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AWS FinOps Simplified

Eliminate cloud waste through practical FinOps

Peter Chung

AWS FinOps Simplified
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To my mother and father, for their sacrifices and for exemplifying the value of
diligence. To Jennifer for being my loving partner and encouragement, and to
Jeremy and Ezra our stars.

– Peter Chung

About the author

Peter Chung enjoys seeing companies leverage new technologies such as the cloud to experience
digital transformation. Before his current role as a Senior Solutions Architect at Amazon Web
Services, Inc. (AWS), Peter helped customers save on their AWS bill as a Customer Optimization
Specialist. Prior to AWS, Peter worked in numerous New York City agencies to help the city tackle
complex challenges such as hurricane recovery efforts, responding to street homeless populations,
and improving shelter conditions. He holds all AWS certifications, two Google Cloud certifications,
and is, of course, FinOps certified.
About the reviewer
With more than 20 years of working in technology, Felipe Campos, also known as KiKo, started his
career as a developer and then migrated into the cloud infrastructure area. When he began working
in the FinOps area, he finally managed to bring together all of his passions, such as development,
cloud architecture, and evangelization in tech. Always very curious, Felipe participates in several
communities, contributing his knowledge in articles, lectures, events, and even long chats with friends!

Surely my journey alone would have ended at the first steps, had it not been
for the support I’ve received from the people I’ve known in the tech community,
and of course, my beautiful family and friends who have been extremely
important in defining who I am.
Table of Contents
Preface xiii

FinOps Foundation 1
Changing with the cloud 1 What FinOps is… 6
Rethinking procurement 2 A FinOps approach 7

Defining FinOps 3 Summary9

FinOps principles 4 Further readings 10

Part 1: Managing Your AWS Inventory

Establishing the Right Account Structure 13
Technical requirements 13 Structuring your AWS accounts 20
Establishing an operating model 14 Managing accounts with AWS Organizations 22
Managing your AWS accounts with AWS
Fully siloed models 14
Control Tower 24
Separated application development with
centralized FinOps 15 Understanding billing with
Decentralized FinOps with AWS Organizations 26
autonomous teams 16
The optimal model 17
Further reading 29
Creating a multi-account
viii Table of Contents

Managing Inventory 31
Technical requirements 31 Tracking tagged resources with AWS
Resource Groups 40
Tracking your AWS resources 32
Tracking inventory with AWS Config 43
A brief primer on tags 33
Tracking inventory with AWS Cost Explorer 33 Establishing a tagging strategy 45
Tracking inventory with AWS CUR 36 Grouping tags with AWS Cost
Tracking Amazon EC2 inventory with Categories46
EC2 Global View 38
Further reading 48

Planning and Metrics Tracking 49
Technical requirements 50 AWS budgeting methods 61
Cost monitoring on AWS 50 Setting up AWS Cost Anomaly
Cost monitoring with Cost Explorer 50 Detection63
Cost monitoring with AWS analytics services 53 Anomaly detection with CloudWatch 66
Cost reporting with QuickSight 55
Cost monitoring with Amazon CloudWatch 56
Further reading 67
Budgeting on AWS 58

Governing Cost and Usage 69
Technical requirements 69 Tag governance with AWS Config 78
A quick primer on IAM 70 Governance with Service Catalog 81
Access to member accounts in Cost Explorer 71 Auditing with CloudTrail 84
Governance with SCP 72 Summary87
Implementing tagging policies 76 Further reading 87
Table of Contents ix

Part 2: Optimizing Your AWS Resources

Optimizing Compute 91
Technical requirements 91 Maximizing savings for flexible
Leveraging steady state discounts 91 workloads105
How RIs work 92 Right sizing compute 107
Understanding RI performance 94 Optimizing AWS Lambda 110
Modifying RIs 95
Exchanging reserved instances 96
Improving utilization with SPs 98
Further reading 113
Knowing when to buy more SPs 102

Optimizing Storage 115
Technical requirements 115 Optimizing DynamoDB 127
Optimizing object storage 115 Optimizing block and file storage 130
Establishing clean S3 hygiene 116 Optimizing EBS  130
Optimizing with S3 storage classes 117 Optimizing EBS snapshots 132
Managing S3 at scale 121 Optimizing EFS  134
Optimizing databases 122 Summary134
RDS-reserved instances 123 Further reading 135
Optimizing OpenSearch clusters 126

Optimizing Networking 137
Technical requirements 137 Data transfer across AWS Regions 142
Understanding data Data transfer from AWS to on-premises
transfer scenarios 137 environments143

Data transfer inside an AWS AZ 138 Managing data transfer costs 146
Data transfer inside an AWS Region 141 Optimizing with Amazon CloudFront 148
x Table of Contents

Tips for minimizing data Summary153

transfer costs 150 Further reading 153

Optimizing Cloud-Native Environments 155
Technical requirements 156 Optimizing data ingestion and preparation 161
Maximizing efficiency with AWS Optimizing ML  164
Auto Scaling 156 Understanding an ML workflow 164
What is auto scaling? 156 Optimizing model training and tuning 165
AWS Auto Scaling versus Amazon EC2 Optimizing model deployment 168
Auto Scaling 157
When to use AWS Auto Scaling 159 Summary170
Further reading 171
Optimizing analytics  160

Part 3: Operationalizing FinOps

Data-Driven FinOps 175
Establishing a centralized function 175 Cloud metric examples 186
Reasons for a centralized FinOps function 176 Leveraging the CUR 189
Personas for a centralized FinOps function 177
Accessing the CUR in Amazon S3 192
Creating an effective metrics strategy 179 Integrating AWS Glue with the CUR  193
What is metrics strategy governance? 180 Querying CUR with Amazon Athena 196
Applying a metric governance framework 182 Visualizing CUR data with
Metrics strategy persona responsibilities  183 Amazon QuickSight 199
Creating metrics with QuickSight 203
Defining the right metrics 184
Five considerations for metrics development 185
Further reading 207
Table of Contents xi

Driving FinOps Autonomously 209
Creating a self-service FinOps portal 209 Forecasting cost and usage with
Understanding AWS CloudFormation 210 Amazon Forecast 224
Getting to know AWS’ Enterprise Dashboards 211 Automating cost optimization
Setting up the dashboards 211 within operations 229
Using the Cloud Intelligence Dashboard 215 Integrating Trusted Advisor with
Forecasting spending using other AWS services 232
ML-driven insights 222 Summary234
Further reading 235

Management Functions 237
Leveraging AWS Solutions 237 Managing your AWS Free Tier usage 248
Instance Scheduler in AWS Solutions 238 Creating purchase orders with AWS Billing 249
Cost Optimizer for WorkSpaces in Engaging with enterprise discount programs 250
AWS Solutions 241
Scaling FinOps for your organization 252
Conducting billing and EventStorming, FinOps style 252
administrative tasks 244 Training for FinOps 254
Simplifying billing with AWS Billing
Further reading 257

Index 259

Other Books You May Enjoy 270

Enterprises’ usage of the cloud doesn’t appear to be slowing down. In fact, it seems to only be
accelerating. The growth of the cloud has enterprises seeking demand for cloud skills in not only the
use of its technology, but in its operations as well. Many enterprises understand that the cloud offers
benefits such as the ability to test and develop software quickly, the ability to innovate by offloading
the undifferentiated heavy lifting to a cloud provider, and the ability to reach customers globally to
essentially expand into new markets.
One benefit of the cloud that enterprises are often enticed by is its cost savings. However, some shake
their head at this so-called benefit, arguing that it’s more costly to operate in the cloud. At first glance,
this might be true if you look at a cost comparison from a certain perspective. But when you’re able to
tell the whole story in the context of an enterprise’s business goals, then there’s a lot more to unpack.
This book will help you do just that. It will unpack both the tactical ways to optimize on cloud costs,
and the strategic approaches that ensure your business is leveraging the full value of the cloud.
This book’s focus will be cost optimization in AWS. Although you can adopt some high-level strategies
for any public cloud provider, the tactical aspects will be centered on AWS.

Who this book is for

Business, technology, and finance leads will inevitably become involved with FinOps in some way,
shape, or form. A thoughtful software architect aims to learn as much of the business domain as
possible to ensure that the technology being built supports the goals of the business. Similarly, any
person concerned with lowering the variable costs of cloud resources will benefit from the themes
and concepts presented in this book.
C-level executives will benefit by learning how they can help shape lean cloud operations to lower
costs for the aggregate business. Line-of-business leaders will benefit by learning techniques they can
employ within their teams to ensure they are maximizing the value of the cloud.
Technologists can apply the practices within this book to architect their cloud workloads in the more
optimal way. Developers can benefit by gaining an understanding of how their deployment decisions
impact the bottom-line. However, DevOps and infrastructure engineers will benefit more, as the book
will help uncover tactics to lower costs.
Those in financial planning and analysis will benefit by gaining knowledge behind the technology
that drives the cloud. These people offer a different perspective from technologists. Observing cloud
operations through a financial lens will help technologists see new and optimal ways to build on
the cloud.
xiv Preface

What this book covers

Chapter 1, FinOps Foundation, defines FinOps so that all readers have the same foundation as they
progress through the rest of the book. You will understand the origin of FinOps, as well as its purpose.
You will understand the definition of FinOps, the entities responsible, the importance of the discipline,
and how to set the foundations for doing so. In other words, it explains the who, what, why, and how
of running FinOps on AWS.
Chapter 2, Establishing the Right Account Structure, discusses strategies for organizing AWS accounts
allowing you to use AWS Organization for consolidated billing, volume discounts, reserved instance
sharing, and others. Everything in AWS starts with the AWS account: this includes cost optimization.
You will understand the benefit of consolidated account management in terms of governance and
resource management.
Chapter 3, Managing Inventory, teaches you to take an inventory of all your assets now that you have
the right account structure in place. This chapter teaches you how to use AWS tools to take inventory,
produce reports, and identify anomalies. It also provides guidance on different tagging strategies to
have a sustainable inventory-tracking policy.
Chapter 4, Planning and Metrics Tracking, teaches you to baseline your spend. You need this data in
order to see where you can reduce waste, and find opportunities for optimization. This chapter teaches
you how to use Cost Explorer to see your usage, create reports that can be tracked over time, and set
up policies and goals to know how well you are performing to reduce waste.
Chapter 5, Governing Cost and Usage, emphasizes that with inventory, metrics, and baselining in
place, you must now know how to govern your usage so that costs do not deviate from expected spend
thresholds. You will learn how to use various AWS Management services such as AWS CloudTrail,
AWS Config, and AWS IAM to govern your account’s spend. You will also learn to tag their resources
properly so that you can track resource use effectively.
Chapter 6, Optimizing Compute, covers compute, the most popular use case for customers. You
will learn how to choose the right pricing model for your workload. These options are reserved
instances, Savings Plans, Spot, SageMaker Savings Plans, and on-demand. You will learn to use
AWS Compute Optimizer to rightsize their instances. You will also learn about serverless offerings
to maximize efficiency.
Chapter 7, Optimizing Storage, examines another core component of IT: storage. You will learn how
to optimize your storage use. You will learn the different storage tiers in S3 to optimize storage costs,
including S3 Storage Lens. You will also learn how to optimize on the database services including
Amazon RDS, Amazon OpenSearch, Amazon EFS, and DynamoDB.
Chapter 8, Optimizing Networking, discusses the last core IT component: networking. You will learn
how to analyze and optimize on data transfer costs. You will also learn to use VPC endpoints to reduce
bandwidth costs wherever appropriate for your workload. You will also learn the different hybrid
networking architectures and learn how to conduct cost analyses to choose the optimal solution.
Preface xv

Chapter 9, Optimizing Cloud-Native Environments, covers optimization topics beyond compute,

networking, and storage. You will learn how to use rightsizing and elasticity such as auto-scaling to
maximize the efficiency of your AWS usage. You will learn different autoscaling policies and strategies,
and learn which to use for a specific workload. You will also learn to use Trust Advisor to see other
opportunities to optimize.
Chapter 10, Data-Driven Fin-Ops, explains that cost optimization is not a one-time activity. You must
continually monitor, report, and act upon FinOps best practices at scale if you intend to maximize
the benefits. This chapter shows ways to automate reporting and response to adopt a CI/CD practice
toward FinOps.
Chapter 11, Driving FinOps Autonomously, goes through different ways individual teams can incorporate
FinOps best practices in their daily operations. While the previous chapter focused on FinOps practices
centrally, this chapter essentially teaches you about FinOps practices that also need to be managed
de-centrally or autonomously. This provides you with the full spectrum of everything you can do to
reduce waste from both the top-down and bottom-up perspectives.
Chapter 12, Management Functions, brings together the concepts of the previous chapters to teach
you how to integrate both centralized and de-centralized FinOps practices. This will close the gap
between all that you have read and bring everything together.

To get the most out of this book

You will need access to an AWS account if you would like to follow along in the exercises. Ensure that
you have the proper Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions to access AWS resources. If
you are a first-time user, you can sign up for free at
If you are using the digital version of this book, we advise you to type the code yourself. Doing so
will help you avoid any potential errors related to the copying and pasting of code.

Download the color images

We also provide a PDF file that has color images of the screenshots and diagrams used in this book.
You can download it here:

Conventions used
There are a number of text conventions used throughout this book.
Code in text: Indicates code words in text, database table names, folder names, filenames, file
extensions, pathnames, dummy URLs, user input, and Twitter handles. Here is an example: “Mount
the downloaded WebStorm-10*.dmg disk image file as another disk in your system.”
xvi Preface

A block of code is set as follows:

model = sagemaker.estimator.Estimator(

When we wish to draw your attention to a particular part of a code block, the relevant lines or items
are set in bold:

model = sagemaker.estimator.Estimator(

Bold: Indicates a new term, an important word, or words that you see onscreen. For instance,
words in menus or dialog boxes appear in bold. Here is an example: “Select System info from the
Administration panel.”

Tips, important notes, and use cases

Appear like this.
Preface xvii

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FinOps Foundation
Before we embark on a FinOps journey, we must level-set expectations and definitions for us to stay on
the right path. We’ll begin by justifying the need for FinOps. Operating in the cloud warrants a mind
shift from traditional IT procurement practices. For organizations to truly benefit from what the cloud
offers, they must align their line of thinking with the variable nature of paying for cloud resources.
We will define what FinOps is and its principles. We’ll use these definitions as set boundaries as we
dive deeper into the execution and implications of FinOps on AWS.
In this chapter, we’re going to cover the following main topics:

• Changing with the cloud

• Rethinking procurement
• Defining FinOps

Changing with the cloud

Cloud cost management is hard. A dynamic cloud environment, autonomous teams provisioning
IT resources at will, and even changing prices of the resources themselves all complicate cloud cost
management. Layer a multi-cloud strategy on top of that and the complexity increases even more.
But how come we see companies such as Lyft cutting costs by 40% in 6 months, Etsy achieving a
42% reduction in computing costs, and MicroStrategy optimizing by 30%? Surely cost management
appears to be possible.
Cloud cost management is indeed hard but, even more fundamentally, change management is hard.
We get so used to the way of doing things. We set up processes, reports, approval mechanisms, and
training sessions, then something changes that forces us to re-evaluate and redeploy all our efforts.
We not only have to help people understand why things are changing, but we must help people change
their behavior to adapt to what’s new.
Cloud cost management is a major change to how organizations think about IT resource procurement.
It is a change in the operational processes involving software development, and it is a change in how
2 FinOps Foundation

teams gauge metrics and democratize resource ownership. Successful cloud cost management depends
on successful organizational and cultural changes. It requires a mind shift that aligns IT procurement
thinking to the variable nature of the cloud.
Cloud cost management calls for increased awareness of how efficiently you use your cloud resources.
The on-demand nature of the cloud is convenient in the sense that you can obtain resources at will,
but it also requires discipline in choosing the right amount of resources to get the job done.
The business value of cloud cost management is no different from the business value of optimizing
any other domain of your business. We can take operation optimization as an example. When you
optimize your operations, you find ways to minimize your operational costs while maximizing your
operational outputs. With process optimization, you identify areas of improvement in a defined
process, implement those changes, then measure the impact of those changes on some business-centric
performance indicators. All these efforts are meant to help your business lower costs and increase
profitability. Moreover, to ensure that your efforts are having an impact on your business, you define
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to validate the outcomes.
The practice of cloud cost management is the application of these optimization efforts in different
areas of the business and the use of cloud IT resources. You apply the same discipline of minimizing
cloud costs while maximizing the value of cloud resources. Equally important is the measuring of
KPIs for intended business outcomes; having data to validate your cloud cost optimization efforts
proves your efforts have business value.
Let’s unpack a bit more of how we must change the way we think about our use of cloud IT resources
to move toward these efficiency gains.

Rethinking procurement
Imagine you grab lunch at a local eatery that provides several culinary options. You can either purchase
option A, a sandwich/soup combo at a fixed price, or you can choose option B, the buffet, in a sense,
but where you pay based on weight. Given that the buffet has a myriad of food items that you enjoy,
you choose to go with the latter. When you select your options, you are sensitive to what and how
much you put in the to-go box. On the other hand, if you went with the sandwich/soup combo, there’s
less mindful calculation required because you know exactly how much you’re paying. This juvenile
example illustrates the mind shift required to go from option A to B where cloud spending is more
like the latter.
Those with cloud cost management success stories have already adopted this new way of thinking
and dismissed traditional IT procurement processes. In the past (and even in some cases today),
the relationship between technology and finance teams was largely transactional. When developers
needed resources, a centralized finance procurement team found the appropriate vendor and
approved the request. Oftentimes these approvals took weeks, hampering technology teams’
efficiency. Moreover, developers had to wait for the hardware to arrive even after approvals, further
extending this waiting game.
Defining FinOps 3

With the cloud, things are different. Engineering teams can now procure the necessary IT resources at
the click of a button, or even an entire data center through code. The on-demand nature of the cloud
enables teams to innovate quickly because not only are they able to obtain resources within minutes,
but they can also test and experiment freely without the financial burden of keeping those resources
long-term. Teams can easily spin up resources and just as easily remove them when they are done, and
not pay for them. Organizations avoid the disadvantages of lengthy procurement cycles and wasted
IT resources, especially when they sit idle for a long period of the year.
These all sound like good things to have. But they also sound like they can lead organizations
on the wrong path. In fact, it’s quite easy to indulge in cloud resources at any moment given the
on-demand nature of the cloud, while ignoring the financial consequences, much like piling food
on your lunch platter at the local eatery. We will dive into the various strategies around cost control,
cost management, and value-driven optimization strategies on AWS throughout this book. But let’s
first level-set a few things.

Important note
Cost throughout this book refers specifically to financial costs. There are other costs to consider
such as labor costs, operational costs, and the cost of technical debt. I will explicitly indicate
the type of cost when appropriate when I’m not referring to financial costs.

We’ve established that change is hard but inevitable in today’s technological landscape. Modern computer
system architectures make teams rethink how they design network communications, databases, and
data processing within a cloud computing framework. This also requires teams to rethink how they
procure these resources to support their business domains. Although not entirely obsolete, traditional
means of procuring computer hardware and software debilitate an organization’s need to move quickly.
This requires a shift in how teams think and operate financial practices to be more in line with the
methods adopted by agile software delivery teams. This is where FinOps comes into the picture.

Defining FinOps
To put FinOps into context, let’s look at its derivation, DevOps. The industry often describes DevOps
as a set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops). It involves
people, processes, and tools that work together in a collaborative culture to accelerate an organization’s
ability to deliver services to customers. DevOps isn’t just one tool, nor is it a one-time event. It’s a
repeated and ever-evolving practice that serves to ultimately bring value to an organization. Indeed,
if it doesn’t bring value to an organization, it is not something worth pursuing. At the same time, if
it’s not bringing value, there might be a chance it’s being implemented incorrectly.
Similarly, FinOps is the merging of financial accountability and management of cloud resources with
cloud operations. Much like how DevOps is a combination of cultural philosophies, practices, and tools
that advocate a collaborative working relationship between development and IT operations, FinOps
encourages the same collaboration between technology and finance teams as well as across lines of
4 FinOps Foundation

business. While DevOps increases an organization’s ability to deliver applications and services at high
velocity, FinOps increases an organization’s visibility, cost efficiency, and profitability of cloud resources.
Storment and Fuller succinctly define FinOps as the practice of bringing financial accountability to the
variable spend model of cloud, enabling distributed teams to make business trade-offs between speed,
cost, and quality. They aptly proceed to say that FinOps is not about saving money. FinOps is about
making money and using your money in a more effective way.
The ultimate purpose of FinOps is to bring business value to your organization by reducing cloud
waste. Simply decreasing cloud costs by purchasing AWS Reserved Instances (RIs) or using optimal
Amazon S3 storage classes is narrow in scope (we will discuss these practices in later chapters). These
practices may bring immediate benefits but may fail to bring lasting value if they aren’t implemented
strategically without measurable metrics and meaningful KPIs.
For the remainder of this book, I’ll refer to the term FinOps to encompass the people, processes, and
tools you use toward your path of eliminating waste in using AWS cloud resources.

Important note
Cloud providers use their own terms when referring to cloud cost management. For example,
AWS uses Cloud Financial Management, Azure uses Cloud Cost Management, while Oracle
uses Cost Management Cloud. In this book, FinOps refers to all these and more as they all
mean to achieve the same goal.

FinOps is the framework within which teams can operate to ensure they are optimizing their use of
cloud resources. Conversely, FinOps cannot apply to traditional IT procurement processes – you cannot
operate and scale with agility if you are waiting for financial approval for hardware that will be arriving
in 3 months. For FinOps to be successful, teams must accept cloud operating principles and expect
to dynamically provision IT resources. Let’s take a closer look at these principles in the next section.

FinOps principles
An organization with a successful FinOps cadence involves personas from business, finance, and
technology actively working as a cohesive team to embed cost management discipline within business
domains. And (hopefully!) within your business domains, there exist domain experts. Domain experts
are the folks who know the line of business they are working in very well. Whether they are product
managers, developers, financial analysts, or architects, they have deep knowledge of the business
domain in which they operate.
If you’re already familiar with Domain-Driven Design (DDD), you know how important it is in
developing software. DDD is a software design approach that exists to not only help teams build
high-quality software but software that meets core business objectives. Without DDD, you may
have a scenario such as a developer engaging with a domain expert, but the collaboration is largely
transactional. The developer builds software that’s based on a list of business requirements that is loosely
Defining FinOps 5

interpreted rather than truly reflecting what the business needs. The result is a poor representation of
the domain experts’ mental model and over time, this disconnect between software and the business
domain increases.
DDD addresses this disconnect by aligning software to business value. Developers can easily get
distracted by technology and technical solutions to business problems. By investing in developers’
knowledge of the business domain and creating a common language between domain experts and
developers, software becomes more about the business rather than technology.
Within DDD, the domain is the problem space that a business occupies. The business operates within a
particular domain. However, regardless of the existence of the business, the domain always exists. Then,
a subdomain is a component of the main domain, but it focuses on a specific subset of the business.
This usually manifests itself in the form of business departments such as sales, engineering, or finance.
A domain model is an abstraction of the domain in which a business operates. The properties of
the domain that are most important to the business constitute the business’ domain model. Models
oftentimes need to be changed as the domain changes and the business priorities change.
Finally, bounded contexts are the logical boundaries that include the inputs, outputs, events, requirements,
data models, and processes. These bounded contexts are a property of the solution space and are,
ideally, aligned to the subdomain.
I broach the topic of DDD because DDD’s good intentions apply to FinOps’ good intentions. FinOps
requires a common language among all teams. One of DDD’s primary pillars is Ubiquitous Language.
This is a shared team language among domain experts and developers. This Ubiquitous Language is
not meant to be organization-wide and only applies within a bounded context of a business domain.
To illustrate, a tomato in the bounded context of nutrition is considered a vegetable, whereas in the
bounded context of botany, it is considered a fruit due to the presence of seeds (but let’s face it, it’s
really a vegetable).
Different terms mean different things in different contexts so it’s important to have the right language
within a FinOps context. It’s also nearly impossible to have an established global language within a
larger enterprise. So, the best approach is to accept that differences will exist but when speaking within
a FinOps context, the language is well-defined and clearly understood.
A common language is a property of a business’ communication structure. DDD aims to improve the
efficiencies that come with organizing teams by function, which was traditionally how teams were
organized when deploying software:

1. Sales teams would request engineering teams build something.

2. Engineering teams would respond with an estimated deployment date of 8 weeks.
3. Sales teams would outsource troubleshooting to support teams.
4. Support teams would request the engineering teams fix a bug.
6 FinOps Foundation

This transactional type of communication would not facilitate domain knowledge to be shared across
the organization. It would, at times, prevent businesses from iterating and innovating quickly since
teams and data were siloed with teams having to depend on other teams to make changes and meet
customer demand.
Rather, DDD organizes teams into their respective bounded contexts. Teams operate within their own
subdomains and make their data and interfaces to other teams through well-defined protocols and
processes. Teams better understand how to communicate with each other since this is implied within
the software architecture. I’m not saying FinOps is a bounded context in and of itself. What I am saying
is that the discipline that comes with maintaining consistent, reliable, and defined communication
channels for an organization practicing DDD is a helpful frame of reference when thinking about
the communication channels necessary between a FinOps team and the various other teams within
a business.
This common language is critical when deciding on going with application design A over B, even when
A costs much more. Optimizing application A solely for the purpose of saving money but sacrificing
its performance or availability, which leads to system downtime, which can crush revenue, hardly
seems like a worthy trade-off. Even language around AWS-specific cost terms such as RI unblended
cost, and Intelligent-Tiering can lead to confusion if teams don’t have a shared understanding of what
they mean, and specifically how they impact the business.
Centralization of knowledge and oversight is key to ensuring that business domain knowledge doesn’t
sit lazily within the minds of a select few. In FinOps, having a central team driving cost management
policies and documenting knowledge helps with this knowledge transfer. In the cloud, this central
team is often called a Cloud Center of Excellence (CCoE), composed of individuals from various
lines of business. A CCoE drives cloud adoption for the business, instilling cloud best practices in
the various teams. A FinOps team derived from, or as part of, this CCoE can drive the adoption of
FinOps best practices across the organization, embed them as part of the software development cycle,
and report on performance to continually find areas to reduce waste.

What FinOps is…

FinOps is using tools to eliminate waste, whether those are AWS-native tools, third-party solutions,
or your own homegrown applications. These tools help you take inventory, track cost performance
over time, identify outliers, and assist in automation to remove unexpected waste and maximize the
efficiency of cloud resources. However, tools themselves are a means to an end. FinOps also involves
education and enablement in using these tools and interpreting the results appropriately so that the
tools themselves bring value to the business. We will see how to apply various AWS-native tools to
reduce cloud waste.
Defining FinOps 7

FinOps is establishing and executing practices that encourage automation to optimize as quickly and
as efficiently as possible. Rather than manually pulling RI recommendation reports every few months
and determining which instances are worth purchasing upfront, FinOps, at its best, automates the
process of gathering RI recommendations, interpreting the results, and communicating to the ones
responsible, ranking the RIs by maximum value for the business. FinOps also re-evaluates its practices
and iterates on them depending on the use case.
FinOps creates meaningful metrics that you can track to see how well you are achieving your goals.
You may have business leaders that worry that “our cloud costs are increasing.” However, are increasing
cloud costs necessarily a bad thing? What if for every dollar you spend on a cloud application, that
application is bringing in 5 dollars? In that case, although your cloud costs are indeed increasing, the
costs are nominal compared to the revenue generated. Although AWS itself is ultimately a technology,
the cost of building on AWS becomes a justifiable business investment, not just a cost center. But you
need to have metrics to prove this. FinOps not only involves these metrics but budgeting and planning
so that you can track your cloud cost efficiency over time. The better you get at tracking metrics, the
better you can prove your efficiency in reducing cloud waste.

A FinOps approach
You can define a successful FinOps approach broken up into four major practices: identify what you
own, optimize resources that you need, plan and track spending, and execute policies that align with
your financial goals. The diagram in Figure 1.1 presents these ideas but in no particular order.

Figure 1.1 – A FinOps approach to waste elimination

Everyone will have a different starting point because everyone’s cloud journey is unique. Some may
be just starting out and won’t have any resources provisioned. Others may have already been using
the cloud for years and thus have a huge inventory of cloud resources to manage. Moreover, some
organizations may prefer methodological approaches and set budgets before approving any projects,
whereas others may prefer to be iterative and adjust budgets as needed. Regardless of your preference,
these are important practices that you can incorporate into your FinOps strategy. We’ll see how you
can apply these practices on AWS.
8 FinOps Foundation

Identifying what you own is knowing what resources are provisioned and will be provisioned. Imagine
you are a company that sells toys online and in-store. You have warehouses storing your assets to ship
to customers and deliver to physical stores. It’s likely you have an inventory of your assets so you know
when to replenish when stock is low. It would be rather difficult to run your business if you didn’t
know what you own! The same can be said of your cloud resources. It’s unlikely that you’ll have a
successful FinOps strategy if you don’t know what you have.
Optimizing the resources that you need means maximizing the efficiency of what you elect to use.
Naively, the best way to reduce costs in the cloud is to not use anything – if you pay for what you
use, just use as little as possible. Although facetious, it holds some truth. Turning off resources when
you don’t need them is a great way to eliminate waste (to know what you can turn off, you need to
take inventory). Rightsizing resources, choosing the right pricing model, and leveraging the cloud’s
elasticity are practical ways to optimize the resources that you do need.
Planning and tracking help you see whether you are actually moving toward the ultimate goal of
eliminating waste. By setting budgets, you can anticipate what your costs will be on a daily, monthly,
and yearly basis. Budgets and reports can help you establish a baseline for your cloud spending. Then
you can use features such as anomaly detection to identify events that deviate from expectations.
Metrics also inform leadership on how cloud spending is contributing to the business. From that
point of view, cloud spending becomes more of an investment.
Executing involves scaling your FinOps practices, incorporating automation, and iterating on your
practices as business needs change. It’s also important to standardize and communicate these practices
to stakeholders, showing how these practices support business goals. Ideally, you want to automate as
much as possible to ensure FinOps isn’t a blocker to agility and innovation.
The following chapters focus on each practice so you can apply them within your AWS accounts.

Important note
You can apply these practices to any public cloud platform, but this book’s focus is on AWS.
The tools we use will be dependent on AWS-provided services. You can stay up to date with
AWS tools on their Cloud Financial Management website.

We use a fictitious example throughout this book to demonstrate how an organization might apply
FinOps to reduce cloud waste. We’ll follow VidyaGames in their journey to transform from an
organization with little to no FinOps practices to an organization with a mature FinOps practice.
Each chapter focuses on a particular FinOps practice and as we expound on each practice, we’ll see
how VidyaGames applies the practice to its specific business domain.
Summary 9

VidyaGames’ cloud cost journey

VidyaGames is an online video game review website with a growing user base. The company’s
core domain is a social media platform where registered users can share video game reviews,
experiences, and photos. The company expects to build a live-streaming application and a vibrant
online advertising space as two strategic business initiatives. Originally running on-premises
in a data center, the company has migrated most of its applications to the cloud.
The business has been growing but so have its cloud costs. Initially, leadership wasn’t concerned
with cloud costs. The agility, scalability, and availability of the cloud were reasons enough to
justify the move to AWS. Fortunately, the business experienced these benefits immediately,
which contributed to its growth. However, as the business adjusts its goals to better manage
its assets, cloud cost control has become a priority.
The company recently hired Jeremy as the head of engineering practices for the organization.
His immediate directive is to get the organization’s AWS costs under control. Leadership expects
AWS costs to decrease by 30% within the next 3 months.
Jeremy asks Ezra, from the finance department, for a copy of last month’s AWS bill. Ezra sends
Jeremy multiple bills, each reflecting cost for a distinct AWS account. Jeremy asks Ezra who
are the respective owners of the AWS accounts but Ezra does not know.
Jeremy cannot recognize any spending patterns based on the bills. He doesn’t have any visibility
into resource use to help him make any optimization decisions. He understands that he won’t
be able to do this alone.

A successful FinOps practice depends on a decentralized approach where all teams are engaged in
practicing resource hygiene, cost awareness, and optimization techniques where possible. Although
individual teams drive FinOps practices, a centralized team will evangelize best practices and apply
the appropriate governance to ensure teams are operating within bounds that help the business achieve
their cost goals.

In this chapter, you learned about the importance of having to change your mindset when running
financial operations in the cloud. You cannot use a traditional, centralized IT procurement approach
since cloud operations aren’t owned by a single team. Rather, it is much more important to provide
autonomy to your business teams to enable them to maximize cloud benefits. We will discuss how to
enable your teams to be agile, autonomous, and to bring business value while controlling and managing
their cloud spending throughout the remainder of this book.
You also learned that FinOps is a framework and discipline that crosses many teams within an
organization. It is a combination of people, processes, tools, and metrics that empowers an organization
using the cloud to manage its cloud resources as true assets that bring measurable value to the business.
FinOps is not a one-person job, nor should it be owned and managed entirely by scattered teams.
Rather, a centralized body such as a CCoE should own FinOps and share best practices with teams,
enabling them to embed clean cloud cost hygiene within their operations.
10 FinOps Foundation

You were also introduced to a few characters from a fictitious company struggling with implementing
FinOps. You will encounter these characters and their stories throughout this book. The intent is
for you to learn from their experiences and be able to apply their stories to yours. Let’s continue
on our journey.

Further readings
• Lyft Uses AWS Cost Management to Cut Costs by 40% in 6 Months:
• Doing More with Less: How MicroStrategy Cut Cloud Costs by 30%:
• Etsy: Doing more with less cost and infrastructure:
• What is FinOps?:
Part 1:
Managing Your AWS

The objective of Part 1 is to help you understand and track your inventory. This is the first step
toward eliminating waste. This part will help you know what you own and what your baseline
spending is. If you do not have this information, you won’t know what to optimize! This is
like knowing your inventory in a warehouse: if you don’t know what you have, you are poorly
established to grow your business.
This part of the book comprises the following chapters:

• Chapter 2, Establishing the Right Account Structure

• Chapter 3, Managing Inventory
• Chapter 4, Planning and Metrics Tracking
• Chapter 5, Governing Cost and Usage
Establishing the Right
Account Structure
A successful financial operations (FinOps) practice begins with the right foundation. With Amazon
Web Services (AWS), the organization of your AWS accounts constitutes that foundation. In this
chapter, we’ll explore ways to establish your account structure. In subsequent chapters, we’ll see how
an account structure directly impacts your ability to implement successful FinOps practices such as
inventory management, governance and control, auditability, and reporting.
But first, we’ll learn about the various AWS tools that can help structure your AWS accounts, including
AWS Organizations. This is the foundation that will direct how successful your FinOps efforts will
be over time. We’ll then conclude with a brief look at how billing works for a multi-account AWS
In this chapter, we’re going to cover the following main topics:

• Establishing an operating model

• Creating a multi-account environment
• Understanding billing with AWS Organizations

Technical requirements
To complete the exercises in this chapter, you will need:

• A personal computing device (PC, Mac, or Linux) with a web browser installed that has access
to the internet
• AWS credentials such as your AWS account name and password
• If you’ve enabled AWS multi-factor authentication, you will also need your device’s authentication
14 Establishing the Right Account Structure

Establishing an operating model

We’ve already established that a successful FinOps practice depends on the foundation of how you
structure your AWS accounts. But how you structure your AWS accounts will likely depend on how
you organize your business teams. Organizational structure is important because if the way you
operate FinOps does not align with how your teams operate, you’ll create a chasm that disrupts any
well-intended cost-saving initiatives. Conway’s law particularly holds true within FinOps:

Any organization that designs a system…will inevitably produce a design whose

structure is a copy of the organization’s communication structure.

(Melvin Conway, How Do Committees Invent?)

Teams must know which role they play when contributing to projects that yield business value. They
also need to know how their team synergizes with others when they collectively work toward set goals.
The same ideas apply when implementing FinOps. Rather than having a centralized FinOps entity
telling teams what to do and how to optimize, it’s much more effective if teams take ownership of cost
savings and federate FinOps among teams. By doing so, teams are empowered with information; this
data gives teams the information they need to see the kind of impact they have on costs as they gauge
how their work impacts the broader business.
Operating models will vastly differ depending on a company’s industry, size, team size, and maturity,
but we can at least categorize three generalized operating models that apply to FinOps on AWS.

Fully siloed models

When teams expect to operate with their specific function, a company can create silos that make it
difficult for cross-team engagements. In the following diagram, we have four teams operating within
their functional domains:

Figure 2.1 – A fully siloed operating model

Establishing an operating model 15

Business informs Engineering of the application’s requirements. Engineering then passes the day-to-day
operations of the application’s deployment to Operations. Meanwhile, Finance works with Engineering
to find cost optimization opportunities that impact all teams within the organization. These practices
can include tagging policies to ensure all cloud resources are tagged with an owner, purchasing reserved
instances, executing automation scripts to clean up unused resources, or rightsizing instances.
As described, this model represents a functional separation between teams. Although a very common
organizational practice, there is one major disadvantage: the lack of agility. By separating an application
into functional teams, we expose operations similar to what we outlined previously: the user interface
(UI) team builds and passes code to the business logic team to ensure functional requirements, then
the code passes to the database team to work on storage components.
Each functional team is dependent on the others. This dependency hinders agility since each team
cannot build, test, and deploy independently. In order to make a change, all teams must be involved;
the change requires the entire application to change as a single unit.
It’s common for today’s enterprise products to change frequently during a lifetime. Given changing
business requirements, changing customer preferences, market dynamism, and changing technologies,
it is fitting for companies to move away from this model. Architecturally, this model generally implies
a monolithic architecture because monoliths also commonly separate teams by function.

Separated application development with centralized FinOps

This model follows the you built it, you run it mantra. Engineering and operations work together
as a unit—they perform both development and operations of the software they build to support a
business function. Now that teams are working together and don’t have to pass off and potentially
wait for dependencies from other teams, this enables teams to move faster and meet the demands of
both external and internal stakeholders.
A development-operations (DevOps) approach has application and operations teams working
together to deploy software quickly and iteratively. This removes the need for application developers
to ship code to the operations or infrastructure team and wait for deployment. The following diagram
shows this silo between engineering and operations removed. Now, the team acts as one enabling
quick and agile deployment:
16 Establishing the Right Account Structure

Figure 2.2 – A separated application model with a centralized FinOps function

FinOps, however, is management separated and centralized by finance. FinOps determines policies
and governance controls and distributes them to the application teams. This centralized team can
be a cloud center of excellence (CCoE) itself or a sub-team within the CCoE, focused mainly on
cost-saving initiatives for the organization.
This model enables more agility than the siloed model in the previous section. Now that teams own the
application as a unit, they can operate independently without dependencies on other teams. The trade-
off for this is the requirement for organizations to create teams that have full-stack expertise, which
can be challenging to say the least. Organizations can operationalize the most common requirements
such that some teams can support themselves, while more specialized individuals serve on a cross-
team. These best practices are covered in greater detail in Part 3, Operationalizing FinOps, of this book.

Decentralized FinOps with autonomous teams

The last model provides the most autonomy to teams. In this model, teams adopt and embed FinOps
practices into their day-to-day workings. Although it doesn’t preclude the existence of a centralized
FinOps team (such as a CCoE), it expects teams to embed FinOps within their operations. This is
more easily achieved if there exists a strong culture of autonomy and teams adopting best practices.
In application development, you might see a shared services team that handles networking, security,
monitoring, and other cross-domain practices, while the application components are owned by
autonomous teams.
This model follows a general format. For example, if you have a workload composed of a microservices
architectural style, teams may agree to implement a certain logging standard across all services for
consistency and maintainability. In the same way, a centralized FinOps team may establish best practices
for purchasing reserved instances (RIs) or applying rightsizing, but it’s up to the teams to implement
these practices themselves in a way that makes sense to their specific domain.
Establishing an operating model 17

As with Figure 2.2 in the previous section, the following diagram shows engineering and operations as
one team. However, the difference lies in how these teams embed FinOps into their practices. You may
still have a centralized FinOps team recommending cost-saving practices that apply organization-wide,
but you also have FinOps practices that application teams use specific to their domain. Because these
teams know their domain better than anyone else, teams know how to apply FinOps, in particular
to their context:

Figure 2.3 – A decentralized FinOps model with embedded FinOps practices

Teams embed FinOps practices within application development. Although we will investigate these
practices in the following chapters, some practical examples are tagging resources, rightsizing servers
before and after provisioning them, or creating clean-up practices to decommission unneeded services.
The model shows hashed lines representing finance working with other teams to establish best practices
for the organization. Finance still centralizes FinOps knowledge and policies, but teams execute
autonomously and iterate on them as business needs change.

The optimal model

The common statistical aphorism often attributed to British statistician George E.P. Box, “All models
are wrong, but some are useful” applies no less here. There won’t be strict lines (or dotted lines, for that
matter) that physically or conceptually prevent teams from interacting with one another in practice.
Nor are these models separate from each other. Real companies are on a gradient where certain pairs
of teams may better communicate than others. There may be some centralized policies, while others
are decentralized. There may even be one team doing it all, given its size.
It’s hard to state one model is better than the other but steering away from a siloed model better aligns
with how modern cloud architectures are being developed today. Companies realize the benefits of speed
and agility that come from federated operations. The agility that comes with DevOps, microservices,
18 Establishing the Right Account Structure

and distributed data architectures such as data meshes results in smaller and autonomous teams.
Needless to say, don’t just adopt these patterns simply because everyone else is doing it, but rather
apply them if the business need exists.
A centralized FinOps team to be the guiding star is still important. A FinOps team may decentralize
more of the execution, reporting, and automation to autonomous teams, but a FinOps body composed
of stakeholders from business, finance, and technology to drive best practices and share FinOps
knowledge will bring success. Moreover, having executive sponsorship to support a FinOps practice
ensures efforts are indeed valuable to the business but appreciated as well. This also benefits teams by
creating a feedback loop; FinOps provides better visibility into efficient cloud usage, executives trust
that teams are using cloud resources effectively in ways that are beneficial to the business, and then
cloud usage continues investing in new projects or optimizing existing ones.

Finding a Better Way to Organize AWS Accounts

Jeremy feels overwhelmed by the number of bills he must consolidate manually and by the fact
that the accounts associated with these bills have no clear owner. Jeremy sets up a meeting with
Ellia, the lead architect at VidyaGames.
“Ellia, do you know who owns these AWS accounts?” Jeremy asks as he shares the bills with Ellia.
“Unfortunately, not all of them,” Ellia replies. “Some of them were here before I started. And
some of them were acquired when we bought Hi AdTech two quarters ago.”
“Hi AdTech is the digital advertising company, correct?” Jeremy asks.
“Correct. It’s part of our strategic move to promote more ads on our e-commerce platform.
We acquired them but really haven’t integrated their projects yet with our current workloads.”
Ellia pauses and eagerly says, “Everyone knows your priority right now is to cut costs. What
are you thinking? Maybe I can help.”
Jeremy smiles. “Thanks. That would be very helpful. I’m thinking we need a better way to organize
our accounts and build a process to clearly identify account owners. Then, in the future, if we
do make more acquisitions, the integration will be much more streamlined.”

Siloed models are not conducive to FinOps, primarily because cost saving becomes reactionary. Instead,
you want to have FinOps disciplines embedded within the operating models of applications teams,
which is easier to adopt within a decentralized FinOps model and autonomous teams. Reactionary
cost saving also bears the risk of never implementing cost optimization practices at all due to the risk
of decreased visibility and accountability across teams. For example, finance teams may recognize
overprovisioned or idle servers at the end of the month. Then, the team might send a message to the
application teams to rightsize or turn off servers, but application teams may never end up following
through on the tasks.
Having explored the organizational implications teams have on FinOps, let’s find out what it looks
like when applied within an AWS environment.
Creating a multi-account environment 19

Creating a multi-account environment

All resources and services on AWS require an AWS account. After you create an account, you can
deploy AWS resources to that account. Hence, the AWS account is the fundamental container that
holds your resources. Every month, AWS aggregates usage for each account, and the account holder
is responsible for those charges. However, most organizations using AWS have multiple accounts that
run their workloads.
Securing your business assets is the primary reason for using multiple accounts. An AWS account
provides a natural security boundary for organizations with multiple accounts. Say you were to deploy
your entire business’ production workload in a single AWS account. If a malicious actor were to obtain
certain privileges to that account, that may lead to a large security breach in your business. However,
if the threat affects just one account out of many, this significantly limits the threat or blast radius.
Isolating resources by attributing them to specific accounts also simplifies compliance. Imagine you
have a payment-processing capability for a certain application. That payment functionality will likely
be guarded by regulations that don’t apply to other functions of the application. By leveraging multiple
accounts, auditors would only need access to the account responsible for payment processing rather
than scrutinizing the entire application if it sat in a single AWS account.
You also gain better resource isolation, which results in cost and billing clarity. Because AWS bills
resource use at the account level, you can see resource use by account. If you tagged resources (we’ll
discuss tagging strategies in Chapter 6, Optimizing Compute), you can see costs by tags within an
account. You can also aggregate tags across multiple accounts, so you can choose different levels of
granularity. AWS also assigns quotas to each of its resources. You’re likely to reach quota limits more
quickly using one account than by using multiple accounts. By breaking up resources across multiple
accounts, you can address quota limits incrementally as needed.

Important note
AWS accounts have default quotas specific to each Region. For resources that have soft limits,
you can request an increase by contacting AWS Support. You can check each service’s quotas
on its respective AWS documentation page.

Another important reason is decentralization of ownership. When teams own their own AWS accounts,
they are less likely to interfere with each other and can operate independently. This may increase a
team’s agility by removing bureaucratic tendencies that stem from centralized control. By decentralizing
ownership, administrators can delegate the managing of certain organization-wide requirements to
individual teams, one of those requirements being cost control.
20 Establishing the Right Account Structure

Structuring your AWS accounts

This begs the question, “What’s the right multi-account structure?” The short answer, as is usually the
case in software architecture, is: “It depends.” A reasonable place to start is to structure accounts by
functional business departments. The following diagram provides an example of this:

Figure 2.4 – AWS account by business department

A company provides multiple AWS accounts to allow each department to run workloads that bring
business value. Users and applications deploy resources in those accounts for a specific purpose.
Although minimal, by mapping resource use to a business function, you start to reduce waste. If you
had a single account with users and applications provisioning resources without defined boundaries
or clear business objectives, it would become difficult to justify the use of those resources. This is
very similar to the usually undesirable big ball of mud software system anti-pattern. You’ll also find
yourself reaching AWS service quota limits rather quickly, which can impact your business agility.
You can create an even more granular account structure if it benefits your organization. Figure 2.4
shows a nested account structure with the first layer separated by department. Engineering teams
may create another layer to segregate applications using AWS accounts. Then, they may add a third
layer to separate each account, and use an AWS account to host distinct environments, as shown in
the following diagram:
Creating a multi-account environment 21

Figure 2.5 – Application segregation by environment

You may also consider structuring your accounts by domain. Architects break down an application
by its components or domains. An architect should be able to identify what purpose that domain
serves and which dependencies each domain has with others. By breaking an application down by its
components, architects and developers can modularize an application, which has different advantages
than a single monolithic application. This can also improve your security posture as resources in one
environment can be independent of another. This means that if one environment becomes compromised,
it won’t negatively impact the security posture of another.
For example, if you have an application that processes customer payments and the business saw value
in adding a mobile payment capability, under a monolithic application, adding this mobile payment
functionality would require the entire application to accommodate this change. However, with a
modular approach, you can develop this functionality independently and focus on how this new
service would communicate and essentially be plugged into the existing application with minimal
disruption. Architects compare this kind of microservice architectural pattern to the monolithic
architectural pattern. This topic of microservice architecture warrants multiple books, so we won’t
dwell on it for much longer.
It’s worth noting how agility through decentralized ownership in microservice architectures relates to
FinOps practices and account structures. Teams own and deliver distinct components of a microservice-
based application. They have the operational autonomy to use whichever tool is best suited for their
domain. Providing an AWS account to each team enables this practice of decentralized ownership
and component-based design. You can see what purpose that account serves because it is directly
related to an application’s functionality. Teams can further segregate their domain by environment
(for example, test, development, staging, and production) if necessary.
22 Establishing the Right Account Structure

Choose the right account structure based on your organization’s needs. You could start by mapping
your account structure to your organization’s structure. You may want to separate accounts by business
departments because the tasks and data used by the marketing and finance teams are distinct and
there is little reason for any overlap. You may have some monolithic and microservice applications
and decide to place monolithic applications in their accounts while creating domain-specific accounts
for your microservice applications. You have the freedom to create something that works best for you,
and the flexibility to change as needed.
There are no financial costs for creating an AWS account. That means you can create hundreds or
thousands of accounts and still not be charged if you don’t deploy any resources in those accounts.
Hence, there are no direct financial risks to creating multiple accounts. In other words, it doesn’t cost
anything to open an account.
Conceptually, managing a single AWS account is obviously easier than managing multiple accounts.
Cross-account functions such as logging, security, and monitoring are simpler to manage within a single
account. You must consider how to manage cross-account functions and coordinate communication
between accounts. Fortunately, AWS Organizations helps to reduce the burden of multi-account

Managing accounts with AWS Organizations

You group multiple AWS accounts together to form an organization. You designate one account as
the management account, while the others become member accounts. The management account is
the ultimate owner of the organization. Once you establish the management account, you cannot
change which account will be the management account, unless you dismantle the organization entirely
and start anew. The member accounts are members of that organization and can only be part of one
organization at a time.
You structure your AWS accounts within your organization from the management account. You
can group accounts to form an organizational unit (OU). If you followed the example from Figure
2.4 in the previous section, you would have four OUs with your organization: Marketing, Finance,
Engineering, and Security. Furthermore, you can create nested OUs. Within the Engineering OU, you
would have a nested OU for applications A, B, and C, following the example in Figure 2.5.
An account can be part of just one OU, but you can move accounts freely from one OU to another. This
will help organize your accounts to accommodate changing business needs. If your business decides
that an AWS account should switch functions from running marketing campaigns to supporting a
financial need, you can simply move the account into the appropriate OU. The following screenshot
shows how you can do this using the AWS Management Console:
Creating a multi-account environment 23

Figure 2.6 – Moving accounts from the Marketing OU to the Engineering OU

You can also expand your account footprint in AWS Organizations. You can create new accounts and
invite existing accounts into your organization, as shown in the next screenshot. This provides you
with additional flexibility because you don’t have to perfect your account strategy from the beginning.
As your business grows through acquisition, refactors applications to meet business objectives, and
creates new environments to increase agility, you can adjust your accounts accordingly. Knowing
each account’s purpose helps reduce waste because if an entire workload and its resources within an
account aren’t contributing to that purpose, then you should eliminate those resources. We’ll explore
which resources your accounts have in the next chapter:
24 Establishing the Right Account Structure

Figure 2.7 – Adding an AWS account through invitation

One important policy decision to consider is defining a process to clean up unneeded or forgotten
accounts. You may run into situations where you have an AWS account but the original owner of the
account left the organization, or you may have inherited an account that you cannot access. Not only
will this incur financial waste if resources are running in those accounts, but it also poses a security
issue since a non-registered user in your company’s domain has access to resources. Every AWS account
must have an associated email. Hence, having a process to change account ownership, update emails,
and decommission unnecessary accounts is practicing healthy account hygiene and reducing waste.

