance an army to crush listening to Parliament’s When Charles attempts to in Nottingham when has been over for at least
his English prayer book the Scottish rebels, the complaints, Charles enter Kingston upon Hull to Charles raises his year, Charles continues
on the more Puritanical King calls Parliament for enters the House of access the city’s garrison of standard, declaring to attempt to find
Scotland. The Scottish the first time in 11 years. Commons to arrest the weapons, Sir John Hotham war on his own support until he is finally
church is deeply offended However, Parliament five men he believes to does not recognise his people. Parliament captured. He’s passed
but Charles refuses to has axes to grind and be the ringleaders, only authority and refuses to troops assemble from group to group until
negotiate, and dissent the King dissolves it on to find that they have allow him entry. Charles and conflict begins he is finally handed over
becomes rebellion. 5 May. fled. He flees London. begins an unsuccessful siege. in September. to Parliament forces.
1639 13 April 1640 4 January 1642 April 1642 22 August 1642 2 June 1647

Charles I

be allowed back onto the throne, word got out that

Parliament was trying to negotiate with Charles.
The army that had fought so bitterly against their
monarch could not and would not stand the idea of
negotiation. Instead, they marched into Parliament
and kept members out who were deemed to be
sympathetic to Charles’s cause. This was known as
Pride’s Purge, after the ringleader Colonel Thomas
Pride. 145 men were not allowed into Parliament,
and a further 45 were arrested. The 75 members
who were allowed in were guaranteed to follow the
army’s agenda and voted that the king should be
tried. The House of Lords refused to agree to pass
the bill but Parliament continued.
There weren’t any laws, any guidelines for how
to deal with this kind of situation. Of the 135 judges
chosen, only 68 were present at the trial. Charles
refused to acknowledge the authority of the court
and did not defend himself for the three days of Portrait of Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector
of the Commonwealth of Britain
evidence and depositions. The first British monarch
Oliver Cromwell depicted imprisoning to stand trial for treason was found guilty. It was
Charles I as painted by Alexander Christie
only at this point that Charles, perhaps finally The life
a rebellion in South Wales looking like a
realising what had happened and what was going
to happen to him, tried to speak. He was of Oliver
real threat until Cromwell’s cavalry
arrived. Sir Thomas Fairfax put
told that he could not. He would not be
allowed to speak publicly again until
down a Royalist force in Kent, Like his father his execution. A Puritan and a politician
but was forced into a lengthy James I, Charles Charles I was beheaded on With the excesses of Charles I’s reign the
siege at Colchester. Charles 30 January 1649. The death stuff of legend, Oliver Cromwell was a
may have been more desperate
I loathed tobacco. It warrant was signed by the man sober, puritanical figure whose fierce beliefs
but the momentum was was forbidden to smoke who would take his power, if
propelled him to the forefront of the English
Civil War. He came to prominence during
with the Roundheads and, in the presence of not his title: Oliver Cromwell. the Short and Long Parliament in which he
perhaps more importantly, a the king Standing on the scaffold, he represented Cambridge with his unshakeable
large number of nobles who caused many to take note of his moral code.
had fought for Charles during calm and dignified demeanour as
the first Civil War refused to rejoin he delivered his final address. “I have A politician and a soldier
him having pledged their allegiance delivered to my conscience; I pray God Cromwell came to prominence by leading the
Roundhead cavalry and proving himself to be a
to Parliament. After losing Cumberland, the you do take those courses that are best for the
formidable military leader, and assisted in the
Royalists were forced to march south through good of the kingdom and your own salvation I go creation of a separate Parlimentary army with
Carlisle and meet Cromwell’s forces at Preston. The from a corruptible to an incorruptible crown where the New Model Army. He won crucial victories
Roundhead forces overwhelmed them and they no disturbance can be.” at Marston Moor and crushed the rebellion in
were forced to flee, finally surrendering to Fairfax South Wales.
and ending the Second Civil War. l The King is dead
There was no way for Charles to disguise what After being found Off with his head
guilty of high treason, Although it wasn’t Cromwell who made sure
he had done. He had negotiated with the Scots Charles I is beheaded. that the Parliament that decided whether or
to overthrow the rule of Parliament. He had His manner was not to executed Charles was rigged, he was
connived and concealed with another nation, and described as dignified
and he impressed one of the main driving forces behind the
by his actions he had caused the deaths of tens of many who came King’s trial and signed his death warrant in
thousands of men. But Parliament itself didn’t know to see him die. He 1649. His name is visible on the warrant.
what to do with him. Clearly he had commmitted becomes the first
British monarch to be
treason against them, but what was the solution? executed for treason. A crowd watches the execution of Charles No kingship for Cromwell
30 January 1649 I. Many were impressed with the dignified He was hungry for power but faced opposition
While they tried to decide whether or not he could
manner with which he went to his death after Charles’s death. Still, Cromwell became
Lord Protector and managed to keep hold
of power so successfully that he was offered
Kingship in 1657, despite cancelling Christmas.
He refused, and died on 3 September 1658
l The King plots l The Second Civil l Pride’s Purge hits l Long live the King following the death of his daughter.
a rebellion War ends Parliament 11 years after the death
While Parliament tries to Parliament begins to Army troops march into of his father, Charles II is
decide what to do with negotiate Charles’s Parliament and remove crowned King of England Respect for the dead
him, Charles reaches out surrender after crushing anyone sympathetic to on his 30th birthday. When Charles II took the throne in 1661 the
to the Scots and promises his forces. The King is Charles’s cause under He orders the deaths of
Royalists needed to make an example of those
their Presbyterian imprisoned but, while the leadership of Colonel nine men associated with
church independence the members decide Thomas Pride. 45 members Charles’s execution and who had stood against them. Cromwell’s body
in exchange for their what to do with him, he are imprisoned and the symbolically executes was exhumed, tried and hung from a gallows
military support. plots his escape. Rump Parliament begins. Cromwell’s corpse. at Tyburn, while his head was stuck on a spike
December 1647 15 September 1648 7 December 1648 29 May 1660 at Westminster.

British Royals

the First English
Civil War, he was
nominally placed in
charge of a royalist
army, aged only
around 15

England, 1630-1685

Charles grew up in
one of England’s most
Brief turbulent periods,
Bio culminating in the Civil
War that led to his
father Charles I being deposed.
After his return from exile in
1660, he retook his crown
and so began the Restoration
period. His reign was hampered
by political upheaval, foreign
wars and tense religious turmoil.


Charles II
One of England’s most controversial kings was notorious for his
numerous mistresses, calamitous wars and secretive religious beliefs

n 29 May 1660, the streets of London were heralded a new era in English politics and culture.
lined with cheering crowds eager to see if Many were keen to move on from the oppressive
the rumours were true – that Charles Stuart ropes of the old regime – theatres that had been
had finally returned to claim his throne. He’d closed during the rule of Parliament and Cromwell
left England 14 years earlier, when the tide were reopened – and an Act of Indemnity and
of the English Civil War began to turn against the Oblivion was passed. In effect, this bill erased the
Royalist cause and his father, Charles I, who was interregnum’s place in history, forbidding mention
executed by Parliament in 1649. As the king’s eldest of it in public. It also offered a general pardon to
son, Charles was the lawful heir to the throne, but all who had fought against King Charles I during
protectorate rule led by Oliver Cromwell made it the Civil War, except those directly involved in his
impossible for him to return. After Cromwell’s death execution. Several were tried and violently executed
in 1658, the possibility of the Stuart monarchy for their part in the king’s death, some of whom
being restored became more likely and negotiations had even been long dead – Cromwell’s corpse was
soon began with the exiled royal court. reportedly exhumed and hung at Tyburn for several
On his 30th birthday, the man who had fled his hours before being decapitated. However, this was
country as a young Prince of Wales now returned to the extent of Charles II’s vengeance for his father’s
a hero’s welcome. The restoration of the monarchy murder – now he had to tackle the business of ruling.

Charles II

The Great Fire of London started in a bakery in Pudding Lane

This gold medal featured Charles II’s
mistress on the reverse, as Britannia
While exiled in France, under the protection of his Elizabeth I and, following the infamous gunpowder
young cousin King Louis XIV, Charles had grown up plot to kill James I, the Catholic threat was a real
among the customs of the French court, its culture terror in the minds of the English population. Life in the time
and style. As king, Charles enjoyed a hedonistic Charles II’s mother, Henrietta Maria, was a French
lifestyle filled with parties, plays, as well as numerous Catholic and had been disliked by many protestant
of Charles II
and public affairs with many mistresses. One of the and Anglican figures in power since she had been Catholic conspiracy
foremost of his lovers during his early reign was first married to Charles I. It was rumoured that Ever since the protestant Reformation in
Barbara Palmer, who even had residence at while in exile she had put pressure on England, Roman Catholicism and Catholics
Whitehall where the king could attend Charles II’s siblings, including James in general had been treated with mistrust
and often outright violence. Fears of Catholic
her more closely. He lavished his (later James II), to convert to the
court with supporters who had
Oak Apple Day Catholic faith. Certainly, while
conspiracy to overrun the country and bring
it to heel had been rife ever since the Spanish
accompanied him in exile, those commemorates under the protection of their Armada, and even into the 17th Century they
who had accommodated his Charles escaping royal Catholic cousin Louis, the were still very much real.
return to England, as well as Stuarts had grown accustomed
England during the
numerous poets, musicians to their ways, so when Charles II Forgetting the war
and playwrights. Famous First Civil War, where he returned he brought with him a When Charles returned to England after his
among these was the Earl of is said to have hidden far more friendly approach to the exile, many noblemen, MPs, landowners and
businessmen had to change their previous
Rochester, whose scandalous up a tree old faith. This unsettled many in
opposition to the monarchy, at least in
behaviour, witty satires and general government, as well as the surging appearance. The king refused to restore lands
debauchery were unparalleled. protestant population of England. stolen from royalist supporters, which angered
As though by some divine retribution for After over 20 years on the throne, them, but helped to ease the transition into his
the king’s impious lifestyle, England soon became Charles had failed to sire any legitimate heirs. His new reign and to keep the peace.
hampered by disasters. In 1665 a great plague took many infatuations and promiscuous lifestyle had
the lives of nearly 70,000 and on 2 September 1666 produced countless illegitimate offspring, but not Restoration debauchery
Charles II’s court was widely known for
the Great Fire of London destroyed over 13,000 one that he could name as an heir to the throne. This
its drunkenness and bawdy behaviour,
buildings. With over 100,000 Londoners made by itself was considered a crisis, but when the king’s encouraged by the king himself. This made
homeless, there was widespread anger, frustration brother James publicly converted to Catholicism, him the subject of much mockery from his
and unrest. England was already financially crippled it triggered outright panic. When Charles fell ill friends, but hostile criticism from among the
by ongoing wars with the Dutch republic and now on 2 February 1685, many suspected poison and more conservative people in the country.
there were loud cries of republican, Dutch and even conspiracy once again, but three days later he called Though the puritanical interregnum period
was past, there were still many who saw the
French conspiracy in setting the fire deliberately. for a Catholic priest to come to his bed and there
king’s conduct as disgraceful.
However, it was the age-old enemy, the Catholics, made his own conversion. On his death he left
who were laden with most of the blame for the blaze. behind a treasury crippled by years of war, as well as Crisis of succession
The fear of Catholic conspiracy had been his own extravagance; but worse, he left the crown When he failed to produce a legitimate heir
ever-present in England almost since the reign of teetering on the brink of utter chaos. by his wife, Catharine of Braganza, there
was a crisis over the succession of the crown
upon Charles’s death. His brother James was
lawfully next in line, but his Catholic faith
Wars with the Dutch made this prospect unthinkable. An Exclusion
The Anglo-Dutch Wars dominated the politics and policies of Bill was even raised by Parliament to exclude
the English government in the latter half of the 17th Century. James from the succession.
With the first conflict starting during the interregnum period
under Oliver Cromwell, the second sparked during the reign The Great Fire of London
of Charles II. As a country rich in trade and colonial ambition, When the Great Fire started in 1666, many
the Dutch republic was a fierce rival of England’s. Also, without saw it as a divine judgement upon the king’s
the knowledge of the English populace, Charles had signed a debauched lifestyle, while others blamed one
secret treaty with Louis XIV, promising to wage war against of the many enemies of the state. It left many
the protestant enemy of France. Not only did the wars cripple thousands homeless and much of old London
both countries financially, but they were also widely unpopular decimated, including St Paul’s, triggering
among protestants living in England. the construction of Christopher Wren’s new
cathedral that still stands today.

British Royals

During his
role as the lord
high admiral, James
personally took part in
the Battle of Lowestoft,
where he was
nearly killed

England, 1633-1701

The second surviving

son of Charles I,
Brief James spent many of
Bio his formative years
in exile in France.
Following his return to England
with his brother in 1660, he
became lord high admiral.
James reigned for just three
years before being ousted by
William of Orange and would be
exiled once again until his death.


James II
James’s Catholic faith resulted in him being ousted
by his own daughter and her Dutch husband

hen Charles II died in 1685 he left bound to enslave his people and withdraw religious
numerous bastard offspring, but no liberties that had been enjoyed.
legitimate heir to the throne. This meant While in exile during the interregnum of
his brother James, a Catholic convert, 1649‑1659, James and his family had stayed under
inherited the throne – it was what many the protection of Louis XIV. During this period the
Protestants in England had feared most. The new siblings picked up more than just an appreciation of
king was crowned on 23 April of that year, and French culture and the style of Louis’s court; they
during the ceremony his crown slipped on his grew ever closer to their Catholic roots. Their mother,
head – seen as a bad omen by some. In the eyes Henrietta Maria, was a devout Catholic herself and
of many English Protestants, the new monarch encouraged the two to convert, which James duly
was not only a papist but also a supporter of the did during the 1670s, and Charles much later on his
most traditionally loathed enemy, France, and was deathbed. This conversion even caused Parliament

James II

Perhaps most significant during his short reign

was that James boosted the Catholic presence in the
Irish army, supporting the native Gaelic-speaking
population that by September 1686 formed 67 per
cent of rank-and-file troops. His lord lieutenant of
Ireland, the Earl of Tyrconnell, formulated a strong
Catholic base in that country that would later prove
useful in the Williamite wars.
On 10 June 1688 James’s second wife, Mary of
Modena, gave birth to a son, James Francis Edward.
The news was met with delight by Catholics and
supporters of the king, but with horror and outright
James and first wife Anne had scepticism by his opponents. Many believed that
two daughters, Mary and Anne
the king, desperate to secure his legacy and produce
a surviving heir to the throne, had arranged for
to try to block James from the succession, causing another child not of his own to be smuggled into
what became known as the exclusion crisis. his wife’s bedchamber in a warming pan. In an
Shortly after James was crowned, James Scott, 1st attempt to crush this doubt, James even arranged a
Duke of Monmouth, launched a rebellion. Though document including the accounts of 70 witnesses James’s ascension to the throne caused
he was Charles II’s illegitimate son, Monmouth saw attesting to the authenticity of the birth. However, a constitutional crisis which ultimately
turned into a revolution
himself as the only rightful heir to the throne, and the king now had far more pressing issues. Just a
many of James II’s enemies valued him as a viable month later, on 15 November 1688, William, Prince
Protestant alternative to the king’s rule. Landing in
the west country, the duke struck at the
of Orange – James’s nephew and son-in-law – landed
in Devon in a bid to confront James and
Life in the time
same time as Archibald Campbell, Earl
After his
maybe even seize his throne. of James II
of Argyll, sparked a simultaneous What became known as the
uprising in Scotland. Though death, James’s Glorious Revolution was over Religious toleration
Argyll failed to gather much before it even really began. Religious liberty was incredibly important
brain and heart to 17th Century populations, particularly in
support for his uprising, and was Within weeks of William’s
were removed from Reformist and Protestant nations. Any threat
promptly executed without trial landing, James was in an all that it could be removed, by either a domestic
in Edinburgh after his defeat and his body and sent for but hopeless position. Several ruler or foreign power, was almost always met
capture, Monmouth raised an burial at two separate planned uprisings all over the with hostility.
army of several thousand men. country threatened to march
With the support of Parliament,
churches in on London, while many of his Challengers for the throne
James raised his own army to France own army officers defected to The unpopularity of James’s accession to the
throne meant numerous pretenders almost
crush the young pretender, which William. James left the capital on 18
immediately sprung up to challenge his rule.
he succeeded in doing at the Battle of December, the very day William entered it The Duke of Monmouth, Charles II’s illegitimate
Sedgemoor on 5 July. He had his half-brother triumphantly. Although captured by Dutch soldiers son, was the first of these to strike, but
Monmouth executed for raising arms against while on his way to the coast, James soon evaded ultimately William, Prince of Orange would
him, but this would by no means be the last of them and arrived in France on Christmas Day. prove the most threatening.
his relatives to threaten his throne. Even worse, Though he would campaign several times to
James struggled to form successful governments in reclaim his throne, beginning the struggle of the Absolute monarchy
both England and Scotland, where reactions to his Jacobite cause to see the Stuart dynasty restored to Since the Civil Wars, the relationship between
Parliament and the monarch had been
favoured Catholic ministers often turned violent. the throne, James would die in exile in France on
complex. The Stuart dynasty had a reputation
The king also filled his own privy council, his closest 5 September 1701. Somewhat gruesomely, and as for moving towards absolute monarchy, where
and most trusted advisors, with Catholic lords, a last insult to the exiled monarch, his body would the throne ruled independently of Parliament,
including Arundell, Belasyse, Dover and Powis, who later be disinterred during the French Revolution without any accountability to the people, and
were included in the council in July 1686. and put on display by anti-monarchists. with full control of taxes and policy.

Succession to the throne

“He had his half-brother Monmouth Without a secure male heir to the throne,
the king, government and by abstraction the
executed for raising arms against him” whole country were steeped in uncertainty
and insecurity about the future. Even when
James’s second wife Mary gave birth to a son,
there was still widespread animosity that he
American colonies would be raised as a Catholic heir.
The New York colony, and the settlement of the same name, was renamed
after James, the Duke of York at the time. The duke became the proprietor The old enemy
of the colony, nominally if not actually responsible for its governance. James II’s friendly attitude to France followed
However, as king, James did take greater interest in the American in suit after his brother and predecessor
colonies and formed the jurisdiction of New England out of the colonies Charles II. This is just one of the reasons both
of Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire and Rhode Island. He their reigns became increasingly unpopular –
later incorporated New York and New Jersey and introduced laws allowing not only was France an enemy of all Protestant
freedom of worship, as well as harsh tax laws to the colonies. nations, it had also been a traditionally loathed
rival of England’s for centuries.

British Royals

1689-1702 anniversary of
William’s 1690 victory

William III
at the Battle of the
Boyne is a national
holiday in Northern

& Mary II
Ruling as joint monarchs, this husband and wife
removed Catholic James II from the throne in the
Glorious Revolution

n 15 November 1688, the last ever successful of York, stood as the next in line to the throne.
invasion of England began with the landing Years earlier, the duke had publicly declared his
of thousands of soldiers at Brixham, Devon. conversion to Catholicism, sparking the exclusion
They marched under the flag of William, crisis of 1679-81 as the English Parliament sought
prince of Orange, who had come to seize to have James renounced as an heir to the throne
the English throne, all under the guise of saving because of his religion. Though the bill failed,
the country from Catholic tyranny. Just a few upon James’s accession 1685 there were already
days earlier he had bid a heartfelt farewell to his plans in place to supplant him. As nephew to
wife and cousin Mary, princess of Orange and both Charles II and James II, as well as being the
daughter of James II, the incumbent latter’s son-in-law, William was closely
King of England, Ireland and connected to the Stuart dynasty in
Scotland. Though he had left her England and took great interest in
behind across the Channel, as a the developments and ongoing
skilled diplomat and daughter
The Glorious crises surrounding the new king.
of the English king, she would Revolution was He saw England as a vital ally
lend crucial legitimacy to the last time the in the Protestant opposition
William’s invasion. British Isles was ever to Catholic France, which was
Although still young at the growing ever powerful under
age of 26, Mary had already
successfully invaded Louis XIV and was emerging as
been married to her husband for the prominent power in Europe.
11 years, but had not yet produced In order to protect his own interests
a surviving heir. Her match with the at home, therefore, he had to ensure WILLIAM III
Dutch prince had been crucial for her own England maintained its age-old hostility with Netherlands, 1650-1702
family’s interests, as well as for young William, its neighbour across the channel – with a Catholic
who had sought greater influence over the English on the throne this became far less likely. Born the posthumous
court’s foreign policy in his campaigns against In England, opposition to James II’s pro-Catholic and only son of Prince
France. As second in line to her uncle Charles II’s policies steadily grew, and between 1687 and Brief William II of Orange
throne, after her father James, her hand in marriage 1688 Prince William sent envoys to meet with Bio in the Binnenhof
Palace in The Hague,
meant a lot to whomever she was married off to. English conspirators from among the clergy, as William ruled as the king of
In time, the match with the staunchly Protestant well as members of Parliament. Pamphlets were England, Scotland and Ireland
for 13 years. He was also the
William would prove more important to the future published denouncing James’s policies, while stadtholder of Zeeland and the
of Europe than anyone could have guessed. declaring William’s own desire to protect the States of Holland from 1672,
after what is now known as the
After Charles II died with no legitimate offspring Protestant religion in England. The Dutch prince Disaster Year.
in 1685, his brother, the broadly unpopular Duke was preparing the ground for a more aggressive

William III & Mary II

England, 1662–1694

As the first daughter

of James, Duke of
Brief York (later James II),
Bio Mary became the
third in line to the
English throne. She married
Prince William of Orange at the
age of just 15. She lived happily
in Holland until her return to
England in 1689, when she
ruled as co-monarch with her
husband until her death in 1694.

