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Nombre del alumno:

Yosselin Gissela Sierra Duartes

Nombre del catedrático:

Lic. Paola Romero


Inglés ll


Tipo completación

Fecha de entrega:

21 de noviembre del año 2023

Complete each sentence with the comparative form of the adjective. Use than if

Example: This jacket is_more expensive than__ (expensive) any of the others.

1. These pants are too small. I bigger need (big) pants.

2. Sherry is so nice. She’s nicer than (nice) any other girl I know.
3. These shoes hurt my feet. I need more comfortable (comfortable) shoes.
4. This coat is too light. I need a warmer (warm) coat.

Complete the paragraph with the correct object pronouns.

Example: Yesterday I went shopping with my husband. The clerks were so helpful to
____me___ that I thanked___them__ sincerely.

One young woman found skirts and blouses and brought to her to it try on in the
dressing room. Another woman found a chair for my husband and brought her over for
it to sit on. I told him that he hated shopping, but he may not hate it so much after
today. Both clerks were so kind to both of them that we were very grateful. When I
showed my husband my favorite skirt and blouse, he said we should buy us right away.

Read the article. Then check (✓) True or False.

True False

Example: In parts of Asia, short-sleeved shirts are often worn in offices. (✓) ()

26. People are becoming more conservative about office attire. (✓) ()

27. People who work with computers often dress in less conservative clothes. (✓) ()

28. Office workers in warm countries often dress differently than those in colder
countries. (✓) ()

29. On “casual Friday,” people can arrive late and leave early. () (✓)

30. Dress codes are rules about what is acceptable to wear. (✓) ()

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