Important note
AWS recommends having a catch-all account to help you retrieve password reset emails. This
allows an email administrator to record these emails in case an account owner leaves the
company. Your administrator would still be able to reset account passwords even if the original
owners were unreachable. It’s highly recommended that you enable multi-factor authentication
(MFA) on your root AWS account.

Managing your AWS accounts with AWS Control Tower

Managing your multi-account environment with organizations provides you with a lot of flexibility
in how you want to structure your accounts. As you scale, however, you may encounter situations
where you want to create a centralized logging account or security account to aggregate activity in a
single location. This approach is easier than having to access logs for each account individually. You
Creating a multi-account environment 25

can certainly create your own cross-functional accounts but may find it easier to start with a blueprint
and iterate from there.
You can use AWS Control Tower to quickly set up a multi-account AWS environment based on
best practices. Control Tower establishes a landing zone, which is a blueprint for a well-architected,
multi-account environment. For example, if you create your multi-account structure using Control
Tower, Control Tower will automatically create a core OU with a centralized logging and security
You can modify the Landing Zones settings to meet your business needs. Let’s say there is no reason
for anyone in your organization to use any AWS Region that’s not in the United States (US). You
can apply Region Deny settings to limit what folks can do to certain Regions in your landing zone.

Important note
An AWS Region is a geographic location hosting a cluster of data centers. AWS groups data
centers within a Region to form Availability Zones (AZs). AZs are physically separated from
each other for redundancy.

Control Tower helps when you’d rather build your multi-account environment upon already established
best practices over starting from scratch. This enables you to quickly set up a baseline environment
where you can focus on applying governance and cost controls from a centralized dashboard, which
we will cover in greater detail in Chapter 5, Governing Cost and Usage.
The following screenshot shows a sample dashboard from the AWS Control Tower console. Here, we
see the number of accounts and OUs, including the enabled guardrails for governance. You can also
find non-compliant resources, although these are not specifically shown here:

Figure 2.8 – A sample Control Tower dashboard in the AWS console

26 Establishing the Right Account Structure

We’ve seen how to organize AWS accounts to create an organization. A multi-account environment
is easier to manage with AWS Organizations and can help improve your visibility on costs. Let’s
understand how billing works in AWS Organizations.

Understanding billing with AWS Organizations

When you operate with AWS Organizations, you receive one aggregated bill that shows usage for
every account in your organization. AWS calls this consolidated billing. This consolidated bill shows
both aggregated usage for the organization and usage per account, enabling you to conduct proper
chargeback mechanisms or create showbacks for visibility.

Important note
In information technology (IT), a chargeback is the practice of charging business units
(BUs) for their IT usage, whereas a showback is the practice of showing BUs their spending
but internally reconciling from a central budget.

If your business requires separate bills for every AWS account, then you should not combine accounts
with AWS Organizations. This, however, prohibits you from taking advantage of volume-tier discounts,
which will help reduce costs.
Some services in AWS provide a volume-based discount—the more you use, the better the deal. With
consolidated billing, AWS regards usage across all accounts in an organization as if it were a single
account. AWS then applies discounts for eligible services if the aggregate usage meets those volume
thresholds. The following screenshot shows an example of aggregate Amazon Simple Storage Service
(S3) charges across 12 AWS accounts. Here, we see Amazon S3 pricing for the S3 Standard storage class
in the US East (OHIO) Region for individual accounts storing 45 gigabytes (GB) of data per month:

Figure 2.9 – An Amazon S3 pricing example for a multi-account environment

Understanding billing with AWS Organizations 27

Without consolidated billing, each account would be charged US dollars (USD) $1.04 (calculated
as 45 GB x $0.23 rate) for 45 GB of storage for the month. The total monthly cost would be $12.42
(calculated as 12 x $1.04). With consolidated billing, the total storage is treated as one account, thus
the rate would be $0.021 instead of $0.023. Using the $0.021 rate, your total then becomes $11.34,
an 8.70% saving. Although this is a simple example reflecting nominal usage, savings accumulate
quickly as usage increases. Our goal is to reduce waste, and these are just small steps in that direction.

Important note
AWS provides a 12-month Free Tier that allows customers to try AWS services free of charge for
new accounts. However, if you use AWS Organizations to consolidate payment across multiple
accounts, you will have access to only one Free Tier per organization.

The management account can view monthly usage by account in the billing console. Once you select
a specific month’s bill, you can select the Bill details by account tab to see each account’s monthly
charges within the organization, as illustrated in the following screenshot:

Figure 2.10 – Monthly charges by account

28 Establishing the Right Account Structure

A Multi-Account Structure for VidyaGames

Jeremy and Ellia start to whiteboard a viable multi-account structure for VidyaGames. They
decide AWS Control Tower is the easiest way to get started with a proven multi-account strategy
based on best practices. By deploying a new organization through Control Tower, they establish a
multi-account baseline with a log archive and audit account in the core OU provided through
Control Tower. From the management account, they move all existing accounts into this newly
created organization to leverage consolidated billing, volume-tier discounts, and better cost visibility.
After meeting with engineering teams, infrastructure teams, and business operations teams,
Jeremy and Ellia realize that their AWS Organization’s structure could be improved by grouping
accounts by function. They created the following OUs to support their organization:
Infrastructure: This OU holds AWS accounts meant for shared infrastructure services such
as networking and shared message buses.
Security: This OU holds AWS accounts hosting security-related access and services. Jeremy
and Ellia move the Control Tower-initiated log archive and audit accounts into the Security
OU. They also plan to create a security break glass account for emergency security incidents.
Sandbox: This OU allows developers to test applications and learn about different AWS services
in a safe environment, with certain policies applied to the OU to control costs. Having this
OU will help VidyaGames differentiate between applications that generate revenue and test
applications for research and learning purposes.
Workload: This OU holds the bulk of revenue-generating applications for VidyaGames. Working
with engineering teams, Jeremy expects to have sub-OUs within the Workload OU to delineate
between test, development, staging, and production environments. This OU is also where AWS
accounts for the software lifecycle are created to make deployed applications more resilient to
organizational changes.
FinOps: This OU is where Jeremy expects to spend most of his time. The FinOps OU serves
the finance teams. It has cost visibility across all accounts within VidyaGames for reporting
purposes. It holds accounts that intend to centralize cost-saving mechanisms.
Suspended: This OU holds accounts that have been suspended and are on the verge of being
deleted. Having this OU allows VidyaGames to differentiate between accounts that need to be
cleaned up and do not deliver business value. Jeremy has an idea to use this OU as a black hole
where no resources can or should be active.
With administrative privileges and consensus with various teams, Jeremy and Ellia start to
create these OUs and move accounts into the appropriate OU. Jeremy makes sure there are no
restrictions applied at the OU level. He does not want OU-based governance policies to disrupt
any workloads running in the existing account. This is something he intends to address later.
By working with the email account administrator and AWS Support, they map currently
active accounts to owners within the organization. Now, Jeremy feels he has a little more
control over account assets within the company. With a renewed sense of ownership, he
tackles a new challenge.
Ellia meets with Jeremy during the next cadence, then asks, “Now that all our accounts are in
one place, what should our next step be?”.
Summary 29

In this chapter, you learned the basics of an AWS account and the benefits of using multiple accounts.
Structuring your AWS accounts will depend on your organization. You might segregate accounts by
BU, application, application function, or a combination of these, and more.
You learned how to manage your accounts with AWS Organizations, group them through OUs, and
use AWS Control Tower to quickly set up a multi-account environment.
You further learned how billing works with AWS Organizations. You can view usage by account from
the management account and take advantage of volume-tier discounts through aggregated use.
Organizing accounts is the first step toward reducing waste since all resources are associated with an
account. Possessing good account hygiene helps find wasteful and lost resources that may become
forgotten due to employee turnover or organizational changes.
Now that we have the foundation set with a multi-account environment, we can begin to understand
which resources those accounts own. This is something we’ll look at in the next chapter.

Further reading
For more information, refer to the following resources:

• AWS Organizations now provides a simple, scalable, and more secure way to close your member
accounts, 2022:
• What is AWS Billing?, 2022:
• Laying the Foundation: Setting Up Your Environment for Cost Optimization, 2022: https://
Managing Inventory
With the right account structure in place, we can begin to work on managing Amazon Web Services
(AWS) resources—those items that actually contribute to your costs. We will look at several tools that
AWS provides that help you see the resources you have running within your accounts. These resources,
plus your defined financial operations (FinOps) processes, make up your inventory.
We will then look at ways to manage your inventory with native AWS tools and explore the necessity
of tags and how they increase visibility into your inventory. Cost optimization is not possible when
you don’t know what you have. Hence, this chapter provides you with the knowledge and tools needed
to better manage your inventory.
In this chapter, we’re going to cover the following main topics:

• Tracking your AWS resources

• Establishing a tagging strategy
• Grouping tags with AWS Cost Categories

Technical requirements
To complete the exercises in this chapter, you will need the same components specified in the
previous chapter.
32 Managing Inventory

Knowing what you own

“Now that all our accounts are in one place, what should be our next step?” Ellia asks Jeremy
as they discuss the next steps while eating lunch in the conference room.
Jeremy takes a bite of his sandwich and ponders to himself, “We have better control of our
accounts… what should we have better control of next?” After swallowing his bite, he says out
loud, “Do you know which things are running in our accounts?”
Ellia furrows her eyebrows and responds, “I don’t entirely. I have a general idea of what is
running but nothing in detail.”
“Who would know? Maybe Ezra?”
“Ezra might know. But developers would definitely know since they are in those accounts almost
every day. Well… at least, I hope they know. We can ask Ezra first.”
Jeremy and Ellia invite Ezra to their next meeting and ask him the same question. Ezra shrugs
and tells them, “Yeah, I know in general what the accounts are using. I know costs are rising
month over month and I have a spreadsheet that breaks down the cost per AWS service. I’ve
been tracking this information for months because it’s easier to do it in a spreadsheet when I
have so many bills to consolidate.”
Jeremy updates Ezra on all the work that they’ve done in consolidating accounts, and how it
may make Ezra’s life easier by getting one bill. “Thanks. That’s good news to hear. I think that
will help”, Ezra tells him.
“Ezra, do you have a way to see what each account is using? Maybe see what we’re paying based
on which service they are using?” Jeremy asks.
Ezra replies, “Yeah. I use a couple of tools for that. Here, let me show you.”

Tracking your AWS resources

If you don’t know what you’re paying for, you’ll find it to be quite tough to reduce waste. All jokes
aside, we can take a simple yet relatable example of managing your own personal finances.
You would very likely be unsuccessful at managing your own personal finances if you didn’t look at
your monthly bill to see where you are spending your money. You may forget that you’ve been paying
for a gym membership or a music subscription service that you no longer use, or the pest control
service from your previous home. The same discipline of identifying wasteful spending and reducing
unnecessary resource use should also apply to your AWS bill.
Fortunately, you don’t have to wait until the end of the month to analyze your bill as you do your
finances. You can, and should, track the resources that you are paying for on a regular basis. This is
often the first step toward optimization because you must first know what you are using before you can
optimize. Better yet, you might even identify resources that you don’t need and can turn off entirely.
Tracking your AWS resources 33

It’s equally important to document your processes as well as your resources. It may very well be that
you do not have any FinOps processes. That’s understandable and perfectly valid when you are in the
beginning stages of your FinOps journey. As you mature, by documenting processes you can iterate
upon what works, what does not work, and what the cloud center of excellence (CCoE) and teams
can do to improve waste reduction. The collection of your resources and these documented processes
combined constitute your inventory.

A brief primer on tags

Tags are a critical part of inventory management. You can tag a resource by assigning it a key-value
pair. In other words, tags are a type of metadata for your resources. For example, a tag key of owner
with a value of Peter helps folks within your organization identify a resource. They may safely
assume that Peter is the owner of that resource, and any questions about its use can be directed to him.
Tags are key (no pun intended) because they provide additional context to your resources. When
you are managing your personal finances, sometimes you can come across a line item that you don’t
recognize. If you had a way to provide context to that line item (for example, I paid for gasoline in
this city when I went to visit my friend on this date, even though I don’t recognize the entity Gas For
Less, Inc.), then you know that it is a legitimate charge. The same applies to your AWS resources. Tags
provide you that justification for a resource’s existence to prove that it is valuable to your business.
You can reduce waste by properly tagging your resources. Assuming teams adhere to an organization-
wide tagging policy and that any tagged resources have a valid business purpose, then for any resources
that are untagged, you might assume they don’t bring value to your business. Then, you can work
toward deprovisioning those resources in your effort to reduce waste. This is an aggressive, albeit
effective, way to manage your cloud resources to maximize efficiency. Most organizations won’t be
at a level of maturity that reflects 100% of all cloud resources being tagged. However, this is a worthy
goal to move toward. Some organizations might set goals that are at 60% and then increase these to
higher values when they become more mature. Set whichever goals make sense to your business.
You can apply tags to your AWS resources, but you must know which AWS resources you have. The
next section aims to alleviate the feeling of being overwhelmed but not knowing which resources you
own and to whom they belong. We’ll look at several AWS tools that can help.

Tracking inventory with AWS Cost Explorer

An easy way to track cost and usage for free on AWS is with AWS Cost Explorer. Cost Explorer
provides a visual interface allowing you to see monthly, weekly, and daily spend on AWS resources.
If you access Cost Explorer at the management account, you can see costs per account within your
organization, providing you a single pane of glass to see usage for all your accounts.
34 Managing Inventory

Important note
Although Cost Explorer is free of charge, you must first enable the service before using it.
Follow the instructions on AWS’ documentation (
cost-management/latest/userguide/ce-enable.html) to enable the service.
You may have to wait up to 24 hours before accessing the service.

Cost Explorer has a simple interface where you can group by and filter on various attributes. For
example, you can group by account to see which accounts were the highest spenders within a given
period. Then, you can apply filters to see cost and usage for just the account with the highest spend.
You can drill down further by seeing which services are costing the most and then drilling down on
the application programming interface (API) operation used within that service.
You can create custom reports to meet your business needs. The following screenshot shows a breakdown
of costs by service for the past 7 days:

Figure 3.1 – A custom report in AWS Cost Explorer

Because Cost Explorer is free of charge, it’s a great starting point to get a better understanding of
your inventory.
Tracking your AWS resources 35

Important note
If you access Cost Explorer at the member account level, you will only see cost and usage data
for that account. You will not be able to see other accounts’ usage. Multi-account visibility is
only available through the management account.

You may realize a significant portion of your costs comes from a RunInstance API action in a Region
that has no association with your company. By collaborating with the right teams, you may realize that
a rogue server was left running in a remote Region that an individual forgot to turn off after doing
some testing. Cost Explorer would provide you that visibility, along with the ability to see trends in
usage across and within accounts, which is important in setting a spend baseline.

Using AWS Cost Explorer to Find a Rogue Instance

With access to the management account within VidyaGames’ AWS Organization, Jeremy
uses Cost Explorer to gain a high-level overview of spending patterns for the company’s AWS
accounts. Jeremy takes a 6-month view grouped by service and finds that Amazon Elastic
Compute Cloud (EC2), Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), and Amazon Relational
Database Service (RDS) constitute the majority of monthly spend.
Jeremy notices a spike in usage in a particular month, and so he changes from a monthly to a
daily view within the given month. This higher charge is coming from the Amazon EC2 service,
but Jeremy is unsure of the originating AWS account with this view.
Jeremy then changes the grouping to view by linked account and adds a filter to only show
charges associated with Amazon EC2 instances. Using this view, Jeremy narrows down his
scope to an account within the Sandbox organizational unit (OU). He cross-references the
account identifier (ID) to its associated owner and finds that Andrew is the developer that
owns the account.
Jeremy schedules a quick meeting with Andrew to review the usage. He communicates to
Andrew that he’s exercising cost discipline and doesn’t intend to police resource use, but rather
wants to ensure teams are optimizing their use of AWS.
“Oh, that?” Andrew responds. “That was something I was using to test upload speeds to our
website. I purposely used a larger instance type to run a network performance benchmark. I
thought I had terminated the instance, but I guess I left it running by accident.”
“That’s okay,” Jeremy replies. “This isn’t meant to be a slap on the wrist or anything. It’s just
something that I noticed when I was looking at the cost reports. Thanks for letting me know! I
think it is good that we identified this. We really should be able to find these anomalies quickly
and respond accordingly. This will help save on costs.”

Using Cost Explorer requires low effort at a minor cost for Cost Explorer API calls. It can be used as
a tool to get a preliminary view of your resources quickly, and it’s a great starting point when you may
not have complex tools or third-party tools available to manage costs.
36 Managing Inventory

Cost Explorer provides monthly and daily granularity at no cost. You can elect to have hourly
granularity at the cost of United States dollars (USD) 0.01 per 1,000 UsageRecord instances
a month. A UsageRecord instance is one line of usage. For example, an Amazon EC2 instance
running for 24 hours a day will generate 24 UsageRecord instances at an hourly granularity.
Another way to obtain hourly cost and usage data is with AWS Cost and Usage Reports (CURs).
We’ll learn more about this in the next section.

Tracking inventory with AWS CUR

Cost Explorer is free of charge to a certain extent, and its native integration with the AWS user
interface (UI) makes it easy to get started using it as a tool to view AWS cost and usage. However, it
does have its limitations. For instance, you can only see historical data up to a 12-month lookback
period. Additionally, you cannot use multi-dimensional queries such as grouping by several layers or
visibility such as grouping spend by account, and also by service. Hourly granularity views in Cost
Explorer come at a price. Fortunately, there is another native AWS offering at your disposal.
If you have and want to explore your cost data that goes beyond 12 months with support for hourly
granularity, you can use AWS CUR. AWS CUR provides hour-level granularity for all charges across
all your accounts. It also provides information Cost Explorer doesn’t show, such as the unit of charge
for your usage (such as gigabyte (GB) stored, network input/output (I/O) consumed), at what rates
you were charged, and each line item description, all in tabular format. Perhaps the most beneficial
is the fact that the tags that you apply are added to CUR. This provides you with a more customized
view of your cost and usage that is contextual to your business.
As with Cost Explorer, to see aggregate account usage, you access AWS CUR through the management
account. By default, accounts are limited to viewing cost and usage within their own account. Unlike
Cost Explorer, however, you must set up CUR to have AWS deliver cost and usage data to a specified
S3 bucket. Hence, you will be charged for the data stored in S3. We will discuss ways to optimize S3
storage costs in Part 3, Operationalizing FinOps, of the book.
You can activate CUR at an individual account level or the organization level, using the management
account. The report includes using columns that help you track inventory, including account
identifies, rates and cost, usage amount and unit, and any tags that you specify. CUR provides the
most comprehensive way to track inventory with hour-level granularity and API-level tracking, as
shown in the following screenshot. With tags appended as columns to CUR, it provides what you
need to break down AWS costs by tag. Results show the start and end time of usage, service name,
API action, and cost:
Tracking your AWS resources 37

Figure 3.2 – Querying CUR using Amazon S3 Select

You can find the steps you need to take to activate CUR on the AWS website at https://docs. Because it can take up to
24 hours for AWS to start delivering CUR data to your desired bucket, it will benefit you to have CUR
activated as early as possible. You can configure CUR to send data at hourly, daily, and monthly time
granularities, and if you need to, you can activate the resource_id parameter in the information
lines, but this has a cost. Although you can only choose a single-time granularity type at CUR creation,
you are free to create multiple reports to meet your needs. For example, you might set up a monthly
CUR report and a separate daily CUR report to be sent to separate buckets. These reports may serve
different purposes for distinct stakeholders.

Activating CUR for Visibility

Jeremy sees that VidyaGames does not have any CUR data, and immediately takes steps to activate
it in the AWS Billing console. Jeremy creates an Amazon S3 bucket in the management account
with the specific purpose of hosting CUR data. Having some data analytics experience in the
past, he understands that CUR data will be delivered to him in tabular format. To ensure that
he can make sense of the data, he needs to use a common query language such as Structured
Query Language (SQL).
Given these requirements, he chooses daily time granularity and enables report data integration
for Amazon Athena. Jeremy is aware that Amazon Athena is a serverless interactive query
service. After watching some introductory videos on Athena, Jeremy understands that once
AWS delivers the CUR files to his specified bucket, he will be able to use Athena to query the
data in S3 directly without having to move the data to another data source.
After activating CUR, he waits until the next day to find content in his S3 bucket.
38 Managing Inventory

CUR excels over Cost Explorer due to the amount of information it provides in a single dataset. Cost
Explorer is a UI for preset queries on grouped costs, while CUR lets you create your own queries if
the ones from Cost Explorer are not enough to meet your needs. With Cost Explorer, you must create
separate views to see your cost data in the desired grouping. You may save a report that shows spend
by service, and another report that shows spend by account. On the other hand, CUR provides all
your data in tabular format, so you are free to slice and dice your data using familiar tools such as
pivot tables in Microsoft Excel or SQL queries to run aggregations.
Although comprehensive, CUR is just a tabular dataset of your cost and usage. In other words, you
must use another tool to visualize the CUR data. Because you can access CUR data as a comma-
separated values (CSV) file, you can certainly use Microsoft Excel to create basic charts for ad hoc
visualizations, but for scalability and shareability, you can use Amazon QuickSight as a business
intelligence (BI) tool. With QuickSight, you can create dashboards using common visual charts such
as bar graphs, line graphs, pie charts, and pivot tables. Then, you can save and publish your visuals as
dashboards to share with teams. QuickSight has many more advanced capabilities, such as machine
learning (ML)-based forecasting and insights.
As cost management tools, Cost Explorer and CUR can help you understand which resources you
own. Another tool that helps you gain a global view on Amazon EC2-related resources is EC2 Global
View. We’ll look at this in the next section.

Tracking Amazon EC2 inventory with EC2 Global View

Amazon EC2 provides virtual computing environments on AWS. With Amazon EC2, you deploy virtual
servers (also called instances) in minutes to run any kind of workload by specifying the type of instance
to meet your business requirements. You can attach block storage to an Amazon EC2 instance. These
are called Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes that function like a hard drive on a personal computer.
A major benefit of Amazon EC2 is its elasticity—you provision the number of servers you need and
pay for what you use. When you no longer need that compute capacity, you terminate the instance
and no longer pay for that instance.

Important note
Amazon EC2 is a fundamental service on AWS. Learn more about it on the service documentation
(see the references at the end of this chapter). Having a basic understanding of how Amazon
EC2 works will be helpful for the upcoming topics in this book.
Tracking your AWS resources 39

When you deploy Amazon EC2 instances, you place them in an Amazon virtual private cloud (VPC).
Much like how you would deploy physical servers in a data center, you deploy virtual Amazon EC2
instances in an Amazon VPC. A VPC is a virtual network contained within your account. You can
logically separate the network with subnetworks (subnets) that define a range of Internet Protocol
(IP) addresses in your VPC. Additionally, you can define firewall settings for resources such as Amazon
EC2 servers using security groups.
These services are commonly used by AWS customers. Fortunately, Amazon EC2 provides a global
view of an account’s instances, VPCs, subnets, security groups, and volumes. When you select EC2
Global View in the AWS Management Console, AWS provides a dashboard displaying all your Amazon
EC2-related resources, as shown in the following screenshot. You can also run a global search to filter
resource ID, tags, or Region, and subsequently download the report as a CSV file for further analysis.
Note that these resources are limited to those listed previously. If you want a comprehensive list of
AWS resources, then use AWS Cost Explorer:

Figure 3.3 – Amazon EC2 Global View

AWS assigns a resource ID for Amazon EC2 resources within a Region. You can reference these
resource IDs when searching for resources in Amazon EC2. In Figure 3.3, you can see EC2 Global
View showing instances, VPCs, subnets, security groups, and volumes in all enabled Regions.
40 Managing Inventory

Using EC2 Global View

Jeremy understands that Amazon EC2 is one of the highest-spend services for VidyaGames
across all AWS accounts, and while the exercise he completed to find a rogue Amazon EC2
server worked in Cost Explorer, it was a bit more cumbersome than he would have liked it to
be. Fortunately, with his knowledge of EC2 Global View, he found a much better way to identify
Amazon EC2-specific resources.
With read permissions for EC2 resources within the appropriate accounts, Jeremy uses Global
View to get resource counts across all Regions. This makes it easier to him to view existing
resources, rather than having to set up multiple reports and repeat filtering processes in Cost
Explorer, especially when he needs to focus on EC2-specific resources.
Additionally, Jeremy uses EC2 Global View to not only clean up unused instances but unused
security groups and EBS volumes as well. As an exercise like spring cleaning, Jeremy gains more
confidence in being able to tidy up the company’s AWS resources, which provides a renewed
sense of control.
With AWS CUR set up for the organization, Jeremy, Ezra, and Ellia have increased visibility into
their cloud spend. They’ve created some reports in AWS Cost Explorer that show spending by
member accounts, service, and Region. These regular reports give them a general understanding
of how much teams are spending on AWS resources daily.
Jeremy has also set up CUR and has found the S3 bucket being populated with cost and usage
data aggregated at the daily level. With the Athena integration, Jeremy can run basic SQL
queries on the CUR data to see the top 10 spenders by account, service, and other interesting
facts, such as the most used instance types. Having this visibility will help use data to develop
cost optimization strategies for VidyaGames.

EC2 Global View is a useful tool for viewing EC2 instances, VPCs, subnets, security groups, and EBS
volumes across AWS Regions. EC2 Global View is more specific in scope compared to Cost Explorer,
but it provides a single pane of glass when you need to view EC2-related resources that are commonly
a top spend for many AWS customers.
EC2 Global View helps identify resources within the Amazon EC2 domain. Let’s see how AWS Resource
Groups can help identify resources across all domains, especially those without tags.

Tracking tagged resources with AWS Resource Groups

You can organize your AWS resources with AWS Resource Groups. Resource groups are another
way to manage inventory and catalog more resources than what EC2 Global View provides (see the
previous section).
Tracking your AWS resources 41

Resource groups help organize resources with similar tags. This makes it easy for you to find logically
grouped resources. For example, if you tagged an Amazon EC2 instance, an Amazon S3 bucket, and
a VPC with the same tag, then you can group those three resources into a resource group. You can
query all EC2 instances with that tag and conduct other inventory management tasks. These resources
might make up an application. So, grouping resources by a tag-like application allows you to see the
total cost associated with running an application.
In the following screenshot, you will see a tag-based query to group all resources in a selected Region
with the Project tag key and JupyterNotebook value. You can then see all resources with this
key-value pair:

Figure 3.4 – Querying in AWS Resource Groups

Tag Editor is a capability within AWS Resource Groups that helps you find resources to tag. There
may be cases where teams provisioned a group of resources pertaining to a specific business case.
Perhaps these resources are all tagged by a specific application name, but developers forgot to apply
an owner tag. With Tag Editor, you can find this group of resources with a similar application tag,
and retroactively apply the owner tag in bulk.
Tag Editor also provides a view of resources that do not have any tags. This could be useful if you
wanted a starting inventory to view untagged resources before implementing a tagging strategy. Note
that you may not be able to query all resources using this method. AWS updates a list of resources you
can use with Tag Editor (see the links in the references section at the end of this chapter).
42 Managing Inventory

To obtain a list of resources with specific tags or no tags at all, you can use Tag Editor in the management
console. You can choose multiple Regions at once, specify resource types, and optionally select one or
more tags (see Figure 3.5). Tag Editor will search your inventory, allowing you to export the results to
a CSV file. You can also select multiple resources and manage tags directly in the AWS Management
Console (see Figure 3.6).
The following screenshot shows how you can find all supported resource types to tag within the
US-East (N. Virginia) Region using Tag Editor:

Figure 3.5 – Querying with Tag Editor

After obtaining results from a query, the following screenshot shows applying the owner:peter
key-value pair as tags for the resulting resources. This enables you to apply tags to resources in
bulk retroactively:
Tracking your AWS resources 43

Figure 3.6 – Managing tags with Tag Editor

It’s reasonable that not all resources require tags. For example, some organizations may not find value
in tagging a resource such as a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) option set because
that type of network protocol is expected for virtual servers in a network. Apart from that, Tag Editor
is a useful tool to expose those resources without tags.
Tag Editor helps you get lists of resources with or without intended tags. You can use the service to
understand which resources are running within an AWS account. Then, you can apply tags retroactively,
enabling those resources to comply with your organization’s tagging strategy. However, Tag Editor
cannot enforce any tagging requirements. This calls for another service, which is what we’ll look at next.

Tracking inventory with AWS Config

AWS Config is a service that helps you keep track of your inventory and any changes made to your
inventory. Imagine AWS Config as a surveillance camera monitoring your AWS resources. For
example, perhaps you use AWS Config to see all resources and their configurations in a given week.
In the following week when you log back into the Config console, you now can see that resources
decreased by a certain amount, with slight changes to their configuration. AWS Config provides this
view for a single account, but also for your entire organization through the management account.
44 Managing Inventory

Unlike the other methods of tracking inventory that we explored in this chapter, you must initialize
AWS Config with some setup, although you can set up Config in one click. The setup process involves
choosing the resources you want Config to monitor and sending those results to an S3 bucket. Then,
you specify which rules those resources should follow. Config will monitor your resources according
to your defined rules and inform you if those resources are compliant.
For example, if you require all EC2 instances across your organization to be tagged with an owner
key and the necessary value, you can specify the EC2 resource type and this rule in Config. Config
will then monitor your inventory and display those resources as compliant according to the rule,
as shown in the following screenshot. Here, we see an AWS Config resource inventory showing all
resource types and their respective compliance statuses. For example, we see certain Amazon EC2
subnets marked as Noncompliant. We will take a closer look at governing your resources in Chapter 5,
Governing Cost and Usage:

Figure 3.7 – AWS Config resource inventory view

Config is much more valuable as a management and governance tool than it is simply as an inventory
management tool. Indeed, Config can help you view your inventory, but it can—and should—be
used to do much more than that. We’ll take a closer look at how it can help with FinOps controls and
governance in the next chapter.
In this section, we looked at Cost Explorer, CUR, Tag Editor, and AWS Config as tools that help you
gain a better understanding of all resources running within your AWS accounts. You can use these
tools as starting points if you’re unsure of which resources you have running. This is required for any
cost-saving strategy because you must know what you own before you can optimize. To ensure all teams
take ownership of the resources they deploy, it helps to have a tagging strategy, which we’ll discuss next.
Establishing a tagging strategy 45

Establishing a tagging strategy

A clear and clean tagging strategy aligned to the needs of your business will improve your ability to
track resources, and subsequently reduce waste. Verifying a resource’s purpose will justify its existence
in bringing value to the business. At the same time, justifying a resource’s termination also brings
value to the business by eliminating waste.
The right tagging strategy will change depending on the organization. In fact, the right tagging strategy
can change within an organization over time as teams, priorities, and business needs change. However,
there are some general best practices you can include to set up a tagging strategy that works for you.
Set up tags for cost allocation. This can be in the form of business tags that help folks see the cost center,
BU, or a project the resource supports. You may want to align cost allocation tags to your financial
reporting practices. For example, your financial department has reports that cover several dimensions
such as BU, cost center, or geographic area. Aligning cost allocation tags to existing processes will
help streamline reporting.
Use a common language when naming tags. Include all necessary stakeholders when establishing
your tagging strategy. If developers are tagging cost centers in a way that’s unexpected to how finance
reports on those tags, then the reports may reflect inaccurate data. For instance, if developers are
tagging resources using the name of cost-allocation-center but finance teams expect the
tag name to be cost-center, it may lead to a misinterpretation of data. Establishing consistent
language and naming standards that all teams adhere to will improve your tagging hygiene and,
ultimately, better inventory visibility.
This leads to another important aspect of employing a cross-functional team to identify the right
tagging requirements for your organization. Although finance teams may primarily be concerned
with cost allocation tags, business teams and application teams may require other metadata associated
with resources. Ensure all teams are aligned on tagging requirements and that stakeholders can refer
to a source of truth (SOT) when providing tag names and values. We’ll dive deeper into tagging
governance in Chapter 4, Planning and Metrics Tracking.
Create open channels of conversation, set up a regular cadence among cross-functional teams to discuss
tagging hygiene, and consider pivoting on tagging strategies when needed. You may not need to change
your tagging strategy, but it’s still important to communicate consistent use of tags and tag values.

Applying a Tagging Strategy at VidyaGames

Jeremy and Ellia begin scheduling regular meetings with technology teams to formulate a tagging
strategy. Through these meetings, they agree on a common nomenclature to tag resources based
on the application name, owner, cost center, and schedule. Through these conversations, teams
realize that a tag of schedule will help inform teams of how long a resource is expected to run.
Delineating between resources that need to be up 24/7 versus resources that only need to be up for
a few hours allows the teams to be diligent in reducing waste. Jeremy’s mind begins percolating
ideas of using automation to stop instances with a schedule tag that specifies business-day use.
46 Managing Inventory

Keep in mind the downstream effects of changing tags. Changing tag names may lead to inconsistencies
in reporting when comparing a resource with a new tag from today to the same resource with an old
tag from several weeks ago. Or, if you have policies that require a certain tag, you may need to update
that policy to accommodate the new tag. Communicate changes to tagging strategies and create a
change management process to minimize adverse effects.
Be aware of AWS tagging limitations. Currently, there is a limit of 50 user-created tags. Choose the
appropriate number of tags that provide the most clarity. Sometimes, adding too many tags creates
unnecessary noise. Using the fewest number of tags necessary can help keep your reporting clean.
We’ve seen the importance of tags toward waste reduction and inventory management, but tags can
be too granular at times. If you need a coarser way to manage resources or group resources together
by tag, use AWS Cost Categories.

Grouping tags with AWS Cost Categories

At this point, you are aware of the AWS tools that can help provide an inventory of resources across your
accounts. You know that you can apply tags and associate resources with meaningful organizational
assets such as owners, applications, cost centers, and BUs. Combining these strategies and tools can
help you start to identify resources that you can terminate.
AWS Cost Categories provides an additional layer of resource management and cost visibility. There
may be cases where your tagging strategy is either too granular or too coarse to provide the information
you need. For example, perhaps you organize your accounts to support multiple applications. You
have a structure that mimics the one shown here:

Figure 3.8 – Using AWS Cost Categories to group tags together

Summary 47

Applications A, B, and C are their own OU. Within each OU, there are three accounts to represent
different environments. You initially assign tags to both accounts and resources within those accounts
to reflect the application name. The tags for resources in application A would have a name-value pair
as Application: A.
Using Cost Categories, you can group these tags to represent different levels of granularity. For example,
you may group the tags for applications A, B, and C into one category that presents a full workload.
Perhaps all three applications work together to support a specific product (in this case, OurProduct).
You can use Cost Categories to then group these tags to show the total cost of that product.
Another way to slice and dice this environment is to create another cost category for just the test
environments representing all three applications. Cost Categories allows you to create rules using
different dimensions such as account ID, resource type, and tags. In this case, you could create a
category that encompasses just the test environments for the application to see how much you are
spending on testing in total for the product.
Your cost categories will reflect in both Cost Explorer and CUR. Use it to your advantage to help you
gain visibility into resource use. Ideally, every meaningful resource should be tagged and categorized
into logical groupings. This will allow you to isolate resources that don’t have tags under the assumption
that tagless resources don’t provide value to your business. You can then prioritize terminating these
resources to reduce waste.

In this chapter, you learned about the various ways you can create an inventory of your AWS resources.
You learned that you can get started easily by enabling Cost Explorer and using the interface to view
your resources. For a more detailed and granular view, you can use AWS CUR to have AWS send you
monthly reports on cost and usage across your organization.
You further discovered other ways to gather inventory, including EC2 Global View for resources related
to Amazon EC2 and Amazon VPC, Resource Groups and Tag Editor, enabling you to export results
to a CSV file, and AWS Config for ongoing inventory management and change.
You gained an understanding of the importance of a tagging strategy that works for your organization.
There are certain tagging best practices that you can apply, but it’s important to implement your strategy
with cross-functional collaboration and streamlined communication.
Finally, you learned about how AWS Cost Categories provides you with ways to group tags to provide
another layer of inventory visibility. By combining these concepts, you can begin to map resources to
business value and prioritize cleaning up resources that cannot be mapped to a use case. This brings
you a few steps closer to eliminating waste.
With a better grasp on the resources you own, you now want to better plan for future costs and usage.
This implies a need for proper planning and budgeting, topics we’ll explore in the next chapter.
48 Managing Inventory

Further reading
Have a look at the following resources:

• Enabling Cost Explorer, 2022:

• Filtering and retrieving data using Amazon S3 Select, 2022:
• What is Amazon EC2?, 2022:
• Resource IDs, 2022:
• Resources you can use with AWS Resource Groups and Tag Editor, 2022: https://docs.
• Setting Up AWS Config with the Console, 2022:
• Tagging AWS resources, 2022:
Planning and Metrics Tracking
Having a strong knowledge of your AWS inventory enables waste reduction efforts because many teams
are often overwhelmed with not knowing what they own. You cannot optimize if you don’t know what
to optimize. A central FinOps function such as a CCOE can be the enabler that encourages teams to
take ownership of their resources while maintaining a high-level view of all the organization’s resources
themselves. We looked at several tools that AWS provides to help with inventory management in the
previous chapter.
Layering planning, budgeting, and tracking on top of your inventory management work can only
improve your waste reduction efforts. This chapter outlines how you can add on these layers. We will
look at how to monitor costs on AWS, and how to apply budgets to your AWS expenditure to keep your
cost and usage in line with your business goals. Finally, we will explore how to respond to anomalies
in cost and usage in near real time, using tools such as anomaly detection.

Baselining cloud expenditure at VidyaGames

With an overall tagging strategy set, Jeremy and Ezra meet to discuss baselining their cloud
Jeremy asks Ezra, “Now that we have some controls in place, I think I have a general understanding
of how much we’re spending on AWS daily. Is this consistent with what you’ve seen over the
past few months?”
“Yes, it’s within range. Of course, there are days where usage spikes, but they’re mostly just
temporary,” Ezra replies.
“I think it’s important that we monitor those spikes in case they last longer than we want. We
want to be able to explain our costs consistently, don’t you think?”
Ezra sighs a breath of relief. “This is something that we’ve wanted to implement for a while. I
think we should go and talk to Alexander. He’s the chief of staff at the office of the CFO. I’ve
talked with him a couple of times. It would be good to get his support on this.”
50 Planning and Metrics Tracking

In this chapter, we’re going to cover the following main topics:

• Cost monitoring on AWS

• Budgeting on AWS
• Responding quickly with Cost Anomaly Detection

Technical requirements
To complete the exercises in this chapter, the requirements will be the same as the previous chapters.

Cost monitoring on AWS

We will begin by looking at the various tools AWS provides for native cost monitoring and reporting.
We’ll dive deeper into AWS Cost Explorer’s capabilities on this front while introducing new AWS
analytics services such as Amazon Athena and Amazon QuickSight for reporting. We’ll also see how
Amazon CloudWatch, an AWS environment monitoring service, can help with cost monitoring among
many other capabilities. Let’s dive right in.

Cost monitoring with Cost Explorer

We learned that AWS Cost Explorer is a good tool for getting started with what resources you own.
As helpful as this can be, waste reduction is just one aspect of it. Cost Explorer can also help you
analyze cost and usage, forecast your expenditure, and detect anomalies. We’ll first focus on using it
to analyze cost and usage.
Cost Explorer provides a lookback of 12 months for viewing your cost and usage. It also forecasts
aggregate expenditure for up to 12 months into the future. Cost Explorer automatically provides
forecasting abilities without you needing to set up any configurations. You can easily see a few
predictions within the Cost Explorer console.
Reports are useful for saving time, creating repeatable views, and sharing information with stakeholders
across your organization. You can access several reports in Cost Explorer that the service provides by
default. These default reports provide basic information such as daily costs, monthly costs by service,
and monthly costs through a linked account. These can be great starting points to increase your
visibility. Furthermore, you can tailor these reports, or create custom ones yourself, to help gather
the data that you need to reduce waste.
Let’s assume you wanted to track the costs for a new application built on AWS and tag all the application
components, granting you the granularity to see how much the business is spending not only on the
entire application but also on individual components of it. You can create a custom report, applying a
filter using the application tag to have Cost Explorer display the AWS resources associated with that tag.
Cost monitoring on AWS 51

It’s important, and necessary, to activate the tag through the management account. Figure 4.1 shows
how to activate Cost allocation tags for Cost Explorer to display on its interface. It demonstrates an
Application tag. Keep in mind that tag keys are case-sensitive – thus, Application will be different
from application. You have to select Cost allocation tags in the AWS Billing console and select the
tags that you want to activate:

Figure 4.1 – Activating cost allocation tags

Important note
It can take up to 24 hours for tags to appear in Cost Explorer. AWS does not retroactively apply
tags to your reports, so if you activate a tag 3 months after a workload launch, you’ll only be
able to see costs from the 3-month point onward.

Cost Explorer presents cost data in a few ways. The most commonly referenced term is unblended
costs. Unblended costs represent the amount charged to you the moment that you used a service. If
you used an EC2 instance for 1 hour and it costs $1.00 per hour, the unblended cost is simply $1.00.
Amortized cost is another commonly used term that shows costs accrued over a specific period. We’ll
discuss reserved instances, Savings Plans, and their pricing mechanisms in Chapter 6, Optimizing
Compute, in greater detail, but for now, simply know that you can purchase compute resources
upfront. Rather than paying an hourly rate, you can choose to pay for compute resources in advance
at a discounted rate. You can view these upfront purchases amortized over time, in addition to viewing
them in their unblended form. To compare, with unblended costs, you would see a relatively large
spike in cost that may reflect a large upfront payment, or you can change to an amortized view to see
that charge amortized monthly.
52 Planning and Metrics Tracking

For example, suppose you bought a reserved instance lasting 1 year for $1,200. The unblended cost
option might show a tall bar reflecting $1,200 at the purchase month. Alternatively, amortized costs
will spread out that $1,200 to show $200 every month (for 6 months) beginning on the purchase
month. Depending on your needs, you can choose the cost display option that works best. Figure 4.2
compares the two views, reflecting either Unblended as one large cost issued in January or Amortized,
spreading the cost over 6 months:

Figure 4.2 – Unblended versus amortized costs

Blended rates show an average rate across accounts, regardless of how much each account used.
Table 4.1 shows a hypothetical example of an organization-wide usage of 70 GB. Each account used a
different amount, but we calculate the blended rate by dividing the total cost ($1,000) by the total usage
amount (700 GB) to get a blended rate of $1.45. This rate will be different from the actual pricing of
the service. Also, the total cost will be the same regardless of using unblended rates or blended rates.
The blended rate simply provides another way to allocate costs if the average rate across all users is
more suitable for your financing purposes:

Account Used GB Blended cost

Account A 100 $142.86
Account B 150 $214.29
Account C 200 $285.71
Account D 250 $357.14
Total 700
Blended rate $1.43
Total cost $1,000

Table 4.1 – Blended rates with hypothetical data

Cost monitoring on AWS 53

Important note
The preceding example does not reflect actual AWS pricing. It was meant merely for example
purposes. Blended rates may serve a specific purpose, but unblended rates are likely more

Because Cost Explorer is free to use, it’s a great starting tool to get a baseline of your AWS cost and
usage. It provides enough information for you to understand costs for all accounts within your
organization if accessing it from the management account. It has out-of-the-box reports, basic filters,
and groupings to slice and dice your cost data to meet your needs. However, if you wanted to run
custom queries and ask specific questions about your cost and usage, it helps to use analytics services.

Cost monitoring with AWS analytics services

In addition to Cost Explorer, you learned about the Cost and Usage Report (CUR) in the previous
chapter. You can use the CUR to further customize your cost monitoring needs and get another view of
your cost and usage in tabular format. AWS provides a refreshed dataset reflecting your cost and usage
up to three times a day. It’s up to you to determine what to do with that data. Here are a few options.
You can query the data using Amazon Athena. Athena is a serverless interactive query service that
allows you to query your data stored in Amazon S3 without having to provision and manage any
underlying infrastructure (hence, serverless). Because AWS sends the CUR to an S3 bucket that you
specify, Athena is an obvious choice for interacting with that data with minimal effort. In fact, you
have the option to integrate the CUR with Athena (or Redshift, or QuickSight, for that matter) when
you initially create the CUR.
Once you set up integration between your CUR data and Athena, you can query your data directly in
the Athena Query Editor using standard SQL. As an example, the following query displays the top
costs from largest to smallest, associated with the Amazon EC2 product. It outputs the AWS-designated
product code (that is, Amazon EC2) and a description to provide some context:

  SUM(line_item_unblended_cost) AS sum_line_item_unblended_cost
  line_item_product_code LIKE '%AmazonEC2%'
  AND line_item_line_item_type NOT IN ('Tax','Refund','Credit')
AND "month" = date_format(now(), '%c')
AND "year" = date_format(now(), '%Y')
54 Planning and Metrics Tracking

  sum_line_item_unblended_cost DESC;

Figure 4.3 shows the results from the preceding query in the AWS Management Console. The bottom
section of the page displays the query output, which you can download as a Comma-Separated Values
(CSV) file. These are the top costs associated with the Amazon EC2 service:

Figure 4.3 – Amazon Athena in the console

You can save queries and create views just as you can create reports with Cost Explorer. However, you
must consider your own costs to use the CUR and Athena. Remember, Cost Explorer is free when you
are using it to view cost and usage data at monthly and daily intervals. Meanwhile, hourly granularity
in Cost Explorer comes with a cost.
Using the CUR and Athena also comes with a cost. You have to pay for storing the CUR data in
Amazon S3 and pay per TB scanned when running Athena queries. That said, Athena is best suited
for ad hoc reports that don’t require long-running queries that scan entire datasets. CUR data can
accumulate, especially if you’re a large organization. It would be wasteful to use Athena for tasks that
you can replicate on Cost Explorer. Use Athena when you need to run ad hoc and more complex
queries to find results that Cost Explorer can’t otherwise provide.
If you plan to create a data lake of cost data, you can also integrate the CUR with Amazon Redshift.
Redshift is a fully managed, cloud-native data warehouse. As with Athena, you use SQL syntax to
Cost monitoring on AWS 55

query data, but unlike with Athena, you have to create and manage a Redshift cluster. Also, unlike
Athena, you pay per hour for running the cluster, as well as the amount of data stored. There are many
other aspects of Redshift pricing available online that I won’t detail further. Because the CUR provides
you with the option to integrate with Redshift at creation time, you can use Redshift as a data store if
you’re looking to warehouse your cost data.
Amazon Athena is great for those familiar with SQL. However, it is unable to visualize your data into
shareable dashboards. To meet those needs, you can use Amazon QuickSight.

Cost reporting with QuickSight

If you want to build your own custom dashboards using the CUR data on AWS, you can use Amazon
QuickSight as a visualization tool. As with Athena, QuickSight is serverless, which makes it easy for
you to get started. You can connect QuickSight to your CUR data in Amazon S3, or upload a CSV or
Excel file directly into QuickSight.
From the QuickSight interface, you can run analyses, create and share dashboards, and use ML and
Natural Language Processing (NLP) to gather insights from your cost data. Figure 4.4 shows a sample
of a QuickSight analysis within a dashboard. Here’s a QuickSight visual showing the potential savings
if you were to use Amazon EC2 Sopt Instances instead of on-demand instances. You can see savings
by account and instance type. We’ll take a closer look at the mechanics of EC2 Spot in Chapter 6,
Optimizing Compute. A dashboard can have an analysis in the form of a bar chart, another analysis
in the form of a pivot table, and a third analysis representing the data in a pie chart:

Figure 4.4 – A sample QuickSight dashboard

QuickSight provides more customization options than Cost Explorer. For example, you can create a
custom-calculated field that Cost Explorer might not provide otherwise. Indeed, the CUR has more
fields by default than Cost Explorer. Hence, if you wanted to create visuals using CUR data, then
QuickSight is a natural choice due to its native integration with the CUR.
56 Planning and Metrics Tracking

QuickSight also provides embedding capabilities. Organizations that are further along in their FinOps
journey might create their own custom reporting tools using the CUR while embedding QuickSight into
an application. Just ensure that the means justify the end, considering QuickSight’s cost implications
and the work hours involved.