British Royals

intervention, though he had to be certain of his However, majority Catholic Ireland was not so
own support in England, as well as widespread willing to accept what was already being dubbed
opposition to James, before he made his move. the ‘Glorious Revolution’ in England. Although
On 30 June 1688, seven English conspirators when they were jointly crowned rulers of England,
sent an official invitation to William, asking him to they also acceded the throne of Ireland, the
invade England and save the nation from James. Emerald Isle would be far harder to win over.
The prince was extremely anxious that his actions When Richard Talbot, lord lieutenant of Ireland,
be seen as righteous to the English population, so declared his allegiance to James, it became clear
even drafted a manifesto explaining his invasion, that war in Ireland was inevitable. With ‘Jacobite’
titled Declaration of Reasons for Appearing in forces rallying to the now exiled former king,
Arms in England. This document was translated propped up by troops and finance from Louis XIV,
into several languages and distributed widely to Ireland now became the battlefield where William
appease not just English concerns, but also those of and Mary’s thrones would be won or lost. In June
foreign courts who could have otherwise opposed 1690 William landed at Carrickfergus, in the north
his invasion. This carefully positioned him in of the country where he still commanded some
the guise of a liberator and honest, law-abiding support. He came with Dutch, Danish and English
Protestant. It was with this air of authority that he
marched from Brixham to Exeter on 15 November

The Glorious 1688, where he bided his time and awaited the
reaction of the population. Within days, the support
Revolution he had been promised began to gather at Exeter,
several officers of James’s army defected, while
When William’s army invaded England in
1688, James II initially remained in London uprisings in the north of the country also sprung
in the hope that his nephew and son-in-law up. James’s position was hopeless and he was
would be forced to march on the capital captured in Faversham on 13 December. Five days
– a move that could well have galvanised later, William entered London triumphantly.
the population against the invaders. On 11 April 1689, the prince and princess of
However, William’s consolidation in Exeter
Orange were jointly crowned William III and
meant that the numerous conspirators
and prepared insurrections had the time
Mary II of England and Ireland, then of Scotland
to come to full fruition. Within weeks, the following month. The negotiations towards
several officers of James’s army defected their thrones had been brief, with a push towards
to William, while rebellions in Nottingham some form of stability being of the utmost concern,
and elsewhere took up arms for the prince for fears that another civil war could have sprung
of Orange’s cause. up. Though there were mixed feelings about the
This invasion very shortly came to
new regime, with numerous clergy refusing to
be known as the Glorious Revolution,
suggesting the victory of liberty and swear allegiance, most felt that this Protestant
the Protestant faith against the Catholic claimant, no matter how spurious his legitimacy,
tyranny of James and his pro-French was preferable to James. With Mary at his side, William III, prince of Orange, winning a famous victory
at the Battle of the Boyne in July 1690
stance. Though for many in England William’s credibility as a monarch was boosted.
and Scotland, William was accepted
as a practical solution to the problems
that James had posed in his stance as a
Catholic monarch, he was not ultimately Defining moment Defining moment
a legitimate one. His joint crown with his
wife Mary was of the utmost importance,
Marriage of William and Mary The Glorious Revolution
as it gave the government a legal standing November 1677 15 November 1688
in the line of the Stuart succession, On the night of 4 November, 15-year-old Mary Stuart is After a long propaganda campaign, William lands at
married to the Prince of Orange in her own bedchamber. She Brixham with a force of 21,000. Within weeks James
through her father James II. William took
is given away by her uncle, King Charles II, rather than her II has fled London. With the declared intention of
many years to fully secure his authority
father. As part of the match, she is gifted jewellery amounting defending the Protestant faith and removing James’s
in Ireland, before going on to use English
to £40,000. Irrespective of this, she is said to be extremely supposed evil advisors, William soon manoeuvres
resources for his ongoing war with France. distressed at marrying William, who is ugly and much smaller himself into an insurmountable position. In order to
than her, at 5 feet 6 inches. Soon after their wedding she secure peace, and avoid another civil war, William is
grows to love the Dutchman and is emotional when they are offered conditions for his ascending the throne. This is

forced to separate, which they often are. this last time that England is invaded by a foreign power.

l Prince William l Mary Stuart born l William becomes l William begins to plot
born Mary is born to stadtholder With the accession
William is born James, Duke of Amid a series of violent of James II to the
the posthumous York and future uprisings by his own throne, William begins
successor to William James II. She is supporters, William is to entertain the
II, prince of Orange. named after her offered the stadtholderate possibility of interfering
His mother, Mary, is aunt Mary, princess of the States of Holland in English politics in
the daughter of the of Orange, the and Zeeland, which had an attempt to make it
late King Charles I mother of her future remained empty since his more anti-Catholic and
of England. husband, William. father’s death. anti-France.
1650 1662 1672 1685

William III & Mary II

“William’s victory at the Boyne is one of

the most significant in Irish history”
troops, seeking to quell the rebellion and secure In her final year, she grew distant from her
his territories. By 11 July he had reached Dublin husband – not only geographically, with his
and engaged James’s Irish forces at the river Boyne. prolonged trips to the continent, but also politically.
William’s victory here is one of the most significant While Mary was a supporter of the Tories in
in British and Irish history, and confirmed Parliament, William was more attached to the
Protestant dominance on the island for the next Whigs, who were in favour of reduced powers William III ruled jointly with his wife
Mary II, daughter of the ousted James II
two centuries. The battle is still commemorated for the monarch and were against Catholic rule.
to this day, with often controversial Protestant Mary’s ability to rule effectively gradually reduced
marches being held annually in modern Northern as her health waned, so that her regency council Life in the time
Ireland. With the Jacobite threat now quashed
in Ireland, though resistance fighters
took over the role. On 24 November 1694 she took
a turn for the worse and began to show of the monarchs
continued to oppose William’s rule the signs of deadly smallpox, of which
for over a year, the king could she died on 28 December. Though
Whigs and Tories
Towards the end of the 17th Century two
now turn his full attention to his Mary suffered she had requested a simple and prominent factions emerged in parliament,
long-term goal: reducing French inexpensive funeral, £100,000 seen as the first political parties. The Whigs
power in Europe. from regular was spent on the event. The were against absolute monarchy, while Tories
In the king’s absence, Mary migraines that were procession accompanying broadly favoured a traditional monarchy and
had greater tolerance for Catholics.
was left as queen regnant in so severe that they Mary’s coffin was the largest for
London, ruling with the help any monarch up to that point,
prevented her from Jacobite conspiracy
of a regency council. Though and the first to include both
she had no formal training for reading or writing Houses of Parliament.
After James II fled England he came under
the protection of Louis XIV of France, who
such work, she proved to be a William would go on to rule furnished him with finances and troops. Many
capable stateswoman, even managing alone for the next eight years, Jacobite supporters who remained loyal to
to handle the regular infighting of her handling turbulent parliaments, as well James continued to resist the rule of William
council members. Upon returning after his victory as more Jacobite conspiracies and assassination and Mary and plot his return.
in Ireland, William was still absent from England attempts. As ever, his main focus was on fighting
for extended periods to visit the continent and his Catholic France, and much of his dealings with
Catholic France
The struggle between Protestant and Catholic
responsibilities there. Mary had to handle Jacobite both Whig- and Tory-dominated parliaments were nations had shaped European politics since
conspirators, as well as a defeat to the French fleet for the benefit of this greater aim. By the time of the Reformations of the 16th Century. As a
at Beachy Head in June 1690, while her husband his death in 1702, the party system in Parliament Protestant ruler, William sought to weaken
was absent and unreachable. In fact, from 1690 that we recognise today was beginning to emerge. France, a strong Catholic nation, to prevent it
right up until her death in 1694, Mary was a de In their relatively short reign, William and Mary from overpowering the Dutch republic.
facto solitary ruler of the country at several points, had taken the British Isles out of the dark chaos
sometimes for many months at a time. following civil wars and into a new century. Smallpox
Known simply as the pox, this virus was
prevalent in the 17th Century, causing victims’
skin to be covered in pustules, followed by
Defining moment severe nausea, vomiting and often death.
William’s father died of the disease before
Battle of the Boyne Peace with France l
After years of his birth, he himself survived it, but Mary
11 July 1690 warfare, France succumbed to a more severe strain.
In one of the most significant engagements of the 17th Century, and the Grand
William’s forces crush the Irish Jacobite army commanded by Alliance, including
Richard Talbot, 1st Earl of Tyrconnell and lord deputy of Ireland. England and the Regency and joint rule
Dutch republic, When William was officially offered the crown,
The earl had declared for James II soon after the Glorious
Revolution and mustered the majority Catholic population, which
sign the treaty several conditions were set out. He would
of Ryswick. This rule jointly with his wife Mary, though the
had prospered under James II, to arms against William. The battle ends the period
is fought just north of Dublin, over the river Boyne, and claims the executive power was given to William alone.
now known as the
lives of some 2,000 men from either side – a relatively small figure Nine Years’ War. The succession would also discount any
given the combined forces amounted to nearly 50,000. 1697 children of William’s other than with Mary.

l William and Mary l William lands in Ireland l Battle of Landen l Mary II dies William dies l
crowned After his campaign against Facing a superior French Suffering from smallpox, Two days after
A hasty coronation is Jacobite resistance in force, William’s English, Mary dies on the morning suddenly collapsing
held jointly crowning the Ireland stalls, William lands Scottish, Irish and Dutch of 28 December. Her with a fever, the king
new monarchs. After in the north of the country army is defeated in body is quickly embalmed, dies on the morning
further negotiations with with over 15,000 extra Neerwinden, modern- because of the severe of 8 March. This
the Scottish parliament, troops. These are mainly day Belgium. However, effects the virulent strain is contrary to the
they are crowned king Dutch and Danish soldiers, the French army fails to of the smallpox had on myth that his horse
and queen of Scotland as English troops’ loyalties capitalise on its success her skin, and she is finally tripped on a molehill
the following month. are still under question. and William escapes. buried on 5 March 1695. and threw him.
1689 1690 1692 1694 1702

British Royals


The first queen of a united Britain, Anne came to
power after the unpopular William III and during a
time of political turmoil in Europe

he Stuart dynasty’s final monarch later in 1685, Anne’s father James became
was Queen Anne, whose king, followed by her sister Mary
reign oversaw several wars and her Dutch husband William
and the beginning of the
Anne was the in 1688. Short monarchies
unification of Britain. Born last monarch to continued to be a trend in the
at St James’s Palace in London practise the ritual Stuart age and Anne was thrust
on 6 February 1665, Anne spent of the ‘royal touch’, a into the regal limelight aged
most of her early life in France 37 when she ascended to the
with her father James, who was
form of laying on of throne on 8 March 1702.
the Duke of York and brother hands thought to Anne’s reign began in a time
to the exiled English monarch of cure illness of conflict. The War of Spanish
the time, Charles II. From an early Succession was well under way
age, the future queen was surrounded when she was crowned, as Europe
by Catholics in her family, but she was entered a state of turmoil after the death of
eventually brought up as a Protestant. This religious King Charles II of Spain. The Spanish Empire was
orientation would help her secure the English now leaderless and without an immediate successor
throne in the future. and all the major powers wanted a piece of the
The young Anne was raised as an action. Britain waded in with all its military
aristocratic girl with a full education might and recorded a series of victories.
in languages and music. Being Anne This was partly due to the expert
female, she was not given much battle tactician John Churchill,
of a grounding in law and
had become the Duke of Marlborough, who England, 1665–1714
military matters, which would so stout during her would become an important
ultimately go against her when later years that when member of Anne’s regime. The The last of the Stuart
monarchs, Anne held
she assumed the English crown. she died, her coffin English empire was growing Brief a strong desire for
Anne was only 18 when she
was more of a square
in power and the nation was Bio independent rule.
However, intellectual
was married to Prince George beginning to assume its role
of Denmark. The wedding was shape than a as the unofficial policeman of
and physical limitations
meant she relied on ministers,
negotiated by Anne’s father and rectangle Europe. Its forces successfully particularly during the War of
King Louis XIV of France. The idea expelled the French from the Spanish Succession. Questions
over succession, combined with
was that the marriage would create an Netherlands and helped save Austria tensions between Whigs and
Anglo-Danish alliance against the Dutch. This from invasion. English troops also captured Tories, characterised her reign.
plan, however, never materialised. Just two years Gibraltar in 1704 and recorded stunning victories

Queen Anne

her formal
education had been
limited, Anne gained a
mastery of the French
language and spoke
it fluently

British Royals

at Blenheim (1704) and Ramillies (1706). The era is into the Georgian era. While Anne was queen,
known by many contemporary historians as the the biggest advocate for Scottish independence
Second Hundred Years’ War due to the constant was Andrew Fletcher of Saltoun, who warned
conflict over the Channel. As Churchill claimed against the increasing amount of wealth going into
these victories, Anne found herself under the London from other areas of Britain in what was an
growing influence of his wife Sarah. Friends such as incorporating rather than a federal union.
Sarah would become big influences on her political The two political parties in Anne’s era were the
outlook, especially as her own husband Whigs and the Tories. Anne originally
Prince George had no interest in such pledged her support to the Whigs;
matters and preferred to indulge in it was this party that backed the
his growing fondness for drink.
Gardening, involvement in the War of the
Anne was so involved in the war hunting and Spanish Succession in which
that the American theatre of horse racing were England made many gains.
the War of Spanish Succession However, the queen slowly
the queen’s favourite
is often referred to as ‘Queen began to side with the Tory way
Anne’s War’. pastimes. She founded of thinking (partly due to her
John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough, was The war ended in 1714. By this Ascot race course growing friendship with Abigail
a key figure during Anne’s reign and one of
the greatest generals in British history time England and Scotland had in 1711 Masham) but by the time of her
become a united nation (through death, the Whigs had become the

The War the Acts of Union of 1706 and 1707)

and Anne had signed the Treaty of Utrecht,
dominant party under George I and
the Tories would be out of Parliament for
of Spanish which made France recognise her power. The
queen’s monarchy was one of gradual change in
nearly a hundred years. The Tories were involved
in financial scandals in this period, especially the
Succession the newly formed Great Britain. She was already ‘October Club’ of individuals who got their name
The death of the childless Charles II much more popular than her predecessor William from the strong ale they drank. The monarchy
of Spain and the end of the Spanish after making a speech saying, “As I know myself was now constitutional rather than absolute, but
Habsburg line in 1700 sparked a scramble to be entirely English, I can very sincerely assure Anne still had a lot of input. Many believe that
for power in Europe. On his deathbed,
you there is not anything you can expect or desire her involvement restricted a number of talented
Charles decided that he wanted Philip,
Duke of Anjou of the House of Bourbon, to from me, which I shall not be ready to do for the politicians having their say within Parliament.
be his heir. Philip was the grandson of the happiness and prosperity of England.” Anyone who went against Anne, no matter how
king of France, Louis XIV. This pleased the In 1708, Anne became the last ever sovereign in valid their argument, would be banished from
French but angered the other European British history to veto a bill as she decided against political matters. There were three politicians who
powers, who moved swiftly to prevent the reorganising the Scottish militia. The new union benefited from Anne’s iron grip on the cabinet.
Bourbon takeover. The result was war.
gave Scotland 45 MPs and 16 elected peers in These were Marlborough, Sidney Godolphin and
The Grand Alliance against France,
Bavaria and Spain was made up of Great Westminster but this was not enough for the Scots, Robert Harley. Harley in particular was popular with
Britain, the Holy Roman Empire, Austria, who would frequently lead skirmishes against Anne due to his strict religious beliefs, something
the Dutch republic and Prussia. A French the English for the remainder of the century and very important to the Anglican queen. Although
advance in 1704 towards the Austrian
stronghold, Vienna, was curtailed by the
timely introduction of the Grand Alliance
armies. Masterminded by Marlborough,
Defining moment Defining moment
this was a decisive victory for the Alliance Death of William Battle of Blenheim
that knocked Bavaria out of the war. 30 July 1700 13 August 1704
Further victories across the continent, as Prince William, the Duke of Gloucester sadly On the banks of the river Danube, over 100 battalions of
well as the taking of Gibraltar, convinced dies a few days after his 11th birthday, after being men enter battle in one of the decisive turning points of
Louis to consider peace proposals. The gripped by a fever. His death and Anne’s failure the War of Spanish Succession. Both sides have amassed
Allied powers did not take kindly to these to provide any other offspring end the Stuart line. huge numbers of infantry, cavalry and artillery. The cavalry
suggestions and continued to advance William was the longest-surviving child of Anne is dominated by dragoon and hussar regiments while the
until 1710, when the more French-inclined and George. Born on 24 July 1689, he was the infantry carry flintlock muskets. In a tough-fought battle,
Tories replaced the Whigs in British future queen’s seventh pregnancy. A sickly prince the military expertise of Marlborough shines through as
from the beginning, he was the House of Stuart’s he breaks the deadlock with a well-timed cavalry charge.
Government. The war ended in 1714 with
main hope to keep their dynasty intact. William 13,000 Franco-Bavarian troops are captured as the war
the signing of the Treaty of Utrecht.
was unable to walk or talk until the age of three starts to turn against Louis XIV of France. The centre of the
and suffered from regular convulsions caused by Austrian empire, Vienna, is saved and the depleted French

Timeline hydrocephalus (fluid on the brain). armies retreat towards the 1713 Treaty of Utrecht.

l Birth of a queen l Marriage to George l The Glorious l Queen Anne of Victories on the l
Anne is born at At only 18 years of Revolution England continent
11.39pm and is the age, Anne marries King James II is ousted Aged 37, Anne Britain takes the upper
second daughter of Prince George of by William and Mary of succeeds the unpopular hand in the war, with
James, Duke of York. Denmark. The Orange, who become William III upon his victories at Blenheim and
She is born in England marriage is believed king and queen of death. Her reign begins the capture of Gibraltar
but spends her early to be an attempt England. Rather than an in a time of conflict as severely weakening
years in France in the to create an Anglo- invasion by force, they the War of the Spanish French and Spanish
care of her maternal Danish alliance against are invited by Parliament Succession is raging on forces. Peace, however, is
grandmother. the Dutch. to become monarchs. the continent. still ten years away.
6 February 1665 28 July 1683 1688 8 March 1702 1704

Queen Anne

stronger during Anne’s reign. This era can be seen

Marlborough at
as the consolidation of British power, economy and
Blenheim, 1704 Life in the time
culture in both the Old and New World. Gibraltar
was put under British rule and new colonies like
of Queen Anne
Newfoundland were acquired from the defeated First race held at Ascot
France. Overall, the economy and military were in a Horse racing may be called the sport of kings,
good state for the next monarch, George I. but it was Queen Anne who ordered the
building of the famous Ascot racecourse in
Throughout her life, Anne suffered from poor
Berkshire, England. Anne spent much of her
health. She regularly overindulged in both food spare time riding and hunting. Completed in
and drink and became known in some quarters as 1711, Ascot is now the only racecourse still
‘Brandy Nan’ due to her fondness for liquor. As she partly owned by the crown.
neared the end of her life, Anne suffered from gout
and could barely walk. Her coffin at Westminster St Paul’s Cathedral
Abbey is more of a square rather than a rectangle, The second incarnation of this iconic
London cathedral, designed by architect Sir
all powerful, Anne was constantly manipulated by as she had put on vast amounts of weight in her
Christopher Wren, was finally completed in
those close to her and this influencing would play later life. Her personal doctors attempted to cure 1710 after 35 years work. The first cathedral
a major part in the petty and squabbled politics of her using the methods of the time (bleeding and was burnt down in the Great Fire of London in
the time. Many believe that her poor appointments hot irons) but predictably these just made things 1666; it had been the first cathedral to be built
prevented Britain from gaining Canada worse. She saw her failure to have children following Henry VIII’s Reformation.
from France. Her legacy is of a queen as God punishing her for the sins
who meant well but was naive she had committed. Anne had 17 The gin problem
Gin was the drink of choice for many in Britain
to political concerns due to her She never pregnancies but failed to produce
in this era. Cheap and widespread, it was the
religious nature and friendships. any offspring that survived into
When Anne ascended
held parties or adulthood. The oldest child was
staple drink for the lower classes, and was
blamed for crime and other adverse social
to power, the age of entertainment William, who died in 1700 at effects. The ‘gin craze’ was only reduced in
Enlightenment was just and even struggled the age of 11 after contracting 1751 when a very heavy tax imposed on the
beginning. Brilliant architect Sir with extended smallpox on his birthday. When alcohol made it unattainable for many Britons.
Christopher Wren was putting her husband died in 1708, it was
the finishing touches to the
conversation obvious that Anne would not have Growing leisure industry
new St Paul’s Cathedral, an apple an heir. Determined not to have a The upper classes flocked to spa towns such
as Bath and Buxton as it was widely believed
had landed on Isaac Newton’s head, Catholic monarch, the government
that spa water could cure illness. Seaside
while Jonathan Swift and Alexander Pope passed the Act of Settlement in 1701. Anne towns like Brighton and Bognor boomed with
were creating fascinating literature. The church eventually died on 1 August 1714 at Kensington this newfound prosperity. Pleasure gardens
also benefited under Anne’s reign with the queen Palace at the age of 49. were also very popular in the rapidly growing
directing more funds to the clergy. Under Henry The result was the end of the Stuarts and the city of London.
VIII in particular, all this income went straight beginning of the Hanoverian era, with the German
to royalty. Britain as a unified nation grew much Protestant Georg Ludwig (George I) at the helm. Highwaymen
The roads of early 18th-century Britain were
not a safe place. Highwayman lurked in the
shadows and would hold up pedestrians and
carriages and rob them for all they were worth.
Defining moment This helped usher in watchmen and posses to
make the streets safer.
The Treaty of Union
1 May 1707 l St Paul’s Cathedral
It is during Anne’s reign that the United Kingdom of Great Britain is first reopened
formed. Scotland is integrated into the new kingdom with the promise of Architect Sir
greater economic benefits from the global empire. However, these gains do Christopher Wren
not materialise and the Scots find the vast majority of power and decisions completes the
being made in London. The most despised is the malt tax that affects new design of the
Scottish whisky production. This causes a huge rift cathedral. It is opened
a year later and still
that will continue throughout the century in a
stands today, despite
series of rebellions and conflicts. This is, in part, being a major target in
motivated by Scotland’s Catholic roots and the the Blitz of WWII.
Protestant leaning in England at the time. 1710

Arrival of the Old l l Bill veto l New political power l The Treaty of Utrecht End of the Stuart line l
Pretender Anne becomes the Robert Harley and The War of the Anne passes away
James Edward Stuart last monarch to veto a the Tory party take Spanish Succession after a long battle with
arrives on British soil in parliamentary bill as she power in Britain after ends with Britain illness. She is buried at
an attempt to gain the declines to reorganise the a Tory-Whig coalition making significant Westminster Abbey and
throne. The ensuing Scottish militia. The queen is ended. The Tories gains in Europe with no direct heir, the
Scottish rebellion is and her ministers are are much more lenient and the colonies. Stuart dynasty ends.
quashed. Over in Europe, concerned that the Scots to France as Britain France is forced to George I becomes
British forces triumph at would be disloyal if there loosens its grip on recognise Britain’s king and the House of
the Battle of Malplaquet. were a French invasion. Louis XIV. imperial power. Hanover begins.
1708 1708 1710 1713 1 August 1714

British Royals

Newton often
visited the court of
George and impressed
the king’s relatives
and advisors with
his knowledge of

Germany, 1660-1727

The first Hanoverian

king, Georg Ludwig
Brief gained the throne by
Bio virtue of being the
great-grandson of
James I and, more importantly,
a Protestant. His reign fell
in a period of change in
Europe known as the Age of
Enlightenment, which preceded
the industrial revolution and
urbanisation of Britain.


George I
He may never have learned English, but George still
found time to imprison his wife and wage war

he House of Stuart came to a halt in 1714 In 1701, Charles II of Spain died, beginning the
with the death of Queen Anne after a long War of Spanish Succession, which would last for
period of ill health. Into the void stepped a 13 years. Seeing this as an opportunity to increase
little-known German by the name of Georg his stake in European affairs, George played an
Ludwig – or as we now know him, George I. active role in the conflict assisting the British
A Lutheran Protestant from birth, George was against the French, which gave him recognition
by no means the first in line to the British throne. in England. The ruling Whig party saw him as an
Around 50 Catholic members of the aristocracy ideal replacement for the soon-to-be-ailing Anne.
had much closer ties to Anne, but the 1701 Act Many of the English population at this time were
of Settlement ensured that a Protestant monarch Protestant, so the decision of a Lutheran king to
would acquire the British crown and so began replace an Anglican queen was a simple one and
the House of Hanover, a dynasty that would rule George was crowned, aged 54, on 20 October 1714
Britain for the next 187 years. at Westminster Abbey.
George was born, in the duchy of Brunswick- Unfortunately, George’s reign began with a
Lüneburg, into the upper tiers of the European splutter, as it emerged that the cohort he arrived
elite. His father, Ernest Augustus was the Duke of with included two mistresses and no wife. This
Brunswick-Lüneburg and after his death in 1698, angered the religious English population, even
George would take his place and also become more so after further allegations arose about the
prince elector of the Holy Roman Empire. treatment of his wife.

George I

forces but relations remained at a low point in the

Union and more rebellions broke out frequently
throughout the 18th Century.
Despite being the country’s king, George did
not speak much English. Instead he preferred
to converse with Parliament and his advisors in
French or Latin. One of these advisors was Robert
Walpole, who can be considered Britain’s first
prime minister although he did not hold the title in
quite the role it is now. Instead he was lord of the
treasury and his influence was keenly felt. George
didn’t associate himself too much with political
affairs, so left many important matters to Walpole,
chancellor of the exchequer James Stanhope and
secretary of state Charles Townshend. As time
progressed, George relied more and more on George I spoke little English and preferred
Walpole and the Whigs for guidance. This was to converse with advisors in French of Latin
Sophia Dorothea of Celle married George in 1682, but demonstrated in the South Sea Bubble of 1720,
ended her days imprisoned by him in a castle
a stock market crash that seriously affected the Life in the time
previously booming South Sea Company, of which
George married Sophia Dorothea of Celle in 1682, the king was a governor. George was implicated for of George I
successfully unifying the regions of Hanover and aiding the mismanagement of the company but
Celle. Despite producing two offspring (George bailed out by Walpole, who used his business and The Age of Enlightenment
Augustus and Sophia), the marriage was troubled financial know-how to reschedule the firm’s debts. The era of George I can be seen as the
by both spouses having a string of affairs. The most George was rapidly alienating himself from a beginning of reason over tradition. A belief
famous of these, and perhaps the one that angered position of power and spent more and more time in science and technology was rising and the
influence of religion in day-to-day life, although
George the most, was his wife’s relationship with in Hanover rather than the country he ruled. His
still high, was waning. Great thinkers of the
Swedish count, Philip von Königsmarck. After leadership was increasingly questioned by his age included Denis Diderot and John Locke. In
the association was made public, George son, George Augustus, who was given the 1720s, Britain was readying itself for the
divorced his wife and sent her to the next to no power or authority in his forthcoming industrial revolution.
Castle of Ahlden, where she spent The king father’s kingdom.
the rest of her life as a virtual
was not fond of George’s reign can be seen Piracy is finally defeated
prisoner, dying in 1727. The as a time when the political The golden age of piracy had threatened
Swedish count was never heard literature and art, but power of the monarchy greatly merchants and navies for centuries but by the
Hanoverian era, their pillaging and plundering
of again and some sources enjoyed the German decreased and the political
was starting to slow down. The expansion
claim that he was disposed of Baroque composer, cabinet system we see today
of European empires and improved ship
by Hanoverian courtiers on the began to take shape. Under technology allowed navies to keep tabs on
order of the vengeful George.
George Frideric his leadership, both Hampton illegal piracy and in 1718 the legendary pirate
The witty English were well aware Handel Court Palace and Kensington Blackbeard (Edward Teach) was killed.
of this and, according to old tales, Palace were extended and improved
named his two mistresses the ‘Elephant by renowned architect William Kent. The plague is no more
and Castle’ after their stocky appearances. The king died aged 67 years and 12 days in Major advancements in medicine were still
some way off, but 1720 signalled the last ever
Within a year, England was on the warpath once June 1727 after a stroke. 2014 marked the 300th
plague outbreak in Europe, as bubonic plague
again as the Jacobite rising broke out. The Scots anniversary of his rise to power. He is the sixth- arrived in Marseilles, France. Smallpox replaced
were deeply unhappy about another Protestant great-grandfather to Her Majesty Elizabeth II and plague as the major ailment in Europe, but
monarch taking the British crown so marched his daughter gave birth to a son who would later this didn’t stop London’s population rising to
south, demanding that the exiled ‘Old Pretender’ become Frederick the Great of Prussia. The short- 1 million in this period.
James Francis Edward Stuart be put on the throne tempered and extravagant George II succeeded his
instead. The rebellion was quashed by English father as the House of Hanover continued. Seeds of industrialisation
As the century progressed, great swathes
of the population began moving from rural
areas to towns. While political and economic
The Jacobite risings power was still in the hands of landowners,
Great Britain was established in 1707 when the kingdoms of there was a rise of middle-class professionals.
England and Scotland joined together. Increased taxes meant Jethro Tull invented the seed drill and Thomas
famine spread across the highlands, while Queen Anne was Newcomen developed the steam engine as
replaced by George I and not the Catholic James Frances food began to be more readily available.
Edward Stuart. Supported by the French and led by former
Union secretary of state John Erskine, the Jacobite uprising Unrest in Europe
began in 1715 as thousands of Scots marched south to put The Holy Roman Empire was still dominating
James on the throne. It ended at the Battle of Sheriffmuir, Europe, but the Spanish, Dutch and French
where some 16,000 Jacobites were beaten by half the number empires began to prosper in this period too.
of Union soldiers. The resistance was quelled, but conflict There was much unrest in Europe, with the
broke out frequently until 1801 when Ireland joined the Union. Great Northern War (1700-1721) and the War
The most well-known uprising was the 1745 Jacobite rebellion. of the Quadruple Alliance (1718-1720) being the
major conflicts of George I’s era.