Helpful hint
If you are interested in a sample CUR-centric QuickSight sample, you can explore AWS’ Cost
Intelligence dashboard for inspiration (see the Further reading section at the end of this chapter).

Visualizations and queries help us understand historical data. These tools can be used for forecasting
and monitoring, but we often want to respond to events that happen within our AWS accounts quickly.
For that, we need to turn to active monitoring with Amazon CloudWatch.

Cost monitoring with Amazon CloudWatch

The first thing that should come to mind when you hear the terms logs, metrics, and events on AWS is
Amazon CloudWatch. CloudWatch is AWS’ unified logs platform, used to monitor everything from
application to infrastructure to events happening in your account. Clearly, cost and usage data are a
form of metric data for your infrastructure. As it turns out, you can monitor billing in CloudWatch.
Monitoring billing activity in CloudWatch makes sense if you are already using CloudWatch for
infrastructure and application monitoring. You can create dashboards in CloudWatch containing
various widgets that display a desired metric, as shown in Figure 4.5. You can apply different functions
on these metrics to represent your data in different ways, whether that’s an average over a period, the
total, or the minimum and maximum values of a metric:

Figure 4.5 – A CloudWatch dashboard

Cost monitoring on AWS 57

Because CloudWatch encompasses all metrics, it’s most useful when you are monitoring cost next to other
metrics. For example, you may create a dashboard that monitors autoscaling activity for EC2 instances.
You might include a widget to monitor autoscaling metrics such as GroupInServiceInstances
and GroupTerminatingInstances, while also monitoring costs for EC2 instances that belong
to the autoscaling group. Having the information in one place is more convenient than having to
reconcile autoscaling activity with Cost Explorer reports.

Important note
Consider using CloudWatch metrics for billing when you are already using CloudWatch for
monitoring your workload. This removes the waste of using CloudWatch specifically for billing
purposes when you can do this more cost-effectively with Cost Explorer.

You can also incorporate alarms and even anomaly detection into your CloudWatch metrics. A simple
example would be to create a billing alarm in CloudWatch to notify you when a metric such as Total
Estimated Charge exceeds a certain price threshold. When this is triggered, CloudWatch sends an
alarm to an Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) topic. You can subscribe to this topic and
be notified of the billing alarm.

Important note
Think of Amazon SNS as a messaging service. SNS provides topics that you can subscribe to,
as you might subscribe to an RSS feed. If the topic interests you, every time there is an update,
you receive a notification.

You are charged for using the metrics, dashboards, alarms, and anomaly detection features in CloudWatch.
For this reason, it’s a less cost-effective method than using Cost Explorer, but can still provide value
to your teams if they want to monitor costs next to other application metrics.
We looked at the ways you can monitor your cost and usage using Cost Explorer, the CUR, and
CloudWatch. These tools largely perform the same function but accomplish them in different ways.
Cost Explorer is the easiest to get started with because it is AWS’ native cost management and visibility
tool. It provides default reports and filters that you can use to drill down on cost and usage, and see
trends over time. The CUR provides you with the data you need for granularity and additional details.
Although the CUR itself doesn’t cost anything, storing the data incurs financial costs, and making
sense of it requires allocating time and resources. CloudWatch is AWS’ native monitoring tool but
unlike Cost Explorer, its purpose isn’t solely to provide cost and usage visibility. You can use the
data CloudWatch provides to monitor costs, but CloudWatch excels when used with other forms of
monitoring, such as application and system logs.
These tools help look at cost and usage primarily from a historical perspective. Let’s explore the other
side of cost management, which is to plan for the future through budgets and forecasting.
58 Planning and Metrics Tracking

Budgeting on AWS
The principles of budgeting your cloud expenditure are not much different from budgeting in other
financial contexts. When you budget, you normally identify a reasonable baseline. You cannot budget
$5 for food in a month while budgeting $5,000 for entertainment. I suppose in extreme circumstances
this may work, but not for most of us. The point is that you set a reasonable variable target and measure
your actual costs to that target. You track performance over time and, as your needs change, you
re-evaluate your budget to accommodate new situations.
You can use AWS Budgets to apply the same discipline to your cost and usage of AWS resources. AWS
Budgets provides budgets for cost, usage, reserved instances, and Savings Plans. (We’ll learn about
the mechanisms of reserved instances and Savings Plans in Part 2.) Setting up cost budgets helps you
track costs and set targets so that you can see how well you are performing daily, monthly, quarterly,
and annually. Setting up usage budgets helps track the use of a service, which can be especially helpful
if you are tracking usage to see how close you are to reaching a free tier limit.
From previous chapters, we know that we can establish a cost and usage baseline from Cost Explorer
and the CUR. These data sources will help your organization set reasonable budgets. Figure 4.6 shows
a simple bar chart of the daily expenditure for an organization across all Regions. In a simplified view,
you baseline your AWS spend to be about $100 per day. You can use this information to set budgets
and configure alerts when AWS expenditure meets or exceeds a certain threshold:

Figure 4.6 – A daily aggregate expenditure graph

Budgeting on AWS 59

Having budgets and alerts allows you to respond quickly to unexpected costs. If these alerts lead to
a poorly provisioned server that can be terminated the next day due to notifications, then that helps
to reduce waste, rather than you finding out about the resource months later. You can configure AWS
to send you alerts not only to an email address but also to chat channels such as Amazon Chime or
Slack, depending on the types of messaging and communications service your organization uses.
In Figure 4.7, we configure AWS to send an email to recipients when our expenditure exceeds 20%
of our budgeted amount (e.g., $120). We see a cost bar graph showing aggregate daily expenditure
across all the AWS Regions. A user sets a daily budget when the AWS expenditure exceeds 20% of a
budgeted amount. You might have different cost thresholds. You can configure alerts to meet your
thresholds and be notified of events that help you meet your financial goals.

Figure 4.7 – Budget notifications in AWS

Amazon SNS natively integrates with AWS Budgets, making it a natural solution to integrate messaging
into your budget alerts. With Amazon SNS, you configure AWS Budgets to send notifications to an
SNS topic. You then subscribe to that topic using various protocols to receive those notifications. A
common example is to subscribe to a topic via email. Whenever AWS Budgets sends a notification,
any email addresses subscribed to that topic will receive the notification.
60 Planning and Metrics Tracking

Setting up expenditure reports at VidyaGames

Jeremy and Ezra schedule time with Alexander to get executive alignment on their efforts.
During a meeting, Jeremy explains the work they’ve done so far in their efforts to identify and
eliminate waste on AWS. Alexander appreciates Jeremy’s initiative in bringing more structure
into VidyaGames’s AWS accounts and increasing the visibility of cloud costs.
As the chief of staff to the CFO, Alexander knows that one of the CFO’s biggest challenges
is daily cost visibility. The CFO has decades of experience in a traditional enterprise setting
where IT costs were calculated and reviewed annually to support business needs. As the CFO
adapts to the new variable cost model approach, she needs daily visibility into VidyaGames’
expenditure and dynamic budgeting where appropriate.
Alexander: “I’m glad we’re aligned on the need to actively track our AWS expenditure. What
have we done so far and what do you need from the financial side?”
Jeremy shares some reports with Alexander that show the organization’s aggregate usage and
cost by service and AWS account, ranging from the past week to the past year.
Alexander: “This is good. We already know what we’re spending, but it’s helpful to see the
distribution across accounts and services. Are we able to see costs by team?”
Jeremy: “We’ve started on that. We have a tagging strategy in place. We’re in the process of
tagging our resources retroactively and will work with teams to get resources moving forward.
When we tag our resources, we’ll be able to see our expenditure by team.”
Alexander: “That’s great to hear. That’s something missing from what we have now. Also, we
usually view our AWS spend at the end of the month – can we do something more frequently?”
Jeremy: “If the CFO needs daily reports, we can set something up with AWS Budgets to make
that happen. We can send these reports via email if needed.”
Alexander: “Well… on second thought, that might be a bit much. I know for certain that after
a week or two of reports, they are going to become redundant. I don’t think people will really
pay attention to these reports in the long term, especially if they end up showing the same
Jeremy: “That’s fair. Perhaps we don’t need to send daily reports. Would monthly reports make
more sense?”
Alexander: “I believe so. I think what our CFO really needs is to be informed when costs exceed
what we know is normal.”
Ezra: “I think there is a way to do that. Let me get back to you.”
Budgeting on AWS 61

In scenarios where you want to inform multiple folks at once, you can use AWS Budget Reports to
deliver reports to up to 50 email addresses. This will help you streamline communications to show
teams how performant they are in managing expenditure. It’s as simple as selecting the budget you want
to report, selecting the frequency as either daily, weekly, or monthly, and designating its recipients.
With a firm understanding of how budgeting works on AWS, it helps to differentiate between the
various budgeting methods on AWS.

AWS budgeting methods

Budgets are important but they are rarely static. Changing business needs, external market factors, and
unexpected product successes (or failures) can all impact the budgets of applications. AWS Budgets
provides three methods for setting the budget amount for each budget period.
The fixed budget sets one amount to monitor every budget period. This is the method we used in the
previous section when we set the budget to $100 per day. A fixed budget is useful in cases when you
want to aggregate expenditure into a target number for an organization or AWS account. You can set
a recurring fixed budget to renew on the first day of every monthly billing period. Alternatively, you
can expire a budget at a given time, which can be useful when setting budgets for a specific project
that you know will end. You can set fixed budgets at daily, monthly, quarterly, or annual intervals.
The planned budget sets different amounts to monitor each budget period. You cannot set planned
budgets at daily intervals. Doing so will likely cause more headaches than is good! Instead, set planned
budgets for each month, quarter, or year.
You can use planned budgets when you want to set different budget amounts at a set time interval.
For example, you may know that a specific application gets significant usage during the holiday
season. You can set different budget amounts for months that make up the high-demand season to
differentiate between other months. Figure 4.8 shows an example of a planned budget set for $100 for
most months, but $1,000 for October, November, and December.
62 Planning and Metrics Tracking

Figure 4.8 – A planned budget method

AWS provides an auto-adjusting budget feature to help remove the guesswork in setting up budgets for
your teams. Auto-adjusting budgets update as your AWS expenditure patterns change. Auto-adjusting
budgets work well when you want to catch spikes in your AWS expenditure.
You can use auto-adjusting budgets with your existing budgets or use them entirely on their own. This
helps eliminate the time and effort used to set budgets because the feature will do it on your behalf.
For example, you can create an auto-adjusting budget based on your expenditure patterns from the
last month. If the average expenditure over the past month was $100, then the auto-adjusted budget
for the next period will be $100.
Setting up AWS Cost Anomaly Detection 63

Auto-adjusting budgets will also update your notifications automatically. In the previous section,
we looked at an example of setting a notification when the AWS expenditure exceeded 20% of the
budgeted amount. If you incorporate auto-adjusting budgets into your budgeting process, the feature
will update your budget amount, including all budget alert notifications. Subscribers will receive a
notification of the change and future alerts based on the change.
AWS provides native budgeting capabilities to help you on your FinOps journey. Budgeting allows
your organization to operate within financial thresholds. Budget alerts can also help notify you about
unexpected cost patterns. Budgets ensure that your costs are in line with expectations. However, it’s
impossible to plan for every scenario, especially anomalous ones. This is something we will address
in the next section.

Setting up AWS Cost Anomaly Detection

We looked at an example use case from our friends at VidyaGames in using Cost Explorer to see
anomalous usage in Chapter 3, Managing Inventory. In the example, Jeremy applied grouping and filters
to past expenditure data and saw that the Amazon EC2 service and RunInstance API action were
contributing significantly to costs. If a bar chart representing daily expenditure shows a sudden spike
on a specific day, you can drill down to that day to see what account, service, or API action contributed
to the spike. This is a legitimate, albeit manual, approach to detecting unusual expenditure activity.
AWS Cost Anomaly Detection helps to alleviate this manual approach. Cost Anomaly Detection
monitors your spend patterns to detect unusual activity using ML. Using this service can help you
find anomalies more quickly than doing so manually.
An undesirable effect of anomaly detection is the noise produced from false positives, which tell you
that an occurrence is an anomaly but you know for a fact that it is not. You can create monitor types
to mitigate these false alerts. You have different options for choosing monitor types, which include
monitoring by AWS service, linked account, cost category (see Chapter 3, Managing Inventory), and tag.
Once you select a monitor type, you create an alert subscription, informing AWS who to alert, when,
and under what circumstances. Figure 4.9 shows an example of alerting the finance team when AWS
detects an anomaly for any expenditure greater than $400 for AWS services:
64 Planning and Metrics Tracking

Figure 4.9 – A cost anomaly monitor

Allow some time (usually 24 hours) for the service to learn your spending patterns. Once the service
has a baseline of activity, it will send alerts according to your configurations and will also save detection
history through an event log. You can use the log to analyze individual events, including finding the
root cause and understanding the financial impact.
Setting up AWS Cost Anomaly Detection 65

Figure 4.10 – The Cost Anomaly Detection history log

The Detection History log shown in Figure 4.10 lists the anomalies detected over the time frame
you have specified, which was a week in this case. Observe that for 5 days, a cost anomaly detected
an increase of roughly $34 in the Amazon QuickSight service. If these anomalies provide value to
your efforts, you can submit an assessment to indicate whether the anomaly is not an issue or is an
accurate anomaly. The service will then take your provided input and improve the way that it detects
anomalies for future cases.

Tagging the VidyaReviews application

From his conversation with Alexander, Ezra takes ownership to learn more about Cost Explorer’s
Cost Anomaly Detection service and implement it into some AWS accounts. Ezra first sets up a
cost monitor for AWS services. This helps him monitor each AWS service individually, allowing
smaller anomalies to be detected. Ezra learns that by doing so, the service will automatically
adjust the anomaly threshold based on historical spend patterns.
Although useful at a high level, Ezra works with Jeremy and the application teams to set
anomalies for several cost categories and cost allocation tags. For example, VidyaGames’ highest
user engagement application, named VidyaReviews, is tagged with the application name. This
enables the teams to see the normal cost to keep the application operating.
VidyaReviews is a video game review platform allowing users to share videos, images, and
reviews of gameplay experiences. Given the rich community of users, this platform helps
consumers trial a video game from the community before purchasing it. It also allows the
community to share experiences, provide helpful hints, and shape the direction of the game
since game developers actively monitor user engagement.
66 Planning and Metrics Tracking

From Jeremy’s tagging efforts, the teams now have a better understanding of how much it’s
costing the company to keep the application running. Ezra sets up a cost anomaly monitor based
on this tag to help application teams monitor unexpected costs attributed to the application.
This also helps the teams test new features, as they can better estimate the impact of pushing
changes to production.

Cost Anomaly Detection is a free service and easy to implement. Therefore, it is a must-have tool
within your FinOps toolkit. The service detects both gradual spend increases and one-time cost spikes,
so it can help you address several scenarios.
CloudWatch also offers a way for you to implement anomaly detection.

Anomaly detection with CloudWatch

CloudWatch anomaly detection follows the same approach as Cost Explorer’s Cost Anomaly Detection.
CloudWatch analyses a metric that you specify over time and creates a model of the metric’s expected
value. Training a CloudWatch Anomaly Detection model can take a few weeks, but after the data
collection period, it can determine normal ranges for a given metric.
CloudWatch anomaly detection makes it easy to incorporate ML into your metrics without having
to train, tune, and deploy your own model. AWS will automatically adjust the model to retain a high
level of accuracy. Figure 4.11 shows anomaly detection in CloudWatch for Amazon EC2 estimated
charges. You can see the graph displaying a band of normal values:

Figure 4.11 – CloudWatch anomaly detection

Summary 67

However, CloudWatch anomaly detection incurs CloudWatch-related pricing. For example, you’re
billed at $0.30 for every 10,000 metrics and $0.10 per alarm metric in the US East (Ohio) Region
at the time of writing. Thus, if you enable CloudWatch anomaly detection, the metrics and alarms
contribute toward your monthly usage.
I recommend prioritizing Cost Explorer’s anomaly detection feature over CloudWatch. There may
be cases where you want to use CloudWatch instead, for example, if you’re using CloudWatch to
monitor and alert on application logs and want to integrate cost anomalies with existing dashboards.
Or perhaps you’re aggregating CloudWatch logs into a third-party solution and want to aggregate
cost metrics as well as anomalies.
In this section, we incorporated anomaly detection with our budgets and cost and usage tracking.
Anomaly detection helps you respond quickly and automatically to unexpected cost spikes, saving
you the time and effort of manually searching through reports to find the culprit. Use Cost Explorer’s
Cost Anomaly Detection to your advantage, as it doesn’t add to your financial costs and setting it up
requires little effort.

In this chapter, we explored the features and capabilities of Cost Explorer. The service allows you
to baseline your AWS expenditure, allowing you to set budgets, forecast, and find anomalies. These
data points assist you with knowing your spending patterns, which is necessary when planning to
reduce waste.
We saw how the CUR provides a comprehensive and granular level of understanding of your entire
organization. The CUR has the data you need to cover the who, what, and when related to your AWS
spending. We saw how the CUR can be integrated with Athena, Redshift, and QuickSight to help you
mine that data for insights.
Finally, we learned how CloudWatch adds another layer of cost visibility, especially when combined
with infrastructure and application monitoring.
With greater knowledge of our AWS inventory, we now can proceed to the next step of governing and
controlling our usage to keep our costs in line with budgets.

Further reading
Have a look at the following resources:

• Querying Cost and Usage Reports using Amazon Athena, 2022:
• Amazon Redshift pricing, 2022:
68 Planning and Metrics Tracking

• How do I ingest and visualize the AWS Cost and Usage Report (CUR) into Amazon
QuickSight?, 2022:
• Visualize and gain insights into your AWS cost and usage with Cloud Intelligence Dashboards
and CUDOS using Amazon QuickSight, 2021:
Governing Cost and Usage
The previous two chapters explained the need to practice proper inventory management and thoughtful
budgeting in your FinOps efforts. We explored native AWS tools that can help you implement these
practices. Although these practices have good intent, good intentions alone do not yield long-term
benefits. You must also have controls in place to ensure your good intentions produce the desired
results. Controls mitigate financial risks and detect deviations from intended results, while governance
accomplishes the good intentions proposed in the previous chapters.
We will see how to apply governance to your cost optimization efforts. These methods do not equate
to stifling agility, rather, they are there to provide the proper guardrails for teams to be productive
within reasonable boundaries. We explore governance at both the AWS Organizations level as well
as the account level and the tools you can use at both levels.
In this chapter, we’re going to cover the following main topics:

• A quick primer on IAM

• Governance with SCPs
• Implementing tagging policies
• Governance with Service Catalog
• Auditing with CloudTrail

Technical requirements
To complete the exercises in this chapter, we’ll continue with the same components we’ve been using
in the previous chapters.
70 Governing Cost and Usage

A quick primer on IAM

Until now, we’ve been acting as though creating anomaly detection monitors, running queries on the
CUR, and even creating an entire organization is as simple as logging into the management account
and doing as you please. Fortunately (or unfortunately?), it’s not as simple as we’d like it to be. In fact,
even logging into the management account shouldn’t be as easy as logging into your preferred social
media platform.
First, you have to prove who you are. We’re all familiar with the process of authentication by providing
a username and password. There’s no shortage of web applications that follow this commonly accepted
practice – it’s not much different on AWS. You can associate usernames and passwords to AWS
accounts, allowing principals to authenticate their identity using what they know (i.e., a password).
You can (and should) enforce an additional layer of authentication using what they have, namely a
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) token or a mobile phone to strengthen your security posture.
We’re familiar with this process but we’re also familiar with how cumbersome it can be to remember
all your passwords. Among other things, Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles help save you
the time and effort of having to type and remember all your accounts’ usernames and passwords. AWS
roles help to streamline this process by allowing principals to assume an identity. You’re essentially
being someone else for an amount of time.
Whether you are authenticating as a user or a role, the next check involves authorizing what you
can do. Even if you entered the door to get inside AWS, you may not be allowed to do anything once
inside unless you are authorized to perform certain actions. Figure 5.1 provides a simple illustration
showing the workflow for an entity authenticating as a user:

Figure 5.1 – An authentication workflow for an IAM user

Important note
It is always best practice to exercise the principle of least privilege (PoLP). The PoLP only
grants the minimum permissions required to conduct a task. For example, rather than giving
an IAM entity more permissions than it needs, it’s best to chart out which API calls an entity
needs and then set the IAM permissions to meet those needs.
A quick primer on IAM 71

IAM users and roles can have more than one policy that outlines their allowed actions. However,
entities that want to use a role must first have the permissions to assume that role. Once they assume
the role, they can execute the actions allowed for that role. The entity may not have direct permissions
to perform an action, as illustrated in Figure 5.2. At step 9, the entity is denied an action. However,
the action is allowed when executed through the assumed role:

Figure 5.2 – An authentication workflow for an AWS IAM role

Roles simplify your personas’ ability to perform cross-accounts actions without having to remember
usernames, passwords, and MFA devices. For example, if a financial analyst in one account needs
to access Cost Explorer reports in another, you can provide a role that the analyst can assume in the
target account to pull only those reports. Furthermore, AWS Control Tower, which we explored in
Chapter 2, Establishing the Right Account Structure, also provides a Single Sign-On (SSO) experience
so that entities can find all their accessible accounts and roles in one place.
We’ve established that you need to be the right entity and have the right permissions to access anything
within AWS. Given these permissions, let’s see how you’re able to view and access other accounts’ cost
and usage data within your AWS Organization.

Access to member accounts in Cost Explorer

To simplify things, when you enable Cost Explorer at the management account, all member accounts
get access to their cost and usage data by default. This removes the burden of all the accounts within
an organization needing to activate Cost Explorer individually.
Once active for member accounts, the management account has further control to grant different
levels of access to the member accounts. For example, the management account can choose to show
or hide refunds and credits for the member accounts, which may help when centrally managing
chargebacks to avoid confusion. Alternatively, the management account may choose to disable hourly
and resource-level data to prevent accounts from enabling the extra cost feature. Figure 5.3 shows
72 Governing Cost and Usage

how you can change the view options for member accounts under Preferences within the AWS Cost
Management console:

Figure 5.3 – AWS Cost Explorer preferences

Once you enable Cost Explorer for the Organization, all accounts have access. You cannot grant or
deny access individually. Whereas the management account has access to view all member accounts’
cost and usage data, member accounts can only see their own. If you wanted to specify users or roles
in a member account to view or access Cost Explorer’s data in another account, you must explicitly
configure the proper roles and permissions, as outlined in Figure 5.2. Fortunately, you don’t have
to do this for management accounts since they already have access to view cost and usage data for
members’ accounts.
With a better understand of how IAM roles and permissions work for individual entities, let’s see how
the same principles apply to entire accounts or OUs within an AWS Organization.

Governance with SCP

You learned how you can set up a multi-account structure using AWS Organizations in Chapter 2,
Establishing the Right Account Structure. You also saw how to group accounts into OUs to model your
organization’s structure and separate your AWS accounts. This helps to logically organize your AWS
accounts and cloud assets to make things easier for chargebacks, application boundaries, and governance.
Governance helps you apply the right permission boundaries to logically grouped AWS accounts. For
instance, a group of AWS accounts meant for sandbox and AWS service exploration should comply to
different rules than a group of AWS accounts meant to hold production workloads. AWS Organizations
helps you apply these governance rules using permission boundaries.
Governance with SCP 73

You can apply permission boundaries to an OU to govern what actions principals can take under
the OU. Any policies applied to an OU trickle down to affect any accounts tied to the OU, and even
sub-OUs and their associated accounts. These policies are called Service Control Policies (SCPs).
Let’s use Jeremy from VidyaGames as a simple example. Access from the management account provides
Jeremy with the permissions to view Cost Explorer for linked accounts A through F. However, accounts
A through F are part of an OU and Della is the owner of this OU. As the owner and lead, Della has
permission to view and access Cost Explorer for the accounts in her OU. If Jeremy applies an SCP to
this OU that denies actions to read Cost Explorer reports for accounts A, B, D, and F, Della will not
be able to view Cost Explorer for these accounts, even though she has permissions to view herself.
The SCP affects Della’s permission boundaries. Although Della has permissions for all accounts, the
net allowed permissions is the union between the IAM policy and the SCP. Thus, Della can only read
Cost Explorer for accounts C and E.

Important note
In AWS, an explicit deny overrides an explicit allow. In other words, if one policy explicitly
states that you can LaunchInstance, but another policy explicitly states that you cannot,
you ultimately cannot LaunchInstance. AWS explains the policy evaluation logic in their
documentation, which can assist you when defining your own permission boundaries.

Figure 5.4 shows an example permission boundary for an IAM principal. The overlap, which represents
the union of the two policies, represents the allowed permissions for the principal:

Figure 5.4 – Allowed permissions between two policies

You can use SCPs to enforce and prevent actions across your AWS Organization or within subsets of
your accounts. From what you’ve learned in previous chapters, taking inventory of your cloud assets,
sharing reports, and incorporating anomaly detection are all good FinOps practices. Applying SCPs to
74 Governing Cost and Usage

help govern your resources is another good practice to share within your organization. For instance, you
may find from analyzing historical usage and through conversations that you have with developers that
teams may be provisioning larger servers than they need for testing or sandbox purposes. To save on
costs, teams can collaborate and decide that smaller instance types provide more than enough compute
power to run simple tests; restricting developers to smaller instance types poses no business risk nor
does it hamper developer productivity. You can use SCPs to implement this organizational initiative
to promote smaller instance types for testing and sandbox workloads. We can look at an example SCP
that provides this governance. Here, we can see a sample SCP in JSON with the condition to allow only
the t2 instance types and the t3 instance types, and the .nano, .micro, and .small instance sizes.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "RequireMicroInstanceType",
      "Effect": "Deny",
      "Action": "ec2:RunInstances",
      "Resource": [
      "Condition": {
        "StringNotEquals": {
          "ec2:InstanceType": ["t2.nano", t2.micro", "t2.
small", "t3.nano", "t3.micro", "t3.small"]

The policy aims to require smaller instance types. The policy denies starting any instance that is not
one of the instance types listed in the Condition string. In other words, accounts or OUs that have
this SCP applied can only launch t2.nano, t2.micro, t2.small, t3.nano, t3.micro, and
t3.small. This kind of policy ensures minimal costs for running instances because relatively, these
instances have a lower hourly rate charge.
It’s important to define the workload and the users’ requirements so that SCPs don’t hinder the speed,
scale, and innovation expected by teams. But once you define these expectations, and communicate
the goals and benefits of having SCPs, they are useful tools to apply to your FinOps practice at scale.
Governance with SCP 75

Consider using SCPs in cases where you need to enforce blanket preventative actions. We talked
previously about lost or inaccessible AWS accounts due to, say, an employee leaving the company. To
place a temporary restriction on any use of that account, you could create a holding OU that restricts
any action until you figure out an appropriate owner and the right placement for the account within
your organization. In this way, you control costs and are secure knowing that no other resources can
be provisioned while that account is contained in that OU.

Applying SCPs at VidyaGames

From his experience working with Andrew, Jeremy suggests the idea of applying an SCP to
the sandbox OU for VidyaGames’ AWS Organization. This SCP would only allow developers
to deploy instance types that are relatively smaller for testing and exploration purposes. The
teams agree that such an SCP would not hinder their development efforts.
However, Jeremy learns of several edge cases where developers may need larger instance types to
support efforts. Because these cases do not happen very often, Jeremy and the teams establish an
exceptions process that would allow developers to launch specific instance types that are larger.
This allows administrative teams to maintain control and visibility into the resources deployed
in the sandbox OU while granting developers the flexibility to use the resources they need.
Jeremy also meets with the security teams and application teams to identify SCPs for the
workloads and security OUs. Controls for public-facing applications such as VidyaReviews
require different controls from internal-facing applications. The teams identify only the approved
services needed for the production environment supporting VidyaReviews. This helps lock
down the workload environment and provide greater control and security boundaries. This also
prevents unneeded resources from being deployed in a production environment that would
otherwise contribute to waste.
Lastly, the teams collaboratively identify the AWS Regions in which the application teams
operate. Jeremy learns that all VidyaGames cloud assets are deployed in two Regions. There are
no immediate plans to expand their AWS footprint. Hence, it is reasonable to create a boundary
around these two Regions preventing users from deploying resources in Regions other than
these two unless the business needs change. Jeremy can use AWS Control Tower to easily apply
data residency guardrails. Control Tower uses APIs through SCPs to limit resource use to
specific Regions. This improves VidyaGames’ security posture, as well as its financial control,
removing the risk of leaving idle resources in unknown Regions.

AWS also provides a way for you to centrally view and update the alternative contacts for your AWS
accounts. In cases where an employee who owns an AWS leaves the organization, or changes teams
and makes it difficult to identify the original owner, having an administrator with privileges to
manage alternative contacts reduces the risk of idle resources running in an AWS account when you
struggle to gain access to the account. Figure 5.5 shows how you can set up alternate contacts in AWS
Organizations for billing, operations, and security purposes. This will improve your control over the
account in cases where employees leave or when you cannot identify the owner:
76 Governing Cost and Usage

Figure 5.5 – Setting up alternate contacts

You must enable AWS Account Management from the Services option within AWS Organizations.
Enabling AWS Account Management allows you to programmatically modify your account information
and metadata within the AWS Organization.
SCPs help you enforce governance across your AWS Organization. Although our focus is on governance
through cost controls, it’s also useful to increase your security posture and improve operational efficiency.
We looked at a simple example of using SCPs to limit the types of Amazon EC2 instances accounts
within an OU that can launch, but you can apply the same principle to apply the SCPs that are most
useful to your organization. We’ll look at another example SCP in the next section, emphasizing the
importance of tagging to control ongoing costs.

Implementing tagging policies

We’ve already seen how tagging helps you know your AWS inventory better and report on it to see
cost and usage. Once you’ve defined your tagging strategy, you can improve the level of resource and
cost visibility by applying tagging policies to SCPs across your organization. You can write your own
JSON as SCP policies and apply them to OUs. But you can also create and apply tag policies within
AWS Organizations in the AWS Management Console.
Tag policies are related to service control policies in that they can help you standardize actions across
an OU, but tag policies specifically govern how and what to tag. You will need to attach a tag policy
at the OU or account level through AWS Organizations. If applied at the Organization root, then all
accounts within that Organization will be subject to the policy.
Implementing tagging policies 77

Let’s assume you wanted to apply a tagging policy to ensure that EC2 instances are tagged with an
owner tag. This allows your teams to contact the individual with any questions about the use of the
instances. You can create a policy in the AWS Console, as shown in Figure 5.6, then apply this policy
to targets whether they are OUs, accounts, or a combination of both. The example tag policy in AWS
Organizations requires the owner tag key and a value of either alice, bob, or charlie for any
EC2 instance.

Figure 5.6 – A sample tag policy

78 Governing Cost and Usage

To measure your teams’ tagging success through their compliance with an effective tag policy, use
the tag compliance report accessible through AWS Resource Groups. We explored this service in
Chapter 3, Managing Inventory, when we learned to obtain a list of untagged resources within an
AWS account. The same tag compliance report provides a full view of your tagged resources based
on your tagging policy. This can help you quickly find untagged AWS resources.
Because it can take up to 48 hours for changes to a tag policy or resource to reflect, this service may not
meet real-time requirements. However, it can still be a useful tool when you need to take a snapshot
of how your resources are compliant with tagging policies. For faster response times to non-compliant
resources, integrate tag governance with AWS Config, which we’ll look at in the next section.

Tag governance with AWS Config

Once you apply a tag policy, you can use AWS Config to see how well your accounts are compliant
with a tag policy. Within AWS Config, you can configure an AWS-managed rule named required-tags
to evaluate your resources and see which are not compliant with your desired policy. In this case,
the policy is to apply an owner tag key to all EC2 instances within an account. Figure 5.7 shows an
application of a required-tags-managed rule to check for EC2 instances with the owner key
of the required tag:
Implementing tagging policies 79

Figure 5.7 – Selecting resources in AWS Config

Once active, AWS Config will regularly evaluate your resources according to these defined rules.
Config will mark any resources as non-compliant. After you identify a non-compliant resource, you
can take the appropriate action to change its status.
80 Governing Cost and Usage

If you need a service to help you manage changes to data within your AWS services, then a good
choice is to use Amazon EventBridge. EventBridge is a serverless event bus that gathers data about
events that occur within your AWS environment (and third-party services as well). As it’s a serverless
service, you don’t need to manage any servers. As an event bus, EventBridge streams real-time data
from event sources, such as AWS Config, to targets such as AWS Lambda, Amazon SNS, or other
software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications. Figure 5.8 shows an example workflow using the required-
tags-managed rule to check for EC2 instances with the owner key of the required tag.

Figure 5.8 – Integrating EventBridge with Config

In our case, as illustrated in Figure 5.8, we can use AWS Config to ensure AWS resources are tagged
according to a tagging policy. AWS Config evaluates the environment and identifies a resource as
non-compliant. Then, EventBridge will route the finding to a target such as an Amazon SNS topic. This
enables you to view and respond more quickly than you would from running a report every few days
and parsing through the data. It’s important to note that EventBridge will cost money. For example,
you will be charged for the storage events used per month, and for any custom events published to
EventBridge. However, you will not be charged for any state changes published by AWS services.

Applying tags at VidyaGames

Jeremy’s tagging efforts have not only increased VidyaGames’ visibility into their AWS resources,
but it has also given the teams a fresh sense of ownership over their cloud assets. The company
established a tagging strategy that, at minimum, has the teams include an owner, application
name, and cost center. The owner tag helps identify either the team or individual that owns
the resource to encourage folks to take responsibility over what they provision. The application
name provides visibility into how much each application is costing the company. The cost center
helps the finance team charge back costs and perform monthly reconciliations.
Jeremy creates and attaches an SCP per OU with this baseline tagging policy requiring these
three tag types. For certain individual accounts, such as the production accounts within the
workloads OU, he adds an additional schedule tag to help developers differentiate between
long- and short-running resources. This is implemented in collaboration with developers.
Governance with Service Catalog 81

Ultimately, as your maturity in FinOps grows, you’ll want to automate the process for evaluation
and response. For instance, instead of manual processes, AWS Config’s discovery of a non-compliant
resource can trigger a workflow to automatically apply a tag, then notify the team that a tag was
missing and a default value was applied. This can help streamline your operations and enable you
to respond quickly to the dynamic nature of a cloud. We’ll explore automation in greater detail in
Part 3, Operationalizing FinOps.
In this section, we looked at how to define your tag policies, apply them to your AWS Organization,
and ensure compliance with services such as AWS Config and Amazon EventBridge. These methods
require you to formulate your own governance strategies and respond when resources deviate from
your good intentions. Another way to ensure compliance is to use predefined resources that are already
compliant with good intentions. This is what we’ll explore next.

Governance with Service Catalog

At the beginning of this chapter, we looked at identity-based policies that permit actions for individual
entities. We unpacked how permissions work through authentication and authorization. Then, we
looked at permission boundaries, primarily in the form of SCPs that are applied to an AWS account
or multiple AWS accounts via an OU. These SCPs define the permission boundaries that impact all
users and roles associated with the AWS account, the OU, and perhaps the entire AWS Organization.
Another way of governing access to AWS resources is by providing a pre-approved list of resources
that users can launch with AWS Service Catalog. You can think of Service Catalog as a vending
machine of goods – users choose which resource they want to consume. And since you’re the one
placing the items in the machine for users to vend, as long as you know the items that you place are
secured, compliant, and approved for use, you can operate with the assurance that all resources will
be used as intended.
Service Catalog helps from both a governance and cost perspective. You standardize how users will
use AWS resources by creating a portfolio of products. In the case of Figure 5.9, we created a portfolio
called FinOps Portfolio with two products, an Amazon S3 bucket and an Amazon EC2 Linux instance.
You then assign who can provision these products by managing permissions for groups, roles, and
users to have access to that portfolio:
82 Governing Cost and Usage

Figure 5.9 – A portfolio in AWS Service Catalog

Even if these users or roles aren’t explicitly allowed to launch EC2 Linux instances or create Amazon
S3 buckets, they can do so through Service Catalog if they have permission to use Service Catalog and
the portfolios therein. Once a user accesses Service Catalog, they can choose to launch resources as
defined by the portfolio’s product collection. This is illustrated in Figure 5.10, where we see someone
launching an Amazon EC2 Linux instance through the Service Catalog portal:
Governance with Service Catalog 83

Figure 5.10 – A product launch in Service Catalog

In the preceding scenario, the user may not have IAM permissions to specifically launch an Amazon
EC2 instance. Instead, the user has access to Service Catalog and the products within a portfolio. The
user essentially accesses AWS resources through a portal. From this portal, users can discover and
use products that comply with organizational policies and budget constraints.
From a cost perspective, Service Catalog provides a mechanism to better predict your AWS expenditure
because of the predefined nature of products. As a simple example, if you require the use of Service
Catalog for all testing workloads that use EC2 instances, you can create a portfolio of products for
testers and define the instance settings. A predefined Service Catalog portfolio of EC2 instances that
84 Governing Cost and Usage

are only certain types and sizes gives you a more accurate cost assurance than if you did not know
which instance types your developers would be launching.
AWS provides public pricing for all its services and a pricing calculator to estimate your AWS expenditure.
If you predefine a list of approved instance types for testing, you can estimate the lower and upper
bounds of how much testing workloads would cost based on how many instance types, total running
hours in a month, and expected number of users there will be. You can create budgets and anomaly
detection measures against these estimates while, at the same time, setting tagging policies such as
adding a schedule tag. Users can then specify a key of a set number of planned hours, or specify 24/7,
to indicate how long they expect the instance to run.
Although I am presenting a very simplified example here, you can see how the ideas presented so
far can be layered together to form policies that might be useful for your organization. The breadth
of AWS services means that you can use a combination of services to meet the changing needs of
your organization. Service Catalog may be useful for a business unit, a specific project, or even for an
entire organization. You don’t have to feel as though you need to use one service over the other. You
have the flexibility to use whichever service or services you need that will bring you the most value.
In the last section, before we conclude this chapter, we’ll briefly look at AWS CloudTrail, which provides
a way for you to audit your AWS accounts. CloudTrail allows you to see exactly who did what within
your AWS accounts, granting you visibility and auditability into your resources.

Auditing with CloudTrail

AWS CloudTrail is primarily used to audit, secure, and track user activity and API usage for your AWS
accounts. CloudTrail continuously monitors and retains account activity for all actions performed
within your AWS environments. Although not directly related to cost optimization, CloudTrail is an
important governance tool nonetheless and it’s worth mentioning here.
When you use the default AWS Control Tower settings to deploy a multi-account AWS environment,
Control Tower automatically creates a CloudTrail baseline and a logging account that aggregates API
activity across all your accounts. The CloudTrail service collects and retains this log information for
you to query and analyze at the required time. If you’re not using Control Tower, you have to enable
CloudTrail manually for the AWS account.
CloudTrail is helpful for seeing the activities that are taking place to track their cost and usage. This
is especially helpful if certain resources are not tagged properly and you cannot identify the owner.
The following event record shows a login activity for a user. CloudTrail records the date and time, as
well as the source IP address and agent.
Here’s a sample CloudTrail console login activity and its associated metadata:

    "eventVersion": "1.08",
Auditing with CloudTrail 85

    "userIdentity": {
        "type": "AssumedRole",
        "principalId": "AROAZBQHLPM42D7PFT36K:user ",
        "arn": "arn:aws:sts::xxxxxxxxxxxx:assumed-role/
        "accountId": " xxxxxxxxxxxx ",
        "sessionContext": {
            "sessionIssuer": {
                "type": "Role",
                "arn": "arn:aws:iam:: xxxxxxxxxxxx:role/user",
                "accountId": " xxxxxxxxxxxx "
    "eventTime": "2022-01-20T15:50:18Z",
    "eventSource": "",
    "eventName": "ConsoleLogin",
    "awsRegion": "us-east-1",
    "sourceIPAddress": ""}

You can see from the sample CloudTrail event record in the preceding code block that the first few
lines of the event display the principal performing the action, who, in this case, is a developer using
an assumed IAM role. CloudTrail shows the user and the account ID, and shows that this user did not
use MFA for authentication. Then, the event logs the source IP address and a successful login event.
CloudTrail records all event activity and stores the log in an Amazon S3 bucket. The previous example
shows a type of management event, a user logging into the AWS Console. You can configure CloudTrail
to record data events and insights events as well. These are events related to resource operations on a
resource (such as uploading and deleting items from an Amazon S3 bucket) and identifying unusual
activity, errors, or user behavior in an account, respectively. As you can imagine, the storage costs can
add up if you are logging many users’ activities across many AWS accounts.
Depending on your business needs, you may want to create a CloudTrail trail that only logs data events
for specific accounts. Configuring more specific trails can help lower your costs. For example, you may
only want to log that items are deleted from an Amazon S3 bucket if and when that happens. You can
use advanced event selectors when configuring CloudTrail. Figure 5.11 shows an example of setting
this up in the AWS Console. We use advanced event selectors to set more granular configurations on
CloudTrail and reduce costs:
86 Governing Cost and Usage

Figure 5.11 – Using advanced event selectors

Here, we set advanced event selectors to only log activity when the DeleteObject action occurs on
a specific Amazon S3 bucket. This helps reduce costs by only logging the events that matter most to you.
CloudTrail can be a helpful tool for monitoring and auditing your AWS accounts. But depending on your
needs, auditing everything may produce more noise than required. Only logging the information that
matters can not only help reduce the operational burden of having to sift through logs of information
but also reduce your costs in the long term.
Config helps with managing the configurations of your resources. We specifically looked at ensuring
all resources are tagged with Config. Config helps set the rules with CloudTrail and helps identify
what’s in fact happening within your accounts. Using these services together increases the visibility
of and control over account activity, which ultimately reduces your waste.
Summary 87

Governance is a crucial part of your FinOps implementation. Without governance, all you have is good
intent. Governance provides guardrails for your FinOps practices to be executed in a standardized
and scalable way.
Authentication and authorization are both required for any activity within AWS, FinOps-related or
otherwise. It’s important to streamline cross-account access via roles and IAM policies that adhere
to the principle of least privilege.
You can use SCPs and tagging policies to enforce compliance for the accounts and OUs. All accounts
and associated entities are subject to any SCPs. Thus, the allowed permissions are the union between
the permission boundary and IAM policy for an entity.
For day-to-day operations, AWS Config, AWS Service Catalog, and AWS CloudTrail are governance-
focused services that help with enforcing compliance and auditing account activity.
We have established the right foundation by setting up a multi-account environment, analyzing our
cost and usage, setting up budgets, and implementing controls. We can now work toward practical
methods for reducing costs, which will be the focus of the next chapter. We will explore cost-saving
opportunities in key IT domains and we’ll begin by looking at compute as the focus for the next chapter.

Further reading
Have a look at the following resources:

• How do I allow users or roles in a separate AWS account access to my AWS account?, 2021:
• Managing Users and Access Through Single Sign-On, 2022:
• Policy evaluation logic, 2022:
UserGuide/reference_policies_evaluation-logic.html .
• AWS Pricing Calculator, 2022:
• How can I be notified when an AWS resource is non-compliant using AWS Config, 2022: https://
• How to optimize AWS CloudTrail costs by using advanced event selectors, 2022: https://
Part 2:
Optimizing Your
AWS Resources

In Part 2, we will learn about the levers we can pull to realize actual cost savings and move toward
eliminating waste. We will break this part into four categories. In Chapter 6, we will look at how to
optimize compute costs. This means leveraging reserved instances, Savings Plans, spot instances,
and AWS Compute Optimizer. Chapter 7 shows how to optimize storage costs using the right
S3 storage tier, Ultra Warm storage, RDS Proxy, and EFS colder tier storage. Chapter 8 explores
networking optimization such as lowering data transfer costs, leveraging VPC endpoints, and
using Transit Gateways to reduce bandwidth. Chapter 9 provides other ways that customers can
reduce costs beyond compute, networking, and storage.
This part of the book comprises the following chapters:

• Chapter 6, Optimizing Compute

• Chapter 7, Optimizing Storage
• Chapter 8, Optimizing Networking
• Chapter 9, Optimizing Could-Native Environments
Optimizing Compute
Compute generally refers to power used by machines to process data and execute tasks as defined by
a software program. Cloud computing delivers this compute power over the internet to consumers on
demand. And while pay-as-you-go is the de facto means of paying for these resources, AWS provides
other means to pay that can help lower costs. You can also configure these compute resources to
perform optimally, which helps lower costs.
We now focus on the mechanisms and levers you can pull to reduce waste in the compute domain
on AWS. We will look at AWS’ different pricing models and how you should be thinking about your
workload to take advantage of them. We also explore ways to size your compute resources appropriately
to minimize the waste associated with overprovisioned resources.
In this chapter, we’re going to cover the following main topics:

• Leveraging steady state discounts

• Maximizing savings for flexible workloads
• Right sizing compute

Technical requirements
To complete the exercises in this chapter, we will continue with the same components we’ve been
using in the previous chapter.

Leveraging steady state discounts

Paying for the IT services you need when you need them is the very nature of paying for AWS cloud
resources. This embodies the on-demand nature of the cloud and essentially comprises the trade-off
of capital expenses for variable expenses. However, this isn’t the only way you can pay for what you
use. In fact, Amazon EC2 instances provide you with several choices: on-demand, reserved instances
(RIs), Savings Plans (SPs), and Spot.
92 Optimizing Compute

On-demand pricing is just as it sounds – you pay for however long the instance runs at an hourly
rate. AWS provides the on-demand hourly rate for each of their numerous instance types on their
Amazon EC2 pricing page. The hourly rate will depend on several instance parameters such as the
Region where you launch your instance, the operating system (OS), the type of instance, and the size.
Intuitively, you will be charged at a higher hourly rate for a larger instance than a smaller instance.

How RIs work

On-demand pricing makes sense – you pay for what you use when you use it and the pricing for the
on-demand rate is publicly available to view. But is there any way to pay at a lower rate? There are two
ways, as a matter of fact. One is by way of RIs and SPs, and the other is through Amazon EC2 Spot.
We will focus on RIs and SPs first. Although technically different, we’ll group them together because
they have the same discount rate and are both meant for steady state use. We’ll focus on reserved
instances in this section.
RIs provide a discounted hourly rate for running EC2 instances given several agreed upon terms.
There are two types of RIs: standard and convertible.
Standard RIs have stricter terms than convertible instances but the discount rates are greater. When you
commit to a standard RI for a term of either one or three years, you are committing to the Region that
you’ll deploy the instance to, the instance type, the OS, and the tenancy. For example, if you purchase
a standard RI for a single t2.small, Windows-based OS under shared tenancy in the US-EAST-1
Region, whenever you launch an instance with those specific parameters, you will be billed at the
standard RI discount rate, rather than the on-demand rate. If you launch a t2.small, Linux-based
instance under shared tenancy in the US-EAST-1 Region, you will not get the discount because the
OS does not match the parameters of your reserved instance.
Figure 6.1 illustrates an example of the RI configuration mentioned earlier, applying to one specific
instance because it matches the RI configuration. Instance 3 receives the discount rate given the
standard reserved instance purchases, as it’s the only instance configuration that matches the
commitment parameters. Instance 1 is in the different Region. Instance 2 and Instance 4 do not
match the instance type:

Figure 6.1 – Instance 3 receiving the RI rate

Leveraging steady state discounts 93

Convertible RIs offer more flexibility at a smaller discount rate compared to standard RIs. During the
convertible RI term, you may change the commitment parameters at any time given that the new RI
commitment is of equal or greater value. From the preceding example, if you first purchase a t2.small
convertible RI and, given your business needs, want to change that to a m5.large convertible RI,
with everything else staying the same, you will be able to do so, assuming that m5.large instance
types will be more expensive than t2.small instance types. Keep in mind that when converting
to a new instance type, you should launch instances that match the new configuration; otherwise,
you will be adding to your waste! In other words, once you convert to an m5.large instance, be
sure to actually deploy an m5.large instance for your workloads; otherwise, you’ll be paying for
something you’re not using.
Billing for RIs comes in three forms: all upfront, partial upfront, or no upfront payments. When you
elect the all upfront payment, you pay for the total amount of the RI cost at your next billing cycle.
You get the best discount compared to the other payment options, but you put up more cash upfront
to pay for that RI. Partial upfront is similar in that you can pay a portion upfront but the remainder of
the cost is amortized monthly. You cannot choose how much you want to put upfront for the partial
upfront payment type. You can with SPs, but more on this later. No upfront is just as it sounds – you
don’t need to pay anything upfront. You will be billed monthly instead for the duration of the RI term.
All three options indicate paying for a resource at a discounted rate whether you use it or not. If you had
not purchased an RI and instead used on-demand pricing, you would see the bill for the on-demand
instance charged based on the number of hours used. But with RIs, you’ll see the RI charge on the
bill even if you don’t launch an instance matching that configuration. But when you do launch an
instance matching that configuration, you’re not charged the on-demand rate, but a monthly discount
rate covers that usage instead.
A simple example of the RI billing mechanism is gym membership. Most gyms offer two methods
of payment to use the facility: you can either pay every time you go (on-demand), or pay a yearly
membership and go as many times as you want during the year (RI). Perhaps you do the math in your
head and determine that if you pay for the membership, as long as you go to the gym three times a
week, you’ll be getting a better rate than paying every time you go. Now, it’s up to you to actually go
to the gym. I’m not one to give motivational speeches, so we can stop here.
RIs act in the same way – it’s use it or lose it. If you don’t use it, you are in fact contributing to your
waste. In other words, if you don’t launch instances that match your RI commitment, it would have
been better to pay the on-demand rate, because now you’re paying for the on-demand rate for running
instances in addition to a year-long (or 3 year-long) commitment for something you’re not using. The
way to remedy this is to ensure that your running instance configurations match the RI configurations.
By doing so, your running instances won’t be charged the on-demand rate since they’ll be covered
by your RI commitment.
Now with a better understanding of how RIs work, the challenge then becomes knowing how well
you are utilizing the RIs that you’ve purchased. You can find the answer in Cost Explorer.
94 Optimizing Compute

Understanding RI performance
You can access the RI utilization report in Cost Explorer. This report helps you minimize wasteful
use of reserved instances by showing you how well you’re taking advantage of any RIs owned by the
account, or for the entire AWS organization if viewing from the management account. The report
shows what you would have paid, whether you used on-demand instances, and compares this to your
actual RI costs. It then summarizes your net savings by subtracting these values. Ideally, you want the
total net savings to equal total potential savings to achieve 100% utilization. I show a bad example of
this in Figure 6.2.
Low utilization is just as it sounds. You’re not using the RIs that you paid for — you’re not going to the
gym even though you paid for yearly membership. An RI utilization report showing low utilization
means that you would have saved money if you had just used on-demand instances and paid for those
instances when you used them. In gym terms, you should have not purchased the membership and
just paid to use the facility since you only went to the gym twice that year. Used in this way, RIs that
were intended to be cost-saving tools turn out to be waste-inducing tools.
Figure 6.2 shows how well you used the RI (i.e., how often you went to the gym) visually. This is an
example of poor utilization. The RI costs exceed the on-demand cost equivalent, which reflects wasteful
use of RIs. In other words, you paid for gym membership, but you never went:

Figure 6.2 – Poor RI utilization

Leveraging steady state discounts 95

To avoid these situations, use this report to match the purchased RI configurations to the launched
instance configurations. If you happened to make a mistake and launched t3.small instances
when you purchased RIs for t2.small instances, then change the instance configurations for your
workload to match the RI instance configurations. This will be difficult for standard RIs because you
are unable to change the RI configurations for the length of the standard RI terms.
We’ve seen how you want to ensure you are maximizing the use of your RIs. The RI utilization report
in Cost Explorer can help you track how well you are using your RIs. But in some cases, you might
need to change your RI configurations. So, what can you do if you need to change your standard RI?