The family of Frederick, Prince of Wales, as
painted by George Knapton in 1751

House of
British Royals

Uncover the scandalous lineage of
this family line

Order of Marriage George I Sophia Dorothea
succession of Celle

George II Caroline of Sophia Dorothea Frederick William
b.1683-d.1760 Ansbach of Hanover I of Prussia
b.1683-d.1737 b.1687-d.1757 b.1688-d.1740

Prince of Wales b.1724-d.1751
Married to the womanising
b.1707-d.1751 William Duke Frederick II of King Frederick V, Louise
In 1714, at just seven Mary
of Cumberland Hesse-Kassel was crowned Queen of
years old, Frederick
was separated from his
b.1723-d.1772 Denmark and Norway
b.1721-d.1765 b.1720-d.1785
parents and appointed in 1746. Against all the
as ceremonial Head of odds, their arranged
Augusta of the House of Hanover, marriage was a happy
Saxe-Gotha as the rest of his family one and the good-
b.1719-d.1772 departed for England. natured and sometimes
He lived life to the
Frederick V
William IV of Denmark long-suffering Louise was
full, plunging headfirst Anne
of Orange hugely popular in her
into life as George I’s b.1709-d.1759 b.1723-d.1766
favourite grandchild. adopted land.
Augusta Charles William Edward, William Henry, Caroline Matilda
of Brunswick Duke of York Duke of Gloucester b.1751-d.1775
b.1735-d.1806 b.1739-d.1767 b.1743-d.1805 As Caroline Matilda’s
husband, Christian VII
of Denmark, descended Christian VII
into madness, she found of Denmark
3 Henry, Duke solace in the arms of b.1749-d.1808
1760-1820 of Cumberland his ambitious doctor,
b.1745-d.1790 Struensee. The couple
George III ruled Denmark as virtual
Charlotte of regents but when their
b.1738-d.1820 Mecklenburg- affair was discovered,
Strelitz Caroline was imprisoned
b.1744-d.1818 and Struensee executed,
putting an end to their

Augustus, Duke
of Sussex

Ernest Augustus, Adolphus, Duke

King of Hanover of Cambridge
4 5 b.1771-d.1851 b.1774-d.1850
1820-1830 1830-1837 With female succession
Adelaide of forbidden, when Victoria
George IV William IV Saxe-Meiningen ascended the throne in
Caroline of b.1762-d.1830 b.1792-d.1849 1837, it was left to the
b.1765-d.1837 Duke of Cumberland to
Brunswick William never take the Hanoverian crown. b.1783-d.1810
b.1768-d.1821 expected to be king Established by the Congress The short-lived Princess
but, when George IV of Vienna in 1814, the Amelia fell head over
died with no living kingdom ended in 1866 heels in love with
heir, the crown came Edward, with Prussia’s annexation of Charles FitzRoy, an
to him. He abandoned Duke of Kent Hanover. equerry old enough to
his lover of 20 years, be her father. Although
Dorothea Jordan, and b.1767-d.1820 the couple were
their ten children and Without Prince Edward,
desperate to marry,
married Adelaide of there would be no Queen
they never received
Saxe-Meiningen, who Victoria, no Victorians and Victoria of Saxe- permission and to her
was regarded as a a very different United Coburg-Saalfeld dying day, Amelia styled
more ‘fitting’ queen. Kingdom! Married to
Frederick, b.1786-d.1861 herself as AFR – Mrs
Victoria of Saxe-Coburg-
Amelia Fitzroy.
Duke of York Saalfeld, he fathered the
b.1763-d.1827 little girl who would rule
as the Victoria Regina.

Leopold of Saxe- Albert of Saxe- 1837-1901
Charlotte Coburg-Saalfeld Coburg & Gotha
b.1790-d.1865 b.1819-d.1861
House of Hanover

British Royals


George II
Marginalised by his father and loathed by his son,
George II had to strike an uneasy balance with
Parliament and see off an invasion from the Stuart
claimant to the throne, Bonnie Prince Charlie

f George I was an unpopular monarch, then Meanwhile, supporters for the deposed Stuart
George II was determined not to be. He had dynasty – known as Jacobites – circulated
plenty of reasons to hate his father, after pamphlets denouncing these Teutonic
all. In 1694, when the young George interlopers and holding up George I’s
Augustus was only 11, George I – troubled private life to scrutiny – not
then simply Prince George Louis only had he imprisoned his wife,
of the German Electorate of George II but he was rumoured to have
Hanover – had accused George was buried next murdered her lover and now
Augustus’s mother, Sophia to his wife with the cavorted openly about London
Dorothea, of adultery and with his mistress. Songs were
locked her up in Ahlden House
sides of their coffins sung mocking him and effigies
– where she would remain left open so that they of the king in a cuckold’s horns
until she died, never seeing her could be together were strung up and burnt.
children again. One tragic tale of When George I died, his son’s
dubious veracity describes the young refusal to attend his funeral in
heir frantically trying to swim the moat Hanover was seen as a statement of
of Ahlden House to get to her. his commitment to Britain, rather than a
A prince’s cruelty became a king’s cruelty when statement of just how dysfunctional the father/son
he inherited the throne of Great Britain in 1714 by relationship had become. With the crown cold on
way of a legal act of succession that omitted over the old king’s brow, the Jacobites made their move,
50 closer relatives due to their Catholicism. stirring up unrest at George II’s coronation
The son – aged 31 and already a war as they had done for George I before
hero, having led Hanoverian troops him. But while the Jacobite rising
in the Battle of Oudenarde against Naturalist Sir of 1715 led to a pitched battle
the French – joined his father in
Hans Sloane left his in Scotland (the homeland GEORGE II
London and took on the title of of the Stuart kings), isolated Germany, 1683-1760
Prince of Wales. collection to George II uprisings across England
Whereas George I conducted in 1753; the British and mass arrests of Jacobite The last British king
his affairs in German – baffled Museum was created sympathisers, the coronation of to be born outside of
by the British political system George II went off with barely
Brief Britain, and the last to
as a result Bio lead an army in battle
and surrounded by advisers any unrest. It wouldn’t be the (at Dettingen in 1743),
he’d imported from Hanover – the last that Britain would hear of its George II had a scandalous
family life and a thirst for
Prince of Wales and his wife Caroline royalist rebels and their would-be foreign intervention. Ultimately,
of Ansbach held their court in English, kings, plotting from their exile in Europe. however, he managed to
surrounded themselves with British politicians Despite his efforts to adapt, George II may have unite the British nation and
helped define the role of the
and took every care to present themselves as the left Hanover, but Hanover never truly left him constitutional monarch.
‘Prince and Princess of Hearts’. and the king followed in his father’s footsteps in

George II

George II
married Caroline
of Ansbach out of
love, even visiting
her father’s court in
disguise to find out
more about her

British Royals

attempting to fight the Electorate’s corner with in the business of government. In contrast to
British resources. With greater influence in foreign the vicious conflicts waged between Parliament
politics than domestic politics (treaties were and crown across the previous century, George II
conducted monarch-to-monarch, and diplomats witnessed the modern constitutional monarchy
were appointed directly by the king), George II take shape, with functioning government relying
involved Britain in a series of continental escapades on some accord between the king (who confirmed
with a view to increasing Hanover’s territory, appointments presented by Parliament, and had
establishing it as the dominant Protestant state great sway in the House of Lords, which confirmed
in Germany, or protecting its fragile borders from or denied bills raised by the House of Commons)
invasion by its aggressive neighbours (including and his ministers, who often had the influence
his own nephew, King Frederick the Great of among MPs to corral the votes in the first place.
Prussia). Few of these were in the best interests of Forced to negotiate with ministers as king, yet
Great Britain and wherever possible, Parliament largely unchallenged in his role as elector, George II
pulled George II back from the brink. While prime opted to spend so much time in Hanover that on
minister Walpole dug in his heels to keep Britain one occasion, after several months had passed with
out of the War of the Polish Succession in 1733, no sign of the monarch, some wry Londoners left
The tragedy leaving Hanover to go it alone (perhaps wrongly in a notice on the gates of St James’s Palace that read
this case, as the German states emerged victorious), “Lost or strayed out of this house, a man who has
of Prince George won the battle and dragged left a wife and six children on the parish.”

George I didn’t just take George II’s mother,
Britain into the War of the Austrian
Succession in 1739 (which gained
Unsurprisingly then, when the Jacobites
finally made their play for power,
he also stole his son. While the Georges
Britain nothing, at the cost of Patriotic George II was in Germany and
headed for England in 1714 to take their vast numbers that were left anthem ‘Rule, not in Britain. The last gasp of
crowns, Prince Frederick – aged only seven dead and wounded). the Stuart claim to the throne,
– remained in Hanover as ruler (albeit with Perhaps validating the Britannia!’ was first Charles Edward Stuart – also
a regent, until he was old enough to rule for king’s diplomatic meddling performed in 1740 as known as the Young Pretender or
himself). Designed to emphasise George I’s
commitment to his homeland, it also served
was the Seven Years’ War, part of a masque at the Bonnie Prince Charlie – landed in
which began in earnest in Scotland on 23 July 1745 to gather
to drive a wedge between the first and home of Frederick,
second in line to the throne that would 1756 over the French threat to the clans to his cause.
never heal as Frederick was increasingly Hanover and concluded after the Prince of Wales Prince William Augustus –
groomed for greatness, while Prince George king’s death, with Britain seizing George’s youngest son and the
was increasingly denied responsibility. French territory in North America, militaristic Duke of Cumberland –
Without parental oversight, Frederick grew India and the Caribbean (as well as Spanish garrisoned in the Netherlands, pleaded with
into a libertine – in contrast to his austere
Florida), accelerating yet further Britain’s growth as his father to be allowed back to Britain to tackle
father and grandfather – and gained a
taste for women, wine and gambling. an imperial superpower. the Jacobite menace (“Let me come home with
The relationship scarcely improved with Though he increasingly lost interest in domestic whatever troops are thought necessary, for it
George II’s accession in 1727 as history politics toward the end of his life, George II initially would be horrid to be employed abroad when my
quickly repeated itself, with political alarmed many ministers with his keen interest home was in danger”) and it wasn’t until 31 August
opposition to the king rallying around the
new Prince of Wales as its figurehead. Much
as George II skipped his father’s funeral, he Defining moment Defining moment
forbade Prince Frederick from attending
Queen Caroline’s when she died in 1737. Harsh beginnings Hanoverian age begins
When Frederick himself died prematurely 10 November 1683 20 October 1714
in 1751, His Majesty declined to attend the George Augustus is born in Hanover, the eldest son Following the death of Queen Anne (daughter of King James II),
funeral and the cycle of intergenerational of George Lewis (Ludwig) – Prince of Hanover and there are no suitable Protestant Stuart heirs and so George Lewis
conflict continued well into the next century Duke Brunswick-Lüneburg – and Sophia Dorothea. and George Augustus of Hanover are summoned to London,
between Frederick’s son and grandson, Hanover is one of the Electorates, autonomous to become king of Great Britain and Prince of Wales. George
German principalities whose elector princes vote Augustus’s son Frederick is forced to remain in Hanover, under
George III and George IV.
on the candidate for Holy Roman Emperor. George the supervision of a regent, and the new Prince and Princess
Augustus speaks only French – the language of of Wales go on to have more children, further driving a wedge
court – until he is four, when he is taught German between the three generations. Meanwhile, riots break out in
and then also English and Italian. In 1694, Sophia 20 towns across England in support of the Stuart claimant, the
Dorothea is accused of adultery and imprisoned; Catholic James Francis Edward Stuart – Anne’s younger, Catholic
half-brother, known as ‘The Old Pretender’.
young George Augustus will never see her again.

l The Hanoverian succession l A royal wedding l Bloodied in battle l Treaty Of Utrecht l Breaking point
With the current British George Augustus Hanover joins Britain The Tory-dominated George Augustus
monarch Queen Anne marries Caroline of and Austria to battle government makes peace insults one of
unable to produce an heir, Ansbach out of love, France in the War of with France, ending the War the king’s allies
the government agrees the rather than politics. the Spanish Succession. of the Spanish Succession at the baptism of
Act of Settlement, omitting After a previous love 24-year-old George and earning the ire of his second son.
Roman Catholics from the match collapsed, he Augustus leads the Britain’s German allies – George I banishes
succession and establishing visited the court of rearguard of Hanoverian particularly Hanover’s rulers, the Prince and
the Hanoverian dynasty as the Ansbach in secret to cavalry, impressing the the future George I and Princess of Wales
heirs to the throne. assess her suitability. British commander. George II. from court.
1701 2 September 1705 11 July 1708 April 1713 November 1717

George II

that George II returned from Hanover and then may well have been, but the realities of a 31-year
on 4 September, the prime minister requested peace, unchallenged Protestant dominance, and Life in the time
Cumberland to return with his troops. Edinburgh,
meanwhile, threw open its gates to the Young
a functioning Parliament under George I and
George II had not passed the English by.
of George II
Pretender, and the rebels scored their first victory In the aftermath of the Jacobite rising, the Sweet teeth
at the Battle of Prestonpans (21 September). On powers of the Scottish lords were severely curtailed, Thanks to Britain’s growing empire widening
8 November, the Jacobites crossed the border into but – to the shock of many – George II appointed a access to produce and bringing down prices,
many of the previous century’s luxuries
England, taking Carlisle, Manchester, Preston and number of Scots to key roles in the army and with
became mass-market. Between 1690 and
Derby, before news of Cumberland’s force the growth of the British empire, many 1740, consumption of sugar doubled and
(as well as another, larger fictional in Scotland became gradually more cotton, rum and tobacco flooded into Britain.
army invented by a British spy invested in the idea of Great Britain The sad truth is that much of this was the
in the camp) sent them back and its unifying crown. result of slave labour.
George II was
to Scotland to fight on home That, more than anything, was
ground. The resulting Battle
the last British George II’s legacy. Though he Whigs vs Tories
of Culloden (16 April 1746) king to lead an army spent much of his reign fussing MPs were divided into Whigs (pro-Parliament)
and Tories (pro-monarch). Thanks to their
was a crushing defeat for the in battle, at the Battle over his homeland – Hanover
support for a treaty that left Hanover in
Jacobites, ending all hope for was humiliatingly occupied
of Dettingen – in the lurch in 1713 and perceived Jacobite
the Stuart claim to the throne by the French in 1757 and, sympathies, George I and II locked the Tories
of Britain. The victory made a Bavaria – in 1743 continuing the father/son friction out of government for both their reigns.
national hero of Cumberland in that had defined the dynasty so far,
England and a monster of him in the king ostracised Cumberland for Gin gets a tonic
Scotland, where his brutal reprisals earned his failure to defend it – his gift to Britain Gin became the tipple of choice for the
him the nickname ‘Butcher Cumberland’. was stability. George II redefined the relationship urban poor in the 1720s. Cheap to produce
and mind-numbingly strong, by the 1740s an
The greatest threat to the Hanoverian dynasty between the institutions of British government and
average of six gallons per person were being
had ended, with little direct involvement from the redefined the monarchy, not as a driving force as drunk, and by 1750 nearly half of Britain’s total
king himself, but indirectly George II saved his the Stuarts were, but a rallying point for the nation. wheat harvest was used in gin production.
bloodline, and perhaps his nation. Expecting the On the morning of 25 October 1760, the king
Jacobite rising to continue into England (the French died from a rupture of the heart, leaving his Birth of Canada
had held off supporting the Young Pretender grandson – the son of Prince Frederick, who had Thanks to one of George II’s pro-Hanover wars
too overtly unless he could prove support in the died some years earlier – to take the British throne against France, Britain took all of the latter’s
south), Bonnie Prince Charlie was winded by the as George III. North American possessions in 1763. Moves
to placate both the Native Americans, who
lack of cheering crowds awaiting him and he “With him our laws and liberties were safe,”
supported Britain, and the French-speaking
was forced to line the route into the Lancashire reflected writer and social reformer Elizabeth inhabitants of what is now Canada increased
town of Preston with his Scots followers. A song Montagu. “He possessed in a great degree the resentment in the original British colonies,
sung in London theatres, with its refrain of “God confidence of his people and the respect of paving the way for the American Revolution.
save the king”, became a patriotic sensation and foreign governments; and a certain steadiness of
was later adopted as the British national anthem, character made him of great consequence in these A to Z
although the anti-Jacobite ‘Rebellious Scots to unsettled times. First published 15 April 1755, Samuel Johnson’s
crush’ verse was quietly retired soon after. A “His character would not afford subject for epic A Dictionary of the English Language remained
the most comprehensive such volume for over
boorish German transplant with a toxic family he poetry, but will look well in the sober page of history.”
150 years and acted as the foundation for the
development of language and learning in both
Defining moment Britain and North America. Johnson was paid
1,500 guineas for his trouble.
George II is crowned
22 October 1727 l Hanoverian
After years of being increasingly marginalised by his father, George Augustus disgrace
ascends to the throne upon George I’s death in Hanover. He is crowned king of In a humiliating
Great Britain to the sound of four new anthems from German composer George defeat, French troops
occupy Hanover. The
Frideric Handel at a service at Westminster Abbey. In contrast to the Jacobite
Duke of Cumberland
backlash that greeted his unpopular father’s accession, George II’s coronation is stripped of his
is marked by little public unrest. At the urging of Queen Caroline he retains command by George II
George I’s prime minister, the influential Sir Robert Walpole, in exchange for for his failure to
an allowance of £800,000 a year on the Civil List. Walpole goes on to become defend the homeland.
Britain’s longest-serving PM at an incredible 20 years of service. 11 August 1757

l Family reunited l The queen is dead l Last warrior king l Jacobites strike back l Year of glory The king is dead l
Frederick joins his Queen Caroline dies George II becomes The most credible Victories against the George II dies on
parents in England and following a ruptured womb the last British king Jacobite insurrection of French in the Seven the toilet, aged 76.
takes the title Prince stemming from earlier to lead his troops in George II’s reign is put Years’ War lead to The cause of death
of Wales. There’s problems in childbirth. battle. The Battle of down by his son, Duke of 1759 declared Annus is aortic aneurysm,
friction with George I A heartbroken George II Dettingen deprives Cumberland, at the Battle Mirabilis – a year of a rupture of the
thanks to his hedonistic swears never to remarry the French of an of Culloden. Bonnie Prince miracles. The Royal heart which
lifestyle and Frederick and refuses Prince early victory in the Charlie – son of James Navy anthem ‘Heart causes shock
becomes a focus for Frederick permission to War of Austrian Francis Edward Stuart – Of Oak’ is written in and massive
political opposition. attend the funeral. Succession. flees to France. commemoration. internal bleeding.
1728 20 November 1737 27 June 1743 16 April 1746 1759 25 October 1760

British Royals

“ The king’s penchant

for patriotic remarks
and foreign war,
along with him being
English-born, played
well to the masses”

George III

England, 1738-1820

Famous in history
and popular tales as
Brief ‘Mad King George’,
Bio the king was probably
suffering from a
disorder known as porphyria,
which manifests with severe
neurological problems. Despite
this, for much of his reign
George was loved by his
people thanks to his British
birth, and knack of saying the
right patriotic thing at exactly
the right time. His reign saw 1760-1820

George III
British achievements grow.

The first British-born king of England since James

II, King George III was patriot and mad meddler in
equal measure, leading to a reign arguably plagued
by instability and financial mismanagement

eorge III was the King of the Prince of Wales died early from a
United Kingdom of Great George lung injury and the crown passed
Britain during one of the had nine sons from his Grandfather George
most tumultuous and II directly to him, George
disruptive periods in and six daughters, directly or indirectly caused
the power’s history, with his including Edward the dissolution of the British
reign witnessing the collapse of Augustus, the father government more than three
British control in the Americas, times, with the most famous
of England’s future being the case of 1784, where
political instability in the British
Parliament and near national Queen Victoria George – dissatisfied with a
bankruptcy. Despite this damning bill setting forth the passage of
legacy however, for much of his reign powers in India from the East India
George was well thought of among the Company to some of his parliamentary
commoners, with the king’s penchant for patriotic enemies – sent a message to the House of
remarks and foreign war, along with him being Lords that any member who voted for its passage
English-born, playing well to the masses. Even the would be considered ‘his enemy’. The bill was
king’s famous ‘madness’, which grew more and rejected by the House of Lords and three days
more severe throughout his life did not later the ministry was also dismissed.
seem to dent this view, with, as late The subsequent election saw the
as 1810 – near to the height of his then monarch-friendly William
insanity – the king popular among George used Pitt the Younger instigated as
the people. prime minister. This typified
As one would expect however, many titles George III’s attitude towards
George III was not as well throughout his the elected parliament of his
thought of by the ruling political reign, changing with country during his reign, with
classes of England, with his the monarch frequently acting
reign leaving a disastrous legacy
the times and the in his own interests or in the
of political interference. Indeed, countries he ruled interest of the monarchy and
during his time as monarch, which overruling them. For example,
began after his father Frederick, during the tenure of William Pitt the

British Royals

Younger as prime minister, George rebels harassed, anxious and poor by never came, the anxiety of losing the war seemed
helped maintain his influence the indefinite prolongation of a war to place a great strain on George and throughout
by creating an unprecedented During his which promised to be eternal.’ Of the following decades became increasingly ill,
number of new peers in the reign Great course, this kind of jingoistic flag- with bouts of his ‘illness’ making his appearances
House of Lords, all of which – Britain partook in the waving was often portrayed as in public and participation in British politics more
indebted to him as benefactor merely the king being patriotic and more restrained. By the time he had a massive
– voted in his favour whenever Seven Years’ War, the to the wider country, with public mental collapse in 1789 he was beginning to go
called upon. This not only American Revolution opinion staying firmly on his blind and deaf and after relapses into illness in 1801
disrupted the political and the Napoleonic side right up until the early and 1804, was largely unfit to rule the country.
establishment but, especially in 1780s, when the desperate state George’s illness and decline reached a head
the case of the American War of
Wars of the country’s finances began to in 1810, when after the untimely death of his
Independence, left Britain poorer become all too evident. youngest daughter, he mentally collapsed entirely
financially and with less power overall Indeed, George’s financial and became completely deranged. As he was no
on the world stage. Prior to the American War mismanagement and lust for war meant that longer fit to rule, the British Parliament passed the
of Independence, Britain had been the leading throughout the 1770s the national debt of the Regency Act of 1811 thereby allowing his son, the
military force worldwide, with its main rivals of country rose to a level where it required an Prince of Wales George IV, to rule in his place.
France and Spain recently defeated in warfare and annual revenue of £4 million to service For the last ten years of his life George
its cultural influence stretching throughout the it and the king became famous III was largely confined to the
Americas, Africa and even India. Thanks to George for raiding the treasury to cover interior and grounds of Windsor
however, maintaining this at all cost would almost spiralling royal debts. This vast Castle, with his madness only
cripple the country. financial burden came courtesy
George III lived for punctuated by tiny moments of
In fact, with the American Revolutionary War, primarily due to the costs of 81 years and 239 days, lucidity. His son George ruled
George III famously ignored the advice of his own garrisoning and administering while he reigned as the country in his place – albeit
ministers and voted repeatedly to keep Britain at the large expansion of territory monarch for 59 years with none of the popularity
war with the revolutionaries, even despite the fact that control of the American that he had done during most
that it was leading the country into a financial hole. colonies brought, a series of and 96 days of his years – the American
According to the Victorian commentator George on-off wars with France and revolutionaries established
Trevelyan, George apparently wished to ‘keep the Spain, and huge annual loans the young country of the United
payable to the States of America – indicating that
East India Company George was a tyrant in their Declaration
to control Britain’s of Independence – and, following his eventual
interests in India. The death on 29 January 1820, views of his reign in
country couldn’t cope and Britain slowly altered from a stoic pillar of patriotic
eventually independence tradition in an age of unwanted revolution, to one
was won. wholly more negative.
This loss of the American Interestingly, today however, despite George
colonies hit George III badly III being largely remembered for just his
and after the resignation madness, financial ineptitude and hunger for war,
of the then prime minister academically George’s reign is increasingly being
Frederick North he even seen with a different, more positive perspective,
considered abdication, with one that highlights his learning and culture. In
George bitterly resigned to fact, it is true that George III was not only one of
the separation and loss of the most cultured English monarchs of all time,
territory. While abdication studying science throughout his childhood and

“George’s reign is increasingly

being seen with a different,
George (right) as a boy with his brother and tutor
more positive perspective”
l Born to rule l Marries Charlotte l Signs of madness? l George’s tea party
On the 4th of June Sophia Unhappy with the Following decades of
George William After succeeding to the then prime minister’s meddling, including
Frederick is born in throne in October 1760, – George Grenville - introducing the grossly
London at Norfolk almost a year later continuous attempts unpopular Stamp Act,
House two months George III marries to reduce the King’s the British government
prematurely. He was Charlotte Sophia of prerogatives, George begins to lose its
thought unlikely to Mecklenburg-Strelitz. He is III dismisses him grip on the American
survive however was crowned King of England after falling ill for a Colonies starting with
baptised and lived. 17 days later. brief period. the Boston Tea Party.
1738 1761 1765 1773

George III

A cartoon from 1786 depicting George III and

Queen Charlotte raiding the national treasury to
cover royal debts. The prime minister, William Pitt
the Elder, is seen handing him another money bag

The mad
Today, as in the 18th Century, why George
III regressed into madness is not fully
understood, with records from the time of
early adult life – he collected scientific instruments to gain the knowledge held within. 65,000 of these his ‘illness’ vague or nonexistent. Obviously,
too, many of which can be seen in the London books were later donated to the British Museum in the 18th and early 19th Century, mental
illness was nowhere near as understood as
Science Museum today, and possessed his and now form the heart of its collection.
it is today, with those affected typically just
vary own observatory – but also taking Whether or not this contribution to locked up. One thing is clear though, the
a keen interest in the arts and the arts and sciences can be seen recurring nature of George’s illness – with
agriculture. Indeed, it was George George’s as redeeming features capable the first record of it coming as early as 1765
III who founded and paid the reign is now of permanently redressing the – does seem to indicate it was more mental
than physical.
initial costs of the British Royal seen as a very perception of George III’s reign
A few hypotheses have since been
Academy of Arts and it was is open to debate, however
also George III who funded the
positive time for there is one thing that all
postulated by historians, the most
prominent being that the king suffered from
construction and maintenance British arts and commentators, both modern the blood disease porphyria, a rare inherited
of famous astronomer William sciences, which and historical alike, agree on series of enzyme disorders that can often
Herschel’s ground-breaking and that is that his rule was no lead to neurological problems. This cannot
flourished under be confirmed however for sure, albeit with
40-foot telescope. He was, rather where near as bad as his son’s,
cruelly, also comically referred to as
his aegis with George VI acting throughout records of his madness and later dementia
tallying well with the hypothesis. An analysis
‘Farmer George’ by his opponents due his short reign with a wanton
of a few surviving strands of George’s hair in
to his keen interest and love of agriculture, disregard for Britain and its people, while 2004 also revealed a high level of arsenic,
writing numerous articles under a pseudonym in bringing the monarchy to an historical low. Writing which is also known to precipitate attacks
agricultural texts and pamphlets. in his diary, contemporary of George VI Charles of porphyria.
In fact, George’s learning became rather quite Greville said of the king that, ‘He only wishes to Arguably the worst recorded case of
famous in contrast to many earlier kings – and be powerful in order to exercise the most puerile George’s madness was the relapse that
led to his death. Starting at Christmas
especially so in light of his stupid and unlearned caprices, gratify ridiculous resentments, indulge
1819, George spoke nonsense for 58 hours
son – with him accruing a royal collection of books vulgar prejudices, and amass or squander money; straight before falling exhausted into a
that numbered the tens of thousands and opening not one great object connected with national glory coma. He never recovered consciousness
his collection freely to learned scholars who wished or prosperity ever enters his brain.’ and was dead within a month.

l George chooses Pitt l Ministry of All the Talents l Amelia dies l Prince Regent l Mad man of 58 hours of insanity l
George III causes After George’s long-time After a decade of decline George finally Windsor Following a bad bout
Parliament to be bete noire William Grenville in the health of his accepts the need Following the Regency of insanity where he
dissolved due to a dispute had taken back control of youngest and favourite for the Regency Act Act of 1811, George talked nonsense for
over the India Bill, with Parliament after Pitt the daughter Princess Amelia, of 1811, allowing his became increasingly 58 hours, George III
the subsequent election Younger’s death in 1806, she suddenly dies at the son to take over the mad, confined at all collapses and never
giving his own monarch- setting up his famous age of just 27, sending the official duties of king times to Windsor recovers. He dies on
friendly candidate, Ministry of All the Talents, near-blind George into as Prince Regent. Castle. In 1818 his wife 29 January 1820 and
William Pitt the Younger, George once more causes ‘scenes of distress and He does so until dies and he is too is buried in St George’s
a solid mandate. Parliament to be dissolved. crying every day’. George’s death. insane to realise. Chapel, Windsor Castle.
© Getty

1784 1807 1810 1811 1818 1820

British Royals


George IV
The truth about the son of the mad king
who is better known as a caricature than a
ruler of his country

t’s easy to paint a caricature of King George IV. It was his all-too-public womanising, which
Debauched, gluttonous, lecherous, drunken, grew and grew throughout his teens, which would
short-tempered, impulsive, profligate and careless, continue to land George in serious trouble. His
the laundry list of the man’s defects paint an impulsive nature, aided by his powerful love of
extremely unflattering picture of the king. But wine, led to a series of affairs that quickly gave the
who was this man who incited such contempt, Prince of Wales a reputation. He bedded married
mockery, and outright hatred? women, well-known actresses, and even one of the
George was born on 12 August 1762, the Queen’s maids of honour. Sometimes he was so
oldest of King George III and Queen Charlotte’s overcome with lust that he even promised payment
fifteen children. He was a bright and thoughtful in exchange for becoming a faithful mistress, such
child but by the age of six his natural as the £20,000 he pledged to Mary Robinson to
intelligence was beginning to be give up her acting career.
countered by some of the less flattering His notoriety wasn’t limited to his
aspects of his character. He was womanising. He was known for
short-tempered and easily Regent for associating with Whig politicians
distracted, so the young Prince of nine years as (much to the irritation of his
Wales and his brother Frederick conservative-leaning father)
were sent to a stricter house of
his father struggled and for his extraordinary talent
learning that made free use of with illness, George for mimicry (which inevitably
capital punishment to correct wouldn’t become created as many enemies as it
any laziness or insubordination. king until he was 57 did friends). Naturally, all this
Despite the prince’s apparent socialising needed financing,
need for frequent beatings, it was
years old which was yet another cause of
obvious that he was clever and his conflict between the prince and
ability to master language and music was his father. King George III and his wife
truly impressive. lived relatively simply, and his son bitterly
However, this promising young man had not resented being forced to make do with the meagre
won the respect of his father. George III was a allowance he was given. King George had even
harsh taskmaster indeed, and viewed any failing rejected the allowance proposed by Parliament,
or shortcoming in his son as a sign of a weakness stating that it was irresponsible to give £100,000 a
of character. He was not impressed by the progress year to his son.
his son was making in his studies, and he was The endless spending only grew worse when the
particularly disappointed by the lack of interest prince became 21 and took possession of Carlton
he showed in religion, which the king thought House at Pall Mall. With furniture from China,
bordered upon contemptuous. craftsmen from France, and neighbouring houses

George IV

was notoriously
bad with money,
spending thousands
of pounds on his
estate and on his

British, 1762-1830

From a charming
rogue to a bloated
Brief national joke, the
Bio life of George IV was
one of tremendous
appetites and frustrated
ambition. A disappointment to
his father who spent his life in
trouble, George’s path to the
throne was a torturous and very
public one and by the end of his
life his reputation lay in tatters.

British Royals

being bought up, the renovations, extensions and then they would lose theirs, as he would almost
lavish decorations that George ordered were of a certainly instate a new government made up of his
ludicrous expense and plunged him into incredible Whig friends. George was thrilled at the possibility
debt. He didn’t allow his new home to distract and plotted away while both parties lobbied the
George from his love life, though, as he had found issue. The Whigs praised the brilliant young man,
grew up with a a new love of his life in the form of the while the Tories painted him as a debaucherous
total lack of approval widow Maria Fitzherbert. Her status as a idiot. Finally a Regency bill was passed in
widow was not a cause for scandal, but Parliament that would seriously limit his powers,
from his father, but her Catholic faith certainly was. If George but the king recovered before it passed before the
was known to be wanted to marry Maria, he would forfeit House of Lords.
charming and erudite his right to the throne. Faced with this bitter disappointment, George’s
when out in George would not be deterred. He behaviour became worse and worse, and it did not
married her illegally at her house on 15 go unnoticed by the national press. He took more
society December 1785 and moved to live in relative mistresses, abandoned Maria, and finally married
modesty in Brighton, but he could not hide his his cousin Caroline on 8 April 1795 to get rid of a
terrible debts. When he asked Parliament to help new and massive set of debts. There was no love
An 1809 depiction of King George IV
him, the question of his marriage to Maria was involved in the match and no love lost between the
raised and denied, much to her distress. The prince two. It was such a shambles that he drunkenly fell
was bailed out, this time, but a bigger problem into the fireplace on their wedding night. George

British arts was on the horizon.

In 1788, the king became seriously
was back in the arms of Maria by the time
Caroline gave birth to Charlotte almost
in bloom
Despite his many failures as a King and,
ill. What would later be revealed to
be porphyria provoked a shocked
exactly nine months later. To make
matters worse, George III was far
frankly, as a human being, the major and confused reaction from his more fond of his granddaughter
redeeming factor for King George IV has family and a parliament that than he had ever been of his
been his love for and patronage of the didn’t know what to do in the eldest son, while Caroline soon
arts. While his work on Carlton House can face of this apparent mental became as notorious for her love
be reasonably seen as a selfish endeavour,
illness. When Prince George life as her husband.
George made his collection of incredible
art available for viewing by the public. went to visit his father, he reacted The day Prince George had
Artists such as Constable, Gainsborough, by slamming his son’s head into waited so long for finally came in
Reynolds, Stubbs and more were on public a wall. 1810 when his father succumbed to
Maria Fitzherbert,
display. The National Gallery in Trafalgar It was clear that the king was George IV’s wife his illness and the Regency question
Square, London was created in large part unfit to rule, but the crisis that followed could no longer be avoided. However,
due to his efforts and patronage. In the
showed that many in the country did he surprised many when he came into
field of architecture, John Nash worked
not only on Carlton House, but all over not believe that his son was either. The Tory power on 5 February 1811 by keeping the Tory
London as his work defined the look of government, led by Prime Minister William Pitt, government in power, which his Whig friends
the era. believed that if Prince George came to power took as a betrayal. George would soon find that
His efforts and interests were not
strictly limited to the visual arts. This was
a boom time for English literature, with
Shelley and Byron defining the poetry Defining moment Defining moment
of the era while Mary Shelley wrote
Frankenstein. George became a patron
George marries Maria The Regency Crisis
of Jane Austen, who was invited to visit Fitzherbert 1788-1789
Carlton House. Austen was not at all taken 15 December 1785 Prince George must have thought that his time
with her sponsor and spoke of supporting Despite a life littered with mistresses, George could be had come early when his father became ill in 1788.
his wife Caroline because the King was incredibly committed to the pursuit of one woman, Doctors later diagnosed George III with porphyria, at
as proved by his relentless courtship of widow Maria the time it was assumed that he had gone mad. The
so awful.
Fitzherbert. Marrying her was out of the question, due question of whether a Regency bill was the answer
His character defects certainly can’t be
to Acts that made it impossible for anyone married to was made difficult by the uncertain diagnosis and
ignored, but his patronage of the arts and
a Catholic to become the monarch, and for a Prince or the fact that the in-power Tories believed that
the extraordinary work created during his Prince George would give power to his Whig friends.
Princess to marry without the King or Queen’s consent.
life should not be either. George and Maria married illegally with only a few of The crisis dragged on as both sides used George as
her relatives present. Maria was embarrassed by the the centre of their publicity campaigns, but by the
necessary secrecy, but it would be her arms that George time an extremely restrictive Regency bill had been
Timeline would return to after his failure of a royal marriage. approved, his father had recovered.

l The Prince is born l A home for a Prince l Bailing out Prince George l A Royal Wedding
In August, 1762, Queen At the age of 21, George took With the matter of Prince At his father’s insistence,
Charlotte gave birth to possession of Carlton House and George’s debts becoming Prince George finally
her first son, George it soon became one of the free- increasingly problematic, he agreed to a marriage that
August Frederick. He spending Prince’s biggest appealed to his Whig friends George III approved of: his
would be King George expenses. His expansions, in Parliament to help him out. cousin Princess Caroline of
III’s first child but by no improvements and Having denied that he was Brunswick. The pair loathed
means the last, as the furnishings were colossally married to Maria Fitzherbert, each other and George
young boy would have expensive and plunged George was given money to pay drank heavily throughout
14 siblings. him into debt. his debt and finish Carlton House. his wedding day and night.
12 August 1762 1783 1787 8 April 1795

George IV

friends were in short supply, as he realised that

being king meant that much was expected of him
Parliament would prove to be another matter.
After trying to reconcile with the Whigs, George Life in the time
and public opinion now meant a lot. He turned
to drink, while Caroline went abroad, leaving him
lost the support of the Tories and failed to regain
the friendship of the men he had betrayed when
of George IV
with the wilful Charlotte. He forced her to break off he became regent. The amount of real power he Wellington and Waterloo
her relationship with the Prince of Prussia and saw possessed dwindled, despite his friendship with the On 18 June 1815, Wellington’s forces took on
her married Prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg- Prime Minister Canning. Even that friendship Napoleon at Waterloo and won. It would be
Saalfeld in 1816, but she was dead within would be short lived when Canning died the decisive victory against the French and
would propel Arthur Wellesley, first Duke of
two years and the public accused in August 1827, and soon after George
Wellington to greatness. However, Wellington
the Prince Regent of not caring. found himself with the Duke of could not stand George IV, who insisted on
Public perception was becoming He was morbidly Wellington as Prime Minister, claiming that he fought at Waterloo.
an increasingly massive issue, obese when he died someone who had no interest in
as he was held responsible for dealing with an eccentric, bad- A king without power
and was consuming From his time as Regent to his death, King
the government’s mistakes, tempered king.
including the brutal events of an obscene amount of George’s behaviour became
George IV was inconsistent when it came to
demanding the power that was owed to him.
the Peterloo Massacre. painkillers, alcohol increasingly erratic. He told When the Catholic Emancipation Act was being
In 1820, King George III and food Wellington that he had not only forced upon him, he threatened to dismiss all
died, and the 57 year old Prince fought at the Battle of Waterloo who stood in his way, a threat that nobody
George was now king. However, but had been responsible for victory took seriously.
any happiness at this was short-lived at the Battle of Salamanca. When
as Caroline returned to claim the power Wellington finally forced him to pass the Social unrest and
that was rightfully hers and to make life hell for Roman Catholic Relief Act that he was vehemently bloodshed
her husband. George desperately tried to prove opposed to, George’s mental state was clearly Shortly after the death of George III, a group
of political reactionaries attempted to kill
that she had committed adultery and have her not in a decline. He raged against the bill passing,
the members of the Cabinet. In 1819, George
only divorced but also charged with high treason. threatening to fire members of Parliament despite approved a violent suppression of a group
The result was inconclusive, however, despite lacking the power to do so, and slipped into a state demanding Parliamentary reform at St Peter’s
the obvious veracity of the claim, and Caroline’s that would lead to his death. Field in Manchester.
popularity soared. The public was on her side. Ever one for over-indulgence, the king shocked
That is, until the coronation. When George was his visitors and staff with the amount that he Metropolitan Police Force
In the 1820s the London police force was
crowned King George IV, the public rallied behind was now eating and drinking, compounded by
disorganised and rising crime rates were
him at his magnificent occasion and Caroline the huge doses of laudanum he was taking. He repeatedly raised in Parliament. Finally, in
was booed as she left after failing to gain access suffered from gout and various other sicknesses, 1829, Home Secretary Sir Robert Peel founded
to Westminster Abbey. The period following the for which he was given leeches and was bled, and the Metropolitan Police Force, with a 10-mile
coronation was a glorious time for George. Caroline he grew obese. He died on 26 June 1830, with his radius covered by six divisions. Over time, it
died shortly after this very public humiliation and reputation as bad as it had ever been. As the years expanded to become the force it is today.
George suddenly found himself with the people’s passed, George’s legacy would prove to be one of
support behind him. indulgence, bad judgement and unpleasantness. Georgie Porgie,
Pudding and Pie
Despite a brief flirtation with popularity, the
general public did not look upon George IV
kindly. He was often the subject of grotesque
caricatures, his obituary in The Times chalked
l The Prince Regent
After George III
Defining moment him as friendless. It’s even thought that the
Georgie Porgie nursery rhyme is about him.
relapsed towards
the end of 1910,
King at last
Parliament passed 1820 - 1821
a Regency Act After decades of living in his father’s shadow and with
and Prince George his disapproval, the time had come for George IV to rule.
finally found himself George III died in 1820, after Prince George had been
in a position of regent for nearly 10 years. After roughly a decade of very
power. However, he public ridicule and being ignored (at best) in Parliament,
found himself with
George IV suddenly enjoyed a moment of popularity after a
precious few friends
in Parliament after stunning coronation. He also had the last laugh in his toxic
keeping the Tories relationship with Queen Caroline, who was barred from
in power. entering Westminster Cathedral despite her best efforts to
5 February 1811 claim her rights as his wife.

l Death of Princess l The Queen on trial l A Royal Scottish visit l Catholic Relief Act The King is Dead l
Charlotte Following the death of King Following George’s Throughout his time as The fact that George IV
George IV’s relationship with George III, the Prince began coronation, the King was regent and King, George had was in ill health was no
his strong-willed daughter legal proceedings to keep his enjoying a popularity he’d fought against any form of secret, as visitors remarked
Charlotte had always been hated wife from becoming never known before, as relief or emancipation for on his obesity, terrible
strained. When she died in Queen, accusing her of adultery exemplified by his visit to Catholics, alienating him gout and gruesome eating,
childbirth two years after and high treason. While there Scotland in 1822, where he from the Whigs, but he was drinking and laudanum
marrying the Prince of Saxe- was certainly evidence for the enjoyed a surprisingly warm finally pressured into passing habits. When he finally
Coburg-Saalfeld, he found former, the bill was withdrawn reception, a rare thing indeed the Catholic Relief Act in expired his reputation was
himself blamed by the public. before reaching the Commons. for a Hanoverian monarch. 1829 to his great frustration. at its lowest point.
6 November 1817 17 August 1820 August 1822 13 April 1829 26 June 1830

British Royals

foreigners and he
opposed the anti-
slavery movement, but
he wanted to repair
England, 1765-1837

No one expected
William to come to
Brief the throne, but he
Bio did in 1830 following
two key deaths.
Straight away, the former naval
officer who had fathered ten
illegitimate children with his
actress mistress had a battle on
his hands thanks to determined
attempts by the Whigs to
reform Parliament.


William IV
King William IV was a rebellious fighter who
became the oldest person to accede to the throne

orn at Buckingham Palace as the third son of he was the subject of a kidnap plot that, despite
George III and Queen Charlotte, William took being approved by George Washington, had been
to the throne on 26 June 1830 at the age of discovered and foiled.
64. He was the younger brother of George IV When William returned to Britain in 1788, he was
whose only legitimate child, Princess eager to become a duke, but his father refused the
Charlotte of Wales, had died in 1817 as well as request, fearing it would lead to political opposition.
Prince Frederick, Duke of York and Albany, who’d This led to resentment and William hit back,
died in 1827. Almost immediately, William found threatening to run for Parliament by contesting the
himself embroiled in a tricky political situation. constituency of Totnes in Devon. William threatened
William had had a strict upbringing thanks to allegiance with the Whigs (his father was allied with
the disciplined nature of his father and, because he the Tories) and this act of rebellion forced George III
wasn’t expected to become king, he had entered the to back down. In 1789, William IV was created Duke
Royal Navy in 1779 at the age of 13, serving against of Clarence and a year later he left active service in
the Spanish in the Battle of St Vincent a year later. He the Royal Navy as a rear admiral.
also served in New York during the American War of During the 1790s, William settled in the royal
Independence which lasted until 1783, during which residence Bushy House with his pretty and

William IV

“He set up home with Dorothy Jordan, a

famous Anglo-Irish actress with whom he
had ten illegitimate children”
intelligent mistress Dorothy Jordan (real name ceremony. He was sympathetic to the Whigs,
Phillips), a famous Anglo-Irish actress and courtesan especially their determination to bring in reform of
with whom he had ten illegitimate children, each of the traditional electoral system. But every attempt
whom took the surname FitzClarence. was defeated in the House of Lords. A political crisis
The relationship came to an end in 1811 with ensued, leading to an outbreak of riots and William
William giving her a yearly stipend and granting her knew he had to act. The Age of Reform was all encompassing
custody of their daughters while he looked after his Key to the 1832 Reform Act was the abolition of during William IV’s entire reign and it led
him to dissolving parliament at one point
sons. Dorothy Jordan’s life took a turn for the worse electoral system abuse. There were ‘rotten boroughs’,
following the separation when she was forced to constituencies that had small electorates and yet
return to the stage to help pay debts incurred by a could return an MP or two. At the same time, large Life in the time
son-in-law. William cancelled the stipend and took
custody of his daughters. Dorothy died in
industrial cities such as Manchester and Birmingham
had no Parliamentary seats at all. Earl Grey of William IV
poverty in France in 1816. threatened to resign unless William
A year later, the death of Princess
A much- created more Whig peers in the There was political unrest
Charlotte of Wales led to a string Lords. The king agreed but, before During the 1830s, the UK had four prime
of marriages for members of the loved ‘man of it went ahead, the Lords became minsters, starting with Tory Arthur Wellesley,
royal family, who were eager to the people’, William frightened and agreed to pass the first Duke of Wellington, Whigs Charles
Grey, second Earl Grey and Lord Melbourne,
produce heirs to safeguard the would walk around the Reform Act.
and Tory Sir Robert Peel. Calls for reform
succession. William married the The king wasn’t entirely
Protestant Princess Adelaide of
London and Brighton happy with this and he felt that
caused much of the flipping back and forth
and there were general elections held in 1830,
Saxe-Meiningen on 11 July 1818 unaccompanied he had been pressurised to take 1831, 1832, 1835 and 1837.
after meeting just a week earlier. action. He was also upset that
They wed in a double ceremony his early popularity was dwindling Children worked in
in Kew Palace with William’s brother and at the raft of changes being made. cotton mills
Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, and bride He had opposed William Wilberforce’s Young children were employed in cotton
Victoria, dowager Princess of Leiningen. Their attempts to abolish the slave trade, but the mills as the industrial revolution got into
its stride. In 1833, a professional Factory
first daughter, Charlotte, lived for just a few hours Slavery Abolition Act was passed in 1833.
Inspectorate was established, with children
and Adelaide suffered a miscarriage during her So when Grey resigned in 1834 and Lord under nine banned from being employed
second pregnancy. Her second daughter, Elizabeth, Melbourne took over, he seized an opportunity. The in textile manufacture (except in silk mills)
died four months after birth and the couple had leader of the House of Commons and chancellor and forbidding work after 8.30pm and
stillborn twin boys in 1822. of the exchequer John Charles Spencer, Viscount before 5.30am.
When William took to the throne in 1830, the Duke Althorp, inherited a peerage, forcing Melbourne
of Wellington’s Tory government had lost ground in to find a replacement. Melbourne suggested Lord Trade unions were
the general election to the Whigs, informally led by John Russell, whom William found to be radical and growing in strength
Earl Grey. The Tories had 250 seats to the Whig’s 196, therefore unacceptable. In a controversial but not Workers rights in general were a hot topic,
with protests rife among employees. The
which meant they did not have a stable majority. A unconstitutional move never since repeated by a
Merthyr Rising of 1831 was the bloody
series of defeats forced Wellington and his cabinet monarch, the king dismissed the entire government culmination of unrest among coal miners in
to resign and go into opposition, with Sir Robert Peel and handed power to Peel, even though it meant South Wales who were angry at their wages
becoming the Tory leader of the opposition in the hampering the new prime minister with an having been lowered and of a lack of work.
House of Commons. Earl Grey became the Whigs’ unworkable Tory minority. This prompted, in 1835, The British government called in the army.
formal leader, with the 1831 general election seeing yet another general election; retaining a majority,
his party win 370 seats to the Tories’ 235. Melbourne became prime minister again. Marriage outside of church
William was crowned king on 8 September 1831 in William IV died on 20 June 1837, aged 71, of heart Before the Marriage Act 1836, marriage had
Westminster Abbey in a rather low-key, inexpensive failure and he was succeeded by his niece, Victoria. to be performed in an official ceremony in a
religious setting that was recognised by the
state. But now civil marriage in nonconformist
churches was allowed. A Registrar General
of Births, Marriages and Deaths was also
Sir Robert Peel established at this time.
Born at Chamber Hall, Bury in 1788, Robert Peel served
as prime minister for a very short period of time under
William IV’s reign – just 100 days, from 10 December 1834 to 8 Seeds of universal
April 1835. Prior to the king’s coronation, Peel had been home suffrage sown
secretary, creating the modern police force – whose officers Prior to 1832, only men aged 21 and over
became known as ‘bobbies’. He would frequently oppose and who owned a property of a certain value in a
then support policies such as the Reform Act of 1832, but his particular location could vote. But demand for
Tamworth Manifesto of 1834 was crucial: it laid down the main all adults to be given a voice gathered pace.
points from which the Tories would become the Conservative The Reform Act made the system fairer but
party. Modest reform was central to this. Chartism grew in popularity, demanding that
every man be able to vote in secret ballots.