Modifying RIs
One of the ways to modify standard RIs is to change their scope. A standard RI can either be Regional
or Zonal. When you select a Zonal RI, you specify which Availability Zone (AZ) you want to reserve
for your instance(s). If you specify an RI for US-EAST-1A, then you’d selected a Zonal RI. To get the
discounted rate, you must launch the instance in US-EAST-1A. Assuming you have no other RIs, if
you launch an instance in US-EAST-1B, your instance will be charged the on-demand rate.
Zonal RIs have the additional benefit of reserving capacity in the specified AZ. If there was only
one instance left, and you and another AWS customer happened to choose the same remaining last
instance to deploy, then the customer with the Zonal RI for that specific instance would have the
priority to use it (if you both own the RI, then whoever requested the instance first would win). You
can choose Zonal RIs if your workload requires specificity in choosing an AZ to launch instances and
when reserving capacity is important.
You can also change the instance size for standard RIs using the Linux/UNIX OS. Each RI has an
instance size footprint that defines its normalized size. For example, a small instance has a normalization
factor of 1, while a medium-sized instance has a normalization factor of 2. If you started off with a
single medium-sized Linux/UNIX RI but wanted to change to two small-size Linux/UNIX instances,
you could do so because it’s a Linux/UNIX OS.
Figure 6.3 provides an example of this in the Amazon EC2 page. Here we see an RI modification from
a t3.micro, Linux/UNIX, Regional RI to two t3.nano, Zonal RIs applicable to US-EAST-1a:
96 Optimizing Compute

Figure 6.3 – Modifying an RI in the Amazon EC2 console

Modifying the zone and/or size does not provide too much flexibility because you still need to use a
particular instance type, OS, and tenancy. However, you cannot change these configurations with a
standard RI. If you find that you have no further need for a standard RI and there is still a significant
amount of time left in the term, you can try to sell the RI in the RI Marketplace to another customer
that might be seeking an RI with your configuration. This is akin to another party taking over your
lease. AWS will transact the change of ownership and payment to the new owner.
Although we learned that you could modify some aspects of your standard RI, there are some
limitations. In the next section, we’ll see how we can exchange RIs for entirely new configurations
with convertible RIs.

Exchanging reserved instances

Standard RIs provide minimal flexibility. The better way to deal with uncertainty and to increase the
utilization rate of your reservations, and hence decrease waste, is to use convertible RIs.
The trade-off for a better discount with standard RIs is decreased flexibility. Conversely, you have
increased flexibility with convertible RIs but at a lower discount rate than standard RIs. Arguably,
convertible RIs may save you more costs in the long run if your workload configuration needs to
change. From our previous example, we saw poor RI utilization over a 12-month period. Business
can experience both internal and external changes such as new business requirements or new product
and service launches from AWS. Sometimes, it’s worth paying the premium to have that flexibility to
change the terms of a commitment given how quickly both business and technology changes.
Leveraging steady state discounts 97

When you purchase a convertible RI, you can exchange the RI to match a new workload requirement.
As stated before, the new RI must be of equal or greater value than the existing RI. If you need to
change to a cheaper RI configuration, you may need to purchase additional convertible RIs to cover
the difference.
Figure 6.4 and Figure 6.5 demonstrate exchanging an existing convertible RI for a new reservation.
You can exchange a convertible RI for a new RI on the Amazon EC2 page:

1. Select the RI you want to exchange. Select Exchange Reserved Instances from the Actions
menu. You can then select the desired RI configuration that you want to exchange to. The new
RI expires on the same day as the old RI but with different configurations:

Figure 6.4 – Selecting the RI to exchange

2. Select the desired target RI configuration.

3. Select Find offering to find new RIs to match your configuration.
4. Select Review, then Exchange to execute the change.
98 Optimizing Compute

Figure 6.5 – Exchanging a convertible RI for a new RI

There will be a cost involved for the exchange unless you exchange for an RI with the same value. As
with standard RIs, convertible RIs can also be modified from Regional to Zonal (and vice versa) and
by instance size at no charge, assuming it’s Linux/UNIX. You can imagine things get complicated
quickly when you exchange RIs at scale. The operational burden to purchase, monitor, and manage
your reservation fleet and coordinate with teams to ensure that they are using the right instance types
to match your reservations can overwhelm the team.
Managing RIs to maximize your savings necessitates time and resources, which are difficult to spare
especially if you’re a large organization. Fortunately, at the time of writing this book, AWS is moving
to a different approach with the same mechanisms and discount rates, but much less management on
your part. The approach is to use SPs.

Improving utilization with SPs

SPs provide the same discounts as RIs but require less management, such as the need to exchange or
modify RIs. SPs still come in two types, EC2 Instance SPs and Compute SPs, and the discount rates
are equivalent to standard RIs and convertible RIs, respectively. Where they excel is in their flexibility.
Remember, with standard RIs, you are committed to specific instance configurations tying you down
to using instances to match the RI configuration for many months. With EC2 Instance SPs, you are
only committed to the Region and instance family. This means you can change the OS, tenancy, and
instance size and still get the discount rate.
Leveraging steady state discounts 99

Compute SPs provide even greater flexibility at the same discount rate as convertible RIs. Compute
SPs don’t even require a Region or instance type selection. Instead, you commit to an hourly dollar
rate. Based on the instances you used, AWS will apply the discount rates to your launched instances
until it reaches your committed hourly dollar rate. AWS does this automatically for you, removing
the need to modify and exchange your RI fleet to optimize savings.
As a simple example, say you commit to a $10 hourly rate for a Compute SP. Figure 6.6 shows a
hypothetical pricing chart for different instance types for demonstration purposes. Given your $10
per hour commitment, AWS will rank your instances based on the savings percentage, and then draw
down the SP hourly rate from your commitment amount. For this given hour, Instance 1 was running
with a savings rate of 60%. Since this is the highest savings percentage out of the five instances, it is
ranked first. The instance consumes $2 from the $10 commitment. Now, you have $8 left. AWS then
sees Instance 2 as the next greatest savings percentage and subtracts $3 from the remaining $8. By
the time it reaches Instance 5, you’ve exhausted your hourly commitment. Thus, Instance 5 will be
billed at the on-demand rate. All the instances before Instance 5 were billed at the SP discounted
rate instead of the on-demand rate. In other words, you saved on those instance costs automatically
without needing to match your launched instances to an RI configuration:

Figure 6.6 – Applying SP rates to usage

The purchase options for SPs are the same as the purchase options for RIs, with one slight difference.
You can still choose between three payment options. However, for SPs, you can choose your partial
upfront amount to be 50% due upfront. The total amount of the SP is based on the term, either one
or three years.
What differs between RIs and SPs is how AWS applies the discount on your behalf. With RIs, essentially
AWS would see EC2 instance usage, then see whether you have any RIs with configurations that match
that usage, and finally, apply the discount rate if there’s a match. If there’s no match, it charges the
on-demand rate. With SPs, rather than matching usage to an RI instance configuration, AWS simply
takes your dollar commit and applies it to all applicable instances.
SPs and RIs can be shared across accounts within your organization, which can help reduce the overall
expenditure. SPs and RIs prioritize the account that purchased them. For example, if you purchase
an SP at the management (payer) account, then AWS will prioritize the SP rate to any compute use
within the management account first before applying the discount rate to any other compute use in
the other accounts.
100 Optimizing Compute

If you develop your account strategy so that you don’t have any compute resources running in the
management account, or perhaps a dedicated SP/RI purchasing account, then the discounts can
disseminate freely across all your accounts. In this way, AWS will rank savings percentages for all
compute use across all accounts as in Figure 6.6 and apply discounts accordingly.
You can elect to turn off sharing for specific accounts if your business requires you to do so. Or, you
can purchase SPs/RIs in a specific account if you want to prioritize discounts for that account. This
may be desirable to ensure that certain workloads get a discount. By purchasing SPs/RIs in an account,
AWS will first do the ranking exercise within that account before seeing whether any remaining
commitment can be applied to other accounts. For example, even if a savings percentage is greater for
an instance in account B than an instance in account A, if account A purchased the SP, AWS ensures
that account A uses the same amount of the hourly commitment before applying the discounted rate
to instances running in account B.
Figure 6.7 shows sharing options in the AWS Billing console. Once you navigate to the AWS Billing
dashboard in the AWS Management Console, you can select Billing preferences from the left-hand
menu. The accounts in the left-hand box will share RIs and SPs, while the accounts listed in the right-
hand box will be excluded from sharing:

Figure 6.7 – RI and SP discount sharing in the AWS Billing console

Consequently, achieving high utilization with SPs is easier than with RIs. Because now, instead of
the question being “are you using this instance type?”, the question simply becomes, “are you using
compute?” Compute SPs also provide discounted rates on AWS Lambda and AWS Fargate usage as
well. Lambda is a serverless compute service in which the underlying server is abstracted from you
entirely. By using Lambda, developers tell AWS what to do via code, and let AWS handle how to do
Leveraging steady state discounts 101

it. Fargate is also serverless and tasks AWS with the same level of responsibility but is specifically used
for containers. With Compute SPs covering these types of compute uses and instances regardless of
Region, they provide better coverage with less management than convertible RIs.
Cost Explorer can provide suggestions if you’re unsure of what your hourly commitment should
be. Cost Explorer assumes your historical usage will continue, and provides recommendations
from a 7-, 30-, or 60-day lookback period. You can use these suggestions as a baseline if you want
to further refine your analyses.
Figure 6.8 shows the console view with options to tailor the recommended amount. Here we see Cost
Explorer SP recommendations for a Compute Savings Plans type at the Payer account level for a
1-year term:

Figure 6.8 – Savings Plans recommendations

Once you’ve selected a desired SP configuration, Cost Explorer provides details of the SP terms, as
shown in Figure 6.9. Here, we see that after committing to a $0.19 per hour amount to compute, the
estimated savings is around $136 per month. AWS will apply the discount rate to all eligible compute
uses, removing any need for you to manage it yourself.
102 Optimizing Compute

Figure 6.9 – SP terms

SPs offer greater flexibility than RIs. We saw how AWS applies the SP rate discount to your instance
usage automatically, saving you the time it takes to exchange convertible RIs. We also learned how
to enable and disable RI/SP sharing across accounts, and how to get SP recommendations from Cost
Explorer. We’ll learn more about another useful SP report in Cost Explorer next, namely the SP
Coverage report.

Knowing when to buy more SPs

You can find the SP (and RI) Coverage report in Cost Explorer, which provides insight into how much
of your instance costs were at the SP discounted rate for a given period. A coverage of 0% means that
you did not benefit from a SP discounted rate, while a coverage of 100% means that AWS applied the
SP discounted rate to all your instance usage. In other words, you didn’t pay the on-demand rate for
any instance usage under a 100% coverage rate; all instance usage was optimized.
Achieving a 100% coverage rate should be the goal to maximize your cost savings potential. However,
not all organizations can obtain and sustain that goal due to competing priorities, lack of personnel,
and different levels of FinOps maturity. From my experience, aiming for a coverage rate between 60%
to 80% is a good start and reasonable to attain. I find that many AWS customers that act on the SP
recommendations in Cost Explorer reach that range.
In practice, use SP Coverage report to help analyze your SP commitment amounts before a SP purchase,
and use SP utilization reports to quantify how well you optimize from the purchase. You can also
start with a small SP commitment and purchase additional ones incrementally. With SPs, you can
immediately start reducing waste by optimizing your compute expenditure without a significant upfront
financial cost when choosing the no upfront option. Moreover, there isn’t the need to manage them
as much as with RIs since AWS takes care of the billing and applies the discounts to your instance
use during the month.
You can also use SPs and reservations budgets to track coverage and utilization rates over time. With
these budgets, AWS will notify when a target coverage rate goes below a threshold. This can be a signal
Leveraging steady state discounts 103

to purchase more SPs, assuming continued use of compute resources. AWS will also notify you when
you set a utilization target to inform you when a SP or RI is being underutilized.
Figure 6.10 shows a user setting a utilization rate of 75% for a SP when creating a utilization budget.
This means you will be notified if your utilization rate is less than the target 75%:

Figure 6.10 - Setting a utilization rate of 75%

RIs are ideal for steady-state workloads such as instances that need to be available and running 24/7.
The on-demand price for these types of instances makes little financial sense when you can be paying
for them at a lower price. Even if they don’t run 24/7 for the entire length of the committed term, the
break-even point tends to be around 8 to 9 months in a 1-year commitment or around 18 months
in a 3-year commitment. In other words, even if you only use the reserved instances for 10 months
out of the 12 months you paid, you’re still getting a better rate than paying the on-demand price and
hence, still saving money. Compute SPs make this even easier because you are no longer tied down to
an instance type. AWS will apply the discount rate to any form of compute you use during the term.
104 Optimizing Compute

Though not all workloads are steady-state, organizations commonly run batch workloads that require
compute for short periods of time, or teams need to temporarily use compute to run some experiments
for testing purpose. It may not be a big deal if the compute isn’t available for some reason because
teams can just restart the job or relaunch an instance with a different instance type. Amazon EC2 Spot
is ideal in cases such as these where you can sacrifice availability for an even cheaper price.

Purchasing SPs at VidyaGames

Jeremy speaks with Ezra to learn more about VidyaGames’ RI purchasing strategy. During their
meeting, Ezra shares with Jeremy that his team has been the lead when it comes to purchasing
RIs for the organization. Some application teams purchase RIs themselves while others do not.
Ezra and his team work to fill in gaps where VidyaGames can benefit from increased coverage.
Jeremy and Ezra agree that the current operating model is inefficient and does not lead to
long-term optimization. Purchasing RIs should not be a concern for applications teams. They
should rather be focused on building software for customers. Ezra states that centralizing RI
purchases makes sense, but his team needs more information from the application teams to
know which RIs to purchase.
Ezra: We need to know what the developers’ plans are so that we can buy the right RIs. There
have been many cases where they say they are going to use a certain instance type but after a
few months, they end up changing it. Then, it’s up to me and my team to exchange them for
the right RIs, which is a daunting task.
Jeremy: How many RIs do we have now and when are they expiring?
Ezra: I don’t know how many we have off the top of my head, but I do know that they are expiring
at the end of this month because I have a purchase queued up for a new fleet.
Jeremy: Have you considered using SPs instead? I heard they’re much more flexible and you
don’t have to spend time doing exchanges.
Ezra: I haven’t. What are they?
Jeremy enlightens Ezra on SPs. Ezra heaves a sigh of relief, as he’s hopeful that SPs can eliminate
his need to exchange RIs on a regular basis. They decide that at the end of the month, they will
purchase a small Compute SP to see how it works.

In this section, we unpacked how RIs and SPs work as billing mechanisms. We saw how SPs can improve
your utilization and thus optimize your AWS expenditure by removing a lot of the operational work
of matching the instance launches to the RI configuration. We looked also at related reports in Cost
Explorer that tell you how much you’re benefitting from these mechanisms and how you can benefit
further by purchasing more to improve your coverage. In the next section, we’ll look at another way
for paying for Amazon EC2 compute resources using Spot.
Maximizing savings for flexible workloads 105

Maximizing savings for flexible workloads

As with RIs and SPs, Spot provides you a discount on EC2 usage but with a different rate. Unlike RIs
and SPs, Spot is ideal for workloads that can withstand interruption and can be instance-flexible,
meaning you generally don’t care which instance type you use to complete a task. For these trade-offs,
Spot provides steeper discounts than SPs.
AWS first offered the m1.small instance type back in 2006. At the time of writing, AWS now provides
over 400 different types of instances to use. We can safely assume that AWS has a lot of spare capacity.
AWS offers this spare capacity to customers with a steep discount compared to on-demand instances
on the condition that AWS can retake that spare capacity back when needed. AWS provides a 2-minute
warning, so this process doesn’t abruptly terminate your running workload.
Spot terminations were more prevalent in the earlier years of AWS. Today, given the growing number
of instances available, Spot terminations are becoming less likely but they still can occur. But think of
choosing the instance types as though you were choosing a parking spot in a shopping mall. Everyone
will want to choose the parking spot closest to the mall (they want to walk less.) If you also choose
to minimize walking, you’ll be waiting for capacity to become available, potentially circling the lot
several times to find that ideal spot. If instead you choose less desirable spots, you’ll likely encounter
interruptions (sometimes it’s just worth parking far away so you’re not near anyone else.)
Although parking spots and EC2 Spot aren’t necessarily the same other than being linked by the word
itself, the idea is applicable. If you architect your environment so that you can run your application
whether it’s on an r5, or an m5, or an m4, or a C5, or a C6g instance type, then you’ll be less likely
to encounter interruption. You can create a Spot Fleet, configuring the instances types that constitute
your Fleet. The more diversely you create your Fleet, the less chance there is of interruption because
the chances of AWS taking capacity back for six different instance types are lower than taking capacity
back for one instance type.
You also define an allocation strategy as part of your Spot Fleet configuration. This strategy tells AWS
how to fulfill your instance requests from the specified Spot capacity pool. Say your pool consists of the
following instance types: c3.large, m3.large, t2.large, c4.large, and r3.large. The
(default) lowest price strategy chooses instances based on the lowest price from your pool, whereas
the capacity-optimized strategy chooses based on the available capacity and hence, minimizes chances
of interruption. Choosing the lowest price may be desirable from strictly a cost perspective, but you
may want to choose another strategy based on the workload at hand, particularly if availability is
more important than cost savings.
When you request Spot, you indicate the maximum price you are willing to pay. This is not a bidding
system. You are not bidding against other customers and it’s not a system where the bidder with the
highest price wins. Rather, Spot prices fluctuate based on demand, and the prices can be different
depending on which AZ you choose. Figure 6.11 shows a Spot price history for a c5.large instance
type to show the variance in price. If the price for an instance goes above your price threshold, then
that triggers an interruption. Spot will then give you 2 minutes before taking the capacity back. By
default, the maximum Spot price is the on-demand price for the instance.
106 Optimizing Compute

Figure 6.11 shows the price history for c3.large, Linux instances over a 3-month span in the EC2
console. The price history chart also shows Spot prices by AZ:

Figure 6.11 – Spot Instance pricing history

Using Spot with your compute is a great tool to utilize for your optimization efforts. Mixing Spot and
on-demand instances within a Fleet is another quick way to reduce costs since by mixing these pricing
models, you get the best of both worlds, maintaining availability through on-demand instances, while
reducing costs where you can with Spot.
Choosing the right pricing model will depend on the type of workload. Figure 6.12 shows typical
usage patterns where each pricing model may be applicable. Choose SPs for steady-state workloads
that are presented. This allows you to pay at a consistently lower price. Then, for workloads that are
unpredictable and cannot tolerate interruptions, choose on-demand because using SPs would otherwise
result in lower utilization and therefore wasteful expenditure. Finally, use Spot for workloads that can
be interrupted, such as batch workloads, which may run over the weekend.
Right sizing compute 107

Figure 6.12 – Amazon EC2 pricing models

Many customers see Spot as a risky choice due to the likelihood of interruption. However, AWS has
helped alleviate this fear in several ways, including increasing the total number of instances available,
increasing the number of AZs steadily, and providing mechanisms such as rebalance recommendations
for Spot. A rebalance recommend signals when a Spot Instance is at a high risk of interruption. You
can use this signal to proactively manage Spot Instances prior to the 2-minute warning. You can also
use the Capacity Rebalancing feature in Spot Fleets that helps you augment your Spot Fleet with new
Spot Instances.
The best way to test the stability of Spot is to actually use them. You can follow AWS best practices to
minimize risk of interruption by testing Spot with smaller projects, in sandbox environments, or time-
insensitive batch processing. Using on-demand instances for these workloads at scale contributes to
waste since they are not critical to your business. Be sure to include Spot in your compute workloads,
as they can significantly lower costs.
EC2 Spot and RIs/SPs are great tools to optimize your compute usage. But we also want to reduce
waste when choosing the right amount of compute. This is called right-sizing and is the topic of the
next section.

Right sizing compute

An important question that arises is “do I first need to right-size my instances before reserving them?”
Indeed, we don’t want to reserve an instance when it turns out it wasn’t the right instance to reserve
in the first place! Doing so would contribute to waste. With SPs, this question becomes less relevant
because with Compute SPs, you have more flexibility in the type of instances you launch. Even if
you’re launching one instance type today, and you launch a different instance type tomorrow, you
still benefit from the SP rate on the new instance type as long as you have enough in your cumulative
hourly commitment to cover usage.
108 Optimizing Compute

Right sizing is still a critical component of cloud waste management. Right sizing leverages the
elasticity of the cloud. When you provisioned servers in a data center, you provisioned for peak. To
maintain your service, you purchased enough servers (and beefy servers at that) to handle maximum
capacity, even if this only constituted a few hours in a year. For other times during the year, the beefier
machines would run overutilized. You would not efficiently use your resources. On the other hand,
the trade-off was to provision appropriately sized servers that ran efficiently during most of the year,
but during times of high requests, you would just deal with an outage when needs exceeded capacity.
With right sizing, you can dynamically provision compute to meet demand as and when needed.
There’s no need to guess your capacity requirements and be locked in to a specific server and fleet
size for the lifetime of the machines.
AWS provides you with a wide range of different instance types to meet your workload requirements.
General purpose instances provide a balance of compute, memory, and networking power, and are a
good fit for flexible workloads, or if you’re unsure about where to start. You can also choose between
compute-, memory-, or network-optimized instances. There are also accelerated computing instances
as well for specialized workloads. Given the wide range of instance types to choose from, it’s likely
that you will iterate on different instance types and sizes to choose the optimal one. Fortunately, Cost
Explorer can help with this.
Cost Explorer provides right sizing recommendations to help you efficiently run your resources.
This helps reduce your overall waste when the resources meet your computing needs. Similar in its
approach to recommending RIs and SPs, right-sizing recommendations will analyze your historical
EC2 usage and identify idle and underutilized instances. For example, if Cost Explorer identified a
number of c5.xlarge instances that were running at less than 5% CPU consistently for 2 weeks,
you could consider changing those instances to a smaller instance type and benefit from the savings.
You can select from two finding types with right-sizing recommendations. You can select between
idle and/or underutilized instances. Figure 6.13 chooses both. Cost Explorer recommends changing
instance size from t2.small to t2.micro:
Right sizing compute 109

Figure 6.13 – Right-sizing recommendations in Cost Explorer

AWS Compute Optimizer performs a similar function as right-sizing recommendations. However,

while right-sizing recommendations only suggest actions that size down, Compute Optimizer also
suggests actions that size up. Perhaps this works against cost savings efforts but the trade-off may be
necessary depending on the business requirements.
Figure 6.14 shows the AWS Compute Optimizer dashboard reflecting one optimized EC2 instance. You
can access Compute Optimizer from the management account to view optimization recommendations
for all the accounts in your organization. Although Compute Optimizer doesn’t provide an aggregate
view, you can select an account individually from the drop-down menu in the AWS Management
Console to view recommendations per account. Compute Optimizer also helps you rightsize your
EBS volumes, which we will look closely at in the next chapter.
110 Optimizing Compute

Figure 6.14 – The AWS Compute Optimizer dashboard

Compute Optimizer suggests optimizing EBS volumes using Auto Scaling groups. We will learn
more about EBS volumes in Chapter 7, Optimizing Storage, and Auto Scaling groups in Chapter 9,
Optimizing Cloud-Native Environments. Finally, Compute Optimizer looks at ways to optimize your
AWS Lambda functions. Let’s learn more about Lambda in the next section.

Optimizing AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service that allows you to simply write or upload code, and AWS
takes care of managing the underlying infrastructure to execute your code. Compared to Amazon
EC2, you don’t have to worry about changing to different instance types, ensuring your instances are
highly available, and securing your instances. Lambda integrates with over 200 AWS services and is
great for building event-driven architectures.
To optimize Lambda, we must first understand the cost factors behind the service. The first is the
execution time of your Lambda function. AWS charges your Lambda usage based on milliseconds of
execution time. So, the shorter the Lambda execution time, the less you will pay.
Lambda lets you choose between several languages to execute your code. Generally, a compiled language
such as C++, Rust, and Go will run faster but will take longer to initialize. Therefore, a compiled language
typically works better with applications that require heavy computational complexity. Otherwise, for
simple functions, choose integrated languages such as Python and Node.
Right sizing compute 111

You can also use provisioned concurrency with a compiled language to reduce its runtime. Provisioned
concurrency is a feature that keeps functions initialized (or warmed up) to respond quickly. When
you invoke a Lambda function, the request is routed to an execution environment. When the function
hasn’t been invoked for a while, AWS needs to create a new execution environment. This takes time.
And the function’s dependencies, such as having to install code and packages, can prolong the time it
takes to run. This is called a cold start, as with having to warm up your car in cold weather. Provisioned
concurrency seeks to reduce the cold start problem by initializing the requested number of execution
environments so that they are ready to respond quickly. This ensures that the car is warmed up and
the inside is nice and toasty before you start driving.
Figure 6.15 shows how you can configure provisioned concurrency in the Lambda console. To do so
using the AWS Management Console, do the following:

1. Select your function within the Lambda console.

2. Select the Configuration tab.
3. Select Concurrency on the left-side menu.

You can select several options on this page and add or edit your provisioned concurrency configurations:

Figure 6.15 – The AWS Lambda console

What logically follows is to try and minimize the number of dependencies and libraries in your
initialization code. This is a major contributor to latencies and longer execution times before you start
running the code that needs to perform the task at hand.
112 Optimizing Compute

Another cost aspect of Lambda is memory configurations. If you overprovision your Lambda function,
it will bring additional costs such as those incurred by overprovisioning EC2 instances. You can set
the Memory configuration for your Lambda function, as shown in Figure 6.16:

Figure 6.16 – Configuring Lambda memory settings

Don’t think that overprovisioning is a poor choice. You might be tempted to automatically configure
the smallest memory amount to maintain low costs, but a low memory configuration can contribute to
longer execution times. The increase in memory may be negligible in terms of cost but can potentially
have a greater impact on reducing your execution times. Be sure to monitor your functions and adjust
them accordingly to optimize their usage. Use the Compute Optimizer tool to help you gain this visibility.
Summary 113

Recall that Compute SPs apply to Lambda usage as well. Not only will your EC2 instances benefit
from a discounted hourly rate with Compute SPs, but your Lambda execution times will experience
a lower millisecond cost if you have enough hourly commitment to cover these compute services.
We looked at ways to optimize Lambda costs in this section. Primarily, we want to reduce the execution
time and configure enough memory to ensure the Lambda function runs optimally. Compute SPs and
provisioned concurrency can help reduce Lambda costs as well.

Our focus in this chapter was optimizing compute services on AWS. We spent the first section of the
chapter diving deep into billing mechanisms that benefit steady-state workloads. RIs and SPs are perfect
for covering workloads that require compute resources to be on consistently throughout the year.
We unpacked how billing works for both options and concluded that SPs are preferable to RIs because
of their flexibility and lower maintenance requirements. Because both options offer the same discount
rates, there is little reason to choose RIs over SPs. Cost Explorer provides reports and recommendations
to help you with your RI/SP purchasing strategy.
We also explored Spot as another option for compute services. Spot is ideal for flexible and interruptible
workloads because of the deep discount AWS provides. However, we must be mindful of how we architect
workloads using Spot due to the interruptible nature of Spot resources. We reviewed mechanisms
to keep our workload resilient against Spot interruptions, such as the capacity-optimized allocation
strategy and capacity rebalancing.
Finally, we looked at ways to right-size our compute resources through right-sizing recommendations
and Compute Optimizer. We learned Lambda’s mechanisms and discussed strategies to reduce its
execution time to save on costs.
In the next chapter, we turn our focus toward storage. As with optimizing compute, all applications
require storage to persist data. We’ll find ways to optimize our storage costs on AWS.

Further reading
Have a look at the following resources:

• Amazon EC2 Instance Types, 2022:

• Amazon EC2 On-Demand Pricing, 2022:
• EC2 Instance History, 2015:
• Best practices for EC2 Spot, 2022:
Optimizing Storage
While compute focuses on the doing of things, storage focuses on the keeping of things. You need a
place to store your data. Given the volume, velocity, and veracity of data, today’s technology landscape
commonly refers to data as the new oil. Enterprises are looking at ways to leverage their data as assets,
monetize them, and draw meaningful insights from them. Although directly monetizing data is outside
the scope of this book, we can at least optimize our stored data to make it readily available if or when
you ever venture down that path.
AWS provides several ways to store your data, and we’ll focus on optimizing object and block storage. We
also look at optimizing databases. Some of the topics we covered in the last chapter will reappear here.
In this chapter, we’re going to cover the following main topics:

• Optimizing object storage

• Optimizing databases
• Optimizing block and file storage

Technical requirements
To complete the exercises in this chapter, the requirements are the same as the previous chapters.

Optimizing object storage

We’ve discussed in great detail the on-demand provisioning of compute resources in the previous
chapter. With all that compute capacity, whether you’re using EC2 instances or Lambda functions,
you need somewhere to store your data. Fortunately, storage is just as easily and readily available on
AWS as compute.
Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is widely used as a storage medium on AWS. But
reducing waste on storage costs with Amazon S3 is going to depend on the application, because an
application used for backup and archive is going to have different needs from an e-commerce site or
a streaming video service.
116 Optimizing Storage

Reducing Amazon S3 costs boils down to three concerns:

• Where you store the data in S3

• How often you retrieve that data
• Where you move that data to

These concerns will differ based on the workload. For example, a backup workload will be less
likely to have requests and retrieval requests than a video streaming service. Even for the video
streaming service, access patterns will change over time, as new content will likely be requested
more than older content.
We’ll focus on optimizing Amazon S3 in three ways. First, we’ll discuss Amazon S3 hygiene since
keeping our data storage clean and manageable is critical to our optimization efforts. Then, we’ll
learn about the different storage classes and how you can use them to maximize savings. Lastly, we’ll
discuss operationalizing Amazon S3 at scale so that you can manage your storage costs even when
your storage volume increases exponentially over time.

Establishing clean S3 hygiene

The first thing you need to decide is how you’re going to organize the data that you store in Amazon
S3. This is the same approach we took when we started. We first talked about organizing your accounts
in the right multi-account structure and creating logical boundaries that reflected your business
hierarchy or application domains (see Chapter 2, Establishing the Right Account Structure). The same
goes for your data in Amazon S3. What we want to avoid is creating a kitchen sink of data that you’re
unable to optimize simply because you don’t even know what to look for.
First, you organize your data with buckets. Buckets act as a logical container that holds objects, whether
those objects are CSV files, ZIP files, MP3 files, or plain text files. You can certainly create one bucket
and put everything in there. S3 will automatically scale to meet your requirements. However, it will
very likely become burdensome later because you’ll have to search through your entire bucket to find
what you’re looking for.
To minimize this risk, use prefixes as layers of hierarchy to organize your objects within an S3 bucket.
Prefixes mimic a folder structure that you can find your data within, just as you put objects or files
within a folder path. For example, if you had data representing objects in a house, a bed object with
a prefix of house/master/bed would be distinct from a bed object with a prefix of house/
guest/bed. Although the bed object may appear to be the same, the prefix allows you to not only
differentiate between them but also know where to find them.
You can also associate tags with specific objects, in addition to applying tags to a bucket. We’ve already
covered the importance of tagging in previous chapters, but it’s worth reiterating its value here. Tagging
not only improves your cost visibility but also allows more granular control on where you want to store
objects. S3 offers several different storage classes each with a different storage price. By deciding on
the appropriate storage class based on the objects’ access patterns, you will reduce storage cost waste.
Optimizing object storage 117

Now that we’ve set the right foundations for maintaining proper S3 hygiene, let’s see how we can
choose the right storage class for our data to maximize our savings potential.

Optimizing with S3 storage classes

You can choose to sacrifice durability, availability, and performance for lower storage costs. However,
when you pay for a lower storage cost, you pay for a higher object retrieval cost. S3 provides a total
of eight different storage classes at the time of writing, of which six are shown in Figure 7.1. Here
we see prices for the US-EAST-2 (OHIO) Region. These percentages show the change relative to the
Amazon S3 Standard storage tier. For example, Amazon S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval is 83% cheaper
than Amazon S3 Standard, but 300% more expensive for retrieval requests:

Figure 7.1 – Amazon S3 storage class comparison

The optimal storage class will depend on an object’s access pattern. As a simple example, referring to
Figure 7.2, say you serve a 1 GB video file to clients. Storing that file in S3 Standard would cost $0.023
per month, while storing it in Glacier Instant Retrieval would cost $0.004 per month, representing
an 83% savings in storage. What a dream! Let’s put it in S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval to save on costs.
However, it’s a popular file. A million (1,000 x 1,000) clients have requested to view it. Now, it costs
$20 that month to retrieve that file a thousand times, when it would have cost $5 to retrieve it from
S3 Standard otherwise:

Figure 7.2 – S3 cost comparison

What if you don’t really know an object’s access pattern, but still want to take optimize storage costs?
S3 provides the Intelligent-Tiering storage class to run those calculations for you. Intelligent-Tiering
automatically reduces your storage costs by transferring data to the most cost-effective access tier
118 Optimizing Storage

based on your access patterns. Moreover, Intelligent-Tiering has no retrieval charges. If Intelligent-
Tiering detected that the video wasn’t accessed for a month (a far more interesting video is trending,
by the way), it would move the now-obsolete video to a lower-cost tier optimized for infrequent
access. If that video became popular again and was accessed later (oh wait, it’s popular again), it would
automatically be moved back.
In cases where you do understand your access patterns due to recurring application processes or
domain expertise, you can use lifecycle policies to automatically move objects to the optimal class. A
textbook example is to set a lifecycle policy to move objects to colder storage tiers a said number of
days after object creation. Figure 7.3 shows an example lifecycle policy transitioning objects after 30
days since creation to Standard-IA, One Zone-IA after 60 days, and Glacier Deep Archive after 90 days.

Figure 7.3 – An example of an Amazon S3 lifecycle policy

Important note
Amazon S3 Lifecycle Transition requests cost $0.01 per 1,000 requests at the time of writing.
Therefore, it’s always a good practice to use the AWS Pricing Calculator to estimate your costs
and consider the transition cost before moving objects into any storage class.
Optimizing object storage 119

You can use tags and prefixes for additional granularity. You may specify objects with tags and apply
different lifecycle policies depending on those tags. You may also decide to apply lifecycle policies to
objects contained in specific prefixes (or folders) within an S3 bucket. Or you, may choose to use a
combination of both – Figure 7.4 shows this in the Amazon S3 console view.

Figure 7.4 – Applying lifecycle policies to objects tagged with specific object tags
120 Optimizing Storage

VidyaReviews, a key application at VidyaGames

VidyaReviews is the core business application for VidyaGames. It is a social media platform
where users share video game experiences. It was originally designed for users to share video
game reviews to help other users determine whether to purchase a specific game or not. The
application aggregates reviews but also allows users to follow specific profiles and popular
influencers for their opinions. Users can pay a monthly premium to gain access to exclusive
content and remove all digital ads from the online and mobile experience.
The application product team for VidyaReviews uses Amazon S3 to store users’ video and
image files. To keep things simple, the team placed all media files in the Standard storage class.
However, as users grew and the amount of content uploaded and downloaded from the site
increased, the team knew that this would not be a sustainable option.
The team analyzed two years of data about user access patterns. They found that once a studio
releases a game on the market, demand for the game’s media content on VidyaReviews usually
last between one to two months. Sometimes game content demand will last three to six months,
which happens for games that receive critical acclaim.
The team also found that when game studios launched a sequel to a game, demand for the
previous installment of the game increases. This is likely because users want to experience or
revisit a game before a highly anticipated sequel. The last finding was that demand for content
can have unexpected spikes for no apparent reason. At random, demand for content for a
specific game can dramatically increase even without announced sequels. A part of this can
be explained because a sudden hit game within a specific genre may spark demand for other
games in the same genre, or a movie release related to a game may suddenly spark demand for
its content. Due to the unexpected nature of video game demand, the application team finds
it difficult to generalize a pattern that they can apply to all content in S3, but they do identify
two key patterns and formulate a strategy based on this.
The team decides on a two-prong strategy. Games with high aggregate reviews will have a certain
tag, while games with lower aggregate reviews will have a different tag. Games with higher
aggregate reviews tend to produce more content and have a higher likelihood to get a sequel in
the future, whereas games with lower reviews tend to become obsolete within 30 days of their
release. For games with higher aggregate reviews, the team plans to use Intelligent-Tiering.
For games with lower aggregate reviews, they will implement a lifecycle policy to move the
content to a colder storage tier. They will use tags to differentiate between higher and lower
reviewed content.
Although they can use scrapers to analyze web content, capture trending social media topics,
and use publicly available data to anticipate user demand, the team has other priorities and
plans to revisit this later.

Organizing your objects in Amazon S3 will help you access them easily using separate buckets, prefixes,
and tags. Save on costs by using colder storage tiers if the access patterns justify their use. You can
upload them to a default colder tier or transition them to colder tiers using lifecycle policies. If you
are unsure of the access patterns, you can use Intelligent-Tiering to automate the process. Next, we’ll
explore how to manage your data in S3 across multiple buckets and accounts.
Optimizing object storage 121

Managing S3 at scale
Managing waste on a few S3 buckets and the objects within them is one thing, but doing this at scale
with thousands of buckets can get complicated. Ideally, we’ve already set good practices in place so that
your Cloud Center of Excellence and your teams know the purpose of those buckets and the objects
within them. Having good S3 inventory hygiene reduces the headaches that come with the feeling of
being overwhelmed by not knowing what you’re in fact storing in S3.
Amazon Storage Lens can help with organization-wide visibility into object storage as a tool to
supplement your storage hygiene. Storage Lens provides usage and activity metrics and reporting
dashboards for your buckets across all your accounts within your Organization. Use Storage Lens
metrics to see the access patterns for your objects so you can make data-driven choices about which
storage class to choose. Figure 7.5 shows an overview of the default Storage Lens dashboard in the
AWS Management Console:

Figure 7.5 – The Storage Lens dashboard

Use the metrics in Storage Lens to your advantage. For instance, a 1 GB video is a good candidate for
multipart upload (MPU) to S3. MPU allows you to upload objects to S3 in parts so that if the upload
fails, you can continue uploading the other parts of the object without having to start all over again.
However, when the MPU doesn’t complete, the parts remain in S3 even when the task is aborted.
You can see in Figure 7.6 that there are 750 MBs of incomplete MPU. Storage Lens provides this view:
122 Optimizing Storage

Figure 7.6 – The findings of Storage Lens

Storage Lens shows failed multi-part uploaded objects that can and should be cleaned up to reduce waste.

Important note
It is good practice to use multipart upload when your object sizes are at least 100 MB. Also,
consider multipart upload over a stable high-bandwidth network to maximize the use of your
networking by uploading objects in parallel.

Include Storage Lens as part of your toolkit to optimize storage across your AWS Organization. Storage
Lens aggregates usage and activity metrics to the bucket and prefix level. This can help strengthen your
sense of control over your AWS resources. Sometimes, overcoming the feeling of being overwhelmed
by what you don’t know is the first step in reducing your waste.
In this section, we covered proper Amazon S3 hygiene, choosing the right storage class, and leveraging
organizational-wide visibility tools such as Storage Lens to manage your Amazon S3 storage at scale. In
the next section, we’ll continue our discussion on optimizing storage on AWS but focus on a different
type of storage medium: the database.

Optimizing databases
We spent some time discussing RIs in the previous chapter. We concluded that compared to RIs, SPs
offer less management overhead and better cost savings. Unfortunately, at the time of writing, SPs only
provide discounted rates for compute services. Fortunately, though, RIs apply to database services,
namely, Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS), Amazon ElastiCache, Amazon
Redshift, Amazon OpenSearch Service, and Amazon DynamoDB.
Optimizing databases 123

I won’t go into the details of how each service works, although AWS documentation has plenty of
information on that front (see the Further reading section at the end of the chapter for links). The
mechanism for reserving database instances works the same as with EC2 instances. You still choose
the term and payment option. You can still get recommendations in Cost Explorer for these types of
reserved instances. The way AWS applies the discount works in the same way as well; if you purchased
an RI, AWS would apply the discounted rate to any databases that match the configuration of the RI.
Figure 7.7 shows you several RI options for various AWS database services including Amazon RDS,
ElastiCache, Redshift, and OpenSearch. You can also choose different payment options and a historical
look-back period for recommendations:

Figure 7.7 – Selecting RI recommendations for Amazon RDS in Cost Explorer

Let’s now focus on how RIs work for Amazon RDS. The pricing mechanism is similar to how RIs work
for Amazon EC2 instances, but there are some differences due to the nature of the service.

RDS-reserved instances
There are some RI nuances for RDS since, architecturally, databases aren’t typically seen as cattle
the way that servers in the cloud are. The phrase treating servers as ‘cattle’ gloomily refers to servers
being easily dispensable for architects since they can quickly be replaced when running in the cloud.
Databases, for better or worse, aren’t as easily expendable because they can store critical data several
applications may depend on.
124 Optimizing Storage

To ensure that data is available, AWS recommends deploying an RDS instance with a multi-AZ instance
configuration. Figure 7.8 shows a logical representation of a multi-AZ RDS instance where, in fact,
you have two databases running, one in AZ 1 and the second in AZ 2:

Figure 7.8 – A multi-AZ deployment of Amazon RDS

When the RDS instance in AZ 1 fails, AWS automatically failovers to the instance in AZ 2, allowing
an upstream instance server to continuously access data without downtime.
Because RDS is a managed service, AWS takes care of the failover by automatically switching to the
standby. Hence, with this configuration you have two instances running.

Important note
Multi-AZ refers to multiple Availability Zones (AZ). In other words, RDS database instances
are provisioned in more than one AZ.

If this is how you design your application, and you want to reserve the instances, then you should
consider purchasing a multi-AZ deployment. If the preceding diagram matches your design and you
only purchase a single-AZ reserved instance, then the discount rate will only apply to one of your
Optimizing databases 125

RDS instances. For example, the RDS instance in AZ 1 will be priced at the discounted rate, while the
standby in AZ 2 will be charged the on-demand price. Therefore, purchasing a multi-AZ deployment can
reduce wasteful on-demand spending if you plan to have RDS instances running on a consistent basis.
RDS RIs also provide size flexibility for most database engines. When you provision an RDS instance,
you choose the engine and size of the instance, among other things. The size essentially doubles as
you increase incrementally. For instance (no pun intended), an xlarge is twice the size of a large, a
2xlarge is twice the size of an xlarge, and so on (refer to our discussion on instance size flexibility
in Chapter 6, Optimizing Compute). When you purchase an RDS-reserved instance that’s enough
to cover the size of a 2xlarge, you will get the discount rate if you launch either four large instances,
or two xlarge instances, or one 2xlarge instance. In addition, if you launched a 4xlarge instance,
half the cost will be at the on-demand rate with the other half being at the RI rate. Take advantage
of the size flexibility because, where applicable, even a small reservation can cut costs even if you
increase the size later.

Important note
Amazon EC2 also provides size flexibility but they only apply to Linux/Unix type instances at
the time of writing. Size flexibility doesn’t matter towards SPs, which should be the preferred

Reserving RDS instances is an immediate way to save money since, as a billing mechanism, AWS
will apply the discount on your behalf as long as the instance you launch matches the configuration
of the reservation. Consider reserving multiple instances if you plan on launching several instances
that have particular relevance for a HA configuration.
Using a managed service such as Amazon RDS can help optimize cost in another way, namely, to
maximize the efficient use of a database. Amazon RDS supports Storage Auto Scaling, which automatically
scales storage capacity in response to your workload demand. If you are running databases on Amazon
EC2, you must consider the management implications of scaling out and scaling up the database
when demand for storage increases or decreases. Without proper monitoring and automation, you
may run into situations where you are overprovisioned to ensure the availability of your application,
which can lead to cost increases. With RDS Storage Auto Scaling, AWS continuously monitors storage
consumption to scale up capacity, automatically removing this management burden away from you
and your teams. This improves your cost as you only pay for the storage you need when you need it.
Because this feature has no additional cost, it is a benefit you can easily leverage to optimize your use
of AWS database resources.
Now that we have a good understanding of optimizing Amazon RDS, let’s explore how to optimize
another database offering, Amazon OpenSearch Service.
126 Optimizing Storage

Optimizing OpenSearch clusters

Amazon OpenSearch Service is a managed service for running OpenSearch clusters in the AWS
Cloud. OpenSearch Service supports OpenSearch and the legacy, open source search, and analytics
suite from ElasticSearch OSS.
For cost purposes, there are two main things to know about cost optimization with OpenSearch clusters.
The first is reserving OpenSearch clusters. The mechanisms for reserved OpenSearch cluster instances
are the same as reserved instances for Amazon RDS and Amazon EC2 instances. You still choose the
payment option, the number of instances, instance type, and term length – nothing new here.
The second, more specific to OpenSearch Service, is the UltraWarm node storage option. Conceptually,
this is similar to the colder storage classes within S3. For data stored in OpenSearch Service that
you don’t need as great a performance level for perhaps, and for less frequently queried or written
data, UltraWarm provides a lower storage price. Figure 7.9 shows the architecture of an Amazon
OpenSearch Service cluster with both hot data and UltraWarm nodes. You can see that UltraWarm
nodes are backed by Amazon S3:

Figure 7.9 – The architecture of an OpenSearch Service cluster

Optimizing databases 127

While OpenSearch Service stores the hot data in EBS storage volumes, it uses S3 to store data in
UltraWarm nodes. This gives you a better storage price, but still provides the durability and availability
of S3. Note that UltraWarm can only store read-only indices. If you need to write to them, you must
transition them to the hot nodes. An example use case would be to store your applications’ log data
in a search-focused data store such as OpenSearch Service. If you’re planning on using OpenSearch
Service to aggregate your logs, then it makes sense to store older, immutable log data in the UltraWarm
tiers to reduce storage costs.
Amazon OpenSearch Service is a great place to store your applications’ log data. You can respond
quickly to changes in your application state and efficiently store data by moving older data to colder
storage tiers to save on costs. However, you need to pick the right database for the job. We’ll continue
our discussion on databases by looking at a NoSQL offering from AWS, namely Amazon DynamoDB.

Optimizing DynamoDB
DynamoDB is AWS’ NoSQL database. As a fully managed service, AWS takes care of the scaling,
software patching, hardware provisioning, setup and configuration, and replication. When you
use DynamoDB, you create database tables that store and retrieve any amount of data that scales
automatically to any level of request. As a NoSQL database, DynamoDB is schemaless, meaning you
don’t have to define the data attributes for each column as you would in a relational database. This
makes DynamoDB a great database when you need low latency and your access patterns are simple,
key-value-based queries.
For optimizing DynamoDB costs, it helps to understand the different capacity modes that the service
offers. You want to choose the right capacity mode based on your application’s traffic patterns. The
three capacity modes are provisioned, on-demand, and reserved:

1. Provisioned mode: When you select provisioned mode, you define the number of reads
and writes requests per second. You will be billed by the hour based on your specifications.
Figure 7.10 shows setting up a DynamoDB table with Provisioned mode selected and Auto
scaling turned Off.
128 Optimizing Storage

Figure 7.10 – The selected DynamoDB-provisioned mode in the

AWS Console read/write capacity settings

The DynamoDB-provisioned mode also works with auto scaling (something we’ll look at more
in the next chapter). Auto scaling helps you adjust your database cluster automatically. You set
the minimum and maximum read/write capacity units, and a target utilization percentage. This
target utilization tracks the consumed, provisioned throughput at a point in time and adjusts the
provisioned throughput upward or downward in response to demand, similar to how a home
thermostat maintains a target temperature for the house. Unlike a home thermostat, however,
rather than setting a temperature for your DynamoDB cluster, you can set a target utilization
value between 20 and 90 percent of your read/write capacity. Use provisioned mode when you
have a steady state or predictable workload.
Optimizing databases 129

2. On-demand mode: The second type is on-demand. At this point, we’re very familiar with how
on-demand pricing works. On-demand is great for workloads that are unpredictable where you
don’t have to or want to predefine the throughput that you need for DynamoDB. DynamoDB
will still automatically adjust to your traffic and increase or decrease the throughput accordingly.
Use on-demand mode when you are testing small development, test workloads, or you have
unpredictable or changing workloads that you want to test quickly.
3. Reserved capacity mode: Reserved capacity, the last mode, is ideal for when you can predict how
much throughput you need. Reserved capacity provides you with the best discount compared
to the other modes mentioned here. Although DynamoDB reservation recommendations don’t
appear in Cost Explorer as with the other databases, you can still reserve the capacity. You still
commit to an hourly rate, and as with other RIs and SPs, you will pay the hourly rate whether
you use it or not. Unlike the other reservation types, you only have the upfront payment option.
Figure 7.11 shows the reserved capacity mode in use in the AWS Console:

Figure 7.11 – Reserving DynamoDB capacity in the AWS Console

130 Optimizing Storage

Purchase reservations to optimize your DynamoDB storage costs when you have predictable application
traffic or can forecast capacity requirements in advance. Be mindful, though, that you pay upfront
and you’re committing to the minimum usage for the term, which can be either one or three years.
If you’re unsure of committing to the commitment term, choose provisioned mode instead because
you can change between provisioned mode and on-demand mode at will.
A cost-saving feature that you can use with DynamoDB regardless of your provisioned mode is
Standard-Infrequent Access (S3 Standard-IA). As with Amazon S3 storage classes, if you have
DynamoDB tables that are less frequently accessed, then you can use the S3 Standard-IA table class
to reduce your storage costs. Because your table choice is not permanent, choose the right table class
based on your requirements to optimize costs. You can update the table class easily in the Console,
so don’t feel as though you’re locked into a certain table class.
We covered optimizing databases in this section and object storage with Amazon S3 in the section
before. The last storage mediums we need to discuss for optimization are block and file storage. We
will turn to these in the next section.

Optimizing block and file storage

File storage is similar to the way that a user would organize files on their personal computer. With
file storage, you organize and represent data as a hierarchy of files in folders. Separately, block storage
groups data into organized but evenly sized volumes. You can think of this in the same way as copy-
pasting a bunch of files, images, videos, and other media files into an external hard drive. That hard
drive functions as a block store. We’ll explore how to optimize block and file storage next.

Optimizing EBS
For many EC2 instances that you spin up, you can associate a block storage volume to that instance.
You can imagine these storage volumes as attached hard drives on your local computer; you can
purchase a 1 TB hard drive, attach it to your computer, and expand your storage space. Amazon
Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes are similar in this regard but have additional bonuses, such as
the ability to elastically change the volume size (increase or decrease the amount of storage at will),
or take snapshots of these volumes and save your data redundantly.

Important note
Some EC2 instances only provide temporary block-level storage for your instances. These are
called instance storage volume types. Be sure to check the instance storage configuration for
your instance so you don’t accidentally lose data!
Optimizing block and file storage 131

As with Amazon S3, EBS provides you with several EBS volume types to meet your price and
performance requirements. Generally, you categorize EBS into two volume types: solid-state drives
(SSDs) or hard disk drives (HDDs). HDD volumes have a lower storage cost than SSD, but both
depend on provisioned storage. Unlike S3, where you pay for the amount stored, EBS requires you
to provision the storage amount ahead. For example, you need to specifically create a volume of 40
GB. You can then use up to 40 GB of storage space on that volume, but you pay for the entire 40 GB
amount even if you use less than that. But not to worry, you can elastically resize the 40 GB to 30 GB
if that’s all you really need.
Hence, monitoring your EBS volumes is important. The EBS volume size impacts performance.
So, even if it appears that an EBS volume is overprovisioned, it may have been done on purpose.
Overprovisioning is, in fact, a pattern – there are times that an EBS volume may be overprovisioned
on purpose to gain the additional IOPS. For example, a team using the GP2 (for general purpose 2nd
generation) volume type in EBS may initially provision 20 GB, resulting in 100 IOPS (3 IOPS/GB
* 20 GB). However, if the application requires 300 IOPS, the team will resize the volume to 100 GB
(3 IOPS/GB * 100 GB), even if the storage isn’t fully utilized.
To make things easier, use AWS Compute Optimizer for EBS rightsizing recommendations. Monitoring
your own metrics will likely be the most accurate method since you know your application needs
better than anyone else (hopefully!), but Compute Optimizer provides a good starting point to have
those conversations with the right teams.
Within EBS, you can choose between several EBS volume types. EBS GP2 volume types are generally
recommended for most workloads. The idea behind GP2 is that the larger the capacity you provision,
the higher IOPS you can expect to get. So, sometimes, you may end up provisioning more storage
capacity than you need because you want the higher IOPS. However, AWS continues to launch and
promote newer generation features by incentivizing them with lower costs.
At the time of writing, EBS GP3 is the most recent (latest generation) storage type to support
general-purpose workloads. EBS GP3 aims to address the overprovisioning problems with GP2
that we touched upon in the previous paragraph. You can provision performance independently
from storage capacities with EBS GP3 and still provide up to 20% financial savings compared to the
previous generation. Consider migrating to GP3 (and subsequent newer generations in the future)
if you want to get a boost in performance at a lower rate and if it’s not too troublesome to change.

Important note
If you are planning on using AWS’ auto scaling capabilities, be sure to consider your strategy
for deleting EBS volumes during scale-in events. Otherwise, you will find yourself paying for
a fleet of unused EBS volumes when auto scaling automatically terminates the EC2 instances,
but not the EBS volumes. We’ll learn more about auto scaling in Chapter 9, Optimizing
Cloud-Native Environments.
132 Optimizing Storage

Now that we have a better understanding of how EBS works and which type to choose, let’s see how
to optimize costs once you’ve made these decisions.

Optimizing EBS snapshots

Snapshots are an important component of EBS because they serve multiple purposes such as backup,
disaster recovery, ransomware protection, and data transfer to other Regions. Snapshots are just as
they sound; you take a snapshot of your EBS volume and that snapshot represents a point-in-time
record of your data.
A common use case with snapshots is to create a snapshot policy to meet a business requirement.
Say that your company has mandated that it should never lose more than five minutes of data at any
given time – you can set a schedule to take snapshots of your application data every five minutes.
Now, you can recover at any five-minute interval. However, those snapshot costs can become unruly.
AWS provides tools such as EBS Snapshots Archive and EBS Recycle Bin for Amazon EBS snapshots
to ease the burden of managing them. EBS Snapshots Archive is a storage tier on Amazon EBS. You
can save snapshot-storage-related costs by saving snapshots in the archive. You can also run a process
to automatically delete snapshots that are older than a defined time range. Deleting snapshots that you
don’t need is exactly the type of waste reduction that we aim for. Stale EBS snapshots can accumulate
over time, but AWS Trusted Advisor can help identify snapshots for you to clean later. Subsequently, if
you happen to accidentally (or on purpose) delete a snapshot and then need to recover it, EBS Recycle
Bin insures against accidental deletion. With Recycle Bin, EBS snapshots are placed in a recoverable
state, and you can restore them within a certain time period before they are deleted permanently.
AWS will retain deleted snapshots for a time period that you specify. After this period, the EBS
snapshots are deleted permanently. Figure 7.12 shows an EBS Recycle Bin retention rule that applies
to all EBS snapshots. In this example, the user specifies the retention period for 30 days. You can set
the period to a maximum of 365 days.
Optimizing block and file storage 133

Figure 7.12 – An EBS Recycle Bin retention rule

Use EBS Snapshots Archive and Recycle Bin to apply similar policies to your snapshots as you would
life-cycling your S3 objects. These may appear to be small steps that have a negligible impact on overall
costs but, remember, the goal for us is to reduce waste. Any and all steps taken in this direction will
positively impact your organization.
134 Optimizing Storage

Optimizing EFS
The last type of storage type that we can optimize on AWS is file storage with Amazon Elastic File
System (EFS). Amazon EFS is a shared file system used with Amazon EC2 instances and on-premises
servers. It provides a file system interface for file-based workloads that scales automatically depending
on how much you store.
As with Amazon S3, EFS has different storage classes. The default storage class is EFS Standard,
which has the highest storage cost compared to the other classes. EFS Standard-Infrequent Access
(Standard-IA) is the cost-optimized version of EFS Standard for less accessed files. You sacrifice a bit
of performance for cost – while you get single-digit millisecond latency with EFS Standard, you can
expect double-digit millisecond latency with EFS Standard-IA. As long as your workload can afford
this dip in performance, optimize with EFS Standard-IA.
The cheaper versions of EFS are EFS One Zone and One Zone-IA. As the name implies, EFS One Zone
maintains your data within just one AZ. If it’s not business-critical to maintain redundant copies of
your data in EFS across multiple AZs, then consider using EFS One Zone and the cheaper EFS One
Zone-IA for cost optimization reasons.
If you are unsure on which class to use, you can always use EFS Intelligent-Tiering, as a similar concept
to Amazon S3’s version. EFS also has lifecycle management. You can use it to move files from one class
to another. I won’t go into the details on these capabilities since they mirror Amazon S3’s capabilities,
which I outlined in earlier sections of this chapter. Know that the same strategies that you use to
manage and life-cycle your S3 objects can be used for your files with Amazon EFS.

Storage is critical for any cloud-based workload. How and where you store your data will largely
depend on the application and on the form of the data itself. AWS provides many storage technologies
to support your workload, each with its own cost optimization strategies.
Use Amazon S3 for object storage. Once you have an idea of how you want to organize and partition
your data in S3, choose the optimal storage class to lower your storage costs. You don’t have to get
it right the first time. You can use lifecycle policies to transition objects from one storage class to
another. You can get AWS’ help by using Intelligent-Tiering, which allows AWS to move objects to
the optimal storage class for you. The same principles apply to file-based storage with Amazon EFS
and UltraWarm storage for Amazon OpenSearch.
Use Amazon EBS for block storage of your Amazon EC2 instances, but also your on-premises
servers if needed. Leverage the latest generation EBS volume types for optimal use. Archive EBS
snapshots for cost savings and be sure to monitor your volume performance so that you use your
available space efficiently.
Further reading 135

Purchase RIs for your databases and cloud-based data warehouses (with Amazon Redshift) if you plan
to keep these databases up and running for a long time. The discounted rate will pay off in months,
which will help you get a lower price compared to the on-demand rate.
We’ve covered compute and storage. In the next chapter, we’ll find ways to optimize the components
that tie these together: networking.

Further reading
Have a look at the following resources:

• Amazon S3 Storage Classes, 2022:

• Managing your storage lifecycle, 2022:
• Introducing Amazon S3 Storage Lens – Organization-wide Visibility Into Object Storage, 2020:
• Reserved DB instances for Amazon RDS, 2022:
• Read/write capacity mode, 2022:
• UltraWarm storage for Amazon OpenSearch Service, 2022:
• AWS. “Recycle Bin”. 2022.
Optimizing Networking
We have data persistent with storage in the cloud. We also have compute resources to perform tasks
on that data. Now, we need some form of plumbing to connect these components if they are to
communicate with each other and move from one place to another. Networking is the plumbing that
will serve these functions and is the topic at hand in this chapter. More specifically, we’ll look at ways
to optimize our networking workloads on AWS.
The underlying system architecture will incur different networking costs. Distributed systems, for
example, which span multiple availability zones (AZs) and multiple Regions for redundancy, will
have higher networking costs than a system that resides entirely in one AZ. It’s hard to apply blanket
network optimization strategies compared to mechanisms such as savings plans, which can potentially
cover all compute usage within an AWS organization. We’ll discuss ways to incorporate networking
cost considerations when building systems and look closely into data transfer costs. We’ll also explore
AWS tools that can help reduce data transfer costs.
In this chapter, we’re going to cover the following main topics:

• Understanding data transfer scenarios

• Managing data transfer costs
• Tips for minimizing data transfer costs

Technical requirements
To complete the exercises in this chapter, the requirements are the same as the previous chapters.

Understanding data transfer scenarios

Why do data transfer costs exist? Data transfer costs exist because various network boundaries exist
within the AWS ecosystem and there is a cost associated with crossing those network boundaries.
You might cross boundaries to get from the AWS network out to the internet, or cross boundaries to
get from one AWS Region to another.
138 Optimizing Networking

Within each AWS Region, there are at least two AZs. Each of these AZs can represent multiple
data centers, and each AZ has its own infrastructure, such as power, cooling, and security. They’re
connected with redundant ultra-low latency connections and are physically separate from each other.
These clusters of AZs constitute a Region and are set apart to protect them from issues such as power
outages and natural disasters, but are still close enough to support synchronous replication scenarios
for your workloads.
Now, to take advantage of AWS’ global network, you can create a virtual network that spans multiple
AZs and build multiple networks that span numerous Regions. You define your virtual network with
Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). As we previously discussed, Amazon VPCs are Regionally
scoped, logical boundaries that you define. You can deploy many AWS resources within your VPC,
which acts like a virtual data center. VPCs can span multiple AZs within a set Region.
You incur data transfer costs when your applications send data that crosses AZ and Region boundaries.
This often occurs within and across Amazon VPCs since many customers place their cloud applications
within Amazon VPCs. It’s completely fine that these data transfer occurrences take place; in fact,
it’s sometimes necessary when you want to architect zonal and Regionally resilient architectures.
Furthermore, transferring data over networks simply costs money. You need to build using physical
components such as switches, routers, cables, and other networking hardware. Then, you need to
supply a networking service, whether that’s broadband such as an internet service provider (ISP),
mobile, satellite, or a combination thereof.
While you don’t have to pay for these components specifically, you offload the maintenance and
management of the network to AWS and pay indirectly via data transfer fees. AWS services have their
unique data transfer pricing rates, which can also vary depending on where the sources and destinations
are located and the associated AZs. Rather than unpacking each AWS service’s data transfer rates, we
can more broadly categorize data transfer in the following way.
Let’s start with a simple scenario and add layers of complexity to understand data transfer cost
implications depending on an application’s architecture.

Data transfer inside an AWS AZ

Let’s start with a simple example consisting of a single AZ within a single Region in Figure 8.1. We’ve
deployed two VPCs in our Region, each containing two EC2 instances. The instances in the top VPC
are using private IPs to communicate while the instances in the bottom VPC are using public IPs. It’s
possible that these instances are using elastic IPs (EIPs) as their public form of communication. The
communication between the two pairs of EC2 instances within their respective VPCs is what we can
call intra-AZ data transfer or data transfer within AZs.
Understanding data transfer scenarios 139

Figure 8.1 – Data transfer scenarios within an AZ in a Region

The top pair uses their private IPs, which do not incur any data transfer costs. Naturally, this is a more
desirable method than communication via public IPs to minimize data transfer costs. Prioritize using
private IPs for intra-AZ communication to remove data transfer waste.
The bottom pair uses EIPs. An EIP is a public IPv4 address that is reachable from the internet. They
can be assigned to instances from AWS’ pool of addresses, or you can assign them yourself by bringing
your own IP address pool to AWS. When an instance communicates using an EIP, or any public IP
address, there’s a cost per gigabyte (GB) even when you’re communicating within a single VPC in
a single AZ. In the case of 2 in Figure 8.1, there’s a $0.01 per GB charge for data transferred both in
and out of the instances. In other words, transferring 1 TB of data (1,000 GB) will cost you $10 in
data transfer costs.
140 Optimizing Networking

To minimize data transfer costs in this scenario, you should prioritize using the instances’ private
IPs for communication. Unless you have a business-related reason for needing your instances to be
reachable over the internet, it’s safer and cheaper to use the private IP address. Additionally, EIPs have
a per-hour cost if you associate more than one EIP to a running instance. The first EIP is free, but
any subsequent ones incur hourly charges. Equally, any EIP not associated with a running instance
also incurs hourly charges.
There’s a nuanced difference between a public IP and an EIP. An EIP is a type of public IP. When you
launch an instance, you can specify that AWS provides a public IP address for that instance from a
public IPv4 address pool, assuming that the instance is placed in a part of the Amazon VPC that is
reachable over the internet. However, this public IPv4 address is only associated with your instance
and not your AWS account. In other words, if you stop, hibernate, or terminate your instance, your
instance receives a new public IP address when it is restarted.
If you need a static public IP address and want to associate with your instance instead, then you can
use an EIP that is associated with your AWS account. You can attach this EIP to whatever instance
you like, for instance, a thumb drive—you attach it to an instance and that instance receives the EIP’s
public IP address. This helps when you need a static IPv4 address to mask a failure of an instance or
software. However, be mindful of both the EIP cost itself and the data transfer costs associated when
configuring your networks.
Sometimes you may have multiple VPCs and need communication to take place between them. You
can use VPC Peering to establish this connection. They can either be peered directly or connected
with an AWS Transit Gateway (TGW). In either case, there’s a charge for instances communicating
across the VPC boundary. Data transfer over a VPC Peering connection within an AZ is free. However,
if the inter-VPC connection represented in 3 of Figure 8.1 was made through a TGW, there is a price
per GB of data processed by the TGW. This means it would cost $20 to transfer 1 TB of data using the
TGW, which is double the price of data transfer using VPC Peering in the second scenario.
In such an example, it would indeed be wasteful to use a TGW for inter-VPC connectivity because
using a TGW to configure a simple network between two Amazon VPCs is slight overkill. However,
as you scale to thousands of VPCs, VPC-to-VPC connection becomes much easier to manage with
a TGW. That’s because VPC Peering connections are not transitive, meaning an A-to-B peering
relationship and a B-to-C peering relationship does not establish a connection for A-to-C. You must
explicitly configure an A-to-C peering connection if that’s required for your architecture. You can
imagine setting up these peering connections becomes difficult when you have tens to hundreds of
Amazon VPCs.
For this simple case, using private IPs is the best way to optimize data transfer costs, but things get a
bit more complicated when you need to cross the AZ boundary.
Understanding data transfer scenarios 141

Data transfer inside an AWS Region

Let’s look at a slightly more complex scenario. We’re still in a single Region but now we have two AZs.
Remember, a single VPC can span across all the AZs in a given Region. Each of those AZs has one
or more IP subnets. In Figure 8.2, we have four instances in the top VPC; the instances in each AZ
share a common subnet:

Figure 8.2 – Intra-Region data transfer scenarios

In the first case, 1, of Figure 8.2, we have an EC2 instance in one AZ talking to an EC2 instance in
the other AZ. They’re both parts of the same AZ but they’ve crossed that AZ boundary. Because they
cross that boundary, they incur inter-AZ data transfer usage. This would incur $10 in data transfer
costs for transferring 1 TB of data, as it’s considered an intra-Region data transfer and charged in both
directions on a per-GB basis. Reducing your application communication across AZ boundaries is a
useful technique to reduce data transfer.
In the second case, 2, of Figure 8.2, an instance in the bottom VPC is communicating with an instance
in a different VPC. This may be a result of VPC peering or a TGW. When you communicate between
two VPCs in a Region, there’s a per-GB charge in data transfer costs for crossing AZs.
In the third case, 3, of Figure 8.2, we have an application load balancer (ALB). Load balancers help
to share the load across multiple backend targets. Normally, communication between instances in
different AZs incurs a charge. However, data transferred in and out of an ALB, in this case, or a
classic load balancer (CLB) within a single Region from EC2 is free. Hence, using an ALB or CLB
can minimize intra-Region data transfer costs.
142 Optimizing Networking

Load balancers might seem like an obvious choice given that data transfer is free in this case. However,
load balancers incur an hourly cost of their own. Furthermore, data transfer with load balancers is
not free if the load balancers communicate with an instance’s public address.
Finally, in the fourth case, 4, of Figure 8.2, we see a service such as Amazon S3 that has a gateway
endpoint. Gateway endpoints provide reliable connectivity to Amazon S3 and DynamoDB without
requiring an internet gateway or a NAT device for your VPC. There are no data transfer charges between
services with a gateway endpoint such as Amazon S3 or between EC2 instances in the same Region.
In this scenario, data transfer across AZs within a Region incurs costs. However, AWS will not charge
for data transfer to and from an ALB. Nor will AWS charge for data transfer when using a Regional
endpoint for services such as Amazon S3 and DynamoDB.
Now, let’s look at a scenario where you don’t stay within a single Region. Cross-Region traffic will be
the focus of the next section.

Data transfer across AWS Regions

What happens when you are transferring data across Regions? When an EC2 instance communicates
with another EC2 instance in a different Region, this becomes inter-Region communication and has an
associated per-GB charge. In the case of Figure 8.3, there will be a $0.02 per GB charge for outbound
traffic to the US-West-2 Region from US-East-1. Any communication coming back from US-West-2
to US-East-1 will be charged at $0.02 per GB as well. Note that AWS only charges for outbound traffic,
thus the data transfer charges will only be assessed for the Region conducting outbound traffic.

Figure 8.3 – Inter-Region data transfer scenarios

Understanding data transfer scenarios 143

You should consider using Amazon CloudFront as a content delivery network (CDN) for serving
content from an EC2 instance to end users in this case. A CDN accelerates your ability to serve static
and dynamic content from your servers to clients across the globe. A CDN typically consists of Points
of Presence (PoPs) or edge locations that are strategically placed around populated areas. These edge
locations can cache content to deliver content to end users faster than having to serve a request from
a server in a single location.
CloudFront works by caching data from sources such as EC2 and Amazon S3 into edge locations
around the world. Edge locations are smaller data center constructs than Regions, but they are scattered
globally to help AWS customers quickly deliver content to locations closer to end users.
When you deliver data from a source such as an EC2 instance to CloudFront, there is no data transfer
cost (2 of Figure 8.3). However, when you serve content from CloudFront to end users, there is a cost
that decreases with higher volume. There are also charges for data sent from CloudFront back to an
EC2 origin per GB (3 of Figure 8.3).
The alternative to this would be to serve content directly from EC2. However, among the disadvantages
around security, performance, and availability (not to mention, an overall poor architecture design), the
data transfer costs from an EC2 instance out to the internet are greater than the costs from CloudFront.
The last element in Figure 8.3 is a VPC private endpoint, which is powered by AWS PrivateLink. AWS
PrivateLink provides connectivity between VPCs and services hosted on AWS. It uses private endpoints
to connect services between different accounts and VPCs. Figure 8.3 shows an EC2 instance in the
US-West-2 Region communicating with an endpoint in the same Region. Because the endpoint is in
the same Region as the EC2 instance, you would not incur data transfer costs. However, be mindful
of the data processing charge for the interface endpoint, as well as the pricing per VPC endpoint at
a running rate.
Things can get more complex as you traverse environments, such as moving data between the cloud
and on-premises environments. Let’s see how data transfer works in hybrid environments.

Data transfer from AWS to on-premises environments

There are cases where you have a hybrid setup with some resources on-premises and others in AWS,
as shown in Figure 8.4. Naturally, you would want these systems to communicate with each other,
which implies data transfer between them.
144 Optimizing Networking

Figure 8.4 – A VPN connection between AWS and a data center

One option is to connect the systems over a VPN connection with AWS Virtual Private Network
(VPN). You can set up an encrypted connection between an Amazon VPC and a data center with this
option. VPN connections are shared over public networks, so the bandwidth and latency can fluctuate.
You have two choices within the AWS VPN option. The first is AWS Site-to-Site VPN. This is just
how it sounds; there’s a direct connection between one site, a data center, and another, an AWS VPC
environment. With AWS Site-to-Site VPN, you are charged per hour that VPN is provisioned and
available. Each Site-to-Site VPN connection has two tunnels, each with a unique public IP address.
The other choice within the AWS VPN option is AWS Client VPN, a fully managed, elastic VPN
service. You can access your AWS resources from any location using an OpenVPN-based VPN client.
Pricing differs among Site-to-Site VPNs because Client VPNs charge based on the number of active
client connections per hour. You are also charged for the number of subnets associated with the Client
VPN per hour. Both VPN types charge standard AWS data transfer rates for all data transferred
through the VPN connection.
The other option is to use AWS Direct Connect. Direct Connect has better performance, as it provides
a dedicated link between your on-premises systems and AWS, using either 1, 10, or 100 Gbps with
Understanding data transfer scenarios 145

native AWS Dedicated Connections (although partner-hosted connections do exist at various other
speeds). Because a Direct Connect connection is private and not configured over the public internet,
bandwidth and latency are more stable compared to an AWS VPN. However, you can set up an AWS
VPN connection quickly, while a Direct Connect connection can take much longer to set up. The
Direct Connect per-hour pricing is more expensive than the VPN but the data transfer rate is lower.
This is illustrated in Figure 8.5:

Figure 8.5 – Direct Connect between AWS and a data center

In a simple comparison between the two options, we assume we run both types for the entire year
(8,760 hours). The hourly rate for having a Direct Connect connection up and running for that time
is going to exceed the VPN by nearly $2,000. Where Direct Connect ends up with lower costs is when
the data transfer out exceeds 24 TB. You can see the breakdown of costs between the AWS VPN and
Direct Connect options in Figure 8.6:

Figure 8.6 – A direct comparison between two hybrid connection options

146 Optimizing Networking

We can observe a recurring pattern within the many scenarios we looked at. Optimizing for data
transfer costs is commendable but can be one-sided. For instance, a VPC endpoint, or an ALB, has a
running hourly rate. If you are not transferring data with those services, you are still paying for their
existence. As with the example shown in Figure 8.6, there’s a break-even point where the combined
cost of a service and its associated data transfer charges equals the cost of an alternative. It’s difficult
to generalize a strategy because everyone’s architecture and usage patterns will be unique. Use the
service pricing pages and the AWS Pricing Calculator to estimate your workload’s cost to decide
what’s best for your business. For example, you may have applications that require consistent and
stable network bandwidth between an on-premises environment and an AWS cloud environment.
Although VPN may be cheaper and faster to set up, Direct Connect may better meet your business
requirements with long-term benefits.
There are a few general patterns to be mindful of when considering data transfer charges. If tolerable,
aim to keep communication between resources within the same AZ. The trade-off with such an
architecture is a higher risk of downtime in the event of an AZ failure. The same applies to inter-Region
communication. There may be cases where business continuity warrants cross-Region replication or
backups. However, if tolerable, keeping traffic within a Region will minimize data transfer costs, and
reduce your waste if indeed it is not needed.
Equally, avoid routing traffic over the internet, as the per-GB transfer rate is the highest among the
examples we’ve seen when routing traffic within AWS. For instance, routing traffic from EC2 out to
the internet and back through the AWS network into Amazon S3 is horribly inefficient and wasteful.
Instead, use VPC endpoints to keep traffic on the AWS network. We’ll learn more about this server later
in this chapter. But first, let’s explore how to manage your data transfer costs with native AWS tooling.

Managing data transfer costs

Use Cost Explorer as a starting point to manage and visualize your data transfer costs. Just like any
other resource, data transfer is part of your inventory. Arguably, it’s easier to have a firm grasp of
(virtually) tangible AWS resources such as EC2 instances over intangibles such as data transfer. But
because Cost Explorer is free and can be used out of the box, it can help reveal data transfer costs
that are seemingly intangible.
In Cost Explorer, use the suggested filters in this section to create reports that clarify your data transfer
use on AWS. Apply filters at the service level, focusing on EC2-Instances and EC2-ELB, as shown
in Figure 8.7. This reduces the amount of data we need to look at and most data transfer will also be
driven by these two services:
Managing data transfer costs 147

Figure 8.7 – Service filters for two main contributors to data transfer

The other helpful filter is Usage Type Group. There are three usage types to focus on that correspond
to the scenarios we explored in this section. Look for EC2: Data Transfer - Inter AZ, which covers
the data transferred between two AZs in the same Region.
Then, EC2: Data Transfer - Internet (Out) shows the data transfer that egresses to the internet.
Meanwhile, EC2: Data Transfer - Region to Region (Out) covers the data transfer between AWS
Regions. Figure 8.8 shows these filters in Cost Explorer:

Figure 8.8 – Usage Type Group filters for data transfer scenarios contributing to costs
148 Optimizing Networking

It is optional, but equally important, to apply the necessary filters on tags that map to your organization.
Tags will provide granular visibility into certain parts of your business, whether it’s by business unit,
application environment, or any other dimension important to your business. Use this data to find
hotspots and uncover insights into how your organization is consuming data transfer on AWS. You
can use these views to see data transfer over time, grouped by Region or AZ, and get details on how
the usage of data transfer maps to your organization’s use of AWS.
Gaining visibility is the first step in finding data transfer usage patterns across your organization.
With these reports, you can zero in on resources within accounts and/or Regions that are heavy
users of data transfer, identifying where data transfer is happening. Consider using VPC Flow Logs
to understand why.
VPC Flow Logs provides data about the network communication using a VPC resource such as an
EC2 instance. The flow log will tell you about the source and destination of the network flow, as well
as port and protocol information. This can help you find out why a given resource may be exceeding
expected data transfer costs.
Amazon VPC Flow Logs is billed as you would be billed when publishing logs to Amazon CloudWatch.
You are charged for data ingestion and archival of published logs but it doesn’t cost you to activate
the flow logs themselves. If you choose to push your logs to Amazon S3, then you will be charged for
storage and retrieval, just as with any other object stored in S3.
Now, let’s see how we can leverage Amazon CloudFront to lower our data transfer costs but also
optimize our use of CloudFront itself.

Optimizing with Amazon CloudFront

We read in the previous section that CloudFront is a CDN that accelerates your ability to serve static
and dynamic content from your server to clients across the globe. We also saw in Chapter 6, Optimizing
Compute, that you can pay for compute resources using a reserved model. CloudFront has its own
reserved model as well.
The CloudFront Security Savings Bundle is a flexible pricing plan that can reduce your CloudFront
bill by up to 30%. As with the compute reserved model, you commit to a year term and pay a monthly
usage amount. The commitment applies to all CloudFront charges, including data transfer out and
request fees. The bundle also includes AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF) usage, which provides
edge security for your CDN.
CloudFront quotes a given usage and estimates your monthly dollar commitment, just as Cost Explorer
provides RI and SP recommendations. You can allow CloudFront to provide recommendations based
on your historical or projected usage. CloudFront will estimate charges and savings based on existing
data, as shown in Figure 8.9:
Managing data transfer costs 149

Figure 8.9 – CloudFront savings recommendations based on provided usage

For example, you can commit to $70 of CloudFront usage. AWS will apply a 30% discount on
CloudFront. Then, AWS will provide a 10% credit of WAF, in this case, $7. During that month, your
$70 monthly commitment covers $100 of CloudFront charges, including $7 of WAF credits for one
year, which equates to roughly 11.6 million WAF requests. Consider the bundle if your workload
requires CloudFront, and edge security, as it can help reduce your cloud waste.
Let’s see how the ideas we’ve learned about so far come together at VidyaGames.

Optimizing data transfer at VidyaGames

VidyaGame’s VidyaReviews application allows users to share the content of their video game
experiences with other users. A key component of this shared platform is video game reviews
as users will likely purchase video games depending on the aggregate score of a video game and
the opinions of trusted and popular users on the platform. Users can upload their video game
review content, including video reviews, written reviews, pictures, and clips to the VidyaReviews
mobile and web application. The application bundles the content and stores it in Amazon S3,
where a series of compute tasks compresses the files and partitions the content by user ID and
upload date. Once stored in Amazon S3, a fleet of Amazon EC2 instances deliver the content
per user request.
Jeremy takes a closer look at the organization’s data transfer costs with AWS Cost Explorer.
He notices a steady increase in the EC2: Data Transfer - Internet (Out) costs over time and
schedules a meeting with the application teams to uncover the causes for increasing data
transfer out costs.
By working with the application teams, Jeremy better understands the application’s architecture.
Amazon S3 serves as the data layer for storing the media files that constitute VidyaReview’s
content. The team already has a strategy to optimize storage costs using a two-pronged approach:
games content with higher aggregate reviews will have a certain tag, while other games content
will have a different tag. They will use these tags as attributes to apply different storage life cycle
policies to optimize costs.
150 Optimizing Networking

Amazon EC2 instances provide the web application frontend and server content in Amazon
S3 to users. From Jeremy’s understanding, this is fine from a data transfer perspective since
the Amazon EC2 instances and Amazon S3 buckets operate within the same Region. Using the
Amazon S3 Regional endpoint, data transferred to the instances does not incur data transfer costs.
Jeremy discovers the culprit behind the increasing data transfer costs. To provide a responsive
and fast user experience, the VidyaReviews application team leverages a CDN service that isn’t
native to AWS. This third-party CDN provides content quickly to users around the world and
removes the need for user requests to be directed to the Amazon EC2 instances. This CDN is
critical to the application’s success and is a necessary business requirement.
However, it is contributing to data transfer costs because AWS considers content transferred
out from the Amazon EC2 instances to the third-party CDN as data transfer out. Specifically,
this is data transferred out over the internet, which is one of the higher dollar-per-GB charges
within AWS data transfer tiers.
After collaborating with the team, Jeremy learns that the team has been using the CDN for
several months already. After testing and validating its technical requirements to meet the
application’s needs, the management approved its use without realizing the data transfer out
cost implications.
Jeremy enlightens the application team that if they used the Amazon CloudFront service as
the CDN, they would eliminate the data transfer out cost because data moved between origins
to CloudFront incurs no charge. Given the lower technical debt of replacing the CDN versus
replacing the application and storage components, the team decides to explore using CloudFront
instead of their third-party CDN. If using CloudFront costs less than the total cost of ownership
of the third-party CDN plus the incurred data transfer out costs, then the application team
agrees with Jeremy that it may be worth the switch. The application team also requires that
CloudFront’s performance meets or exceeds their current solution. This will be an important
factor in their migration.

We looked at how you can save on data transfer out charges with CloudFront. We also learned how
you can analyze your data transfer charges with Cost Explorer. In the last section, we’ll conclude our
data transfer cost optimization discussion with some general tips.

Tips for minimizing data transfer costs

There are a few things to keep in mind when considering waste reduction with data transfer. The first
involves data transfer out to the internet. We saw that data transfer can go directly from EC2 instances
out to the internet, or that you can leverage CloudFront to serve content to your users.
Tips for minimizing data transfer costs 151

Using CloudFront offers several advantages. First, while both CloudFront and traditional data transfer
out are charged on a per-GB basis, you’ll see cost savings by using Amazon CloudFront because
CloudFront doesn’t charge for origin fetch operations. Origin fetch is the process of retrieving content
from an origin, like an EC2 instance. When the origin is an AWS service such as EC2, there is no data
transfer charge between those AWS services and CloudFront. Moreover, the volume discount of data
transfer out from CloudFront to the internet is greater than the rate from EC2 to the internet. So, for
data transfer at scale, CloudFront will save costs in the long run.
Another thing to keep in mind is how you architect your workloads to prioritize intra-AZ traffic.
Inter-AZ data transfer within a Region is charged on a per-GB basis. If you want to minimize the
amount of inter-AZ data transfer, start by looking at how your applications are built within an AZ.
If you build applications on AWS, it’s important to use AZs to create partitions of your applications.
Partitioning involves isolating a part of your application within a single AZ, then replicating that
deployment to one or more additional AZs. By doing so, you have redundant deployments of your
application across multiple AZs, ensuring better reliability for your workload.
This also minimizes the amount of data transfer between different AZs. Most of the network chatter
between the instances running your applications will be isolated to individual AZs. Then, you’ll
maintain communication through a private IP address between EC2 instances in a VPC within a
single AZ and not incur any data transfer costs.
Even then, you may find occasions where communicating between two AZs is necessary. If required,
use an ALB or CLB. Data transferred between EC2 instances and either an ALB or CLB is free within
a given Region when using a private IP address.
For example, you may have an instance running in one AZ that needs to communicate with a fleet
of instances supporting a web service in a different AZ. It might not make sense to duplicate that
service fleet in the first AZ. What’s more appropriate is to have a load balancer as a destination to
route traffic to the intended targets. Using the ALB helps ensure that your web service stays highly
available because it’s fronting a fleet of servers. It also helps negate data transfer charges for requests
within the Region. When data transfer between AZs is necessary, ALBs and CLBs may help defray
inter-AZ data transfer charges.
Figure 8.10 provides a comparison between the various load balancer options on AWS. For ALBs
and Network Load Balancers (NLBs), pricing is based on the Load Balancer Capacity Units (LCU)
per hour. To calculate the cost of an ALB or NLB, you must perform four separate calculations. The
maximum value of these four individual calculations determines the final cost of your load balancer.
The CLB has a simpler pricing model, where cost is calculated based on the load balancer’s per hour
existence and per GB processed.
152 Optimizing Networking

Figure 8.10 – Load balancer pricing comparison

To provide an example of an ALB cost, let’s walk through performing the four necessary calculations.
The first case is having 25 new connections per second. This means that if in our environment
we have 500 new connections per second, then we have 20 new connection LCUs. We get this by
dividing 500 by 25.
For the second calculation, an LCU contains 3,000 active connections. So, if we have 30,000 new
connections, then we have 10 active connection LCUs. We get this by dividing 30,000 by 3,000.
For the third calculation, if an LCU contains 1 GB per hour for EC2 instances, and if we have 10 GB
per hour of data processed, then our processed bytes for the LCU come to 10 (1 GB x 10). Lastly, an
LCU contains 1,000 rule evaluations per second. And if we have 15,000 rules evaluated per second in
our environment, then our rule evaluation LCU is 15.
Now that we’ve performed the four individual LCU calculations, we take the maximum value of 20
LCUs and use that to estimate our cost. At the time of writing, an LCU is priced at $0.008 LUC price
per hour. Thus, 20 LCUs x $0.008 LUC price per hour x an estimated 730 hours per month gives us
an estimated charge of $116.80 per month for operating our ALB.
One last thing to note is to remove any EIPs that are sitting idle unassociated with any EC2 instances.
Recall that the first EIPs attached to instances are free but any sitting around will incur waste. Even
though a single EIP is charged at $0.01 per hour, assuming you have two EIPs across fifty accounts,
you can accumulate upwards of $8,000 per year of wasteful expenditure. This is where inventory
management and tagging can help you identify unused resources.
Summary 153

In this chapter, we unpacked the different manifestations of data transfer on AWS. We learned about
the data transfer flow within an AZ, within a Region, across AZs, and across Regions. We also looked
at hybrid architectures and the implications they have for data transfer.
We used Cost Explorer to understand and visualize our data transfer costs. Tools such as Cost Explorer
can help interpret the sometimes mysterious data transfer charges by identifying where these charges
occur. We also mentioned how VPC Flow Logs can uncover the why behind data transfer through
the logs it provides.
Lastly, we saw how AWS services such as CloudFront and load balancers can minimize data transfer
charges. Application architecture can also minimize data transfer charges by prioritizing network
communication within an AZ.
We’ll conclude our discussion on cost optimization tactics in the next chapter, in which we’ll explore
ways to optimize the machine learning and analytics domains. We’ll also dive deeper into the cloud’s
elasticity and how autoscaling is a critical architecture component within cost optimization.

Further reading
Have a look at the following resources:

• AWS – How CloudFront delivers content, 2022:

• AWS – Gateway VPC endpoint, 2022:
• AWS – VPC endpoint, 2022:
• AWS – Tunnel options for your Site-to-Site VPN connection, 2022:
• AWS – AWS Direct Connect pricing, 2022:
Optimizing Cloud-Native
Compute, networking, and storage form the bulk of Amazon Web Services (AWS) cost and usage.
We’ve covered the services that are most common in these categories, such as Amazon Elastic Compute
Cloud (EC2), Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), AWS’s various database services, and Amazon
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). However, given that AWS’ complete portfolio exceeds 200 services,
we’ve only scratched the surface.
This chapter covers optimization opportunities that result from the induced demand of cloud-native
environments; what I mean by this is the demand for AWS services that are more easily obtained in
the cloud than from on-premises systems. For example, automatically horizontally scaling a fleet of
servers is more easily done in the cloud than on-premises because if you were to horizontally scale
your on-premises servers, you would first need to buy the maximum number of servers to meet your
peak capacity, whereas, in a cloud environment, you simply scale when you need to and expect the
cloud provider to supply your demand for servers. Also, for an on-premises machine learning (ML)
workload, you need to purchase and maintain the maximum number of servers to run distributed
training jobs, but in the cloud, you simply utilize the distributed training cluster through an application
programming interface (API) call and once training is complete, you stop paying for (expensive)
servers for ML training. We define cloud-native environments in this way and use this chapter to
identify ways to optimize costs.
Although it would require more than one chapter to cover every service, we’ll look at a few and
generalize optimization best practices from what we’ve seen thus far. We start with AWS Auto Scaling,
which covers not only EC2 instances but containers and databases as well. Then, we’ll see the role
optimization plays in an end-to-end (E2E) analytics workflow including ML. Finally, we’ll glance at
a few more services and generalize based on these patterns.
In this chapter, we’re going to cover the following main topics:

• Maximizing efficiency with AWS Auto Scaling

• Optimizing analytics
• Optimizing ML
156 Optimizing Cloud-Native Environments

Technical requirements
To complete the exercises in this chapter, the requirements are the same as what we’ve been using in
the previous chapters.

Maximizing efficiency with AWS Auto Scaling

We’ll begin by understanding auto scaling, which is the embodiment of elasticity in the cloud. After
we define auto scaling, we’ll learn how you can leverage different auto-scaling policies and strategies
to meet your workload requirements. Implementing auto scaling will be key in your cloud waste
reduction efforts because it’s the closest thing to not paying for resources you don’t need. Let’s define
what it is by looking at a simple example.

What is auto scaling?

Large social gatherings such as weddings, banquets, or even the Thanksgiving holiday celebrated in
the United States (US) justify more than enough food to satisfy the esteemed guests. Normally, when
preparing food for ourselves, we primarily provision enough food to satisfy hunger at a given moment.
Before the cloud, provisioning information technology (IT) resources reflected more of the social
gathering approach to preparing food. You had to provide enough compute and storage power to satisfy
peak demand. Otherwise, you’d risk your application not being available when clients demanded it the
most. The following screenshot shows this approach, with the line representing the target provisioned
amount to accommodate the highest demands in traffic:

Figure 9.1 – Static provisioning for peak

Maximizing efficiency with AWS Auto Scaling 157

The distance between the static, flat line and the top of the bar graph represents waste. We have 2 days
of maximized utilization efficiency but inefficient usage (that is, waste) for the remainder of the days.
The elasticity of the cloud allows you to reduce this waste by provisioning resources you need when
you need them. AWS uses the term auto scaling to represent the elastic provisioning of resources on
demand to meet your system requirements. With elasticity, you achieve the efficiency that’s represented
in the following screenshot. The difference between the provisioned line amount and the usage amount
is lesser than the usage pattern in Figure 9.1 and shows better efficiency and less waste:

Figure 9.2 – Elastic provisioning matching supply with demand

AWS Auto Scaling is a service that helps you optimize your applications by supplying the resources
you need, depending on your applications’ demands. The resources with AWS Auto Scaling can be
EC2 instances, EC2 spot fleets, containers with Elastic Container Service (ECS), NoSQL databases
such as DynamoDB, and AWS’ proprietary relational database service, Amazon Aurora. You define
when you need these resources provisioned by a scaling policy.
Now that we’ve defined auto scaling, let’s see how AWS applies auto scaling to Amazon EC2 in various

AWS Auto Scaling versus Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling

You can leverage resource-specific managed scaling such as Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling or AWS Auto
Scaling to dynamically provision resources when needed. Both help to reduce waste because you only
need (and pay) for those resources when your applications require them. Whereas resource-specific
158 Optimizing Cloud-Native Environments

managed scaling applies only to said resources such as Amazon EC2, AWS Auto Scaling provides
managed scaling for multiple resources across multiple services.
Let’s compare the two by looking at Amazon EC2 as a service. Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling optimizes
your resource use by providing your application with the appropriate number of servers it needs to
handle the required load. The service replaces unhealthy instances automatically, terminates instances
when unneeded, and launches more (scales out) when required. You define how the service adds or
removes instances by the policy.
You control scaling in one of two ways, as follows:

1. The first is with manual scaling. You can scale manually, which involves monitoring your
application and changing the configuration as needed. As a user, you can go into your Amazon
EC2 auto-scaling fleet and make manual adjustments based on changes in demand in your
2. The other option is automatic scaling, which uses several AWS-provided scaling mechanisms
through auto scaling. As humans, although we generally have good intentions, we are error-prone
and tend to get bored of repetitive tasks. Auto scaling makes much more sense. The two types of
automatic scaling are scheduled scaling and dynamic auto scaling. We’ll look at these two next:

‚ For predictive workloads, scheduled scaling can avoid delays due to extended startup times
for EC2 instances. With scheduled scaling, we can evaluate historical runtimes to identify
recurring scaling events such as scaling up at the beginning of the work week and scaling
down as the work week ends. We can also take in individual events such as new product
releases, new marketing campaigns, or special holiday deals that may drive an increase in
traffic to our AWS environment. Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling takes care of launching and
terminating resources based on our scaling policy’s predefined schedules.
‚ For unpredictable workloads, dynamic auto scaling fits the bill. Within dynamic auto scaling,
there are three types, as outlined here:

 Simple scaling is the most elementary dynamic auto scaling type. With simple scaling,
you must set a CloudWatch alarm to monitor a certain metric—say, central processing
unit (CPU) utilization. If you set a policy such that when CPU utilization breaches a
threshold of 80%, AWS is to add 20% more capacity, then auto scaling will perform this
action when the application meets this condition. This is a very straightforward approach
and doesn’t consider health checks or cooldowns. In other words, if an event occurred to
launch 20% more capacity, the auto-scaling mechanism must wait for health checks on
the new instances to complete and the cooldown on the scaling event to expire before it
considers adding or removing instances. This might pose a problem, particularly when
you experience sudden increases in load—you might not be able to afford to wait for these
expiration times but need the environments to change rapidly.
Maximizing efficiency with AWS Auto Scaling 159

 Step scaling is another policy that gives you more granular control. Rather than a blanket
policy such as simple scaling, instead, you define different scaling events at different
thresholds. In the preceding example, we said to provision 20% more capacity when CPU
utilization is at 80%. With step scaling, you can use more granular metrics such as 10%
more capacity when CPU utilization is between 60% and 70%, and 30% more capacity
when CPU utilization is above 70%. Additionally, step scaling continues to respond to
alarms even when a scaling activity or a health check is taking place. This makes step
scaling more responsive than simple scaling.
 If we are to continue using CPU utilization as the defined scaling metric, then target tracking
is the most convenient scaling policy that requires the least management. This is because,
for step and simple scaling, you still have to create CloudWatch metrics and associate them
with the policies, but for target tracking, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling creates and manages
CloudWatch alarms for you. With target tracking, you simply provide the desired application
state, just like how you set your home thermostat to the desired temperature. Once set,
the heating or cooling system will intermittently turn on/off to maintain that temperature.
Similarly, a target tracking policy set at an aggregate average CPU utilization of 40% will
ensure you have the optimal resources to maintain that target metric.

You can use Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling to manually or automatically scale your servers to meet your
demand. Save your auto-scaling configurations in the form of launch templates. Launch templates
make it easier for you to manage how your workloads automatically scale because you define the
method in advance. In other words, launch templates are the what for when auto scaling occurs. Doing
this drives efficiency and reduces waste because you only use the compute resources you need when
you need them rather than overbuying to meet unexpected or expected demand.
CPU is a common metric when implementing auto scaling, but it’s not the only metric you can use.
Many customers use memory, disk space, and network latency as metrics to trigger when an auto-
scaling event should occur. You can even use your own custom metrics based on your workload
requirements. For example, if you have a web application and want to use request-response error rates
as the metric to scale more EC2 instances, then you can use a custom metric that counts for error rates
and have Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling deploy more servers when your threshold has been breached.
Now, let’s see how AWS Auto Scaling relates to Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling.

When to use AWS Auto Scaling

Although the preceding example is specific to Amazon EC2, other services such as Amazon ECS,
Amazon Aurora, and DynamoDB also have their own specific auto-scaling policies, which is why
AWS Auto Scaling attempts to aggregate these disparate services into a unified interface where you
can manage their scaling policies in one place.
160 Optimizing Cloud-Native Environments

AWS Auto Scaling supports only target-tracking scaling policies at the time of writing. Use AWS Auto
Scaling if you intend to use target tracking because it is easier to manage and can also be used to set
auto-scaling policies for other AWS services. Say you had a workload consisting of an auto-scaled group
of EC2 instances, an Aurora cluster as a database, a spot fleet for batch processing, and were utilizing
a target tracking metric. In that case, it would be more cumbersome to have to manage scaling for
each service individually than managing them in one place through the AWS Auto Scaling service.
Predictive scaling leverages the capabilities of both AWS Auto Scaling and EC2 Auto Scaling,
providing the ability to use ML models to analyze traffic over the past 14 days. Based on this historic
data, predictive scaling identifies scheduled events for the next 2 days and then repeats the cycle every
day to update your scheduled events based on the latest information available.
AWS Auto Scaling may simplify your auto-scaling needs across your AWS environment, but Amazon
EC2 Auto Scaling gives you more control over your Amazon EC2 resources. Note that you don’t
necessarily need to choose one or the other. You may choose AWS Auto Scaling for certain workloads
that encompass various services, but when the need arises, you may use Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling
to specify scaling policies for your Amazon EC2 fleet. Let’s move on to optimize other areas of our
AWS environment—namely, within the analytics domain.