British Royals


Celebrated today as one of Britain’s most beloved
monarchs, Victoria overcame schemes, scandal
and her own emotions to secure her place as the
nation’s queen

ever before had the coronation of a new a gold circlet upon her head. She was shadowed
British monarch drew such incredible by eight ladies who bore her train, and 50 more
crowds. Aided by the new railways followed behind. The woman herself was small,
ploughing through the country, incredibly short and just 19 years old. She
400,000 people travelled held her head high and stepped lightly,
to London to see their new ruler everyone else towered over her, but
crowned. The streets were bursting with her quiet, royal demeanour,
with loyal subjects – men, women The ceremony Victoria stood tallest of all.
and children eager to catch a represented The excitement surrounding
glimpse of the young queen. something entirely the coronation was unusual:
The Gold State Coach – which there was something special,
had been used for coronations
different, a much something electric in the air.
since George IV – was a sight longed-for and finally For the people who had suffered
to behold, gleaming in the obtained freedom under the extravagance of her
summer sun and drawn by eight loathed uncles, this fair, bright-faced
magnificent cream horses. girl presented an opportunity – a
As it passed through the people, chance for change and the dawn of a
joyous shouts rang out and elegantly dressed new age. For Victoria, the ceremony represented
ladies waved their handkerchiefs. All along the something entirely different, a much longed-for and
pavement were lines of foot and horse soldiers, finally obtained freedom. When Victoria was born,
while military bands played triumphant, celebratory the monarchy was in the midst of a mild ascension
music. Every seat was filled, every decorated crisis. George III had plenty of children, 15 to be
balcony heavy with people, and every eye was fixed exact, but the untimely death of his heir, George IV’s
upon the woman sat within the glittering carriage. only child, the beloved Princess Charlotte, had left
The peers and peeresses in their robes of estate the future of the monarchy in some disarray. There
were already seated in the Abbey when the teenage were three older sons in line before Victoria’s father,
queen arrived. She was dressed in a robe of crimson Edward, duke of Kent, but all bar one were aging
velvet trimmed with ermine and gold lace, bearing rapidly and had no legitimate surviving heirs. Upon

Queen Victoria

British, 1819-1901

Victoria was monarch

of the United
Brief Kingdom from 20
Bio June 1837 until her
death on 22 January
1901, the longest reign of any
British monarch until Queen
Elizabeth II overtook in 2015.
The era is associated with the
Industrial Revolution, economic
progress and most notably, the
expansion of the British Empire.

British Royals

her birth, Victoria became fifth in line for the throne,

and the first in line of the next generation.
The prince regent loathed his brother Edward so
much that he found the thought of a child of his
inheriting the throne utterly detestable. Although
he agreed on the surface, standing in as godfather
at her christening, he used his power to forbid any
pomp or ceremony and also made a blacklist of
‘unacceptable’ names for the newborn – all of which
happened to be used by the royal family. When
the archbishop enquired what name she could be
given, the regent reportedly retorted, “Alexandrina.”
This instance at the young child’s christening, and
her very name itself, began a tradition that Victoria
would have to endure for many years: being pushed
and led by men who wished to control her life. The
prince wanted this child to garner no attention, he
wanted her quietly and invisibly tucked away in a
manor house until she could marry a foreign prince,
and for a while, he would have his way.
Victoria’s father adored her, and to the chagrin
of his brother was quick to show her off at any
occasion. Unfortunately, Edward died just eight
months after her birth, leaving her with her mother
and excessive debt. With Victoria only third in line
to the throne, the displaced mother and daughter
were offered just a suite of rooms in the dilapidated
Kensington Palace to live in. The duchess had a
choice – return to her native Coburg with assured
income from her first marriage, or take a chance
Victoria and Albert would go
on Victoria’s possible ascension. However uncertain on to have nine children
it may have been, she chose the latter. From the
beginning, the duchess believed her child was fated
for greatness. She was still young, beautiful and full Victoria’s father was likely wary of him, as he Though she was a bright, affable girl, Victoria’s
of life, but she put all that aside and settled for a life refused, despite much begging, to name Conroy his childhood was constrained and melancholy.
of quiet retirement and devotion to her daughter. daughter’s legal guardian upon his death. Although Secretly Conroy would bully the young girl,
The duchess was encouraged in no small part he was unsuccessful in obtaining guardianship of insulting and mocking her at any opportunity, and
by her constant companion – John Conroy. He the young royal, his power over her mother meant his power over her mother prevented her from
had served as Victoria’s father’s equerry, and after that he was able to exert his will upon Victoria. socialising with other children. The duchess likely
Edward’s death became a close confidant and Together they created an immensely strict set of didn’t mean any ill will towards her daughter, but at
adviser to her mother. Conroy was a soldier who had rules known as the Kensington System that Victoria a very young age she had lost the man she adored.
attracted disdain through his skill to expertly dodge was expected to obey every day. Conroy was aware As a lonely and fragile soul, she quickly fell for the
any actual battles. Although Conroy had been set of the duchess’s unpopular reputation, and worked whims of an ambitious man who wanted to use her
up with a marriage designed to raise his position hard to paint her as a doting, caring mother while for his own ends, and it seems she was reluctant to
in society, he judged this inadequate and viewed whispering warnings in her ear about members of believe the truth. Either way, the situation meant
Edward and his family as his ticket to power. the royal family, fuelling her paranoia. that every aspect of Victoria’s life was controlled

Raising a future queen

Victoria was never meant to be befitting any upper-class girl, and of the sight of an adult, and her
queen. Her father, Prince Edward, she was educated in languages, entire days were planned down
duke of Kent, was the fourth son writing, music, history, drawing, to the minute. These rules were
with a jaded past, and with so many arithmetic, geography and religion. specially designed to keep the girl
brothers it was assumed he and his Despite being described as energetic weak and dependant on her mother
children would never see the throne. and warm-hearted, Victoria had few and Conroy.
Victoria’s mother, the duchess of friends of her own age and poured However, this failed spectacularly.
Kent, was a princess of a German many of her thoughts into her now- Victoria possessed a stronger will
Principality, and no doubt wished famous journals. than they could have imagined,
to bear her husband a son, rather Victoria’s loneliness only and she grew to resent the system,
than the solitary daughter they had. worsened when it became apparent rules and even her own mother. She
With her father’s death less than she would inherit the throne. Her saved most of her hate for Conroy,
a year after her birth, her mother mother’s control over her increased though, later referring to him as a
became the most dominant figure massively, contributed to greatly by “monster” and “demon incarnate”.
throughout her childhood. John Conroy. They created a strict When she became queen, Victoria
The Duchess was keen to give her set of rules known as the Kensington was quick to expel him from her
Victoria was devoted to her pets,
daughter a respectable upbringing System. She was never allowed out household, and her life, for good.
especially her spaniel, Dash

Queen Victoria

Republican stirrings
When Victoria ascended the throne, knowledge, but he was seen as worst.” By comparison, William IV,
it wasn’t just her inexperience that wasting the tax payers’ money on Victoria’s predecessor, was initially
served as a barrier to success, but his own frivolities. George lived a life more popular. His coronation was
also her own people. Opinion of of heavy drinking and indulgence at a simple affair – a far cry from his
the monarchy was at an all-time a time when his countrymen were brother’s extravagance. However,
low thanks to her predecessors and fighting the Napoleonic Wars. his reign became dominated by
unpopular uncles. Far from a national hero, he the Reform crisis, which ultimtaely
This dislike of the royals had became a figure of contempt and diminished his standing.
been a gradual decline going back loathing, with constant public When Victoria was crowned it
to George III, who became the mockery of his obese appearance. was to a public who regarded the
scapegoat for the loss of America. One of the king’s aides privately monarchy as one of “general moral
His recurring and debilitating mental penned, “A more contemptible, squalor.” It is no stretch to say that
illnesses did little to restore faith in cowardly, selfish, unfeeling dog does she faced increasing Republican
the crown, while his son, George IV, not exist… There have been good and opinions, and her battle to regain
made matters worse. Not only were wise kings but not many of them… the trust of her subjects would be a
his extra-marital affairs common and this I believe to be one of the long one.

The Duke of Wellington, who was at the first privy council,

wrote, “She not merely filled her chair, she filled the room”

and, though in line to the throne, all power was would be his final birthday banquet in 1836,
taken from her. William IV proclaimed to all – Victoria and her
The young Victoria had accepted her fate, but mother included – that he would live at least nine
as she matured, her will began to harden. She was months longer in order to see his beloved niece
lively, effervescent, and growing acutely aware of on the throne, preventing her mother acting as
her position in society and the duty that may one regent and describing her as “surrounded by evil
day fall upon her. When Victoria was 13, Conroy had advisers”. Victoria was so shocked she burst into
arranged for her to take a tour of the midlands tears. Nine months later, as promised, he was dead.
in order to show her off to the public. Victoria had turned 18 just weeks before.
King William IV, Victoria’s uncle, Unfortunately for Conroy, the old man’s
disliked the trips, stating that they Her first sheer will had won out.
portrayed the young girl as his On the very morning of
rival rather than his heir, and request as William’s death, Victoria, wearing
Victoria shared his opinion. monarch was for only a dressing gown, was
She complained that the something that she informed she was queen. Her
constant appearances were first request as monarch was for
had never before something that she had never
exhausting and she quickly fell
ill. Conroy dismissed this illness, experienced – an before experienced – an hour
but when Victoria contracted a hour alone alone. At 9am that morning, she
fever, he was quick to try and take received Lord Melbourne, the prime
advantage of her weakened state by minster, “quite alone” in her room, where
pressing his candidacy as her personal he kissed her hand repeatedly and spoke
secretary. However, Victoria, after years of control with her at length. Later that day at 9pm, she saw
by a cruel man, told him no. From this day on the him again, writing, “I had a very important and a
princess grew more stubborn, though she did not very comfortable conversation with him.” Conroy
portray it outwardly, and remained the vision of a had spent 18 years trying to control Victoria with
perfect Georgian lady. In private, she poured her manipulation; Melbourne, however, had won her
frustrations into journals and waited for the day she heart with kind words and charm in under an hour.
could finally take control of her own life. Conroy had placed his bets on a malleable figure,
Victoria was named Alexandrina after one of
her godfathers, Emperor Alexander I of Russia
Although the duchess had fallen for them, but in Victoria he had looked in the wrong place.
Conroy’s schemes didn’t fool everyone. At what Upon moving to Buckingham Palace, Victoria did

British Royals

Victoria’s inner circle

The men and women who played a prominent part in the
monarch’s earliest days

Arthur Wellesley, Augustus, Leopold I Ernest Augustus,

1st Duke of Wellington Duke of Sussex of Belgium King of Hanover
This famous military figure shared a very The sixth son of George III, Augustus was Victoria was fond of Leopold, her maternal The fifth son of George III, Ernest was made
close relationship with Victoria during her Victoria’s favourite uncle, and was chosen to uncle and king of the Belgians, and would king of Hanover upon the death of his older
early years. He was not only fiercely loyal to give her away at her wedding in place of her often seek his advice during her early years brother, as Victoria was barred succession
his queen, but he also took on a fatherly role father. Because of this close relationship, she as queen. Leopold, who had been married to there on account of being a woman. Although
in advising her where he could. Victoria later appreciated his advice, and when he caused Princess Charlotte, wrote letters to Victoria they maintained an amicable outward
wrote of him, “He was the greatest man this controversy by marrying a non-royal, Victoria and it was he who arranged the marriage appearance, in reality their relationship was
country ever produced.” made his wife duchess of Inverness. between her and Albert, his nephew. a rocky one.

Albert, William Lamb, 2nd

Prince Consort Viscount Melbourne
Victoria’s beloved Albert became not An aristocratic Whig, Melbourne
only her husband but also her most became prime minister in 1834, then
trusted adviser. Although ultimately again in 1835-39 and for a third and final
he held no power, Victoria left him time in 1839-41. He developed a close
responsible for running her household relationship with the young Victoria,
and sought his counsel frequently. He serving as her adviser in matters of
also took on many public roles and was politics. This relationship would spark
hailed for his work in education reform controversy for the queen and earn her
and the abolition of slavery. the nickname ‘Mrs Melbourne’.

Victoria of Baroness Sir Robert John

Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld Lehzen Peel Conroy
Victoria’s mother was the prominent figure Lehzen took over care of Victoria when she When Robert Peel, the Tory leader, came Conroy served as one of Victoria’s first
in her early years. However, when Victoria was five years old and became devoted to into power, Victoria was horrified due to advisers, and he was very close to her
became queen, she sent her mother to her. Victoria, in turn, grew very close to her her devotion to Melbourne. Upon Albert’s mother, sparking rumours of more than
separate accommodations far from her own. baroness; they shared a mutual distaste for careful coaching, Victoria became fond of friendship between the two. His efforts
It wasn’t until the birth of Victoria’s first child her mother and Conroy. Lehzen enjoyed a Peel, and upon his death, proclaimed him to install Victoria’s mother as regent were
that the duchess was welcomed back into the prominent position in court when Victoria “Worthy Peel, a man of unbounded loyalty, thwarted, and Victoria was quick to expel her
inner circle, where she remained. was crowned, serving as chief liaison. courage, patriotism and highmindedness.” from her household upon becoming queen.

Queen Victoria

Fashion queen
Ruling the world’s largest
empire with style

Lord Hatherton wrote of this
Queen Victoria’s wedding cake
reportedly weighed 300 pounds gown, “…dressed in a plain black
silk gown with a white muslin
collar and a thin black scarf. I
never saw her look so well.”

Victoria presented a striking regal
picture during her coronation,
draped in a royal crimson robe
with ermine fur and bordered
with gold lace.

Victoria would often wear this
riding habit when reviewing
troops. Elizabeth II continued
this tradition by wearing a similar
style for the same purpose.
everything in her power to keep Conroy and her her first privy council, hours after being told she
mother far away from her, denying the ambitious was now queen, she was an 18-year-old surrounded
servant of the power and place in her court he by the most influential and experienced men in
so desired. When her mother objected, Victoria British politics. Even if she did later proclaim herself 1840
responded, “I thought you would not expect me to “not at all nervous”, she must have felt comfort in WEDDING TO ALBERT
For her wedding, Victoria chose a
invite Sir John Conroy after his conduct towards the assurance that, from now on, she could steady white dress, very unusual for the
me for some years past.” It’s easy to see why Conroy herself on Melbourne’s arm. time as most brides wore vibrant
may have thought her a soft touch – she was a tiny, The two quickly grew inseparable. Melbourne, colours, setting a trend for
countless brides to follow.
plain girl, somewhat shy and wholly inexperienced 40 years her senior, was a childless widow, and
– but beneath her mild exterior she harboured a will it is likely he saw Victoria as a kind of surrogate
of fire, and for the first time Victoria made it clear daughter. As the diarist Charles Greville wrote,
that she was not to be pushed any longer. Conroy he was “…passionately fond of her.” What this 1851
was expelled from the queen’s household. relationship meant to Victoria, however, is up for OPENING OF THE CRYSTAL PALACE
Victoria was the first monarch to live in debate. It is of no doubt she lacked a father figure Victoria often wore flounced
skirts that widened the bottom
Buckingham Palace and, far from the splendour in her life, and she herself proclaimed to have
silhouette and made the top
we associate with the building today, it was in a loved him “like a father,” but it’s possible the young appear narrower; this shape
terrible state of disrepair. The lavatories were not woman’s feelings were complex. She was new to became a distinctive trend.
well ventilated and hundreds of the windows the realm of romance and, as demonstrated in her
were impossible to open. Just a teenager, Victoria later life, easily wooed by charismatic men. Greville
was alone in a new place without the two people, too suggested that the young queen’s feelings may
however much she despised them, who had been have been romantic, “…though she did not know it.”
the strongest influences on her life thus far, and Victoria was, after all, incredibly professional and
Victoria loved to make a bold
to top it off, faced the most monumental role any dictated by her duties. Even if she did feel some impression when meeting
individual could play. It is likely that this fear attraction to her witty, adoring minister, it is unlikely foreign dignitaries; she wore this
encouraged Victoria to attach herself so fiercely to she would have acted upon it. elaborate dress while meeting
Napoleon III.
her most beloved companion, Melbourne. A year after she ascended the throne, Victoria was
She wasn’t used to kindness, especially not from officially crowned at Westminster Abbey, attracting
men, and Melbourne was not only considerate unprecedented crowds. For the people watching,
but he flattered her – he assured her that all her there was much at stake – the monarchy had fallen
insecurities – her size, inexperience and shyness out of favour thanks to the excessive extravagance After Alfred’s death, Victoria
– were advantages. He treated the young woman and general unpopularity of her uncles, and in a abandoned her eclectic love for
with a tenderness she had seldom felt, spending way, a youthful woman with silent professionalism fashion and instead donned the
iconic black mourning dress for
hours every night writing to her, and for this she was a breath of fresh air. At one point in the her remaining 40 years.
admired and loved him greatly. When Victoria held ceremony, the 82-year-old Lord Rolle fell down the

British Royals

defining days
Victoria informed she
is queen 1837
At 9 came Lord Melbourne, whom I saw
in my room, and of course quite alone,
as I shall always do all my Ministers. He
kissed my hand, and I then acquainted
him that it had long been my intention
to retain him… at the head of affairs,
and that it could not be in better hands
than his. He again then kissed my hand.
He then read to me the Declaration
which I was to read to the Council,
which he wrote himself, and which is
a very fine one. I then talked with him
some little time longer, after which
he left me… I like him very much and
feel confidence in him. He is a very
straightforward, honest, clever and
good man… At about 11 Lord Melbourne
came again to me, and spoke to me
upon various subjects.

Coronation day 1838

It was a fine day, & the crowds of
people exceeded what I have ever
seen… There were millions of my loyal
subjects, assembled in every spot, to
witness the Procession. Their good
humour & excessive loyalty was beyond
everything. I really cannot say how
proud I felt to be the Queen of such a
nation… There followed all the various
ceremonies, ending by the Crown being
placed on my head, which I must own
was the most beautiful, impressive
moment. All the Peers & Peeresses put
on their coronets, at the same instant.
My excellent Lord Melbourne, who
stood very close to me throughout the
whole ceremony was quite overcome at
this moment, & gave me such a kind, &
I may say, fatherly look.

Wedding night 1840

He took me on his knee, and kissed
me and was so dear and kind…
I never, never spent such an evening!!
My dearest dearest dear Albert sat
on a footstool by my side, and his
excessive love and affection gave
me feelings of heavenly love and
happiness, I never could have hoped to
have felt before! He clasped me in his
arms, and we kissed each other again
and again! His beauty, his sweetness Victoria’s coronation didn’t go entirely to plan – a ring was
and gentleness, really how can I ever placed on the incorrect finger and took hours to remove
be thankful enough to have such a
Husband!… we both went to bed; (of
course in one bed), to lie by his side,
and in his arms, and on his dear bosom, “Many of her journal entries paint the
and be called by names of tenderness, I
have never yet heard used to me before courtship akin to a fairy tale, with the
– was bliss beyond belief! Oh! this was
the happiest day of my life! dashing prince sweeping her off her feet”
Queen Victoria

steps and Victoria immediately advanced towards kingdom, but also herself. What Victoria needed was
him to prevent him hurting himself further. This a husband.
simple act of kindness caused a sensation in the The match between Victoria and Albert had been
public who had never witnessed such naiveté and crafted years ago, she had already met him aged 17,
good-naturedness in their monarch before. Victoria and had been immediately drawn to him. However,
wasn’t excessive, she was a tiny, dignified lady with she was somewhat resistant towards rushing into
a strong presence and the public instantly adored marriage after only just obtaining her independence.
her. Melbourne adored her too; he stood by her side In late 1839, Albert visited her again and she fell
for the entire ceremony. for him completely. Not only was he dashing and
Public opinion of Victoria was at a high, but
opinion, as many of her predecessors realised,
charming, but he was educated – an essential trait
for her future husband – and perhaps even more Long live
could change as quickly as the wind. Victoria was
absolutely ruled by emotion and she was fiercely
importantly for the hot-tempered queen, he was
patient. Within five days, Victoria, ever led by her the queen
loyal to Melbourne, and these traits would see heart, had proposed to him. Victoria faced many
public opinion plummet. In 1839, one of Victoria’s Many of her journal entries paint the courtship
mother’s ladies in waiting, Lady Flora, experienced akin to a fairy tale, with the dashing prince sweeping potential assassins
swelling in her lower abdomen and soon enough her off her feet, which although is likely, it was also during her reign
the rumour spread that she was pregnant, a rumour a fiery and passionate relationship. Victoria was
that Melbourne did nothing to quell. Victoria, not renowned for having a short fuse, and Albert often
Despite being one of the most beloved monarchs in
overly fond with Flora to begin with, immediately found himself on the receiving end of it. Unlike
British History, Victoria ruled at a time of great social
suspected the much-loathed Conroy as the father. Melbourne, who often took the easy route in saying change and upheaval. Not everyone was satisfied with
When Flora finally agreed to an examination, it was what the queen wanted to hear, Albert was very her reign, and as such a powerful symbol of empire,
ultimately revealed that she in fact had cancer of honest, and he pushed the issues that meant the she found herself at the end of a barrel many times.

the liver. The entire affair was overblown most to him, most notably regarding the
by the public and the image of the poor, no matter how uncomfortable it Edward Oxford 1840
Victoria and Albert were travelling in a carriage along
naive and gentle Victoria had been may have made Victoria feel. In this
Constitution Hill when a young man fired twice upon
tarnished. At Flora’s funeral, the There were few way, Albert and Melbourne were the carriage before being seized. Oxford was deemed
queen’s carriage was stoned, pretensions of both Victoria’s advisers and tutors, insane and confined “at her majesty’s pleasure.”
she was hissed at in public and but Albert was something that
Victoria’s beauty:
when she later appeared at
she was often
the prime minister simply was John Francis 1842
Ascot, there were even cries of not: Victoria’s moral guidance. In a very similar attempt to the first, a man attempted
“Mrs Melbourne!” described as “short, As Victoria grew closer to to fire at the royal couple in their carriage. He was
apprehended by a police officer, and as he tried to
Melbourne, though a valuable fat and plain” Albert, she in turn became much seize the pistol, it went off. Francis was sentenced to
tutor to Victoria, seemed more less reliant on Melbourne. In her death, but Victoria changed this to transportation.
eager to flatter than give her a hard youth he had been her shoulder
truth. Their close relationship suffered to lean on, but the queen was quickly John William Bean 1842
a blow in May 1839 when Melbourne was learning there were others that she could turn Bean, a humpbacked boy, pushed his way to the front
forced to resign after a bill was narrowly passed in to. We know Victoria’s story, she recorded it in pages of a crowd and brandished a pistol at the royal couple.
He said he did not intend to shoot her, but wished to
the House of Commons. Victoria was distraught, and and pages of her journals, but Melbourne’s emotions be transported. He was imprisoned for 18 months.
it was with great reluctance that she asked for the were lost to history. We can only imagine how he
Tory leader, Robert Peel, to form a government. Peel must have felt as his companion and co-conspirator
agreed to do so on the condition that she dismiss drifted away from him. Whether it was with sadness
William Hamilton 1849
Again the royal carriage was fired on as it travelled
many of her Whig-leaning ladies in waiting, and or pride, Melbourne stood and watched as Victoria down Constitution Hill, but this time the queen was
replace them with Tories. Victoria, already despairing married another. alone. The shooter was a poor Irishman, and although
the police did not view the attempt to be serious, he
over losing her dear adviser Melbourne, refused Victoria’s wedding was the first of a British queen was sentenced to seven years’ transportation.
to give up her remaining close companions. This for 300 years, and she broke tradition by wearing
meant that Peel in turn refused to become prime a heavy satin dress entirely in white. At her chest
minister and Melbourne, through much persuasion, she wore a sapphire brooch given to her by her
Robert Pate 1850
Victoria, while with three of her children, was struck
remained in the coveted position. Just two years on fiancé. Like an echo of the day she was crowned, on the head with a cane. The mob that seized the
the throne, emotional and fearing loneliness at court, the crowds were so large they engulfed London. attacker was so furious the police had trouble
apprehending the man. Although of unsound mind,
Victoria let her passions guide her and it proved Once more the people were jubilant, and they
Pate was sentenced to seven years’ transportation.
to be a grave political blunder, doing little to help cried her name not in hatred but in admiration.
her public image as Melbourne’s pawn. The sweet, Albert had already begun to do great things for
caring girl was, in the public’s eye, transforming in to Victoria’s popularity, and through sheer will and
Arthur O’Connor 1872
In the gardens of Buckingham Palace, a young boy
a very stubborn, cruel matriarch. determination he would overcome the odds and pointed a pistol at Victoria’s head. He told her to sign
Something that Victoria needed was security. It obtain the public’s love himself. a Fenian document, but the queen merely bowed her
head. He was sentenced to one year’s imprisonment
wasn’t that she was a weak person, far from it, but For Victoria, her wedding day was “the happiest
and 20 strokes with a birch rod.
she had endured so many years of solitude that to day of my life!” Indeed, with Albert at her side,
have a friendly person to guide her was akin to a it finally felt as though all the years of political
knight in shining armour. Melbourne had fit the bill mistakes and scandal were finally far behind her. For Roderick McLean 1882
This final attempt occurred when the queen was
at first, but he was aging, and as the Bedchamber now Victoria could look very fondly to the future, entering her carriage at Windsor. A man fired upon her
Crisis proved, he could be out of her life with just a but little did the happy queen know, that the biggest but Victoria was quick to inform her son, “I am nothing
single vote. Victoria needed a relationship that was test of her life was yet to come, and it was one she the worse.” The Irish shooter was acquitted on the
grounds of insanity.
much more concrete, else risk losing not only her would have to face completely and utterly alone.