Optimizing analytics
If data is the new gold, we want to ensure we’re mining it without incurring waste. Data analytics
and ML are discussion topics that deserve their own books but, in this section, we’ll summarize
cost-optimization considerations when running these types of workloads. Broadly, we can categorize
the steps involved as data ingestion, data exploration, model training, and model deployment.
We already know about Amazon S3 as an object store that functions nicely as a data lake. With data
in S3, we can use a managed service such as Amazon Athena to run Structured Query Language
(SQL) queries directly on our data in Amazon S3. Athena is serverless, meaning you don’t have to
manage any infrastructure to run SQL queries on your data. Additionally, it scales automatically and
parallelizes queries on large datasets without you having to specify configurations. It also requires
no maintenance because the underlying servers powering Athena are managed by AWS. You pay for
the query you run on Athena, thus optimizing data storage and minimizing query execution, which
ensures lower costs.
Amazon Redshift is a data warehousing service on AWS that allows you to run complex analytic queries
at a petabyte (PB) scale. These queries run on distributed and parallelized nodes. Unlike traditional
relational databases, Redshift stores data in columns that are optimized for analytical applications,
whereas it’s often the case to query based on aggregate summary statistics on columns. We’ll see an
example of this in the next section.
For ML, Amazon SageMaker is a service that provides an ML platform for building, training, deploying,
and monitoring ML models. SageMaker comes with a host of features that range from labeling data to
monitoring a complete ML pipeline. With Amazon SageMaker, data scientists can launch ML-specific
Optimizing analytics 161

notebook instances (indicated by an ml. prefix) to prepare data, build ML models, and deploy them
at scale. We’ll cover how to optimize ML compute using SageMaker in the next section.

Optimizing data ingestion and preparation

Data analytics starts with having data; you can’t get insights from data if you don’t have any, and you
need a place to store that data. We’ve already discussed Amazon S3 Intelligent-Tiering in Chapter 7,
Optimizing Storage, as an easy way to optimize storage costs by allowing AWS to manage the optimal
storage class on our behalf.
We can also save on costs through the format in which we store our data. With Amazon S3, you are
charged by the amount of storage, hence if we can find ways to minimize that storage amount, we
can reduce our storage costs. Storing only the data that you need is always good to have in mind.
It’s easy to create a data swamp out of a lake because you just never know if, and when, you’ll need a
dataset. But instead of blindly putting all your data in Amazon S3 Standard or Intelligent-Tiering, try
to understand your data’s access patterns, future needs, and business value. We may always intend to
clean up our data afterward, but the more we put it off, the more data accumulates and the harder it
becomes to comb through data to find what we actually need.
For data that you do need, use compression to save on storage space and pay less. Parquet is a popular
columnar format for large-scale analytics workloads and can be used to save on storage costs but also
save on query performance if you end up using AWS services such as Amazon Athena or Amazon
Redshift. Values of a similar type such as string, data, and integer can be compressed and stored together,
and because column values are stored together on disk, the query performance is more efficient.
The following screenshot shows a representation of columnar-based storage of a table. If you were
to run a query on total views for Active users, you’d only need to query the ViewCount and
UserStatus columns in a columnar store such as Redshift. This is much more efficient than
having to query each row and read columns that you don’t need, as you would do in a traditional
relational database:

Figure 9.3 – Table with columnar-based storage

162 Optimizing Cloud-Native Environments

When using Athena, consider using a shared Amazon S3 location for query results. When setting up
Athena, you must specify a location in S3 to store query results. By choosing a shared location, you
can reuse cached query results, improve query performance, and save on data transfer costs. With
Athena, you pay for the time it takes for the query to run. Hence, by minimizing the query execution
time, you will be spending less. This is generally a good pattern, especially if you’re planning on using
Athena to run ad hoc queries on your organization’s Cost and Usage Reports (CUR) data.
The following screenshot shows where you can manage these settings in the Amazon Athena
console. Here, we specify the query result location (and optionally choose to encrypt) within the
Query editor page.

Figure 9.4 – Specifying Athena query results

We looked at Amazon Athena as an example service to run ad hoc queries. Another option is to use
Amazon Redshift if you plan to run more complex joins and read workloads with long-running query
times. Unlike Athena, you don’t pay per query with Redshift. Instead, you provision a cluster that is
purpose-built for data warehousing-type workloads. You can also purchase Redshift RIs to save on
costs for running steady-state, consistent Redshift clusters. Because we understand RI mechanics, let’s
instead focus on optimizing the performance and cost of Redshift in how we use and operate the cluster.
You can leverage a feature of Amazon Redshift called concurrency scaling. This offers the ability
to support scalable concurrent users and queries. When you enable concurrency scaling, Amazon
Redshift automatically adds additional cluster capacity to specifically process read queries. When a
Redshift cluster with concurrency scaling meets specific requirements such as Region location, node
type, and node amount, queries can be routed to a concurrency-scaling cluster. You route queries to
concurrency-scaling clusters by enabling a Workload Manager (WLM) queue.
Optimizing analytics 163

Although you’re charged for concurrency-scaling clusters, you’re only charged for the time they’re in
use. The concept here is similar to the auto-scaling discussion we had in the previous section. Consider
provisioning a large Redshift cluster to meet high-performance requirements even if peak performance
only occurs during a small percentage of the cluster’s lifetime. Usually, larger clusters equate to larger
costs. If instead, you were able to leverage the dynamism of the cloud such as the concurrency-scaling
feature of Redshift, you could meet your performance requirements, and only pay for it when needed.
In the following diagram, we see an example of concurrency scaling on Redshift in action. When a user
initiates a query with concurrency scaling, the leader node of the main Redshift cluster receives the
request and determines whether it fits the requirements for the concurrency-scaling queue. Redshift
then sends the request to add the cluster depicted on the right side of the diagram. These two clusters
constitute your concurrency cluster. As more queries arrive, they are sent to the concurrency-scaling
cluster for processing. Optionally, we have Amazon S3, which stores the cluster’s snapshots, enabling
the new concurrency cluster access by way of a caching layer. Finally, the results are delivered to the
user through the response:

Figure 9.5 – Redshift concurrency scaling

164 Optimizing Cloud-Native Environments

Amazon Redshift also offers elastic resize options to resize your cluster quickly by adding nodes when
your workload increases and removing nodes when demand decreases. This gives you some flexibility
and comfort in knowing that you do not need to make the right decision upfront. You can iterate on
your cluster’s configuration as your needs change. Elastic resizing automatically redistributes data to
new nodes quickly when you resize using the same node type. Elastic resize can also change node
types, whereby a snapshot is created and copied to a new node-type cluster.
An additional option for resizing your Redshift cluster is to use Amazon Redshift Spectrum. This
feature of Redshift allows you to scale your data lake without needing to load data into the Redshift
cluster. You can directly query data in Amazon S3 and join the data in S3 with Redshift. This saves
you from having to duplicate storage costs in both services.
Lastly, because Amazon Redshift allows you to pause and later resume a cluster, be mindful of when
a cluster is needed by teams. Although you can purchase RIs to save on cluster costs, if an always-on
philosophy isn’t required for a workload, then save on costs by turning off the cluster. A practical
exercise is to turn it off during weekends and holidays when you know teams or applications won’t
need to be accessing your cluster. When a cluster is paused, on-demand billing is suspended, helping
you to reduce waste.
We learned how you can optimize costs with Athena and Redshift in this section. Storing data efficiently
by compressing it and leveraging columnar storage tools such as Redshift are ways to reduce the
operational costs of using analytics services. We looked at some of Redshift’s features, focusing on
elasticity to use and scale the service when you need to. In the next section, we’ll shift to the related
but separate topic of ML. Because ML is often done after data preparation and data analysis, it logically
fits as the next step in our data pipeline.

Optimizing ML
To uncover how we can optimize our ML costs, we must first understand which tasks constitute
an ML workflow. We’ll look at the various steps involved in a typical ML process. Then, we’ll apply
optimization methods to those specific steps using the various capabilities in AWS. We’ll focus on how
you can optimize your model-training costs and model-deployment costs with Amazon SageMaker.

Understanding an ML workflow
An ML workflow typically requires data exploration and then feature engineering (FE) to transfer
data to a format that can be used by an ML algorithm. The algorithm reads the data to find patterns
and learns in a sense to generalize patterns so that it can predict outcomes on new, or unknown, data.
This is often referred to as model training—you’re applying some mathematical algorithm that may
be known and used popularly or something you created yourself to data that is proprietary to you or
your organization. The application of an algorithm to your data creates an ML model. Then, you can
apply this model to make predictions on new data. Amazon SageMaker is a fully managed platform
that allows you to do just this.
Optimizing ML 165

SageMaker has tons of features that provide you with a unified platform to complete all tasks involved
in an E2E ML workflow. This includes things such as data cleansing and preparation. Before you build
an ML model, you need to format the data to remove unnecessary columns, remove missing values,
change text columns to numeric values, and even add columns to define your features. Usually, you
want to document all your steps into code to facilitate automation of these tasks in the form of a
processing script so that you can run these data processing steps automatically and at scale.
You can use SageMaker Processing jobs to execute a processing script. Running these scripts can help
you optimize because you only pay for the processing job for the duration of the task. An alternative
could be to conduct your processing jobs in an Amazon EC2 instance if wanting to keep things in a
cloud environment. However, this would require you to install all the necessary software on a fleet of
instances for high availability (HA) and parallel processing, patch the instances, secure them, and
right-size them, among other things. Rather than managing all this yourself, SageMaker Processing
takes care of the resource provisioning, and data and artifact transfer, and terminates the resources
once your job completes. Thus, you only pay for the resources used for the processing job while it
runs. At the same time, you only need to use a relatively small SageMaker notebook instance to test
and orchestrate your processing jobs.
Leveraging a fully managed service such as SageMaker helps you avoid unnecessary costs when it comes
to managing and paying for compute resources for your ML workload. In line with our discussion
from the beginning of this chapter, SageMaker helps you take advantage of AWS’ elasticity by having
SageMaker manage your ML tasks’ infrastructure and paying for them only for the duration of the
tasks’ runtime.

Important note
You may, however, choose to manage the infrastructure yourself if you find that you obtain a
competitive advantage by doing so. Some companies have robust data science teams that have
the knowledge and experience to manage their own ML infrastructure. They may even have the
expertise to optimize that infrastructure at various levels such as code optimization, Savings Plans,
and the use of open source software (OSS). If indeed you find better cost savings by managing
your own ML workloads, then SageMaker may not be the right choice for you. However, we’ll
continue the rest of this section assuming you chose SageMaker as your ML platform.

Let’s now move to the next step of the ML workflow and learn how to optimize our model-training tasks.

Optimizing model training and tuning

Because SageMaker decouples the ML development from task execution, you can easily adopt a
pay-as-you-go model. For example, you can spin up a small, cheaper ml.t2.small instance to
work on ML development tasks such as testing code, setting up configuration files, and defining your
ML pipeline. You attach a SageMaker execution role to that instance with the required permissions
to access datasets and then run the SageMaker Python SDK commands to run processing scripts,
initiate training jobs, and deploy model endpoints.
166 Optimizing Cloud-Native Environments

At this point, you’re only paying for that ml.t2.small instance. You don’t necessarily want to train
and deploy models on that instance because you’ll likely face out-of-memory (OOM) exceptions or
other errors because of the computational- and memory-intensive requirements of model training.
Rather than running resource-intensive training jobs on your ml.t2.small instance, you can
elect to run training jobs on a separate, graphics processing unit (GPU)-based instance to optimize
performance. SageMaker will spin up the resource required for your training job, and then spin down
the instances when the job is complete. This allows you to only pay for the required resources when
you need them, thereby reducing waste related to ML workloads.
At the same time, you don’t have to provision an expensive, GPU-based instance if you simply need it
for data exploration and testing. SageMaker allows you to decouple training or processing jobs from
experimentation. For example, the next code snippet shows a model-training job specifying that the
training should be done on a single ml.m4.4xlarge instance. Even though the notebook instance
used to instantiate and execute this code may be on an ml.t2.small instance, you gain the benefit
of paying for the more expensive ml.m4.4xlarge instance only while the training job runs, while
paying for a cheaper ml.t2.small instance for exploration. SageMaker will manage the training
on your behalf and terminate it when the training job is complete, so you only pay for it while it runs.
In the following code snippet, we are calling the SageMaker estimator to train our model. We specify
the container image we’d like to use, then the execution role that has permission to access the training
data. Then, we specify the instance type and count to tell SageMaker which type of instance and how
many of these instances to use for this training job:

model = sagemaker.estimator.Estimator(

That begs the following questions: What if my training jobs run a very long time? How can I ensure I’m
not wasting valuable training time? SageMaker Debugger helps profile these job runs and provides
recommendations to fix bottlenecks that may prolong unnecessarily long training jobs. Debugger can
suggest things such as using a small instance based on lower GPU utilization or stopping training jobs
early if subsequent training iterations are not improving the desired model metrics.
For example, training a deep learning (DL) model on a neural network (NN) usually involves adjusting
weights on each training run (epoch) and observing the resulting model metrics. The network adjusts
weights to see if those changes positively impact the model. However, there may come a point where
adjusting the weights does not yield better results. If you are continuously running model-tuning
jobs, but for every iteration it’s not improving your model, then it is wasteful to have those resources
running. It’s better to early stop jobs to reduce unnecessary iterations. Early stopping can help reduce
SageMaker training times, which correlate with your efforts to reduce waste.
Optimizing ML 167

You also have the option to use spot instances for training jobs, which may be appropriate for training
jobs that can tolerate interruptions, or when using algorithms that support checkpointing (refer to
Chapter 6, Optimizing Compute, for details on spot). You can specify the use of spot instances within
the estimator by using the following code:

Model = sagemaker.estimator.Estimator(
max_wait = 120,

Because a spot instance may terminate before the training job completes, using the max_wait
parameter will tell SageMaker to wait a certain number of seconds (in this case, 120 seconds) for new
spot instances to replace terminated ones. Once the max_wait time passes, the job completes. If
using checkpoints, the training job will commence from the latest checkpoint when the spot instances
were terminated.
Another cost-reducing strategy is in the way we specify how data is made ready by SageMaker during
training. By default, files are read using File mode, which copies all data to an instance when a
training job starts. The alternative is to use Pipe mode, which loads data like a stream. Note that
these modes do not appear on the screen as options to select; you must specify these as parameters.
Using File mode for large files (above 10 gigabytes (GB)) prevents a long pause at the start of a
training job just to get the file loaded into SageMaker. Instead, by using Pipe mode, data will be
streamed in parallel from S3 directly into a training run. This provides higher input/output (I/O)
and allows the training job to start early and end faster, and ultimately reduces training-job costs.
We can specify the use of Pipe mode through the input_mode configuration, as illustrated in the
following code snippet:

model = sagemaker.estimator.Estimator(
168 Optimizing Cloud-Native Environments

We looked at several ways to reduce your training costs on Amazon SageMaker. Leverage spot instances
if you can tolerate interruption to pay for spare compute as a discount versus paying for on-demand
instances for training. Additionally, consider using the Pipe input mode to ensure the training job
ends sooner. Also, leverage built-in features such as SageMaker Debugger to help you identify ways
to optimize your training configuration. Because you only pay for the resources for the duration of
your training and tuning jobs, use these tools to ensure those jobs don’t take longer than necessary.
Let’s move on to the next step of an ML workflow: the deployment phase.

Optimizing model deployment

Once you have a trained model, you can deploy them to SageMaker endpoints. These endpoints can be
persistent for real-time online inference. Many customers create Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
(HTTPS) endpoints that allow users and applications to request real-time inference for low-latency
use cases. SageMaker will manage these endpoints on your behalf, including automatically scaling
them on your behalf to meet demand. However, you will be paying for these endpoints on an hourly
basis, depending on the instance type you choose for the endpoint. As you can imagine, the more
endpoints you have running, the more your costs will increase.
Endpoints are long-running resources that are easy to leave running even if you may not have use
for them. Let’s imagine you deploy a real-time ML model using a blue/green deployment. You have
two identical model endpoints and, once ready, you cut over from the blue environment to the green
environment. The green environment now serves 100% of inference requests through your endpoint
while the blue environment sits idle. To remove unused SageMaker endpoints, we can apply the same
discipline we used to remove stale Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes, as discussed in Chapter 7,
Optimizing Storage. CloudWatch alerts can help notify you when a SageMaker endpoint is not receiving
invocation requests. For example, use the Invocations metric to get the total number of requests
sent to a model endpoint using Sum statistics. If you see zero invocations consistently, it may be a
good time to delete the endpoint.
There may be more than one EC2 instance up and running behind a SageMaker endpoint serving
predictions using SageMaker hosting services. Therefore, the more endpoints you have, the more costs
you will incur. Although SageMaker Savings Plans can help offset the costs, it’s also wise to minimize
the number of endpoints to remove unnecessary costs.
If you have similar models that can serve predictions through a shared serving endpoint, consider
using SageMaker multi-model endpoints to avoid paying for additional endpoints. Multi-model
endpoints are a scalable and cost-efficient solution to deploying several models while minimizing the
cost of paying for endpoints. These models share a container that can host multiple models. This not
only reduces cost, but also the administrative requirement of you having to manage multiple models
across multiple endpoints.
For example, you may have a model that predicts home prices for a geographic region in the US. Home
prices vary based on location. You may have a model that serves distinct predictions for homes in
New York versus homes in Texas and other locations. You can place all these models under a single
endpoint and invoke a location-specific model based on the request.
Optimizing ML 169

Multi-model endpoints are useful when similar models can be served without needing to access all
the models at the same time. You can invoke a specific model by specifying the target model name as
a parameter in the prediction request, as shown in the next diagram.
Here, we see a multi-model endpoint with two models, model_1 and model_2. SageMaker
automatically serves the model based on the TargetModel parameter specified in the invoke_
endpoint method. SageMaker will route the inference request to the instance behind the endpoint
and will download the model from the Amazon S3 bucket that holds the model artifacts:

Figure 9.6 – SageMaker multi-model endpoint

Although SageMaker provides a variety of instance types for processing, model training, and deployment,
sometimes you may not be able to find quite the right size. GPU instances are appropriate for model
training on large datasets, but they can typically be oversized for smaller-batch inference requests.
By attaching an Elastic Inference Accelerator (EIA), you can boost your instance with a GPU-based
add-on. This provides you the flexibility to choose a base CPU instance and dynamically add GPUs
with the EIA until you find the right specification you require for your inference needs. This helps
you optimize your base resources such as CPU and random-access memory (RAM) while keeping
GPUs lower but having the flexibility to add GPUs when needed, all while saving costs. The following
code snippet shows you how to add an ml.eia2.medium instance to an ml.m4.xlarge instance
when deploying a SageMaker model:

predictor = model.deploy(

SageMaker also offers Savings Plans such as EC2 Instance and Compute Savings Plans. We unpacked
a lot of how Savings Plans work in Chapter 6, Optimizing Compute, and their mechanisms are similar
in how they are applied to SageMaker usage. You still specify a term length and payment option
(no upfront, partial upfront, or all upfront). However, unlike EC2 Savings Plans, SageMaker Saving
170 Optimizing Cloud-Native Environments

Plans only have one discount rate, meaning you cannot choose between instance-specific Savings
Plans (such as EC2 Instance Savings Plans) and Compute Savings Plans.
The following screenshot shows how to select a SageMaker Savings Plan in Cost Explorer. You simply
select a term (1 or 3 years), an hourly commitment, and a payment option:

Figure 9.7 – SageMaker Savings Plans

SageMaker Savings Plans apply to all eligible Regions and SageMaker components. Whether you use
SageMaker Processing, training, hosting, or just a notebook instance for testing, the Savings Plan
commitment will apply to these components to help you save as an organization. And as with EC2
Savings Plans, if your usage of SageMaker exceeds your Savings Plan commitment, that usage will be
charged the on-demand rate.
We covered optimization considerations for deploying ML models using Amazon SageMaker. We learned
about SageMaker endpoint hygiene to ensure we’re not paying for persistent endpoints unnecessarily.
We also learned about multi-model endpoints to reduce the cost of paying for multiple endpoints.
Finally, we learned about the applicability of SageMaker Savings Plans to cover our ML workloads.

In this chapter, we covered topics that went beyond compute, storage, and networking. We saw how to
apply cost-optimization methods for more advanced cloud-native environments including analytics
and ML.
Further reading 171

We unpacked AWS elasticity and what that means for architecting our workload. Take advantage of
auto-scaling tools on AWS. These tools themselves are free. You only pay for the resources provisioned
by scale-out activities and benefit by not paying for terminated resources from scale-in events. You
learned about the various scaling policies and the difference between AWS Auto Scaling and Amazon
EC2 Auto Scaling.
We then explored the realm of analytics. We found ways to optimize costs using compression, setting
up the right data structure, and Redshift concurrency-scaling and workload management features.
Lastly, we learned about the various steps in a typical ML workload. We looked at ways to optimize data
processing jobs using a managed service such as Amazon SageMaker. We also looked at optimization
strategies for training and tuning jobs by leveraging spot instances, SageMaker Debugger, and file
input modes. Then, we found optimization opportunities in model deployment using multi-model
endpoints, elastic inference, and SageMaker Savings Plans.
We covered many topics in this section, focusing on the tactical work to optimize your cloud
environments. In the next and final part of the book, we’ll learn about operationalizing these tasks
in ways to optimize at scale as your organization grows. We’ll also focus on the people aspect of cost
optimization and the importance of people, processes, and communication so that cost optimization
doesn’t become a one-time activity but a continuous discipline that yields long-term results for your

Further reading
For more information, refer to the following links:

• AWS Auto Scaling, 2022:

• Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, 2022:
• Predictive scaling for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, 2022:
• Athena compression support, 2022:
• Working with concurrency scaling, 2022:
• Implementing workload management, 2022:
• Host multiple models in one container behind one endpoint, 2022:
172 Optimizing Cloud-Native Environments

• Monitor Amazon SageMaker with Amazon CloudWatch, 2022:

• Processing, 2022:
Part 3:

The objective of Part 3 is to put everything we’ve learned in the previous chapters into practice
on a larger scale. We’ve identified ways to pick the right pricing model, to rightsize, to autoscale,
to set budgets, and so much more. This last section of the book helps you to operationalize these
practices so that they are not one-off projects, and to incorporate them into your day-to-day
operations for long-term success.
This part of the book comprises the following chapters:

• Chapter 10, Data-Driven Fin-Ops

• Chapter 11, Driving FinOps Autonomously
• Chapter 12, Management Functions
Data-Driven FinOps
So far, you’ve learned about the various AWS tools and services you can use to monitor, plan, and
optimize your AWS resources. You can use these tools to a certain extent, but tools alone cannot
provide your organization with sustainable FinOps practices. You also need to involve the right people
and the right processes to realize the long-term benefits of FinOps.
In these final chapters, you’ll learn how to apply FinOps practices at scale across your organization
while going beyond the core IT functionalities such as compute, networking, and storage. We will
start by looking at how you can apply these AWS tools and services centrally. In the previous chapters,
we discussed the importance of having a central team, or a Cloud Center of Excellence (CCoE).
A CCoE is just an example of a centralized team that can drive FinOps best practices across your
organization. CCoE certainly does not have to be the name you choose for your organization, but
naming conventions aside, a centralized team’s function is critical for enabling teams to adopt FinOps
and embed cost-saving practices within their daily operations.
In this chapter, we’re going to cover the following main topics:

• Establishing a centralized function

• Creating an effective metrics strategy
• Defining the right metrics
• Leveraging the CUR

Establishing a centralized function

I’ve advocated throughout this book that FinOps isn’t just for a single team or a single line of business
but requires a cross-team, collaborative effort. No one team can or should be responsible for managing
an entire, large enterprise’s cloud spending. Although certain teams may have more responsibilities
than others in terms of managing cloud spending, and the scope of these responsibilities may have a
broader impact than others, the success of FinOps depends on everyone’s involvement. For example,
in a small, startup environment, embracing an all-hands-on-deck type of philosophy will benefit those
that want to adopt a FinOps mindset, regardless of the size and maturity of your business.
176 Data-Driven FinOps

Reducing waste by embedding FinOps practices within your organization involves reacting to
real-time events and matching supply to demand in a dynamic environment while embracing the
variable nature of IT spending in the cloud. It’s precisely this reason why you need to have a balance
between centralized and decentralized functions – too much decentralization leads to competing
goals among teams while too much centralization leads to teams not being able to produce. This
is where a centralized team can help. They can define goals that contribute to the overall success
of the business while providing the framework that teams can operate within. They can also have
visibility into the costs of all teams and steer teams in the right direction when costs seem to be
getting out of control.
Let’s look at what a centralized FinOps function looks like by justifying the reasons for establishing one.
Reasons for a centralized FinOps function
There are several reasons why you should consider having a central FinOps team.
Teams have competing priorities that often conflict with cost optimization. Cost optimization has
never been a leading priority for application developers, nor is it likely that it will become a priority
in the future. It’s true that, generally, developers love optimizing, but most businesses operate with
performance and agility in mind. Pushing products out to market quickly ahead of competitors is
usually the driving force over reducing spending in a high-growth environment.
Moreover, before the cloud, developers had to build on the hardware the organization provided based
on a regular IT resource refresh cycle. Application developers never had to worry about costs because
IT resources were already budgeted and planned for. They only needed to build based on what was
given to them. This removed the need for developers to be cost-conscious in how they built since the
boundary within which to operate largely depended on allocated budgets, as well as the performance
ceilings of the provisioned hardware. However, given the dynamism of the cloud, developers cannot
afford the luxury of being completely ignorant of cost. The cost boundaries are much tighter than
what they were previously, and it’s helpful to have guidance from a central FinOps team to advise on
how to operate within these new boundaries.
Furthermore, developers are expected to produce quickly in today’s ever-changing market. To stay
competitive, companies are leveraging the cloud for the on-demand provisioning of IT resources
and focusing on differentiators for their business domain instead of occupying themselves with the
undifferentiated heavy lifting of managing IT infrastructure. Developers are primarily concerned
with agile deployments and quick releases. Cost is not something that is at the forefront of developers’
minds. It may not even be something that they have the bandwidth to consider.
Managing costs is itself a full-time job, not just a one-time activity. Many companies dedicate resources
to improving processes within business functions. For example, process improvement is the business
practice of identifying, analyzing, and improving business processes that can decrease inefficiencies
within operations. These functions provide business value because process improvement can decrease
costs, which directly impacts a company’s revenue. Cloud FinOps is no different. Due to the dynamic
nature of the cloud, monitoring, analyzing, and identifying cloud spending warrants dedicated resources
to continually find ways to decrease costs.
Establishing a centralized function 177

Your organization may choose to leverage multiple public cloud vendors, depending on your business
strategy. In this case, having a centralized FinOps team that understands the cost implications of
going multi-cloud, as well as the pricing mechanisms that different public cloud providers offer, will
be beneficial to your broader organization. Application developers and architects are generally not
well suited to holding private pricing agreements between cloud providers. This task is something
a centralized team can own. They have the domain knowledge and the deep financial expertise to
understand what financial impact long-term agreements with a cloud provider can have on the broader
organization. This is a topic we’ll cover in greater detail in Chapter 12, Driving FinOps Collaboratively.
Technology iterates at a rapid pace and having a team to own change management helps your organization
adapt. AWS constantly releases new services and new capabilities within existing services. Oftentimes,
pricing adjustments accompany these changes. A centralized team needs to be aware not only of these
technological changes but also of the pricing implications of those changes to the business. Technology
teams may very much be aware of new service offerings from public cloud providers because newer
generation resources tend to have better price-to-performance ratios. But technology teams may not
have the bandwidth to run the cost analyses to change to newer generation services. It’s valuable to
have a team to run and analyze these reports to see the overall impact on the business.
Technology is changing and will continue to change. This means that as organizations have had to
shift their way of thinking about IT from procurement to on-demand provisioning, chances are they
will have to continue to shift to new ways of thinking as industries and technologies change. Change
management is often something companies struggle with because change management is something
individuals themselves struggle with. Having a centralized team to develop change management
strategies and execute their plans can help the organization adjust to new settings as they come.
Now that we’ve discussed the reasons for having centralized FinOps teams, we’ll identify the right
personas to make up a centralized FinOps function.

Personas for a centralized FinOps function

A successful FinOps practice depends on a cross-functional team. This encourages collaboration
between teams that perhaps would have little to no reason to engage otherwise. Because teams have
different priorities, it’s important to find a common ground. Ultimately, teams are looking to achieve
the same goal – that is, they are looking to grow the business. They are simply trying to reach this
goal in their own way. Thus, a centralized, cross-functional FinOps team looks to empower teams to
reach this goal efficiently in ways that don’t impede other teams’ efforts.
Most organizations already have the personnel required to start building a centralized FinOps team.
These are personas that span the business, technology, and finance domains within a business. You
can always start with the talent that you have, and then fill the necessary gaps as you scale:

• Executives: Executives provide the high-level support and visibility a central FinOps team
needs to be successful. Grassroots efforts without executive alignment are admirable but
unsustainable. Business strategy can change from a variety of factors, which usually originate
178 Data-Driven FinOps

from the executive level. However, having an executive such as a CFO, CTO, CIO, or VP of
Infrastructure to drive cloud cost accountability and ensure the FinOps objectives align with
the broader business empowers a FinOps team’s operations.
Executives can also provide objective business metrics that provide measurable goals for FinOps
practices. These key performance metrics (KPIs) can be goals such as reducing cloud spending
by 10% but maintaining the same number of daily active users (DAUs) or increasing the
Reserved Instance (RI) and Savings Plans (SP) coverage rates while maintaining the same level
of availability for an application. These are metrics that can be attributed to broader business
goals. Having executive sponsorship to identify these goals and track progress toward these goals
will validate FinOps practices and show the value that FinOps can have for the organization.
• Engineering lead: Most AWS usage will originate from the engineering and operations teams
because these teams will be building products and services on AWS. Team members can include
software development engineers, DevOps engineers, cloud architects, platform engineers, and
even machine learning (ML) engineers.
Cost is one of many metrics within their building space. And oftentimes, it is a metric that
contradicts other metrics such as high availability and performance. Typically, if you want to
build a highly available system, you need to ensure redundancy of the system, which implies
higher costs. Thus, having the engineering perspective allows the cross-functional team to
consider other factors that ensure business continuity.
Personas from the technology side also possess the technical skills often needed to build
automation and operationalize FinOps tasks. This could be something such as building a data
pipeline workflow to ingest cost and usage data and aggregating them in one place. This also
requires implementing the right security guardrails to provide folks with the right level of data
access to view and download reports.
• Product owner: Product owners are folks within the organization that want to bring the products
built by engineers to market. They also have responsibilities that entail analyzing business trends,
historical product data, and measuring the performance of launched products. These include
product managers, business analysts, and business operations managers.
Product owners bring a unique perspective as they can help develop business KPIs. Whereas
engineering leads may introduce operational metrics from an infrastructure perspective such as
revenue per infrastructure cost or cost per deployed AWS service, product owners provide unit
cost metrics. These perspectives show the business how much revenue a product is generating
based on the amount of cloud spending or decreasing gross margins over time. Because product
owners are generally more in-tune with broader market trends than engineering teams, it is
valuable to have both perspectives in a cross-functional team.
• FinOps practitioner: A FinOps practitioner’s primary goals are to educate and enable FinOps
best practices across the organization. FinOps practitioners have a deeper knowledge of cloud
economics. They understand the different pricing models, regardless of the cloud provider.
They can decipher a cloud bill, which can be saturated with cloud-specific jargon, and can
Creating an effective metrics strategy 179

translate cloud bill service spending into a language that makes sense to the business. They are
also able to interpret and analyze the bill to find areas of improvement, such as reducing waste.
FinOps practitioners understand both the business and technical requirements of business
products and apply the right pricing models and cost optimization strategies to meet those
requirements. For example, they understand and communicate the cost implications of rightsizing
servers. Rather than blindly following the rightsizing recommendations in Cost Explorer, a
FinOps practitioner can interpret those recommendations, collaborate with the engineering
teams, and see if it makes business sense to right-size certain instances. FinOps practitioners are
also the cost optimization champions within an organization driving operational and cultural
changes to help teams adopt a FinOps mindset as they operate in the cloud.
FinOps practitioners usually have some overlap with business analysts. Business analysts know how
to work with and manipulate data using several business productivity tools such as Microsoft Excel
and run simple structured query language (SQL) queries. These skills help analyze cost and usage
data when using the tools natively available on AWS, or when using the tools built by the technologies
personas that enable self-service cost and usage data discovery.

• Finance persona: Finance personas have deep experience in managing IT budgets, forecasting,
accounting, and procurement. However, they are not only limited in scope to IT. Finance
personas must manage the spending for the entire enterprise, so they have a broader view of
cost and usage. This involves things both inside and outside of AWS spending.
They will have had many years of experience in planning IT spending for an enterprise and
will be familiar with traditional IT accounting practices. They know how to account for cost
and usage and thus can allocate those to business metrics. They understand historical billing
and forecasting and thus are essential collaborators with FinOps practitioners. Depending on
the size of your organization, you may need to include other personas in a centralized cross-
functional team, such as folks from the procurement side, or an IT finance manager.
Generally, we can bucket personas into these four broad categories: an executive sponsor and folks
from the technology, business, and finance side. With these personas in mind, let’s take a closer look
at a critical function that this centralized team will own that will be the foundation for all FinOps
efforts – that is, creating an effective metrics strategy for your organization.

Creating an effective metrics strategy

In Part 2 of this book, we covered many optimization topics that encompass compute, storage,
networking, and more. But the question remains: are we really saving? You won’t be able to validate
the answer to this question without quantitative evidence. This is where a metrics strategy can help.
A metric strategy not only defines the metrics your organization uses to measure FinOps success, but
also defines how to use those metrics, where they come from, and who owns those metrics. In other
words, it involves metrics governance as well.
180 Data-Driven FinOps

The purpose of a metrics strategy for FinOps is to help your organization answer questions such as
the following:

• How do we know how much we’re saving on our AWS cost and usage?
• What metrics or KPIs should we use?
• How can we tell our KPIs are useful?
• How many KPIs should we track?

Companies often struggle to gauge the impact of FinOps measures on financial statements such as
balance sheets and income statements because the old methods of accounting for IT resources do not
apply. The variable nature of the cloud creates a dynamic spending environment that is difficult to
account for if there are no strong channels of communication among teams and business units. And
if your organization is experiencing a period of growth, it becomes even more challenging to know
if you’re optimizing your AWS usage.
It’s crucial to address these challenges with a well-defined governance strategy for metrics. We will
define what metric strategy governance is and see what it looks like in practice in the next section.

What is metrics strategy governance?

Before we define what we mean by this phrase, let’s see what a business might look like when it doesn’t
have governance in a metrics strategy.

A non-existent metrics strategy

Jeremy learns of the various reports Alexander must sift through when working within the
office of the CFO. Alexander has a read-only view of AWS Cost Explorer on the management
account. Alexander also has access to third-party tools that aggregate cost and usage data across
all the business’s AWS accounts and bring a unified dashboard for cost and usage reporting.
Alexander uses several pre-built views to see cost and usage activity by accounts, teams, and
business-critical application names.
Alexander shows these reports to Jeremy and shares that he mainly uses five reports when
looking at and reporting AWS spending to the CFO. In the user interface, Jeremy notices that
there are multiple folders and many views within those folders that have been created by various
users. These reports have similar but different naming conventions such as spend per revenue
ratio, total spend per revenue, forecast variance: monthly, commitment rate, and other views with
variable levels of clarity; some reports make intuitive sense while others are completely cryptic.
Jeremy asks Alexander how he determines which report to use since many of them have similar
names but slightly different values. Alexander says that he uses the reports that were vetted by
the finance teams and that have a clear owner he can contact when he has questions.
Jeremy realizes that for the business to successfully use cost and usage data, the business must
govern the way teams report this data.
Creating an effective metrics strategy 181

Without governance, you run the risk of anybody in the organization creating a report in production
and defining a metric however they like. As these occurrences compound, your organization becomes
mired in reports and metrics that do not provide any meaningful value. This makes it more difficult
to understand the source of truth.
Therefore, metrics strategy governance is an organization-wide policy that defines what metric to
use, how to define that metric, and who owns the metric. This ultimately leads to a metric providing
business value to your organization. In short, if it doesn’t bring any business value, there is a good
chance it’s unnecessary.
If you want to know if you have poor governance in your metric strategy, you can ask yourself the
following questions:
• Who created this metric?
• What is this metric’s source of truth?
• How did you create this metric?
• What is the goal for this metric?
• How do we measure success concerning this metric?

Documenting these answers for each metric ensures that the metric is indeed useful to your business.
Documenting also helps you keep track of changes as your business needs change so that you can see
the evolution of your metrics over time. You will be able to track different versions of metrics, when
they changed, who changes them, and the causes for the changes. Documentation provides metadata
about your cost and usage data. Metadata and data cataloging is essential for any company looking to be
a data-driven organization. If businesses are trying to uncover insights from their data by establishing
a sound data governance strategy for their operational, sales, and marketing data, then the business
can apply the same vigor toward their cost and usage data to draw the same insights.
For example, let’s take a generic but useful metric such as IT Spend/Revenue, which explains why
spending on it accounts for the growth of the organization over time by having revenue in the
denominator. To apply governance, identify who created this metric and how they define spending. It
could be what the accounting system says, a subset of cost, or some other method.
This helps you identify the source of truth for those inputs that can help anyone within the organization
to recreate the metric. This also helps build consistency with other departments as they may have
different numbers or purposes for creating a metric. If each team documents how they created the
metric and for what purpose, then this will avoid confusion when interpreting these metrics and
applying them when measuring cost savings. Teams can use different metrics for different audiences.
Implementing governance ensures the business uses metrics for the right purpose.
Enterprises are keen to apply data governance to their enterprise data. Data governance helps with
building a common understanding of data, improving the quality of data, having well-defined processes
for the use of that data, operating within legal restrictions of that data, and more. You can apply the
same discipline to your cost and usage data to build a data-driven practice toward FinOps.
182 Data-Driven FinOps

There are many data governance frameworks out there, but they apply differently to the various data
types. In the next section, I’ll propose a data governance framework for your cost and usage data.
This framework will help you create your own cost and usage metrics that are meaningful to your

Applying a metric governance framework

Organizations will have their own ways of applying metrics governance. Many factors will influence how
companies do this, such as the size of the organization, method of communication, the organization of
teams, and the maturity of their cloud journey. However, we can generalize the application of metrics
governance through a framework.
Companies that have successful metrics governances operate within the bounds of this framework,
which is composed of an approval process, standardization mechanism, monitoring and reporting
cadences, and a central governance team. Let’s take a closer look at each component:

1. It’s common to start with an approval process, which requires that all the metrics are reviewed
to ensure they are clear and relevant to a business function. In this case, the business function
is optimizing the use of cloud resources by either eliminating unnecessary spending or using
what is needed efficiently.
Without an established approval process, you run the risk of metrics sprawl. When teams
can create, share, and report on their metrics, then your business will eventually get duplicate
metrics, metrics that have the same intended meaning but are spelled differently, and other
data quality issues.
An approval process ensures you have good metric hygiene. You don’t want to be in a situation
where you not only lose control of knowing what resources you have within your AWS
environment, but also lose control of the metrics that you’re trying to use to manage those
resources. A central FinOps practice can define the metrics that the business will use and
manage the metadata around those metrics.
2. Next, businesses should define a mechanism to control or identify which metrics can and
should be standardized. One thing I’ve seen customers do is create a tiered hierarchy of metrics.
The metrics that should be standardized and used in production are tier-1 metrics. These are
metrics that teams present on executive reports and are shared among all teams. Tier-2 metrics
are shared within specific teams because they only apply to specific contexts. A simple example
would be the number of active rightsizing recommendations. This metric is of less concern
to executive teams than it is to the technology and FinOps teams. A more useful metric for
executives would be the actual amount saved because of rightsizing compute. Tier-3 metrics
are metrics that are not yet used in production because they need to be refined or because they
don’t provide business value at a point in time.
Creating an effective metrics strategy 183

Standardizing how metrics will be moved between tiers or when they will be promoted to
production helps maintain metric hygiene. With good hygiene, you can use the metrics that
are most meaningful in reports to be shared with the appropriate stakeholders. Without this
mechanism, teams might create duplicate reports, alter existing reports, and likely not delete
unneeded reports. This helps cut down on unnecessary replication of reporting that plagues
so many organizations to the point that most people end up ignoring the reports due to the
abundance of noise.
3. Finally, businesses should define a monitoring and reporting cadence. This ensures that the use
of reports and metrics is reviewed at regular intervals. Without a review, certain metrics and
reports can become stale and meaningless over time. As business needs change, so will the
metrics needed to define the success of the requirements to address those changes. This also
helps teams identify which metrics should be retired or promoted to production.

These efforts help businesses define, manage, and approve metrics that will be used to inform their
FinOps practices. Without a clear process, cost and usage metrics will have little meaning and won’t
provide teams with the data that they need to act. Defining and promoting a metric governance
framework for all teams to follow within a business is a function of a centralized FinOps team. The
personas within a central FinOps team will have the business, technical, and financial expertise to do
this successfully, assuming the team is diverse and made up of the personas listed in the previous section.
Let’s take a closer look at what each persona might do when applying a metrics strategy within an

Metrics strategy persona responsibilities

The three personas to operate on the metrics strategy are the finance, tech, and FinOps personas, as
shown in the following diagram:

Figure 10.1 – FinOps personas for the metrics strategy

184 Data-Driven FinOps

Let’s take a look at these personas in more detail:

• The finance persona is essential to validating KPIs because they are not necessarily tied to
just AWS spending. Enterprises will invest in other items beyond AWS such as research and
development, marketing, and people development. Having experience in defining KPIs for other
domains beyond IT, the finance persona brings valuable experience and insight to a centralized
team to ensure the KPIs with cloud spending will be of value to your business.
• While the finance persona brings breadth, the technology (tech) persona brings depth into the
IT domain. Specifically, the tech persona validates and makes cloud usage data from AWS
available. A finance persona won’t be able to interpret the billing items on an AWS bill as well as
a tech persona whose daily activities require paying attention to AWS usage. The tech persona
can define the metrics within the domain context of FinOps.
• The two personas mentioned previously will feed the FinOps persona their input. The FinOps
persona will lead the process of defining a dashboard, roadmap, or reporting framework with
the required metrics. The FinOps persona is ultimately responsible for delivering those metrics
promptly to all stakeholders.

All three personas are involved in the metrics approval process. Each brings their domain knowledge
to decide on what metrics are meaningful and bring value to the relevant stakeholders. Once they’ve
been approved, they can move toward standardizing how the organization will produce the metric, in
addition to identifying the owner and the process of creating the metric. Then, based on stakeholders’
needs, they decide on the monitoring and reporting cadence, as well as when and how readers will
receive reports.
They own the governance of these metrics. They may not own all the metrics themselves, but they act
as the gatekeepers for defining how a metric will be used, how it will be shared or presented across
the business, and who owns the metric.
With these governance practices in mind, we can move on to creating sound cloud metrics for
your business.

Defining the right metrics

Creating cloud metrics that are meaningful to your organization may not be meaningful at all to
another organization. Like the metrics governance framework, the metrics themselves are contextual
and specific in scope to every organization. So, rather than suggesting specific metrics, I’ll provide a
framework you can use to define metrics for your business. With this framework, you can pose five
questions, in no particular order, to justify the existence and use of a metric. You can refer to these
questions as a kind of litmus test.
Defining the right metrics 185

Five considerations for metrics development

The first question you want to ask is if this metric is substantive. In other words, does the use and
reporting of this metric lead to action? This question essentially justifies the metric’s significance in
bringing business value. You want to ensure that the metric makes a difference to your organization.
A common metric that’s used by many organizations in this regard is the overall spend-to-revenue
ratio. This is a ratio that measures the total cloud spend to the total application revenue.
At face value, this metric might not say much, or it may provide too generic of a view. But, remember,
we’ve assumed that we’ve put strong metrics governance in place first. Under this assumption, we’ve
established good governance and can define the source of truth for this metric’s input. By doing so,
people can rely on the metric and use it as a common language. The metric’s generic applicability also
means it takes into account all the cloud spending in an organization and adjusts for growth over time.
The second question to ask is if the metric is dynamic. There’s quite a mismatch if you use a static
metric to report on the dynamic use of the cloud. Although there are cases to justify static usages such
as RI or SP, most of your cloud usage will be dynamic. Indeed, static usage measures are a specific
component of the broader dynamic compute usage of cloud resources and, generally, variable usage
provides more information than static usage.
Metrics that don’t ever change can’t convey any useful information to your organization. The correct
way to approach metrics is to add dynamism to make them more useful. An example is the untagged
spend rate metric, which represents the percentage of AWS spending that isn’t associated with a cost
allocation tag. This metric only makes sense when you have a robust tagging governance strategy across
your organization. An untagged spending rate that corresponds to a spiky period of high usage can
be very informative. If this pattern is seasonally reoccurring, then you have enough data to warrant
making changes to your service levels.
A helpful gauge to see if your metric is dynamic is if folks within your organization pass over the
metric and simply ignore its existence. This is like walking by a warning sign that you see every day
that cautions you of a slippery floor. Most days, there’s no water on the floor, but someone simply
forgot to remove the sign. If you get into the habit of seeing that sign and expecting no presence of
water, then the sign loses its value. Similarly, if a metric is simply there and glossed over, then it also
loses its value and should be discarded. You want metrics that capture readers’ attention because it
means something to them and the business.
The third question to ask is if the metric is easily understandable. This qualifies the clarity of the metric.
In other words, if the metric is confusing or incomprehensible, it brings no value to your organization
and could cause more headaches. One way to think about the metric is to see if it can be reproduced
and calculated using elementary school-level math. If not, try to use a simpler way to convey the
information and the intended meaning of the metric. There are times when the nomenclature of the
metric itself may not be able to encapsulate the intended meaning of the metric, but an associated
description of the metric should be able to clarify its meaning.
186 Data-Driven FinOps

Let’s take the workload spending-to-transaction ratio as an example. By itself, the metric may cause
confusion, but you may have metadata that points to the metric, describing it as the ratio of workload-
specific cloud spend to an identified demand driver such as the number of transactions or API calls
in the same period. This metric may address a specific technical topic, but it’s not overly complicated
in that you can explain it within 30 seconds of reading it.
The fourth question helps determine whether the metric itself is actionable. Metrics that don’t lead
to cost optimization efforts are interesting but not as valuable as metrics that lead to organizational
change. If the metric you see cannot define an action, then you should question its use.
An example metric could be something such as compute rightsizing recommendations. If a metric
from rightsizing recommendations shows the estimated monthly savings from rightsizing resources
or terminating idle ones, then it provides specific actions that teams can take to realize those savings.
Not all metrics will be this straightforward. Some metrics might lead to two or three additional metrics
before you get to an action item, but all metrics should lead to an actionable insight pointing teams
toward optimization.
The last question to ask is, if you were to remove the metric, would anyone miss it? This qualifies
the scarcity of the metric. This quality helps you scale down the number of metrics useful to your
organization. The pattern we are trying to avoid is drowning your organization in metrics; to avoid
having too much metric noise that folks lose interest and trust in your metrics.
The number of metrics should be inversely proportional to the number of people in your group or
organization. For example, for a group or organization of fewer than five people, you want to keep a
maximum of 20 metrics. This is for folks that are operating metrics on a day-to-day basis. This is also
to discourage metric sprawl but consider it only as a guideline. Conversely, for a group or organization
that contains over 30 people, you want to limit your metrics to around five. This especially applies to
presenting metrics in a conference room setting. Presenting five of the more important metrics will
facilitate a more focused discussion than if you were to present 20 metrics. The main idea is to apply
proper metrics governance to ensure that your business maintains metrics hygiene, such as having
proper AWS resource use hygiene.
Let’s take a closer look at the sample metrics you can use as a starting point.