British Royals

social life was
very much public
knowledge; he was
renowned for his
drinking, and

England, 1841-1910

Known for his

womanising and his
Brief excesses, Edward
Bio lived with the
disapproval of his
mother Queen Victoria until her
death, but as king he became
more popular than she ever
had. He used his easy-going
nature and friendliness to forge
new relationships with Britain’s
European neighbours.


Edward VII
The prince who disappointed Queen Victoria
became one of Britain’s most popular monarchs

very monarch lives in the shadow of their the guidelines that his parents had set out for him.
predecessor, but few kings have taken the He was desperate to play a role in the army, but
crown from so fearsome a ruler as Queen that was declared absolutely forbidden. He would
Victoria. Edward VII, born Albert Edward in later be given a rank that was purely honorary,
1841, sat on the throne for the first time at much to his chagrin.
the age of 59, having spent most of his life living During his teens, Edward improved academically
with the disapproval of his mother. However, but his talents were far more social, and he began
having enjoyed the benefits of his royal standing to create a reputation for himself as a society
throughout his life, he would go on to win the figure. When the time came for Edward to marry,
hearts of his people and make the monarchy more he fell for Princess Alexandra of Denmark, a
popular than it had been in a very long time. match that was created by his sister Victoria while
Born to Victoria and her beloved Prince Albert on mostly disapproved of by his parents. However,
9 November 1841, Edward was held to an incredibly while visiting Ireland in 1861 during the marriage
high standard from a very early age. Victoria and preparations, Edward had a fling with an actress
Albert were determined that the boy would work called Nellie Clifden. Word got out and, despite the
hard and be given the very best education, but it fact that he was extremely ill, Prince Albert visited
became apparent that he did not work best within his son to scold him in person. Albert died shortly

Edward VII

illegal gambling was a little more serious, as the

prince was subpoenaed as a witness. However, the
press were fairly easy on Edward and he made it
through with his popularity relatively unscathed.
In 1901, Queen Victoria died and Edward took
the throne at aged 59. His parents had intended
for him to be crowned Albert Edward, but the
new king decided instead that he would be King
Edward VII, declaring that the name of Albert
should stand alone in respect to his late father.
Nine European Sovereigns at Windsor
for the funeral of King Edward VII Once king, Edward threw himself into the
business of rule. He was known as the ‘Uncle of
afterwards, which Victoria blamed entirely on her Europe’, only in part due to the familial ties he
son and his terrible appetites. had created via his children’s marriages. His visit
Following Albert’s death, the queen was to France in 1903 proved such a success that he
devastated and excluded her son from any royal is credited with helping to pave the way for the
business. She began to withdraw from the public Entente Cordiale a year later, which smoothed over Edward’s flamboyance was very much part
eye and therefore it fell to Edward to become a history of arguments over territory abroad and, of his public image, but it was a style of
monarchy that died with him
the face of the monarchy. It was a role he took perhaps more importantly, positioned both powers
to like a duck to water, as his natural against Germany as both countries
charm and amiable nature made
him extremely popular on his
were already wary about that
nation’s expansion and growing
Life in the time
visits through Europe, helping
Edward’s military power. He also made a of Edward VII
to restore relations that had bronchitis in later groundbreaking visit to Russia in
become seriously frayed. As life was mainly due 1908, the first reigning British Jack the Ripper
well as enjoying his visits and monarch to do so. Finally able
to his colossal smoking In 1888 London was gripped by a series
the luxury in which he did so, to involve himself in military of brutal, grisly murders committed by a
Edward held some progressive habit of more than affairs, Edward also played a seemingly uncatchable lunatic calling himself
views for the time in which he 20 cigarettes and large part in reforming the army Jack. The victims were five prostitutes, whose
corpses were gruesomely mutilated, sending
lived. During a visit to India in 12 cigars a day and expanding the navy in the
the nation’s press into a frenzy. While the true
1875, he was strongly critical of wake of the Boer war. identity of the killer remains unknown, some
the way in which the British colonial As his reign progressed, the changes believe that King Edward’s eldest son Albert
officers treated the locals. Edward was in British society did not go unnoticed Victor was in some way linked to the murders.
known to be strongly opposed to any form of racial by the king. He made more and more of a point
or religious prejudice. to be seen in public by his subjects. “We are all Man takes to the skies
Princess Alexandra married him in 1863, but socialists now,” he is reported to have said, and he Wilbur and Orville Wright made history on
Edward’s lifestyle changed very little following grew increasingly frustrated at the obvious class 17 December 1903 when they made the first
manned aircraft flight. For 12 seconds, they
their wedding. His affairs were numerous and divide and struggle in the Houses of Parliament,
soared 20 feet above a North Carolina beach.
well documented, despite his attempts at secrecy. which culminated with a constitutional crisis in the 1909 would see the first cross-Channel flight
The list of his mistresses included, but was in last year of his reign when the Liberal budget was as Frenchman Louis Blériot made the trip from
no way limited to, Winston Churchill’s mother vetoed by the Conservative majority in the House Calais to Dover.
Lady Churchill, actresses Lillie Langtry and of Lords. The times were changing and when a
Sarah Bernhardt, and Alice Keppel – the great- Parliament reform bill was introduced in April 1910, Triple Entente
grandmother of Camilla, duchess of Cornwall. Edward reluctantly returned from Biarritz, but While the Entente Cordiale may have been
the first step towards an alliance against
Despite Victoria’s hatred of her son’s philandering, his health was poor. On 6 May 1910 he died at
Germany, Britain and France would make their
it is believed that Alexandra knew about her Buckingham Palace, and was given a splendid royal position clear in 1907 with the signing of the
husband’s extramarital love life and accepted it. funeral of the kind of pomp and elegance he would Triple Entente with Russia, bringing Britain’s
Indeed, she bore him six children. A scandal over have approved of. ‘splendid isolation’ to a definite end.

Votes for women!

Despite his progressive views on race and
The Entente Cordiale equality, King Edward VII did not show any
In 1904, both France and Great Britain were becoming support for the Women’s Suffrage movement.
increasingly wary of Germany’s rising power, due to its The cause gathered momentum and public
growing military strength and its alliances in Western Europe. awareness during the first decade of the 20th
Both countries saw an urgent need to put an end to their Century and became increasingly hard-fought
squabbling and create some kind of agreement for the sake after the king’s death until the outbreak of the
of security. Thanks in part to King Edward VII’s openness to First World War.
a French alliance and the hard work of foreign secretary Lord
Lansdowne and French ambassador Paul Cambon, Britain and The Order of Merit
France reached an agreement on the foreign territory issues The Order of Merit had been conceived in
that had dogged the process. While the agreement had no the early 19th Century, but it was Edward VII
mention of a military alliance, it could not escape Germany’s who finally established it in 1902 to reward
notice that these two powers were suddenly on good terms, “exceptionally meritorious services in Our
and tensions continued to escalate. Crown Services or towards the advancement
of the Arts, Learning, Literature, and Science.”

British Royals


George V
George V saw Britain through the horrors of the
First World War and he reigned over a period of
great social and political change

eorge V was born in 1865 as the second son princess of Wales, had a further two children –
of Albert, Prince of Wales (later Edward VII) George and John – before George V became king
and Alexandra of Denmark. His elder brother upon his father’s death in 1910. Unknown to him at
Albert, Duke of Clarence was second in line the time, he was about to lead the British Empire
to the throne and, as such, George wasn’t through a period of incredible change.
expected to become king. Instead, he was able to George’s first task was to tackle the constitutional
join the Royal Navy as a cadet at Dartmouth and crisis that had flared up in 1909. Conservative
kick-start a wonderful career in the armed forces, peers in the House of Lords had rejected the Liberal
one which he greatly enjoyed and excelled in. government’s budget, causing an uproar. It led to
But when his elder brother died of pneumonia the calling of a general election in January 1910 to
in 1892, George was promoted to heir presumptive get a mandate to pass the budget, but the result
and so forced to leave his career in preparation. He was a hung parliament with the Liberals winning
was given the title Duke of York and also became a 274 seats, just two more than the Conservatives.
member of the House of Lords. He began to better The Liberals entered into a coalition with John
understand the ins and outs of British politics as he Redmond’s Irish Parliamentary Party and, in April
prepared himself for the throne. 2010, the Lords passed the budget.
George was religious man, reading Anger simmered, though, and the
the Bible daily and attending George ruling government decided to
Sunday morning service. He was given conjure up laws that would strip
was also slim, well dressed the Lords of any power to reject
a rather limited
and handsome. He was soon financial legislation approved by
engaged to Princess Victoria education. As a result, MPs while restricting the peers’
Mary of Teck, who despite he could barely speak veto on ordinary legislation.
being born and raised in German or French, This formed the Parliament Bill,
England was the daughter of which was hated by the Lords.
Francis, Duke of Teck, a man
unusual for a But with George V agreeing to
of German extraction. She was British king create more Liberal peers, pressure
originally engaged to George’s older was put on the existing members
brother Albert, but she had become close of the upper house. In December 1910,
to George during their period of mourning and a second general election was called with the
romantic feelings had developed. With the approval Liberals winning 272 seats to the Conservatives’
of Queen Victoria, George’s grandmother – who was 271, but it was enough for the Lords to pass the
a big fan of Princess Mary – the pair married on Parliament Bill in 1911 without the mass creation
6 July 1893, at St James’s Palace. of peers materialising, proving to be an early,
The Duke and Duchess of York lived happily on stabilising victory for George V.
the Sandringham estate in Norfolk and had four Yet trouble was brewing as war loomed in
children – Edward, Albert, Mary and Henry – by Europe. Two days before Britain entered the war,
the time George’s father took to the throne in 1901. George V and his foreign secretary Sir Edward Grey
The couple, who at this stage were the prince and were understood to have met. The king informed

George V

England, 1865-1936

George V was forced

to abandon his naval
Brief career when he
Bio became second in
line to the throne,
eventually finding himself king
in 1910. Thrust into a tricky
political situation and with
war looming, George oversaw
periods of gloom, boom and
downturn and yet remained
ever popular throughout.

though he
was in the Royal
Navy, he suffered from
seasickness. At the
time his elder brother
Albert died, he
had typhoid

British Royals

The death of “A canny king, George changed the

Emily Davison Germanic name of his royal house to
George V loved sporting occasions and so
it was on 4 June 1913 that he attended the
annual Epsom Derby along with Queen
Mary. Unknown to him – as his own horse,
make it sound more English”
Anmer, galloped around the track – was Sir Edward that it was “absolutely essential” that pain and shock, his injuries would stay with him for
that Emily Wilding Davison, a leading Britain went to war with Germany to prevent the rest of his life.
militant in the Women’s Social and Political it from achieving “complete domination of this And yet if his visits were a public relations
Union, was also in attendance and about to
country.” He went on to urge Sir Edward to find a exercise, they hit the right spot. He appeared to
make a dramatic political gesture.
Davison was a key figure in the reason for war. be a canny king, changing the Germanic name
suffragette movement pushing for women Despite that, the king said nothing publicly in of his royal house – Saxe-Coburg and Gotha – to
to be given the vote in Britain. She had the run-up to the conflict in 1914, but in Windsor to make it sound more English,
been imprisoned on nine occasions and his diary on 4 August 1914 he wrote: and denying political asylum to his
force-fed 49 times, but she was about to
make her last protest. At 2.10pm, she ran
“I held a Council at 10.45 to declare During cousin Tsar Nicholas II despite
war with Germany. It is a terrible getting the go-ahead from the
on to the racecourse and was hit by the WWI, George V
king’s horse. As the animal fell and the
catastrophe but it is not our British government. The tsar
jockey was flung to the ground, Davison fault.” That day he had gone wore uniform had been deposed during the
lay unconscious. She never recovered on to the balcony with Queen and ensured that, in Russian revolution, but he and
and died of her injuries in hospital four Mary – informally known as solidarity, he lived a his Russian imperial family had
days later. The king, meanwhile, was said May because of the month in ruled with an iron fist. George
to have inquired about the health of his which she was born – to address
frugal lifestyle figured the British people would
jockey – who, it transpired, had suffered no
a large crowd gathered outside in Buckingham come to resent him if he agreed
broken bones.
Over the years, there has been a huge Buckingham Palace. “Please God Palace to the move and effectively cast his
debate over whether Davison intended it may soon be over,” he added in cousin adrift.
to kill herself or merely disrupt the race. his notes. The tsar’s fate was horrific, executed
There is a degree of uncertainty about It would not be. The war lasted for four years. with his family by the Bolksheviks. Similar fates
the exact events on that day, even though George did all he could to keep his citizens and awaited the monarchies of Germany and Austria-
British Pathé’s cinema cameras were there
soldiers motivated, visiting hospitals, factories and Hungary following the end of war in 1918. And yet,
to capture the moment. Most newspaper
reports afterwards focused on turning the dockyards and seeing soldiers on the front line. despite being victorious in the war, George was in
public against the suffragette movement, He would boost morale with his straight-talking no doubt that the world was changing fast and that
calling it a moment of madness. But manner and impress soldiers with his knowledge the British empire was creaking. Ireland had been
Emily’s death was not in vain. Women over of military positions. But on one of these visits – to demanding home rule and in 1916, the Easter Rising
the age of 30 were given the right to vote see the First Army at Labuissière – he was thrown in Dublin led to a civil war and the setting up of the
in 1918. The voting age was subsequently
from his horse and fractured his pelvis. Reeling in Irish Free State in 1922, leaving just six northern
lowered to 21 in 1928.

Defining moment Defining moment

Prince Albert Victor dies 1892 Prince of Wales 1901
Prince Albert Victor, the duke of Clarence and Avondale, dies George visits Australia where, on 9 May 1901, he
of pneumonia in 1892, thereby promoting Prince George to opens the new Commonwealth parliament in
second in line to the throne after his father. George’s elder Melbourne before heading off to Brisbane, Sydney
brother was a naval cadet like him but, as heir presumptive, and New Zealand. On the way to Australia, he
did not take part in military duties. Albert was also viewed stops at Aden, Ceylon and Singapore and, on
as being rather unintelligent, but kind and considerate. the way back, visits Mauritius, South Africa
Surprising then that, in 1970, British physician Dr Thomas and Canada. It is a mammoth tour – the most
EA Stowell wrote an article in The Criminologist linking the comprehensive one made by a future monarch
duke to the Jack the Ripper murders, claiming he was driven at that time. On his return to Britain at the age
mad by syphilis; the evidence is considered flimsy, however. of 36, George is made the prince of Wales and the
earl of Chester. He visits Berlin in 1902 and 1908
and, from October 1905, he spends seven months
visiting India.
l Joins the Navy l Commander of HMS l George gets l Queen Victoria dies l George becomes
Following a childhood Torpedo married Queen Victoria dies king
spent mainly at George excels in the On 3 May 1893, on 22 January 1901. When Edward VII
Sandringham where Navy. He has a terrible George becomes George’s father becomes dies on 6 May 1910,
he has been privately time at sea between 1880 engaged to Princess Edward VII, king of George becomes
educated, George is and 1882, during which Mary of Teck and they the United Kingdom, king at the age of
sent at age 12 with his several crew members are married on 6 July emperor of India and 44 and his wife is
brother, Albert, to the are killed. But by 1889 of that year. Mary had king of the British now Queen Mary.
Royal Navy training ship he is commanding intended to marry Dominions. George is He is crowned on
HMS Britannia. HMS Torpedo. Albert before he died. now heir apparent. 22 June 1911.
1877 1889 1893 1901 1910

George V

counties as part of the UK but retaining the Irish represent his people rather than try to exert overt Life in the time
Free State as a dominion, under the king’s control.
Growing demands for independence in India
influence on the direction of the country. He
threw himself into British life, becoming a regular
of George V
also grew, with tension mounting in the Punjab presence at sporting events such as cricket test Traditional family life
region (India was eventually allowed a certain level matches at Lords, tennis at Wimbledon and the In the 1910s, Britain was a conservative
of self-determination following the passing of the football FA Cup final at Wembley. He even agreed country with clearly defined family roles.
Government of India Act in 1935). In 1922, Egypt to record a Christmas message, beginning a radio Although working-class women would often
was granted formal independence and put it on broadcast in 1932 following a request by the work in factories, middle-class women stayed
at home to look after the children and ensure
the path towards a complete separation with the founder of the BBC, Sir John Reith. It resonated
the family abode was kept in a good state.
British Empire. with the 20 million listeners who tuned in and so Men would be the breadwinners: railway and
But even domestically, things weren’t going George agreed to make it an annual event. dock work, mining and building were typical
well. The ten-day general strike of May 1926 – just Had people been able to watch on television, jobs for working-class males.
two years after the country had seen its first, brief they may well have seen him with a cigarette in
Labour government – saw 1.7 million workers hand. He was a keen smoker, loving it almost as The Roaring Twenties
down tools. George V intervened, persuading the much as he did collecting stamps. But it would be Following the gloom of the 1910s, a decade
Conservatives to refrain from an aggressive stance his eventual undoing. marked by the frugality and horror of the
against the unions. He enthused over Britain’s In 1925, George was diagnosed with chronic First World War, prosperity began to return
to Britain. People began to enjoy themselves
exceptional handling of the strike. “Not a shot has obstructive pulmonary disease and he developed
in clubs and bars and women felt more free
been fired and no one killed,” he wrote in his diary. a serious chest infection. He became rather ill from than ever before, thanks to the success of the
“It shows what wonderful people we are.” this point but he remained king until, in 1936, aged suffragette movement which had gained them
In 1929, there was a severe worldwide economic 70, his health deteriorated. Close to midnight on 20 the vote in 1918.
depression. Industry in northern Britain began to January, he died. His funeral was held at St George’s
collapse. Exports fell and unemployment during Chapel, Windsor, eight days later and he was The Education Act
the early part of the 1930s rocketed. In 1931, George succeeded by his eldest son, Edward VIII. The Education Act 1918 raised the school
asked the leaders of the Conservative and Liberal leaving age from 12 to 14 and it also allowed
parties to meet with both him and Labour prime The funeral procession for suffragette Emily Davison young workers the right of access to day-
minister Ramsay MacDonald. The four discussed release education. However, the new rules
weren’t actually implemented until a further
the best way forward, with George pushing for
1921 act was passed. Even so, in the 1920s,
the three parties to form a national government to schooling became a hot topic for politicians
restore the budget and restore confidence. At the and educationalists.
same time, dominion parliaments were allowed to
form their own laws independently of the UK. This Mass unemployment hits
led to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa,
the Irish Free State and Newfoundland becoming
the kingdom
As the successful 1920s turned into the 1930s,
independent of British legislative control. so all that was prosperous about the post-war
Personally, however, George was scandal free. United Kingdom came to a sudden jolt due to
And while he became involved with politics to a global depression. In 1932 unemployment
a degree, he was far more hands-off than his was as high as 3.5 million. The lack of jobs,
predecessors, preferring – most of the time – to hunger and desperation saw the rise of
extremist political parties, not least the British
Union of Fascists led by Sir Oswald Mosely.

Defining moment Science was advancing

There had been great advances in science
A libel case opens 1911 and technology throughout George V’s reign.
The French reporter EF Mylius writes an article in Liberator claiming that From the pop-up toaster, shortwave radio and
George V is a bigamist who had married an admiral’s daughter, Mary Culme- l Irish Free State established stainless steel to the first robot, insulin, and
Seymour in Malta in 1890. Copies of this are circulated around parliament and Ireland is partitioned in 1922
3D movie to the jet engine, cat’s eyes and
George is incensed, particularly because, if it were believed, it would make and the Irish Free State
established. The British radar. Nuclear fission, which would be used to
his children with Queen Mary illegitimate. It is also damaging his otherwise create devastating weapons in the 1940s, was
empire is beginning to break
clean reputation given that the public is showing great interest in the up, with other dominions discovered in 1938.
allegation. George takes the unusual step in suing Mylius, who is found guilty being given their own powers.
of criminal libel and imprisoned for a year. 1922

l Crisis in parliament l War in Europe l House of Windsor l Labour Party wins l National government Silver jubilee l
With the Liberals Believing strongly On 17 July 1917, the George appoints the formed George celebrates
pushing for reform of that Britain has to go king announces that all first Labour prime As economies nosedive his silver jubilee and
parliament and the to war, George throws descendants of Queen minister, Ramsay into depression across the famously says of the
Lords knocking back his support behind Victoria should bear the MacDonald. Two years world, George encourages public affection shown
the party’s budget, the troops, visiting name Windsor rather later, the general the leaders of the main to him, “I cannot
George’s early reign them regularly on the than Saxe-Coburg and strike sees millions of parties to unite to form understand it, after
is spent dealing Western front and Gotha, making the workers walk out in the National government. all I am only a very
with the ensuing handing out 50,000 house appear infinitely protest at wages and The civil list is reduced, ordinary sort of fellow.”
© Alamy

constitutional crisis. awards for gallantry. more English. worsening conditions. cutting royal costs. He dies in 1936.
1910 1914 1917 1924 1931 1935

House of
British Royals

Uncover the scandalous lineage of
1910-1936 The family portrait of
this family line the Windsors on the day
Mary of George V of Queen Elizabeth II’s
Teck b.1865-d.1936 christening, 29 May 1926

Order of Marriage

Mary, Princess Princess Marina

2 Royal of Greece and
b.1897-d.1965 Denmark
1936 The only daughter of
Henry, b.1906-d.1968
George V and Mary Cousin to Elizabeth II’s
Duke of Kent
Edward VIII of Teck, Princess Mary Earl of husband Prince Philip, b.1902-d.1942
b.1894-d.1972 was arranged to marry Harewood Princess Marina was
Upon the death of Viscount Lascelles in b.1882-d.1947 long considered a style
George V, Edward 1922. Both Mary and icon among the public.
Wallis took up the mantle her brother Edward She died of a brain
Simpson as King of England. were opposed the tumour at Kensington
b.1896-d.1986 He never reached his marriage, as it wasn’t Palace in 1968.
coronation, however done out of love. Until
– he abdicated on her death in 1965, she
11 December 1936 was a devoted patron
in order to marry to the British Girl
Wallis Simpson, the Guide Association.
scandalous divorced
American socialite.

Lady Alice, Henry, Duke of Prince John

Duchess of Gloucester b.1905-d.1919
3 Gloucester b.1900-d.1974
1936-1952 b.1901-d.2004

Elizabeth George VI
Bowes-Lyon b.1895-d.1952
William Richard Edward Alexandra Michael
b.1941-d.1972 b.1944 b.1935 b.1936 b.1942

4 Margaret
b.1930-d.2002 Antony, Earl
1952-now Princess Margaret was
renowned for her status
of Snowden
Elizabeth II Philip, Duke as the ‘party princess’. b.1930-2017
b.1926 of Edinburgh In 1960 she married
b.1921 photographer Antony
Armstrong-Jones, but
they controversially
divorced 18 years later.

Charles, Prince Anne, Prince Prince

of Wales Princess Andrew, Edward, Earl
b.1948 Royal Duke of York of Wessex
The first son of the b.1950 b.1960 b.1964
Queen, Charles is next
Camilla, in line to the throne.
His affair with Camilla Diana, Princess
Duchess of of Wales
Cornwall Parker-Bowles, later the
Duchess of Cornwall b.1961-d.1997
b.1947 after their marriage
in 2005, caused
controversy, with some
monarchists claiming
that he should give up
his right of succession.

Prince George

Catherine, William, Duke Harry, Duke Meghan,

Duchess of of Cambridge of Sussex Duchess of Sussex
Cambridge b.1982 b.1984 b.1981 Princess Charlotte
b.1982 b.2015

Prince Louis

British Royals

January-December 1936

Edward VIII
Edward VIII shocked the world in 1936 when he announced to
Britain and her empire that he was abdicating his throne for an
American socialite named Wallis Simpson

n the late Thirties, Britain was facing shy nature meant that he struggled
its darkest hour. Hitler and his to fit in with the other boys and
fascist thugs were rattling According to bullying was an almost inevitable
the sabre across Europe, consequence. He did eventually
quashing the rights of free
his biographers find his feet and settled into
men and women everywhere. Edward had an this regimented life, passing
Italy and Spain had fallen to unhappy childhood; the naval examination board
the oppression of right-wing for Dartmouth officer school
his nanny would
dictatorships and it wouldn’t be in 1909. Edward continued to
long before war would sweep deliberately be a shy young man. During his
through the last free countries of hurt him cadet training, his parents threw a
the European continent. This was party for him at Buckingham Palace
a time for stout hearts and stiff upper about which he recorded in his diary, ‘I
lips, for every British soul to look to the had to dance, a thing I hate, the whole thing
defence of the country and face these evil forces was a great strain.’ The 19-year-old Edward was still
valiantly. Meanwhile Edward, Duke of Windsor, struggling to find his place in the world outside of
who until very recently had been King of Great the ritual of royal protocol.
Britain, sat in his villa in Antibes, France. It was clear that Edward lacked direction but
Edward’s childhood and teenage years were a World War I would see to it that all men of his
preparatory education to groom him for the day age would be given a chance to prove themselves.
he would become King of Great Britain. He had Edward wanted to serve with the men of his army
one-to-one tuition with the best tutors in the land regiment on the frontline, he yearned to make a
and attended renowned military schools – yet he difference and war afforded him the opportunity.
was deeply unhappy. His father George, later to be Unfortunately, the Secretary for War Lord Kitchener
crowned King George V, stood as a domineering refused his request stating that it would be too
and at times terrifying figure to Edward and his dangerous for the young man. Edward continued to
two siblings. George ran his household like a insist on being allowed to go and in the end toured
military operation, the children were forced to the front regardless.
always be on time, to dress correctly and behave His admiration for the troops was shown in
properly. Punishments included frightening a correspondence he sent back to England, ‘I’m
confrontations with George in his study; a harsh very keen on the fighting troops being made as
prospect for Edward who was small and shy. comfortable as possible always… the poor devils
At just 12-years-old, Edward’s father felt he have a bloody enough time in the trenches… they
needed a military education in order to prepare are absolutely marvellous.’ The war years had
him for public life. He was sent to the naval given Edward a sense of freedom he wouldn’t
college at Osborne on the Isle of Wight. Edward’s normally have been permitted, he could meet other

Edward VIII

“He continued to During

make horrendous World War I
errors in judgement, Edward visited the
conducting a tour of trenches and saw first-
hand the devastation
Nazi Germany in 1937 and suffering caused
and allowing himself by modern
to be photographed
with Hitler”

Britain, 1894–1972

Playboy prince Edward
Simpson was never really wanted to
Brief be king, but the death
the love of Edward’s Bio of his father forced it
life, though it was on him. The rigours of
an unhappy childhood resulted
known that he had in a man who pursued pleasure
and he struggled to combine
other mistresses this with his royal duties as
Prince of Wales. His affair with
previously Wallis Simpson sounded the
death knell for his kingship.

British Royals

men his own age under the guise of these tours her own mind and refused to stand on ceremony.
and drop the cold protocol normally required of He quickly became infatuated by her, it was said
official visits. by observers that he lost ‘all sense of reason’ when
After the armistice it was as if this new-found he was around her. He lavished her with jewellery,
freedom had disappeared with the rifles and gold or whatever she wanted, it seemed as if
bayonets. He commented in 1919, ‘ I mixed with Edward had finally found someone to give his life
men… I found my manhood.’ His father was quick meaning. There was however a complication as
to clip his new found self-confidence far as Edward’s position as the Prince of
sternly informing him, ‘don’t think Wales was concerned; Wallis was a
you act like other people.’ He married woman. When she became
longed for the freedom given
Edward gained Edward’s mistress she promised
to him during the war and his pilot’s licence to give up her second husband
found his new life of state and founded the for him but this wouldn’t soothe
openings and formal banquets the sensibilities of his family.
32 Royal squadron,
smothering. He drifted To compound the issue she
through his university career used for royal wasn’t from a royal household,
A dark failing to make an impact flights to official she was an American socialite
academically and then went on engagements from Baltimore. When it became
The dark connection between Hitler and
an extended tour of the empire. obvious to Edward’s father in
While this should have offered 1934 that this wasn’t another casual
the British royal family in the Thirties him the adventure he yearned for, he relationship he was furious; he angrily told
begun in 1935 when the Fuhrer used Karl
quickly saw that he was just as much a prisoner him to get rid of her.
Eduard, the Duke of SaxeCoburg-Gotha
as an informal ambassador of goodwill abroad as he was at home. Every step he took was On 20 January 1936, George V died and the
to the royal family. Eduard seemed to closely monitored, and he became frustrated and question of Wallis’s status was immediately
have succeeded in persuading Edward depressed. His frustration made him angry and brought into question. Would she become queen?
that Hitler was the only defence against he began to display the bigotry and dismissive The short answer was absolutely not – she was
communism. The connection grew nature inherited by many English aristocracy of the twice divorced and unpopular with the British
stronger when Edward decided to visit
time. He was appalled by the Australian aborigines establishment. Absurd rumours circulated about
Germany in 1937. A clandestine meeting
between Edward and committed Nazis describing them as, ‘the most revolting form of the spell she had placed Edward under, her devious
Rudolf Hess and Martin Bormann took living creatures I’ve ever seen.’ He also began to manipulation, her dark hold over the new king. The
place in Edward’s hotel in Paris before the hate communism with unrelenting zeal. issue was becoming even more serious, especially
visit. An impression of the meeting written It was during this unhappy time that in 1931 considering that the country was edging ever
by Hess informed Hitler that, ‘the Duke he met the woman that would change his life closer to another world war. The nation needed
was proud of his German blood’ and there
forever – Wallis Simpson. Edward had already had leadership, not uncertainty, but Edward did not
was ‘no need to lose a single German
life in invading Britain. The Duke and his
a number of affairs but they were fleeting. In Wallis see the two issues as related. He wanted to marry
clever wife will deliver the goods.’ Hess he found something that he hadn’t seen in other Wallis, and everything else was of secondary
fully expected Edward to regain power in women, a strong independent character that knew importance. Besides, Adolf Hitler would defeat the
Britain and persuade the populace to seek
peace. The visit to Germany then went
ahead, Hitler was charming and Edward Defining moment Defining moment
enjoyed his tour. As the war progressed,
a secret memorandum to American Tour of the empire Royal family meet Wallis
president Roosevelt from J. Edgar Hoover 5 August 1919 November 1934
claimed, ‘that the Duke of Windsor After the war, Edward spends the next five years Edward’s less than discreet affair with Wallis
entered into an agreement. If Germany touring the empire and representing his father Simpson comes to a head in 1934 when
was victorious [Herman Goering] would abroad. He does a number of public relation events Edward invites Simpson to an evening party at
install the Duke of Windsor as King of including presenting the Prince of Wales cup to the Buckingham Palace. Edward’s father had originally
England.’ While it seems unlikely Edward Canadian hockey league and visiting the politically struck her name out of the list of invitations but
did agree to this, he must have maintained sensitive city of Quebec where he receives a warm Edward invited her, regardless. When George
welcome. His charm and good looks serve him finds out, he becomes outraged and shouts his
links with the Nazis for this type of rumour
well and he becomes a popular figure. Not all of his disapproval. Simpson is subsequently frozen out
to circulate.
visits went so smoothly however; in a high-profile of all royal family functions. This puts enormous
visit to Australia he wrote of the Aborigines, ‘they strain on the relationship between Edward and
are the most revolting form of living creatures I’ve his father, lending more fuel to the suspicion that

Timeline ever seen’. Edward will abdicate when George dies.

l A prince is born l The Prince at l Prince of Wales and l War l Time magazine story
Edward Windsor is Dartmouth heir apparent At the outbreak of Time magazine
born at White Lodge, On the wishes of his On the death of Edward World War I, Edward publishes a story
Richmond Park family, Edward joins VII, Edward’s father joins the Grenadier in which Edward is
London to George the navy as an officer becomes the King of guards and asks reported to have said
and Mary, the Duke cadet at Dartmouth Britain and her empire. to serve at the that he would abdicate
and Duchess of York. Navy College. He Edward is immediately front. This request the throne. This is
He is given the title spends two years there invested as the Prince of is refused by the officially denied, but
His Highness Prince before becoming a Wales and is now next Secretary of State for the story serves as an
Edward of York. Midshipman. in line to the throne. War Lord Kitchener. insight into his thoughts.
23 June 1894 September 1909 23 June 1910 28 July 1914 29 April 1929

Edward VIII

communists and the world would of Windsor, but were frozen out of The British Empire
be at peace – there was really much of the public salary they The British Empire still remained the single
nothing to worry about as far as Edward was should have received for the role. biggest empire on the face of the planet
he was concerned. stanchly anti- Once again Edward fell into a during the years leading up to the war. Many
The fact that Edward was for deep depression, he relied on of its dominions like Canada, Australia and
communist and New Zealand governed their own affairs but
the appeasement of Hitler was the hospitality of friends abroad
not unusual; many members
feared the communist and used the Château de Candé
still held political ties with Britain through the
British monarchy. Other countries like Burma
of the British establishment takeover of Europe in France to marry Wallis. He and India were governed directly as colonies.
were in the late Thirties. What during the Thirties became an embittered and
was compounding the issue ungrateful guest, running up huge An age of extremes
was the Nazi party was seen to phone bills and refusing to pay for The huge social upheaval caused by the
be influencing the king through anything. He also continued to make Great Depression created a credibility gap
between liberal governments and their
Wallis. Whether this was true or not is horrendous errors in judgement, conducting
citizens in Europe. This gave rise to extremist
debatable but many influential people saw it so; a tour of Nazi Germany in 1937 and allowing governments from the communist left and
the American ambassador commented, ‘many himself to be photographed with Hitler. fascist right. Adolf Hitler in particular was
people here suspect that Mrs Simpson is actually In 1940, as a way of preventing any more starting to make a name for himself as an
in German pay.’ The situation was looking bad and embarrassment to the royal family, Winston uncompromising totalitarian leader.
as an illustration of the tense atmosphere, Edward Churchill gave the Duke a governorship in the
suffered an assassination attempt when a lone Bahamas. Edward saw it for what it was – a way to Role of the monarchy
The role of the monarchy in Britain and
gunman apparently working for an undisclosed get him out of the way. He conducted his duties,
throughout the Commonwealth was changing
foreign power tried to pull a gun on him. When made inroads into improving the situations of in the wake of the mass media. It was no
Edward returned to Buckingham Palace the first the workers on the islands but hated his current longer enough for the monarch to simply open
sympathy call was from Hitler. position none the less. He had become increasingly Parliament once a year, the Royal family was
Then in November 1936 Edward told Prime estranged from his family. expected to set an example of British values
Minister Stanley Baldwin that he was going to By the time the war was over and the dust had in the country and take on a leadership role in
times of national need.
marry Wallis. Baldwin rejected the proposal, stating settled over his relationship with Wallis, the Duke
that it would be unacceptable to the British cabinet was content to live quietly. He established himself
if the head of state married a twice-divorcee. in France at the 4 Route du Champ d’Entraînement
Colonial unrest
The Thirties gave rise to independence
Wallis herself expected full marriage, and Edward Paris, later to be known as Villa Windsor, where movements in many imperial colonies. The
refused to give her up. He saw no option; on the he spent the rest of his days in retirement. He had most vocal of these movements came from
11 of December he announced to Britain and the lived a privileged life but it was a life he did not India and Mahatma Gandhi’s freedom group.
empire, “I have found it impossible to carry the want, in the end he gave up the power he inherited While the British government doggedly hung
on to its empire in India, the British people
heavy burden of responsibility and to discharge my at birth for the woman he loved.
started to wonder if it was worth it.
duties as king… without the help and support of the
woman I love.” He abdicated the throne, passing Britain, a waning power?
the duty to his brother Albert, the father of Queen No-one could dispute that British influence
Elizabeth II. throughout the globe remained strong during
Edward and Wallis were now in limbo. They the Thirties, but the government’s reluctance
were granted official titles, the Duke and Duchess to rearm and prepare for war in the face of
fascist and communist threats was said to be
indicative of an waning power that no longer
Defining moment had the stomach for military commitments.
l Governor of the
Abdication Bahamas
10 December 1936 In an effort to
Edward makes it clear to Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin prevent Edward l Retirement
that he will not change his mind about marrying Wallis and Wallis, now With the war won
as soon as her second divorce is finalised. Baldwin Duke and Duchess and the new world
informs Edward that the cabinet and the imperial of Windsor, from order establishing
embarrassing the itself in Europe,
parliaments will not accept his marriage to Wallis if he
British government France becomes
still wishes to be king. With Edward finding it impossible even more, Edward safe again for British
to reconcile his personal life with his duty as a future is given the citizens. Edward and
monarch, he finally decides to abdicate and signs the act governorship of the Wallis retire there
Edward preparing to inform the nation
at Fort Belvedere in the presence of his younger brother that he is abdicating the throne in 1936 Bahamas. comfortably.
Albert the Duke of York who is next in line to the throne. 18 August 1940 November 1952

l Succession to the l Assassination l Marriage to Wallis l Visit to Germany Death of a Duke l
throne attempt Edward and Wallis Against the advice of Edward dies peacefully in
George V dies and A man called George marry at the Château the British Government, his sleep aged 77. His
Edward is immediately McMahon pulls a gun de Candé in France. Edward and Wallis visit body is flown back to
put forward for the on Edward and is While the service Nazi Germany and England and a funeral
succession. It also quickly set upon by is attended by a are warmly welcomed service is attended by
becomes known within police. He testifies that number of high- by Adolf Hitler. It is Queen Elizabeth II.
the government that he was working for a profile socialites, reported that he His body is buried at
he intends to soon foreign power although none of the royal almost gives a the royal burial ground
© Alamy

marry Wallis. this is never proved. family attends. Nazi salute. at Frogmore.
20 January 1936 16 July 1936 3 June 1937 October 1937 28 May 1972

British Royals


George VI
George VI was the stammering sovereign who saw
Britain through a terrible war with Nazi Germany

n 1932, George V had delivered the royal family’s come bottom of the class in his final exam. But he
first Christmas Broadcast, a short message went on to join the Royal Navy as a midshipman,
beamed around the UK via the new medium serving on HMS Collingwood in the first world
of radio, on the invitation and persistence of war and fighting as a young naval officer at the
the BBC’s founding father Sir John Reith. This Battle of Jutland in 1916. He became a pilot with
fledgling tradition would have been assumed the Royal Air Force in 1919 – the first of his family
by Edward VIII who took to the throne on 20 to learn to fly – and he showed great braveness
January 1936 following his father’s death, but just and determination; qualities that would be evident
three weeks before Christmas, on 11 December throughout his reign.
1936, Edward VIII abdicated in order to wed his In 1920, he met the Scottish aristocrat Elizabeth
American socialite mistress Wallis Simpson. Bowes-Lyon. She was an attractive woman who
Taking his place that same day was George VI, garnered the attention of many men. Prince
Edward VIII’s younger brother. With too little time Albert was smitten and he chased her relentlessly,
to prepare for the Christmas speech in 1936, it was proposing to her in 1921 and 1922, on each occasion
cancelled, a move that would have proven to be suffering the humiliation of being turned down.
a mighty relief for the new king. George VI had a He eventually persuaded her, though, and they
stammer which, some have said, resulted from a married on 26 April 1923 in Westminster Abbey.
tough relationship with his father, and it appeared She became Her Royal Highness the Duchess of
to get worse when he was nervous. But, York and the couple had two children,
while the stammer was the subject Elizabeth on 21 April 1926 and
of an acclaimed film, The King’s Margaret on 21 August 1930.
Speech in 2010 and has come to Many changes Shortly after Elizabeth was
define him in the eyes of many born, the prince had been to
ever since, there was far more to the Empire took see a maverick Australian
to this brave and dedicated place during George’s speech therapist called Lionel
man than talk alone. reign. He was the last Logue. They had met for the
Formally known as His first time in Logue’s consulting
King-Emperor of
Highness Prince Albert of York, room in Harley Street, London,
the future king was a sickly India on 19 October 1926 and they
child who suffered with a lack of struck up a friendship while the
affection from his father, George V. therapist attempted to cure the royal
Albert wasn’t particularly close to his of his stammer following incredible
mother, Mary of Teck, either and his cold-natured, embarrassment and silence during the closing GEORGE VI
British, 1895-1952
harsh upbringing had made him into a rather address of the British Empire Exhibition at
unassuming fellow, with the now-famous stammer Wembley in 1925. George VI became
that had developed at the age of eight proving Logue attempted to inject confidence into Prince king when his brother
doubly unhelpful in his desire, and later, need, to Albert, making him believe that the stammer was Brief Edward VIII abdicated
overcome his shyness. a physical rather than psychological condition and
Bio in 1936. During his
reign, Britain went
To make matters worse, Albert also struggled the pair met frequently, striking up a friendship to war against Nazi Germany
at school, where he was forced to write with his that lasted for life. It was a hard battle (the stammer and the Empire subsequently
broke up, being replaced by
right-hand despite being left-handed. As a result, continued to afflict him even at the time of the Commonwealth of Nations.
he faired poorly in exams and while, in 1909, his coronation on 12 May 1937) but was one he Smoking heavily to try and cure
a stammer, the king died of lung
he graduated from the Royal Navy Academy at persevered with, showing a level of bullishness that cancer in 1952.
Osborne, he had been bullied and he had also would stand him in good stead for his reign.

George VI

Queen Elizabeth and King George VI at the

1939 New York World’s Fair

Life in the time

of George VI
Frequent air raids
The first few months of the Second World
War have been referred to as the Phoney War
because, until the Battle of France in May
1940, there had been a very long period of
inactivity. But that changed eventually, and
from 7 September 1940, the Germans bombed
London. Heavy blitzing caused many casualties
in Birmingham, Manchester, Coventry, Bristol,
Portsmouth and Plymouth.

Food and clothes rationing

With supplies of food cut and ships bringing
supplies attacked, imports fell dramatically and
it was necessary to ration the fewer resources
that were available in Britain. Brits were handed
ration books that kept a check on what each
person would receive. Rationing continued
after the war with meat, butter, lard, sugar, tea,
clothes and fuel in scarce supply.

Booming picture houses

The first television programme – a bulletin of
the British Movietone News – was broadcast
on 2 November 1936 but the BBC’s TV service
closed down on 1 September 1939. With
victory in sight, it returned on 7 June 1946,
broadcasting from Alexandra Palace but very
few people had TV sets at the time. Cinemas
proliferated in Britain and people would visit at
least once a week.

Black Market fear

Cinemas would show a short film that warned
against a flourishing black market trade in food
which had emerged thanks to rationing. It
did not stop enterprising people from buying
produce from illicit sources, though. Indeed,
the film was just one of many that were
produced on behalf of the government to
encourage certain behaviour.

Freezing British weather

The winter of 1946 to 1947 was particularly
harsh with heavy snow causing chaos on the
road and rail. Temperatures only reached 14
degrees Celsius, falling to as low as -21 degrees
Celsius and further restrictions on life were
put in place as a result of low supplies of coal.
Home-grown food became even scarcer.

British Royals

A heavily bomb-damaged street in

Valletta, Malta in 1942

Siege of Malta
During the Second World War, the tiny
Mediterranean island of Malta was part
of the British Empire but its strategic
proximity to Axis shipping lanes made it a
prime target for the air forces and navies
of Italy and Germany. The first bombs
fell on 11 June 1940, the day after Italian
dictator Benito Mussolini declared war on
Britain and France.
The island was devastated over
the coming months with the heaviest
sustained bombing taking place in 1942
during the so-called Siege of Malta. For
157 days and nights, 6,700 tons of bombs
fell on the population. Winston Churchill’s
government sent the Royal Navy and Royal
Air Force to help defend the island while
Malta’s people held out and, in 1943, with
victory secured, the Allies used the island
as a launch pad for an invasion of Sicily.
Impressed by their bravery and
resilience, King George VI awarded the
entire people of Malta the George Cross.
In a message to the island’s governor, the
king said the award was “to bear witness
to a heroism and a devotion that will long King George VI fires a Bren gun during
a visit to a small arms factory
be famous in history.”