Cloud metric examples

The following is a list of sample cloud metrics that have successfully helped customers control their
cloud spending on AWS. I have provided definitions and interpretations of the metrics to inspire you
to adopt or tailor them to fit your business needs:

• Bill trend rate: This is a starting metric that shows AWS spend trends over time that can also
help you identify unexpected behavior. You can use AWS Cost Explorer to see the total AWS
cloud spend over a specified period. You can use this to see daily, weekly, monthly, and annual
spending, or any period in between.
Defining the right metrics 187

• Untagged spend rate: This is a ratio of AWS spend that does not correspond to any cost allocation
tag. This helps ensure that every dollar spent on AWS aligns with a business purpose. You should
aim to maximize the number of resources with a cost allocation tag. Setting a business goal such
as keeping the untagged spending rate below 1% ensures that you minimize waste. You can
use AWS Tag Editor and AWS Cost Explorer to apply and view tagged resources, respectively.
A similar metric to this can be untagged resources that set a count of AWS resources without
a cost allocation tag.
• Unallocated spend rate: This metric shows the percentage of total AWS spend that has not been
allocated to a business unit, product line, owner, or any other required tag key. This provides
you with collective accountability and governs your showback/chargeback of AWS spending.
This also encourages teams to maintain good hygiene as you can gamify this system to show a
leaderboard of teams with the highest tagging rate. Teams will be incentivized to rank highest
on the leaderboard when this type of visibility is available to the whole organization.
• Compute rightsizing opportunities: This metric shows the estimated monthly savings from
rightsizing underutilized resources and from terminating idle ones. This metric ensures that
teams are only using what they need. AWS provides these recommendations out-of-the-box
through AWS Cost Explorer, so it requires little overhead to get started. You can ensure teams
follow rightsizing recommendations during monthly reviews, and that they are evaluated by
tech teams. A centralized FinOps function would lead in coordinating these meetings and
facilitating discussion.
• Commitments utilization and coverage rates: These are the percentage of utilization of each
active RI and SP commitment. Separately, the commitment rate shows the percentage of all
eligible on-demand spend not covered by an active RI/SP commitment. You want to maximize
the utilization rate since any below 100% utilization would mean you’re not using what you’ve
already paid for. AWS Cost Explorer’s utilization report can help track this metric. On the
other hand, a 100% coverage rate may not be ideal since you don’t necessarily want all your
compute usage to be at the SP rate, especially if you have spiky or unpredictable workloads. As
outlined in Chapter 6, Optimizing Compute, aiming for a coverage rate between 60% to 80% is
reasonable. Then, using spot instances for spiky, fault-tolerant workloads maximizing savings,
ensure that your business uses RI/SPs for steady-state workloads.
• Non-production spend: This is a metric that shows the ratio of non-production AWS resources
such as Amazon EC2 and RDS to the total applicable 24/7 spending. In other words, non-critical
AWS resources such as those in the testing, staging, and dev environments can and should be
scheduled to run only during office hours.
188 Data-Driven FinOps

• Modernization key: This is more of a tagging strategy to tag resources based on their active
generation. AWS frequently releases new generations of instances. For example, the m1.xlarge
instance is the first generation while the m5.xlarge is the fifth generation. Newer generations
tend to have lower costs and better performance. So, simply upgrading your resources to
the newer generation with all else being equal can help you realize cost savings. By tagging
resources to help you identify which generation is being used, you can compare those resources
to the most recent generation of products that are being offered by AWS. Being aware of AWS’
latest generation announcement is an important component of this, which can be led and
communicated by the central FinOps function.
• Forecast variance: This metric measures the percentage of the change between the actuals and
forecasted values when budgeting. This can be done for your desired time frame (monthly, daily,
and so on). Forecasts help set the right expectations across teams. A metric such as forecast
variance helps avoid bill shock, or unwanted situations when actual costs exceed budgeted
• Bill shock frequency: If you’re at the stage where your AWS cost and usage are relatively
stable, you may want to count the frequency of times when actuals exceed set thresholds. You
should feel in control of your AWS spending and, ideally, avoid any surprises. You can set this
frequency as a metric and recalibrate it based on the observed behavior. You can leverage AWS
Cost Anomaly Detection to help reports on these cases.
• Overall spend-to-revenue ratio: This shows whether your growth in the cloud is correlated to
profits for the organization. This metric is a good starting point but should only be temporary.
The metric is easily affected by external factors such as free tier offerings, marketing campaigns,
and proof-of-concept usage, so consider using it as an initial estimate that provides a back-of-
the-envelope calculation to see costs-to-revenue.
• Workload spending-to-transaction ratio: This is a refined version of the overall spend-
to-revenue ratio. This requires finding a suitable demand driver with a strong correlation
to workload-specific cloud spending. If you’re in the hospitality business, this could be a
workload spending-to-hotel reservations ratio. If you’re in the AdTech space, this could be
a workload spending-to-ad clicks ratio. Adding specificity ensures you have the best possible
demand driver that is unique to your business.

These are example metrics that are meant to get you thinking about metrics that might be useful within
your business. Be sure to not just rely on these metrics alone. Metrics without a business goal are just
interesting tidbits of information. You want to align these metrics to specified goals. For example, you
may have non-production spend metrics that show that 50% of usage occurs during the weekend.
Based on this metric, the FinOps team works with the engineering teams to identify a realistic goal
and expectation for non-production usage. Through collaboration, they may identify that less than
5% is feasible and achievable. With this goal, teams can move toward achieving a non-production
usage rate of 5%.
Leveraging the CUR 189

We’ve covered a lot of ground in identifying the personas for a centralized FinOps function, and
their responsibility in creating, governing, and managing cloud spend metrics that bring value and
insight to the organization. Due to their scope, a centralized function is better equipped to do this at
an organizational scale rather than in individual teams.
So, once we’ve defined our metrics, the question then becomes, how do we track these metrics? How
do we visualize and report on these metrics to drive cost-optimizing change? The best way to do this
natively in AWS is to use the AWS CUR. We’ll take a closer look at this in the next section.

Leveraging the CUR

In Chapter 3, Managing Inventory, we looked at how to use AWS Cost Explorer to quickly and easily
track and monitor AWS cost and usage data. When accessing AWS Cost Explorer from the payer
account, you have visibility into your AWS cost and usage across all AWS accounts in your organization.
It’s easy to get started understanding your cost and usage data with AWS Cost Explorer because it is
free to activate at a click of a button.
However, there are some limitations of Cost Explorer:

• It only provides data for the past 12 months. You will not be able to access cost and usage data
for your AWS resources after a 12-month lookback period.
• Second, there are limitations around how granularly you are able to view your data. For example,
Cost Explorer’s user interface only provides aggregate, group by views on a single dimension –
you won’t be able to group by both AWS account ID and service type in one view.
• Third, it may not contain all the information you need to meet certain analysis requirements,
such as seeing at what hourly rate AWS charged your usage, or the stock keeping unit (SKU)
for the consumed resource.
• Lastly, Cost Explorer’s UI doesn’t provide the level of flexibility you need to track your defined
metrics. It can display your defined tags after you activate them but you won’t be able to create
any custom metrics using the UI. Therefore, the better approach is to use the AWS CUR.

The AWS CUR is an alternative dataset that provides visibility into your AWS spending data. The
CUR provides a more comprehensive view of your cost and usage compared to Cost Explorer. When
you create a CUR report, you select the Amazon S3 bucket where you wish to designate AWS to send
your cost and usage data. The following screenshot shows a setup where I specified the S3 bucket
and report path prefix at an hourly time granularity with data integration with the Amazon Athena
service. AWS automatically compresses the data in Parquet format:
190 Data-Driven FinOps

Figure 10.2 – Setting up the AWS CUR

Once you configure the CUR, it can take up to 24 hours for AWS to deliver the first report to your S3
bucket. AWS will deliver data at least once per day. Thus, although the CUR doesn’t provide data in
real time, it will at least provide an hourly point-in-time report of your cost and usage. Whenever your
CUR data is available in your S3 bucket, you have a lot of flexibility in how you can query, visualize,
and share that data to meet your business needs. The following screenshot shows how you can directly
query the CUR data with S3 Select:
Leveraging the CUR 191

Figure 10.3 – Querying CUR with S3 Select

The following screenshot shows the results of that query directly beneath where you enter the query
command. S3 Select provides an easy way to query your data in Amazon S3 without having to move
it to another data store. The query simply returns the first 20 line items from this sample account’s
CUR. The results are Saving Plans monthly fees for a variety of Compute Savings Plans types. If you
run this query on your own CUR, then the results will differ since each AWS account has a unique
usage pattern. You can see the results of the query highlighted in the following screenshot:

Figure 10.4 – S3 Select query results

With Amazon S3 Select, you can run simple SQL queries directly on your CUR data to filter the
contents of the Parquet file AWS delivers to your specified S3 bucket. You can run a simple query and
download the results. This is useful for ad hoc analyses but does not scale well to meet our long-term
FinOps goals. We must turn to other methods, but the foundation is set in activating our CUR so
that we have our cost and usage data.
Let’s look at the CUR more closely and see how we can integrate other services with our data.
192 Data-Driven FinOps

Accessing the CUR in Amazon S3

AWS automatically partitions your CUR data by year and then by month. When you select the S3
bucket that holds your CUR data, you’ll notice aws-programmatic-test-object, which AWS
places there to verify that it can deliver reports to your designated bucket:

Figure 10.5 – Verifying that AWS can deliver CUR data

You can select the CUR prefix and then navigate to the prefix that you specified when you configured
your CUR reports. In the following screenshot, you can see that my prefix is masterCUR/ and that
AWS automatically partitioned my data first by year:

Figure 10.6 – Partitioned CUR data

Leveraging the CUR 193

Drilling down even further into each year prefix, you’ll find that the CUR data is then partitioned
by month. We can use this to our advantage; we can use SQL to filter data to access only the data we
need for a specific time, or we can set up an automated process to create new databases and tables for
newly delivered files. To do the latter, we’ll use AWS Glue, which we will turn to next.

Integrating AWS Glue with the CUR

AWS Glue is a serverless extract, transform, load (ETL) service that allows you to categorize, transform,
and transport your data from one data source to another. Glue is serverless, meaning that there is no
need for you to manage, secure, or maintain any underlying infrastructure. You can think of an AWS
Glue job as a compute service that simply executes your data transformation logic. You pay for the
time it takes for the job to complete, and then AWS automatically deprovisions the compute capacity,
abstracting the infrastructure management away from your operations.
Within AWS Glue, you can use a Glue Crawler to populate an AWS Glue data catalog with tables. The
crawler automatically examines your data sources, identifies the schema, and writes the metadata to
a data catalog. The crawler is also serverless, freeing you from the undifferentiated work of managing
any hardware or software to maintain your crawler. We can use this to our advantage to schedule a
Glue crawler to automatically scan CUR data for new months and populate a data catalog. Then, we
can reference this data catalog when we run ad hoc or regular queries with Athena.
In the AWS Management Console, you can initiate a Glue crawler by adding a crawler to the Glue
console. Follow these steps:

1. Give your crawler a name:

Figure 10.7 – Creating a Glue crawler

2. Choose S3 as the data store.

194 Data-Driven FinOps

3. Point to where your CUR data is in Amazon S3:

Figure 10.8 – Selecting a data store in Glue

4. Provide the Glue crawler with the appropriate IAM permissions to access the S3 data store.
5. Specify a frequency for how often you want the crawler to run. In this case, we will use a daily
frequency of 20:00 UTC:
Leveraging the CUR 195

Figure 10.9 – Creating a crawler schedule

6. Select the database where you will store the crawler’s output:

Figure 10.10 – Designating the crawler output

196 Data-Driven FinOps

7. Once your crawler runs, you’ll find the output within AWS Glue Data Catalog. You can select
the created database and see the table properties, as shown in the following screenshot. We
have 381,393 records for this particular job run:

Figure 10.11 – Glue crawler output

Now that we have our metadata stored and accessible in a central data catalog, we can use Amazon
Athena to query our data and create contextualized reports for the appropriate audience. We’ll see
how we can do that next.

Querying CUR with Amazon Athena

In the Amazon Athena console, we can query our CUR data with the query editor. Our data source is
in the AWS data catalog, and you specify the database that you created from the Glue crawler job in
the previous section. You’ll find that the table is available because the Glue crawler output has been
saved to the Glue data catalog. Athena easily integrates with the Glue data catalog so that you can
quickly query data with little effort.
The following screenshot shows a simple query that shows the first 10 rows, as well as all the columns:
Leveraging the CUR 197

Figure 10.12 – Querying CUR with Athena

Business analysts and data professionals comfortable with SQL will feel at home using Athena to
slice and dice data. This provides your teams with more flexibility in viewing cost and usage data and
creating reports than the views Cost Explorer provides out of the box. At a cost of a little more setup,
you gain more customizability to analyze cost data.
Here are some example queries that can help you get started. You can add a WHERE clause to specify a
date range, but given the highly contextual nature of the date, I’ve removed them from this sample query:

• Find the top 10 costs by account ID:

SELECT "line_item_usage_account_id", round(sum("line_

item_unblended_cost"),2) as cost from"<your_
GROUP BY "line_item_usage_account_id"
ORDER BY cost desc

• Find the top 10 costs by product code:

SELECT "line_item_product_code", round(sum("line_item_

unblended_cost"),2) as cost from"<your_database>"."<your_
GROUP BY "line_item_product_code"
ORDER BY cost desc
198 Data-Driven FinOps

• Find the top EC2 OnDemand Costs:

SELECT "line_item_product_code", "line_item_line_item_

description", round(sum("line_item_unblended_cost"),2) as
cost from"<your_database>"."<your_table>"
WHERE "line_item_product_code" like '%AmazonEC2%' and
"line_item_usage_type" like '%BoxUsage%'
GROUP BY "line_item_product_code", "line_item_line_item_
ORDER BY cost desc

• Find the top 20 costs by line item description and the Tag team (note that TAG must exist and
be configured as a billing tag because these won’t show up in the reports by default):

SELECT "bill_payer_account_id", "product_product_

name", "line_item_usage_type", "line_item_line_
item_description", resource_tags_user_team,
round(sum(line_item_unblended_cost),2) as cost
WHERE length("resource_tags_user_team") >0
GROUP BY "resource_tags_user_team", "bill_payer_account_
id", "product_product_name", "line_item_usage_type",
ORDER BY cost desc

There are many other types of queries you can run. You can also save queries to set up repeatable
processes, save and share views, and even materialize those views into other data stores to create a
broader ecosystem of cost and usage data for your organization. The following screenshot shows
sample saved queries within Athena:
Leveraging the CUR 199

Figure 10.13 – Accessing saved Athena queries

As a centralized FinOps team that wants to provide cost and usage for other teams and other AWS
accounts, you can run recurring Athena queries each time new CUR data is delivered to an S3 bucket.
Then, you can filter out the information for the sub-accounts, or distinct teams, and write the output
to target S3 locations for the teams to access.
By facilitating the sharing of cost and usage data across your organizations, teams have better visibility
into their AWS spending. This visibility not only helps report on teams’ cost performance but also
creates accountability to ensure teams are operating within budget.
The transformative ability of Athena will allow you to create metrics and integrate them into your
CUR reports. You can use standard SQL to aggregate data, calculate custom fields, and create views
that reflect the metrics that are important to your business. This can be done using SQL, but we’ll
focus on how we can manipulate our data visually next.
Now that we can query our data using SQL, let’s turn to how we can visualize our cost and usage data
using Amazon QuickSight by referencing the table available in Athena.

Visualizing CUR data with Amazon QuickSight

You can use QuickSight to create visuals, share them among colleagues, and even embed them
within applications. For our purposes, QuickSight will help create reports and dashboards for teams
and leadership to understand how the business is spending on AWS resources. For FinOps teams,
QuickSight can be used to uncover insights about cost and usage data and to find areas to optimize.
200 Data-Driven FinOps

Once you get set up using QuickSight, you must create a new dataset. You can choose from several
different data sources both within your AWS environment and external data and storage providers.
In our case, we’ll select Athena as the dataset source since our CUR has already been cataloged and
available through Athena. As shown in the following screenshot, we will select the database and table
we want to use for visualization:

Figure 10.14 – Athena as the source for QuickSight

QuickSight allows you to import your dataset to SPICE for quicker analytics. SPICE is QuickSight’s
super-fast, parallel, in-memory calculation engine. It is an in-memory engine that allows for very fast
query capabilities. You have a limit on the amount of data you can store in memory using SPICE before
you have to pay for additional storage. You can select visualize to start using QuickSight.
My intent here isn’t to provide a detailed walkthrough of how to use QuickSight. There are many publicly
available resources you can access to get a better grasp of QuickSight. Rather, I intend to show you that
QuickSight can be a tool that you can use to produce the visual analyses and dashboarding abilities
you need to generate meaningful insights from your data. Data-driven insights that shape behavior
and help you move toward your optimization goals are critical to any FinOps practice. Therefore,
whether you use Cost Explorer, QuickSight, an external or partner product, or a combination of all
these, creating visualizations will be an important part of your FinOps toolkit.
The following screenshot shows a horizontal bar chart of spending by AWS account ID and product
name. A filter ensures that only costs exceeding 50 dollars are displayed on the graph to ignore
inconsequential spending. This highlights the top spending by account and product:
Leveraging the CUR 201

Figure 10.15 – Visualizing spending in QuickSight

Dashboards like the one shown in the preceding screenshot can be distributed to the necessary team
members. QuickSight provides three ways to do this:

1. You can share the dashboard with specific users or groups. As a QuickSight administrator, you
can manage various users within QuickSight. You can also enable access for all users within
an AWS account. So, if you’re using an AWS account designed for FinOps reporting purposes,
all users within the account would have read permissions on your dashboards, so long as they
are shared with them.
2. Alternatively, you can email the report on a schedule. You simply set the schedule and input
other information such as a title, subject, and body text if desired. Select the recipients, and
QuickSight will distribute them to your user list on the schedule you specify. The following
screenshot shows an example of this in the QuickSight console:
202 Data-Driven FinOps

Figure 10.16 – Sharing dashboards via email

If you don’t want to inundate folks with emailed reports, you can share the view as a link. Only
people with dashboard permissions can access the link.
3. Lastly, if you are building an application that your FinOps function can use to aggregate cost
and usage, then you can embed these QuickSight dashboards within your application using
the QuickSight embedded analytics function. Although it requires the Enterprise Edition of
QuickSight, it frees users from having to log directly into QuickSight to access reports. Instead,
you can bring QuickSight to your end users if they are already using another tool or application
to run their job functions.
Leveraging the CUR 203

Creating metrics with QuickSight

Creating visuals using just the raw data in the CUR is only the first step. You can create calculated
fields with QuickSight to align your reports with your defined metrics, as we learned at the beginning
of this chapter. We’ll use an example calculated field to see how we can create custom metrics for use
with our dashboards.
Let’s say we want to show usage for every hour by purchase type. In other words, we want to capture
metrics on what payment options Amazon EC2 teams are using for their workloads. If our organization
metric was to optimize usage by leveraging 60% as reserved instance pricing and 20% as spot pricing,
then we can use a calculated field to capture this information. Measuring the purchase type will help
you optimize cost since the alternative would be to use 100% on-demand instances, which are the most
expensive. By leveraging our types of payment options for Amazon EC2, you’ll experience immediate
savings, and capturing this type of metric will ensure teams are using the most appropriate payment
option when it comes to paying for compute.
You can add a calculated field by selecting the + Add button in QuickSight and then selecting Add
calculated field:

Figure 10.17 – Adding a calculated field

204 Data-Driven FinOps

When you add a calculated field, you have the option to use built-in functions such as the average, sum,
median, and count, as well as logic statements (if, greater than, less than, and so on) to manipulate your
cost and usage data in ways that are meaningful to your business. Alternatively, you can apply formulas
to obtain the desired metric. For example, the following formula sets PaymentOption to Spot if
lineitem/usagetype is SpotUsage. Otherwise, if product/usagetype is BoxUsage,
then PaymentOption will be pricing/term; otherwise, it will be other:

ifelse(split({line_item_usage_type},':',1) =
usagetype},':',1), 8) = 'BoxUsage',{pricing_term},'other'))

You can input the formula directly into the box, as shown in the following screenshot, and then click
on Save to create the calculated field:

Figure 10.18 – Creating a calculated field

With this calculated field, you can apply necessary filters to categorize spot versus on-demand versus
reserved instance use. The following screenshot shows a custom filter list applied to include (or
exclude) records that contain specific values. We will apply this filter to see only the three payment
options for Amazon EC2:
Leveraging the CUR 205

Figure 10.19 – Applying a custom filter list

The result is the chart shown in the following screenshot. We apply the filter to show a line graph
differentiating by payment option:
206 Data-Driven FinOps

Figure 10.20 – Visualizing payment option usage for EC2

Here, we can see the hourly usage for the three Amazon EC2 payment options. Based on this visual,
we can see which purchase options teams are using to deploy Amazon EC2 resources.
In this section, you learned how to use Amazon QuickSight as a data visualization tool to create
reports of your CUR. This provides greater flexibility than Cost Explorer as you have more options
to slice and dice, as well as present your data to your users. You also have more flexibility by being
able to embed these dashboards into existing applications. You now have a good grasp of using a
variety of native AWS tools such as Glue, Athena, and QuickSight to draw more insights from your
comprehensive CUR data.

In this chapter, you discovered the importance of establishing a centralized FinOps function. You
looked at the reasons for doing so and the types of personas to include to make up such a function.
Then, you learned about a key responsibility for these cross-functional teams, which is to create an
effective metrics strategy.
Further reading 207

Then, you learned that an effective metrics strategy comes with a solid foundation in metrics governance.
You want to be able to trust the metric data that you will be using to drive your FinOps efforts. You
looked at the requirements and processes needed to build the right metrics governance strategy.
After that, you learned how to create the right metrics for your business and looked at some
examples in the process. These metrics will provide the data you need, which will eventually turn
into actionable insights.
Lastly, you used more advanced analytics tools to track and visualize your cost and usage data, as well
as your custom metrics. You learned how to integrate the comprehensive CUR data with other AWS
services such as Glue, Athena, and QuickSight. You also learned how to use Athena to create custom
metrics that you can use to track your cost optimization performance across your organization, and
how you can use QuickSight to visualize those results.
In the next chapter, we will look at some more advanced techniques that involve using these tools and
see how we can empower teams to own cost savings themselves.

Further reading
To learn more about the topics that were covered in this chapter, take a look at the following resources:

• AWS. 2022. How the Cost and Usage Report Works:
• AWS. 2022. What is AWS Glue?:
• AWS. 2022. How workgroups work:
• AWS. 2022. Setting up for Amazon QuickSight:
• AWS. 2022. Embedding overview:
• AWS. 2022. Adding text filters:
Driving FinOps Autonomously
In the previous chapter, we laid the groundwork for creating and governing the right metrics for our
FinOps purposes. We need data to track how well we are moving toward our FinOps goals. We used
a framework to define how we will capture and manage that data through meaningful metrics. We
also looked at doing this through a cross-functional, centralized team made up of various personas
within our organization. We also took an introductory glance at using several AWS analytical tools
to query and visualize our cost and usage data.
In this chapter, we’ll learn about more advanced techniques for leveraging these tools to help you
drive FinOps for your organization. We’ll broaden our use of AWS services to incorporate messaging,
application integration, and machine learning (ML) to make our FinOps efforts more robust.
In this chapter, we’re going to cover the following main topics:

• Creating a self-service FinOps portal

• Forecasting spending using ML-driven insights
• Forecasting cost and usage with Amazon Forecast
• Automating cost optimization within operations
• Integrating Trusted Advisor with other AWS services

Creating a self-service FinOps portal

We have covered much ground in using many AWS services to build the visibility you need to enable
your FinOps practice. First, we looked at AWS Cost and Usage Reports (CUR) as the dataset to fuel
our cost visibility. Then, we looked at AWS Glue to crawl our data and catalog our metadata. After,
we looked at Athena as a tool to query our data, and QuickSight to visualize it. Putting all these pieces
together does take time, and can take longer to build the processes you need to operationalize these
into a FinOps practice. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to deploy all these resources at once and start
with a baseline template that you can use to iterate as your FinOps practice matures?
210 Driving FinOps Autonomously

This is where AWS’ Enterprise Dashboard solutions can come in to help remove the complexities
in building these solutions and streamline the process of making these dashboards available. AWS
provides a series of out-of-the-box dashboard templates that you can use to gain insight into your
cost and usage, as well as enabling your FinOps team to better understand the cost landscape of AWS
environments to find opportunities to optimize.
The ability to quickly deploy these solutions requires us to better understand AWS’ infrastructure as
code (IaC) offering. That is what we’ll look at next before we dive deeper into the dashboards.

Understanding AWS CloudFormation

AWS CloudFormation is an IaC service that helps you define and model your AWS resources. You
define what AWS resources you want to use in a template. Then, you use that template and instruct AWS
to provision the resources you defined in the template for deployment. In this way, CloudFormation is
a declarative IaC tool. Using CloudFormation helps you provision resources quickly. An alternative way
to provision AWS resources is to do so through the AWS Management Console via a series of point-
and-click actions. This method has its advantages as users can see what resources and configurations
they will use through a user interface. However, it takes time to select all the options. Additionally,
doing this at scale is less efficient when you have repetitive processes.
Codifying your steps by declaring the AWS resources you want to provision through code is a much
more efficient, scalable, and secure way to deploy AWS resources. Not only can you reuse the same
template to deploy resources in different accounts and AWS Regions, but you can version control your
templates to streamline operations as well.
There are a few reasons why deploying your AWS resources using an IaC service such as CloudFormation
can help control your AWS spending:

• It helps you stay within budget. Since the AWS resources that will be deployed through
CloudFormation are predefined, you can expect your costs to be as planned. For example, if you
know you will be deploying 10 specific instance types to support a particular workload, you’ll
know how much you’ll be spending per hour, assuming you’ve already researched to find out
how much each of those instances will cost per hour. The CloudFormation template will have
already specified those 10 instances, so you’ll know what you’ll be paying after deployment.
On the contrary, if you expect teams to deploy resources without a controlled IaC template
such as CloudFormation, then your costs will be more unexpected.
• On a related note, CloudFormation simplifies your infrastructure management, so you only
deploy the resources you need. Assuming teams have clearly defined the workload needs and
outlined the required resources, CloudFormation will help teams adhere to deploying only
those resources they need, reducing the risks of unnecessary resources that contribute to costs.

Using the CloudFormation services doesn’t cost anything. You only pay for the resources CloudFormation
deploys, as declared by your template. In that sense, CloudFormation doesn’t provide any direct
Creating a self-service FinOps portal 211

cost savings over any other method of provisioning resources, but it is helpful to understand how
CloudFormation works as we move into the next section of deploying Enterprise Dashboards through

Getting to know AWS’ Enterprise Dashboards

AWS provides out-of-the-box solutions that your organization can use to manage cloud costs. These
solutions use the AWS services we covered in the previous chapter to build dashboards that help you
view and analyze your AWS cloud spending. For example, with these dashboards, you can create
chargeback and showback reports to see how teams are performing when managing their cloud costs,
view how teams are using Savings Plans and reserved instances, track spot instance usage, and track
unit metrics based on your defined tags.
You can use the steps outlined in this section to create a Cloud Cost Intelligence Dashboard framework.
You can choose to do this at the AWS Organization level to view costs across your organization. You
can also provide this framework for individual teams to implement within their AWS accounts. Teams
can leverage this self-service approach to create their own cost and usage portals and see how they
are performing concerning organizational standards. It also reduces the need for teams to configure
each required AWS resource separately. Teams can use CloudFormation to deploy the solution in
a self-service manner, removing the need for members to have in-depth technical knowledge or
understanding of AWS services.
These dashboards begin with AWS CUR as the most comprehensive set of cost and usage data available
for AWS accounts. Starting with this data source, you can aggregate your costs across all AWS accounts
within your AWS Organization, or separate your costs by accounts and/or cost allocation tags and
cost categories.
Now, let’s see how we can integrate these services to build the metrics visibility we need to scale our
FinOps efforts.

Setting up the dashboards

Regarding the prerequisites, you will need to enable the following services:

• Set up AWS CUR for your account

• Get started with using Amazon Athena by setting a query location in Amazon S3
• Enable Amazon QuickSight

Please refer to the previous chapter to get these set up.

Once you have set up CUR and AWS sends the CUR data to your designated Amazon S3 bucket,
you will have access to the crawler-cfn.yml file within the Amazon S3 bucket. The following
screenshot shows this file within Amazon S3:
212 Driving FinOps Autonomously

Figure 11.1 – Accessing the crawler-cfn.yml file

You can typically find this file within the file path, which follows the <your-S3-bucket-name>/
cur/<your-cur-report-name>/crawler-cfn.yml pattern.
You will reference this file in the next section when you deploy a CloudFormation stack. When you
access the AWS CloudFormation page in the AWS Management Console, you can choose to upload
a template file or reference a file by providing the Amazon S3 URL. The following screenshot shows
the option to upload a template file for deploying the stack:

Figure 11.2 – Uploading a CloudFormation template

Creating a self-service FinOps portal 213

Important note
You will notice that the template that was uploaded to CloudFormation was in YML format.
You can also provide the template in JSON format.

Next, you can add tags, configure rollback configurations, set up notifications, and more to set up
advanced options.
On the final page before deployment, you can review your options and acknowledge that CloudFormation
will create resources on your behalf, as shown in the following screenshot. Sometimes, CloudFormation
templates create roles through AWS IAM resources, which make changes to your AWS environment.
These roles are required to perform specific tasks and so long as you are aware of what the template
intends to do with your environment, you will not see any unnecessary or unexpected changes. Keep
in mind that the CloudFormation service itself does not incur costs. However, the resources that
are deployed by CloudFormation may incur costs, such as if you deploy an Amazon EC2 instance
through CloudFormation. In that case, you will be charged normal Amazon EC2 hourly rates. Thus,
CloudFormation wants to ensure that you intend to deploy the template and all its subsequent actions
for resource provisioning:

Figure 11.3 – Acknowledging CloudFormation resources

Once you create the stack, CloudFormation will deploy the resources as defined by your template.
In this case, CloudFormation creates several IAM roles that provide certain AWS services with the
necessary permissions to invoke and access other AWS resources. Services such as AWS Lambda
assume these roles and can run tasks such as initiating an AWS Glue crawler job and sending event
notifications. The CloudFormation template also creates an AWS Glue table to catalog your cost and
usage data. The following screenshot shows CloudFormation’s progress as it deploys these resources:
214 Driving FinOps Autonomously

Figure 11.4 – CloudFormation provisioning resources

Once CloudFormation provisions these resources, you have everything that you need to create the
dashboards necessary to report on your cost and usage data. Using CloudFormation, we’ve automated
the steps of setting up the resources we need for our teams to implement these solutions on their
own. In this way, teams can leverage this self-service mechanism to set up these dashboards within
their accounts if necessary.
The last step is to set up the dashboards themselves in QuickSight. We already have the data integration
between CUR and Amazon Athena. We did this when we activated CUR. We also learned how to
create dashboards in the previous chapter using QuickSight.
Fortunately, AWS provides a command-line tool that helps us quickly and easily set up these dashboards
with a few commands. All we need to do is to install the Cloud Intelligence Dashboard (CID) Python
automation package and then deploy the dashboards. You can do these steps by running the CID-cmd
deploy command on your local shell or in AWS CloudShell on the Management Console.

What is CloudShell?
AWS provides CloudShell, which allows you to interact with your AWS environment and
resources in a browser-based shell. When you use CloudShell, you are already authenticated
with the credentials you used to log into the AWS Management Console. This provides an easy
way to use shell commands to interact with your AWS account.
Creating a self-service FinOps portal 215

The following screenshot shows deploying the CUDOS dashboard in CloudShell. You can use the
commands shown here to deploy the solution:

Figure 11.5 – AWS CloudShell

The CID-cmd deploy command allows you to choose among several Enterprise Dashboard types.
CUDOS Dashboard is a CID that provides a foundation for your cost management and optimization
reporting tools. This is an interactive, customizable, and interactive dashboard that uses Amazon
QuickSight to help you gain visibility into your cost and usage.
Next, let’s see this dashboard in action.

Using the Cloud Intelligence Dashboard

AWS provides a demo dashboard for your reference. We’ll use this dashboard throughout this section
as it helps set a shared baseline. Since this dashboard is customizable, using the demo version will
ensure there are no differences between users.
216 Driving FinOps Autonomously

The Billing Summary dashboard (Figure 11.6) provides a snapshot of the cost and usage of your
actual cloud spending. This provides teams and executives with visibility into historical and forecasted
spending and how they are trending over time for both invoiced and amortized costs. This summary
page is a great first step to checking the overall cloud spending. Then, you can drill down into specific
cost and usage patterns:

Figure 11.6 – Billing Summary dashboard

For example, the Billing Summary dashboard provides a visual for Invoiced Spend Trend. This
chart provides an overall view of invoiced spending for the whole AWS Organization (Figure 11.7).
AWS categorizes invoiced spending by usage, reserved instance fees, Savings Plans fees, and others.
Although the default view is aggregated for all AWS accounts, you can select the visual and control
to view spending by account ID or account name. Furthermore, since these visuals are ultimately
available in Amazon QuickSight, you can customize the dashboard to view cost and usage by some
other dimension such as team or cost center:
Creating a self-service FinOps portal 217

Figure 11.7 – The Billing Summary dashboard zoomed into Invoiced Spend

The CUDOS dashboard provides two other executive-level views – the RI/SP Summary view and the
month-over-month or MoM Trends view. The MoM Trends view (Figure 11.8) informs you of usage
trends over a set period. You can see how teams’ usage of specific AWS products changes over months
as well as the spend usage patterns for particular accounts within your organization:
218 Driving FinOps Autonomously

Figure 11.8 – The MoM Trends view

The RI/SP Summary view (Figure 11.9) combines your reserved instance and Savings Plans purchases
in one place. For a given month, you can see how much of your commitments you’ve leveraged to
experience savings. You’ll see what teams benefited from these savings in addition to the applications
if you’ve been tagging your resource use properly with application tags:

Figure 11.9 – The RI/SP Summary view

Creating a self-service FinOps portal 219

You can also view amortized spending by purchase to see how well you are leveraging the on-demand,
steady-state, and spot prices across your AWS accounts. By default, the view applies to all AWS
accounts within your enterprise. You can filter by specific AWS accounts, or apply any custom
filters via the QuickSight interface. The bottom views show potential future savings by highlighting
the hourly Amazon EC2 costs by pricing model to show where your current coverage rate is at.
The preceding screenshot shows the Compute Savings Plans’ eligible savings to highlight areas of
opportunity to optimize.
The dashboard provides focused visibility into your compute and storage costs. The following
screenshot shows the Compute Summary view, where the dashboard breaks down your compute
spend by purchase option. You can see how well your enterprise has adopted Spot and Savings Plans
to optimize your compute spend. The default view also provides visibility into compute spending by
AWS account ID, EC2 instance type, and even AWS Lambda usage:

Figure 11.10 – Compute Summary view

The Compute Summary view contains other widgets to help you find opportunities to optimize.
For example, it provides recommendations to upgrade to newer-generation instance families to
take advantage of lower costs. It also presents insights toward purchasing additional Savings Plans
for optimization.
In addition to compute optimizations, the dashboard provides a storage optimization view for
both Amazon S3 and database solutions on AWS. The following screenshot highlights the storage
optimization views for both use cases:
220 Driving FinOps Autonomously

Figure 11.11 – Storage optimization views

The views for Amazon S3 break down your storage cost by storage tiers. You can use this information
to see how teams are leveraging the various storage tiers to take advantage of lower storage costs. The
view also aggregates S3 storage usage, similar to how Amazon S3 Storage Lens aggregates storage costs
across your organization (see Chapter 7, Optimizing Storage).
For databases, the view provides insight into database reserved instances use to ensure you’re
optimizing usage for databases, especially if their workload patterns are steady-state. There are alerts
for idle databases, which will further reduce your storage costs since these will help you deprovision
resources to prevent you from paying for unneeded resources. And, like compute, the view shows you
opportunities to leverage the latest (and cheapest) generation of databases to optimize.
For network optimization, the dashboard has a Data Transfer Summary view that aggregates
networking costs, as discussed in Chapter 8, Optimizing Networking. The following screenshot shows
the different visuals available under the Data Transfer Summary view:

Figure 11.12 – The Data Transfer Summary view

Creating a self-service FinOps portal 221

You’ll see data transfer costs by account and by type, which will help you zero in on which accounts
and applications are contributing most to your networking costs. You’ll also find recommendations
for reducing data transfer costs as the view presents opportunities to optimize by inspecting idle load
balancers and NAT gateways.

What are NAT gateways?

NAT gateways help you improve your security posture by allowing network connectivity out to
the public internet within private subnets. Typically, you need resources to be placed in public
subnets to obtain public internet access, but sometimes, you only want to egress traffic out to
the internet from your secure Amazon VPC. NAT gateways make this possible.

Customers often struggle to demystify their data transfer costs. The Data Transfer Summary view
helps you understand how data transfer costs are accumulated within your organization. Some visuals
show your data transfer usage ranked by highest to lowest for each region, AWS account, and resource.
These are provided out of the box so that you can easily access this information. Understanding where
your highest data transfer usage is within the enterprise is the first step in finding ways to optimize
that usage.
The AI/ML Summary view contains visuals and recommendations for the topics we covered in
Chapter 9, Optimizing Cloud-Native Environments. First, it provides recommendations to optimize
AI/ML-based workloads. It suggests using Spot for SageMaker training jobs, which can reduce your
training costs by up to 90%. It suggests auto-detecting idle notebook instances to turn them off on a
schedule to remove waste. This ensures these data science workstations are only incurring costs when
data scientists are using them. It suggests auto-scaling for your model endpoints to adjust the scaling
policy based on CloudWatch metrics so that your model endpoint deployments are optimized. Naturally,
it recommends using SageMaker Savings Plans to reduce costs for folks within your organizations
that regularly use SageMaker.
The following screenshot shows charts within the AI/ML view, which differentiates costs by instance
type and usage type. The chart by instance type can help you identify instances that may be over-
provisioned. One of SageMaker’s benefits is that you can decouple data science exploration and script
development from the training and inference steps. In other words, you have the flexibility to develop
training scripts and code your ML workflows on a relatively smaller (and cheaper) ML instance type
but use more powerful CPU- or GPU-based instances for model training and deployment. You’re not
tied to using a faster or more expensive instance type because you can leverage the elasticity of the
cloud to use the compute resources you need on demand. If you identify that many data scientists
are using more expensive instance types than they need, you can lower costs by right-sizing their
development environments:
222 Driving FinOps Autonomously

Figure 11.13 – The AI/ML view

You can also differentiate between the SageMaker usage types to break down what the costs are between
model development, training, and inference. Generally, inference is going to cost more when you are
using ML-based workloads at scale. This is because inference has a longer lifespan than training or
development. You want to have a useful ML model running for years providing valuable inference
opportunities. The training time to build that model will likely not have taken years to develop. You
can use this data to see the cost ratio between model development and training to model endpoints
and optimize your processes for both.
In this section, we looked at native AWS solutions for cost visibility and analysis using your cost and
usage data. We looked at how you can easily build cost and usage dashboards for folks across your
enterprise to give them the visibility they need on your AWS spending. We also learned about using
CloudFormation to deploy resources quickly and efficiently through code. Everything we discussed
involved looking at our cost and usage in the past to see what we can improve in the future.
Next, we will shift our time horizon to look to the future by seeing how we can leverage some native
AWS tools to forecast our AWS spending using ML-driven insights.

Forecasting spending using ML-driven insights

An integral part of managing costs and spending is planning what your costs will be in the future.
Thoughtful planning has the advantage of you getting ahead of yourself and making sure your AWS
spending is within budget. We saw a bit of this in Chapter 4, Planning and Metrics Tracking, where we
learned about budgeting and cost anomaly detection using AWS Budgets and AWS Cost Explorer,
respectively. We’ll expand more into the forecasting side of things in this section.
Forecasting is the process of predicting or estimating your AWS spending based on past and present
data. But it can also be based on new organizational initiatives and the workloads they entail to
help launch a product or service for your enterprise. If you can plan your costs ahead of time and
Forecasting spending using ML-driven insights 223

communicate these estimated but expected charges to the appropriate stakeholders, then you’re less
likely to be surprised by a sudden spike in charges and questioned by leadership.
However, because these are just estimates, the actual values may deviate significantly from your
expectations. These are called prediction intervals. If a prediction interval is high, the forecast will
most likely have a wider range. Let’s say you expect your next month’s total AWS spending to be $100.
An 80% prediction interval might say that 80% of the time, the actual AWS spend will be somewhere
between $90 to $110. In other words, 20% of the time, your actual AWS spending will not be between
$90 to $110.
Cost Explorer has a native forecasting function built into its user interface and provides an 80%
prediction interval for forecasts. You can use this forecast to explore what your AWS costs will be
based on your historical usage. You can see Cost Explorer’s forecasting in the following screenshot.
Based on the daily costs, Cost Explorer provides an 80% prediction interval for the next 18 days:

Figure 11.14 – Cost Explorer forecast

You can observe that the prediction intervals increase farther away from the current and past data.
This is because the range of the prediction interval is dependent on your historical spend volatility.
If you have more consistent usage (for example, steady-state workloads), Cost Explorer will show
narrower prediction ranges.
Cost Explorer’s limitation is that it cannot provide forecasts when your charts are grouped by a selected
dimension. For example, you will not be able to see forecasts by account ID or AWS service name.
These forecasts are only available in an aggregate view. You can, however, see forecasts for individual
accounts if you access an individual account’s Cost Explorer. However, this view is unavailable at the
payer or management account level.
224 Driving FinOps Autonomously

Also, Cost Explorer only provides data for the last 12 months. That is, your historical cost and usage, as
well as the forecasts, are only based on the past trailing 12 months. If you’ve been working with AWS
for 2 years already, the first year of cost and usage data is not included in Cost Explorer’s features. If
having the complete cost and usage historical data is important, then AWS CUR is a better alternative,
assuming you activated CUR when you first started with AWS.
Let’s assume you do have cost and usage data for your entire AWS journey, and that you want to develop
forecasts based on your full cost and usage data. What can you do? You can leverage Amazon Forecast,
an ML service that delivers highly accurate time-series forecasts. We’ll turn our attention to this next.

Forecasting cost and usage with Amazon Forecast

Amazon Forecast is best suited for time-series data. Time-series data is data collected over a period
that shows changes over time. This is well suited for CUR data since AWS collects your cost and
usage data with a daily time interval. Amazon Forecast expects your data to have a timestamp field
that aligns with the CUR schema since the cost and usage line-item column has this format already.

Important note
Amazon Forecast has costs associated with its usage. Strongly consider whether using an
artificial intelligence (AI)-based service is worth the investment since ML-related costs tend to
be more expensive than storage, compute, and networking hourly costs. I present this solution
as an option but it may not be suitable for everyone.

To get started, access the Amazon Forecast console page and create a dataset group. This is the first
step since you need to define what your time-series data will be for forecasting. Provide a name for
the dataset group, as shown in the following screenshot:
Forecasting cost and usage with Amazon Forecast 225

Figure 11.15 – Creating an Amazon Forecast dataset group

You need to create a target time-series dataset by specifying the dataset name and data frequency. In
the following screenshot, we are selecting a 1-day frequency since CUR was activated daily:

Figure 11.16 – Dataset name and frequency

226 Driving FinOps Autonomously

You can also define the data schema to help Amazon Forecast become aware of our data types. The
timestamp format is required. The following screenshot shows it set in the yyyy-MM-dd format. You
can add other attribute names such as account ID, AWS service name, or even application tags. This
allows you to specify if your forecasts reflect a certain dimension. Recall from the previous section
that Cost Explorer is unable to forecast using a group-by view. To overcome this limitation, you can
specify different attribute names as dimensions for your Amazon Forecast predictions to provide a
more customized view:

Figure 11.17 – Dataset schema and attributes

After you go through the steps and import the dataset group, Forecast will create the dataset group
and alert you when the import is active. The next step is to train a predictor with your data.
You provide your predictor a name and specify a forecast horizon. This number tells Amazon Forecast
how far into the future to predict your data at the specified forecast frequency. You can also choose an
algorithm for your time-series forecast. If you are unsure, choose the AutoML option when creating
a predictor and let Forecast select the optimal algorithm for your datasets, which automatically trains
a model, provides accuracy metrics, and generates forecasts. You can also add a forecast dimension
of account_id. This will allow Forecast to predict cost by account ID. If you’d like to be able to
forecast on other dimensions, you can add them here. The following screenshot documents these steps:
Forecasting cost and usage with Amazon Forecast 227

Figure 11.18 – Training an Amazon Forecast predictor

Amazon Forecast will begin training the optimal ML model on your dataset. This could take up to an
hour to complete. You can check on the training status under Predictors. You can generate a forecast
once the predictor training shows as Active.
When you generate a prediction, you must give the prediction a name. But first, you must choose
the predictor that we created in the previous section. Then, you can enter up to five quantile values
and specify the forecast type. Once you’re ready, you can request Amazon Forecast to create a new
forecast, as shown in the following screenshot:
228 Driving FinOps Autonomously

Figure 11.19 – Creating a forecast

The forecast will display as Active when complete. You can create a forecast lookup by specifying the
generated forecast, the start/end date, and the service name. The following screenshot shows this as
an example where I request a forecast for my Amazon RDS spending:

Figure 11.20 – Generating predictions

Automating cost optimization within operations 229

Amazon Forecast returns various prediction interval bounds, as shown in the following screenshot.
Depending on your use case, you may choose narrower or broader intervals:

Figure 11.21 – Creating predictions for Amazon RDS cost

Amazon Forecast provides a way for you to create ML-based predictions without having to build
complex ML workflows. You can simply point to your CUR data, specify the types of predictions for
the dimensions you want, and then have AWS manage the model training and building to get the
results you need.
In this section, we looked at how AWS provides native tools to easily visualize your cost and usage
data. We also saw how services such as Cost Explorer and Forecast can help track your AWS spending
into the future with ML-based forecasts. In the final section, you will leverage AWS Trusted Advisor
to monitor your costs and optimization opportunities regularly.

Automating cost optimization within operations

AWS Trusted Advisor is a management tool that provides visibility into your AWS accounts to see
how well they are adhering to best practices across five categories – cost optimization, performance,
security, fault tolerance, and service limits. We will stay within the bounds of cost optimization since
that is the focus of our discussion.
230 Driving FinOps Autonomously

Important note
Trusted Advisor requires you to engage in Business- or Enterprise-level support, the latter of
which can cost you $15,000 (USD) per month. However, for some organizations, the benefits
of having elevated support and response times may outweigh these financial costs. Be sure to
gauge what the right level of support is for your organization.

Trusted Advisor provides recommendations for ways to help reduce costs for your AWS accounts.
These can be recommendations to delete unused and idle resources or to use reserved capacity. The
following screenshot shows the Cost optimization dashboard view of Trusted Advisor with action
and investigation recommendations, in addition to problem detection:

Figure 11.22 – Trusted Advisor Cost optimization dashboard

You can use Trusted Advisor to inform you about the numerous cost optimization strategies we
covered in Part 2 of this book. For example, Trusted Advisor will recommend that you reserve
additional Amazon EC2 instances or purchase additional Savings Plans to increase your coverage of
discounted rates for steady-state workloads based on your usage history (see Chapter 6, Optimizing
Compute). Trust Advisor will also recommend reserving database instances such as Amazon RDS or
Amazon Redshift, or decreasing the size of Amazon EBS when it detects over-provisioned volumes
(see Chapter 7, Optimizing Storage). But Trusted Advisor can also provide insights into topics that we
haven’t covered, such as deleting Amazon Comprehend’s under-utilized endpoints or checking for
Amazon Route 53 latency record sets that are configured inefficiently.
Automating cost optimization within operations 231

Amazon Comprehend and Amazon Route 53

Amazon Comprehend is an AI service that allows you to use natural language processing
(NLP) on text documents to extract keywords, phrases, topics, and sentiments without having
to manage your ML infrastructure. A Comprehend endpoint provides real-time inference
abilities for NLP workloads.
Amazon Route 53 is a Domain Name System (DNS) web service that you can use to route
users to both internal and external applications.

You can see a sample of the various checks that Trusted Advisor provides in the following screenshot:

Figure 11.23 – Trusted Advisor cost optimization checks

Trusted Advisor can help you get a high-level overview of cost implications for individual accounts
and accounts across your entire AWS organization. This tool is well suited for centralized FinOps
teams because, especially for large organizations, it’s difficult for a centralized FinOps team to have
resource-level granularity within each account. It’s easier to manage costs by starting broadly using
checks such as the ones Trusted Advisor provides, and then diving deeper into the specifics once you
have identified a critical finding.
Trusted Advisor helps report on and directs you to cost optimization recommendations. However, you
can also integrate it with other services such as AWS Systems Manager (SM). With SM, you can build
and customize operations dashboards that provide an aggregated view of operations data (OpsData)
for your AWS resources across your accounts and regions. You can integrate Trusted Advisor with the
SM Explorer view to report on AWS Compute Optimizer, for example, to see where you can improve
your efficiency in using Amazon EC2 instances. We’ll look at how to do this in the next section.
232 Driving FinOps Autonomously

Integrating Trusted Advisor with other AWS services

Trusted Advisor is one of many tools that you can use to monitor costs across your accounts. At the
beginning of this chapter, we established that tools alone aren’t enough to leverage the long-term
benefits of cost optimization. You need people and processes as well. In this case, the people involved
are folks that constitute a centralized FinOps team. The process that we’ll outline here involves
integrating Trusted Advisor with SM to provide a comprehensive view of cost optimization checks
across your AWS Organization.
The first thing you’ll want to do is enable SM Explorer. You can create a customizable operations
dashboard using SM Explorer to report on information about your AWS resources. This is helpful
for a centralized FinOps function that requires a pan-account resource view to find opportunities to
optimize. Although SM Explorer isn’t limited to only viewing cost-related components of your cloud
infrastructure, we’ll see how we can use it to specifically focus on a cost view.
You can access SM Explorer through the AWS Management Console for a dashboard view. You can
enable Explorer by completing the Explorer Setup section. Once you have enabled Explorer, you can
create a resource data sync by providing a data sync name and choosing which accounts and regions
to sync resource use for, as shown in the following screenshot. Resource data sync centralizes OpsData
from your AWS accounts to provide you with an aggregated view through SM Explorer:

Figure 11.24 – SM Explorer data sync

Integrating Trusted Advisor with other AWS services 233

Once you have created a data sync, you can configure your Explorer dashboard to configure OpsData
sources. In the following screenshot, we are selecting the cost savings category and enabling the three
OpsData sources to embed in our SM Explorer dashboard:

Figure 11.25 – SM Explorer OpsData dashboard configuration

When the data sync is complete, you’ll be able to see Trusted Advisor checks on the Explorer page.
Here, you can view a summary of all checks from different AWS accounts and regions. You can even
view by AWS account ID:

Figure 11.26 – Trusted Advisor checks on SM Explorer

234 Driving FinOps Autonomously

You can apply filters to search for specific items. For example, you can use the AWS:TrustedAdvisor.
ResourceCategory: Equal: Cost Optimization filter to create a report on cost
optimization, as shown in the following screenshot:

Figure 11.27 – OpsData filter showing Trusted Advisor recommendations

The filter allows you to access Trusted Advisor recommendations through the SM Explorer dashboard.
This can help streamline managing OpsData as well as cost optimization findings in a single pane of
glass. SM Explorer is meant to serve as a central platform for operations teams who can partner with
a centralized FinOps to manage cost and resource usage across the organization.