Defining moment Defining moment

King meets Lionel Logue 1926 Birth of two children 1930
The self-taught therapist Lionel Logue had arrived from In 1926, Albert became a father to Elizabeth
Australia in the UK in 1924. He met His Royal Highness Alexandra Mary, who would go on to become
The Duke of York for the first time on 19 October 1926 queen. In 1930, Princess Margaret, Countess of
at his Harley Street practise, noting his “acute nervous Snowdon was born. Elizabeth and Margaret were
tension which has been brought on by the defect”, a nod close and they spent the Second World War at
to the future king’s stammer. When word got out that Windsor Castle. After the war, however, Margaret
Prince Albert was seeing Logue, the medical profession went down a path that the royal family did not
was up in arms, considering the therapist as an amateur. approve of. She fell in love with divorcee Group
But Albert was strong-willed and the pair continued to Captain Peter Townsend who proposed to Margaret,
meet. His help was deemed so useful that the Queen aged 22. The Church of England would not marry
Mother wrote a handwritten letter of thanks to Logue. Margaret to a divorced man and so, instead,
she wed Anthony Armstrong-Jones. The couple
divorced in 1978.
l Albert Frederick Arthur l Naval college beckons l A romantic liaison l Keen tennis player l Accedes to the
George is born Prince Albert was sent When Albert met Partnered by tutor Louis throne
Prince Albert was born on to naval college. He Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, Greig, the Duke of York When Edward VIII
14 December 1895. The would see action as he fell in love but played in the men’s abdicated to pursue
date was, significantly, the a junior office at the it would take until doubles championship a marriage to Wallis
34th anniversary of the Battle of Jutland in 1916 1923 before he could at Wimbledon - although Simpson, George VI
death of Prince Albert, but he was bullied by persuade her to marry a convincing, heavy became king on 12
consort to Queen Victoria fellow officers during his him. She became known defeat ensured he did not December 1936. He
– the newborn’s great early years and became as the Smiling Duchess appear in public with a was crowned in May
grandfather. increasingly withdrawn. for her beaming face. racket again. of the following year.
1895 1909 1920 1926 1936

George VI

For in 1938, prime minister Neville Chamberlain

had failed to appease Adolf Hitler, leader of “Like his father, George VI had to lead the
the National Socialist German Workers Party.
As chancellor of Germany and dictator of Nazi Empire into a mass, global conflict soon
Germany, Hitler was dismissive of George VI,
referring to him as a simpleton on many an after taking to the throne”
occasion and being equally disparaging of his
wife who, incidentally, had come to be known as him, becoming prime minister of an all-party equal precedence with the Victoria Cross. The
Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother so as to avoid coalition government. George Medal was created as an award for those
confusion with the couple’s daughter. George VI worked closely with – and ultimately performing acts of bravery in the UK. When the
But Hitler was nevertheless shocked and admired – Churchill whose endearing, stirring war was won in 1945, he was relieved and yet
annoyed when, on 3 September 1939, Britain speeches had spurred a nation. Maybe the king exhausted. He worried about the state Britain
declared war with Germany. For George VI, it felt a pang of jealousy at his new PM’s impeccable would find herself in for the next few years.
meant, like his father, he was having to lead the oratory but he certainly, in the long run at least, He was right to be concerned. The Second World
Empire into a mass, global conflict so soon after bore Churchill no ill will for the support he had War had been bloody and genocidal – costing the
taking to the throne. The silver lining to this shown to Edward VIII during the abdication lives of some 70 million people, two-thirds of
cloud was the king’s ability to deliver a clear, calm crisis. Indeed, George VI was becoming whom were civilians – and on top of
radio speech that day while standing at a lectern a confident king who was making this, it had also proved to be hugely
in an anteroom at Buckingham Palace with only some shrewd decisions, chief Lord Haw- disruptive with populations forced
Logue for company. Sailing through with barely among them the insistence to flee their home countries, a
Haw mocked
a stammer, George VI was pleased with himself, that he remain at Buckingham refugee crisis and thousands of
putting his triumph down to Logue’s hard work as Palace for much of the war George VI in bombed out properties.
well as his heavy chain-smoking which, the king despite the building being broadcasts, calling him The economy had taken
had been told, was helping him to relax. bombed nine times as the “your stammering a battering and the Empire
Following the outbreak of war, Winston Churchill conflict rolled on to 1945. It was on its knees. The
was appointed first lord of the Admirality (the showed incredible solidarity
king” for his Commonwealth of Nations
political head of the Royal Navy) and he was with the suffering of the British faltering speech replaced the British Empire as, for
admitted as a member of the War Cabinet. It was a population and it headed off a the remainder of the king’s reign,
role he had taken on during the First World War as potential uprising from Londoners who nationalisation and decolonisation was
a member of the Liberal party. During the interwar were suffering greatly during the Blitz. taking place.
years, Churchill had crossed the floor and become Like his father, George VI spent time abroad What’s more, rationing was extended, further
a Conservative party member and while he lost his visiting his troops, checking on morale and gaining restricting the sale of various essential and non-
Tory seat in 1929, he was still vocal. He had warned a firm tactical understanding. He instituted the essential food, clothes, fuel and furniture. The king
Chamberlain that appeasement was a bad move George Cross and George Medal; the former also clashed at times with Clement Attlee, the
that would lead to war and, when Chamberlain replacing the Empire Gallantry Medal in becoming Labour prime minister returned by British voters
resigned in 1940, Churchill was chosen to succeed the highest gallantry award for civilians. It shared in 1945. Attlee supported increased nationalisation
of key industries such as steel and coal mining.
He also moved Britain towards socialism which
the king opposed. Yet the post-war era brought the
Defining moment introduction of the National Health Service and it
Chamberlain and Hitler brought the Bank of England under public control.
1938 The war and the subsequent changes left George
In September 1938, Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler VI feeling the strain and it was taking its toll on
wanted to take a part of Czechoslovakia called his body and mind. His heavy smoking caught
Sudetenland, an area in which three million
up with him and his health deteriorated. Princess
Germans were living. An uprising by Sudeten
Germans was quelled by the Czech police Elizabeth took up many of his royal duties. In
who Hitler accused of killing some 300 of the 1951, the king was diagnosed with lung cancer
protestors. German troops were then placed and arteriosclerosis and it meant he had to have
along the Czech border. Alarmed by this, his left lung removed. On 6 February 1952, at
the British prime minister visited Munich to
meet Hitler, securing his signature on a non-
Sandringham, George VI died aged 56. His body
aggression pact that stated the German leader was buried at St George’s Chapel in Windsor.
would not war with Britain.

l War breaks out l Britain is bombed l American allies l Cold War begins l National Health George VI dies l
Chamberlain and George With Winston join war Although victory Service established His mind shattered
VI had appeared Churchill now prime In 1939, George VI had was Britain’s, more The Labour Party ruled and his body ravaged
on the balcony of minister, backed visited America for the troubled brewed. The the UK following the by cancer, George VI’s
Buckingham Palace fully by George New York World’s Fair and “Iron Curtain” split war and socialist policies health deteriorated
to herald the attempt V, England is he had struck a strong Western Europe from were enacted. The NHS and he died in the
at appeasement of bombarded by the bond with President the Communist East was established. But winter of 1952. His
German aggression. German Luftwaffe, Franklin D. Roosevelt. and the Cold War with rationing continues and eldest daughter,
But in 1939, it had blitzing London and That helped when the US Russia in particular the economy was in a Queen Elizabeth II,
evidently failed. other major cities. entered the war in 1941. began in earnest. poor state. took to the throne.
© Getty

1939 1940 1941 1946 1948 1952

British Royals


Elizabeth II
Still reigning in her nineties after more than six
decades on the throne, Queen Elizabeth II remains
one of history’s most popular monarchs

er Majesty the Queen may not have led uncle would almost certainly father children of his
armies into glorious battle or faced down own, pushing Elizabeth further down the line. She
bloodthirsty rebellions in far-flung corners of was never expected to become queen.
her realm, yet she remains one of the most But to the young princess, such trivialities were
popular and beloved rulers to have ever of little concern. Nicknamed ‘Lillibet’ by her family,
worn the crown. Her reign as queen is also the she enjoyed a close relationship with her father,
longest ever by a British monarch as she surpassed her mother Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon (later the
Queen Victoria’s 63-year reign in 2015. Such a Queen Mother) and her grandfather, George V.
lengthy tenure may seem less noteworthy in an age The king’s health was already deteriorating by the
removed from murderous plots and usurping royal time Elizabeth was born, but her regular visits
relatives, but Elizabeth has nonetheless sat resolute and playful relationship with the ailing monarch
in her duties through the latter half of the 20th were said to have buoyed his spirits far more
Century and the burgeoning years of the than any medicine. Her positive effect
21st – a time when the Western world was even covered by newspapers
metamorphosed in the wake of two – a taste of just how obsessed the
world wars. Britain and her many After WWII, the media could, and would, become
territories have undergone quite with its own monarchy. Still,
the transformation, and the
young Elizabeth Elizabeth got to enjoy the pomp
role of monarch and the royal saved up her ration and privilege of being a royal
family has changed drastically coupons to afford without the pressures of being
along with it. the material for her an heir apparent or an heir
After more than six decades presumptive. However, no one
as the head of state, Elizabeth
wedding dress could see the turn of events that
has faced the perils, challenges came next.
and benefits of being a monarch in The king was dead. George V had
the modern age. Gone are the threats finally passed away from septicaemia on
of invasion, intrigue and insurrections, replaced 20 January 1936, with the throne then passing to ELIZABETH II
instead by satire, media scandals and his eldest son, the Prince of Wales. Named King England, 1926–present
the weight of public opinion. She remains the Edward VIII, it was apparent from the very start
most well-travelled of any British monarch and that Edward wasn’t going to be a conventional Queen Elizabeth II
her tireless work with hundreds of charities around king. Known for his vocal dislike of court protocols of Great Britain may
the world set a precedent that has typified the role and politicians, the new monarch even broke
Brief not have faced the

of a modern-day royal. convention by watching the proclamation of his

Bio religious upheaval
and Spanish Armadas
It seems bizarre then, when you consider the own ascendancy from a window in St James’s of her Tudor namesake, but
her six-decades-long reign
extent of her future reign, that the young Princess Palace. By his side stood Wallis Simpson, an has been just as memorable.
Elizabeth was barely a consideration for the throne American socialite whom the 41-year-old king had Crowned in the aftermath of
as a child. Born on 21 April 1926, the daughter of been courting for some time. Edward’s association WWII, Elizabeth has had to deal
with a fluctuating relationship
Prince Albert, Duke of York, Elizabeth was at the with the still married Simpson was already causing with British politics, an evolving
time third in the line of succession behind her outrage in royal and political circles alike, but it Commonwealth and even the
uncle, the Prince of Wales, and her father. However, would take his decision to propose to her a few very purpose of a monarch in
the modern age.
as was royal protocol, it was assumed that her months later to tip the balance.

Elizabeth II

The Queen
sent her first
email in… 1976. She
sent the message over
ARPANET, a small-
scale precursor to
the internet

British Royals

The annus
1992 was an eventful and difficult year
for Queen Elizabeth II
There have been a number of challenging years
in Elizabeth’s considerable reign, but 1992 proved
to be one her worst. Despite it marking the 40th
anniversary of her ascension to the throne, those
12 months were littered with political issues and
startling catastrophes that likely pushed the normally
resolute monarch to her limits. Elizabeth named
the period her ‘annus horribilis’ (likely a reference
to John Dryden’s poem of the same name that
describes London in the grip of the Great Plague and
Great Fire of London in 1666).
It all started in March when her second son,
Prince Andrew Duke of York, separated from his wife
Sarah Ferguson duchess of York. The couple made
an official announcement stating the separation was
amicable, but speculation was rife that all was not so
rosy behind the scenes. These rumours seemingly
sprung to life a few months later when photos of
the duchess topless with her lover appeared all
over the tabloid newspapers. It was an incredibly
embarrassing episode for the royal household and it
didn’t bode well for the rest of the year.
The incidents continued a month after the duke
and duchess’ split in March with another member
of the royal family. Her daughter Anne, the Princess
Royal, had married Mark Phillips, a lieutenant in the
1st Queen’s Dragoon Guards, in 1973 and it seemed
another fairy-tale royal union to captivate the public.
However, the couple decided to separate in 1989,
citing years of strain stemming from Phillips’ military
commitments. In April 1992 the couple officially
divorced, further adding to a media-fuelled story
that the royal family was splintering under the strain
of being in the public eye.
In June, things got even worse. The journalist
Andrew Morton had just released his biography
of the princess of Wales, Diana: Her True Story,
and it was filled with sensational stories regarding
Diana and her deteriorating relationship with Prince
Charles. The couple’s fairy-tale relationship had
been falling apart as early as the mid-1980s and
the two were openly seeing other people despite
still being married. Diana’s affair with Major James As the first female monarch in 51 years,
Hewitt, Charles’s liaison with Camilla Parker-Bowles Elizabeth knew many challenges faced
her in a rapidly changing world
and Diana’s supposed suicidal thoughts were
sensationalised in gruesome detail and it caused the
Queen, and her whole royal family, a great deal of Mounting pressure from the rest of the royal It was during her early teens that Elizabeth
embarrassment for years to come. family and Parliament forced the king to choose met Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark. The
To top it all off, one of the Queen’s favourite between his duties as a monarch and his love for a two began a slow courtship, with Philip travelling
residences was badly damaged by a raging inferno
woman judged too politically troublesome to be his regularly as part of his service in the Royal Navy
in the same year. On the 20 November – a mere
four days before the Queen would give her Guildhall queen. Edward, forever the rebel, chose his heart – eventually the young couple announced their
speech in which she referred to her year as her over his crown and abdicated on 10 December 1936 engagement on 9 July 1947. Her choice of fiancé
annus horribilis – Windsor Castle caught fire, causing after 326 days as king (among the shorter reigns of caused friction with some members of the royal
severe damage to the whole structure. So bad was British monarchs). This unforeseen decision threw court. Philip had very little financial standing and
the damage that it cost an estimated £36.5 million Edward’s younger brother, Elizabeth’s father, onto his family had marital ties to the Nazi party in
to repair over the following five years. The blaze
the throne. With her father crowned George VI on Germany, but his conversion from Greek Orthodoxy
started when a spotlight caused a curtain to catch
alight and it soon spread through the entire castle in
12 May 1937, the 11-year-old princess was no longer to Anglicanism and the taking of his mother’s
a matter in minutes. There were no serious injuries a carefree child, but an heir presumptive to the family name, Mountbatten, helped ease the union
and no deaths as a result of the blaze, but the royal British throne. (An heir presumptive is someone in the eyes of his detractors. The two married
administration was forced to open Buckingham who is first in line to the throne, but whose position later that year on 20 November at Westminster
Palace soon after in order to help fund the castle’s can be superseded by a stronger claim – conversely, Abbey. Despite the hundreds of presents the couple
restoration programme. an heir apparent is someone in the same position, received from around the world, Elizabeth refused
minus the chance of a challenge.) to allow the wedding to be a lavish affair.

Elizabeth II

Despite his royal responsibilities as both a duke

and then a king, George VI enjoyed a close and
positive relationship with his two daughters

With her reign spanning over six decades,

Elizabeth has become an intrinsic part of
Britain’s cultural identity

Life in the time

of Elizabeth II
Empire to Commonwealth
During her reign, the realm has evolved from
the British empire into the Commonwealth
of Nations. This transition is the result of
As the health of King George VI began to new queen embraced the idea fully. She and Philip, the decolonisation of the empire into an
deteriorate, Elizabeth and Philip’s first two children now the Duke of Edinburgh, began a six-month intergovernmental organisation that consists of
were born – Prince Charles, born on 14 November tour of the Commonwealth almost immediately 53 nations (mostly former British colonies) that
1948 and Princess Anne born on 15 August 1950. following her coronation. With Europe still in a are recognised as equal member states.
Elizabeth was enjoying her new role as mother, state of physical, economical and political recovery
yet her responsibilities on behalf of the king were from World War II, Elizabeth’s arrival had an almost A shift in power
The actual power the king or queen of England
becoming more time-consuming as she travelled talismanic effect. She even travelled further afield,
can enact upon the realm is a shadow of
Europe on his behalf to visit those countries still becoming the first British reigning monarch to visit its former self. The time of absolute royal
recovering from the scars of World War II. On both Australia and New Zealand. authority is a thing of the past and Elizabeth II
6 February 1952, the king eventually In 1956, Elizabeth experienced her first is bound by a constitutional agreement with
succumbed to the melting pot of political misstep. Following the rise Parliament that limits her influence over
cancers and tumours that were The of nationalism in Egypt, Britain policies and legislation.
robbing him of life. And, just like Queen has two made a joint attempt with
that, the 25-year-old princess France to take control of the Travelling the globe
became the new monarch of
birthdays: an official Suez Canal in Egypt. It was a Elizabeth II remains one of the most well-
the realm. one celebrated in June short-lived effort and Britain
travelled monarchs in British history. As
the head of the Commonwealth, she flew
Elizabeth was crowned at by the Trooping the was forced to withdraw as the to Canada in 1958 and opened the 23rd
Westminster Abbey on 2 June USA attempted to appease the
Colour ceremony, and Parliament there, which served as just one of
1953, following over a year’s situation diplomatically. It was the ways that the crown has recognised the
worth of national mourning for her real one on an embarrassing episode for the semi-autonomy of its member states.
the late king. Elizabeth chose to 21 April Conservative administration at
retain her given name as her regnal the time, made worse by rumours Silver jubilee
title and, under the advisement of prime that Elizabeth had been against invasion In 1977, Elizabeth II celebrated the 25th
anniversary of her accession to the throne.
minister Winston Churchill and her mother, the from the start. The prime minister, Anthony
To mark the occasion, she and Prince Philip
surname of Windsor (instead of her husband’s Eden, denied such a claim, but it was enough to visited 36 counties – no monarch had visited
family name). Upon her ascension she was officially undermine his position and he soon resigned. At so many parts of the UK within such a small
crowned Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, this time, the Conservative government had no amount of time.
Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Union of South formal process to appoint a new prime minister in
Africa, Pakistan and Ceylon (modern-day Sri Lanka). the middle of a parliamentary term. Media frenzy
The Commonwealth Of Nations, as it would come The decision fell to Elizabeth who, under Public interest in the royal family had always
to be known, was an idea that began to form before advisement, appointed Harold Macmillan as Eden’s been high, but the media’s focus on royals
took an alarmingly sensational turn in the
Elizabeth was even born, yet it was under her replacement. The decision, along with the Suez
1980s. The media ran endless stories about
reign that the Commonwealth swelled in size and Canal fiasco, led to considerable criticism of the how the Queen disapproved of prime minister
became more than a gathering of former British Queen from MPs, lords and the media. It was a Margaret Thatcher’s often unpopular policies,
territories. Many of these overseas nations were stark reminder that the days of the monarch as a fuelling rumours of a division between crown
beginning to crave autonomy from Britain and the ruler were firmly resigned to the history books. and government.

British Royals

So what were Elizabeth’s political powers? Well,

while Parliament holds autonomy from the crown
in terms of its infrastructure, the king or queen
still holds some administrative (be they mostly
ceremonial) authorities. Elizabeth has the power
to open and dissolve Parliament prior to a general
election, as well the right to consult the prime
minister on issues of state at any time. That’s not
to say that Elizabeth’s position as queen is simply
a figurehead – as monarch, Elizabeth must ratify
all bills passed through Parliament. This is known
as Royal Assent, and it’s a political procedure
that’s not been refused since its creation in 1707.
Even the Queen’s speech (not to be confused
with the Queen’s Christmas message), delivered in
Parliament every year, forms an important
role, signifying royal approval of a new
Despite year in legislation.
all her travels, While the 1960s and 1970s
were a transformative period for
the Queen doesn’t
Britain and the Commonwealth,
have a passport. Since with over 20 countries gaining
the crown issues them, independence, the 1980s were
Her Majesty is exempt a mixed affair. Despite issues
with rising unemployment, the
from needing one nation was united in celebrating
the union of Elizabeth’s eldest
son, Prince Charles with Lady Diana
Spencer in 1981. It was a lavish affair and
the presence of the bright, young princess-to-be
was a breath of fresh air for the royal family’s public
image. Sadly, the jovial public mood was curtailed
when the Falklands War broke out the following
year. Even the Queen‘s middle child, Prince
Once Elizabeth became queen, she travelled Andrew, took part in the Royal Navy’s conflict with
tirelessly across the world, including this Argentinean forces in the South Atlantic. Despite
trip to West Germany in 1965
her concerns, Elizabeth wanted Andrew to remain

The abdication Elizabeth is crowned

20 January-1 December 1936 2 June 1953
1936 is a very tumultuous year for the royal family. Following the death of her father, George VI,
In January, King George V (Elizabeth’s grandfather) towards the end of 1952, the 26-year-old
dies. The throne then passes to his eldest son Edward, heir presumptive is finally crowned Queen
who becomes Edward VIII. However, the uncrowned Elizabeth II. Despite the tradition that the
Edward chooses to abdicate less than 12 months later husband’s surname is taken, it is decreed
and his brother (and Elizabeth’s father) the Duke of that Elizabeth will retain her family name of
York becomes King George VI. With her father now Windsor instead of Philip’s name Mountbatten.
presiding on the throne, Elizabeth becomes first in At the time, Philip complains that, “I am the
line to the throne at the age of ten. During this period, only man in the country not allowed to give
Princess Elizabeth is also referred to by the official title his name to his own children.” To appease the
of ‘heir presumptive’. situation, the name Mountbatten-Windsor is
adopted in 1960 for any male-line descendants
who do not carry royal titles.

l Elizabeth is born l Marriage to Philip l Prince Charles is born l Princess Anne is born
Born Elizabeth Princess Elizabeth marries A month prior to the arrival of The only daughter of Princess
Alexandra Mary Philip at Westminster Abbey Elizabeth’s first son, Charles, her Elizabeth and Philip, Anne
Windsor, the young after almost 15 years of slow father George VI decrees that is born at Clarence House in
princess is the daughter courtship. Since tensions any of her children will retain the late morning. It’s thought
of Albert, Duke of York are still running high from the title of prince or princess. that the young princess was
(later George VI) and the global catastrophe that This overturns the rules set conceived at Villa Guardamangia,
Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon was World War II, Philip’s out by George V that restricted the royal couple’s residence in
(later Queen and then German relatives are not such titles to children of the Malta, where Philip is stationed
Queen Mother). permitted to attend. monarch or the monarch’s son. as a Royal Navy officer.
21 April 1926 20 November 1947 14 November 1948 15 August 1950

Elizabeth II

worse, the very public disintegration of Charles and a more modernised approach to monarchy, and the
Diana’s marriage had become regular fodder for the new millennium has seen a new side to the royal
British and international media. The publication of family. With William and Harry (with Catherine and
the Diana biography Diana: Her True Story, with its Meghan by their respective sides) representing a
claims of an ongoing affair between the princess new era of monarchy, the future of the Queen and
of Wales and Major James Hewitt, brought further her descendants seems to be in safe hands.
strain on the royal family. Charles and Diana’s
eventual separation in 1993 would lead to years of
criticism of the royal family’s conduct as Diana rose The future of the family
to prominence as a charity worker. This scrutiny Throughout Britain, all eyes are on the younger
would fail to abate, even when Diana was tragically generations of Windsors, whose modern
killed in a car crash in Paris in 1997. approach to royalty continues to ensure the
The last decade and a half has seen the royal dynasty remains relevant in these ever-changing

© INTERFOTO / Alamy; Classic Image / Alamy; AF archive / Alamy; Pictorial Press Ltd / Alamy; Ploppy / Alamy; Getty Images
times. As the future king and queen, the Duke
family enjoy a far more positive reception in the
and Duchess of Cambridge take a more formal
public eye. The death of the Queen Mother and approach to royalty, but a more laid-back
Elizabeth’s younger sister, Princess Margaret, in the attitude has been adopted by the Duke and
space of two months in 2002 saw an outpouring Duchess of Sussex, who have chosen to raise
For over 70 years the Queen Mother remained a source their children, Archie and Lilbet, away from
of guidance and inspiration, up to her death in 2001 of public support for the Queen, which flowed
seamlessly into celebrations for the golden jubilee the limelight and public scrutiny. As seventh
and eighth in line to the throne respectively,
later that summer. Not one to let personal feelings
however, Archie and Lilibet are only minor
in his original posting – a public decision that affect her royal duties, Elizabeth set out on an royals and both are unlikely to inherit the
showed her pride as a mother as much as her extensive tour of the Commonwealth and throne, and therefore shouldn’t necessarily be
commitment as queen (a fact made all returned to mass celebrations that subjected to a life in the public eye.
the more chilling when you consider surprised many, most notably the
Argentina planned to assassinate Elizabeth II media. Her diamond jubilee a
the prince during the conflict). decade later further cemented
is the longest-
Despite the high points of the nation’s more positive
the previous decade, the 1990s reigning British relationship with the crown,
were a challenging time for monarch, surpassing with celebrations across the
Elizabeth and the rest of the Queen Victoria’s prior land merging with excitement
royal family. A fire at Windsor for London’s hosting of the
Castle at the tail end of 1992
record of 63 years Olympics in 2012.
caused catastrophic damage and and 216 days And now, in her nineties and
destroyed priceless royal heirlooms, the longest-reigning monarch in our
while the script for the Queen’s country’s history, the Queen still exudes
speech was leaked and published by The the same principles of character she learned
Sun newspaper a year later. To make things even in those early years of her rule. She has welcomed

“She understands her Birthday celebrations

place in the anatomy From the Queen’s real birthday in April until
after her official one in June, celebrations are
The Platinum Jubilee l
of a modern nation” held across the country to mark Elizabeth
II’s 90th birthday. After the death of King
Bhumibol of Thailand in 2016, Queen
In the summer of 2022,
just over a year after
Philip died, Elizabeth
Elizabeth II becomes the longest-serving head celebrates 70 years on
l Prince Edward is born of state in the world. In 2017, she reaches her the throne. There is a
Four years after the birth of Andrew, Sapphire Jubilee but instead of celebrating, four-day Platinum Jubilee
Elizabeth gives birth to third son Edward. the Queen decides to spend the day in quiet Central Weekend to mark
The young prince is third in line to the reflection, focusing instead on the memory the first time that any
throne at his time of birth, but in 2015 is monarch in British history
of her father, whose death ensured that she
now eighth in the order of succession; he’s has celebrated a platinum
now known as the Earl of Wessex. ascended the throne. Also in 2017, Prince jubilee.
10 March 1964 Philip retires from his official royal duties. 2022

l Prince Andrew is born l The silver jubilee l Charles weds Diana l The Golden Jubilee l The Diamond Jubilee
At the beginning of 1960 – In 1977, Elizabeth celebrates the After a widely publicised In 2002, Elizabeth marks In the summer of 2012,
almost seven years into first major anniversary of her courtship, Prince Charles the 50th anniversary of her Elizabeth celebrates a whole
her reign as queen – accession. A monarch’s jubilee marries Lady Diana Spencer accession to the throne. Despite 60 years as Queen of the
Elizabeth gives birth to is based on the date they were at St Paul’s Cathedral in a the celebrations across the United Kingdom and the
her second son, Prince proclaimed king or queen rather ceremony that captivates Commonwealth, the event Commonwealth. She and Philip
Andrew, in the Belgian than that of their coronation. Great Britain and the wider is bittersweet, as the Queen tour the country as part of the
Suite of Buckingham To celebrate, festivities and world. The marriage will Mother and Elizabeth’s sister celebrations, with their children
Palace. He is baptised parties are held all across the produce two sons, Prince Princess Margaret have died a and grandchildren travelling
three months later. Commonwealth during the year. William and Prince Harry. few months previously. across the Commonwealth.
19 February 1960 1977 29 July 1981 2002 2012

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