In this chapter, we learned how to make the most out of AWS CUR by extracting insights using AWS
analytics tools. We also learned about the enterprise-scale dashboards you can use as frameworks to
provide cost and usage visibility for your business. You can partner analytics services such as Athena
and QuickSight with CloudFormation as an IaC tool to create self-service deployments for teams to
understand their costs.
We also learned about using the predictive capabilities of AWS Cost Explorer and Amazon Forecast
to plan ahead. Although these estimates are subject to some prediction error, having some foresight
usually bodes well compared to not knowing what the future entails at all. Planning helps to build
trust within the organization and helps you prepare for unexpected cost and usage spikes.
Lastly, we saw how you can integrate Trusted Advisor with Systems Manager to operationalize your
optimization efforts for your entire enterprise. This will help your central FinOps team look for
optimization efforts across your organization.
In the next and final chapter, we’ll focus on the ancillary efforts of FinOps teams such as messaging,
communication, and workload reviews to support cost savings efforts for your business.
Further reading 235

Further reading
To learn more about the topics that were covered in this chapter, take a look at the following resources:

• Enterprise Dashboards:

• Cloud Intelligence Dashboards Workshops:
• AWS CUDOS Framework Deployment:
• What is AWS CloudShell?:
• Managed Spot Training: Save Up to 90% On Your Amazon SageMaker Training Jobs: https://
• Forecasting with Cost Explorer, 2022:
Management Functions
In the previous chapters, we learned about the importance of establishing the right metrics to help
us achieve our goal of cost optimization. We looked at defining useful metrics and learned about the
tools and processes we can use to report on these metrics. These are key data-driven initiatives to help
validate our work in cost optimization.
In this final chapter, we’ll discuss other management functions that a centralized FinOps team might
execute that are less analytical and more driven by people and processes. Given what we’ve learned
thus far, a centralized FinOps team is already busy owning metrics, running analytics and reporting,
forecasting, working collaboratively with tech teams to implement cost savings, and driving best
practices across the organization. What we haven’t explored yet are the soft skills needed to reduce
spending in other areas such as negotiating contracts, managing purchase orders, and facilitating
communication regarding cost optimization within the organization.
In this chapter, we’re going to cover the following main topics:

• Leveraging AWS Solutions

• Conducting billing and administrative tasks
• Scaling FinOps for your organization

Leveraging AWS Solutions

The AWS Solutions library is a collection of curated solutions that address a specific technical or
business use case. These use cases apply to various industries such as retail, travel and hospitality,
financial services, and advertising, as well as various technological use cases such as data lakes,
monitoring, and cost optimization. An AWS Solution is similar to the CUDOS dashboard, which
we learned about in the previous chapter, in that you can deploy an AWS CloudFormation template
and create a solution that’s ready for use right out of the box. Additionally, you can customize the
template to meet your needs.
The two solutions we’ll learn about in this chapter are called Instance Scheduler on AWS and Cost
Optimizer for WorkSpaces on AWS. The former helps automate the starting and stopping of your
238 Management Functions

Amazon EC2 instances and Amazon RDS database instances. This solution optimizes your costs by
stopping resources that are not in use. Turning off AWS resources is the best way to save on cost, even
more so than covering them with RIs or Savings Plans.

Important note
If you delete an Amazon EC2 instance that has an Amazon EBS volume attached, then deleting the
instance may not necessarily delete the EBS volume, which will incur storage costs if you choose
to retain them. Be sure to delete unused EBS volumes as part of your AWS environment hygiene.

The idea of the latter is similar but applies specifically to the Amazon WorkSpaces product. Amazon
WorkSpaces is a desktop-as-a-service solution on AWS that allows users to remote access virtual
desktops on the AWS cloud. Users can remotely access pre-provisioned desktops with all the software
needed for them to perform their daily tasks. Administrators can securely install the applications
that users need, monitor usage, and not worry about managing the underlying infrastructure of the
virtual machines. Like Amazon EC2, you pay per hour (or month) for each WorkSpaces instance,
and the best way to reduce waste on this service is to stop running the WorkSpace when not in use.
Let’s look at these two solutions in detail.

Instance Scheduler in AWS Solutions

When you deploy the solution to your AWS account, you set schedules that specify when Amazon EC2
and RDS instances should run. You define the schedules with a unique name using a tag value. This
allows you to create different schedules for different tag values that adjust to your variable workloads.
For example, you may have a fleet of Amazon EC2 instances that should run until the close of business
while a different fleet of instances only needs to run for 6 hours during evening hours. These time,
configurations are called periods. A schedule must have at least one period, and these define when
the instances should be running.
The solution uses AWS Lambda to automate the starting and stopping of your instances. AWS Lambda
will act based on the frequency of your configurations for scheduled periods. These configurations are
saved in an Amazon DynamoDB table, which essentially acts as the data store for your configurations.
Then, the solution uses the AWS Systems Manager maintenance windows (see the previous chapter),
which helps trigger the Lambda invocations.
You will want to think through the design considerations when deploying this solution. First, you will
want to consider the instance shutdown behavior. By default, the solution automatically stops your
instances, rather than terminating them entirely. Stopping an instance still retains the attached EBS
volume, which means you will not lose your data when you restart the instance. However, terminating
an instance means that AWS will permanently take away the instance and any data stored locally. Also,
data on the attached EBS volumes will be detached and deleted.
Stopping an instance is safer in terms of retaining data but if you have requirements to terminate the
instance, you can change the instance shutdown behavior. You will not be charged for the instance,
regardless of whether it is stopped or terminated since in both cases, they are shut off.
Leveraging AWS Solutions 239

Important note
The solution automatically stops an Amazon RDS instance. You should have processes that
automatically create RDS instance snapshots since losing data can detrimentally impact your

Next, you may want to consider what types of instances you want to be automated on schedule,
particularly for Amazon EC2. You can specify the instance type, such as smaller instance types on
the weekend or larger instance types to support production workloads. Rightsizing the instance type
adds another layer of cost optimization to this solution.
Also, you will want to consider the start and stop times for the Instance Scheduler. If you only specify
a start time, then you will have to stop the instances manually or via some process outside of the
solution. Conversely, if you only specify a stop time, then you must start the instance manually. You
can also specify the time zone and the time of day for the solution to start and stop your instance.
The following screenshot shows the CloudFormation stack being used to deploy the solution. There
are several parameter values you must specify when launching the stack. Here, we are specifying a
tag value for the solution to associate with both our EC2 and RDS instances:

Figure 12.1 – Provisioning Instance Schedule with CloudFormation

240 Management Functions

We don’t apply this schedule to Amazon Aurora instances and AWS’ proprietary cloud database service.
We also don’t want the solution to automatically create RDS instance snapshots for us.
The following screenshot shows the configuration items we can set for the solution for monitoring
and log retention. Note that not all fields must be specified:

Figure 12.2 – Configurations for monitoring and log retention

We have not enabled CloudWatch metrics or logs but you may want to consider doing so in a production
environment. These logs will inform you of the actions the solution takes on what resources, and at
what times. You can use this information to adjust your schedules accordingly as things change.
You can see the results of the logs in a graph captured by CloudWatch, as shown in the following
screenshot. You can select the CloudFormation’s stack name and the InstanceScheduler
namespace. The namespace will display all instances tagged with the Instance Scheduler solution to
show as running or stopped:
Leveraging AWS Solutions 241

Figure 12.3 – Instance Scheduler metrics in CloudWatch

This graph shows the scheduling actions for a single instance. The 0 value shows that the instance
was stopped, while the 1 value shows that the instance is running. CloudWatch displays the time on
the X-axis.
Use this solution when you’re considering ways to automatically start and stop EC2 and RDS instances.
You can easily install the solution and set schedules that make sense to your teams quickly with
CloudFormation or using the AWS Command-Line Interface (CLI). And remember, if it doesn’t end up
working well according to your needs, simply delete the CloudFormation stack to remove all resources.
Let’s take a look at another solution that has a similar concept but works well with Amazon WorkSpaces.

Cost Optimizer for WorkSpaces in AWS Solutions

Amazon WorkSpaces is a fully managed service that provides a desktop-as-a-service experience
for your end users. This is ideal for, say, organizations that are moving to remote-first work. You can
provide a virtual desktop that employees can access over the internet with all the enterprise applications
ready to go, rather than installing or making the applications available on workers’ physical laptops
(or desktops).
However, as with any AWS services, you will pay for WorkSpace per use, although you can choose
between the monthly and hourly billing options. Hourly billing is as it sounds while monthly billing
is better for workers that use WorkSpaces as their main workstation. With monthly billing, you pay
a fixed rate, but with unlimited usage. Savings Plans discounted rates do not apply to WorkSpaces.
This is where the WorkSpace cost optimizer solution can be helpful. This solution monitors your
WorkSpace usage and optimizes costs based on your usage patterns. It analyzes your WorkSpace usage
data and automatically converts the WorkSpace pricing mechanism into the most optimized billing
option. This is similar to how Amazon S3 Intelligent Tiering automatically optimizes your storage
spending by placing the objects in the appropriate storage class (see Chapter 7, Optimizing Storage).
The idea of automatically optimizing costs here is the same except that rather than it being a built-in
feature of the service, you must deploy the solution separately.
242 Management Functions

We can easily deploy the solution using CloudFormation, which deploys resources in a stack. The
solution performs several tasks:

• The solution uses CloudWatch to invoke an AWS Lambda function every 24 hours
• The Lambda function executes a containerized task and then gets all the WorkSpaces across
all regions in the AWS Organization
• The task determines the usage for WorkSpace instances on an hourly billing model, and if the
monthly usage threshold is met, it converts it into monthly billing to optimize costs

This task essentially determines if purchasing monthly member pricing is cheaper than paying
on-demand. If you don’t want the solution to immediately make these changes, but instead want
more data to determine if the automated process first makes sense, then you can specify that in the
CloudFormation Dry Run Mode parameter. This parameter, when set to Yes, runs this solution to gather
metrics on WorkSpace usage. Once you have analyzed the patterns, you can manually implement the
changes to switch billing options. By changing to parameter to No later, the solution will automatically
make the changes moving forward.
For those instances where you don’t want the solution to change the billing option, you can apply
the Skip_Convert tag to the WorkSpace instances. The solution will identify this tag and ignore
the billing conversion task to those tagged instances. You can remove the tag at any time to have the
solution target those instances again for conversion. You can also opt out of specific regions if you
don’t want the solution to make changes to WorkSpaces in certain regions. You can change these
parameters when deploying the solution with CloudFormation.
Similar to how you can choose among different Amazon EC2 instance types, you can choose the right
WorkSpace instance type to meet your needs. For example, you may want to launch a Value WorkSpace
bundle for testing purposes, but a GraphicPro bundle for graphics-intensive workloads. You can also
switch between different hardware bundles as needed. You’ll want to specify the optimizer schedules
for the solution, depending on the hardware type.
You can set the number of hours a particular WorkSpace bundle needs to run before it’s converted
into the ALWAYS_ON billing option. This solution provides default values, but you can change these
during deployment. For example, the Standard Limit parameter, when set to 80, will ensure
that the Standard WorkSpace bundle instance will be converted into the Always_On billing option
after running for 80 hours.
By default, the solution creates a new VPC to run the solution, but you can also deploy it to an
existing VPC if you like. The following screenshot shows deploying the solution via CloudFormation
to a new VPC:
Leveraging AWS Solutions 243

Figure 12.4 – Creating a new VPC for the WorkSpace solution

If you want to deploy the solution in an existing VPC, you must ensure the Amazon Elastic Container
(Amazon ECS) task is placed in a public subnet. The ECS task pulls the Docker image hosted in a
publicly accessible AWS repository, so it needs to have an internet connection.

Important note
Amazon ECS is a container management service. When you use Amazon EC2, you are using
virtualized hardware to run multiple operating systems. However, when you use Amazon ECS,
you are using virtualized operating systems on a single instance. This is the difference between
virtual machines and containers, with the latter being more lightweight and nimble.

After you have defined your networking infrastructure, you must define your optimizer schedule, as
shown in the following screenshot. Here, you set the hourly limit for various WorkSpace instance types
to instruct it when to change the billing mode from hourly to monthly. Depending on the workload
patterns for each instance type, you may want to set different schedules to optimize your costs:
244 Management Functions

Figure 12.5 – Configuring pricing parameters

Once you have deployed the solution, the WorkSpace optimizer will continuously monitor your
WorkSpace usage and adjust the billing option according to your defined parameters. You can leverage
these types of solutions to embed automation in your FinOps practices without having to build scripts.
In the next section, we will learn more about how to run billing and administrative tasks within the
AWS Billing Console. These are geared toward finance and billing operators although they are still
useful for technology teams to be aware of.

Conducting billing and administrative tasks

In this section, we’ll learn about the billing and administrative tasks a FinOps team may need to conduct
or partner with the finance department to complete. These tasks include managing cost and usage
data through the AWS Billing Console. We’ll learn about the AWS Billing Conductor, how to manage
Free Tier usage, creating purchase orders, and leveraging private pricing to optimize AWS spending.
Conducting billing and administrative tasks 245

Simplifying billing with AWS Billing Conductor

The AWS Billing Conductor service supports your showback and chargeback efforts. You can
customize your monthly billing data so that it represents localized versions of your AWS bill. Many
AWS customers group their accounts into AWS Organizations because of the operational and financial
benefits gained by grouping accounts into a single entity. However, we already know that by organizing
your AWS accounts into one AWS Organization, you receive one bill (see Chapter 2, Establishing the
Right Account Structure).
For some customers, this works well, but for others, they need to manipulate their billing data in
ways that support their chargeback and showback mechanisms. This is particularly true for service
providers using AWS to provide a platform for their customers. For example, if you’re a company
that deploys an AWS environment when a client onboards your service, then you may create AWS
accounts unique to your end client – account A is for client A, account B is for client B, and so on.
All the costs and usage roll up to your AWS account. Then, you work your magic to see how much
to charge back to each client.
AWS Billing Conductor facilitates this process by allowing you to create mutually exclusive billing
groups of accounts. You may have a single AWS account for a particular group, or you may have
multiple AWS accounts for a particular group. You can have these settings to meet your use case and
then you can see each billing group’s standalone AWS bill.
Returning to our example, when using AWS Billing Conductor, we can create a billing group for client
A (AWS account A) and a separate billing group for client B (AWS account B). Then, we can view the
bills for each billing group, which facilitates our chargeback processes.
First, you must create a billing group to create your custom account groupings. Billing groups are
mutually exclusive – that is, an AWS account can only be associated with a single billing group. If you
want to move an account to another billing group, you must remove the account from the current
billing group, then move it to the desired group. Doing so will refresh the billing data for that account,
and you must wait up to 24 hours before billing data is refreshed. The following screenshot shows how
to create an administration billing group with three AWS accounts selected:
246 Management Functions

Figure 12.6 – Creating a billing group

The preceding example uses the public on-demand pricing plan. This means that the billing data that
Billing Conductor will display will be based on public pricing and the account’s usage. You may want
to create custom pricing plans for your chargeback and showback efforts. For example, if you are a
service provider and want to charge a 10% premium for your clients for using your platform, you can
create a pricing rule that reflects the billing data with a 10% markup. Then, you can use this view for the
billing group to see the adjusted pricing. The following screenshot shows how to create a pricing rule:
Conducting billing and administrative tasks 247

Figure 12.7 – Creating a pricing rule

We can create a set of pricing rules and define it as a pricing plan. Then, when we create a billing
group, we can associate a pricing plan for that billing group to have the Billing Conductor present
our billing data in ways that are most meaningful to our use case.
248 Management Functions

Important note
AWS Billing Conductor does not include data for AWS credits, taxes, nor support charges. If
you need to access this data, then aim to use AWS Cost Explorer or the AWS CUR.

AWS Billing Conductor is a helpful tool for FinOps teams looking to modify their monthly bills to
reflect their business needs. Billing Conductor can help with your chargeback and showback efforts
if you need to allocate costs by AWS accounts and work around the limitation of receiving a single
bill for your entire AWS Organization.

Managing your AWS Free Tier usage

AWS gives you Free Tier usage for select AWS services to help you gain hands-on experience without
being charged. Newly created AWS accounts automatically benefit from AWS Free Tier for 12 months.
At the end of the 12 months, the Free Tier expires, and usage is billed at normal rates.
You can track your AWS Free Tier usage in the AWS Billing Console. The following screenshot shows
various AWS services eligible for Free Tier and the amount of monthly allocated Free Tier usage

Figure 12.8 – Viewing AWS Free Tier

Conducting billing and administrative tasks 249

You can integrate Free Tier tracking with automated notifications using Amazon SNS (see Chapter 4,
Planning and Metrics Tracking). AWS Budgets automatically notifies you via email when you exceed
85% of your Free Tier usage for an eligible Free Tier service. But if you wanted to configure additional
notifications, you can set message triggers when you reach 100%. This will ensure that your FinOps
teams know when to expect billing charges as teams expend their Free Tier usage.
Although this is a small component of organization-wide cost and usage visibility, it is good to know
that this exists if team members are curious about their Free Tier usage.

Creating purchase orders with AWS Billing

Another task that would be best handled by a centralized FinOps team is managing purchase orders
(POs). A PO is a legally binding document between a buyer and a seller. The buyer uses a PO to
define a list of goods the buyer intends to buy and commits to purchasing the good or service for the
agreed amount.
I’ve seen many AWS customers use POs when purchasing large, upfront RIs or Savings Plans commitments.
Customers will reference the PO number and associate it with the AWS service purchase for reporting,
chargeback, and accounting purposes. A central FinOps team may own the task of managing the PO
or may work with a separate finance team to do so for the enterprise.
AWS provides a way for you to manage your PO details in the AWS Billing console. Adding a PO is a
two-step process: first, you enter the PO details such as the billing/shipping address, the PO ID, and
the expiration months, and then you configure your PO line items to define which invoices are to be
associated with your PO.
With the PO configurations, you define how to map your invoices to your POs. This gives you greater
control and visibility into charges associated with your AWS accounts. You can match the PO with
charges on monthly recurring payments, subscriptions, or even AWS Marketplace invoices.

What is AWS Marketplace?

AWS Marketplace is a platform where you can find, test, buy, and deploy software that runs
on AWS. Sellers and vendors across industries post products on the Marketplace to help you
find solutions or services that you can buy instead of build.

The following screenshot shows how you can easily set up POs in the AWS Console. Simply select the
Purchase orders option from the AWS Billing console to set up your details:
250 Management Functions

Figure 12.9 – Set purchase order details

When you configure line items, you can configure how they reflect on your invoices. For example,
you can add multiple POs with multiple line items, or choose to have a single line item per PO. When
AWS issues your invoices, AWS only associates active POs, removing any expired or suspended POs.
For example, you may have a PO added for the AWS Inc. entity (PO1) and a second one for an AWS
Marketplace purchase (PO2). If you purchase a product from the AWS Marketplace, only PO2 will
be considered for invoice association.
Purchase orders can help manage your costs as your organization scales and you need stronger
mechanisms to track invoicing and usage. However, this responsibility is best suited to a central FinOps
team working collaboratively with the finance team, rather than putting the onus on developers and
application teams to manage their own POs.
Next, let’s look at how a central FinOps team would leverage longer-term commitments with a cloud
provider to gain discounts for the business.

Engaging with enterprise discount programs

For many folks, vendor lock-in is a distasteful term. Many enterprises, including individuals, shun
away from long-term commitments to a single vendor or service because they fear losing power or
control in such a relationship. For example, vendor lock-in is often associated with certain relational
database management system (RDBMS) solution providers simply because that was the only option
at the time. Relational databases were practically the only means of storing enterprise data. Thus, there
was a large imbalance of power for RDBMS-type relationships – the vendor would require long-term
contracts and licensing fees with buyers, and given the lack of options, buyers would have no choice
but to oblige.
Conducting billing and administrative tasks 251

With the rise and feasibility of open source technologies, buyers now have much more options than
they were accustomed to having toward the end of the 19th century. Simultaneously, the licensing and
lock-in type operating model is becoming an archaic and undesirable pricing method.
However, there are cases when long-term commitments to specific vendors do make financial sense.
For instance, an individual or household may get a better monetary deal when they bundle home
internet, television, and mobile device services with one provider. An internet service provider (ISP)
may grant a better deal to the individual or household by bundling these services and committing
to a specified term versus having a separate commitment per service renewed every month. Some
households might defer the long-term commitment and change providers every month if they want
that flexibility. However, for most households, the hassle of having to change mobile devices, login
information to different providers’ web applications for payment, and starting/stopping their internet
service is simply not worth the effort.
You can apply the same principle to your enterprise’s cloud infrastructure. Some enterprises are large
enough to support multiple teams with different levels of expertise in different cloud platforms. You
may have one business unit comfortable with AWS, and another business unit comfortable with another
major public cloud provider. On the other hand, other enterprises struggle to get team enablement
on a single cloud platform.
For enterprises that don’t want to deal with enabling teams on multiple clouds, and that don’t want
to manage the hassle of migrating data and workloads back and forth between different platforms, a
strategic and longer-term commitment program such as an Enterprise Discount Program (EDP)
may make financial sense.
Engaging in an EDP with a cloud provider such as AWS gives you a blanket discount on all your AWS
costs and usage under a contractual agreement. Of course, each contract between an organization and
AWS will be distinct. Generally, an EDP states that you, as an organization, will commit to spending
XX amount of dollars with AWS over an agreed number of years. Then, given that your organization
meets that committed spend, AWS provides a discount. This is like the billing mechanisms of RIs and
Savings Plans, but it covers all AWS services under the contract, not only specific instance types but
services in the compute domain.
Not all organizations are keen to jump into a long-term commitment with AWS for several reasons.
It could be in the business’ interest to diversify cloud providers and use other services from other
public clouds. It could be that the business is unsure of where it will be in the future and would rather
pay for all IT resources on demand rather than under commitment. It could be that the business still
has commitments to an on-premise data center and wants to fully exit the physical location before
committing to a public cloud. It’s understandable to have hesitancy. Not all organizations know where
they will be in the future, and it’s safer to be flexible and pivot when needed.
However, leveraging an EDP does make financial sense and will help you reduce costs if you’re certain
your cost and usage patterns with AWS won’t fluctuate for even a year. With AWS, if you are spending
at least $500,000 per year, then you are eligible to participate in the EDP program. You can commit
252 Management Functions

to a 1-year/$500,000 EDP and get an approximate 3% to 4% discount on all AWS usage. This blanket
discount applies to even RIs and Savings Plans commitments. You can essentially double-dip into
savings by receiving a 25% discount via Savings Plans, and then a 3% discount on top of that through
the EDP. A centralized FinOps function can help plan and determine whether an EDP makes sense.
If there is enough historical data to show that the organization will reach a $500,000 per year spend
on AWS anyway, then it makes little sense not to participate in the EDP program – if you’re going to
be spending that money anyway, why not get a discount on that?
A central FinOps function can help in negotiating these agreements with the cloud provider. The
central FinOps team has the visibility to see historical data. They can project what the costs will be
based on usage and forecasts. They can also see which services teams are using most to ensure that
those services are subject to the discount terms of the EDP contract.
The FinOps team is best suited to have this level of visibility into the organization’s use of AWS services.
They possess the data, the historical spending and costs, and the usage patterns of all teams across the
enterprise. Discount pricing, administrative tasks, and optimization efforts on the actual use of AWS
services collectively contribute to reducing waste on the AWS cloud.
In the next section, we’ll learn about how we can leverage a similar process to EventStorming as a
helpful heuristic in approaching optimizing efforts for our organization. We’ll also consider a training
approach to enable your FinOps team by getting them FinOps certified.

Scaling FinOps for your organization

In this section, we’ll move away from the technical aspects of cost optimization and consider some
low-tech approaches that will help scale your teams and your FinOps efforts. You will learn about the
EventStorming processes, how to facilitate an EventStorming workshop, and effectively share FinOps
knowledge with other teams.

EventStorming, FinOps style

EventStorming is a low-tech activity typically associated with the domain-driven design of software
architecture. This is a tactical tool that teams use to share business domain knowledge that helps to
design the software components of a system.
During an EventStorming session, participants identify and map the business process to support a
business function. They outline a series of domain events, represented by sticky notes over a certain
period. As the participants work through the session, they model the stakeholders, commands, external
systems, software dependencies, and more to cohesively tell the story of how a business process works.
Let’s take the example of an online shopping website. There are pivotal events that can define the
process of a user interacting with the website. EventStorming represents the events in past tense:
a shopping cart initialized, an order initialized, an order shipped, an order delivered, or an order
returned. EventStormers represent these events on sticky notes as pivotal events.
Scaling FinOps for your organization 253

Then, EventStormers associate commands and policies with these events. Commands describe what
triggered the event or flow of events. These can be adding items to a shopping cart, or submitting an
order at the end of a transaction. Policies govern what command is automatically executed when a
specific domain event occurs. These help with automation and governance to ensure your commands
operate within strict boundaries.
By conducting this sort of workshop, participants are better able to understand the domain in which
they operate. They can map out all possibilities of how the system works, how to handle errors, and
who to call when things go wrong. As such, EventStorming is a collaborative workshop for modeling
business processes that enable participants to synchronize their mental models of the business process
and move toward using a common language.

Important note
Although I use the term EventStorming, I am not explicitly referring to it in the context
of domain-driven design. I’m merely using it as a proxy for EventStorming from a FinOps
perspective. Consider it as EventStorming in quotation marks.

Now, although EventStorming is intended for domain-driven design as a software design approach,
we can use the same principles to model our FinOps processes. We can apply a narrow scope within
the FinOps domain to enable business and technologies teams to identify FinOps processes and build
a common language toward exercising the FinOps best practices we learned in this book.
You can use the following general steps as a guide for implementing an EventStorming exercise:

1. Brainstorm the domain events related to the FinOps domain. This domain event is something
interesting that has happened that garners FinOps attention, whether that be a breach in the
monthly budget, a cost anomaly, or a new workload launch. You can identify these events on
sticky notes to share with the broader team. The intention is to brainstorm all the possible
things that can happen as they relate to your AWS cloud costs.
2. Review the timelines. Based on the domain events you created in step one, you organize them
in the order of how to respond to them. In the event of a cost anomaly, you can create a happy
path scenario that looks something similar to anomaly detected 🡪 notification sent 🡪 anomaly
confirmed/anomaly mitigated. The anomaly might have been in line with a new workload
launch, or it might have been something that was created by accident but was mitigated by
shutting down the resource. You can set a general workflow with the right owners to know
how to respond (and quickly if needed) to cost events.
Step two involves creating commands and policies associated with the events. These commands
will be the actions the FinOps team takes to mitigate a cost problem or proactive work to
optimize. The policies define the owner of the command and the importance of doing so. In
other words, the command is the what while the policy is the who and why of a FinOps process.
We want to ensure that our processes are in-line with our broader FinOps and business goal.
254 Management Functions

3. Identify pain points or processes that require attention. These can be bottlenecks, manual steps
that may require automation, missing documentation, or missing owners. For example, if your
teams struggle with purchasing Savings Plans promptly, this step allows teams to communicate
this pain point and address it with other domain experts. It could be that teams may not
understand the mechanics of Savings Plans, or they don’t have the proper IAM permissions
to purchase them. It’s important to make these inefficiencies explicit to make things easy for
teams to address them during the EventStorming process or afterward. As a facilitator, it helps
to be aware of teams’ pain points and document them for reference.

You should use this FinOps EventStorming exercise for several reasons:

• To build a common language. As the participants collaborate, they synchronize on the process,
owners, and reasons for FinOps practices.
• To model the FinOps process. This builds a model for how FinOps works and what tasks need
to be done to cost optimize your AWS environments.
• To identify cost savings. You can use this exercise to see how participants are on the same page
on how cost optimization works on AWS and how they apply it to their running workloads.
• To share FinOps knowledge. Over time, FinOps knowledge can get lost and as new services
and features launch from AWS, the knowledge gap can increase. This exercise helps keep
everyone up to date.
• To improve optimization efforts. Identifying gaps and pain points can remove barriers that
hinder your cost savings efforts.
• To onboard new members. No matter what team they are on, FinOps impacts the broader
organization. Showing how FinOps impacts everyone can facilitate a FinOps culture, especially
for new team members.

Now that you have a firm grasp of a FinOps-style EventStorming process and how it facilitates a strong
communicative structure across teams, let’s turn toward FinOps certification as a way to validate
FinOps knowledge and upskill your internal team members.

Training for FinOps

We’ve covered many topics in this book around ways to reduce waste on our AWS cloud spending.
We looked at optimizing our compute, storage, and networking costs, continuously monitoring our
efforts, and visualizing our cloud and usage dashboard using various analytical tools. We also looked
at leveraging AWS solutions and pricing programs to optimize our business and operations. So, how
do we train our team members on FinOps? How do we enable teams to adopt new technologies and
changes to existing systems and processes to maintain a lean AWS spend consistently?
To accomplish anything, you need a plan. Specifically, you’ll want to develop a training plan. Typically,
you must create a training plan to help meet a professional goal. Whether that goal is to develop the
Scaling FinOps for your organization 255

organization as a whole (say, improve financial margins by optimizing AWS spending by 20%), or
just for employees to become FinOps certified, a training plan will help the manager and employee
keep track and measure progress.

Important note
You can learn more about becoming a certified FinOps certified with the FinOps Foundation.
There are several certification levels, such as certified Practitioner, Engineer, and Professional.
Take a look at the FinOps Foundation website to learn more (https://learn.finops.
The FinOps Foundation’s certifications are great ways to validate your teams’ FinOps knowledge
and bring accreditation to your organization. However, certifications are not the only benefit of
the FinOps Foundation. The FinOps Foundations includes a community of FinOps professionals
sharing best practices for FinOps across multiple cloud platforms. The FinOps Foundation also
hosts events, talks, and community learnings where members can share best practices and learn
from each other’s experiences. Additionally, the FinOps Foundation provides several tools to
help with managing container costs and creating cloud forecasts and multi-cloud tools, which
are beyond the scope of this book.

When individuals improve themselves, it improves the organization as a whole. But there is a difference
between an individual getting FinOps certified versus an individual getting certified so that the entire
organization can benefit from FinOps practices. The training plan should aim to apply individual
success to organizational success.
A training plan should be organized, detailed, and realistic. An organized plan is self-explanatory. A
detailed plan is clear in its steps to accomplish the goal. For example, if the goal is to become FinOps
certified, one of the steps could be to take a FinOps certification course. Another step could include
setting up a learning path using other resources; the learning path can define the rest of the steps
needed to accomplish the goal. A realistic plan ensures that the goals are obtainable. For example, it
isn’t realistic to set up a training plan and expect participants to become certified within 2 days with
no practice if FinOps is entirely new. This is certainly possible, but it isn’t realistic. Similarly, a realistic
goal shouldn’t be too far out – the goal shouldn’t be to become certified in 2 years since studying and
preparing for the exam should take less than that.
A useful acronym to know if a goal is organized, detailed, and realistic is SMART. You can use the
following five questions to see if your goals are SMART:

• Is it Specific? It should be written simplistically and defined well.

• Is it Measurable? Will there be tangible evidence that the goal was accomplished? This could
be a successful FinOps deployment or a certification that a team passed the exam.
• Is it Achievable? There is little reason to set a goal to lower AWS cloud spending by 80% and
still keep everything else the same. That’s not a feasible goal.
256 Management Functions

• Is it Results-focused? Is it a goal with a target at the end rather than the summation of activities?
• Is it Time-bound? Setting a goal to take and pass the FinOps certification whenever team
members get to it won’t help your organization achieve its goal. Setting a realistic time limit
on it will guide team members to work hard to meet a set deadline.

While a training plan can help with long-term training or new systems where there is time for training
before implementing a FinOps practice, existing systems might not fit that model. In other words, a
training plan might call for changes to be made to existing systems and processes. For example, an
organization that looks at monthly financial reports may have to shift to daily or weekly reports, given
that new cost and usage data is generated daily. This may also require changes in tools and training
on how to use those tools for ingesting and presenting the data.
In this section, we looked at EventStorming from a FinOps perspective and how it helps your teams
build a common language for FinOps. We also looked at considerations for getting your teams FinOps
certified to help with their professional development and the long-term FinOps success for your
organization. Merging personal professional development with strong communicative structures such
as EventStorming provides your organization with a base from which you can operate the technical
requirements when building a FinOps foundation.

In this chapter, we learned about the Cost Optimizer for WorkSpaces and Instance Scheduler
AWS Solutions that you can use to quickly reduce costs for the WorkSpace and EC2 services on
AWS. We learned how to deploy these solutions using AWS CloudFormation and their parameter
considerations to meet your use case. These AWS Solutions can be quickly deployed by your FinOps
teams out-of-the-box to realize cost savings across your numerous AWS accounts.
Know that you don’t have to build a FinOps practice from scratch. You can certainly build upon solutions,
whether those solutions are from AWS, AWS partners, or open sourced. Leverage these solutions to
accelerate your FinOps practice without feeling the burden of having to build everything yourself.
This book presented the foundations for you to do that, starting with the right AWS account structure.
Then, you learned about the various tools you can use to identify your cost and usage, monitor your
spending, proactively identify anomalies, and apply governance across your environment to meet
your FinOps goals.
You can use the strategies presented in this book to optimize your computing, storage, and networking
infrastructure, as well as your cloud-native workloads. There are plenty of ways to optimize these
architectural components, with the largest and easiest opportunities being choosing the right payment
option for your workload needs. Purchase Savings Plans often and regularly to ensure you optimize
your storage costs. Choose the right storage pricing tier to pay only for what you need, and if you’re
unsure of your access patterns, leverage Intelligent Tiering to experience automatic savings. Use RIs
Further reading 257

for your databases that will be running consistently. Understand your data transfer patterns. Knowing
how your applications are communicating is the best way to know how to optimize your data transfer.
These are the technical ways you can optimize your AWS spending that the FinOps team can own.
But we also covered the non-technical and administrative tasks a FinOps team must conduct when it
comes to billing management and private pricing discussions. We learned how AWS Billing Conductor
can help create a custom billing view for chargeback and showback purposes. We also learned about
managing Free Tier usage and purchase order agreements. Finally, we learned about how private
pricing works in the form of Enterprise Discount Programs and how to leverage these to experience
blanket savings across AWS usage.
Lastly, FinOps practices will be most successful if they are tied to the right metrics. Build the right
metrics and create the appropriate metrics visibility for your teams. This will enable your organization
to track the success of your optimization efforts. Ensure that the teams have a common language on
how you define the FinOps metrics as different terms can mean different things. EventStorming is an
exercise you can use to share domain knowledge and create this common language. Consider becoming
FinOps certified to solidify your FinOps knowledge and enable your team members to grow in their
FinOps knowledge and career as well.
Remember, FinOps is an ongoing practice. Implementing a one-time Savings Plan purchase won’t
help your organization reduce waste in the long run. Embedding FinOps into your organization’s
operations and culture will be the best way to leverage the cloud efficiently.

Further reading
To learn more about the topics that were covered in this chapter, take a look at the following resources:

• AWS. Automate starting and stopping AWS instances, 2022:

• AWS. Monitor Amazon WorkSpaces usage and optimize costs with the Cost Optimizer for
WorkSpaces on AWS solution, 2022:
• FinOps Foundation. FinOps Certification and Training, 2022: https://learn.finops.
• AWS. What is Amazon Elastic Container Service?, 2022:
• AWS. Best practices for AWS Billing Conductor, 2022:
• AWS. Using the AWS Free Tier, 2022:
administrative tasks Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)
conducting 244 optimizing 130-132
AI/ML Summary view 221, 222 snapshots, optimizing 132, 133
Amazon Athena volumes 130
about 37, 53, 160 Amazon Elastic Container (Amazon ECS) 243
CUR, querying with 196-198 Amazon Elastic File System (EFS)
Amazon CloudFront optimizing 134
about 143 Amazon EventBridge 80
data transfer costs, optimizing with 148, 149 Amazon Forecast
Amazon CloudWatch about 224
used, for AWS Cost Anomaly used, for forecasting cost and
Detection 66, 67 usage data 224-229
used, for AWS cost monitoring 56, 57 Amazon OpenSearch Service 122-127
Amazon Comprehend 231 Amazon QuickSight
Amazon DynamoDB 122 about 38, 55
Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling used, for AWS cost monitoring 55
automatic scaling 158 Amazon RDS
dynamic auto scaling 158 multi-AZ deployment 124
manual scaling 158 reserved instances 123-125
scheduled scaling 158 Amazon Redshift 55, 122, 160
simple scaling 158 Amazon Redshift Spectrum 164
step scaling 159 Amazon Route 53 231
Amazon EC2 inventory Amazon S3 Select
tracking, with EC2 Global View 38-40 CUR, querying with 191
Amazon EC2 Spot 104 Amazon SageMaker 160
Amazon ElastiCache 122
260 Index

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) AWS Budget Reports 61

about 26, 115 AWS Budgets 222
clean hygiene, establishing 116 AWS Client VPN 144
CUR, accessing 192, 193 AWS CloudFormation 210
managing, at scale 121, 122 AWS CloudTrail
storage classes, using for about 84
optimization 117-120 used, for auditing 84-86
Amazon Storage Lens 121 AWS Command-Line Interface (CLI) 241
Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) 39, 138 AWS Compute Optimizer 109, 110
Amazon WorkSpaces 238, 241 AWS Config
amortized cost 51 about 43
analytics, optimizing tag governance, integrating with 78-81
about 160 used, for tracking inventory 43, 44
data ingestion, optimizing 161-164 AWS Control Tower 25
data preparation, optimizing 161-164 AWS Cost and Usage Reports (CUR)
application load balancer (ALB) 141 activating, for visibility 37
application programming interface (API) 34 reference link 37
artificial intelligence (AI) 224 used, for tracking inventory 36-38
auto-adjusting budget 62, 63 AWS Cost Anomaly Detection
auto scaling 156, 157 setting up 63-66
Availability Zone (AZ) 25, 95 with Amazon CloudWatch 67
AWS analytics services with CloudWatch 66
used, for AWS cost monitoring 53, 54 AWS Cost Categories
AWS Auto Scaling used, for grouping tags 46, 47
about 157 AWS Cost Explorer
implementing 156 about 33, 222
using 159, 160 account 35
versus Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling 157, 158 reference link 34
AWS AZ used, for tracking inventory 33-35
data transfer 138-140 AWS cost monitoring
AWS Billing about 50
purchase orders (POs), creating 249, 250 with Amazon CloudWatch 56, 57
AWS Billing Conductor service with Amazon QuickSight 55
about 245 with AWS analytics services 53, 54
billing, simplifying 245-248 with Cost Explorer 50-53
AWS budgeting AWS Direct Connect 144
about 58-61 AWS’ Enterprise Dashboards 211
methods 61
Index 261

AWS Free Tier usage cost optimization checks 231

managing 248, 249 integrating, with AWS services 232-234
AWS Glue AWS user interface (UI) 36
integrating, with CUR 193-196 AWS Virtual Private Network (VPN) 144
AWS Lambda AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF) 148
optimizing 110-113
AWS Marketplace 249
AWS Organization
about 13 billing
alternate contacts, setting up 75 conducting 244
used, for billing 26, 27 simplifying, with AWS Billing
AWS PrivateLink 143 Conductor 245-248
AWS Region Billing Summary dashboard 216
about 25 blended rates 52
data transfer across 142, 143 block storage
data transfer inside 141, 142 optimizing 130
AWS Resource Groups buckets 116
about 40 business intelligence (BI) tool 38
used, for tracking tagged resources 40-43
AWS resources
tags 33
tracking 32 centralized FinOps function
AWS Service Catalog 81 establishing 175, 176
AWS Site-to-Site VPN 144 personas 177-179
AWS Solutions purpose 176, 177
about 237 centralized FinOps team
Cost Optimizer for WorkSpaces 241-244 engineering lead 178
Instance Scheduler 238-241 executives 177, 178
AWS spending FinOps practitioner 178, 179
forecasting, with ML-driven product owner 178
insights 222, 223 classic load balancer (CLB) 141
AWS Systems Manager (SM) 231 cloud center of excellence
AWS to on-premises environments (CCoE) 6, 16, 33, 175
data transfer from 143-146 cloud cost management 1, 2
AWS Transit Gateway (TGW) 140 CloudFront Security Savings Bundle 148
AWS Trusted Advisor Cloud Intelligence Dashboard (CID)
about 132, 229 about 214
cost optimization, automating using 215
within operations 229-231
262 Index

cloud metrics examples querying, with Amazon Athena 196-198

bill shock frequency 188 querying, with S3 Select 190
bill trend rate 186 S3 Select query results 191
commitments utilization and setting up 189
coverage rates 187
compute right-sizing opportunities 187
forecast variance 188
modernization key 188 daily active users (DAUs) 178
non-production spend 187 databases
overall spend to revenue ratio 188 optimizing 122, 123
unallocated spend rate 187 data transfer
untagged spend rate 187 across AWS Region 142, 143
workload spending to transaction ratio 188 costs 137
CloudShell 214 costs, managing 146-148
Comma-Separated File (CSV) 38, 54 costs minimizing tips 150-152
compute costs, optimizing with Amazon
about 91 CloudFront 148, 149
right-sizing compute 107-110 from AWS to on-premises
steady state discounts, leveraging 91, 92 environments 143-146
Compute SPs 98-101 inside AWS AZ 138-140
Compute Summary view 219, 220 inside AWS Region 141, 142
concurrency scaling 162 optimizing, at VidyaGames 149, 150
content delivery network (CDN) 143 scenarios 137, 138
Cost Explorer data transfer costs
about 50, 108, 189, 223 minimizing, tips 152
limitations 189, 223 optimizing, with Amazon CloudFront 150
member accounts, accessing 71, 72 Data Transfer Summary view 220, 221
used, for AWS cost monitoring 50-53 deep learning (DL) model 166
Cost Optimizer for WorkSpaces development-operations (DevOps) 3, 15
in AWS Solutions 241-244 Domain-Driven Design (DDD) 4
CUR (Cost and Usage Report) domain name system (DNS) 231
about 53, 162, 189, 209 dynamic auto scaling 158
accessing, in Amazon S3 192, 193 Dynamic Host Configuration
AWS Glue integration 193-196 Protocol (DHCP) 43
data, visualizing with Amazon DynamoDB
QuickSight 199-202 about 127
leveraging 189 on-demand mode 129
metrics, creating with QuickSight 203-205 optimizing 130
Index 263

provisioned mode 127, 128 scaling, for organization 252

reserved capacity mode 129 training for 254, 255
FinOps approach

E defining 7-9
FinOps EventStorming exercise
EBS GP2 131 purpose 254
EBS GP3 131 FinOps Foundation
EBS Recycle Bin 132 about 255
EBS Snapshots Archive 132 URL 255
EC2 Global View FinOps Portfolio 81
used, for tracking Amazon FinOps team 252
EC2 inventory 38-40 fixed budget 61
EC2 Instance SPs 98 forecasting 222
EFS Intelligent-Tiering 134
EFS One Zone 134
Elastic Block Store (EBS) 38, 168
Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) 35 gateway endpoint 142
Elastic Container Service (ECS) 157 Glue Crawler 193
Elastic Inference Accelerator (EIA) 169
elastic IPs (EIPs) 138
Enterprise Discount Program (EDP)
about 251 hard disk drives (HDDs) 131
engaging in 251, 252 high availability (HA) 165
EventStormers 253 Hypertext Transfer Protocol
EventStorming Secure (HTTPS) 168
about 252
implementing 253, 254
F Identity and Access Management (IAM)
roles 70, 71
feature engineering (FE) 164 roles authentication workflow 71
file storage user authentication workflow 70
optimizing 130 Infrastructure as Code (IaC) 210
FinOps instances 38
about 6 Instance Scheduler
defining 3, 4 in AWS Solutions 238-241
principles 4-6 instance storage volume types 130
Intelligent-Tiering storage class 117
264 Index

Internet Protocol (IP) addresses 39 metrics

internet service provider (ISP) 251 actionable 186
intra-AZ data transfer 138 clarity 185
inventory cloud metric examples 186-188
tracking, with AWS Config 43, 44 considerations 185, 186
tracking, with AWS Cost and Usage creating, with QuickSight 203-205
Reports (CUR) 36-38 defining 184
tracking, with AWS Cost Explorer 33-35 dynamic 185
IT procurement approach noise 186
rethinking 2, 3 scarcity 186
IT Spend/Revenue 181 untagged spend rate metric example 185
workload spending to transaction
ratio example 186
K metrics strategy
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) 2 creating 179
governance 180, 181

L persona responsibilities 183

purpose 180
launch templates 159 without governance 181
lifecycle policies 118 ML-driven insights
Load Balancer Capacity Units (LCU) 151 used, for forecasting AWS spending 222, 223
ML optimization

M about 164
model deployment, optimizing 168-170
machine learning (ML)-based model training, optimizing 165-168
forecasting and insights 38 model tuning, optimizing 165-168
machine learning (ML) engineers 178 ML workflow 164, 165
manual scaling 158 MoM Trends view 217
member accounts multi-account environment
accessing, in Cost Explorer 71, 72 accounts, managing with AWS
methods, AWS budgeting Organizations 22-24
auto-adjusting budget 62, 63 AWS accounts, managing with
fixed budget 61 AWS Control Tower 24, 25
planned budget 61 AWS accounts, structuring 20, 21
metric governance framework creating 19
applying 182, 183 multi-account structure, for VidyaGames
about 28
FinOps 28
Index 265

infrastructure 28
sandbox 28
security 28 periods 238
suspended 28 permission boundaries 73
workload 28 personas, for metrics strategy
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) 70 finance persona 184
multipart upload (MPU) 121 FinOps persona 184
technology (tech) persona 184

N petabyte (PB) scale 160

planned budget 61
NAT Gateways 221 Points of Presence (PoPs) 143
Natural Language Processing (NLP) 55, 231 predictive scaling 160
Network Load Balancers (NLBs) 151 prefixes 116
neural network (NN) 166 principle of least privilege (PoLP) 70
provisioned concurrency 111

O purchase orders (POs)

about 249
object storage creating, with AWS Billing 249, 250
optimizing 115, 116
One Zone-IA 134
OpenSearch clusters
optimizing 126, 127 QuickSight
open source software (OSS) 165 CUR data, visualizing with 199-202
operating model metrics, creating with 203-206
decentralized FinOps, with
autonomous teams 16, 17
establishing 14
fully siloed operating model 14, 15 random-access memory (RAM) 169
optimal model 17, 18 relational database management
separated application development, system (RDBMS) 250
with centralized FinOps 15, 16 Relational Database Service (RDS) 35
operations data (OpsData) 231 reserved instances (RIs)
organizational unit (OU) 22 about 4, 16, 91, 92
origin fetch 151 exchanging 96-98
out-of-memory (OOM) 166 modifying 95, 96
overall spend-to-revenue ratio 185 performance 94
utilization report 94
266 Index

working 92, 93 SMART 255

Zonal RIs 95 software-as-a-service (SaaS) 80
right-sizing compute 108 solid-state drives (SSDs) 131
RI/SP Summary view 217-219 source of truth (SOT) 45

S Standard-Infrequent Access
(Standard-IA) 130, 134
SageMaker Debugger 166 steady state discounts
SageMaker endpoints 168 leveraging 91, 92
SageMaker multi-model endpoints 168 step scaling 159
SageMaker Processing 165 stock keeping unit (SKU) 189
SageMaker Savings Plans 170 Structured Query Language (SQL)
Sandbox organizational unit (OU) 35 about 37
savings queries 160, 179
maximizing, for flexible workloads 105-107 subnetworks (subnets) 39
Savings Plans (SP)
about 91, 178
buying criteria 102-104
improving 98 Tag Editor 41
purchasing, at VidyaGames 104 tagged resources
scheduled scaling 158 tracking, with AWS Resource Groups 40-43
self-service FinOps portal tagging
AWS CloudFormation 210 about 116
AWS’ Enterprise Dashboards 211 tagging policies, implementing 76, 78
Cloud Intelligence Dashboard, using 215 tagging strategy
creating 209, 210 applying, at VidyaGames 45
dashboards, setting up 211-215 establishing 45, 46
Service Catalog tag governance
governance with 81-83 integrating, with AWS Config 78-81
Service Control Policies (SCPs) tags
about 73 about 33
applying, at VidyaGames 75 applying, at VidyaGames 80
governance with 72-76 grouping, with AWS Cost Categories 46, 47
Simple Notification Service (SNS) 57 target tracking 159
simple scaling 158 technologies personas
Simple Storage Service (S3) 35 finance persona 179
Single Sign-On (SSO) 71 time-series data 224
Index 267

Ubiquitous Language 5 Workload Manager (WLM) queue 162
UltraWarm node storage option 126
unblended costs 51

VidyaGames 9
data transfer, optimizing 149, 150
SCPs, applying 75
tags, applying 80
VidyaReviews 120
VPC Peering 140
VPC private endpoint 143
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